#I need the heroes to finally catch on already!
joelalorian · 1 day
a hero's blessing
marcus moreno x f!reader | wc: 4474 | 18+ mdni | masterlist
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Thank you to the marvelous @perotovar for hosting such a fun and interesting challenge with the Offering of Frith event and for providing this beautiful moodboard! I had such fun learning about Norse mythology and the goddess Frith. This is also my first foray into writing my lovely husband Marcus Moreno. If you have not done so already, please check out all of the other amazing contributions to this challenge here!
Summary: The Norse goddess Frigg weaves the fabric of destiny for every living being. A Norwegian gift of a thousand thanks unlocks a destiny which Marcus did not see coming.
Warnings: Not much, really. Some cursing. A touch of angsty thoughts turns to fluff. Some adult themes and implied sex. My blog as a whole is 18+ mdni. A little bit of info dump. No use of y/n, ever. Two idiots with crushes stumbling through life until fate intervenes. Dividers courtesy of @saradika-graphics.
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The people of Norway cheered when the Heroics delivered the final blow to the blight that menaced the women of their country for weeks. The skies cleared and birdsong once again echoed through the air as if the Norse Gods themselves expressed their heartfelt thanks.
Marcus Moreno looked up from a knelt position, still catching his breath after the hard-fought battle, to see a weathered old man standing before him with a toothless grin.
“Tusen takk,” the old man said in a raspy voice roughened by age. Placing one wrinkled hand on Marcus’ shoulder, the old man reached out with the other and it took Marcus a moment to realize the old man held something in his hand, extending it in offer.
Instinctively, Marcus stumbled to his feet, a gloved hand stretching out to meet the old man’s. He stared in wonder as the old man gently placed a metal pendant emblazoned with an intricate Norse knot into his hand. Like the old man himself, the emblem had been weathered by the passage of time, yet remaining ever sturdy, the black leather rope attached to it brand new and tied in a neat knot.
Marcus stared at it in wonder, wide brown eyes tracing the never-ending pattern of knotwork as the metal gently vibrated through his glove. His gaze dragged upwards from his hand to meet the milky eyes of the old man; eyebrows raised in question.
“A symbol of our gratitude, a thousand thanks, if you will,” the old man said in English. Arthritic fingers grasped the thin strip of knotted leather and reached upwards to place it over Marcus’ head. “Said to be blessed by the Norse goddess Frigg, wife of Odin. May it bring you love and harmony in this life and beyond.”
Too stunned to form words, Marcus nodded with a warm and grateful smile as the gift buzzed against his chest, calling to his heart.
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A hundred pages deep into a thick text on Norse mythology, Marcus didn’t hear the first few gentle knocks on his office door. You waited a solid minute, unsure what to do knowing he was in there and finally pounding on the door, snapping his attention away from the book.
“Come in!” Marcus called, marking his page before he closed the book and leant back in his chair. His face split into a soft smile as you entered the room, a stack of files in hand.
“Sorry to bother you, Mr. Moreno,” you offered, placing the files down on his desk, the top one open to a form needing his signature. “This needs to be signed right away. As do these few.”
“How many times do I need to tell you to call me Marcus?” He reached forward pen in hand and signed the forms you laid before him. “Mr. Moreno sounds too…”
“Formal?” you supplied helpfully. “Would you really prefer I call you Marcus?”
His breath caught in his chest hearing his name coming from your lips. He longed for you to say his name every damn day.
“Yes,” Marcus replied with a nod.
The token of appreciation given to him after completing the mission in Norway sat heavy against his chest, hidden beneath his dress shirt. Marcus felt incapable of removing it once donned in the presence of the old Norwegian man, and now, for the first time since the day the old man slipped it over his head, it buzzed against his skin suddenly.
It was also the first time he spoke to you since he returned.
Or could there be something more to it?
“Well, if you insist, Marcus.” You smiled sweetly at him as you scooped up the necessary forms. With a cheeky wink, you offered one last parting shot. “You are the boss, after all.”
His eyes tracked your departing form with a crooked grin and furrowed brow, one hand rubbing at the warmth in his chest.
It took Marcus a week to determine that the pendant only buzzed with electricity when in your presence. It didn’t happen with anyone else. Not Missy, or his mom, or the pretty barista at the coffee bar down the block from Heroics HQ, or any of the moms who routinely tried to flirt with him when he picked Missy up from school. It certainly didn’t happen with any of the other men he interacted with daily.
After one too many experiments, Marcus also concluded it appeared to be unrelated to his powers. He apologized profusely to Sharon in Purchasing when he fried the new coffee machine after testing that theory while waiting for a fresh cup of coffee.
What was it about you, he wondered. The mystery irked him.
As any man would, or so Marcus thought, he blithely ignored the fact that he harbored an innocent workplace crush on you since the day you started at HQ, wide eyes twinkling in the fluorescent light as you eagerly trotted behind his mother when she gave you the penny tour. One glance at your ethereal beauty and Marcus knew he liked you in a way entirely inappropriate for the workplace.
Some might have called it love at first sight, but not pragmatic ol’ Marcus Moreno.
No, for the sake of his own sanity (and his heart), Marcus buried that crush deep, deep down beneath layers of grief for his wife’s passing and any number of other suppressed emotions, never to see the light of day again. Until now, apparently.
Marcus wished he thought to ask the weathered old man in Norway some questions about the nature of the pendant before just putting it on without thought. For all he knew, it could have been cursed to turn him into a salamander.
That would have totally sucked.
Marcus spent days with his nose buried in research trying to figure out the meaning behind the gift. He even went as far as calling the nearest museum to speak to a historian. In all, it took him three weeks and a coffee meeting with the historian to finally get some answers that, well, almost made sense.
The spitting image of Sean Connery in his portrayal of Dr. Henry Jones Sr. in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – honestly, they could be brothers! – the historian introduced himself as Franklin Rockel, an expert in ancient European history. “So, how can I be of help to the leader of the Heroics?”
Marcus thanked Franklin for meeting with him and dove into a long-winded explanation of the Norwegian mission and the subsequent token of appreciation gifted to him. Pulling the pendant from beneath his shirt, he showed it to the man without once removing it from his around his neck. The tips of ears turned pink as he explained to the older man how it buzzed against his chest every time you were near.
Visibly fascinated with the tale, Franklin stared down at the knotwork in the metal with a broadening smile. “What do you know of the Norse gods?” Franklin spoke with a calming lilt to his voice.
“Just what I’ve been able to read up on in the past few weeks. Lots of lore, just like with Greek gods. I didn’t find much on Frigg – that’s who the old Norwegian man told me blessed this piece. Just a bit about her being Odin’s wife and the goddess of destiny, love, marriage, and the skies. A few other things, but that’s what stood out to me.”
Pulling out a small notepad, Marcus sat straight-backed, ready to absorb every word Franklin shared.
“That’s a good start. Frigg is said to have weaved the very clouds, though that could just be a metaphor for her abilities with shaping destiny. She knows the fates of every living thing and holds that information dear, not allowing herself or others to interfere with divine destiny, no matter the eventual outcome.”
Franklin pulled a battered yet clearly beloved tome from his satchel, opening it to a depiction of Frigg in all her majestic maternal glory, her gold dress enhancing the youthful glow of her skin.
He eyed Marcus as the younger man gazed at the illustration, soaking in each detail in true wonder.
“It is not immaterial that you are a widower, Marcus.” Franklin said, voice measured as Marcus’ eyes shot to the historian’s in surprise before remembering it was common knowledge that the leader of the Heroics lost his wife some time ago. “Frigg is the guardian of familial and marital bliss and harmony, seeking to comfort and guide those dealing with the complexities of these bonds. She knew of your eventual loss long before it happened and now, she offers a beacon of hope, a sign that a new love exists for you.”
Flipping through the fragile pages, Franklin pointed out a particular passage that reiterated much of what he just described. He allowed Marcus several minutes to absorb that and more about Frigg, watching as the younger man jotted down a few notes while reading. When Marcus sat upright once again, a little bewildered, Franklin smiled.
“Frigg must feel a connection to you. You share several qualities – wisdom, a strong understanding of diplomacy and strategy, a protective nature with children.” Pointing to the metal dangling from Marcus’ neck, Franklin continued, “There is no doubt in my mind this was meant for you. The fact that it buzzes when only a certain person is near – that alone convinces me, as it should you, that you are destined to be with this woman.”
Franklin packed away the tome, finishing the last sips of his Earl Grey tea while Marcus tried to make sense of all that he just learned. Tapping gently on the table as he stood, Franklin offered one last pearl of wisdom.
“What you do with all that I told you is up to you, but Frigg’s intentions are clear.”
Marcus didn’t know what to think but nodded and thanked the man all the same.
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In the week following his meeting with the renowned historian, Marcus ran into you everywhere. At HQ it was entirely expected and normal (and brightened his day every single time, whether he’d admit it or not), but then he started seeing you at places he never had before. Did he just never notice you there before or was Frigg’s influence pulling you together more and more?
He ran into you at the grocery store where he did his weekly shopping on Friday evenings, catching sight of you frowning at the selection of fresh seafood. At the mall when he took Missy clothes shopping – his baby girl was growing up so fast! – and you stopped them to say hi, smiling brightly at his little girl. And even at his favorite pizza place blocks from his house, where he popped in to pick up the best pie in the area two nights a week like clockwork. He saw you every-damn-where. And maybe he just never noticed before or fate really was drawing you both closer, making you circle each other until your orbits finally collided.
Marcus would have thought you a stalker if not for the raw look of bewildered surprise each time before your expression split into a delighted grin. It was clear you were equally, and pleasantly, confused by the sudden coincidences. A few times you hung about, chatting with him and Missy before carrying on your way, not wanting to disturb the Moreno’s precious downtime too much. He secretly treasured those moments.
Still, Marcus took no action, too busy overthinking everything, as he was wont to do. Was he even ready for romantic entanglements? He hadn’t so much as gone a date or kissed someone since his wife’s passing, too concerned with taking care of Missy and too consumed with their mutual grief for so long. By conventional standards, it was more than time he moved on, but… He still wore his wedding ring, for fuck’s sake. Despite whatever destiny and fate might say, was he really ready for taking another chance on love? Would he ever be?
He didn’t know.
“Hey Marcus,” your sweet voice snapped him from the paralysis his overthinking led him to. “I stopped at the coffee bar on the way in and got you this. Thought you might need it after that last case.”
Placing a large to-go cup on his desk when Marcus didn’t reach out to accept the offering, you stared at him as your smile fell bit by bit. He just stared at you, but you could practically see his brain working behind those too intense, dark eyes.
“Ar-Are you okay?” you questioned uncertainly.
Did you overstep somehow? He insisted that you call him Marcus instead of Mr. Moreno or Boss, so it couldn’t be the informal greeting. Was bringing him a coffee too much? You’d never done that for him before, but you often brought one back for Shelley in Accounting just like she did for you. It wasn’t that unusual, was it? It seemed like you two were growing closer each day, but did you read it entirely wrong?
Falling deeper into the pit of self-doubt, you fidgeted waiting for Marcus to do or say something, anything, before you melted into a puddle of mortification. When he merely continued staring at you wordlessly, face like a mask of the man you knew for a solid minute, you spun on your heels and fled before the sudden onslaught of embarrassed tears hit.
You barely heard the sudden, frantic call of your name from his lips as he finally snapped out of whatever daze he was in, but it was too late. Your already fragile self-esteem and overwhelming feelings for the leader of the Heroics could not handle whatever the hell just happened. Nor did you understand quite why it bothered you so much, why a piece of your being felt like it had been cut by a sharp knife, and you needed to get as far away from Marcus Moreno as you could for a hot minute.
Scratch that. You needed to be anywhere but Heroics HQ for the rest of the day. Dropping an email to your boss, feigning food poisoning, once you returned to your office, you shut down your computer and skulked home.
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Marcus snapped from his self-inflicted panic moments too late, shouting your name but failing to get up and follow you.
Shit! What the hell was wrong with him?
Marcus didn’t have an answer for that. The vibrations from the pendant against his chest became overwhelming when you stood before him, strumming against his skin harder than it ever had before, and he froze. His brain must have short circuited or something. There was no other explanation.
Marcus flung himself back in his chair with a weighty sigh, one large coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration. He caught the shattered look on your face even through the haze and it pierced his heart. It wasn’t intentional, him being a dick. He had to make sure you knew that. But how?
Hemming and hawing for a solid half hour, he was no closer to coming up with a worthy apology. He hated hurting your feelings or making you question yourself, no matter how unintentional. You deserved so much better than that. You probably deserved better than him. No, you definitely did.
This goddess Frigg and her blessing were really messing with his head, throwing his ability to think and act out of whack. How could he possibly know what he felt when it seemed like the universe decided for him without ever asking if he was ready?
Swiping his hands down his face, scrubbing roughly at the neatly trimmed scruff on his face, Marcus heaved a sigh, feeling like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Whatever it is can’t be that bad, mijo.” His mother stood in the doorway, one hand on her cane and the other resting against the doorframe.
Her knowing smile worried him but he didn’t have the energy to trade barbs and hidden meanings with the inimitable wits of Anita Moreno right now. Not when he long suspected that she had the power of omniscience.
“Not now, mom,” Marcus groaned, fingers massaging his temples as his eyelids shuttered closed.
“Yes now, mijo,” Anita replied, stepping into his office and easing herself down into one of the chairs in front of his desk. “I just watched one of the administrators I hired for you rush out of the building nearly in tears. What did you do to that sweet girl?”
His eyes snapped open with another groan. As if he didn’t feel awful enough, now his mother wanted to give him shit over you, too. Leveling tired eyes at the woman who told him many times that she brought him into the world, and she could surely bring him out of it if he didn’t behave when he was younger, he sat back in his seat.
“You already know, I’m sure. Why don’t you just let me have it so I can get back to work.”
“Why would I let you have it? Are you admitting that you acted poorly?”
This back and forth was exactly what he wanted to avoid.
“Must we do this? I’m exhausted and confused, and I know I messed up, but I don’t know if what I feel is my feelings or fate telling me what to feel, and I hate that.” That summed it up pretty well, actually, and now that he admitted it out loud, Marcus hoped his mom would have some helpful insight.
“Well, tell me this. Did you have feelings for her before you were given that trinket you’re wearing?” Anita watched him consider the question, a smirk stretching her lips when realization hit him.
“Point taken,” Marcus sighed.
“Good. Now get off your ass and go apologize. That girl is head over heels for you as much as you are for her,” she replied. Watching her son’s eyebrows shoot upwards, she waved him off. “Oh, don’t give me that look. You both think you hid it well. Pathetic effort, really. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes and half a brain that you both had crushes on each other. Fate is finally telling you that this is meant to be, that it’s okay to move on and be happy again, mijo. Don’t spit in the universe’s face thinking you know better than it does.”
Marcus hugged his mom, finally allowing himself to accept that destiny might be on to something. “I gotta go. Can you pick Missy up from school? I’m not sure when I’ll be home.”
Shooing him out of the office, Anita assured him she’d look after Missy. “If you apologize right, I imagine we won’t see you until tomorrow.”
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Marcus weaved his hybrid sedan through the afternoon traffic, impatient to get to your house, to make things right. It was well past time to be honest with you, to share his feelings. He only hoped his mother was right, that you liked him as much as he liked you. Even if you didn’t, he still owed you an apology for earlier.
Pulling up to the curb out front of your quaint home, your sensible car parked in the driveway, he realized that you lived only blocks from him. How he never saw you out and about in the neighborhood until recently was beyond him. Maybe the timing was always off until now.
Taking a moment to steel his nerves, Marcus shut the car off and climbed out of the driver's seat. He swiped sweaty palms down the legs of his pants as he walked up the small front porch and knocked on your door.
God, he hoped you’d hear him out, that you wouldn’t just slam the door in his face.
A hopeful smile spread across his face when he heard the lock click and you opened the door, looking beautiful in loungewear instead of your typical business casual outfits you wore to work. The material looked soft, and Marcus felt the sudden urge to nuzzle his face into the fabric and beg your forgiveness for being an idiot hit him.
Your pouty frown, scrunching your little nose, almost to adorable to handle, Marcus blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” The words left his mouth in a rush of breath before his brain could think better of it and the tips of his ears flushed as you gaped at him. “I, uh… shit, sorry! Getting a little ahead of myself. May I come in? I owe you an apology and an explanation.”
Hesitating, your eyes scanned Marcus’ handsome face, and upon seeing the sincerity in those eyes so brown they reminded you of melted chocolate, you stepped aside to invite him inside your modest home. “Forgive the mess,” you mumbled as you led him to the living room and motioned for him to take a seat on the couch.
Glancing around while you hovered nervously, Marcus soaked in the details of your living space and wondered what mess you referred to. Everything had a place, just like your office at work. From the pale blue walls to the light gray couch with the fluffiest cushions to the black and white portraits on the mantle above the fireplace, he could see bits of you everywhere. It fascinated him, this peek at your life outside of Heroics HQ.
Heart pounding in his chest, Marcus motioned for you to join him on the couch. “Sit with me, please. I need to say a few things, starting with I’m sorry for behaving so oddly earlier. There is much to share with you that will hopefully help you understand why I froze.”
You nodded and sat next to him, still a bit confused on whatever the hell was going on. Marcus launched into an explanation of the gift given to him in Norway, the meaning behind it, his conversations with the historian as well as his mother. You sat there staring at him in wonder, mouth dropping further open as the pieces of the puzzle began to come together.
When his voice tapered off, dark eyes beseeching you to not reject him, you reached out to him, a soft expression in your own eyes. “May I – uh, may I see the pendant?”
“Oh, yeah, of course. But first, I want you to feel something.” Marcus grasped your hand in his and pressed it against his chest, right over where the pendant hummed against his skin beneath his shirt. “Do you feel that?”
Eyes widening, your gaze flashed back and forth between his chest and his eyes a few times before gasping out a quiet “Yeah.”
“That’s what it does whenever I’m near you. The closer you are, the stronger the vibrations,” Marcus explained. “When you brought me that coffee, it was so thoughtful and unexpected, and it caught me completely off guard. And for some reason, the pendant buzzed abnormally hard against my chest in that moment, and it all became overwhelming.”
Your fingers traced around the feel of the vibrating metal as Marcus spoke, and you knew at once how distracting it all must be for him.
“So, we’re like soul mates, then?” you questioned, bolding tugging on the leather rope to pull the pendant out from beneath his clothes.
“Of a sort. We were destined to be together according to the goddess Frigg.” Marcus gulped, watching intently as your fingertip delicately traced the knotwork pattern on the metal. “How do you, uh, feel about that?”
Your eyes, glossy and full of wonder, met his and you flashed him a sweet smile. “Well, I’ve had a debilitating crush on you since we first met, so I can’t say I’m against the idea.” Your laughter tinkled in the air and his heart soared.
“You have? I never knew,” Marcus replied in wonder, his own face split by a jaw-breaking grin. “I had one on you, too.”
Quirking an eyebrow at him, eyes twinkling in the dim lighting of the room, you said, “Well, that was the point, wasn’t it? I was trying to be professional, and I never thought you would feel the same, so I buried that crush deep in the depths of my soul.”
Stunned, Marcus spluttered before finding his words. “How could I not feel the same way? You are amazing and beautiful and smart…”
Lunging forward, you kissed him, cutting off the rest of his response. The kiss started off as hesitant exploration of lips and quickly morphed into an unleashing of pent-up desire. Teeth clashed and tongues tangled as the kisses deepened and control weakened. With swift movements, Marcus shifted until you were sprawled across his lap, hands wandering until layers of clothing were tossed aside in your combined need to feel more, more, more.
When Marcus flipped you onto your back against the plush cushions of the couch, the pendant dangled between your naked bodies as he hovered over you. It vibrated with such intensity that it visibly swayed with its own energy. You pulled him down on top of you, feeling that intense yet pleasant buzz and heavy weight from the pendant pressed against your skin as the two of you came together as one.
Afterwards, when you both lay together sated and sweaty, chests still heaving as you recovered, you ran your fingers through his thick locks. “We really owe Frigg for bringing us together.”
Marcus hummed, pressing a series of kisses along your collar bone and up the side of your neck until he reached your face. “We sure do. I’m not sure this ever would have happened without her influence. I don’t know that I ever would have found the courage to admit my feelings otherwise.”
You both gazed at each other with love in your eyes, feeling grateful for that old Norwegian man, his surprising gift, and the wonderful blessing from the goddess Frigg. You laid there for hours, talking and laughing and just genuinely enjoying each other’s company. The future before you looked much brighter and Marcus excitedly invited you over for dinner with him and Missy the following evening, hoping that you would never leave once you arrived at his house.
Later that night, while in cuddled together in your bed, Marcus confessed that he loved you. The crush he harbored in silence for so long turned to love at some point without his knowledge and now his heart practically overflowed with it. He asked if it was too soon to say something like that and you shook your head.
“Not when we were destined to be together. I love you, too, Marcus Moreno.”
The pendant buzzed heartily once more before going still as if Frigg herself was saying “Finally.”
thank you for reading! feedback is always appreciated but never demanded.
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kurooh · 2 months
hey! could you please write something where the mha men catch you masturbating?
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⊹₊˚. he’s offended that you didn’t call him to make you cum.
⟡ feat. aged up! midoriya izuku, bakugo katsuki, kirishima eijirou, takami keigo.
⟡ warnings: 18+ content (mdni), f! reader, masturbation.
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“baby, could i use your vibrator on you?” izuku pads towards the bed and sits in front of you, eyes meeting yours shyly. his freckled cheeks are pink and only turning a darker red as you take a moment to think.
“sure, ‘zuku.” you smile softly, spreading your legs and leaning back as he picks up your sticky wand. “you know how to use it?”
izuku shakes his head, “no, but i want to learn how.. i was watching you a little earlier.”
“oh..” your cunt twitches at the thought of him looking in on you masturbating — moaning his name, writhing on the bed in bliss. and knowing izuku, he was rock hard the whole time and palming himself through his pants.
“i’m sorry, baby, i couldn’t help it. you’re just so beautiful, and—”
“no problem, izu.”
he clears his throat and presses the vibrator to your puffy clit, and just the light pressure has you whining his name. when izuku switches it on, he accidentally turns it up to the highest level, causing your back to bow right off the bed as a sharp gasp escapes your lips.
without thinking much about the intensity of the vibrator, he presses it against your clit harder while nudging your closing thighs apart with his free hand.
“oh, izu, t-that’s too high, you need to turn it down!” your body twists on the bed, hips jerking, so he plants a scarred hand firmly on your pelvis to keep you as steady as possible. “it’s too much, fuck, i’m gonna—!”
“shh, i know baby,” izuku hushes your gasping moans and shaking voice easily, “i’m listening..”
“what the hell?” as katsuki pulls the shower curtain open to reveal your shaking form, hunched and pressing the shower head between your thighs, he scoffs.
your back crashes against the shower wall behind you and dazedly, you look towards your affronted boyfriend who’s now stripping his clothes off.
“i thought we agreed to shower together tonight! here you are, without me and jerking off no less.”
“shut up and join me, katsuki,” not that he needed any convincing, but the blissed out expression on your face has him moving much faster. plus, you haven’t stopped using the shower head — you’re still moaning, his name falling from your lips in delicious whimpers.
“bend over, babygirl,” katsuki grunts, stepping into the shower beside you. “and give me that damn thing.”
he practically snatches it out of your loose grip, manhandles you forward a little more after you bend over. aiming the spray at the ground, he spreads your ass cheeks with one hand and presses himself into your dripping hole.
“fuck, fuck katsuki..” your chest heaves as you mewl, high pitched and needy. katsuki finally bottoms out with a husky groan, before he twists his hand and directs the shower head towards your quivering pussy.
his free hand comes to rest on your cheek, thumb slipping into your mouth for comfort.
“katsu..” you cry, tears racing down your cheeks as your voice muffles. “so, so good!”
katsuki trembles against you before quickly developing a tempo and snapping his hips into your ass. all he can do is choke back sounds of pleasure as your walls squeeze him so hard his eyes roll back.
he musters the strength to lean over to press a wet kiss to the shell of your ear, chest pressed to your back. “god, i wish you could see just how fuckin’ perfect you look right now. such a mess for me— hah, shit.”
“let me eat your pussy.”
before you can even turn around, eijirou is already bouncing on the bed and advancing towards you on his belly. surprised, you pull your sticky hands away from your pussy and loosely close your legs.
“eiji, what?”
“you heard me, baby.”
“wh— you didn’t even knock, and this is kind of embarrassing that you walked in on me like this!” your face burns as you stare at the redhead awkwardly, his eagerness making your thighs twitch.
“i’m sorry,” eijirou apologizes, hands gripping your thighs as he positions himself closer to you. “you’ll forget about it if i eat you out, yeah?”
when you nod shyly, he pulls your legs open and plants his hands on your asscheeks, dragging you into his face. before you can even register what’s about to happen next, eijirou’s lapping up your slick, tongue dragging through your folds and against your clit.
your eyes roll back, damp fingers twisting into his spiky hair and pulling hard, just how he likes it. he groans, face buried in your cunt, and the vibrations draw a few whines from your throat.
“eiji, l-little slower please, ‘m kinda sensitive..”
honestly, eijirou doesn’t really care if you’re sensitive from all your jerking off. it’s evident in the way he licks harder, slurping up more of your taste and locking you down with his arms so you can’t twist away, even if you’re overstimulated.
a particularly rough drag of eijirou’s silky tongue has you gasping out his name and panting quickly.
“mmm, mmmh— eiji, ‘m gonna cum!” soft red hair tickles your inner thighs as he nods, unbothered. a few more licks to your clit has you coming completely undone, thighs squeezing his head harshly when he continues, pushing his tongue into your twitching hole.
“i-i can’t, it’s too much!” you wail, tears building in your eyes as pleasure and pain flash through you together. after a moment, eijirou finally lets up, not even caring to wipe the wetness off his face.
he doesn’t hide the enthusiasm and smiles, sharp teeth glinting in the light.
“let me eat your pussy again?”
“aww, dove. could’ve let me know you were this needy,” the slightest rustle of feathers behind you as you’re pulled back into strong arms has your body tensing, dildo falling from your hand and onto the towel covered bed.
“i-i didn’t want to be a bother.. you were on patrol, kei,” your voice is barely above a whisper, face burning with some kind of embarrassment that he’s caught you in such a vulnerable situation.
gentle fingers brush beneath your chin as keigo tilts your head up, pressing his lips to yours for a chaste kiss. as it starts to deepen, tongues pushing between lips, a hand slides down the slope of your stomach and over the coarse hair at your pelvis.
“keigo,” you moan before he’s even reached your pussy and he chuckles, pulling away with a string of saliva briefly connecting his lips to yours.
“haven’t even touched you yet,” keigo comments wryly, corners of his eyes crinkling as you lean in for another kiss, legs spreading wider. you catch a glimpse of his vermillion feathers ruffling behind him before your eyes shut and you fall into pleasure.
thick fingers press inside you, pushing in and bottoming out rather quickly, thanks to your previous orgasms. as you’re reaching for your neglected clit, keigo swats your hand out of the way and replaces it with his own, thumb rubbing tight circles on it almost immediately.
“always so fuckin’ tight,” he hisses, scissoring his fingers in and out of you at a devastating pace. your hips thrash against the bed, pulling back from overstimulation and roughness yet also pushing towards him for more. your back is flush against keigo’s chest, asscheeks pressing into his crotch.
“god— fuck,” keigo’s chest heaves as he shifts closer to you, hard on grinding into your ass. “shit, now you’ve got me worked up, dove.. i’m bending you over after you cum, alright?”
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ukiiseikou · 1 month
in my dreams, you love me back / don't wake me up, deceive me sweetly
various hsr (dan heng, aventurine, sunday, jing yuan) characters as isekai romance tropes.
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dan heng in: helping that useless prince!
the exiled prince! he ends up settling in a modest (for him - raised with a silver spoon in his mouth and all) cottage. he finds usual peasant housework and chores difficult to deal with, so he employs you to help him around the house. you wake up already months into the job, and he finds it extremely weird how his usually quiet housekeeper is suddenly all chipper and nosy into his work and daily life (i mean, he employed you in the first place because he were anything but that). he doesn't find the change bothersome though, and catches himself starting to look forward to your sudden barging into his room in the middle of the day with his tea balanced precariously in your hands, bringing a new type of entertainment into his less than exciting life.
aventurine in: stopping us from going broke!
you've reincarnated into the body of the wife of the gambler noble: aventurine. originally just a side character who gets all his money taken away from him by the male lead in service of the plot, you work to stop that aaaaaall from happening - mostly to save yourself. your current life is cushy and you would love to keep it that way! along the way, you've gotten to interact more with your husband, who usually keeps out of your way and only speaks in condescending tones. eventually, you find out that nothing is as it seems, and you discover more and more of your husband's past, and you slowly find yourself finally falling in love with each other, slowly, slowly.
sunday in: wait, is this story about us?
sunday is the tragic villain of the story - obsessed with keeping the status quo, his plans keep getting thwarted by a pesky pest - YOU. after all, he is your favourite character, and you would rather not see him go down the path that leads to certain death. you keep taking random tools that will help him, and his informants keeps mysteriously disappearing under unknown circumstances. his messages sent by bird never seem to reach their destination and his henchmen are always tripping over misplaced equipment and the main leads never seem to be where he needs them to be. he eventually pins the blame on you, and turns his gaze and focus on getting you to his side before continuing on with his plans. after all, anyone who can thwart his plans and keep up with him like this deserves to be rewarded and kept by his side, not killed.
jing yuan in: saving the general
he's the general who strikes fear into his enemies. he's the teacher whose students barely make it out alive every class. he's your sleepy boss who makes you do everything. yes, the feared and mighty general in private is utterly dependent on you in his private and daily life. as an avid reader of the original novel, where jingyuan is killed so that his mentee - the protagonist, goes off on his hero's journey in revenge, you never knew that being his assistant would be such a hassle. but the protagonist is currently a child, and he runs around your feet - so much so that you are starting to question whether the him whose challenging you to a duel right now with a wooden sword when he's only half your size is the same character as the one you read on the pages of the book. either way, you should be responsible and raise him well, while also hopefully saving him from the heartache that is losing his father figure in a few years. after all, you've gotten yourself in his good graces, and you kind of have a soft spot for him as well, not that you'll ever admit it.
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whirlybirbs · 20 days
i am on my hands and knees begging for a shred of keigo takami baby bird kfc angel content from you, if you write hawks i will finally know true peace
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— MEET & GREET ; 1 / 2 ; HAWKS ; 啓悟
summary: you manage to snag two VIP meet & greet tickets for your nephew's birthday. he insists you join him. part one of two. pairing: keigo takami ; hawks / f!reader word count: 3.1k tags: humor, meet-cute, pro hero culture, birbs ignores all relevant timelines yet again, fluff, phone-flirting, hawks is great with kids, t+, relatable pre-hook up hesitation, they will fuck next time a/n: hawks is the chappell roan of the mha universe. stop touching him. this man actually changed my brain chemistry in early 2023 but we don't need to talk about that. anways, this poll was on the ropes all day and i made the executive choice to feed the hawks birblets.
You feel like your face has been set in a semi-permanent cringe all morning. 
In your right hand, you're clutching your half-finished iced coffee for dear life. In your other, you're clinging to your nephew as he drags you through the convention center — one of the bright red wings of his beloved, homemade cosplay has started to go lopsided, and the six-year-old excitedly tugs it back in place as he tries to yank you forward.
"C'mon! We're gonna be late!" 
This really wasn't your scene.
Fan conventions had a way of making your skin itch. The amount of sexy All Mights you've seen this morning alone has to be some sort of milestone indicator for the environment. Whether nature is healing or dying, though, you have no idea. 
If you had it your way, you'd spend the rest of the day mingling through the artist stalls — but, to your nephew Hayami's point, the two of you had somewhere to be.
Your VIP meet-and-greet badge swings as you trip up and laugh. "Okay! Okay, slow down! You're about to yank my arm off!"
It was the best birthday gift imaginable for Hayami. You officially cemented your title as The Coolest Aunt Ever when you managed to snag the two VIP convention meet-and-greet tickets (complete with a professional photo and two signed copies of the convention's annual poster) after a harrowing seven hours in an online Ticketmaster line. There were only a hundred of them sold — and sure, you coulda thrown that pretty hunk of cash into a college fund for Hayami, but he was deeply in his hero phase. 
Originally you expected that Hayami's father, your brother-in-law, would want to go.
But, no, Hayami himself insisted you come with him.
After all, you helped me with my costume, he begged, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!
That you did. Many a hot glue gun burn was suffered at the hands of those damn red feathers. If you squint from far away, the cosplay isn't half bad considering the thrift and dollar-store materials. It wasn't one of those inch-to-inch replicas, but it worked. 
He's like a cute, bouncing mini Hawks. Complete with goggles and wings.
And Hayami is happy. And that's all that matters to you. 
The line is already pretty long, and Hayami runs his gloved hands along the line barriers as he races to his spot, audibly wooshing the whole way — just like Hawks does, probably. His badge jingles, and he hops to a stop as you come up behind him and pat his head. The six-year-old stands up on his tippy-toes, trying to see around the Miss Midnight fan in front of them. 
"Can you see him?" he chatters excitedly, "Ti, can you?"
He's called you Ti ever since he could speak. Auntie was too long, and the shortened version has stuck. 
You hop up onto your tippy-toes, mimicking him — and you swear you catch a glimpse of a crimson feather plumage over the gathered heads of the other meet-and-greet fans. It might be another cosplayer.
"I dunno," you whisper, your eyes darting to your phone's lock screen, "It's supposed to start any minute—"
The telltale roar of fanfare lets you know exactly who has just arrived. 
Hayami's excitement is palpable. Without a word, you're hauling him up and perching him on your shoulders. His hands land in your hair, and you can feel his smile from down here. 
"Ti! It's him!"
The line starts moving not long after, and you finish your iced coffee while Hayami stays perched on your shoulders, utterly starstruck. You weave through the barriers, moving up a few feet every minute, until you're only four or five people away from where Hawks sits behind a long table. 
You have to admit, the guy is pretty cute. 
Cuter than the fan-cams make him out to be, even. 
Sandy blonde hair, sharp gold eyes, and big wings. There's no doubt in your mind he's showboating, but as people approach the table, you notice this hesitant twitch ripple through the red feathers every time someone gets a little too close. 
That cringe from earlier washes over your face again as a girl reaches over the table to roughly run her fingers across one of his flight feathers. 
It's Keigo's least favorite part of all this. 
I mean, there's a part of him that gets it. He's the #2 Hero in all of Japan. He's a big deal. He's top of the popularity polls, he's the people's bird, y'know? He's a marketed commodity that sells out each and every time. 
But, that doesn't mean he likes being touched.
Especially the wings. Hands off the wings.
"Hey, Hayami?" you ask, tilting your head up as you both step forward.
You can feel the sudden nervousness creeping up on Hayami as he nods and looks down at you. "Y-Yea?"
"Make sure you ask for permission if you touch his wings, okay?" you say gently, muscling him down from your shoulders and doing a once over on his mini-Hawks cosplay, "And remember to tell him your name!"
Hayami nods, his nerves palpable as he realizes the two of you are next. 
On instinct, his hand shoots out and grips yours for dear life. 
And then, one of the marketers waves the two of you forward.
The first word that comes to Keigo's mind is MILF. You're cute. Real cute. Definitely not the usual sort he meets at conventions, and definitely not the usual sort that buys a ticket to his meet-and-greets. The kid clinging to your arm is arguably even cuter, and Hawks can't hide the blooming grin on his face when the pair of you step forward.
"Woa-ho!" he yaps from behind the patterned table, "Dude! Nice outfit!"
Hayami is panicking. You can tell from his shocked silence as the two of you step forward. You bend at the knees, squatting to your nephew's height, then encourage him to go ahead, go on. His big, brown eyes bob from you to Hawks. 
"Go ahead, Hayami," you encourage softly, "Say hi."
Oh, shit. You're really cute. Is this your kid? Nah, no way. You're way too young to be his mom. Unless—
You've seriously got him weighing the pros and cons of step-fatherhood and he doesn't even know your name. 
He could do stepdad shit at twenty-six. Right?
"Hi, Mr. Hawks," comes the shy voice of the mini Hawks before him; the sandy blonde's chest clenches. 
This is too fuckin' cute.
"Heh, hey kid," he chirps back, leaning forward on the table as his mouth curves into a friendly grin; Hawks' eyes are trained on the kid's growing smile, "What's your name?"
"It's cool t' meetcha, Hayami," Hawks parrots as your own proud smile grows. There's relief flooding your shoulders. Thank god, Hayami didn't choke the clutch moment, "I like your wings, lil' dude!"
Hayami gives a little turn, wiggling his prized, handmade possession. His confidence is building; the compliment lights the kid's cheeks up. 
"My aunt helped me make them!" Hayami chatters, his eyes brightening from behind the flight goggles strapped to his head, "She says I need to ask for your permission to touch your feathers!"
Keigo's gold eyes slip to your face. You give him an apologetic grimace, your eyes flicking to the girl beyond the VIP area still screaming about how she touched him, she touched Hawks, oh my god. You mouth out a silent apology.
Hawks' finds himself a little speechless. Doesn't happen often. 
He's not used to having some say in how he's objectified and consumed.
A sandy brow quirks as he pushes his yellow-tinted visor up, and into his hair. He seems shocked. It's not an expression you've seen on the #2 before — and in the last few weeks, you've seen plenty of Hawks content during Hayami's cosplaying journey. The reference material is pretty expansive.
"That's real considerate, chickadee — I appreciate that," his voice is soft; his smile is a little looser, "C'mere, Hayami, you wanna hold a feather while I sign your poster?"
This is, like, the best day of Hayami's life. 
Hawks brings his visor back down. 
You stand to full height, wringing your purse's strap, watching Hayami hold both hands out as one of the delicate pieces of plumage floats into his hands on command. He cradles it like treasure, his big brown eyes glimmering with new-found amazement. 
You step forward, and place a hand on Hayami's shoulder as he gently ushers his hands toward your face. "Ti, look, isn't this, like, the coolest thing ever — it's one of Hawks' feathers!"
Hawks' eyes flick up to the two of you as his pen darts across the two VIP package posters. There's a smirk on his face as he pays half attention to the task of signing. 
And scribbling his number on the back of one.
"I see that," you chuckle, leaning in to inspect the beautiful, crimson feather, "Make sure you say th—"
Before you finish your sentence, the very feather in question darts up to tickle the tip of your nose. Your immediate reaction is to scrunch your nose and grin. It's not so much ticklish as it is gentle. For good measure, Hawks gives Hayami a little brush on the cheek, too. The boy descends into delighted laughter, allowing the feather to zip back through the air and into its designated place in his wings. 
Hawks is smirking.
"Alright you two," comes the level voice of the marketer; the camera in her hands is bulky, and a signifier that their time meeting #2 is nearly up, "Let's get in nice and close for a photo!"
The table proves to be a bit of a pain, but you bend down to Hayami's height as Hawks leans over the table and gives you both bunny ears. The camera flash burns bright in your eyes as Hayami's hand darts into yours again. 
"Here you two go," Hawks rumbles easily; he's standing now, and you find yourself yet again struck by how handsome he is. He smells like summer air and some expensive cologne you'll probably never know the name of. Definitely one of his sponsors. 
You take both posters, as Hayami's excitement seems to overflow and he's nearly buzzing with excitement to know he has Hawks' autograph. The boy bounces at your heels as he clutches his signed copy of the annual convention poster. His big, brown eyes are wide with pure joy. 
"Thank you!" Hayami chatters, "You're the best, Hawks!"
"Thank you," you smile, taking your own poster as Hayami's hand rockets back into yours.
"Nah, it's nothin', chickadee. Thanks for the manners," he calls after you with a touch of good humor, "You're real sweet."
"No problem!" you stutter out, thrown entirely by the compliment, as one of the other marketers guides you towards the exit with a hand on your back. 
"Oh, hey! One last thing!"
You flick your eyes back over your shoulder as you're shuffled out of the meet-and-greet.
You watch Hawks mouth 'check the poster', and with a hand held up to the side of his face. Then, 'call me'. 
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"You're kidding me."
Hayami is finally asleep — and your sister is closing the door to his darkened bedroom as she hisses the words out. You're leaning against the hallway wall, arms crossed and looking entirely exasperated.
"I can't just call him," you say softly as you kick off the wall and follow her into the kitchen, "This isn't, like, the hot waiter who leaves his number on the receipt—"
"No, it's even better," she chatters, moving towards the unfinished glass of wine that sits on the dinner table, "I swear to god if you don't pick up that phone and call him right now—"
It's your brother-in-law who speaks up from the couch. "What's stopping you?"
"I don't know, being chronically single?" you cry as you throw your hands, "I haven't gotten a wax in months—"
"You seriously think #2 cares?" comes your sister's flat reply.
Your brother-in-law mimics her affectation. He throws a finger in the air. "Real heroes don't care."
The two of them high-five. 
...They're probably right.
You suck your teeth as you cross your arms again and weigh your options.
I mean — it's only eight o'clock. It's early. And it's a Friday. 
It could go two ways — you break your year-long dry spell with the #2 pro-hero in the country, or it's a total bust and he turns out to be a massive weirdo. Both are frankly pretty entertaining. 
You chew your lip.
Then, you decide.
You kick off the wall and move towards your phone in the kitchen. It's sitting beside the poster. 
"Oh my god, are you doing it?" your sister calls from the couch, her hand gripping her husband's arm tightly.
"I'm doing it," you say, ignoring the bite of nervousness in your hands as you type in the cell number that was scrawledhastily on the back of the poster. 
It's ringing.
Suddenly, you have an audience. Your sister and brother-in-law are crowding you, their faces wide and expectant as it continues to ring. You pull your thumb to your mouth, pushing your bottom lip between your teeth. You let it ring, and ring, and just when you settle that you're being sent to voicemail, there's a click and a voice.
Your sister slams her hand into her husband's back, the two of them scrambling in a sudden flash of limbs and excitement. You drag your thumb across your throat — gesturing for them to cut it out. 
"Uh, hi," you fumble, "Is this... Hawks?"
Suddenly, there's a bark of laughter on the other line. "The one and only. Who's this?"
A slow smirk tugs at your cheeks. "I checked the back of the poster — a bold move, y'know."
"Convention Cutie!" he practically cheers, "Hold on, hold on — gimme two seconds, lemme just land."
Your lips part and you blink. The mental image is a hell of a thing. You swallow down a bought of amusement. "Sure, sure, take your time."
Keigo was starting to doubt you'd actually call him. The convention wrapped up hours ago, and he already made himself busy by exploring the southern city. It's nice here. A little bit like his hometown. Not too much crime, which has made for a pretty uneventful evening.
Until now.
His boots touch down on the nearby rooftop and he settles into an easy squat. His wings tuck themselves tightly against his back. 
You can hear a bit of wind bristle against his end of the receiver. 
"Alright, alright, sorry," he rumbles out, "Now you've got my full, undivided attention—"
You tug on your bottom lip. Your sister and brother-in-law are entirely hooked on the little bits they're overhearing from their spot across the counter. Your sister takes a long drink of her wine.
"Am I... being a bit of a distraction?" you ask, "If now isn't a good time—"
"You've been a distraction all day," comes the smooooooth reply; even Keigo's proud of himself for that one, "I'm just out for a fly. Nothin' too serious. I am glad you called, though."
Oh, fuck. Your knees feel like jello. You white-knuckle grip the counter as your sister gnashes her teeth and mimics biting her fist in silent mimery.
"Yea?" you pry, fanning yourself as you lean farther against the counter. 
"Yea, definitely," Hawks grins as he tips his head back and checks out the stars, "You busy tomorrow night? I'd love to take you out to dinner."
There's a commotion across the kitchen. The two of them are smacking one another's arms, their genuine excitement is palpable as they try to stay quiet. They're failing.
"I'd love that, Hawks."
This is new for him.
Technically speaking, you're not a fan. Your nephew is. So, this doesn't technically qualify as one of those unspoken hero faux pas. Don't date fans. Then again, what does it matter? He can do whatever he wants. 
And you're cute. And nice. And kind. And maybe he's being a sap, but seeing you with your nephew made something in his heart tighten. He didn't even notice he was making a nest of scrapped trash from the posters around his seat until the afternoon was over. 
God, sometimes the evolutionarily deep, bird DNA thing is weird.
Hawks lets out a tight breath he didn't realize he was holding. 
"Cool. Okay. Uh, you... you chill with, like, 7pm?" he fiddles with his visor, "I'm... I'm free whenever so..."
He sounds nervous. Your grin is so bright it could outburn the sun. 
"That works for me," you say as you fiddle with your lip, "As far as dress code goes... Do I, like, need a flight suit?"
His laugh is warm. 
"No, no, I — I was gonna get us an Uber," his voice lilts into something more mischievous, "Unless..."
"Maybe after dinner," you remark easily, swaying side to side, "You can show me what those wings do?"
Oh, smooth. Real smooth. Keigo's face is warm. His wings in question twitch eagerly at the invitation. 
"You gonna ask before you touch?" he teases back into the receiver, his brow raised.
It's your turn to laugh. "Hey, it's called being polite."
"I appreciate it," he rumbles out, about earlier at the convention, "Seriously. People are grabby — these things are sensitive..."
"Making a mental note of that, and filing it away," you flirt openly as your sister cheers silently, "For after dinner, maybe."
Keigo's brain stutter-steps. His laugh is surprised. He's about to comment on how you might just be the girl of his dreams when suddenly the wail of sirens perks up his attention. It's two blocks over. Three fire engines. The wind is carrying the smell of acrid smoke. 
"Hey, chickadee, I, uh... I gotta go," he says, standing and allowing his attention to drift to the scene playing out in front of him; it's a house fire — must be — on the southern side of town, "I'll text you the spot for tomorrow, is that okay?"
"Of course, don't let me keep you," you hush, "I'll... text you?"
"I'm countin' on it."
"Bye, Hawks."
"See ya, chickadee."
You didn't even realize you were sweating until you put the phone down.
Your sister and her husband are there, eyes wide. "So?"
"So," you croon as you laugh and pridefully sway your hips, "I have plans tomorrow night."
Their screaming wakes up Hayami.
As you help the kid back to sleep, you keep it secret that he's a better wingman than you could have ever anticipated. 
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writteninkat · 2 months
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Hawks, Endeavor
warnings: none just mha men being rich<3
"Hey, where are you?" You hear you husband's rough voice spill through the speakers of your phone, your eyelids shaking at the eyelash extensions being pressed down and glued on your water line.
"Getting my lashes done."
"Anything else planned?" He asks, making you purse your lips in thought.
"My whole day's packed, actually. I already went to my facial appointment. I'm getting my nails and hair done after this. Maybe a little shopping if I have the energy. Oh! I'll probably get a massage too!" You rant, smiling as you imagine the perfect selfcare day.
"Alright. You think you'll have enough energy for dinner after all that?" You giggle and hum, "Uhuh! I always have energy for you baby."
"That's good to hear. Have fun today baby, I love you."
"I love you more."
You hear three beeps and you hear your lashtech giggle.
"Hero Dynamight is portrayed as this scary, rough guy in the media, but he's actually very sweet." She swoons, making your chest swell with pride.
"He is, actually. One time-"
You're cut off by your phone buzzing, followed by your lashtech gasping. Unable to open your eyes, you stretch your arms out. "What? What happened?!"
"Hero Dynamight he..." She gasps.
"He what?!" You yell, your chest caving in as every horrible thought crosses your mind.
Did he get injured during a fight?
How badly is he injured?
Is he...?
"Dammit, Ari! Tell me what's happening!" You demand, about to sit up from the bed.
"He just sent you two million yen..." She breathes out, making you release a sigh.
"Fucking Christ. I thought something happened." You whisper, relaxing back onto the bed. "Did he say why?"
"'Refunding you for you facial appointment. The rest are for your other plans. Call if you need more. I love you baby.'" She read aloud, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
"He's the sweetest." You swoon.
You look around the villa, eyes sparkling and head over the moon at how beautiful it is. The Spanish colonial architecture is beautiful, the ceilings high, the wood floors shiny and waxed, and the arched windows big enough for you to show a tree from the tops of its leaves down to its roots burrowed down the soil.
"It's so pretty, baby!" You giggle, twirling around the foyer of the villa you'll be spending your two weeks in.
Finally, Eijirou was able to grab a two-week break from hero work. The two of you have been busting your asses off, protecting cities and taking down villains.
This time, you made sure your schedules synced when it came to time to making time for each other.
"You like it?" He asks, hugging you from behind.
You turn your head to the side, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I love it, baby. This'll be the best vacation ever. Just the two of us. Happy and in love." You smile, giggling at his cheeks slowly turning into a crimson colour.
And just as you said, your two-week vacation was a bliss. The both of you drank and ate, made love, swam in the private pool, in the private beach, cuddled during movies, played video games, board games, explored the small town near the villa- everything was perfect.
As you sit on your spot in the hero's private plane, a white folder on the table catches your eye. With curiousity tickling your fingers, you open it, your gaze immediately falling to your husband's familiar signature. Your brows knit as you bring your eyes back up to the top of the document, reading it.
This letter of Intention to Offer is made and effectively by...
Property Address...
Purchaser Address...
Purchaser Contact...
Dear Mr. Kirishima Eijirou...
Please accept this bid purchase to...
For the amount of...
"Eight million euros?!" You scream, clutching on the document.
Eijirou rushes out of the private bedroom inside the jet, his eyes wide with worry as he inspects you. "What's wrong?!" He worries.
"Why the hell did you buy the villa?!" You scream, now your eyes are wide with worry.
"You said you loved it." He shrugs.
Your head pulses with the need to close your eyes. You can feel your blood pressure rising at this stupid, idiotic, irresponsible...sweet, lovely, man.
"Where the hell are you getting eight million euros?" You sigh, finally looking up at the man who foolishly spoils you rotten.
"The same place I was getting eighty million yen for the yacht you wanted..." He looks at you like you're stupid.
"Why the hell did you buy a yacht on top of a villa, Eijirou?"
"You said you wanted the boat!" He exclaims, forcing you to rack your brain for the memory of when you said that.
"I said it was pretty! Not that I wanted it!" You exclaim, your face scrunching up in stress. "Where on earth are you getting your money!"
The red head simply smiles, engulfing you with his strong arms in a warm, tight embrace. "I'm one of the top heros in the world, baby. And I've been in this game for decades now. It's safe to say I've got more money than we both can possibly need." He reasons, his lips pressing against the top of your head.
"Plus, property investments are good!" You roll your eyes at the stupidly sweet man you call your husband, your heart searing as your gaze catches onto another document with the words 'Land Ownership' and your name printed not far from it.
An evil grin stretches across your face as you point at every pretty thing your eyes fall on. You don't break your stride as you enter and exit shops in under a minute.
"That." You point at an adorable bag inside a shelf. "That, too." You point at the one beside it.
"These shoes in my size. These too. Ooo! And these as well." You hand the shoes over to your assistant, letting her pass them over to the store clerk.
You exit the shop, leaving one body guard behind as you enter the store beside it. This one's a gadget store.
"You think it's time to upgrade my devices?" You ask, playing with the showcased device on the table. You turn to your side, eyeing your husband's assistant, seeing tears comically strem down his cheeks.
"Please, madam! You've spent so much already!" He cries, "What on earth did Mr. Todoroki's money ever do to you?"
"It's not his money, it's him in general. He hasn't been spending time with me as of late. I'm getting bored." You pout, nodding at a store clerk before point at different gadgets, one of each kind.
"All those, if you have them in pink, but if not, I'll get them in black. The biggest memory you have, please. Along with accesories. Pink." You order before leaving the store once more, entering another booth selling watches in insane prices.
"Madam, Mr. Todoroki is a pro hero-"
"And I'm not?" You glare at the employee. "I work as much hours as he does. I'm just as demanded, I'm just as busy, and I'm just as tired as he is. And yet, I can always make time for him back at home."
You know you're being a bit too unreasonable. But you've grown bored and lonely. And you'd rather die than take another lover. So Shoto's bank account it is.
"He'd have a heart attack if he saw all the withdrawals." The assistant worries as you ponder over two watches displayed in front of you.
"If my husband suffers from cardiac problems due to my spending, then he shouldn't have taken being a pro hero as a job." You point at the silver and blue Patek Philippe. "This one please." You tell the sales woman who smiles at you as she nods softly.
You check your own watch to see you've been at it for hours now. Almost time for dinner.
Maybe I should pay my busy husband a visit.
You roll your eyes.
You stretch your arms up above you, letting out a yawn as your muscles finally relax.
Your last stop is a five star restaurant right beside the mall.
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Shoto scribbles on a few papers, hating how he's been leaving his wife alone for multiple nights. Knowing her, she'll have his ass if this goes on for too long.
He sighs, stretching his up above him, feeling his back crack. His head pulses and the need to see his wife waves over him in strong currents.
Right as he's about to resume his paper work, his phone buzzes in a call, his financial advisor's name flashing the screen.
Shoto answers the call with one hand, the other elegantly scribbling on the paper. "What is it?"
"Sir, I think your card's been stolen. There have been numerous deductions, all huge amounts." Shoto furrows his brows, taking his wallet out from his pocket. Sure enough, his black Master is missing.
A tickling feeling grows in his gut. "From which shops?"
He hears a few clicks from the other line, "These are all luxury brands. Miu Miu? Coach? LV, Prada, Bottega Veneta, Chanel, Dior, Philippe Patek- The thief may be a woman, sir."
"You're right. A woman. My woman." Shoto sighs, chuckling softly. "How much did my wife spend?"
"A little over two hundred million yen." Shoto can hear the wince in his advisor's tone, making him grin.
Sure, his wife's a kickass pro hero, and she makes just as much money as he does. But nothing compares to her spending ability with the cute little side talent of not touching her own bank account.
Just as he's about to give out an order, said wife enters his office without knocking, a familiar paper bag in her hands.
"Brought you dinner from that favorite restaurant of yours." She lifts the bag, striding over to him.
"She seems to have been having a little tantrum because I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves." He smirks at her, "Run it through."
"You talk shit about me to your employees?" The love of his life pouts as he chuckles deeply, standing from his seat. He places his hands on his wife's hips, softly pulling her towards him, giving her lips a gentle peck.
"Never. I was just explaining to them why I lost millions of yen in a day." His joke earns him a playful glare from his wife.
You complained to Keigo once. Once. That you were tired.
It was six am that morning when you woke up like you hadn't slept at all. You didn't have muscle sores or a headache nor were you sick. You were simply tired.
By nine am, the pro hero had written you a sick leave, carried you onto his private jet, and the both of you were now flying over beautiful blue waters.
"Keigo-" He cuts you off by shushing you, lifting a finger up in the air. He pulls you towards the private room located at the back of the jet where a massage table has been set up, along with ambient spa music and a masseus in the corner with her hands clasped together and her head bowed down. The room smelled of peppermint and lavender.
"We'll land in twelve hours. You can request anything else after the massage." You don't get a chance to respond because he leaves the room, closing the door gently.
You and the masseus look at each other before she lets out an amused chuckle. "He seems to spoil you so."
You sigh, "He overdoes it, but I know he means well."
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Eleven hours later, you've gotten a mani pedi, a simple and refreshing facial, your muscles are relaxed, you've eaten two square meals, and had the longest nap of your life.
Now you're seated in front of your husband, sipping your champagne in your soft, fluffy robe as he reads his magazine.
"Keigo, will you finally tell me where you're taking me?" You sigh, watching him look at you through his golden eye lashes. He smirks, setting his magazine down as he pulls the window cover up.
You squint at the sudden brightness but your eyes quickly adjust. You blink a few times, moving towards the window, taking a peek.
"You took me to Greece?!" You exclaim, seeing the familiar white walls and blue roofs.
"My baby said she was tired." He mused, "And we can't have that."
You open your mouth in protest, but a sound cuts before you. "Mr. and Mrs. Takami, we'll be landing shortly. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts, thank you."
You glare at your husband one last time before buckling up, letting out an annoyed huff as you keep your eyes on the window.
"Jesus..." You breath out, craning your head up to look at the domed ceiling. Your gaze drags down, moving from side to side as you inspect the large arched windows and marbled floors.
Keigo weaps his arms from behind you, breathing in your scent. "You know you didn't have to fly me anywhere. That spa day was exactly what I needed. I could've gotten it back in Japan."
"Yeah," Keigo squints, softly pushing you towards the glass double doors leading to the balcony. "But you wouldn't have been able to enjoy this view afterwards."
The scene of the vast blue ocean with the sun slowly dipping down is breath taking. Accompanied by the soft glow of yellowish lights, the chirping of a few birds here and there, and the smell of the ocean has you claiming this place to be paradise.
"I love it..." I mumbled, captivated by the beauty of the sunset.
"More than me?"
You turn your head to the side, pressing your lips softly on your husband's cheek. "No, never more than you, my love."
Keigo smiles, pressing a soft peck on your lips before slowly letting his arms fall, his hand delicately holding your hand.
"Come with me." He tugs you back inside, leading you up the grand marble staircase and inside what looks like the master bedroom.
"Close your eyes." He whispers in your ear and you immediately follow his order. Slowly leading you somewhere, you hear a soft click of a door. "Open."
You blink once, twice, before your jaw drops to the floor. You're right outside a huge walk in closet, and inside is one of the biggest boquet of elden roses formed into a heart. Surrounding it are paper bags with different kinds of designer brands printed on them. Behind the boquet is a round marble table with different boxes of leather, some kept closed and some open, revealing shiny watches and jewelry, ranging from silver, gold, and white gold.
"Keigo..." You breathe out, taking a careful step inside before turning around to face your husband. Your eyes feel like they're about to bulge out of their sockets and your haw about to fall off.
"Not now." You shakes his head, quickly stopping you as if he knows what you're about to do. "Pick an outfit and we'll leave in an hour." He presses a light kiss on your forehead before leaving you alone with your gifts.
Feeling as though you've been spoiled rotten, you take your time going through your numerous gifts, deciding to wear every dress you come across, but quickly change your mind when you find another one.
Your husband may be a pro hero, but his true talent is picking out beautiful dresses for you.
You decide on a wine red silk dress, revealing your back, pairing it with strappy silver heels, a diamond encrusted choker, and diamond earings that hang right below your chin. You make up is a simple smokey eye with a bold dark red lip. Your hair curled and pinned up into a bun, the front swept to the side.
You step out of the room and onto the top of the staircase, looking down to see Keigo already in a suit and waiting. He looks up, eyes sparkling when they settle on you. Your heart bursts of affection- he always does this. Whether you dress to the highs or like a beggar, he looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid his eyes on.
Feeling your cheeks flush, you slowly climb down the steps, your husband meeting you at the bottom. He drinks you up slowly, his chest rising before shakily lowering back.
"Beautiful..." He whispers, soft fingers caressing your cheek.
"Thank you." You kiss his open palm, leaving a lipstick stain. "What are we having for dinner?"
Keigo's eyes are stuck on you lipstick stain and you watch his throat swallow. "May I have you instead?" He asks, his eyes filled with heat, making you chuckle.
"No, you may not, because I'm hungry for some real food." You cup his cheek for a moment before stepping to the side, making your way to the waiting car in the driveway.
He takes you to a restaurant that serves an array of european dishes. Not long after, you have a food baby and are tipsy on what you claim to be the best wine you've ever drank.
By the time you finish, you decide to take a little walk around the small town. His suit jacket hangs on your shoulders with your clasped together.
You try to hold it in, but the searing pain from your feet makes you hiss and wobble. Keigo immediately catches you, "What's wrong?"
You sigh, looking up at him with a pout. "My feet hurt. Heels are too high."
Keigo smirks before getting down on one knee.
"We're already married." Your reminder earns you a hearty laugh from him.
"I'm trying to undo your shoes, dummy."
He swiftly undoes the clasps of your heels, taking the pair. Before you take another step forward, he scoops you in his arms, your immediately wrapping themselves around his neck.
"Hold on tight, love." He whispers.
You get a second to process what he means by that before his wings stretch out, pushing the both of you off the ground.
"Keigo!" You scream, tightly clutching onto him as he laughs loudly.
"Shouldn't you be used to this by now?" He yells through the air.
"I'm full and I'm drunk! You're gonna make me throw up!" You yell.
He simply laughs, his arms holding you possessively onto his chest. "Not yet, my love."
You look up at him questioningly before finding the courage to look down, enraptured by the beauty of the city below you. Before you know it, you catch a glimpse of the shoreline before dark blue waters meet your gaze.
"If you drown me, you'll be the worst husband ever." You frown, receiving a snicker from Keigo.
"Don't worry, love. We're almost there." At his words, you look infront of you, noting how the angry waters eventually grow calm until finally, they're as still as mirrors. Scratch that, they're exactly like mirrors.
The stars twinkle and shine brightly above you, as well as below you. It's as if you're in outer space. The sight around you is exquisit, bewitching, alluring, captivating—it's divine. You see millions upon million of stars all around you. Tears fill the corners of your eyes at the tantalizing scene.
Keigo looks at you and you feel him slowly lower you, right above the water. "Lower your feet for me." His request has you immediately dropping your feet.
He hovers the both of you just above the water, only your tippy toes grazes the top of the water, creating a circular ripple effect, making the stars in its reflection dance.
"Beautiful..." You gasp, charmed by the sight.
"Not as much as you." Keigo mutters, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"Love?" You call out.
He hums in response, the silence relaxing.
"How much did you spend just today?"
You feel your husband freeze at your question. It's incredible how Keigo's spending problem only occurs when you're involved.
"You want me to sugarcoat it or-"
"Give it to me straight."
"A little over a hundred yen..."
You look up at him, unamused. "Keep lying."
"A hundred... Thousand?" He offers, averting his gaze.
"You take me for an idiot?"
Keigo sighs, burying his nose on the top of your head. "Million."
You huff out an irritated breath before melting back onto your husband. He's lavish when it comes to you, but it's one of the few ways he likes to show you off.
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Your heart pitter-patters on your chest as you squeeze your gold clutch tightly. You're nervous- and it's justifiable. You've had the fattest crush on your boss ever since you were hired as his secretary, and when he was invited to an auction with the choice to invite a plus one, he chose you. Warranted, you are his secretary, so he may need some assistance.
Stop being delusional. This is your job. Be professional.
But your flaming cheeks aren't listening to your brain. Your dress feels too tight, and your skin feels like it's been lit on fire but the cold breeze of the night cools it down.
I'm gonna end up sick.
Just as you're calming yourself down, you see a black sedan stop right in front of your lawn. You quickly make your way towards the car, opening the door only to be greeted by a strong scent of expensive perfume with a hint of musk. Your eyes immediately fall onto the one man you can't have.
He's tapping away at his phone and you can't stop the wave of disappointment engulfing you. You wanted to see his reaction to the dress you picked out.
Stop it, he has a family for Christ's sake!
You silently hop on. As soon as you close your door, the car speeds off.
"This auction is also a masquerade." He mentions, pushing a black eye mask towards you. Despite being black, it sparkles under low light.
Black glitters.
Did he find out the kind of dress you were gonna wear? The masks suits it perfectly.
As you inspect the mask, you steal a glance at him to see he's still on his phone. Rejection clenches at the stupid muscle in your chest, but you try your hardest to ignore it. You put on your mask, softly tying the black ribbon at the back of your head to keep it on.
A few minutes of silent torture passes by until bright lights finally engulf the car. "We're here, sir." The driver announces.
Endeavor taps away at his phone for a few more moments before pocketing it, letting out a tired sigh. Both passenger doors are opened and a young man in a simple black and white suit offers you his hand. As soon as you're about to take it, a bigger, much rougher hand pushes it away.
"I'll help my date down myself. Thanks." Endeavor's voice is rough and deep, but that isn't what makes you gawk at him.
"Date?" You repeat his word, making him look at you. The blue eyes under his red mask brighten when his gaze finally drops on you.
He looks at you from your mask down to your toes, and back up. He does so slowly, that even after you've placed your hand on his, he doesn't budge. Doesn't make a peep. The only thing moving is his eyes drinking you in slowly. And the movement of his throat as he swallows.
Welcome to another episode of: I'm not delusional! I swear my boss thinks I'm hot aswell!
Finally, Endeavor clears his throat. He steps to the side, allowing you to hop off the car. The cameras' flashes increase when the paparazzi notice that Pro Hero Endeavor has brought a date.
"Endeavor! Who's your date??"
"Is she someone special?"
"Is your date being paid?"
The both of you walk through the red carpet as questions are being yelled at.
"Your family back home will see you've brought a date! How do you think they'll feel?"
Your head snaps at the direction of the voice, your eyes scanning the crowd for a moment before they finally settle on a bald guy. You slip your hand from Endeavor's, striding towards the nosy fuck before quickly grabbing the lense of his camera. Your crush it in one easy squeeze, silence falling among everybody else.
"You're here to take pictures. You already know you aren't getting answers from us, so why set yourselves up for failure?" You glare across the crowd of people, making sure your words aren't directed towards baldy alone. "Snap your pictures, send them to your employers, and shut the fuck up."
Your eyes return to baldy once more, noting the sheer sweat forming all over his head. "Send the bill over to Endeavor's secretary, she'll take care of it." You tell him before flicking the bits of camera you have on your hand.
Returning to Endeavor, you hook your arm on his, and continue walking, waving and smiling for the cameras as if you aren't anxious about what you just did.
Did I do good?
Is he upset I did that?
He hasn't said anything.
Fuck, I won't have a job tomorrow. Great job, self! You've just lost an incredibly high-paying job that allows you to be close with the love of your life.
The big double doors open, revealing a dimly lit opera house. A lot of people are already inside, all of them in full glamour.
"You didn't have to do that." Endeavor finally speaks up, making you swallow nervously.
"Yeah well, I didn't like how he asked that question. As if you're doing something wrong..." Your voice is soft and unsure as you keep your gaze on the carpeted floor. You've settled on allowing your boss to lead you towards your seats.
"Don't you think what I'm doing is wrong?"
His wuestion has you snapping your neck at him, your eyes wide with worry. Does he think that?
"You're divorced, aren't you? And- and they don't know who I am. I don't think this is bad publicity at all." You defend, watching as he side eyes you.
"Anything with me is bad publicity." He mumbles, warm irritation bubbling in your chest as you clench your fist closed.
"Stop that." You demand, finally arriving at your seats.
"Stop what?" His questions goes unanswered for a few moments as you take in the private booth at the top floor. It's only the two of you here, with a button in the middle. Probably for when the client wants to bid.
"Stop putting yourself down. Yes, you've made mistakes. Big ones. Huge ones. But it isn't late for you to change and make up for it all." You look up at him with wide, genuine eyes. "You already admitted your mistakes. All that's left now is to try your damnest to make up for it, to make it up to all the people you've wronged. But you gotta do it with a genuine heart and pure intentions."
Endeavor looks at you with wide eyes, his blue orbs like the color of the sea during the peak of summer. You hold his gaze for a second,
two seconds
The lights dim, grabbing you attention to the stage below.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."
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The first few items were boring, so you don't blame Endeavor for not making a bid. A few paintings and tables presented here and there, maybe a couple properties. You feel your eyelids growing heavy until a necklace is presented under the spotlight.
The blue saphire stones completely surround the neckline, and a big red ruby stands out dead center. It looks heavy and too extravagant to wear anywhere you'd go. But it reminds you of your big, quiet boss.
"It's beautiful." You gasp, unable to look away from the piece.
"Up next, we have an exquisite piece that will undoubtedly ignite a bidding war: a mesmerizing blue sapphire rose, intricately crafted with petals that glisten like the ocean depths. At the heart of this stunning bloom rests a fiery red ruby pendant, its vibrant hue creating a captivating contrast. This one-of-a-kind piece combines the tranquility of sapphire with the passionate allure of ruby, set in the finest platinum. A true masterpiece of luxury and elegance, perfect for any discerning collector." The host's voice echoes throught the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, who will start the bidding for this unparalleled gem at eight million yen?" Immediately, you hear buttons being pressed, with the host yelling out numerous numbers.
"Eight million yen to bidder number twenty-seven!"
"Ten million yen to bidder number forty!"
"Eleven million yen to bidder number thirty-five!"
The price goes higher and higher, making you dizzy. You snap out of your lightheaded state when you see your boss press his button.
"Fifty million yen." He mutters to the microphone, making your heart drop.
Who's he giving that to?
Is there a woman in his life I don't know about?
Maybe it's an apology gift to his wife.
No, he wouldn't be that cheap about it.
"Fifty million yen to bidder number fourteen! Does anybody wish to go higher?" The room is dead silent. "Fifty million going once," Still, nobody makes a peep. "Fifty million going twice." Nada. "Sold! To bidder number fourteen at fifty million yen!"
"I can't believe you just did that." You breathe out, in the brink of a panic at the thought of losing fifty mil in a night.
Endeavor keeps his eyes up front, making you mirror his actions. You feel squirmish in your seat.
The next few items are as boring as the first ones, until your eyes catch a red fur coat on a mannequin. It's as red as Endeavor's hair, and it looks softer than the softest fur in the world.
"Prepare yourselves, esteemed bidders, for a truly unparalleled offering: a one-of-a-kind crimson fur coat. This extraordinary garment exudes opulence and sophistication, crafted from the finest fur of the Crimson Frost Lynx, a legendary creature said to roam the forests of the North." Your brows furrow at the statement.
Aren't those Lynxes extinct?
"Its rich, deep crimson hue is unlike anything you’ve seen, making a bold and timeless statement. Lined with luxurious silk, this coat is not just a piece of clothing but a work of art. Perfect for the most discerning fashion aficionado, it promises to turn heads and capture hearts. Let's open the bidding for this exclusive masterpiece at twelve million yen. Who will claim this ultimate symbol of luxury?" As the announcer ends, only a few buttons are pressed this time.
"Twelve million yen to bidder number thirty-eight! Does anybody wish to go higher?"
"Fifteen million yen to bidder number twenty!"
Once again, Endeavor presses his button, mumbling "Twenty million."
"Twenty million yen to bidder number fourteen!" As the house quiets, the announcer scans the crowd. "Twenty million yen going once' Twenty million yen going twice!"
A soft buzz sounds, your head snapping to its direction. It came from the booth right beside you.
"Twenty five million yen to bidder number fifteen!"
Endeavor presses his button once more, mumbling a headache-inducing "Thirty million."
"Thirty million yen to bidder number fourteen! Thirty million going once! Thirty million going twice! Sold! To bidder number fourteen!" The confusion is written across your face as you turn to your boss.
"A necklace, and now a furcoat? Sir if you wanna crossdress-"
He holds a finger up, effectively silencing you. You bite on your lower lip, huffing when you hear a knock to your right. The both of you turn to the sound.
"Who are those gifts for, Endeavor? Got a new lady friend?"
"Mind your own business." Endeavor grits out before returning his gaze to the stage.
You can't help but feel anxious about the other Hero's question.
Who are the gifts for?
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Whenever her eyes twinkle, I can't help but press the button. It's like a magnet and my finger's made of metal. My eyes have been shifting to her everytime a new item is shown, and everytime I get a reaction of awe, my button is immediately pressed.
My secretary should be off-limits. If I were to ever make a move on her, it'd be as obvious as the sun and the backlash would be unforgiving. But my want for her seems to outweigh reason.
Fuck tha backlash. This woman is meant for me.
I can see it in the way she sees me.
When the auction ends, I offer my hand to her once again and we make our way to different offices meant for different bidders. Privacy is their utmost importance here, so I don't have to worry about other people looking at my woman.
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"Good evening, Mr. Todoroki. This is your billing for tonight." The man hands a sheet of paper to Endeavor and you take a peek at it.
Two necklaces, a bracelet, a ring, a set of earrings, two more fur coats, a vase, and three porcelein statues of cats.
"Five-" Your eyes nearly bulge out of your sockets. "Five hundred million yen?! Sir, please excuse me, but you do not shit out money." You chastise, your brows knitting in worry.
"Stop yelling, I'm right beside you." Your boss huffs, pulling out a check. He scribbles the amount on it before his signature, sliding it towards the man behind the counter.
"Let's go, I'm tired." Endeavor turns around, walking towards the door. You run after him, struggling in your heels but eventually reach him.
"Oh! Mr. Todoroki! Shall we deliver the goods to your office or your home?" The man calls out.
Your boss stops in his tracks, craning his head to you.
"My assistant will write down her address for you. Deliver it there."
Your jaw falls, it's like your brain has disconnected from your body. "What? No! Just get it delivered to whoever you were gifting them to!"
Endeavor raises a brow, tilting his head to the side. "That's exactly what I'm doing." He says it as if you were an idiot.
"You- I'm sorry?"
"Apology accepted. Make sure you wear that necklace tomorrow night." He pushes the door open, walking down the marbled floors of the foyer.
"What's happening tomorrow night?" You ask, out of breath as you continue to struggle in your heels.
"We're going on a date."
And your heart does a backflip, lifting a middle finger up to the world. Fuck you all! I told you I wasn't delusional!
[click here to read endeavor having his way with you in the private booth]
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I Hate The New Hero
Pt 2: A spider's nest is different to a bird's.
You exit the school building with two of your friends; Sherri Webster and Tia Hunt. You see Timothy leaning against the wall to the exit of the school building and you can't help but scoff, does he not have a life or friends?
Okay, judging by how the polls are going now, this one is winning!! I'll post the second part of Don't Drink The Kool-Aid soon (possibly tomorrow or the day afterwards). Don't be afraid to send in asks and such regarding anything! I love answering them and doing side stories/headcannons for this series or other series of mine!
The day rolls by painfully slow. How could it not when you're going to invite someone, who you're pretty sure would throw you to the wolves for a dollar, into your shitty apartment?
Tia notices your gaze and chuckles, you had already told them both about Tim and the project, they laughed and made fun of you - you'll get back at them.
Sherri pats me back "If you don't come back to school tomorrow we'll let the police know he probably murdered you!" Tia laughs at that and I grumble and elbow Sherri.
"Oh shut up! God, you're insufferable!"
"And you're about to be dead!"
"Oh please, no one in Gotham stays dead these days!"
"I'll make sure you do!"
Tia interrupts before the minor spat ends in the two forgetting Timothy is there - now looking at the three with the very hatred you'd give to your parent's murderers.
"Can you guys fight later? In the group chat maybe? I'm starving and want to go home - private school food tastes like shit." Sherri sighs but agrees and the two wave goodbye before leaving you.
You wave and after a bit of awkward silence you glance at Timothy who is now staring daggers at you, his eyes are calculating but aren't narrowed - like a feral wolf analysing it's target. You hold back a sigh as you raise a brow.
You make a hand motion for him to follow you and you start to walk along the path to your amazing, beautiful, posh, cool apartment that in no way is flawed.
The walk is silent and painful, at this point your willing to bust out the charms and joke with him but you're scared he's going to smash your head into the concrete as soon as you make a joke.
You walk past a poster that was hung up regarding the heroes of Gotham, Aranea is near the center hanging to the side of a wall. You scowl at it - the picture was bad and didn't flatter you at all.
Timothy catches your scowl and makes a show of rolling his eyes and typing something on his phone. You can't hold back any longer.
"What? You grading me or something? Speak the fuck up if you have a problem, Richy Rich." You sneer as you say the last part, he snaps his head up at you in offense.
"Oh, you want me to speak up?! Fine, you're a selfish brat who's got parents that fawn over you and you never lacked anything in your life yet you go after some sweet innocent girl who would a hundred percent save you if you needed it. Aranea is one of the best people in Gotham and it's disgusting that you are so rude to her!" Timothy rants. You can't help but raise a brow, you want to laugh so hard - the irony is right there.
Instead you roll your eyes "You hate me because I hate someone you fangirl over? How pathetic. Hate me for a real reason!" You try not to smirk when you see Timothy try to take deep breaths and calm down.
"... Let's just get to your apartment already." He states as he continues walking, you raise a brow. "Wrong way." He turns around and follows you silently.
Finally you stop in front of your stunning apartment. Out of the corner of your eye you see Tim raise a brow.
"How'd you get into a private school if your parents can't even afford an apartment building that doesn't look like it's had ten different crime scenes this week?"
You deadpan, ouch man...
"I got in through an engineering scholarship." You reply blandly, no point in spilling your emotions and true personality to a person like Timothy.
Timothy doesn't say anything else and you take that as the conversation ending and lead him into the complex and to the apartment you reside in.
It's home and you wouldn't want anything different. The plants are dead, there's a leaky tap, the clock that's stuck on the wall ticks annoyingly, there's a small spider making it's home in one of the corners and all the furniture looks one kick away from dust.
Your parents don't have much time to clean...
You look at Timothy out of the corner of your eye, despite loving where you live you know people will judge and Tim will probably use this against you some time in the future.
Tim's confused. You had always exuded "rich spoilt brat" behavior and seemed so stuck up yet live in actual filth? On top of that you got into Gotham Academy on a scholarship? Do high schools even do scholarships? It doesn't make sense.
Tim's not an idiot, he knows he's being petty but at the same time he can't bring himself to stop. Aranea is one of the kindest people he's met in Gotham, a saint, an innocent person who deserves a good life.
Yet, you hate her guts, you say awful things about her despite not even meeting her - or maybe you did, either way there's no reason for you to be acting like this.
Tim isn't petty, he won't use your living situation against you but the scholarship thing can be.. a small post can ultimately cause ridicule in the school.
He blinks a couple times, not noticing how he's already in a cramped bedroom - it's the size of a supply closet in the manor!
There's a bed in the corner, a window that's curtained up, a closet, a toy chest and a pile of sketch books that reaches halfway up the bedframe. It's cozy he supposes - for a sewer rat at least.
You mumble something about getting food before leaving the room. Seems you have some smarts and etiquette.
His phone buzzes and he looks down at the Gotham Vigilante Group Chat (GVGC), it's a message from Aranea.
Aranea: "Heyyyy!! I won't be able to go on patrol tonight, my mama wants to go out for dinner :("
Tim sighs, that's good. He can't go because of the stupid project so it seems he won't have to get horrendously teased for missing out on hanging with Aranea.
Tim's phone buzzes again and it's Bruce.
Bruce: "Message if (Reader) does anything sketchy. You can't trust someone so hateful."
Way to state the obvious. Tim already had multiple plans in case you did something.
He pockets his phone after responding with a thumbs up and he sits down, on the floor - assuming that's where they'll work.
Soon you come back with snacks in hand and had changed into more comfortable clothes - they were your dad's because in no way were you going to show Timothy your sense of style.
The clothes consisted of cargo shorts that were grossly oversized and tied with some shoelace to stop them from falling and an oversized shirt with the image of Garfield on it.
You raise a brow at where Timothy is sitting.
"Uh, why are you sitting on the floor?"
"That's where we'll work. Why?"
You think you're ready to go cry in a corner out of frustration.
"I have a bed."
"okay? I doubt it can even fit the both of us."
... Okay, that's true. Still, even if you hated him your parents didn't raise you to be rude to guests.
"Fine. You sit on the bed and I'll kneel on the floor."
You watch as his eyes widen, not expecting that response. You push him to stand up and make him sit on the bed before plopping down and taking a big sketchbook and flipping to the back of it.
"Okay, let's get started." You mumble, more so to yourself.
You two spend the next three to four hours researching, drawing things and writing down dates. By the end of it your tired and just want to sleep. It would have been done sooner if there wasn't an argument that caused you to storm out of the apartment and pace the halls and if Tim didn't leave to the halls to answer a call but at least it's over with.
You rest your head against your bed, you're still on the floor and more than content staying there, you doubt your body will even allow you to move.
Slowly your eyes close and you drift off to sleep.
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
this is more of a prolonged thought than a cohesive fic but I hope you enjoy
baby daddy deku?
18+ MDNI
god … imagine it being some random hook up ? a friend of mina’s that showed up at one of her pool parties.
and you looked so pretty in that sundress— all soft and smooth. thin fabric nestled perfectly against your curves. and fuck when he watched you pull it off, revealing the tiniest little bikini… he knew it was a wrap.
deku fucked you hard that afternoon. mina’s bathroom— butt naked with the lights on.
he had you bent over the counter with one hand covering your mouth and the other gripping your wrists behind your back. thick cock pounded your poor cunny that was already swollen and puffy from his extremely thorough prep.
deku was so whiny in your pussy. begging you to ‘take that dick, please’ and praising you for “squeezin’ (him) so perfect”.
each thrust was like having the wind knocked out of your lungs. it felt like he was nestled in your rib cage. all you could do is scream and cream on his cock while he wrecked you.
and that was that.
he filled your little pussy then licked you clean . a particularly nasty kiss was exchange fill with cum , spit and your own arousal.
the two of you exchanged numbers but of course he didn’t call. you didn’t expect him too. he’s a busy guy. a rising pro hero with a growing agency. you had no intention of making this situation more than what it was, that is until you realized your period was late.
now you had no intention of telling him. you didn’t want to tell anyone. you locked yourself in your apartment to embarrassed to venture. you probably would’ve gave birth in there had it not been for mina beating your door down to make sure that you were still alive.
she scolded you for trying to do this alone. reassuring that she would be there for you regardless. encouraging you to be brave in your new journey. and getting really excited to be an aunt.
she even helped tell deku when you were ready— which was about the beginning of the second trimester. she marched the two of you right past his secretary and into his office.
he was a bit startled at the sudden intrusion.
“ashido— oh”
seeing you was a surprise. he wanted to contact you after the … fling but time got away from him. if he wasn’t doing hero work , he was making appearances. if he wasn’t making appearances, he was sleeping. surely, you wouldn’t hold it against him ?
but then he noticed you cradling your stomach that looked slightly rounder than the last time he saw you.
his brain short circuited but only for a second. after a few deep breaths and a sip of water then he’s at your feet profusely apologizing and promising to be there every step of the way in some way shape or form.
deku makes good on that promise. he will never let you go to an appointment alone. if he can’t be there personally he’ll enlist the help of mina, and kacchan on occasion. the appointments with bakugo are always pretty fun because he tried to censor his speech for the baby.
“i don’t need that daaarn nerd on my case if his brat comes out cursing !”
deku gets so excited and invested in this baby that it’s bleeding in every aspect of his life. literally lost it when he found out that he’d be having a baby girl. he has to catch himself during interviews to keep himself from spilling too much tea about the “brand new girl” in his life.
things are great with you too ! it was easy for him to develop a friendship with you. heck you’re the mother of his child and you’ve already touched privates so is awkward small talk really necessary?
he’s rock solid. a shoulder you can cry on when things get to tough. deku will always be there to help you carry the burden. he spend the majority of the final trimester in your apartment helping out wherever he could.
and when the baby finally came— ahh! cue the water works. between him and his mother, they nearly had to evacuate the maternity ward for fear of flooding. he couldn’t help it. every time he looked at that little bundle he couldn’t help but be in awe and then he’d look at you and feel even more love because you’re the one that gave it to him.
six month in your baby girl is sitting up and babbling. rolling in her crib wearing an all might onesie and dynamight booties. she’s your twin— save for the curly green space buns and sparkling emerald eyes. easily the cutest baby in the world.
deku just wants to hold her all day. all of his spare time is spent with her. he’s barely even using his apartment at this point only going once a week to get more clothes. most of the time he’ll crash out on the floor next to the baby’s crib or on the couch with her on his tummy.
he’s just so comfortable here. a little too comfortable some might suggest.
he can’t help but bristle at the inquiries about your relationship. eye twitching when kaminari jokes about you being back on the market.
he has no reason to be upset. you’re a beautiful woman and of course there’s the potential for interested suitors but it just doesn’t sit right with him. it nags on him all day. well past the end of his shift. well past when his daughter has fallen asleep. well past when you’ve handed him his blanket and said goodnight.
he just can’t shake the sick feeling in his stomach whenever he thinks of you in another man’s arms.
so he goes to your door and allmight help him when he hears soft whimpers of his name.
“right there, izu”
“s’good. so good”
and if that’s not a sign then he doesn’t know what is.
you’re embarrassed when he opens the door. cheeks hot and ears burning at his lewd gaze. he gives you no time to explain it away— kissing you passionately while tearing off the remainder of his clothes.
he doesn’t fuck you hard like he did the first time. he fucks you slow. painfully slow. he wants to learn your body. he needs to feel you. and there’s no need to rush. the two of you have all the time in the world.
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alwaysalir · 4 months
Let’s talk about why Colin Bridgerton is THE BEST Male Lead.
He actually went Pen less then an episode after he realizes he’s in love with her. IMO while the kiss did make him reevaluate his feelings, the fact he is actually in love with her does not click for him until that ball at the end of episode 3. We literally see the moment in clicks. He talking to the other debutant about his hero moment and he catches Pen’s eye and he realizes the reason he was able to have the courage to save the day is because it was Pen in danger and he would do anything for her. He then goes to Violet for advice and when she tells him he needs to have the courage to ask he walks towards Pen with purpose. Yes he let self out get in his way for a minute, but still before the end of episode 4 he has gone full unhinged to get the girl. It was a really BOLD move to interrupt an expected proposal but he did not care. He was a man on a mission and he delivered.
Colin literally said fuck societal norms. That man’s entire arc is about him feeling uncomfortable with the role of a typical man in that era. Yes he does play along for a while but that’s speech to those annoying dudes after he’s unable to do what society expect him to do in a brothel was so refreshing for a male lead in a regency Romance. Colin is still super young but he’s already over the Cavalier Way men regard sex. He wants love. He wants connection. He wants his sexual encounters to matter.
That man is literally the king of consent. Not only does he wait for her to consent to them moving from kissing to more he also gives her the space to reject him after his confession. And let’s talk about the confession. I’ve seen this talked about and a lot of places, but it’s still so amazing and so true… the reason that confession is so good is because it’s not the declaration made out of anger like we’ve seen in the previous seasons. Newts managed to make the confession so soft yet screaming with passion and desperation. 
I’ve seen a lot of complaints about how Colin did not yearn enough, but I feel like what people don’t realize is Colin has been a yearning for this for seasons. No he didn’t realize that Penelope could give him what he was yearning for, but that boy has always been yearning for love acceptance and connection and he’s finally realized that Penelope is the one that can give him all of those things. It’s literally the most beautiful climax that has been seasons in the making
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dalliancekay · 4 months
"I think Aziraphale needs to learn a lot more than that..."
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Why do people keep (telling me again and again about this quote) assuming that Neil means Aziraphale needs some moral lessons, get off his high horse, learn some hard truths about Heaven, escape their grasp, finally understand that they are bad etc etc etc.
When the ask is about how Crowley is always forgiven from Aziraphale's point of view and how what (I see) Neil means is that Azi should also be told he's good enough. That he can be loved.
That what he needs to learn is how to believe in himself. To trust his mind, his feelings, to believe he is enough, he always was, that he doesn't have to be perfect or 100% right, that it is not possible and that it's okay. That he's okay. That he was lied to.
I wish we would frame Aziraphale's journey/learning as something else, not morality/awakening of some sort. Not as something he has to overcome. When Crowley changes his mind on something, no one says, oh have a gold star, you went against what Hell wants from you. Well done! Why do we do that to Aziraphale. Crowley is seen in Hell, giving presentations on some half hearted ideas that no one there really gets and getting accolades for things he didn't do at all and everyone is like, oh yay, look at him, so clever. Hahahah. Aziraphale also has to follow rules and do his tasks whether he agrees with them or not or he will be punished. He's not doing it for fun. He breaks rules when he feels he simply must and then everyone is like oh look, he is finally abandoning the rigid thinking that Heaven showed/taught him. But really, the naïve slow angel, he should try even harder.
Why such double standards?
Aziraphale is good and wants to do good. He is not sure of himself, true, but that's hardly his fault. Crowley is also good and tries to do good or at least limit the bad things he needs to do to survive.
They are two sides of the same coin. They both learn and grow. Sometimes the treatment the Ineffables get reminds me of how differently boys and girls are treated when they are learning behaviour. Boys praised for anything and everything even remotely good they do (cos they are expected to be naughty) and girls get the oh you should have already known better treatment. Aziraphale saved Job's kids cos he thought it was a horrible thing to want to do and expected to be punished for it. That's not - he didn't, it didn't change who he is. He did it expecting Falling. That's extremely brave. Yes Crowley has Fallen and people tend to see this as some extra superior move on his behalf, like he had everything figured out, understood how bad Heaven was and tried to bravely fix it. And Aziraphale needs to catch up with him. (If not by Falling himself than by doing some extraordinary learning journey to catch up with Crowley's knowledge). No. That's all HC. We don't even know why Crowley Fell. We don't. We know what he says happened (and we also know that he's not a reliable narrator...) and that's all we know. And even the things he says are not exactly showing him as some truth waving hero only wanting to make Heaven better for everyone and failing. Aziraphale is not breaking rules cos suddenly he used his brain and saw how Heaven is bad. He already knows that. He's risking punishment to help others. Again and again. And that's very kind and admirable and everything but it's not his evolving morality. He's already moral. He's already good. He always was.
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He's also fucking cute. Let's not forget.
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hollyoongs · 5 months
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pairing tasp!jake x news intern!fem reader
summary when you told your friend about the challenge that your boss put you on in order to work on the company, which was taking a picture of the amazing Spider Man, Jake makes it come true.
genre fluff
warnings both of them like each other, cameo of Jay and Ri-Ki, everything is NYC and I tried to make it short for the other one that I'm planning to make it in the future <3
a/n I can finally get this one up here, I'll do the second part with smut, but Jake's fluff is already needed in this profile. Shout out to the editor of THIS Jake Spider-Man, my jupi @glitterjay and also to my lovely moot @ja3yun, this is the spidey!jake I was preparing ;) [PART TWO: 🕸]
wc +3.0k
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It was one of those days where everything seemed to conspire against you. As you trudged through the bustling streets of New York City, your camera bag heavy on your shoulder, you couldn't shake off the feeling of exhaustion that clung to you like a stubborn shadow. The sweltering heat of the summer sun only added to your irritation as you made your way to the Daily Bugle, where you were interning as a photographer.
Your future boss, Mr. Jameson, was notorious for his gruff demeanor and demanding nature. Today seemed to be no exception, as he barked orders at the staff, his voice reverberating through the newsroom like thunder. Your friend, Jay, was massaging his forehead, and you couldn't help but go there first. He looked up to see you and gave you a tired smile.
"Rough already?"
"And it's not even 9 a.m." Jay spat in anger, and you opened your bag to give him some of the jelly you always carry around. He took them slightly happier, opening as he started talking again. "He's putting stupid challenges on everyone here. Rumor has it that he's getting jealous of the other newspaper company since they took the #1 place from us."
"Well, wish me luck." You braced yourself for another onslaught of criticism as you approached his desk, hoping to avoid his wrath.
"Ah, there you are," Mr. Jameson said, his tone dripping with impatience. "I've got a special assignment for you."
You felt your heart sink at his words, knowing that whatever task he had in store would likely be arduous and thankless, just like Jay said. But you nodded, steeling yourself for whatever was to come.
"I want you to get me a picture of Spider-Man," he said bluntly, his eyes narrowing in a challenging glare.
Your jaw nearly hit the floor at his request. Spider-Man? The elusive vigilante who swung through the city was a hero to some and a menace to others. Getting a photo of him in action was no small feat, and you knew it.
"But how am I supposed to…" you began, but Mr. Jameson cut you off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"I don't care how you do it; just get it done," he said firmly. "And make it front-page material, or you'll be out of your ear."
With that ominous warning hanging in the air, you felt a wave of panic wash over you. How were you supposed to capture a photo of Spider-Man when you could barely catch a break in your own life? Desperation clawed at your chest as you racked your brain for a solution. He looked at Jay, and he was with his mouth open. She was simply screwed.
The hours passed slowly, and 7 o'clock of the night finally reached, which made you fly to the only place you find comfort at the moment. Shim Jake's place. Feeling all the weight on your shoulders, you sigh as you knock on the door. His aunt opens before your knuckles can touch the door.
"Hey darling… Oh no, bad day?" like a button, your eyes got watery, and she hugged you. You hold your tears as she loses you in the warm hug. "I'm going to buy food. Jake and Ni-Ki are in the room. I know what you like."
"You are truly the best, May."
"I know, darling. Go." She left you, and you entered the house, going directly to the Australian boy's room. You knocked, and you heard things falling.
"Who's it?"
"Who else, Ni-Ki? Come on, I had a bad day, and I need you guys."
"Hold on a second!" A few seconds passed, and Jake was the one who opened the door, his messy hair, sweat pant and big white shirt and hsi big glasses that made him look more handsome than usual in front of you. "Hey lensgirl, what's wrong?"
You went for a hug, this time with tears going down and your crying getting noticeable.
Jake was taken aback by your sudden display of emotion, immediately wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmured softly, rubbing your back soothingly. "What happened? Why are you crying?"
You sniffled, trying to compose yourself as you pulled away slightly. "It's just… work," you managed to choke out between sobs. "Mr. Jameson… He wants me to get a photo of Spider-Man for the front page, and I- I don't know how to do it. I'm so screwed, Jake."
Jake's expression softened with understanding, though you had no idea just how much he truly understood. "Hey, it's okay," he repeated, guiding you to sit on his bed. "We'll figure it out, okay? You're not alone in this."
Ni-Ki, hearing the commotion, poked his head out from behind the doorframe. "Jake can help," he said, and you could feel Jake getting tense. You looked up to Ni-Ki.
"Jake knows Spider-Man. You could get the picture." You open your eyes as your eyes travel again to Jake's.
"Since when?!" You practically shouted at him, and he gave a shy smile, which you loved, but the thought of him being friends with the hero and not telling you was in your mind.
"I'll tell you right after you clean and calm yourself. You know what? Go to the bathroom." As you were protesting, Jake obligated you to go inside. The boys went straight to the room and locked it, Jake basically punching Ni-Ki for opening his mouth.
"Are you being serious?! Why did you say that?"
"You know I'm fond of her, and I can't stand her crying. And also, I'm doing you a favor; you've liked her since forever, and with this, you can make a move. And you know that she loves Spider-Man. I consider this a win."
Jake's heart raced as he processed Ni-Ki's words. He couldn't deny the truth about them. He had harbored feelings for you for what felt like forever, but he never found the courage to act on them, and because of the sudden powers he got after being bite by a spider, the dangers were too much to the point he would rather die with the secret in order to keep you save. That's how much he loved you.
But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. Keeping his identity as Spider-Man a secret was crucial, and now, with you unknowingly on the brink of discovering the truth, he felt the pressure mounting.
Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jake turned to Ni-Ki. "Okay, okay," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in agitation. "But we have to be careful. She can't know about this, Ni-Ki. It's too risky."
Ni-Ki nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I won't say anything else, I promise. Only you have to stay cool, you get to nervous around her. I'm surprise you're not right now" he assured Jake.
"Because someone open his mouth"
"Stop crying and be grateful. I pulled a move that you couldn't make for the past 4 years."
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It has already been two days since that weird conversation and the explanation of Jake being friends with Spider-Man. It was so odd to you, but the most odd thing was when he told you by text, "I will send you the address where he's going to be."
And here you were, going into the alley for him to arrive. It was getting late, and you could feel your heart beating fast when you saw a few guys in there, cigars in their hands, their auras as bad as how they looked.
"Hey, sweetheart," one of them said, which you ignored completely.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you ignored the leering comments from the men in the alley. You clutched your camera bag tightly, feeling a surge of unease as you realized just how vulnerable you were in this dimly lit space.
Just as panic threatened to overtake you, a familiar sound cut through the tension—a whoosh of air followed by the distinct thud of impact. Before you could even process what was happening, Spider-Man descended from the shadows, landing gracefully in front of you with his trademark agility.
"Hey there, fellas," Spider-Man said, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "I don't think the lady appreciates your company."
The men scoffed, eyeing Spider-Man with a mixture of defiance and uncertainty. "And who are you supposed to be, huh?" One of them sneered, taking a step forward. You started taking your camera out of your bag, setting it up for a good shot, and to make it take as many photos as you could as both men focused on the hero.
Spider-Man's demeanor shifted subtly, his stance becoming more assertive as he addressed the group. "Let's just say I'm the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and I'm not too keen on seeing people hassle innocent bystanders, especially this pretty girl," he replied, his tone firm.
The men hesitated, sizing up the masked vigilante before them. But before they could make another move, Spider-Man sprang into action, his movements a blur of speed and precision. With calculated strikes and well-timed dodges, he swiftly incapacitated the would-be troublemakers, leaving them groaning on the ground in defeat.
You watched in awe as Spider-Man effortlessly dispatched the thugs, a surge of gratitude welling up inside you. Once the immediate threat had been neutralized, Spider-Man turned to you, his masked eyes meeting yours with a sense of warmth and reassurance. You took your camera and looked at the pictures, so many good enough to be front page material.
"Are you okay there?" he asked, his concern evident even behind the mask.
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you in his presence. "Yeah, I'm okay," you stammered, still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had just unfolded before you. You felt some drops of water falling on your face, looking up at the sky and wondering if more drops were falling. "Damn it, it's raining."
"Then let me take you out of here." without a warning, his hand wrapped around your waist, both of your bodies covering the camera. "Hold on tight lensgirl," you frown at the nicknmae. There's only one person that could call you like that, but you couldn't think much of it as you held dear life to him as he swang you around places.
You ended up on your apartment building—in your balcony, to be more exact—and the roof kept both of you off the water, you went inside for a moment to leave the camera in your bed and return. He was hanging from the ceiling as you watched him, forcing you to believe that everything that happened in the past ten minutes was not a dream.
"Don't you want to stand up? So you don't get dizzy."
"I like it this way. Don't worry. Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am. Thank you."
"No problem, that's my job."
"Because you're a hero," the masked guy sighs in front of you. making you feel slighty sad for it.
"Some people don't think so." and it was true, all the fake rumors to paint him as a bad guy made you think about how much free time all this people have to just tear the life of someone who really wants to help.
"But you are, at least I think that."
"It's nice to have a fan as pretty as you."
"Let me say thank you."
"But you already did."
"I meant the trip, not you saving me." You approached him more, and the sound of the rain at the back made the scene more lovely. Then slowly took the mask, only showing his lips. You were surprised by the familiar shape, making your mind go wild. No wonder Ni-Ki and Jake got nervous; no wonder Jake was the only one that could help you with the hero; and there's no wonder why he called you "Lensgirl."
Jake was Spider-Man.
Leaving your thoughts behind, you place your lips on his. The kiss was electrifying, a rush of emotions coursing through both of you as your lips met in a tender embrace. Raindrops fell softly around you, adding to the surreal moment as you shared this intimate connection with the masked hero who had just swept you off your feet—literally.
As the kiss deepened, you felt a sense of clarity wash over you. Everything suddenly made sense—the mysterious conversations, the unspoken tension between you and Jake, even the strange nickname he had given you. It was all because he was Spider-Man, the hero you had admired from afar, and now he was the man whose lips were pressed against yours.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the kiss, the world fading away until it was just the two of you tangled together on that rooftop balcony.
"Thank you, Jake," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.
"Wait… how?"
"You let out "Lensgirl," and I've stared at your lips too much to actually know the shape," he finally dropped himself, taking off his mask completely, revealing his red cheeks and normal shy demeanor.
He actually searched your face for any sign of rejection. "I know it's a lot to take in," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. "But I wanted to tell you, not in this way; I've got to learn to also shut my mouth up. I… I care about you more than you'll ever know."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you reached up to cup his face in your hands, the weight of everything finally sinking in. "I care about you too, Jake," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. "I just… I never imagined…"
Before you could finish your sentence, Jake leaned in to capture your lips in another kiss, sealing the unspoken words between you with a promise of something more. 
With a smile on your lips and love in your heart, you leaned into Jake's embrace, letting the warmth of his touch chase away the chill of the night as you watched the city skyline glitter in the rain.
"Please write a good news about me."
"Trust me, you'll sure have it, Spidey."
"I just realized that I've to thank Ri-Ki, damn it."
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werepuppy-steve · 5 months
eddie rubs his hands together as their waitress, cindy, sets his breakfast sampler and strawberries and cream crepes in front of him. he's already reaching for the ketchup and maple syrup to drown his food in.
steve thinks it's too early for him look that gleeful in the middle of an ihop. it's barely nine in the morning.
"give me a shout if you boys need anything else," cindy says as she sets down steve's smokehouse combo and new york cheesecake pancakes. "i'll be over to top your coffee off in a minute."
"thank you, cindy," they call as she walks away.
steve takes a sip of his coffee and watches eddie pop open the ketchup to smother his eggs and hashbrows with, the tip of his tongue poking out of the corner of his lips.
he resists the urge to lean across the table and kiss him, only because they're in public and steve also doesn't want to risk getting food all over the front of his shirt.
but when eddie squeezes the bottle, it makes a farting noise and all the comes out is a watery splash of red.
"aw no." eddie's face falls into an adorable pout. "not the ketchup pre-cum."
steve sputters and almost sucks his coffee back up his nose. he catches his breath and gives eddie a bewildered stare, but the other boy is focused on smacking the lid of the bottle against his palm.
"i'm sorry—the what?"
eddie finally looks up at him with round eyes, completely clear of any of the confusion that is definitely showing on steve's face currently.
"the ketchup pre-cum," he says, like steve should know what that is. "you know, the watery bits that squirt out if you don't shake the bottle good enough? kind of looks like pre-cu-"
"i know what pre-cum is," steve cuts him off with a sigh, casting glances around to the other tables to see if anyone else overheard him. "but do you have to call ketchup that?"
eddie only snickers at him. when he's satisfied that it's been shaken to his standards, he snaps open the cap and tries again–
–and lets out a high pitched moan when ketchup comes dribbling out of the bottle.
steve chokes on his spit. they're definitely getting stares from other tables now, and he hides his burning face in his hands while eddie just laughs harder, like the teasing little asshole he is.
"jesus christ," steve murmurs under his breath, dragging his fingers down his face. "can't fucking take you anywhere, i swear."
eddie just gives him a little hum and nudges his foot under the table, looking every bit pleased as goddamn punch.
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taglist (ask to be added!):
@yournowheregirl @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @vecnuthy
@tboygareth @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual
@theheadlessphilosopher @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie
@corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd @sidekick-hero @simplebtromance
@tangerinesteve @stevesjockstrap @steddie-island @spectrum-spectre @pearynice
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eatmekaneki · 9 months
His Obsession
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✖︎Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x fem!reader
✖︎Word count: 4.8k
✖︎Warnings: smut; noncon; dubcon; k!dnapping; Kn!feplay; blo*d; manipulation; yandere themes; izuku is a yandere; all characters are aged 18+
✖︎A/n: I have a prompt list with random themes and characters I spin a wheel for and this prompt landed on Izuku Midoriya and knife play! So here we go!
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Izuku had been on his own a bit too long now. He’d been on a job in your city tracking a trail of criminal activity that had led him straight to you.
Wanted posters with your face plastered on them were hung across the walls of his dark and sad rental studio apartment.
He had maps everywhere with leads and sticky notes. Pins and strings were winding across them all in multicolored webs pointing to spots across the city you’d been linked to.
He knew the danger you posed to him especially.
Your quirk was a mind manipulation type. It made you drive men mad with lust. As far as the hero’s knew, you were able to do this through something like a telekinetic ability but to activate it, your whole body would break out into a blush. That was the only things he’d been told about you, other than that you’ve been using your charms to rob and manipulate people across your large city. No one quite knew the range of your powers, or if someone even looking at you through a screen could be affected.
Cursing under his breath he picked up a photograph of you that one of his informants had been able to get him and looked it over. You might have already been a problem for him even without your power.
He looked around the room at all of the other photos of you he’d gathered over the past couple months. The photos hanging by his bed were zoomed in on different body parts of yours; lips, legs, shoulders, fingers, eyes…one where your plaid yellow skirt had almost blown up in the wind.
He pinned the new photo up on his living room wall and put a new red string across to a second pin to mark on the map of where you were last seen.
You’d been starting to put together a crew of other villains that had quirks that could manipulate people, he needed to move in now before you took your crimes to a more grand scale.
Laying down in his bed he stared at the photos of you so close to him…you were so close to him, and he was so close to finally getting to you.
He imagined every night what it would be like to finally confront you, to finally get his hands on you…
The obsession of catching you had started to transform into an obsession of other sorts, and his hand often found his way underneath his boxers at night staring at photos of you. You were everywhere… everywhere in this city it seemed. Everywhere in his apartment as well, and he needed you everywhere around him.
He’d imagine that with your powers you had to have the sweetest pussy that he’d ever felt. He hated that you were out there using that perfect body to steal from people, making them drool over you with your charms. It wasn’t right. He wanted to, needed to teach you a lesson.
He tucked his favorite knife under his pillow, the metallic red hilt of it poked out slightly from his white pillow.
There were ways to reform a villan. He’d seen it happen. A few of his former classmates had told him how they’d taken some villains underneath them to teach them a lesson. He never thought he’d be one to need to do it; but, for you he’d do anything. You could be good, and you could be his.
You were standing in line at a small bank you’d planned on getting a bit of free cash from. Nothing huge so you didn’t bring any of your crew you’d usually keep around with you. This was just for some pocket change for dinner.
You were scoping out the tellers and trying to figure out how to make sure you got the cute older man with glasses at the first desk. He was pretty fit for his age and you wouldn’t have minded taking him out for a spin after you’d gotten some cash out of him.
You let someone go in front of you when the wrong desk opened up next for you. impatiently you hoped that he’d hurry up with the customer he was with. You wore your favorite low cut shirt and short skirt that you liked to have on when you were on a job. It was plain, no grand villain costume for you, just something cute and flirty. Men were easy, even without your quirk. sometimes all it took was shoving your tits forward in their face and they’d give you exactly what you wanted.
Finally the coast was clear for you to head forward. You put on your best flirtatious grin, and felt a small pink blush forming on your cheeks as you started to activate your quirk. that would guarantee you’d be the most appealing woman this guy had ever laid eyes on. At least for while you had your quirk activated he’d think so. He’d have no choice. Even after you’d linger in his mind from time to time if he stared too long at the blush on your cheeks and the way it almost swirled hypnotically under your skin. That was your plan at least. To take all you can but leave nothing but memories of you for their jerk off library.
You barely took one step forward before you were stopped frozen in your tracks. you felt the back of your shirt lift slightly by rough fingertips and something cold and sharp touched the skin of your lower back.
“Tell them never mind, we forgot something in our car.” A quiet voice growled from behind you.
Your jaw hung open slightly. You weren’t sure what to do but every instinct in you that wasn’t keeping your knees from buckling was telling you to listen to the command.
“N-never mind, sorry.” You stuttered speaking to the bank teller then walking out of the line.
The mysterious man behind you still held the blade to your back and walked with you.
“We forgot s-something…” You rushed as fast as you could, trying not to make a scene.
The man walked you to his car, a black SUV, a rental by the looks of it. He shoved you forward against the door face first. Your chest was pressed up against the window and your cheek hit the car hard enough to bruise. He then grabbed your arms, those rough and battered fingers digging sharply into your skin with a power you knew you’d never resist. He put them both behind you and slapped a pair of handcuffs on your wrists.
“You are under arrest for theft, and sexual coercion.” He grunted as he secured the metal handcuffs with a click as they locked into the tightest he could get them without cutting off circulation.
You heard the shuffle of his feet moving against the gravel between your own feet. A knee roughly shoved one of your legs aside. even though you had panties on under your skirt you felt exposed there in the parking lot.
You did a quick glance up to see that it was unfortunately a very empty lot and he had you positioned on the side of the car where any passersby might see.
You felt a nauseating chill -and though it was only because you couldn’t help it- you felt excitement in your core as he started to brush the front of himself against you. He was hard.
You opened your mouth to say something but he suddenly and roughly grabbed you by the shoulders and spun your trembling figure around to face him.
His wavy dark hair fell over angry eyes and a terrifying expression. You recognized him instantly. Though he seemed so much different than you’d seen him on television. Instead of his hero’s outfit, he wore casual loose black jeans and a black hoodie with a black baseball cap, likely to try and disguise his appearance.
Pro hero Deku, one of the strongest heros currently in the game. And supposedly a sweetheart, and good man.
The crazed, widened eyes on face in front of you had you questioning if tabloids had done him wrong. With that knife in hand he looked scarier than most villains you’d worked with in the past.
“I’ve been trying to find you for a long time. You really haven’t been behaving.” He held the knife up to your face, scolding you with it like he was wagging a finger at you.
You felt yourself shudder as your body tried to slump away from the knife the best it could without jerking away from him in a way that might set him off more.
He looked you up and down silently, giving you a terrifyingly casual smirk suddenly before commanding you.
“Now get in the car.” shoving you aside and opening the door you’d been in front of before roughly forcing you in.
He drove you back to a small studio apartment in a part of town you knew well. It wasn’t an area you liked being in. It gave you an uneasy feeling out here. The streets were littered with trash and rats and it felt like there was just a thick layer of smog everywhere more than the rest of the city.
You wondered what a pro hero like him was doing here. Even more strange was why he was even taking you here, instead of a police station.
You gulped nervously. Now that you think of it, you hadn’t heard him call your arrest in to anyone at all. Wasn’t that standard to do?
As if reading your mind he spoke from in the front seat.
“The only one that knows you’re here is me…” A trembling, but excited smirk came across his lips, he seemed like he was starting to sweat slightly.
“Sorry, I’m just so nervous” He chuckled. “I’ve never tried rehabilitation before…so it’s like you’re my first!” he grinned a large smile at you.
You had no idea what he was babbling on about. You were only wondering if when he opened the door you could just use your charms to let you make a run for it.
He stepped out for a moment, gathering a few things from the trunk into a black backpack before putting it on and walking over to your door.
The blush came back to your cheeks and your pupils turned into hearts as you activated your quirk fully.
He swung open the door and you met him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster and a pout on your lips.
“Deku…please, I think I just need to go home.” You flirted. “I can give you something sweet before I go if you want.” You winked at him, with no intention to let him have an inch of your body.
He stalled for a moment, looking you up and down. You bent over slightly so that he could stare down your shirt better. You heard a small sharp intake of breath, and his hands twitched at his sides, like he was resisting the urge to reach out and grab you.
You smirked. They always fall for your charms.
Suddenly, Izuku started breaking out into a crazed laughter, throwing his head back and clutching a hand to his stomach with the hand that clutched the knife tightly still. Your expression fell and your body tensed up, suddenly realizing you weren’t safe from this anymore.
“Honey, that’s not going to work on me.” His eyes met yours. “I’ve been attracted to you. For a while.” He leaned forward down to your level, getting close and dragging the knife across your cheek. The feeling of the cold metal made you tremble.
“I figured the best way to get immune to your charms was no different than building up a tolerance to poison.” He spat out that last word at you, glaring at you as his eyes flicked from yours to your lips and back. He was mere inches away now, and still holding the knife to your skin.
“I’d cum to you every night, sometimes many times a day, just so when I finally got you that you wouldn’t have any affect on me.” The look he gave was unashamed, though what he said had you hanging your jaw open.
He what?
You weren’t blind to the idea that often the men you enchanted would need to go home and take care of themselves later. But, this man you’d never met, this hero no less…thinking of you that way, that often. You gulped and felt it hard to swallow.
He stepped back from the car, grabbing you by your arm and dragging you into the building.
You did try and struggle against him as he pulled you into his apartment, but it was never going to be any use. Your strength matched with his was an absolute joke, and you knew the knife wasn’t the only threat that he had here. Waving around the knife seemed to be more of a show for himself than anything. It didn’t make it less threatening though.
With your hands still behind your back he pushed you forward and you stumbled inside his apartment. He gave you a few more heavy shoves as you clumsily tripped over your own feet and landed stomach down onto his bed.
Your skirt fell up as you landed, your bare ass cheeks now exposed to him on the bed. You heard a sinful and desperate moan from behind you.
You quickly tried to cover yourself back up the best you could, a real blush forming on your cheeks slightly.
Izuku practically growled at seeing the flash of skin you’d accidentally given. He jumped on you and straddled you, sitting on the back of your thighs so that your ass was directly in front of his clothed erection.
You gasped and tried to squirm forward to release yourself from being pinned. Useless and hopeless of course.
This felt so wrong. You weren’t a saint yourself, but this man was supposed to be a top pro hero. A good guy.
You’d seen him on posters and always thought he was such a pretty man. One you’d love to ruin. Of course you’d thought of it. Who doesn’t fantasize about a pro hero from time to time. Not like this though…
Gone was anything resembling a hero. He was just an insane looking man with a knife in his hand and a devilish smirk on his face as he lifted the skirt up further.
“Fuck.” He hissed out. His hands shooting to massage at the plump cheeks. You whimpered out in protest at the feeling.
“Deku…please…what are you doing.” You sputtered your words out against the gray blanket on his bed your face was now buried in.
He grabbed your hair in the back roughly and turned your head so that you got a good visual of what was plastered all over his wall.
You felt cold ice in every limb at the sight. All of the photos of you on display right where he’d been sleeping…every night. You were repulsed and terrified. This wasn’t a normal investigation for him. He wasn’t just tracking down a villain, this had become something more for him. You’d had your own stalker and hadn’t even realized.
It hurt where he was still pulling at your hair. You didn’t dare struggle against him though. With the hand not holding your head down, you knew he still had that knife close and ready to use.
He lowered his face down next to yours, his cheek just ever so slightly brushing against your skin. You flinched away and that seemed to set him off.
“You’re going to have to get used to me little slut.” He then brought his lips to yours and sloppily kissed you. Again you tried to flinch away but he held you right to him in an uncomfortable attack.
You felt his hips starting to press deeply into you and grind against your ass. His hard cock was aching to be set free.
He needed this so badly. He’d been waiting for too long to have you beneath him like this. He told himself this was the perfect time to teach you a lesson. You deserved to be taught a lesson.
He pulled away from you and sat up again to get a good visual of the way he had you in front of him.
“Don’t. Move.” He spoke quietly, but in such a chilling tone that you instantly froze up and obeyed.
He then took the knife and put it to the back of your neck. Slowly he trailed it down, not enough to cut through the fabric of your shirt, but enough for you to feel the tickle of the blade against you.
It sent a shudder across your body and at that your stomach flipped, hoping you hadn’t twitched at all and made him cut you.
“You’re shaking little slut.” He chuckled breathily the knife stalling at your lower back.
His other hand grabbed tight to your hip and he pressed down holding you still to the bed.
“Don’t move.” He repeated hastily and excitedly in a raspy voice.
His hand left your hip and he pulled at your panties.
He took the knife and cut along the fabric of your underwear right over your crotch. You sucked in a tight breath as he was trailing dangerously close from your clit to your asshole. He then set the knife down on the bed next to you. Taking your panties between both hands and ripping it further leaving everything exposed in front of him.
You squirmed harder at this. He gave your ass a hard smack, causing it to redden instantly. You knew how hard he was capable of hitting. the fact that you knew that was probably the most reserved he was capable of being made you feel like death might be easier than what was about to come here.
“Deku…please don’t.” Without many other options to stop this, you tried to turn your quirk on again and woo him into letting you at least have it more gently
Your whole body covered in a slight blush for a moment as you activated it.
To no avail though. Izuku gave your ass an even harder smack. You yelled out at the sharp sting and your eyes squeezed tightly shut. It felt like that one already was developing into a bruise.
You could hear a snicker from behind you.
“It’s not gonna work, naughty girl. Like I said..” he pointed to the pictures of you on the wall.
You looked again through tear blurred eyes again to see the one in particular of your skirt almost flying up.
“I got off to you all the time. I'm immune to your charms.” He started to unbuckle his pants. “At least enough to do this my way.” He grunted as he took his thick and throbbing length out from his pants.
You hoped that the power he extended through the rest of him didn’t reach there, but you knew that’d be reaching for too much luck.
He was huge, and veiny and angry and dead set on being inside of you.
“I am going to teach you what happens to naughty girls like you that whore themselves out to commit crimes. Making good people cum in their pants over you, even if they don’t want to?” He spat at you.
You felt his plump head pressing against your entrance.
He tried to tease you slightly but he saw that you weren’t at all ready for him.
You were going to be reluctant it seemed. But, he didn’t care. He moved back and angrily shoved your legs further apart in one motion, using his knees, and went to enter again. This time with more force, not wanting to have to try again.
“It’s about time you learned what it feels like to be forced to...” he lost his words as he sucked in a sharp breath. The feeling of your walls sucking him inside so tightly had his eyes already rolling back. His lower half shuddered and he realized he was right, you had the most perfect pussy he’d ever been inside.
His hands gripped into your hips so tightly you were scared he’d forget what he was doing and snap you in half.
His head was hung back and he’d stalled for a moment, before starting to move himself slowly.
You hated how he was filling you up so completely. Every time he pushed himself all the way in your body was betraying you with a moan falling out reflexively from your lips.
He seemed pleased at this and continued to give you deep thrusts, his hips pounding against your ass. His breath hitched in his throat when he locked on to the way your ass was jiggling and rippling each time he smacked against it.
“Fuck you’re so good…” he moaned, grabbing the handcuffs by the chain between them. He used the motion to pull you up, making you arch your back and making him slide even deeper inside of you, kissing painfully against your cervix.
You let out a small scream as he started to pound into you roughly like this.
He didn’t seem to mind your protest though. In fact he might have even liked it.
“Guess you don’t make all the men you trick fuck you like this Hm?” He slammed up into you in one rough and painful movement. “Gonna have to show you why it’s a bad idea to go around offering yourself to everyone like a slut.” He grabbed your head again and shoved you back down onto the bed, pressing your face into the blankets but lifting your hips up into doggystyle.
“Please…stop…” you sobbed, hating the filled up feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your walls. He filled you up in a way that was making your pussy throb all over.
You couldn’t help it though. You couldn’t stop your body from enjoying the feeling.
With each unwanted movement, you also were overwhelmed with the reality that he was good with what he was doing. It wasn’t fair.
With no warning the blade of the knife was back against your ass.
You could feel the tip cut slightly against your skin. Not very deep, but enough that you knew he’d broken skin.
“FUCK” you screamed, “What the fuck!”
You heard chuckling from behind you, a raspy and breathy series of laughs. He was so far gone in the moment he might have lost his original plot of trying to rehabilitate you.
He wasn’t sure what lesson he really wanted to teach you at this point. Now that you were here all he really wanted was to never let you leave. Maybe that’s all this ever was about.
You looked so good in person, everything he’d ever dreamed of in a girl. You felt even better. It was just a shame you were a dirty slutty villain. He realized that was the real reason he needed to rehabilitate you.
He’d make you his. His good girl instead of the dirty criminal that you were.
That required a lot of hard lessons though.
“Please…” you sobbed
A trickle of blood ran down your ass cheek from the cut, he wiped it off with the sleeve of his hoodie in awe. he never realized how pretty blood could be until he saw it on you. He’d been around it plenty, but this felt like something else.
To test it he stopped his movements and gave another small cut to the other cheek.
“NO!” You screamed out. He simply smirked at that, letting his thumb run over the cut this time smearing the crimson red across your skin as he picked back up his torturous pace.
The power surging from him being inside you was something you could practically feel. His quirk was something terrifying when he wasn’t being a hero.
It also started to feel like a slight bit of static inside of you along with every pump, he was directing a bit of his power to his entire pelvic area. Whether on purpose or accident you couldn’t tell, but the pace was like nothing you’d ever felt before.
You felt your stomach tightening and you started to clench around his dick.
“Deku…stop…don’t wanna…c-cum” you whined with tears flooding down your face now.
His face lit up at this.
“You’re gonna cum? Shit..” he reached around between your legs and found your clit with two of his fingers. He flicked the swollen area between his middle and index quickly.
“N-no! Please no!” You cried out, though it was useless. His attack on your clit continued, flicking and massaging it with just the right amount of pressure.
It sent you fully over the edge. You shivered as the waves of guilty euphoria were pulsing throughout you. Tears were pouring as well, any makeup you had on was down your face with the wetness as you were sobbing at your body’s betrayal.
Izuku looked down at the way your messy face was pressed ruined against the mattress. All for him. All his now. He’d give you all the lessons you needed. Show you how you’re all his and you don’t need to go around being a slut anymore.
“Tell me this pussy belongs to me now.” He hissed out at you as he was smacking his hips relentlessly against your ass.
“W-wha” you blubbered out.
“You heard me whore.” He grunted as something he did seemed to feel particularly good. “Say it.”
You whimpered, not wanting to give him this, but knowing you didn’t have much choice.
“My pussy is yours now Deku.” You cried out.
He seemed pleased at this, and started fucking into with an even wilder pace. Lots of ‘fuck’s and ‘damn’s were being repeated and you could feel yourself sore with the feeling of his brutal pace.
“Deku it hurtssss” you whined. Something in that seemed to set him off, his eyes widened and he let out an animalistic growl.
“Oh my goddd I can’t keep it in…” he mumbled, slowing his pace and becoming more uneven with his thrusting.
“Gonna cum!” he let out a hoarse cry as he collapsed on top of you, bucking his hips over and over clumsily as he spilled inside of you, letting out a series of ‘oh my god’s.
He pulled out and instantly put himself back inside his pants. You were sat still dripping and full of the cum he’d left there.
“Absolutely disgusting.” He chuckled. “Villains are absolutely disgusting.”
He shook his head at you before shoving you over onto your side.
“I might’ve gotten a bit carried away. But I guess I have to work up more of a resistance to your quirk than I thought. You really do bring out people’s inner animal with that.” He glared at you. “It’s dangerous. Too dangerous even to put you in prison. You’ll just manipulate the guards.”
You now saw that he was moving towards a spot on the bed you hadn’t noticed, a sturdy metal bar with another set of handcuffs on it.
He forced your arm to it and hooked you in to the new handcuffs. Taking the old ones off and tossing them aside.
“I think it’s safer for everyone if you just stay here with me.”
The terror must’ve shown on your face because he gave you a small kiss on your forehead.
“It’s alright. I won’t need to be mean to you once you’re rehabilitated.”
You realized he’d picked the knife back up at some point, as it was being waved around in your face.
He then walked away to his kitchen that was still in the eyeline of his bed, to get himself something to drink.
“I’ll figure out a way to get out of here. you’re no different than me for this Deku” you spat that last bit. “You’re a villain now too.”
He ran back over to you, jumping on the bed in a crouch like an animal and grabbing your face roughly.
“No sweetie, that’s not true. You’re the villain here, and I’m the one teaching you a lesson. Just like it’s always been.” He gave another menacing smirk as he saw you shaking slightly. “Anyways, it’s your fault. You brought it out in me, flaunting it around all over the place.”
You had a feeling you’d flown too close to the sun with your quirk. How could you be so stupid to not realize it would eventually get the wrong hero too riled up.
He had become a feral animal when it came to you.
“So, like you said, you’re mine now.”
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kquil · 6 months
SET. : in between chapter 3 and chapter 4
LENGTH : 3.4k
A/N : do you darlings remember this (↓) moodboard? well, i thought it would be a good idea to write the scenarios i featured in it just cause... hehe~ (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) i hope you darlings enjoy the read!
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On his break, Sirius has a routine, one that involves lighting a cigarette. Usually he would have the decency to step outside but his schedule was stressful for the day and all he really wanted to do was just sit by an open window, slumped into a chair smoking his cigarette until there was nothing left to smoke. Thankfully the rest of the work day wasn’t going to be as packed so he could finally start taking it easy. 
Grey eyes drifting over to the clock on the wall, Sirius hums thoughtfully. Almost lunch time. He’ll need to cut his smoke break short if he wants to have enough time for a decent lunch. It’s another ritualistic practice for him to not pack anything for lunch; he was a horrible cook and usually prioritises sleeping in over eating breakfast and preparing a lunch, it’s the same for James and Remus too. Thankfully there’s a pretty good fish and chip shop down the street. Or maybe he could get a medium pizza for himself at the pizza local place? Maybe get a large pizza for the whole group? 
Propping his ankle up onto his opposite knee, Sirius drags a slow breath in and waits a moment before releasing the smoke. He tries to aim the fumes out the window as much as possible but the air is a fickle thing and stubbornly lingered around him. Nevertheless, he takes the time to admire the swirling fumes, artistic and free to take any form they so pleased. It was one of the small pleasures in smoking that he could bask in. 
“Siri–!” Sirius promptly snaps out of his daze with your call and the opening of the break room door. One step into the room and you were already having a coughing fit. Hurrying to stand, Sirius smothers his cigarette in an ashtray and reaches for a nearby folder of generic designs to fan the smoke out of the open window. 
“You okay there, sweets?” he calls, brows furrowed into a concerned crease as he watches your struggle for air slowly calm. 
“I-I’m okay,” another slight cough slips past your lips despite the assurance, “sorry for disturbing you,” as most of the smoke escapes the room, pliant to Sirius’ frenetic fanning, you manage a small smile that he shyly returns, ashamed of his inconsiderate actions. Though he truly didn’t anticipate you returning to the shop. His shame doesn’t linger for long, however as he keeps the window open and makes his way over with open arms, pulling you into an embrace. 
“What a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here, Doll?” he looks down at you, admiring your sweet face as it scrunches up in slight distaste and his heart drops. What’s upset his sweetheart? 
“Y-you smell like cigarettes…” you utter without a single thought and immediately clasp your hands over your mouth, muffling a gasp of realisation. That was so rude!
“I-I’m so sorry, Sirius. I didn’t mean to be ru–” but your apology was cut short when the tattoo artist steps away and begins pulling his shirt over his head and hurries about the room, looking for something.
“Sorry about that, Princess,” he gives up on his search and turns to you with a bashful smile, his toned torso and idiosyncratic tattoos on full display. Your mind goes completely blank as you admire the chiselled contours of his muscles and the beautiful tattoos that decorate his skin.
“I guess I’ll have to ask James if he has a spare shirt or something…” muttering to himself, Sirius looks up and finally catches your eye, immediately noticing your admiring gaze. Naturally, a devilish smirk tugs at his lips, “or not~”
He has the face of an angel and the body of a jock with the eyes and lips of a demon. 
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Over time, you’ve come to visit the boys at their parlour more often and the guilt of distracting them from their work has chewed away at you. They were always quick to say that they adore having you around the parlour so your discouragement quickly dissipates. Nevertheless, you wanted to do good by them and started going on snack duties, not only to provide refreshments for them but also for their clients. 
As a group and as a business, they agreed it would be a good investment to provide complimentary food and drink for their clients and themselves; getting tattoos was just as exhausting as giving them, especially for the big order clients. Therefore each room was fitted with a mini fridge and basket to host an array of snacks and beverages for anyone to have as they pleased. 
The accumulated bill cost a pretty penny but one that the boys were willing to pay, they even managed to strike a deal with the vegan specialty store across the street to provide their best snacks for customers as a form of free advertising. It warmed your heart but it didn’t come close to the butterflies you felt when you found that the boys were first attracted to the shop for their regular donations to a local dog shelter. 
You just came back from your trip over to help restock the fridges and snack baskets in each room. Remus was manning the front desk and handling clients and prospective customers. There was a stack of paperwork piled up next to him so he could multitask and stay preoccupied when there was a lull in business. 
Meanwhile, Sirius was tending to a client and their massive back tattoo. You remember him telling you that this was just their second session and that he still had one or two more sessions left to go. You managed to slip in and out of the room without distracting him or his client too much; both were very busy, except for the emotional-support friend the client had brought along, who appreciated the restock of snacks and raided the stash even as you were restocking. The two of you giggled at that together as Sirius chuckled under his breath, shouting an appreciative ‘thank you’ while his client grumbled playfully, apologetic about their glutton of a friend. Their interaction made you giggle while slipping out the door and making your way to James' room - you don’t believe he’s with a client right now so you weren’t as anxious over potentially disturbing his flow. Though he was expecting one to arrive soon, according to his calendar. 
“Snacks restock,” you call through the door with a knock before stepping inside. 
“Thanks, angel,” James was in an all-black attire today. Black jeans, heavy leather Doc Martens and a black, compression shirt that accentuated his slim waist, broad shoulders and sculpted muscles. That along with his black latex gloves and the beautiful collage of tattoos weaving up his forearms stops you in place. It’s undeniable how attractive these men are but, as James sits in his artist chair, posture relaxed but oozing with confidence, dressed like sin with his boyish grin and adorable round glasses on, an antithesis to his dangerous attire, you stop in your tracks and stutter embarrassingly. It has to be illegal how divine he looks right now…
Using the wheels and mobility of his artist chair, James moves to sit before you as he examines the contents of your bag through the opening at the top and mutters about which ones he’s eyeing for himself. However, your stock-still, frozen figure doesn’t go unnoticed and he’s soon staring up at you. His hazel eyes shine with curiosity and thinly veiled mischief. 
“Something wrong, Angel?” the pleasant drawl of his voice draws you from your obvious daydreaming and you’re stuttering out a pathetic, incoherent answer as he chuckles quietly, “Have you fallen for me?~”
The fucking tease! 
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It’s a hot summer day and Remus was sweating buckets up in the office. The heat was torturous and he silently begged for the winter cold to rush back with an icy fever, his desperation for a cool breeze evident in his dishevelled state. 
It was common for James and Sirius to go around topless in their shameless, over-confident ways but Remus was stubborn about keeping a shirt on. They had been warned about the rising heat thanks to earlier weather warnings but preparing with a breezy linen button up wasn’t enough for Remus to keep to his strict dress code. For once, you were seeing him half-naked (almost) and like you were with Sirius and James the first time they surrendered to the heat, you stood in shock as an additional heat tormented your cheeks. 
You didn’t know what to expect. 
Clearly James was the muscular one of the three, Sirius was skinny but it didn’t mean he didn’t have any muscle – his arms and abs were especially defined, his thighs too, probably from his motorcycle. Remus was tall so, as the stereotype went, you didn’t expect him to have much muscle definition. However, as he laid back in his seat, his linen shirt unbuttoned but still tucked into his trousers and draped over his broad shoulders, you’re able to observe significant definition in his chest and the ridges of washboard-abs along his torso. Your eyes almost bulge out when you see the cuts of a V leading into his crotch area.  
Remus despaired over feeling like a sweat-drenched dog, foul-smelling and unsightly with clumpy, sweaty hair when, in actuality, he couldn’t look better. Ths sweat made his skin glisten and helped keep his hair pushed back in the most attractive way. With his head slumped backward, his adam’s apple prominent, his tattoos on full display along the toned expanse of his torso, Remus looked heavenly. Especially with the sun shine pouring in from the open window and showering him in specs of gold. 
So caught up in your silent admiration, you don’t notice when Remus peeks one eye open and spots you with a soft smile. 
“You alright there, Dove?” he asks, chuckling as he sees the exact moment you were brought back to the present, “I see you’ve gotten my water for me,”
“Oh! Y-yeah,” you shyly walk up to him and hand over the chilled bottle of water from the mini fridge downstairs. 
“You really are an angel,” he accepts the bottle and kisses the knuckles of your hand in thanks before taking a thirsty gulp. His sweet action of gratitude makes you want to squeal out loud but you bite your lip, not wanting to expose yourself. It was already embarrassing enough having to be caught staring. 
It was then, however, that you took notice of a small, faded tattoo that didn’t match the gallery of inky art collaging Remus’ torso, “That tattoo looks different,” you say without thinking as you point towards the slightly faded crescent moon on Remus’ chest. 
“Oh!” Remus chuckles and caresses his inked skin gently, fondness swimming in his chocolate-pool eyes, “This one is quite special actually,”
He nods and launches into the story when observing the curious look in your eyes, “When the guys and I finally graduated secondary school, we all got drunk off our asses and went to a hole-in-the-wall tattoo parlour to commemorate the occasion,” you both share a laugh at their reckless but typical behaviour as teenagers, “each of us got a silly little tattoo and the next day, when we were hungover, half-naked in James’ room – James on the floor, Sirius in the bathtub of his ensuite and me leaning against his bookcase, nobody on the bed –” you both laugh again, “we all found out we got different tattoos and from that, came our nicknames,”
You brows raise in interest, “You mean–”  
“I have a moon so I’m ‘Moony’,” Remus confirms as your eyes sparkle with delight, a sight that Remus adores more than he’d ever admit aloud, “Sirius got a dog paw–”
“So that’s why you call him ‘Padfoot’, makes sense. What about James?”
“A stag head so he’s–”
“Prongs!” you cheer and giggle at finally discovering the reason behind their peculiar nicknames. It all made so much more sense now! 
“My Angel calls for me?~” James’ voice sings through the door before he’s sauntering in and opening his arms, expecting you to fall willingly into them. It was tempting, considering he was shirtless and you’d love nothing more than to be held against his muscles but today was already swelteringly hot so you politely decline, to which smug expression James’ drops into that of a pitiful puppy’s. 
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It’s not a secret that the boys adore you, not only were you kind and sweet and the prettiest little thing they’ve ever laid their eyes on but you also cook like an absolute angel and they can never get enough, especially when compared to their own mediocre cooking skills. After being spoiled by you so often, they can no longer fathom eating their own inferior cuisine. They’ve expressed this to you multiple times so, whenever you could, you would cook dinner for them and you’d all eat together at their flat. It usually happened over the weekend and they always offered to pay for the ingredients needed. 
Tonight, you had something special in mind to cook for them but weren’t well stocked on ingredients so it was agreed that Sirius would pick you up on his bike when you were finished shopping at the store. You made sure to text the tattooist a predicted time for when you would be finished with your shopping, remaining faithful to your shopping list so that you didn’t keep him waiting too long out in the overcast, chilly weather. Typical England.  
Hurrying to get past self check out, you smile at the singular bag of ingredients you held in your hand, excited to spoil the boys with another night of good food. You aren’t shy in admitting how attractive Sirius was but it was unfair how sultry he looked when on his bike, wearing his all-black, leather outfit, his huge helmet and fingerless gloves. The many eyes eating him up were evidence enough of his ethereal beauty. And with his helmet on too. Perhaps it was the mystery of who he was behind the mask that these strangers fawned over him so much. You couldn’t fault them though, you would be the same in their shoes.
Having made this trip multiple times already, you recognised him and his bike in an instant.. Behind the visor of his helmet, Sirius suppresses an affectionate coo over how you visibly perk up when your eyes land on him. There was no need for sun when Sirius had your smile to light up his day. 
“You good, Doll?” Sirius’ voice comes out muffled by his helmet as he dismounts his bike and opens up the storage compartment under the seat. He exchanges the spare helmet stored in the hidden compartment for the bag of groceries in your hand, “You got everything?”  
“Yeah, thanks for waiting, Siri!”
You don’t see it but he smiles happily at the sound of your twinkling voice, “No worries, Doll,” he mounts the bike once more and takes it off it’s stand, “hop on,” 
At this point, he expected you to be able to put your helmet on by yourself but he doesn’t account for the slight delay as you make sure it’s fitted over your head properly. Unable to help himself, Sirius waits leaning forward with his hand propping his head up as his elbow rests on the body of his bike. The stance makes him look as though he was admiring you like some lovestruck, teenage boy. When you catch sight of him after finally getting your helmet on, you laugh and throw your head back with the movement but end with placing your hands on your hips - scolding his actions, almost, although it was all in good fun. His response was to blow you a kiss by, first, touching his fingers to the front of his helmet and then laying his hand flat towards you. 
You clutch at your stomach to contain the giggles as your shoulders shake before finally deciding to play along and return the gesture, imitating a flying kiss that he catches and holds to his chest. Whenever the helmet was put on, the two of you always got into the habit of exaggerating your movements seeing as your facial expressions were obscured. But that mask gives you two such confidence that you’re more comfortable with being flirtatious with each other. 
You don’t complain but it makes your heart thump with want and a desire you were too afraid to fulfil. 
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“Sirius loves his bike,” Remus explains, “and James loves his car,” both men were too distracted taking maintenance of their respective vehicles to listen to Remus’ explanation of their attentiveness. It was the weekend and you had arranged to have Remus keep you accountable for completing your upcoming essay. At some point, you two join James and Sirius in the garage as they do the regular checks of their beloved ‘rides’. Their vigilant focus as they mill about the engines and operations of their car and bike were a great motivator for completing your essay and now that you’ve finished, you observe them in their element. 
Both men had their muscular, tattooed arms on full display, clad in only their tight tank tops, ones that already had stains to begin with so they didn’t mind staining more as their fingers blackened with motor residue.  
“What do you love, Remus?” you ponder, needing a distraction from the beguiling display before you but also curious. Did Remus have a secret love for a particular motor vehicle like the other two as well? You were beyond curious, although you couldn’t think of any other motor vehicle he would likely obsess over. 
“Can’t say,” the tall brunette shrugs, subtly peering down at you from his higher vantage point, “I’m pretty sure those two love it just as much as I do so it won’t count,” his answer leaves you curious but he doesn’t elaborate further. Was he talking about a motor vehicle or something else entirely?
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Giggling beside Remus, you watch the exchange unfold before you with amused eyes and a warm smile hidden behind your fingers. Seeing James and/or Sirius become whiny and pouty wasn’t an everyday occurrence but it happened often enough that you were used to their shenanigans and didn’t give in as easily as you used to, especially with Remus at your side to keep the boys in check. Such as right now. If it weren’t for Remus, you’re sure James and Sirius would have continued to whine and throw a strop until their clients got impatient, left and then proceeded to write a very passionate review about the lack of service. Thankfully, the piercer shooed them away as efficiently as always, reminding the two of their responsibilities and scheduled patrons. 
“Stupid Moony,” James mutters under his breath as he walks away with Sirius, “...always getting Angel all to himself…” 
As soon as the two are out of sight, Remus takes his usual seat behind the front desk and pulls out a small paperback book to keep him occupied. With warm eyes directed at you, he smiles and asks, “would you like to join me for a good read, Dove?” as he speaks, he brings his hand down to rest on his thigh and, with your reeling mind, you mistake the gesture for an invitation that you couldn’t refuse.
Remus never expected you to look so adorable when approaching to sit with him for a read at the register but, other than that, he never expected you to sit on his thigh. You didn’t meet his eyes at first so you didn’t see his shocked state or the creeping grin tugging up the corners of his lips.  
It was embarrassing but this isn’t the first time the boys had you sit in their laps. This was just the first time you were made to sit on your own accord. You don’t think your embarrassment could get any more drastic, however, until you finally look up to see the surprised look on Remus’ face and finally realise your mistake. 
“Oh god! I’m so sorry!” 
He laughs at how adorable you are and winds his strong arm around your waist before you could even attempt to hop off his thigh. 
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” unable to resist, Remus presses a soft kiss against your temple and pulls you even closer to him, “you’re welcome to use me as a seat anytime,” he smiles adoringly at your bashful demeanour, “in fact, I encourage it,”
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A/N : for those of you that don't know, the moodboard was requested by my darling moot @diputy on my 1k milestone event (now closed) but if you're curious, here are the links to the event and the request masterlist : 1k EVENT | 1k MLIST
TAGLIST : @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @mangodamochiii @queerqueenlynn @l3xiluve @brain-has-left @bunbunbl0gs @kneelforloki @citrusiove @virtualbuni @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @that1nerd-20 @wolfstar4everbitches @skepvids @dearmy-diary @littledollfacebaby @mylifeisnothing @em16cor @krazyk99 @imdoingbetternow @realalpacorn @remussbitch @swiftieeras1989 @lonely-nerd-sodaholic @canthavetoomuchchaos @rckstrbee @b-i-h-i @ennycutie @kneelforloki @theteaobsessedbug @padfoot1313 @d1gital-data @venezsuwayla @melllinaa
436 notes · View notes
saturnsorbits · 6 months
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Always a Groomsman
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warning: Angst (A Touch), Smut, Exhibitionism, Reader Smokes, Kaminari isn't a Hero Anymore, Brief Mention of Addiction etc. Word Counts: 5.4k.
Summary: A wedding, what a wonderful place to reunite with the one that fucked you and ran all those years ago.
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The light is already dying by the time you finally manage to slip away from the reception and make a B-line to the back of the tent. Your feet are killing. The whiskey helps the pain, but even whiskey can't numb everything.
'Oi.' Bakugo catches your elbow, stopping you just short of freedom.
'Where are you going?'
'Need some air.'
Flicking up his eyebrows, he offers you a smirk that tells you he's not buying your bullshit. 'So it's got nothing to do with that then?' He hooks a thumb towards the dance floor and the drunken silhouette of Kaminari Denki He's curled himself around a bridesmaid, hand pinching the silk over her hip, lips hovering barely an inch above her neck as she threads her hand through his hair.
You chew your lip and lie. 'No.'
'C'mon... Just talk to him, you know you want to.' Bakugo's eyes widen suggestively.
'I think he's too pre-occupied to talk.' Something bubbles in your stomach as you watch Kaminari whisper in the woman's ear and you quietly shift your gaze so you don't see what happens next.
'You know he's only over there because he thinks you're mad at him, right?'
'I am mad at him.'
'It's been years.'
'He fucked me over, Kat...'
Bakugo's gaze hits the floor. It's not like he's forgotten what happened. 'I'm not taking his side but -.'
'No.' You raise your hands, palms flat in the air to stop him. You know what he's about to say. You've heard it all before. 'You've got guests to entertain and I am literally going to explode if I don't get some air in the next minute.'
Rolling his eyes, he plants a kiss on your cheek and uses his new proximity to whisper in your ear. 'He'd make a pretty groom, that's all I'm saying.'
'Oh, fuck off.' You manage to swat his shoulder only once before he's turned on his heel and returned to the mess of wedding guests that whoop and roar when he re-emerges into the fray.
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The cold hits you as soon as you duck under the edge of the tent and step out onto the small deck. Instantly, you pull at your shoes and hiss as your feet are forced to straighten against the wooden floor. Before the throbbing in your soles has settled, you stagger off, limping towards the tall rail separating the deck from the field beyond.
It's a nice night, cold, but nice. In the sky, stars burn on a back-drop of navy, their blanket only broken by the soft, red blinking of the odd satellite or plane. The music from the tent floats out and lingers in the air, leaving you with enough space to actually think for a second.
You'd been overjoyed to watch Bakugo finally get hitched to Kirishima, but almost all of that excitement had died when you saw Kaminari. It had been almost ten years since the night he'd kissed you outside of UA, since you'd stumbled up the stairs to his dorm and let him be the first to touch you. He'd pretended as if it had never happened afterwards and you'd taken the hint.
A few months later, you'd moved south and he had stayed. He hadn't even shown up to your leaving party, despite both Sero and Kirishima telling you he'd be there.
But, all of that was in the past, or at least you'd thought it was until your eyes had grazed his as he stood beside the alter as Kirishima's best man and you'd felt a forgotten affection swell in your stomach. Sighing, you fiddle with your clutch bag and remove a half-full packet of cigarettes from within. You flip open the box, pluck one from inside and pop it in-between your lips before diving back into the clutch to search for a lighter. Rummaging for a second, you come up empty.
'Need a light?'
The voice makes you shriek. You jump, stumble over your shoes and just about manage to catch yourself on the rail. Hand falling to your chest, you can feel the hammering of your heart through your skin.
'Am I that scary?' He snickers.
You squint, trying to make out his edges in the low light. Your eyebrows furrow, then lift as you focus on the man in front of you. He looks good, better than the last time you'd seen him: A scrawny shadow of himself pictured in a double page spread of a gossip magazine, something about heroism, drugs and a sex scandal printed in bright ink above it.
Flicking your eyes up to his, you're glad to see the spark has returned to his eyes. An old, but familiar shiver runs the length of your spine and suddenly, your stomach fills with motion. 'You... You look good.'
'Yeah?' He holds open his blazer, allowing you to get a full look as he slowly spins on the balls of his shoes and pinches at the skin of his stomach. 'Hero weekly says I'm chubby now.'
You're tempted to lie, to tell him that he's looked better, but you don't. 'No, you look good, healthy. It suits you.'
Something in Kaminari's chest stutters and he has to swallow the spit pooling in his mouth before he speaks again. 'Light?'
You pause. 'You don't mind?'
His face breaks into a smile, perfect and shining. 'Nah, don't even crave the things any more.' He misses out the bit about having enough nicotine patches on his chest and arms to stop a bull.
You concede. There's a comfort that comes back almost too easily, like the past finally catches up with you. It dampens the fire in your stomach, leaving you clutching at the anger that had grown inside of you since that night. You lean forward, letting him cup his hands around the end of your cigarette.
His hands shake when he tries to make a spark. It takes one, two, three times of his thumb coming down on the wheel before it finally catches a light and he can step back to a safer distance.
'It's still the same one, doesn't work as well now though.' He mumbles flicking the cap of the lighter. It's silver, with a chipped yellow lightning bolt painted on the front of it.
If you looked close enough, you're sure you'd be able to find the rough scratching of your entwined initials, engraved by his shaking hands at fifteen.
You breathe in, savour the burning of smoke as it infests your lungs and exhale. Turning, you rest against the rail and look back out over the field.
'So – you're -.'
'Sero said -.'
You both start up at the same time, the constriction of the silence around you forcing you both to attempt to fill it.
'You first -.'
'No, you – go on.' You encourage, arching an eyebrow.
Kaminari swallows. His heart thrums violently, threatening to deafen him, but he's just hoping that you can't see how bad his hands are shaking, how he can feel sweat beginning to bead his forehead. He's not an idiot. He knows how he left it, what you must think. As soon as Kirishima had asked him to be best man he’d felt his guts begin to twist and turn. The idea of seeing you again set his veins on fire. You cough and pull him back from the edge of his thoughts.
'I – uh...' He can't think. You're too close, too real and suddenly, his tongue seizes in his mouth.
Another beat of silence nestles its way into the conversation and you can't take it. You switch the conversation. 'Ei said you're going to work with Aizawa.'
He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to look at you, but it still doesn't stop the air being stolen from his lungs when he finally does. There's a flourish of nostalgia in his stomach and he swallows a grin. 'Yeah. He, uh, he sought me out. After all the – the, y'know, rehab and all that, he thought I'd be a good fit.'
'Yeah?' You raise your eyebrows. Kaminari's fall from grace had been far from undocumented. There had been barely a week that he hadn't appeared in some sort of magazine, his eyes dull and another questionable entourage in toe. Another one night stand, a model spotted having cocaine snorted off her tits; wherever there was chaos, Kaminari had followed.
'Yeah... We're, uhm, we're already working with a group of kids in UA. They got caught up in that villain attack down town. We do these workshops were we like pretend to be pro-hero's...'
Smiling, you raise your eyebrows. There's light in his voice, something you've missed and something you're keen to hold onto.
He snorts. 'No, I know, I know, but we pretend to be...' He shoots you a cheeky glance. '… Current... Pro-hero's doing interviews and talking about our experiences and stuff, y'know like it's miles away. Helps to sort it all out in your head, picture a future were it isn't all still hanging over you. There's this one kid, absolute firecracker... He stopped the whole fucking building collapsing before they could get everyone out, has a pretty nasty scar to thank for it too, but he does the most flawless impression of Bakugo it's almost scary.'
You bat at his arm instinctively and freeze as your hand wraps his bicep. For a second it's all too easy to forget you're not still teenagers clinging onto youth with both hands. 'That looks good on you too.'
'Huh?' He swallows before moving his hand to cover yours on his arm. His skin prickles when you don't pull away. It's hard to forget how it all ended. How he'd been too naïve to tell you how he felt, how he'd bit his tongue for months after he'd summoned the courage to finally kiss you and how he'd tried everything he could to run from the violent storm of emotions that had been released in his stomach that night.
It hadn't worked.
Avoiding you hadn't worked, neither had sleeping with other women or pretending it had never happened.
You lean into him, tightening your grip and the warmth of your skin reminds him that he's not the scared teenager he used to be.
'Helping kids, working with Aizawa...' You giggle, relaxing into his presence at last. 'It looks good on you. You light up when you talk about it... It's nice. Haven't seen you look like that since...' You chew your lip. 'Listen...' It's impossible to read him. His jaw is set, eyes facing forward as the cold begins to chap and redden his cheeks and you have to fight to push away the thought of how beautiful he still looks. 'I know you're only out here because Bakugo told you to be.' The accusation slips off your tongue too easily as the past rears it's head.
'I'm not – it's -.'
'You don't have to lie to me.' You offer him a broken smile, a truce of sorts.
'I really screwed up, didn't I?' He chuckles, letting smoke drift from his nose and mouth before turning to you.
'You did.'
There's a lapse in the conversation and he takes his chance. You're peering up at him, your eyes filled with the embers of something he hopes is affection and he dives in. 'Do you remember that night... Outside the school when... When, we -.' He feels stupid. The words lodge in his throat and refuse to move, forcing him to stop and haul in a breath. You'd think after all the talking therapy he'd be better at it by now.
He battles through, after all – he doesn't know when he'll get the chance to see you again.
If he doesn't do it now, he never will.
'When we slept together?' You sigh then tilt your head and finally give in, resting your head against his shoulder. Part of you wonders why he's brought it up, the other part isn't sure you care. Right now, you're just happy to bask in him. You've missed it: him. Even with the history between you. 'You don't have to apologise. I get it.'
'What do you mean?' Kaminari stammers.
'Well, It was a mistake, right?' It's a question disguised as a statement, but you don't give him time to answer before you're already trying to soften the blow yourself. 'We were young and people sleep together all the time, it's not a big deal. I just -.' You puff out your cheeks, finish your cigarette and drop it to the floor, letting Kaminari crush it with his dress shoe. 'I – I guess I just expected us to... It doesn't matter, you didn't want it and I respect that, just, it was just a hard pill to swallow, I think.
He takes another lungful of cold air, hoping the shock will calm him. It does, but only until he cranes his neck to look at you again. You're looking back up at him, your eyes wide and questioning, pupils blown out through darkness and alcohol. His gaze lingers on the soft pump of your lip and he's almost knocked over by the rush of memory that reminds him you used to taste like strawberries and smoke.
He wonders if you still do.
'It's not like that...'
You swallow. 'What was it like then?'
His voice is a whisper when he finally admits what he came out her to tell you. 'I was scared...' His thumb ghosts the back of your hand. 'I'm still scared.'
'Yeah?' He's vaguely aware of the fact that he's unable to tear his eyes away from your face, but he's too caught up in the feel of you pressed to his side, where you belong, to care.
'Don't start saying things like that.'
'Why -.'
You lick at your back teeth, fighting annoyance. 'Not now. Especially not when there's a bridesmaid wondering where you've got to in there.' You hook a thumb back towards the tent.
'I'm not – we're not, we're not together or anything...' He's stumbling, making a mess as usual.
You roll your eyes. 'You don't have to lie.'
'I'm not lying.'
'I saw you all over her.'
'Dancing – we were -.'
Chewing at your lip, you sigh. 'It doesn't matter.'
'No.' He takes hold of your hand, squashes his own on top of yours and pins you as best as he can without forcing your fingers to entwine. 'It does.'
You swallow. 'Why now?'
'I – uh -.'
'Why not then?'
'I was scared.'
'You know...' You slip your hand from under his and fold your arms across your chest. 'It hurt when I realised that I was just another fuck for you, but it wasn't as bad as loosing a friend Denki – We were friends and you just fucking ghosted me. No explanation, no apology, you could have just fucking ignored it and I would have let things go back to normal, I would have just -.' You're crying, kind of. Tears well in your eyes, but you're refusing to let them fall. You've spent too many tears on him already and your make-up took almost an hour to do.
'I was a fucking idiot, I was scared and – and -.'
'I think I'm going to go...' You nod, swatting away his hand when he reaches for you. 'It was nice seeing you.' Turning, you're ready to make a short dash through the tent, ready to be as far away from the constricting air of the deck.
'No. Please. Please, don't go – not again, I just. Fuck.'
A hand wraps your wrist, pulling you back just enough that he can slip in front of you blocking your escape. 'Den - Kaminari.'
'Just let me, let me get this out. Okay.' He's pleading when he looks up at you, but he can't let you leave, not without at least trying. 'I was a fucking idiot. I was so scared that you'd hate me, that, that I'd be a bad boyfriend, or you'd move away and I wouldn't be enough, that I'd be too busy with work, or it'd be too much and I – I let that get the better of me. I was already falling apart, even back then and I didn't – I didn't want you to have to see it, to put up with it. You, fuck, you deserve so much and... That night...' He hauls in a breath. 'That night was one of the best nights of my life, not, not just the sex – just being with you and I – Well I did fuck it all up, didn't I... Look at the state of me - I couldn't, I couldn't have dragged you through all that.'
'Oi.' You fix him with a stare. 'Don't go blaming yourself, not for what you've been through - or how you've dealt with it. Never, okay... And for what it's worth, I would have gone to Hell and back if you'd asked.'
His jaw ticks, but when he turns to face you there's something almost thankful in the shine of his eyes. 'I'd never ask.'
You chuckle. 'I know. You wouldn't have had to. I've have done it anyway.'
He swallows.
You roll your lip between your teeth and bite down. 'So you liked me... Back then, I mean. When we – I wasn't just, just another girl that you...
'We both know I did.' He licks his lips. 'I was a fucking idiot, I -.' His eyes widen as he struggles to find a word to summarise the years that have elapsed between you and leaves him out on a limb.
'Do you still...'
He nods.
'And if, if it were to happen again, you'd want that?'
'More than anything.'
'And you wouldn't run away?'
'Only if I was chasing you.'
You smile, straighten and curl your body into his. 'Then...' You whisper. 'Kiss me.'
He does. Wrapping a hand around your neck, he lets his thumb rub at the softness behind your ear as your lips meet again for the first time in years.
Things go quickly from there...
It's overdue. A coming together that both of your bodies have longed for, for far too long. He kisses the same, with lips that are a touch too dry and a hunger no-one else has ever been able to match.
You have a mind to stop him, have a mind to stall his hands as they press to your chest and seek out the stiff peaks of your nipples, but you don't. Instead, you let yourself be overcome. Your hands find his belt. It's almost too easy to do, to unclasp the buckle and yank it clear of his suit pants. You cast it aside and are surprised when he doesn't seem to care where it lands.
He pushes you back, urging you further and further away from the wedding still raging inside and towards the scant privacy the deck can offer.
Although, it's more than obvious that neither of you care.
Each touch is electric. A build of emotion that had crystallised, now dissolving into your hands and dripping through your fingers. It's rough and needy, desperate, but more than that, it feels right.
'Here, quick.' You pull at the lapel of his suit jacket, yanking him impossibly closer.
He misreads the signs, twisting and turning as he attempts to wriggle from his jacket and slip it from his shoulders.
Tugging it back into place, you shake your head. 'No time, just...' You let your hand slide down his chest, feeling your way across the expanse of him before slipping your fingers into the waist of his suit pants. '… Come here.'
Kaminari moans as you make quick work of his pants, shoving them eagerly half way to his thigh. 'Don't need to tell me twice.' He chuckles, using what little air remains in his lungs to whine as your fingers graze over his hardening cock.
You tease for barely a second longer before taking hold of him and squeezing.
'Fuck.' His head rocks back on his shoulders, eyes rolling to the skies as he sinks into the feeling of having you again. 'I've missed you. Shit.'
You chuckle and lean in close, pressing your chest to his as you lick at the shell of his ear. 'Have you missed me or just my hand?'
Immediately, he pulls back. His hands wrap around your elbows as he holds you at arms length. He looks comical, with his pants clinging to the thin at the end of his thighs and his grey boxers almost dyed black, stained with pre-cum as his cock pulses in its confines, spilling more desperation onto the fabric. 'I really have missed you...'
Stooping to catch your eye, he raises his eyebrows and offers you a smile. 'You. Not the sex, not anything else. Yo -.'
You barely let him finish his sentence before you're breaking from his constriction and pressing back into him. 'I've missed you too...' Biting his lip, you ease the sting with a kiss. 'But, we really don't have a lot of time and I'm so fucking wet I -.'
He whines against your mouth. 'Can – Fuck, let me taste.'
'Maybe later.'
The idea of later makes his blood sing, but the sound of the party still raging inside quickly refocuses him on the task at hand. 'Think I can make you cum in five minutes?'
'Oh.' You squeak when his hand pinches at your ass. 'I fucking hope so.'
'Challenge accepted.' Grinning from ear to ear, Kaminari presses back until you bump against the wooden railing of the deck. His hands roam across your body, squeezing and nipping at everything he can reach. Reaching up, he takes hold of the strap before pausing. 'Can I?' Or will this rip?'
'It'll be fine... Just -' You push your chest out, helping as best you can as Kaminari pulls down the front of your dress to expose you to the air.
The cold air forces your nipples to pebble immediately, the lip of your dress forcing your breasts to sit high and pretty and in perfect reach of Kaminari's wondering hands.
He cups your chest, thumbs brushing over your nipples until you squirm. If he had time, he'd savour this. He'd crane his neck, bow to your beauty and take one of those hardened rose buds into his mouth. He'd taste your skin, savour the salt and lick effortlessly over you until your cries became the background noise to his dreams. Licking his teeth, he looses himself to the feeling of you filling his hand. The fat of your tit spills through his fingers as he squeezes, earning another breathy gasp from you before turning his attention to other areas.
'Denki...' You're breathing heavy already, your chest heaving as Kaminari takes his pleasures feeling every inch of you. His hands sink, exploring. He pinches at your ribs, skates over your ribs and grips your hips before landing a firm smack against your ass. 'Denki, please... Fuck, c'mon, I need -.'
'Yeah?' His pupils have blown when he looks at you. Rings of gold struggle to keep them in check as hunger threatens to swallow them whole.
You nod, helping him yank up your dress until it's bunched up around your hips. Shivering against the cold, your knees knock together as a wave of vulnerability suddenly washes over you. You're freezing. The arousal trapped in your underwear cooling by the second, even as your cunt burns to be touched.
'Fuck...' Kaminari's hand sinks into your underwear the second it can. His fingers brush across trimmed pubic hair before petting, gently, at your clit.
You moan, bucking into his hand as he slips further and brushes his fingertips across your entrance. Bringing his hand back up, he presents his hand to you in the air. Your arousal shines on his skin, the glittering light from tent making it shimmer as he widens his fingers, leaving sticky strings to hang between index and forefinger.
He admires the shine. 'You're so fucking wet.'
Nodding, you reach for his wrist to pull it to your mouth – tasting yourself and cleaning his skin, but before you can, his tongue darts out of his mouth. He collects your slick like a delicacy and moans as your sweetness hits the back of his throat.
'Denki, I can't wait anymore... Please -.'
Kaminari wastes no time. In a moment, he has himself freed from his boxers, his cock hard and twitching against your stomach and your leg hooked lazily over his arm.
You tug aside your underwear yourself, exposing your cunt to him fully. There's no time to waste. Something primal eats away at your insides, something you're sure will only subside once he's seated inside of you. Your fingers itch, one hand playing with the strays hairs at the base of his neck as you look down and watch as he guides himself into you.
The initial push makes him hiss. You're tight. Tighter than he remembers as your walls wrap around him and clench. Locking his jaw, he hauls in a breath through his teeth and wills himself away from embarrassment.
Feeling him twitch helplessly inside of you, you grasp him by the lapel and pull him close until your nose touches his. 'Don't you dare. Not...' He gives you another inch, making you gasp and roll your hips. 'Not yet, don't fucking -.'
'Don't worry, baby. 'm not, not gonna.' Holding onto his sanity with his fingernails, Kaminari pulls back his hips and grinds back into you. The rhythm he sets up is uneven at best, but still, each thrust causes his cock to rub directly across the sponge roof of your cunt making you whine and cling.
Lips finding his neck, you litter him with lust. Your teeth find purchase, biting down to stifle the moans bubbling in your chest as he continues to fuck you, bottoming out each time in an effort to give you everything he has.
'You're gonna leave a mark.' He speaks through gasps, his pace stuttering as he continues to try and please you. The muscle in his thighs shake, his hands struggling not to clamp down on your waist as he pushes through the pulsing of his balls that threatens an early end.
You chuckle, revelling in the goose-flesh your breath leaves in its wake. It's intimate, setting a fire in your stomach as you pull back enough to catch his eye once more. You smile. 'What? Don't want your cheeky bridesmaid side piece to see?'
His pace falters. 'I don't.'
'Denki, baby... I'm joking.'
The pet name hatches butterflies in his sternum. They bump against the bone, tickling his organs and making him feel like he could float six feet from the floor. Not for the first time, he curses his own previous cowardice for stealing away all the pet names the past could have gifted him.
Bringing your foreheads together, you pant, breathing in each others air for a moment.
It's always felt like a cop out to call him 'The one that got away'. The title had never fit, no matter how much you'd wanted it to – or wished at one point and yet, right here, now, you wonder how you'd ever even brought yourself to think of him like that. 'Denki... Denks.' He hums, transfixed by a look he'd only been able to imagine in your eyes. 'What – what do you need. Tell me.'
You chew your lip, muttering. 'I'm never going to cum like this.'
'Ah.' His eyes light up, a shock of understanding zipping through him.
It might have been years, but he remembers every second of that night you spent together. He remembers you quaking, remembers how you'd looked on your hands and knees, thighs shaking as your spine curved deliciously, your ass bouncing as you rocked yourself back on his cock desperately. How could he forget?
Slipping out of you, he pulls back only enough to lay his hands on your waist and spin you.
You twist, dizzy and grab hold of the railing to steady yourself. Instantly, you're up on your tip-toes, back curved as you wait, pretty and presented. Anticipation lances through your legs making holding yourself up difficult, but it's all worth it when you feel him stretch you open and slide home.
Not giving you a second to adjust, he sets a blinding pace, spurred on by the memory of what it had felt like to have you fall apart around him. The fingers of his right hand dig into the flesh of your hip as the other slides up your back and takes hold of your neck. He grips, leaning over you to whisper, hoarse, in your ear. 'Touch yourself... Touch yourself for me, show me how good you feel, baby.'
You obey. Slipping a hand between your legs, you spread your fingers to feel him rutting into you for a moment. The skin of his cock is silk soft and slippery with your arousal, grazing the sides of your fingers as you shift and finally, begin to rub at your clit.
'Fuck...' Kaminari's grip on your hip stutters, growing light as he feels you tighten up around him. 'Go – Good girl. Shit. I'm not – not gonna last, I -.'
You don't need him too. In a few moments, you feel the telltale rush. Your cunt aches, clit pulsing as your orgasm threatens to reduce you to your knees. With your eyes rolling back into your head, you struggle to keep circling your clit, but Kaminari's fingers replace yours without you asking.
His movement is clumsy, but he manages to fuck you through your high either way. 'Holy, holy fuck... You feel, feels so – fucking Hell.' Stuttering, he struggles through, pouring his focus into you as you milk him relentlessly, bringing him closer and closer to his own end. With a tight chest, you reel back, glancing over your shoulder.
Kaminari's face is flushed, his cheek bones brushed with a pink that makes him look boyish and young. The edge of his mouth is twisted, a cause of his teeth gnawing at the inside of his cheek and his jaw is clenched, bringing out the cut line of his jaw.
He's close. You can tell. The thought thrills you, your cunt tightening on impulse as you await your prize.
'Where, fuck, fuck... I can't cum on your dress, you're – you're gonna have to move, or, or -.'
Reaching back, you grab at the edge of his suit jacket and pull at him, forcing his hips against your ass. 'Inside.'
He doesn't get a chance to think, his body makes the decision for him. His balls tighten, pulsing as he cums, emptying himself inside of you. Curling over, he presses a kiss to your shoulder, teeth scraping against the exposed skin as he pours himself into you, pumping you full.
With your stomach full and his lips grazing the base of your neck, you relax into a bone-deep kind of satiation you'd not felt since that night. It's surreal. Absurd as you come crashing back to reality as realise that the party has begun to quieten inside of the tent.
He's still dripping out of you when you hear the high pitched whistle cut through the air.
Kamiari turns. Tearing his suit jacket from his shoulders, he drapes it over your hips, covering his own mess.
'You two made up then?' Sero's smile is blinding. His hands are dug into his pockets, thumbs poking out over the material as he shrugs himself into his shoulders. He's plastered, his hair mattered and a mess as it falls from its bun, but even the alcohol making him stagger doesn't put a stop to his mischief.
Kaminari panics. His voice is still breathless, shaking slightly from the force of the orgasm that had almost had him seeing static. He should have made you cum quicker, shouldn't have slowed down the way he did. Fuck, he should have asked you to come back to his hotel. You deserve better than a quick, forgive me fuck outside of a tent in almost freezing temperature. He curses himself and cringes. 'How long have you been stood there?'
'Long enough to be pitching a tent, you guys don't fuck around huh...' He chuckles to himself. 'Well, I guess you do but -.'
Struggling with your dress, you can't help the smile that breaks your lips when Kaminari shields you and helps get your tits situated and hidden once more. Stepping from behind him, you slide a hand down his arm and twist your fingers in his. Hoping this time he won't run away. 'What do you want Hanta? We're just about to get out of here.'
Even if you had been trying to miss the smile that brightens Kaminari's face, you wouldn't have been able to. He re-adjusts his jacket, now slung over your shoulders and squeezes your hand tight.
Sero chuffs. Still too drunk to know better. 'When I first came out here I just wanted to smoke, but now I'm thinking of asking to watch.'
Reaching down, you pluck one of your heels from the floor before turning and throwing it headlong at Sero's head.
He ducks, laughing as the shoe goes wide. 'That a maybe then?'
'Hanta...' Kaminari whines, but Sero is already backing away holding his hands up in a mock surrender.
'Woah, woah...' A cheeky smile tugs at his lip, bringing his left dimple out in a way that only happens when there's real mischief up his sleeve. 'I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that the lights out here cause a pretty solid shadow to be cast on the side of that tent then, huh?'
The colour drains from both of your faces. 'No...'
Sero's eyes shine as he reaches into his pocket and removes his phone. 'I've got a video of it if you don't believe me...'
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writeriguess · 12 days
what about a katsuki x reader where the readereets katsukis parents for the first time
You’ve known Katsuki Bakugo long enough to have seen him at his best and worst. Through late-night study sessions, thrilling battles, and quiet moments where he was just "Katsuki," you’d come to understand the fierce determination and hidden tenderness beneath the explosive exterior. But one hurdle remained that you had yet to cross: meeting his parents.
Today was the day.
The thought had made you uneasy all week, and despite Katsuki’s reassurances (which mostly consisted of "Stop worrying so much, you’ll be fine"), the knots in your stomach refused to unravel. You stood in front of his home, your heart pounding louder than it had during any of your hero training. The Bakugo residence was just as you imagined—sharp, modern lines with a certain edge to its design that screamed “no-nonsense.” Katsuki was beside you, hands stuffed in his pockets, a scowl on his face that was more about nerves than anything else.
“Stop freaking out. They’re just my parents,” he grumbled, catching your eyes with his own. Despite his words, there was a flicker of something in his gaze—something that told you he wasn’t completely calm about this either.
“Easy for you to say. You already know them,” you shot back, trying to lighten the mood.
A grunt was his only response, but he did something rare that eased your anxiety just a bit—he reached out and squeezed your hand.
The door opened before either of you could say anything else, revealing a tall woman with a commanding presence. Mitsuki Bakugo, Katsuki’s mother, was just as he’d described her: sharp-tongued, no-nonsense, and with a beauty that seemed undiminished by time. Her golden-blonde hair, a shade lighter than Katsuki’s, was cut into a stylish bob, and her piercing red eyes were the same as her son’s.
“Well, it’s about damn time!” she exclaimed, a grin splitting her face as she looked you up and down. “You must be the one who finally tamed my wild son.”
“M-Mrs. Bakugo, it’s nice to meet you,” you stammered, offering a nervous smile. Before you could say more, she pulled you into a tight hug, her strength surprising you.
“Call me Mitsuki,” she said, pulling back to examine you once more. “You’re even cuter than he said.”
“Ma!” Katsuki growled, his face turning a shade redder than his eyes.
“Shut it, brat,” she retorted without missing a beat, waving him off as she ushered you inside. “Let me enjoy this. I never thought I’d see the day.”
The interior of the Bakugo household was warm and inviting, contrasting sharply with its sleek exterior. It was a home full of life, decorated with family photos, cozy furniture, and an atmosphere that felt surprisingly welcoming despite your nerves.
As Mitsuki led you into the living room, you caught sight of a man reading the newspaper, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Masaru Bakugo, Katsuki’s father, was the polar opposite of his wife. His quiet demeanor and soft-spoken nature were almost disarming compared to the fire you’d just encountered. He looked up from his paper, and when he saw you, a gentle smile spread across his face.
“You must be the one Katsuki talks about so much,” Masaru said, standing up to greet you. His handshake was firm but kind, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“The pleasure’s mine, sir,” you replied, feeling a bit more at ease with his calming presence.
“Masaru’s fine,” he corrected, sitting back down. “No need for formalities.”
The four of you settled in the living room, Katsuki choosing to sit beside you, his arm resting on the back of the couch behind your shoulders. Mitsuki and Masaru took seats opposite you, and for a moment, the room was filled with an awkward silence.
“So,” Mitsuki began, breaking the tension with her usual bluntness, “how the hell did you manage to get through to this knucklehead? I’m dying to know.”
“Mom,” Katsuki groaned, clearly embarrassed, but you could see the flicker of affection in his eyes. It was rare for him to let his guard down like this, even rarer for him to be flustered. You took a deep breath, deciding that honesty was your best option.
“Well,” you began, smiling softly at Katsuki, “he’s not as tough as he seems.”
Katsuki’s eyes widened a fraction, and he looked at you as if you’d just dropped a bombshell. Mitsuki let out a bark of laughter, clearly amused.
“Oh, really?” she asked, leaning forward with interest. “Do tell.”
You glanced at Katsuki for permission, and though he gave you an annoyed look, he didn’t stop you.
“He’s got a good heart,” you continued, turning back to his parents. “He’s always looking out for others, even if he doesn’t always show it in the most… gentle way. But that’s one of the things I love about him. He’s true to himself, and he never backs down from what he believes in.”
The room went silent again, but this time it was a comfortable silence. Katsuki stared at you, his expression softening, and for a moment, you could see the vulnerability he so rarely showed anyone.
Mitsuki nodded approvingly. “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, kid. I’m glad he found someone who can handle him.”
“More like someone who can handle you,” Katsuki muttered under his breath, earning himself a sharp glare from his mother.
Masaru chuckled softly, shaking his head. “It’s good to see you’ve found someone who understands you, Katsuki.”
There was something in Masaru’s tone that made you feel like you’d passed an unspoken test. Katsuki’s family was close-knit, despite their rough edges, and you could tell they genuinely cared about each other, even if they showed it in unconventional ways.
The rest of the evening went by in a blur of laughter, teasing, and stories from Katsuki’s childhood that had you in stitches. Mitsuki was a force of nature, her energy seemingly endless as she regaled you with tales of Katsuki’s younger days. Masaru, though quieter, would occasionally chime in with a comment that would send Mitsuki into fits of laughter.
Katsuki tried to downplay it all, his face alternating between exasperation and embarrassment, but you could tell he was happy—happy that his family accepted you, happy that you were here with him.
By the time you left the Bakugo household, the sun had set, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. Mitsuki hugged you again at the door, her fierce smile softened with genuine affection, while Masaru gave you a gentle pat on the back, his eyes crinkling with approval.
Katsuki walked you home, the two of you strolling in comfortable silence under the streetlights. When you reached your door, he finally spoke.
“They like you,” he said, his voice quiet but sincere.
“I like them too,” you replied, smiling up at him.
He nodded, shoving his hands back into his pockets. “Good.”
You took a step closer to him, your hand finding his and squeezing it gently. “Thank you, Katsuki. For tonight.”
“Tch,” he scoffed, though there was no bite to it. He leaned down, pressing a quick, firm kiss to your lips. “Told you it’d be fine.”
You laughed softly, leaning your forehead against his. “Yeah, you did.”
As you watched him walk away, the warmth in your chest blossomed, filling you with a sense of belonging. You’d faced one of the scariest challenges yet, and not only had you survived—you’d gained a new family in the process.
And as for Katsuki… well, he was already yours. Now, he was just a little more yours than before.
Requests are open.
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muniimyg · 7 months
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4: the cold // series m.list
note: reblogging w fic taglist cos the limit is annoying n my posts keep glitching </3 sorry for the long wait! i literally finished c2u and was working on c2u's extras as well as attempting to keep my life together LOL . this jk is literally GETTING INTO IT YUHHH . hope everyone is enjoying the story ,, i'm so excited for the rest ! we're halfway thru :( if u missed aao jk ,, lmk ur fave moment of his as of now huhuhuuuu
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “aao” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar @jkslvsnella @parkinglot-nights @kissyfacekoo
Picture this. 
Jungkook sent you a text, claiming to be sick. He said:
jungkook (liar) 3:09PM: no fr i get so dizzy standing up lol
jungkook (liar) 3:09PM: deadass i’m wearing like 7 layers and i’m chilly af .. need the warmth of ur arms, baby 🙏🏼
jungkook (liar) 3:10PM: do u think u can come by w some medicine? i’d owe u like… my whole heart
jungkook (liar) 3:10PM: nvm gave that to u already 😘✋🏽
Your natural response to his concerning text messages was to call him. When you called to check up on him, you noted how he coughed at every perfect pause... How his voice was toned groggy with a hint of pathetic. 
Just as pathetic as his lie. 
Does he think you're dumb? Fine. Two can play this game.
The second Jungkook opens the door and is greeted by his friends, grinning goofily with alcohol in their hands—he feels the urge to shut the door at their face. “Ah, for fucks sake—”
“Not so fast!” Hobi squeals as he grabs your wrists and tugs you from the back of the crowd to the front. Offering you to Jungkook, Hobi winks, “I believe this belongs to you.”
Jungkook’s eyes soften at the sight of you.
Lowering his head, he purses his lips for a kiss. You blink at him, letting him stand there like a fool. A few of his friends chuckle at the rejection, but it doesn’t dishearten Jungkook. Instead, he lifts his head and carries on. 
Hey, the kiss was worth a shot. 
With a patient tone, he tries to talk this out. “I thought it was just going to be you coming over...”
Shrugging at him, you answer; “And I thought you were sick.” 
"Well, what can I say? I always feel better whenever you're around." Jungkook chides.
Unimpressed, you tsk at him. “Nice try, buddy.”
Your hunch was right.
Jungkook wasn't sick.
There was no eye bag in sight, no cough to be heard, and with the short amount of time it took him to answer the door; he doesn't seem dizzy at all. If anything, he looks freshly showered and prepared.
For a sick man, his 5PM fit was rather suggestive. He's wearing jeans, and a white wife beater with an off-white button-up unbuttoned. He must know he's hot, right? He wore this on purpose.
"A little dressed up for someone who should be pretending to be sick..." you poke his chest.
Jungkook grins, instantly shrugging his button-up off. "Oh, my bad. Here, I'll undress and—"
"Jungkook!" you gasp as you tug his button-up back on. "Your friends are here! Don't be so shameless—"
"Whose fault is that?" he laughs. "___, was I not clear when I asked for you? You. Not the circus.”
“Hey!” Nam Joon cries from the crowd. “Are you calling me a clown?”
Jungkook lifts his head and shakes it. Smiling at his hero, he assures Nam Joon; “Not you, hyung. I love you.”
Earning a few laughs, the moment ends when Jin interrupts and pushes past you. Jungkook places his arm in front of your body, gently moving you against the wall. He shoots Jin a glare but Jin doesn't seem to catch on. He makes one final comment before inviting himself into Jungkook's home; “Stop sucking Joon's dick and let us in!”
As his friends cheer and begin to invade his home, you stand still and laugh at them hustling in. As they make random remarks, Jungkook warns them not to touch certain things in his living room and that his bedroom is off-limits. Walking in, his friends can't help but feel out of place when they spot the homecooked meal Jungkook prepared for you two. The table is all set up. The projector is ready to go in the living room corner, accompanied by the ever so comfy set up of pillows and fuzzy blankets on the couch… The fuzzy blanket on the couch that Taehyung and Hobi have now wrapped themselves in.
Jungkook did not see this coming. He groans at the very sight. His plans were ruined.
Once Jimin gets his little ass inside, you take that as your cue to head in. You duck under Jungkook's arm and just as you think you’re about to get away—he stops you. He takes a step back and swoops his other arm around your waist.
“Not so fast.”
You huff. “Okay. I’ll walk in slow motion—”
“___…” Jungkook says in a warning tone. “Yah, I said I was sick and you show up here with my friends?”
You poke his chest. “I had a feeling you were up to no good. I brought reinforcement.”
For the most part, Jungkook likes to think he has you figured out. Then, you pull shit like this and he is completely tongue-tied.
Jungkook can’t help but applaud your move. It’s petty and nonchalant… It’s well played. Yet, he feels bittersweet at the very realization that you’ve outsmarted him so early on. 
To be fair, his main moves are centered around lies. 
… Is it so wrong that he thought he could at least get one last good lie before facing the truth?
The truth is that he has grown to like you so much he has completely lost control of his words and thoughts. Every time he’s around you—that’s it. That’s the entire moment. That’s his entire world. He doesn’t know how to keep it that way, you know? He hasn’t figured out how to freeze time and just be with you. So, he lies. He lies in an attempt to make the moment last just a second longer. 
He knows he could have you with a simple conversation and his bunny smile. He knows he’s kindhearted and would be a great boyfriend if you let him… He’s just having a hard time navigating through all the feelings. They consume him faster and fiercer than he expected. The only way to keep up is to keep you near, and the only way to keep you near is to keep making excuses. 
Thus, this week’s excuse. 
He huffs at you. "A home-cooked meal, a movie on my projector, and comfy blankets... Means I'm up to no good? Come on, ___. This is ridiculous!"
"You've been so mischievous ever since—"
"It was just the ice skating thing!" Jungkook defends himself.
"It was also the pocky thing—"
His eyes light up. Jungkook’s lips curve into a smirk. "Ah... Thinking about our kiss, huh?"
Now you feel sick.
Was he serious? How does he do this to you? He says everything so bluntly and out of pocket, your tummy has no choice but to flip upside down and feel all the butterflies flutter.
"N-no!" you panic.
"Pucker up and prove me wrong," Jungkook insists, shutting his eyes and pursing his lips at you. "Like you said, I'm not sick. Kissing me won't get you sick—love sick, maybe..."
You cross your arms at him.
Opening his eyes one at a time, he puts his hands up and lets you go. He'll admit defeat here. Clearly, you aren't happy with his moves...
He'll try this.
He'll try honesty.
“___," he smiles, attempting to lighten the mood. "Hey, I was trying to—”
“Flirt?” you finish his sentence. “Yeah, sure… Has it ever occurred to you that you can flirt with me without lying?”
His eyes widen. 
“Does it bother you that much?” He asks, feeling like he is completely messed up. “I’m sorry, baby. I thought it was harmless—”
You shake your head, denying his accusation. It was deeper than that. It is the principal and the root of his lying being a habit in your relationship.
“It’s not that it bothers me that much… It's just... Y-you don't have to do all this, you know? I like getting to know you, but it feels like it's impossible. You keep setting up scenarios for yourself to look good in or for me to take care of you in. I'd do it regardless if you're hurt or not. You know that, right?"
"I do," Jungkook agrees. "I just..."
You look at him with sincere eyes. "Jungkook, I'm just not understanding... Why? It’s just weird to me that you were so confident and honest when you confessed. To be honest, I really admire that part of you. B-but now that you’re… That w-we’re…. Uhmm—it's different. You're acting differently. You can flirt with me all you want. It's whatever... But maybe try something else? I'm tired of you lying, Jungkook.”
He gulps.
"You want honesty?" Jungkook begins. "Here it is... I like you too much. Like, so much that I don't know what to do with myself whenever you're around—not to mention it's even worse when you're not. I want your attention. All the time. Everything about me for everything about you."
"Can you wait for me?" He asks you unexpectedly. "Wait for me to get it right... Because I know I can. I will get it right."
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When you two join everyone inside, Jungkook’s apartment is filled with so much chaos it’s difficult for him not to A) partake and B) be upset about everyone crashing his date night (by ambush). 
Honestly, Jungkook’s been pretty busy lately. He’s been neglecting his social life as school, work, and you (not that he’s complaining) have been taking over. In a way, he finds it sweet that you ruined his plans with yours. Especially since you came in with all his friends. It was a nice surprise. He will definitely take note of your sneaky ways too. 
By the time everyone gets hungry, there’s barely any space for anyone to eat. Some friends are sitting on the floor, eating off the coffee table or parts of the couch. Others are eating standing up, and the rest crowd over his tiny kitchen island and dining table. There are a few girls you’ve invited here and just as usual, you all went to the bathroom together. As you all enter back into the scene, there is absolutely no space. 
“___!” Jin calls you over. “Eat with us.”
You look at the girls and exchange laughs. They tease you before pushing to towards the dining table. As you approach, you realize there’s barely space let alone a seat. Without much thought, you gravitate towards Jungkook who is sitting and eating. Squeezing your way through, he notices you and nods towards Hobi. Hobi then responds by handing you a plate of food Jungkook set aside for you. Taking the plate, you thank Hobi. Jungkook then pushes his chair back and just as he’s about to get up from his seat to give to you—
“No, it’s okay. Sit.” You insist. 
“But you don’t have a seat—”
Then, it happens so naturally.
You place your plate on the table next to his and take a seat on his lap. When you do this, all the boys exchange looks but say nothing. Their eyes almost pop out of their head and Hobi even chokes on his food. He tries to hide it and turns away so you don’t think twice about it. They’re all aware of how shy you are and this? This was a big thing for Jungkook that they couldn’t ruin. You were finally coming out of your shell.
Thank god.
Meanwhile, Jungkook feels winded. 
He can’t believe this. 
He can’t believe you.
But given the circumstances… He might just have to. So, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he smiles at you warmly and tells you that he put all your favourites on your plate. He tells you to eat everything and that he ordered strawberry bingsoo for dessert. 
“I love strawberries!” you gasp. Looking up, you bat your eyelashes and tease him, “yah, you make it too obvious you have a crush on me… You know that?” 
Jungkook squints at you, followed by scrunching his nose. You lean against his forehead and mimic his little stare. 
It takes everything in him to not lean in and kiss you.
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Slowly but surely, everyone leaves. The only ones left are you, Jungkook, and the other 6 clowns. Yoongi and Jin went out to start the cars while Joon, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hobi finished up taking the trash out or washing the dishes. 
You and Jungkook are tidying the living room. He thanks you for organizing the little get-together and apologizes again for lying to you about being sick. You tell him it wasn’t that serious—it was just built-up confusion and frustration. Further, you tell him that you don’t want him to see you as someone that he has to jump through hoops to spend time with. You tell him you want it too. You want to spend time with him too. You want to get to know him too. 
You want to fall in love—
"I can do that," Jungkook nods, understanding where you're coming from. Your thoughts are interrupted as he fluffs the final pillow and grabs your hands. He squeezes them and then lets go. "But only if you stop being so oblivious. At least try, you know? It's hard for me too. Like, we're dating and I'm trying to woo you and shit—"
Woo you?
Your heart skips a beat.
"Wait," you pause. "Jungkook, a-are we dating?”
Just when he opens his mouth to speak, Hobi interrupts. 
“___, let’s go! Jin wants to race Yoongi!” 
Jungkook blinks at Hobi. “You’re not racing when ___’s in the car. Are you mad?”
Hobi lifts his hands. “Shit man, I’m just the messenger!”
Without skipping a beat, Jungkook turns to you with stern eyes. “I’ll drive you home.”
You decline. “You’re already home. Relax, it’s Jin. He’s all talk and no bite.”
As a compromise, you promise him; “I’ll ride in Yoongi’s car.”
He thinks about it for a moment. Then, he realizes he has no other practical choice. “Fine. At least if you guys do race, you’ll be in the winning car.”
Hobi coughs. “Yo, what the fuck? I’m riding in Jin’s.”
You laugh and tell Hobi you’ll meet them out the door in a second. Hobi leaves immediately, yelling at Jimin to trade spots with him so he can ride with Yoongi. Once he’s out the door, Jungkook’s apartment falls in silence. 
“.... I better get going,” you breathe. “I’ll see you around?”
Scanning his apartment, you smile at the sight of everything being tidy. Picking up your feet, you head towards the door. Like a sad puppy, Jungkook trails behind you.
As you head out, Jungkook feels an urge in his stomach to make this moment last longer. “Oh... S-sure. See you at the library tomorrow?”
“You hate the library.”
“No, I don’t—”
“It’s also Saturday tomorrow.”
Jungkook blinks at you. “I love spending my Saturdays in the library.”
Giggling at his awful attempt, you remind him, “hey, we just talked about you and your fibs—”
“Sorry, sorry,” Jungkook surrenders. He puts his hands up and tilts his head. Pouting as you put your shoes on, he continues to ramble. “See what I mean? I say the wildest things just to be with you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, plopping back up. Jungkook then helps you put your jacket on and gives you your tote bag. “Whatever you say, liar.”
He rolls his eyes at you. As you open the door, you face him with a silly face. He ruffles your hair as he bids his farewell, “Goodnight. Text me when you get home, baby.” 
Then, just like that, the door shuts and Jungkook is all alone.
As he turns away and finally feels like he can catch his breath after everything that happened between you two tonight, he hears the door knock. Turning back, he reaches for the doorknob, opens the door, and sees you standing there. 
“Did you forget something?”
“Goodnight kiss.”
He draws a blank. 
Jungkook’s heart skips a beat as you tiptoe and reach for the nape of his neck and pull him close. Leaning in, you press your lips against him and kiss him softly. Without hesitating, he kisses you back and chases your lips the second you pull away. 
You pull away too fast for his liking.
“Okay, goodnight—”
He kisses you again, deepening it as much as he can. When you pull away to catch your breath, he sneaks in one last kiss. Then, he kisses your cheeks and turns you around. Before sending you off, he teases you one last time. 
“Go away. I hate you.”
Laughing at his words, you realize that sometimes—they aren’t so bad.
Him and his lies.
You and your reading in between lines.
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