#I need telecallers job in delhi
rogarabhiyan · 2 years
The one-stop destination for finding the best jobs in Delhi
The Covid-19 lockdown had been responsible for leaving millions of migrant laborers migrating across cities. They had been facing livelihood challenges, and this is the reason that a large number of them began to leave in groups to their native places. Life won't be miserable anymore with Rojgar Abhiyan, which serves as the perfect place for job search for the ones that are searching for  Urgent need job in Delhi.
 The reason to rely on the platform
Do you Need driver job in Delhi? If yes, rest assured that Rojgar Abhiyan will put an end to poverty, forced labor, worker exploitation, and human trafficking. The team has been working towards creating an ecosystem of inclusive economic growth that will assist the blue-collar workers. The job search portal works with a complex algorithm via different digital platforms that make it easier to enable blue-collar workers to find employment opportunities.
Numerous companies are looking for Telecallers in Delhi. If you're searching for the right position, you're in the right place. It will be easier than ever before to search for the best workplace that matches your preferences. The platform helps you in finding & hiring professionally verified blue-collar workers. The remarkable part is that there won't be worries on behalf of middlemen in between.
 The reason behind offering this opportunity
Rojgar Abhiyan has taken into consideration this initiative to alleviate the woes of a number of relief measures initiated by the State and Centre governments. Through the multiple hiring options, the portal supports the economy. There have been numerous structural reforms covering agriculture, core sectors, and MSME.
Also, there are numerous jobs that serve with short-term relief measures for migrants, one-time payments, and easy loans. The portal regularly updates plenty of job postings, making it easier for the workers to find jobs while also assisting the employers in finding the best workers for the jobs they offer. Get the job reviewed over a call with the platform that supports every employer and worker’s objective. Start conducting interviews instantly.
 Final words
A convenient, easy & organized portal will make it an easier task to hire employees and also look for the perfect workplace. Be ready to get the professionally verified workers only. Connect with nearby workers and utilize the portal to speak to multiple workers at a time. Get the best-shortlisted workers from a vast pool. It will also assist the workers in connecting with you directly. No middlemen & commissions in between make the platform the best.  https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Meet Delivery Bhoy: The man shaking up India’s booming gig economy
Meet Delivery Bhoy: The man shaking up India’s booming gig economy
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He was born in Punjab, educated in Europe and worked in Mumbai for almost a decade. But the Covid-induced lockdown squeezed him out of a job last year, forcing the former UX design professional to look for ways to make a quick buck.
He worked with Swiggy for two weeks, then switched to Zomato for better pay. Months later, he had an accident while riding to deliver a birthday cake at night when a scooter rammed into him. He quit delivering food the next day.
Then, in May, he read about a person dying in an accident in Ahmedabad while on delivery duty. “Some switch flipped in me that day,” he said. He tweeted about it at night.
By the morning, his message had been retweeted hundreds of times and his followers had swelled from 20 to 1,000. Using notes and screenshots gathered during his months as a delivery agent, he began tweeting about the condition of his colleagues. “Suddenly, people were listening,” he said.
Meet Delivery Bhoy, a 40-something unmarried man who’s driving conversation about gig workers in India with his twitter handle, forcing food delivery giants to respond to his allegations of poor pay and hostile working conditions.
Bhoy — who refused to identify himself for this article — takes great pains to protect his identity. He uses VPN while tweeting, limits his chats with other riders to Telegram, connects with journalists using a fake email address and voice chat on Zoom. When he tweets screenshots of his interactions with apps, he masks details that could help trace him.
He now works as a telecaller, with better hours and pay, but continues to be listed as a delivery partner with both Zomato and Swiggy. “If I am identified, a person in my financial and social position could be in for a major blowback and retaliation. Once my name is out there, my battle gets really tough,” Bhoy said.
Like him, there are now several handles that chronicle the experiences of delivery workers. There’s Surat-based rider Nitin Singh, who uses his name and photo on Twitter, @dliverypartner, @smokey33461095 and AK, a 37-year-old Hyderabad-based Zomato delivery partner. And the first one, anonymous account @SwiggyDEHyd, which got deactivated earlier this year after its user was identified and wanted to keep his job.
Together, they spotlight questions of adequate compensation, long hours, and lack of benefits and formal protections in the gig economy.
The structural and financial challenges
Delivery Bhoy’s tweets cover a vast swathe of the gig economy. These include the punishing hours agents have to put in to meet target-based incentives, humiliation at the hands of customers, the threat of getting reported for poor service, delivering through heavy rainfall, and the constant pressure to deliver orders with almost no rest.
But a common theme running through his advocacy is the demands made by the complex payment system of the delivery apps.
Typically, the payment for delivery partners has two components: A fixed base pay and target-based incentives that could include extra orders, better ratings or no cancellations. A typical order can earn a delivery agent around ₹25 while incentives can range between ₹200 and ₹400 for high volume of orders. A five-star rating can fetch the rider between ₹5 and ₹8, the accounts say. Working during certain peaks hours and difficult phases (such as rain) means extra income.
But these vary from city to city. In Surat, for example, Singh says he is paid ₹4/kilometre for delivery and an additional 50 paise for fuel. The base wage is ₹20 for the first two kilometres. “So, if I make a delivery one or two kilometres away, I am paid ₹20. But if I travel six kilometres, I am paid ₹24. This is apart from the 50 paise per kilometre for fuel,” said Singh.
When he waits at a restaurant to pick up an order, he is to be paid ₹1 per minute. If he makes ₹300 in a day, he is paid an additional ₹190. If he makes ₹400, he is paid ₹250.
“If I am logged in for at least eight hours, including for three hours between 7pm and midnight, I take home ₹500, irrespective of how many deliveries I made and how much I earned,” said Singh.
In reality, though, the app often calculates lower distances, doesn’t pay out waiting times and penalises him for refusing to make a delivery, he alleged. Moreover, high fuel costs mean that riders spend as much as four times higher than 50p per kilometer, apart from servicing, phone, internet and other expenses.
A Zomato delivery partner operating in Delhi, who did not want to be identified, alleged that his complaints have ranged from tiny pay outs for deliveries that took a long time, low estimation of delivery distances, and wages that left little profit after expenses.
“Petrol cost is continuously rising, my motorcycle needs frequent servicing and repair, and smartphone and internet data costs money. I barely save ₹12,000 in a month after riding 12 hours a day,” he said.
Zomato said riders had flexibility and could log off when convenient but many riders said that such decisions are followed by phone calls and messages from their team leads warning them.
Bhoy agreed, saying the app pushes delivery agents to deliver as fast as they can – jeopardising their safety – because it is linked with internal rankings, benefits and incentives. Delivery partners receive automated phone calls in the middle of a ride if their order is delayed. “If a fatal accident occurs during a delivery, the pay out to the rider’s family is just ₹5 lakh,” he said.
He also pointed towards the desperation of some delivery agents. “While these platforms boast four-day work weeks with full salary for their employees, the choice we have is turn up for work, work 12 hours straight and ride at lightening speeds. Laws exist for some of the workforce and not the other. That’s the core issue,” he said.
Zomato countered this allegation, saying riders could reject an order for “a genuine reason” without penalties, but at all other times, need to fulfil a customer’s order with the “responsibility and predictability that’s very routine for any job”. Swiggy didn’t respond to this particular question.
The fate of the rider also depends on the customer’s mood, the riders alleged. “If a customer is in a bad mood, or if the delivery is delayed for any reason, they simply rate us one on a scale of five. That badly impacts our ratings,” said AK, who made ₹400 after a 10-hour duty that involved riding for 50 kilometres on an average.
The battle against misrepresentation
Bhoy’s campaign tasted some success last month when comedian Danish Sait apologised after a video featuring him was criticised for insensitivity. Bhoy led the campaign against the promotional campaign, where Sait plays a delivery agent for a day, and said it misrepresented reality and erased many of the hardships faced by delivery agents.
“I respect the work that you do, & it wouldn’t be right for me to contest any of the points you’ve raised,” the comedian wrote, agreeing to take the video down.
Last week, another set of commercials by Zomato stirred a row. These commercials, involving actor Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif, prompted Bhoy and others to say that the ads were tone deaf and showed that delivery agents had to rush from one order to the next with no rest. Their criticism forced Zomato to issue a response denying the charges.
“We believe that our ads are well-intentioned, but were unfortunately misinterpreted by some people. Having said that, we have been intently listening to all the chatter about gig workers and all the problems associated with this part of the economy. As a company, we have always acknowledged whenever we’ve come short, and we understand that you expect more and better from us,” Zomato said in a statement.
Some say that Bhoy and his supporters are well intentioned but don’t take into account the realities of the economy – and that gig workers would be far worse in the more exploitative informal economy. Others question whether Bhoy is even a real delivery agent – a charge he dismisses.
One of them is Safwan Rasheed, a 41-year-old rider with Zomato in Cochin. While he acknowledges a host of problems with the wages paid to riders, he thinks the pay is not bad in a Covid-battered economy. “I deliver food just four hours every day and make ₹350-400 easily. I know riders who earn up to ₹30,000 every month,” he said.
The mechanics of grievance redressal
But complaints by delivery partners are multiple and wide-ranging. Partners allege that the apps have a “penalty” system in place for refusal to carry out a delivery, or if a delivery was delayed. “If we refuse a delivery, we are fined ₹50. Delayed deliveries are also penalised. All this finally culminates into fewer orders for us,” said Singh. Like many riders, Singh complained he struggled to contact the companies to raise an issue.
A Zomato spokesperson countered this and said that they have 1,200 people to address the riders’ queries, “We resolve all queries well within the day itself,” the spokesperson added.
Swiggy refused to comment on the article or specific questions posed to the company but pointed to two blogs, uploaded on June 9 and July 27, that talk about the company’s Covid-19 support for delivery partners, including medical care, loss of pay, life insurance and emergency care, and a dedicated hotline SOS service that helps in compensating for pay during health crises or accidents.
“Partners who are unable to work due to on-duty medical emergencies are also granted loss of pay support, in addition to hospitalization and insurance support,” the company said in its blog.
Zomato and Swiggy are the dominant players India’s growing food delivery business and sit atop the gig economy mountain. After making its market debut in July, Zomato is valued at around $12 billion and after a new round of fundraising, Swiggy is worth around $5.5 billion.
Their success has fuelled and benefited from a burgeoning gig economy, which is set to triple over the next 3-4 years to 24 million jobs from the existing 8 million, according to a report by consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Michael & Susan Dell Foundation earlier this year.
At the core of this success are the 310,000 delivery partners who work with Zomato and 170,000-odd with Swiggy. But they are not formal employees and are accordingly called partners, agents, executives or associates. Experts say this nomenclature that they are ineligible for several benefits, be it a monthly salary or a provident fund account.
Kaveri Medappa, a PhD researcher at University of Sussex studying platform-based work, said issues raised by Bhoy and other accounts reflected ground realities. Similar unrest has been seen in the platform cab industry over the last three years with drivers linked to Uber and Ola going to strike in several cities over falling commissions, rising fuel prices and low earnings.
A Zomato spokesperson said that their pay-out was fair “for the work that they put in”.
“We are proud to create hundreds of thousands of gigs for a strata of society which otherwise didn’t have a better source of income. For example, in a city like Bengaluru, the top 20% of our delivery partners who deliver on bikes and put in more than 40 hours a week receive a pay of more than ₹27,000 per month,” the spokesperson said.
But Medappa said that the pay was good only for the early birds. “With more riders joining in, the income is dipping as the pay rates and incentives are decreasing,” she said.
A Zomato spokesperson said the firm believed that “all the allegations are biased (or maybe even vested) misunderstandings”.
“According to our point of view, if these allegations were even remotely true, our business would not sustain. Why? Because our delivery partners are the face of our brand – unhappy delivery partners would lead to unhappy customers, which would be terrible for our business. It’s in our interest to ensure they are cared for and that the platform works for them,” the company said, claiming over 60% of delivery partners rated them 9 or a 10 (out of 10) in happiness surveys.
Medappa said that if these firms began caring about the riders, their promises such as time deadlines and customer satisfaction would collapse. “Their system is pretty much in favour of the customers and stacked against the riders,” she added.
The online and offline battle
Many of these accounts took to Twitter under very different circumstances. Bhoy was reeling from the death of a fellow worker. Singh wanted to vent about not getting his dues, disputed pending payments and penalties. AK was angry after he discovered the delivery fee charged to a customer was double of what he was paid.
But now their battles have coalesced into a single goal of “putting pressure” on the companies.
“Every week, I make two or three accusations. If Zomato counters them in any way, I produce the evidence. I will continue doing this till they bring real changes on the ground,” Bhoy said.
AK, Singh and others regularly provide him with material. “These riders are not employees and cannot form a union. But they can keep taking up the issues with the public until the companies feel their image is getting dented,” said AK.
They understand the power of social media. Their campaign prompted Zomato to ask Bhoy to work with them – a development confirmed by Zomato – but he refused. “Their only intention of entertaining me was that they viewed me as a PR nightmare,” he said. But he isn’t worried about repercussions. “Such a big firm will look bad if they take a delivery boy to court,” he said.
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juudgeblog · 6 years
How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus?
This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho
Should I become a criminal lawyer?
Or should I become a media lawyer?
Should I just become a judge?
Or an entrepreneur?
This question is bothering almost every law student, and young lawyers. It should bother the old lawyers too, and if it’s not bothering you then you have perhaps stopped growing.
Think of one of India’s most famous lawyers, Harish Salve. He has gone from being a CA to a lawyer. Then a top tax lawyer. Then constitutional law cases. Then criminal cases. Now he is focussing on a career in international arbitration.
Every time he reaches the top and then reinvents himself.
You are never too big to consider what is the next big thing to do. If you decide to take a break and chill, have a kid, focus on meditation or race bikes, that’s also absolutely fine.
I have a friend who runs a very successful boutique law firm and earns about a couple of crores a year. It took him 10 years to build that practice. He is planning to shutter his law practice and begin a new chapter in life as an entrepreneur.
He will have to learn everything from scratch. Technology, marketing, sales, and other things he has no idea about. He literally spends a few hours every month learning web development. And you know what? I have never seen him more excited.
Another lawyer I know (I would have loved to name him but he detests publicity), was a few years back, the go-to startup lawyer in Delhi. In 2014, they did over 30 VC investment deals. He made several crores a year. In 2016, he shut down his firm and moved to Goa. He fired all his juniors, who are now working in places like Trilegal, CAM, JSA etc (thanks to the experience of working on good deals). Last time I met him, he said he is focussing on a personal journey, of yoga and meditation.
Knowing him, he will probably move to silicon valley and start some kickass startup in another year or two.
So to all the law students and young lawyers who are trying to make the perfect career decision today, please get some perspective from the above stories. You have no idea what you might end up doing after 10 years.
When I joined law school, I was 100% certain that I will become a diplomat after studying law. It gave me the impetus to crack the law entrance and gain formidable knowledge of trivia generally known as General Knowledge which I knew can eventually help me to crack UPSC.
Then in law school, I wanted to be a great commercial lawyer, so I learned everything I could about structured finance and investment law. I cancelled my plans of working as a diplomat.
When I got a job in a big law firm, it depressed me. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. And I had no idea how hard it will be and how long it will take. At that time I assumed I will get rich in a few years.
Nonetheless, I jumped in and learnt what I had to, and I have been growing ever since. I may or may not have found my true calling, but I have a mission today. I will be whatever I have to be for this mission.
Salesman? Telecaller? Done.
Content marketer? Done.
Teacher? Done. I will do whatever it takes.
I can tell you something, you cannot know and should not know what is your destiny.
You need to have a plan. You need to have a destination that inspires you. You need to embark on a journey.
However, it is almost certain that you will get it wrong.
Does not matter. Pursue whatever you pursue will all your passion, heart and energy like it is the last thing in the world you can ever do. Do it like there is nothing beyond it.
Succeed in it.
Then the universe will tell you what is the next step.
All the steps you take, the things you learn, the people you get to know, the mistakes you make, all will add up one day and make your journey make sense. Like Steve Jobs said, you cannot connect the dots looking forward. You will look back many years later and in hindsight, it will all make sense.
When I was a law student, I decided to teach for IMS, build content for CLAT for them, started CLAThacker as an experiment, went around the country promoting their CLAT courses, and had no idea that I will end up building a legal education platform one day. I was thinking I was doing all that for the money, to pay the college fee and afford a good lifestyle.
In reality, the universe was training me for the real work I had to do ahead. What I am doing today. If I planned it myself, I doubt I could come up with something so amazing with my limited rationality and vision.
A major reason for success of the first generation Macintosh computer was the beautiful fonts it had. Where did Steve Jobs learn that? One day, in college, he aimlessly sauntered into a calligraphy class. And then he took that course for fun. And that was a big asset of the computer he will help to build one day. Who knew? Who could foresee?
Do what Steve Jobs did. That is, do what interests you. Do what your heart calls for.
Does cyber law interest you today? Please go for it. It doesn’t matter if you will end up being a tax lawyer or judge instead. Maybe you will write the most powerful judgments about taxation of crypto assets? Maybe you will influence India’s policies towards cyber terrorists? Who knows.
What interests you today but confuses you at the same time because you can’t foresee your future and because you are afraid of making career mistakes? Let me know. Reply, I will read everything personally. Let’s talk about it.
Don’t worry, you will make mistakes anyway. Make them fast, get done with them, move ahead, learn as much as you can in the process.
I never say that my one year stint in a big law firm was a waste, though I suffered at least 6 months of depression in the process. Or a mistake. It was great learning. Now I know how to build courses for lawyers who want to work in law firms. I know how to train law firm lawyers because I know what environment, pressure and challenges they face.
Confused between IPR and public policy? Don’t worry, spend time learning both. Who knows you may set up India’s most powerful IPR think tank one day!
Give the universe a chance. All you have to do is passionately learn, give attention and progress in everything that comes before you.
If you had no worry about what you will do in the future, is there any area of law you will want to learn deeply? Here are some courses we have lined up in the next 45 days. Pick something.
Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment laws
Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology contracts
Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)
Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Administration and Business Laws
Diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations
Executive Certificate Courses
Certificate course in Advanced Criminal Litigation & Trial Advocacy
Certificate course in Advanced Corporate Taxation
Certificate course in Companies Act
Certificate Course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Certificate Course in Advanced Civil Litigation: Practice, Procedure and Drafting
Certificate Course in Real Estate Laws
Certificate Course in Arbitration: Strategy, Procedure and Drafting
The post How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus? appeared first on iPleaders.
How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus? syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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loyallogic · 6 years
How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus?
This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho
Should I become a criminal lawyer?
Or should I become a media lawyer?
Should I just become a judge?
Or an entrepreneur?
This question is bothering almost every law student, and young lawyers. It should bother the old lawyers too, and if it’s not bothering you then you have perhaps stopped growing.
Think of one of India’s most famous lawyers, Harish Salve. He has gone from being a CA to a lawyer. Then a top tax lawyer. Then constitutional law cases. Then criminal cases. Now he is focussing on a career in international arbitration.
Every time he reaches the top and then reinvents himself.
You are never too big to consider what is the next big thing to do. If you decide to take a break and chill, have a kid, focus on meditation or race bikes, that’s also absolutely fine.
I have a friend who runs a very successful boutique law firm and earns about a couple of crores a year. It took him 10 years to build that practice. He is planning to shutter his law practice and begin a new chapter in life as an entrepreneur.
He will have to learn everything from scratch. Technology, marketing, sales, and other things he has no idea about. He literally spends a few hours every month learning web development. And you know what? I have never seen him more excited.
Another lawyer I know (I would have loved to name him but he detests publicity), was a few years back, the go-to startup lawyer in Delhi. In 2014, they did over 30 VC investment deals. He made several crores a year. In 2016, he shut down his firm and moved to Goa. He fired all his juniors, who are now working in places like Trilegal, CAM, JSA etc (thanks to the experience of working on good deals). Last time I met him, he said he is focussing on a personal journey, of yoga and meditation.
Knowing him, he will probably move to silicon valley and start some kickass startup in another year or two.
So to all the law students and young lawyers who are trying to make the perfect career decision today, please get some perspective from the above stories. You have no idea what you might end up doing after 10 years.
When I joined law school, I was 100% certain that I will become a diplomat after studying law. It gave me the impetus to crack the law entrance and gain formidable knowledge of trivia generally known as General Knowledge which I knew can eventually help me to crack UPSC.
Then in law school, I wanted to be a great commercial lawyer, so I learned everything I could about structured finance and investment law. I cancelled my plans of working as a diplomat.
When I got a job in a big law firm, it depressed me. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. And I had no idea how hard it will be and how long it will take. At that time I assumed I will get rich in a few years.
Nonetheless, I jumped in and learnt what I had to, and I have been growing ever since. I may or may not have found my true calling, but I have a mission today. I will be whatever I have to be for this mission.
Salesman? Telecaller? Done.
Content marketer? Done.
Teacher? Done. I will do whatever it takes.
I can tell you something, you cannot know and should not know what is your destiny.
You need to have a plan. You need to have a destination that inspires you. You need to embark on a journey.
However, it is almost certain that you will get it wrong.
Does not matter. Pursue whatever you pursue will all your passion, heart and energy like it is the last thing in the world you can ever do. Do it like there is nothing beyond it.
Succeed in it.
Then the universe will tell you what is the next step.
All the steps you take, the things you learn, the people you get to know, the mistakes you make, all will add up one day and make your journey make sense. Like Steve Jobs said, you cannot connect the dots looking forward. You will look back many years later and in hindsight, it will all make sense.
When I was a law student, I decided to teach for IMS, build content for CLAT for them, started CLAThacker as an experiment, went around the country promoting their CLAT courses, and had no idea that I will end up building a legal education platform one day. I was thinking I was doing all that for the money, to pay the college fee and afford a good lifestyle.
In reality, the universe was training me for the real work I had to do ahead. What I am doing today. If I planned it myself, I doubt I could come up with something so amazing with my limited rationality and vision.
A major reason for success of the first generation Macintosh computer was the beautiful fonts it had. Where did Steve Jobs learn that? One day, in college, he aimlessly sauntered into a calligraphy class. And then he took that course for fun. And that was a big asset of the computer he will help to build one day. Who knew? Who could foresee?
Do what Steve Jobs did. That is, do what interests you. Do what your heart calls for.
Does cyber law interest you today? Please go for it. It doesn’t matter if you will end up being a tax lawyer or judge instead. Maybe you will write the most powerful judgments about taxation of crypto assets? Maybe you will influence India’s policies towards cyber terrorists? Who knows.
What interests you today but confuses you at the same time because you can’t foresee your future and because you are afraid of making career mistakes? Let me know. Reply, I will read everything personally. Let’s talk about it.
Don’t worry, you will make mistakes anyway. Make them fast, get done with them, move ahead, learn as much as you can in the process.
I never say that my one year stint in a big law firm was a waste, though I suffered at least 6 months of depression in the process. Or a mistake. It was great learning. Now I know how to build courses for lawyers who want to work in law firms. I know how to train law firm lawyers because I know what environment, pressure and challenges they face.
Confused between IPR and public policy? Don’t worry, spend time learning both. Who knows you may set up India’s most powerful IPR think tank one day!
Give the universe a chance. All you have to do is passionately learn, give attention and progress in everything that comes before you.
If you had no worry about what you will do in the future, is there any area of law you will want to learn deeply? Here are some courses we have lined up in the next 45 days. Pick something.
Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment laws
Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology contracts
Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)
Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Administration and Business Laws
Diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations
Executive Certificate Courses
Certificate course in Advanced Criminal Litigation & Trial Advocacy
Certificate course in Advanced Corporate Taxation
Certificate course in Companies Act
Certificate Course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Certificate Course in Advanced Civil Litigation: Practice, Procedure and Drafting
Certificate Course in Real Estate Laws
Certificate Course in Arbitration: Strategy, Procedure and Drafting
The post How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus? appeared first on iPleaders.
How Should I Choose my Area of Practice and Focus? published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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supertheoristking · 6 years
[ad_1] Gob title: Telecaller Company: Gob description: Hey! We are hiring for Domestic Process I have Process Like Credit Card, Cars 24 , Dr Reddy, Apollo Heath Hospitably Process We need Good communication Skills Minimum 6 Month Exp & Fresher Also Welcome Self Motivated,Good hand o… Expected salary: Rs.250000 per year Location: Delhi Job date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 08:58:28 GMT Apply for the job…
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
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Rojgar Abhiyan has taken into consideration this initiative to alleviate the woes of a number of relief measures initiated by the State and Centre governments. Through the multiple hiring options, the portal supports the economy. There have been numerous structural reforms covering agriculture, core sectors, and MSME.
Also, there are numerous jobs that serve with short-term relief measures for migrants, one-time payments, and easy loans. The portal regularly updates plenty of job postings, making it easier for the workers to find jobs while also assisting the employers in finding the best workers for the jobs they offer. Get the job reviewed over a call with the platform that supports every employer and worker’s objective. Start conducting interviews instantly. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
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In India, the unemployment rate is too high, and during the pandemic, the rate of unemployment has increased a lot as many of the migrant workers are getting ill because of hunger and many more reasons. For the labourers who are working on daily wages, it has become a challenge to feed their families at the same time. Because of this, it has become difficult to find a job easily, and because of that, labourers are facing lots of diseases because of hunger. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
If you are in urgent need of a job in Delhi, then you have to register on our app. If you are not able to register, our volunteers are there to provide you with help to get registered and land jobs. Rojgar Abhiyan makes it simple to find work in the construction industry, office work, driving, telesales, telecalling, and many other fields. Migrants, skilled or unskilled, everyone can get a job from us just by following a few easy steps or on our app. There is a phone provided. Just give us a missed call and our volunteers will connect you to get the job. https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
Rojgar Abhiyan – The Best Job Search App
Rojgar Abhiyan is a non-governmental organisation that aims to promote the happiness, wellbeing, and comfort of the people of a society and to get jobs easily. For migrants, when they leave their native place and come to the city in search of a job, it is not that easy to find a job easily.
There are numerous agencies that promise to provide you with a job by taking money, but it is not true that they will provide you with a job. Rojgar Abhiyan is there to help you settle down in a new city, and the service can make the process of getting a job much smoother. For the majority of the migrant employees, getting this assistance can be a big step toward helping to accelerate the settlement period.
If you are in search of private jobs in Delhi and are not able to get a job, then Rojgar Abhiyan is the best app for you to get a job. Then Rojgar Abhiyan is there to provide you with a job. More than 100 recruiters are registered with us. We are tied up with firms, organisations, and factories that hire daily wage workers like sewing workers, packaging staff, factory workers, clerks, maids, and other skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labourers.
Now you might be thinking, how can unskilled workers get registered for this app? You won't have to worry about anything with this app; you'll be given one mobile number to which you must give a miscall for job 9289300506. They will play an important role in labour empowerment after miscalling our active volunteers for an NGO.
Over 7 out of 10 migrant workers suffer from health problems because of hunger, but now in India, everyone's unemployment rates are decreasing. Rojgar Abhiyan has active volunteers to provide migrant workers in Delhi with jobs and their conditions, making survival easy. Rojgar Abhiyan wants to make workers stand on their feet.
More than 1000 volunteers are there to help you log in and till you’re assigned to the job. All our volunteers will manage all duties in an efficient manner, starting from registration, through correspondence between the workers and employers, and finally, ensuring the job for the labour.
Rojgar Abhiyan has more than 1000 volunteers in Delhi and provides support to lakhs of people trying to get a reliable source of income. Join us as a volunteer or register now for Rojgar Abhiyan. We have 100+ companies and more than 100 recruiters registered with the Rojgar Abhiyan. Visit our website at https://rojgarabhiyan.com/ right now.
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
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Shakti Foundation has come together to make India fully financially independent by helping jobless, poor migrant workers find their ideal jobs nearby. We can work together to ensure that every household has a consistent source of income and that people live happy, long lives with their families, eating three meals a day with their children: https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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rogarabhiyan · 2 years
Connect with Rojgar Abhiyan to get a job.
Finding a new job in a new city for migrant workers is very difficult, and the first three months of arriving in a new country with your family is a very difficult task. There are many agencies that promise migrant workers that they will provide a job, but you have to pay this much money. But really, they help you get a job. No, I'll just give you a phoney answer.
Surviving in any city without a job is very difficult with a family because you have a lot of expenses to pay for rent, food, and many more things. Don’t worry, I'm here with you to tell you about Rojgar Abhiyan, who is on a mission to make India Atmnirbhar through the financial empowerment of the labour class. We, the Rojgar Abhiyan initiative of Shakti Foundation, welcome all responsible Indians with open arms to join us as volunteers and to help the needy get jobs.
Now the question is how they can help you find a job. We have tied up with firms, organisations, and factories in Delhi that hire labour for daily wage jobs or monthly salaries for their companies. We hire workers like sewing workers, packaging staff, factory workers, clerks, maids, and other skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labourers for private jobs in Delhi.
We help jobless and low-income migrant workers in Delhi find suitable jobs nearby and provide them with jobs in a variety of ways. Their family can get to the time of their food, by which at least they will have a peaceful good night with a full stomach.
With Rojgar Abhiyan, he helps employers meet employees because both are in need. Employers require employees through whom employees will be hired. can reach Rojgar Abhiyan by giving a missed call on our number, which is provided on our app. Then our volunteer will reach you and help you get a job. Our volunteers serve as the connecting bridge between the job and the potential workers, generally known as migrant workers, unskilled workers, or semi-skilled workers.
Rojgar Abhiyan is step one for all migrant workers, and we, as migrant workers, should show little interest and responsibility in the betterment of the backward section of society. We are giving all Indians a chance to take a small step towards initiating the revolution of change for a better tomorrow. Join now as a volunteer and help India to become atmanirbhar. Visit us at https://rojgarabhiyan.com/
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