#I need more Kate and Yelena interactions in the mcu
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Comic!Yelena is aroace and MCU!Yelena is ace, no I do not take criticism
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delulu-with-wandanat · 1 year ago
Fics recs: 1-THE ROMANOFF CHRONICLES, an astounching groundbreaking, never seen before (literally) masterpiece, 100/10. It's mainly set in those 5years post snap, it explains the development that each character presented in endgame in a way the Russos wish they did, it represents the friendship between the avengers in a way marvel never allowed them be, it respects Natasha ( skill set, humanity, personality, affiliations,..) it's nat centric, it's only flaw: it's not complete but don't worry it has 60 medium to long chaps.
2-ON THE COVER - RED WHITE AND BLACK | New York Magazine | Dec. 30th, 2024, this is the most beautifully written farewell, tribute to Natasha Romanoff I have ever seen, it's written in a format that I think has never been used in fanfics, it's a soul touching poetic masterpiece
3- Ohio years, an exquisite bittersweet mini series of 1 shots that's written in a captivating style that keeps your attention, it showcases how the Russian murder family but mainly nat & Melina come to love & connect to each other.
4-FIREFLIES, it's written in such a bittersweet melancholic reminiscing way, it's just so beautiful. It's an 18 1 shots about nat encountering fireflies & being reminded of Ohio years &then others being reminded of nat by seeing them.
5- DISTURBING THE PEACE, an excellent 100/10 tear-jerker masterpiece, it's a very long 1 shot about what if post apocalyptic lonely nat , it also showcases her friendship with og avengers & nick.
6- I USED TO HAVE NOTHING, - WIDOW SISTERS AND MANY MARVELOUS MARVEL WOMEN - WE ARE MEANT FOR MORE THAN THIS, it's cute well written comfort, fluff, a bit angsty 3 different series of mainly 1 shots by 3 different authors about yelena and Natasha. They're my all time favorite comfort read.
7- I LOVE YOU, GOODBYE, it's a very very long 1 shot of AU of endgame in which Wanda survives & wandanat happens that hit me so hard I needed hours to process it & get out of it, my only quell with it is that it reset nat & Wanda's relationship with each other at postAOU where they would definitely be distant to each other.
8- IT'S FUN TO LOSE AND TO PRETEND, an absolute tear-jerker, a masterpiece, a beauty, a greatness, it's a 5 parts multichaps which takes place just after Westview, before Hawkeye where nat is given another chance ending up at Wanda's door, Wanda is given the healing marvel denied her with nat, Sam &bucky not being limited by the shackles of the screen & actually interacting with the events of their universe,Clint and yel meeting with their beloved. The ending was a bit unsatisfying to me but nonetheless as martin says this is CINEMA.
9- HOW NATASHA ROMANOFF MARRIED WANDA MAXIMOFF, it's a medium paced 38 chaps retelling of "how Nancy Jackson married Kate Wilson" but with wandanat with huge changes. It's sweet & adorable, the beginning was a bit rocky to me, there parts I would wince where I didn't like it but otherwise an absolute entertainment, I wanna kiss the head of it's author irl for giving me this absolute comfort for FREE. God or whatever higher power bless this person.
10-OUR LITTLE GROUP HAS ALWAYS BEEN (AND ALWAYS WILL UNTIL THE END), it's 9 part series of mini chaps, it's very creative concept,a wild imagination, it's the biggest au to ever au as its author puts it. To me it's the truest form of fanfic, the author took majority of the plot of MCU & toyed with it &come up with their world which has everything cute adorable wandanat, yelenat, the maximoffs, yel and Pietro, loving Russian spy parents, coulson's Lola, overall it's cuteness overload. God bless this author too.
If you ever decide to read them pls leave them a comment & let me know how you feel about them, also do you have more nat centric fanfics or just good fanfics about nat and anybody else.
im def gonna read all ur recs! So far i had this one fanfic i rlly like but i forgot the title. I’ll let u know when i rememberr
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its-the-zcu · 1 year ago
Long rant ahead
Sarah Gailey MCUified the shit out of comic-Yelena in this new White Widow book! It’s like an MCU-Yelena fan wrote a fanfic and had art drawn for it! Fr, this shit could’ve been a MCU tie-in book instead of a comic-Yelena story!
You can tell that Sarah Gailey just watched the Black Widow movie and the Hawkeye show and said "Yep! This is I everything I need to know about comic-Yelena even though the MCU is a completely different universe with completely different events! I can totally use this to write about comic-Yelena 😄” Girl, put that pen down and do not write for Yelena ever again (unless it’s an ACTUAL MCU-tie in book)!
It's like ever since the Black Widow movie came out, Marvel decided to put Yelena right back in Natasha's shadow just as she was getting out of it 😭 Her suit is Natasha's iconic one, but make it white! Her alias is now White Widow when Adaptoid was just fine or they could’ve came up with something new and one that doesn’t relate to the Widows! And now this comic is basically giving her Natasha's backstory cuz Sarah Gailey was too lazy to work with or learn anything about Yelena's actual comic history…
This run is really taking one big, giant shit over everything comic-Yelena has been through and is replacing it with her watered down movie counterpart that is barely anything like her. It’s disrespectful to the previous writers and all the effort they put in to making Yelena who she is in the 616 universe and I can’t wait for this White Widow series to END!
Sarah Gailey also hit Yelena with the qUiRKy giRL beam cuz now she's talking and acting more like a teenage girl or Kate Bishop rather than a grown ass woman in her 30's or 40's!
And speaking of Kate, I'm going to be so fucking pissed if the comics continue trying to force a friendship between Yelena and Kate after this series! They can be friends in the MCU, idgaf, but as for the comics, those mfs ARE NOT FRIENDS! They literally interacted ONCE! If it’s any Hawkeye Yelena has interacted with more, it's CLINT! And they only tolerate each other for Natasha's sake!
The only thing I don’t mind being MCUified is Yelena’s suit cuz it doesn't look exactly like Sharon's or Natasha's and that's something I've wanted out of a Yelena suit for the longest.
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who are your favorite marvel characters? i really love the xmen. ive watched all the (non-animated) xmen movies and i love them. id list the specific characters i like but then itd be like half the entire cast. i also love the defenders. i was absolutely in love with the defenders series when i watched it and i think more same-world shows should have crossovers because its fun :) (all the defenders interacting + all the side characters interacting was awesome)
I saw the first season of Jessica Jones and two season of Daredevil but I never got around to the other two! I definitely need to finish the Defenders universe.
Let’s seeeee
Favorites in no particular order (MCU unless specified otherwise): Peter Parker (pretty much any version), Kate Bishop my gf, Carol Danvers, Steve Rogers, Valkyrie, Matt Murdock was pretty cool, Kamala Khan, Miles Morales (especially Spider-verse), Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova (In Hawkeye)
They’re all very blorbo in different ways
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awcoffee-no · 2 years ago
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I follow Earth-616 comics for Clint, set generally around the Matt Fraction timeline. I can work in pieces of the MCU timeline for him as needed, but I do not include his secret family subplot.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Clint with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Natasha Romanoff, Bobbi Morse, James Rhodes, Bucky Barnes Possible Ships: most Avengers, Phil Coulson, Wade Wilson NOTPs: Laura Barton, Loki Laufeyson, Kate Bishop (love writing with her, but too many little sister vibes to ship) Family: Again, I don't acknowledge Clint's MCU family, but I'm happy to play against his canon comics (Francis) or OC kids. I can't promise he's the most responsible parent out there. Other: Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Oliver Queen, Mia Smoak, Artemis Crock (just give me all the archer team-ups, please)
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default verses:
616: A mix of 616 and headcanons set in the Fraction-era comics, typically written for comics muses who don't acknowledge things like the MCU Civil War or Thanos.
mcu: A mix of 616 backstory/characterization and headcanons that follows a more general MCU timeline from the first Avengers movie, Civil War, and Endgame. It does not acknowledge Clint's marriage or secret family subplot, nor Natasha's death.
alt!postblip: An MCU AU where Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline rather than return to the past. Thor's snap brings back Natasha.
vigilante shit: A verse set in the Fraction-era comics of Earth-616, where Clint is bumming around Brooklyn and doing friendly neighborhood Hawkeye shit.
his first name is agent: A verse set in the Fraction-era comics of Earth-616, where Clint is doing spy shit for SHIELD or working for the Avengers.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
61616: A Marvel AU where Ultron won and killed most of the Avengers. Clint survives with his son, Francis, and lives underground, fighting back against the androids and assisting the human survivors.
gods & avengers: The Avengers are reincarnations of Greek gods, and Steve accepts the mantle of Hades during the battle of Wakanda to defeat Thanos and stop the snap from happening. Clint has sort of known he's Apollo for some time, but he's reluctant to accept it.
nothing rhymes with circus: A verse on Clint's backstory and his time on the streets or with the circus where he originally trained as an archer.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where Clint doesn't leave Brooklyn during the initial breakout and evacuation, but is eventually forced out to survive.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, Clint is still distraught over losing Natasha on Vormir. When he's sent to investigate Westview, he finds a false happily ever after.
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ellestra · 3 years ago
Home for Christmas
Not all resolutions were given the depth I hoped for (it felt like to much of it was cut and come on Disney nothing was stopping you from making it longer) but I was very satisfied that Tomas made up with his girlfriend. Even if it meant they went to Maroon 5 concert instead of Imagine Dragons. And it was nice of him to thank Kate.
And I suppose many of the theory channels were disappointed but I loved that Jack turned out to be nothing more than comic relief. And almost a hero (maybe even joining all the LARPers). The real villain in the family clearly is Armand the VII. The MCU's next big bad.
I was also glad none of the LARPers got killed. I loved that people only listened to them when they put on costumes. After decade and a half the civilians in the MCU know now that costumed people are the ones in charge in emergency and you should listen to them.
I was pretty sure that Maya’s story resolution will end up with her just cutting ties with the criminal world so this ending was fine with me. I didn’t expect her to kill both her main anchor points - Kazi and Uncle - but I suspected she would ask Kazi to leave with her (but he was way too much 2014 Nebula). This is what her father wanted so it had to end there before her own series.
Still, I suspect Fisk is not dead. We didn’t see the body and Echo series still needs a villain. Whether managed to block the shot or survived it he is going to be pissed and that conflict would be nice starting point of Maya’s trajectory of becoming a hero. But that Christmas Eve should teach him not to underestimate women.
However, his turn in this was a little disappointing.  The way he was so easily left unguarded and vulnerable. The way you can't really feel how big a threat he is without watching Daredevil. The way he is basically on the run from the police anyway because Yelena managed to get him and Eleanor on tape. All this ending with him being taken down with so little effort makes Hawkeye being all worried about him getting involved feel disappointing. He's only scary because I watched Daredevil on Netflix. But there was not enough of that intensity here to really feel the danger (and him using Tracksuit Mafia as henchmen doesn't help as they are to inept to ever succeed). It needed more time to at least properly set up him being there in person. Although the way Vincent D'Onofrio just threw Hailee Steinfield aground looked awesome and properly Kingpin.
Although it wasn't as fun as the fight where Yelena is trying not to hurt Kate too much but also gets more and more annoyed but finally respectful was really well done. It is a start of a beautiful friendship for the next generation of Black Widow and Hawkeye.
I was also certain Yelena thing would be resolved by talking. Yelena’s interactions with both Kate and Clint were great. Of course Clint knew about Yelena and the whistle. Natasha would've told him who else (besides Laura and the she was hoping to get back and why it mattered so much. She already regained family that seemed irrevocably lot once (and saw that love isn't just for children) so she kept the hope it could happen again when Clint lost it. Of course she told him why. She kept Avengers going through the Blip all the way to getting means to reverse it even if it meant never seeing people she lost again. The important part was that they will be alive even if they had to deal with her loss afterwards. That they didn't get enough time together breaks my heart but I appreciate show taking the time to show us how much she mattered when Endgame didn't.
And I loved how in the end Clint admitted he and Kate are partners. Even if every time he says "Kate - no" she says "Kate - yes" they work really well together. It was great he took her in along with the dog (who got his proper name Lucky off screen - one more proof this episode left too much on cutting floor). Adopting new family members is a Burton family thing. Especially ones with really messed up family (although I was a little disappointed Yelena didn't come too). And now that he burnt the Ronin suit and got Laura's SHIELD watch too (he did marry Agent 19) he can properly retired (despite that great new outfit) and pass the name (Lady Hawk is a good movie but bad code name).
I just wish that Clint's time as Ronin didn't got swept under the carpet again like it never happened (yes, I'm complaining about lack of consequences). Kate sends her mother to jail for doing bad things but she doesn't even bat an eye when she learns about Clint. Yelena was right - just being one of Avenger is not a reason to ignore the bad shit they do. And yet, in the MCU, they never suffer any consequences (I suppose it's true to life but this is supposed to be a fantasy).
Still, I loved how Kate explains why Hawkeye mattered to her so much as a hero. The way he showed that you can still matter without superpowers or a suit. Just a guy with sticks and string fighting aliens and helping save the day and making her believe she could be a hero too. New Hawkeye even.
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incorrectpizza · 3 years ago
#8, 9, 19, 26, 37, and 38 for the MCU asks?
8. Overhated/Underrated character - Prior to WandaVision, this would've been a super easy answer for me because I've liked Darcy for significantly longer than she was cool. Now, though, I feel like she gets a good bit of love. So...Clint? I hoped getting his own series would've made him more popular but it seems like he's still treated second-rate as far as the main Avengers crew goes. :(
9. Favorite fight scene - I have a confession to make...I don't like fight scenes. Generally speaking, I hate the MCU's tendency to end every movie in an over-the-top psychedelic CGI fistfight. So my favorites tend to be the quieter ones, the ones that offer a bit of character development along with the blood and smashing. So the fight scenes that aren’t so much fight scenes as important character beats where people happen to throw a few punches are the ones I like most. The first examples that come to my mind are Clint vs Natasha in Endgame and Clint vs Yelena in the Hawkeye finale. 
19. Characters you wish would interact more - Okay so they haven't interacted at all yet, but I am absolutely desperate for Kate Bishop and Peter Parker to meet. They're presumably both vigilante heroes in NY now, and it feels like there's a lot of potential for goofy mayhem. As far as characters we’ve already seen together - I need more Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica.
26. A random headcanon for a character of your choice - After No Way Home and until he reunites with Ned, Peter can't watch Star Wars. It's too painful.
37. A future project you're the most excited for - Tbh, Black Widow, No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness were my most anticipated Phase 4 movies, and Hawkeye my most anticipated show, and now that they're all over I'm kind of meh on the announced future projects. That being said, I'm looking forward to Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania - if the release date holds, I’ll have to wait a week or so but I’ll get to see it over Spring Break, hopefully with friends! And I’m sure I’ll hype myself up for other things as we get more info. I’m really curious to see where certain characters are going to show up next. :) 
38. Favorite and least favorite villain - I thought about this for two days and couldn’t come up with a decent answer. But all that thinking did inspire a post I’ll get around to making in the next day or two. :)
Thanks for the asks! Sorry they weren’t answered sooner but it’s been a beast of a week. 
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themosleyreview · 3 years ago
The Mosley Review: Hawkeye (Season 1)
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If there's one series I was not really looking forward to, it was this. Now I like the titular character, but I never really thought there was much of his story left to tell beyond the films. As we all know, Marvel loves to showcase their characters by giving them more depth and tying off loose ends that may have been introduced in the films. This show did exactly that I was pleasantly surprised how charming and fun it was. Setting it against the most wonderful time of the year was brilliant and added the amount levity needed to balance out the more serious nature of the story. The show juggles many tones so well, but at times it kind of loses its grip on the direction it wanted to take. It wasn't until the third episode the show truly started to take off for me and I loved the three central plotlines and how they wrapped up so neatly. It was fascinating how each character's arc came to a resolution that was earned and not rushed. That's pretty tricky to do in just six episodes.
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Haliee Steinfeld joins the MCU as Kate Bishop and she was so much fun to watch. She brings her trademark quirkie since of humor to the character. At first it came off as trying too hard to be charming, but she quickly ensnares you with her level of sincerity and passion. She did excellent in the action scenes and I loved her banter as she fought off many members of the Russian Jumpsuit Gang. Vera Farmiga is always great and I liked her as Kate's mother Eleanor. She may come off as the stereotypical worried mother that happens to be wealthy but as the show progresses, she shows that there is so much more depth to Eleanor. Tony Dalton was charming and fun Jack Duquesne. I liked the subplot of him being the step father for Kate and how she tries to determine if she could trust him or not. The chemistry between all three of them was excellent and rich with conflict and love. Jeremy Renner returns as Clint Barton / Hawkeye and he has never been better. I loved that his past comes back and he has to deal with the consequences of his actions from Avengers: Endgame. I also loved that he shows the humanity of being a superhero and how it has effected him physically and emotionally. He is just a former weapon trying live his life in peace and it was so relatable and sometimes heartbreaking when it came to his family. Linda Cardellini returns as his wife Laura and she continues to be the heart of Clint in every moment they interact. The show really got fun once Clint and Kate began to work together. His chemistry was great with Kate and I liked how he slowly opened up to the idea of having a partner again. The best moments are when he is training her in the apartment scenes.
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Alaqua Cox was fantastic and brutal as Maya Lopez. I really enjoyed her vengeance arc and how it tied into Clint's life. I am new to her character and I am so glad that Marvel casted an Native American actress that is in an amputee. She was perfect in so many ways and her emotional journey comes to a satisfying conclusion, but there is so much to explore with her and I can't wait to see more. Her closest friend Kazimierz "Kazi" Kazimierczak was well portrayed by Fra Fee. Even though he was the lackey of the "big boss" of the show, his bond with Maya was the best part of his arc. Florence Pugh returns as Yelena Belova and she continues the mission she set out on from the Black Widow film. She is even more adorable in this series and even more fun to watch. She may be one of the deadliest people on screen, but she doesn't shy away from having all the fun.
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The score by Christophe Beck and Michael Paraskevas was fun and emotionally charged in a number of great scenes. I do love it when composers take classic Christmas themes and mix into a more action packed style while keeping the melody intact. The action is on par with the standard action thriller vibes you'd expect from the MCU, but I did enjoy the commentary and usage of the many trick arrows in Hawkeye's quiver. Once again, Marvel Studios has delivered an excellent miniseries that adds to the ever expanding universe while finishing off loose ends. Its definitely a great action series to watch during the holidays and even if the humor doesn't always hit its mark. The Disney+ Original series in now streaming. Do stick around for the end credit performance that is absolutely something I would love to see come to life in another special. Let me know what you thought of show or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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Just finished Hawkeye and some initial thoughts:
Wow, that was a waste of a character and 6 Netflix shows. Hawkeye Kingpin is a major downgrade from Netflix Kingpin. Netflix Kingpin exuded menace while still managing to be so civil it was almost elegant. Hawkeye Kingpin... walks around in a white suit jacket with a red Hawaiian patterned shirt and a diamond-topped cane. The costuming says it all, really. (I know it’s more comic accurate, but it looked SO tacky. Netflix Kingpin would never be tacky. If they wanted to be comic accurate surely they could have pulled it off better?) And him being in this show means that the Netflix shows are in a different universe from the movies and MCU Studios shows which is very not what I wanted. I figured it was coming, but introducing it via a very tacky Kingpin makes it worse.
For the record, my opinion on the Marvel TV shows being in a different universe than the MCU Studios content is and always will be:
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The other big thing is that this was such a waste of an opportunity to fix MCU Clint. They just swapped Kate and Clint’s personalities instead. :/ (Which is a waste of TWO awesome characters that I love, and I’m mad about about it.) To the point that somewhere around the end of episode 4 (after they gave Kate the boomerang arrow enthusiasm and Clint the skepticism) I was unashamedly watching the show for Kate, Yelena, and the Natasha mentions and stopped caring about Clint. Literally every time it switched to Clint in the last episode I just wanted it to go back to Kate or Yelena. (Clint getting stuck in the tree and seeing the owl was hilarious and very in character though, props for that.) Kate has room to grow closer to her comics personality, but Clint’s character is officially beyond salvaging.
I’m pretty sure I was making the 😬 face at Kate suggesting superhero names for herself at the end. It’s the exact opposite of what she does in the comics. She spends a decent chunk of the initial Young Avengers run without a codename because all the ones suggested to her are too stupid until Steve gives her the Hawkeye name. (Lady Hawk might even have been one of the suggestions- I’d have to go back and check.)
Also the “You’re my partner. Your mess is my mess,” is exactly a line that Kate would say to Clint instead of the other way around and it’s really annoying. It’s just like when Laura says to Clint in AoU about the Avengers that they’re a mess and he replies “They’re my mess.” No, you’re supposed to be their mess!!
Yelena was absolutely fantastic in this episode. She always is and I feel like it doesn’t really even need to be said, but wanted to note that. Her last scenes with Clint had me tearing up. I also really love her and Kate’s friendship. I hope we get more of them interacting eventually. They have such a fun dynamic.
...Does Laura being Agent 19 have to mean that she’s Mockingbird? Or can we at least salvage Agents of SHIELD possibly being in the main MCU universe and say that Agent 19 and Mockingbird are two separate people in the MCU until we get told otherwise?
Lastly, I thought the musical number was incredibly cringy. I was waiting for a credits scene of Kate using the name Hawkeye for the first time or something to lead into the Echo show and instead they gave us that?! Ugh. No wonder Clint turned off his hearing aid, I would too. Plus, I’m not even a New Yorker but I’m offended on their behalf at the lyrics in that song. I’m assuming it was supposed be bad, but that was just awful. I have to go listen to the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes theme song now to cleanse my brain.
Overall, after seeing the whole show, I feel like it was really great for the visuals of translating the Fraction/Aja Hawkeye run to the screen, but it didn’t do the characters justice. I kind of miss when we just had pictures of them filming scenes and it looked exactly like the comic. It feels like it was more enjoyable for me as just visuals without the context of the plot.
Will probably do another post with more analysis and stuff later, these were just my initial reactions.
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futuregws · 3 years ago
Tom said in an interview this morning that he and Florence have talked about spidey and yelena meeting up in mcu movies. Wonder if that means that Tom will be in more Spider-Man movies. No need to have that discussion If he isn’t going to be in them.
I feel like that definitely confirms it bc it would make no sense for him to be talking about it with Flo and then not do anymore Spiderman stuff, and I'm happy for it I wanna see Yelena, Peter and Kate as well like all interacting, even though I have to constantly remember myself of the age difference between each character bc the actors are literally all the same age basically but the characters not at all
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aemondtragaryen-archived · 3 years ago
Yelena for the ask game :)
thanks for asking omg <3
favorite thing about them: her humor ngl
least favorite thing about them: none she is perfect
favorite line: can I just say her entire dialogue with Kate in the last hawkeye episode? It’s so funny LMAO
brOTP: her and Kate omg I need them to interact more in the mcu!
OTP: don’t really have one yet
nOTP: her and Bucky…… I’m offended by this
random headcanon: again after the last hawkeye episode and her mentioning her father I’m obsessed the idea of her, Natasha, Melina and Alexei cooking together 😭
unpopular opinion: only that people need to stop gatekeeping her character! If someone wants to ship yelena with someone it’s not that deep
song i associate with them: I just realized I haven’t yet which is weird for me !!!!
favorite picture of them: okay so from the last hawkeye episode? Her in that fur coat with her bangs…. I adore that look for her
send me a character
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