#I need internet people to validate me rn frr
redjukebox · 2 years
Does anyone else feel like they get really defensive of autism when it’s brought up for any reason? Like, idk if that’s the right word but anytime it’s brought up I get really defensive of myself, even if I’m simply watching a video talking about it in some way.
I’m watching a video of someone relating it to dhmis and their talking about their experience growing up with it and I just have this scared defensive feeling.
I don’t really know how to describe it
Like I’m angry, scared, sad and defensive
Maybe it’s because I’ve gone my entire life without a diagnosis and no help so when I hear about people’s experiences (good or bad) I get jealous?? Idk but it’s so weird
Like it’s to the point where I avoid content surrounding autism
Maybe it’s because it’s easy for people (neurotypicals mostly) to get info so wrong and I’m scared the info will be wrong and I’m so tired of info being wrong?? I really don’t know
Does this happen to anyone else (specifically autistic people)??
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