#I need Moria (and Hancock) to join CG so bad 😭
moongothic · 7 months
Honestly what makes the idea of Moria joining Cross Guild really exciting for me is just the sheer combat potential he could bring (especially if Cross Guild managed to recruit a few more Shichibukai, Hancock especially)
And I don't mean on the zombie side of things, but rather, the fact that you can take shadows from people and put them into other living people to make them more powerful. Which, y'know, powerful enough with no-name goon shadows. But imagine doing that with a bunch of fucking Warlords
Like there's Option A of Moria taking a bunch of Warlord Shadows to either power himself up, or putting them into someone else (who's mentally strong enough to handle them) to make that guy Motherfucker Supreme
But then there's also Option B of just doing a little shadow shuffle where everybody gets the shadow from the Warlord next to them. Suddenly, every Warlord gets a Warlord-level power boost. That's broken as hell, these fuckers would be unstoppable
(Of course, if everyone had to lend their shadow to someone else, they'd all die if they touched sunlight too long. However, Crocodile can make sandstorms, so he could block sunlight. As I said, unstoppable)
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