#I myself must have skimmed it cause it hit WAY HARDER this time I read it
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In case it’s been a while since y’all have read unlocked, I want to remind you that Keefe wrote the following in his diary:
“Sometimes I worry that some tiny part of [Sophie] holds it against me. That she’ll never fully trust me. That she’ll always see me as the guy who betrayed her and stole from her and ran off with the enemy.
I mean… look at her face…
I make myself remember that expression every time I have to be around Fitzphie. It stops me from screaming, DON’T PICK HIM—PICK ME. Because yeah, Fitz has yelled at her a few times, and said stuff that makes me want to smack him upside the head.
But I’m the only one who’s made Foster look like this… like she’s just lost all hope that there’s actually good in the world.
I did that.
Not sure I deserve to be forgiven.”
Keefe being broken up over the ending of neverseen AND using it to convince himself he is unworthy of Sophie?? Making himself watch her fall for Fitz and telling himself it’s his fault?? Why doesn’t the fandom talk more about this??
#I hung around the fandom a lot right after unlocked came out#and NO ONE mentioned this??#I myself must have skimmed it cause it hit WAY HARDER this time I read it#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#Sokeefe#keefe sencen#sophie foster#team foster keefe
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The Silvertongue and the Professor - Chapter 2
Author’s Note: Hello my internet buddies! Here’s the next installment of my Loki story. I was on vacation for a week, so it took me an extra little bit to put this up, but I think it’ll be worth it. Igna and Loki finally meet! Please let me know what you think. Your feedback is super helpful to me and gives me a chance to know if you all like where the story is going. Enjoy, friends!
Warnings: Maybe some language, definitely some violence
Chapter One Chapter Three
The God of Mischief looked up as he heard the door open and close. His eyes tracked the woman that entered. Well, this was different. The woman walked towards him; there was no fear in her eyes, no wariness. It looked as if she was almost...excited? She stopped in front of his cell, sizing him up. Loki did the same to her.
This woman was obviously mortal that he could be sure of. She had a petite build, with extremely pale skin; he thought she might even be as pale as he was. Her hair was, well, strange, to say the least. It was pink. He had never witnessed anyone of the Midgardian realm with pink hair before. He assumed that it must be some sort of enchantment to make it thus. Her hair was long, hitting just above her elbows in soft curls. That pale skin was covered in tattoos, all different, and yet all somehow seemed to meld together, turning her into a piece of living art. Her face was beautiful with her large deep grey eyes, the color of the sea before a raging storm. Those eyes were following his every move, taking in all he did. She had a button nose, plump lips, and high cheekbones. Her expression was serene yet intense. His eyes roved over the rest of her body, feminine curves encased in a grey professional dress, topped off with red heels that added about three inches to her petite frame. His eyes stopped midthigh; she was armed. He could at least see the slight shape of a gun, maybe a knife as well. My, my, he mused, this one is feisty. This should be at least mildly enjoyable. His eyes bored into hers, the vivid green meeting her stormy grey. He quirked a brow, waiting for her to begin.
“Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies,” the woman began.
Loki tilted his head as he listened to her words; she was speaking to him in Swedish, remarkably similar to his native tongue. She spoke like a native Swedish speaker, yet something was off. He couldn’t quite put words to it, maybe something in the accent, which confused him greatly. Perhaps she had learned it at a young age but was from elsewhere?
“Where are you from, mortal?” he queried with a sly smile.
“Sigtuna and Igna is fine; it’s a little more specific than calling me mortal,” the woman replied.
“Ah, Sigtuna, Sweden’s very first town from the last age of the Vikings, how fitting that they send you here to me. You speak like a native, but your accent is ever so slightly off. Where are you truly from?” he pressed.
“I was born and raised in Sigtuna, as I have said. I may sound different than the others, but I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been able to hear myself speak since I was five, or anyone else for that matter.”
The God of Mischief paused, he had heard rumors of such a thing, but it was a Midgardian ailment, not one of Asgard. He wondered what it was like, living in the silence. It occurred to him to ask, but he didn’t want to seem too interested in the woman standing before him. He would refrain from his line of questioning; there was a reason that she was here, after all.
“Interesting,” he murmured, studying her face. “Well, Igna, I suppose Fury has sent you here for some reason or another; best get on with it.”
Igna walked closer to him, stopping only a foot or so away, still watchful as ever.
“You let them catch you; you let them put you in this cage. It’s all too easy, far too easy. Three against one? Even with the enhanced strength of Captain America and the Ironman suit, you still could have easily won without breaking so much as a sweat. I’ve read about your kind, the Aesir; you possess far many more abilities than humanity. We used to worship you as gods, yet you are still flesh and blood as I see you standing here. Made of sturdier stock, of course, but still flesh and blood. I wonder why you let them take you, why you allowed them to throw you into a cage not designed for you. And I think you’re going to tell me.”
Mischief sparkled in his eyes as she talked. He was only killing time talking with her, staving off boredom until it was time for him to go.
“Clever girl, you see things that the others have missed. You do not underestimate me, and I wonder why. Did they send you from the lab to take a look at their newest experiment? Did they pluck you from an office to manipulate my mind? What good can you do here, mortal? At what do they think you can best me, Igna?” he hissed.
“I know more about you than anyone on this planet. I specialize in all things of the Aesir; I am a scholar that shares my knowledge with others. I do not simply see you, Silvertongue; I observe where others miss. There is a reason you chose to be here on this ship, and you are the reason that I chose to be here. As long as you are here, as I am I,” Igna replied.
“And what happens when I depart this ship, as you say I shall?”
“Then I will do everything in my power to find you once more. If you’re here, you’re up to no good. Not that I won’t be the first to admit your actions intrigue me. Have you come to rule humanity? To force us all on our knees?”
Loki smiled, almost like she was his prey, “Precisely, darling. I have come to give you the gift of subjugation. I will eliminate your needless wars, your manipulations of each other, your senseless slaughter in the name of freedom. I shall bring you all together, regardless of race, religion, or creed, and rule you. You, Doctor Andersson, will kneel before me, just as everyone else. Your mind isn’t too hard to skim, you know. I will admit that your mind is stronger than the others, but it can still be read.”
He smacked the glass close to her face, causing her to startle a bit.
“Oh, how I’ll enjoy seeing you kneel in front of me to watch you break and crumble. And once you’re broken, you shall come to me. You will come; you and I both know you will.”
“I think you may be mistaken; I have no desire to kneel, to submit, not to you, not to anyone. Enjoy the thought, though.”
A dark chuckle reverberated in his chest, oh how truly wrong she was.
“ Your defiance is amusing, my dear, but it’ll pass. In the end, there is no escaping me, you’ll see.”
Igna nodded, her eyes brightening as something flew into her mind.
“Well, I do believe I have all I need at present. I know who’s coming for you, and I know it’s soon. You’re simply wasting the clock with me. As such, I’ll be going now and see if we can’t modify and improve security around here. I’m sure Agent Barton will be here soon enough. Possibly with reinforcements too? Yes, I thought as much. It’s been a pleasure to encounter you in the flesh, truly.”
As she turned and began to walk away, a voice, an actual voice, something that she had not experienced since childhood, reverberated in her mind, filling her with icy foreboding.
“Do not fret, Igna Andersson; this will be far from our last encounter. You have my word.”
Loki watched her stop short as the words filled her mind. He saw the shiver run down her spine; he could practically feel her emotions coming off of her in waves. He would come for her; she was far too interesting to slip through his fingers. As she began to walk away, the ship shook. Igna grabbed onto the railing, attempting not to fall as the world moved around her. She turned back, catching the Prince’s eye, he smiled wickedly.
“Don’t worry, darling; I’ll be coming for you.”
The professor pulled herself forward, up the stairs, and out the door. She barreled into Steve, who caught her before she could bounce right off of him. He stooped down a bit, getting her eye contact.
“Ma’am, I’ve got to go suit up; something isn’t right here. I have to see where I can help. I don’t feel right leaving you here, though.”
She nodded, understanding his predicament.
“Captain, go, I’ll be fine; I know how to handle myself. I’ll make my way up and see where I can help, as well.”
Steve squeezed her arm gratefully before running off to do his part. Igna paused for a moment; she knew what her part was, for now. She kicked off her heels, abandoning them next to her purse; she needed to be fully able to run if necessary. Her gun came out of her holster, securely in her hands as she walked back into the room containing the god. She stood steady, careful of her step as everything shook. She looked around, scanning the area for any threats while she made her way down the stairs towards Loki. He was still in the cell, smiling delightedly, fully aware of the chaos and havoc that was happening around them.
She warily watched him; she knew someone would be here for him at any moment. Something moved in the corner of her eye, but before she could fully react, a hand shot out over her mouth, and a powerful arm snaked its way behind her arms, pulling her tight. The gun fell from her hands; the more she struggled, the harder the hold became. Fuck, she was trapped.
Loki smiled mischievously while he put a finger to his lips, motioning for her to hush. She watched as men clothed in SHIELD defensive armor made their way into the room. Her eyes widened as the God of Mischief duplicated himself, strolling out of the cage, leaving a part of himself still in there. Then it dawned on her whose ice-cold fingers were solidly clamped over her lips. It was the god himself, or at least a piece of the god. Fuck magic, fuck the spells he had woven so precisely to make all of this fall into place. This would not end well. She felt herself being backed into a corner, the world shimmering ever so slightly around her. It was transparent but felt different; there was clearly magic surrounding her. She could see out; everything was somewhat hazy, though she realized there was a distinct possibility that others were unable to see her.
Igna could do nothing but watch in horror as Thor was deceived by Loki’s apparition, effectively trapping him inside of the glass cell. Her horror overflowed as the scepter the Trickster wielded made its way through Agent Coulson, impaling him. She fought harder against her captor, utter despair rushing over her in waves as the man fell, blood making a steady stream down his mouth. She knew, in her heart of hearts, that he would not survive that wound. She was sure the scepter was woven with dark magic, dooming the one that was unfortunate enough to be at the receiving end of that weapon. Even as he gave his last hurrah by blowing Loki through the wall with that huge gun-like contraption, she knew it was the end. There were men littered around the floor, dead. Thor was blown out of the helicarrier in a prison not designed for him. Everywhere she looked, the professor saw death and destruction. Her legs began to buckle, but the presence behind her forced her to remain standing against her will.
Before she had a moment to register it, she was partially carried, partially dragged through the ship. Her bare feet repeatedly stumbled, leaving her to be dragged on her knees. She could feel the burning pain from each scrape as she was pulled along and then hoisted back up again. She kicked, bit, screamed, and struggled with everything in her, but it was no use. The god that had her in his clutches was far stronger than her mortal self. She was destined to lose this game before it had even started. As they reached the deck, Igna tried harder to fight back, struggling against his hold. He gripped her harder, those freezing hands digging into her skin. She turned with her shoulder, trying to regain some type of control, but it was as if Loki could see what she would do before she did it. He yanked her arm in the other direction, she could feel the shoulder dislocate, and her bones crack in half like a twig. She let out a scream of utter agony as the edges of her vision became fuzzy. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was Tony Stark suited up with his mask off, looking in her direction in a complete panic as she lost consciousness and was hauled onto the waiting quinjet.
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#loki#loki laufeyson#loki laufeyson x oc#loki x oc#loki x original female character#avengers#mcu#the god of mischief#justanotherblonde23 writes
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Magic Bullet
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(gif credit to owner)
I was beyond Happy when I head my Aunt Kate was here. I quickly bounced out of bed and rushed over towards the guest bedroom down stairs after I'd finished breakfast. Once I saw the door was wide open I squealed in excitement and rushed in, Kate turning around with a huge smile on her face.
She laughs with me and gives me a big hug. I pull away and excitedly jump onto the bed, eagerly wanting to hear what she has been up to lately.
''God I've missed you...'' She trails off as she skims over my pj's.
''And your crazy socks!'' She finishes. I was known by always mis-matching my socks with any outfit I wore, even my pyjamas.
''I can't believe I don't see you for a year and you turn into a freaking runway model? Look at you! Ugh, I hate you'' I shy away and put a hand in front of my face.
''I haven't even showered yet'' It was nice to know that I've grown a bit over the year. The last year had been the... hardest on me. School wise and body wise.
''Sweetie you're a knock out. In fact, I hope you have the boys knocking each others teeth out for your attention'' I giggled and blushed at the compliment.
''I kind of have a lot'' I murmured. She smirked proudly.
''That's my girl, you have a lot? Well you should kinda have a million'' I laughed happily at this.
''Do you need some help unpacking?'' I reached forwards but as soon as I did she gripped my wrist tightly, preventing my movements. It was so tight that it actually hurt.
''No, not that one'' I frowned. She must have saw this because I heard her sigh and slowly release my wrist.
''See? You turn out beautiful and I end up with this Kung Fu death grip'' She jokes, both of us laughing once again.
''Sorry, Sweetie, I didn't mean to be so rough'' I could hear how genuine she was.
''No worries'' I piped up as I hoped of the bed and made my way out of the room as she headed into her en-suite. I frowned to myself as I left, walking back out into the kitchen.
That was beyond strange.
''If Derek Isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one that bit you, then who did?'' Stiles tapped the back of Scott's during History.
''I don't know'' Scott shakes his head in confusion.
''Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?'' Stiles lent forward to whisper to Scott.
''I don't know'' Scott replied again. Stiles pulled back harshly in his chair and sighed to himself. His eyes soon widened.
''Does Allison's dad know about the-'' He was cut off.
''I don't know!'' Scott snapped as soon as he turned around to face Stiles. It was loud enough for the whole class to hear. Once they had lost interest Scott turned back around and lowered his head.
He kept his head down till the graded paper came around. Once his was in front of him he picked it up and read it with a frown, not realising his best friend was reading it over his shoulder.
''Dude, you need to study more'' Scott put the piece of paper down and ignored Stiles.
''That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're going to make it up'' Stiles encouraged with a warm smile.
''Do you want help studying?'' He offered.
''No'' Scott sighs.
''I'm studying with Allison after school'' Scott says. Stiles perks up and smirks.
''That's my boy'' He bellows. Scott turns his head slightly.
''We're just studying'' He states.
''Uh-uh. No, you're not'' Stiles shakes his head, frazzled.
''No, I'm not?'' Scott questions back confused.
''Not if I am forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I-i swear to god I'll have you de-balled-''
''Okay'' Scott soon got the picture.
''Just, stop with the questions, man'' Scott murmurs over his shoulder
''Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek, who still scares me''
‘'You know you're kind of an ass to her'' I spoke up to Jackson as he fished out things from his locker. He turned to me and frowned before returning to what he was doing.
''I know'' was all he said. I furrowed my eyebrows.
''So why?'' I asked, I was curious by nature. He sighs and peeks at me from behind his locker.
''It's who I am, come on, you've known me for a week, you really going to try and psychoanalyze me in such a short period of time?'' I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
''I am not trying to psychoanalyze you, just trying to get to know you better, see into your dark soul and yada-yada'' With this the both of us share a laugh.
''Come on, lighten up Mr Broody'' I playfully slapped his shoulder and he smiled.
''Why are you defending Lydia anyway? I thought you hated her'' That was a good question. I pondered over the question for a minute.
''She's not all bad I guess'' I answered. He smirked and looked over at me.
''Looks like Miss Perfect does have a heart after all'' I playfully shoved him causing up both to laugh even harder this time. It was nice to have a genuine friend.
''Where's Scott McCall?'' came a deep male voice from behind Jackson. I looked up to see a sickly pale, dark haired guy who looked as if he was very ill. Jackson closed his locker slowly before turning to face the stranger.
''Why should I tell you?'' Now was probably not the time to be a smart-ass Jackson.
''Because I asked you politely'' This guy was beginning to give me the heeby jeebies.
''Jackson?'' I spoke up, gaining both of their attention.
''Where's Scott McCall?'' The guy now turned to ask me, stepping closer. He seemed to say it with such authority that it made me cower slightly. Jackson stood in front of me.
''Hmm, okay, tough guy. How about I help you find him if you tell me what you've been selling him'' Selling? Scott? He didn't seem like the guy to be taking drugs.
''What is it? Is it Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?'' Scott's on steroids?
''Steroids?'' The mystery guy responded.
''No, girl scout cookies'' I rolled my eyes and uncrossed my arms at Jackson's remark.
''I'm leaving'' I put my arms up in mock surrender before turning to walk away. There was no way in hell I wanted to be apart of that conversation with... them any longer. The guy gave me the creeps. And he smelt, awful.
I walked around the corner and spotted Ally and Lydia walking up the stairs. I quickly rushed over to them, as fast as I could in high heeled boots.
''Scott's coming over, tonight?'' I heard Lydia ask Allison in a tone.
''We're just studying together'' She defends.
''Just studying never ends with just studying'' I almost wanted to puke by what she was insinuating.
''Gross, Lydia'' I spoke up, catching both of their attention. She turned to face me and rolled her eyes.
''As if you've never 'studied' with a guy before'' She says with sass, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she walked up the steps. Allison stopped to face me but I quickly glared at her, telling her to keep her mouth shut.
''So, what are you saying?'' Allison asked Lydia, getting her to stop once again.
''I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up'' She has got to be kidding me. I rolled my eyes as I walked up along Allison's side.
Poor Allison seem confused. Lydia rolled her eyes once again.
''Hello, Snow White, I'm talking about a condom'' With this her eyes widen. Both Allison and I laugh.
''Are you kidding? After one date?'' I spoke up for my sister. Lydia turns to me and smirks.
''Don't be a total prude like your sister'' I loved how Lydia just assumes stuff.
''Give him a little taste'' Lydia says to Allison.
''Well, I mean, how much is a little taste'' I had wanted to hit my head against the bricked wall.
''Oh, god. You really like him, don't you?'' She asked, slight aww in her tone.
''Well, he's just different'' I kept listening to their conversation as all three of us climbed the remaining steps, turning to walk down the hallway.
''When I first moved I had a plan, no boyfriends till college I just, move to much. But then I met him and... I don't know, I can't explain it'' Allison rambled on causing me to smile.
''I can, it's your brain flooding with phenlythylamine'' I piped up once again, both of them stopping to face me. Allison was confused while Lydia just nodded her head in agreement.
''What?'' Allison laughed confused.
''Don't worry'' I responded.
''I'll tell you what to do, when is he coming over?'' Lydia continued on with the conversation, Allison's attention now back on her.
''Right after school''
I was happy to hear the home bell ring. I raced out of class and over towards my car which was parked in the middle of the parking bay. I went to unlock my door when I began to hear cars honking. Confused, I turned around to see a pile of cars behind an old blue jeep.
''What the hell?'' I popped the keys back into my jacket pocket and jogged over towards the blue jeep noticing three guys there. The one lying on the ground being the same guy from earlier today.
''Are you okay?'' the other two quickly turned to face me with raised eyebrows. I recognised Scott and Cutie.
''Scott?'' Brown eye's seemed to dim a little before he turned to face Scott who was looking at me with wide eyes.
''U-u-um Avery, it's okay, we've got this'' I shook my head, noticing the guy on the ground was bleeding.
''He's severely injured, we need to take him to the hospital'' I spoke, walking forward to kneel on the ground beside the guy. The guy groans and tenses in pain.
''What are you doing? Stop that!'' Scott yelled at the guy. I glanced over at Scott with a 'what the hell?' look
''That's what I'm trying to tell you, I can't''
''Scott pass me your jumper'' I spoke up, grabbing onto the guys bicep causing him to jerk in pain. I could have sworn I heard him growl but I ignored it.
''What?'' Scott asks confused.
''Your jumper, now!'' I urged. He swiftly pulled it of and passed it to me.
''What are you doing?'' He asks.
''I'm making a tourniquet to reduce the bleeding'' I explained as I began to wrap the jumper up into a make shift rope, tying it around the guys bicep making him groan in pain.
''Derek, get up'' Scott says sternly. Wait, they knew him?
''Help me put him in your car'' Scott asks his friend to help lift him. They both placed him int the passenger seat of the car, closing the door. I walked over towards the car and opened the drivers seat.
''Uhhh, what are you doing?'' Brown eyes spoke up once he saw you climb into his jeep.
''Coming, duh'' I spoke out before piling into the backseat before either boy could argue.
''Why should I help you?'' I listened in now into Scott's and Derek's conversation.
''Because you need me'' Scott is on drugs and this is his meth dealer, great. Allison is dating a total junkie.
''Hey, get him outta here'' Scott says to his friend as he hops into the car.
''I hate you for this, so much'' He turns over the engine and begins to leave the school parking lot. I frown to myself and pull out my phone, debating whether or not to text Ally.
I notice after a few minutes that we weren't travelling in the direction of the hospital.
''You should have taken the turn a few miles back for the hospital'' I spoke up, brown eyes looking at me through the mirror.
''We're not going to the hospital'' he says, then looks like he quickly regrets it. I lean forward in between the two chairs.
''No, we have to go back' I say urgently.
''He'll bleed out and possibly lose his arm! This is serious!'' I spoke again. The boy turns to face me and frowns, shaking his head as he glances over at Derek.
''He won't'' He stiffly replies.
''Like hell he won't, turn around'' I was rarely bossy, but in circumstances like these I was.
''No'' I narrowed my eyes into slits.
''Are you insane? Do you want him to die?'' I ask exasperated.
''He's not going to die...come on!'' He looks at his phone then throws it back down onto his seat.
''Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay?'' I was beyond disgusted at this point. How could Scott be friends with this guy.
''He can't control his bleeding you asshole!'' I yelled. He seemed to ignore me.
''Where almost there'' He speaks.
''Almost where?'' Derek asks, still grunting in pain.
''Your house'' Stiles add.
''What? No, you can't take me there'' Derek sounds like he's becoming worried. I don't blame him.
''I can't take you to your own house?'' I wanted to strangle him. I was about to speak up when I was beaten to it.
''Not when I can't protect myself'' Derek chirps. He quickly swerves his jeep over to the side and and turns the engine off.
''What happens when Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? hmm?'' Thy can not be seriously talking about making drugs right now. Now Scott was a messenger boy to get drugs or... make drugs?
''Start the car, now'' Derek breathes heavily.
''I don't think you should be barking orders wit the way you look. In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead'' Once again I turned to glare at the boy.
''Start the car, or I'm going to rip her throat out with my teeth'' Just as your mind ha just registered the word werewolf, my eyes widened at this statement.
''You touch her and I'll-''
I feel Derek soon reach for my arm, tugging me forwards aggressively as he pulls my head over the seat. The engine soon starts and my arm is let go, my body jerking back with the car taking off. I try to calm my racing heart as I lean as far back as I can.
''Let me out of this car'' I spoke up in a timid voice. Derek doesn't acknowledge me while brown eyed boy looks at me sadly.
''Let me out of this car right now or I am calling the police!'' I yelled, tears blurring my vision. Derek doesn't flinch whereas the other guy does. He glances down and sadly sighs, shaking his head.
''I can't, not till I get a hold of Scott'' he says it like he felt guilty. I reached for my phone and started dialing 911.
''My dads the sheriff...'' I look up in surprise, my eyes still coated with un-shed tears. It almost started to feel like I couldn't breathe inside this jeep.
''I need you to trust me, ok?'' I stared at him in disbelief. Trust him?
I slowly shook my head, pulling the phone slowly away from my ear. I hung up swiftly and placed the phone onto my lap.
''Thank you'' He rushes out, reaching for his phone as soon as it began to rang.
''What am I supposed to do with him Scott?'' I perked up at the mention of Scott's name. It's silent for a moment before he smells.
''And by the way Avery is totally freaking out here and I have no idea what to do, Derek's smelling like-'' He stops abruptly then doesn't speak for a few seconds.
''Like death'' again, silence.
''What about your boss?'' He asks.
''You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you'' He sighs and passes the phone over to Derek.
''Did you find it?'' All this over some petty drugs?
''If you don't find it, then I'm dead, alright?''
''I'm beginning to think that's not such a bad thing'' I murmur underneath my breath but obviously the boy heard me and smiled softly.
''The Alpha called you out against your will. He's do it again. Next time, you either kill with him or you get killed'' My eyes almost felt like they were going to fall out of my head. Alpha? Kill? Be killed? What kind of sick, twisted game was this?
''So if you want to stay alive, find the bullet'' Derek hangs up.
''Wait, this whole time you're talking about an actual bullet? like a gun bullet?'' I only heard the both of them sigh in response.
''Okay, okay'' The boy beside me tried to wiggle out of Derek's firm grasp. He also had his other hand on me, leading me inside the animal clinic. I groaned and realised that I may have just gotten myself into some shit. I was just trying to be nice.
''Can you get your hands off of me Creep?'' I groaned out, trying to shake him off of me. Even in his wounded state he seemed to be stronger than me.
''Look she has no part of this okay? Just let her go'' The boy pleaded with him once he had let us both go. He soon came over and stood right beside me at the opposite side of the bench of Derek. I couldn't control my hands from shaking with fear.
It wasn't till I felt a small arm on my back where I began to calm down a little.
''She's an Argent, of course she's involved in this'' Derek groaned out, ripping of his shirt. If it wasn't for the fact that this guy was indeed a freaking psycho I may have awwed over his perfectly god like body.
''But she doesn't know, please'' The boy beside me begged. He had certainly changed his attitude since the car. For some reason I felt more safe around him then Derek opposite us, that may have been the only reason why I lent into his side.
I heard a phone soon chirp in the silent, the boy quickly reaching for his phone.
''Does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?'' The boy asks, now looking Derek straight in the eye as he continuously groaned in pain.
''Aconit Napel bleu nordique?'' I questioned very confused. Derek looks at me as if I just said the winning answer.
''It's rare form of wolfsbane, he has to bring me the bullet'' Derek says, now resting against the bench.
''Why?'' The boy questioned before I could. He seemed to be just as curious as me.
''Because I'm going to do without it'' Derek says seriously. It felt like a chilling shiver was going through my spine with these words. I'm about to watch someone die. It was also the first time I bothered to glance down at his wound. It was making me sick to my stomach.
''You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good nights sleep couldn't take care of'' If Stiles wasn't so worried he would be very proud of the brunette standing beside him.
''Once the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me'' Okay this was getting beyond freaky for me. I looked down at the table and rested my hands against it.
''Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?'' The boy beside me sarcastically remarked. We both watch as Derek walks away from the bench and over towards the medicinals.
''If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time, last resort...'' My eyebrows furrowed at this as I'm sure the boy's one did too.
''Which is?'' He asks, Derek searing through all the cabinets trying to look for something.
''You're going to cut off my arm'' I stared wide eyed at the hand saw in his hands. Was this guy insane?
However, brown eyes picked up the handsaw nonetheless and turned it on, the machine coming to life.
''Oh my god! What if you bleed to death?'' I was too shocked on the actual handsaw itself to even move or so anything.
''It'll heal if it works'' Derek pipes up, wrapping a small piece of cloth around his arm as a tourniquet. I squinted my eyebrows in disgust and quickly looked away, not wanting to see any of this. My mind still pondered over the word 'heal' but yet again, I chose to let it creep to the back of my mind.
'Look, I don't know if I can do this'' Brown eyes backed away a little from the table once my eyes were firmly back on Derek.
''I know, that's why she is'' Derek motioned to me once he finished tying the knot.
''Excuse me?'' I asked incredulously.
''No way'' I argued, finding some courage to utter these words.
''All right, fine. How about this?'' Derek began, not glancing at the both of us but mainly towards the boy.
''Either you cut off my arm, or I'm going to cut her head off'' My eyes widen once again at this threat. I slowly begin to creep away from the bench.
''Okay, you know, I am so not buying your threats anymore'' Derek angrily reaches over the table with his good arm and grabs a hold of my dress pulling me forward. He pulls me down right next to his mouth where I began to feel hot air over my neck sending me goose bumps.
I wanted to scream, cry, literally anything to get me out of this situation.
''Oh my god! Okay, fine, all right, bought, sold, I'll totally do it just... let her go'' Derek's grip loosen and I quickly take that as my chance to jump back where an arm quickly snaked around my waist in a protective manner.
Derek begins to lean over the bench to the side and throws up, my eyebrows furrowing in disgust.
''Holy god! What the hell is that?'' I heard him speak up from behind me.
''It's my body. It's my body trying to heal itself'' I rolled my eyes before stepping away from the boy, stepping further back from the scene.
''Well, it's not doing a very good job of it''
''Now, you gotta do it now'' for the second time today my eyes began to tear up in fear.
''Look, honestly, I don't think I can-''
''Just do it!'' Even I jumped a little at his raised voice. The boy picks up the handsaw while muttering to himself as he places it against Derek's arm. I turned my head to the side and looked away, not wanting to see what was about to happen.
''Stiles?'' I rose my head to see the one and only Scott McCall just in front of me. He glanced between all three of us with furrowed eyebrows.
''Avery, what-'' I was sure he was about to question the tears but was soon cut off by his friend 'Stiles'.
''Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares'' His friend chuckled humorlessly.
''What the hell are you doing!'' Scott yells, walking over towards them. I turn back around and bit the bottom of my lip to try and control the tears. All of this was just, too much.
''Did you get it?'' Derek asks desperately. I quickly wipe away the tears and walk over to them slowly, feeling safer now that Scott was here. Scott the delinquent drug user but still.
''Did you come back with his stash?'' I asked the boys sarcastically but neither of them seemed to pick up on it.
''The drugs, McCall'' I groaned. Scott's eyes widen as Stiles just gestures around the room.
''You really think all of this has anything to do with drugs?!" I glared at Stiles.
''Obviously not anymore!'' I yelled back, watching his face soften a little. Scott shakes his head but soon walks over followed by me. He reaches into his pocket and passes Derek what looks like a bullet.
''What are you going to do with it?'' Stiles asks, myself now standing beside him.
''I'm gonna... I'm gonna...'' Derek's eyes soon close as he falls to the ground unconscious.
''You have got to be kidding me'' I murmured to myself as I rushed over to Derek's body with Scott and Stiles.
''Derek? Derek come on, wake up'' Stiles leans over his body as he tries to shake him awake.
''He's unconscious dummy'' Stiles sighs but ignores me, trying to wake Derek up. Scott, however, runs over where the bullet when and hops onto the ground, trying to reach for it.
''Scott what the hell are we going to do?'' I ask nervously, seeing Derek not even flinching at Stiles hard slaps.
''I don't know!'' Scott answers in a scared tone.
''I can't reach it'' He says more calmly this time, though the nerves were still there.
''He's not waking up!'' I drop down beside Stiles and begin slapping Derek myself.
''I think he's dying, I think he's dead'' Stiles stresses.
''Just hold on!'' Scott replies. I place my hands over Derek's heart and begin to do compression's.
''I got it! I got it!'' Scott bellows as he sits back up with the retrieved bullet.
''Please don't kill me for this'' I hear Stiles mumble to himself as he punches Derek in the face. The both of us jump back as Derek awakens.
''Give me that'' Was the first thing he said as he reached for the bullet. Both Stiles and Scott lift him to the bench as I walk around towards the other side.
Derek chews off the lid of the bullet and begins to tip the contents from inside out. He gets the lighter from the side and lights it up, causing the contents to spark and flare up, leaving a blue smoke afterwards.
''What the...'' I muttered to myself as he soon tips the contents into his wound, pushing it in as he begins to scream in pain. He drops to the ground on his ac and thrashes on the ground as the blue smoke kept leaving his arm. Though the strangest part was watching the wound heal itself completely.
''That. Was. Awesome!'' I turned to give a Stiles a 'what the hell' look. None of this was awesome.
''Sorry'' I heard him mutter as my eyes were now focused back on Derek.
''Are you okay?'' Scott asks as he begins to sit up.
''Except from the agonizing pain?'' I stepped back as he began to rise to his feet.
''I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health'' Stiles spoke. Derek glares at Stiles in response. I cower back slightly and took small steps away from Derek, making my way over towards Scott.
''Okay, we saved your life, which means you're gonna leave us alone'' Scott literally growls.
''You got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and tell him everything'' What does my dad have to do with any of this?
''You're going to trust them?'' Derek made sure to glare at me when he said this.
''You think they can help you?''
''Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are!'' Scott stresses. It looked as if Derek was just slapped in the face with shock.
''Yeah, I can show you how nice they are''
word count: 2637 edited; not yet
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#stiles stilinski#avery argent#romance#love#imagines#teenwolf#dylan o'brien#nina dobrev#donttellstiles#fainthearted
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Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 30 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING: M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: Typical reckless Alicia. If you look close some information is discovered.
~ ~ ENJOY ~ ~
Loki and Thor went to Asgard while some of the team went on a standard search mission to a frequently visited base of Luit's people. It was easy at first because it seemed abandoned but Alicia was currently in the med room being healed by Emma.
"You are so ridiculously reckless. You have trained in shields. So tell me… why didn't you use them?"
Alicia groaned as Emma pulled a bullet from her arm. "I did. For the kid."
"Peter would have been fine. You left yourself open and now look at you." Emma healed the wound.
Alicia hissed, "what? No soothing sensation?" She laughed then hissed again as Emma forced to much seder into her. "Wasn't the bullets enough?"
Emma laughed dryly, "you probably put Peter in more danger. Fury is going chew both of you and Loki might kill Peter when he finds out."
"Fury is not going to find out. Loki is across the world. Not much he can do." Alicia watched Peter's leg bounce quickly on the other side of the glass wall. "Will you please go calm him down?"
"He can wait. Or do you want scars for Loki to see?" Emma's eyes met Alicia's as she attempted to relax.
The mission playing over in her mind. Peter and Alicia were in a different room than the rest of the team. They were ambushed as a secret door opened. Alicia was close enough to put a shield between Spiderman and the gun and then pushed out. The bullets ricocheted and another gunman shot at Alicia. Two bullets hit her, one stuck and the other grazed her arm.
Emma stepped back causing Alicia's body to melt on the bed, the tension gone from anticipating more painful healing. "I want to go back there." Alicia poked and pulled where the wound used to be, noticing little dots for scars as well as the stabbing pain that still lingered. "They came from behind a panel in the wall. Like a basement."
Emma sent Alicia a glare, "how about, no?"
"What if all of the bases have secret places? What if my father is in one?" Alicia sat up and swung her legs over the bed. "I think it's a good idea."
Emma muttered under her breath, the words, "give me strength," made Alicia smirk. She stood up and went to the door. Peter was already at the door with wide eyes.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and you got hurt and I called Loki-"
Alicia sighed and pinched her nose as the boy kept rambling on and how Loki was on his way. She put her hand up and he stopped. "Peter. It's ok.
"No it's not. It is my fault-"
Alicia ran her hand over her face, "Was Loki upset? Does he know what happened?"
"Just that you were hurt on a mission and he hung up really quick."
Alicia patted the boy's shoulder, "We keep it simple. Just an ambush and I was caught off guard."
"Shouldn't we tell him the truth? -he is going to find out-I'll just tell him."
"I will talk to him. Let's go find the others."
Alicia told everyone what to tell Loki then confirmed that there was a secret door to a lower level. Everyone debated on what the next move would be. Tony stated that the man Alicia had Peter tie up was still not gathered from SHIELD. When she was left alone she cloaked herself and went to the holding cell. Alicia opened the first door, as soon as Alicia opened the door to the actual cell and made sure to do her best to cloak that as well. The man had his head down and seemed to be going to sleep. Alicia stood in front of the man. She removed the cloth over his eyes forcing him to sit straight. His eyes blinked rapidly to focus in the bright light, searched the room then they widened.
Alicia revealed herself due to losing focus, "I see you remember. I don't take kindly to people who point guns at kids. But that's not why you are here. Tell me about where Marcus is."
His eyes narrowed.
Alicia placed a finger on a small cut on his face and healed it, "this could be easy. Or painful. Your choice really." Alica removed the gag, "let's start with the hidden places. Are they in all of your bases?"
The man laughed, "I don't know."
"How many bases have secrets?"
"Why would I tell you?"
Alicia smiled down at the man, "To make my life easier. I am getting tired of not having results..so I will get them myself." She was not wasting her time training harder than she ever did, everyday to sit around and wait. Alicia pushed on the man's chest, "going to tell me anything?"
"No." His breaths became shallow, quick and then he slowly started to wheeze. His breaths becoming nonexistent.
Alicia stared into the man's eyes and watched the panic set in. "Do you want to talk now?"
The man closed his eyes and Alicia watched as he nodded. She eased her magic out to allow him to breathe. He frantically explained how he has only been in two bases. He never saw the other tunnels that lead to the other few bases because they were blocked off by guards.
Alicia heard the door open a few seconds ago as Marcibeth walked in and the man went silent. She stood beside Alicia,
"That's plenty more information I have gotten out of any of them. You must have got lucky and had one with information."
Alicia crossed her arms as Marcibeth put her hand on her hip. "He came out of a secret tunnel. More came out and we had to retreat due to my injury. I'm still supposed to be protected or what the hell Fury's order was." Alica noticed Marcibeth eye her. Alicia waved her hand, "Simple injury. But I think you are losing your touch."
Marcibeth scoffed, "it is not the number but the quality. You have yet to give me anyone valuable."
"I'm tired of waiting for you to get here and come up with nothing. This group of terrorists are not just out for me. They are targeting Asgardians and people who support them."
"I watch the news."
Alicia rolled her eyes at Marcibeth's snarky comment. "I just don't understand why…. Luit is Asgardian. It doesn't make sense."
"He must have a reason." Marcibeth bitterly snarled, "if it wasn't for Marcus we wouldn't be in this situation."
"He is our father."
Marcibeth laughed.
Alicia glared at her sister, "I don't see what is so funny."
Marcibeth gestured everywhere, "this whole situation. Us. Our lives. If Marcus never killed HIM -Edward would not be after you. You don't understand it but our lives would be different."
Alicia's eyebrows scrunched, "well yeah. We probably would have normal jobs, not here doing this." Alicia gestured to the man still tied to the chair.
The man spoke up, "I would rather be somewhere else as well."
Marcibeth rolled her eyes stepping forward, "well let me put you somewhere else then."
Alicia put her shield in front of Marcibeth, "he might have more information."
Alicia watched Marcibeth push on the shield and her hand emit grey. Alicia explained Loki and Emma trained her constantly, both of them insisting that she uses that particular shield. It's good against physical and magical attacks. Then the shield became clearer until it disappeared completely with a further explanation it does not last long.
After Alicia tried to get more information, Marcibeth took care of finishing things.
Marcibeth explained she found a spell to counteract the seder from making the magic swell telling Alicia to get a piece of jewelry that she would wear all the time. Alicia picked out one of the simpler thumb rings Loki gave her, it worked well for all occasions and went well with her tracking necklace, and engagement ring.
Marcibeth got a book with her messy handwriting, held the ring with both glowing hands to her lips as she chanted in a whisper as her eyes skimmed the page. Marcibeth placed the ring on Alicia's thumb. Alicia watched as her sister closed her eyes and noticed the dark bags under them.
Alicia put her hand on Marcibeth's shoulder, "Mar..have you been sleeping?"
A small smile crept on her lips, "I've been missing out on my beauty sleep."
Her eyes opened and Alicia noticed how dark they were. Her skin even paler than before. Alicia didn't notice that before this moment.. "Did that spell do that to you? You look… exhausted."
Marcibeth stood up from their sitting place and dusted herself off even though the floor was clean. "I will be fine. Let's test out the cuffs and see if I did that right."
Alicia looked at the clock, "We better hurry then.. Loki will be busting through that door any minute. You know how much he approves of this." Alicia let her sister put the cuffs on her. The pain was still excruciating but there was not that much swelling. There were times where the pain was bearable and she was aware. Then the other times her magic flared and that was the only thing she could think of.
Then she felt her magic start to build again. In the middle of the most intense part the feeling was released abruptly. Alicia gasped and struggled for air. She was rolled over and felt liquid pour out of her mouth. The rush of seder through her back made her whine and gag.
There was screaming but Alicia could barely make it out.
"You think this helped?! Look at her. She is a mess!"
"You have no idea how long she will be in those cuffs! She needs prepared!"
"An hour?! An hour in those cuffs?"
"And how fast do you think you will get to her?"
Alicia whispered for them to stop, told them they were being to loud. Alicia was angry as the yelling continued and kept repeating it until she had the strength to scream. The room went silent and the rushed seder was no longer painful.
"Rest Alicia. No more fighting anymore…"
Alicia was rolled over and she saw familiar braided red hair and Emma's forehead covered with sweat. Alicia nodded as the room went completely silent as she focused on breathing and calming her body. A hand holding her left made her wince at a pain in her wrist. A low voice telling her to stay awake. Hand on her face and turning her head. She opened her eyes to see Loki there. Her eyes closed as she felt a darkness pulling at her.
A few taps to her face and a flood of seder rushing through her body had her eyes open.
"Alicia… don't fall asleep.. hey."
Loki watched her eyes close.
Emma pushed Loki's hand away from her face. Her own hands touched Alicia's temples and pulled away. "Leave her sleep. Just leave her sleep. She needs to rest. Get her to the med room. I need to make phone calls."
Loki picked Alicia up and hurried to the med unit. There were at least five Asgardian healers there who took Alicia. Loki was forced to stay on the other side of the glass then they closed Alicia off from others with a close of a curtain and the glass became opaque. Loki assumed it was to remove her mission gear from a mission that somehow went wrong... Loki went to search for Emma since he could not do anything standing on the other side of the glass.
He found her pacing frantically, "yes her dreams. Ok. I will see you all soon."
"What is in her dream?"
Emma turned around quickly, "Loki! I-I don't know what you are talking about."
Loki walked towards Emma, "a stutter? From you. What has you so shaken?"
"I'm not talking about it." Emma tried to move past him but when he tried to grab her, she moved back, "don't."
Loki felt his eyes narrow as they focused on this uncharacteristic behavior. Then he guessed aloud, "the worst vision."
Loki let the healer go and turned. He was going to get to Alicia, read her mind and figure out what in Hel was going on. A healer stopped him from getting close to Alicia, every single one of them insisting she sleep. Loki watched as Alicia was transferred to a comfortable and plush bed. The stones for deep sleep placed along her forehead. He was forced outside where Thor and Jane waited impatiently with quick whispers.
Thor noticed Loki and took long strides, "She is experiencing her worst vision in a dream?"
Loki stood by the door picking relentlessly at his hand. "I have no idea what is going on. Everyone is keeping her a secret."
"I was only notified she was in her worst vision. In a dream. I don't know anything else."
Jane stared at Loki, her eyes shifting as she searched both of his for an answer, "Can't you look in her mind?"
"They wont let me close."
Emma spoke up outside the door of the room, "Her SISTER had her in the damn cuffs for too long.. maybe she was going to have a natural vision but was stuck in the cuffs. I don't know." Emma pushed the door, "Eir is on the way." Emma met Loki's eyes then looked away, "go relax. Eir or I will come get you." She made sure to shut the door and the guards took their places.
Thor urged him to eat. He tried but Tony teased Loki about a prince playing with his food then held his hands in defense after a death glare. The team barely talked after but Peter was poking at his food with a small tremor in his hands. The glances sent towards the boy from everyone else was obvious. Loki sat back and asked Peter how things went today.
Peter's wide eyes met his then looked around, "me?" His eyes went to his fiddling fingers with a shrug, "it went well. Really well."
Loki casually asked, "tell me about it."
"Uhh…" Peter's eyebrows raised and lips pursed, "school. Homework. Ya know, the usual."
Loki attempted to keep his voice controlled, "You were on today's mission."
Then the boy's eyes turned up, lips pressed together as he swallowed. "I'm sorry."
Tony spoke up trying to stare down Loki, "Alicia said they came from nowhere. Some sort of passage to a downstairs corridor. It's not the kid's fault." Tony spoke up, "Alicia put in a mission request to go back and check the location."
Loki tore his eyes from the boy to roll his eyes, "Of Course she would." Loki's jaw clenched as everyone started to plan. It was to get to the last location, go to the same room Peter and Alicia was at..but they would need Alicia to point out where they came from since Peter never noticed other than behind him.
Thor's eyes caught something and he stood. Loki stood and turned as well. Emma stepped forward with a mask of no emotion, "Eir wants to speak with the both of you." The others stood but Emma quickly spoke, "this is matters of Asgard."
Loki's eyes narrowed but followed Emma's quick steps. Thor and Valkyrie right behind while Jane took quicker steps to keep up. Everyone knew not to question if it was "matters of Asgard." It usually meant the information was secret. Emma opened the door and allowed everyone in. Alicia was moved to the makeshift soulforge.
Eir stood beside Alicia who was barely awake. Her information displayed above. "Do you see it?"
Everyone stepped around the bed glancing at the information then watching as Alicia fought to stay conscious. Emma stayed back while crossing her arms. Loki looked carefully, he never seen a Midgardian's information and most things were the same as an Asgardian.
Jane looked from all angles, and her eyes scrunched, "It is… odd. Is this faulty?"
Eirs face did not change from the stoic healer expression, "The one in the Asgardian city is the best in this world, so I would like to take her there. It is saying she has a mix of Asgardian in her but not much."
Alicia shifted and made a sound that was pained and tired. Emma went to Alicia's side, put her hand over Alicia's fast heart beat. Loki watched the seder go to her heart and pump through her body then lit up throughout. Some spots are familiar to Asgardian bodies the others must be Midgardian. Eir explained Alicia had energy deposits through her body and that most were close together due to her bloodline mixture.
"We will need to train her how to use the smaller pockets for storage and the larger ones for constant flow." Emma put her hand over Alicia's forehead and Alicia closed her eyes again. "I knew she had issues with regulation during the first training session, before this information. That is why I taught her the things I did. She is supposed to use shields all the time, her healing, keep forcing herself into visions.."
Loki felt a surge of Alicia's magic and Emma put her hand to Alicia's head.
"It is still changing."
Eir let the soulforge stop working, "When she wakes. Let her gain consciousness. Monitor her thoughts as she does."
Emma nodded as Eir made everyone leave the room.
Thor asked, "do you know what her worst vision is?"
Eir held her head high, "Just that it is in her dreams and changes. Do not ask Emma."
Loki's jaw tensed and then he sighed, "She joins Asgard because of her blood. But what about the ship?"
Jane looked over her shoulder towards Alicia's room, "Hopefully we will get some sort of warning."
Eir stated, "her vision could change due to it being in her dreams."
Another healer came out, "Lady Eir, she is awake… in a vision currently."
#chapter 30#loki#Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder#brightsun-and-darkmidnight#check triggers#check description
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CHAPTER 2 - Red Light
Exsomnis: Wakeful, Vigilant
Summary: Fresh Doctor out of residency you didn’t expect Conyers to be this uneventful until everything happened at the same time. From the outset, an odd meeting with what seems like a steadfast Detective but it was only the beginning.
Notes: English is not my native language, I’m trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Based on the movie Prisoners by Denis Villeneuve (so I don’t own any of the OG characters) if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do (maybe before reading) :) The story takes place before and through the event in the movie.
The temperature dropped radically at the holiday season approaching, you couldn’t wait to get home. 10 PM strike the end of your shift, you mentally slapped yourself remembering you had run out of prep meal. The Chinese restaurant at the last bus stop will have to do.
Flopping down on a chair near the window, a waitress came right away as the place was practically empty.
“Rice and spicy chicken soup, and to drink?” she tapped her pen on her notepad.
“Water please, no straw thanks.” As she strolled back to the Comptoir, your head fell into your hands, elbows resting on the table, if it wasn’t for your grunting belly you would be home showered and tucked into bed.
The door’s chime announced a new costumer, letting in a stream of glacial air on his way, you shivered pressing your legs together, not bothering to look who had entered.
“Rough day?” the newcomer asked.
“Rough life.” You answered curtly, not in the mood to have a talk with a stranger.
“Tell me about it.” You heard a sigh then a chuckle, intrigued you finally looked up.
A smirk, a sharp jaw, and some sad blue eyes had you at attention in a second. Detective Loki. You had met occasionally, at the grocery store or the hospital and Erin almost tried every subterfuge for you to meet him, mostly in vain. She was funny, so you let her do her thing.
“Doc,” he nodded. Somehow you gestured to the chair next to you, pushing it with your feet, he took the hint and let his heavy jacket fall from his broad shoulders.
“I’d presumed you’d want to enjoy your time alone.” he picked up a pair of chopsticks.
“I don’t mind some company, as long as you don't ask me about the hospital.” He smirked, still playing with the chopsticks without breaking them apart, a way of keeping his tattooed hands busy. You quickly stared at the tattoos wondering the meaning of them. Pondering if he had more than these and the star on his neck.
The waitress cut your thoughts when setting your bowls in front of you and a plate and a mug of coffee in front of him.
“I see you’re known here,” you eyed his plate after thanking the waitress. He scoffed picking at his food.
“There’s not a lot of places which stay open this late here.” Both of you ate in a comfortable silent at first, then he’d talked a bit about the police station, he had you talk more though, mostly on how your first 6 months in Conyers went.
Plates were gone, the warm mug of decaf in your hands prickling at your skin. “
"How your stitches are doing by the way?” His hand went to his rib.
"I thought you didn't want to talk about hospital matters?" he asked amused
"Occupational hazard? you arched an eyebrow, a Doctor never really cease caring for his patient."
"Good to know I have you to care for my injuries." you scoffed at his saying but surprised yourself at feeling the blush creeping on your cheeks.
"Let's hope I'll not have to stitch you up in a long time." he raised his coffee mug at your saying.
“I'm no doctor, but I think they're fine...” he blinked again three times in a row, looking back at you, you avoided his eyes trying not to be so obvious about his motor tics.
A gust of wind made the door’s chime moved, you look at the door, he didn’t.
The air was glacial, winter was definitely here, you blessed your mentor back in Cleveland for the warm coat she had offered you. Conyers was by far, colder than Cleveland.
“Where’s your car?” You jumped at the sudden question.
“I came with the last bus actually my car didn’t start this morning, 'was about to walk home, goodnight Detective.” Waving two fingers near your head you step backward and turned around.
You heard him fiddle with his car keys, his door opening, and closing.
“Wait, Doc!” Glancing back, he had his arms on the top of his car. “I’d rather drive you home if you don’t mind.”
“Y/N, my name is Y/N, you chuckled to yourself thinking that you didn't even introduce yourself properly, you don’t have to really” unconsciously walking forward the car.
“… It’s freaking cold, he paused, and look, it’s unsafe for anyone to walk at night like that.” He drummed on the car’s roof, keeping eye contact with you.
“All right, all right. I cave.”
Seating in the car you became aware of the intimacy that the proximity created. As you told him your street, he stopped the car at the parking exit. His hands tightened the wheel.
“You were going to walk 30 minutes at night, alone!?” His sudden concerns and hardened expression had you confused.
He gave the wheel a turn and engaged the car on the main road not really waiting for your answer.
“I’m not stupid you know, I don’t go, Gretel, every night.” Hand in your bag, a flashing blue light, and a buzzing sound got his attention.
“I can protect myself,” you said putting away the stun gun. His jaw relaxed a bit, his blinking became less erratic than a minute before.
“No gun?” The red light's halo engulfing the car, you scoffed.
“I am a doctor, remember? I don’t shoot people. I’m tired to see gun victims at the hospital.“
“True.” he stated not letting his eyes off the red light. “I better not get shot then.”
It was supposed to be a joke you guessed, but neither of you laughed.
“You better not!” You might have answered too genuinely, as silence fell in the car, his eyes left the red light to you, locking his blue eyes on yours.
The red light causing a particular tension, you caught yourself unable to say something, he stayed silent too, his eyes skimming your facial features. You started to feel warm inside, your hands getting clammy, you started stressing out not understanding why your body reacted so easily. A bright green light made you blink, putting a stop to this awkward but intense moment, your heartbeat returned to his normal rhythm.
5 minutes passed without a word spoken, your phone buzzed in your hands, lightning the abode as a text message pop up on the screen. It was from Erin that you renamed ‘Hun’ in your contacts. You saw Loki glancing at your phone while waiting for a truck to turn. Few meters later you saw the stairs of your house.
“That’s me,” he parked in the driveway. His eyes darted around the house as if he was looking for something that might lurk in the dark.
“Nice house,” he stopped the engine.
“Thanks. I would offer you a cup of decaf but …”
“Don’t bother, your friend must be waiting for you. “ he half-heartedly smiled looking at your phone.
“My friend? You wondered, I don’t ..., and then you got it, you assume I had someone?” You chuckled, taken aback by your reaction his erratic blinking came back.
“Goodnight Detective” you simpered opening the door.
“I, uh ... Goodnight.” he offered a simple smile, his eyes boring into yours.
You nodded inevitably smiling. You text Erin back, deciding to keep for yourself the "ride home", way too tired to spend an hour on the phone with her. As soon as you entered your shower fatigue overwhelms you, 3 minutes top until your head hit the bed’s soft pillows. Didn’t have time to think about the evening with Loki that Morpheus reclaimed your body for at least 8 hours.
During days Erin harassed you with Loki after hearing the "ride home" story, it was as she said “a big move”. It didn't seem like it, you had learned not to expect anything from men or women for that matters. But you had to admit Loki was intriguing and somehow charming, you were willing to try a little harder than usual.
Chapter 3 : Expecting the unexpected
#detective loki#detective loki x reader#prisoners#jake gyllenhaal#jake gyllenhaal x reader#hugh jackman#keller dover#paul dano#alex jones#slow burn#jennfic#exsomnis#fanfiction#imagines#jake gyllenhaal imagines
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It Begins
So, you might be thinking: “Why the heck are you WRITING a blog then?” Honestly, I’m not sure either. However, I think I just want to.
To introduce what my blog may be, if I ever actually remember to post anything again (lol), it will basically just be yet another stream of consciousness from one of today’s ‘troubled youth.’
Btw, content warning for mental health related issues, a lack of a filter, and poorly (un)disguised curse words.
As it is for many of us college zombies, I am currently struggling through the beginning of exams, and am in the midst of pretending I don’t have an exam tomorrow that I am not at all prepared for.
In the spirit of ignoring that exam, I will instead talk about one of the other things weighing on my mind: (one being that every time I use a semicolon or colon I constantly worry whether I am using it correctly, you suck brain) completing makeup assignments.
I’ve struggled with mental health issues for a good long while. I have all the greatest hits: major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. Oof that’s a lot of big words. Basically, I’m constantly going ‘ooh, shiny thing (aka this blog)’ while trying to not hate myself and worrying about that I hate myself and that omg I said that so that person definitely hates me and thinks I’m weird now, and I definitely failed that class and I’m going to end up with a horrible job that can’t pay the bills and I’ll have to bother my parents and live off them forever, will I ever be able to function normally, etc etc.
Wow, I’m not sure how that felt to read, probably disorienting and confusing, but for me, with every word I wrote I could feel my chest tightening, feeling as if a vice was squeezing the middle of my chest harder and harder.
I’m sure everyone has had that feeling. What makes it different from anxiety though, I like to think, is intensity, length, and causes. With anxiety, you feel fear and uneasiness more intensely, about more things that it doesn’t make much sense to feel anxious about, and the feeling lasts much longer, oftentimes not dissipating even if the ‘problem’ or thing driving it has been resolved or ‘fixed.’
Similarly, depression is different from sadness for the same reasons. Sure, we’ve all had those times (at least I have) where we burst into tears because our buttmuffin brother had the rest of the almondmilk, and now you can’t eat your cereal and you don’t have time to make any other food before you have to get to school (ah, high school). Though I guess that may be both depression and anxiety, cause those two lovely things like to do tag-team attacks that pummel you into the (metaphorical) ground. Anyways, I personally feel that my depression (as it feels different for everyone) can generally be categorized into three (shitty, and often co-occurring) flavors: numbness, futility, and full on omg-theres-a-knife-stabbing-me-make-it-stop. However, I think that’s a convo for another day (I mean, I gotta give both of us a reason to come back here, right?).
I’m sure this felt like all of my thought processes do. My dad describes it as ‘a racecar with bicycle brakes’ but I prefer to think it more strongly resembles ‘trying to sprint without ice skates across a field of ice to a certain point indistinguishable from anywhere else that you arbitrarily chose, only to fall on your ass and slide and spin around, arriving somewhere and unable to find where you initially wanted to go, much less where you started’ (see, even my description of my thought process is an example in and of itself).
So thanks for reading, or skimming (I wouldn’t blame you; this is way too long). I’m going to do my best to (hopefully) get some work done.
Here’s to hoping I make it back here in a day or two, cause I’m sure there must be so many waiting with bated breath for my next post (not lol).
Toodles (omg, as soon as I wrote that, I thought, but more explicitly, ‘who the fudge says toodles.’ Me. I guess I say toodles now. Welp, at least it fits the overall oddball mishmash of elements this clustercluck of a post was. Time to try and load as many tags onto this puppy that I can that can be reasonably associated with what I wrote. Toodles)
#first post#mental health#fuck exams#stream of consciousness#random#ramblings#idek bro#rip me i guess
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Say It
Part 4 of the Swipe Right series
Warnings: 18+ SMUT as hell. I’m sorry I just had to go there. If you’re under 18 get the hell away from here - I don’t want you here. If reading SMUTTY stuff makes you uncomfortable go away. This is pure dirtiness for the sake of these two needing pure dirtiness
A/N: for @ladyblablabla - hope this fulfills your request! I keep writing this version of Ben and have to remind myself it's my version of him and he’s probably not this way…..I really secretly hope he is. Logan lives SOMEWHERE IN THAT MAN! Hope you all enjoy!
You’ve barely make it through the door of his condo before his hands are you, needing to ravage and consume you. Yours hands find his face and you drag it towards you, needing to taste him again. He happily obliges, his teeth capturing your bottom lip causing you to involuntarily groan. He takes the opportunity to capture your mouth in a searing kiss, his tongue easily navigating against your own.
You both had been moving backwards, unaware of your surroundings until you hit a wall and you involuntarily yelp into his mouth, causing him to smile.
“You all right there sweetheart?” he mumbles, his lips trailing down your mouth to your neck. You nod silently, hands getting lost in his dark locks, needing him closer to you. Your hands skim over his broad shoulders - ‘Had he always had broad shoulders?’ You think to yourself - as they trail down his long torso, grabbing the soft cotton fabric and tugging it over his head.
He chuckles, his lips skimming their way between your cleavage, his head lost in the mounds of flesh before tsking,
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N...must you always be in control?”
Before you can respond he’s pushing aside the left side of your shirt, exposing your taut nipple before capturing it into his mouth, causing you to groan involuntarily, body arching into his tongue.
“This shirt, this fucking shirt, has been driving me insane since I’ve seen you in it.” he circles your nipple with the length of his tongue, his body holding onto your hips firmly as your body begins to shake. He dips down, capturing your breast in his mouth and sucking on it until you’re sore but needing more, before releasing you with a pop of his mouth.
“I’m going to ruin you for wearing this fucking shirt.”
You look down at him as he skims to your other breast, his tongue leaving a heated trail that has your skin ablaze with goosebumps. His eyes stay on you, the chocolate brown irises consumed by his dark, dilated pupils and when he takes your breast in his mouth, his teeth softly nipping at the tender skin, you swear he smiles wickedly when you moan.
Apparently, there was always a part of Logan buried deep down in this man. Lucky for you.
He lifts you, your arms wrapping around his torso as he carries you to his bedroom, his mouth finding yours again. He’s not gentle as he drops you on the bed, his body slowly hovering over yours as your legs try to bring him closer to faster. When your hands move down to his belt he swats them away gently, grabbing your wrist and pinning them above your head.
“Not so fast sweetheart.” he whispers, his body wedging between your thighs and rubbing against your center. You whimper, your legs wrapping around his torso, trying to cause some tension.
He reaches behind your neck, untying your shirt and pulling it over your head, only releasing your wrist to get the soft fabric off of you. He kisses down your naked torso, his soft lips caressing your skin in reverence. Your breath hitches as his lips find their way to your midsection and he stops, watching you in amusement.
He takes his time unbuttoning your shorts, releasing your wrists to pull them down your legs. When there off, his hands find themselves on either leg, his mouth finding the flesh of your left calf and kissing its way up softly.
“Then you wear those shorts that expose these legs. Fucking goddess legs…” he murmurs this as he nips his way up your thigh, stopping when he’s closer to your center. He licks his way to the hem of your underwear, growling as he buries his face between your center. He takes a large whiff of your arousal between the thin fabric of the lacy panties you had on, his nose dipping dangerously close to your clit and you throw your head back.
You were so aroused at this animistic side of him and he hadn’t even touched you
“God, you smell so fucking good.” He pulls back a bit, watching you watch him before he bends down, his mouth circling around your center as his mouth begins to suck you through the fabric. desperately trying to taste you and you moan, your lip biting down on your mouth as you try to get closer to him. His eyes never leave yours as he licks up your folds, softly biting down on your soft bud causing you to lift involuntarily. He easily pushes you back down on the bed, his right hand keeping your hips down.
“Tell me what you want sweetheart.”
You barely hear him say it and your eyes find his again, breath labored.
“You know what I want.” you whisper back, unable to bite back the sassy comment and he chuckles, shaking his head as he pulls your wet underwear down your legs. He throws it aside before his eyes find your again, pulling your body down to him. His right hand finds its spot on your hip while his left slowly circles your folds.
“Where has this woman been hiding?” he his finger circles around your clit and you moan loudly and unabashedly.
“Tell me what you want Y/N. I want to hear you say it.” his finger continues its torturous assault on you and you close you look at him again, your lips puckered.
“I want you to fuck me with your tongue until my voice goes raw from pleasure.”
You weren’t expecting to be so brutally honest and based off the way Ben’s eyebrows raise, neither is he. He gives a chuckle, low and dangerous before his head is plunging between your legs. Your eyes close in bliss as his tongue makes easy work out of you, skimming up your folds before sucking on your bud tenderly. It's only when he sticks two fingers into you that you scream out his name, your release quickly following you.
He doesn’t stop, holding you down as he begins sucking you through another orgasm, this time his nimble fingers arching up to hit that spot that makes you see white and you're screaming, on the edge of losing yourself, your body shaking from the pleasure.
He watches you as he he works you through your orgasm, tasting you that he’s skimming back up your body, his mouth a gleaming mess.
“You’re a dirty fucking girl Y/N. Who would have guessed?” he whispers, looking down at you reverently before you pull his mouth down on yours, relishing in the taste of you on his tongue. He moans into your mouth, his tongue lazily lapping against yours and your hands move down to his jeans, making quick work of his belt.
“You’re no boy scout yourself Barnes.” you mumble, your hands pushing down his jeans and rubbing against his erection. He moans again, loudly and animalistic and you smile against his lips, pushing his jeans down his legs.
“I think it's only fair that I only return the favor.” you whisper before your legs wrap around his and you flip him over, straddling his chest. He looks at you in surprise before he smiles, shaking his head.
“You’re just full of surprises tonight aren’t you?” he asks, his words lost on your ears as you make your way down his chest. When you reach his lower torso your tongue glides along his v line, causing his hips to hitch up as you drag his boxers down, allowing his erection to spring free.
“Geez Barnes, you’ve been holding out on me.” you whisper and he chuckles, watching as your mouth bends down over his head, licking the few drops of pre-cum that has beaded his tip. He groans, his head thrashing backwards and you take your time as your mouth swallows over him, tasting him and expanding around his girth. Wanting to feel every ridge of him.
When you’re mouth reaches his base he yells out “Fuck”, watching as you slowly start to bob your head back and forth.
“You look so fucking good Y/N….” he mutters, watching you under hooded eyes. You moan and he throws his head back in pleasure, focusing on the way your mouth is making you feel. You suck him hard, taking your time until he’s shaking, and he pulls your head away with a loud pop, pulling him on top of his body.
“You’re going to make me lose it sweetheart and I can’t have that. Not when I want to be buried in that sweet little cunt of yours.”
You don’t know what causes you to blush but you do, surprised at the vulgarity of his words and he smiles, his hips rubbing against your center.
“Don’t get shy on me Y/N,” he grabs your hips and angles you above his cock, “I want to see you riding my cock in absolute euphoria.”
You shift above him, your folds teasing his center and he smiles, thrusting into you slowly. Both of your mouths open as he enters you, taking his time until he bottoms out. He waits a beat, wanting you to adjust to the feel of him, before you begin shifting your hips on top of him. You slip out of him before slamming back into his hips and you moan in arousal, needing the feel of him to consume you.
He responds in kind, he’s hips thrusting into you harder and he pulls you down to him, his hands getting lost in your hair as he kisses you sloppily, full of lust. God you were lost in the feeling of him, and you moan loudly when his penis bumps into that spot in you that makes your body writhe in delight. It doesn’t take long before you feel your body shaking and you grasp onto him, your nails digging into his skin.
“I’m…...Ben….I’m….” you can’t manage the words and he sits up, his hands finding your clit.
“Come for me Y/N.” he whispers in your ear and your a mess, unfolding around him as his lips lose themselves in yours. He pushes you down on the bed, his hips slamming harder into you sloppily, trying to chase after his orgasms before his fingers bite into your flesh, his head falling into the crook of your neck as he spills his seed into you.
Your laboured breathing consumes the room until you feel Ben kiss your neck, sitting up and pulling out of you. He grabs his shirt, cleaning up his mess before pulling you to him, both of you falling into his pillows as your head rests on his chest.
“That was….” You pant and look over at him as he smiles.
“Amazing.” He finishes and you nod, your eyes looking up at him.
“Is there anything about you that isn’t perfect.” you ask honestly and he chuckles, his hand skimming down your back.
“I would argue the same about you.”
You’re both silent. You take in the sound of his heartbeat against your ear, memorizing the soft pounding motion. The way his breath is slowly evening out, the feel of his hand idly caressing up and down your back.
“I don’t want to rush things-“ he finally says, breaking the silence and you chuckle before murmuring,
“A bit too late for that.”
He swats at you before continuing, an amused smile plastered on his face.
“I don’t….I really like you Y/N. You’re entitled to date other people but I’m content with just having you.”
You look up at him, a goofy smile on your face as you shake your head.
“Barnes for the last time, act like this is a first date and play it cool. I’m supposed to squirm for weeks wondering how interested you are in me. You can’t get laid and confess your undying love for me on the same night. That's how you scare a girl away.”
The confident domineering man that had just ruled you in the bed is gone now, replaced by the kind bashful Ben you have grown to love and he blushes as he defensively states,
“I didn’t confess that I loved you!”
You roll your eyes before placing your head back down on his chest, shaking your head.
“You did in so many words…”
He swats at your bottom again and you laugh, kissing his chest tenderly before saying,
“Let's take it slow Ben.”
“I’ve been taking it slow for the past five years…” he sighs before finishing, “I just don’t want you think that I don’t want something more with you.”
You keep the large grin forming on your face as you whisper,
“I know Ben. Lets just take it slow and see where that takes us. I’m not going anywhere.”
He draws you closer to him, his mouth kissing your hair before whispering,
Your eyes close, happy to let sleep consume you when Ben’s door flies open and Cole is standing there, a bowl of cereal in his hands.
“Ben how’d the date goooooo….Oh.”
Ben groans, covering your body and you giggle, digging yourself into the comforter.
“Cole, knock! Boundaries.”
Cole is smiling, his head cast down as he slowly shuts the door.
“My bad!” he says through the oak doors and you smile, shaking your head up at Ben. Cat was out of the bag now.
Jen was going to kill you.
Tags: @la-fille-en-aiguilles @livelearnandtravel @starless-skyox
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