#I mostly just drew this because I wanted SOME piece of art to go with chapter 1!
heynhay · 3 months
How draw like you T^T
Do you have any advice for learning to draw better? Like, resources or practices or anything?
Time. and referencing. No way around it but to put in the hours.
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renirae · 4 months
drawings for my fic curiosity killed the cat (but satisfaction brought him back) on ao3!!
(in which Jason gets turned into a cat and decides to use it as an opportunity to menace Tim, and Tim decides to forcibly adopt the cat that has been trying to maim him, as one does :))
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Artist! Fem-Reader
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Ghost actually didn't know you were an artist, you didn't brag about it or anything. You mainly kept it to yourself even in the beginning of your relationship with him. Mostly because you were embarrassed.
But much like him, you were a soldier, you spent most of your free time observing around the area or doodling in your sketchbook. It was a small one, 8 x 5, black with an elastic band around it, moleskin brand. It easy to carry around in your chest pocket during missions and such.
You were also the girl that ALWAYS had some sort of writing utensil with you, being pencils, pens etc you always had to have it on hand. Not to mention you kept finding them on the floor or other places while walking, so you would always give it to anyone who needs.
Ghost and the others soon started to notice, you pulling out a book in hand with pencil out. Being waiting for planes to pick them up or free time. You always had that book on you no matter what.
Until one day, you forgot your sketchbook as you left it beside you on a bench one day because and commanding officer called you in to chat with you.
Ghost soon noticed and walked over and picked up the book. Curious, he open to see what's inside, only to be met with his face, well, his mask but you get the point.
The sketchbook was filled with sketches of various art styles, of him and other soldiers such as Price, Gaz and Soap. He also noticed you taking cool things you find, like receipts, stickers, tickets etc.
There was even a page full of different skull mask designs for him to try out if he ever wanted to. It's obvious you had talent for this, and saw the world much different then he did.
"Ghost? What are you doing?" Y/n said walking up to him noticing him looking through your sketchbook. "W-wha? How did you get that?"
"You accidentally left it behind." He close the book in hand. Turning to face you, " Y/n why didn't you tell me you are an artist?" You stood there quietly, trying to think, " well...I don't know...I thought you would think it's weird I draw you without asking for permission or anything. "
You can feel him giving you a confused look, " weird? Your wrong doll. In fact I quite enjoy these, I think you should draw me more often then MacTavish though."
"ah, you noticed that."
He leaned in close to your face, his eyes staring at you. " Of course I did."
You can feel your face warming up by close he is, "alright, alright I get it...and to be frank the only one who technically knew I drew was Captain Price. During a meeting once, he saw me doodling on a piece of paper instead of paying attention...he would sometimes ask that I would draw stupid things for him."
"is that so? Show me."
You pulled out a little pocket book for index cards, and on the back of the index cards were stupid drawing of them, ghost include doing dumb shit. It was meant as an inside joke between you, price and even sometimes Laswell.
Ghost couldn't help but snicker at the drawings, it has your art style and humour on it. It's obvious, it's yours.
"You drew Johnny as a literal soap bar, he's going to hate this."
"Well you weren't supposed to see this."
"hmph, And who's this supposed to be?" He flips the index card showing a cartoonish looking grim reaper. You let out a nervous laugh, " ah that...well...uh... "
"Is that supposed to be me, sergeant?"
"Yes or No?"
You sigh, "yes, it's you." Rubbing the back of your head embarrassed.
"Good girl, I'm keeping this as a souvenir." He says, placing the index card in his pocket. Leaving you there a flustered mess.
"Wait what?!"
Since then, Ghost liked to lean on your shoulder and watch you draw at times, be it at bars with the rest of the crew or at home. It's therapeutic for him at times.
Sometimes he joins in but he mainly like just watching you.
Also since you know he likes flipping through your sketchbook at times, you leave cute messages or notes for him to read. And doodles that supposed to represent you two. Mainly a cartoonish grim reaper holding hands with a witch. Since your nickname is "Salem."
Also Ghost likes to sometimes buy art supplies for you, and see how creative you are.
He's honestly amazed how you view things differently then him because of art, be it colors, or shapes etc. It's interesting to hear your perspective and thoughts both good and bad.
He may not fully understand everything you say, but he knows your passionate in what you do and he respects that. As long your happy he's happy too.
A/n: This is very self indulgence lol, hope you like it! I plan to write some ghost x Mexican fem reader or little scenarios/head cannons. I'm not sure yet but for now that's all :)
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
lovely art you make please never stop!!!
WAAA TOO SWEET. thats it. MOREEEEEEE ART DUMP!!!!!!!! im not sure how many of these i posted but!! i think mostly it's all new!!!!!!!
I wonder if this'll become a thing for me. BAHAHAH
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scrapped ref page i've made before ^^^^^ it was similar to nari's except it turns out the red's color jitter was too extreme.... the grren was AMAZING tho. Comments with the pieces btw!! and 30+ pics I think?! So expect a long ass post. :) this isn't even all the unposted art, just the stuff I thought was good enough to post!
First thing's first! How about a comic I never posted? I was kinda embarrassed by the writing of it, but this WAS just something to help Rue. (You might notice a lot of the art in this thread was sent to Rue and never posted. Sorry Rue. little of this is new for you. sone is tho. orzzzzz)
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Woah? The lamb has feelings? The lamb has bad feelings about their past?? Who knew. Shocker. (also LMFAO AT NARI IN THIS HE REALLY SAID "oh ur crying? I'll give you a reason to cry")
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something to kind of help storyboard out the animation i'm tryna work on. its not going well. turns out that shit is hard.
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and some beyond the grove narinder. yall eat BTG nari UPPPPPP.
speaking of BTG? how about some panels of a future page? Chapter 1 still. feel free to laugh at how strangely i draw the draft. ti works for me!
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back to normal nari. IN PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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THIS isnt actually a drawing it's a real image taken of me and rue
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i dont know if i posted this or not, actually. i am not a big fan of it, though.
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i need to draw leshy and val more </3
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idk if i posted kalladad either BAHAHAHAHA
also, i dont know if i posted THIS either. i dont SEE it but i could be wrong ?
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now how about a couple of kissing booth scraps?
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long with the scrapped comic where narinder kills and eats the face of the goat. </3 rip that thing (the goat LOVES fighting and LOVES someome who can beat thier ass almost as much)
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and some heket bullying her brother (she wuvs him tho)
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i dont know which acc i posted this to, actually. i drew this bc rick kept reposting halflife shit BAHAHAHH
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oh and here's a vent piece or two i made with annona. they seem harmless enough to post i guess? i wish i made more content with them.
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i jsut wanna chew them between my molars like a marshmallow.
this si also sometihng i made for rue BAHAHAHAHAH HAVE I POSTED IT? IDK.
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and of course, the least toxic totally-not-abusive-as-fuck pairing of lamb and the red crown. this isnt exclusively BTG related but I dont know how much interest people would have with him being a character on FOTL? he is 1000% having his own role as his own charavter in BTG though.
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oh, and this guy i wanted to post forever ago, but i needed time to adjust to his design. this is the best i have made of him and it might be what sticks. he's leshy's uncle. (took worm baby in after both his siblings went missing)
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more nari, because he's my most popular scrumplie. probably bc i draw him the most and a lot of my stuff is nari centric. nude nari because i literally couldn't think up what i wanted to draw on him. i was gonna edit clothes on later and forgor BAHAHAHA
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i actually dont know if i posted this too? this is tyar and baal <3 baal was pretty shocked to have learned vitas was tyar's spouse. he's still not ready to talk about it, but he does want to ask the lamb about it one day.
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and some childhood memories i never finished.
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i MIGHT have posted this one ?
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i posted pieces of this page but here's the full:
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iztea · 9 months
How do you get the ideas for your backgrounds?
mmm ideas.... sometimes i draw the background directly from a photo reference (the happy case) so there's not a lot for me to change and i can have a rather peaceful painting process
othertimes, the BG is tied to the subject/concept/scene I'm thinking of, so it only makes sense that i have that as the background
for example, for this fem skk art, i knew i wanted to have chuu kneeling in a crater after destroying a city so drawing that background was just a logical follow-up because i already had the entire idea in mind
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Here, I wanted to have Akiangel sit on a building, watching over the city. The ominous sign with "the day of salvation" and crow came later after I found this picture on Pinterest, so they helped further develop the concept, but the main idea was there and so on
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The third background option happens when my painting doesn't depict a certain irl scene or landscape, nor do i have any particular references i can use. In that situation, I first and foremost think about the general composition, the shapes, how they flow with each other, how I can tie them to my main theme and what sort of symbolism or little easter eggs i can throw in there just to keep it fresh and interesting for the viewer ( aka the person reading this aha ;;) :-* )
For this piece, i started with a big circle for the background, and then I started breaking it up in pleasing, cloud-like shapes and swirls that constantly keep your eye moving around the picture (i mean hopefully lol). The composition was inspired by a) Dazai's Mayoi card ofc, that trad Eastern illustration style with the circle and then branches of trees, and also .. kazuha's splash art ok i admit it bshsj
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for this one, the roses came much, much later. Again, I added that sort of golden arcade to better frame the focal point or the main subject of the scene which was ofc her face and/or outfit. Then, since it still felt rather empty, awkward, and directionless, I tried finding a pleasing, spiral line that would compliment the already existing shapes and that would, again, move your eye all around the composition. I figured since her outfit already had those small roses stuffed in her belt, those curvy lines could become some bloody, spikey roses and boom! here are the theme and elements for you: blacks-roses-blood-deadly-sharp-gold etc. I then had her crush some of those roses in her right (ik it's the left hand shut up) hand to balance out the busier left side
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and a last example, sometimes I draw multiple character poses in one piece and they sort of become my background. Yet I still have some blank spaces left so i gotta figure out a way to fill them out. Here, since the pose where he's all curled up was inspired by the TDIPUD light novel, i drew him as a "corpse" in a pool of blood, and contrasted it with some nice flowery-ish patterns and swirls that sort of come from within that bloody mess ( someone also mentioned it looks like a womb which I found very interesting as well ). The cats also helped fill out the space. On the left side, i added that swirly black sun that drips into three squares that gradually fill up with straight blackness and raindrops falling below inspired by the "a conviction that the sun will never rise again" line. I don't think I should go into detail with the symbolism cause it's pretty obvious and not that deep so i won't but yeah, and that's my BG all filled up!
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I do this with most of my BGs, it's mostly just abstract shapes; I'm very fixated on making the overall composition look okay and for the piece to send a message ( most of the time ), so i don't think of backgrounds as a separate entity, they are part of an already existing idea, generally speaking.
This kinda turned into a composition discussion midway......... sorry about that....... To be completely honest with you, I have plenty of BG ideas, they kinda just spawn in my brain so i'm not exactly lacking in that department. Having to draw them and finding refs is the hard part for me
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timeofjuly · 3 months
still you take up all my mind
Summary: Quinn and the reader mess around with hair dye and some shears. Inspired by @bones4brainz's amazing art of the electrician and Quinn; I was so taken with how they drew the MC and their blue hair that this just poured out of me. Title taken from Laufey's Let You Break My Heart Again, which I listened to on repeat as I wrote this.
Tags: Fluff, yearning, teenage shenanigans.
Read it on AO3 or read it below :)
“Maybe we should read the instructions before you just start pouring dye all over your head,” Quinn says, watching you dump the contents of the cheapest box of blue hair dye at the beauty supply store on your bathroom counter. A pair of plastic gloves topples out of the cardboard, along with two packets of shampoo and conditioner, a paper leaflet, and a nozzled bottle that must contain the dye.
“It’ll be okay,” you say, but you snatch up the paper leaflet anyway, then angle it so she can read it. Well, read isn’t really the word, since there’s just pictures. Three, to be exact - one showing how to open the bottle, one of a cartoon character applying the dye to their hair, and one showing the same character washing the colour out. 
“How long do you reckon I have to leave it in?” you say, head cocked to the side as you consider the instructions. “It doesn’t say. Do you think all my hair will fry off if I leave it on for too long?”
“I don’t know? I thought you said you’ve done this before.”
“Yeah, with like, semi-permanent colour. This is the real deal.” You put the piece of paper down. “Ah well. It’ll be fine. I’ll either end up with blue hair or really, really short hair. Either way, I wanted a change.”
You’re being very blasé about the possibility of leaving this bathroom bald. You’ve been very blasé about this whole thing, actually; four hours ago, you’d sat up from where you’d been lying on your bedroom floor playing Mario Kart with her (and losing, she’s proud to say) and had declared that you were going to dye your hair blue, and would she please help you do the back?
She’d agreed, of course. You’re going to do it either way. At least she can help make sure the colour’s even.
Since the instructions are a bust, she moves onto the next best thing, because even if you’re fine with the idea of looking like a plucked chicken, she’s not. “Let’s just find a video, then.”
You concede with a nod, thankfully putting the bottle of dye down. After a quick search, the two of you sit side-by-side on the edge of your bathtub, leaning over your phone. Your shoulder and arm, mostly bare in your ratty t-shirt you use as pyjamas, is warm against her. The bathroom fan is on, but she feels almost too-hot, like the air is thicker than usual. 
“So we should section the hair out,” you say, following along with the video, “and do the middle of the strands first?”
Quinn watches the girl in the video applying the dye to her hair. She’s using a little brush - which you don’t have - and has a bunch of clips separating her hair - which you also don’t have - so she can see exactly where she’s putting the dye. She’s also using a natural brown colour, not blue, and she’s a proper adult, not a sixteen year old girl standing in her mom and dad’s bathroom on a school night. 
Unnatural hair colouring is definitely against dress code, and it’s Sunday night. Whatever happens in this bathroom - you’re going to have to go to school in the morning regardless.
Quinn hopes you have a beanie stashed away somewhere, just in case. 
“Then the ends, and then the roots,” she says, parroting the video. She gives you a sidelong glance. Your eyes are still trained on the phone. You’re biting your lip in concentration. You smell like the cookies the two of you baked (and ate, a whole tray’s worth) a few hours ago. “Are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this?”
You pause the video, then put down your phone. “Why, don’t you think I can pull off the blue?”
You wink, and even though she knows you’re joking, because of course you are, she feels stupid, pathetic heat in her cheeks. “No! No, that’s not - you’ll look great, obviously. It’s just - won’t your parents be mad?”
She hasn’t actually seen either of your parents this afternoon, which is unusual. The four of you normally have dinner together when she sleeps over (which is often), but tonight,  you’d just ordered a pizza to share with her. It’s close to nine now, and the house is still silent, save your combined chatter and the hum of the various appliances. 
“Nah,” you say, waving a careless hand. “As long as I don’t stain any of mom’s good towels, they won’t give a shit. We’ll be able to clean everything up before they even notice, anyway - dad’s working late at the hospital tonight and mom’s shoulder has been really bad all day, so she took her pain meds and went to bed hours ago. They’re super strong; she won’t wake up until the morning.”
“If you’re sure,” she says, still worried. Your bathroom is all clean, white tile, colour-coordinated towels and bathmat, a shower with a glass door, not a curtain. And the hair dye - it’s so fucking blue. There’s no way you’ll avoid making a mess. 
“I am,” you say, and then you smile at her in the way she likes best, the way that makes her feel like she’s the only person you’ve ever smiled at, ever, braces and scrunched-up eyes, and Quinn thinks fuck the white tiles, fuck the towels, and fuck the bathmat, too. You want blue hair, and if having it will keep you smiling like that, she’ll make this place look like a poor impression of a Pollock painting. 
Together, you pull your hair into sections, then stand in front of the mirror, you in front of her. There’s only two gloves in the packet, so you each take one, sliding it over your dominant hands. 
Unceremoniously, you take the bottle to your hair and squirt a generous amount of dye into one of the sections and god, it’s so blue. 
“It’s so blue,” you say, grinning. “It’s gonna look so cool. I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
Privately, Quinn thinks that you do care, very much, actually, but she’s not about to tell you that. 
The bathroom fills with the smell of ammonia as both of you work the dye into your hair. She’s never really touched you like this before, which is probably a weird thing to think about a friend; it’s not like people go around giving their besties head massages, after all. Still, it’s nice; you’re warm and your hair feels and smells good, despite the chemicals. You give a pleased shiver when she accidentally scrapes her nails over your scalp and she needs to duck her head behind yours to hide her blush from the mirror. 
The bottle of dye is soon emptied and your head is drenched with the colour. The dye isn’t just contained to your hair; it’s all over your forehead, your cheeks, your ears, your neck. It’s even gotten on your t-shirt. Quinn’s too; luckily, it’s an old hand-me-down she doesn’t care about, one that belonged to her sister that probably belonged to one of their cousins before that. It’s so stretched and faded that the design on it is illegible.
She sets a timer on her phone for twenty minutes, as suggested by the lady in the video, then helps you secure your head beneath a shower cap to stop the dye from going everywhere. The twenty minutes passes quickly - the two of you finish your game of Mario Kart to pass the time and after a dicey moment with a blue shell, Quinn emerges victorious - and then she’s waiting in your bedroom, listening to the shower run as you rinse off the dye. The whirl of a hairdryer follows, and then silence. 
“I’m ready!” you eventually call. “You can come in.”
She re-enters the bathroom to find you standing in front of the mirror. Your hair - it’s blue, of course, she knew it was going to be blue, but she finds herself breathless all the same. You’ve given yourself a trim too; there’s a pair of haircutting shears on the sink and the tiles below you are littered with blue dust. You’ve put on a new set of pyjamas, your old, dye-stained ones tossed in a careless ball in the corner. Your skin is clean, makeup-free, still faintly wet. Your cheeks are flushed from the shower, your eyes bright.
When you see her reflection in the mirror, stopped dead at the door frame, you whirl around, beaming. You run a hand over your head. “It’s so bright!” You turn your head left, then right, like a bird admiring itself in its tiny mirror. Your forehead is dotted with blue stains and so are your ears, she realises, their tips looking almost frostbitten. You look like a fucking fairy. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” she breathes. Your face lights up. Teasingly, she adds, “Why? I thought you don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“You’re different,” you say. “You’re my best friend. You’re you. Of course I care what you think.”
Her stomach squirms. How does she even reply to that? Best friend. Has she ever had a best friend before? She doesn’t think so. Maybe that’s why she feels so strange around you sometimes; perhaps this is just how girls feel around their best friends. 
… Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, and she knows it. It doesn’t matter, though; if this is all she ever gets to have of you - clean, bare skin, hair dye, baking cookies, your smiles, honest, unguarded, just for her - she’ll still be satisfied. 
“You look really pretty,” she says, suddenly not shy at all. “This was a good idea.”
If you pick up on any of the emotion in her voice, the way the words come out too steady, too seriously, you don’t show it. You just smile again, that same grin, the one you always give when someone compliments you. “Thanks for helping me. Hey, you know, I have leftover dye,” you say, like you haven’t been trying to convince her to do something with her hair ever since you decided on a whim that you wanted to dye yours. “We could give you a streak? Or maybe highlights? I think I have bleach and developer somewhere. Oh, oh, what about a haircut?”
Quinn has never had a proper, professional haircut. Her mom cuts the whole family’s at home with a pair of kitchen scissors. As a kid, she’d had the classic bowl cut, but now that she’s older, it’s just all one length and long enough that it gets caught whenever she sits on a particularly high-backed seat. 
It’s fine, she supposes. It’s her hair. It’s always been long and red. That’s just what it looks like. She’s never put much thought into how she feels about it, outside of some teasing from other kids in elementary school. She’s certainly never considered changing it. Her mom never asks if she wants to do anything different with it; she just tells Quinn to sit down at the kitchen table underneath the big light and to remember to sweep the hair up afterwards.
Two years ago, her mom cut her own hair short - not even a pixie cut or anything, just around chin length, because the summer had been unusually hot and she’d wanted to keep her neck cool. It looked really nice, actually. Different. 
When their dad had seen her that night, he hadn’t been happy. It wasn’t about the hair, he’d said. It was because she hadn’t asked his permission. She was his wife, after all. She should’ve asked. 
Her mom’s hair is back below her shoulders now, and still growing. Long and red, just like Quinn’s. She’s forever tying it back, pinned away from the heat of the stove and the oven. Soon, it’ll look just like it did before. Like her haircut, that small, accidental moment of rebellion, never happened.
“A haircut,” Quinn says. “I want a haircut.”
You look surprised. “Wait, really? You were so against it before. I haven’t peer pressured you, have I?” 
“No, no, you haven’t, I promise. I just - I just wanna go shorter. I think it’d be a nice change. Something different.”
“Okay,” you say slowly. Your mouth looks nice around the sound, all wide around the oh, like you’re blowing a kiss, before relaxing on the kay into an adorable almost-smile. “How short?”
Oh, right, the haircut. 
“Uh, like, around shoulder-length, maybe? Like this.” She takes the hair elastic off of her wrist and ties her hair in front of her chest at the desired length. The elastic sits just above her shoulder, just long enough that she’ll be able to tie it back once it’s cut. There’s so much hair left below it. Looking at it makes her chest go tight, like she’s going to laugh or puke, or maybe both. It’s the same way she feels when she looks at your lips for too long. “Here. Cut here. We can fix it up afterwards to make it straight and stuff, but this is how short I want it.”
For a moment, she’s afraid that you’re going to question her. Ask her if she’s really sure, if this is a good idea. Tell her that in the morning, she’ll have nothing but regrets. You’d be right. There’s going to be hell to pay at home, once her parents see what she’s done. You should second guess her. 
But you don’t. Of course you don’t; you’re fucking fearless. And as you bring the scissors up and close them just above the elastic with an audible snip, Quinn feels fearless too.
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color-craz · 2 months
AF MidWeek Round-up!
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This is just a simple post compiling all of my attacks so far along with some artists notes! Mostly because I found myself much more active this year than last year (Minus these few couple days due to some appointments). I'll be tagging everyone and linking to other socials so you can see these lovely folks. Of course if you want to attack me, I'm ready to fight! Without further ado, here's all the attacks so far :>
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@cosmicdenro @stellarknightz - Weekend Date The name of the game for these first few attacks was to get everyone who I was supposed to last year but ran out of time ^^;;. I decided upon Jesse's Zircon over Jesse the character (one in my bookmarks) b/c it seemed like Turquoise Zircon was less drawn this year but was his icon on AF. So easy pick from me :> (Btw doing Sodalite's stripes and copying Zircon's shape language was really fun!!)
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@/clawothy (Twitter) - Chill Cat Another attack from last years bookmarks! It was definitely a soft but enjoyable opening into drawing furries since Claw's so human shaped. It was fun drawing his tail and patterns :>. This is just a nice character design all around.
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@twidaisi - Speedy Service Twi was also one from my bookmarks, but also a doorway down an ArtFight rabbit hole. Which will become apparent in the next two pieces. For this one, I had a pretty clear pose in mind so I placed it onto O.R.B.I and went from there!! His design is so neat and he seems so cool! The pose was also pretty fun to do as well, just an overall fun art piece (Also this one got a revenge!!! I still really really love thank you so much!!!!!)
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@scratchgeist - Escapism Ho! This was a doozy! Twi had Scratch's profile linked so I ended up hitting him with an attack too. Drawing Scratch's mane turned out to be a pleasant experience despite me originally fearing it. This scene idea also came from a prompt of Scratch going outside. I ended up putting Polish on this because all those scratchy "ink like" lines I actually did manually (take a fuzzy brush and then go over it using a sketchbook eraser). It was nice dipping my toes into BatIM again and trying out more animal feature.
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@/stylin.art Instagram @/crypticc0rpse Instagram - Pirates in arms One of those two people were linked on Scratch's profile and the person linked also linked to the other person. But I realized that both Stylin and Crypt had some shared characters. So this ended my little rabbit hole of people by attacking these two lovely fellows at the same time. This little crossing swords idea took me a nice minute to come up with but I liked how it ended up anyway. I really did like drawing James together like this (probably helps that I really like pirates in general). Also yes I know her hand is fucked up I noticed way to late to fix it.
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@smoresthehalloweenqueen - Listen to the waves Once I finished up with that I moved onto the next bookmark, which was Smores! Originally I was gonna draw Brutus but then I was like "I like his sona it looks like fun!" So I drew them listening to music because why not :>. I struggled on the arms initially but it came out real clean and nice. Honestly might be my best work so far! (Fun fact, I color picked the waves + background from Seafoam's icon.)
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@skittisketch - I got it! Mr. Sascachawean himself! I referenced this pose form the classic Objection point because I thought it would fit his personality. This was also a little bit of a test with a style I had only done in sketches (Basically my human style but omitting a neck which somehow shaves off a lot of time). This was a super fun pose to do with a pretty nice background! (Once again, fucked up hand I know I noticed too late again)
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@justpainterrobot - Rare Nightly Sight I had this really really clear picture of what I thought up for this attack and I'm happy that I was able to make it a reality. I put the polish tag on this one because I almost got super super detailed of what the junk was below her (Stuff coming down from Elysium n all that) but due to a lack of references I just went with typical metal and wood. Fun fact, the night sky in the background is based on the one from Deponia itself (The first game's scenes with the professor at night). I think this rewrite of Toni was really cool from what I could find about her. Overall a labor of love type of attack.
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@coelpts @swan-swanno - Boss Battle I thought to myself "Hm, I see Coelpts around a lot, lets hit him with an attack." and it turns out Ciel's gay married to Swanno's charater Mikhail, who was the last one in my bookmarks from last year. So another double attack for this one! It was a struggle starting this one mostly because I was debating whether or not to draw Ciel's Lord outfit but I ended up doing so because why not :>. It was a fun experience copying Swanno's more angular style, which is a stark departure from my more rounded shapes (As you can see here). Has a nice venture doing the lighting as well, overall a good experience.
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@tailsylennon - Sweet Treats Mitchell showed off Tasily's proflie one day and I saw their sona and was I was like "Lemme draw it!" and did! I ended up following another prompt by her because it was their birthday! (By the time I started on this it was 8 pm and I freaked tf out and got to work). Her sona was really cool and I really loved drawing them. Fun fact, each of the set pieces references the Hallows Souls trio. The chair is decorated after Terra, Markus is the table, and Whistle pallet is used for the tea set :>. It was just a pleasant and cozy attack to make overall.
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@ceaseless-enemy - Congratulations!!!! I've actually known about Voila for quite awhile now and thought his design n theaming is quite neat! I actually based the pose off of Ai from Oshi No Ko (I think one of her key arts before the anime released, ifykyk). But I skillfully cut out the legs because I can't draw digitigrade legs... Hooray... Otherwise it was quite nice to work on this attack in particular, especially the eyes and the hair :>.
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@killbent - Getting Ready This is another one I had a real clear idea of prior to doing this, specifically because Killbent gave a prompt to give Mr Fairchime pink hair, so i thought a "pre-show" set up would look nice :>. The lighting was another new venture for me, because I usually do cool/night time like lighting but I think it turned out nicely for Fairchime. It was also fun doing the accessories and stuff on the vanity as well. Fun Fact, it's a bit hard to see through the watermark + lighting but the face paint and pallet both have the colors of his make up! Overall a pleasant and warm attack for this year.
And that's all of them so far! I picked up some new bookmarks + I gotta get Twi back for drawing Compact!! So those will probably be compiled by the end of AF so about, early August-ish if I keep up the pace. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and gracing me with the opportunity to draw all of these amazing characters!
Until next time!
-Gappy, Witch of the Stars
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pyjamaart · 3 months
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Year 4 of submitting art for the SiIvaGunner Art Gallery!! >:]
For the fourth time now, I can proudly present my entry for this years SiIvaGunner Birthday Gallery! I had to put up with a lot of obstacles this year, like starting in June when I normally always started in early May, my parents and my brother visiting during the exact time frame I wanted to work on this, a crippling addiction to playing Dragon Quest Monsters and many more.
But as you can see, I really locked in at the end and finished it exactly one day before the deadline (17th June).
Now to explain my vision for this piece: I'll have to admit, since starting my new job in February, I didn't have any time to keep up with the loads of SiIvaGunner rips that are uploaded each day, since I always listened to them at my old workplace while I took care of my mountains of scientific journals. At my new job, I don't have anything to do with journals anymore. I mostly talk to students at the counter all day. Can't really listen to YouTube videos when someone wants something from you every minute. I also do a lot of things related to facility management in between (our library buildings are practically falling apart in some places...), so even when I'm not at the counter, I have way too much stuff to do to listen to rips. Sigh. Sometimes, I miss my old job.........
But I'll try my best to catch up some time in the future. At the very latest in September. My first vacation days in 7 months... Anyway, let's get back to the image at hand:
In the foreground, there's obviously my beloved dynamic duo of besties: Woodman and Nozomi. Woodman has been missing from the channel for 1 and a half years. Please bring him back. I miss my wife, Tails...
For this piece, my theme was centered around my favorite SiIvaGunner joke from the past few months (or has it been years?): The raft ride. I wanted something fun and summer-y, so I decided to put all the characters I drew in cute little sailor outfits. For Woodman, I just drew him in something simple that I thought of myself, which complimented and incorporated his usual armor.
Next we have Nozomi, who dons her outfit from μ's fifth single "Wonderful Rush". I had a few water themed outfits to chose from with her (and Honoka, for that matter), but I chose Wonderful Rush for Nozomi since it just fit with the aesthetic I was going for.
Next to those two is Coraline from the 3DS street pass game "Ultimate Angler", which is also prominently featured on the channel. For her outfit, I just modified her usual attire a little to fit in with the sailor vibe. I also turned her sun visor around because I could for the life of me not figure out how to draw it properly at this angle. Uhhh... I mean, I turned it around because I thought it looked cool.
I hope you can see that I had an absolute breakthrough in Gimp. I think I already talked about it on my Buck fanart, but I finally discovered layer modes. After 4 years of working with Gimp. Spectacular, I know. If you don't notice it here, you'll definitely notice it on the next image in queue for the robot master quest I have going on. I can already spoil you who it's gonna be this time: Tornadoman! I honestly couldn't believe what I was drawing. I think I was possessed by something for a few hours. It was honestly a little scary. But I think you'll see what I mean once you see the actual image, it's really different from the usual stuff I draw.
Getting back to the topic of this picture, let's talk about the background now. I decided to draw a little ship with lots of familiar faces making up the crew.
The ships captain is Honoka, who is standing on the very left of the deck. I took her outfit from μ's single "Heart to Heart!", which also fit into the aquatic theme quite nicely.
Right next to her, under a rainbow flag that's fluttering in the wind above them, is Aquaman. My beloved. Since I drew him into last years birthday gallery image, I decided to do the same this year. I also put a little starfish on his hat because I think it looked cute ;)
Standing epicly and mysteriously on the top of the boat is Meta Knight. I don't know if you can see it when it's zoomed out so far, but he's holding some kind of folded map in his right hand. Maybe they're looking for treasure??
And on the very right of the ship are Tito Dick and Robbie Rotten, reenacting that one famous scene from the Titanic movie.
After that, we shift our focus to the left of the image, where we can see Fluttershy flying over the island from Tomodachi Life.
And that's it for this image folks. I hope I'll finish my Mega Man Fully Charged art before the weekend ends, so stay tuned for that next! And after that, we're going right back to the robot master grind. ;)
Until then, this has been Jenny Pyjamakama, signing off. ;)
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yaoiconnoisseur · 1 year
♠ Knight of Spades - Mari ♠
〈 Protector of Innocence 〉
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Ahhh I finally get to post this :D It was an honor to be able to contribute to the amazing project that is Yuri!!! On Cards from the Yuri!!! On The Web Discord server!
You can see the entire project via this masterpost! If you'd like more context for this gigantic YOI AU, head over to this blog post for an explanation of everything.
I'd like to give a massive shoutout to @arom-antix and @lines-on-ice for basically putting this all together and making this amazing idea a reality. I know Arrow credits me as one of the admins of this project, but I really only made a Google Drive and did a little research for the artists on how to format their cards haha
I had a ton of fun coming up with Mari's design as the Knight of Spades. I knew right away that I wanted Mari's design to reflect her Japanese heritage since the suit of Spades is a fully Japanese cast.
I've cut me talking about the art itself and my thought process while working on it so I don't nuke your dash, but if you'd like to read my ramblings feel free to
Making Mari a samurai was an easy choice since, one, that's basically what a knight was in Japan (albeit there was no legal binding between a daimyo and his samurai), and, two, I've always HC'd Mari as a protective older sister in the sense she'd be fairly hands off until someone made the mistake of bullying her little Yuuri.
I wanted her armor to be blue since that was the overarching color scheme for Spades, but choosing what blues to use was.. Difficult. There needed to be enough contrast between the different pieces of her armor to show that the armor is made of multiple parts while keeping the hues and brightness values close enough to still look cohesive. I also wanted to keep the blues relatively low saturated to bring our Mari's blonde highlights.
(As I was coloring her armor I realized half way through that I basically drew a Samurott ginjinka oops ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)
I had originally intended for the sarashi (the belt) to be pure white, however when I put all the base colors down I realized the white was too much and pulled your eyes away from Mari's overall form. I knew having the belt be pure blue would make the belt blend in too much with the rest of the armor, so I ended up making the belt mostly blue with white accents as a compromise. I still wish the belt could have been white, but oh well.
As for the katana.. That was originally going to be pure blue, but like the belt problem, I had issues keeping the katana from looking muddied. I ended up trying five different variations of black/dark gray until I settled on what you see above lol. It was really difficult making the hilt of the katana look nice because if I went too dark with the blacks I would lose detail on the hilt, but if I went too light I would lose the contrast with the hilt's blues. As for the saya (scabbard/sheathe) I wanted it to be black, but I ended up matching it to Mari's armor instead because a black saya with a mostly black hilt somehow made the entire katana look flat.
The color palates I used for everything else was just me eyeballing her fleshtone and hair color through various screenshots I ripped directly from the show.
The background gave the the most trouble out of everything though because I'm not particularly great at making interesting, minimalistic backgrounds for my art. The card looked to plain without some sort of variation of color behind Mari, but since her armor was already so complex I needed a background that didn't take away from those complexities and didn't muddy the entire piece. I had originally planned to do a sumi-e type background, however I found that no matter what I did the sumi-e designs took away focus from Mari. Eventually I settled on a default abstract Procreate brush and drew lines until something stuck.
Overall I had a blast making this and also the borders for the rest of the cards! I learned a lot about how to format and prep digital canvases for making a card deck, too lol
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sharpbutsoft · 16 days
So I know you do digital art, but The Hanged fireMan looks like a watercolor. Do you work with watercolors as well, or is it the program you use?
(please brag about your art process, basically)
Yeah! So I do all my (fan)art in everyone’s favourite innuendo of an art program, Procreate. (Specifically on a 2019 ipad pro with a 1st gen Apple Pencil, both of which I would tentatively recommend if you can get them 2nd hand for less than 200euro like I did)
I did a lot of painting as a teenager, and still paint often to this day. Though I mostly worked in acrylics, I have been known to use watercolours (like, when I was in college I bought a little 3euro paint set and would use the inside of cardboard cereal boxes as diy watercolour paper and paint wild little Irish landscapes… and Winter Soldier fan art, sometimes. 2017 was a different world)
So in summary - I ‘paint’ digitally using some very traditional techniques I picked up over the years, and I kinda prefer digital art now, which I will elaborate on below the cut as I detail how I created The Hanged fireMan…
I’ll start with my favourite digital art ‘cheat’ which is that I use So Many Layers. Like seriously, pretty much every new colour goes on its own layer because I am a control freak and love being able to tweak them all as needed. So for this relatively simplistic piece, I’ve still got something like 20 layers all together.
I’m also usually better at grouping layers but in this one I gave up at some point and it felt dishonest to group them nicely before showing you guys lol
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So yeah layers is my biggest hack, but the other is using specific texture brushes
I spent a while playing around with various brushes before finding this Tarraleah one which has just the most delicious watercolour-y texture and a really fun edge to it (and it’s got pressure sensitivity, so I can really control the amount of colour I want to put down on the page)
This background was painted entirely with the 1 brush & colour, and I think it turned out pretty cool. For this particular piece I did have a reference on screen to work off for the most part, but those clouded were just painted with my heart
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Next (or maybe before, it’s a while sinceI drew this and sometimes I mix it up) is the lines, which are always done with my best friend, the Procreate Pencil!! I love her, she’s so fuzzy and textured and also if you tilt the tip on the pencil you get a broader line (like with a real pencil) which is just the coolest thing!
When it comes to lines I just sort of go for bigger shapes 1st and details later, and basically always with some kind of reference. I also use a very old & well known trick of putting the most detail into the object of most importance, and leaving the background more loose and vibey
Artists will tell you that this is to draw focus with details. Artists are lying. It’s cause we got lazy after drawing he fun part & phoned the rest of it in lol (I know this because I am an artist)
Also I love this pencil because I don’t have very steady hands and I actually cannot draw straight/smooth lines to save my life! If you’ve ever seen anything resembling a smooth line in something I’ve drawn, it is almost certainly a whole bunch of lines over each other and then erased at the edges to make it look neater
But who needs straight lines when sketchy sketch lines are so fun!
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Next is flat colours (the 3layers in the middle with check marks beside them)
I used the same colours as the background, which you can tell from where they completely blend together right down the bottom, and what I genuinely do is use the Tarraleah brush to generally block out he shape, and then go back in with an eraser and smooth out the lines
Why do I do this? …good question
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Next is one of my favourite parts, which is adding the lights! Procreate has some really fun -glowy- layer effects - my favourite is probably Add (A) though Colour Burn (CB) is great too for its vibrancy.
Also those 2 layer 11s are there because I duplicated one and then used the ‘Gaussian Blur’ feature to ‘fuzzify’ it (yes, that’s the technical term) It’s a pretty quick and easy way to add a more diffused light effect around something. (I did the same for the yellow reflective strips on the turnouts too!)
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Last step now! So full disclosure - I absolutely traced that writing from a photo of a tarot card lol. I actually always trace writing, as, much like drawing straight lines, I’m bad at handwriting on a screen
I also stumbled upon the Exclusion (E) effect by accident - Originally it was going to be a plain cream boarder like a traditional tarot card had, but I wasn’t fully happy with it, so I just flipped through a few layer effects and as soon as I got to this one, I knew it was the right choice
I love the dreamy contrast of the pinks and purples to the dark navy and grey & how it makes everything looks kinda unreal and outer-spacey
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And yeah that’s about it! Everything else comes from my 15+ years of Practical Art Knowledge but these are the specifics of how I utilise it digitally!
This was a lot of fun to write out, and I hope that if you’ve made it all the way here, it was fun to read too!
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hurricanek8art · 11 months
Okay, I don't know what's going on with Tumblr and everything has been absolute chaos with my life the past few months, so y'know what, screw it. I think I'm actually brave enough to share some of my art. At least it won't just be sitting on my tablet that way.
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This is my Sith Inquisitor turned Force-sensitive Outcast from SWTOR, Roodaka Greatstorm-Kallig. I haven't really plotted everything out with her regarding her story, but she's not my Outlander. She leaves the Empire right after Ziost, after losing all of the family she'd used her Dark Council connections to find and save from slavery, and Lana recruits her to help Sana-Rae run the Enclave about two years before the Outlander (my Knight Aja Verdona) is rescued. She's prickly and petty and spiteful but I love her dearly. And because I've never posted art before, art process and a little bit of character lore ramble under the cut, I guess?
I usually work with lined art/sketches that are admittedly very messy, but when I did the first one back in May I was experimenting with actually rendering/painting, and I saw a fashion post thing that looked like something Roo would wear, so I was mostly just playing around, it's not a solid outfit design for her. It's janky and wonky and oh Lord please don't look closely at the anatomy or face it is not up to my usual standards, but I was so proud of myself for the lighting on this one, as well as how I managed to render the muscle. Like, the lighting! I have no idea what I'm doing but I think it looks so flipping good! And I was happy with how the crackly lightsaber blade turned out—it is supposed to be Aloysius Kallig's lightsaber, meaning it's at least over a thousand years old, right? It should be a little janky with age!
The second one is supposed to be post Fallen Empire, after she's left the Sith and become sort of a wandering Force-user—think Ahsoka as of, well... Ahsoka, but more on the side of Ventress if she'd survived TCW (don't get me started on that choice 🙄🙄🙄). I came into it knowing a little more of what I was doing, but I kinda got in over my head and gave up on the 100% lineless thing, you can definitely tell with the sword/clothes. 🥴 The second piece has been sitting unfinished in my WIP folder for months, so I just said screw it, finished up some details and called it because I am SO PROUD of her face and hands (I DREW A GOOD HAND WITHOUT LINEART WHO AM I?!?!) and how I rendered her skin, I don't want it to live in WIP purgatory forever. You can actually tell that's muscle! And a neck!
I'm proud of how her tattoos turned out, too. I played around with Cham Syndulla's tattoo pattern, turning it at different angles. It felt like a good way to root her in Twi'lek culture despite the Kallig bloodline having been separated from it for so long. She gets the first one to cover up a slave tattoo, and the rest after Ziost to further reclaim her identity and culture, leaving the Sith behind.
I have no idea how to close this post. Um... thanks for reading all this, if you have? I've never posted art before, I'm kinda terrified. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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malachiwardyt · 9 months
Hello again, podcast side of Tumblr.
Entities Explained has officially come to a close with the final episode explaining the End. If you didn't know, Entities Explained has been a series where I, over the course of the last year and change, have explained each of the Fears from hit horror anthology podcast The Magnus Archives. This is the longest episode of the series, but I think it's totally worth watching.
Also, this video contains a major announcement: I am currently working on a MASSIVE video explaining The Magnus Archives in as much detail as I possibly can. Hopefully, it'll be a great refresher course before Protocol, and trying to get it done in a month won't absolutely destroy me.
For the art, I decided to draw the moment from Oliver Banks' statement in MAG 121: Far Away where he and the rest of the crew on a research vessel are destroyed by falling satellite pieces. I wanted the whole piece to be very dark and to have this slightly dusty feel to it, which I think I succeeded at.
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I went back and forth a lot on what to dress Banks in, but, in the end (pun intended), I went with something a bit more casual, since he is mostly just hanging around a shipping vessel. If I ever drew him as The Coroner, I'd probably go with something more formal (full black suit with a wilted red flower on the lapel?), but this felt fitting. I also wanted to give him a rain coat because, hey, I imagine it gets pretty rainy out there.
Unfortunately, Banks' design doesn't get to shine through too much in this piece, since his back is to the audience but, for one, I think that's sort of fitting for his themes, and, two, it makes the composition, at least in my mind, a bit more interesting.
The falling satellite was something I experimented around with a lot. Using reference pictures of real satellites, I tried to get something that felt small, but also like it could do some serious damage. The motion blur was a late addition, but I can't say I don't like it.
The moon was always going to be an important part of this piece, but it was during the sketching phase that I realised I could make it into a bit of a stylised skull, which is just a subtle enough detail to be fun. The angular clouds were originally meant to cut through it, but I settled on it being in full view instead, which I think looks much better.
Finally, there's the veins themselves. I actually went with less of them than I originally planned because I think it felt less repetitive, but I'm really happy with the way they turned out. My one addition was adding a pop of colour to this very drab and grey piece (which could, now that I think about it, be seen as a parallel to the desaturated people in Banks' dreams) in the form of the red flowing through the veins. This is technically only described as happening when Banks saw Gertrude Robinson in his dreams, but I figured, if there was another time for it, it was in the moment that he was truly in the grasp of Terminus. I also, honestly, just think it looks better.
That wraps up Entities Explained, so I hope y'all have enjoyed this series while it lasted. I'm not going to stop Magnus content, as I have plenty of ideas already and I'm sure Protocol will only bring more, but I am interested to see where my content goes from here. If you've read this far, thank you so much for listening to my ramblings and, if you celebrate, enjoy your holidays. Good night, Tumblr people!
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the-daydream-archives · 11 months
Behind the Scenes stuff that I made for Simblreen:
So I'm pretty sure I started the Simblreen stuff at the start of September (or was it even earlier than that???) and let's just say that a lot of random stuff went unused. This post is basically a collection of pics and cc that didn't make the cut for the final Simblreen sets. It might be uninteresting to most, so feel free to ignore this post. I just felt like documenting the process and the thought process behind it.
So let's get into the first set that I made, The Crafter's Workshop.
So for its CC, I had a bunch of stuff that I wanted to convert for a long time now from The Base Mesh (If you're starting out and learning to convert, I highly recommend using their meshes), however, I had difficulty choosing which ones to convert into a mouth accessory and that's when I decided I needed an overarching theme for each set. A lot of the stuff that I decided to convert for this set was more for story-telling Simblrs than anything since I wanted it to be useful for Handy Sims and Artsy Sims.
On another note, for this set, there were 2 rejected pieces of CC that didn't make the cut. The first was a lightbulb mouth accessory.
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This was one of the oldest WIPs that I have in my WIPs folder. It's dated back to my CrimsonPerfectionist days and to this day, I couldn't get it to work the way I want it to. The first issue was the glass shader... It looked terrible in-game and I have no idea why it looked so odd. Another issue was its emission map. I wanted it to glow like a regular lightbulb but not in a flashy way. I wanted it to have a more of a soft glow similar to Ir7770's halo and wings but I could never seem to figure it out especially since the S4S's tutorial on it was very dated and I had a difficult time understanding it. (Someone please write an updated emission map tutorial please!!!! I really need it! 😭😭😭)
As for the second CC, it was supposed to be A Nails-in-Mouth Accessory. Below is some concept art that I drew so you guys get what I was aiming for. I ended up not making it because one: it was too similar to the Pins one, and second, I wanted to focus this set mainly on conversions instead of making stuff from scratch since I wanted to make sure I had enough time for the other sets to be made.
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The photos above were unused and one of them was supposedly going to be the main preview images but I decided against it since both didn't match the vibe that I was looking for. The one that I ended up using was a photo that I took much later which was during The Sweet Cavity Set's creation. While I like the 2 above, I felt that the main preview that I ended up using, matched more with the vibe of the set. (Though I still like these 2 images a lot especially since they were already edited and ready to use.)
Next would be The Fruit Salad, my personal favorite out of all the sets.
The creation for this one mostly went without a hitch. A big shoutout to @merofthefae who asked for a cherry mouth accessory and suggested a couple of more fruit stuff which made the idea for this set come to full fruition Get it??? Heheheheh. There were just a bunch of ideas that I didn't make because I was unsure of the placement of it or the idea only looked good in 2D but not in 3D. The photo below show some of the concepts that went unused.
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As for the photos of the previews, it was easy since I knew right from the start which photos I'll end up using. The only thing was that I wish I could have made Cherry (the Fruit Salad Sim model) into a Food Sim since she's just so dang pretty. But to preserve the surprise, I had to refrain from posting her photos before Simblreen.
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But Idk, I think I might go ahead and make her into an official food sim since I 'm wayyyy too in love with her despite you guys seeing her already.
Next would be almost everyone's favorite, The Misery Meat.
This set was my own personal headache. The Fruit Salad and The Crafter's Workshop each took about a week to make. The Misery meat however, took 3 PAINFUL WEEKS to make. The first problem was the UV mapping of one particular item.
It was the Isaw.
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I mainly made it for my country's representation purposes *cough* I'm Pinoy *cough* and I just learned how to make meshes from curves so I thought it would be a piece of cake. And I was WRONG. SO WRONG. This thing took 3-4 days to make just because of the UV Mapping that I didn't even end up using 😭😭😭 I manually fixed each vertice, hoping it'll look good but the other uv map I made that I did under 10 minutes looked much better than the one I spent 3-4 days on. It was super painful but I wasn't at all done with this set and I realized that I was quickly running out of time.
The main problem for this entire set however, was mainly concepts. It was originally more weirdcore than meatcore at first with Sodikken's style. I wanted to base stuff from their artwork but that didn't end up happening since I couldn't think of concepts that suited the overall theme.
Overall, there were at least 12 concepts for this set that didn't make the cut. I'll only talk about a few of them. The first one would be the Popseecle.
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Believe me when I say that this one is the one that makes me the most sad. It looked so nice but because of the glass shaders, it looks terrible in-game and it doesn't look as nice as the concept. I might get back to this one since I love the idea so much but for now into the WIPs folder it stays.
The second one would be the Hands as seen below. I loved this one too but aside from not fitting the theme, somewhere along the way I messed up the UV map which caused the fingers to glitch at their tips. It won't be noticeable in the photo below but in-game it looks really bad since the hands are made of glass.
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I'll speedrun these next two. The first one was supposed to be ham, which was similar to the steak but I decided it was too plain. The second was supposed to be ripped skin but when I showed it to a family member, they just told me straight up that it looked like a torn blanket... so I decided to scrap it :D
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And below are other concepts that didn't happen.
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Also the main preview photo was supposed to be much more "scary" but because you can't really see the mouth accessory because of the lighting, I decided against it.
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Also, I decided to tone it down a notch since it feels a bit much.
And lastly, is The Sweet Cavity Set.
I feel bad for this set. It was the most rushed out of all of them and I feel like I could have done the main previews wayy better but since I disliked the color scheme, I ended up rushing it anyway. The name was even changed last minute, it was originally supposed to be called "The Sugar Crash Stash" but it felt too long so I went with Sweet Cavity instead. The only CC concept that I didn't include for this set was the Tube Candy and Rice Crispies.
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Not gonna lie, this one was almost done but because I had to edit the texture and mesh to make the texture look better in-game, I basically gave up since I was too exhausted that I quit lol. For the rice crispy, since I'm too tired to draw a visual, just imagine it similar to the chocolate bar except that it's thick. That's pretty much it.
And yeah, basically we're done! Thank you to those who stuck around reading. I hope this was entertaining, reading my thought process for these sets and maybe one day I'll come back to these ideas. But for now, I'm gonna rest from CC making and just lie down on a corner somewhere.
Thank you once more if you made it this far! 💖💖💖
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solar8331 · 2 months
What made u like chaluggie so much?
TL;DR I like chaluggie bc I’m a dirty angst/drama lover also multishipper also it’s gay and cute and I totally see a working dynamic between the three. Also I’m a sucker for redemption esp for characters like Lute…
Long version:
Some backstory is that I started out in the fandom scene making tiktoks, posting chaggie content mostly. Then one day, as I was going through my sounds, trying to find a good one for chaggie, I stumbled upon a sound where I thought wasn’t quite chaggie. But I still wanted to post chaggie, so I added Lute as the other person. I was like hm… what if… luggie was a thing (since Vaggie is gay and Lute and her had SOME sort of tension going on…) Anyways, it was all fun and games until I was three tiktoks in realizing it in fact was not just a funny HC I have of luggie being exes. I very much ship the two. Toxic yuri ftw.
Here is said TT btw:
So I ended up making a sad backstory for Lute and how she would have done anything for Vaggie to survive Adam’s wrath for letting a sinner go… including hurting Vaggie herself. What was the question again? Oh yeah. AT THIS POINT, I have been making this OTHER AU I had we will call it the EX!AU where it’s just Exorcist!Vaggie x Emo!Charlie.
For that story, Charlie had (accidentally) caused Vaggie to fall and ultimately lose her eye and wings. It’s an enemies to lovers angsty story. (I promise this has everything to do with chaluggie) Anyways, in one of the arcs, Lute kidnaps Vaggie to Heaven and while talking about it with my friend, I made Lute secretly a softy with a tough exterior. When Charlie stormed Heaven to take Vaggie back, Lute feigned an injury so they could both get away. Vaggie noticed this and was immediately worried for Lute’s safety. After all, they used to fuck in Heaven. (It’s how they bond)
My friend and I were then talking about making Lute experience the Hell Vaggie had told her so much about and decided to make a spinoff series of the AU where she comes down. Now THIS AU (the spin-off) is the chaluggie AU I have. In the spin-off, we initially just thought it’d be funny to make a threesome scene where Charlie dominates Lute while Vaggie watches, so we had to build an entire story around that because Charlie wouldn’t just cheat… and it’s chaggie.
…and then I got grounded and got left to my brainworms. Chaluggie wasn’t exactly in my brain yet but at this point I really liked chaggie AND luggie and wanted to see more. Then I was like ugh, what if they were just all together? So I wouldn’t have to choose between the two. And that’s also when I drew my first piece of NSFW Charlute art. NOW I WAS REALLY INTO IT and a small part of me wanted to get them in a polycule in the AU but I thought I was just crazy and nobody would enjoy/think the same. Especially not my friend. But oh boy was I wrong.
My FRIEND sent me this fanfic and a few fanart of chaluggie to cheer me up since I now wasn’t allowed to post on tiktok or have social media. (will link in just a second, but I’m very sure for those who like chaluggie they already know I’m talking about “Bratty Bottom Lute”; the fanart was by @cartooncorgii on twitter) I will tell you RIGHT now, MY EYES WERE OPENED. I was like people actually LIKE the ship? Another thing to know about me is that I am definitely a rarepair shipper but I also hate it because I get excited to talk about it but most people don’t understand.
Bratty Bottom Lute - Texan_Red_Rose
That was when I realized I could ship chaluggie and ALSO get content for it. I was absolutely hooked. What could possibly be better than Lute softening up for the Princess of Hell and her ex-lover, Vaggie? My obsession with Lute might also have a play in this but that’s for another story.
Anyways, much like BBL, what was originally supposed to be straight up corn became an elaborate story and we (my friend and I) are now still working on the chaluggie AU as we speak. I occasionally post things that happen in the AU on my twitter, but it’s mostly personal enjoyment.
It’s a great way to have drama/angst (my two favorite things right alongside fluff and hurt/comfort) I also mentioned above that I am a multishipper. I like shipping everyone with my favorite character which was (and still is) Charlie at this point. Thus, I started to ship charlute (from my AU) and it just kind of went downhill from there ngl. I’ll drop below one of my earliest works of my chaluggie AU. I was rambling to my friend about how Lute and Charlie could totally bond over bands and hair dye. That was also when I realized charlute could have chemistry and now instead of Charlie x Vaggie x Lute, it was just all of them mushed into one gay ass relationship (aka chaluggie)
Okay, thank you if you’ve stuck this far and read ALL of that and SORRY FOR THE LONG RAMBLE I HAVE trouble deciding what to add and whatnot sometimes. But thank you :) now enjoy some of my old chaluggie art. Also please do read Bratty Bottom Lute, it is GENIUS.
(If you want the NSFW chaluggie I made, it is on my twitter, I don’t remember if that stuff is allowed on tumblr anymore)
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xryosakeyx · 3 months
Art of Ash wearing some premier headphones :v
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Yeah I know, I made him look like an angsty emo teen again. Want to know a fun fact? Those aren't even his headphones! They belong to some other character on the fic I'm working on, so his design here is also based on it (DW, I'm planning on making a reference sheet eventually). Here's a crappy comic I drew of him taking them from Pikachu because of some petty argument going on between two of the characters:
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I tried to make it (not the comic, obviously) look a little gritty/grungey, like lost footage, not just because it looks cool, but also because that's the general feeling I get while writing the fic. That and Down In It by NIN was playing, and honestly that song reminds me of Ash's situation in the fic, and if you've seen the MV for it, you can tell that I was inspired by it (the backstory to the MV itself is pretty funny too, XD). I was also inspired by Tomorrow Comes Today by Gorillaz. I'm still expirimenting with digi art, but I do like the lineart process (though tedious when you're drawing with just your finger on a tiny phone screen), and I really enjoyed adding the background on there! It's a pic I took while visiting Chicagoland, here it is, unedited:
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I don't live anywhere near an area like this, so (unfortunately) I doubt that I'll have hyperealistic backgrounds like this one again. Such a shame, I really like the style...
Anyways, here are some variations of the piece because I love messing around with Ibis's editing features:
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^This one has the original colors that I was working with
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^This one is mostly unedited (except for the background if you really want to count it...)
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^Lineart! Yeah, I know, there's a small error near his eyebrows, but working with pretty dark colors, I hardly noticed it.
Okay, I'm going to log off for tonight, hope you enjoy!
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bloodywolfwings · 6 months
So my brain is being weird today and after a short convo with someone, my brain is refusing to let this go for some reason. Anyways, I'm going to to be taking about the shipping in this fandom because why not and I want an excuse to talk about slendytubbies ships lol. If I seem out of it, it's because my brain is barely functioning and it's 1 am for me lol.
To start with, why is there always some type of cheating? I can point to a few stories where cheating is involved and I really don't understand why, you can write a story about romance that doesn't include cheating. It also becomes a bit more confusing to me if it involves the main four because they've known each other for most likely their whole lives, so why not just talk to each other you multi coloured jellybeans??
This is more of a nit pick I don't like with ships involving either Tinky or Dipsy, like why are they being a the least inappropriate and for Tinky (I don't know or remember if this has happened with Dipsy), I'm going to be some of the depictions feel... Uncomfortable for one reason or another, like he's about to actually hit someone.
So, what about the girls? I'm going to be honest, I hate people make them jealous to the point they want to kill someone. I don't know shit about how break ups feel but wanting to kill someone over it feels very extreme. It's like dealing with an ant hill by blowing up the lawn.
Now this is the part where I'm just going to rant about Tinky X Po and Laa-Laa X Dipsy because why not and my own self indulgence because I actually ship them (I'm weird, I'm aware). I also have never been in a relationship too.
Like why not explore how the fuck they even got into their relationships? Would they even realise that they were in love because they don't have anyone to learn from other then Noo-Noo and he's a robot vacuum who probably doesn't feel true emotions.
Po seems to be good at fixing machines so why not Tinky helping Po to fix something or him asking Po about it. If you want to do something with Tinky, why not him having a rough day for one reason or another and Po just checking up on him.
Also some infected BS because why not (might/will contain headcannons). Tinky is probably going to be a mess because in this context he not only killed his two friends he's known since his whole life but also his gf who he's also know since childhood. He probably might be scared of himself afterwards because "if it can happen once, it can happen again"
Po is also going to be a mess because she just saw her friends murdered by her bf and then she was killed too. So she probably doesn't fully know what to feel because yes she killed her bf but she also knows he wasn't in control of his body. I can see this being more confusing if she did end up killing people because now she knows exactly what it's like from the other end.
How they would probably sort this out would be interesting, because it could be a simple as them just talking to each other about everything.
Now for Dipsy and Laa-Laa, this one is probably going contain the most headcannons tbh. To start of with, why not Dipsy and Laa-Laa talking about what's bothering them, Laa-Laa helping Dipsy to find his hat, Dipsy with her ball or just random things they find interesting.
As for the infected stuff well, it can either be angst, fluff or a mix of both. Given that their are two routes where you kill Laa-Laa you could make it so that a headless Dipsy just stumbles across her body but is either too out of it to realise what it is or he's just freezes in place in stunned horror.
Them getting used to their new infected bodies with Laa-Laa being blind and Dipsy (mostly like due to obvious reasons) having some type of nerve damage along side a few other problems. I often image these two just cuddling whilst sleeping.
This was longer than I expected, um, have a piece of ship art I drew lol
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