#I miss it tbh *grabs damien*
kaitaiga · 2 months
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Archie doodles from the past week, including him sitting in his cockpit before flight and a little study sesh with his favourite study buddy - Vader 🥰🐈‍⬛
Also fun fact, the colours in the first pic are based off of the song cover of ‘Girl$’ by Dom Dolla 😂
tag list: (in/out):
@alypink @revnah1406 @efingart @eccentrcks @welldonekhushi @islandtarochips @breadtheend @sleepyconfusedpotato @deadbranch @mortal-kombattore-115 @justasmolbard @imagoddamnonionmason @chichinu @itsastronxmy
First time using a tag list, I hope this works 😂
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deadaccount1211 · 8 months
TD 2023 Review: The Final Chapter
Spoilers Down Below.
Episode 9: I ain't gonna lie from the way they structured this episode in the beginning. I already knew Caleb was winning immunity.
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Funny screenshot I grabbed ^.
I started off this season liking Mkulia because I saw it as an alliance between two equals. But ever since the cheating plotline, they've only ever used MK as a punching bag. And then the cherry on top is Julia eliminating her for a second time.
Left a sour taste in my mouth tbh. And I can believe the hockey bros were dumb enough to vote her off. But you're telling me that Julia somehow convinced Priya and Damien that MK is the bigger threat between the two? She literally told you guys she eliminated Nichelle. But consistency be damned I guess.
Episode 10: I kinda wish the memory game was more about remembering events that happened through the season and less press a button on a ipad.
This julia vs damien rivalry is cooking. It's about time Julia faced some opposition in this competition.
A bit ironic considering they're athletes but I don't think Wayne and Raj have done well in a single competition this season.
Priya admitting she knows Julia is manipulative and then proceeding to get manipulated by Julia. ://////////
Me going into the elimination scene: Oh so the praleb drama is resolved! Priya or Caleb is going home right?
Ok Julia shared her immunity with Caleb. Vote off Priya? She won last season??? It's not that hard???
"Sorry bro we can't vote off Priya because she's in love with Caleb" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LOGIC? That's exactly why you should vote her off!
Damien running around the island looking for his idol and then getting dragged away screaming is legitimately pitiful to watch.
This season loves giving ppl undignified exits but this was the worst one of all.
I want to add on that I knew there was a very low chance Damien was gonna win given how his arc was structured. But this elim was bullshit, should've been Priya.
Episode 11:
Starting off the episode with the hockey bros saying they miss Damien is lame. Ya'll never interacted and you voted him off. Fuck off.
Julia starting an off screen alliance with Caleb is lame. I don't want to hear the excuse "They can only fit so much into 22 minutes." They did perfectly fine in S1? Why the steep downgrade in quality?
We finally get a non gen 1 cameo and it's fucking McArthur. God I hate this season.
This is the worst challenge of the season. This is the third time ya'll have done run around and be chased by animals challenge. At least nobody is farting this time around.
Maturing is realizing Raj was never gonna get a character arc and he's only here to be comedic relief. Sigh..
Julia being a challenge beast doesn't feel as fun as it did in S1. Probably because she's casually steamrolling the game rn.
They waited way too long to boot off one of the hockey bros. We literally only have two episodes left. How are they gonna be able to make wayne idependent and stand out on his own?
Episode 12:
Why is Julia so insistent on gaining Wayne's vote when she has the immunity idol?
Caleb really is whatever the plot demands him to be. He spent the first half of the season being a wannabe f boy. Now he wants to act all sweet n shit and say he don't wanna lie on Total Drama. Like please get the fuck out of here. Not even Millie was this annoying. Steroid ass freak.
Maybe it's the inner fanfic writer inside of me. But imagine if Damien was in this fear challenge and his final fear to overcome was Scary Girl. Would've been peak imo.
They're really giving Wayne a last minute character arc about learning how to be himself without Raj around.
Tennis Rivals cameo? Isn't RR supposed to be an in universe spinoff? Why are there more RR references than like Revenge or Pahkitew? Are those seasons getting swept under the rug?
They really tried to make this elimination suspenseful when we already know Julia has the idol.
I still like Priya overall. But i'd be lying if I said Season 2 makes it hard to do so. Besides a few mentions from Chris, her being a canonical winner has no effect on the story. Her storyline is a near identical repeat of last season but worse. Just change the genre from friendship to romance. And replace Millie with Caleb. It naturally ended in episode 10 but the writers wanted to stretch this shit as long as humanely possible so here's more problems for the two to overcome. I could go on and on but to sum it up, priya x caleb is ass.
The Finale:
Hmm. Who should I root for?
The guy who just became relevant last episode?
Generic romance plotline guy?
Overpowered villainess?
I like Julia the most out of these three. But a complete Julia steamroll would be mid. Like if she won S1, I'd be cool with that. Because she fought tooth and nail to get into the final 4.
First boot to winner is a neat idea but I don't want it wasted on a bad character like Caleb.
Wayne exists.
Wait so Ripaxel is still together? Why was she so distant towards him in their elimination episode? So Ripper legitimately quit for no reason then? And didn't Chris say last season if you quit then you owe him a million bucks? Is that never coming back up?
Say it with me everyone, "This season is ass!"
Team Caleb not giving a shit about him is so real.
Why is Julia surprised that only MK wants to be on her team?
I don't know how many of you have seen it. But there's this fanmade show called Disventure Camp. And the finale challenge for that show is almost identical to this one. Not accusing anyone of copyright.
I just thought it was interesting to point out.
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Considering Chase's pizza obsession that got him eliminated in season one. Shouldn't he have been the one to go back for pizza? This season can't even remember the minor details.
I thought they were gonna do bald julia for a second lol. Mullet Julia looks cool though.
Wayne won. My honest reaction: :/
I can't be the only person who thinks it's sus that Terry McGurrin. The white straight ally who likes hockey. Wrote the final episode where the white straight ally who likes hockey wins. :/
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People have been comparing his win to TDI Owen.
Owen was a goofball but at least he had a S Tier social game and interacted with loads of ppl (cody, gwen, trent, heather, duncan, izzy, noah)
And he was decent at the challenges. (dodgeball challenge, eating challenge)
Wayne sucked in every challenge and only talked to Raj and sometimes Julia.
Honestly might be the 2nd worst winner this series has ever had. Mike still holds the crown for worst winner.
If they really wanted an underdog finalist they should've went with Damien. He was an underdog and actually did shit in the game. And they built a rivalry for him and Julia. Only to throw it away immediately.
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Kinda wish these were the two pairings instead of Ripaxel and Praleb.
I know they teased a S3. But if it's the same level of quality as S2, I don't want it.
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daddy-hotline · 7 years
Dads react to dadsona having a near-death experience? not like the one you posted before, but like, if the dads were hanging out with dadsona and dadsona just barely misses something that could've killed him
[thank you for the prompt anon! I assume you're talking about the one where dadsona had a stroke I don't really remember tbh. I procrastinated so much on this one, but hope you enjoy and feel free to send in asks/prompts!]🎣Brian :"Hey, so…" you and Brian sat atop the Ferris Wheel, and you two were squished together on the small cabin. You can him a small smile. "Yeah?" your head turned to steal a quick glance of the ground far below you before turning back to Brian. He was lacing his fingers together nervously but you were curious about what he was so worried about. "Is anything wrong…?" he shook his head quickly. "Nothing, just, I wanted to tell you that I… I really like you," His words came out rushed, making you stand up in shock. "Wait- So bragging to me about everything, you weren't trying to make me feel… Feel…" you struggled to find words and leaned against the inner walls of the cabin, then the door behind you creaked. Taking a step away, the door fell off it's hinges immediately and plunged to the ground. "Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Brian looked horrified and you allowed yourself to be pulled away from the gap by him. 🏋Craig :As usual, you and Craig were on your early morning run around the cul-de-sac. River was strapped to his chest tightly, making blep sounds every time she bounced up and down due to Craig's movements. You panted as you ran and wiped some sweat away from your eyes. "How many more rounds?" you puffed heroically behind the clearly much more fit Craig. "10 more to go bro! We've done 20 already, we can do this?" he turned to give you his signature grin and a thumbs-up. You sighed to yourself, feet hitting the concrete pavement repeatedly. Soon both of you came to the road which allowed vehicles to leave the cul-de-sac. Craig ran across as usual and you followed suite, only just after Robert's truck literally grazed your ass. "Woah! Bro, you ok? Check for pedestrians, Robert!" he shouted a little angrily at him.🐶Damien :"Hey sweetheart," Damien said without looking up from his latest taxidermy project. "Hey," you greeted him back, dropping a quick kiss on his cheek. He turned only to give you a smile before focusing back on the snake skin in front of him. "Robert asked me to do this for him. Found it in the woods," You nodded along and leaned your weight against the table on which he was working at. Damien was prepping to preserve the skin of the snake. It had rather pretty patterns on its back, geometrical figures made up of dark shades of brown and green. You grabbed a glass of what you assumed was water and placed your lips to the edge of it. "Oh! Don't drink that!" Damien immediately dropped the skin from his hands and you pulled the glass away. "That's alcohol and glycerin for the skin! Did you drink it?" he seemed really worried. "No," your answer relieved him greatly and he sighed softly, placing a hand on his chest. 📚Hugo :Maybe it was a bad idea to follow Hugo to the wrestling convention. With burly guys everywhere and the distinctive smell of sweat, you bet even Craig would feel intimidated. You blindly followed Hugo as you two wandered around the hall with the occasionally bellow coming from the ring in the middle. His hand never left yours and you were glad for that. His eyes lit up whenever he saw merchandise of The Eastern Dragon and it took all of you to tear him away and to another section. Soon enough, you two ended up at the "demo" section by pure coincidence. There was a half naked man with ripping abs that was demonstrating wrestling moves on his audience. He met eyes with you and it was too late to back off - he was beckoning you forward. "The next one I'm going to do is my one and only Satan Can't Take Me Slam!" cheers came up from the crowd and before you knew it, you were on the solid ground with your arms seemingly about to pop from your joints. "Oh, sweet manchego!" Hugo gasped and rushed forward, freeing you from his grip quickly. 💒Joseph :Joseph had decided that it was time for both of you to go back to Margarita Ville once again. He had started the yacht and soon you were you at sea, sailing the deep blue. You leaned against the railing and stared at the sunset. Soon, strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist and a familiar warmth leaned against you. You put a hand over Joseph's and sighed softly in content. He stroked the soft back of your hand with his thumb and pressed a kiss up against your neck. The orange glow from the sun radiated warmth against your face, making you close your eyes partially so that the light wouldn't burn your pupils alive. Then, Joseph leaned against you a little more. You gasped in shock as you nearly rolled over the railing and he immediately grabbed your waist, pulling it flush to him. "Dear Lord, are you ok?" he said worriedly.☕Mat :Carmensita was over a friend's place for a sleepover that night, so it was just you and Mat all alone at home. He had decided to bring out some weed for both of you, along with some cool music and snacks as well. He started to roll the blunt and you watched him as you hummed along to the music. It wasn't long before he finished and he passed it to you. You put the blunt between your lips, grabbing the lighter from the table. Soon enough you inhaled the smoke, but something seemed off. Was it the blunt? You brushed it off as you getting high. Mat took the blunt from you and took a deep whiff, relaxing for a moment but coughed after. "You alright?" you asked him, a little worried. "Heck, this isn't weed," he murmured. He unrolled the blunt after dampening the flame and Sigrid quietly. "It's oregano. You just smoked a quarter blunt worth of oregano."🔪Robert :The cool breeze blow against your styled hair and you pushed it back annoyingly, but the wind messed it up again anyways. You soon gave up with trying to look good and shimmied over next to Robert on the truck. He had already started whittling, but left a small knife and a block of wood for you. You lay down on the blanket queitly. Soon all that filled the silence between you two was the sound of metal against wood, crickets in the woods and Betsy's occasional snore as she snoozed. You glanced over at Robert, he seemed to be whittling the block of wood into what seemed like a totem thing. You were about to lie back down when the knife slipped from your fingers, nearly lodging itself in your throat if Robert hadn't smacked it away with the back of his hand. "Be more careful, kiddo," he murmured before getting back to his whittling.
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felthief · 7 years
Fave sentence meme
@gentleman-monster did this and put the tag up for grabs so ima go with it ‘cause it gives me an excuse to go over my abandoned projects. I went more with paragraphs than sentences, but...  (ง'̀-'́)ง Basically, copy some of your fave sentences from projects you’re working on. I tag whoever wants to do it! (And also @hafuriyuki )
1. The opening section of a story I... have nowhere near finished, tbh. It doesn’t even have a name.
I believe it was 3:15 A.M. on a Friday when I first realized I’d lost control of my life. I was sitting on the floor of my dark apartment and eating cold, leftover lasagna out of a plastic party cup with my fingers while listening to Chopin’s Nocturne OP 9, No. 2 through my phone. At some point I’d started crying, humming along pitifully and lamenting my newly unemployed status. You’d think, at this point, that perhaps I’d been fired, my wife had left me, my dog had died, and my eldest child disowned me, what with this level of dramatics. But no.
I had been laid off from my two-year position at Walgreens.
2. An excerpt from that blurb I wrote to accompany that god-awful picture of Shiloh and Vale.
He wanted to finish the statement, he really did. But dread caused his throat to close up and he just sat there, the end of Vale’s hair now gripped rather tightly in his fingers... which were shaking. Perfect.
He swallowed, feeling the familiar hot prick of frustration collecting in his eyes and the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. Vale was starting to look a little alarmed, so he knew he had to say something, if only to let the poor guy know he wasn’t dying or anything.
3. Another nameless piece -- the backstory for an OC.
Several people are giving him dirty looks. I recognize him because of Damien’s description; long black hair, and a goatee that twirls out in two different directions like a mustache.
I have to be on a plane with this man for 9 hours.
I turn around and start walking away.
It isn’t until a few hours later that the shock wears off. I’m sitting on a bench in the park when it finally sinks in that not only am I homeless, I’ve been dumped by a man that I’m still in love with for something that I cannot control. I think my heart’s realizing it before I am. My chest hurts, a slightly dull ache that sits heavily in my stomach and is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.
Worse than the physical pain is the sickening feeling of abandonment that overtakes me. How could Damien just not want anything to do with me anymore? How could he dislike me so much that he’d dump me on my own in a country I know so little about? How could I have missed that things were coming to this point?
4. A snippet from chapter 2 of Ashes and Oceans.
The mist was thick below him, but he knew that somewhere on the other side was vast, unyielding water. He wasn’t sure if it was the air rushing past him, the fear, or the hunger, but before he could even make impact, he could feel his body shutting down. The mist greeted him head on just as unconsciousness took him, and he didn’t feel it when he hit the water. He sank through the surface, uncaring and unaware as something large and alive brushed against him.
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