#I miss Elliott making those awful jellos
conchshell · 3 years
Do you think Five learned martial arts or any other fighting tactic besides neck snapping and using weapons?
P.S. Everyday I miss Elliot being alive, him and Five bonding, and seeing Five actually being sad he got caught in the crossfire :((
- 🐐
I definitely do! I mean I think that all the kids would have done sparring sessions under Reginald watchful eye, which I think can be seen best in Allison's fight against the assassins in S1E3. But do I also think that The Commission teaches their agents how to make the most of hand-to-hand combat. I mean the moves Five pulls off against Lila in the warehouse were impressive, and Hazel does a few maneuvers that were surprisingly agile. And I can't not mention the Diego and Cha-Cha fight back in S1E10, it's clearly evident that she's incredibly skilled when it comes to fighting without a weapon.
And same here! When Elliott first arrived I didn't think much of him, but I got so attached to his character and was devasted when he was killed. And I think as much as Five saw a temporary Umbrella Academy HQ in his house, he was genuinely sad when he realised that Elliott had died because of his intervention. While he's very pragmatic and understands that someone may need to die to prevent the deaths of many, he always seems understandably upset when someone innocent dies unnecessarily.
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