#I miss Conan now
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transgender-spiderman · 5 months ago
These r my favorite pics I took at the concert on Sunday. Some of them are a bit silly. I miss Conan now guys
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interdimensionalpancakes · 2 months ago
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file 383 | random coai moments i love (1/?)
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detectivemiku · 5 months ago
has shinichi ever been in danger? like has he ever been kidnapped, harmed, or had his life threatened? because obviously 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘯 has, but what about shinichi?
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this line that ran says here implies that he hasn't ever been "in real trouble" before, but if he had been kidnapped or injured, surely she would be aware and not say this?
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here conan is entirely caught off guard. clearly he isn't used to being unable to defend himself against a culprit.
if we look through all of shinichi's cases pre-conan, there's only two that could be considered "dangerous"
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the first time he meets kaitou kid, he threatens ran and shinichi. obviously WE know that there's no danger, as kid would never hurt innocent people, especially not his own nephew.
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the second time is the new york case. shinichi is actively pursuing a serial killer, but here vermouth isn't directly threatening him, she only makes a move to harm ran, not shinichi. and by the time she does point her gun at him, shinichi is confident she won't hurt him.
now if we look at current timeline shinichi
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this is the only time (that I can find) where someone puts specifically shinichi in danger, not conan. no one else actively tries to harm him as a high school detective.
now, we don't actually see a lot from shinichi's first childhood, so the evidence is limited. but I don't think he is seriously harmed or threated until conan, there just aren't many opportunities for it to have happened.
while shinichi solves many cases, I think people forget that he mainly works as a 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 of the police, in which he's called in to cases that the police have already worked on, and in theory is as safe and secure as possible. there's not really room for someone to attack or gain the upper hand against shinichi in these scenarios.
obviously this doesn't account for any cases shinichi ran into on his own, we all know how much of a murder magnet conan is. but the thing is, that's 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘯. I don't believe shinichi was a murder magnet at all.
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the biggest evidence is in shinichi's first case. it's obvious he and megure don't regularly cross paths at this point, and considering shinichi spends most of his time in megure's district, if he were to run into crime, they should be familiar with each other.
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another point: ran isn't used to gruesome crime scenes. in the current time in the series, ran would not be nearly this shocked to see someone beheaded, and that's all happened in just six months. considering how shinichi spends most of his free time with ran, if he attracted crime in his year of being a high school detective, surly she would have been present and had time to get used to murder scenes like this.
the police are always surprised to see shinichi already at a crime scene, and there's no joke about him being a "shinagami." you'd think if shinichi had the same track record as conan for stumbling onto cases, the police would react in a similar way to how they treat kogoro and conan. all of his current day cases the officers show surprise and delight when shinichi shows up, which could be more surprise to see him at all, but the same is true for that first roller coaster murder.
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now what megure says here in the aquarium case 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 be interrupted as "of course you're at the crime scene, like always." but I think he means "of course you'd be the only person described as a cocky young fellow."
I really think the very first time shinichi is ever in any danger from his detective work is at the very beginning with gin and vodka. it explains why he's so self assured and cocky, and doesn't have any restraint for running into danger. conan is way more cautious and paranoid than shinichi because he 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 danger first-hand now. shinichi never had any reason to be worried about his own safety because he's never faced any negative consequences until conan.
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fure-dcmk · 2 years ago
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(doing this halfheartedly cuz i do not have the patience to check every detco character that ever existed while taking account of artstyle evolution)
Maybe this is something which is very obvious but i JUST realize Shinichi is the only GUY with the triangle itty bitty button nose. In detco this nose design tends to be given to other main girls. (if im wrong please lmk I'm doing this very with minimum scrutiny)
What am I trying to get at? Well maybe.... Shinichi has a baby face? Or maybe even a feminine face? (that might also explain why Kaito have an easy time crossdressing)
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arsquare · 10 months ago
So what're Conan's humanoid Clear Cards going to be like (I mean resembling to someone he knows)? Struggle was Meiling with a mixture of The Fight and The Twin, Appear has Rika's face, Mirror is just Mirror, Repair is Tomoyo, Kindness and Choice are Sakura's dad and Touya respectively, etc.
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I think you may have sent this ask to the wrong person because while I do have a CCS AU my sakura is kaito but I gave this my best shot. it can be hakuba if you want but know in my heart he went straight home and tried to make magic merch of his #1 blorbo
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merlyn-red-0 · 10 months ago
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happy birthday to my son!!!
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arthurs-puppygirl · 9 months ago
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Arthie, i would have happily invited you 💕
Theo, u right but also, you one of those men ✨
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ranmouridesu · 7 months ago
you know detective conan new episodes aren’t exciting like the old ones used to be when they don’t play old osts as much as before
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creamiceandsugar · 7 days ago
literally three minutes into episode 647 or smth (thank you conan for summarizing the previous ep bc it's been like six years for me) and unironically i went
chiba: btw why is conan here
me (long sufferingly): conan is literally always here what are you talking about
like it may not be funny to YOU but i for one think it's hilarious that this guy still asks why this random elementary student is anywhere like brother, stop asking. the ONLY one who is still concerned everyone else has just accepted it. yes conan is here which means statistically speaking the murder will get solved Today AND the murderer will give us a confession On Site so shush
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myblacknightworld · 2 years ago
every female character in recent history (not animated) tries to be Marguerite Krux (multidimentional, allowed to be a real person with real feelings and reactions and, most importantly, flawed, imperfect, and allowed to make mistakes and learn) so hard and yet they miss the target by half the distance between here and the sun, when everyone in studios should just understand that perfect doesn't mean better, quite the contrary
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raventhekittycat · 11 months ago
this movie really said with its whole pussy coai? Shinran? Who cares ship the girls!
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forffax · 2 years ago
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camel :]
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bawnjourno · 21 hours ago
my oscars review so far: needs more conan
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snapewives-supremacy · 6 months ago
i’m happy for people who find love, i’m just pissed off it hasn’t happened to me
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prokopetz · 11 months ago
Could I ask where dungeons of the kind in D&D came about? Like they’re a cultural icon now, but I don’t understand their origins very well
The dungeon crawl is a pretty standard trope in 1960s and 1970s sword and sorcery fiction and its near ancestors. A lot of ink has been spilled about how Dungeons & Dragons has become so creatively insular that it's basically emulating itself, and while there's some truth to that, the claim that dungeon crawls are part of that is a misconception. That bit is lifted more or less directly from the contemporary literature which original flavour D&D was inspired by – modern commentators tend to miss that because nobody reads sword and sorcery anymore. If you look at Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, Robert Howard, you'll see dungeon crawls aplenty; Conan the Barbarian* went on not a few!
Of course, that just kicks the can down the road a bit: if Dungeons & Dragons got the dungeon crawl from 1960s and 1970s sword and sorcery fiction, where did they get it from? That's a question I'm less qualified to address, since literary history isn't my area. I know there are several students of early to mid 20th Century popular fiction following this blog, though; perhaps a qualified party can weigh in?
* Yes, I'm aware that Conan the Barbarian was 1930s; I'm including him in the "near ancestors" of 1960s sword and sorcery fiction
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ethereacals · 2 months ago
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the one where you don't go back to the boys.
part two of the conan gray series
“i wish i were heather” out now!
synopsis: after getting cheated on by your previously expected soulmates, a change in perspective occurs and you find yourself falling for a different set of three.
warnings: foul language, slander on the marauders, sexual innuendos, mentions of smoking, a small taylor
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Leaving Hogwarts early for Christmas this year was not something anyone could've forshadowed.
You, the girl who spent most of her time studying for her upcoming OWLS in November, had disappeared without a trace.
Of course most of your close friends knew where you were, and some not so close friends did aswell.
"She can't just run away from her problems." Said Sirius, his leg bouncing anxiously from the news Regulus had just sprung onto them.
"Sirius, It'll be fine, okay? When they get back to school, we can formally apologize and move on, right?" Remus attempted to reassure Sirius, but he in reality he felt quite crestfallen.
Lily sat quietly, already regretting her decision to do this with them.
In her head, she knew they had every intention to not cheat and solve things the right way— but she hadn’t helped.
It all started one night at a loud and ear-shattering Gryffindor victory party after a successful win for their Quidditch team.
She got drunk, and they were completely wasted.
And you weren’t there.
So their drunken minds believed it would be a missed opportunity if they didn’t take their chance with Gryffindors golden girl.
Lily knew she should’ve said no, she should’ve gone back to her dorm and hid from them for the rest of eternity.
But fate clearly had other plans.
And after secrets, longing stares, and lingering touches that the truth finally came to light.
and it was all at your expense.
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“So— When will our Reggie be joining us, Meadowes?” Evan slurred, his voice carrying a heavily intoxicated tone.
“Soon enough, he’s got one more OWL to complete and then he’s on his way.” Dorcas mused as she gently pet the head of her tipsy sleepy Gryffindor girlfriends head as she babbled on about Quidditch.
Evan nodded drunkenly— before taking another swig.
Dorcas seemed so peaceful with Marlene— who had surprisingly accepted her invitation to spend Christmas with the Slytherins, though Marlene truly wasn’t prejudice against them like others were.
They seemed so… in love.
You had love once.
They’re gone.
They’re gone.
“I— I had love… once—“ You hiccuped sadly, beginning to sob for the umpteenth time this evening.
You were extremely drunk, who could really blame you?
“Aww… Treasure…” Barty (who surprisingly was very sober) cooed, encapsulating you in a bear hug as you cried into his chest.
“How many more times is she going to do that?” Asked Peter, who— by the way: lied to his friends and said he was going home for Christmas.
He was only visiting for the night, as he was currently visiting his girlfriend— Sybil Trelawney who lived in town.
“Who knows, Pete. Who knows..” Evan slung his arm around him.
“This should be the last time before she realizes that she doesn’t need them, that’s what the sprites are telling me.” Pandora smiled, petting your hair gently in comfort.
“Pettigrew, you should turn back to your rat-pack and tell them they’re trash.”
You spat, in broken sighs.
Obviously, Peter felt a bit of offense to the rat slander but alas— they weren’t aware of his rat-secret.
Quite a shame.
“Sure thing, L/N.”
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on December 19th, Regulus had finally arrived at Barty's flat he'd rented for the holidays.
Marlene, Dorcas, and Peter had their departure just the day before, leaving just you, Pandora, Evan, Barty, and Regulus.
Pandora had just wished you all goodnights and dream blessings before nodding off to your shared room for your stay.
"So, anyone up for some firewhiskey?" Offered Evan, who held a giant bottle of the substance.
"Just a small bit, Rosie." Barty accepted his offer graciously.
"Need anything, amour?" Regulus mused in your ear, by far he was the most comforting one. As the other two just distracted you with their own twisted ways of thinking and chaos.
"I'm alright, Reggie. Thank you." You nodded politely, you had felt incredibly off this break.
Though they all weren't stupid, they knew why you were acting strange.
Every year since third year; You and the boys would leave Hogwarts and spend Christmas with the Potters.
Snowball fights, roaring fires, Effie's hot cocoa, the memories echoed through your brain like they were music blasting from your headphones.
Every time you closed your eyes to sleep, you would see endless slideshows of everything you had ever done with them.
The nights of passion, the hugs, the pre and post-quidditch game good luck and good job kisses, the play fights, the happiness.
Your life was black and white before you met them, they brought the color.
But they showed you colors they knew you couldn't see with anyone else.
Well, besides your 'best' friends.
Were you really just that? Just friends?
You were a year younger than the Marauders, same year as Regulus.
and Sirius would be so pissed off if he found out that you were sleeping with his brother-
Who gives a fuck about Sirius?
Who cares what intelligent insult will come out of Remus' mouth?
And James, he liked Regulus once.
They'd hate you.
Maybe you wanted them too.
So, you ended up taking a few shots of firewhiskey.
More than a few.
"Um- actually, Reggie. I- I do need something." You slurred, holding onto your sober ex-boyfriends brother best friends nimble shoulders like he was your lifeline.
"Yes, amour?"
"I want a kiss."
Evan spat out his drink back into his cup, and Regulus' face heated up significantly.
"I'll give you a kiss..." Barty clambered over his boyfriends as his cold, veiny hands meet your waist.
His hands skim your body up and down, before pecking your lips softly, as if he was asking for acceptance.
"Can I kiss you?" Barty spoke so softly, he may have been chaotic and insane- but he was extremely cautious and respectable with things like this.
"I-I wanna taste you so bad.." Evan cooed at Barty's sweet words, as he held an extremely flustered Regulus in his arms, watching the scene in front of him unfold.
"Barty- please, kiss me." You mewled, barely finishing your sentence as he dived into your lips.
His lips surprisingly tasted like cherry chapstick, even though he had just been chugging firewhiskey.
After feeling like an eternity, Barty broke your kiss.
"I've wanted to do that since fourth year." He mumbled drunkenly, gazing up stupidly and lovingly at your blush-kissed face.
His kisses were heavenly, and so were Evan's, and Regulus'.
And needless to say, you didn't return back to Pandora that night.
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The return to Hogwarts was an awkward one at that.
But returning back to Hogwarts feeling happier than ever with your boyfriends? That was the best return you could make.
Hand in hand with Barty, you strutted into the Great Hall.
Evan and Regulus trailed behind, as you rambled on and on to Barty about something.
James stared your direction, and you unfortunately met his gaze.
He wasn't dense, he could see how your bright smile seemed to dim.
He smiled, softly.
James knew that they'd never get you back the way they had you.
He should've realized that you were the light of their lives.
Everyone should've woken up to see you.
They hurt you.
And this was their price.
They had to watch you thrive, with three other men.
Who would treat you like a goddess, something they never sought time for.
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taglist; @hisparentsgallerryy @cultish-corner @asexualbuthorny @prettylittlewrites @champomiel @hellothere7 @anakinsluvrr @lady-balem @awkwardalie @nosteponduck @eeviee4 @dreamygirli3 @navs-bhat @angemyrtille @mrssslangdon @siillly @makanirock05 @hcqwxrtss123 @wolfyychan @nislame @lalalandincraz @rorywright @ih3artpjo @st4r-girl-official @pain-in-the-ashe
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