#I might queue more later I love it 🥰
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bugeyedfreaks · 9 months ago
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starmaniamania · 8 months ago
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Whaaaat!! 💥🥰
Let me use this milestone as a pretext to be corny earnest for a second...
I don't use this blog for my own personal thoughts too much so it might look like it's just an automated queue pumping out content with no one at the wheel. But that is not the case at all :p
When I started the blog in Dec 2022 it was supposed to be my own archive, and I was literally posting into the void to 0 notes every day. 18 months later, taking care of this place has become a big part of my daily life, between recording, editing, uploading and tagging everything, looking out for new meta / fanart, doing fic recaps, making memes etc. And then there's making sure the queue is ordered in a way where there's a little bit of everything all the time, something for everyone, no two videos of the same moments too close together, that every cast member gets a little bit of attention (well... you know :p)
I love looking at the "activity" page and noticing which posts you liked the most and queuing more of them, or seeing new people come in and go through a tag liking 100 pictures of Côme in a row (because lbr it's usually him) or reblog three dozen memes within a week.
So, yeah, just know that although there are very few of us still compared to many other fandoms, that only makes every interaction more precious! Whether it's a like, a reblog, a reply, an ask, a DM or whatever, it's all so deeply cherished, and I hope we keep going and growing together for a long time still! 💕�� (<- Besoin d'amour shower of hearts on you!)
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lord-lawnmower · 1 year ago
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Hiiii this is my intro/about post
I’m Jess! I’m just a 29 yr old teenage girl. I started this blog late sept 2023. 👻
I’d be so happy to connect with and follow any other TCM folks! 🪚
my main blog is @ghouloriented so I follow and like from there. 🧟‍♀️
I also have a pink aes blog @sexytrash and a goth lovecore blog @loveaddictsanonymous ‼️❣️
Always been a horror girlie, recently obsessed with Bill Moseley. 🥰
Chop Top is my fav but this blog miiiiight end up having some more of his characters later down the line. 😵‍💫
Here’s a playlist I started today (Oct 1st) for our favorite hippie. Music is my liiiiife! (I’m still adding to it!) 🎶
I haven’t participated in any fandoms in a long time but Chop Top has inspired me. I might write stupid headcanons or short fics in the future 😅
I love Cornbugs and was super happy to get this URL 🌽🐛🐜🪳
I have tons of posts in the queue and plan on being pretty active on here. Stay tuned to see the prescription glasses I ordered to look just like Chop Top’s!
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years ago
I’m obsessed with My Little Love🥰🥰 I was wondering if you’d ever do a chapter from Lottie’s pov? I’m just really interested in the visions she gets and how that all works! Do they happen often? Or does she sometimes get random happy glimpses of the future?
This is an amazing question!
So I could/might do a what if or bonus chapter following Lottie but here are some answers to your questions.
The way I see her ability working is:
Since she’s so young she doesn’t have control of when gets visions. As she grows older and practices she’ll be able to pick up on physical queues that let her know she’s getting a vision. And she’ll also be able to control when she has them.
For example:
when she’s older (along with the other avenger kids) the new Avengers team will be formed (all the Barnes kids will be part of it in some capacity.) Lottie will definitely be one of the leaders. Part of the reason is because of her ability but also she’s had the most time around the current team to learn. She uses her ability to actively and consciously look into the future and see the outcome or be able to plan for any surprises. Now the future can change based on people’s choices but she’s still able to change said plans to help the team.
Also as she grows older the visions won’t wipe her out as much. In the chapter where she took her first steps we see her get a vision and then a few minutes later she’s asleep because it takes up a lot of her energy. She’ll be able to look at or touch someone and see their past and their future. Her ability will develop from seeing things way into the future to seeing things that happen a few minutes later.
She does get random happy visions 2 of them are mentioned/ implied in the story. The first is the one she had after she walked. The only person that knows what the vision is, is Wanda and she won’t say anything until it happens. The second was when she recognized the word grandpa. It’s implied she had a vision (or dream) in which she had already seen/heard the word grandpa.
The reason reader and Bucky don’t always realize she’s had a vision is because good/happy visions don’t give her a physical reaction like the bad ones do. With the bad ones she is literally scared because she’s seeing people she loves and feel safe with being hurt and she doesn’t know how to stop it (both the vision and what’s happening or going to happen to the person in it.)
I hope this helps and please feel free to send me more asks!!
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tekutiger · 1 year ago
FFXIV Patch 6.51 !!
Good Gods a lot has been happening. I finally have a moment to stop and post something 😅
I've been tending to my own personal island, traversing a new island, braving a crazy new event that Manderville added to the Gold Saucer with these hyperactive beans?
I'll be posting a lot of screenies below, some potentially spoiler-y so... unfold the cut if you're interested.
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(I'm more or less posting these for sentimental/archival purposes but) Fall Guys Event!
Very anxiety inducing at first but once I got the hang of it, not so much, and rather fun 😎. Ngl though, I did stop queueing after getting all the glamour and pets I wanted, and reaching one win 👑
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I need to hop back in for a couple more things but my router is literally dying and I'm waiting for my ISP to come out to fix the issue first. A lot of people, including myself, are learning from this event that the snapshotting sucks. So, I'd really prefer to have my net fixed before attempting to queue more.
Oh!! Something I wanted to throw out there for people who don't want to run this a whole lot but want to put the Fall Guys furniture to use. If you just buy ONE piece of each thing, you can place multiple of that furniture item on your island. Go crazy and make a "fun space". I've been considering doing it, lol. Just food for thought 😋
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Island Sanctuary!
I'm not even remotely done here yet. I've hit Rank 20, got the Felicitous Furball glamour, and the 100k crowrie mount/bike, but there's a 200 Felicitous Voucher mount that is going to take agesssss to acquire. I've seen some people with it already. Likely bought the vouchers off the MB or traded with friends. The going rate for those vouchers on my server is 90k-95k each (atm). Buying all 200 of them would make the mount 19m (currently). I'll be patient and slowly earn them, lol 😋
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Aloalo Island!
Okay, I'll just be transparent here. I love the Variant Dungeons 🥰. Maybe Zenos wasn't wrong when he was blabbing on about how I'm an adventurer looking for a challenge, or a test of skill. I feel like Variant Dungeons do that decently enough to keep me in a good place (don't get rusty), but don't push me too much to be annoyed (*cough*fliptables*cough*). I'm not a raider- I'm not OP. But I do like a little push or a challenge here and there.
So, for me, I see these as fun, with rewards that are worth the time and effort.
I cannot say the same for the Criterion version of them however. I haven't done them and I see a lot of people raging over the terrible rewards. If it's that many people, it's worth looking into and from what I have heard, they're right to be upset.
If you need raid gear to do Variant Dungeon and the reward gear is under or on par with the raid gear that's needed to do it- that's a huge no. I don't have all the facts or experience to know first hand how true that is though 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Posting these 👆🏻 because this is my favorite path. I've always loved mimics and had this slight obsession with them since I played Ragnarok Online many years ago (my first MMO ever).
Silly little treasure chests, you're so evil and cute 💝
(Coulda sworn I got a screenie with the parasol but I cannot find it 🙃. Same with the new hair on my female bun... might edit it in later but probably not.)
Edit: (I'm editing one in at least 🙃)
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World of Warcraft: Retail (The War Within, Worldsoul Saga)
So, totally unrelated to FFXIV, but also related in a way... my BFF's BF talked her into playing WoW again, and she talked me into playing WoW again, lol (with the help of the cinematic). It's been FOUR years since I've played.
The reason I say it's "related in a way" is because I want to still play FFXIV at the same time and upkeep my FFXIV 'muscle memory'. I started doing the Loporrit Dailies recently - need to continue doing that. I still need to hit Series Level 25 in PvP - so I'll continue doing those daily. I need to continue getting my Island Sanctuary Felicitous Vouchers. And lastly, I began doing the weekly Custom Deliveries for Anden and Margrat. I intend to finish those for the Glamour and Mount. (It boggles my mind how people can say "I'm bored" in FFXIV. There's SO MUCH to do, always. Just admit that you're not bored, you're lazy 😑.)
If the muscle memory thing doesn't make sense, here's an example: It's when you drop/neglect one game for so long (let's call it Game A) to start playing another (Game B), that you completely forget the controls or lose the reflexes you once had for Game A, because you're too consumed living in Game B. I do not want that.
Just thinking about returning to WoW, I feel a bit overwhelmed. All of us used to play Horde for the majority of our gametime (my BFF and her BF, & some of my other friends who've quit). But before I quit, I was trying to make the permanent swap to Alliance (played Alliance for about a year). She's still playing Horde with her BF so I won't be playing with her unless I continue to play Horde. I'll need to find an Alliance server. It'll be cool if I can find a guild that has people who play both WoW & FFXIV. I need to look up which addons I'll need. I fear for all the crap I left in my inventory LOL.
But mainly. When I saw that new cinematic with Thrall and Anduin my heart broke. Anduin has gone through so much trauma in the time I have been away. All I could think about was "Wtf did they do to my King?" And now I feel like I'm crawling my way back and I'm over my head on how to do it. I need to know what happened to him.
(In BfA,) Azeroth turned into a joke and I was isekai'd away Anduin, I'm so sorry 😭. I'll bring some of the light back with me and give it to you, from Eorzea 💖
(FFXIV x WoW collab, when?)
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crypt-keepers-den · 3 years ago
Domestic Life W/Hawks part 3
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Warning: the reader has been given no pronouns but is able to be impregnated, enjoy 😊
Get caught up before reading 🥰
Chapter 1: https://crypt-keepers-den.tumblr.com/post/682383424018874368/the-domestic-life-whawks
Chapter 2: https://crypt-keepers-den.tumblr.com/post/683435744361070592/domestic-hawks-part-2maybe
The sounds of the morning radio played throughout your apartment, keigo had left for work a few hours ago, giving you a kiss goodbye and a warning to remember to eat breakfast. Lifting yourself from the warm confines of the bed feeling heavier than usual, slowly making your way to the kitchen and opening the fridge, scanning around the shelves looking to see if there was anything to satisfy your hunger, you'd have to go out for groceries later but the remains of last nights pizza takeout would suffice; propping yourself up onto the counter you begin to eat the left overs while scrolling through various social medias, an article caught your eye your No. 2 hero husband's face plastered all over the article "HERO HAWKS EXCLUSIVE Q&A" clicking on the video link provided within the article your husband's face pops up on the screen, his signature smile causing you to crack a grin "I'm here with the number 2 hero Hawks for a very exclusive Q&A" the young reporter sits shuffling what must be her queue cards while Keigo waves to the camera "so Hawks how are you today?" your husband shrugs his shoulders "cant complain", the reporter seems to accept that answer and moves on "so Hawks as one of the top heroes we don't get to hear about your life outside of hero business, what are you up to these days? is there a lovely someone waiting on you at home or are you still partying it up as one of japans top bachelors?" you notice he visibly stiffens, it looks like he's battling himself but then quickly shakes himself out of it regaining his composure seconds later "there might be someone...then again there might not be" the reporter gives a quick laugh "so your going to keep us guessing?" Keigo runs his hands through his hair "where's the fun if i just told you all my secrets, I'd loose my mysterious charm" .
"we've got a few questions from fans, if you wouldn't mind answering them?" Keigo nods, you could tell he didn't want to be there, he was putting on that suave cover to appease everyone. "one fan asks Hawks as the number 2 hero Do you ever intend to slow down and perhaps start a family with a lucky someone?" Keigo let a light laugh out "sure I'd love to have little chicks of my own but until these streets are free of crime and heroes like myself have more free time, I'm afraid its just not top of my list right now" He shot the camera a smile. You knew Keigo was lying for the past month you both had been indulging in each others fantasies, fucking like animals without any barriers, no condoms and no birth control. Clicking off the video you jump down off the counter your feet landing on the marble with a soft thump; cleaning your hands off, you bin the empty box and head towards the laundry room stopping by your shared bedroom to pick up any dirty laundry you had missed the night before, turning the radio up you got to work sorting out loads of laundry; making sure to take keigo's uniform out and put it into a delicate wash, a familiar song plays and you begin to move to the beat, your hips softly swinging while folding laundry, the sound of the wash machines hum fills the room. Unbeknownst to you a certain feathery someone had stopped by to see his favourite birdie, needing to see something other than the four walls of his office. The site of you gently swaying to the rhythm brought a smile to his face, sneaking up behind you he snakes his hands around your waist, gently tickling your neck with his facial hair. You let out a loud screech at the contact, recognising the feel of his leather gloves and the fluffiness of his jacket pressed against you, you realised who the intruder was; you turn around and give him a soft slap to the chest "Keigo you asshole, you almost gave me a heart attack!" he lets out a soft airy laugh "sorry dove, I saw you in here and I couldn't resist" you raise an eyebrow at him before shooting him a cheeky grin, Keigo quickly leaned down and captured your lips before pulling back again; smiling "maybe we could order in dinner tonight, maybe a glass or two of wine; see where the night leads us" he wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to fall into a fit of giggles "HEY dove don't laugh at me I'm trying to be suave!" he pouts at you causing you to lift your hands and reach for his face; he happily lets you cradle his jaw, smiling at the contact. He looks at your heart swelling at the cute face he was pulling; you lean in and plant a kiss on his nose causing him to laugh, "dinner sounds great baby" he pulls himself back together, smiling down at you "okay baby let me go get changed, and you my beautiful baby can order what you want" he boops your nose before walking off towards your shared bedroom. Shaking your head at his nonsense, casting the laundry aside you grab your phone and head out towards the living room, flopping down on the couch, scrolling through the fast food service that you both liked before placing an order for a mixed boneless chicken box with a side of noodles. Keigo's head plops down on your shoulder "you pick something baby?" you nod showing him the delivery time, he kisses the side of your neck, " ill go grab us a couple of beers then" you look at him, your insides suddenly feeling weird "yeah, um sure lemme just go to the bathroom real quick" he looks at you puzzled but decides not to question it, you quickly tip toe off to the bathroom managing to close the door before a sudden wave of nausea hit you "holy shit-" you gag, you stare into the mirror, before opening the cabinet to reach for something to help pacify this nausea, you come eye to eye with the pack of pregnancy tests that you'd both decided to buy and keep stocked in the bathroom. A soft knock comes from the door, "Dove, you alright in there?" your head was spinning, all you could murmur "Keigo i-" the door swung open revealing Keigo's worried face "Dove talk to me, Whats wrong?"
Suddenly it was like a fog came over your brain, you couldn't form a sentence, "keigo...i think.." he looked worried, fuck you needed to say something, it hurt to see him so worried "Pregnant...I think i'm Pregnant" Keigo's jaw might as well of hit the ground "Are you sure? have you done one of those test thingies? or do we need to go to the Doctors?" you quickly shushed him, explaining that what you had was a hunch and that you hadn't taken a test yet, both agreeing that you needed to take a test, keigo left the room allowing you some privacy.
Grabbing a pregnancy test you quickly unwrap it and seat yourself on the toilet, having done your thing you quickly clean yourself up and set the test on the counter waiting for it to stop blinking. The sudden nausea turns to anticipation and excitement could this be really it? were you and Keigo expecting? looking back down at the test you see a clear 'POSITIVE 2-3' you let out a soft gasp, as tears begin to collect at the corner of your eyes, you open the door immediately greeted by Keigo who himself is clearly drowning in his own anticipation, his eyes meet with your own trying to read the expression on your face, you hold the test up to him, confusion clouding his face "keigo read it" his eyes scan the small screen before meeting yours again before looking back for a second read, "Dove...are we? are you?" you nod, if you could see inside keigo's brain it would just be a loading symbol.
then it sunk, "OH SHIT, IM GONNA BE A DAD".
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always-andromeda · 2 years ago
teehee hiii hello! :D im very new to the danonation community, despite being an admirer of mr paul for almost a year now,,, there's so many amazing people and content they make but, it's really overwhelming and a bit scary to explore on my own! you're one of the few people i instantly felt safe to approach so, would you be so kind as to direct me a little bit? which danonation blogs are active right now, or maybe even personal friends of yours, just to start my journey in this community? i really really wanna participate, but since i don't have a single creative bone in me and can't contribute in art or writing, the least i can do is give love to all of you lovely people!! 🥰 thank you for your time 💛
p.s. if you don't mind, i might have more questions later!
p.s.s. your blog themes are always so adorable and so so aesthetically pleasing it's amazing 😭💞
Hey hi hello, my friend!! Thank you so much!! I’m gonna leave all of my account recommendations under the cut because wHOO I went a little bonkers! Other than that, you’re always welcome to shoot me an ask whether you have a question or you just wanna say hello! Super glad to have you here and I hope that you have fun getting to know everyone and everything!!
I couldn’t get through a post about talking about creators in Danonation and/or my friends without mentioning Soph. Not only is she immensely talented, but her ability to shift between writing the sweetest moments and angst is basically unmatched. Shoutout to her for warming me up to the concept of having kids tbh bc wOW I did not see that one coming! She’s also one of my closest friends on here and I would heavily recommend giving her a follow and sending an ask; she’s absolutely precious to me and deserves all the love this community can possibly give her (but that’s just my opinion 🙄).
Now, if we're talking about my friends, I have to drag my wonderful Storm into the conversation as well since we met through Danonation. Storm has a wiiiide range of interests and gifs a lot of different things bUT his gif sets are fucking phenomenal. He hasn't been super active on here lately but I would still recommend dropping him a follow because lmao I am hugely biased (because I love and adore him) and because he's one of the most creative people I know and his work deserves to be seen by as many eyeballs as possible and fully appreciated.
Okay, I should preface that Bowie is on a bit of a hiatus and they’re kind of running on a queue schedule. However. I still adore Bowie with all of my heart. I genuinely cannot explain it; all I know is that I was born to be Bowie's biggest fan. Aside from that, they are such a pillar in this community. The work they put into giffing every Paul movie?? And furthering the Chubby!Eddie agenda?? And the bimbo agenda?? Listen, on this account, we’re all Bowie stans (lmao, new mandate, friends; we’re all Bowie stans now).
It’s only been for the last few months that I’ve been following Ethan bUT LEMME JUST SAY. I cannot fathom how my dash survived beforehand. You can be sure that Ethan will always have something either slightly unhinged, horny, or downright hilarious to post. They also write a bit as well and it’s some damn good writing if I do say so myself!! Also literally every time they post this plays in my head (but that piece of information is more for Ethan's benefit than anyone else's lol).
I feel like almost everyone in my little circle has read or at least heard of Max’s Edward fic, Disarm. And I can confirm, Disarm is fantastic. But I also adore basically everything else of hers that I’ve read. Max’s interpretation of characters (specifically Eddie and Calvin) just makes my writing brain so happy. She is also incredibly funny, a massively talented artist, and a very lovely person to talk to and I couldn’t imagine this little community without her.
I should preface this recommendation by saying that Finnie doesn't post purely Dano content and is more in the realm of the DC fandom in general. I would also give her content warnings a once over beforehand since they might not be everyone's cup of tea! But I still wanted to include her here because, her work and her personality has always inspired me so heavily and...goodness, I love being able to call her one of my mutuals. Her sense of humor is top notch; like truly, whenever she posts her little pictures where she draws herself as a stick figure wrapped around one of the Rogues, I lose my absolute mind. Anyways, stan Finnie too, Finnie is the coolest.
If you are in the market for a cutesy, coquettish aesthetic and Paul content wrapped up in one super sweet and kind person? Look no further than Ushuaia! I swear, every time I interact with her it feels like I’ve been hit was this pastel ray of light complete with lace frills and ribbons. She’s the absolute sweetest and the bits of her creations that she’s put out reflect that entirely and I can’t wait to see what else she can think up!
Goodness, it feels like Odd and I have been mutuals for literally forever because they’ve been there pretty much since the beginning of this account?? I always love getting a chance to interact with them and it’s been so cool seeing them start to develop their own ideas (and I swear, Odd, I will get to your dark academia college!Eddie fic as soon as I get a chance to actually sit down and read it). Also…their 70s Pornstar!Jimmy Tree headcanons…god if they ever post about them, I will actually lose my mind.
Fun fact: Star was among the first fic writers I read from when I first got into Danonation! They are a multi-fandom blog but again, I just had to include them because their writing is fucking intoxicating and I'm sorry but I'll never get over it.
So this serves as apology to Wren for being awful at keeping up with fics lately because ages ago I know I promised to read one of her Calvin fics and then I never did sO I AM SO SORRY. But this also serves as me taking the chance to gush over her work. Like y'all know I will fawn over anything Joby Taylor related and her Joby fic, i'm so sick...GIRL I'M SO SICK ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEE. Like truly...I lost my mind for part of a day when she followed me because hahahah I'm a nervy little guy and I am always so hesitant to make new mutuals (especially when they're this talented goodness gracious).
Okay, I will admit that I'm also a little newer to their work! But goodness gracious, just from the bits I've seen of both their Joby fic and their Eli stuff, I love what I've read so far and I really wanted to include them on this list as well!!
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skykashi · 2 years ago
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I'm about 30 hours late in saying this, but I can't tell you just how perfect this was 🧡. Over the weekend, I was actually trying to wrangle about eight or nine different plot ideas/oneshots for assorted fic I've been wanting to write for months now. I had thought I might try to use some for Kakashi Week, except none of what I had written really fit the prompts to my liking, and I was just feeling overwhelmed by too many choices (not to mention wanting to finish my current projects, too!).
When I read your comment, the BIGGEST lightbulb went off in my head for how to use team min + time travel to connect all the ideas in a fun and logical way. It was such a rush that I just sat down and typed and edited and drafted for a while, and I forgot to come back to tumblr to tell you THANK YOU!! Not just for pointing out how funny and cute and entertaining this whole thing would be, but also for reading and laughing at my dumb tags and everything! I love seeing your reactions, I'm glad we seem to have a similar sense of humor, and I always look forward to checking your blog and reading your posts. (1/2)
I'm gonna make a blog update about this a little later on, but I just thought I'd give you a bit of a headsup that I'm going to be taking a bit of a break from tumblr/ pulling back from updates and reblogs for a while. I have a short queue lined up, but over the last few days, I realized that tumblr has been absorbing a lot of my energy, and I want to reserve some of that time and energy for creating other stuff. (Writing more is definitely one of the other things). So if I'm not checking in as frequently, don't worry; I'm not losing interest in writing posts or finishing fic or anything. Just doing a bit of rebalancing.
Also, fyi, I spent the first half of yesterday re-reading the first arc of "Abandon." I kind of fell back in love with it after feeling a lot of hesitation and distance from it all summer. So that is where all my writing energy will go next, is to continuing part three, and then finishing part four + five afterwards. After that, probably continuing "Up Against The Wall," and after that, the new one with the Team Minato time travel in it. That's the plan, but I have no idea how long it will take or if I will stick with that order (hopefully not too long). Anyway, thank you for reading, and cheering me on when I'm tired of writing, and going with me and my Team Minato on their sad rollercoaster of emotions. I really appreciate it so much!! 🧡🧡🧡
Shzbvsbjsks I'm so glad you found my silly idea inspiring 🥰 it always strikes me how much Kakashi's personality changed from his kid version to his adult version so I always wondered how team Minato including kid Kakashi would react when they see adult Kakashi shenanigans 😂
It's always sad when one of my favorites blogs isn't as active as usual but it's also very understandable and it's a good thing too that you will get to focus more on writing so hopefully this will mean more new chapters will be coming 👀❤️❤️
And I can't even tell you how much I've missed "Abandon" so reading that you are falling back in love with it is such a great news to me, I can't wait to read everything you have for us, I know all of them are worth the wait 😍❤️
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terrence-silver · 3 years ago
Howdy howdy hey <3 I’ve finished papers for this week so next week papers are a later problem lol <3 there might be multiple asks with recs so apologies in advance!! (update: this is only 1 & I went a lil crazyy on it - so there will be more🤣) -Doors girlie🥰
-> I can totally picture beloved coming up with the idea one night, just randomly during one of their 3am talks when they both couldn’t sleep, for them to try psychedelics. I feel like Terry would almost immediately be on board with this? Partially because he loathes the concept of time & partaking in this would “grant” that feeling of foreverness; and another part of him feels like this could rekindle some nostalgia of his Twig days? After the goods have been acquired by Terry and the two decide what day they want to clear their schedule- I can totally picture beloved doing research on how to have the best experience with your partner while on psychedelics. Cut to the morning of; beloved wakes Terry up with breakfast in bed, and while excited to show him her research findings- she was somewhat embarrassed he would think it was silly/childish? Wouldn’t a man of his stature be familiar with this already?? I can just see her sheepishly handing over what she researched & saying something along the lines of “I was just looking at some ways we could have the best experience with each other today, but if you think it’s silly…” & bracing for the impact of Terry’s laugh. But it never comes? He’s just intently reading through what they should plan out for the day? I think he’s just genuinely surprised someone would go out of their way and do this? The staff could have easily filled him in on any pressing information needed to be known- but she went out of her way to make a fucking DIY “booklet” for the day; filled with spaces to write their intentions for this experience, pages where they could draw (I feel like he would secretly eat this shit up), and even pages with prompted questions?? I’m just imagining Terry’s heart swelling to the max - and him taking it upon himself to draw the two a bath to start the morning. <- and most importantly queueing up songs for the evening (old man Terry making a playlist so he can play it on the TV🥺). Suffice to say, after the night they shared, they planned to turn it into a monthly tradition <3
Terry’s playlist <3
I Can’t See Your Face in my Mind - The Doors (https://youtu.be/KElzMBKBGZo)
Spanish Caravan - The Doors (https://youtu.be/6zrwCjjUqs0)
Land Ho! - The Doors (https://youtu.be/T6ula2LIFu0)
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane (https://youtu.be/pnJM_jC7j_4)
China Cat Sunflower - Grateful Dead (https://youtu.be/DWgjKDlvjDM)
Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix (https://youtu.be/BkEPBiMbgxs)
Hurdy Gurdy Man - Donovan (https://youtu.be/CHxfOZH8cew)
The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin (https://youtu.be/TRt4hQs3nH0)
These Arms of Mine - Otis Redding (https://youtu.be/VA3SbP6IlA8)
Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson (https://youtu.be/7TdLNiys27A)
Hot Love - T. Rex (https://youtu.be/kKoaHw8gy88)
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writtenwhalien · 3 years ago
Do you have advice for new fan fic writers wanting to start posting?
hello love! 🥰 absolutely! tbh I still feel like a new writer myself considering I only started writing when I made this tumblr which is a year ago, and especially because my blog hasn’t grown as much as others, I feel like I’m still learning all this stuff myself too! 😊
this might be a little bit long bc I’ll be relating to my own experiences and what I’ve learned :) any writers please add on if you feel I’ve missed something! 😋
firstly, write what you want to write! don’t force ideas/requests.
your best work will come when you’re writing something that you’re excited to write. if someone sends a request, it’s okay to say that nothing is coming to mind, or think on it and come back at a later time (I still have requests in my inbox from like 7 months ago and they’re developing into full length fics (think 20k+) because I liked the idea and wanted to give time to it and now I’m really excited to write them too! that said, sometimes forcing ideas has worked for me (talk slow for example), but it’s how you feel in the moment. (now see how I linked my work just there, that is shameless self promo bc u might decide to check it out — remember this for my last point ;)
take your time! if you’re stuck, come back to it a few hours/days/weeks/more later.
following on from the first point, taking your time can be one of the most valuable things to do. sometimes all you need is a little break to figure out the missing piece from your work. if you’ve got writers block, work on a different wip/take requests, whatever works for you.
if you’re struggling to stay motivated, try: making a playlist/moodboard/banner for your fic or read something instead of writing!
pretty self explanatory, but sometimes we need visual creativity to come into play and help us craft our world so we can write it in words. and reading other fics can help you when you see the way another writer writes — their style/format, and I’ve noticed that almost every writer on this app has something unique in their writing that I can’t always put a finger on, but when I read it, it literally makes me go “yeah, I wanna go and work on my fic now.” — that I can’t explain 😂
make your blog pretty!
this is more to attract followers but it’s also very pleasing for you to see yourself! :) have links in your bio, a header, a theme for desktop tumblr, and most importantly, a masterlist!!!! I wish I’d done this earlier lol, my tumblr was trash for a while 😔
make friends! join networks!
this is a social app — use it to “network”. I can guarantee you’ll meet some amazing people and they can be a great motivation/support when it comes to your writing, whether that’s boosting your fics by reblogging, or encouraging you while you write, or even beta-reading for you. also, discord is always filled with wild conversations lmao.
space out your content!
say you get two fics written in two weeks and you don’t know when your next one will be/it’ll be at least a few weeks until the next one, whatever it is, I’d recommend spacing it out. post one fic first, and when the exposure on that starts going down, then post the second one. and queue your rb’s — remember we’re all on different time/schedules so at 2pm on wednesday you might be asleep while I’m awake, or one week you might be busy on a saturday but another saturday you’re scrolling through tumblr, so, my last point….
reblog your own work without shame! it’s yours, be proud of it! I’m still learning to do this myself but rb’s are important so do it :) + self promo!!! if someone is asking for recs, send your own fic! I have and I’ve been embarrassed to do it but they asked! but don’t do it if they’re not asking bc some authors don’t like it, it can feel forceful/ uncomfortable for them to say no.
I hope this helps somewhat!!!! have a lovely day anon and good luck with your writing! ❤️
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farfromthstars · 3 years ago
tagged by @goldenglimmer, thank you 🥰
1. Why did you choose your url?
i chose it a short time after niall released this town because i wanted a solo niall url that wasn’t TOO obviously a fandom url, and i still love it over five years later
2. Any side blogs?
yeah, i’m actually over at @buckactuallys 90% of the time i spend on tumblr
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
since late 2012
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no. i only use the queue when i know i’ll be gone for a while and then i usually use something related to the reason i’m gone for (like holiday queue)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
my glee fandom friends were moving over here from twitter skdjdkd
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because i think niall should wear glasses more often
7. Why did you choose your header?
it’s from one of my niall shows and i can actually see myself because i know what my friend and i were wearing lmao
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
probably a ziall post from 2014 skdjdkd
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i don’t know and i’m not gonna count, especially because it differs between this blog and my sideblog and it adds up to quite many
10. How many followers do you have?
3.5k on this blog but i recently started soft blocking inactive blogs and i only got through around 500 but i’m absolutely sure there are so many more who haven’t been active in 5+ years
11. How many people do you follow?
328 across different fandoms
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
…too much
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
back during the 1d days sometimes with anons but i don’t really think i ever fought with other blogs
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i don’t reblog them. ever.
16. Do you like tag games?
i do!
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i don’t know about tumblr famous but some are definitely fandom famous
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
maybe 👀
i don’t know who wants to do this but i tag @eiqhties @goodlesson @niallandtommo if you want!! and everyone else who might want to share <3
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years ago
My Little Love
Chapter 7 pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
word count: 5.0k
warning: angst, mentions of child abuse, kisses, Bucky just being the sweet bean we know he is
A/N: Bucky learns what dilf means! 😂 this chapter is angsty at the beginning but we have to remember that Charlotte did experience a lot of trauma so we see that side of it. Also she says her first word!!! 🥺🥰🥺🥰
Series Masterlist
Ch. 6
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High pitched screaming was heard through the otherwise quiet lab. The heart monitor went from showing a steady heartbeat to a frantic one. You moved over to the modified treadmill and crouched down to be at eye level with your screaming patient. 
“Charlotte what’s wrong?” You took a moment to see if something was hurting her.
She just screamed again as a response and threw her stuffed pink teddy bear in your general direction. Her cheeks were red and she had an all too familiar scowl on her face.
“I’m sorry Bruce, we're going to have to try this another time. I think she’s had enough of the cables and tests.” You say as you begin to unhook said cables. 
“It’s ok at least we have a baseline. Next time we can just get started on the tests.” Bruce pulls out a lollipop from his pocket and holds it out for Lottie to take. “You were so brave, Charlotte.”
Her little hand wraps around it and she pulls it close to her. 
“Can you say thank you, Lottie?” You know she won’t actually say it but she usually gives a little bashful smile. Lottie just frowns and looks away. You sigh as you shift her on your hip. 
“I don’t know what’s going on with her. She’s usually so happy.” 
“Well she did go through a lot so maybe the lab has her on edge.”
“Maybe. Do you think we have to worry about her speech? She hasn’t even attempted to say a word.” You ask worriedly. 
“Nah, for now she’s hitting important milestones. She’s at the weight a kid her age should be and she is walking and running. Now the running I would be worried but considering she has the serum I would say she’s right on track in her development. Her speech might just be delayed but again considering everything she’s been through. If in a few weeks we don’t see any improvements we can look into a speech therapist.” Bruce pats your arm before walking back toward his desk and you take that as your queue to leave.
“You and I have to have a serious conversation about your attitude missy.” 
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Bucky walked into your apartment after finishing his debriefing. At the sound of the door opening Lottie raced out of the kitchen and into his open arms. You smiled when you heard him ask her about her day. She babbled as the sounds of his footsteps got closer. 
“Hey sugar.” Bucky leaned in and gave you a quick kiss. “How was your morning?” 
“It was ok. Bruce and I tried to run some tests on Lottie but we didn’t get very far.”
“What happened?” Bucky asks as he takes a strawberry and takes a bite before offering it up to Lottie. Her little fingers dig into the fruit as she nibbles on it.
“Well my sweet Angel here started screaming, even threw her bear at me.” 
“She gets her attitude from you.” 
“Oh shut up.” 
“You see, so mean.” He teases as he sits down. “So you weren’t able to get anything?” 
“Just a baseline. Maybe next time we can have you there. She might feel more relaxed if she sees more people she trusts.” 
“Of course, anything for my girls.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Did Bruce say anything about her not talking?”
“He isn’t too worried for now. But if she doesn’t start talking within a few weeks we’ll look into a speech therapist.” 
“That’s good right?” 
“Yeah,” you look up at him from cutting up some fruit. “With everything she’s been through, she’s adapted well. Maybe she starts talking a bit later, who cares? All that matters is that she’s healthy.” You set the small plate in front of Lottie to let her feed herself and turn to the fridge. The sound of the plate hitting the floor and your sweet Angel’s temper tantrum gets your attention.
“Shh it's ok, doll.” Bucky coos sweetly as Charlotte continues to cry and try to break free of his hold. He adjusts his hold on her but she only tries to push away from him.
“Just put her down, she doesn’t want to be held.”
Bucky sighs and sets Charlotte on the floor. She stands there for a moment, crying her heart out before running out to the living room. 
“What is going on with her?” 
“I have no idea but this is what happened earlier when we were at the lab.” 
Bucky moves and begins to clean up the mess Charlotte had made. You both felt helpless. As much as Tony and Bruce had looked through hydra files there weren’t a lot of notes or anything talking about Charlotte. There was the video from when she was born and a few notes about her weight and some procedures they had performed on her.
“We’ll just have to wait until Wanda gets back from her mission.” You say as you keep your eyes on the doorway. 
Bucky throws out the fruit and washes the plate before bringing you in for a hug. 
“We’ll figure it out, sugar.”
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Wanda’s mission had been extended and the temper tantrums only got worse. Nothing you did was working and worst of all Charlotte looked disconnected from everyone. You’d find her hiding behind the couch or in her room. She was barely sleeping or eating. Hardly anyone could get close to her without her flinching. 
 When Wanda did finally arrive it was around 2:00 am and you were sure she’d go to sleep. You were more than ok with that even if your sweet Angel was currently awake and crying. Nothing you or Bucky did was enough to soothe her. Lottie sat in her crib as far away from you as possible as she held onto her pink teddy. 
“Hey, you wanted to see me?” Wanda’s sweet voice cut through the tension in the room. 
“Wanda, I thought you’d go straight to bed.” 
“How could I? Friday told me you needed help with Lottie. I couldn’t just let her continue to hurt.” She said as she got closer to the crib. 
Bucky stood up from where he had been sitting on the floor and pulled you into his side. Both of you watched as Wanda’s fingertips and eyes started glowing red. Lottie whimpered as Wanda got closer and after a few minutes you saw that she actually started to calm down. When she was done Wanda turned to look at both you and Bucky. There was no way to miss the tears in her eyes.
“She was triggered by you taking her to the lab.” Wanda started explaining. “It seems that since she was born she’s had handlers. They’d do everything you’ve been doing. Take care of her, feed her, give her toys and play with her and then one day they would just start their experiments. Just horrible stuff.” Wanda sniffled. “The caring turned into pain. She would develop attachments to these people and then they’d turn around and hurt her. The food had been altered to hurt her or they simply wouldn’t feed her. The toys would be taken away and she would be left alone for hours at a time just crying. And on top of that they were physically abusive. But I used her own memories to remind her that you wouldn’t hurt her. Hopefully it works.” 
“Thank you Wanda for helping and coming in right after you just back from your mission. You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I love that little girl, we all do.” 
“Go get some rest.” You hug her quickly.
Sure enough Lottie had moved from the corner she had been sitting in to stand and hold her arms out. Bucky quickly picked her up and she laid her head against his shoulder. It was obvious she was exhausted, you all were. 
“Come on, we can at least rest in my room.” You walked out behind Bucky and shut off the light to Lottie’s room. In your own room Bucky had settled down with his back against the headboard and his daughter against his chest. She had stopped crying but her red eyes and pink cheeks were evidence of all of the fear she had been going through the last few days. Once you got comfortable in bed your sweet Angel sat up and pointed at you before looking at Bucky. 
“What is it, doll?” 
“Mm.” She grunted while pointing at you again. 
“You wanna go with mama?” Without hesitation Bucky shifts and lets Lottie shuffle over to sit on your lap. Her big blue eyes look up at you and you can’t help but place a kiss on her forehead.
“Are you sure about that? Of having her think I’m her mom?” 
“Have her think?” He looked at you with disbelief. “Listen if you’re uncomfortable with it then I understand, but in my eyes you are her mother. You’re the reason she’s alive right now. And you take care of her as if she were your daughter.” 
“What if something happens between us?” 
“Sugar, you’re it for me, but if something happened between us and you didn’t want to be with me anymore I wouldn’t keep Lottie away from you. So it’s up to you, if you don’t want her to call you mom that’s fine by me but if you do that’s fine too.” 
“You’re it for me too.” You gave him a tired smile. “Can I think about it though?.” 
Bucky  Bucky nods before he shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around you, kissing your temple. You leaned against him as Lottie’s breathing evened out. It had been an exhausting week and a half for all three of you. So you were the next one to fall asleep. Bucky moved you around so that you were resting comfortably while Lottie clung to you like a koala. He debated on whether he should leave and sleep on the couch or stay. But seeing his two girls sleeping peacefully he couldn’t resist and he laid down next to you and threw his arm around your waist. 
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You stirred at the feeling of something wet on your cheek, then it was gone. Then you felt it again followed by a chuckle. When you finally decided to open your eyes, bright blue ones were looking down at you. Lottie’s hands were on your chest to steady her movement as she lowered herself so that she could press her slightly opened mouth against your cheek. Her version of a kiss, it was sloppy and she would make a ‘muah’ sound whenever she pulled back. The chuckle came from beside you, where Bucky was sitting with his phone out and pointed in your direction as he recorded the whole interaction. 
“Good morning sleepy head.” 
“Morning.” You said as you wrapped your arms around Lottie softly so as to not scare her. You kissed her temple before sitting her on your lap. 
“We’ve been up for a while. I taught her how to give kisses.” He says proudly as he hands you a cup of coffee. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
You accept the coffee cup and take a sip unaware of the blush that crept up on Bucky’s cheeks because of the nickname. 
“You’re welcome. Here I can take her, just enjoy your coffee.” 
“No,” you tightened your free arm around the toddler on your lap and it seemed she understood because she leaned into your hold. “She’s just fine right here.” 
Bucky lifts his hands up in surrender but smiles anyway. He gets up to leave mentioning that he’ll have breakfast ready in a few minutes. You take another sip of your coffee before setting it down on your nightstand. Lottie stayed seated on your lap and kept herself busy with the hem of your shirt. Her little fingers rubbed the material back and forth before pulling at it. She looked up and babbled as she showed you what she had been looking at. You smiled down at her and kissed her forehead again. Her hair was really starting to grow in and you were sure it had to be the serum because Steve and Bucky were constantly cutting their hair. In about a week or two it would look like a pixie cut and you were excited to see what she’d look like with longer hair and headbands or bows. 
“What do you say we get ready for the day?”
She coos at your question and you finish your coffee before going into the bathroom to do your morning routine. Charlotte happily follows you around.
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“I think it could be fun.” You say as you walk hand in hand with Bucky, Charlotte taking the lead around the hallways of the compound.
“What could be fun?” 
You turned to see Steve and Tony walking out of Steve’s office. Charlotte sees him and immediately raises her arms. Once Steve is holding her she leans forward and a soft ‘muah’ is heard against his cheek. 
“Was that a kiss sweetheart?” He asks in the high pitched voice he reserved only for her. 
“I was telling Bucky that it could be fun to take Lottie to a petting zoo or an aquarium. She needs to see and be in public places. And I think she’ll have fun.” 
“That does sound fun.” Steve says before turning his attention back to Lottie. “Doesn’t  it, sweetheart?” 
“Is this what he sounded like before the serum?” Tony quips and Bucky snorts.
“Almost, he was a bit more stuffed up back then.” 
You put a hand over your mouth to try and stop the laugh that bubbled up but failed. 
“You three are horrible, is that what you’re going to teach Lottie? To bully people.” 
“Not people, you.” Bucky shoots back with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Anyways,” Steve turns his attention to you. “I was going to look for you anyway because I received your physical from Helen. You’re cleared for field duty. We don’t have any immediate missions for you but you can start training again.” 
“Yes! I’m gonna go change and see if Nat wants to spar.” 
“Why didn’t you ask me?” Bucky looks at you with a pout. 
“Because you’d go easy on me. See you later.” You kiss his cheek and then Charlotte’s before going back to your apartment to change. Bucky watches you with a smile on his face until you’ve disappeared around the corner.
“That is the face of someone who is completely whipped.” 
“I am, and proud of it.” Bucky takes Charlotte back from Steve. “I’m whipped by both my girls.”
Tony and Steve watch as Bucky heads outside with Lottie. The former shakes his head in disbelief. 
“Come back to the office Capsicle, I’m planning something and want your opinion.” 
“She is too young for one of your parties, Tony.” Steve says as he walks back inside.
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That’s how you describe your current state. After going toe to toe with Nat, Clint and Sam for most of the week, you feel like you won’t be able to move for the rest of your life. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You’re laying like a starfish on your bed after showering and changing into something comfortable. The last sparring session with Nat pushed your limits more. Thoughts about how different your life would have been if you didn’t have your ability to manipulate metal. When you were younger you would have given anything to not have this ability but now you’re so grateful you do.  
You think about the friendships you’ve formed with the team, especially Steve. He was your best friend. The new stage of your relationship with Bucky. And then there was Charlotte, sweet and innocent Charlotte who has you wrapped around her finger. You thought about her calling you mom, would it really be so bad? Should you tell her about her biological mother? Would she hate you because of it? You sigh, in your heart you know nothing would make you happier if Lottie referred to you as mom but you don’t want to do something that would hurt her in the long run. Maybe you might wait until she’s older and let her decide. 
You try to focus your thoughts on relaxing and maybe taking a nap when you hear your door open. Then you feel the pull of your bedsheets from under you. When you turn your head to the side you see a head of black hair and big blue eyes peering over your mattress. You smile as you move to prop yourself on your elbow. Lottie’s hands come up from the side and she grabs on to the edge of the mattress. 
“Come on sweet Angel, I know you can get up here.” You say to her and you hear a little grunt as she pulls herself up. 
When she isn’t able to pull herself up fully you hear a whine but you don’t do anything. Challenges like this are good for her development. This time Lottie grabs on to the bedsheets and she pulls herself up. When she’s dangling halfway up you grab her, wincing because you’re slightly sore and a bit beaten up. It doesn’t stop you from celebrating this accomplishment.
“Good job Charlotte,” you give her a few kisses on the cheek and she giggles. “You did so good, I’m so proud of you.” 
You lay comfortably on your side while Charlotte is sitting against you. Her little sock clad feet kicking at nothing as she just coos and points at you or some random object. You’re in the middle of a very intense conversation with her when the door opens again. 
Bucky stands in the doorway with a pair of Lottie’s shoes in his hand. 
“You aren’t ready.” He says with a slight pout. 
“What should I be ready for?” 
“Didn’t you get the text?” He says as he moves toward your nightstand and hands you your phone. “Come here doll.” He sits at the edge of the bed and puts on Lottie’s shoes.
“Dress comfortably and meet outside at 3:00, bring the kid.” You read Tony’s message out loud. “What does he want with Lottie?”
“No idea but he sent that to the group chat so it can’t be bad.” 
Bucky stands and pulls Lottie with him even though she makes grabby hands at you. He places her on his hip as he waits for you to get up. Your brain however has decided to stop working as you see this side of Bucky. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before but it’s just hot. So when he asks if you’re ok your brain can’t stop your mouth from saying what you’re thinking.
“You’re a certified DILF.” 
His brow furrows and he shakes his head a little as he looks at you waiting for an explanation. When you don't provide one he speaks up. 
“What’s a DILF?” 
“A dad I’d like to fu-“ 
“Hey, we’re about to head outside are you coming?” Steve interrupts the moment from the doorway. His sudden appearance made you jump slightly. 
“We’ll be right there.” You say as you get up. “I just need to change.” 
Bucky stays silent, you didn’t need to finish the sentence to understand what you meant. A deep crimson blush creeped up his neck and into his scruffy cheek. When Steve asked if he was ok he cleared his throat and nodded. They waited in the living room while you changed.
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The whole team huddled right behind the compound. Bucky was still holding Lottie on one side and your hand with his free one. You all stared at Tony who had a pleased look on his face. He stretched his arms out to the side palms up as he spoke.
“Welcome to the Avengers’ petting zoo. Only for the day of course.” 
“Why is this happening?” Wanda asked.
“Well mom and dad here,” Tony pointed at you and Bucky with a smile. “Want to have our resident baby Avenger start to experience public places and larger groups of people. Y/N mentioned going to a petting zoo as a start, great idea by the way. But it’s only been about a month since she was found and I know you would do anything to protect Lottie but the risk is still high that someone might try to take her again. So why not bring the petting zoo here where it’s safer. The trainees and other agents have been given some time off and some of them even brought their kids. So let’s get the petting started.” 
Everyone looked amongst each other and started heading out towards the area that had been set up. Bucky walked up to Tony first to thank him with a handshake but you stayed behind. You stared each other down for a moment and you waited until Bucky was far enough that he wouldn’t hear you.
“What’s going on?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Nothing is going on, this was just the safest option.”
“Anthony Edward Stark, if I have to-“
“Woah,” he holds up his hands. “No need to use my government name, mom. Fine,” he rolled his eyes and got closer to you. “We’ve heard some indirect talks about Charlotte and we want to make sure there isn’t a chance hydra can get their hands on her again. And we found another medical lab hydra was working from. We think it’s directly connected to whatever they were working on with Lottie. That’s going to be your first mission with myself and Bruce but you don’t have to worry about it for now. Just enjoy your afternoon with your boyfriend and your daughter.” He puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles at you.
“Ok, thank you for telling me. But please next time just let me know when that type of information is found. Bucky and I can’t protect her if we don’t know what’s going on.”
“Yes ma’am. Now go have fun.”
You give Tony a quick hug and then head off to search for Bucky. 
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Tony had thought of everything, naturally. He had rented food trucks and cleaning stations had been set up. He even got cameras for you and Bucky to use so that you could remember this day. You recorded all of Lottie’s interactions with the animals while Bucky was taking pictures. You’d trade every once in a while or hand the cameras over to your friends. There were enough pictures taken to make at least three albums. 
Lottie loved the goats and the llamas. She fed chickens and rode on a pony. Her giggles were infectious, you and Bucky found yourselves grinning at her happiness. Especially because she was back to the sweet happy little girl you knew her to be. You were thankful for the serum running through her veins or else she would have been tired out after half an hour, but she was still running around the place. 
“Look at her.” You elbowed Bucky before nodding in Lottie’s direction. 
Tony had set up a playground area with benches so parents could sit and watch their kids play. Lottie was currently standing in the middle with a boy and a girl. They all seemed to be about the same age but the other two were talking. You smiled when the little girl took Lottie’s hand and they started walking towards the steps of the jungle gym. They helped each other up with the little boy following behind them.
“I’m gonna make sure they don’t hurt themselves.” Bucky said as he stood. It seemed like the other dads had the same idea because the three of them stood by waiting to see what the kids would do next. 
While you were distracted watching the scene unfold Steve took a seat next to you. 
“Hey, having fun?” 
You turn your head to look at him and smile.
“Yeah, did you know about this?” 
“Yes but it was all Tony’s idea.”
“Hmm, it was nice of him. Did you know about the talks of trying to get Lottie back?” 
Steve immediately flushes pink. His hand goes to the back of his neck. “Yes,” he sighs. “We were going to tell you both after today. We just wanted you three to have a fun day after everything that happened with Lottie these past few days.” 
“I appreciate it, really I do. But what if you hadn’t heard us talking about going out of the compound or what if you had been on a mission when we decided to go?” 
“I get it and it won’t happen again. I promise.” 
“It better not, Rogers.”
He smiles this time. “Look at you being all protective mama bear.” 
“Where’d you learn that from?”
“Of course you did.” You smile but roll your eyes.
“You know Buck told me about him wanting Lottie to call you mom.” 
“Yeah what did he say?” 
“He didn’t say anything really. But I know he’s thinking that maybe this is too much for you. He doesn’t want you to think you have to take care of Charlotte. Buck’s just worried that you might be feeling pressured into being with him and helping with Lottie.” 
You stare at him in disbelief before you shake your head. 
“That’s not it at all. I was thinking about Charlotte’s biological mother. I mean we don’t know anything about her and she wasn’t even able to hold her. Would Lottie hate me if or better yet when she finds out? I don’t think I could handle that rejection from her, no matter what age she is.”
“Well her mother was a hydra agent, it’s been confirmed. Do you want her to know that her mother was someone who willingly hurt other people? I know Bucky will always blame himself for the things that he was forced to do but we both know that when you lay the information out he was the victim. We can’t say the same for her mother.”
“Why are you telling me this?” 
“I just want you to know that you are already her mother. Even if Lottie doesn’t know what your relationship to her is yet she already depends on you. You were the first one to show her love and affection. And I know that she’ll learn everything else that’s important from you too because you’re not going to leave either of them.” Steve looks out to where Bucky is helping Lottie go down the slide. “Even if you have her call you by your name or nickname, she’ll always recognize you as her mom.” 
“You think so?” 
“I know so. Just like she knows I’m her favorite uncle.” He smiles brightly at you. 
“Maybe you’re right, Rogers.” You say as you watch your sweet Angel walk towards you, a huge smile on her face. 
She starts to run as Bucky chases her and yells in delight just as she gets to you, her safe space. She’s flushed red and slightly sweaty but you know she’s never had as much fun as she’s having now. Lottie’s head rests against your chest and she looks up at you once you’ve picked her up and sat her on your lap. You know that what Steve’s saying is right. 
Bucky sits next to you and places a kiss on your shoulder. His smile is just as big as his daughter’s. 
“Having fun?” You ask him.
“More than I thought I would. Although I miss my goats from Wakanda.” 
You laugh as you shake your head. Bucky wraps an arm around your waist and Steve grabs the camera that was sitting between you. He takes a picture while you and Bucky are wrapped up in each other.
“Alright you guys smile.” He instructs before getting Lottie’s attention and snapping a few pictures. “Here you go. I’m gonna go find Sam, he said something about trying every food truck.” 
“We should get her something to eat.” 
“I am kinda hungry too.” Bucky says.
“When are you not?” You laugh as you get up and offer him your free hand.  The three of you happily head in the same direction as Steve had disappeared in.
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When night fell and all the animals and trucks and agents had packed up and left. The team headed toward the more private area of the compound’s back yard. Clint had started the fire pit while Wanda and Sam had brought out all of the ingredients to make s’mores. Everyone sat around the pit making their own chocolatey mess while sharing laughs. Lottie sat in your lap while you sat between Bucky’s legs and rested your back against his chest. 
“Lottie let me clean you up.” You said when you saw the mess of sticky dessert on her cheek thanks to Steve. “Just look at me for a second sweetie.” You said again but she kept pulling away from you. 
Bucky then tried to get her attention but she would turn to look back at the fire.
“Lottie look at mama.” You said without even realizing you called yourself mama. “Can you look at mama sweet Angel.” Lottie turned her head to you and it gave you enough time to wipe off the chocolate and marshmallow mess. 
“I know it’s yummy.” 
“Ma—“ Lottie sounded out. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she looked at you. “Ma-ma.” 
Everyone at that point had stopped what they were doing, all of their attention had gone to Charlotte. You held your breath as she sounded out the one word you never thought she’d say first. She looked up at you again with big bright eyes and an even brighter smile.
“Mama.” She said one more time before putting all of her weight against your body. Her tiny messy hands gripped your shirt as she relaxed against you.
You could barely hear her because of the blood rushing in your ears. Your chest felt tight as you were overcome with emotions, mostly happiness. 
“That’s right Lottie, this is mama.” Bucky said behind you. You feel his breath on the shell of your ear. “Are you ok?” 
You turn to look at him, your eyes full to the brim with unshed tears.
“Yeah, I’m more than ok.” You smiled at him. 
Ch. 8 
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