#I might make mock movie posters for every major character......
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alj4890 · 5 years
RCD Appreciation Week Day 6 Prompt
(Matt Rodriguez x Addison Sinclaire) with the day's given prompt concerning side characters of Red Carpet Diaries.
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(Matt x Addison) A Choices Red Carpet Diaries Fan Fiction one shot
A/N I realized I have never had these two meet in a storyline. I always start them well after they are close. I thought I might spice things up a bit with showing their first encounter and falling for one another. 
@rcd-appreciation​ @hopelessromantic1352​ @lilyofchoices​ @moodyvalentinestories​​ @krsnlove​​ @sunflowergirl05​​ @cora-nova​​
Crushing It
"I can do this." Addison repeated over and over, and what the heck, over once more. She carried a few possible outfits toward a trailer sitting back behind a sound stage.
She took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself at meeting for the first time an actual real life movie star. "Be cool." She commanded herself. "No giggling or drooling allowed!"
Just as she went to knock, the door opened.
OMG!!! HE'S BETTER LOOKING IN PERSON! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!? Her mind screamed at her. "Hi!" Her voice squeaked. "I um..." Say something! Her brain commanded as the part that controled her lips failed to register. You look so stupid right now! Say anything before he figures out what a fangirl you are!
Matt smiled warmly at her. "You must be the new costume designer. Can I help you with those?" He reached over and took some of the hangers from her.
"No, yes, I mean..." She had to tear her eyes from his face. Get it together Sinclaire! "I am the new girl and thank you for helping. I'm Addison."
Oh. My. Look at that smile. And it's directed at me. Brain functions turning to mush. Body slowly melting at his cuteness.
She smiled back at him while walking inside. Matt's trailer was simple in design. The only luxuries were the plush comfortable furniture everywhere, most likely to help recover from strenuous action scenes. Possibly shirtless action scenes.
"Which do you want me to try on first?" Matt asked.
Addison set the clothes down and focused on her new job. She picked some shirt and pant combos then debated on others. Matt's smile grew with her finally becoming less nervous and just a tad bossy.
At one point, she helped him take off a shirt she decided was the wrong color for his golden skin tone. Her fingers brushed against his chiseled abs snapping her back to the fact that she was undressing Matt Rodriguez, the very man she had kept a poster of above her bed in college.
Matt noticed the blush suddenly appear on her cheeks and the slight shaking of her hands. She was reverting back to the one he had first met. He wasn't sure which was cuter on her, the shy nervous miss or the miniature blonde Napoleon.
"Which color do think looks best on me? He asked to help her refocus.
She slowly lifted her eyes up his torso. "Er...mostly warm but there are a few in the cool colors you can wear."
"Isn't every color cool if I wear it?" He teased.
Addison giggled and nearly threw herself out the window when she snorted in a very unattractive way while giggling. Granted it would have only been like a six foot drop, but maybe the bruises would snap her out of this high school crush rapidly developing.
"I think this is the one." She handed him a snug dark blue t-shirt. The soft material outlined every aspect his trainer had made him work on.
"Wow." She mumbled. Her eyes met his and she blushed some more. "Are you allowed to eat carbs?" Why don't you just blurt out every thought? Perhaps throw in a couple of embarrassing stories from childhood next time.
"Allowed? No." His lips curved into a sheepish smile. "But I dream about them every night."
Addison nearly doubled over laughing at his exaggerated longing expression. He mocked being hurt at her making light of his passionate love for breads and pastas.
"When the movie is finished, I promise to take you out for an all you can eat carb night on the town." Her smile glowed with how easy it was becoming to talk to him. His ability to make fun of himself made him so incredibly adorable.
"You know I am going to hold you to that." Matt walked over to a calendar he had on the wall. "Phil promised me that we should be done shooting in another six weeks." He circled the week in red and wrote PDA across it.
"PDA?" Her blue eyes widened.
"Pasta Date with Addison." He told her with a wink. There was a knock on his trailer door for him to come to the set. "Thanks again for taking the time to find me clothes that don't make me look like some run of the mill action star. Most that have handed me outfits in the past did not even try to see what works best. They just threw a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt at me."
Addison smiled proudly. "You're the first person I've gotten to dress since I graduated. I can't have you look like everybody else."
"I'm you're first? But you act like you've done this before!" His smile glowed as he encouraged her on his way out. "See you soon, Addison."
She gathered the discarded clothes and followed him out. The director's assistant complimented him on how he looked for a scene. Matt gave Addison all the credit without realizing she was a few steps behind him. She wanted to drop the clothes and hug him for being so sweet.
"And I thought I loved him before I met him." She said to herself. "
Four years later...
"Matt, will you hurry up! I've got three other people to dress." Addison reached over and quickly began to unbutton the packet of buttons on his pants.
"Sorry. I've never worn period clothing before and am having trouble figuring it out." He mumbled while pulling a shirt over his head.
She shook her head while pulling his pants down.
"Addison!" He ripped the shirt off. His hair was sticking out at odd angles. "Could you wait a minute and let me do that?"
"I've seen you in your underwear before." She muttered. "We've been friends like forever. I promise not to ogle you."
Matt squirmed at her hands helping him undress. This was the only part he hated about working with her. He knew one day his body was going to betray how he felt about her. Removing his pants was something she didn't need to do unless she planned on changing their relationship status.
Addison gathered the clothing and grinned at the blush covering his cheeks. He is such a sweetheart. He is still so modest after all this time. She loved working with him. He made the days so much more fun.
"I'll be back to help you dress for the next scene." She promised, leaving before he had a chance to tell her that wasn't necessary.
He groaned and collapsed face down on the couch in his trailer. Doing a historical romance was more challenging than he anticipated. Thomas was teaching him so much about the depth of subtly in acting. Holly had written a screenplay he found interesting. Addison had created costumes that were already garnering nominations. He loved the fact that he was working with both actors and behind the scenes people that were his true friends.
But Addison was also a little something more. She just didn't know it yet. His crush had grown over the years to love. Needing her assistance more so than usual to dress in these elaborate military outfits was going to end up ruining their friendship. He needed to confess his feelings and be done with it.
Addison walked in on Victoria going through some lines with Holly. She eyed the glittering ice blue silk ballgown and nodded in approval. Everything was where it was supposed to be.
"Need anything?" She asked.
Victoria grimaced. "Will you check on Chadley. He thought a cravat was a type of carrot. His disappointment will ruin the next scene."
Addison choked back a laugh as she backed out of the dressing room. Holly caught up with her a few moments later.
"I see Matt's clothes clutched lovingly in your arms." Holly teased. "Finally got him naked, huh?"
"Holly!" Addison hissed checking to see if anyone overheard her.
"Please. We all know." Holly rolled her eyes. "You started crushing on him when you crossed the California state line."
"I did not." Addison protested. It happened...huh. It was when she came here for college.
"You did too." Holly corrected. "And if I were a lady who bets, I would bet a large amount that you're feelings would not be unwelcomed."
Addison was as red as the jacket she held. "Look, my feelings for Matt are perfectly fine in the friend zone."
"Really?" Holly narrowed her eyes. "So it wouldn't bother you that Victoria ran into Pippa Majors and she plans on stopping by the set later for a visit?"
"Why would that bother me?" Addison asked.
"Because she specifically asked if Matt would be here."
"Oh." Addison's shoulders drooped.
"Good thing you don't mind her coming. I think she is going to ask him to be her plus one to Marcus's wedding." Holly studied her friend closely for a spark of temper. She hoped her prodding would spur her into action.
"I...I gotta check on Chadley." Addison hurried away.
A few hours later...
"Hey Holly. Have you seen Addison?" Matt asked. "She promised to help me dress for the next scene."
"She must still be with Chadley." Holly glanced at the handsome actor taking a sip of water. "I think they make a cute couple."
Matt spit his water out. He coughed, apologized to the poor grip he spit on, and cleared his throat. "What?"
"I think Chadley has a crush on her." Holly continued innocently. "Addison thinks he is a sweetheart. I think they could possibly be together if I encouraged them both."
Matt was adamantly shaking his head. "No. They would not be good together."
"Why not?" Holly ignored the look Thomas gave her as he overheard their conversation. "They are both genuinely kind. Chadley might be lacking in the brains department but he is a very handsome guy. Addison is as sweet as she is cute. I can't think of two people more meant to be together."
Matt paled. He caught a glimpse of Addison squeezing Chadley's hand as she left his trailer. Whatever he said had her smiling and waving goodbye.
Holly followed his gaze and prodded some more. "Can you think of a better match for her?"
"I..." Matt's usual pleasant expression hardened as he walked off without another word spoken.
"Nicely done." Thomas remarked as he passed his notes to her.
Holly grinned. "I thought so too."
Another hour after that...
Matt paced his trailer. Thoughts and possible outcomes flickered through his mind, angering him. "Come in." He barked.
Addison paused in the doorway. "You okay?"
"Yes." He snapped.
Her crystal clear blue eyes reflected the shock and slight hurt she felt over his tone. "I'll just leave these here."
"Addison, wait." Matt rubbed his hands over his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." He sat down, motioning for her to join him
She came back in and gently rubbed his back. "What's wrong?"
Matt swallowed nervously. "I'm in love."
NO!!! NOT PIPPA! Her brain screamed. "Oh? That's...that's great."
"No it isn't." Matt muttered. "She doesn't feel the same."
"I bet she does." Addison rolled her eyes. That jerk Pippa is probably playing hard to get.
"She likes Chadley." His eyes focused on her face.
"Who would ever choose Chadley over you?" Addison covered her mouth at her own outburst. "Don't get me wrong he is a sweetie, but seriously...I mean, have you met you? You're literally the best guy ever. You got it all. The body, the heart, the brains...you're the whole package, Matt. If Pippa can't see that, then she is a bigger idiot than I thought."
Matt nearly whooped with relief until she brought up Pippa. "What does Pippa have to do with anything?"
"Aren't you taking her to Marcus's wedding?" Her puzzeled expression caused his own.
"No. I had planned on asking you to go with me, but I didn't want to interrupt the time you could be spending with Chadley." His puzzlement grew as her brow furrowed even more.
"Why would I do that? Don't get me wrong I like him as a friend, but he is better in small doses." Addison slowly smiled. "You were going to ask me to be your date for the wedding?"
Matt's sheepish grin appeared. "Yeah. Would you like to go with me?"
"Yes, I would." She wondered if he realized how close he was to her now.
Matt leaned even nearer. "Would you like to have dinner with me after the shoot?"
She nodded, lowering her eyes to his lips.
They barely brushed her cheek. Matt's arms wrapped around her as he ever so slowly kissed her.
Her touch was just as gentle. Her mind though...well...
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Captain Britain Joining The MCU. Give Me Fucking Strength - Quill’s Scribbles
You know there are some points in my life where a person or a movie studio does something so stupid and moronic that my only response is... what the fuck are you doing?
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DC, what the fuck are you doing?
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Marvel, what the fuck are you doing?
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Kevin Feige... what the fuck are you doing?!
Yes, apparently Marvel Studios are considering putting Captain Britain into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Something I’m sure every comic book fan in the land has been crying out for. Now I’m sure you’re wondering what I, a British person, may think of this. Do I feel patriotic? Proud that such a ‘beloved’ British icon is going to be part of the MCU?
Yeah, I can’t say I’m excited about the prospect and the reason is because... um... how do I put this?... Captain Britain is quite possibly the dumbest thing to ever come out of Marvel (and I’m including Howard The Duck).
Captain Britain was created by Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe to be the British equivalent of Captain America. But whereas Captain America took off and became a relatively integral part of the American comics industry, Captain Britain never had quite the same impact with us Brits. In fact in contrast with Captain America, he’s actually a very obscure character. While he does have his fans (very few fans), most people have either never heard of him or, like me, can’t stand the fucking sight of him, finding the character to be more patronising than patriotic.
There’s a number of reasons why Captain Britain never took off, but first let’s quickly sum up his backstory. Brian Braddock (smirk) was born into an aristocratic family in Essex and educated at Fettes College In Edinburgh. Because his family were no longer rich enough to fraternise with their academic peers, Brian was a quiet and lonely child because he was too proud to fraternise with the lower classes (and I’m sure we in the lower classes were eternally grateful for that, you stuck up git). After his parents, Sir James and Lady Elizabeth (oh I do beg your pardon) die in a laboratory accident, Brian gets a job at a nuclear facility at Darkmoor. When this facility is attacked by a terrorist, Brian gets on his motorcycle (a motorcycle? Oh come now! Surely that’s far too lower class for him. Shouldn’t he be riding a horse and cart? Pip, pip! Tally ho chaps! We’ll give the ruffians what for!) and goes looking for help only to then crash and get seriously injured (you had one job! That’s you off the Queen’s Christmas card list). He is then saved by Merlyn (yes, that Merlin) and is offered the chance to become Captain Britain. He’s asked to choose between the Amulet of Right (pffft) and the Sword of Might (tee hee). Brian chooses the amulet and he transforms into the champion of Great Britain, fighting for Queen and country and all that is pre-shrunk and cottony... Oh no, wait. That’s from Captain Underpants. Have you ever read Captain Underpants? It’s a brilliant series of books. Very funny. Did you know that DreamWorks are doing a movie adaptation? I’m very excited! :D
Now you may have noticed that I wasn’t really taking this seriously. And really, how could I? It sounds more like a parody of Captain America. But no. Apparently we’re supposed to be taking this very seriously. So come on. Let’s be serious about this for a moment. No! Stop sniggering! Control yourselves, please! This could very well be the next big thing in the MCU.
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As I said, there are many reasons why Captain Britain never really took off. The most glaring example being how stereotypical it is. He comes from an aristocratic family. He went to a boarding school. It’s incredibly painful. He’s one step away from spending Sunday afternoons playing croquet in the grounds and sipping tea in the gazebo before retiring to his four poster bedroom where his butler will give him a glass of port as a nightcap and remind him to get up early in the morning so he won’t be late for a spot of fox hunting with the chaps from Grantham House. I mean Jesus Christ!
Another big reason why Captain Britain doesn’t work is because we don’t really have the same relationship to our flag and our country as the Americans do. Oh sure we can be patriotic on occasion, such as on remembrance days or royal events, but America takes it to a whole other level. Americans love their country. They love their flag. They’re proud to be Americans. To the point where they even have laws dictating how you should take care of your flag. You can actually get punished for not cleaning your flag properly. In some states it’s illegal to wash your flag in a washing machine because it’s disrespectful. That’s insane! Like... it’s just a piece of cloth! Calm down! Brits, generally speaking, don’t have that kind of relationship. In fact kind of the opposite. We often mock our country and view it with a certain amount of disdain. The only people who feel truly patriotic about Britain are the royalists and other such nutters. People who passionately believe that Britain is the best country in the world, who love the Royal family and harken back to the UK’s glorious yesteryears (which never actually existed). While both Captain America and Captain Britain are both equally dumb ideas, I can see why Americans would be drawn to Captain America. An American patriot who stands for American ideals and wears the American flag across his chest with pride. Captain Britain on the other hand, with his Union Jack and his Amulet of Right, is more likely to produce snorts of laughter from us Brits.
But I’ll say one thing for Captain America. It may be a stupid idea and he may talk as though he has the Declaration of Independence shoved firmly up his arse, but at least he doesn’t act all high and mighty or try to lord it over everyone else. No. He fights for the common man and that’s largely because he was a common man himself. A wimpy kid off the streets of Brooklyn determined to become a soldier and fight the Nazis, wanting to protect his country from injustice. His inner strength, good will and patriotism is what made him a prime candidate for the Vita-Ray experiment and he represents an aspirational figure that kids can look up to. Captain Britain is precisely not that. In fact he represents what the majority of Brits actually hate. An overly privileged, upper class prick who has great power bestowed onto him despite the fact that he’s done very little to actually deserve it.
And that’s by far the biggest problem with Captain Britain. As a character, he just doesn’t appeal to us Brits. He’s above us and he sees himself as above us. We don’t want to see that. If we wanted to see that, we’d just watch BBC Parliament. Let me give you an idea of the kind of characters we in the UK love:
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Derek Trotter, more commonly known as Del Boy, was the main protagonist of the hugely successful sitcom Only Fools & Horses and is arguably one of the most beloved characters in British culture today. A market trader and con man who sells hooky gear on the streets of Peckham and often gets into trouble due to his get rich quick schemes. 
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Dave Lister, a vending machine repair man from the sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. This lager drinking, curry loving slob ends up becoming the last surviving member of the human race and a Godlike figure to a new race of people that evolved from his pet cat. As the series progressed, he helped his robot Kryten break his programming and become fully independent, and it’s this that helps him to grow and mature to become the space hero he is now in the current series.
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Victor Meldrew, from the sitcom One Foot In The Grave. A middle aged man forced into early retirement and having to find ways to pass the time, be it through peculiar hobbies or shouting at the weird events happening around him, much to the dismay of his wife Margaret.
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Basil Fawlty, from the beloved sitcom Fawlty Towers, has become one of the most iconic characters in British culture. A traditionalist, right wing hotelier desperately seeking to raise his social status and to become successful, but is forced to work with people he absolutely despises, including his incompetent Spanish waiter Manuel.
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Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) is the main character of the sitcom Keeping Up Appearances. Housewife to her eternally suffering husband Richard, she’s a pompous snob desperately seeking to maintain the illusion that she’s wealthier and more socially important than she actually is. However her attempts to climb the social ladder are often ruined by her working class sisters or her senile father.
And finally, just to bring this back into the realm of comic books there’s:
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John Constantine. The chain smoking, working class magician from Liverpool who fights dark supernatural forces on a regular basis and frequently has to make morally dubious choices, often resulting in the deaths of his friends and loved ones.
Now what do all of these characters have in common? They’re all underdogs. Working class. Losers. Idiots. Failures. Those are the types of characters we’re drawn to as a culture. The reason why I included so many sitcom characters is because I feel they perfectly demonstrate the difference between British and American culture. America is brimming with idealism and aspiration. The idea that anyone can become greater than their humble origins, and this is reflected in their culture. In most American movies and TV shows and comic books, the main character is often smarter, wittier, tougher and/or funnier than the audience, representing someone they can aspire to be like. Here in Britain, where our rigid class system is permanently ingrained into us at an early age, we mostly accept the fact we’re likely going to stay where we’re at for the rest of our lives and so our media reflects that by giving us characters that are in similar situations to us. The reason we identify with the likes of Constantine and Lister and Del Boy is because they operate on our level and share our problems and worries. They’re one of us. When Basil Fawlty and Hyacinth Bucket arrogantly disregard their working class roots and try to raise their social status, it’s funny when they fail because serve them right for looking down on us. But when Del Boy eventually becomes a millionaire at the end, we’re legitimately happy for him because we like the character, we want to see him succeed and we’re glad he managed to succeed without compromising who he is. And that’s why Captain Britain will never be accepted by us. He is above us and has power over us and we don’t like that. People with power and authority are to be mocked and shamed, not to be celebrated or aspired to be like.
The idea that Kevin Feige is even considering putting Captain Britain into the MCU for me proves what I’ve been saying about Marvel all along. That they don’t care about creating a coherent or entertaining universe, that they’re adding characters and storylines just for the sake of adding characters and storylines, and that Kevin Feige clearly doesn’t have the slightest fucking idea of what he’s doing. If he did, he honestly wouldn’t think Captain Britain would be a profitable or worthwhile project to pursue. I also feel extremely annoyed by all of this. Remember when Feige said we were definitely going to see an LGBT+ superhero appear in the MCU at some point in the next ten years? Or just recently when he said we were totes going to see Miles Morales’ Spider-Man show up in the MCU at some point in the future? All of these vague half-promises constantly pushed back to make way for more ‘important’ projects like an Ant-Man sequel, an Inhumans TV series or Captain fucking Britain.
Regardless of what your thoughts are on the state of the MCU right now, I think we can all agree that when you get to the stage when you’re seriously considering Captain Britain as a legitimately good idea... maybe it’s time to take a break and reevaluate just what the fuck it is you’re actually doing.
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