#I might explore that idea later as it’s o ly really vaguely touched on in canon fai.ry t.ail
malewifehenrycooldown · 9 months
a kinda long post about my ship with Ly.on V.asti.a and my self insert Nova Celestina, and their melancholic-ish meet cute (?)
Ly..on and Nova meet each other for the very first time at the Fai.ray Ta.il Guild, not long after hearing some of its members have gone missing (and that Sirius Island, a place these missing members went to has ‘vanished’) and that the local search parties have turned up NOTHING.
they both go to said guild to hopefully comfort the remaining members who are there. To share a moment of giref and provide a helping hand or two.
Ly..on goes with Ju.ra because Lam..ia Scale has pretty strong ties with FT, and so really it’s just to lend a shoulder for these members to lean on if they ever need help or assistance (of which also Blue Pegasus does too).
Nova goes for for a more personal reason, as that even as one of the few independent freelance mages in Fiore (with no guild attachment), she still holds a special place for Fai.ry Tai.l. It was her old guild after all until aspects of her own personal life had to take priority. She still thinks about the people she was growing up with, and how much they meant to her, and still mean to her. She does find herself thinking about them in even the smallest of tranquil moments when she isn’t taking on a freelance job or being hired on the spot.
Anyways, the two meet each other for the first time at the Fairy Tail Guild and try to offer remaining members support and sort out deals as to what they can do to help them if their other members don’t turn up. It’s essentially a moment for people at the guild to take time to grieve and mourn their friends and compatriots.
Ly.on reflects on how he and Gra.y could have fixed their relationship, because even if they are rivals, he still cares about him. I personally headcanon that Gra.y is like the brother Ly.on never had,the two never always saw each other eye to eye, and sometimes there were arguements that could be deemed as petty. Now Ly.on will never gain the opportunity to fix that relationship after finally being given a second chance by his old childhood friend, let alone be able catch up on their relationship.
It particularly hurts him, especially with their last face-to-face communication being the Nirvana Arc, and Gra.y is the reason why La.Mia S.cale are a legitimate guild now, and Ly.on has turned around his life for the better! but now that opportunity to thank Gra.y is gone… and it breaks his heart into pieces, because he can’t make up for lost time.
Nova just misses the guild that she once called home. And she’s been overdue for a ‘proper’ visit (she briefly shows up in the Phantom Lord-Lucy Rescue Arc to fuck some shit up against PL) but she didn’t properly stay around for long. Even if she left at a young age, fa.iry t.ail still said she could return whenever she needed to, because fairy tail always left their doors open to former members to return whenever they need to.
It was a place she once called home, and now is ever more the opportune time to come back home when her family needs her most. However there is an aspect of.. fearing for the guild’s safety. Fai.ry tai.l is unfortunately a guild that other rival guilds love to target and intimidate. Now with their highest and most capable members missing or worse dead, they can’t protect the guild to the extent than they used too. Even when Gildarts came back, he joined the others to Sirius Island. Nova wants to not just support her old guild and guild mates, but to try to protect them too. She is a relatively powerful mage, having cosmic/chaos devil slayer magic, but even then, it won’t do much because other guilds can take advantage of a mourning, grieving fairy tail in other ways aside from magic (I.e: absurd taxes, owed debts, just general financial abuse and bullying).
It’s just an extra layer of salt added to an already angry wound. It’s just unfair that other guilds will target another simply because it’s taking the time to process grief and move on.
During this… sad/melancholic atmosphere at the FT guild, Ly.on and Nova kinda hit it off well. It does start small but later they become more conversation throughout the day there, talking about their connections and relationships to Fairy Tail and it’s members, telling funny stories and just generally enjoying each other’s company. That’s the general starting point of how they meet, but really the way they fall in love is partly due to their shared connection to Fairy Tail and how their experiences with the guild have changed and helped them improve as people.
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iamapoopmuffin · 5 years
Victims With Numbers
Fandom: Nanbaka/Corpse Party (crossover) Genre: Horror Characters: Hajime Sugoroku, Samon Gokuu, Kiji Mitsuba, Kenshirou Yozakura, Jyugo, Uno, Nico, Rock, Tsukumo, Liang, Upa, Qi, Honey, Trois, Musashi, Sachiko Shinozaki, Ryou Yoshizawa, Yuki Kanno, Tokiko Tsuji, Yoshikazu Yanagihori, Yoshie Shinozaki, Takamine Yanagihori, some OCs to take the role of Kizami later on instead of actual Kizami Includes major character death.
Chapter 10 of ?
Back in the main building, a man was making his way slowly across the hall, hands pressed to the wall to guide him. It was hard, navigating a strange place by yourself, not knowing the true extent of the dangers, not knowing anything to be honest. Walking blind, in every sense.
Musashi had not had much choice but to follow the wall around, upon realising he was no longer in Building 13, or any other part of Nanba he'd been to before. There wasn't a single living soul he could perceive nearby, and the only sign he'd had of others being here were the distant laughter of children that never got closer nor further away no matter where he walked, and the constant stench of blood. The only times he deviated from the wall were when he found obstacles or holes that meant he could go no further, at which point finding his way to the next place he could cross was a difficult task indeed. He'd noted several doors during his groping of the wall, but hadn't been able to open any of them. He assumed them to be locked. He was moving with shallow steps, not raising his feet, not placing them far. Baby steps, lest he find another hole without giving himself a chance to, well, not fall in. He wasn't sure how long he'd been here, or where here could possibly be, but it was unnaturally cold. Even he felt a constant and harsh chill over him that put him at risk of hypothermia. For that reason, he had been walking somewhat hunched, as if that would keep the cold off his skin.
For a small time, Musashi worried he was walking in circles, that he had explored every part of his confinement already. The patterns of the holes, the distance between the doors, the appearances of windows and papers on the wall, it seemed to repeat itself. The first assurance he got that this was untrue was the uneven board that sent him sprawling. Dust kicked up into his face, making him cough. As he picked himself back up, he reached a hand out for the wall, for something to help him, but pulled it back sharply when pain blossomed across his fingers.
He wasn't sure what he had touched, didn't have time to really register anything other than that it hurt and it was quite high up. He pulled his injured hand to his mouth and was surprised by how badly it seemed to be bleeding. Whatever that was up there, it was certainly dangerous, and he was pretty sure it wasn't something he'd passed before. Carefully, he went to place his hand on the floor, and found something raised. A little more groping around, and he identified the raised floor as a step. A staircase leading up. It seemed like the sharp object was suspended above the bottom step, but he couldn't be sure there wouldn't be more of them elsewhere. Perhaps the smart thing to do would be to try and pass the stairs, find the wall again and keep walking, but at the same time...could be get up them safely if he stayed on his hands and knees?
It would be undignified, but it also meant covering more ground. No matter which way he went, he would be going into the unknown. It made him nervous, thinking an unseen danger could be right in front of him, but, even though he was alone, he didn't really let that nervousness show. Slowly, he chose to crawl up the stairs.
Just as well. Had he instead tried to walk on, he would never have seen the plentiful piano wire strung up across a hall right in front of a large pit that went from wall to wall. He might have walked right into the trap without ever knowing what killed him.
Atop the flight of stairs, Musashi held a hand up above him to check for other traps before standing. The idea that there might be traps made it sink in that this was just as dangerous and unfriendly a place as it felt, and didn't help the shivers running through him. Finding the wall again, he began his tentative exploration of the upper floors of his new prison, and found it to be a very short corridor. Just long enough for the one door on the left side, and all there was on the right was a sheet of paper and an obstacle on the floor. If he didn't know any better, Musashi would say he'd tripped on a person lying there.
Back to the door, Musashi found it was the first one he'd come across that actually opened. It pushed to without any resistance and allowed him entrance to a room that smelled rotten, just as the rest of this place did, but there was another, more familiar smell present. What was it? Paper? Books?
A library?
More than just the smell, though, Musashi noticed something that made his heart beat faster. The sound of pages turning, a voice muttering quietly to itself, a book falling to the floor before another was picked up and pages turned again. Another person was here. After hours wandering through this place alone, he'd come across another person!
"Hello?" He called into the room, and was greeted by the sound of a book slamming shut. The person holding the book didn't say anything. "Uh, hey...could you help me with something? I'm not sure what's going on, but-"
"Shut. Up."
"This...is a library. Keep your mouth shut."
"Sorry, man." The voice that snapped at him was high, nasally, and sounded vaguely similar to one he'd heard before. Somewhere between one of the building five guys, the elf, and some of the strange children’s voices he’d heard during his exploration. Definitely a guy, though. He dropped his voice to a soft whisper. "I can't really see, so...yeah. You know where we are? Other than the library."
"No. Okay...is anyone else here?"
"They're all dead. Everyone here comes to die. You don't know that by now? Once you step foot in these halls, your fate is determined."
"You're loud."
Musashi opened his mouth to respond, to apologise again or point out he was whispering, but felt he shouldn't. Like the man stood before him was harbouring some serious murderous intent. Instead, he decided it would be best to leave this man for the time being. The guy clearly wasn't all that sane, after all. He turned and went to leave, only for his foot to slip on something on the floor. He pitched sideways and fell against something, he assumed a pile of books, with a loud crash. He groaned as he heard footsteps head his way. The man with the killing intent.
"Didn't I ask you to be quiet?!"
A hand grabbed his shoulder firmly. Nails dug into his flesh. Hot breath on the back of his neck.
Looked like he was in for a fight.
Uno was crying. He had been since they'd first entered this room, but by some miracle he'd managed to do so quietly. Jyugo wouldn't blame him if he did scream and sob, under these circumstances. If cheesy horror movies with obviously fake zombies put the guy on the edge of wetting himself, there was no way he would be able to deal with something as utterly terrifying as this.
At this exact moment, Jyugo was hiding underneath a table, unable to move, unable to make a sound, lest he be found by the man stood right by him. He couldn't see the guy properly from here, but he could hear what was happening above him. It sounded like the man had strapped someone down on the table, and was torturing her. Her screams were muffled and garbled, and Jyugo had seen blood fall from the table, or perhaps from the man, onto the floor. He'd covered his own mouth with his hands to keep anything from getting out, be it some noise of fear or disgust, or maybe vomit.
Uno had chosen to hide in a cabinet against the wall. Through the tiny gap between the door, he could see the man. He looked like a zombie. A hulking, grey-skinned figure, with torn and bloodstained clothes, who appeared large at first glance. Muscular, broad-shouldered. The analytical part of Uno's mind was able to identify that the zombie man was shorter than he was, and possibly smaller overall than, say, Rock. At least, he told himself Rock was larger, if anything to comfort himself. He could see every single pain the man inflicted on the teenage girl strapped to the table, had seen him carry her in and strap her to the table, handling her like a ragdoll. He could tell just by looking at this man, or maybe monster was more accurate, that neither of them stood a chance if they were found. Like Jyugo, Uno kept himself quiet by keeping his hands clamped over his mouth, and tried not to breathe too loud. It was hard. He wasn't sure he'd ever felt so scared before, didn't think he'd ever witnessed a brutal murder before.
It hadn't been as bad when they'd just woken up in this place, before realising what they were in for.
The two had woken together, in a cluttered room with walls made of earth. Some sort of underground structure, with wooden beams placed to prevent cave ins. The room was dusty and dirty, and the floor was littered with rubbish and building materials. In one corner was a stack of dusty, old futons, and in another was an old TV with the screen smashed in. The kind of 'old' that belonged in a museum. Recognising, at least, that they were underground, the boys agreed that they'd probably fallen quite far, and ultimately into a disused part of the prison. They could not figure out what it was originally used for, but it certainly wasn't for holding inmates. They figured, maybe, it was storage. Whatever it once was, it was now out of action.
They'd considered staying put and waiting to be rescued, but ultimately decided against it. After all, not only was this an opportunity to explore a part of the prison they'd not known to exist, but the others had fallen as well. Some of them could be badly injured. Plus, this clearly wasn't where they'd fallen, they'd obviously been moved after the fall, evidenced by the fact the ceiling above them was perfectly intact. Perhaps whoever had moved them was expecting them to stay put, but they chose to defy said expectations.
It was a mistake, in Uno's opinion. They didn't even get out the door before the first disaster struck in the form of Jyugo stepping on one of the many sharp objects on the floor - in this case, a rusty nail. It was to be expected when he walked around barefoot. Uno bid him sit on one of the futons while he tried to remove the damn thing, but Jyugo wasn't the most cooperative of patients. Every time Uno managed to get hold of the nail, Jyugo pulled his foot away, an instinctive reaction to the pain. It took a fair while and a lot of complaining on the victim's side before the nail was out and Uno was trying to find something to press to the remaining wound, just to clean it up or wipe away the blood. It was lucky the damage wasn't worse, and Jyugo was a lot more careful with where he stepped.
Once they actually left the room, Uno asked his friend when the last time he'd had a tetanus shot was, to which Jyugo replied that he didn't recall ever having one.
"Well, you're probably screwed then."
"Uh huh. That's not funny."
At least the ground in the hallway didn't have sharp things all over the place, though it was a dirt path. Undoubtedly, the cut on Jyugo's foot would get infected. If Uno were to offer his shoes, however, he would probably refuse. No point in both of them getting hurt out of pure stupidity.
They hadn't walked for long before they came across their first body. It was down a dead end path, where the far wall was completely boarded. The almost completely decayed body of a child was propped up against the wall, scratch marks adorning the wood beside it, as if he had tried to claw the boards off in some desperate attempt to find an escape. Uno felt his breath catch in his throat as he took in the sight, hand reaching for Jyugo's arm.
"Oh god..."
Jyugo took a step back, pulling his friend with him, trying to take his eyes away from the body. "That's not...real, is it?"
"Did he get stuck down here?"
"He can't have worked here, he's a kid...that's a school uniform..."
"He's not an inmate either..."
"What...what happened?"
Uno managed to drag his eyeline up, looking to the intact ceiling. "Are...are we really still at Nanba Prison?"
Jyugo followed his eyes and shrugged. "No holes, no rubble...I don't know where we are, but it...I..." He took a deep breath to steady himself. "We should go back where we woke up. Whoever moved us there might be back now."
"What if...no. You're right. Even if it wasn't a guard who carried us there, the guards'll be looking for us. For all of us. If we stay in one place, and stay in sight, they'll find us more easily. Plus, this place is like a maze. Worst case scenario, we get lost. We wander in circles. The guards don't find us, and we don't find them. Best case scenario, we find each other on the way back and this whole nightmare gets explained and ended." Uno too took a deep breath and turned away from the body. "Let's go."
The worst case scenario was exactly what happened. The boys kept close to each other, tense, aware their surroundings were unsafe. As Uno had said before, the place they were in truly was like a maze, with hundreds of twists, turns and fresh branches, it would take only one mistake to become hopelessly lost.
Once that mistake was made...
It wasn't hard to work out they'd made a wrong turn, but trying to retrace their steps just led them to even more unfamiliar halls, as though the path they'd come from had never existed.
They wandered, and were fortunate enough to not come across any more bodies, and at last came across the large metal door. It was locked, to begin with, but it was the only door they'd seen in a while, and by this point they'd grown tired from walking. Jyugo was willing to take any opportunity for a rest, and a room that could serve as a new common area or base of operations was not a thing to be sneered at. He made quick work of the lock, and together they slid the heavy doors open.
Immediately they were hit by the foul stench and heavy air. It was like a solid wall slamming into them at full force. The two staggered back, hands over their noses.
"That's disgusting." Jyugo muttered.
"Do we have to go in there?" Uno whined.
"No. Hell no."
At this point, it was completely dark inside the room. They couldn't see anything in there beyond vague shapes the dim hall light shined on. They turned away, thinking it would be better to find another place to stop, but then they heard the voice. The weak cry from within that begged them 'don't go, please don't go, please help me'.
Exchanging uneasy looks, the two approached the door. "Hello?" Jyugo called, as if what he had heard may have just been some form of hallucination. The person begging for help let out a pained groan.
"Okay, hang tight." Uno told the guy, his voice shaking a little still. "We'll come help you. Are you hurt?"
"What's your name?"
They stepped in, Uno in front, Jyugo behind, trying to figure out where, exactly, this person was. The room held a little bit of echo, making it harder to pinpoint, but if Uno had to guess, he would say further forward and to the right.
"Wh...where does it hurt? Jyugo, try and feel for a light."
Obediently, Jyugo reached for the wall. The wall was damp and slightly sticky. "Ew..."
There was a clang of metal and a splash as Uno kicked over a bucket. Flies, finding their nesting place disturbed, took to the air. Uno felt them fly up into his face, and staggered as he swatted at them.
Then the light came on. Uno had his eyes shut, so he didn't realise it at first. Jyugo hadn't found a light switch, and had he bothered to look for one in the light, he wouldn't have found one. He was distracted, anyway. Distracted by the red stains over everything. Over the walls, the floors, the tables and desks, the cabinet in the corner, the sink against the wall, and each and every blood-filled bucket on the floor.
"Oh...my god..."
"What, what is it?" Uno cleared his face of bothersome insects and opened his eyes.
"Don't look!"
Recoiling from the sight, the Brit staggered back into his friend.
"What the hell, man? What is this place?"
"Uhh..." Jyugo's mind rushed for some way to explain all the blood. "Meat?"
"Where's the-" He cut himself off as he spotted the boy who had asked them for help. Though he'd started crying before, when he'd seen the blood, this was what made him sob. The boy lay by an upturned table, brutally wounded. Bones were exposed, his eyes were unseeing, and he'd been mutilated. Things that should have been on the inside were on the out. How the boy was even still alive, still able to call out even in that weak, feeble voice, was a complete mystery. Uno lowered his eyes to the floor as he continued to sob, and noticed the pool of red liquid around his foot and on his leg. It must have come from the bucket he had kicked over. The liquid had lumps of meat in it, and had Uno chosen to examine them more closely (which he never ever would), he would find they were human tongues. A strange sound escaped his throat, midway between a cry and a groan of pain, and when he tried to look away, he felt Jyugo's hands on his head, keeping it in place.
"Don't. Look." Jyugo repeated desperately, voice shaking. Because he'd looked at the other buckets. Because what Uno had seen thus far was bad enough and he did not need to see this. Because in each and every bucket, there wasn't just blood, there were bits of body as well. Not just tongues, but hearts, livers, intestines, eyes, ears, teeth, bones, several weird bits that were unidentifiable, and one bucket stuffed with arms, each sticking up like they were waving at him. If Jyugo had felt scared before, it was nothing compared to the horror he was feeling now. Right here, right now, he was standing in a room where hundreds of people had lost their lives and been torn to pieces for some sick purpose he couldn't even begin to imagine.
"What is it?" Uno asked, not wanting to look at the meat lumps any more, but now scared to look away.
"You really, really don't want to know. Just keep your head down, and walk out of the room. We can't stay here."
Deep, shuddering breaths. "We need to go. Jyugo, we need to go!"
As they walked back toward the door, the dying boy in the corner tried one last time to call out to them, but could now barely make a sound. It hurt, but they had to accept there was nothing they could do for the boy.
"We're sorry..."
Clang. Splash.
"Did you...kick something?"
"I don't...think so..."
Blood washed across the floor in front of them. Jyugo recoiled from the touch of the curdled blood against his bare feet, and quickly realised which bucket had been knocked. All of a sudden, hundreds of human eyes were gazing up at them from the sea of red. Uno reeled back with a scream of pure terror, hitting another bucket with his heel, pulling away from his friend's hands, and catching sight of the things Jyugo was trying to keep him from. At this point, one of them was crying, one of them was screaming and crying, and both of them almost missed the sound in the distance.
Heavy footfalls. Metal dragging on the dirt floor. Inhuman grunts and groans. Screams of agony.
The sound registered, and the boys managed to swallow back the next sounds that tried to escape them. No more screams, no more sobs. Just an exchange of panicked looks.
"Oh god...Jyugo, what is that?"
Jyugo couldn't think. "Ah, uh...we need to hide." If the screaming was anything to go by, whatever was approaching the room - because that sound was definitely getting closer - was no friend to them. "Under the table. Quick!"
"Are you crazy?" Uno hissed, looking at the table, then at his friend in disbelief. "We'd be spotted instantly!" He looked around and found his eyes landing on the cabinet in the corner. He ran to pull it open, and found it empty on the inside. The thing smelled of urine, and had a stain on the bottom that was most likely more blood, but it would hide them. Or, one of them, anyway. The space would barely fit one person of about Uno's size, and nothing more.
"We can't both fit in there!" Jyugo didn't have time to argue his point much farther.
The man they could hear approaching was at the door now.
With a squeak of terror, Uno concealed himself in the cabinet, and Jyugo dived under the table.
That was how they ended up where they were now, in their poor hiding places, trying desperately to stifle any sounds from their lips, unable to interfere without undoubtedly losing their lives as well. Where Uno was hiding, he could see what the man did, and see Jyugo crouched underneath the table. The huge man had taken a box of tools, and was slowly using them to tear the girl to pieces, starting with her tongue, and throwing each removed part carelessly and clumsily to the appropriate buckets, all this while the girl was still alive. She squirmed and screamed as best she could, but it didn't take long at all for her efforts to weaken until she moved no more. It happened fast, yet seemed to carry on forever. Finally, the man stepped away from the bloodied mess that had once been a girl and walked out, shutting the door behind him. There was a loud thunk as the door locked, and Uno found himself collapsing onto the floor of his hidey hole. It hurt when his knees hit the door, but he paid that little mind as he cried over what he had witnessed. He didn't look up when he heard Jyugo make a strange sound, a reaction to the body on the table, or when he opened the door and crouched before him.
"Hey, Uno?" Jyugo asked, reaching out to brush a hand against his friend's shoulder. Instinctively, Uno brought him into a tight but brief hug, which he shakily returned. They pulled away from each other when the lights turned off again.
"This place is hell." Uno choked out as he got to his feet. "That monster won't be out there, will it?"
"I don't know...I think he turned the lights off."
"Maybe they're on a motion sensor." He waved his hand about experimentally, then shook his head. "No, you're right. The big zombie guy did it..."
"Hey, kid? You still...alive...?" They both looked to the corner the boy lay in, but heard no response. It seemed he'd lost his strength, probably now passed out or passed away. Unable to do much else, the boys tried to pick their way through the dark room, kicking over several buckets they had no way to see as they went, making their way to the door. Jyugo bumped his hip off the dissection table as he went. At least, he thought, the darkness hid the carnage from view. When they got to the door, he was able to open it without difficulty. Any lock to come within Jyugo's reach was easily dealt with, even in complete darkness, and this one in particular was a very simple one. If they'd had light, he probably would have been able to get Nico to pick it, it was that easy.
The door slid open and the boys entered back into the dirt maze, Uno leading the way, happy to get as far from that room as they could.
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