#I might do a rant on villain Mami at some point
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wyfy-meltdown · 10 months ago
It is literally foreshadowed in her name Kyoko is bound to suicide with Sayaka as sakura's are heavily associated with kamikazes. Besides aforementioned timeline; In Portable, during the scheduled downfall of Sayaka, and eventual death at Homura's hands, Kyoko has a breakdown switching between laughing, crying, until eventually screaming in pain as she turns to Ophelia, saying she was stupid to think she could save Sayaka. Ophelia's labyrinth literally has little fish floating around, it's so clearly underwater, it's so clearly tied to Sayaka, there are staves with musical notes coming out of the ground of the labyrinth. And as if that isn't enough, the music playing is relatively similar to Symposium Magarum, at the very least a part of it, altered, slower, on a different instrument - it's there however if you listen close. Kyoko is so tied to Sayaka in her mind that even if in series they weren't on the best of terms, it affects her in death. Her feelings are obvious once stirred through enough, it's Sayaka that refuses any aid, or a chance at another way. There IS, another way, that through Kyoko, however Sayaka's ideation of a magical girl is heavily tied to Mami's image (not Mami herself, but how she presented, lacking the vulnerability she shared with Madoka) who is in complete contrast to Kyoko. The full "you die a hero or live long enough become a villain". No matter how much she runs away from it however, I feel that in Rebellion Sayaka embraces both sides (and creating the doppel system by proxy). On another note, and parallel, Sayaka chose to "give her life away", becoming a magical girl meant suicide to her in the end and, the argument with Madoka in the rain may had still lingered in the back of her mind, so Kyoko choosing suicide to keep her company mirrored that and maybe, just maybe, she felt understood through it. It was the ultimate sacrifice Sayaka made for love and association could be made to believe that Kyoko's suicide is also her confession. The magnet metaphor is due the blue/red but also you need to hold them in a certain way for them stick (as the same ends will push one another away, the same they did under the same condition) and when they do, they're insepparable.
Thank you for the opportunity to ramble ^^
I've never been able to play/watch play throughs of the portable games, so I lack a lot of context when it comes to events and information presented in it.
Kyoko has a strange mild obsession with Sayaka and saving Sayaka, which almost reminds me of Homura and Madoka's relationship.
I feel the warped (not in the toxic sense, just unconventional sense) ideas that Kyoko has about expressing her love to Sayaka reflects her past and the wish she made for her father. To Kyoko, love means absolute devotion and sacrifice. In Japan, there's a myth that two lovers who commit suicide together are reborn as twins and/or reborn as the same person. Kyoko truly does see kamikazeing herself into Oktavia as a way for her to fully express the feeling of "I love you and I swear I won't leave you alone or abandon you for someone else".
While I believe Kyoko originally intended to warn Sayaka about wishing for others (sorta how Mami did), and pitied her because the circumstances of Sayaka's wish were so similar to her own, she fell fast and hard.
They're both so similar and yet oppositionally different. They're both so, so, deeply and desperately lonely and Kyoko sees this and sees a way for the two of them to overcome their loneliness together. But Sayaka has such a strong idea of "a good magical girl" and "a good person" she won't allow herself to connect with anyone else, especially not Kyoko, who she views as "evil" (I believe Mami played a part in this view).
They could've had a happy ending and saved eachother if only Sayaka wasn't so stubborn and Kyoko could take a gentler approach. The very direct "full-force love" style they both have, with the added "inability to properly confess without use of secretive acts of devotion" is why we got the ending we did.
I know you're asking anonymously, but I'm pretty sure I know who you are based off the expansion from a previous reblog/post lol. Thank you so much for ranting like this!!! I'm so happy you expanded on the previous ideas!!!
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aparticularbandit · 2 years ago
3, 17, 19 please!
3) what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Luisa and the Fox. ...I feel this one might be expected at this point, so I went through and looked at all my other fic and like. Of them all, this is still the one to which I'm the most emotionally attached. >.>;;
17) What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
I was actually afraid of getting this question because like. How do you quantify best engagement/interaction/feedback? SO OBVIOUSLY ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS I NEED YOU TO KNOW. FIRST OFF. But actually, I honestly think it is less the comments/etc. than it is, like, getting to know other writers in the different communities and making friends? Which is...the interaction bit? So becoming friends with you and Belle and Cait through Roisa stuff (or Skylar through Agatha stuff) - and like getting to pop into people's DMs or discord or whatever and just rant and ramble about ships AND CAUSE EACH OTHER PAIN is. the best interaction I get from people who have read my stuff. ^^
19) If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Pain, obviously. ;) No, it would - I've reblogged a thing about narrative distance recently, I think - yeah, this post - and my ideal fic would play with the concept of narrator as distinct from character POV so that you've got the narrator who's telling the story to you who can occasionally comment on things or speak directly to you, the reader, without it feeling weird, in a comforting sort of way. But also the ideal fic would employ second person (kind of like in What Dreams May Come with Viola or in Finding Family with Agatha (when she was stuck in Agnes)), which I'm not sure is compatible with that sort of narrative voice.... It would probably include some super in-depth world-building but not, like, Tolkein world-building, but taking our world and making one difference and then extrapolating from there (like with the soulmate timer stuff). It would be queer, but not necessarily lesbians queer (although there would probably be wlw stuff in it, tbh). A lot of angst. A snarky anti-villain turned anti-hero. A woobie destroyer of worlds. Someone who has turned evil because of tragic past reasons. One character could potentially be ALL OF THE ABOVE. Like I have a character type and I acknowledge this. But also you're gonna have the mom friend. Not the happy perky sunspot but the, like. LET ME USE MADOKA AS AN EXAMPLE. THERE WOULD BE A MAMI, THERE WOULD BE A KYOKO, AND THERE WOULD BE A HOMURA. :D ...okay, in ouat terms. There would be a Mary-Margaret Blanchard (but not necessarily Snow; I will maintain they are separate characters and I like MMB better) and there would be a Regina. ...uh, that's missing a character. There would be a Dottie Underwood. She's the closest to a Kyoko parallel. xD Lots of discussions of mental illness. ...potentially different versions of the same character - whether that's multiverse or time travel or clones or etc. (Or it would be a fairytale. Actually, the ideal fic would be a fairytale.) ...I'm gonna stop there. XD
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distapata · 5 years ago
I answered all three asks in this post :D
more spoiler-y, speculative discussions with J under the cut. If it is something you would rather avoid, blacklist the tag ;;spl | dhrubatara
Here's to more discussions on dhrubatara, our common interest. Here's to gushing about them, ranting about the plot holes and having a grand time together, may our friendship last long !!!!
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Totally. Mamu is definitely a fishy character, and of course, both him and Mami are trying to remove the Heirs so that their son Raj can come and take over from Shekhar. They hinted at this in one of the recent episodes. Which is nice, I love family politics and good villains.
I think Deepti suffered a lot in the hands of Manju + Mama-Mami. We know Manju is impressionable and Asish and Shirsha ar really good at manipulating her, so I think they did that with Deepti too, instigated her against Deepti, and there was definitely something about the money/class difference between the Choudhuris and Deepti, as evident in Dhruba's little blurb after acquiring the house [right after Tara leaves].
I think Saikat knew what was going on, but he never stood up for her, or he was never in a position to do so. He is obviously greatly affected by the separation, even if he is in a much better shape than Deepti, but she was the one to face all of what went down, so that's understandable.
No, Tara didn't see the pic. The sketches are never shown, although another scene with Anju/Pishimoni clears the doubt that Saikat keeps drawing Deepti, and someone heard them talk, but it wasn't one of the youngsters.
None of the kids know much, so either they were too small, or they weren't born when Deepti was in the picture. With Tara, I can imagine that probably she didn't come to live with the Choudhuris at that time, which, if you count the fact that Agni left shorty after Tubri's death [that's how I sorted the events in my head], sounds believable. But he was definitely there to pull Tara into the house on multiple occasions, and why would she be living with them? She still had her mother, but okay, maybe the whole family moved in with the Choudhuris at some point, or maybe Tara was born to two members of staff, so that puts her with the Choudhuris. But that doesn't explain why none of them don't have any questions or memories of Deepti. It's odd.
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Deepti is in no state to explain things, and with the information Dhruba has, he definitely reached the only valid solution, especially if he knew that there were tensions between the Choudhuris and Deepti, and from his little blurb, there was definitely something, most probably related to money. And if you ask me, that's why he wants to destroy the Choudhuris - he wants to bring them to the streets, he wants to see them beg, and he utilised the opportunity to tarnish their reputation with Chandni eloping. He hates them, and to him, the hatred is justified. And I don't blame him.
Oh I think he is absolutely furious and disgusted with Saikat, the look he gave him when he collided with Saikat in Choudhuri Bari spoke volumes. He obviously does hate Shekhar, although whether it is personal or he simply blames Shekhar because supposedly, he is the head of the house, he is responsible for what goes on in Choudhuri Bari (we can all agree that Thammi doesn't have much to contribute, and even Manju, for all of her screaming and throwing tantrums, can't go against Shekhar - obviously, Dhruba doesn't know this, or he might have heard of this from Deepti, but he will definitely blame the male head of the family because that's how our society is). Also, if it is, indeed, related to money, then it is Shekhar's money, his business, that is indirectly responsible for the divide between his family and Deepti, so a lot of the anger is directed at the business, and by extension, Shekhar. We also know, from Shekhar's own thoughts, that he is not a man of action and carries a lot of guilt within himself. What if he had remained silent, even when he knew better?
And I don't remember clearly, but I think there was a scene where Shekhar thought that Dhruba seemed familiar? If so, then they might have interacted on various occasions and maybe Dhruba thought Shekhar would handle the situation, and when that didn't work, he blames Shekhar? Also, Shekhar does have a reputation for being nice and kind, and knowing (Dhruba thinks what he knows is the truth) what he does, all that praise definitely doesn't sit well with Dhruba, and he hates Shekhar because of that.
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That's a really cool headcanon, and although that doesn't happen in my Fic, something similar does happen and Tara's brain totally short-circuits, so I definitely believe that it is something that will happen in canon, if Dhruba told her what he knows about Deepti's condition. It is an excellent headcanon... Yes, yes, I can definitely see the scene playing out in my head! If you ever write it out as a FF or one-shot, definitely let me know :)
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recentanimenews · 5 years ago
Magia Record – 03 – My Friend Whom I Hate
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As Iroha finds herself witnessing a friendship of three girls strain against deep-seated resentment, she has another dream about Ui, this time with her two friends Toka and Nemu. The three are very smart and build amazing things together (which also make amazing messes) but Ui is constantly the glue holding Toka and Nemu together; the Momoko to Kaede and Rena.
Before Iroha can investigate the lead her new dream has provided, her new Kamihama friends Momoko and Rena have a more pressing problem: Kaede is trapped in a Staircase!
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The three visit Coordinator Yakumo Mitama, who offers to “adjust” Iroha’s Soul Gem to possibly awaken more power, and also connects them with Nanami Yachiyo, the unfriendly magical girl who already warned Iroha not to return.
Yachiyo puts aside her animosity for Iroha (whom she believes to be so weak as to be a nuisance) and agrees to help the others rescue Kaede. The four have their Magical Girl transformations, all of which are very cool and very stylish. Yachiyo’s sandals and Iroha’s sheer top are particular fashion standouts.
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  Yachiyo and Momoko attempt to draw out the Witch by writing their names on the steps and then apologizing, and when that doesn’t work, Rena tries to apologize to Kaede, but it’s insincere. Finally she goes off on a rant about how she actually hates Kaede, and she’s sorry for “making” Kaede her friend.
That brings for the Witch and an elaborate Labyrinth of branching staircases. They find Kaede, and she and Rena eventually reconcile, promising to compromise in their relationship so that Rena isn’t always made out to be the villain.
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Momoko and Yachiyo detach the Witch’s core (in the form of a bell) from the Labyrinth’s summit, and Rena and Kaede combine their powers to eradicate it. But oddly, there’s no Grief Seed, which means the entity they just defeated might not be a Witch.
Rena disguises herself to gain access to the medical center, and learns that while no one remembers Ui, they do remember her friends Toka and Nemu. They were eventually discharged, though they don’t remember where. It’s the first concrete proof Iroha’s dreams aren’t just dreams. They contain truths about the past.
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That brings us to a post-credit sequence in which a Magical Girl from the original Madoka series makes an appearance: Madoka’s mentor and friend, Tomoe Mami. Kyuubey has summoned her to investigate the strange goings-on Kamihama City—including the phenomenon that renders him unconscious whenever he tries to enter.
We know that Iroha interacts with a “Baby” Kyuubey in Kamihama of whom “Adult” Kyuubey isn’t aware. It seems inevitable that Iroha will cross paths with Mami at some point. As mysteries continue to be revealed and twist together, my enthusiasm for this new series grows.
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By: magicalchurlsukui
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