#I might be getting a little obsess with Yuma and Makoto’s relationship
sakura-code · 1 year
how do Mokoto and Yuma meet each other in the misfit Au, how did yuma willing to give his trust to mokoto, it would be nice to hear more of their relationship goes to this story
it really must've took some time
p.s im so glad to be able to read more post from you,i hope your doing alright
The two meet with Makoto approaching Yuma once he was allowed to roam freely (in this AU, the CEO is still alive at the time and Makoto is known as the CEO’s adopted son), and meets him when Yuma was getting his Forte experimented at the Amaterasu Labs.
You are right that Yuma takes time to learn to trust Makoto since he does look suspicious and is overly-friendly to him. Yuma became more emotionally detached and withdrawn as a trauma response to his mom’s death, and separation from his hometown to moving into the cold, crime-filled city of Kanai Ward. He hasn’t seen any friendly faces for a long time except for Shinigami, and even then she’s considered in the same boat as him (or more specifically similar since she doesn’t have to interact to the real world like Yuma).
The same can be said for Makoto as he has to deal with the fact that he is a Homunculus and is now being groomed to become the next CEO of Amaterasu (which he believes is the only mean to really change Amaterasu itself). Still he is left bitter towards the world and the restriction he is put under by his ‘father.’ He even can’t help being bitter to Yuma because he is the original who has lived the life he remembers, while Makoto is nothing more than a copy. A shell that can be remold by others’ desires, while not allowed to be the person he was before. But he also knows Yuma has no support outside of Shinigami in Kanai Ward, and even he notes Shinigami isn’t exactly the best support Yuma needs. So he reluctantly decides to reach out to Yuma and be the support he needs (because he is still the emphatic, kind person like Yuma).
The two’s relationship definitely starts out rocky because of their own conflicting feelings with one another (Yuma unwilling to trust Makoto, and Makoto’s resentment towards Yuma). But overtime, those tensions begin to fade away and their relationship starts to blossom into a beautiful friendship (and brotherly love). With Makoto, he offers an out from Yuma being experimented and even knows he is the Death Detective but does not look down on him for it, being his support for him to talk to, and offering sanctuary from everyone at Makoto’s apartment (yes he still has his own apartment despite technically being a minor; the CEO isn’t really a good parent here). With Yuma, he offers a comforting presence for Makoto to be himself around. I hc that part of Makoto’s over-the-top, friendly nature is a facade around people. He is still over-the-top and friendly, he just takes it to the extreme around other people. In truth, he is an introvert and can be blunt and snarky (basically not as friendly as he makes himself out to be), even though he is still a sincere person. Yuma doesn’t judge him and encourages him to let his (metaphorical) mask down around him, which he does.
Their relationship will definitely be explored overtime in the AU, as Makoto’s secret and Amaterasu’s darkness will come to light as one of the overarching plotline. And their relationship is challenged as well (Makoto may be more friendly with Yuma, but I’m still gonna make him a morally grey, complex character).
Also, thank you so much for your concerns and support. I’ve been really busy irl with college classes demanding my attention, and trying to put a little more focus on myself outside of social media. Plus some writer’s block and my perfectionism getting in the way as well. I’m just trying to make sure I thought out the ideas of my AUs well (even though I also post some of the ideas would be brainstorming and some parts of the AU may have changed as well). My posts may still be infrequent with my schedule, but I can assure you I am still alive.
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