#I mean the character isn't a real person but still
kinardsevan · 2 days
So I just saw a post about Eddie telling Buck about the change in his will in reference to how that ultimately will tie them together. It got me thinking about all the post-season complaints that he should've done more to show up for Eddie and Chris.
In 4x14, Eddie makes the comment to Evan about he thinks he's expendable. We all know this to be true, and it's something that really continued on with his character (imo) until the lightning strike really started changing things for him.
To that end, I think one of the biggest changes for Buck in s7 was the fact that we get to continue to see him really move into this space of not feeling expendable anymore. He's had his brush with death, and that can really fuck a person up (I speak from experience). I read something else today about how someone had expressed that they would've preferred to have seen other ways in which almost staying dead affected Buck. But the thing is, we are.
He's more assured in his decisions. He didn't just "fall into" this relationship like he did with Abby, Taylor, Natalia (I'm on the fence about Ali). He actively pursued Tommy, not once but twice. Further, when he doubled down on his personal life. For the first time in a long time, he chose himself. And the thing is, when you face death, things become super crystal clear about what you want and need. Being on the other side of that, it's clear for Buck what those things are. Which is why I can't not laugh when I see the "he's still on the hamster wheel" comments.
Honey, on the hamster wheel implies that he's repeating the same cycle. Except, he's the one who asked Tommy for a second date ("i want you to be my date to my sisters wedding"). He's the one choosing to pursue this relationship without the need for outside input ("because we haven't had to talk about it"). He's the one who decided that he wanted to let the people closest to him meet this man ("look who almost made it"). These are active personal choices made by someone who has faced a very scary situation and is now on the other side of it. I promise you, this man is not floundering in what his next steps are (that quite honestly, was his relationship with Natalia). A year(ish) out, he's settled what he knows is right for him. He knows what is and isn't right for him at that point, because facing down the barrel of death in a very real way makes you cut through the bullshit quick.
That doesn't mean he won't still show up for people. He shows up for Maddie, when Chimney had encephalitis. He shows up for Eddie and Chris, as he did in the finale. He shows up for Bobby. I expect he'll continue to show up for Hen as well. But also, at the end of the day, he shows up for himself, and for the man he's pursuing a relationship with. That should be noted as the biggest gain in his personal life, the fact that he has finally realized for himself, that he is not expendable. He's found someone who treats him right, meets him at his own pace, and makes him want to get home instead of needing to throw himself on the sword. and THAT my friends, is so important for personal growth.
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sweettjrose · 1 day
Man i wish we had a mickey centric movie
Ik we have the christmas specials and the three musketers but man What I woudn't give for a full movie with him as...you know him! Not really playing a role just him
My friends have been all making up ideas about what his movie could be about and MAN everytime I Wake up and realize it was just us #=@÷ around on discord and its not real I just go 😟 no detective mickey movie yet
Oh trust me, I 100% agree.
Despite being the mascot of Disney, Mickey feels really underutilized at times it would be cool for him to get a whole movie dedicated to him that really focuses on him as a character. Like an official Disney Animated Studios one.
As for movie ideas, I mean if it isn't obvious enough by looking at my account (and it seems like you're on the same page), I would love some sort of mystery movie with Mickey playing as some kind of detective who is trying to prove himself.
I think the best way to go with a Mickey Mouse movie would be to play into his strengths and his character works best (imo) in adventure/mystery stories and as an underdog. The detective role is perfect for Mickey as it utilizes all of his strengths and weaknesses in such a economic and meaningful way.
There's a reason why the comics have pivoted to mostly him being an investigator. It brings to light his personality the best as he gets to show off his sense of justice and dedication to make things right as well as his empathy for others and ability to connect with people. There's even a chance to dig into his flaws like his stubbornness, out of control curiosity, and seemingly limitless faith in his own capabilities.
Also I have an ulterior motive. This would be the perfect way to really bring the Phantom Blot back into public consciousness as the main villain of the movie. And not just that but make him considered an official Disney movie villain where he can sit at the cool kids table with Ursula, Maleficent, and the like. A big movie would also be fitting for the first animated appearance of his unmasked face since he has had animated masked appearances before, but not unmasked. Also you could still easily fit Pete in a villain role as some kind of "partner" underling as they've worked together in the comics quite a bit.
As for the plot, I am open to anything. They could do a reimagining of Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot (Censored version obviously) since that was pretty popular. Or something new. Maybe it would be cool if it could also have some kind of meta story to it where it is a reflection and commentary on Mickey Mouse as a character and how he's changed over the years and in different media. Maybe even a criticism on how he's been mostly a mascot and not really a character lately.
But those are my thoughts. Thanks for asking.
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seriousbrat · 11 hours
a post of yours was on my for you, it was about james potter and an ask (who was pretty rude and i don’t want to come off that same way) told you that james potter never changed and you started talking about how it was impossible he never did, that it’s crazy to think he was a manipulator etc etc but it’s rather simple imo. james was a frat boy who had friends he liked and he was good to, except maybe peter, he didn’t like severus because he was friends with his crush and he bullied other kids with his friends, because he could. he felt entitled to lily’s love because he was a blood traitor. that’s ok characters can change, but did he stop bullying severus? no (i saw your argument about sirius and remus saying snape never lost an opportunity to hex james, but 1 wouldn’t have lily noticed then 2 i don’t trust the words of the same people who said snape was angry at james because he was jealous of his good looks and his quidditch abilities) so what is that about? he acted as if he had became better person (which he may have, but he was still bullying severus and we have no proof of him becoming a better person except lily marrying him which is crazy leave the girl alone she’s not a moral compass) around lily whom he wanted to impress and then still bullied severus. i don’t think that’s a crazy thing to say, it’s actually very possible and it happens a lot of time in real life.
Thanks for the message, you don't come off as rude at all so dw!
"it happens a lot of time in real life." The thing is that this isn't real life. It's fiction, and I feel like I'm always saying this so sorry lol but that means we have to analyse the author's intention in showing what she did. These are fictional characters and not autonomous real people who do things "off-camera" that we can speculate about based on statistics or our own experience.
We're given evidence that James changed. If the truth was supposed to be that he actually didn't change and was always secretly the same dickhead and maliciously hiding this from Lily the entire time, we would have been given evidence of that. Everything we're shown about Lily and James as a couple is that they loved each other and had a good relationship. Again, if he was meant to be an evil conniving manipulator who was tricking Lily, it would have been shown in the text.
If you don't trust Remus and Sirius's word there are two other major pieces of evidence that James changed. The first is that Lily started dating him when previously she couldn't stand the sight of him. The second is that he was made head boy, and whatever Dumbledore's faults I sincerely doubt that he gave Head Boy to a person who was actively going around terrorising the student body. We know that circa 5th year, his behaviour was very public and apparent to everyone. For me, that lends credence to the idea that James "deflated his head" during sixth year, enough to be given responsibility over others.
The fact that Remus and Sirius mention James changing and also the fact that Snape was giving as good as he got during 7th year, and this is never contradicted but reinforced by other sources, means it's probably mostly true. Obviously Remus and Sirius's account is biased and imperfect, and we have to read between the lines. But, and I say this as a fan of Snape, there is plenty of evidence that Snape had an aggressive side. As a child he causes a branch to fall on Petunia and he invents an incredibly violent spell. As an adult he throws jars at a 16 year old boy and loses his shit at Fudge among others. Some of these are understandable, sure, but it is a part of his character and I don't understand why people are so hell-bent on ignoring it.
Like, it's fine. Part of Snape's arc is learning to control his emotions and limiting these outbursts of aggressiveness, which is why he's shown to be much more uncontrolled and violent as a child, whereas as an adult he's more collected and circumspect. It makes sense why he is the way he is, because it's implied he grew up in a home marked by violence. Personally, I think this is a VERY interesting aspect of his character and for me it makes absolute sense that he would attack James during 7th year. Particularly given that James and Lily were dating at the time. I am cheering him on from the sidelines. I am enjoying the show. Meek little harmless spineless Severus, idk him.
Also I'm sorry, but a lot of this is your own interpretation, likely based on your dislike for James. there's NO evidence that james "felt entitled" to Lily's love for instance. That really seems like a conclusion you've come to on your own. It's fine to have your own interpretations ofc, but they're not necessarily supported by canon. Personally I disagree with them, but that's fine too!
I appreciate the Lily appreciation though!! Let that girl do whatever the fuck she wants 👏
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thlayli-ra · 2 days
The Chain
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Characters - Drew McIntyre, CM Punk, AJ Lee (mentioned)
Pairing - Drew McIntyre/CM Punk, CM Punk/AJ Lee
AU - Soulmates AU
Rating - Mature, 18+ only
Warnings - Physical assault, blood and gore, wound-fucking (mentioned), this is NOT a love story!
Words - ~ 2000 words
Summary - After viciously attacking Punk at Smackdown, Drew steals something very personal. (Written from Drew's POV.)
I'm just a girl. Looking at a boy. Stealing a bracelet from another boy and wondering... how can I make this so much worse?
I never understand when people talk about these little red strings of fate. Where I'm from, we are connected by chains. Linked to our bodies by a sharp hook embedded in our chest, directly into our hearts. Does it hurt? Oh aye, it hurts. But doesn't it always hurt? Love, I mean? Maybe we're just raised to believe that...
The hook appears first. You don't even need to actually be with the person in question, but as soon as a soulmate connection is made, the hook starts to form. And the pain begins. It's the worst part of the whole process.
But then, the chain starts fading into existence, softly as first, like a haar, getting clearer and heavier until - if you're lucky enough to find the perfect partner - it snaps into being. Then you're hit with this... I don't know how to describe it... this shockwave of euphoria. And it's all worth it. The pain, the hurt. You don't even notice it anymore once your chain has formed.
One soulmate? Are ye daft? No, you don't just get one soulmate per person. This is the real world ye numpty! I've had two chains in my life. Some chains form then fade again, others start off faint and snaps once they've worked at their relationship. For some folk, no chain forms at all - other's don't even get the hook! - then you know you're completely wrong for each other. But then... I've seen couples who were full-on toxic and they've got a perfectly formed chain between them so who am I to judge?
And as I'm standing here, the echo of a steel door colliding with a man's face reverberating around my skull, I'm reminded of the very few who snap right from the very beginning. Punk's was like that. I can see it now, his chain snaking around my feet as he lies there, coughing up his own blood.
I've known Punk a long time so I can still remember it happening. When him and AJ began making out sloppy style in front of the cameras and the two of them parted with a wince to find the hooks digging their way into their hearts. The chain was already manifesting then too.
Must have spooked them because their instant reaction was to run in the opposite direction, straight into another's arms. But it's always the same with these things; once you've seen that chain, you start to wonder. From what I heard, the very instant they decided to give it a go between them, the chain snapped with a blinding light. It's been the same ever since, even through some very trying times for them both.
I hate that fucking chain. Just another reminder of something he doesn't deserve. Isn't it enough that's he's held all the gold, all the prestige, all the accolades and respect and devotion of his mindless fans when he's nothing but a cancer in every locker-room he's ever been in. How could he possibly deserve the girl too? And the dog?
And the chain?
He doesn't!
If I could, I would smash that chain to pieces but I can't. It's sitting right there by my toe at this very moment, but if I move my boot, it just ghosts through it like an illusion. I can grab my own chain, but nobody else's.
The hook, however...
The doors begin to open and I'm reminded of why I came. Grabbing Punk, I haul him over my shoulders and march my way into the bowels of the arena, heading straight for gorilla.
This is Chicago. Punk's home crowd. They love him here, always have and always will. No matter how much of a prick he is or how many sins he commits against others.
Like me!
Less than a week ago, I was in front of my home crowd. Unlike Punk, I had to fight to get a PLE in my home, to bring the WWE to Scotland. It took years but I finally got through to the higher-ups and convinced them that my bonnie wee country was ripe for a major event and that the crowd would raise the roof. I was proven right! They welcomed us with open arms and brought the energy, flooding the OVO Hydro with ear-splitting noise.
Was there any doubt? After all - no Scotland, no party!
But for me personally, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. After all those years of being snubbed, of being overlooked, called a Chosen One by the boss then getting fired and dumped on my arse like yesterday's rubbish, I was finally going to get my time in the spotlight. I was the main-event, competing for the World Heavyweight Title and I was going to win it. How could I not with my people cheering me on, their support the wind in my sails, spurring me to greatness.
But Punk stole that all away from me! Why? How was it fair? I could have gone down in history, inspired a whole new generation of Scottish wrestlers! We're only a country of around five million - Chicago itself has half of that alone! Didn't we deserve our share of the glory? Weren't we allowed to believe for a single bloody night that we could be more?
But no! He left me lying on my back in my home town, clutching my bawsack where his stupid over-priced trainer had struck me. A cheap shot, like the cheap-arse bastard he is!
I'm here to repay the favour. Finally punching my way through the curtain, I stand at the top of the ramp, the jeers ringing out all around me, feeding me. I let them get a good eyeful of their so-called 'hero' slung across my shoulder like a stag I shot in the woods. Then I throw him to the ground. He lands with a satisfying crunch, a tangle of noodle limbs and blood splatters.
The noise increases. I lap it all up like a sponge. Punk's been lucky enough to triumph in front of these people. The roar they made when he faced Cena at Money in the Bank was deafening, became something of legend in its own right. He won it for them, then tore off through the crowd with his stolen prize and they loved him for it. Guy isn't even from Chicago! He's from fucking Lockport!
(But then, I guess the same could be said for me and Glasgow. I'm from Ayr, thirty odd miles away but I started out there, lived there, worked there, made my reputation there and rebuilt it there when everything seemed lost. My heart belongs to Glasgow. Guess Punk feels the same about Chicago.)
But it's not the only thing his heart belongs to, is it?
I crouch down. Punk is still reeling from the head blows and barely registers me looming in so close. I can hear his raspy breaths, see his chest quivering up and down. I then spy his hook half-embedded, off-centre to the left.
It's considered the height of moral corruption to touch another person's hook. Degenerate, perverted, an abomination. Like cooking a meal for a guest with your own shit. Yet, as my hand draws near to it, my fingers trembling, I feel a spark of electricity dancing through my nervous system. A frenzied anticipation that I can't quash. It screams through my veins as my fist wraps around the hook, feeling the weighty bulk of it on my palm.
Then I yank on it.
Punk's whole body jerks and his eyes leap open but it's too late. There's nothing he can do as I pull on his hook like King Arthur with his sword trapped in stone. It's stuck deep! I am no weakling by any stretch of the imagination but it still takes me all of my strength over several attempts to finally wrench it free.
It slurps loose with a wet squelch. Punk tries to scream but his voice is trapped in his throat beneath a fresh pouring of blood. His blood smears my hands too, falling freely from the grisly hook as I stand again, taking it with me. I admire it. It's not large, slightly bigger than my palm, and is marred with wear and tear, much like its owner.
However, up close, it shines. I had never noticed it before. How, when the light hits, it glints a golden hue that sparkles. It's dazzling. I suddenly feel the burden of having something I shouldn't in my possession, like a British archeologist taking an Ancient Egyptian mummy from its tomb. I'm every bit as fascinated by it too, stroking my hand over it, dirtying my fingers even more with Punk's blood.
'No...' Punk feebly whines. The lady doth protest, it seems.
The outcry from the mob is thunderous but I'm already tuning it out. All I care about is the golden sickle in my hand and the chain that dangles from it, so flawless and beautiful and-
I hitch a breath! The chain! I can... feel it! Solid in my hand, like magic. I'm too shocked to wonder why but every instinct in me is shrieking to test the limits of my newfound power. I grab the chain in both of my large hands. There's a rhythmic sensation like a pulse running through it, and it's so warm. Like something small and fragile and living. A captured rabbit, trembling in my grasp before I twist its neck.
I yank hard and the chain cleaves straight in two. I hear a horror-filled cry. It was Punk! Ohh, he felt that! I enjoyed that sound! Gathering up the tattered remains of his chain, I consider breaking another piece to hear that delicious squeal again when I'm distracted by the gaping hollow in his chest. A gruesome wound, wide like an open mouth. I'm actually shocked to feel a burning desire between my legs, thoughts of sticking my dick in there and fucking that cavity raw like a pussy. Shoving my hand in to hold his heart in my palm, feel it pound with terror as I squeeze it tighter. Could even just lower my breeks and piss right in there, why not? Wee shite deserves it!
But before I can do anything, I hear an angry shout and there is Nick Aldis himself. Fucking cock-blocker that he is! I'm raging at the interruption and shove him back but he's swarmed by his lackeys and I'm forced to retreat for now.
I take one last look at Punk's mangled body. What was it you said Punk? That you would "break my heart"? Did that make you feel like a big man, eh? Some kind of Johnny Big Baws? Well once again, you proved how empty your promises are and showed everybody that your sweet sentiments are hollow.
Now you have a chest cavity to match!
I pocket my prize, the blood tainting the lining of my jeans. I tap it lovingly, enjoying the solid mass of hook and broken chain through the denim.
I'll hold onto it for now Punky. For safe-keeping. Maybe, just maybe, if I feel like it, I might try it on for size. See how it is to have a little piece of you inside of me.
For a fleeting moment, I think my own chain flickers, but I'm sure it's just a trick of the light. Hope Kaitlyn didn't notice.
They're loading Punk into a stretcher now. Strapping his stupid, bloodied face into a neck brace. He looks so small and pathetic without his chain, but that's what I want!
A boat without its anchor.
Cast adrift.
Waiting helplessly for the monster from the deep to wrap its tentacles around and swallow it whole.
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alwaysoc · 2 months
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#YES! GIVE ME THAT FANFIC ANGST!#IT'LL MAKE ME CRY BUT IT'S WORTH IT!#it's just so rare to see Katarina so self-depricating in the first place#but now she has good reason to be#if I was her I would be too!#Hamefura#honestly On The Verge of Doom is SO much better than I thought it would be!#like new plot#new struggles#Katarina's done a lot of horrid things but she's desperately trying to make up for them#hustle hustle hustle!#my poor baby doesn't have a big harem that she personally helped to rely on#like Alan and Keith (Keith especially) are such DIFFERENT people!#Alan Nicol and Sophia hardly appear#and only Geordo (and maybe Mary and Maria) seem to actually be lovestruck and that isn't until towards the end#this means that lots of the characters also act differently with each other!#Keith and Geordo don't have a rivalry and it's more of like a “Keep her safe will you?”#we get more insight into Maria being all insecure and don't see her mother at all#because even if Katarina still wanted to see how real fields looked#she wouldn't have any reason to go to Maria's hometown if she feels like she's made Maria suffer so heavily!#which makes sense#I adore that there's more focus on sword fighting too!#also Sienna is the sweetest baby ever! it's a shame that she doesn't appear at all in canon but it makes sense#anyway! yes! Verge of Doom is good!#I finished it all in one four-hour take!#I wouldn't mind getting maybe an anime spin-off based on Verge of Doom#goooosh! I love it! I'm going to go read some fluffy fanfic stuff now!
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Yeah, I've seen the 1 min 30 Izzy teaser. I've seen it many times. I'm choosing to not go crazy on here because the second I do, I will abandon my WIP, and spend all day going in mental loops.
I'm just stuck on feelings of- 'damn we were right' (happy) and 'oh, damn, we were right' (devastated).
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mutiny-huyutiny · 11 months
 hm. does someone wanna. some burakhovsky rp. ru\eng. 
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kahluah · 11 months
The reason people like storyboards better is because current Chelsea is an awful twist villain, literally only motivation is " I'm a flipping Mermaid" and a one-dimensional character , the twist villain is obvious, the trident is a Chekov's gun nobody's denying that, the I'm Nerissa is a Hans-level asspull, it has nothing to do with shipping, the twist trades their friends dynamic for nothing in exchange. People don't dislike the twist because of shipping, people dislike awful twist villains.
The reason for the switch was Shock Value and a way to have Agatha without blood on her hands, as per the Instagram posts.
You can tell it's a last minute switch by the murals, where the mermaids are depicted as adults. Good luck portraying the mermaid-kraken war in the future when they're all teenagers.
I think everyone was going into the movie knowing that the mermaid was going to be the villain, especially because of the marketing it had. The movie outright told us mermaids are selfish and bad. The fact that the mermaid is selfish and bad in the end like we were told isn't shocking... We were told... and you also just said it was obvious... Hans was a shock value twist villain because there was no foreshadowing leading to it. Chelsea/Nerissa was simple and predictable but I wouldn't say shocking.
Having Chelsea also be a teenager and pretending to be Ruby's friend as she manipulates her into getting the Trident doesn't add anything substantial to the narrative. You still have her manipulating Ruby for her own gain, all that's really different is that it isn't as strong of a connection to the narrative of "Ruby and her relationships with women in her life" because we've now made her a peer instead. The exact same plot happens... Ruby listens to the idea, thinks it's good, gets the training, gets the Trident, oh no the mermaid is evil, they all come together to beat the mermaid. Like her age has zero impact on the overall "the mermaid is the bad guy" plot of the movie, there will still be a friendship montage and bonding and whatnot because that's the hustle she is pulling, but having her be older ties her story to the theme better than if she was a teenager. Her being a teenager gives the story nothing in exchange.
I've seen people saying it adds depth to the character of Chelsea because then she's not only trying to kill all the Krakens and rule over everything as a tyrant Queen, she's also trying to avenge her mother! You know, the mother that also wanted to overthrow and kill the krakens, so she found a weapon that could do it so that she could be tyrant Queen of everything. It sure is an extra layer to the character, but is that really a layer you guys want? I get that people love to pull out the morally-grey card and have stories do the "both sides are bad" thing, but for the info we got in the movie, the mermaids were the instigators. And once again, the info we have on the mermaids being "opposed and in hiding" comes from our bad guy who, even if she was a teenager, is still a liar and manipulator.
Like as far as real life goes fuck monarchies and the ruling class,,, but this is a movie aimed at younger kids and we have no reason to doubt the lore from Grand Mama being wrong while we have all the reason to doubt what Chelsea says no matter her age.
With what was in the movie, even if we went back to cover more of the war to flesh out teenage Chelsea and her motivations, the Trident would still be your Chekov's gun, and the villain Nerissa would still have the awful motivation of "I'm a flipping mermaid". This would add a story theme of 'history repeats itself' which is something I don't think they were aiming for.
If they kept blood on Agatha's hands by having her kill Nerissa, it would totally add depth to her part of the narrative and how she relates to her mother and ran away so Ruby wouldn't have to grow up in a post-war warlord household setting. I would feel bad that she got blood on her hands when she may not have wanted to. I don't feel bad that she killed someone who was very much trying to kill her people on purpose in a bid for power.
And for your last bit, of it being a last minute change because the murals don't look like teenagers. Let's just put aside the fact that they are stylized. Are you trying to say that adults can't look young like that? That there aren't adults that appear younger than their age because of whatever various reasons there are that cause that exact thing to happen? For mermaids it might just be a quirk of the species. But I will not have anyone using some form of "they look like a teenager so they can't be an adult" as some sort of proof on my blog because being an adult mistaken as a teenager has been a good fucking chunk of my life. I go to a restaurant with my family and we get asked "do you need a kids menu?". There are many middle schoolers taller than me. If people really look at my face they guess I'm around high school age, physical appearance plays a lot into perception of age and having someone who is extremely short, and cis female with absolutely zero signs of boobs makes 14-16 really popular estimations. They are very much wrong and have been so for over a decade. So I personally find it incredibly possible that mermaids might just look like that.
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thatlittledandere · 2 years
Ao3 antis are so fucking funny honestly "this 30-year-old (a crime in and of itself) wrote an imaginary story where imaginary bad things happen to my imaginary blorbo but when I told them to die a violent death I got flagged for harassment??" Honey I know being 16 does fucky things to your brain but do you hear yourself
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superbluebirdgirl · 3 months
Okay I don't wanna be a shipping drama person but I've seen some people refer to the stuff Jeff does to Abed in season 6 as "toxic yaoi" or "omg they're so chaotic uwu" and other stuff like that, and I'm sorry but that's always grossed me out given how the stuff Jeff does to Abed in that season lines up so much with abuse done to autistic people in the real world. Like I know that isn't people's intent or anything and I'm not trying to cancel anybody here, I just think it's really weird.
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
The THING is. When people (I am including myself in this) try to talk about how "Why is there overall less of an emphasis on women's stories and female characters and f/f shipping, especially when according to the stats we see being shared, fandom is significantly populated by queer women, hmm this seems a bit strange," there's ALMOST ALWAYS this assumption that it comes from a place of gender essentialism or purity culture or hating every single man for existing or something. ARE there some people who mean that? Yeah, there are going to be people like that in EVERY group of people who try to talk about anything. But when people complain about this, it's most generally because WE EXPERIENCE STRUCTURAL MISOGYNY IRL, AND NOW WE ARE EXPERIENCING THE SAME SOCIAL EFFECTS WITHIN SOMETHING THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE "FUN." THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
And this goes for when people try to talk about racism in fandom spaces as well. And ableism. And transphobia. And any other form of prejudice you can think of. Is talking about this in one (1) context that is not directly political going to forever eliminate bigotry? No. Obviously not. But the thing about systemic bias and prejudice is that IT IS PRESENT AT EVERY LEVEL, EVEN THE "FUN" ONES.
#THERE IS NUANCE IN THIS CONVERSATION#fandom misogyny#misogyny in fandom#like...honestly I don't think the Main Problem re: ignoring stories about women or the women in stories is Fetshizing MLM™ actually.#I mean there's some of that that goes on. there's some of that that goes on in regard to characters of color or trans narratives or f/f#media too. there are people who dehumanize people through over-sexualization in EVERY context unfortunately. HOWEVER. I AM#wondering how much of that assumption comes from an attempt to explain the disparity between the focus on queer men#& queer women. personally I think a lot more of it is related to misogyny than we think it is but I'm not omniscient I'm just evaluating#things in accordance to dialogue I've observed and my own personal life experience which is ADMITTEDLY IMPERFECT AND INCOMPLETE#(you have NO IDEA how much shit I've gotten over the years simply for being a woman and no other reason.)#(and if it wasn't for being a woman it was for being disabled)#(and there's a particular intersection of THOSE things I feel like there could be more discussion about too)#and the thing about 'fandom isn't activism' is about how IT SHOULDN'T BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR REAL-WORLD EFFORTS.#it's about how YOU CANNOT ACTUALLY HARM FICTIONAL CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REAL.#it doesn't mean 'we never examine personal bias at all because this is a hobby'. I played soccer as a hobby once. I danced as a hobby once.#the sports and dance worlds are still affected by bias and prejudice and that should be discussed and evaluated accordingly#fandom is still MADE UP OF real people. and the people who create and/or act in the pieces of media that spawn fandoms#ARE ALSO real people. looking at the effects ON THOSE /REAL PEOPLE/ is still important in understanding structural prejudice and#oppression. (and...lbr. how many actresses and poc have gotten harassment and threats just for playing a character. for having the#audacity to exist in a popular piece of media as a woman or poc. because. the number is. distressingly high.)#(I myself have been the target of shitty forms of harassment just for DRESSING UP AS AN UNPOPULAR FEMALE CHARACTER AT A CONVENTION)#it might be one thing if all of this NEVER translated into how people viewed and affected real life people. if it ALWAYS stayed within the#context of playing around with fictional characters BUT IT RARELY DOES! IF EVER!!!#anyway I say nothing new but I saw something that made me angry. and until people Get It™ I am going to keep screaming about it#y'all knew what you signed up for :)#you know what I'm not even going to tag this with my general conversation tag for this phenomenon because I think people need to#see this occasionally
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running-in-the-dark · 11 months
the most infuriating thing in a book is when there's someone who's constantly lying about things they said to the main character, things that happened and stuff like that, and it causes problems. and yet the main character doesn't at any point think to use their fucking smartphone (that they definitely own because it has been mentioned several times) to record any conversations they have.
like I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. at least write in a reason why they can't do that (phone is broken and they can't get a new one for some reason, the other person keeps surprising them in some way that makes it impossible to start recording, they can't find their phone because the other person hid it, etc.) or that the recordings are gone when they want to use them as proof (phone gets destroyed later, other person deletes recordings, etc.) or literally any reason why they don't think to do it.
security cameras are also a thing that I'm pretty sure everyone knows you can just buy for your own home at this point. they're not expensive. they're not hard to get.
honestly if this happens for let's say the fifth time and it's causing you massive problems, maybe... just maybe... you're a bit of an idiot for not at least trying to get some sort of proof.
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astrxealis · 2 years
going to make my byf clearer with some stuff soon >___<
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nudne · 2 years
the "sometimes the curtains are just blue!" crowd taking it one step further by spreading nazi symbols and imagery because "the nazi origins of this meme don't mean anything, sometimes a funny post is just a funny post!"
(which i have just seen written as a comment on a post made by a jewish person who was pointing out how people knowingly reblogging nazi memes is actually antisemitic)
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delku · 2 years
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#something about taking a bat to a hornet's nest whatever#i don't have any hard evidence for this. but i shouldn't need it either.#it's like... these aus like to take out or add consonants at random. there's no logic to it besides othering the alien characters away#from the human characters.#there's no linguistic merit to these name changes. they aren't speaking a real language.#by 'different languages' i'm including made-up languages. these garbled names aren't based on an established system.#but even if i were - and these aus had that inconceivable level of effort poured into them - it would still raise questions about#changing the extant names of these characters when the story you're writing is written in english.#you are butchering the names of characters who originate from a story written in a different language. that shit is disrespectful#unless you're being very. Very careful about it. and i sincerely doubt any of the kids doing this care very much at all#about the shit they're perpetuating by doing this.#because they don't know about it. which isn't an excuse. just leave their names be if you want to write a space odyssey#by 'being careful about it' i mean you have to know what you're doing and be aware of the ways it could go wrong#and do everything you can to mitigate that. i personally don't know if the effort is worth it for a fanfic#but someone out there might. who knows. i don't. that sounds like a ton of work#oh and this doesn't even touch on the fuckery of the changed names themselves. hoo fucking boy#'i need my characters to look like they're foreign. i know! i'll make their names into complete gibberish!'#that's not how language works. it is however very telling that these people behave like that's how language works.
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vaguely-concerned · 9 days
I understand and agree with a lot of the frustrations about the shortcomings of Inquisition as a story. but sometimes when I hear people complain about the chosen one narrative in it I do want to just be like... you know it's a deconstruction of the concept more than anything, right. the inquisitor isn't actually chosen by anything except stumbling into the wrong (right?) room at the right (wrong?) time because they like, heard a noise or whatever. or if you think they are chosen, as many do in-universe, that's something you have to take on faith, the maker-or-whoever moves in mysterious ways indeed-style. the Inquisitor isn't actually a Destined Chosen One, they're a Just Some Guy in a fancy hat, self-delusions of grandeur to taste as you'd prefer.
a running thread that goes through all of the personal quests of the companions is the concept of a comforting lie vs. an uncomfortable truth, upholding old corrupt structures vs. disrupting them, and the role of faith in navigating that. (blackwall the warden vs. thom rainier the liar and murderer. hissrad vs. the iron bull, or is that the other way around? cassandra and the seekers -- do we tell the truth about what we find, even if it means dismantling the old order of the world? and so on.) and your inquisitor IS at the same time a comforting lie (a necessary one, in dark times? the game seems to ask) and an uncomfortable truth (we are the result of random fickle chance, no protective hand is held over the universe, it's on us to make a better world because the maker sure as hell won't lift a divine finger to help anyone, should he against all odds exist). faith wielded for political power... where's the point that it crosses the line into ugliness? is it before it even begins? what's the alternative? will anyone listen to the truth, if you tell it?
interesting how you also get a mix of companion agency in this -- you have characters like dorian who ALWAYS choose one side of the comforting lie vs. uncomfortable truth dichotomy. he will always make up his own mind to go back to tevinter and try to dismantle the corruption of the old system no matter what you say, or how you try to influence him. meanwhile iron bull is on the complete opposite side of the spectrum -- so psychologically trapped and mangled, caught in an impossible spiritual catch-22, that his sense of identity is left entirely to you and your mercy. you cannot change dorian in any way that matters; you can be his friend or not, support him or not, but he is whole no matter what. you are given incredible and potentially destructive-to-him power over bull's soul. it's really cool (and heartbreaking) to think about.
this is a game about how history will eat you even while you're still alive, and shape you into whatever image it pleases to serve it, and for all your incredible power right now you are powerless in the face of the gravitational force of time -- of more than time, of History. you won't recognize yourself in what History will make of you, because you belong to it now. you don't belong to yourself anymore and you never will again. the further you were from what it needs from you to begin with, the more you will find yourself distorted in its funhouse mirror. (why hello there inquisitor ameridan, same hat!)
and to me this is so much the core of what Dragon Age is about right from the Origins days -- how and by whom history gets written, the inherent unreliable narration of it all. I hope you like stories, Inquisitor. You are one now.
I do think it's probably still the weakest of the games narratively, and it's hampered by its structure and bloated systems. but I also find it disingenous to say that there's nothing deeper or actually interesting going on with it, thematically. if you're willing to engage with it there is Some Real Shit going on under the high fantasy-tinted surface.
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