#I mean if that isn’t the charm of mcrp then what is
applespider · 1 year
Also if it ends up being true that everyone on the island already had connections to the Federation before joining, how is that gonna fit into Cellbit’s wack-ass backstory. Not to mention fucking IronMouse. You know, Satan herself?!
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sapphic-robyn · 5 years
why Quinn’s Lie is the best high school mcrp ever
in this essay I will convince everyone to watch Quinn’s Lie and stan the absolute living fuck out of it
if you haven’t watched Quinn’s Lie, I highly recommend it. if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read this until you’ve finished the season.
Quinn herself is a beautiful main character.
Quinn is a character with more inner conflict and problems than any Aphmau character I’ve ever seen. the main thing I love about Quinn’s Lie is how realistic it is: every event that happens in the story can and absolutely could happen to any highschool kid. A lot of the same stuff has even happened to me.
Quinn is an amazing and relatable main character. she doesn’t feel like she fits in with her friends at all, as she likes to stay holed up in her room and play video games all day. whenever she talks about her interests, her friends playfully tease her about it, but they don’t know that their teases are actually hurting her. this has happened to me so many times, and I’m sure it’s happened to other people too.
Quinn finds solace in new friends who really do understand her, and she begins to make bad decisions because of it. she starts seeing Malachi, even though he makes her skip school and get in trouble. she’s making bad decisions, but can’t see past the fact that these people she’s hanging out with are making her happy. she’s willing to risk her wellbeing for a scrap of happiness.
The friend conflict.
I touched on this in the last reason. Quinn doesn’t feel like she fits in with her friends because they judge and tease her about her interests.
This happens to me and probably a ton of people a lot. I really enjoy mcrp and several series of books, but my friends always make fun of me for liking stuff that should be “meant for kids.” I never tell them about my cosplays or anything like that. the only people I tell about that kind of stuff are a certain group of people on Instagram. sometimes it feels like you have to drop your old friends just to be happy. it isn’t always the case - you can always have friends in multiple circles - but balancing the two can be extremely stressful and make you anxious, like seen in Quinn’s Lie.
It handles mental health beautifully.
Trigger warning!!!!! mention of suicide
Hayley has never come out and officially stated that Quinn was suicidal in episode 6 when she runs away, but it’s heavily inferred. When I first watched The scene where Quinn goes up to the rooftop after she runs out of school, I genuinely thought she was going to attempt to kill herself. Quinn has a panic attack after getting sent to the principal’s office and runs away, not bothering to tell her friends or Malachi where she is.
When Bowen finds her on the rooftop, she’s recounting all the reasons she’s a bad person. Bowen seems panicked, eager to get her to come with him. It’s all what would be found in a speech given to stop a person from killing themselves. Bowen gets forceful near the end, shouting in an effort to tell Quinn that she’s beautiful even without Malachi’s intervention.
Quinn is also able to have a very open and relaxed conversation with her mother about how she’s been feeling and about Bowen. Phoebe and Quinn have an extraordinary relationship, similar to best friends that can tell each other anything. Quinn spills out her feelings to her mother, something that is rarely seen in MCRP and real life alike. I’ve said this before, but Phoebe is a rockstar mom to have raised Quinn all by herself without Markus, and to raise her so well. it’s only until Quinn meets Malachi that the tight bond between Phoebe and Quinn starts to break.
Believeable and well rounded characters.
Every single character in Quinn’s Lie has a consistent personality and understandable motives. here’s just a few for starters:
Kalea, after finding out that Asher was cheating on her, lashes out at Quinn. Usually, when characters are told they’re being cheated on, they break down and cry on the spot. Though Kalea after rashly and in the moment, this shows that she has a strong loyalty to Asher and it keeps theme with her personality. In fact, the fact that Kalea says that she wants to apologize to Quinn is amazing. Kalea admits what she did was wrong and wants to make it up to Quinn.
Teegan stands with Quinn through everything she goes through. Teegan is always looking out for Quinn, and will really do anything for her. Teegan is the first person Phoebe calls when Quinn goes missing. she immediately helps Quinn when she thinks she’s pregnant. The girl goes out of her way to go to a party - which, she isn’t comfortable with, mind you - and NOT hang out with the love of her life. She isn’t there for Wesley; she’s there for Quinn. Teegan is a definition of chicks before dicks. She does what’s best for Quinn, even if Quinn doesn’t listen.
Bowen is a stellar character and Prince Charming. Hayley has said that she doesn’t exactly like the ending of Quinn’s Lie because of how cliche it is, but we’re not talking about that. From the moment Bowen meets Quinn, he’s thinking ahead about her future if she began to hang out with his friends. He’s fully aware about how bad Malachi is and what a bad influence he is on her. Bowen tries his best to do what’s right for Quinn by not talking to her, even though it means hurting her feelings. He takes into stride Quinn’s feelings and future over his. Bowen is fully aware of his feelings for Quinn, but pushes them aside because he doesn’t want her getting hurt more than she already was.
These are just THREE of the characters from Quinn’s Lie. They get a lot better in Riverside U, too - Sierra is a feminist, Jocelyn is a bisexual/lesbian, and Faye, despite being an emo loner for all of high school, breaks out of her shell and becomes a cheerleader. Every single character in Quinn’s Lie is beautiful and well rounded. I could go on forever talking about how great each one is.
this concludes my late night ted talk about Quinn’s Lie. It’s a beautiful mcrp, and I highly recommend you watch it. 💕✨
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