#I mean I will repeat one hundred more time that fanfics are really hard for me to read... I just can't concentrate on that for a long time
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@keferon OKAY BUT LISTEN YEAH I would loved if it was just fun ehehehe and sassy flirting with the demon no one sees pfffht, literally summoned a demon just to flirt with, and I guess it could have been going for a long time, just little strips with their funny adventures and then plot can go to the fact that he wants to give him a body and Shockwave would agree or that they just stay the way they are and just hang out like this together (Alo I remember that you wanted to put Ratchet (I keep writing Ratched instead of Ratchet buuuh) and Drift in it as another demon and their summoner thing whghweghgwe but I like how you made two separate stories for them that happen at the same time, okay I am actually PRETTY MUCH invested in this story, I like a lot how it goes and gets tangled and how mixes up with idw ideas and other stuff a lot)
BUT NOW that you changed it that way, you made a few more things that reader might be interested a lot in, like that promise he made and you mentioning that he will regret it, how their relationship progressively develops, plus the fact that Blurr was a frivolous slob gifted with dark magic AND how the tables turn upside dow and he get consequences for what he did in the most unpredictable way for him and how he surely changes in his behaviour, getting more and more concerned about his promise and maybe truly loving someone for the first time in his life and wanting to change something. And then figuring out that that same demon actually was a person before, someone he knew, someone respectable, kind, shiny, absolut sun of a person, who died (I am still on my knees waiting to know how exactly he died...) miserably to the point that he absolutely can't stand his life as a demon and NOT EVEN being able to kill himself!!! And Blurr was a pupil in his school, he saw him, he gifted him an ability to make his magic work for him, gave the freedom to live among everyone to all who was poisoned with this dark magic. OH WAITA HGSDHAG the thing that beastformers can't walk among transformers and the fact that dark spellers also could not, and how these events happen at a close times, OKAY so dark spellers got their kind of freedom thanks to Senator Shockwave (OH MY GOD what if Orion can see Shockwave and will recognise him right away COUGH) BUT I am wondering if beastformers will get some kind of an official declaration or some kind of school to be educated in and I wonder if Deadlock/Drift (I think after leaving he will change his name from the last episode...) will volunteer to be a teacher t be something more, or he will just end up with Ratchet wandering around the world, or maybe there will be a whole damn revolution where all monoformers and beastformers leaded by Drift go against the system, and maybe these events happen at the same time as a Senator Shockwave fighting for the rights of gifted... Okay I'm getting carried a little bit ahsghag excuse me... OH I GOT carried away A LOT I wanted to get back to the point that Blurr, now figuring out the past of Shocwave, dealing with all the events, dealing with what he has done and find a way to free them, at the same time STILL having adventures and fun since I'm sure he can be a good mood lifter to moody Shockwave and even see him in a really good mood since he is... well, not just a demon made of hatred but the wonderful kind of person in his previous life... (okay being carried away but what if Orion might declare the freedom to beastformers (AJHGAJHSDJAH OH MY GOD I IMAGINED JAZZ AS A PANDA HAVING A ROMAN WITH PROWL AND PROWL NOT KNOWING ABOUT IT OKAY SORRY) after seeing what it lead to after Senator Shockwave. And maybe Ratchet will be able to get his sign back freely after revolution will be successful or he will be forever blind just to be free and safe with his husband OKAY LISTEN I think it is obvious that I really like the thing you do....
#I mean I will repeat one hundred more time that fanfics are really hard for me to read... I just can't concentrate on that for a long time#if they are not VERY good.. usually it is much easier for me to read real books#So I know little about characters slowly reading idw and I can't just jump on plenty of fics and just look at them from afar#But such little comic... yeah#the characters in them are understandable for me you put emotion in them and growth that I can easily read on and just observing things#also it is much easier for me to see a ready pictures to jump on something to animate and it goes so smoothly that I still wonder how you d#it and I am absolutely not okay about this fact pfffht#Aaaaah why am I saying all that... where from I started and where I was leading to...#I THINK I JUST WILL SAY AGAIN THAT I LIKE THIS AU WHEEEEEEEZE#Also rewatched your tags under First Aid and... I forgot the name *cough* you can see how good I am with names VORTEZ! Fixed ehfghasghagfe#And yeah ahsghdgahg... I can't read such fics. I like when I see that characters can stand for themselves and it isn't an abuse....#I mean it is okay to show the hell they go through BUT only if from both sides#I didn't read ShockBlurr fics but from what I've been hearing from you both... I wouldn't like it#So I'm happy I come across your version of them and I LIKE IT#And I LIKE the First Aid pair with Vortex if I see a good version of them#I mean in idw he is *muah* put him in a blender but I don't see a good way of using his perks and First Aid's perks good together#They both are maniacs PFFFFHT so yeah... fics disappoint me and I barely read them even if to get better at understanding characters#So I'm happy about what you do since I am very slow at getting into stories like transformers even if I like it
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*Editing to add that I do not feel like anyone owes me anything just because I shared something. I also did not notice how the tone of the original post comes across. I was in a dark place mentally when I came across this post and felt like joining in the silent screaming. I will leave my post as is, though, since I do think it is important to support each other in our fandom communities. I am guilty of saving stuff to read later and then never go back to it because I forgot or got distracted and couldn’t focus on it. I have four pages of “read later” bookmarks and I have not checked any of them. Some of those fics have sadly been deleted. I will never get to see them again, and I never even read them. I sometimes wonder if I had left kudos or a comment on the first chapter saying something like “this looks really interesting so far! Thank you for sharing!”, if that would have stopped the author from deleting their work. They are entitled to their privacy and feelings, but I always feel a little guilty when something I looked at disappears.
I did reread a fic I loved before I even had my own AO3 account, over a year ago. The fic did not have a single comment on it. I know it’s hard to think of what to say sometimes. One of my fic comments was just the code for “nth kudos”. The author loved it.
I would love a <3. Just knowing someone cares about something I spent time and energy on when I didn’t have much energy for anything else means a lot. I reread comments when I need a little mood boost. I have made friends through fan fic comments. Seriously! Real life friends! Just because they liked something I wrote! And I still find fans of my ancient cringey Fanfic. net fics. I didn’t think anyone remembered me except for my friends.
I write for myself, primarily, my friends secondary, and my fellow fans who I know would love this particular story. But I also write because I want to connect with other people. I don’t need accolades or an award or anything. I certainly was not paid for the fifteen months I spent writing almost nonstop and the hundreds of dollars I spent on research material, trying to get my fic as close to how I imagined it as possible. (I will never repeat that endeavor again. It burned me out physically and mentally.)
I used to write original stories with the intention of publishing them, but I was overwhelmed by all of the responsibilities and expenses an author has to foot just to share what they write with the world through a publisher.
Most publishers and agents posted that they would not accept unsolicited manuscripts back when I was researching how to get my work published. Agents posted what they were looking for, and most of them requested that the manuscript be professionally edited first. Editors charged several cents per word. Yes. Per. Word. So a 100,000 word novella, at five cents per word, would have cost a pretty penny for an unemployed college student like me. I ended up removing some extraneous characters, and I still went over my budget for editing. I got to the point that my dyslexic brain could not read my writing any more. I skipped entire paragraphs. There was no way I could finish editing my story, even with the help of a professional editor. I didn’t have the executive function to focus enough to apply any suggestions.
Yes, I could self publish. But there were a lot of publishers ten years ago who had clauses saying they would not make a contract with a self published author. There was also the lack of publicity for a self published book, and the risk that the server it’s saved on would be compromised some day. Nowadays, there’s the risk that a digital manuscript could be recycled and regurgitated by an AI editor. I’d rather not share my original character names with a bot, thanks…
Fan fic seemed like a safe way to find fans, and establish a name for myself before I venture into self publishing, but I ended up enjoying writing fan fic so much, I have not gone back to my original stories! I love working with already developed worlds and characters and having the freedom to flesh them out without having to introduce them first. I enjoy the freedom of sharing story ideas and discussing characters with other people who recognize and love the characters as much as I do, without having to put a part of myself out there for scrutiny. I’m also learning what my writing style is, and what areas I’m weak in. My strengths as a writer are not enough to compensate for my weaknesses yet. Maybe someday I will get back to working on my original fics and characters. Right now, I’m happy sharing my story ideas and character headcanons with friends and fellow fans. Connection is what I need right now, more than anything.

Had to share this here because you're right and you should say it. It's incredible how many people came out of the woodwork as soon as AO3 was down and suddenly had no compunctions at all about screaming how much they love and need fanfic--on the AO3 twitter. Is it so much harder to do in the comment section?
At this point I don't care anymore if people call me entitled or think I'm out of line. If fanfic is so meaningful to you that you cannot go half an hour without, let alone 24h, then you can get over yourself long enough to write a fucking comment. No excuses.
"writing comments is hard and scary" yeah well GUESS WHAT so is writing fanfics. fandom as a community is dying, because it is instead treated as a COMMODITY, a CONSUMER PRODUCT. We're not asking for much. We're asking for a CONNECTION. We don't want to sell, we want to share.
You've shown your hand. You've admitted you cannot live without us. Now ACT LIKE IT. Go write a fucking comment.
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Can you do a draco x reader with us watching a film and reader saying how they’re crushing over a certain character
𝘭𝘦𝘰’𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k (1674)
authors note: just pretend that the battle of hogwarts never happened— that event ruins everything :/ and thanks for requesting !! it made me get a lot more inspiration to finish my other wips <3

masterlist. // taglist form. // request more works.
the room smelled of freshly buttered popcorn, soft drinks, and unhealthy snacks and for the same reason the night celebration was in place, strong mint gum. tonight was cleared, a time for you and draco to just relax, cuddle up within each other and have a break from everything going around.
the years after graduating a boarding school were life changing, even wizards themselves who could conjure up almost anything they’d ever want or possibly dream of but still, it was the time of realization for who and what you wanted to be.
and yes, there were the newts but they didn’t help much once you really got a look into the real world. many had found a passion in something that seemed wondrous— more fun. traveling and exploring the world, maybe even discovering more mystical creatures that hadn’t been learned in a simple care of magical creatures class and weren't seen in their own time because their parents didn't have the resources.
and some were set on everything but those test scores, a family business awaiting their sole airs take over and draco well, he was a part of that some. and surprisingly enough, even after all that time and all of those expectations set on him to live up to and stay in his family standard, he didn’t, and it was much to your encouragement.
his interest in healing sprung up in his last year of schooling coming to the conclusion that he’d been a prejudiced bully— not that he hadn’t already known that but, of course he did. but once he was left with less than five friends and a girlfriend who was steadily distancing herself further and further away from him, it set in.
so that’s where it started, him identifying nearly all of his mistakes and attempting to heal what had been broken relationships— which most never really did. but it was a change, and a good one at that, it brought him an inner joy, not for the factor of him getting things out of it like you wanting to be in his company more often but that he was mending the seemingly unfixable things.
it made him want to do that and not run a stuffy business that didn't do much but treat their workers poorly and customers even worse so he turned to medicine. observing how so many things lined up with potions, adding the right amount of this, and crushing that up the right way, to make a final product. a product that would soon heal the injured and bring a great smile to both of their faces.
but what he hadn’t realized was that being a healer took time and hard work— almost unusual to someone like him, being constantly handled things and easy ways out but with this, there was no fast tracking or getting anywhere if you didn’t have the right skill set or talents.
so to say he wasn’t ready for it would be a wrong statement. but to say he was exhausted, completely drained of all energy would be completely right. even after all of your cheering on, reminding him that it was only a few more months of studying and one big more test until he’d get to know if he earned his title of healer malfoy.
and usually, that worked, but after tonight after taking that so called big test, his mind was racked with anxiousness. if he didn’t pass, his father would be on his back, telling him how it was a waste of money and how he should've listened to him to that you’d even be disappointed in him— unlikely but as said before, there was nothing but anxious thoughts and anxious scenarios coming through.
so it was painfully clear that your natural remedies wouldn’t work, countless amount of neck kisses and back rubs and muscle soothing not sufficing so you both agreed on the last thing you couldn’t think about, a simple night with the television on, just in each other’s company to try and get his mind off of things—
“you said this was a muggle film, correct?” he called out for confirmation, eyeing the packaging of the movie you called.. the titanic?
“mhm, one of my favorite movies, i just know you’ll love it,” you said from the other side of the living room with a wide smile on your face, near close to beating a cheshire cats. the movie itself was beautiful, you couldn’t lie, the directing and acting brought tears to your eyes almost every time you watched it.
but there was ‘something’ else that could bring tears to your eyes, a gazing stare at the screen whenever his parts would come on.
draco handed you the plastic, allowing you to remove the disk and insert it into the dvd player. you quickly made your way back into the make shift bed made out of blankets and pillows and once the black screen turned green, copyrighted warnings started, you tucked yourself into his awaiting arms.
“why’d you say you loved this again?” he asked for the second time, limbs wrapped around your body as you searched for a response.
“umm, really eye catching.”
and yeah, of course, you were comfortable with him, growing up going to the same school for months at a time and then dating for a good fraction of those years. there was also the memory of a night where you two tirelessly played a game of dare or dare, multitudes of dares coming both your ways to say the most embarrassing, weird, or even azkaban worthy things you’ve done.
but it was something else telling him that you were crushing over a fictional character— who wasn’t even that since the story was true but you were crushing on the actor of that said fictional character that you had no chance with and that, well it was something better left unsaid.
and as it went on, he could see that too, the way your eyes were stuck onto the screen the other blonde was in frame— on the break of amusing how’d the only time your attention would shift is when he’d reach you another piece of popcorn, you offering a grateful smile before focusing back.
your mouth was slightly agape, opening for another piece just how the rhythm had been going, him eating one, him feeding you one, him eating one and so on but now he was beating it further and further away from before your body eventually gave up, falling on his chest.
“hey, why’d you that?” you groaned, annoyed that you were now looking at him from below instead of watching the film.
“why’d you say you picked this again?” his eyes were narrowed down at you, a sly smirk in place. you moved around, trying to remember your excuse and hide the growing smile arising to your face.
“I already told you, it’s eye catching.”
“no,no,no, who’s eye catching?” he asked again, this time correcting himself in order to get a more truthful response. you let out a half embarrassed, half astonished laugh before answering—
“if i tell you, you can’t laugh.” all he did was raise his eyebrows at you, positioning you on his lap, signaling for you to go on with two taps of his finger on your thighs.
“okay well—” you paused, a loss of words and a huff following, “all i’m saying is if jack were to run me over... i’d be the one to apologize.”
your tone of seriousness only made the barks of laughter from the boy underneath you louder, a small pout coming on your face as a response trying to not end up laughing at yourself—
“jack, are you serious? he’s one of the most basic people i’ve seen,” he said through breaths of air, slight tones of jealousy coming out making your head turn in feign sympathy.
“you do know that i’m dating you, right?”
“yea and what’s that supposed to mean?”
“your eyes are blue and hair is blonde and you’re the typical skinny wh—” you started, responding to his defensiveness in the best way possible.
“it sounds like you’re just describing him.” point completely missed. “and so what, what could a fictional character do for you that i couldn’t?” he asked with a smirk, your face saying nothing but unfazed and unamused.
“fine even though if you were listening you'd know that he’s not completely fictional, but everything. would you ever go down with me on an unsinkable ship and then let me survive only the door we could find?” you asked, sighing after like it’d been a dream of yours.
“no. love, take this as me caring for you but i don’t think we’d sink on an unsinkable ship— it’s in the name.”
“were you not listening? and stop, it’s romantic, don’t ruin this for me,” you scolded, lightly hitting his arm.
“they both could’ve gotten on, jack just wasn’t the brightest. and would you really rather date someone that daft over me?” his nose scrunched to further show his disgust, your scoff not failing to sound after.
“know what, if you were a fictional character, no one would like you.”
“sure, i bet i’d have at least two hundred of you treating me like him.” the smugness in his tone was apparent than ever. you loved him, more than anything in the world but, he wasn’t much compared to jack dawson.
and then came the other obstacle, there not being a valid way to prove to someone like him, with such an inflated ego that no one would like a fictional character version of him. and when you repeated that, he was extremely butt hurt, still allowing his arms to reopen for you to snuggle back in.
single moments passed, another film starting to ease the argument before he spitefully grumbled, “i’d have people all over me.”
“no you wouldn’t!” you whisper shouted back tilting your head up to see his pouting face.
“yes I would, don’t doubt me—”
general // draco malfoy taglist - @draco-malfoys-significant-other @clownybrit @axgelre @lovecroftreads @oh-my-ronron-mphfpc-fanfic-heart @turn-to-page-394-please @callmesasha @aguamvnti @dracosathenaeum @fives-cup-of-coffee @dracomalfoys-wh0re @sfdlm @marrymetheonott @becgggg @gwlvr @bella-lxhp @trashyvicks @Imtryingbutithurts @potterheadtwilighter @galimalfoyweasley @tomandjaebae @mrsmaifoy @riddleswh0r3crux @drachoesimp @eunoniaa @elevatorsdoor @dlmmdl @hogwarts-boys @akaaaaashiiii @90smalfoy @dracosaccount @ambi-doo12 @mypainistemporary @ang9lic @daltonacademia @inglourious-imagines @willowmores @fjorelaant @slutfordracoluciusmalfoy @axgelre @beforeoursunsets @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @writeandtranslate @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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I mean Sandra was saying in one of the interviews how hard it is to maintain the Villaneve dynamic and keep it interesting after the first season. Like how challenging it is when the show progresses and that's one of the reasons the show is ending. Like I get it, they don't want them to be a happy couple but it makes me so mad that the makers of the show think that the core of that dynamic is the distance, tension and angst and that is what keeps it interesting to the viewers. That's why they needed to reset after s3 because it would have been "dramatically boring" like Sandra said to have them together. I think that's bullshit. What's boring for the audience is to have the same things repeated over and over. To have us waiting for a release and never letting it happen. One more slap, one more betrayal, one more rejection, one more reason to keep them apart. And to think that they didn't want a happy ending either I'm really nervous how this is gonna go.
"It's hard to keep this dynamic interesting so let's just do the same thing every single season." Make it make sense!
I'm sorry I have the utmost respect and admiration for Sandra Oh, but that is the biggest piece of crap I've ever heard. How much screen time have Villaneve even spent together over the span of the show? If they are unable to come up with more than 10 minutes of screen time between them a season, then I agree that is a problem because there are hundreds of fanfic writers out there who have managed to come up with plenty of material, much of which is better than what s4 was able to come up with.
Literally all we wanted this season was to see Villaneve share screen time. What has been "dramatically boring" has been seeing the core 4 split up and seeing Villaneve revisit the same themes we've seen already. No one says that them sharing the screen has to equate to happily ever after. But that dynamic thrives on shared time, whether dramatic, comedic, etc, not on this separation. They really missed the ball this season and it worries me if they truly see their characters this way, because what a disconnect between them and the audience if so.
I didn't know that they've flat out said they didn't want them to have a happy ending, so that definitely is concerning. Maybe we're all expecting this to build up to something when that was never the plan and this separation was the goal all along. If so, I really don't know how the vision that PWB had of the show being centered around them got so horribly lost in this last season
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I will probably repeat what was said by @theliteraryarchitect already. But maybe hearing it twice might help you, so... :)
I know the feeling you're describing very well. A few years back, I was at a point where I really enjoyed my creativity (meaning: what I could come up with in my mind), and then later having trouble with putting it on paper (because once I've read it, it felt like shit).
What helped me with that in a way that I can't press enough was fanfic.
Because firstly: it made me concentrate on the joy of creating as something that mattered the most.
And secondly: once I've read enough of fics ("well written" and "badly written"... while loving both for different reasons) and then even produced something myself (that I knew was not ideal AT ALL - but in the sake of "giving back" to the fandom in the best way I could, I felt like sharing it), I got people asking me to continue a started idea and voicing their excitement for it, which showed me that my silly tries to create could in fact brighten someone’s day, despite the fact that if I wasn't a validation seeking bitch, I would torture myself with polishing the first paragraph of an idea into like... Marcel Proust level of overdone and then I would give up, because it would not be exactly like Marcel Proust’s).
Fanfic helped me realize that it’s not discipline and high standards that get you through the finish line. No. These will only make you feel bad and trap you in a circle of begrudgingly loathing everything you do.
It’s in fact the love you give your work even when it’s shitty that makes you come back to it until it’s done.
So. The most important thing you have to have is not a whip upon yourself once you don't meet your standards - but joy from how you overcame that need for self punishment. Someone might say that I’m just saying something and that my writing isn't proceeding towards "the better" at all. However, I would dare to differ.
Maybe – as an exterior observer – you can't see any signs of it. That's a fair point. Nevertheless: I observe the bettering when I write!
Meaning: When you describe a person in whichever action for the first time, it's rather hard. You have to focus and (for a long time) think about all the movements, the body language, the speech... When you write it for the second time, it's still not flawless. You see the space you have to come up with something better, use more metaphors instead of plain descriptions... When you write for the third time, you analyse the mind of your hero more than what he’s doing, because you have already realized that the internal can reveal much more then the external... But only when you write it for the fifth time, that's when you really BEGIN to understand what you are writing. Phrases come easily to you and because you don't have to think about the obvious as before, that's when something good can be born!
In fact, I think that one cannot become good at writing without practice as a wader in his own shitty prose for some time.
Like. Every bad thing you write moves you forward. In fact, I believe that the best writers must have written the biggest amount of shitty things. The literary gems on their resumé are only the top of the iceberg, you see.
And that is a brutal fact.
DO NOT compare your level one to someone’s level ten.
DO NOT concentrate on your mistakes. Embrace and enjoy the phase of shitty writing. Create as much new things as you can before you know enough to get back to where you started. Because at the end of the day, it's the only ride you can take to the top of the hill.
PS: What I recommend (it works in my experience) is to start a notebook and when you read, write down phrases, expressions or words you liked and then later go back to them. Like that, you are expanding your range of expression by the way of love - not disdain. Honestly, I really think that's the only way it can work right. ;)
PPS: Being a writer is not a hundred meter race. It's a lifestyle in which you are working on growing into someone who can bend worlds with just a pen and paper - and that's hell of a work if you ask me. ...Worth every inconvenience, isn't it? :)
I don’t know if u still answer questions but I need some advice. My passion has always been writing simply because I have so many ideas and so many thoughts and I love creating stories (theoretically). Lately though I’ve hit this roadblock. I’ll never be able to write like the people I admire, because at the end of it all I feel like I’m not learning. I’ll reread my old stuff, point out and rework my mistakes, and still feel like I’m not going anywhere. I haven’t written anything for years because of this block and I feel like I’ll never improve and find the motivation to keep writing. I’ll never be like the greats with seemingly endless inspiration and talent. Ig my question is just… how do I improve? How do I finally feel satisfied with what I do? How do I love my writing again??
First off, I hear you. So many writers—especially the ones who care deeply—go through exactly this. You love storytelling in theory, but when it comes to writing, it feels like you’re stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and disappointment. That’s not a personal failing. That’s just what happens when your standards grow faster than your skills.
The mistake most writers make (and one I see repeated constantly) is thinking that learning = immediate improvement—as if you study the craft, tweak some mistakes, and suddenly level up. But writing doesn’t work like a skill tree in a video game. It’s messy, non-linear, and full of invisible growth. The work you put in today might not show results for months, or even years. And that’s frustrating as hell, but it’s also normal.
And the writers you admire? The ones who seem endlessly inspired and effortlessly talented? They aren’t immune to this feeling. The difference is, they write through it. They let themselves write badly. They embrace inefficiency. They trust that even their worst drafts are part of the process. AND (top secret info here)... frankly a lot of the big names have editors at their publishing houses that are practically doing ghostwriting work: fixing their mistakes, rewriting their stuff, or even composing sections for them so they can pump out the next bestseller in record time.
But here’s my advice: stop waiting to feel satisfied before you start writing again. You’re not going to think your way out of this. Improvement comes from doing. Let yourself write terribly, inconsistently, joyfully. Take the pressure off. And when your brain tells you it’s pointless, remind yourself: the only way to get better is to keep going.
You don’t need to be “one of the greats.” You just need to write.
Hope this helps, friend.
P.S. I get Asks like this so much that I'm actually working on a whole long book about it, since it's really more than I can handle in a short post. Stay tuned for details. xo
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Small Gods: Patience - 2
Patience: A Black Widow Fanfic
Patience Masterlist | More Small Gods PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 1885
Warnings: Language
Synopsis: Every day Natasha prays for more patience to deal with a litany of things from waiting for her target to make a move - to not yelling at Clint for putting empty milk containers back in the fridge.
When her prayers are answered, Natasha finds that having patience is easy, holding on to it is a little harder.
Chapter 2
Natasha sat in the dark and noisy bar waiting for you to show up. She’d chosen a booth up the back and she’d been trying to not attract any unwanted attention. You were late. She should have expected that given who you were. Still, as she sat waiting, she started to wonder what the hell she was doing. It was bad enough that she had to sit patiently waiting for criminals to reveal themselves for her job, did she really want to intentionally cause herself this kind of irritation?
She finished her beer and looked over to the bar, debating with herself whether she should get up and get another drink. You were leaning on a bar stool, one foot propped up on the crossbar, and leaning forward as you spoke to the bartender. He went to fix your drink, a flirtatious smile on his face, and you turned to Natasha and winked at her.
The frustration Natasha felt was almost overwhelming. In just about any other circumstance she’d storm off. She was not one to be kept waiting, and she definitely wasn’t one for playing these kinds of games. Well, at least not from the position she was in now - she’d certainly been the one flirting with the bartender while her date waited for her before. The question of who or what you were was too great though, so she stayed put - waiting for an answer.
When the bartender served you your drinks you brought them over with a number for the table and slid into the booth beside Natasha. ���Waiting long?” You asked as you pushed one of the drinks over to her. She knew what it was even before she smelt the coffee liqueur and she rolled her eyes.
“You know I have,” she said. “And I don’t appreciate it when people order my drinks without checking with me first.”
“Oh come on,” you teased. “It’s a Black Russian. At least appreciate the pun.”
She shook her head and lifted the glass, taking a sip. It was annoying that she didn’t actually hate the cocktail because it was a joke she’d had repeated on her more times than she could count. “You’re really…” She started and cut herself off.
“What?” You laughed. “Am I testing your patience?”
Natasha gave you a look that would normally level a man, but it just made you laugh harder. The knife she kept tucked in her boot was becoming very tempting.
“I ordered some starters. Just one of those sample plates. I wasn’t sure if we were eating, or going somewhere else to eat. Or just drinking. Or you just wanted to give me the third degree,” you babbled. “I’m hungry though. So I needed the starters.”
“Who are you?” Natasha snapped, cutting you off.
“I already told you,” you said, taking a sip of your cocktail.
“But what does that mean exactly?” Natasha asked. “How can you be patience?”
“Yeah, I suppose that’s not fair. I’m not actually patience. I just wield it. Just as Thor wields a storm,” you explained.
“Then why do I want to strangle you so badly right now?” Natasha asked.
You laughed again, this time nearly spitting your drink out on her. “I like it better when people beg me,” you said, sitting forward in your seat a little. “Besides - you’re still here aren’t you?”
“Barely,” Natasha snarked.
You laughed and held out your hand, palm up to her. “Oh, you want the part where you don’t feel annoyed, huh?”
Natasha looked at your hand for a moment, debating with herself whether she should take it. Slowly she lifted her hand and placed it in yours. You closed your fingers and pressed down softly on the back of her hand. “Close your eyes,” you said. Natasha narrowed her eyes at you before closing them. “Deep breath in, and then out again.”
Natasha did as she was instructed, first taking a deep breath in, and slowly releasing it. It was something people always told her to do, and while it often helped to focus her mind and still her nerves, it had never quite relaxed her the way it did right now. It was like all the anger and annoyance she had about having to wait and not knowing what was going on, just melted away.
Her fingers linked with yours reflexively and she opened her eyes. “So you’re a god?” She asked.
You shrugged. “I guess that’s what you’d call me. But I was never really worshipped like a lot of the others. People always took me for granted.”
“How old are you?” Natasha asked. It was hard to believe you were a god, not looking the way you did. Yes, she knew her very own deities who could pass for men in their thirties, and yes, she looked a lot younger than her actual years - you were different. You fit into the world in the way Thor or Steve struggled with. You drew just enough attention to be considered cool, but not enough to be considered out of place.
You shrugged. “I don’t really know.” You took a sip of your drink while you considered the question. “Time is tricky. The further you are from when something started the harder it is to hold on to. Sometimes I feel like I remember a time before man, but then… that … consciousness doesn’t feel familiar.”
Natasha blinked at you in disbelief. Thor had an age. He claimed it was fifteen hundred years old, which didn’t make a lot of sense as the stories that featured him predated that, but at least it gave a wheelhouse for the length of time he’d existed. Maybe three thousand and fifteen hundred just felt the same when you were that old, or perhaps an Asgardian year just lasted twice as long as an Earth one. You on the other hand were talking about true immortality. A being that predated human evolution.
“How… how… how?” Natasha stammered, gesturing to you. “How do you look like that and speak like you do when Thor speaks like he just stepped out of ye olde England. And … how do you look like us if you were here before us?”
You downed the last of your drink. “Asgardians live in a bubble world of their own. Their technology is stuck in a point that is both somehow advanced to ours and behind ours all at once. I change because I live here, where everyone’s life spans are tiny and if I don’t keep up people accuse me of witchcraft and try to burn me at the stake. I can’t answer the other part. I don’t remember not existing, but I don’t remember when I started existing either. I just… am. I know I’ve changed over time. But I don’t know how or why. All I know for sure is that I can patiently wait it out and that if I want, I can grant that ability to other people too.”
The waiter came over, put your appetizers on your table, and took the empty bottle and glasses away. Natasha looked at the bar longingly. “I think I need another drink.”
“Go on,” you said. “I can wait.”
“Can I get you something?” She asked.
You took a jalapeño popper and turned it around in your hand. “Yes, please. An orgasm.” Natasha looked at you deadpan and you bit back a laugh. “Over ice please.”
Natasha shook her head and approached the bar. She ordered herself another beer and gave the bartender a look that dared him to make any kind of remark about the cocktail you’d asked for. As he poured the drinks, she looked over the food menu, trying to decide what she was actually doing here. She wished Thor was on Earth so she could run things by him. She was interested in this whole god thing, but she was more interested in why you’d come to her.
You had been flirting. Natasha could pick up even the most subtle of flirtations, it was what she’d been trained for, and the cocktail order had been as far from subtle as you could get. You weren’t only flirting though, and that was where Natasha was getting stuck. You didn’t seem to want help with anything, and if you did, you were living up to your powers by dragging it out. What had attracted you to her?
The bartender put the drinks in front of her as a couple of people at the other end of the bar started yelling to get his attention. “Did you want to order food?” he asked in a flustered tone.
Natasha shook her head and put some cash on the bar in front of him. “Keep the change,” she said, and head back to you.
“Can I ask you a question?” She said.
“That’s why I’m here,” you answered, taking your drink from her.
“If you can grant patience to people, why don’t you?” Natasha asked. “I mean, look around, there are people at the bar yelling to get served. The women in the line to the bathroom look like they’re going to explode, and those men at that table are one more disagreement away from starting a bar fight.”
You let out a huff. “Whatever it is I am, I need people to pray to me - I guess that’s right. There have been times where I’ve thought I’d be infinitely kind and allow everyone who had required patience to have it, but then they stop sending out to the universe that they need it, and I start to fade. It’s a bit of a weird loop though because then they need it again, and I come back.”
Natasha blinked at you as she absorbed what you said. “That’s…”
“Weird,” you agreed. “Yeah. So… it suits me best to just let people be. Let them have their feelings. That’s why I’m here. New York is fantastic for people wishing for the patience to get through their day.”
“And that’s why you came to me? Because I’m always praying for patience?” Natasha asked.
“It’s what made me notice you,” you said with a smirk.
“So… what then?” Natasha asked. “Why are we here?”
“Well,” you said. “Here I am, older than I even know. Existing in a world of temporary things that do not understand me if I reveal myself to them. And then things start getting weird. People show up who can’t seem to die with superhuman abilities. The Norse gods return. People start accepting stranger and stranger things. And there is this one person who just runs with whatever is being thrown at her. Never questioning - just accepting. And she calls out to me.”
Natasha tilted her head and a smile slowly crossed her lips. “You were lonely?”
You shrugged and curled in on yourself, and for the first time since she met you, you looked scared. Natasha downed the last of her drink quickly and stood up. “Do you want to get out of here?”
You smiled up at her and nodded. “I really would.”
Natasha took your hand and led you out of the bar. She might not understand patience, but she knew how it felt to be lonely. Maybe you could teach each other something new after all.
#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#black widow#black widow fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#reader insert#small gods#patience
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Self Indulgent Shigaraki Nonsense Part...6??
Tomura Shigaraki x Pregananant reader series
A/N: Dude I'm not even close to being done, I really love writing this series. It's a whole lot of fun to see Shigaraki have a normal domestic life with the reader. Like damn. I'm thinking of writing a one-shot where the reader doesn't keep the pregnancy and its reader and Shigaraki going through the motions of that in their relationship because I'd like some more diverse fanfic out there. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Descriptions of childbirth. If you want you can honestly skip this part.
Your contractions started early in the morning. Around 2am you felt the familiar cramp in your stomach that pulsed. At first, you thought it was another false alarm. You had been having a lot lately, but they just kept coming. They weren't long, and they weren't super painful yet either. They just made you tense and pause for breath. You shuffled out of the bathroom and looked over to the sleeping form in your bed.
There the father slept peacefully. You gazed upon his gentle features tucked underneath layers of scaring. You had wondered if the baby would take after him. If they would have that cute little beauty mark on his chin. You suddenly realized You'd be finding out soon enough. You laid back down beside him and closed your eyes in an attempt to get a few more hours of sleep before you had to prepare.
Mostly everything had been prepared beforehand. Your Midwife, a kind woman by the name of Mae would be on call at all times. Once contractions started getting regular, you were to call her. Apparently, Mae was well known amongst villain and crime families. When Tomura first brought her, you were surprised there was even such a thing as a Villian Midwife. But the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Underground villains and criminals needed their own help. Accountants, lawyers, employees, etc. With Villians becoming more and more popular, it was no surprise that you weren't the only villain family.
Mae was a professional, the best at her craft. She'd delivered hundreds of babies without issue and you would be her next case. She practically took over the house with everything she did. Helping to put together a nursery and everything you could have ever needed. You decided on natural water birth. Something that made Shigaraki unreasonably nervous. If anything went wrong, he was prepared to call every villain doctor he knew of. Hell, he'd send for you to be airlifted to the nearest hospital if necessary.
The pain woke you up again. The intense ache coursing through your body. You let out a strained breath as you sat up in bed. Your partner jumping to life with a jolt. You chuckled through the pain when you saw his wide-eyed expression.
"You okay?" He asked, his wide eyes filled with concern. You've never seen him so visibly worried before. So doting. You continued to laugh as the pain passed.
"Yeah it's just, the contractions, they're getting worse." You took deep breaths as you sat up in bed. Resting your head against a tower of pillows. Tomura sat up to get a better look at you.
"Should I call Mae?"
"Um...no I don't think that's necessary yet."
"Have they been regular?"
"Well, every ten or so minutes."
"I'm calling Mae." He turned away to get up and reach for his phone before you stopped him.
"No! Not yet. I can wait. I don't wanna bother her." His expression turned dark.
"I'm calling Mae." He ignored you, leaving the room to call the midwife. You huffed in frustration. Really, you felt fine. It was like a bad period cramp. There was no need to panic. "She'll be here in thirty minutes. I'm preparing the tub."
"No, Tomura wait, please. That's not necessary. I'm not even remotely close yet. Just hold on a few more hours." Tomura looked away and back down the hallway. He shifted from side to side before entering the room again and sitting on the edge of the bed beside you. His eyes glued to your thighs. He reached out a gloved hand and placed it on your knee, running his hand up and down your thigh.
"Don't try to tough this out." He told you.
"I won't." His eyes shot up to give you a knowing look.
"You need to tell me if anything goes wrong. If anything feels even the slightest bit off."
"I will. I promise." You reassured him. Bringing your hand to grasp his. He pulled his eyes away to look down at your hand and squeeze back.
"This is really what you want? It's not too late, Mae could bring it to be adopted. We could go home." Tears filled your eyes. No. You've come so far, done so much to prepare. You're not giving them up now. You shook your head.
"No. I can't do that. I've come too far for that now. That isn't my home anymore." You tore your hand from his to cup his cheek. When you looked back up, you could see tears forming in his ruby-red eyes. He looked scared. His bottom lip starting to quiver. "You are." You told him. He let out a defeated sigh and rested his head against your belly.
"You better not hurt her. You hear me? You better be good to her." He whispered. Your tears finally fell down your warm cheeks. You quickly wiped them away. You loving ran your fingers through his hair, petting his head. The sweet moment only to be interrupted by the sharp pain of another contraction.
"Fuck!" You cursed as your hand tightly grasped his shoulder. His attention snapped up to you, tears running down his face as he watched. Soon the pain passed as you took deep breaths. "Do you think, you could time my contractions for me?" You asked as it eased.
And so the hours upon hours of labor began. At first, Mae recommended you stand and move around to lessen the intensity of your pain. So now Tomura watched you shuffle around the house as you groaned and cursed. He timed every contraction, put the blow-up pool together, and set up towels by it, made you raspberry leaf tea because he read somewhere that was helpful.
He counted the seconds until Mae arrived. When the doorbell rang he promptly stood from his seat on the couch and quickly went to open the door. There stood the short old woman with a large smile plastered across her face. Her six arms holding a plethora of bags and boxes of necessities and pleasantries. She left one hand free just to greet him with a wave. He looked behind to watch the car with his own men drive away, and then again around the yard.
"Don't worry. There's no one but me, honey." Mae reassured as she pushed past him and into the house. You watched her waddle in as a contraction began to fade. Her attention leaving Tomura far behind and devoting it entirely to you. You watched Tomura grunt before looking back out the door to check one more time before closing and locking it. "I mean really, think about it. What woman in her right mind would use this time of all times to call the heroes on you. How cruel would I be!" She chuckled as she set her things down.
"You'd be a fool not to. A time like this would be perfect. We're alone and vulnerable." He growled behind her.
"And end my career just like that? No sir! I've worked too hard to get where I am just to let you dust me! Now let's see, you said on the phone contractions were regular?"
"Oh, well, not really. They're not that bad. Maybe every fifteen, ten minutes, give or take. Right?" You looked up at Tomura as he starred down with a cold expression.
"Her pain varies, but the timing is growing consistent." He corrected. You huffed in annoyance.
"Alright well let me just check the baby's heartbeat before we do anything else, okay? The last visit everything was fine, but we can't be too careful now can we, Dad?" She addressed him. A cold metal stethoscope glided across your skin as she silently listened. "Good, strong heartbeat. Everything looks good right now. Let's keep you active for now and monitoring those contractions, okay? Dad? How are we doing on preparations?" She turned back to look up at Tomura with an unbothered stare. He glared down at her.
"I've prepared the pool and towels. I'll add the warm water when we're getting closer."
"Oh good. That's more than most Dads do. You got a planner here don't ya?" She turned to you and smiled.
"Heh. He's a doomsday prepper." You joked. Tomura did not find this amusing, but Mae gave a kind giggle.
"Well, at least he's smart, huh?" She spoke as she shuffled away and back to her cluster of items. You looked up at Tomura and watched his expression soften as his eyes met yours. You gave him a kind smile.
"Something like that." His eyes narrowed on you for a moment, only to relax again when you chuckled at him.
Contractions came and went. Getting stronger and stronger by the hour. Now they were getting closer and closer. They started at 2am, it was now 9 at night. Tomura helped you undress to get you into the warm water of the pool he placed in the living room. Mae moving furniture aside and setting up her tools and everything as you stepped into the warmth of the bath. It allowed your tense muscles to relax, forcing a moan of relief from your lungs. Tomura knelt down behind you, his gloved hands never too far behind.
He watched you closely, all of his attention focused entirely on you. His right hand reaching out to rub soothing circles across your bare back. You closed your eyes shut as you groaned, another contraction grabbing ahold of you.
"That's it, good job. Don't forget your breathing, focus on your breathing. Dad, don't forget to do the breathing too." His eyes flashed up at Mae before going back to you.
"C'mon Y/N, breath with me." He instructed, his hand coming around to lay flat against your chest as you laid back against the pool. He felt your chest rise and fall with each deep breath. "Good. Again." He continued firmly. Another contraction struck, sending a jolt of pain throughout your entire body. You coiled back in pain, your face scrunching into a painful grimace.
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!"
"Okay! Okay! Let's check you again see how far you're along okay!? Just breath."
"Just breath." He repeated.
"I'm breathing! I'm breathing!" You shouted back in frustration.
"Okay we're getting close you guys, we might be ready to push here in a few minutes." You panted as the pain subsided again. Tomura's attention came back down on Mae.
The birth itself felt like a pain-fueled blur. An intoxicatingly painful bender of sounds and colors. You couldn't focus or think straight, the pain rattling your head in your own skull. He watched you bark and huff and cry out. Something he knew very well. For a moment it took him back to the long and painful Dr's visits. The pain so unimaginable he grows hot with rage at the idea you might be feeling even an ounce of pain at all. Pain he caused.
You swung your head back to plant it firmly on his shoulder, your hair wet with sweat and water. He holds your hand tight, willingly letting you crush it with your own strength. It's nothing to him. He presses his lips into your temple. Wishing with all his might he could go back in time and change things. You're panting, you're body is growing weak, your hand is losing its grasp. Your shoulders are relaxing. No. No. This isn't right. You're not supposed to be this weak now!
"Almost!" Mae's voice shouts with gusto. He rests his head against yours before he lets out a weak and exhausted sigh. His voice rattles in a sad and begging tone.
"C'mon Y/N. You're so close." He says softly. Your body coils back as he feels your muscles spring to life once again. Your lungs filling with air before you let out a shrill, horrific battle cry. Only for it to abruptly be replaced by another. Your body drops limp in his arms once more as he feels you panting. Mae gives a triumphant cheer and proceeds to tell you how well you've done. How it's all over.
"Hello, little one!" The old lady chimes brightly. Tomura keeps his eyes shut tight as he presses his head against yours. He hears their loud, harsh cry. He knows it's over. He knows there is no going back. Once he opens his eyes and looks at them, at that little monstrosity, it'll be all over. Maybe you'll see the truth when you see it. Maybe you'll finally understand and come home with him once and for all.
"Both of you, open your eyes! Look at him!" Mae orders. The harsh and intense pain subsided, left with a dull ache, renders you exhausted. You hardly feel you have the strength to open your eyes, much less move. You pull your head up, feeling the weight of it on top of your neck. Heavy and pounding. You pull your eyelids apart to look down, your vision blurry at first. The harsh light blinding you for a moment before the shapes you see sharpen and become reality.
"Tomura, look." You whisper. His hand squeezes yours, he's gently shaking. You turn to watch him slowly open his eyes, and turn his head. In Mae's arms, a rather small and wrinkly infant cries. It's nearly blue skin, changing as it screams. Its face quickly becoming red with expression. It's no monster. It's weak and helpless and unaware. It's so small, it's half the height of his forearm. Its little hands, balled into fists, swat at the air as its legs coil back to its torso.
"Say hello!" Mae jokes. With a weak smile and laugh you oblige.
"Hello!" You coo. Tomura relaxes as you look back at him with a kind and elated smile. His gaze never leaves the child as Mae prepares him to be placed on your bare chest. Its crying soon subsides as it curls up under your chin. It's crying being replaced with little huff and sniffles from you. He leans back and away to watch the two of you.
He's in shock it would seem. As he sits back to watch you, he feels a tightness in his chest. He feels a wave of somber relief wash over him. His thoughts were gone only replaced my emotions.
"Dad?" Mae calls to him. "Dad?" She calls again. The third time he turns his head to look at her with a wide-eyed expression. She chuckled at him. "Would you like to cut the cord?" She offers, bringing him closer and instructing him how. He does so, quickly turning his attention back to the two of you. You look so peaceful. So happy. His gaze trails down to his child.
He watches his balled little fists press themselves against your chest, its expression turning relaxed and calm. Its little head covered in a rich black mess of hair. What color are its eyes? He wonders.
You turn your head to look up at him with that sweet adoring smile. His heart raced in his chest. He is overwhelmed and yet at this moment, nothing is happening. Time has slowed and has become irrelevant to him. The way you look at him. He feels like he's done something right. Like he's being praised for a job well done. He feels wrong about it. He should be making you feel that way. So, he tries.
"A boy?" His voice is hoarse and shaking. You nod your head. "A boy."
"A healthy one at that! Those lungs!" Mae jokes again as her arms go about working to clean and manage the space. You gently run the pads of your fingers against his small little back. His skin is so soft and smooth.
"Give me your hand." You requested.
"What?" He spat in shock.
"Give me your hand." You repeat firmly, your fingers gently spelling out the word: Mom, on his little back. Tomura reaches out a gloved hand. You reached out and removed the glove, taking his middle finger and gently directing it to the baby's back. "Gently." You tell him. Pressing the pad of his finger to his son's soft back. With this, you gently spell: Dad, repeatedly. Until he understands and continues to spell it himself along the baby's back. Very careful, and delicate. Tomura rests his head on your shoulder as he continues, slowly drawing the word. Allowing for a safe and intimate moment between the three of you.
#shigaraki x you#mha shigaraki#shigaraki headcanons#shigaraki tomura#shigaraki imagine#my hero academia shigaraki#shigaraki x pregnant reader#tomura shigaraki
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So we were talking on Discord about a DSMP superpowers AU, specifically Syndicate as an anarchist superhero team who are perceived as villains by pretty much everybody. (There were a bunch of people involved in the brainstorming but I wanna particularly credit @macachee for the idea for Techno’s superpowers, even though I ended up using a slightly different version than theirs.)
Anyway I know I don't really write fanfic anymore and I'm extremely rusty but uh... my hand slipped?
(CW: nothing major but there are repeated mentions of fire and some pretty tame violence)
"Professor Underscore, I presume?"
The distinctive deep voice of an infamous supervillain was really not something anyone wanted to hear after 14 hours of last minute bug-fixing on a prototype superweapon in a secret laboratory. Especially when all your assistants had already called it a day and gone home.
Without even looking around, Tubbo reached for the gun in his desk drawer but before he could pull it out, a blade smashed into the wood right next to his hand.
"Nope", said the voice, "you don't get to have weapons, I get to have weapons. And speaking of weapons..."
Tubbo carefully turned around on his chair to face his attacker. As expected, it was a huge, hulking pigman dressed in flashy red and a golden mask.
"You are Protesilaus, aren't you? From the Syndicate?"
Protesilaus blinked at him. "You're a LOT younger than I expected, professor."
"Yeah, I get that a lot."
"I mean it's very impressive though, good for you."
"So anyway, I'm here for the weapons."
"The weapons are kinda reserved already. You know, for the military."
"Don't give a shit", said a voice from the door. "Gib."
Protesilaus sighed. "Zephyrus, you're supposed to be the secret back-up."
The man hiding by the door frame laughed. "We already took care of the guards. There's nobody here but him, it's fiiine."
"But what if HE has his own secret back-up? What then? Well, it's too late now so just keep a look-out, alright?"
Zephyrus laughed again. "Sure."
"Alright." Protesilaus pointed his sword at Tubbo. "Show us to the weapons."
There wasn't much he could think of doing to stall except try and tap in the pin codes on the doors as slowly as humanly possible. To be fair he didn't even really know what he was stalling for exactly. Secret back-up would have been nice but if they’d really taken out all the guards then none was likely to come.
Protesilaus was following him, sword in hand, making random small talk on the way as if he didn't know how to deal with the silence. Tubbo had only caught a few glimpses of Zephyrus, the winged man, in the background or in reflections. He seemed to be tampering with the security systems on the way, meaning that Tubbo really might be completely alone on this if the sabotage was successful. Zephyrus was also pulling along a big wheeled container of some sort that was probably intended for the weapons.
The two of them were the known members of the Syndicate, a team of anarchist terrorists who gave nightmares to the local police forces, the national guard and occasionally the military, but it was also widely theorized to have a secret third member with fire powers. Nobody had ever managed to catch them in the act, the only evidence of the secret member's existence was the trail of smoking ruins following the pair, their targets always burned down in a blaze of extremely memorable pink flames.
Tubbo had a theory that there were actually two secret members in the Syndicate, because if you're going to have one secret member you might as well have two, right? Maybe even three! It just made sense.
His assistants hadn't seemed convinced by this logic.
They arrived at the large hall leading up to the main vault where the prototypes were hidden and Tubbo finally had a plan. Somebody (probably him, honestly) had left the remote control of his battle bots lying around on a sidetable. He took advantage of his captors checking the space for surprise guards and inched slowly towards the remote.
"Everything good up there?" Protesilaus called out to Zephyrus who had flown up to the rafters.
"All good."
"Alright, seems safe enough", said Protesilaus. "Now, open the vault."
Tubbo just needed to stall a little bit longer until he could grab the remote undetected. "Actually, maybe I just won't be able to live with the fact that I let you guys get your hands on superweapons? What if I'd rather die than let you have them?"
Protesilaus sighed. "Look, don't worry, it's for a good cause, I promise."
"I mean, you guys are supervillains."
"Oh yeah sure, you're literally making weapons for an imperialist government but we're the villains?"
"What about that orphanage you burned down?" Tubbo kept moving towards the sidetable, trying to make it look like he was just pacing nervously.
"I have NEVER burned down any orphanages, I do NOT have an irrational hatred of small children, in fact I LOVE orphans in particular, you can ask anyone."
"You did, though! That was like two years ago, back when you were part of the Sleepy Bois Inc!"
Tubbo actually knew quite a lot about the Sleepy Bois, the infamous villain team who were particularly known for conning people into taking part in some sort of strange experiments, like that time they somehow transported a hundred people to the moon and told them to terraform a random area. The group had broken up a while back and two of the four had since reformed. Well, more or less reformed anyway. Actually not really reformed, but they were at least sticking to smaller crimes these days.
Anyway Mr. Business was now one of Tubbo's best friends, although nobody was supposed to know that. And Dirty Crime Boy seemed like a surprisingly nice guy. He was out there running what seemed to be some kind of a drug van but Tubbo had chosen not to worry about it too much.
The other two members, however...
"Sleepy Boys? Doesn't ring a bell." Protesilaus' face was suspiciously blank.
"You know, back when you called yourself the Blood God."
"Nah nah nah, I'm Protesilaus, not the Blood God."
"Come on, you're OBVIOUSLY the Blood God."
"I've never even heard of that guy."
"You're LITERALLY a pigman with superhealing powers and a shiny magical sword, you wear a crown AND you're hanging out with a blond guy with wings who looks just like the Angel of Death."
"Wow, wild coincidence", said Protesilaus
“Not gonna lie, the Angel of Death is a really cool name“, said Zephyrus.
Tubbo ignored them. "And you sound exactly like the Blood God."
"I don't hear it", said Protesilaus.
"You said you don't even know who he is!"
"Well I can't hear it if I've never even heard him speak. That's just logic."
Up in the rafters Zephyrus was cackling like a madman.
"You annoy me so much", said Tubbo.
"Aaaanyways, just give us a little peek into the vault, alright? Just out of curiosity, you know."
Tubbo had made it to the remote, he just needed one more distraction to cover for him grabbing it. "Uh..." Then he had an idea: he just took a quick sudden glance at the exit, as if he'd seen something over there and sure enough both of the criminals immediately turned to check. It was just long enough. He got the remote. "Okay fine, you can see the vault."
"Nice, nice." Protesilaus was still glancing around suspiciously but he had no idea what he should have been suspicious of.
Tubbo was more than happy to open the vault now. It might be holding the prototypes but it was also filled with a small army of robots.
All of which came to life with the press of a button.
"Ah", said Protesilaus. "There's his secret back-up."
"Oh Jesus", said Zephyrus. "I think we fucked up."
"You could say that", said Tubbo. "If you just leave peacefully I might let you go", he added in a sudden fit of uncharacteristic levels of confidence.
Protesilaus raised his sword. "Well you see, I really want those weapons, though."
"I guess you'll just have to fight the robots for it then", said Tubbo, configuring the targetting system.
"Mate, they've got guns on them", Zephyrus called out from above.
"Take cover then", said Protesilaus, very much not taking any cover at all himself.
Tubbo, pretty sure the bots knew which people to fight, released them on the criminals.
Protesilaus immediately managed to dodge the first few lazer bolts from the bots, but the third hit him on the arm. He flinched a bit but didn't seem too bothered. "Ouch. Okay so they can actually aim."
Still dancing around the shots, he held his hand to the wound and once he took it off, only the singed hole on his sleeve remained. The Blood God had been known for some kind of healing powers and coincidentally Protesilaus of the Syndicate, who apparently definitely wasn't the Blood God, just happened to also have healing powers. This fight was going to be hard even for thirty robots.
The pigman finally took some cover, hiding behind a pillar. The robots would have to move closer and Tubbo could already tell that if he'd manage to single them out, Protesilaus would easily take them down one by one.
Even worse, Zephyrus had hidden behind a different pillar up near the ceiling and was sniping the bots from above. They were supposed to be bulletproof but the man was absolutely cracked and managed to keep hitting them in the joints and in the eyes.
But at least the bots had given Tubbo some room to work with. He bolted into the vault and headed straight for a very specific section.
"So I just wanna know, professor", Protesilaus called out from the hall, "how are you NOT the evil mastermind here? You have a LITERAL horde of robots in your control that you can just let loose on people!"
"What do you MEAN? They're for fighting people like you! In this exact kind of situation!" Tubbo found what he was looking for and quickly unbuckled the huge harnesses holding it in place. He had to get a stool to reach the highest ones and nearly tripped on it in his hurry.
"Oh and how many of these have you sold to the government? And what if they just decide that they'd be very convenient for taking care of dissenters?"
"Well if the dissenters are literal supervillains, that sounds great." He climbed the ladder on the wall up to the platform by the mech suit and jumped inside.
He couldn't hear what Protesilaus responded after he pulled down the dome of the suit over his body. The sounds of fighting and the bulletproof glass drowned it all out from this distance, and the sound system wasn’t turned on yet. Now the odds should be a lot more even, though. Let’s see how they deal with this, he thought. He settled in and launched the mech--
... and then maneuvered awkwardly through the mess of secret weapons and machines inside his vault. He was pretty sure he didn't break too many things on the way, it was fine. In the corner of his eye he thought he saw a flash of pink and for a second he worried that the pigman had followed him into the vault where it would be almost impossible for him to fight in the suit but luckily he could still hear the sound of sword clanging into metal from outside.
He moved over to the vault door as sneakily as he could while piloting a 12-foot-tall machine in a tight space and looked out into the hall. The floor was littered with broken robots, and there were several blinded ones aimlessly wandering around and getting in the way of the ones that still functioned properly. Protesilaus was towards the back of the hall, stabbing a bot in the armpit and tearing off its arm, Zephyrus on the other hand, still perching on the rafters, had moved around the pillar he had hidden behind, now aiming away from the vault. Neither of them were looking at Tubbo. He took aim and shot at one of the huge grey wings.
"Ah! Fuck!" Zephyrus spun around. "You little shit!"
"Zephyrus, are you okay??" Protesilaus immediately looked over to his ally and took another hit himself.
"I'm FINE, dude!" Zephyrus sounded exasperated but fond. "Look out yourself! Also the kid has a fucking mech."
"A what?"
Tubbo slammed the vault door shut. Good luck getting in there now, Syndicate. Then he tossed aside some robot carcasses to clear out the floor and threw one at Protesilaus who dodged it easily but in the process took another hit from a different robot. He was starting to look tired and he was obviously distracted by Zephyrus getting hurt. That was promising.
Tubbo started climbing the pillar up to the ceiling. Zephyrus cursed again and tried to hop around the pillar to run across to the other side but his hurt wing didn't open properly so he lost his balance, slipped up and fell. "Shit!"
The man managed to open his wings and soften the fall but the injury made him veer dangerously to the left and crash into a pile of broken robots. Protesilaus leaped over to him, dropping his sword and laying his hands on his friend's wing and back. A faint red glow emitted from the touch points.
Tubbo jumped back down to the ground and stormed at them. He punched the pigman right in the chin, sending him flying across the room. He then tried to grab Zephyrus but the man had already slipped away and had apparently managed to pick up his friend's sword. "You motherfucker", the man said, "I'm going to take that fucking suit apart and then it's your turn."
"Zeph!" Protesilaus called from the side and Zephyrus tossed the sword to him without taking his eyes of off Tubbo. Then the man pulled up his sniper rifle again and Tubbo quickly covered his weak points with his armoured arms and jumped behind a pillar. He needed to disarm Zephyrus ASAP.
Behind them, Protesilaus was taking care of the last few robots. Tubbo didn't have much time, but he couldn't do anything until Zephyrus would have to reload, the guy was just too accurate...
"Oh fuck", said Zephyrus suddenly. "Prot, the door!"
They all turned to look at the exit.
There, at the door, was Ranboo, widened eyes flicking between Tubbo, the broken robots and the Syndicade. He was holding a bowl of biscuits and a cup of tea. "Uh... hello? Hi?"
Ranboo was actually NOT allowed in the vaults but how do you stop someone who can literally teleport anyway? Tubbo was glad to see him sneaking in, though.
"Ranboo! Help! They're trying to steal the weapons!"
"I..." Ranboo seemed frozen in place.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo was starting to get worried. His husband wasn't even taking any shelter. He drove the mech over to him to at least give him some protection.
"I just came to bring you cookies? Coz I thought maybe you were staying late to make the deadline and I thought--"
"Ranboo, I'm being attacked by supervillains right now!"
"Look, what if we just talked this through? I'm sure everybody here would rather not kill each other, right?" Ranboo was tall enough to lay a hand on Tubbo's shoulder even when he was wearing the mech suit which kind of pissed Tubbo off to be quite honest.
"Sure", said Protesilaus, "I love negotiating. Give us the weapons and their blueprints and we're more than happy to go."
"See? That's good, right? Tubbo, we can just let them have the weapons."
"Ranboo, sometimes you're a bit too quirky for my liking. Stop being quirky, help me fight them. You can use your... T-E-L-I-P-O-R-T-A-T-I-O-N powers."
Everybody just stared at him for a second.
"Shouldn't it be T-E-L-E?" said Protesilaus.
"Tubbo, you realise they can spell words too, you know, like most people who graduated elementary school?" said Ranboo.
“You could have just said ‘use your powers’, I mean, I know what my powers are.”
"Zephyrus, I think this guy might be too much for us, I've never met such intimidating intellect", said Protesilaus. Zephyrus seemed to already be dying of laughter and his ally's words did not help.
"Now that's just rude," said Tubbo.
He'd barely finished his sentence when a horrible whistling sound hit them all like an invisible cargo train. After a second Tubbo managed to reassemble his braincells long enough to figure it out: "The fire alarm!"
Then he noticed the grin on his enemy's face. "Well, good job, everyone! Let's go home, Zephyrus", said Protesilaus cheerfully.
"Sure, mate."
The secret third member of the Syndicate, Tubbo suddenly remembered. The container they'd brought with them was gone too. Well, fuck. "This whole thing was a diversion??"
"Yep." The Protesilaus was already at the exit and Zephyrus was following right behind him. "See ya, losers!"
Something inside the vault exploded, making a muffled bang through the door, as if just to prove where exactly the fire had been lit.
"Oh man..." Tubbo flopped down on his seat. "I spent SO LONG building all those things!"
"Tubbo, we need to get out." Ranboo took him by the hand of his mech suit and pulled him along.
"No, we could still go in and save the--"
"No, Tubbo. Let's NOT run into the vault full of dangerous chemicals that's literally on fire, actually."
By the time the fire department showed up, pink flames had enveloped the entire lab complex. The terrorists presumably had at least one of the prototypes now and all the remaining ones were a lost cause.
It's not like all the work was gone to waste, they'd made some backups at least, but it would be a pain to find a new lab and order all the extremely volatile chemicals again. So much paperwork. Tubbo was really not good at paperwork.
"Well, there goes my summer holidays I guess", he said.
"Yeah", said Ranboo. "There they go."
"So... Lethe", said Techno at the next Syndicate meeting, "you never happened to mention you were friends with Professor Underscore."
Ranboo shifted nervously in his chair. "I mean... in my defence, you never said you were going to raid his lab?"
"True, true. It didn't seem like relevant information at the time I suppose. You know, because you're kinda more in the group just for the book club and Bake Off Fridays and not so much for the vigilante thing."
"How do you know Professor Underscore, Lethe?" asked Niki gently.
Ranboo looked around the table. He was fairly certain that the others wouldn't kill him for fraternizing with the enemy. He was pretty sure anyway. At least 70% sure.
Also they were all staring at him now.
"Uh... he's my... husband?"
The staring continued.
"Oh!" said Niki.
"Well", said Techno. "This is awkward."
"Uh huh?" Ranboo responded, his entire body tense and slightly wobbly.
"Techno", Phil said softly. Techno brushed him off.
"So uh, are you attached to him, Lethe?"
"Y-yes?" Ranboo straightened his back. "Yes." he said again, more firmly.
"Alright. I guess in the future we should try not to kill him then."
#dsmp fanfiction#technoblade fanfiction#im not tagging the others#i feel like im too much of a techno stan and it shows
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i literally love you, thank you so much for tagging me!!!! and might as well answer these while im writing a story (also while balancing a fuck ton of deadlines)
music - honestly, completely random. one day its classical music, another its 80s-00s rock or rnb, another its rap, another its rnb, and on another day its love songs. it just depends the mood, really, but i do find myself listening to 70s-90s music and rnb alot. they just get my spirits up like no other. favs are rini, daniel caesar, gemini, and alan vuong along many others. ofc, i still like taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, but i dont really listen to them at all that much rn (but their songs still goes hard)
life-style - wouldnt say complete shit, but wouldnt say complete happiness either. i cook for myself, work for myself, and live for myself with the addition of my friends and family. my life revolves completely around one routine being school (a fuck ton, even at home), part time, work out, study, and write when i can (which is, rn, literally i have no time for it, sadly). so, for me, its pretty hard to balance all those things together especially when i have other hobbies that i tend to take care of. at weekends, i really try my best to not focus on my academics so ill start writing again, playing guitar, painting, maybe try again at skateboarding (i literally dont know shit about biking, why the fuck am i skateboarding) then just repeat until monday hits. but even so, i wouldn't trade my life to get a slightly better one. im already accustomed to mine, and ill just strive to get a better lifestyle everyday.
writing - tbh i never saw myself actually writing and posting it for hundreds of people to see, it was just a 'fuck it, we ball' situation. my love for books and literally anything thats labeled literature even if its just fanfiction goes beyond limits but i never thought i would be the one thats going to be behind those words. i started writing on wattpad then to ao3 when i realized that i could make writing a hobby even if i suck ass at it, believe it or not, but those were short lived since my motivation eventually dried out. then one day i started going to tumblr more often to read fanfics about j.o and other actors i take interest in and then my fingers suddenly went from scrolling then to actually writing one myself. im not good at writing at all, i try to to be better everyday but i always fall short in my eyes. so imagine my surprise when i posted my first story on here and it got some pretty good feedback that eventually led me to here. i never even thought about people seeing it or even my account growing, so thank you for the people who decided that my stories were worth their mind and, most especially, their time. i write for all of them.
me - actually, i dont know. took the 16personalities quiz and it says that im an infp. im a people pleaser by heart and a idgaf person by mind (i listen to my heart more, if you couldnt tell) im a hopeless romantic with a penchant of falling inlove as if i could get someone to like me back, cries alot at the smallest things especially when someone im near with is crying, reaching for my career even if it means i would have to go through dantes inferno to even get the slightest bit of a perfect score. my family describes me as someone who they shouldnt talk in the early asscrack in the morning and whenever its a stressful week. it just equals to receiving the nastiest silent treatment. people tell me i look like jenna ortega and ariana greenblatt or that they remind me of billie eillish and finn wolfhard. its a weird mix up between the four of them. theres alot going on with me, but im a cat lover!! thats literally it.
thank you sm for tagging me bae, love ya!!
+ i dont really have any friends on tumblr 🥲 ill just leave it up to the rest
get to know you? music, lifestyle, writing, etc. just stuff that makes you, you
and maybe tag some people to start a chain? totally optional!
:D sure! thank you for the ask 🫶🏻
music: I love synths like a heathen… I write, primarily, so the lyrics matter a lot to me, but I used to play a couple instruments so I love listening to all parts of a song. hyper pop, pop rock, indie pop, indie rock? I think those are the genre names. my top songs rn are sweet dreams by eurythmics, the other side of paradise by glass animals, and sober by big bang
lifestyle: cathemeral omnivore…? my life currently revolves around school, my job, and other career responsibilities ^^
writing: sporadic (as you can tell rip), I edit in my head and as I write, I’ve always loved analyzing text and really enjoy it!
me: umm I’m having a cold brew with silk oat milk and vanilla torani rn, I have a cat I love her, I get easily overstimulated when it comes to stuff touching me but I’ll watch two youtube videos at the same time, I love food I live to eat, I love the nyt connections
tags: @woewriting @melrodrigo @mindyswhore @marvelfilth @jazzyoranges @sytoran @jjsmaybank20 @alkivm @crazyoffher I’m almost positive I missed something but PLEASE PARTICIPATE if you want <3
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Lost in Zero Gravity (P.1)
Title: Lost in Zero Gravity (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers. Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don't like to share. Words: 2,823 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: I know for sure this is going to be two parts at least
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“Where did you get this skirt?” your coworker, Elisha, asked touching the black fabric when you came up to her side.
“Online. Do you like it?” you asked giving her a spin.
“Yeah, just don’t move too fast or the whole room is gonna get an eyeful of your ass. Isn’t this supposed to be a classy event?” she joked. “I love the top too, the long sleeves and off the shoulder. From the back, you’re very covered but then you see the front and it’s like bam! Titties and leg slits straight up to the hips.”
“I liked the off the shoulder myself,” you commented. You touched her dress and said, “The satin is nice. And you’re one to be talking about titties showing.”
“Isn’t that what draws these idiot rich men in?”
“Too true.”
Your face must have fallen because she asked, “You alright?”
“I’m a little uncomfortable about this party,” you admitted.
She nodded, “I know. Me too.”
“Really? I felt stupid for being worried.”
“No. Don’t be. There are a lot of dangerous people in there. Rich, but dangerous.”
“At least we know Tatiana will cut someone off if they show they’re violent. Too bad one of us has to prove that first but still… it’s a comfort knowing you hopefully won’t be going back with a sadist who wants to just beat someone up.”
“In a bad way,” Elisha chimed in, a smirk playing on her lips, giving you a nudge.
You laughed and agreed, “Yes, in a bad way. I like getting beat up, just in a certain way.”
Elisha held out her arm and asked, “Shall we? Make sure the other girls don’t get all the good ones?”
The two of you walked in, arms looped. The room was decorated beautifully. Shimmering garlands hung from the ceiling setting a low glow to the room. The two of you were offered slender glasses of champagne upon entry. You knew to sip, it would not serve you to be drunk. That was a rookie mistake. Servers moved in and out of the crowd with small plates of appetizers and Elisha dropped your arm to stop one, making sure to grab two of the toothpicks to get you one as well as a plate went by.
“That’s deep fried,” she said holding it out to you.
“Can’t pass that up,” you replied, taking it and biting into it. “Mhm, crab.”
“You know I sign up for these high-end parties for a reason,” Elisha intoned and you smiled as you tossed the toothpick into a plant. “Y/N!”
“What? I’m not gonna carry it around like a little weapon.”
She could not stifle her laughter and she followed your movement, tossing it into the plant. The two of you took a drink of your champagne and then linked arms again, moving away from the plant, shooting a look around to make sure no one had noticed.
“I wonder who you’re going ‘home’ with tonight,” you teased, your eyes moving around the room.
You caught eyes with a man and you crumbled under his intense gaze. You inhaled deeply, staring anywhere but at him.
“What’s wrong?” Elisha asked you, leaning in close.
“Um, think I got one,” you said quietly, turning with her to change direction nonchalantly. “But I don’t like it.”
“What don’t you like about it?”
“He’s probably one of the most dangerous people in this room. I was hoping to land a small fish.”
Elisha muttered underneath her breath, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”
“You mean whores can’t be picky.”
“I was being polite to us.” She nudged you slightly. “Who is it though?”
“Tony fucking Stark.” She inhaled sharply and you breathed out, “Yeah, bitch. I know.”
“Wanna disappear?”
“Does that ever work once they get their eyes on you?”
“Right. So… maybe just keep acting normal. Keep going in a different direction than him. And maybe he’ll lose interest and find someone else?”
“Does that ever work?” she asked you now, snorting.
You inhaled deeply and shot her a look, which she only returned a smirk. “No.”
The time moved on and you tried avoiding looking over in his direction. One, it would look desperate, and you were trained to not look desperate. And second, well… you did not want to draw anymore unnecessary attention to yourself. Yet, out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone approaching you and you had a pretty good feeling who it was.
He came to your side and you turned your head to look at him.
“Hi,” you smiled calmly even though you were doing somersaults inside.
“Fine night isn’t it?” he asked, saying the code phrase. It was for the customers to make sure they were actually speaking to one of you and not some random girl who would take offense if they asked them to come back with them.
“It’s splendid,” you responded, nodding. Elisha’s embrace fell from yours and you knew she was leaving like she should. You wished she would not though. He was terribly handsome but he made you nervous.
Tony’s eyes were light at hearing you were who he thought you were. He stepped closer, saying softly into your ear. “How would you feel about coming back to the room with my friend and I?”
That was not an unusual request, you had had threesomes before. They brought in more money, not that you thought that would be an issue for them. You had just not had someone like Tony fucking Stark asking you to have a threesome.
You took his arm, smiling sensually. “I’d love it. This party is getting boring anyway.”
Tony chuckled, “Isn’t that the truth? Everyone in here jacking themselves off about helping the next hurricane by stuffing their faces and donating money without actually lifting a finger when the time comes.”
He took your champagne from you and placed it on a server’s plate who was walking by without batting an eye. You did not miss the server’s jaw clench at him putting a dirty cup on it, but they said nothing, moving on like nothing happened. Tony took your hand and led you out of the room. He made small talk and you reciprocated; arms linked in the elevator. His cologne smelled delicious and his eyes were beautiful. You wondered where his friend was though? Maybe in the room already.
The room was a suite, beautifully designed in architecture and aura.
“Drink?” Tony asked you, moving away from your side towards the mini bar.
“What do you have?”
You shrugged, “Not really my thing but thank you all the same.”
“Polite,” Tony mused, pouring himself a glass. “The bedroom is through there. I’ll follow shortly.”
You followed the direction he pointed and walked through the doorway. You stopped only for a moment seeing a man sitting in a plush armchair near the bed.
Oh Christ, you thought to yourself recognizing the man on sight.
Steve Rogers.
Not only were you with two men but they happened to be two of the biggest mob bosses in the city. You could not fuck this up. Who knew what men like them did when they were upset.
You brushed your shock off quickly and cocked your head. “What did I do to deserve this honor?”
Steve’s lips curled into a smile and he said, “Looking as beautiful as you do, I would say that we are the one being honored. Not the other way around.”
Despite your nervousness, you smiled at this and said, “A charmer. I like it.”
He had taken off his suit jacket and vest, sitting there with his tie loosened. He had a drink on the nightstand next to him and picked it up, taking a swig, his eyes never leaving you. You felt like you could melt underneath his salacious gaze.
Tony entered the room from behind you, an envelope in his hand. He held it out to you and you took it, getting the business out of the way right off the bat. You did not dare insult him by checking to see if all the cash was there.
He held out a couple more hundreds and your brow furrowed. “No protection.”
Your eyes moved between the two of them before you asked, “You’re clean?” Tony cocked his head and you said, “That’s a risk. You know I have to ask.”
“Yeah,” Tony chuckled. “Yeah, clean. But, baby, you were going to be sucking our dicks. Does your cunt really matter if it was gonna be all evident over your face?”
He had a point. “Touche.”
You snatched the bills from him and shoved them into your clutch. He took the purse from you then and placed it on the dresser. His large hand came to your waist, his fingers brushing the bare skin there.
Nodding towards where Steve was sitting, he suggested, “Why don’t you get him worked up?”
“Is he not already?” you asked coyly, eyes flicking down to where his dick was outlined in his slacks.
Steve’s lips curled into a smile, repeating your words to you, “Charming. I like it.”
You left Tony’s grasp, coming to stand in front of Steve. You wasted no time taking your clothes off with a flair, coming to stand in front of him in your lingerie. Steve’s fingers toyed with the strap at your hip, his eyes raking up and down your frame. You moved into his lap, feeling his length through his slacks, brushing your thigh. His lips were soft, but his kisses were rough, his hands slipping down to cup your ass, squeezing tightly. You grinded your pelvis against him and his breath caught against the friction; he really was already that hard.
Pulling away from him, your hands ghosted down his neck and onto his shoulders. Slinking out of his lap, you sunk to your knees before him. You pulled his belt off, tossing it over the arm of the chair and helped him shimmy his pants down, freeing his length. Starting slow, you teased him. He tasted salty as your tongue traced the vein on the bottom of his cock. At the head, you ran your teeth gently across and he moaned, tossing his head back.
Your mouth was full of him, feeling him at the back of your throat. Increasing your speed, you moved more shallowly making sure to swirl your tongue as you sucked. When you made eye contact with him, he gave a groan, his fingers wrapping up tighter around your hair. You pulled away with an audible pop, saliva trailing from your mouth to his head.
Steve leaned forward, his free hand grasping your cheeks to hold you tightly as he smashed his lips to yours.
“Fucking slut,” he growled, his eyes blown wide with lust.
His hand came down, shoving the straps of your bra off. He fumbled with the clasp and he tossed it across the room. He pulled you up towards him, his mouth wet along your nipples. He gave a hard suck and you gasped. Steve chuckled and nipped, sucking your nipple in again. His hand smacked your ass, drawing another strangled gasp and he fell back against the chair, a wolfish smile on his face as he stared up at you.
To your right, you caught sight of Tony who had gotten undressed during this.
“Come here,” Tony said, beckoning you with two fingers as he moved towards the bed.
He laid back down on the pillows, waiting for you. Coming to the bed, you took your underwear off before crawling on, bending over his erect cock. You ran a tantalizing lick up his length, keeping direct eye contact with him. Your mouth enveloped him, sliding down slowly. The bed shifted with Steve’s weight and you felt his head at your entrance. He slipped in with ease, his hands gripping your hips.
Tony held your head in place as you bounced with Steve’s thrusts. You choked against his cock which only made him more aroused, him biting his lip, holding you tighter. Steve was driving deep and Tony gave you a breather as Steve’s thrusts became unbridled.
Your mouth was rubbing up against his dick and he demanded, “Who do you belong to?”
“You, sir,” you gasped, before he shoved his dick right back in your mouth.
You could barely breathe with his cock shoved down your throat.
“You fucking like that? Choking on my dick?” You hummed a response against his dick as he continued ramming into the back of your throat. He chuckled darkly, “Couldn’t quite catch that. But I’m assuming it was good.”
Tony’s precum coated your mouth and you only thought of him finishing in your mouth. You would happily swallow every drop.
Steve came with a shout, his cock twitching inside you. You tried to lurch away from the feeling, but he held tight, emptying fully. You moaned, your mouth still full of Tony’s cock. You heard Steve sigh with relief at his release from behind you. His grip fell lax and he moved away from you and off the bed.
Tony yanked you away from his dick. “On your back,” Tony ordered, twirling his finger in the motion.
You did as he asked, flopping back. He was on you in a second, entering you swiftly. It did not take him long to find release after you had been giving him out of this world head. Forehead pressed against yours, he emptied, strangled moans leaving his throat. You were dripping cum from both men, it no doubt leaking onto the sheets.
The two of you laid there panting for a few moments. You were still so wound up, wanting release. But that was not something you were always granted, and this seemed to be one of those times. At least you had given them both great orgasms. Happy customers, happy life.
That is until, Tony pulled away and his hand slipped to your sex.
“Let’s make sure you leave satisfied, darling. I wouldn’t wanna leave a bad impression,” Tony husked, stroking your clit.
You were not going to complain, letting him work you towards release. You knew it was not going to take long considering how close you had already been. You gripped his forearm, your pelvis thrusting towards him, broken cries leaving you. Your head fell back against the pillows and you came down gasping.
Tony was grinning down at the sight of you coming undone around his fingers.
“Aren’t you just a beautiful sight,” he said, running his eyes over you once more. He tore his gaze away from you and backed off. “I’ll give you some air.”
You laid on the bed for a few minutes, staring up at the ceiling. That went way better than you had expected. You had fallen into it so easily and not let your nerves get the better of you. Showed you were damn good at your job.
The shower was running in the bathroom where you assumed Steve was at because Tony had thrown on his boxers and grabbed a cigar, going out onto the balcony. You slipped out of bed, thinking briefly if it would be appropriate to clean yourself up in the bathroom. But you did not want to bother him.
Tugging your underwear back on, you tried to be quiet. You pulled your skirt back up and snatched your shirt off the table, pulling it back on.
As you were grabbing your purse, you saw your phone was lighting up with texts. Elisha was texting asking if you wanted to ride home with her cause she was done with whoever she had gone home with. You texted back quickly telling her you would meet her just as you heard the sliding glass door open back up and Tony come back inside.
“You don’t have to run off,” Tony commented, coming back from the balcony.
You held up your phone and said, “My friend wants company on the ride home. She doesn’t like riding alone at this time of night.”
“Hmm. Pity. But understandable.”
“Do you need me to stick around to say goodbye to your friend?”
“You know his name,” Tony chortled. “And no.”
“He didn’t properly introduce himself.”
“That is true. Neither did I.”
“Like you said… I know your names,” you said, raising your brows. You checked yourself in the mirror, making sure you did not look like a total trainwreck.
Tony came up from behind you, pressing up against you. You looked at him through the mirror as he traced his hands down your sides. He was taking you in slowly and you did not mistake the hunger in his eyes.
He locked eyes with you through the mirror and said in a low voice, “We’ll be seeing you soon.”
Your heart was pounding as you left the hotel suite. Did you just become a go to for them?
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
#tony stark x reader#steve rogers x reader#mob tony stark#mob steve rogers#au marvel#au marvel fic#marvel fic#my shit
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And Everyone Else Knew It
A drabble for Day 5 of @kakaobiweek Blue | Safe | Mutual Pining
Brief mature humor, romance, and fluff. I hope that you enjoy reading it!
And Everyone Else Knew It
Kakashi combed his cowlicks with his fingers and tried to steady his heart as he hurried to meet with Obito.
It was part of the latter’s conditional release to have regular meetings with a member of Konoha’s security force. As Hokage, Kakashi was not only the top of the law and order food chain in the village, he was also the only one with authority to pardon anyone for war crimes. As such, the Council of Elders decided that he would be the one assigned to supervise Obito’s rehabilitation and integration back into society. But there was a problem with this arrangement.
Obito was hot, and Kakashi had it bad for him.
His attraction to his old teammate and hero set in almost the exact moment they were reunited on the battlefield during the Fourth Great Shinobi War. The shock over the fact that Obito was most certainly not dead lasted for a fraction of a second, replaced by the shock over the handsome man he’d become. Kakashi barely had an opportunity to make sense of his conflicted feelings before they fought in their Kamui dimension, where he wished they were exchanging blows of an entirely different variety.
But that would be impossible, even after the impossible became possible.
Just because Obito was alive didn’t mean he could return Kakashi’s feelings. Any daydream in which the Rokudaime might indulge quickly ended with the cold, hard fact that a man who would start an international war over a female was probably, most likely, definitely not into dudes.
Even though he wore a watch these days, Kakashi checked the sun’s position in the sky to determine the time. He quickened his pace when he realized he was running late. Running late was Obito’s schtick, and now that he was back, it seemed silly to Kakashi to mimic the habit. At least, that’s what he told himself to explain why he would always hurry to their meetings, not because he was excited to see him or anything.
The funny thing was, was that Obito wasn’t arriving late to their meetings, either.
Kakashi attributed Obito’s punctuality to his desire to make a good impression on his parole officer instead of desiring his parole officer. But what a delicious fantasy that was; it was one that Kakashi turned to often in private and one that he shook clear from his mind as he opened the door to the restaurant where they agreed to meet. They had important things to discuss this time.
Obito said he'd undergone many changes recently, so Kakashi suggested they'd meet in a more casual atmosphere than his office. That way, it could be more like two friends having a conversation instead of abiding by the guidelines of Obito’s punishment.
However, when Kakashi spied Obito waving to him from where he was already seated in a booth, the Rokudaime wondered if he’d set himself up for additional hurt by arranging what could feel more like a date to him than a meeting.
Kakashi nodded a curt greeting at the three remaining members of Team Ten, who enjoyed their weekly dinner together in the booth next to Obito before joining his unrequited crush.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’m starving, so I already ordered for us,” Obito said as soon as Kakashi sat down.
“That’s fine,” Kakashi was too nervous to have an appetite, anyway. “So, you mentioned that a lot has happened since the last time we met,” he folded his hands in front of him on the table, “you should be moved into your new apartment by now.”
“I am,” Obito nodded.
“How do you like it?”
“I mean, it’s an apartment,” Obito looked down at his lap. “It’s small, but it’s bigger than my prison cell and comfier than a cave.”
Kakashi hummed thoughtfully in response, quietly considering how Obito lived for so long in hiding and doing his best to ignore how his heart ached for the man.
“My neighbor is a kind woman,” Obito continued, briefly meeting Kakashi’s gaze. “She’s elderly; her eyesight isn’t great, and I don’t think she knows who I am,” he smirked sheepishly. “I help her carry her groceries up the stairs, and she brings a plate of whatever she bakes that day, which is really nice.”
This sent Kakashi’s aching heart into somersaults, and he figured he better say something while he still could talk. “Are you forming connections and friendships with others?”
“Yeah, y’know, Gai comes around with his student, Lee, and they invite me to train with them. They, uh,” Obito chuckled, “gave me a matching leotard, and I like sparring with them, but I don’t think green is my color,” he laughed. “It’s nice to feel included, though.”
“Gai is pretty great that way,” Kakashi agreed, thankful for his old friend and rival.
“Kurenai smiles and waves at me when I see her at the cemetery these days, so I hope that we’ll become closer over time.”
Kakashi nodded, shifting uncomfortably in his seat and ignoring how his stomach tightened.
“I dunno, there’s only one person that I talk to a lot since I’ve come back, and that’s, well,” Obito mirrored Kakashi’s discomfort across the table, “I mean, everything about my life is complicated, but that’s really complicated.”
“How so?”
“Well, they’re pretty great,” Obito’s sheepish smile returned.
Kakashi noted that when it seemed that everything else about his old teammate had changed, that expression remained the same. Then he realized that he was lost in thought, not listening as Obito continued to talk.
“...And they make me feel safe. Which, after everything I’ve been through, that’s pretty important.”
Kakashi kicked himself for not paying attention to Obito because whatever he said made him blush.
“Anyway, that’s hopeless,” Obito muttered.
“Why?” Kakashi asked.
“Well, I was kind of a jerk to them when I was a kid, and… and then I went and messed everything up.”
Kakashi leaned over the table closer to Obito to emphasize his earnestness. “People are learning that you were taken advantage of, Obito. Yes, you did terrible things, but you were manipulated when you were vulnerable. Then, you fought alongside the Allied Shinobi Forces when we needed it, and most importantly, you aren’t running from the repercussions of your actions. That’s why I could pardon you, and it’s why people are able and willing to forgive you.”
“Do you forgive me?”
“Here’s your broiled saury,” a waitress interrupted, and Kakashi sat back in his seat so she could set his dinner down on the table in front of him.
Obito thanked her and assured her that they had everything they needed before leaving them alone at their table.
“This is my favorite,” Kakashi muttered.
“Yeah, I know,” Obito replied off-handed, reaching for his utensils.
As casual as it seemed to Obito, the gesture touched Kakashi. He swallowed down the dangerous beginnings of hope before it could take hold of his exhausted heart and sought to encourage Obito in all of his pursuits. “If I’ve learned anything from being Naruto’s teacher, it’s that nothing is ever truly hopeless.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Obito spoke through a mouthful of food, and it amazed Kakashi that he could find even that attractive.
“They’re popular, like, really popular, internationally popular,” Obito’s eyes bulged as he stressed the point. “They could seriously have just about anyone they wanted, and I can’t exactly compete with that,” he finished, clearly crestfallen. “Anyway, let’s talk about something else.”
Kakashi was not a romantic man, and he knew it, and he also knew that he didn’t have a chance in hell with the man that sat across from him, no matter how much he yearned to reach out and reassure Obito that he was worth loving, and—
Kakashi chewed his dinner and choked on the word ‘love’ when it crossed his mind. He was in way deeper than he thought and decided that a change of subject was probably best. “You mentioned that you found a job,” he offered.
“Oh, yeah!” Obito perked up at the opportunity to share his good news. “I may not be a ninja anymore, but I’m still in pretty good shape.”
Really good shape, Kakashi thought.
“So, I was offered a modeling contract.”
Kakashi dropped his fork in his surprise, and it clattered on the table.
Obito laughed at him. “I know, it’s unexpected, but,” he chuckled again and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. “Looks like I’m going to be the next bad boy in Blue Boy.”
“Blue Boy?” Kakashi repeated, astonished. “The gay men’s lifestyle magazine?”
“You know it?” Obito asked, wide-eyed.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you were into— I-I, I mean, I’ve bought a few editions,” Kakashi felt his mouth go dry, “for the articles.” And if Obito would be featured in its photo spreads, he’d be buying a subscription.
“Right,” Obito drawled sarcastically, and Kakashi felt seen. “Anyway, to be honest, I was amazed too,” he fiddled with the straw in his drink, “I don’t exactly consider myself to be fashion model material.”
“You’re hot!” Kakashi was juggling too many surprises, and as a result, dropped his filter. Then he did his best to pick it up and put it back on when Obito’s eyes snapped to his face. “I mean, that’s hot, I mean, good for you,” he wished for the earth to open up and swallow him, or for an assassin to show up intent on taking him out, or—
“You think I’m hot?” Obito asked quietly, tenderly, longingly.
Kakashi licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak but closed it when everyone heard Shikamaru’s groan from the table next to them.
“Mendokusē! Would you two just kiss already?”
Both men sat in silence, staring at each other. Kakashi felt as flushed as Obito looked.
“Shikamaru’s right,” Choji agreed. “You two are worse than a one-hundred-thousand-word slow burn fanfic.”
“Oh, I love those!” Ino gasped.
“A what?” Kakashi asked.
“Who cares,” Obito answered, his eyes beginning to smolder in a way that Kakashi had only dreamed. “Let’s pay the bill and—”
“My place or yours?” Kakashi flagged down their waitress.
“How about ours?” Obito asked, his Sharingan eye already spinning.
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Long Night in the Valley Chapter 13
The car didn’t seem more crowded, but it was. Spinner had the dubious honor and privilege of being in one of Mr. Compress’s marbles, along with the doctor. Midoriya Inko sat in his recently vacated seat.
She was, without a single doubt, the most dangerous person in the vehicle. Mostly because she was completely insane. She had spent the first few minutes of driving detailing how she could blow up the car with her quirk and making sure that they knew she’d do it if she thought she had to.
What would make her think she ‘had to’ was a mystery Tomura didn’t particularly want solved.
He could totally see what Sensei saw in her, and he didn’t like it. He wished he could go back to ignorance. This questline was insane. The whole game was going to wind up broken. Had he killed an essential NPC at some point?
Eyeballs were small objects. So were most organs.
Midoriya Inko was someone Tomura could respect.
Would Midoriya Izuku be like this, if Tomura had an actual conversation with him? Their conversation at the mall hadn’t exactly been… normal. Tomura could admit he’d been using his intimidation skill to move the conversation along. Of course, Midoriya had struck him as a two-dimensional All Might fanboy at that point. Limited dialogue options. Killed in the next encounter. A hidden miniboss, yes, but just a miniboss. Not terribly important to the main campaign. Forgotten by disc two.
Clearly, he’d been wrong.
Which he shouldn’t have had mixed feelings about, but definitely did.
“Dear,” said Midoriya Inko, making everyone in the car stiffen, “do you have eczema?”
“The what?” asked Tomura, his tone too subdued to be considered snapping, because he wasn’t about to snap at someone who had convincingly demonstrated her ability to crush his organs against the inside of his abdominal cavity.
“Oh!” said Toga. “I know this one, Mom! It’s a skin condition.”
Tomura pulled his hand away from where it had been scratching at his neck. “I don’t have a skin condition. It just itches sometimes.”
Midoriya Inko nodded. “Yes, that sounds like eczema, I—” She stopped, blinking. “Did you just call me ‘Mom?’”
“Yeah, is that okay? Izu-kun and I are dating, after all!”
“No, she isn’t!” shouted Twice, the car swerving a little. “She is not! Only in her dreams!”
“Ah,” said Midoriya Inko. “I see. Well, I don’t mind you calling me that, but I think you really need to ask Izuku before you say that you’re dating. Make sure you’re on the same page, dear.”
Toga pouted.
“Now, where was I? Eczema. Izuku used to have eczema, but he grew out of it, mostly. I still carry some cream with me. Do you want some?”
Would refusing be dangerous?
Was the cream secretly poison?
Was this a complex scheme to get under his skin?
“Oh, Izuku mutters like that, too,” said Midoriya Inko, happily. “You remind me quite a bit of when he was going through his antisocial phase, actually. It would be funny if it turned out that you were related, wouldn’t it? Quite a coincidence, hm? One I’ll have to talk to my husband about.” The last sentence was as hard as diamonds and as poisonous as cyanide.
Tomura once again decided that he regretted everything.
“This is terrible,” whispered Tsuyu for the fifth or sixth time.
“Tres mal,” agreed Aoyama.
“Is it bad that I can completely believe All Might wrote this?” asked Satou.
“Why would it be bad?” asked Shouji.
“Because it’s so… bad.”
“And yet,” said Yaoyorozu, “oddly compelling.”
“Why does he use so much English?” grumbled Mineta.
“What a mad banquet of darkness,” said Fumikage, who was, nevertheless, also reading the fanfic on his phone.
“But, like, it makes it pretty obvious that All Might thinks the world of Midoriya,” said Kaminari. “Do you think he knew that other people could read this?”
“I mean,” said Jiro. “He had to, right? It wasn’t like he was born in the nineteen hundreds.”
“I don’t know, sometimes you’ve got to wonder. Like… sometimes it’s as if he was grown in a lab to be the perfect hero, you know?”
“Kaminari, stop trying to be Todoroki, please,” said Fumikage. “You do not need to dip yourself into the darkness.”
“I’m just saying,” said Kaminari. “And it isn’t as if we don’t know that there are a bunch of mad scientist types that would do just that, plus the Hero Commission is psychotic—”
“That’s unkind to psychotic people,” said Fumikage, glowering. “You know, most psychotic people never hurt anyone. The incidence of villainy among people who experience psychosis isn’t significantly higher than among the general population.”
“Sorry, man, just a figure of speech.”
The bus slowly came to a stop outside UA’s gates.
“My switch isn’t working,” said Green Light as he repeatedly pressed a button on his dash. “I guess they’re still on lockdown. We’ll have to wait for Nezu to come let us in.”
“Still?” asked Midnight. “Midoriya isn’t even in the city anymore, as far as we know.”
“Not that he was ever a threat to the school,” mumbled Present Mic, his quirk making him loud enough to be heard regardless.
Fumikage, having finished the fanfic some time ago, looked out the window and spotted two people in suits loitering near the gate. “Yamada-sensei, Kayama-sensei, who are those people?”
Everyone rushed over to Fumikage’s side of the bus to look out the window, rocking the vehicle.
“Ohh,” said Present Mic. “Yeah. That makes sense. Those guys are with the commission. Yep. Good ol’ Nezu, keeping them out.”
“Wait,” said Jiro, “does this mean we’re stuck out here, too?”
“No, no,” said Present Mic. “He’ll have to let us in… But then they’ll come in, too.”
“Midoriya’s room,” said Fumikage. “They’ll want to search it.”
“Can we do something?” asked Kouda, timidly.
“Should we do anything?” asked Tsuyu, bluntly. “We don’t want to incriminate Midoriya even more by making it look like he’s hiding things.”
Fumikage turned to Kaminari. “Anything new from Principal Nezu?”
“Why are you looking at me?”
“You’re the one he emailed last time.”
“Hey, Fumikage,” said Jiro, “do you think you can fly over the wall? Maybe you can get a head start on… well, whatever, I guess.”
“I don’t think we should do anything suspicious while they’re watching,” reiterated Tsuyu.
“Yeah, plus we really revamped campus security. And this is Nezu we’re talking about.”
“The Rat God,” someone whispered, reverently.
(Was that Shouji?)
“Exactly, exactly,” said Present Mic. “So, everyone, just, please, calm down. Just sit back down, and we’ll ride the bus to the dorms. Like normal.”
“Yamada-sensei, nothing about this is normal,” said Tsuyu, flatly.
“Well,” said Present Mic, “yeaaaah, okay, you got me there, listeners.”
“Nezu’s coming up,” said Green Light. “Aw, he has Eri with him. They’re so short together.”
“Green Light,” crackled the radio in Nezu’s voice. “Did you forget that I have cameras and microphones installed on all our buses?”
“That’s how he knew I was the one putting together the compilation!” said Kaminari.
Fumikage peered out the window and furtively opened it, so they could hear what was going on. Eri was definitely there. She was also sporting the deepest, most dismal, aura of darkness Fumikage had ever laid eyes on. Luckily, it seemed to be aimed at the commission lackeys in the form of a smile and dead, dead eyes.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen!” said Nezu, cheerily. “I apologize for the long wait! As Lunch Rush indubitably told you, we had a small emergency.”
“We’ve been out here for hours. What kind of emergency could have kept you for hours under these circumstances?”
Eri’s smile grew both broader and deader. “Me,” she said. “I’m the emergenny.”
“Emergency,” corrected Nezu, gently.
“Emergency,” repeated Eri.
“I’m sorry?” said the shorter of the two investigators.
“I’m the emergency. I hada—” she paused, and her face pinched slightly in concentration. “I had an emergency, because, because, you’re being mean to Deku.”
“You’re mean,” insisted Eri. “You’re bad guys. Deku is the good guy, because he saved me. Only bad guys are mean to good guys.”
“Excuse me, is this Chisaki Eri?”
Eri hissed.
“Perhaps I could ask you to refrain from using that family name. We’ve been trying to get past what her form did to her, you understand. Teach her morality.”
“I’ll bite you,” said Eri, malevolently.
“Self-defense, as well,” continued Nezu. “It’s very important for children to be able to feel safe and confident in themselves, don’t you think? And the recent news dealt a serious blow to that. You understand, then why I felt that it was more important to take care of my ward and other students than to greet you here. Especially given that you wished to interview Eri-chan as well.”
“I’ll bite you,” repeated Eri. “A lot.”
“We’ll… need a look at Midoriya’s room, first.”
“Way to go, Eri,” whispered Shinsou.
“Very well! You’ll have to come around to the front office to fill out some paperwork. We’ll need a physical copy of your badges, as well as a copy of your warrant, for our records…”
The gate opened, distracting Fumikage from whatever else Nezu had said. Green Light quickly drove through, making straight to the dorms. Fumikage snapped the window shut.
“So, uh,” said Kaminari. “What’re we going to do about Midoriya’s All Might shrine of a room?”
“Should we even do anything?” asked Jiro. “If stuff is disturbed, that’s going to be suspicious. I don’t want to get him into more trouble.”
“It’s a teenage boy’s bedroom,” said Mineta. “The stuff in there is already disturbed.”
“Mineta, I don’t know how to tell you this,” said Kaminari, “but your experiences are not universal.”
“None of you are disturbing Midoriya’s room at all,” said Midnight, standing. “You didn’t forget that we were here, did you? If you say yes, we’ll have to take some time to work on your situational awareness~”
Nemuri hadn’t quite known what to expect from the words ‘All Might shrine.’ In her experiences, the word ‘shrine’ could, especially when applied to a person’s hobby or area of interest, could cover a vast array of displays of varying intensity.
But Midoriya really went Plus Ultra on everything, didn’t he?
“Okay, kiddos,” said Midnight, “what would you say was the most incriminating thing in this room?”
She and Present Mic were the only ones actually in the room, but the students were gathered right outside the door.
Midnight nodded. They’d get those first, then search for other places Midoriya may have put evidence of less-than-entirely-morally-upright behavior. Not that Midnight really expected to find any.
“Where does he keep them?” she asked.
“He has a shelf above his desk he usually keeps them on, kero.”
Midnight looked at the shelf above Midoriya’s desk.
It looked back at her.
This was because it was a void. As in, void of any notebooks. An abyss of sorts. Empty.
There were no notebooks in evidence.
“This will be a problem.”
“G-Gigantomachia?” asked Izuku, turning up the sweetness in his tone despite his nerves. And pain. Yep, there was a whole lot of pain, everywhere. Now that he was no longer actively running for his life, it felt like he’d pulled every muscle in his body.
“Yes, Little Lord?” asked Gigantomachia, happily.
He was like a giant dog. Izuku almost felt bad tricking him like this, but he reminded himself that Gigantomachia was a giant, evil dog. So.
“Will you do something for me?”
“Of course, Little Lord!”
“Well,” said Izuku, “you remember how I said that Shigaraki Tomura and I don’t get along?”
“Yes, Little Lord! My memory is very good!”
Izuku blinked. “Is that a—” He cut himself off with a shake of his head. Not the time. “Well, I think that it might be a good idea if, ah, we established that he can’t attack me anymore.”
Gigantomachia stood up, shaking the earth and almost sending Izuku tumbling down. “HE ATTACKED YOU?”
Maybe this would be easier than he thought. “Yeah. A couple times. I’m okay, though!” He waved his hands. “I just think that it might be a good idea if we established a, uh, a pecking order. Sort of.”
“Please do not actually kill him.”
“That’s the spirit,” said Izuku.
Wow. That was… certainly a statement. That Izuku was going to try his best to forget forever.
“Right. So. If you see him, do that,” said Izuku, nodding.
“And, this is just a reminder, but don’t go into towns.”
“Great,” said Izuku. “I’m going to go back in and, uh…” He couldn’t say ‘plot my escape with Toshinori.’ “Rest,” he settled on.
“Oh!” Gigantomachia crouched down, his voice suddenly whisper-soft. Assuming rocks could be described as whispering. “Sleep well, Little Lord!”
“Thanks,” said Izuku, beating a hasty retreat.
“Stop the car!”
“But you said-!”
“Just stop the car, Twice.”
There was a not-at-all hidden ‘or else’ in those words. Twice, once again, stopped the car.
“Oh, my,” said Midoriya Inko, leaning forward. “That man up there looks remarkably like the sitter Hisashi hired for Izuku.”
“Oh, god,” said Tomura, dragging his hands down the sides of his face in lieu of looking out the window. “We aren’t prepared for this level.”
Midoriya Inko suddenly disappeared. Tomura made a noise in the back of his throat that wasn’t at all a scream.
Mr. Compress raised his hands defensively. “I thought it best to marble her while she was distracted. We wouldn’t want her to get injured in ”
“Wow! Way to go, Mr. Compress!” said Toga, giving the other villain a hug. “Good thinking!”
“Yeah!” agreed Twice. “Now she can’t hurt us—But she sure can when you let her out!”
“Which is why I propose we bring her to Giran at the first feasible opportunity. Between him and the doctor, I’m sure they can make arrangements for her that we need not be involved in. And I will make sure we are all far, far away when I let her out.”
There was a series of sighs of relief.
“Good idea,” croaked Tomura. “But what are we going to do about—” He swore vehemently. “He’s seen us, he’s seen us we’ve got aggro! Reverse!”
“Is that Vlad-sensei’s car?”
“Unfortunately,” said Toshinori, “I think it is. Oh, dear, the man’s one to hold a grudge. I think I’ll have a new nemesis by the end of this.”
Today had been a very annoying day in general for Vlad King, but for some reason, his sense of annoyance suddenly doubled. This made his hands clench and thereby tear the piece of paper he was holding.
Scratch that. His sense of annoyance had tripled.
“Yagi,” he muttered, “I am going to sue you so much.”
“What was that?” asked Hound Dog, looking away from the video feed displaying Eri-chan scarring Hero Commission agents for life in her undeniably cute way.
“Nothing,” muttered Vlad.
All for One paused in his assault of the vault door. He couldn’t help but feel like someone somewhere had said something unusually aggravating.
Ah, well. He had other things to worry about.
“Ah,” said Toshinori as one of Gigantomachia’s fists tore off the bumper of the rapidly reversing car. “Hm,” he continued as Shigaraki climbed out on the hood, grinning. “I think we should go, now.”
Izuku nodded. They could only hope to get far away enough away for Gigantomachia to be unable to hunt them down.
If they ran into any other problems…
Dabi paused as he heard quite a lot of noise from up ahead and rolled his eyes, ignoring how the movement pulled at his staples. The idiots had already started fighting Gigantomachia. Well. He didn’t want any part of that.
He changed directions. Hanging out in the woods it was, then.
Eh. It was good for him. Fresh (cold) air. Sunshine (sort of). Readily available reminders of why he hated his father.
Nature was great. If only he could burn it all down without blowing cover.
“Oh, no,” said a hapless technician.
“What?” asked the commission supervisor who’d brough the sample to the lab. “What is it? Is he related to the Scourge of Kamino?”
“Well,” squeaked the woman, her mousy ears twitching. “Yes. But I ran him through a few other databases as well, and…” she trailed off. “Well… The number of cross references in the hero database is staggering, but, of course, if he’s related to them, and to the other, well…”
The commission supervisor grabbed the edge of her monitor and twisted it around to face him. She watched the blood drain from his face and refrained from calling him out on his rudeness.
“Why,” he asked, “didn’t they run the Scourge of Kamino’s DNA through these databases?”
“I guess they didn’t think it was necessary?”
“Excuse me,” he said, “I have to make a few calls.”
“You want us to attack the League of Villains now?” asked Hawks, frowning. “You’ve had me following them around for weeks, and you want us to go in now, with next to no preparation? We don’t even know if the rest of the League is with Dabi.”
What had they found out from Midoriya’s blood sample? Had it turned out the way Dabi had expected.
Was Midoriya Izuku the son of All for One?
“Alright, alright,” he said in response to his handler. He sighed deeply, leaning back to better look at the sky. “But even I’m going to need a couple hours to get everything together and start coordinating with other heroes. I’m—Sir, I really don’t think I’m going to be able to take them all on just with myself and my sidekicks. Midoriya probably isn’t with them to begin with—I’m not questioning you, sir. I just don’t understand our objective in attacking them now. Why are we rushing? It seems counterpro—Yes, sir.” The line beeped loudly as it disconnected.
Well. All this had been a monumental waste of time.
It also boded ill for Midoriya. It sounded as if he’d become an even greater target than before, and considering that the commission had been labeling him a villain even before testing his DNA… Something bigger than being related to All for One must have come out. Something that had scared the commission. Something they would scrap their stealth- and intelligence-based plan for dealing with the League for. Something they wanted gone. Locked away with Midoriya.
Hawks couldn’t imagine what that could be. Maybe he was related to All Might? Or Endeavor? All Might wouldn’t be bad, he was never publicly in a relationship, but then he’d always been private about his personal life. But Endeavor… that’d be a scandal and a half.
But, if either of those were the case, why were they so sure he’d be with the League of Villains? It didn’t make sense. Unless… Unless Midoriya wasn’t the only one related to All for One.
At least they weren’t asking him to kill the kid. The mission was capture.
Which meant that Hawks had to come up with some way of letting an injured and probably exhausted teenager and a severely disabled old man escape without looking like he was letting them escape. Or looking like an incompetent idiot. Again. Because he wasn’t about to bring Midoriya in under circumstances this shady. Maybe before, when he thought it was just trumped-up kidnapping charges, but with this uncertainty…
Commission lackey or not, Hawks was still a hero. Sometimes that meant he put aside personal feelings for the good of society, and sometimes it meant that he ignored orders so a minor wouldn’t be indefinitely imprisoned at a commission black site.
Fun times.
He sighed and gathered in his feathers, angling down into a dive. Time to get to work.
Ochako kept seeing things out of the corners of her eye. Shadow in the shape of people, in the shape of children. Stains on the walls.
The hallways were scrupulously clean. Spotless. Empty. Brightly lit.
Todoroki had mentioned smelling smoke a few times and had started gagging for no reason once or twice. Iida kept twitching as if he had heard something. Aizawa appeared unaffected, but Ochako could see the way he gripped his capture weapon and the rigidness of his spine.
Izuku looked resigned.
“Did they really—” started Iida.
“Yes,” said Izuku. “Almost certainly.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Todoroki.
“You’re only getting fragments of Three’s memories, since she’s suppressing this,” said Izuku. “But…” He twitched, slightly. “It’s going to get worse the farther we go. The places she was in…” His voice was soft, sing-song, not quite entirely there.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m focusing on something else outside.”
“Please tell me you aren’t fighting pro heroes again,” said Aizawa.
“No, I’m escaping from the League of Villains right now.”
“Mm. Great question. I’ll tell you how it goes later, if it works.”
“That’s not what I—”
An ear-splitting, bone-chilling scream filled the air, making everyone flinch and clench. Something crackled overhead.
“Incident response team to hallway C. Code Blue.”
More screaming. This time, Ochako had a better idea of where it was coming from, and it seemed like everyone else, did, too.
They ran past classrooms that were alternately empty and full of shadow people, past soulless dormitory rooms stuffed with bunk beds, past cells and rooms Ochako didn’t even want to think about.
A pair of dark-skinned girls stood in the hallway, one holding a bloody hand to her throat, the other baring her teeth. The lights flickered. Dimmed.
The girls were gone by the time the lights came back on.
The hallway they were in was full of operating theaters, complete with lights over the door. Ochako felt sick.
But she was used to dealing with nausea. She took a deep breath and swallowed.
“What now?” she asked. The quaver in her voice was barely audible.
“Now…” Aizawa turned slowly in place. “We’re trying to find where they met Ryuji.”
“Two,” said Izuku, nodding.
“So, the most likely place for that…” He trailed off. “The most likely place for that is in the… residential areas.” He sounded disgusted with himself for referring to a prison with such bland terms.
“We passed something like that,” said Todoroki, quietly.
“Right,” said Aizawa. “Let’s go.”
The way back was much more… crowded. The memories were more tangible. Ochako quickly taught herself not to look in any of the rooms. Not that it helped much with what they saw in the halls themselves.
Izuku’s distraction only grew worse as they went further. He kept trying to follow, or sometimes fight, the memory ghosts.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Focusing on something else.”
“Just don’t die on us, problem child.”
“We’re doing okay,” said Izuku.
This was, of course, when the facility’s alarm went off.
“Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.”
Izuku couldn’t hear the sound of the fight between the League and Machia anymore. This meant that either the fighting had stopped, or they had moved out of earshot.
Despite the League having a car (Vlad-sensei’s car) Izuku doubted that the fight had gotten all that far away.
Next to him, Toshinori winced. Izuku looked at him with concern, but Toshinori waved it off.
Izuku took a shaky breath.
They just had to keep going.
Twice had, perhaps predictably, backed the car up into a ditch, where, despite the amount of pressure he put on the accelerator, it stayed. Stuck. Perhaps forever.
All members of the League of Villains that were not crazy enough to crawl onto the outside of a moving car to fight a homicidal giant climbed out. All members, meaning a single member. A single member, ironically, being Twice.
At least he hadn’t been going very fast when he ran into the ditch.
“Everyone okay? –Of course, they’re not! You were in a car crash, idiots!”
“Come help us fight!” ordered Shigaraki. “We were in the middle of something, you know, stupid level boss! Keep having to save scum I hate you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
Well, that wasn’t a good sign.
“Where’s Himiko?” he shouted.
“Over here, silly!” said the second Shigaraki, because, yeah. Twice had forgotten he hadn’t duplicated Shigaraki.
Man, he was dumb sometimes. It was great he had friends to help him with that!
He dove into the fight which, ever so slightly, ever so slowly, began to move away from the car.
Izuku’s head throbbed sharply, and he stumbled, Toshinori just managing to catch him before he faceplanted. Four and the other past users hissed at him from the back of his mind.
Someone’s coming. Hide.
They were in no condition for another fight.
Toshinori nodded sharply, and pulled Izuku aside, into some bushes. Izuku tried to breathe quietly but was painfully aware that both he and Toshinori were out of breath and raspy. Ragged. They’d been aiming for speed, not stealth, counting on the sounds of combat to cover them.
But if someone was out here—
Izuku smelled smoke. A branch snapped. He held his breath, despite the way his lungs longed for more oxygen. Had Dabi been in the car? Izuku hadn’t seen him. He hadn’t seen any blue fire. It wasn’t like Dabi to hold back.
A pair of black booted feet came into view.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
They found Two standing in a hallway, surrounded by the bodies of soldiers. A small horde of shadow children clung to his legs.
When he laid eyes on Izuku, he sighed.
“Does the world ever give you a break?” he asked.
“Not that I’ve noticed,” said Izuku.
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Could you do a story where Thirteen bumps into the tenth doctor and Donna and thirteen pretends that she's not the doctor but then post-library river comes along and causes mischief please? Also I REALLY love your fics, especially The Oncoming Storm! Yours were the first fanfics I read and they're one of the few I like (I'm picky) so thanks for doing such brilliant stories!
Aww thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say!! Sorry this took a little while longer, hope the wait was worth it! Turned out a bit longer than expected. Hope it sort of fits the brief lol! Really hope you like it!
Rating: G
Ship: Ten/River, Thirteen/River
Word count: 2400
Read on AO3 or below
River Song Has Been Saved
“Hang on a minute, Doctor.“ Donna walked back over to the TARDIS doors after the Doctor had closed them with a snap of his fingers. She thought she’d seen something, just as the doors had closed.
“What’s wrong?“ The Doctor frowned and followed her, both sticking their heads out.
“Oi, lady!“ Donna called stopping a young woman that had just strolled past the TARDIS and was heading back deeper into the Library. Everyone was supposed to be evacuated by now.
“Sorry?“ The woman looked around, blonde hair framing soft features and big eyes. She looked to them as if she hadn’t expected them to be there.
“You can’t go in there.“ The Doctor gestured to the door that lead further into the Library as they stepped out of the TARDIS again. Only a moment longer and they would have taken off and missed her sneaking in here.
“Ahh… so close. Just a bit too early, wasn’t I, hate it when I do that…“ The blonde said to herself more than anything else.
“Did you just come here? The planet has been sealed off for a hundred years, how did you…“ The Doctor frowned, confused as to how she’d got in.
“Yeah, been meaning to check it out.“ The woman grinned. “The hair is magnificent, isn’t it.“ She eyed the Doctor up who looked back at her utterly bewildered. There was something familiar about her.
“Do I know you?“ He asked.
“No absolutely not, never mind me, I’m sure you got important things to do, so.“ She gave a little wave, intend on heading off.
“You can’t go in there, we’re evacuating the planet.“ Donna backed up the Doctor.
“I know, you have a nice day now.“ The woman grinned.
“Sorry, I can’t let you do that.“ The Doctor was quick to overtake her and step in her way. “This place is gonna get swallowed up by flesh eating darkness soon, you might want to head out not in?“
“I got to check something out of the library, I’ll only be a minute.“ She waved off his warning and tried to push past him. “And like you say, the window of opportunity is closing, so, you should probably leave this place yourselves…“
“And you can’t find your book any other place?“ Donna asked dumbfounded.
“One of a kind, sorry, got to run.“ The blonde replied with a grin pushing past him.
“Alright, have a nice day as well.“ The Doctor let her pass.
“Thanks!“ She grinned and sprinted off.
“Doctor, you're not just gonna let her go, are you?“ Donna asked thoroughly confused watching her leave.
“Not a chance. Just giving her a head start.“ The Doctor winked and they headed after her, careful not to be spotted. They took cover behind some tables in the main area as the blonde headed straight for a computer terminal.
“That was close, stupid box, always with the timing…“ She was mumbling to herself. “Couldn’t have hung on two minutes…“ Without further ado, she started pulling some sort of electrical equipment from the pockets of her impressive coat. There were a lot of parts to it and Donna couldn’t believe it all somehow fit into her pockets. They watched her as she hooked up the equipment to the computer.
“What is she doing?“ Donna whispered to the Doctor who shrugged.
“I’m more concerned with who she is… whatever she is doing, that’s complicated tech…“ He mused, watching in fascination as she continued her work.
“Ouch… alright then.“ The blonde pulled her hands away as she seemed to have gotten an electric shock. She stood and engaged the computer terminal. “CAL, hi, sorry, I know, bit confusing, different face.“ She started talking to the computer and the Doctor and Donna exchanged concerned looks. How did she know about CAL? What she was saying was making very little sense to them without the second half of the conversation. They couldn’t make out what CAL responded. “Just popping in to get what’s mine, alright? Don’t freak out, it’s really me. Can you put her on?“ There was a moment of silence. Neither Donna nor the Doctor said anything but there were only very few people she should be looking to talk to on that computer. This was about to get even more investing than the whole experience had been already. “Hello Sweetie. Surprise! This is gonna be great, you’re gonna love this, had Dorium track it down for me, took a while but here we are.“ The woman sounded thoroughly excited. “Get you coat, honey, let’s see if it works.“ She took a step backwards and pulled something from her coat pocket, pointing it at the computer. Sparks flew and the mechanism engaged.
“Can’t have come cheap, that.“
“Dorium Maldovar is known drive a hard bargain, she must be a hacker or criminal of some kind to have those kinds of ties.“ The Doctor mused, trying to make sense of what they were picking up.
“Perhaps Dorium just owes her a favour…“
“Dorium doesn’t do favours.“ He huffed. It was a ridiculous notion.
“He will.“
“Doctor.“ Donna touched her hand to his arm.
“Shush, Donna, I don’t want to lose the element of surprise.“ He kept his eyes firmly on the woman in the middle of the room who was looking around now, apparently waiting to see if whatever she had tried to do had worked.
“Doctor.“ Donna repeated.
“How much longer until he notices, you think?“
“Doctor?!“ Donna grabbed the Doctor by the shoulder and pulled him around.
“Donna, what?!“ He growled but stopped dead in his tacks when he found River Song standing behind them. He had been having a conversation with her without even realising it. She was dressed in a white flowing dress, a stark contrast to the environmental suit he’d only seen her in, and a grinned spread across her beautiful features.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ She chuckled.
“Oh my God, River, what, how…“ The Doctor couldn’t find words.
“Well, Sweetie, what do you think?“ River grinned at the Doctor.
“Of what?“ He was still in shock. He had watched her die only hours ago, he had managed to somehow, miraculously save her consciousness and now suddenly she was here again? “How did you get out of the computer? What did she do?“
“Some sort of teleport I believe, but like a really clever 3D printer, materialise the body, download the consciousness, boom, brand new wife.“ River explained, enjoying the dumbfound expression on both their faces.
“River!!“ The blonde had finally spotted her and River waved to her.
“Speaking of wife…“ River smirked and the Doctor exclaimed:
“Wife?! I thought you and me, we…“ He looked around to the woman heading straight for them, feeling a wave of jealousy. He knew he’d technically only met River today but he knew how important she would become to him.
“We are.“ River chuckled giving his an amused smirk: “But you know, you can’t talk, all I’m gonna say is: Elizabeth I… so…“ She couldn’t carry on as the blonde rushed around the counter and threw herself at River who pulled her close and twirled her around.
“River.“ The mystery woman took her face in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes, clearly overcome with emotion.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ River smiled the softest of smiles and leaned in to kiss her.
“Sooo… how do you feel about this?“ Donna looked to the Doctor, feeling like they were intruding on a private moment. “You think we should go, or…“ She could tell from the annoyed expression on the Doctor’s face, however, that he had no intention of just leaving it be. He pulled himself up to full height and cleared his throat.
“Okay, so thank you for saving my future…“
“Wife.“ River helpfully supplied the word as they stopped kissing and just held each other close.
“Whatever she is. But who are you?“ He jabbed his finger at the blonde.
“You haven’t figured it out yet?“ The woman let go of River, seemingly reluctantly, and turned to face him. She kept her hand intertwined with River’s.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy River isn’t dead but my future self spent a lot of time thinking about how to save her and then you just waltz in here having to do one better?“ The Doctor crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Well, sadly, you’ll not remember that I came here.“ The woman replied.
“What?“ Donna was utterly confused now.
“Why not?“ The Doctor demanded to know, unsure whether or not that was supposed to be a threat.
“God, you’re slow. Did I give you a concussion when I knocked you out?“ River raised her eyebrows playfully.
“Maybe it’s cause of the hair spray…“ The blonde mused.
“I don’t use…“ The Doctor was going to protest but River had already changed directions:
“Don’t tell me you’re not using hairspray now.“ She ran her hand through the other woman’s blonde bob.
“Naturally falls like that, thank you very much.“ She huffed in response. “Regeneration is a lottery as you should know by now.“
“Are you a timelord?!“ The Doctor exclaimed, not sure how to interpret the statement.
“Yes.“ The blonde replied in amusement.
“But I thought I was the last…“ The Doctor stared back at her in shock.
“Yes, which makes me…“
“You can’t be.“ He shook his head.
“Yes I am the…“ The blonde started but the didn’t allow her to finish.
“You can’t be the Master, he…“
“So close.“ The mystery woman sighed hanging her head theatrically.
“It’s like watching one of those dumb and dumber movies, isn’t it.“ River chuckled to Donna who had long given up trying to follow.
“Hang on!“ The Doctor exclaimed as the penny dropped.
“Yes, crossing time streams, you won’t remember this because you are crossing your own time stream right now! I am you.“ The blonde Doctor sighed, she couldn’t believe she had to spell it out for him like that.
“Pretty boy and pretty girl.“ Donna found herself chuckling almost involuntarily.
“Aren’t they?“ River agreed with a smirk. “The mind races.“
“River. Shut up!“ The Doctor chanted in unison.
“But you’re short!“ The younger Doctor groaned in annoyance as he looked her up and down.
“I am actually rather average height, as it happens! Why does everyone call me small?!“ The older Doctor huffed. “Did I really use to be so obsessed with my height?!“
“Size isn’t everything, darling.“ River pipped up.
“Still not ginger then.“ The younger Doctor carried on.
“None of the next four, no.“ She replied with a shrug.
“Four more regenerations and only now did you work out how to save her?“ He exclaimed looking to River.
“I actually gave her the screwdriver last time we met, thank you very much. One step at a time.“ The older Doctor huffed and turned to her wife: “I booked that suite on Darillium again, by the way, for a few nights, just, you know, if you haven’t got any other plans.“
“Well, this is going to be a whole new experience.“ River smirked looking her up and down. This was the first she was seeing of her spouse’s most recent regeneration and she was beyond intrigued.
“Like it?“ The blonde Doctor asked with a little smirk and River grinned:
“Love it.“
“I don’t like her. Do you like her?“ The younger Doctor turned to Donna, just as his future self pulled their wife in for another kiss.
“Are you jealous of yourself?“ Donna teased and he gave her a playful shove.
“So you’re really him? Just older?“ Donna turned to the future Doctor, still struggling to believe that they were the same person. She knew what regeneration meant but it wasn’t like she’d ever seen the result of one.
“Different face, same dumbass.“ The Doctor retorted with a grin.
“Well done for saving her, Doctor.“ Donna smiled as they looked to River who said her goodbyes to the younger Doctor at present. “She really needed you, this version of you.“ Donna thought back to how devastated River had been at the total lack of recognition on the Doctor’s part. She had missed her Doctor so very much.
“I know. I remember.“ The Doctor gave a sad sort of smile as she thought back to when she had first met River, remembering the pain and sorrow in her eyes. “Donna, I can’t know, you know. You can’t tell me, else I might not get here, details my change and a paradox will be created if I know River lived.“ The Doctor turned to her to explain and Donna nodded slowly, they had mentioned it on the way back to the TARDIS already. This Doctor’s TARDIS was parked right behind their’s where they hadn’t been able to spot it as they got out. “Just be there for him. He’s already struggling, even if he doesn’t show it, even if he doesn’t know her yet, he still knows what and who he’s lost.“ The Doctor tried her best to explain to her what was going on in her younger self’s head.
“How long as it been for you? Since she died. How long have had to carry that with you?“ Donna asked taking her hand comfortingly.
“Some questions are better left unanswered.“ The Doctor shook her head and smiled. “It was good to see you, Donna.“ She pulled her into a hug.
“It was good to meet you, this version of you.“ Donna smiled and let her go, just as River and the other Doctor joined them.
“Well done, Doctor.“ The younger Doctor smiled and extended his hand to her.
“You too, Doctor.“ The blonde smile in return and shook his hand.
“You sure you don’t want to come in for a cup of tea, or…“ River suggested pointing to the TARDIS:
“Down, girl.“ The older Doctor smirked and took her hand in hers.
“You’ll be seeing me again soon, Doctor.“ River smiled at the younger Doctor who grinned:
“I look forward to it.“
“No telling.“ The older Doctor reminded Donna who nodded and smiled:
“My lips are sealed.“
“Now about that suite.“ River smirked at her wife as they turned to their TARDIS.
“Think the TARDIS bedroom will do for now, don’t you?“ The Doctor chuckled as she unlocked the door.
“Bedroom, kitchen, console room, wardrobe hall…“ River smirked and pulled her inside.
“Good for you, Doctor, so you’re not an eternal virgin then.“ Donna teased pulling her Doctor along to their TARDIS before he could get any more jealous.
#Doctor who#River song#river song x thirteen#fanfiction#thirteenth doctor#river x thirteen#space wives#thirteen#river x the doctor#femslash#Ten#tenth doctor#Donna nobel#River x ten#Prompt#Fluff#Library fix it#Fix it#Humour
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Taylor Swift x Catradora Masterlist
So, this is a masterlist no one asked for but I'm doing anyway. It's basically every Taylor Swift song that think fits the dynamic perfectly or that I'm completely projecting a Catradora storyline into (it's canon universe, no AU). I’m basically SPOPfying TS’s discography. It can be just one line or the whole song. I will highlight the lyrics and it is sorted by album. I hope you enjoy it and if it helps my fanfic writers out there, all the best. (just an fyi, I’m listening to all of this through a very romantic filter, before anyone comes at me saying that “actually catra wanted more than Adora and their issues were deeper than just unrequited love and bla bla. I know. just let us enjoy this gay animated couple)
I might develop my reasoning more in some than in others, so if you want to know more about why I chose such song and all that, just send me asks, I love them!
Let’s get on with the list now!
From “Taylor Swift”(Yee haw taylor at her finest)
Picture to burn
okay, so bear with me. Catra’s pov after Adora left her.
“there’s no time for tears/I’m just sitting here plotting my revenge”
“And if you’re missing me you’d better keep it to yourself/ cause coming back around here would be bad for your health”
“so watch me strike a match on all my wasted time/ as far as i’m concerned you’re just another picture to burn” -> I can just imagine catra scratching their doodles when i listen to this through a catradora lens.
Teardrops on my guitar
Teenage Catra’s pov pining over Adora.
“Drew looks at me/I fake a smile so he won’t see/That I want and I’m needing/ everything that we should be”
“I laugh 'cause it is just so funny/ That I can't even see anyone when he's with me”
“[he’s] the only one who’s got enough of me to break my heart”
A Place in this World
Adora trying to deal with the new responsibilities and pressure She-ra brought her.
“I don’t know what I want/ so don’t ask me/ ‘cause I’m still trying to figure it out/ don’t know what’s down this road/ I'm just walking/Trying to see through the rain coming down”
“I’m alone, on my own/ and that’s all I know/ I’ll be strong, I’ll be wrong/ oh but life goes on/ oh I’m just a girl/ trying to find a place in this world”
The outside
Catra’s pov(on her way to redemption)
“So, how can I ever try to be better?/ Nobody ever lets me in/ And I can still see you, this ain’t the best view/ On the outside looking in”
“You saw me there, but never knew/ That I would give it all up to be/ A part of this, a part of you/ And now it's all too late, so you see/ You could have helped if you had wanted to/ But no one notices until it's too late to do anything/ How could I ever try to be better?”
Tied Together With a Smile
Catra to Adora and her self sacrificial complex.
“hold on, baby, you’re losing it/ the water’s high/ you’re jumping into it/ And letting go and no one knows/ That you cry but you don’t tell anyone/ That you might not be the golden one/ and you’re tied together with a smile/ but you’re coming undone
Should’ve said no
Catra to Adora(season 1)
“you should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home/ you should’ve thought twice ‘fore you let it all go/You should've known that word like what you did with her/ Would get back to me/ and I should’ve been there, in the back of your mind/ I shouldn’t be asking myself why/You shouldn't be beggin' for forgiveness at my feet/ you should’ve said no, baby, and you might still have me”
“I can’t resist, before you go, tell me this/ was it worth it?”
I’m only me when I’m with you
just general catradora because this is effing cute
“I'm only up when you're not down/Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground/ It's like no matter what I do/ Well you drive me crazy half the time/ The other half I'm only tryna let you know that what I feel is true/ And I'm only me when I'm with you”
A Perfectly good heart
Catra’s pov(season 1)
“Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now/ Why would you wanna make the very first scar/ Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart”
“Maybe I should've seen the signs/ Should've read the writing on the wall/ And realized by the distance in your eyes that I would be the one to fall/ No matter what you say, I still can't believe/ That you would walk away/ It don't make sense to me”
From “Fearless”(platinum edition)
Forever and always
ohhh the promises.... catra’s pov.
“And then you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all/ And you flashback to when we said forever and always/ And it rains in your bedroom/ Everything is wrong/ It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone/ 'Cause I was there when you said forever and always/ You didn't mean it baby”
Come in with the rain
this one i think it fits both Adora and Catra singing the same thing to each other(while they were still stranged) and if you want the whole reasoning behind, ask haha cause otherwise this is going to be even bigger.
“I've watched you so long, screamed your name/ I don't know what else I can say/ But I'll leave my window open/ 'Cause I'm too tired at night for all these games/ Just know I'm right here hoping/ That you'll come in with the rain/ I could go back to every laugh/ But I don't wanna go there anymore”
The other side of the door
this is pure catra. just pure catra. seasons 1- 4 Catra and what she did vs her real feelings. (very fitting for ”promises” too)
“In the heat of the fight I walked away/ Ignoring words that you were saying/ Trying to make me stay/ I said, "This time I've had enough"/ And you've called a hundred times/ But I'm not picking up/ 'Cause I'm so mad I might tell you that it's over/ But if you look a little closer/ I said, "Leave," but all I really want is you/ To stand outside my window throwing pebbles/ Screaming, "I'm in love with you"”
“Me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone/ Going through the photographs, staring at the phone”
“So babe if you know everything/ Tell me why you couldn't see/ When I left, I wanted you to chase after me”
“And I'll scream out the window/ I can't even look at you/ I don't need you but I do, I do, I do/ I say, "There's nothing you can say/ To make this right again, I mean it, I mean it”/ What I mean is/ I said, "Leave," but baby, all I want is you”
White Horse
okay, that’s just a joke. but I wanted to share the mental image my brain created. I just can’t stop imagining Catra on princess prom, looking longingly at Adora dancing with some nameless girl and singing “I’m not a princess, this ain’t a fairytale/ I’m not the one you’ll sweep off her feet/ lead her up the stairwell” and then catching a glimpse of swifty “Now it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around”
i’m so sorry for this, but I’m actually not.
oh and the more serious interpretation is Catra refusing Adora and her fucking hero complex, saying it’s too late for her to try to go and fix things.
You belong with me
Just to mention this song fits every childhood friends to lovers ever. so that’s it.
Tell me why
Adora’s pov(season 3-4). I feel this is Adora getting more and more frustrated with Catra and especially after she “gave up” on catra after the portal. and this connection made me sad.(and I’m not by any means calling Catra abusive with this, because I know how the song depicts a somewhat abusive relatioship and I’m not by saying Catradora is that(it isn’t, at all), but their relationship throughout the seasons is fucking messy.)
“I took a chance, I took a shot/ And you might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not/ You took a swing, I took it hard/ And down here from the ground I see who you are/ I'm sick and tired of your attitude/ I'm feeling like I don't know you”
“And I need you like a heartbeat/ But you know you got a mean streak.”
“And I know you see what you’re doing to me/ Tell me why”
and the one that hurts:
“I take a step back, let you go/ I told you I’m not bulletproof/ Now you know”
You’re Not Sorry
Adora’s pov, post portal
“All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around/ I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down/ And it's taken me this long, baby, but I've figured you out/ And you're thinking we'll be fine again, but not this time around”
“You don't have to call anymore/ I won't pick up the phone/ This is the last straw/ Don't wanna hurt anymore/ And you can tell me that you're sorry/ But I don't believe you baby like I did before/ You're not sorry”
so everything here might be a lot of a stretch, but I can’t really control what my head comes up with. The song progresses and so does Catradora’s story in this. like, I feel the song starts when they are kids in the Horde and then teenagers promising each other they will rise in the ranks and rule the place and then after defeating Horde Prime and getting their new beginning.(And maybe both of them singing, but I feel Adora would fit better, dunno)
“And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you/Somebody else gets what you wanted again and/ You know it's all the same, another time and place/ Repeating history and you're getting sick of it/ But I believe in whatever you do/ And I'll do anything to see it through/ Because these things will change/ Can you feel it now?” -> Adora singing to catra imo, but you see it however you want to honestly.
“These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down/ This revolution, the time will come/ For us to finally win/ And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah” -> Here it’s the promise they made when they were younger, that they would be running the place together and even the “nothing rly bad can happen as long as we have each other” one.
“So we've been outnumbered, raided, and now cornered/ It's hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair/ We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/ They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared” -> maybe their teenage years strengthening their resolution.
“Tonight we stand, get off our knees/ Fight for what we've worked for all these years/ And the battle was long, it's the fight of our lives/ But we'll stand up champions tonight/ It was the night things changed/ Can you see it now?” -> this could be so so so many things, but I chose to see as a time skip and it is the night they defeated horde prime just to make it interesting. (this whole thing was such a stretch, but I’m having fun with it, so fuck it i guess)
From “Speak Now”
Sparks Fly
Adora’s pov
“The way you move is like a full on rainstorm/ And I'm a house of cards/ You're the kind of reckless/ That should send me running/ But I kinda know that I won't get far”
“Take away the pain/ 'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile/ Get me with those green eyes, baby/ As the lights go down/ Gimme something that'll haunt me whenever you're not around/ 'Cause I see, sparks fly, when you smile”
“My mind forgets to remind me, your a bad idea”
Back to December
Catra’s pov(call from Horde Prime’s ship and interactions on Darla)
“Your guard is up and I know why/ Because the last time you saw me/ Is still burned in the back of your mind”
“So this is me swallowing my pride/ Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night”
“It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you”
“These days, I haven't been sleeping/ Staying up, playing back myself leaving”
“I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't/ So if the chain is on your door, I understand”
That’s just Catra singing to Shadow Weaver, I’m sorry. the whole song fits here, so just my top picks.
“You, with your words like knives/ And swords and weapons that you use against me/ You have knocked me off my feet again/ Got me feeling like I'm nothing/ You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard/ Calling me out when I'm wounded/ You, picking on the weaker man”
“You, with your switching sides/ And your wildfire lies and your humiliation/ You have pointed out my flaws again/ As if I don't already see them”
“All you are is mean/ And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life/ And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean”
The story of us
both Adora and Catras(basically the whole song lol)
“I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us/ How we met, and the sparks flew instantly”
“I used to know my place was a spot next to you/ Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat/ 'Cause lately, I don't even know what page you're on”
“Oh, a simple complication/ Miscommunications lead to fallout/ So many things that I wish you knew/ So many walls up, I can't break through”
“Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room/ And we're not speaking/ And I'm dying to know/ Is it killing you like it's killing me?/ Yeah, I don't know what to say/ Since the twist of fate when it all broke down/ And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
“How I was losing my mind when I saw you here/ But you held your pride like you should've held me”
“Why are we pretending this is nothing?/ I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how/ I've never heard silence quite this loud”
“This is looking like a contest/ Of who can act like they care less/ But I liked it better when you were on my side”
“But I would lay my armor down/ If you say you'd rather love than fight”
(let’s ignore that the song actually ends in tragedy lol)
Why did you leave, Adora, for fuck’s sake. Catra’s pov.
“Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/ I thought I had you figured out/ Something's gone terribly wrong/ You're all I wanted/ Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/ I thought I had you figured out/ Can't breathe whenever you're gone/ Can't turn back now, I'm haunted”
“Stood there and watched you walk away/ From everything we had”
oh and a sad bonus. Catra’s pov from when she was Chipped:
“He will try to take away my pain/ And he just might make me smile/ But the whole time, I'm wishing it was you instead/ Oh, holding my breath/ Won't see you again/ Something keeps me holding onto nothing”
Last Kiss
I’m realizing with this list that Taylor is a Catra Kinnie(and she condones murder now, so great!). Catra’s pov.
“I still remember the look on your face/ Lit through the darkness at 1:58/ The words that you whispered/ For just us to know/ You told me you loved me/ So why did you go away?/ Away”
“All that I know is I don't know/ How to be something you miss/ I never thought we'd have a last kiss/ Never imagined we'd end like this”
Long Live
The very fortunate aftermath of the Heart of Etheria and the defeat of Horde Prime. anyone can be the narrator in this, but for me is Catra and Adora, together(but some Catra solos)(I’m such an Adora kinnie, but fuck if this isn’t dominated by my fav catgirl)
“I said: Remember this moment/ In the back of my mind/ The time we stood with our shaking hands/.../ The night you danced like you knew our lives/ Would never be the same/ You held your head like a hero/ On a history book page/ It was the end of a decade/ But the start of an age”
“Long live the walls we crashed through/ All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you/ I was screaming, long live all the magic we made/ And bring on all the pretenders/ One day, we will be remembered”
“And the cynics were outraged/ Screaming, "This is absurd"/ 'Cause for a moment, a band of thieves/ In ripped up jeans got to rule the world” (fourth wall breaking, catra is actually singing this to her haters)
“I'm not afraid/ Long live all the mountains we moved/ I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you/ I was screaming, long live that look on your face”
“Will you take a moment?/ Promise me this/ That you'll stand by me forever”
just a cute song, go listen to it and insert literally anyone in it.
From “Red”
i feel like it fits the vibe of the dynamic, but I don’t feel like expanding on it lol
All Too Well(because ofc)
I honestly don’t know who narrates this one. either Catra or Adora fit well, but I’m more inclined to say Adora but idk why. it’s just the vibe I’m getting.
“And I know it's long gone and/ There was nothing else I could do/ And I forget about you long enough/ To forget why I needed to” -> in this one i was like, Adora for sure
“Maybe we got lost in translation/ Maybe I asked for too much/ But maybe this thing was a masterpiece/ 'Til you tore it all up/ Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well” -> But then this one came and I was like, well, depending on the pov, it fits both.
“And you call me up again just to break me like a promise/ So casually cruel in the name of being honest”(best lyrics c’mon) -> and the whole break me like a promise thingy made me think Catra’s pov, but then I guess you could also put it in Adora’s pov if you wanted to, so up to y’all.
I Almost Do
C’mon, Catra once again.
“And I just want to tell you/ It takes everything in me not to call you/ And I wish I could run to you/ And I hope you know that/ Every time I don’t/ I almost do, I almost do”
“I bet you think I either moved on or hate you/ ‘Cause each time you reach out, there’s no reply/ I bet it never, ever occurred to you/ That I can’t say hello to you/ And risk another goodbye”(kill me now, there’s still a lot of heartbreak for me to go through)
The Last Time
Catra’s pov, before she leaves Adora and has the little breakdown with Melog.
“This is the last time I'm asking you this/ Put my name at the top of your list/ This is the last time I'm asking you why/ You break my heart in the blink of an eye”
“Just like all those times before/ You wear your best apology/ But I was there to watch you leave/ And all the times I let you in/ Just for you to go again”
Everything has changed
baby Catra and baby Adora meeting and immediately clicking.(Tay is Adora and Ed is Catra for me, but as always, you do you.)
“I just wanna know you better/ Know you better, know you better now”
“'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"/ And your eyes look like coming home/ All I know is a simple name/ Everything has changed/ All I know is you held the door/ You'll be mine and I'll be yours/ All I know since yesterday/ Is everything has changed”
“ And all my walls stood tall, painted blue/ And I'll take 'em down, take 'em down/ And open up the door for you”
Come back… be here
it talks about leaving and all, and the obvious choice is Catra, but Imma put it down as an Adora pov. for as much as I talk about Adora leaving Catra, Catra also left Adora. justified or not, their reasons, their motives or wtv is not what i’m here to talk about. I’m just stating that Adora asked catra to stay many times and catra didn’t. So the feelings of abandonment also fit Adora very well depending on the way it is weaved. Some are rly just plain Catra, tho. back to the song.
“And this is when the feeling sinks in/ I don't wanna miss you like this/ Come back, be here, come back, be here”
“And now that I can put this down/ If I had known what I know now/ I never would've played so nonchalant”
“This is falling in love in the cruelest way/ This is falling for you when you are worlds away”
“But you're in London, and I break down/ 'Cause it's not fair that you're not around”
From “1989”
general catradora
“And when we go crashing down, we come back every time/ 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style”
Out of the woods
general catradora
“We were built to fall apart/ Then fall back together”
All you had to do was stay
Catra’s pov. the line “picking up the pieces of the mess you made” just hits me where it stings, because I remember Catra trying to cover for Adora and then Adora not coming back and then having to deal with the wrath of Shadow weaver alone.
“Now, you say you want it back/ Now that it's just too late/ Well, could've been easy/ All you had to do was (Stay!)”
“Here you are now, calling me up/ But I don't know what to say/ I've been picking up the pieces/ Of the mess you made”
“Let me remind you/ This was what you wanted/ You ended it/ You were all I wanted “
I wish you would
Catra’s pov.
“Windows down, you pass my street, the memories start/ You say it's in the past, you drive straight ahead/ You're thinking that I hate you now/ 'Cause you still don't know what I never said/ I wish you would come back/ Wish I never hung up the phone like I did, I/ Wish you knew that/ I'd never forget you as long as I live, and I/ Wish you were right here, right now,/.../ I wish you would”
“We're a crooked love in a straight line down/ Makes you want to run and hide/ But it makes you turn right back around”
“You always knew how to push my buttons/ You give me everything and nothing”
Bad Blood(original version, not the remix)
Originally I thought, “oh this is Adora” but then I decided it was both of them together.
“’Cause baby, now we've got bad blood/ You know it used to be mad love/ So take a look what you've done/ ’Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!/ Now we've got problems/ And I don't think we can solve 'em/ You made a really deep cut/ And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!”
“Did you have to do this?/ I was thinking that you could be trusted/ Did you have to ruin what was shiny?/ Now it's all rusted/ Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?/ Baby, I couldn't breathe/ And rub it in so deep/ Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me”
“Did you think we'd be fine?/ Still got scars in my back from your knives”(i really thought Adora here just cause of the literal scars in her back)
Wildest Dreams
if you want to headcanon a pre she-ra Catradora relationship, this song is really good. Since I’m trying( and def failing in many instances) to be as canon compliant as I can, I’ll skip it.
This Love
Catradora in the heart of etheria. could be both povs: either Catra holding Adora’s dying body and like “this love came back to me” or Adora prepared to die, dreaming about Catra, letting her love go, but in the end came back to her. for me, this is Adora’s, the whole song feels like her to me
“Currents swept you out again/ And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone” -> she’s fading, she’s being fully consumed now and the currents swept catra out from her.
“In silent screams and wildest dreams/ I never dreamed of this” -> she never allowed herself to dream that Catra would love her or that she wanted a future with Catra, but now she’s being faced with the loss of exactly that.
“This love is good, this love is bad/ This love is alive back from the dead/ These hands had to let it go free, and/ This love came back to me” -> their love is a very complicated thing, is not easy. they have a history of being enemies that tarnish it a bit and when it was too bad, they had to let it go. but the love came back to them in full force. alive back from the dead, literally and figuratively.
“Lantern, burning/ Flickered in my mind, only you/ But you were still gone, gone, gone”
“Been losing grip, on sinking ships/ You showed up just in time” -> adora dying, being saved in the most dramatic way possible.
“This love left a permanent mark/ This love is glowing in the dark” -> just the imagery, wow. and the antithesis of the mark of scars left by love and now the mark of it is the glowing.
“Your kiss, my cheek/ I watched you leave/ Your smile, my ghost/ I fell to my knees/ When you're young, you just run/ But you come back to what you need” -> finally reunited yay
I know places
Catradora in the Horde being super cute and hiding everywhere, just because.
“Something happens when everybody finds out/ See the vultures circling, dark clouds/ Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out/ It could burn out”
“'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes and guns/ They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run”
“Baby, I know places we won't be found/ And they'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down/ 'Cause I, I know places we can hide/ They are the hunters, we are the foxes, and we run”
“Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love”
From “Reputation” (Not expecting much from this one)
Catradora being all cute and insecure after the end of the war and learning how to navigate their relationship, the old and the new. Catra’s pov, probably.
“This ain't for the best/ My reputation's never been worse, so/ You must like me for me/ We can't make/ Any promises now, can we, babe?/ Is it cool that I said all that?/ Is it chill that you're in my head?/ 'Cause I know that it's delicate (Delicate)/ Is it cool that I said all that?/ Is it too soon to do this yet?”
so, i think this song is extremely cute and would fit very well in many various au’s, even some of mine, so I’m just leaving it out here, check it out if you haven’t, but won’t expand on it.
Dress(I was pleasantly surprised bout this one)
Catra’s pov.
“All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation/ My hands are shaking from holding back from you/ All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting/ My hands are shaking from all this”
“Say my name and everything just stops/ I don't want you like a best friend/ Only bought this dress so you could take it off/ Take it/ Carve your name into my bedpost/ ’Cause I don't want you like a best friend/ Only bought this dress so you could take it off/ Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me/ Flashback to my mistakes/ My rebounds, my earthquakes/ Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me/ And I woke up just in time/ Now I wake up by your side”
New Year’s Day
Another super sweet song that doesn’t exactly fit in the canon compliant list, but that I definitely use in my future Catradora headcanon, so I’ll just put in a few lyrics.
“There's glitter on the floor after the party/.../You and me from the night before, but/ Don’t read the last page/ But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you’re turning away/ I want your midnights/ But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day”
“But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or we're making mistakes”
“You and me forevermore”
From “Lover”(this album is so sweet fuuuuck)
the whole song. just, future catradora. Adora’s pov tho because this is such a dorkish in love song and that bit about “You’ll save all of your dirtiest jokes for me”, Adora saying this to Catra. that’s it
Paper Rings
future again. this whole album might be just me fantasizing about their future, who knows.
“Cat and mouse for a month or two or three/ Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe/ Darling, you're the one I want, and/ I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this/ Uh huh, that's right/ Darling, you're the one I want/ In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams/ Oh, you're the one I want”
Death By A Thousand Cuts
I forgot this song and I’m adding it now at the last minute. extremely tired. not gonna paste the song here. but go listen, it’s really fitting for catradora.
“saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts”
this is one I didn’t want to put in here, just because of a few lines specifically, but it made me think of Catra’s apology, so here it goes. (the parts “it’s all in my head” and “It’s all me” that bug me so, but we’ll pretend they don’t exist)
“I pinned your hands behind your back, oh/ Thought I had reason to attack, but no”
“Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves/ Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us/ Why'd I have to break what I love so much?/ Sorry that I hurt you/ I don't wanna do, I don’t wanna do this to you “
From “Folklore”
OKay, so now that we got here, we’re gonna get a bit creative and take everything with a grain of salt(more than we’ve already been doing) cause I doubt we’re gonna manage to be canon compliant in every one(this includes evermore too, I’m about to go off in these two albums), but everything just oozes catradora, so bear with me. and if you made it this far, damn you’re hot.
The 1
Adora’s pov. before they actually got together.
“I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit/ Been saying "yes" instead of "no" -> her new life in Brightmoon and all her new good experiences.
“And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow” -> such an Adora thing to say.
“But we were something, don't you think so?/ Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool/ And if my wishes came true/ It would've been you/ In my defense, I have none/ For never leaving well enough alone/ But it would've been fun/ If you would've been the one” -> the longing, the yearning
“And it's another day waking up alone“ -> :(
“I persist and resist the temptation to ask you/ If one thing had been different/ Would everything be different today?”
Catra’s pov.
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan/ Under someone's bed/ You put me on and said I was your favorite”
“A friend to all is a friend to none/ Chase two girls, lose the one/ You drew stars around my scars/ But now I'm bleedin'”
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss/ I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs/ The smell of smoke would hang around this long/ 'Cause I knew everything when I was young/ I knew I'd curse you for the longest time/ Chasin' shadows in the grocery line/ I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired/ And you'd be standin' in my front porch light/ And I knew you'd come back to me”
now rlyyy bear with me. It gets confusing. And big. It's the whole song too.
Bon iver's verse + Swift's chorus is Catra seeing adora move on so quickly and leaving Adora behind.
Swift's verse + Bon Iver's chorus is Adora's pov. And then they merge in the bridge to air their grievances. I'll demonstrate below.
“I can see you standing, honey/ With his arms around your body/ Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all/ And it took you five whole minutes/ To pack us up and leave me with it/ Holdin' all this love out here in the hall” + “I think I've seen this film before/ And I didn't like the ending/ I'm not your problem anymore/ So who am I offending now?/ You were my crown, now I'm in exile, seein' you out/ I think I've seen this film before/ So I'm leaving out the side door = Catra’s pov
“I can see you starin', honey/ Like he's just your understudy/ Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me/ Second, third, and hundredth chances/ Balancin' on breaking branches/ Those eyes add insult to injury” + “I think I've seen this film before/ And I didn't like the ending/ You're not my homeland anymore/ So what am I defending now?/ You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out/ I think I've seen this film before = Adora’s pov
and then the bridge with both.(it’s one hell of a giant bridge, not gonna paste it here lol)
My tears ricochet
This one i see as a conversation, one that I'll again exemplify lol.
“And if I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes, too/ Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe/ All the hell you gave me?/ 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you/ 'Til my dying day” -> both of them
“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace/ And you're the hero flying around, saving face” ->Catra
“And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> Adora
“Look at how my tears ricochet” -> both
“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace/ 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave” -> Adora
“And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> Catra
“Look at how my tears ricochet” -> both
“And I can go anywhere I want/ Anywhere I want, just not home/ And you can aim for my heart, go for blood/ But you would still miss me in your bones/ And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)/ And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)” -> both
“You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> both
“You turned into your worst fears/ And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain” - > Adora
“Crossing out the good years” ->both.
I could honestly make a whole post about this song and Catradora, dissecting lyric by lyric, I even have an animatic for this song thumbnailed, so I’ll jump to the next one before it gets too out of hand. again y’all can ask me anytime if you want to know more.
Adora and her self sacrificial bs and not being rly her so she can be what everyone expects *from* her. Make me cry more, why don’t you!
“I'm a mirrorball/ I'll show you every version of yourself tonight/ I'll get you out on the floor/ Shimmering beautiful/ And when I break, it's in a million pieces”
“Hush, when no one is around, my dear/ You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes/ Spinning in my highest heels, love/ Shining just for you”
“Hush, I know they said the end is near/ I can change everything about me to fit in/ I'm still on that tightrope/ I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me/ And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why/ I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try/ I'm still on that trapeze/ I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me”
Baby Adora to baby Catra.
“And I've been meaning to tell you/ I think your house is haunted/ Your dad is always mad and that must be why/ And I think you should come live with me/ And we can be pirates/ Then you won't have to cry/ Or hide in the closet/ And just like a folk song/ Our love will be passed on”
older teen/adult Catra reminiscing about younger teen Catra dealing with her love for Adora. Probably the last August before Adora joined the rebellion. (ignoring the love triangle ofc)
“But I can see us lost in the memory/ August slipped away into a moment in time/ 'Cause it was never mine/ And I can see us twisted in bedsheets/ August sipped away like a bottle of wine/ 'Cause you were never mine”
“I remember thinkin' I had you/ Back when we were still changin' for the better/ Wanting was enough/ For me, it was enough/ To live for the hope of it all/ Cancel plans just in case you'd call/ And say, "Meet me behind the mall"/ So much for summer love and saying "us"/ 'Cause you weren't mine to lose”
This is me trying
Catra's pov/redemption
“I've been having a hard time adjusting/ I didn't know if you'd care if I came back/ I have a lot of regrets about that/ Pulled the car off the road to the lookout/ Could've followed my fears all the way down/ And maybe I don't quite know what to say/ But I'm here in your doorway/ I just wanted you to know that this is me trying/ And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound/ It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you/ You're a flashback in a film reel”
Illicit affairs
Just leaving it out here cause it is so gayyy. And I'll prob write an au for this once I'm through with my five thousand WIPs.
Invisible string
Just the feeling of the song, not exactly catradora specific. More generic.
“Time, curious time/ Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs/ Were there clues I didn't see?/ And isn't it just so pretty to think/ All along there was some/ Invisible string/ Tying you to me?/ Time, mystical time/ Cutting me open, then healing me fine”
Mad woman
Catra's pov S1
“Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy/ What about that?/ And when you say I seem angry, I get more angry/ And there's nothing like a mad woman/ What a shame she went mad/ No one likes a mad woman/ You made her like that/ And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out”
Adora dying in catra's arms and dreaming about her future with catra.
“"Sir, I think he's bleeding out"/ And some things you just can't speak about/ With you I serve, with you I fall down, down/ Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out, out/ Only twenty minutes to sleep/ But you dream of some epiphany/ Just one single glimpse of relief/ To make some sense of what you've seen”
Another case of a song with STRONG catradora vibe, but too au- ish. The imagery of the song is too clear. Still, these parts here…
“The worst thing that I ever did/ Was what I did to you/ I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything/ But I know I miss you/ Yeah, I showed up at your party/ Will you have me? Will you love me?/ Will you kiss me on the porch/ In front of all your stupid friends”
adora's pov. I think is Adora kinda warning Catra that she can’t promise to stop saving the world, she can’t stop being she-ra, it is who she is and danger is going to follow her, so, is it enough if she can never give Catra peace?
“I never had the courage of my convictions/ As long as danger is near/ And it's just around the corner, darlin'/ 'Cause it lives in me/ No, I could never give you peace”
“All these people think love's for show/ But I would die for you in secret”
“The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me/ Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
From "evermore"(FUCKING FINALLY and everything is going to be au-ish I guess)
Champagne problems
Adora's pov, but i resent this cause THEIR PROBLEMS ARE NOT CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS OKAY? but nevertheless, It’s adora leaving Catra behind and breaking my heart in the fucking process.
“You booked the night train for a reason/ So you could sit there in this hurt”
“Because I dropped your hand while dancing/ Left you out there standing/ Crestfallen on the landing/.../ Your heart was glass, I dropped it”
“You had a speech, you're speechless/ Love slipped beyond your reaches/ And I couldn't give a reason”
How evergreen, our group of friends/ Don't think we'll say that word again/.../ I never was ready so I watch you go/ Sometimes you just don't know the answer/ 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you”
Gold rush
Catra's pov pining over Adora before and after she became She-ra, but especially after with the bit “I don’t like that everyone would die to feel your touch”. After all the pining and imagining what a perfect relationship they could have she wakes up to reality and sees that “it could never be”, “It will never be”.
“Gleaming, twinkling/ Eyes like sinking ships on waters/ So inviting, I almost jump in”
“I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush/ I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch/ Everybody wants you/ Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you”
“What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?/ With your hair falling into place like dominoes”
“At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit/ And the coastal town we wandered 'round had nеver seen a love as pure as it”
“My mind turns your life into folklore/ I can't dare to dream about you anymore”
“'Cause it will never be”
‘Tis the damn season
Adora’s pov. Adora being the one who left because she has to, but she misses Catra and their old times together. However, she knows she won’t be able to stay so she’s asking for this weekend and breaking her own heart in the process.
“There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me/ But if it's all the same to you/ It's the same to me”
“So we could call it even/ You could call me "babe" for the weekend/ 'Tis the damn season, write this down/ And the road not taken looks real good now/ And it always leads to you and my hometown”
“You can run, but only so far/ I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave/ But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me/ Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake/ I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay/ So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends/ And wonder about the only soul/ Who can tell which smiles I'm fakin'”
“And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own/ To leave the warmest bed I've ever known/ We could call it even/ Even though I'm leaving/ And I'll be yours for the weekend”
Tolerate it
Catra’s pov and how she thinks Adora feels towards her. How she only tolerated Catra until something bigger, better and shinier came along and she abandoned her.(what to expect from a track five, huh?)
“While you were out building other worlds, where was I?/ Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?/ I made you my temple, my mural, my sky/Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life/ Drawing hearts in the byline/ Always taking up too much space or time”
“You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I/ Break free and leave us in ruins/ Took this dagger in me and removed it/ Gain the weight of you then lose it/ Believe me, I could do it”
“If it's all in my head tell me now/ Tell me I've got it wrong somehow/ I know my love should be celebrated/ But you tolerate it”
adora’s pov. I feel this is Adora letting Catra go after season 3. just, she loves Catra and there were many great moments because of her, but that doesn’t mean the hurt isn’t there now. also doesn’t mean she’ll be forever miserable, proved by her new life in Brightmoon. It’s her realizing that Catra is actually hurting her, and being angry and then letting go.(god this reminds me of a fanfic where catra stated that she was happy without Adora, could be happy without Adora. But with her, she could be happier)
“There'll be happiness after you/ But there was happiness because of you/ Both of these things can be true/ Past the blood and bruise/ Past the curses and cries/ Beyond the terror in the nightfall/ Haunted by the look in my eyes/ That would've loved you for a lifetime/ Leave it all behind/ And there is happiness”
“Tell me, when did your winning smile/ Begin to look like a smirk?/ When did all our lessons start to look like weapons/ Pointed at my deepest hurt?”
“I can't make it go away by making you a villain/ I guess it's the price I paid for seven years in Heaven/ And I pulled your body into mine/ Every goddamn night, now I get fake niceties/ No one teaches you what to do/ When a good man hurts you/ And you know you hurt him, too” -> this whole bridge, man. THIS RIGHT HERE. They both hurt each other, there’s no simple clean cut way to look at things, to make Catra the big bad villain. but that also doesn’t erase the pain felt, so argh, this kills me.
“All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness/ You haven't met the new me yet/ And I think she'll give you that” -> and this little hint of hope.
Dorothea(i swear, i will write a Dorothea/tis the damn season au)
Adora is dorothea and this is Catra’s pov
“Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?/ When we were younger down in the park/ Honey, making a lark of the misery”
“You got shiny friends since you left town/ A tiny screen's the only place I see you now”
“It's never too late to come back to my side/ The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo/ And if you're ever tired of bеing known for who you know/ You know that you'll always know me, Dorothea (Uh-uh)/Dorothea”
coney island
again, both povs. one to each other, illustrated below.
“Did I close my fist around something delicate?/ Did I shatter you?/ And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island/ Wondering where did my baby go?/ The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go/ Sorry for not making you my centerfold” -> adora
“Over and over/ Lost again with no surprises/ Disappointments, close your eyes/ And it gets colder and colder/ When the sun goes down” -> both
“The question pounds my head/ What's a lifetime of achievement/ If I pushed you to the edge?” -> catra
“Were you waiting at our old spot/ In the tree line/ By the gold clock/ Did I leave you hanging every single day?” -> adora
“Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?” -> Catra
“And when I got into the accident/ The sight that flashed before me was your face” -> Adora
“Sorry for not making you my centerfold” -both
Ivy (hold on tight, this is big)
this is a good one.
“How's one to know?/ I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones/ In a faith forgotten land/ In from the snow/ Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow/ Tarnished but so grand”
“And the old widow goes to the stone every day/ But I don't, I just sit here and wait/ Grieving for the living”
“Oh, goddamn/ My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/ Taking mine, but it's been promised to another/ Oh, I can't/ Stop you putting roots in my dreamland/ My house of stone, your ivy grows/ And now I'm covered in you so” -> for me, this is Adora in the moments preceding the failsafe and the Heart of Etheria, and the person she’s committed to is She-ra(and dying as she-ra). And she’s trying to fight and be strong to make the sacrifice she knows she’ll be asked to, but she simply can’t stop Catra from “putting roots in her dreamland”. Catra’s touch enlightened her, even though tarnished by their years of being enemies, it felt grand and it could chase the pain away; just for a moment, all her pain fit in Catra’s hand. But, she grieves for this touch for she knows it’s only a dream. Even though she’s now “covered” in Catra, she’ll never be able to fully have her, not when she’s so committed to She-ra.
“I wish to know/ The fatal flaw that makes you long to be/ Magnificently cursed/ He's in the room/ Your opal eyes are all I wish to see/ He wants what's only yours” -> now here she’s in the heart of etheria and wondering why would Catra want her so much when she knows she can’t have her, when she knows she’s doomed. the He in this is Horde Prime. As we see in the “future hallucination”, all she wants is Catra and he wants(to destroy ofc) what’s Catra’s only - herself.
“How's one to know?/ I'd live and die for moments that we stole/On begged and borrowed time/ So tell me to run/ Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become -> Adora know it’s only borrowed time, it will end and she feels like there’s nothing she can do about that.
“So yeah, it's a fire/ It's a goddamn blaze in the dark/ And you started it/ You started it/ So yeah, it's a war/ It's the goddamn fight of my life/ And you started it/ You started it” -> here Adora is finally fighting back against Destiny, Prime, The Heart… and it’s all because Catra started it just by loving Adora, covering her in her ivy and making Adora so unable to not love her back.
(can you tell this is one of my favorite songs in the album?)
long story short
honestly, post-war catradora. Adora’s pov.
“Fatefully/ I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me/ Misery/ Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep/ And you passed right by/ I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides/ The knife cuts both ways/ If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break”
“When I dropped my sword/ I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door/ And we live in peace/ But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready/ No more keepin' score/ Now I just keep you warm (Keep you warm)/ No more tug of war Now I just know there's more”
“And I fell from the pedestal/ Right down the rabbit hole/ Long story short, it was a bad time/ Pushed from the precipice/ Climbed right back up the cliff/ Long story short, I survived”
catra to adora pre season 5
“it's been a long time/ And seeing the shape of your name/ Still spells out pain/ It wasn't right/ The way it all went down/ Looks like you know that now”
“Yes, I got your letter/ Yes, I'm doing better/ It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone/ I know that it's over, I don't need your/ Closure, your closure”
“Don't treat me like/ Some situation that needs to be handled/ I'm fine with my spite/ I know I'm just a wrinkle in your new life/ Staying friends would iron it out so nice/ Guilty, guilty, reaching out across the sea/ That you put between you and me/ But it's fake and it's oh so unnecessary”
just the message in general i think fits season 5 catradora very well. how, yeah, the pain sucks and it’s terrible but it won’t be for evermore. Justin’s bridge exemplify very well just the desperation of being in the middle of this whirlwind of pain, begging for a pause just to see if there’s any way to be recovered from that. it just so happens, there is.
no exemples in this one, the vibe of speaks for itself and I’m rly tired right now.
oof, so there was it. Hope you liked it! show me some love cause this took a while lol(but a got my TS marathon done without feeling guilty, because at least… content? so there’s that). if you made it this far, THANK YOU!! stream evermore and good night y’all(or morning or afternoon, wtv works for your timezone lol)
#she ra#spop#catradora#adora#catra#adora x catra#catra x adora#She Ra and the Princesses of Power#taylor swift#swifties#evermore#folklore#red#1989#speak now#fearless#she ra spoilers#she ra season 5#almost 10000 word post#geez that was big#thanks for taking the time to reading it#if you made it here pat yourself in the back#you're great
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haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read!
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house.
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku: hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene.
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE--
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice.
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa: y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
#haikyuu!!#haikyuu!! headcanons#hc's for funsies#haikyuu!! characters + their fave musicals#i watch a certain amount of musicals#and i thought this would be fun#don't mind me lowkey dragging some of y'all's musical tastes#feel free to download
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Hi! Do you think you could do a Monster Prom fanfic about the main 6 being childhood friends with the reader and they tell them that they like the reader? Thank you sm and I hope you have a good day 🥺💙💙💙
(A/N): This was a very cute thing to write! Thank you so much for requesting, hun! <3 I hope you have a good day too!
Miranda Vanderbilt:
You stop eating the food Miranda just gave to you when you notice that she’s staring at you intently, her lips stretched out onto her cheeks as she holds her head from across the table. You suddenly can’t help but feel like something’s supposed to happen, like your imminent death, though that would surprise you since Miranda swore ten years ago that she would never harm you.
“So?” Her eyes light up after you gulp in your first bite. “What do you think?”
“Um…” You give out a nervous chuckle. “It’s good?”
“Good? That’s it?” Miranda gives out a pout. “But I worked so hard on it!”
“Worked-” You give out a gasp, your eyes looking between the food and your best friend. “Miranda, did you cook this yourself?”
“Well, yes!” A giggle comes out of her throat, her usual bubble of joy back. “This is a special day after all!”
You frown in confusion. “Special day?”
“Aww, you don’t remember?” She flutters her eyelids at you. “It’s the anniversary of our first meeting!”
You blink a few times, then give out a wide smile. “We met in kindergarten fourteen years ago… I can’t believe you remember the exact same date!”
Her grin turns to a sweet smile as you take another bite of her food, which is surprisingly incredibly tasty. “Of course I remember. It’s the first day I start liking you.”
You almost choke on your bite, her expression turning to a worried one as you try to breathe. “Oh dear, are you okay, (Y/N)?”
“Y-You…” You clear your throat a few times, your cheeks warming up. “What do you mean by ‘liking’ me?”
“It means what it means, silly!” She gives out a giggle when she sees your face turn completely red, an ‘aww’ escaping her lips when you hide your face. “You’re just so cute! How could I not like you more than a friend?”
“But…” You shake your head, your lips turning into a nervous smile. “... why-”
“When I look at you, I see something I haven’t seen in a long time: A future.” She takes your hand in hers, your chest warming up when she looks into your eyes. “That is only if you want it, dear.”
You can’t help but smile sweetly at her. “A future with you is all I could ever ask for.”
Damien LaVey:
You were binge-watching horror movies with Damien in your room when the prince of Hell suddenly decided to put the movie on pause, a very shocked look being sent his way while you try to chug down the mouthful of popcorn.
“Damien!” You take a pause to gulp in the rest of your food, giving him a pout despite the worried frown you’re noticing on his expression. “What are you doing? They were about to slice the guy up with a chainsaw!”
“We need to talk.”
You give out a snort, having never heard him say those words with that tone in your entire life. “Okay.”
“This isn’t a joke, (Y/N)!” You give out a confused frown when you see the frustration mixed with embarrassment on his features. “It’s something important.”
“... oh.” You put the bowl of popcorn away, turning your body to his to show that you’re giving him your full attention. “Well… what is it?”
“It’s just… I… I-” He takes a breath in, his red skin becoming darker as he speaks with a voice. “I love your face… and the stuff in it…. and around it.”
You blink multiple times, both from the shock and the confusion those words are giving you. “Huh?”
He gives out a groan, then rubs his forehead in embarrassment. “I’m saying I want to date you, dumbass.”
“You do?” Your lips stretch out into the largest grin he has ever seen you worn, a teasing gleam in your eyes. “Well, isn’t that an interesting turn of events-”
“Just say if you want to date me or not.”
You give out a giggle at his annoyed expression, your grin turning to a warm smile. “Yeah… yeah, I’d like that.”
He couldn’t stop a genuine smile from forming on his lips.
Scott Howl:
You’ve been playing a friendly game of basketball in your backyard with Scott for half of an hour now and, frankly, you were getting worried. Normally, your best friend would be crushing you completely, but he hasn’t really tried to win anything and you’ve managed to get a few goals yourself. You could tell that something was bothering him, but you didn’t want to force it out of him, so instead you throw the ball towards him and he catches it.
“Alright, Scott.” He looks up at you with an unreadable expression, your head showing off the hoop. “How about you make some points, huh?”
He looks down at the basketball with embarrassment, the werewolf slightly moving it between his hands. “H-hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?”
You lose your playful smile, a serious expression settling on your features. “Yeah, of course. Always.”
“So, the thing is-” He takes a small pause, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. -um… you know when we weren’t friends? But then, you know, we were friends? Are?”
You flutter your eyes for a moment, then tilt your head in confusion. “You mean when we were five?”
“Um… yeah? Yeah, so…” He looks into your eyes for a moment, looking down shyly. “What if I don’t want to be friends anymore?”
Something seems to punch you in the throat, your voice coming out as a squeal when you speak. “W-what?”
“Huh? Wait, no, that’s not what I meant!” He lets go of the basketball and reduces the large distance between you two, his hands moving frantically in front of him to try and erase his words while the basketball dribbles away. “I… I don’t wanna go back, I mean… it’s more like… I want to start… dating you?”
He gives out a yelp when you suddenly hit his shoulder with your fist, a frustrated pout on your lips while you blush. “You scared the crap out of me! I thought you hated me or something!”
“What-no, I love you!” He takes your hands in his, giving you his puppy eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to scare you…”
“I know you didn’t…” You stay silent for a moment before you grin. “But I’ll only accept your apology if we go on a date.”
He blinks a few times in confusion, then gives out a gasp. “Wait, does that mean-”
“Yes, I also wanna date you, Scott.”
“Yes!” You give out a yelp when he suddenly crushes you into his arms, a loud laugh escaping his throat. “Oh, I’m so happy, you have no idea!”
You manage to smile despite the lack of air going into your lungs, just happy to finally be sharing a moment like this with him.
Liam De Lioncourt:
“Here.” You blink multiple times at the pair of tickets Liam is handing out to you while he’s scrolling through his phone. “I got this for you and me to go tonight.”
You don’t notice the blush creeping on his cheeks when your fingers touch his, your eyes going wide as soon as you read the words on the ticket. “Oooh, a (favorite kind of music) concert? We haven’t been to one of those in a hundred years!”
“Yeah, well… I know you like those, so-”
You give him a sweet smile. “Thanks, Liam. Oh! You know, I heard Polly liked this group-”
“We’re not inviting Polly.”
You frown at his tone, giving out a smile nonetheless. “I never said I wanted to invite Polly.”
“Good.” He gives you a small look before he turns his attention back to his phone, his cheeks seeming to puff up. “Because I don’t wanna invite anyone.”
“Don’t you get it?” He gives out a groan as he puts his phone onto the table, a frustrated look sent your way as the redness on his skin deepens. “I-I’ve tried to tell you, so many times, but it’s like you aren’t listening!”
“What-” You blink a few times, completely confused. “What do you mean? What are you trying to tell me-”
“I’m trying to say that we’re going on a date!” You stare shockingly at him while he goes back on his phone, frustration clearly settled on his features. “And if you invite other people, it’s not gonna be a date.”
“A… a date?” You blink multiple times, feeling your face warming up while your mind is still soaking in a bowl of confusion. “A real one? I thought you hated those-”
“I-don’t make me repeat myself!” He shyly looks back at you, clearly doing everything he can to suppress his usual mocking behavior. “You know how hard it is for me to embrace clichés…”
“Yeah… yeah, you do.” You both stay silent for a while after that, Liam anxiously scrolling through his Instagram feed while you watch him, then you give out a large grin. “I can’t wait to go on this date with you, though.”
His lips stretch out, his voice coming out as a whisper. “Me too.”
Polly Geist:
You and Polly have been reminiscing your shared human life all night, drinking and laughing at all the dumb things you’ve been doing ever since you accidentally died together. This after-life was a whole lot more fun than when you were alive, and you couldn’t be happier to share it with your very best friend.
Polly gives out a warm smile as she watches you laugh. You notice, slowly letting your laughter die into a chuckle.
“Okay… what?” You continue to chuckle for a bit, not noticing her eyes sweetening. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“If I kissed you, would you punch me?”
Your laughter dies in your throat, your eyes staring back at her with a shocked smile. “W-what?”
“Because I want to kiss you, but not if you’re going to punch me.”
You open and close your mouth a few times, then give out a grin. “Well, it looks like you’re gonna have to risk it.”
She gives out a playful scoff. “Are you challenging me to kiss you now? Because I will do it.”
“Well, you’re still talking and I’m not being kissed, so-” You get cut off by her lips being pressed against yours, your lips stretching out onto your cheeks as soon as she parts away. “So? Did I punch you?”
“You did not.” Polly gives out a chuckle of her own. “So I guess we’re dating now.”
“Yeah…” Your eyes sweeten just as your heart warms up. “Yeah, we are.”
Vera Oberlin:
“So?” You let go of your straw to speak, turning your eyes towards a Vera typing text messages on her phone. “Who are you taking to prom?”
“I’m taking you.”
You give out a playful scoff at that, which makes her look up with the slightest hint of confusion in her eyes. “Okay, Vera… I know that we’ve been friends since kindergarten and, let’s face it, I’m awesome-” She rolls her eyes at your words, which only makes your lips stretch out even more. “-but you’re Vera Oberlin. You could literally go with prom with any one of these hot messes out there.”
“I’m taking you, (Y/N).” She continues to type on her phone, frustration slowly rising inside her soul. “End of discussion.”
“Okay, no-” You put her phone down, the gorgon woman giving you a glare that you easily ignore. “I know that no one has asked me to prom, but that doesn’t mean you have to take pity on me.”
“Oh, for fuck sake-” You open your mouth in shock at her words. “I’m taking you to the prom because I want to take you to the prom!”
“But…” You frown, utterly confused. “... why?”
“Why?” She squints her eyes at you, as if you just said the stupidest thing in the entire world. “Because I love you, okay?”
“Listen to me.” She claps her hands at every word she says, making sure that you hear every single one of them. “I. Love. You.”
You give out a shocked scoff, not quite being able to say anything back.
“And like I said before…” She goes back to typing on her phone, still frustrated. “You’re going to be my date to the prom and you can’t say ‘no’.”
“... well, good.” You take a sip of your beverage, Vera frowning in surprise as she looks back at you. “Because I don’t wanna say ‘no’.”
She only gives you a small genuine smile as a response.
#monster prom#monster prom imagine#monster prom imagines#monster prom x reader#miranda vanderbilt#miranda vanderbilt imagine#miranda vanderbilt imagines#miranda vanderbilt x reader#damien lavey#damien lavey imagine#damien lavey imagines#damien lavey x reader#scott howl#scott howl imagine#scott howl imagines#scott howl x reader#liam de lioncourt#liam de lioncourt imagine#liam de lioncourt imagines#liam de lioncourt x reader#polly geist#polly geist imagine#polly geist imagines#polly geist x reader#vera oberlin#vera oberlin imagine#vera oberlin imagines#vera oberlin x reader#imagine#imagines
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