#I mean I guess this just means I have a strong drive to improve or whatever
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greed-the-dorkalicious · 2 years ago
Lord help me I've been practicing so hard I had a nightmare about repeatedly whiffing mist finer level 3
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robo-milky · 7 months ago
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[NBC! Cloche]
An amiable girl hesitant to say what’s on her mind, mistaken for shyness by others. She’s comfortable acting as soundscape, reacting to others and prompting them with questions. Her expressions are a bit exaggerated and can switch tones in a heartbeat, which comes off as disingenuous to some. Prefers to subtly hint at her wants (sometimes passive aggressive).
NBC! Cloche is a snapshot of Cloche’ optimism and drive before losing it all. She had always lacked empathy from the start, treating altruism as nothing more but a social obligation. NBC! Cloche overcompensates for her apathy towards others through helpfulness, even if it means self-sabotage.
[RSA! Cloche]
A stubborn girl who will only cooperate on her terms. Not very expressive unless she has strong personal opinions on a topic. Quick to make sarcastic remarks and crude jokes to steer conversations away from sore spots, sometimes coming out as a bit self deprecating. Will not hesitate to be blunt as long as she’s stating the facts.
RSA! Cloche is the perfect balance of identities after Cloche finds her sense of self. After coming to terms that feigning emotions and acting like they don’t exist are both exhausting, she decides to act a little more true to herself. Despite the improvements, nihilism still runs strong in her blood and she has difficulty imagining a future.
[Stepping In]
NBC! Cloche had always dreamed of going to a cleaner, nicer school. Now that she’s actually thrusted into one, she’s having second thoughts. She’ll play nice and try to get into Rollo’s good graces, but finds herself drifting to the “troublemakers” of the school over time. The student council’s unofficial “barista”.
RSA could have been the perfect isekai and escape if it wasn’t for one thing, that damned hoodie. Does it really belong to Cloche? Nobody knows. Aside from a couple gasps and eyebrow raises, the student body is more concerned with getting Cloche back home and adjusting her to this new world with magic. She’ll complain about RSA’s stuffiness, but she’s never met a community so welcoming and kind before. An honorary dwarf hanging around Neige. (After some Magicam stories and appearances, conspiracists speculate she’s a hidden sibling of Neige)
• I did always imagine them to have their own curses, like NRC! Cloche, but not sure if I wanted them to make it to the final cut. NBC! Cloche would be cursed with obligatory honesty, and RSA! Cloche would be cursed to always do what she perceives as the right thing.
• Since NRC is the only school to specifically be a boy’s school (iirc?), Cloche has her women’s rights again.
• During the events of Glorious Masquerade, all Cloches side with NRC in the end. NBC! Cloche is like that one NPC who gives helpful information/lore, and RSA! Cloche ends up with NRC, since Neige and Chenya wouldn’t want a defenceless junior hanging around as they sacrifice themselves.
• RSA! Cloche would 10/10 dye her underlayer an array of colours, but I left it white as a blank canvas. (May also be a hint to tie to Neige). NBC! Cloche still has virgin hair.
• I��ve had this idea marinating since forever and I’m happy to finally do something with it!
• I do have a mini AU/idea where all them coexist at the same time, and there’s a big dilemma in which Cloche to keep/send home. All schools advocate for their Cloche to be the “main” Cloche allowed to exist.
• I’ve always wanted to dive into Cloche as a person and her growth over time— not just her brooding over the cat maid shebang 😭
• To be completely honest- RSA! Cloche started as an old throwaway joke of “what if isekai’d with ahegao hoodie” and I guess I’m sticking with it. She’s not a coomer I swear- For a more fleshed out explanation, Cloche ran away from home wearing the hoodie instead of any else, cause it’s the only jacket she bought with her own money and wants to make a statement of leaving everything she doesn’t own behind. Mystery solved 😔
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hotluncheddie · 7 months ago
How do you feel about chubby female Steve (steddie)? I love a good female Steve/Eddie fic 🥰
see, well, i do also love - simply bc i love people having fun. but i haven't really read much female steddie tbh tbh
i do, however, have a lifelong dream of calling a beautiful butch woman daddy
so i will be imparting this dream onto Eddie, and making it come true, as a treat.
so please imagine a lovely, fat, strong, beautiful, butch Stevie Harrington (with pretty long hair and an undercut) and manic pixie goblin girl Eddie Munson (covered in tattoos with a silly little curly mullet) <3
I also saw a very cute video on Instagram of a lesbian couple and one was not feeling good about how her stomach looked asking ‘why does it do that’ and her gf just said bc you’re hot, and you’re healing. And I think that that’s very steddie tbh tbh
Stevie and Eddie are coming back from the lake, sun kisses and sleepy from their day. Stevie in a blue bikini with one of her muscle shirts over the top, sunglasses on and hair whipping in the wind, thick thighs spread across the drivers seat. Eddie pulled on a pair of shorts over her skinny legs, but her belly has gotta a little chubbier lately, causing a roll to sit just above where the waistband sits at her belly button. She squishes it, grumbling and huffing, ‘why does it do that? It’s. Is it supposed to do that?’
Stevie looks over, confused, but her face softens as she looks back at the road. ‘It looks like that because you’re a hot girl.’ She says, smiling. Then reaches over and strokes the skin softly with her hand, head swivelling to glance between Eddie and the road. ‘And healing girls have it.’ She says softly, tenderly, pressing her fingers in and pinching just to make Eddie gasp.
They’ve been trying to work with her recently accepted ADHD, which means building some better techniques to make sure Eddie remembers to eat throughout the day. She had to stop tattooing a client because she got dizzy from only drinking ice coffee and not eating for like 14 hours. Her and Stevie is had a conversation about it, Eddie embarrassed and frustrated, Stevie understanding and pragmatic. She eats much more regularly now, thanks to the reminders and meal prepping, which obviously means she’s gained a little weight. but also means she has more energy and it’s improved her work and ability to interact with the clients.
Doesn’t mean Eddie’s used to it yet though.
Eddie bites her lip, pulling Stevie’s hand between her own and kissing across her knuckles, kissing the rings Eddie found for her at flea markets and sucking her thumb into her mouth just because she can. And because it makes Stevie’s eyes go dark.
Eddie pulls the digit out with a soft pop, sighing ‘I guess.’ to end the conversation - her heart much too full to handle. She grabs the tape box from the back and shoves Dio in and turning it up, head banging until she’s breathless. Stevie glancing over as much as she can, smiling again.
They stop at a drive through on the way back, Eddie squirming and breathing heavy as she feeds Stevie fries and passes her nuggets dipped in sauce so she can keep driving them home. Stevie ignoring her, licking both their fingers clean and driving one handed to suck on her soda straw, belly getting visibly bloated, making Eddie’s mouth fill with spit. She’s so capable and amazing and eddie has to hold back a whimper when Stevie grips her thigh, leaning over slightly to bite at the fries before any ketchup falls. Her soft belly lapping against the seatbelt and silver chain glinting in the setting sun.
‘Let’s get you out of your head, yeah?’ Steve says sweetly once they’re home and unpacked, the day weighing heavy on their bones but not enough for sleep to take them yet, no, there’s fun to be had first, Eddie can see it in the glint of Stevie’s brown eyes.
Eddie pulls greedily at the ties on her bikini, letting it fall away revealing the soft round swells of Stevie’s boobs, sitting low and big across her chest. Eddie groans, cupping them in her hands and squeezing, skin spilling between her fingers.
Eddie lays back on the pillows of their old second hand couch, Stevie towering over her, thighs either side of Eddie’s head. She can’t see Stevie’s face unless she bends forward but the sight of soft underbelly and under boob has Eddie groaning, wetness spreading between her legs. She leans up and kisses over Stevie’s bush, turning her head to nuzzle and bite and the soft inner skin of her thigh, moaning and Stevie shifts and Eddie feels the muscle move under her mouth. Tanned and beautiful, with moles scattered like constellations and a sensitive sort of power to everything she does. Eddie fucking loves her.
Stevie grips her curls, pulling her face back down and leaning at arm on the couch armrest. ‘Be good for me sweet thing. Can you do that?’ She asks, voice calm and low and Eddie feels that deep black water spill into her brain. Sinking hot and wet and wanting.
‘Yeah.’ She says, breathy and high and Stevie smirks as she lets her hips drop. Eddie’s face buried deep in her warm folds. She groans, leaping and sucking and Stevie is everywhere, covering her mouth and nose and Eddie relishes in the white noise static of the thighs squeezed against her ears.
Loosing breath but not wanting to stop Eddie whines when Stevie lifts, looking down at her with sweet condescension, ‘breath for me baby.’ She purrs so Eddie does, gulping greedily. Stevie sits back down and Eddie resumes working over the clit, sucking and flicking with her tongue, lifting one hand to squeeze at her ass while the other searches to bury fingers in her hole.
Stevie rises again, panting with pleasure. Eddie stops to breathe but doesn’t stop pumping her fingers, watching Stevie’s eyes roll. ‘So good for me baby.’ She moans and Eddie preens, desperate to get her there, to taste her again. ‘Daddy.’ She whines, floating and greedy and Stevie moans again, head thrown back and hand reaching to grip Eddie’s curls as she sinks back down, belly folding and thighs clenching and Eddie throbs.
And then when Stevie is flush and beautiful post orgasm, sitting on the sofa to recover, and Eddie is basking in the wetness on her face, and the hand stroking slowly up her leg, she’s sigh out another soft little ‘Daddy’ in contentment, shoving her cold toes under the bit of warm belly that rests on Stevie’s thighs.
And then Stevie will scoop her up, leading them to the bathroom with fresh towels and Eddie’s favourite dildo. With plans to fill her and clean her and leave bruising marks all over her girlfriend’s pretty new belly. A perfect end to a perfect day.
Gonna tag: @scoops-aboy86 @cheesedoctor @chickensinrainboots @whimsicalwadewinstonwilson but I know this isn’t usual steddie so idk sorry if this isn’t ur thing
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sciderman · 1 year ago
this might be an unpopular opinion but actually i think that in homecoming mcu peter was very well characterized? i thought he brought the sass and was very headstrong and i think that's why that film is my favorite out of his, he was throwing himself into situations without deliberation with just a very restless and agitated feel to him at points, and actively driving the plot forward in a way that to me felt very baby peter. i think that fanon (like irondad, woobifying him in fics etc) has contributed to a perception of him that isn't super strong in actual canon. i also think the writers would benefit from reading your tags on that post lol, cause mcu spidey is at his best when HIS choices are actively driving the plot, and at its weakest when hes reacting to things happening to him like in far from home. there's potential for spidey 4, there's a lot of room for angry, broken, but hopeful peter, and i'm sure the mcu will disappoint me but i am a fool and live in hope :')
i guess you have some kind of a point there, and i can see the point you're making - but – i think where it doesn't work is that we never actually get an inkling as to why peter's restless and agitated. why he cares so much about being a hero. why he wants to. when like, in civil war he actually kind of didn't want to get involved with the avengers. he was blackmailed into it. so why that 180?
no consistency in the mcu. no consistency at all. i hear that writers don't even consult each other between movies, and i believe it ,, considering how much whiplash i consistently get from mcu character motivations. (constantly thinking of civil war where hawkeye tells scott "you might go to jail for this", and scott says "yeah well what else is new" nonchalantly, like he didn't just fucking have an entire movie where is whole motivation was "i do not want to go to jail because i want to be with my daughter." what the fuck?? what the fuck mcu??? what the fuck?????????? the mcu does this with literally every character too. tony destroying all his armor in one movie and the next one making ARMOR FOR THE WORLD??????????????? 180s just across the board. we're gonna do a thing and then 3 seconds later we're gonna do the exact opposite thing. i hate the mcu.)
in the comics we entirely understand why peter is agitated and restless. we've seen it. we see his justification literally on the front page of his first appearance in amazing fantasy #15.
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the world mocked timid teenager peter parker. so peter wants the world to see the awesome might of spider-man. there you go. that's why he put on the stupid tights. we get it. two sentences and we get the whole schtick.
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we pointedly do NOT get to see what kind of kid mcu peter parker was before the spider-bite. we never get to know. we do not know what changed. he doesn't even talk about it. not even freaking once. he never laments that he used to be weak. he never expresses the sentiment that his life has improved now that he has powers, or even what having powers really means to him. just a "i've got powers now. guess i have to become a hero. i guess." there's no motivation for him at ALL. power doesn't mean a thing to him. he's just some kid who has powers i guess and who else is kind of super? uh? tony stark?? yeah okay i wanna be tony stark i guess.
IT ALL MEAAAANS nothing!! ! ! ! ! ! nothing fucking at all!!!!!! it's actually SO SO missing the point of spider-man entirely to not pay any mention at all to who peter parker was before the spider-bite. that lives in him every day. it's an ANXIETY that lives in him every day of his life. it's something really important for you to know about peter. in every issue spider-man is IN, this anxiety manifests in some kind of way, in everything he does.
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we never see what's changed for him, how it affects his dynamic with his friends, with aunt may, with anyone. it's barely a source of tension for him because actually, his secret identity is thrown around like it's a joke. it baffles my mind how much the mcu misses the mark with spider-man, actually. whenever i think about mcu spider-man i discover some new way they misunderstood spider-man. i didn't even think about how much is missing from just the omission of pre-spider-bite peter parker. it's such a vital part of spider-man's motivation that's been wiped. his motivation in the mcu is so, so vague. his motivation is the same as any kid who has seen an iron man movie. "hey that guy can fly. i want to fly too. and i want to buy iron man action figures and i want a cool suit too." uhh?? yeah?? what kid doesn't?? lame. lame and weak. mcu peter parker doesn't have a unique personality trait to differentiate him from any 10 year old who's watching these movies. weak and lame.
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orangez3st · 16 days ago
Hi hi! I’m a HUGE fan of Lesiil, and have some questions about her 🫵🏾
When it comes to intelligent characters like her - I’ve always been interested in their education background. Can you tell me what did she study? (Not necessarily formal education. It could be the subjects someone’s interested in, things that she taught herself or actively seeking to learn/improve, things that interests her outside of her job/related to her job, etc)
What is she like when no one is present? What did she want to be when she was a kid? What kind of entertainment does she enjoy?
I’m gonna steal your ask and also ask you to describe her in three songs 🧍🏾
Oh did I mention I REALLY LIKE HER? I want to pick her brains
Hii hi vod! 🫶🏼 Fellow Lesiil's huge fan (I'm so honored)! Thanks for the ask, these are really interesting questions and I'm thrilled to fill this as a part of broader characterization! And yeah this might be an essay too 👀
[Me, 3 hrs after writing this: vod you said you wanna pick her brains. I got too immersed and this is basically a very narrative OC wiki page now.]
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Describe Lesiil in three songs 🎶
(When it comes to songs, I'm a lyrics centric gal)
Routines in the Night - twenty one pilots ⟡ Now this one is the first came to mind when thinking about Lesiil. Actually it's more about "fighting back the demons in your mind" thingy but for her sake I'm taking more about how beautifully complex her mind is and how it is a maze, but it's a maze of which she knows where every single care pack is, where every exit is, and where every turn leads.
Strong Girl - NIKI ⟡ Sometimes she'd struggle and it'd drive her mad (more yapping and more frustrated sighs and more brain burnouts, according to Fox). But she's always been strong, and everybody who knows her dubs her as this relentless lady who shows no signs of stopping until she's satisfied. And she's got a certain image to uphold – not that she wants to fulfill everybody's expectations, but she's got her own expectations that if she fails to fulfill, she'd go berserk ("Les'ika I am once again asking you to take a chill pill.").
Wondrous Place - The Last Shadow Puppets ⟡ "My baby" and the female pronouns in the lyrics basically just refers to her work. Investigative work is a nurtured passion since Lesiil was a young girl (lore below). This song just lines up with how much she loves it, being involved and getting requests for help and enjoying every single process, that she doesn't, never, wanna leave.
What did she want to be when she was a kid? 👑
Spending her entire childhood in a noble typically-matriarchal Alderaani household, Lesiil actually wanted to be like her mother! As the head of the house, Mummy Thrace spent her days as a noblewoman in and out of office. In, with various state flimsiwork and political gossip catch-up with the 4-times-removed cousin House Organa, and out, with social outings and patronage and charity work. Nevertheless, Mummy (and Papa too) was always present for her and twin bro Railuu. They grew up in a proper and healthy family.
See, that's why she admired Mummy. All hardworking and selfless. And tireless. No she never caught Mummy walking into the living area of their dwelling with the biggest darkest eye bags she'd ever seen. No this may not be why Lesiil feels like she's at home when she sets her eyes on Fox. Mummy was kind. Thorough and passionate with her work, took care of the house with some divine and impossible mom power. Naturally, as the heir of the house, Lesiil was prepared since she'd been able to eat Papa Thrace's homemade deep fried nuna strips on her own, and that means unfortunately her future was already bound to such royal, noble duties.
But one movie night when she was 10, Papa put on one of those detective series he liked once he deliberated that she and Railuu were mindful enough about the mind-stimulating and perhaps-making-your-head-hurts-from-all-the-thinking content. And guess what, Lesiil fell in love with it. Her aspirations changed, and all of a sudden she started downloading more detective stories, more detective shows, more real-life interviews that sounded surreal at first.
She decided she wanted to be one of those crime investigators. You might be thinking she'd been so conflicted because she was born a female in a noble household, but no. She basically pulled the kark it I'm doing this card. In fact, she was inspired and positively fueled by Mummy's own humanitarian acts. Lesiil wanted to help people. She watched in various documentaries how one of those families of the fallen victims broke down when their loved ones were either taken or dead. She wanted to see them live in peace knowing that justice be served.
She wasn't having doubts about this. She'd renounce her noble titles and positions. This, was a decision set in stone when she was merely 15.
So she talked with Mummy and Papa. Railuu were there too. It was a big family talk, and it wasn't easy, nor was it short, because it involved a lot of other family members and the house's advisors to talk her out of it. Because if she hadn't taken the head of the house's seat, who could?
Fine, they relented. They wanted the best for her, and Lesiil wasn't showing signs of backing down. At age 17, she renounced her titles, driving Queen Breha Organa herself into a shock. So young, but bearing the entirely different meaning of being noble. At age 17, she left home. Soon, Alderaan faded into a blurred background of white and blue of hyperspace, and suddenly she was on Coruscant. House Organa, through the Prince, was very kind to accelerate the process of her new citizenship on the planet.
And that's how she found out her Lorrdian bloodline. Through genetics test one would take on a whim and light curiosity. The species is famous for their nonverbal thingies, and she intended to make use of it for her dreams. A flarging crime-solving detective.
What did she study? 📖
She's big on being a detective that she picked criminal justice without a single ounce of hesitation.
For her formal education, University of Coruscant became home for Lesiil! She took the GFFA equivalent of bachelor's degree on criminal justice. Master's was in her mind, but she was eager to apply to CSF Academy and get right down to the real-life unforgiving and meticulous field of law enforcement. And she did just that. She made junior detective a little under three years, and made senior in a year. The fastest career advancement anyone has ever seen. Lesiil was 26 when she was assigned to the Corrie Butcher case.
Throughout her uni, Lesiil intended to dig deeper and eventually utilize her Lorrdian privilege in her later law enforcer career. Sure it's merely consanguinity, but that'd make her path easier. She rang up Senator Organa aka her only network on Coruscant who would actually help her big time and asked for such a favor. The Prince managed to pair her with allied Lorrdian politicians who were kind enough to introduce her to a legitimate trainer.
Lesiil trained hard, and all her break times were almost never empty. And when she graduated uni, she could already determine the Supreme Chancellor is a privileged big ass liar with a sickly sweet tongue. What kind of lies, she never knows. Certainly not involving a Jedi genocide.
She was taught royal etiquettes. She refuses to forget a single thing about it as it connects her to home.
That affects how she speaks too. She can't bring herself to be colloquial and 100% nonformal with all those street slangs. Formal works charms for her Senate network, after all.
Lesiil is not without L. She's L in gang infiltrations op where street speak is mandatory (it's utterly horrid) or that kinda stuff they simulated back in police academy. Luckily she's into homicide investigations.
Likes space tennis. It's her favorite sport. Railuu was always losing.
As the lore continues, we know now Lesiil takes up law school and slams into bar exam with all the intellectual smugness she's got in her arsenal, and we adore her so much for it.
What kind of entertainment does she enjoy? 🎭
Lesiil likes to observe people's faces to the point she would find it struggling and her confidence depleting if she's unable to. Put her in a hangar full of helmeted clones. She'd be sweating but she masks it well thanks to whatever's left of her born-into-a-noble-household level of confidence.
True crime documentaries! Again, observing other people's body language! Lesiil likes cooking too, picking up the skill in her single uni dorm. She finds home in psychology holobooks. She enjoys traditional stage plays in that 40-minute-speeder-ride-away theater, but this is a rare luxury. She's a workaholic y'know.
And she found Railuu's constant defeat in space tennis entertaining. Now that he'd passed in Abregado while serving under Commander Wolffe's battalion (that is a separate lore that I've been thinking about too btw), she lost one source of good entertainment. :(
What is she like when no one's present? 🧍🏿‍♀️
Does a droid count as the 'one' in 'no one'? No? I got you. Lesiil finds companionship in BD-6, a droid her parents gifted her after she graduated uni. Nobody actually wanted to be friends with a noble blood, anyway.
Lesiil often mumbles to herself. She has an immersive holoboard in her tiny office in her apartment to store her progress of current investigation(s). She finds the way the gears inside her head moving and whirring to find solutions good – it makes her feel alive, with a purpose.
She's ah, well, she doesn't talk a lot. So when she's told to talk about her findings, she couldn't stop. Fox finds it endearing and it always ends up with his lips on hers because he just can't stand it she's adorable when she displays her fluency in Yapanese.
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geosabor · 8 months ago
which undertale soul colors would you assign to the LAL protagonists
akira and oersted share red to me
Im gonna assume this chart being accurate. It's been a while since UT was big but I remember this one getting shared around the fandom alot. (Also bare with me, this gonna be a biggun)
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POGO - Bravery (Orange)
Bro's got easily the biggest brass balls to fight a fire breathing mammoth and a T-Rex in the same day with nothing but a bone and his pet gorilla. He's also a total goblin who'd run into a wall to break it if it means saving Beru.
LEI - Determination (Red)
Girl loses a fight and is immediately plotting your downfall. Both in Dominion of Hate and Imperial China.
YUN - Perseverance (Purple)
He starts as the weakest character in the game and frankly he's really pathetic. But over the course of Imp. China his drive to improve makes him grow stronger (in my case the strongest member of the team. Seriously, 3 Tempest Torments and Odio died)
HONG - Integrity? (Blue)
Gonna be totally honest. I have the least amount of data on Hong. I picked him last during my playthroughs of the game, I see the least amount of fanart of him, I see him the least in other's playthroughs, I dont really get his deal. I wanna say Integrity cuz that'd be cool since he started off as a dine-n-dasher and he grows to be better, but I'm not totally sure
OERSTED - Justice (Yellow)
Now I know what you're thinking, but think about how he talks about his place in all of this. He rightly feels cheated, time and time again he was cheated cuz his best friend was just a massive simp. So he sees his current situation as a massive wrong to be righted. And listen to how he describes the other bosses. Also sees them as tragedies, wrongs to be righted and all that. It might be a warped sense of justice but it is *A* form of justice.
OBOROMARU - Determination (Red)
You can take Oboro's chapter in a myriad of ways. You don't have to save Ryoma right away, you don't have to interact with most of the enemies, heck there are only 5 mandatory fights in the whole chapter (2 being Ode Iou). He doesn't even bring any equipment with him. The path doesnt matter because Oboro's one goal here is to kill Ode Iou.
SUNDOWN - Patience (Cyan)
Dude prolly had to deal with Mad Dog and a buncha other hunters chasing him down for years. We know he spares Mad Dog so its safe to assume he spared the others. Also think back to how he dealt with Pike. I bet most of the other heroes woulda spoken up during that whole thing.
MASARU - Perseverance (Purple)
Takes alotta the stuff to willingly get punched in the face over and over so you can learn some cool wrestling moves. Especially when sometimes the masters just flat out won't use em. Maybe also a little dumb but hey, I'm not the champ so who can say.
AKIRA - ???
Akira is complicated. He has a strong sense of justice, his integrity is really solid, he's SUPER determined, he's really kind to those he cares about, and he's willing to persevere through A LOT of bullshit to help people. Honestly at a loss here. I guess if I had to pick one it'd be Determination but an argument can be made for any of em. Except Patience. He defo doesn't have patience that's for sure.
CUBE - Kindness (Green)
Easy choice, he was literally made to help people
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year ago
"I'm sure you've hard around the Bās system," she said, in faltering Human English: pronouncing hard rather than heard, and confusing around and about. But Objects in the Mirror gave her points for trying. Most emissaries would open in their own language, and just expect him to keep up.
"The solar flare? Yes, of course. Awful, awful news."
He folded his limbs in the Bās gesture for commiseration, and she reciprocated with an appreciative click. She wasn't indigenous Bāsic - not unless she was hiding a couple of arms under her gown - but emissaries were encouraged to adopt the planet of each posting as if it were their own.
"How long do they think until... you know?"
"Forty taons, more or less. A few more sons, and it will all be gone."
"A few generations," he translated. "It almost doesn't bear thinking about. Millennia of civilisation, and then the universe does this. I'm so sorry."
"Me too."
"I do speak Eastern Bāsic, if that's easier for you," Objects in the Mirror continued, wondering which would be her preference. She might have been born in the Com belt, from the shade and texture of her skin. "Or a few dialects of Comon. I was only on Earth for fifty taons, so I never went entirely native."
His correct guess was rewarded by another click, although her tone turned apologetic. "Sorry, is my ascent that strong? I grew up on Com-5, so Honsun is my baby tongue - but I'd like to perverse with Human, if you don't mind too much. It's good to have the practice."
"English it is." He smiled in the Human fashion, with his teeth instead of his eyes. "What else can I do for you?"
"As you will know, we have enjoyed sentries of peace. A perfect equilibrium. We spawn, we die, and our populations remain much the same. Our worlds remain much the same, held in balance to exactly meet our needs. But that balance has been tipped. This solar flare follows volcanic activity on Com-2, and soon we will be two worlds down. We will need new homes, and fast."
"I'm no terraformer," Objects in the Mirror said. "I'm a cultural researcher. I study the way things are, preserved, rather than changing what they might be."
"You know Earth," the emissary said. "If we have exhausted our own planets, we must look to bring others into the fold. Make our homes amongst them, if we can. You've been there, done it. Is there space?
"Space?" He chuckled at that. "Mankind abhors a vacuum. They can't see a blank page without filling it. Men are like a culture of algae, you understand. They'll always grow to fill their cell, their dish, and overflow if you forget to replace the lid. That's why we've kept them at arm's length. We want to keep the little that we have."
"They would take our homes? Destroy the rest of our balance?"
"They might not mean to, but yes." He crossed his various limbs in contemplation. "Not all of them, of course. You won't be familiar with their hobby of keeping bonsai trees, but they follow our approach to planets: looking inwards, all effort on perfecting what you have, and maintaining it in that state, as we do with our societies. But most men are more like weeds. They have no patience for perfection. Only growth drives them: more land, more wealth. More people. They breed like haraguti, and are never content in one place for long."
That concept was foreign to Com-5 as it was here. Objects in the Mirror knew that the emissary would have been raised with the same philosophy of life: home was home, and they would build it upwards before spreading out. All resources were devoted to improving the lot of their society, raising the baseline, no individual left behind, rather than expanding it - fighting wars whilst children starved at home, and leaving more misery in their wake.
Other than emissaries like her, researchers like him, there was little desire for citizens to leave their home systems, where everything was different to their tastes. A move to Earth would be a desperate measure, born of desperate times. But humans would colonise a barren rock as soon as they were given the means, just to see it done. Whatever the hardship, they would endure it, out of some driving need to overcome each barrier in front of them, and then the next, and then the next, whatever the personal cost.
"They've been on Earth a thousand years," she said. "They seem fairy content."
"Only because we've stopped them," he explained. "Their history is one of conquest. Every state has tried to spill over into its neighbours, taking from others and churning up their land, rather than building a paradise on their own soil. Every enterprise, whatever its success, chases constant growth and profit above preserving what they have. Do you know much about sharks?"
"Are they the ones with the tentacles?"
"No, but I suppose it doesn't matter. Aquatic predators. Big teeth. A man once told me that they need to keep moving or they die, and I think that men are the same. They're irrepressible, so we decided to repress them. We thought it better to keep them there." He paused. "Of course, could use a little irrepressible now."
"How do you mean?" the emissary asked. He wasn't sure if she meant that last point, or if he'd passed the limits of her vocabulary, in which case he'd have to repeat that whole thing. He took a gamble on the former.
"Are you familiar with concept of pioneer species? They're often seen as weeds, but they serve a vital ecological role. Fast spreading, fast reproducing, able to adapt to virgin land, terraforming it for others to follow. You get algae on an island first, and it creates the mulch for complex plants to grow in."
"Algae and weeds again," she said. "So what do you suggest? You said we can't go to Earth, because they will come to us."
"Or we could point them in the other direction, and see what else they find," he considered; arms still crossed, face still smiling. "Perhaps it's time to open the lid."
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miyamiwu · 2 years ago
Not so much a theory but just me trying to make sense of everything that's happened so far. This will be a stream-of-consciousness dump.
So remember how, in season 1, when CXS changed something in the past, it would later reflect in their present? In the kidnapped child case, kid!CXS and adult!CXS had appeared at the same time. In the Xu Shanshan case, the gang received a mysterious call, which turned out to be because an alt!CXS had issued a challenged to red-eyes in the past.
So with that in mind, we can just focus on one timeline—the one being shown to us. Any changes made in alternate timelines would reflect in the present that the audience sees.
Our current present is LG saving CXS from being kidnapped, resulting in him taking his place.
Qiao Ling had hypothesized that maybe that wasn't Lu Guang but an alt-timeline!CXS because LG seemed more physically strong.
For this hypothesis to be true, CXS has to dive into the past as Lu Guang and rescue the past!CXS in one go. (A photo can only be used once.)
The chances of this going correctly is slim. Without Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi has no idea what's gonna happen while in the dive. He didn't even know what object Lu Guang used to break the window (it was definitely not the kettle!). Also, does he even know where to find a speedboat? How about driving one? And if you had looked closely in the LG and LTC fight, you can see that LG was always trying to avoid being touched by LTC. That means he already knows how his ability is activated. On the off-chance CXS manages to reach past!CXS on time, it will all be for naught anyway coz he won't able to defend against LTC.
That's why I think Qiao Ling is wrong. It was never an alt!LG. It was the real Lu Guang all along.
As for how to explain his improved physical state... well, that's something I don't have an answer yet for. I do believe in the alt-timeline/future Lu Guang theories, though. If LG is from the future, maybe he's had some time to train.
Another theory of mine is that LG didn't actually suddenly got better at martial arts. He just knew how Li Tianchen would move, so he was able to defend against him. (Maybe LG can see the future).
Or maybe Lu Guang had relived this rescue many times and only now did he finally get it right. (Time loop maybe?)
As for him being able to resist the pain of his injury... idk man, adrenaline, I guess? Love can make you desperate lol.
Anyways, writing-wise, it's so easy to just dump everything on Lu Guang coz he's still shrouded in mystery. He's always seemed like he knows a lot about their abilities, and who knows what the true extent of his abilities is.
If Cheng Xiaoshi can't do the rescue right in one go, then how are they gonna explain him diving a second time?
Also, I find it hard to believe that CXS would want to endanger Lu Guang many times while he's acting as him. If he just doesn't dive, won't Lu Guang be saved?
What's sus here is the photo LG left. Did he know CXS can open his phone, or was that a save point he had actually left for himself in case he fails to save CXS?
But why would he not bring his phone? Was he afraid the enemy would get ahold of it?
But without his phone, and by extension, the photo, how can he go back in time?
Maybe his time-travel ability doesn't require a photo? (LTC definitely didn't have a photo when he was controlling WJ and CXS. His ability was just activated by touch)
Come to think of it, CXS's ability is also activated by touch (clapping). What about Lu Guang? Maybe he has a touch-based ability, too. After all, they can have more than one abilities.
LG can see what happens in a photo, and thru CXS diving, he can also record it. If it's a CCTV, he can hijack it and make it his eyes.
LTC can possess someone directly, but he can also just bewitch them through touch.
CXS can go back in time, and he can also possess people
I have no idea where I'm going here... Still confused as ever
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loadednachosao3 · 9 months ago
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what I make is WILDLY inconsistent from month to month, which is inconvenient, so it needs to be planned around. I could make $600 or $8k depending on the customers, my health, whether or not I made any content for passive sales recently... my average when you take into account my best customer is about $200/hr, but if I were to just talk to a rando on the phone instead of fucking around with my whale, my rate has me earning about $120/hr. that doesn't include anything extra, like tributes (tips, basically), content buys, or things like that.
that also doesn't mean I WILL make that much just by being signed on. I could wait for hours for a 2-minute call, or I could talk for 3 hours to the same guy and rake in bank. it all depends.
for me, with the niches I've picked, it comes pretty naturally. I've always been a very sexual person, so this career progression wasn't too difficult for me! the hardest part is making sure at the start to learn all the common scams so you can stop yourself from falling for them.
and BOUNDARIES! especially for people who have been socialized not to "rock the boat," it can be difficult to enforce them at first. but you need to be able to do that in this business! even if you market as submissive, stand firm!
but as far as the actual work goes... some guys are more difficult than others because their kinks aren't as familiar to me, or they're really picky, or I need to be tuned the fuck in the entire time... usually though, it's a lot of being mean, laughing at their tiny dicks, and taunting them with my body, which is easy peasy by now!
ok, I guess I lied a bit... when you're independent, there's also the matter of things like marketing, graphic design, audiovisual editing... the clerical work is a SLOG! so be aware if you try to go into it that that's what you're in for. it's a job like any other, so it's not a total breeze!
TAXES TOO!! you have to do them on your own, or get a sex worker-friendly accountant (lots will turn you down if you do 18+ work). so set aside 30% for that (or however much for your area)!
as for its similarities to 1-800-SALAMANCA, I actually based a lot of the content off of my real experiences! I modeled early Nacho off of some of my most annoying customers, lmao. the stubbornness, the hanging up without saying bye, the "you're the Dom, aren't you supposed to tell me my own kinks without me giving you any info???" bullshit, deleting and remaking the account... a little bit of a vent story there, LOL!
now, I don't have as glamorous a career as Lalo, nor do I have nearly as many finsubs. but I've done my fair share of findom before, so Lalo's personality is sort of a mixture of my persona and how I'd imagine him as a character to act! also, the site they use is named the way it is because it's a parody of the site I mainly work on, lmao. but with improved functionality.
I got into it because I had health issues that caused me to quit my vanilla job. I tried to be a freelance writer for a while... what a mistake! I should have gotten right into sex work, then maybe I wouldn't have had to piss through all my savings. I just figured, I like sex, camgirls make money, I'm hot... why not?
alas, camming was a LOT more work than I was expecting, especially with a physical disability! I found out through camming that phone sex was still a thing, and got into that instead. whew! much better! I also create content to sell on several sites. that's good for passive income, which is great on bad days!
as for whether I'd recommend it... I'd say yes, but with caveats. you have to be a certain type of person: firm with boundaries, decently creative, strong stomach, resilient to negative comments and insults directed toward both your body and personality, strong sense of marketing and design (or willing to learn), and the drive to keep going even when it's slow.
what you do NOT have to be: conventionally attractive, allosexual, a nymphomaniac, non-monogamous, white, skinny, cis, big-boobed, attracted to men, completely confident with your body, a total master of everything, into every kink. of course, having some or all of these things will certainly help you (hello privilege), but ANYONE of any sex, gender, color or creed can do this! trust me: there are men attracted to EVERY type of person. and they WILL pay to get what they want (your attention/content).
so I'd say go for it if you think you'd like it, but DO. YOUR. RESEARCH. FIRST! lots of it! you're NOT going to make it big selling feet pics on onlyfans as a total newbie. you CAN make a decent (or amazing) living off of it if you have dedication, creativity, patience, and time, though!
thanks for the thorough questions! let me know if you guys have more!
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ivory-lamps · 4 months ago
B03: Putting It Into Practice - A Happy Lifestyle
Characters: Nagi, Netaro, Raito, Ryui, Toi & Yodaka Location: HAMA Summary: Nagi begins the first day of his “happiness activities”, but misfortune befalls him every step of the way. Proofreader: Shay
Translator’s Notes ☽.‎˖
Natto: These are fermented soybeans, often eaten with a bit of mustard and a sauce made from Japanese soup stock. While it’s known for its slimy texture and strong smell/flavour, it also has great benefits that support gastrointestinal health.
Get on your knees and bow: This is traditional Japanese etiquette and is generally used as a deep apology or to ask for a favour. 
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*An alarm clock rings*
Nagi: 6 A.M. Today is the first day of happiness activities… aka a “Happy Lifestyle”.
Nagi: Happy Lifestyle #1: Bathe in sunlight and walk for 20 minutes within half an hour of waking up.
Sonia: Apparently, it’s best to go on a walk with an empty mind~ You’ve got this, Nagi-san!
Nagi: Thanks. Let’s go, then.
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Nagi: I can feel my self-esteem strangely improving just by doing morning activities. I guess that also makes me part of the self-aware gang–
*Car screeches to a halt*
Reckless truck driver: Hey, that was dangerous! Are you tryin’ to kill yourself!?
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: Morning – 9 A.M.
Sonia: It’s another lovely day today. The flowers have started their lovely photosynthesis~
Nagi: Yeah. I think both the leaves and I are starting to get a nice sheen.
Happy Lifestyle #2: Come into contact with nature for more than 5 hours every month.
Sonia: Apparently, that can really lower your stress levels.
Nagi: I come into contact with nature every day, so maybe I’m the type of person who handles stress well…
Woman stuck to the shop window before opening hours: ……
*Sonia and Nagi flinch*
Nagi: Woah, that gave me a fright.
Woman: Hey! The bouquet I bought from the department store yesterday has completely withered!
Nagi: My apologies. If I can see your receipt… Wait, department store?
Woman: Yeah! I bought a bouquet from the department store!
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: 11 A.M.
I do the weeding.
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: 1 P.M.
Happy Lifestyle #3: Eat something fermented that’s good for the intestines.
I’ve heard that the intestines and brain are connected. It’s also said that if your intestines are in good condition, your mood will also improve.
Miso soup that’s made with miso and hot water. Pickled vegetables I splurged on. 3 packs of [1]natto I got for 90 yen and frozen rice… Bon appetit.
Yodaka: Oh, Nagi. Having lunch?
Nagi: Yeah, I’m trying to improve my gut health and my happiness at the same time…
Yodaka: Improving gut health? I’ve heard it’s good to add grated onions and apple vinegar to miso soup.
Nagi: I’ll note that down. Did your grandmother or mother tell you that?
Yodaka: Hm? Oh… uh… yeah. …I think… it was my father.
*A beep can be heard*
Nagi: ? Does your head hurt?
Yodaka: No, I’m fine.
Ryui: Hey, Hachinoya. It’s almost time, but you’re ready to leave, right?
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*The car starts up and an alarm beeps*
Nagi: 2 P.M.
Do you need me to help you with anything apart from sending you off and picking you up while you’re house-hunting?
(Happy Lifestyle #4: Contribute to my community.)
Ryui: It’s fine. Driving me is enough. All the owners of the nice places in Ward 15 have connections to my stupid gramps.
Nagi: Stupid gramps…? The grandfather of the Shiramitsu Family, right?
Ryui: He won’t give the place to you even if you [2]get on your knees and bow.
Nagi: I’m good at doing that.
Ryui: I just told you there’s no point doing that, right?
Nagi: They say two heads are better than one right sure we haven’t known each other that long but I’m sure there’s something else I can help with other than driving you around I mean I run a store and for example I could help randomly find a property…
Ryui: You don’t give up, do ya!? It’s dangerous so focus on driving!!
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: 3 P.M.
I do the weeding.
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: 4 P.M.
Sonia (in the background): Alright, Raito-san. Let’s start the Raito Class.
Nagi: (Happy Lifestyle #5: Work hard towards your own personal growth.)
Raito: Have you heard of assertiveness, Nagi? It’s an important communication skill that helps you tell others your own ideas and principles without offending the other party.
Nagi: Nope. I’ve never heard of it but is that possible…?
Raito: Don’t worry, it’s really simple. You should be able to get the hang of it after trying it once. The key is to make yourself the topic, but… let’s start with an example first.
A customer complains and says, “I bought flowers from this store, but they withered right away.” But keep in mind that you had issues handling this customer. Give it a go.
Nagi: I’ll sincerely apologise, give them back their money, change their flowers and wrap it up with a free voucher. I’ll report them to the consumer centre and ask for further guidance depending on their behaviour.
Raito: Haha… You’re the type of person to take in the situation first before asserting yourself, huh, Nagi.
Woman who stopped by in the morning: Hey! The florist at the department store declined the free voucher you gave me earlier! They won’t even change my withered flowers! What’s going on!?
Sonia: Oh, she’s the lady that stopped by earlier today…!
*Nagi panics*
Nagi: U–Uhh, that’s the voucher for this store…
Raito: …Florist at the department store? So you didn’t buy the flowers here, did you?
Woman: That’s right!
Raito: …Flowers are supposed to be symbols of happiness, so I understand how sad you must be feeling after seeing the flowers wilt. You must be kind at heart deep down.
As the flowers were purchased elsewhere, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do and for that, we’re deeply sorry. But…
We wouldn’t want to make you so sad, so how about letting us handle your bouquet requests in the future…?
After all, a lovely lady who suits flowers, such as yourself, would make the perfect customer for our flowers.
Woman: My…! What a wonderful store! I’d love to purchase flowers from this store in the future!
Sonia: W–Wow… His resourcefulness is on a different level.
Nagi: Raito-san gained that skill by trying it once…? I’d expect no less from him. He’s completely different from me… And we’re both leaders…
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: 8 P.M.
Toi: Thank you for delivering all these flowers again today! See you later. Bye bye!
*Nagi speeds off*
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Nagi: I should hand out flowers for all the happiness I’ve accumulated today on my way back.
(Happy Lifestyle #6: Balance out the Weal and Woe Scale.)
I suppose I should hand out 500 roses before nightfall approaches…
(As for the rest… I’ll give them to the Manager. I’m grateful that I don’t have to worry about having leftover flowers in the worst-case scenario.)
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Nagi: Excuse me. I’m handing out flowers for free, but would you like to tak–
Thug A: Huuh~? Flowers? Nah, don’t need ‘em.
Thug B: Hey, aren’tcha that guy who tried to pick a fight with us the other day?
Thug A: Ah, owwwwwww… Hey, I just pricked myself on the rose you just shoved into my hands! I gotta go to the hospital so pay up.
*Nagi pales*
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Thug B: If ya wanna live, ya better give us the money and get goin’!
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*An alarm beeps*
Nagi: It’s… 10 P.M, huh.
Sigh… I’ve done a lot of weeding, but… it’s going to take a while before this place gets nicely cleaned up.
(I’m thirsty but… I forgot to bring my water bottle. I think there was a vending machine nearby…)
Found it.
(A drink in a plastic bottle would be good. I guess I’ll go with the green tea.)
…Oh, I’ve got no money. I’m completely out.
??: You want a bottle of green tea, right? I’ll buy it for you.
Nagi: Wha…?
Netaro: Someone’s been working hard.
Nagi: …Thanks. But how’d you know I was here?
Netaro: I’ve set things up so that I’m notified when you’re weakened, Gii. I can also tell where you are at all times.
For you, it’s the same as that drink. You’re my important donor, after all, Gii.
Nagi: …It’s my first time having someone watch over me.
Anyway, you really saved me. I think I can keep going thanks to you.
Netaro: What~? You’re not gonna come home?
Nagi: Yeah. I think I can make good progress if I keep going… There we go.
Netaro: …Good progress for what?
Nagi: With the weeding.
I found this empty plot when I was walking around my ward. I asked the landowner for permission to do the weeding beforehand.
Netaro: You did all this yourself? With your bare hands?
Ahaha! How horribly ineffective! You’ve been rather active recently, Gii!
Nagi: Yeah. I wanted to start something, but I didn’t know what to do… I’m trying out all sorts of things right now.
Happy Lifestyle #7: Do volunteer work.
I heard people talking about the psychology of happiness. They said volunteering can increase your happiness levels.
Netaro: Hmm. If you’re doing volunteer work to be happy, does that still make it volunteer work?
Nagi: …Oh. Is that not right?
Netaro: Aha. You’re funny, Gii~ So when you saved me, it was actually for yourself, huh.
Nagi: I’m not sure. I don’t really understand it myself, but…
You didn’t have anyone to share your secret with, and I guess I want you to be happy, Netaro.
Netaro: Heheh! Hey, you’re making my chest feel all ticklish!
I’ll teach you about Happy Lifestyle #8, then. Write down 3 things that made you happy before you go to bed every day.
The last sensation you feel leaves a strong impression on the human brain, so you can make use of that method.
Nagi: Oh…
I… was this close to being run over by a truck, but that’s a good thing, right?
Netaro: Good thing #1~!
Nagi: …I’ve gained another regular customer.
Netaro: #2~!
Nagi: Ryui… moved me emotionally…?
Netaro: #3~!
Nagi: Raito-san… pointed me in the direction of my personal growth…!
Netaro: You have more!?
Nagi: I was extorted for my money, but Netaro bought me a drink.
Netaro: Mhm!
Nagi: I have someone who worries about me.
Netaro: He’s not human, though.
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Nagi: (A lot of stuff happened, but if I think about it…)
Today was a great day.
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mentorsity · 5 months ago
Job Rejection: How to Bounce Back Even
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We’ve all been there. You put your heart and soul into that job application, nailed the interview (or so you thought), and waited anxiously for good news... only to get that dreaded rejection email. 😔 It stings.
But guess what? Job rejection doesn’t define you. It’s just one bump on your road to success. 🌟
In a difficult market, you might face rejection, but it's crucial to manage it properly. So, how can you remain strong and continue progressing? Let’s break it down:
1. Rejection Is Just a Detour, Not a Dead End 🚦
First off, it's normal to face rejection. Even the most successful have experienced rejections. It doesn't mean you're out of luck, it's just a step towards finding the right fit.
Each "no" moves you closer to the "yes." It's all part of the journey. Don’t let it stop you, let it fuel you.
2. Don’t Take It Personally ✋
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “What’s wrong with me?” when you get rejected. But here’s the truth: Job rejections are rarely personal.
Companies make hiring decisions based on so many factors that they can’t control internal candidates and budgets, or maybe they’re just looking for a different fit.
Instead of questioning your worth, remind yourself that you’re still awesome.
Rejection doesn’t mean you’re not good enough it just means that wasn’t your job. Keep going. You’ve got this. 💪
3. Reflect & Learn from Experience 🔍
It’s super important to take a step back and reflect after a rejection, but don’t get stuck in the “what ifs.” Use it as a learning experience. Ask yourself:
● Did I prepare well for that interview?
● Is my resume highlighting the right skills?
● Can I improve anything for next time?
If you’re brave enough (and trust me, it takes guts), ask for feedback from the employer.
They might give you valuable insights for your next interview! 🎯
4. Stay Focused on the Big Picture 🌄
It’s easy to get discouraged after a few rejections but remember: your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Each step, even the setbacks, is part of your growth.
Rejection doesn’t mean your goal is out of reach. It just means the path is a little longer.
Stay patient, keep learning, and trust the process. The right opportunity is coming your way!
5. Keep Pushing Forward 🚀
The secret to bouncing back is simple: Don’t stop. Keep applying, keep learning, and keep improving. Each rejection is just one step closer to your breakthrough.
Take a break if you need to, but don’t let rejection be the reason you stop chasing your dreams. The next opportunity might be just around the corner! 🔄✨
Final Thought
In a tough job market, it’s easy to let rejection shake your confidence. But don’t forget you have more than one job rejection (or ten). You have talent, drive, and a brightfuture ahead.
Every “no” is part of the journey, leading you to the right “yes.” So, keep your head up, stay resilient, and trust that your moment is coming.
✨ What’s your secret to bouncing back from rejection?
Share your thoughts below! Let’s keep each other motivated. 💬💥
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year ago
some uhhh *tosses dart* BJ/Peg hurt comfort?? with maybe something motorcycle related? (vroom 💜)
this is perfect cause this has been on my mind since your addition to my Yalu Brick Road posting last night. please enjoy the Hunnicutts Cannot Fucking Drive agenda
"I think I did pretty good for my second try." Peg tells him.
BJ, currently carrying her back to the house, snorts and shakes his head. "That isn't exactly a tall order," He replies, "Your first try on the motorcycle lasted all of 5 seconds and I got to treat my first sprained wrist." He reminds her.
"An improvement is an improvement!" Peg insists, "This time I lasted at least 10 seconds, and I only scraped my knees. You're the one who decided you just had to scoop me up like a blushing bride." She points out.
"I like carrying you," He reasons, nudging their front door open with his foot so that he can step inside, "Why walk when you can be carried by your big, strong husband?"
Peg can't help but smile at that. Husband. The title is still new, but she likes the way it sounds when he says it. "I hope you know you've just signed up to carry me around for the rest of our lives," She says, "If my feet ever touch the floor again I will be filing a complaint."
"Every day, huh?" BJ asks as he sweeps through the entrance and into the kitchen, "I can think of worse things. After all," He sets her down, carefully and gently, to sit on the kitchen counter, "We can't have you complaining, can we?" He flashes her a dazzling smile.
Peg meets his smile with one of her own, though hers is full of mischief. "Does that mean if I complain, you'll let me back on the bike?" She inquires.
His smile never drops. "Peggy, darling, if there's one thing I know about you, it's that I will never be able to tell you what you're allowed to do," He tells her, full of love and warmth, before continuing, "I can, however, ask you very nicely to not get on the bike unless I'm right there to keep you from tipping over," And then, just to be cheeky, he adds, "Again."
"I suppose that's fair," Peg gives him. She watches him as he takes a quick look at her bloody knees, lifting one leg up and then the other. His expression is going concerned, and she can't have that, so she asks, "Give it to me straight, doctor- will I live?"
"Only if we amputate," BJ replies without missing a beat, "But that can wait until morning. For now, I can clean these up and apply the best thing medicine ever came up with," He leaves her in suspense for a moment, flashing a grin at her as he says, "Bandaids."
"Excuse me, Dr. Hunnicutt," She reaches over to take him by the collar, her mischievous grin only growing, "I do believe you're forgetting a step in the treatment plan."
"Oh?" He follows her tug easily, eyes flicking quickly to her lips, his own smile growing eager, "And what would that be, Mrs. Hunnicutt?" He asks.
"A kiss," She informs him, "Kisses make everything better, didn't they teach you that in school?"
"How silly of me to forget," He hums, leaning in close, "I guess I'll have to make up for it."
And then they kiss like newlyweds do- too much for too long, and completely forgetting about everything they're actually supposed to be doing. If kisses really could make anything better, Peg's scraped knees would've been good as new.
Still. It's pretty damn good, even if they do eventually have to break apart so that BJ can take care of her.
(They can always pick up where they left off afterwards.)
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years ago
I have a friend that really wants to get into other games that aren't just mostly combat like pathfinder and dnd but they're a shitpost kinda player so they aren't fond of horror or angsty games.
Do you have any good suggestions for more light-hearted/comedic rpgs? They like Risus if that helps,just it's a bit too light for me to run it.
Sorry if this is a lot.
THEME: Shitpost Games
My friend, this is not a lot, there are plenty of great shitpost-style games out there of all kinds of genres! Let’s see what I’ve got that might be up their alley.
When it comes to the “lightness” of Risus, I’m not sure if you mean that there aren’t enough rules or if there’s not enough setting. These recommendations will have much more specific settings, although shitpost games tend to be pretty light on rules all-round, so hopefully there are some rules systems here that still appeal to you!
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Pride and Extreme Prejudice, by Grant Howitt.
A hand-created one-page RPG about proper ladies of a marriageable age and their giant robots powered by a malign eldritch intelligence. Will you find a suitable husband? Will you repel the French invaders? Will your eternity reactor leak and drive you and your sisters irrevocably mad, haunted my whispers from the dark between the stars?  And - will you be late for the ball on Thursday eve?
Combining Regency styles of flirting with giant multi-pilot mechs is a game that I didn’t know I wanted until I found it. It involves 4 players and a GM, with each character embodying one of four young women, all looking for a husband while also fighting off giant French clockwork dragoons.
 Each situation will be a combination of a social outing and a military action taken by the opposition. Each turn, your players will have to figure out how to pursue true love while also redirecting power, how to unleash hell with a shot cannon while also coming across as cool, calm and collected, and how to charm someone with your earnest opinions while also charging an enemy before they can shoot the gentleman you’re flirting with. 
I think the only thing more hilarious than playing this game, is playing this game absolutely 100% seriously. Go ham.
Never Send A Barber to do an Assassin’s Job, by Silver Hoof Games.
You are a professional. You are a…  Confectioner, Architect, Fisherman, Gravedigger, Barber or Actor. But you couldn't find proper employment for yourself! You had no other choice, or perhaps by mistake, you became none other than an assassin.
You would need some d6, friends and no DM! 
As a GM-less game, this might be a great way for the person who usually runs the show to get in on the action with everyone else. Using only d6s, you’ll find ways to use your confectioner’s bag of sugar or your barber’s strong perfume to play as assassin’s who are just trying to pay the bills. Something about using a round peg to fill a square hole - right now it’s just a page with rules, but the designer is hoping to use whatever funds they raise with it to turn it into something more complete.
OSHA Violations: The Game, by Alex Kingsley.
Regulations are in place to keep workers safe. But c’mon, in this economy? The goal of the game is simple: commit as many OSHA violations as possible without getting caught. The player with most OSHA Violations at the end wins-- unless they get shut down by the Safety Inspector! 
This game selects one person to play the role of Safety Inspector, while the rest of the group will present themself as Site Managers. The Safety inspector will create a tragic backstory, a dirty secret, and their favourite OSHA violation. The Site Managers will design their construction sites and roll a d6 to determine how many OSHA violations they MUST have on site (although they may have more). What specific violations those are will be determined by a roll table. 
This game heavily relies on improv, but there’s a win condition: the Inspector must guess who has the most violations. If they guess correctly, the player with the second-most violations is the winner - if they do not guess correctly, the player with the most violations wins the game!
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
My Silly Games Post.
My TragicComic Games Post.
Something is Wrong with the Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Untitled Ghost Game, by Alice V.
Everyone is John, by Gamer Nation Studios.
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araminthe · 6 months ago
Tuesday, 30th of August / Jeudi 30 août 2024
Well, august is about to end.
Here in France it means that school will start in a few days for young students. And a few weeks for university students.
This feeling that something is about to end kinda makes me sad.
I had lots of first times this summer and made so many memories.
Maybe this coming year of school will be better than my last (it couldn't even be worse anyway, for mental health reasons I failed all my exams).
Because of this bad experience I feel nervous, scared that it will happen again. But because I worked hard to improve this summer, I have hope that I can do better.
I've always been a good student until the last year, I can still do good, I just need to do the right things and have my life go in the right direction.
It means that I can now start the practical lessons for my driving license, I will finally get to drive a car hahhahaha 😆.
I'm so happy.
I was kinda stressed, but today, when I was out with a very close friend, I got the results and immediately announced the news to my parents and closer friends.
They congratulated me, they're so precious ✨️🥺.
My mother was happy and same for my father, he also told me that he didn't dare ask me about it in case I failed and I was feeling bad about it.
He was worried, he's so precious.
That was surprising because usually, when I have tests and exams, they don't really give much care to it since I always manage to do well, they know they don't need to worry.
But well, since this one is to get a driving license, I guess they did give more care to it since it was a different type of exam.
I literally spent so many of my summer days working and they saw that.
I'm happy.
I think the reason I can feel this happy is because I managed to get rid of my dopamine addiction over time. It took so much time, struggles and failures but I sure did.
I feel more present and able to enjoy my daily life.
I stopped being so lazy and don't feel this mentally unwell anymore.
So maybe, life's not so hard in the end, I just needed to get back on track.
Get myself back together.
So I'm happy. And feel more connected to those around me.
I'm not really an emotional type of person, but right now, I feel like I have lots of love to give.
That's what you call happiness I guess.
That's it for today.
One advice for those who read this; no matter how many times you fail, keep trying to achieve your goals, failure is part of the process, we humans are strong, and nothing is impossible.
You will see results for sure. Don't despair and just keep making efforts.
That's it for today.
Have a good day or good evening.
Je vous aime, à la prochaine fois !
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball Super 088
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This one’s kind of a grab bag, like Episode 85 was, but the random stuff is better, so I guess it works out.
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Let’s start with Piccolo training Gohan.  They only have about a day to prepare, but Piccolo thinks he can get more out of Gohan.  For one thing, he manages to get Gohan to use his “Ultimate/Mystic/Potential Unleashed” form that he used against Super Buu.  Throughout this series, it’s been implied that Gohan just lost that ability, or forgot how to do it, but this time Piccolo just tells him to go ham and he does it on the first try. 
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Piccolo also tells Gohan he has two major weaknesses holding him back.  First, Gohan uses his emotions to drive himself, which is fine to a certain point, but it can be dangerous to tie your power to your emotions.  If he keeps thinking about his need to protect his family, it can make him afraid, or desperate, which can make him prone to mistakes, no matter how strong he gets. 
Second, Gohan tends to get careless when he’s winning.  Piccolo cites the Majin Buu fight, but I think we all know he’s only choosing that battle because the Cell Games are too painful an example.  Of course, we’ve already seen a more recent instance of this when Gohan sparred with Krillin in episode 83.  Krillin proved that he could outmanuever Gohan and score a ring-out, despite Gohan’s superior power.
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This is best illustrated in the scene where Gohan manages to chop off Piccolo’s forearm, kind of like how Tagoma ripped it off back in Episode 22.  That pretty much took Piccolo out of the fight back then, but Gohan doesn’t follow through with another attack the way Tagoma did.  He just assumes he’s done, which gives Piccolo a chance to show off his new trick of firing ki blasts from severed limbs. 
So Gohan is still making the same mistakes he did as a kid, while Piccolo is continuously adapting.  He won’t be beaten the same way again. 
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Anyway, they plan to keep pushing to see if they can get Gohan to an even higher level before the Tournament, and Gohan suggests they work on some combo moves while they’re at it. 
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Meanwhile, in Universe 6, Cabba seeks out his old mentor from the Sadala Defense Force, Captain Renso.  He asks him to join Team Universe 6, but Renso’s got a bum leg, and feels he would only slow the team down.  Instead, he suggests that Cabba recruit his sister, Caulifla. 
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Cabba’s not too keen on that idea.  While he’s confident in her fighting ability, they’ve never gotten along too well, mainly because Caulifla is the leader of a bunch of punks on the mean streets of Planet Sadala.  Considering how shitty the U6 team was in the Destroyer Tournament, I’d say anything is an improvement.  All I know is that Caulifla only makes a brief appearance in this episode, and she immediately became my favorite U6 character.
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Meanwhile, Krillin and 18 are sparring in their backyard.  18 keeps whoopin’ his ass, and she’s already decided to claim his share of the nonexistent prize money. 
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Meanwhile, Trunks doesn’t know how to work a diaper.
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But Vegeta does!  Seriously, when did he get so good at this?  I’m pretty sure he had Gohan give him lessons or something.
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Beerus is annoyed that everyone is so care free about things, so he considers telling them about their universe possibly getting erased, if only so he won’t have to worry alone.  But Whis warns him that Bulma will give him shit for it.  And he’s right, she would.  I mean, Beerus can blame Goku all he wants but Beerus could have stopped him if he gave a shit.
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Meanwhile, Yamcha continues to fantasize about playing hard-to-get when Goku asks him to join the team.  He’s starting to wonder why Goku hasn’t approached him already, but you kind of need to speak up if you want in this thing, man. 
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Anyway, fans complained about the terrible state of Yamcha’s apartment when this episode first aired, and I think the bigger issue is that the artists just blew off drawing his apartment.   Like, this doesn’t look like there was any conscious decision to make it look fancy or crummy.  There’s simply no aesthetic whatsoever.  The furniture looks like it came from a motel, the chair looks like a child’s car seat, the bed looks like something out of a 1940′s cartoon, and there’s no door leading to the patio.
It’s the same problem we saw in Future Trunks’ bedroom at Capsule Corp.  They just slapped some stuff together and called it done. 
And yeah, that’s it.
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lesbiansandco · 2 years ago
An unstoppable force (madd taking up all of my waking and sometimes half-awake! hours) meets an immovable object (the urge to post about madd on my tumblr blog)
i swear i want to relate to my fellow tumblr madders but to do that i would have to Stop Daydreaming and i am not yet strong enough for that (different madd criteria/madd questions) "how many hours a day do you daydream?" bitch all of them?!?!? except for sleeping but i have chronic insomnia not related to madd but guess what my brain does to fill the insomnia gap? daydream and so i lose time before bed too and the first thing I do when I wake up? daydream i've gotten so good at it too - daydreaming all of the time about anything whatsoever without it showing to other people and that doesn't mean it doesn't impact my life (or else it wouldn't really be madd) but i can hide my struggling so well and even snap out of the daydreaming for just enough time to talk to people/function somewhat normally before being sucked right back in the second its possible im a functioning addict but not for alcohol or other drugs Its Just Madd (and its driving me mad[d]) "avoid your triggers" everythings a trigger. everything. anything could spark a daydream or daydream scenario. I have over 10 different AUs for my current main paracosm bc of shit like this (and yes I can keep track of them. who needs brain function for normal human activities when you have daydreams!). and if there are no triggers around? i'll replay a scene just to watch it again or to go through and make little changes to improve the scene. or create another au. there's no escape and the hard part is: i don't want it to go away. at least not right now. i love my paras and paracosms (well, most of them). but i hope one day my life will get to a point where i don't need to daydream all of the time to escape reality and i can just be an immersive daydreamer and a functional human. but right now? that's not gonna happen. and i'm okay with it. and the worst part: i don't control my daydreams. they're set off by random triggers or boredom and i can't control what i daydream about or when, or for how long. usually its fine, but sometimes i'll daydream something disturbing. or gory/graphic. or generally unpleasant. and these scenes are always extra vivid. and when that happens? i want to stop daydreaming. just for a few hours. a little bit of time. but no. its somehow even harder to snap out of it for a little bit and i have to ride it through. and just for a moment, i hate it. i hate madd. and then it provides an enticing, not horrific escape a while later, and i don't hate it anymore. this wasn't supposed to turn into a rant. for anyone who read it, thanks for listening. may your daydreams (madd or otherwise) be pleasant.
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