#I mean I guess he does it to himself when he shows up naked. but still
gas-station-chai · 2 months
Has anyone sexualized the Bathroom Cowboy yet
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youryanderedaddy · 9 months
tw: female reader, captivity, possessive behavior, non - consensual touching, hinted past stalking, hinted non - con, i keep making fairy tale references kfjhks My ko - fi <3
You actually feel calm now, almost at peace - although you can never be truly peaceful in the forest, you guess this is as close as it can get. You flip through the pages of the book, scanning the fireplace with the corner of your eye. It needs more wood, but it still keeps the cottage nice and warm. You tug at your big fluffy sweater - and think about just how domestic, how cozy this scene would be if you couldn't hear his footsteps creeping up behind you. You clear your throat and clutch the book closer to your stomach, trying to ignore him - hoping he'll go away if you pay him no mind. And just like the last few times, he sticks around like mud.
"Are you reading those fairytales again?" Raven calls out mockingly, the click of his tongue teasing your ear. He grasps your shoulders lightly, trying to take a peek at your book from behind the chair. You try to close it, but his hands quickly find your wrists, holding them in place. Now hyper - aware of his chest pressing against your back, you give in and let him look as his body heat spreads to your neck. "Such a pretty illustration, isn't it?" He hums to himself, a fox - like grin ruining his delicate features. When you don't respond, he just keeps going. "The knight kills the monster and rescues the princess." He reads the caption under the drawing, playing curious. "They live happily ever after." He flips the page. "The end." He mouths, averting his gaze.
You clench your fists and try to count to ten before you say something you will regret. You don't know why or how, but just one look at his face is enough to set you off nowadays. And anger is a losing battle - anger has you laying across his knees with your panties in your mouth, muffling your pained cries he likes to pretend are moans as he paints your butt red. So you shut up and bide your time.
"How sweet." The man chuckles with malice, quickly turning towards you just like a snake would curl around an unsuspecting little mouse. "I guess life really imitates art. Just like you and me." He observes with a self-satisfied smirk, reaching to light his cigarette. You hate when he smokes inside the house - the nicotine fume sticks to the walls for hours and you start choking and coughing, but he shows little concern for your heath; not that it's a huge surpirse to you.
"What do you mean?" You raise one eyebrow, hoping to at least take your mind off the nasty, overwhelming smell. If he sees your unease, he doesn't mention it, choosing to inhale even deeper, with his full chest. "You're the pretty damsel in distress." Raven explains calmly, charcoal eyes sinking into your vision like claws. It makes you feel naked, vulnerable - dissected to your very molecule. "And I am your knight." He lets his sharp teeth reflect in the dim light. "I saved you from those pesky insects who kept sulling you." You cringe at the way his tongue piercing drags against his canines. Track - track. "Aren't you glad I removed those obstactles for ya?" He gives you a crooked, sarcastic smile. "I think your hero deserves a little reward for all the trouble he went through just for you."
You blink away the tears as you are forced to remember it all in one breath. The police sirens - the investigation. The blood on your family's threshold. The used condoms hanging on your door for all neighbours to see, and the thousand messages calling you ugly names for months on end.
"You're no hero." You mumble under your breath, digging your nails deep into your palms - desperate to keep your tongue behind your teeth. But he hears you - he always does, and he just nods in agreement, coming close. Coming to take you.
Raven stands before you, hovering over you with one hand on the ashtray and the other tilting your chin up so you'd have no choice but to look at him and him alone. "Perhaps you're right." He admits, taking a puff off his long cigarette and blowing it in your face right after - simply in love with the way your eyes narrow in frustrated defiance as you wave away the thick smoke. "Perhaps I am not the hero, but the monster. The dragon." He laughs to himself, stubbing out the burning fag. You don't know what it is that he finds so funny, but you wish you knew so you could laugh along instead of crying.
He cages you in against the sofa, causing you to press even harder against the soft backrest. The message is clear - you'd let the house consume you before you let him as much as kiss you.
"It fits the story nicely, don't you think?" The man remarks, playing with a strand of your hair gleefuly just like a child would. You assume he derives some sick pleasure from touching you so casually - from caressing you, petting you, holding you. It's not even sexual, but it always shakes you to your core, and maybe for him that's the best part - where you can't go anywhere, but in his arms.
"Huh?" You break from your thoughts, growing confused. "Your analogy." He explains while still all over you. "It makes sense. I fought for you, and I won you fair and square." His eyes light up with the ferocity of a hunter. "I wanted you so I took you like the greedy bastard I am. I have no regrets - and if that makes me a villain, then so be it. I will burn the world down if it means you'd be all mine." His fist wraps around your loose locks, almost gentle, but not quite. There is something unnatural in his smile - you can't help, but imagine blood dripping from his chin. "But there is something your magic tales get wrong." Raven whispers diabolically, snapping his fingers. Everything goes dark - and his coat slips down on the floor.
"W-what?" You ask, shaking like a leaf - both afraid and deadly curious. You try to sharpen your senses, but you remain blind to his shadow - and the way it moves right between your legs, positioning them around his hips. You feel his manhood prod at your pubic bone, and you heart sinks to your stomach. "The ending." Your captor mutters, pushing you on your back, and you curse the electronic chair when it goes all the way down with little fight. "The moment when the cards are on the table..." He all but tears off the first button of your shirt. "And the princess is all alone with the monster. Face to face - with nowhere to go."
His tongue is hot on your neck - you try to push him off, but he pins down your wrists with feral force, growling like a wild beast. "And this time no one is coming to save her."
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moonybug444 · 4 months
toxic connie freaking the fuck out when your period is late and calling you a cheating whore :/
a long night
tw: physical abuse, very toxic relationships, connie’s calls reader all types of names. just mean
“no—no you think this shit is a fucking game, (name).”
connie’s grip on your arm is impossibly tight and at this point you don’t know what to do. you’ve been going back and forth with him for hours and he’s really not letting up. you’re tired and your arm hurts.
“can you fucking listen?! i swear if you don’t get the fuck off of me m’gonna—!”
connie’s twisting your body around and he’s in your face in a instant, pushing your back flat against your bedroom door you were just trying to open to get the fuck away from him.
sometimes you let yourself forget. you forget how dangerous connie really is. you forget. although he’s seems like a joking and lighthearted guy in people’s faces, he’s been fighting for years. he can really change his whole persona with one blink of an eye.
“you’re gonna what, (name)?” his jaw visibly clenches. “what the fuck are you gonna do ta me?”
he looks down at you and waits, like he really wants an answer to the question—
“c-connie i promise you…!”
“shut the fuck up!”
in a second you go from against the door to on the fucking floor, he pushes you hard and he means to do damage.
honestly this day couldn’t get any fucking worse.
you and connie actually started off good this morning. you woke up to him wrapped around you like a blanket before you guys got up and decided to make breakfast together. it had been sweet, sure it was basic. all you did was make pancakes together for heavens sake, but you’ve got to treasure that with a relationship like yours, it’s not often you have good morning together. most you’re already waking up with your gloves on ready to pounce. so of course you were greatful for the sweet acts this morning, too bad it didn’t last long. it wasn’t until later at about three o’clock, while you were getting ready to get a shower is when everything started.
“(n,n,)” connie calls into the bathroom swinging his keys around his finger and rushing to put a t-shirt on. “m’runnin out for a minute, you want me to pick up something?”
you were too busy getting all you shower stuff together to hear him of course, you guess that was your first mistake. he gets real mad at little shit like that.
not listening. you were too busy humming to yourself and looking down at your acrylics, need to book that appointment.
“(name!)” you heard that alright, no mistake. “what the fuck do you need from the store?”
you explained to him you don’t need anything, not before weakly defending yourself, telling him to stop fucking yelling. all he does is roll his eyes and search the place a little deciding himself what you need. he’s not about to go through this little annoying ass cycle like always. you say you don’t need shit then he leaves out and comes back and all the sudden everything’s popping in your dumb little head now. it pisses him off.
he starts with the kitchen. not much, probably some condiments, some of those like strawberry milk packs you like, and some more paper plates, you hate doing dishes. but God forbid you bring the ‘ugly’ paper plates, make sure to bring back those cute pink ones. he moves on to where you’re at the bathroom.
when he goes in there you’re still naked and humming to yourself while you look in the mirror spaced out. still not in the shower.
“watch out baby—”
“oh connie don’t worry about getting pads in stuff ok? don’t think i’ll need them in a minute.”
the words nearly fly over connie’s head until he really stops to think. ‘don’t think i’ll need them in a minute?’ what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
connie quickly gets irritated and worried, immediately jumping to all types of conclusions. honestly you’ve been with each other for too long. he should know by now how irregular your periods are, just shows how little he pays attention to you.
you try to explain it to him but connie’s making shit up in his own head, finding a solution in his own head.
you had went out last weekend right? yeah last weekend. he doesn’t know what the fuck it was for, maybe a girls night? he doesn’t fucking know, he knows he didn’t want you to fucking go though. you looked too fucking good. of course you being you trying to go out in your ‘sluttiest outfit’ as he’d say. he made you change like four times before getting pissed off and going home, cussing you out on the way out the door.
so what, you went out the other weekend, with your other slut friends and what now magically you just don’t have your period? you’re a fucking liar.
and once connie decides on something, it’s set in stone for him, no going back.
that shit started till three o’clock in the fucking afternoon and it’s twelve at night and you guys are still going.
you’re back where you were on the floor looking up at him with wide scared eyes, shocked by just how fast he gets mad.
“i don’t fuck anybody but you, you’re fucking crazy!”
“yeah, yeah?” he picks you up off the ground with just his one hand and drags you towards the bed, trying to straddle himself on you.
“get-get the fuck off connie,” here come the tears, you try your best to block his view from your face but he pins you on the bed and has both of your wrist with just one hand while he clenches his hand around your tear soaked face.
he’s all in your face yelling and it’s too much for you to take honestly, you break down even hard trying to push him away with all the strength you have but you just can’t.
“oh you’re fucking crying? you wanna fucking cry you fucking slut—?”
“st-stop calling me names connie! i didn’t fuck anyone else—“
you’re lying and he knows it. he swears if he looks at you any long he’s gonna slap the shit out of you. wouldn’t be the first time, but that doesn’t mean it makes it any easier. he gets off of you and watches you hop of the bed crying and shaking, immediately jumping up and doing everything you can to hurt him. it doesn’t do shit to him though, it just makes you look like a fucking idiot.
“you’re a fucking slut y’know that? know how fucking disgusted i am? my girlfriends a fucking cheating whore. a cheating pregnant whore.” you slap him. you don’t know how hard but your hand is stinging red it hurts. bad.
you’re still crying—sobbing when he looks down at you, a look of anger, disgust prominent on his face.
“couldn’t even use a fucking condom right? right you stupid bitch?!” he grabs both of your arms and drags you out the room, whispering you wanna keep fucking playing, to himself as you stumble behind him and try to regain your footing..
“where the fuck is your phone?” you’re still crying, you don’t even care anymore. all you wanna do is cry and role around on your floor and scream.
“g-get the fuck o-off, connie.” you try to move somewhere else but he’s got a tight grip on your little arm.
all you want to do is get away from him right now, so you grab the closet object to yourself with your free hand and repeatedly hit him with it. oh that gets him mad real quick. everything after that is a blur and by the time you’re fulling aware again, your lip is bleeding and your head is pounding. connie’s sitting on the crunch going through your phone. you look at the clock that reads 1:23am.
it’s gonna be a long night.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 4 months
Entanglement (Sub Vox x Reader)
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A request from the lovely @jurijyuu for a tentacle malfunction Sub Vox 💕📺
Tags: Restraints; Light Bondage; Sub Vox; Teasing; Begging; Dom/sub Undertones; Tentacles? Sort of? are Vox's cable/wire things tentacles? the world may never know
Who could have guessed that trying to do something nice for his doll could have resulted in something like this?
Vox had been waiting for you to finish up with Velvette for the shoot that was happening this evening. He knew after hours of the fucked up poses that Vel forced you into to get the perfect shot you would be sore- she had had you hanging by your knees from the fucking chandelier on one occasion, insisting that the slight sway to the fixture would result it a cool shot from your camera (it did; that wasn’t the point). Her favorite photographer, Velvette was always fucking stealing your free time away from him. It was good for business, but bad for his plan of simply keeping you naked in his room at all times for easy access.
He had been laying in the bed, lazily stroking himself just in case you showed up, when the idea struck him to run you a hot bath and light some candles around the room. It shouldn't have been too much longer before you arrived so the candles wouldn’t burn out, and you always enjoyed it when he ‘set the mood,’ whatever that meant. He could probably sell you on fucking before your bath, too- even more deep aches and sweet bruises for the hot water to soothe.
He was too lazy to get up though, so he had snaked out a few of his cables from the back of his head, long and prehensile, a few pairs of them diving into the various drawers in the room searching for the candles and matches and two slithering across the floor towards the bathroom. Had he thought to check the floor for water from his shower a few hours prior before sending two very much electrical tentacles into the room he might have had better luck.
Currently though, his luck was shit. The water found its way into his wires and shorted them out, electrical current traveling all the way through to the base and fucking up the other cables as well; they whipped and snapped across the room in wide arcs and twisting wriggles, and his attempts to grab them from the air and cease the destruction to his room only resulted in his wrists getting tangled up in the mess.
So here Vox had been for the last fifteen minutes or so, restrained by his wrists in the bed and still achingly, frustratingly hard. His cables didn’t so much as twitch when he tries to send some power to them to reverse the entanglement, or when he tugged his arms a bit. His cock does though, and isn’t that something interesting that he doesn’t want to think about right now.
And then like an angel, there’s the sound of the door opening and you coming home. “Baby,” he shouts from the bedroom, and he hears the telltale thump of your camera bag on the kitchen counter. “I could use your help in here!”
“What did you do now? If you cracked your screen off the stand again-” Your voice trails off when you enter the room and see him- he’s sure he looks fucking ridiculous, spread out like he is, and he feels the spread of pink pixels over his screen in a blush.
“I was trying to do something nice for you,” he says, “and got some water in my wires. Everything went haywire, and, well, now I’m here. Be a doll and help me get loose?”
The way you’re watching him is a little disconcerting- not bad by any means, he loved having your eyes on him, just a little unusual. You slide your jacket off your shoulders and toss it on the armchair, sliding your hair out of its bun that you wear to keep your hair out of your eyes while you work. When you go for the button on your jeans he clears his throat.
“I appreciate the strip tease, sweetheart, but there’s more pressing matters at hand here.” He lifts his wrists in demonstration, the wires brushing his skin in a way that makes him suck in a harsh breath, dick twitching in his boxers. “Come on, help me.”
You work your jeans and panties down your legs, his eyes trailing the whole way before settling on the space between your legs. Then your shirt comes off, perfect tits on display as you do a rotation, let him take in the visual of your body in front of him before running your hands down your skin and back up- one hand plucks at a nipple while the other dips down between your legs.
Vox’s mouth is hanging open, pixelated lines of drool coming off his mouth as he watches you, cock throbbing out of his reach. He tugs at his makeshift restraints, a little breathless when it sends a bolt of arousal through his body- seriously, what the fuck? “I am in no mood to be teased right now,” he tells you, but the words are a little reedy and almost whimpered. He clears his throat and tries again- “Seriously, help me.”
You come closer to the bed, climb onto it and settle yourself between his legs. “Come on, Voxxy,” you murmur, and the low, dangerous tone to your voice goes straight to his straining erection despite the use of that fucking nickname that he hated. “Tied up all pretty for me and not even going to say ‘please?’ That’s not how you get what you want.” Your hands run up his calves, up his thighs, and your thumbs brush into the dip of his pelvic bone. Your touch sends electricity crackling through him, static sparking between his antennae. “That’s what you always say anyway- you wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite, would you?” You drag the waistband of his boxers down, and he’s half-mortified when his hips automatically cant up to make it easier for you, his dick slapping heavy onto his abdomen when it springs free.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He can feel the manic grin on his face- confused by the turn of events, by his sweet, perfect doll not simply doing what you were told and, what? Trying to get him to beg? As if- even if it was hot as fuck (and it was, Christ). “Baby, I- ohhhh, fuck-” 
Your head ducked down to lick a stripe up his cock, tongue curling around the head- his hips buck up, try to sink into the wet cavern of your mouth but you pull back with a soft smile. “Say please.”
“Fuck you.” Vox says this affectionately- he was the one in control in the bedroom, this was cute and all, but he wouldn’t plead with you for it.
“Not with that attitude, you won’t be,” you snap back with a wicked grin on your face. And you’re gone again, bent over to lick and suck at the hard length of him with your ass in the air, just the way that he likes.
Again, when he tries to thrust into your mouth you pull off, and he tugs uselessly at his restraints, head falling back against the pillows when you bring a hand up to cup his balls, thumb running gently over the sensitive skin. “Haah- you’re going to fucking kill me.” He’s a little embarrassed by that whiny moan that had escaped him, but you’re not even looking at his face, head resting on his thigh to gaze lovingly at his fucking dick while you stroke and kiss and generally tease him.
Vox thinks he might be losing his mind, just a little. But fuck does he want it, want to lose himself in the wet heat of your mouth, sink deep into your slick cunt and watch you bounce in his lap. He could still do that with his hands restrained, right? He wouldn’t be able to grip your hips the way he wanted to, or get his fingers on your clit and revel in the way that always made you clench tighter around him- but he could make do if you wouldn’t release him.
And there’s the thought that does him in- that maybe you wouldn’t let him go, would keep him tied to the bed with his own goddamn wires to tease him endlessly, unable to do anything about it himself, evidently unable to convince you to do anything for him. He was at your mercy here, the thought making him dizzy with arousal and an unprompted whine falling from his lips when he notices you working your fingers between your legs while you finally let the head of his cock slip past your lips, suction on the tip that makes him see stars.
“P-please,” he breathes out, and you release him with a pop, such excitement lighting up your eyes that he wishes he had given in sooner- you were so beautiful when you were pleased and excited, what would you look like when he gave in to you like this?
You move up the bed, legs on either side of his, and slide your drenched folds against the length of him. Leaning down so your face is next to his, you press a deep kiss to his mouth, slipping your tongue alongside his before you pull back and whisper, “again.” Your hands press into Vox’s chest as you slot him against you, rub the head of his prick against your clit and groan in ecstasy.
His hips jerk at the sensation. “Please, baby,” he says darkly, “let me fuck you.”
“Hmm, not quite what I’m looking for.” You lift off of him, slide back and out of reach again. “Try again?”
“What? Come on, I can’t-” He pulls at his restraints again, and the way your eyes go half-lidded at the sight gets the message through. “You wanna keep me trussed up, is that it?”
“Is it so wrong for the photographer to want to keep a pretty picture on display?” Your fingers twitch between your pretty thighs, grinding tiny circles into your clit while you wait for him to give you what you want. “I wish I hadn’t left my camera in the kitchen; I would love a shot like this. I’d have to get some different lighting…” Your hips stop moving for a moment as you look around the room. “Maybe candlelight would work? I think that would cast a nice glow on your skin, so pretty- fuck, should I go get my camera?”
“No!” The word breaks past the dam of his lips when you use one of his own tricks against him- the threat of ending the pleasure when you’re so fucked out and cock drunk, on the brink of cumming. “No no no, doll, don’t leave- fuck, please, alright? Please touch me, fuck me, ride my cock. I’m fucking begging, I need it-”
A shudder rolls through your body, and finally, finally you sink down on him, a slow, delicious slide that has his fingers clenching uselessly where they’re held, wishing he could hold you, dig his claws in like he usually did.
“I didn’t say stop,” you moan, watching him through narrowed eyes. “Come on, Voxxy, tell me what you want.”
“I want you to stop fucking t͖͖̠̬͛ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅi̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥg̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟ me-” Your hips slow and Vox bites his tongue, rephrasing- and this time, to his chagrin, the stream of words doesn’t fucking stop. “Please, baby, don’t stop- f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔, so fucking good, I w-want- I wanna cum, please, keep going, you f-feel so f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥg̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟ g̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞d̶̵̯̯̼̘ͨ̓-” An honest to God whimper comes out of him, so invested in both of you cumming that he can’t even find the sense in him to be embarrassed by what was happening. His screen is glitching out, his vision broken when he goes full static every couple of seconds, but the glimpses he’s getting in between of you with your head thrown back are going to fuel his jerk-off sessions when he can’t spend the night with you for the rest of his afterlife. You felt fucking perfect around him, your swollen pussy walls squeezing him just right as you rode him.
“Say please,” you command, fingers working between your legs, the back of your hand brushing against his abdomen and causing the muscles to flutter under you. “Ask me to make you cum- ask for permission and I’ll let you cum in me-”
And didn’t that just sound like the perfect end to the evening? He doesn’t even question it, couldn’t stop his traitorous tongue if he tried. “Please, doll, oh my fucking- please please p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ, p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ, let me do it, cum with me-” He feels the tension in his entire body, from his suspended arms to the tips of his goddamn toes- he might actually fully fucking short out, he thinks deliriously, processors overloading in his brain at the sights and sounds and the feel of you sucking him into your greedy body. “- p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ let me, baby- oh f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔, I’m gonna-”
You hit the peak of your orgasms together, your body jerking in his lap like you’ve been electrocuted while your cunt wrings him like a fucking towel, tensing and rippling around his cock as he spills into the slickness, long pulses of cum as far inside of you as he can get and its not enough- he can never be close enough to you to feel complete so he settles for filling you with everything he has to give.
Vox doesn’t black out, but its a near thing- the explosion of sudden voltage to his circuits actually jump-starts the core of his cable tentacles and they spring to life, his wrists finally coming free and falling to the bed so he’s spread out like some fucked up crucifixion. They’re numb, he realizes, but before he can get to doing anything about that you shift, reaching for them and massaging feeling back into his limbs. There’s some light bruising, but nothing crazy, not any worse than you had whenever the pair of you occasionally delved into bondage. 
The heavy breathing of you both evens out, and you bring his hands to your mouth to press light kisses to them. When you’re satisfied you release him, and his arms wrap around your back. You press a gentle kiss to his screen and rest your head on his chest. 
“You know,” you mutter into his skin, “technically I didn’t give you permission to cum. That’s gotta count for… something. I’m not sure what.”
He snorts into your hair. “Doesn’t count for shit. You cheated, waiting until I was right on the brink to say that shit.”
You hum, and snuggle closer. “You liked it though? Maybe a repeat in the future?”
His instinct was to say no, but he couldn’t deny that he had enjoyed it- you were a dangerous force in control, something he would maybe have to mention to Velvette so she would let you direct your own goddamn shoots. “We’ll talk about it,” he settles on, still a tad embarrassed by his reaction to the whole thing. “I do think you should have to draw the bath now, though- for both of us, since I think you rode me so hard my thighs have bruises.”
“Oh fuck off,” you laugh into his chest, but you still roll off of him and disappear into the bathroom- the sound of running water fills the room while Vox tries to remember how to make his legs work.
“I better not see that camera in here, either!” He shouts, and your responding giggle brings a smile to his face.
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namelessdumbass · 3 months
Rite Here Rite Now
It was amazing and funny. Copia girlies and boys fucking won!
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I expected different outcome, tbh. Tobias managed to surprise me and also made me a tiny bit sad (reasons will be explained in the spoilers below).
The film consists of like 95% of concert footage and 5% of off stage/plot stuff. The quality of sound and editing is just 🤌 I expected the live of Twenties to be good and gosh Ghost delivered. And Mummy Dust...Tobias let Mary Goore out! But i honestly prefer Terzo's version (CaD) better. Sorry not sorry haha. Ghouls/Ghoulettes footage. Everyone who loves them will be very veeeery well fed!
Dance Macabre live...i was'nt wrong when i called it a satanic gay party 😁
The movie is worth watching and i do hope Ghost releases it as soon as possible for all those who were not able to go.
The spoiler free review ends here. Don't read further if you don't want to spoil it for yourself. And please, don't copy them and paste it everywhere for the sake of ruining other people's fun! Seriously, don't fucking do that!
If you accidently clicked here, don't worry! spoilers will be below and you still have a chance to avoid them :)
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Movie starts with Saltarian who tells fans to record for the first 2 minutes, to show how happy they are etc and posted a qr code for fans to upload those recordings. I guess it will be put up on RHRN website. We'll see. There were also photos of fans who attended LA ritual. I fucking loved the person who showed up in a giant Plushia suit. I LOLed! Then fans were asked to put down the phones and enjoy the movie. The beginning was narrated Star Wars kinda style (a little bit) with the small recap of the chapters and about Copia's worries that he might die. And yes, it literally began in space lol. The movie is basically is like what we saw in small snippets Ghost posted earlier. Plot mixed with a really good show.
And the plot: -Short footage of Copia and Ghouls arriving. ALmost the whole set was the same as any other concert from Re-Imperatour + a few awesome exceptions. -Dews does that annoying thing with guitar, Rain stops him, takes his pick and throws it into the crowd and Dew...he freaking showed him YouSuck sticker on the backside of his guitar. Peak Dew moment! -Copia asked the right question about the Clery. He also does not quite understand what it does, why and where it goes. I suppose Tobias decided to thicken the Ghost lore a bit and will have more clarity in the nearest future. -Remember when Copia jumped at the end of the Watcher in the Sky? He ended up in one of those stage boxes (for equipment or something) and is taken to the stage B. While he's carried to it by Kevin he has a chat with Nihil's ghost. Nihil says he recorded not 2, but 3 songs. That probably means that we'll hear a new one. (UPD: the new song we heard during the credits, "The Future is a Foreign Land" is Nihil's 3rd song! Confirmed by Tobias himself in a new interview). He also tells Copia to breath in deep and then farts. -On the Stage B Copia sings "If You Have Ghosts". 3 Ghoulettes played piano and violins and the 4th one did the haunting ghost-like opera vocals. It was beatiful. Copia kissed her hand. -He then wore boxing robe and went next to crowd. Almost the whole scene was shown in the trailer. -Btw, remember that silly moment when Nihil's eyes were crossing? Well, Kevin was also included in that staring contest. -Twenties live. The skeletons, the performance and one of those skeletons who crawled between Dew's legs...that's hot. -Nihil calls Copia "son". Copia calls Nihil "Dad". Cardi will insult him later, don't worry. -Nihil/Seestor cartoon during MOAC. Yes, that's when Sis hit him with the car. Basically it's what happens after "Kiss the Go Goat" mv. Sister leaves and Nihil runs after her. "I'll never let you go". They end up kissing in a coffin on a graveyard , later Nihil wakes up naked in a bed in a motel and we see Sister leave. -There was a moment in a movie when we see Ashley (stage crew) bring Copia a new pair of shoes and put the on on his feet. Tobias, goddammit what the hell was that? :D -Seestor was a in wheelchair all the time -She and Nihil encouraged Copia throughout the whole movie and gave him a piece of advice. -About the baloon from the poster. Copia flies on it after finishing the set...or he imagined that because a few moments later after Nihil/Seestor flashbacks he ends up on the floor and watches Seestor die. All of the Ghouls and Ghoulettes also stood right next to her. -Copia has a twin brother -Copia didn't die and became the head the Clergy (Father Imperator or something like this). He found out about his new position from a letter Seestor left for him. -New song during credits (credits show dictators, assassinations, wars and the use of nuclear war). Years 1984 and 2024 mentioned. The song is not heavy. -Ghouls/Ghoulettes real names mentioned in the credits -Funny post credit scene with Copia. He had no piant on and had a new cool drip (with black jacket and red and black cross). Seestor is also a Ghost now. Tobia's children cameo. They're also Ghosts. -Papa V is teased the same way Copia was teased in a chapter 1. They even used the same music (Pro Memoria). No face reveal. Either he will be revealed in new Chapters or at some point during the new tour???
-aaaand my biggest disappointment: no footage of Primo, Secondo and Terzo. Literally ZERO.
I mean, Nihil is a Ghost, Seestor also became a Ghost, even Tobias' children made a cameo as Ghosts, but nothing for previous Papas? Really?! The same could have been done for them, but i guess Tobias doesn't care about them anymore :( And it hurts. I know that's my fault that i had so many expectations and hopes, but holy shit :( As a newbie who never saw previous Papas, i'm so sad i'll never get a chance to see them and there won't be any new footage of them. Being Terzo widow is so hard. Guess that's why i'm a bit salty Copia lives (sorry, guys, i like him, but i also hate him haha)
And yes, as it turned out the twins theory from Square Hammer was true...but not for Terzo 😭
I enjoyed the movie nevertheless. It's fun and kinda gives you an opportunity to see the band "live" if you've never been to a ritual before. And yes, the movies was'nt just about Papa IV and his fate, i believe it was also Tobias' message for us to enjoy the life rite here rite now! As i said, Copia's girlies and boys truly fucking won. Congrats, lads, your Papa lives and will live! I bet that feels amazing. Thanks for reading! P.S. since you know the plot, don't spoil it for the others please.
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viranellee · 1 year
you'd never guess (i'd never know)
synopsis: the only thing eddie roundtree likes about billy dunne is his younger sister.
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warnings: smut, dirty talk, swearing, unprotected sex (reader is on the pill, but it's never mentioned)
a/n: the lack of eddie smut on here is appalling
⁠ ♡
“Where are you going?”
Frozen in your tracks, you slowly turn around and meet Eddie’s still sleepy but inquisitive gaze, and as his eyes look you over from head to toe, it morphs into a distinctive shade of lustful. You allow yourself the liberty to admire him as he does the same to you - unguarded and vulnerable in his half-awake state, the nest of tangled light brown hair on top of his head, his naked body painted with love bites underneath the white hotel sheets.
You want to kiss him.
“Sweetheart, c’mon. Come ‘ere.” He tries coaxing you, but you know the rules by now. No matter how sweet the temptation is, no matter the things his deep, husky morning voice does to your insides, no matter the way your heart threatens to beat out of your chest everytime you lay eyes on him, you need to be unfailingly secretive about this, whatever it is, between you two. Otherwise the deadly tornado of a man your brother Billy is will turn it into ruin with a single flick of his hand.
Even still, it seems that you’re the only one rightfully worried.
"Eds, I have to leave, you know this.”
Something hardens in his gaze for a moment, but it quickly slips away. It pains you to watch it. You lean down to kiss his cheek in an attempt to make him feel better, but he turns his head around, capturing your lips with his. You gasp and instinctively fist your hands into his hair as he rearranges you to sit on his lap. There’s something desperate about the way he holds you and kisses you this particular morning and it sets everything in you on fire. You moan into his kiss despite your brain screaming at you to get the fuck up and leave before anybody finds out you’re not in your room. Eddie seems to sense your overthinking, as he usually does, and slips his cold hands underneath your blouse, letting his long fingers trace your spine, trying to soothe you.
"Focus on me. Don’t think about anything else.” Eddie instructs and you suddenly feel lighter.
You kiss him again, a silent thanks for bringing you back to the present, and it’s his turn to moan as he presses you down on his hard-on.
"A couple of kisses and I’m already rock hard like a fuckin’ teenager. Jesus, the things you do to me.” He mutters, more to himself than you, but the words still manage to leave their impact on your nether regions.
“Eddie, Eddie…” you pant as his mouth begins to place greedy kisses down your neck. “We’re…we’re going to be late for breakfast.”
He laughs against your skin and you swear you’ve never felt something so good.
“I’m already having my breakfast, sweetheart, and it’s much better than the shit they serve down there.”
“Anyone got any idea where Eddie and my sister are?” Graham asks his friends, in the midst of swallowing his piece of omelet.   
Warren shrugs.
“Eddie’s probably still sleeping. I mean, when has he ever shown up for breakfast on time? Let the guy get some sleep, man.” 
Graham nods a couple of times, deeming the explanation logical. It doesn't stop him from thinking about the person left out from it.
"Yeah, sure," he starts "but my sister always shows up. I...I don't know, maybe she slept in this time, but maybe I should go up and check." 
Karen suddenly pipes in from her place next to Graham, putting her hand on his thigh. 
"Don't. For we all know, she's just sleeping in." She says, looking at Warren from across the table pointedly, who takes the hint and nods reassuringly at Graham. "And you know how she gets when someone wakes her up. Let her rest." 
"But what if she's hungry when she wakes up?" 
Karen sighs, closing her eyes for a couple of seconds. Warren inhales sharply, a tell-tale sign of him holding in his laughter. 
"Graham. She isn't an infant. I'm sure your sister is fully capable of getting breakfast for herself." She says, but he still doesn't look entirely convinced.
"Yeah, but I don't want her to be alone." Graham pauses. "I don't want her to feel lonely, y'know." 
"Hey, chill man. She and Eddie wake up around the same time anyway, they usually get breakfast together, don't they? I really don't think there's anything to worry about." Warren adds, as he takes the last bite of his P&J sandwich. 
Graham silently leans back in his chair and Karen takes the opportunity to change the subject.
"Anyway, uh, how's Lisa, Warren?" 
KAREN SIRKO: I knew she and Eddie were fucking from the moment I saw them together. 
WARREN ROJAS: For the record, I had no idea they were fucking. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: [sighs] Can we not talk about this, please? 
"Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my cock like that." 
You don't know how long you two have been going at it. What you do know, however, is that Eddie Roundtree, the insatiable sex maniac, has already put you through five different positions and this is the sixth one.
"Eddie, I…I don't think I can..." You start saying as you feel your strength leaving your body, but he knows. He always knows. 
He tightens his hold on your hips and drags you up and down his cock and you have to physically put a hand over your mouth when he hits that spot inside of you. 
"Found it, huh?" He comments, with that goddamn cocky glint in his eye and you would have normally rolled your eyes at him if it weren't for the fact that they were already rolling towards the back of your head. 
"Shut...up!" You pant, and he smirks. As soon as you see that smirk, you involuntarily tighten around him. Eddie groans when he feels it and you lean down to kiss his Adam's apple, and then - him. He cups the back of your neck with one large hand and you shiver.
"I'm, I'm close. Eddie, fuck!" You barely manage to stutter out and he goes even faster, the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. He presses a sweet kiss to your collarbone and immediately goes back to whispering filthy things into your ear.
"Cum for me, love. Cum on my cock." He urges, breathless, something swimming in his eyes you've never seen before, and you do just that. 
You think you might have screamed. You don't know. All you remember is Eddie.
You hide your face in his shoulder, sensitive and exhausted - he cums shortly after, your name on his lips like a prayer. You sigh when you feel him soften inside of you. He falls back on the pillows and you fall along with him, head on his chest and his hand playing with your hair. 
It's comfortably silent after that, so silent in fact, that for a second you think Eddie might have fallen asleep. You tilt your head upwards to place a kiss on his jawline, but you find him already staring back at you, an uncharacteristically contemplative look on his gorgeous face. 
"What?" You question, growing increasingly worried. 
This is it, you think, this is when he ends things. 
My worst fear is coming true.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Y'know, I've played in front of hundreds of thousands of people. I know what anxiety feels like. But laying in that bed with her, looking at her, was the most nervous I'd ever felt in my entire life. 
"I…" He begins and closes his mouth, as if carefully choosing his words, but doing nothing to ease the pit in your stomach. "Well..." 
You stand up upright, a typical "Dunne frown", as he liked calling it, on your face. 
He should look me in the eyes, at the very fucking least. 
"Oh, is this what you're doing now? Fucking me one last time before you reject me? You've had your fun, is that it?" 
Y/N ROUNDTREE: I do admit that I... misjudged the situation. But when you've been with assholes in the past, sometimes you come to conclusions a bit too quickly. 
Eddie's face scrunches up into a mixture of shock, confusion and slight sadness.
"What?" He asks so loudly that it makes you feel embarrassed. "What in the actual fuck are you on about? Why would you even think that? Sweetheart, I was going to say I love you."  
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I'll never forget the look on her face, swear to God. [laughs] 
"What?" You parrot back, just as loudly. It takes a beat or two for the words to sink in.  When they do, you start laughing like you've never heard anything funnier. 
Eddie simply looks at you like you've grown two heads. 
"Oh, Eds. Please don't lie to me like this." You cover your face with your hands.
Suddenly, your hands are being gently pulled away - he's staring at you so softly you think you might die. You might have actually died and this is your heaven. It certainly feels like it. 
He whispers your name and you whisper his back. 
"I love you." He says, cupping your cheeks,  and keeps repeating it as if trying to get it through your head. 
"Eddie…" you breathe against his lips. He pulls your bottom lip down with his thumb, pupils dilated like you're his new favorite drug. You might actually be. "Eddie, I lo-"
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: She might not have told me she loved me that day, but - [shows wedding ring] - I know. I know.
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suzukiblu · 17 days
WIP excerpt for Marina; Tucker is having a normal one. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
So yeah, definitely coffee, Tucker decides. Sam'll catch up, again. Which–also again, right now they're probably the ones who need to catch up to her, considering. Her and the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, specifically. Tucker always misses the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick when it’s not on deck, but he seriously misses it when it’s not on deck in situations like these. 
“So yeah, fyi, while we’re doing the running thing we gotta find my backup, she’s somewhere in the hall out there being a badass,” Tucker informs his hopeful weekend plans, pointing towards the door. “And possibly also our other friend, who she and I were looking for when we found you. So like, it’s very interesting, actually, that they were keeping you where they would’ve kept him, all things considered.” 
Very interesting. And probably concerning? Like, considering? 
. . . also possibly hot, though, Tucker realizes. Like, he’s very into situations like Sam going full anti-creep stick on the GIW and Jazz yelling down murderous ghosts and literally everything Val has ever done in her entire life, so if he’s more bisexual than previously assumed and this dude is, like, some kind of terrifying badass ecto-experiment with weird ghost powers or whatever, statistically speaking, Tucker is probably gonna be into that. And like, given the batshit sedative doses Tucker pulled and how quick the guy woke up and also the whole, like, literal flying thing, “weird ghost powers” seems pretty likely at this point. 
Well, forewarned is forearmed, he guesses. At least if Allegedly-Alive Amor is secretly some kind of dangerous anti-ghost weapon, Tucker’s gonna get to enjoy the experience of watching him get beat down by Danny. Like, as soon as they find Danny, he means. And also–
. . . actually, is it weirder that Tucker kinda wants to see this guy get a little messed up, now that he’s thinking about it? Like just in a minimally violent but definitively rumpled kind of way, maybe, or like, maybe kinda flushed and sweaty and out of breath and–
They should find Ecto-Babe some pants, Tucker decides privately, patting the guy’s chest in an attempt to distract himself and doing the actual exact literal opposite of distracting himself. 
Yeah, pants would be a good idea right now. 
Pants, fortunately–unfortunately, Tucker means–do not actually happen, because what actually happens is the guy takes off and zips out into the hall with Tucker all bridal style/princess carry in his wet, naked arms, and Tucker really needs to have a moment about that but definitely does not have the time to. Another reason to rip the security footage later, though, he figures as he types furiously at his PDA, making sure all his programs are still running in the GIW’s systems and showing the agents all the fake ghosts a Fenton could shake an anti-creep stick at. 
Probably he doesn’t actually need to check that, though, since they don’t make it through thirty yards of this surprisingly comfy high-speed flying experience before they’re coasting quick and easy over the heads of a hallway full of yelling and screaming agents who’re shooting each other more than any of the ghosts said agents think they’re seeing. 
That’s really unfortunate for them, gee. Tucker will have to send ‘em a “get well never, you xenophobic assholes” card. Maybe a fruit basket. One with nothing but cantaloupe in it, because the GIW deserves nothing but cantaloupe. Old cantaloupe, even. Like just old enough they’ll feel like they have to eat it before it spoils outright, but also the texture’ll be weird and–
“Uh, should we be worried about all that back there?” New Ecto-Boo asks, looking skeptically back at the GIW agents they’ve already passed–and also looking really fucking hot, still.
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punktactical · 7 months
ASSHOLE , eustass kid ★
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summary ; a one-night stand with kid, more emotion spills out than it should.
warnings ; 18+ content , smut , mutual - masturbation , eating out , controlling behavior , cursing , light angst , kid is bad at feelings , he's also a lil asshole
a/n ; this was originally taken from my quotev one-shots , so if u recognize it , u know why lol ! woohoo my first post , i hope it does well *clasps my hands together obnoxiously*
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eustass kid is an asshole for sure.
that much could be said as he spat on her, grabbing her hips harshly.
"d - don't be so hard! it hurts." she whines, tears pricking her eyes as she pushes at his chest. he smacks her hand away, sneering at her. "don't tell me what to fucking do." he lifts up her dress, revealing her white, puffy bloomers.
"ya dress like a lil' girl." he shimmies her bloomers down to her knees, the fabric resting down her legs. her pink panties peek through from under her skirt. he reaches a large hand out to rub her, but she stops him shyly. "you said you wanted me to . . ." she looks away, embarrassed. " suck you off . " he grins, his gums showing from behind his lips. "so? i changed my mind, not like you get to decide what i do."
his thumb grazes her clothed cunt, making her suck in a breath. he licks her through her panties, saliva mixing with her slick. "oh, oh, eustass!" she gasps, squeezing her thighs around his head. he growls, his tongue pushing and prodding at her entrance. "you still got yer panties on, y'know? ya really gonna cum when i'm eating you out from behind yer panties?" she blushes, holding a small hand up to her open mouth. she sounds like she's about to cry, with the way she hiccups every so often. "besides, i needa get ya ready for my cock, it's big, y'know?" he laughs at her horrified expression. he pulls her panties to the side, his tongue diving into her wet cunt. she screams in delight, her fingers winding themselves up in his hair.
what wonders a guy with a rude mouth could do.
"eustass, i think - i'm gonna - !" her breath catches in her throat, a sharp shriek ripping through the air, he doesn't stop licking up her juices.
"then do it." he spits out between his sucking.
she grinds her teeth, screaming from behind them as she feels the waves of pleasure come crashing down onto her. her hands pull at his hair, tugging it harshly. he hisses, lapping up her juices quickly. her body is sweaty, the remaining clothes she had on sticking to her body. everything was so hot now, too hot. "take yer clothes off, i'ma jack myself to ya now. so get comfortable."
eustass kid is an asshole for sure.
that much could be said as he forced her clothes off, stroking himself as she watches with a red face.
"what's yer name?"
"excuse me?"
they both laid in bed next to each other, still naked. they weren't touching though. his hands resting on his stomach while hers were holding her hips. "i never got yer name." she frowns. "does that really matter now? i'll be gone as soon as the sun rises." she closes her eyes, enjoying the plushness of the sheets beneath her. "no, but i just wanted to know, i guess." he turns his head the other way, hiding his embarrassed blush. god, why did he care anyways? she hums. "you're not the most kind man, are you?" he huffs. "what's the point of being nice? i'm a pirate." she looks at him with drowsy eyes. "i suppose so but." she reaches out a hand, the back of her fingers grazing his cheek.
"you're not being a complete asshole, just a little mean." she smiles, watching as he scowls, a visible blush on his cheeks.
"if yer gone as soon as the sun rises just like you say, then."
"i'd like to . ." he hesitates.
"i want to hold you." he gulps.
"only if you want to." he sighs.
it was almost a relief as soon as the words left his mouth. her smile widened. she shuffles over, her smaller body curling into his own. his hand hand rests on her hip, but it's cold, no affection radiating from it.
the cool metal reminds her that she is nothing but one night.
eustass kid was an asshole.
that much could be said as he woke up the next morning, the other side of his bed empty. he'll look around, confused, unsure as to what happened last night and if he'll ever remember. the only thing to remind him is a small, crumpled up letter with a name on it. he thinks about writing the name down.
he thinks about sailing the ocean, looking for the person that the name belongs to.
he thinks about fighting through thousands of marines, to get to that name.
he thinks . . .
he rips the paper up, the flakes falling to the floor. his hand continues to tear the paper up, his human hand. the only hand that has flesh. the only hand that has meaning.
as he said, he was just a pirate. what's the point?
eustass kid is and always will be an asshole.
not much can be said.
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portgasmalia · 1 year
HELLO!!! I don't usually send reqs but I had to get this out of my system... (thank you in advance if you write something out of this :)))
I hc that Law designed/inked his own tattoos (what can this man not do??) and when reader figures this out, she wants a tattoo similar to the one on law's chest…. but over her breasts.
law agrees but its hard for him to focus when your entire upper-body is exposed during the process... you know what i mean?? 🤭
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ʚ 𝗔 𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗕𝗕𝗟𝗘 ɞ | trafalgar d. law
𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: trafalgar d. law i & fem!reader 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: nsfw content (mdni), implied smut, naked breasts, staring which comes off a little perv 𝖍𝖎 𝖎'𝖒 𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆: so, i have tattoos, and i would let law give me one any given second of the day. here i thought about getting law's death tattoos those past days haha. so, i placed it around the collarbones and the last little peak of the heart would be in the valley of the breasts.
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seated patiently on one of the stools in law's office, you started to pull the fabric of the thin shirt over your heart. trafalgar law's back was turned in your direction as he prepared the last lines of the template for the tattoo. a design, you wished for badly and one, he knew how to draw perfectly. when he walked around the polar tong with his coat opened, presenting the ink that covered his tanned and toned body, you almost felt a pinch of jealousy. finding out, a couple of weeks later, that he was the one who literally drew them and decorated the different parts of his body as well, you immediately asked him for one.
what law not expected when he agreed, was the very uncommon position and that you wanted a replica of what he wore on his chest. the heart with the smiling face of his jolly roger in the middle. "do you want me to remove my bra too?" you asked, so innocently, making the situation worse. seated on the stool, in the middle of his office room, waiting for him to touch your soft skin around your breasts while inking his tattoo into you, it caused feelings in law. feelings, he could not understand. "guess so, or it won't stretch out towards your collarbones,"
"oh but i want it to be really wide and end in the valley between my boobs," you stated, showing the directions and placements with your fingers while the doctor forced himself to not look at your longer than a second. any gaze, which lingered too long on your exposed breasts, the hardened buds due to the temperature change under the deck, he would lose himself. not completely but painfully slow until giving in to the sweet desire of ravishing you. "alright," he held the template between his slender fingers, turning around and walking towards you.
and hell, you looked even better undressed than the drawings in his thoughts could ever create. sweet curves, smooth skin, and that cursed smile of yours, which cast a spell over his being all the time. "let's get started, this will take a couple of hours to finish." law took a seat opposite of you, holding up the thin piece of paper in front of your chest, and hesitating. he hesitated to touch your skin in such inappropriate places, and inhaled deeply. " can you like, place it yourself with the help of the mirror over there?"
eyes hidden underneath the mess of black strands and the brim of his beloved, white hat. the shadows casted over the upper half of his face saved the stoic captain from being seen with a tint of crimson red across the span of his cheeks. the situation made it difficult to think straight, or at least focus on the main reason behind being in such a scene. “why? is something wrong?” you questioned a second later, innocence written across your face and sweetness twisted in your features.
as if your naked chest wasn’t enough to push him closer to overstepping the set boundary, your glances and naive behavior became torture. those sweet, dilated doe eyes awakened an unexplainable instinct in the captain. something that increased his primal desire of wanting to touch her, and blemish her soft skin. “it’s nothing,” law commented, holding the template towards her.
“i think it’s better if you place it, i don’t want to do anything wrong,” you admitted, shaking your head carefully and pressing your chest further forward. an allowance to touch her breasts without having to say a word. “shit,” law muttered underneath a deeply frustrated groan before scooting closed. eyes at the same height as her hardened buds, his mouth watered at the sight.
carefully, he placed the tip of the heart between her breasts, fingertips pressing the template against her soft skin. it didn’t bother him, the worst part was how his hands wandered across the swell of her breasts and along her collarbone, making sure the thin paper with the most important outlines was sticking to her skin. “your touch is so soft,” you muttered, focused on how carefully and slowly his tattooed fingers moved around her chest, always avoiding go touch her breasts directly.
what you couldn’t see, was how trafalgar law inhaled and exhaled deep breaths, attempting to keep them steady enough to get through the session without ravishing you completely. afterwards he couldn’t promise did anything.
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credits go to portgasmalia.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK 28 July live
I'm exhausted. Can't seem to catch up with the speed JK's doing these lives. And every single one is louder than the one before it.
So, this is me posting about the live on the 28th, all while I haven't yet for the previous live, and just after he had his latest one.
But I guess here it goes, cause better late than never.
So the 28th live. Well, truthfully it was 3 lives.
1st he ended after close to 3 minutes because of the angle of the camera.
2nd was lagging and he eventually turned off after around 4 minutes.
He did manage to tell us the ice creams he likes concluding he likes savory.
He likes savory and JM likes rabbit spit. Ok then.
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Don't blame me for being like this. It's JK's fault. Well, actually, it's JK and JM's fault, cause man did they come on hard in that next third live that followed.
Peeps, this one was a doozy.
This short live, and even shorter Jikook interaction (started pretty much at the start of the live and ended at around the 15 min. mark) is up there as one of the best Jikook lives. And JM wasn't even in the room for it, lol.
If you would have asked me a couple of months back if this day was in the making pre-enlistment I would have said no. But hell, something has shifted in the past few weeks. Like really SHIFTED. When I compared Jikook's Silver day dinner in NY to Tainni's Parris stroll, I knew what I was talking about.
And now, I take you a Taenni stroll and raise you a frigging JK half naked in bed live just having a flirt fest with his bf.
Subs are out, I suggest you all go watch it. It's short and easy to follow and JK makes sure to read out JM's comments and he's flirty and cheeky and totally informal and forgets what the word honorific even is. The man is in his element.
And JK, he's pushing. Pushing hard for JM to do the live together. Again and again. Just showing us in real life what it means to pursue the person you want to be with, you know the "love of my life", whom he wants to go live with him. And JM, well JM he's being flirty and playful, and when he gets a little too flirty, he catches himself and deletes his comment, lol. But JK he catches on and he continues.
And after sending JK a photo to show him he's not in a state for a live, a photo that JK doesn't get to see just yet, JK is disappointed but accepts it. And then JM dips and tells JK to spend some time with us, cause when they are at it, it's only the two of them, lol.
That's it in an essence, but there is so much to unpack from that, I don't even know where to start.
Maybe not with Jikook. Maybe I'll start with JK, our super masculine manly man calling his new piercings pretty.
Ok then. Now that I got that out of the way how about we talk about JK showing us outright that their relationship, it ain't no usual hyung dongsaeng relationship. No way, no how.
In the more or less 15 minutes that JM stays on the live and the conversation between them JK mentions JM's name 18 times, out of which twice adding the ssi and only 7 times adding the hyung. And not only does he 'forget' the hyung, at some point in the live he calls JM by his name and uses his flirty Jimin-ssi, but he also dares to speak to him saying his name with an authoritive commanding tone. JK spares absolutely nothing to get JM do that live with him.
Also, out of those 7 times JK says JM hyung most are when he's talking about him and not to him?
Do we actually remember who the hyung is there? Cause it feels like those two have already forgotten it, lol.
JK tried it all. He tries asking then flirting, then going assertive.
JK tries the logical path - we are both bored.
He tries batting his eyelashes and he even goes down the emotional manipulation path with a little guilt tripping.
He even goes aego on JM. That lip pucker was not for us. Good cover up (or not so) with the "I'm checking out my face and need to lose weight".
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He literally tries it all, lol.
JM, ma man, you are a much stronger soldier than I would ever be, lol.
Thing is this.
JM knows he has to be strong here, when he has JK at arms length, cause he also knows that the second JK is near him, that's when he will lose his composure.
I kind of think it goes back to JM once admitting to us that he couldn't do a live alone with JK because they would get lost in each other and forget we are there.
Well hell yeah, that's exactly what we're banking on. Let the Jikook live begin.
Maybe, just maybe if the live is pre-planned and on neutral ground. Maybe then he can manage to have some kind of control. But like this? Just out of nowhere? No preparation?
JM is a strong soldier, but when it comes to JK he loses that battle. And he knows it, lol. So that would be a big fat no on an unplanned live with JK for him, lol.
And let's go right back to the flirting that was going on right in front of our faces. Because I mean, how can we not? How can we not keep talking about this? This was friggin' wild.
JM with his "I can handle it", his "I'm scared of you" and "he's going to hit me", and should we mention his "I'm not easy" (will get to that one in a sec)? Yo, and what's up with that pic he sent him mid live and telling us all he just did?
And JK, omg JK, with his satoori and informal and just that tone. That tone he was using with JM. Because all those words, and the dropping of the hyung they are only a part of it. It's the tone. The bloody to die for tone he was using talking to JM.
And his reactions to JM's comments.
JK's reaction to JM's "I can handle it", omg, that giggle and the smile after saying it again...
See I can't help but wonder... was that JK giggling because:
a. he knows jm can handle it as he's quite familiar with his chesties besties; or
b. he knows that JM's lying cause he most definitley cannot handle his chesties besties.
But seriously, can JM handle it? Can he really? Handle his chestie besties??? Perhaps from afar off camera, lol. And that is just another reason why JM thought it better to not have that live.
Food for thought. LOL.
We were literally third wheeling the whole time.
Even DT Parker could see it.
He sees some of it, but unwilling to go the full mile.
And that's also why JM decided he had to put an end to it, dip and let JK have a little time with army (which was another 10 min. of which 5 were him telling his goodbyes), lol.
Oh, a few more points.
What about "I'm not easy", ok, let's talk about that one for a minute.
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Ok, so it's not 100% sure who deleted that one. My money is on JM. He knew EXACTLY what it looked/sounded like, and realised that perhaps this was him taking it once step too far, lol. I doubt it was someone in the company that deleted it, because if you go to the live and press live chat you can actually see that both the comments that were deleted are still there, lol. So, seems to me that this wasn't a company move and more a JM one. Because adding this to the tone, the lack of honorifics, the totally thoroughly flirty conversation between the two of them, this could be a little bit of a deal sealer, and maybe JM thought it to be just a little too much.
Did we talk about the song JK sings right after JM joins the live?
JM, ma man, you are a much stronger soldier than I would ever be, lol.
Thing is this, again, JM knows he has to be strong here, when he has JK at arms length, cause he also knows that the second JK is near him, that's when he will lose his composure.
And a little more I noticed (I don't really think it's so little though):
JM, of course, knows JK's schedule.
I know there are a few translations on this, but the official ones are pretty clear, and they also align with what JK told us in the first live, having to wake up at 1:20 pm. And there is also this:
JM was calling JK - Jung kook. Which is not something he's done that often. And it feels like this might also have to do with JK's change to his Weverse account, changing his name to Jung kook, perhaps wanting to have a more mature/adult image.
Oh, and how is this not exploding on SM?????
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Like wtf? How has this not been all over the place?
The ease in which this was said. He'll grab his toiletries and go over to do the live? Shower at JM's before? Shower at his after? Do the live, shower and sleep over? Whichever of these you go with it's god damn fucking loud.
The man lives what? A few minutes away from JM? And yet he needs to pop over to his place to shower? And again, how naturally this was said, kind of like it's A THING they just do. Like, let's get real here. First of all, yeah, it's a thing they do, and he just told us that live!!! and second, I'm not sure he needs a full bag of toiletries. He probably has most of them already there on his side of the sink, or if there is a his and his sink, then next to HIS sink.
Also, and this is a question I'm still asking myself - did JK say this intentionally? Was this a slip of the tongue or was there intent. Either or is loud, but intent means he wanted us to know this, while slip of the tongue was that he just let himself act naturally with JM, which included that "I'll come shower at yours".
And JM? I didn't hear a no to the "I'll come over and shower at yours". Just a not now to the live. So...
Ok, enough is enough.
We still had another what? 10 min. approx. after JM left.
Did anything really happen in those 10 min.? Nah.
Well, one thing maybe. JK said he'll try to go live during his breaks while recording, cause he's sad he only got to perform in front of 280 army only.
Which he did.
And me writing these lines after watching that live just sitting here and laughing my head off. Because BURN BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's it.
We might not have gotten an actual Jikook in same room and same frame live, but we sure did get a JIKOOK live. And it was as loud as (minors hands over your ears) FUCK!!!!
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And everything I mentioned there, my friends, is why it's ALWAYS better to watch the live and not rely solely on the translation accounts. Translations accounts are great, but they don't convey the tone.
Oh, and did we see this?
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Cause what the hell?🤣🤣
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And for funsies:
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Now JK has to stop. Just stop. Like take a couple of days off, go be with JM for a little and let me catch my breath goddamnit.🤣🤣
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teacupcollector · 2 years
A Helping Hand: Chapter 8
The Last of Us Masterlist Series Masterlist
A/N: Hello! I haven't updated this story in a long time! When I heard about the show I thought I might post. A/N: About the show. I have no way in watching it so this series will only be based on the games. I hope you understand. Summary: As a woman who is pregnant you are doing anything if it means survival. Even so you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the other way around? Now you are in the community of Jackson and you can’t help but attract a certain pair of hazel eyes.
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Joel stared at you in the early hours of the morning. After last nights events he gave you a bath, lit some candles, and tried to make it as comfortable as possible. He made sure to give you enough love and reassurance through his actions where his words would be lacking. He hopes you know that you are the only one he wants. So as the sun comes over the horizon, the sun caressing you beautiful (Skin Color) skin memorizing the smooth and bumpy edges. Feeling the fine hairs that are along your arms and face. You opted to sleep naked that night, so now  he could see the plains of skin by just moving the blanket. Which he does, but not for something sexual. More for seeing how beautiful you look. He looks down at your swollen belly and runs his callused hands along your stomach. He scoots lower into the bed and places kisses on it. He feels the baby kick against his lips. He chuckles quietly.
"Shh... Mommy is sleeping." He whispers before planting more kisses along your stomach.
He looks up to see if you are awaken by his movements and is glad to see that you aren't. He places one final kiss at where he assumes the head of you- our child would be. 'Yes... I consider them my own...' He thinks to himself happily 'But would Y/N be okay with that?'. He gets up from the bed as gently as he can without jostling you awake. He quietly exits the room and shuts the door. He groans slightly as he heads down the stairs. He feels his stiffness leave as he is finally at the bottom of the steps. He decides to make you breakfast. Luckily, he got eggs a few days ago as well as some bacon. He hopes you like that. There is no juice unfortunately, but he is sure some water will suffice. He needs to make sure that both items are cooked thoroughly, but he hopes he makes it there in time to serve you breakfast in bed. As he is cooking he hears the back door open. 
"Ellie?" He asks and he here a small 'yeah' In response.
Ellie walks around the corner and leans against it. She is silent for a moment before looking in the direction of the stairs. She speaks. "How is she?"
"Had a bit of a rough night, but she is doing well I hope." He says as he sets on of the pieces of bacon on a napkin and scoots it toward her on the counter.
"And the baby?" She asks and he nods. "As far as I know yes. She has an appointment tomorrow." He says.
"Good, good..." She says quietly. Joel sighs as he finishes the bacon and moves on to the eggs. "I uh... I never really got your opinion before moving her in. I am sorry if it is an inconvenience for you."
Ellie's eyes widen. "N-No it isn't! It's completely fine... Keeps you off my back." She mumbles the last part. 
Joel laughs in response. "Yeah I guess it does..." He sighs again as he begins to scramble the eggs.  "I know you can take care of yourself. I just- I don't know. I want you safe." 
Ellie nods. "I know, but I'm fine okay?" Joel nods in response. 
Ellie leans over and takes the piece of bacon. "If you uh. If you ever need help when it comes to her and the baby. Let me know." She says and Joel chuckles.
"I think you would make a great big sister." Ellie turns to walk out the door but pauses at that statement. 
"I prefer the cool aunt." She says with a slight smile. 
Joel smiles back. "Cool aunt it is." He says and turns back to the eggs allowing Ellie to leave the conversation if she wants to.
Ellie does indeed leave but Joel is still smiling to himself. Progress was definitely made. Another blessing you seem to bring. He finishes the eggs and scoops them on to a plate before getting a bottle of water. He makes his way up the stairs and into the bedroom after figuring a way to open the door. As he opens it he sees you close your eyes quickly. He lets out a quiet chuckle. He walks over to your side of the bed and sets the food and the water bottle on the side table. He then sits at the edge of the bed. He can tell you are awake because of how forced your breath is being by attempting to make them even. He leans down as if to kiss you but moves over to your right ear. 
"I know you are awake (Y/N)." He says with a chuckle.
"No I'm not..." he hears you groan. "My eyes are closed so that means I'm asleep..." You mumble
"Then I'm guessing you don't want any of the bacon I made? I guess I could Ju-" He begins to reach over toward the plate when your hand catches his wrist.
"Mine..." You mumble. 
Joel chuckles and kisses your cheek before helping you sit up. "Now I know you like balancing things on your stomach, but the plate is hot okay?" 
You hum before placing the blanket over your stomach and bring the plate up to your mouth. "Make sure you drink some water okay?" He asks and you nod. 
He goes to stand up and walk over to his closet when you stop him. "Joel?"
"Yes?" He asks as he takes off his night shirt and begins to put one of his many flannels on.
"I want to apolo-" "There ain't no need for apologies. You had every right to worry." He says as he walks over and sits on the bed again.
"Just promise me that if and when you begin to have these thoughts that you talk to me alright?" He says and you smile and nod.
He places a kiss on your forehead before going back to his closet and getting some pants as well. He can feel your eyes on him and he chuckles.
"Whatcha starin' at?" He asks and you giggle at being caught in the act.
"I like your butt. Look forward to smacking and grabbing at it." You says with a maniacal laugh.
Joel's face flushes but he laughs as well as he pulls his jeans up.
"After breakfast do ya want to go for a walk?" He asks and you hum in response. "Mhm!"
Joel smiles before walking over to you and sitting down once again taking the plate from you. You begin to pout but he immediately begins feeding you.
"I'm pregnant Joel... Not disabled." You say with a blush. "Let me take care of my loves." He says as he feeds you a piece of bacon.
You snatch it out of his hand using your teeth before bumping it into his mouth. He chuckles before taking a bite of the opposite end, tearing a piece off before chewing and swallowing. "Let's keep the lady and the tramp stuff for spaghetti." He says with a chuckle. 
After breakfast he helps you get dressed and head out toward the direction of the square. "Now you tell me if you start gettin' tired we ca-" "Baby I'll let you know I promise. Now come on we need more groceries and I need to talk to Maria about a position in teaching. " You say with a smile
"You want to teach?" He asks and you nod.
"I guess she thought I would be a perfect fit, but I'd obviously wait until our little one is old enough to hold their head up. 
Joel pauses mid-step. "Ours?" He asks and this makes you pause.
"Oh shit... I'm sorry... I just assumed that it would be okay! I mean especially after last night! If you ar-" Joel cuts you off by placing a hand on your cheek.
His thumb caresses the apple of your cheek with a small smile. "I wasn't sure about it... About where we stand right now, but if you consider me apart of his life. You consider him mine as well as yours. Just know that... Just know that I am never letting you go."
Your eyes fill with tears. "They were yours the moment you kissed me a week ago... Possibly even before that... But of course we weren't together yet so I didn't want to push that on you." You say with a giggle.
Joel goes to reach in his pocket when you spot Maria. "Oh there she is! I'll meet up with you after I talk to her!" You quickly kiss him on the cheek before moving toward her.
Joel sighs before removing his hand from his pocket. The weight of the box is unbearable.
'Jesus Christ Joel... You have only been together for a week and you already have a ring... I'm moving to fast...'
Joel sighs and moves toward the market going into his other pocket to get the list of items. As he is doing that he hears someone call out to him. He looks up and sees Tommy jogging in his direction.
"Man what are you doing out here?" Tommy asks and Joel looks confused. "What?" He asks.
"Claire is hell bent on finding you Joel. I assumed you'd like to stay hidden." Tommy says and Joel sighs.
"Man I guess some things never change." Joel sighs as he glances over the list.
"How is Y/N? Did you uh... Did you tell her about Claire?" Tommy asks and Joel nods.
"Yeah, Yeah, I did. It wasn't exactly a fun conversation, but we are still holding strong." Joel says as his face grows from a frown  to a smile.
"You propose yet?" Tommy asks and Joel's eyes widen. 
"I-I um. I was thinkin' and it might be to soon." "To soon? You guys have been together for what? Three months? T-"
"We haven' been officially together for that long... I don't want her to  feel pressured..." Joel says as he becomes bashful.
"Didn't you say you didn't want to waste any more time?" Tommy asks and Joel nods.
"I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she chose an old man to love... Now she considers her child to be ours. I don't know how to feel. But The feelings I do have are that I am insanely happy." Tommy's face turns into a full blown toothy smile.
"She is absolutely in love with you brother. I don't think she would have the ability to say no to you." Tommy says with a smile before looking over his brothers shoulder. He frowns.
"Shit, I'll run interference and give you time to get away... I'll talk to you later." Tommy says before walking away and toward to whom Joel assumed to be Claire.
'She is going to find me sooner or later... I don't know what I am going to say...' Joel thinks to himself as he continues to the market with the list in hand.
@gnoccey @zeida
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faghubby · 9 months
Pretty things
"Wow Jen, I wouldn't of guessed you wore such things" Amber smiled as she noticed the bright colored lingerie hanging in the laundry room. As I showed her around the new house.
"They aren't mine" she giggled "those are Paul's" Amber took a double take like she had miss heard Jen.
"Paul's?" Amber questioned.
"Yes, he likes to wear woman's things" Jen smiled. She had never told anyone about Paul's crossdressing. Although a few strangers knew. Like when she took him panty shopping. Or a few times exposing him. But never to anyone we know. Now I was telling my best friend.
"You mean what he is gay?" Amber asked.
"No, he just likes to wear pretty things, he wears panties all the time now" Jen explained. Just then Paul came up the stairs carrying a box.
"Paul show Amber your pretties" I said. He blushed red looking at me.
"What" he laughed trying to act cool
"Paulie, show her" I said firmly. He put down the box and unbuttoned his jeans he flashed the pink lace.
"No, show her proper" I corrected him. He pulled down his pants to his knees. He wore a pink thong with little blue flowers on them. His legs where shaved as well.
"Wow" Amber laughed.
"OH yes he loves his pretties" Jen commented "Don't you?"
"Yes, I love to wear pretty girlie things" Paul said his eyes looking down.
"How is your kitchen doing, could you manage to make Amber and I some lunch?" I asked.
"Yes, the kitchen is all unpacked" Paul responded.
"Good" I motioned that he could fix his pants. He picked up the box and left us.
"His kitchen?" Amber smiled.
"I haven't cooked anything in over a year. As a matter of fact I haven't done a single thing around the house. Paul does all the housework. He loves when I let him get all dressed up and play house."
"You mean like in a dress?" Amber asked.
"Yes" I told her. She asked alot of questions I answered some as best I could not telling her everything.
"But he isn't gay?" Amber asked
"No, he would love it if I let him have sex with me" I told her.
"You mean you don't have sex?" Amber asked as we opened a bottle of wine.
"He. I mean we. Oh what the hell. I cuckold him. I have lovers" I confessed. This led to a lot more wine and a whole lot more questions. Paul had made us a lovely lunch salad, followed by grilled salmon and a fruit salad for desert. Amber was impressed by Paul's cooking.
"Baby are you upset I told Amber" I asked Paul feeling a little tipsy I grabbed his ass.
"No" Paul told me.
"It excites you that Amber knows doesn't it?" I asked knowing it did but even hard he made only a little bulge in his pants.
"He used to have to wear a chastity cage, because he couldn't control himself. Isn't that right Paul?" I explained.
"Yes, Jen taught me that touching myself was cheating on her" Paul said shyly.
"We will have to have Amber over for dinner sometime, you could show her all dressed up" I suggested to Paul.
"Yes, Amber would you please come to dinner some night soon" Paul immediately asked.
"Will you be dressed alike" Amber laughed she was a bit drunk.
"No,Paulie likes to he much more femine then I am comfortable with" I told her. "Isn't that right" I said again grabbing Paul's ass.
"Yes, she doesn't even like pretty panties happy with white cotton briefs" Paul told her.
"Paulie, she doesn't need to know that" I said it was true though. We called Amber aUber. As she was leaving she me then Paul. She paused a moment as she hugged Paul then stepped back and rubbed his chest as she realized he was wearing a bra as well. We sent amber home.
"Come to the bedroom" I told Paul. He quickly followed me. I stood in the middle of the room.
"I need some attention, it got me so excited telling Amber" I told him. He kissed me and started to undress me. Slowly he kissed and caressed me as he stripped me naked. He picked myself up naked and laid me on the bed. He kissed my breast down till he was between my thighs he livked and sucked my clit. He didn't stop even after he made me cum. Instead he bought me to a second orgasm. Before he tucked me in bed as I fell asleep in a post orgasmic glow.
"Paulie, as a reward why don't you wear something something pretty when I wake up" I said and rolled over. It was a few hours when I woke up.
"Paulie" I called. Paul came running he was dressed in his little pink bootie shorts. And a white belly shirt with lace trim that had a cute butterfly on it. He also wore pantyhose and high heels. His hair was in a high pony tail he wore light makeup but deep red lipstick.
"You look so hot, I bet you are so horny aren't you?" I asked. He looked down at the floor. I got up and walked around him naked. I opened the toy drawer and pulled out my strap on. I handed it to Paulie who dropped to his knees and helped me put it on.
"You know when you wear that red lipstick I can't resist fucking your mouth" I reminded him. As soon as he had the straps tight he took the toy in his mouth.
"That's right sweety show me how much you love to suck cock" I teased. "I bet you like it if I fucked you too" I continued as he took all 6 inches of my toy in his mouth. It had taken him months to learn to take it down his throat. I often teased him that I would make him suck a real one.
I let him suck "my cock" for 20 minutes.
"I guess I need to buy a bigger one" I told him.
"Bend over the chair baby" I told him. He pulled his shorts then his pantyhose down. I helped him with his little flowered panties. I had him stay bent over as I gathered somethings. I filled a syringe with lube and shot it into his ass. I then pushed a large plug into his ass. It was bigger then he was used to. It was 4 inches long. And over an inch thick. He moaned as it set in his ass.
"Pull up your panties" I told him and smacked his ass. He fixed himself and stood up straight.
"Would you like it if I told everyone" I teased. I rubbed the front of his shorts.
"Little thing is trying to be all manly" I laughed.
"Sorry Jen" Paul said almost looked like he would cry.
"When was the last time I let you spurt?" I asked.
"I don't know" he said tears forming in his eyes.
"Really?" I asked.
"Maybe last month" he moaned.
"Really that long. And what about wet dreams or milking "I teased.
"I have wet dreams alot last one was just the other night. And you let me milk myself last week" he told me.
"Do you want to cum?" I asked.
"No, not unless you want me to" he reminded me. He had begged me to keep him denied. Just tease him.
"It's nice that you are so small barely see a bulge at all. I thought your balls would grow when they got so full but they didn't. They stay inside you because of your tight panties."
"Yes they do" he was sweating I know trying not to cum. I stopped teasing him.
"I want you to cum, I want you to cum sucking a real cock. As I watch, I could invite Amber as well" I told him.
"Call Jack, ask him to come fuck your wife" I told him and left him standing there.
He found me about 10 minutes later.
"Jack wants you to meet him at his house" he told me. I grabbed my keys and kissed him goodbye. I drove over to his friend Jack's house about a mile away. Jack was an amazing lover he was forceful and always in control. I had been fucking Jake for about 6 months. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. Jack didn't know everything just thought Paul and I had some kind of kinky sharing fetish. He was happy to help out with. I told him that Paul couldn't do the things he did. He saw them as degrading and he loved me to much. Jake upon hearing this had me do even more nasty things. Often fucking my ass. ( i had fucked Pauls after one such time) Or cumming all over my face. Paul liked to lick his friends cum off of my body.
Jake did not disappoint he picked me up as soon as I entered his house and carried me to his bed, he had me naked less then a minute later and his cock buried inside me a second after that. His cock was about six inches but thick it stretched me. I loved his cock. And told him so often. Jake pulled out of me and shoved his cock in ,y mouth making me taste my own juices as he added his. After I sucked him hard again. This time he fucked me till he came inside me. All the while he bit and sucked my breast and neck. Leaving marks to show I was his. I bet Paul would love a big thick cock like Jake's. As soon as he came inside me I got up and dressed and headed home.
Paul kissed me as I came in. I removed my clothes. And Paul knelt right in the front hall I sat back on a chair and he licked me clean.
"Paul, you need to except you need a man. A husband. But for now you can be my sissy" I told him. Knowing someday soon he would not be able to resist
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xazse · 2 months
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Notes: Twas requested, sequel to this
Pairings: Leorio x Fem!Reader
Warnings: ChasityCage + gag + exhibition + no in detail smut but still only for mature audiences + fem!reader + slight teasing + straightjacket + ball teasing + chain around ankle
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Here he finds himself back in the secluded alleyway, in front of the hidden shop, where the beautiful woman resides, dutifully turning his world upside down and introducing him to other means of pleasure. He can still remember the way your fingers graced his skin, touched his nipples and drove him to a frustrating but pleasurable end.
He’s a bit embarrassed he’s going to have to fess up for what he had lost: the key to his cage. Very irresponsible mistake to make but he could have sworn he placed it in a place he’d be able to remember but after basically ransacking and turning the house upside down he decided this was the right choice.
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The cage you had recommended and showed him the ins and outs is still the one he wears, with your advice on how to care for it, and keep it just like the day he had gotten it.
As soon as he enters the shop he feels his body being hit with a wave of nausea but not the bad kind, his stomach clenches and tightens in a way that signals he had been yearning for you. He hasn’t even seen you yet but is already worked up.
He turns the corner and is greeted with your backside, seemingly busy with arranging some items, the store is as empty as when he first came in.
He makes his way to the counter and coughs to get your attention. When you see who just came in a smile graces your lips, looking so much more fuller than before.
“Back so soon? I’m not being cocky when I propose that you missed me?” Your sly giggle has him averting and scratching the back of his neck.
“That, and I’ve lost something important.”
“I’m going to guess and say it’s the key? and by your expression just now I’m going to assume I’m correct” you place your hands on your hips and fiddle with something behind the desk.
“That’s really no good Leorio, those things are expensive to have processed and made you know.”
“It couldn’t possible be that expensive, I have money to spare.”
As soon as the amount leaves your lips he has to fix his glasses and adjust himself to not freak out, no way can a key be that much.
“My handlers are different, I ask them to use the best materials for my clients, I’ll have no need for some cheap fodder.” You say with some seriousness in your tone, he quite likes that a little.
“I do have some way you can pay off that little key, though I’d need your consent after I tell you exactly what you’ll be getting into.” You continue: “in front of my private customers you’d be testing out some bondage for me as well as being gagged, you’d still be wearing the cage through it all.” Leorio should be frightened about being in front of a crowd, put on display but he finds himself wanting to do as you ask, he does not feel shy when he looks into your eyes and nods his head, he wants to feel your hands roam his body again and again.
“And you’re sure you’re okay with prying eyes? They’re like animals in there.”
“They won’t be touching you but it will be like they’re feeling you up with their eyes”
With no hesitation he nods.
The jacket which restricts his arms to be locked on either side of him is tight, not tight enough to be uncomfortable but tight enough to mess with his head a little, heady and calm is how he’s feeling right now. You’re working on the back of the straight-jacket making sure everything is tied and locked in just right. You reach around and pat his chest lightly, letting him know that this part is over.
you have him naked from the waist down, the cage once again preventing him from full hardness, he fucking loves it. He feels also nervous standing here under your watchful and particular eye making sure everything is correct with the jacket, when that’s dandy you get to your knees and clip his leather shackles around his ankles. Just to mess with him a bit you take the tip of your finger, drag it up his leg: his thigh and touch his locked cock, massaging it just a little.
“Nhg-“ his reactions are always so cute.
“M’ gonna put the gag on now Kay?”
You delicately place it on his face and around his head, locking that in place as well.
The stage he’s on is a small one, the curtains are closed but he can the whispers of your customers, the tone of their voices reveal that they’re excited and waiting for what you’ll show them.
You stand beside him while the curtains are drawn open, immediately silence follows as they take in the sight in front of them, a few groans can be heard, he feels his ego being drawn up just a little and his cock throbs.
You take a minute to introduce yourself but he’s sure everyone in the room knows who you are, you introduce the items you’ll be showcasing and even introduced him.
Not even a second later a hand is shooting up and you’re quick to call attention to it.
The customer is staring straight at you as they ask their question.
“Does the straightjacket come in different sizes or does it fit anyone?”
“Great question, my straight jackets can be adjusted to fit whomever wears it with the adjustable straps but also I’m aware that one size does not fit all, so I’ve included other sizes as well” the way you speak is gracefully as each word comes off your tongue with not a shy bone in your body.
The person who asked the question sits back down with a satisfied look on their face.
Another person speaks up directing the question to leorio
“How long have you been working as a bondage model?”
Leorio peers up at you through the gag but you usher him to answer the question.
“Ish mh phrst thmn” (it’s my first time) Leorio shifts making the cage rub along his cock for a quick moment but that moment has him groaning in pleasure, which does exclude a positive reaction from the crowd a little.
Another person interjects and grabs your attention
"What kind of vibrators do you recommend?"
“For beginners something simple and cheap, for your first time it shouldn’t be so powerful as you’ll most likely be thrown off or It would be too much. Bullet vibrators are the place to start then as you do more research you can start expanding to more options.” You continue: “you just have to find something that you’re comfortable with and exploring is the best option for you.”
Someone raises their hand and is staring directly at Leorios face.
"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"
Leorio glances at the person, not recognizing them from anywhere he’s been.
“Ghmn thngh shn-” (don’t think so)
“No I could have sworn I’ve seen you somewhere..”
Another person interjects from across the room: “You ran for chairman, am I correct?”
A few people rise from their seats to walk a little closer to get a better view of just who he is, the mask is blocking some prominent features.
“Also you said you jerked-“
He hadn’t expect the same people from the election would be here at one of your shows!?! He can feel himself sweating a tad bit and looking for the nearest exit.
He jumps a little when he feels your digits slipping and gripping his heavy balls- his cock throbs so badly but he knows with the cage he isn’t able to do anything but moan pathetically.
“The Chasity cage doesn’t allow its users to be fully hard but it does invoke things never felt before” you distract the customers with your hands, you shake his cage and slip your fingers in the holes it provides to touch him some more.
Just like that theyre focused on his groans of pleasure, they revel in his choked moans from just your touch.
“Mmmph-“ his balls have never felt so heavy, touching himself with his cage on never compared to when you would touch him, it just feels so much better. He’d love to cum right in your pretty hand but he likes the feeling of being barely touched.
For the rest of the show you’re touching and prodding at Leorio, showing your customers the mechanisms of the jacket, different products you have in stock and the power of a Chasity cage.
By the end of it leorio is a mess, panting loudly since it’s just the two of you. Even though the show is done you’re still touching him, praising him for doing such a good job whlist undoing the jacket.
“Thank you for your work, I’ll have your key made immediately
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aphrodisiac-siren · 2 years
Dynasty of flames
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen-Royce Reader
Summary: Being born into the most respected and equally feared houses in the realm made people look up to you as if you were a god and the devil himself, in equal measure. People say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin; and when news of the birth of Daemon’s firstborn- a girl, spread, people could only wait in anticipation to see which side of the coin faced up during her birth. 
-Aemond slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, letting his guard down-
Warnings: Incest (duh)
Part 1, part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Part 7
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Upon Y/N and Aemond's arrival back to the keep, the both of them were informed by Ser Criston of the King's desire to have the entire family dine together that very same evening.
Y/N, after returning to her assigned chambers, asked for one of the servants to draw her a bath. She reeked of dragon and did not wish to show up for supper smelling of old leather and sweat.
The place where the royal family bathed was a large room with a tiled pit, sunk a few feet into the ground that was filled to the brim with steaming-hot water. A tray with a number of bath oils was placed close to the pool-like bath with a few towels neatly folded next to it.
Y/N dismissed the servants, she never really ever asked for any assistance with stripping down for a bath. How lazy does one have to be that they require someone to undress them when they were perfectly capable of doing it themselves, she thought.
The princess picked a vile of Dianthus and lemon balm oil before she stepped into the hot waters. She hummed with contentment at the sensation of the heat of the water against her skin and she tilted her head back so that she could wash her long brown hair as well. She then began to scrub at her arms and behind her ears.
The sound of the doors creaking had the princess snap her eyes open and crane her neck toward the entrance only to lock gazes with Aemond who stood frozen and abashed.
Upon instinct, Y/N yelped, not expecting anyone to walk in on her and Aemond immediately turned around out of respect.
"Apologies" he quickly uttered, his back still facing her "I was to use the other bath but it seems to be occupied by my brother and none of the servants are posted outside either of the doors to mention this room was occupied.."
Y/N bit her lip to stifle the giggles that she was trying to fight back at his nervous rambling. The girl did not care much if Aemond saw her in this state; the body of a naked woman was obviously not a sight he was a stranger to, she guessed. Furthermore, she was rather amused by how he instantly turned into a nervous wreck as opposed to the stoic person he was ever since she'd met him.
"It's alright," she said with a smile, her eyes never leaving Aemond's tall and rigid frame "the other bath is occupied you say, I do not mind you bathing here"
"I shall await outside until you are dressed, princess" Aemond heaved a sigh, quite embarrassed about walking in on her during her bath.
"I meant with me" Y/N clarified with a smirk "I do not mind, besides you did just mention that there are no servants presently. Why waste time when there is already a perfectly hot bath at the ready?"
"I um.." Aemond cleared his throat and was happy he wasn’t facing her for he was sure his face had turned as red as that dress Y/N had worn earlier "I do not think it would be appropriate for me to look upon you in such-"
"Will your gaze be indecent and lustful?" Y/N asked even though she knew it would be far from that. She knew Aemond was a rather respectful and honourable man, despite what the gossip surrounding him suggested.
"Of course not," the prince promptly responded "never"
"Then I find no reason for this to be an improper encounter. You may get into the bath with me" Y/N shrugged "If you are comfortable with it as well, that is. I do not wish to force you into something that leaves you feeling uneasy"
Aemond felt something flutter in his chest.
"I do not wish to force you into something that leaves you feeling uneasy"
Aemond recalled the events of his three and tenth name day when Aegon had dragged him out the castle and to the city, into a whorehouse. Aemond remembered how scared and uncomfortable he'd felt. Aegon had taken him there thinking Aemond would take as much liking toward it as he did, and in a way hoping to fill in the void of the lack of affection in their lives that Aegon felt through intimacy. Aemond, not wanting to be rude to his older brother who was doing it solely so that Aemond too might experience some form of affection- granted it was all a farce, just went along with him.
However once he was left alone in a room with one of the women of the establishment, he tried to convey his uncertainty and desire to leave immediately but the lady tried her best to persuade him. After they were 'done', Aemond was left feeling more disgusted and defiled than content and satisfied. Aemond never visited brothels or whorehouses after that, he barely even allowed for anyone to so much as touch him from then on.
Until that very afternoon, with Y/N.
She was kind and gentle beneath all of that feistiness. Even now she was making sure Aemond was just as comfortable as she was. He slowly turned around and Y/N smiled sweetly at him.
Gods she looks breathtaking, Aemond thought as he walked closer, making sure his gaze never lingered. He slowly began to rid himself of his garments and Y/N politely turned away so that she might not make him feel conscious.
Once we had stripped down to basically nothing, he stepped into the bath and sat a few feet away from her upon some of the steps that bordered around the edges.
"Hello" the princess said with a giggle "I hope you do not mind the choice of oils I've used"
"N-no" Aemond cleared his throat "I like it"
"That’s nice to hear" she hummed as she combed her fingers through her hair. Her hands then grazed the necklace around her neck that she'd forgotten to take off and reached behind her neck to unclasp it but for some reason, it wouldn’t loosen.
"Could you help me with this, Aemond?" she sweetly asked, still struggling with the piece of jewellery "the clasp seems to be stuck"
Aemond was hesitant but silently walked toward her. Gods, she is too carefree about all of this, Aemond thought, she's stripped completely bare in the presence of a man and yet she doesn’t seem bothered at all. Once he was close enough, she turned around and pulled all of her hair to one side to expose the back of her neck.
Aemond's fingertips gently ran over her warm skin before he held the necklace and tried to undo the clasps with which Y/N was having trouble. It took a few tries before he managed to free the fastening, carefully pulling off the chain off her neck.
Y/N turned around and looked up at Aemond. She was well aware of how close they were but it did not seem to faze her one bit.
Aemond was silent, waiting for her to say something as he too looked into her pretty purple eyes.
"I'll let you keep my necklace if you let me keep your eye patch" she said and it was something that Aemond wasn’t expecting to hear at all "I'm assuming you don’t keep it on while you bathe?"
"I do" Aemond quickly shot back even though he never did. He had grown rather insecure of how he looked and he did not wish for her to see him without the eye patch and be frightened like everyone else who had.
"I was there the night you lost your eye" Y/N's tone and expression both softened "I have seen you when your face was bloody and your wound swollen. I did not see you any differently then and it won’t chnage even now"
Aemond looked away.
"And I'm curious to see the sapphire you wrote to me about" she added.
"Yes, that" Aemond scoffed "It only added to my frightfulness, it did absolutely nothing to fix my appearance"
"Fix?" the princess tilted her head slightly "there was never anything about your appearance that needed fixing"
"You don’t have to console me with flattery, princess" Aemond rolled his eye before he turned to look at her again "I have come to terms with the truth"
"I do not agree with the harsh words spoken of you" she tenderly spoke and Aemond once again felt that unfamiliar fluttering sensation in his chest "I despise those people who’ve spread such nasty gossip"
"You haven’t even.." Aemond was moved by how genuinely she uttered those words. She was the closest friend he'd had and someone he knew he could confide in. Yet for so many years, they had only spoken through letters and over time, he had convinced himself that some day the distance between them would only grow and thus bring their exchange of letters to a halt "You haven’t even seen me, all of me"
Y/N almost made an indecent joke about the both of them being naked but she held her tongue; now was not the time.
"Then show me"
The boy sighed before he reached up and nervously took off his eye patch. He watched in anticipation as Y/N looked at his scar, at the precious gemstone that replaced the eye that was taken from him. She didn’t flinch, nor gasp or show even an ounce of being frightened or disgusted. Her gaze turned tender and she gingerly reached out to caressed his cheek, tracing her fingers along his scar.
"Say something," he said and it came out almost as a whisper. The long interval of silence was making him anxious "have I frightened you, Y/N?"
"I truly wish you could see what I see" Y/N's heart clenched with sadness. The world was indeed so cruel for convincing this sweet boy that he was some sort of monster.
"And what is it that you see?" Aemond could feel his heart hammering in his chest while her fingers delicately caressed his scarred face.
"I see you, Aemond" a tender smile graced her lips as she continued to look at him adoringly. Aemond had indeed grown into a handsome lad. His jawline was sharp, cheekbones chiselled and the blue sapphire made him look absolutely majestic "the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes upon"
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Y/N dried and brushed her hair in her chambers after she had returned from her bath.
She was glad none of the servants noticed Aemond slipping out before she could leave. That encounter alone could give rise to quite a scandalous rumour.
As she was braiding her hair, a loud knock sounded and she called out for whoever was on the other side of the door, beckoning for them to enter.
Her father Daemon walked in along with Rhaenyra.
"We wish to discuss something of utmost importance" Rhaenyra informed as she shut the door behind her "regarding the line of succession"
This immediately had Y/N turning away from the mirror and facing her parents.
"I have had a long discussion with your father and I have made a rather difficult decision" Rhaenyra went on "a decision that regards my heir, the next in line to the iron throne"
Y/N glanced at her father who winked at her, hinting that whatever Rhaenyra was about to say was a result of his influence.
"I have decided to name Jace as prince of Dragonstone and you," she drew a sharp breath "Y/N as my heir to the iron thron"
"Does Jace know of this?" Y/N immediately asked. In the years that she spent at Dragonstone, growing up alongside him, she had grown rather fond of his company. She knew the both of them would never be close, not when she was Aemond's closest companion who ran to his defence every time but the both of them had formed some sort of bond as the two oldest siblings in the family. She knew how Jace was readying himself to take on the role of being King someday. How she herself knew that he would be an excellent candidate for the job. The last thing she wanted was for this decision to form a rift between them when they had only just started to get along.
"Not yet, no" the older princess told her. Rhaenyra too knew how eager Jace was to become king and how good he would be at it. But Daemon had put forth a valid argument. He told her how the realm presently acknowledged him as nothing more than a bastard. Once he would be king, there would be an uprising and he would be overthrown by those who oppose his rule. Her sons were currently protected by her and the king, that wouldn’t be a possibility once Jace would be king. Who would protect him then? For the sake of his life being spared, naming Daemon's firstborn daughter as heir was the best decision.
"I don’t think we should make a decision without him present" the younger girl told them.
"The decision has been made already" Daemon tenderly tried to explain "you must understand this is the best outcome for all. You saw what it took to reaffirm Luke's throne. Jace will not have the king or his mother at his side if his claim was ever put to question. His life will be at stake. You are my firstborn and thus will be rather welcomed as queen"
Y/N let out a long sigh. She knew her father made a good point. Furthermore, she was impressed by how he managed to put forth said point without even once mentioning that Rhaenyra's sons were bastards.
She did not hate the idea of being queen. The only thing that kept her from jumping in celebration was the fact that she felt as if she was being given something that initially was never meant for her, something that Rhaenyra was only doing because she was convinced.
"Alright" Y/N looked up at the both of them "but you must tell Jace of this"
"We will" Daemon looked at her with pride. His own blood, his darling daughter would one day sit the throne "now get dressed, I assume you already know of the king’s wishes for the entire family to dine together"
taglist: @ladybug0095 @sahvlren @bunny24sstuff @dellalyra @ellabellabus07 @champomiel @fan-goddess
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trigunwritings · 2 years
The Masks We Wear
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Summary: Vash the Stampede is an an enigma. Human and myth, intelligent but a fool, so easy to befriend and yet so very alone. You decide to peel back the layers—both literal and metaphorical—to see the honest, beautiful man hiding behind the mask.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Fem!Reader/Vash
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To blame what unfolded in the late hours of that evening on having one drink too many would have been easy. Too easy. Each stray bit of clothing lost on the floor, each lingering gaze and gentle whisper to be blamed on the excuse of simple inebriation and a lack of restraint. If there had been an ounce of doubt—so much as a flicker of hesitation—it would have been all to easy to toss your actions aside and pretend that you had misread his own, if only so that he wouldn’t feel embarrassed by it come sunrise.
But it’s just a show. You and Vash know that both of you had sipped at nothing but water since arriving at this quiet little town. But it doesn’t change the fact that you waited, pausing after every forgotten layer, approaching step or touch. Waited to see if he would stop you.
But he never does. Instead he lets you undress him in smooth motions, not in the way that he wants you to do the work, but simply because he doesn’t know what to do himself.
The man looks almost lost, his eyes darting about behind his glasses but never quite meeting your own gaze as hands unzip one thing after another, until he is bare-chested and turning his face away, eyes shut tight.
It’s almost as if he expects something of you. From you.
After a moment, the man’s eyes open and shift so that you’re more in his peripheral, but still not quite lifting them towards your face. He looks… almost frightened, and it’s only then that your hand passes across his naked chest—covered with scars ranging from thin slices to what seems to have been jagged claws or other machinations—only to feel his heart racing. It pounds so hard against his ribcage that you can’t count the individual beats.
“Vash,” you repeat his name, ducking your head slightly to try and make his eyes catch your own. “Are you okay?”
He is silent for a few moments, but his heart doesn’t slow.
“… I uh… I’ve… never… done this before,” he finally admits with a soft whisper. Vash lifts a hand and gestures, pointing his index finger from himself towards you, then back again.
“Had sex?” you offer, hoping that verbalizing it might help.
Vash turns his eyes forward and says “No,” before quickly smacking his hand to his forehead. “Wait—I mean yes. But also… this.” He gestures again, only this time waving his hand over his upper body. Over dozens of scars that must have years of history behind them all; injuries that didn’t heal correctly, wounds that were too deep.
And that’s when it hits you.
“You’ve never let anyone see you naked before.”
He nods slowly, trying to play it off with a force laugh, “Some people like t’ say that scars are hot, but I think I might have a few too many to qualify. Not uh… much of a looker underneath it all.” The humorous tone sounds so fake that it’s almost unnerving as he adds, “Sorry for disappointing you.”
”Vash,” your tone is perhaps a little too sharp, as the man flinches slightly and quickly ducks his eyes away again. But all it takes is a gentle nudge of your fingertips against his jaw, your other hand reaching up to pluck the glasses from his face so that you can see his sky-blue eyes clearly, bright and wonderful that you could get lost in them.
“You’re beautiful.”
He stares at you. For several long moments it’s as if he had been frozen in time, lips parted just enough so that you can see his tongue behind them trying for form words as his face grows flushed with heat. It isn’t hard to guess that he is seconds away from turning his attention away again, so you hold his chin and force him to hold your gaze.
“Vash, you are so beautiful.”
And that is when, in a gentle but firm motion, you grab Vash’s shoulders and push him onto the squeaky old bed.
What follows is admittedly a bit of a visual blur of clothes falling to the ground alongside the constant creaking of a bed frame so aged and worn that it could collapse beneath your bodies at any moment—considering how much you were focusing on the man atop which you straddled, it easily could have without being at all noticed.
For better or worse, Vash wasn’t very good at masking his thoughts. They were all too plain upon his features as you removed your clothing in turn. Shirt, pants, bra and underwear shamelessly discarded upon the floor all while you did your best to remain astride his lanky hips.
If the crimson hue over his cheeks and ears didn’t give away his interest, then something else certainly did; it wasn’t hard to notice the hard shape pressing in the space between your thighs, separated only by Vash’s pants and whatever he wore beneath them.
“You’re cute when you blush,” you can’t help but tease, hands reaching down to undo his belt as your eyes roamed languidly over his chest and up towards his face. Flushed even more, if that was possible. “Is this the first time you’ve seen a woman naked?”
He glances away, but only for a brief moment as if to fish out the right words from the sea of chaotic thoughts.
“N-No,” he finally whispers, trying to stifle any perceived stammering with an awkward chuckle, “I mean—almost once, b-but I think the lady got my inn room mixed up with someone else’s at the time. Was barely able to explain it before she had her shirt completely off. C-Crazy story huh?”
You lift an inquisitive brow but don’t prod any further, instead deciding to use the moment to pull Vash’s belt free from the loops of his pants, then start tugging them down over his hips and legs.
“Woah woah wait a minute—“ he says, “Do we really uh, need to take those off?”
“You needed to have them off in order to have sex the last I checked,” you say upon tossing them onto the ground. “At least the kind I assumed we were going to have.”
Even in the brief glance allowed from the motion, it’s easy to see that the scars go all the way down the full length of his body; not an inch is without some faded mark, blemish or old wound. Pushing back a sympathetic urge as hands trace up his legs, your fingers curl around the hem of his boxers.
“It’s not like I don’t know what you’re hiding in these, Vash.” Your laughter echoes in the small room, tone and words soft and without an edge, but you’re keenly aware that the line between the man’s consent and non-consent is as thin as as string. When he doesn’t otherwise try to resist or offer other words against the you after several seconds, you move to take off the last layer of clothing on either of your bodies.
If it had been hard to tell that he was aroused by the tone of his voice or the burning of his cheeks, then Vash’s cock would have made it plainly obvious as it bounces aching and flushed from the confines of his boxers.
There isn’t even a spare moment to let him try to make a self-depreciating joke before you’re sitting astride him once more, settled in a way that his arousal presses against the curve of your lower belly.
“… How are you feeling?”
“I… think this mattress could be hiding rocks in it with how hard it is on my back.” Vash offers you the slightest smile, shy but not overly so. “Also, terrible interior design. Zero out of ten.”
“You doofus,” you gently slap a hand down onto the center of his chest and push him down into the bed, “would you like me to stop?”
There is a pause, silence that is filled only by the muted and distant sounds of rowdy bar goers on the floor below.
His heart is still racing.
“… no, this is okay.”
“Good,” you smile, then shift so that both of your hands are pressing palm-down over Vash’s bare chest. You can feel the shape of several scars against one, while the fingers of the other splay over where metal meets with knitted flesh at his left shoulder.
There would be a time to ask and ponder, but this precious moment is not it. Instead of bitterness and the weight of past pains and memories, you want it to be good. You want him to feel good. To feel adored in a way he had never allowed someone else to offer him before.
After the gentle silence of two breaths echoing in tandem, your eyes narrow in mischievous joy.
“I won’t let you out of this bed until you admit that you’re wonderful in every way.”
“I’m not,” Vash says, the rejection sounding stiff and instinctual. Then he tries to shoot you a smile. “You’re the wonderful one.”
“It’s not a competition, Vash.” your hands begin to roam idly across his chest, fingertips tracing idle shapes and along the seams of several old, long scars that looked as if something sharp had torn through the flesh.
His hands lay next to your legs, fingertips just barely brushing against bare skin; if you were to hold your breath, you’d feel them shaking ever so slightly.
Nearly imperceptible, like the mask that Vash wore around other people. But not you.
Not you.
”I see you,” you murmur, leaning down and pressing your lips into the curve of his throat. “All of you. Every inch—and it’s wonderful.” One kiss leads into another, then another, uncountable as each press sweet and purposeful against the myriad of scars across Vash’s upper chest. Even your voice is gentle as it hums against his marred flesh. “You are so wonderful Vash, my Vash…”
A breath catches in his throat every time your lips fall upon his chest. Aching. Wanting. Horny and touch-starved in a way that he never could quite comprehend or realize he so utterly lacked the satisfaction of.
The kissing continues, tracing over his right shoulder until, slowly, your attention moved down his arm and up to his hand that you brought up to your face. As your lips met the inside of his wrist, you murmur, “Do you want me to keep touching you?”
As your eyes flutter open and glance towards his face, you find Vash nodding—silent, but honest. Horribly honest. Terribly, beautifully, wonderfully honest; his flushed face and racing heart could never hide the soft desire he held behind those eyes of his.
Your lips curl into a smile. “Good boy.”
In that moment, there was a shift in Vash’s gaze. Something deep and carnal that blossomed with every syllable of the words that left your mouth.
“Such a good boy, Vash. Let me make you feel good—will you let me help you feel good?”
Another nod, softer than the first but just as sure. Maybe it’s the way you say his name. Most people tended to call him ‘Stampede’ or ‘the human typhoon’ or any number of other titles that often seemed to hang on his shoulders like stones, but you can’t help but love the way his eyes light up whenever you say his name, as if entranced for a single fleeting moment.
It doesn’t take long before your hips shift so that your body is hovering over his cock, seemingly harder than it was before. He isn’t particularly large, but neither is he particularly small either—it helps that you’re just as aroused as he is, but the slow motion down is as much for your own benefit as it is to simply tease Vash in turn.
He whimpers, hands shaking a bit more obviously as his left one comes to gently hang onto your hip. It is cold, but he doesn’t try to force your hips down any faster than you are willing to go.
“That’s a good boy…”
Your voice is breathless and tight. Even when the full length of Vash’s cock fills you, it takes a few moments to collect your thoughts and reign them in properly; every instinct in the back of your mind wants nothing more than to bounce up and down, repeated motions in a carnal need for pleasure, but it doesn’t take more than a moment to stifle them and turn your eyes back towards the man beneath you.
A beautiful, flushed mess.
“It’s okay,” you whisper with a smile. “You don’t need to hold back if you’re about to…”
A moment passes. Brief. Soft. The words begin to sink in like the precious drops of water from a leaking pipe. Words that had been understood, but not quite spoken so plainly between the two of you—words that you knew Vash had been so afraid of speak.
All you can do is look at him, hoping that the joy and warmth bubbling within is clear across your expression. “I love you too.”
It doesn’t take long before you’re setting a gentle pace, hips bouncing up and down with just enough speed that his cock is barely missed before it is pressing inside of you once more. Languid and loving, careful and continuous. Each blip of pleasure is enough to make your walls constrict around him tighter, which in turn draws out a series of sweet whimpers and moans from Vash’s lips.
“That’s it baby,” you murmur in broken breaths. “You feel so good inside me. So beautiful.”
To emphasize the words, a series of kisses pepper across the man’s chest. Each press of your lips earn a soft gasp of your name mixed with broken pleas for more. You never knew it could sound so arousing to hear him begging.
That alone was its own addiction.
Between soft whispers of encouragement and love, you can hear Vash’s whimpers gain volume and fervency. His own body starts to shift and squirm desperately, hips lifting up to meet the motions of your own to try and bury his cock as deep inside you as possible—and all the while, your name is a prayer upon his lips.
“You can cum.” Your hands finally settle back on Vash’s chest, then move so that your palms are cupping against either side of his face even though his eyes are shut tight. “You don’t need to hold anything back, Vash. Let me help you feel good—cum inside me, baby.”
It doesn’t take any further encouragement for the man to practically sob as he finds a beautiful climax beneath you. His hips move desperately for a few seconds while he spills his seed inside of you and then slow down, all the while his chest is heaving for air. After a thin whimper, Vash’s eyes finally flutter open.
They’re beautiful.
He looks at you for a moment before breaking the gaze to look down towards where his body meets yours in blissful union, and then lifts it back up to your face.
“Are you…?”
“Don’t worry about me.”
The smile that pulls at your lips is filled with warmth and honest pleasure, happy if for nothing else then to see Vash vulnerable and trusting in your intimate embrace. He starts to complain, but you shush the sound with a kiss that lingers long enough for the man to fall into a peaceful afterglow.
“There’s plenty of time for me later,” you whisper upon breaking the kiss. “Right now is for you. Just you.”
He is silent, but it doesn’t last for very long before he asks in a murmur, “Can… we stay like this for a few more minutes?”
A chuckle breaks past your lips before you can stop it, not meaning to make Vash feel bad for asking a simple question.
“Don’t you remember what I said earlier?”
He stares at you, a little dumbfounded, though that might be the orgasm tossing his thoughts around.
With a smile on your lips, you repeat the promise, “I won’t let you out of this bed until you admit that you’re wonderful in every way—even if that means being here kissing you ‘till sunrise.”
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robbie on a wednesday
it was a typical wednesday morning at annie's apartment. she was fucking robbie on her bed, naked. in fact, he'd stuffed her panties in her mouth, and so she was moaning through them as he railed her, only spitting them out to praise him as he came on her bush.
after, laying on their sweaty bed, they looked at robbie's latest messages. in recent days, robbie had sent their mother a few videos of himself fucking julia. their mother, increasingly comfortable with all this, told robbie she touched herself to the videos. he'd asked her what she was wearing when she did, and she'd sent him a picture of herself masturbating with a bra and panties on. "take them off for me," he'd said, and she'd sent back a video of herself stripping and then beginning to masturbate. he'd asked her if she'd ever do that in front of him for real. in response she'd ask if he'd jerk off in front of her. "totally," he said.
"well then sure, i'd do that," she'd replied.
"same time?" he'd said.
"i'd be terrified your father would walk in."
"so come over to annie's," he'd said. "she's at work all the time."
"maybe," she'd said.
annie showered and got dressed for work. robbie told her she looked hot in her work clothes and fingered her by the door before she left. he'd made her cum but she pretended he didn't, it was too embarrassing to cum that fast. she'd soaked her panties so much that she took them off before her first patient, left them hanging from a file rack in her bottom drawer to air dry. this was a new patient, a handsome man a little older than annie, who she realized was too sad and withdrawn to even notice that she was shifting in her chair, trying not to expose her pussy under her short skirt.
she had a pretty immediate read on him. he and his wife had had a baby two years ago, and his wife was pretty much finished with him now. it seemed to happen a lot.
"i honestly find this terrifying, personally," annie told him, honestly. "i am so worried that i, like your wife, will stop appreciating my husband when i have kids."
"are you married?" he asked her.
"no, i'm not even in a serious relationship," she said. "but i'm still worried because of how often it happens."
"you don't think it's me?"
"not so far," annie said. "i mean, i'm being very frank with you early just because it feels like it might help you to hear it. you're attractive and sweet and it seems like you're pretty committed to your family. that's hot. your wife doesn't have any interest in showing your sexual attention and it's like.... that's a her problem," annie said. "seriously."
they talked about some ways he might try to shake her out of her stupor. their hour was up.
annie borrowed a cigarette from mark across the hall.
"how have you been lately, annie?" he asked. "you seem a little... edgy."
"what does that mean?" she asked wryly.
"i don't know. you're a little more unkempt i guess. but in a good way. like you come into the office right after a roll in the hay with someone."
"that kind of happened today," she admitted.
"well, good for you," he said. "a couple months ago you seemed very... closed up. now you're loose."
"loose?!" annie laughed.
"not like that," he said. "although, i guess a little like that."
"tough but fair," annie said.
she smoked by the window in her office.
when alice came in, she looked at annie suspiciously. "did you enjoy dinner with angel and jake?"
"yeah," annie said, innocently. "they're really cool."
"angel said she wants to fuck you."
"that's flattering."
"just be careful with them," alice said. "they're a little toxic. angel is, anyway."
"because she does drugs?"
"and lies about being sober," alice said. "i don't think she has ever been sober for a significant chunk of time. except when she was pregnant."
"well, that's a long time."
"angel believes her purpose on this earth is to have babies."
"maybe it is," annie said. "you've never been into the idea?"
"nah," alice said. "you want kids?"
"definitely," annie said. "i am a little worried though. i've been having unprotected sex for years and i've never gotten knocked up."
"that happened to angel, too," alice said. "she had tumors in her uterus. maybe check that out."
"okay, good tip," annie filed that away.
after alice was marie. annie was thrilled about the progress she was making with this buttoned up suburban mom, who was now excitedly telling annie about mutually masturbating with her husband, and how gratifying it had felt to make herself cum while her husband was ejaculating on her panties. it had happened twice so far, and marie told her that she'd even told her friends about it, which had led to a discussion of husband penis size. marie was thrilled that her husband seemed to be the biggest.
"how big is he?" annie asked.
"ten inches," marie said proudly. "we measured."
"fuck," annie said. "why are you keeping your panties on when you masturbate for a cock that big."
marie said she was self conscious about her labia because she'd never been good at shaving her pubic hair.
"get it waxed," annie suggested.
"do you do that?"
"no, but i'm good at shaving," annie said.
"i think i'd be too nervous."
"your husband will probably get to eleven inches," annie said.
"OK, i'll book an appointment," marie laughed.
richard called and asked annie if she wanted to go to dinner. "is it like a dinner or like, dinner?" annie asked.
"it's just you and me," he said. "we don't need to call it a date."
"can we call it a date? if we want to?" annie said.
"yes," he said.
annie went home, showered, put on a slutty dress and sluttier panties.
richard was so charming out in the world. annie could sense their waitress just itching to tear off her panties for him. in the car on the way back to his apartment, annie played with his cock. he seemed very used to women touching his cock in the car.
sucking richard's cock in her panties on his couch, annie was very conscious of the fact that she was well on the way to being fully nude in front of him for the first time. it felt really good. the act of him pulling her panties down nearly made her cum. he went down on her, and that made her cum, and then he fucked her, and that made her cum twice more. she accepted richard's load on her chest, went to the bathroom, and took some cum-splattered selfies for him, but also sent them to sophie.
"my dad's cum?" sophie replied. "hot."
for some reason, annie assumed richard was a one and done kind of guy, so she was pleasantly surprised when he initiated round two. another four orgasms later, annie was delirious. she nearly fainted on the way to the bathroom to clean up this time.
it was around midnight when she saw a text from her father from two hours earlier, asking what she was up to tonight. she sent him a cum-covered nude selfie from the first round.
"good girl," he texted.
"it makes my pussy wet when you call me that" she texted back.
"sorry," she immediately continued. "i'm just so cumdrunk that i have no filter."
"i like the idea of making you wet," he said. "it's nice."
"if you think about my body as just my body, not me but any woman, do i make your cock hard?" she texted.
"LOL" he texted back. "yes of course, i mean obviously, look at your breasts."
she sent him a picture of her breasts, lit by the dim lamp still on in richard's bedroom.
he sent back a picture of his erect cock. annie gawked. he wasn't as big as robbie, it was true. but maybe a little thicker? it looked very good. "daddy i love it," she said.
"good girl," he said. "go to sleep."
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