#I may update this again once everyone has their babies once their show career is through!
doodlindoe · 2 years
when I started playing hp again I decided to randomly generate colors and phenotypes for my horses since I’ve always enjoyed playing around with horse genetics. when I bred them I paired up their genetics and counted the possible color outcomes, then generated a random number to see what color baby they’d get. now that I’m two generations deep, I thought I’d do a little visual graphic on what I’ve gotten so far from my main stable stud and his three girlfriends (you should be able to click on these to see them a bit larger)
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if you happen to be curious about the achievements each horse has gotten:
foundation horses:
hangman adam page: retired at age 21 with 2.5MIL show points hexie mountains: retired at age 21 with 1.8MIL show points queen of the rodeo: retired at age 21 with 1.8MIL show points roses are falling: retired at age 21 with 1.8MIL show points kalahari down: retired at age 21 with 2.6MIL show points
first generation:
deadeye: born with 84K show points, surpassed 1MIL show points at 12yrs, currently at 1.8MIL show points (currently 18yrs old) blue child: born with 192K show points, reached young ranking top 25 horses at 3yrs, currently has 750K show points (currently 7rs old) down the dusty side: born with 192k show points, reached young ranking top 25 horses at 3yrs, currently has 680K show points (currently 7yrs old) buckshot queen: born with 82k show points, surpassed 1MIL show points at 11yrs, currently at 1.6MIL show points (currently 17yrs old) rite of passage: born with 184k show points, reached young ranking top 25 horses at 3yrs, surpassed 1MIL show points at 10 yrs (currently 10yrs old) purple rose: born with 97k show points, surpassed 1MIL show points at 12 years, currently at 1.5MIL show points (currently 16yrs old) a devil like you: born with 144k show points, reached young ranking top 25 horses at 3yrs, surpassed 1MIL show points at 10yrs, currently at 1MIL show points (currently 10yrs old)
second generation:
hangman’s noose: born with 114k show points, currently has 500k show points (currently 4yrs old) kalahari queen: born with 119k show points, reached young ranking top 25 horses at 3yrs, currently has 500k show points (currently 5yrs old) lay me on roses: born with 120k show points, currently has 500k show points (currently 5yrs old)
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
JoJolion: The Hard Life of Nijimura Kei
…and how she was criminally underutilized by Araki.
Nijimura Kei, the other Joestar in JoJolion besides Josuke & Holy, who was alive during the JJL storyline (until her last role). She was introduced as a young woman in her early 20s, working as the maid in Higashikata, the richest family in Morioh where most of the family members are spoiled.
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JJL Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
She was a Stand user, using 「Born This Way」, an automatic Stand that activates when the person she has targeted opens something to attack Josuke as a temporary side boss/antagonist. Knowing that it’s automatic, this sealed her fights to be very limited and hard to develop further (both in terms of mechanism and plot).
It turned out that she is a Joestar and related to Josuke, the main protagonist.
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JJL chapter 16 and 17
And her role as Higashikata’s maid was just a disguise to investigate Higashikata's family secret and help her family (mainly her mom, Holy).
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JJL Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
Kei's life at that time should have been pretty tough, when she got news that her brother had just been declared dead and her mother was terminally ill.
Her father died when she was barely a little girl (according to family tree, Kei was born in 1989 and her father died in 1991, making her just around 2 years old when she lost her father).
As a widow, it also made Holy to have to work as a career woman to support her young children (9 years old Yoshikage and 2 years old Kei were left fatherless). And indirectly took away her time as a 'mother' for Kei.
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JJL Chapter 50: Vitamin C and Killer Queen - part 1, look how little Kei looked lonely with her doll.
And back to present time (2011), Kei also had to lose her brother (Yoshikage) and lived alone with the only family member who really depended on her (a very ill mother).
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JJL Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
I'm not sure Kei's salary as a maid alone will be able to cover her mother’s medical bills, plus she was in undercover so she couldn't show herself as her family member out-of-nowhere.
The family mostly depended on Yoshikage to pay for it, and very unfortunately that Yoshikage is already dead, causing the payment to be stopped. I'm sure Kei did not want this to happen to her mother, but sadly she couldn't do much.
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Supposedly, after Kei's true identity and role were revealed, there should be a secret collaboration between her and Josuke. Too bad we never see it, Kei only occasionally appeared as cameo or one of the 'victims' of the Stand attacks from rock-humans (aka. jobbing).
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JJL chapter 75 and 48, not doing anything and got jobbed by 「Vitamin C」& 「Ozon Baby」.
And when she did not get any significant role through the story, she was doing her own business. Turned out that she had been taking care of her mother in hospital.
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JJL Chapter 102: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 19
And taking care of someone who is in a coma like that is not something that everyone’s willing to do. Surely everyone loves Holy, despite her lesser time as Kei's mother due to her job, her daughter still loves her and that’s why she was willing to take care of her in such a way.
Still, having a life like Kei's is a tough one… and not everyone can live it.
And when Kei got her new significant role in the story, her last chance to help the protagonist as his ally…
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Araki gave her such badass intro only to…
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JJL Chapter 104: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 21, get jobbed once again.
Kei's role in JoJolion is quite disappointing, she is a Joestar, a Stand user, and unlike her mother’s condition, she was fit and well so she should be able to do a lot more than Holy as a Joestar.
Kei is connected to the main protagonist, biologically related in a weird way and she held an independent mission as a spy in the Higashikata family. There should have been a lot she could have done in exchanging information and cooperating with Josuke, but her only product to Josuke throughout the story was an information regarding 'equivalent exchange' ability in Higashikata's land and nothing more.
And in the climax arc of “Wonder of You” where it was Kei’s last chance to cooperate with Josuke in defeating the big villain, when we were expecting an exciting 2-vs-1 battle, her role was only as far as a messenger as she delivered the cellphone (message) from Yasuho and just… die, nothing more to it.
Caato got a great intro (so great that she was wrongly hyped for years), but was absent for a long time and suddenly came back just to die. But even so she still left an impactful impression by defeating the main villain and breaking the family curse.
Too bad, Kei’s character who underwent similar thing ended up just jobbing like that… with her last action that was not so impactful, because we need to surprise the readers.
Kei might be a disappointment, regarding her role as a ‘character’ in JoJolion. But if we look at her as an ‘individual being’ with a life of her own (using the mindset that we are the main characters in our own lives), she had lived a very hard life. And we need to appreciate her toughness, that she still lived her life well, that she did not fall into moral turpitude, or becoming a criminal. She did not abandon her family even though they became a burden to her.
My personal confession:
Kei could be the person I admire right now because I am currently experiencing similar thing as her life. My father got covid and currently he is hospitalized. It’s been around 2 weeks right now. We both live off the island away from family, so I am the only family member who is able to support him. A few days ago he needed a platelet donor, those were the hardest days for me as the only family trying to look for. At least those days have passed. But until now he has not recovered yet and is still being treated in hospital.
Our apartment is far from the hospital so I have to go back and forth there for about 30 minutes almost every day to deliver the basic things he needs. I also have a full time job that can't be left behind. So just imagine how tired I am.
Unlike Kei who can visit his mother and directly take care of her, I can't see my father at all (and you know why). Even so, I stayed strong and did what I could as his daughter, just like Kei. And Kei became part of my inspiration to be as tough as her. Of course I still hope that these hard days will end soon and our family can be happy again together.
Let's pray for the recovery of my father and anyone else who is also seriously ill at this time.
Update: 7/15/2021
Unfortunately, my father just passed away at noon, 7/13/2021. May God forgives his sins. Bless for you all who still have your family intact, and pray for anyone who also lost their loved one by this terrible pandemic.
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ginanosakka · 4 years
The Mind of a Monster
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I’m Sorry | Next
“Daddy, why does everyone look like that?” Your young and bright eyes stared up at your father’s, his own having no light or warmth in them, not even as he looked at you.
The smile that crept onto his face scared you, but you smiled back nonetheless like the naive little girl you were, just wanting to return your father’s love. In truth, you had been scared the moment you entered his company office, the automatic shift in energy when he walked in the room from all his employees had you fiddling with your fingers and doing your best to avoid eye contact. It was confusing to you why he wanted you to come with him today to introduce you to his work, but he never greeted anyone or even acknowledged their existence.
You wished you had paid closer attention and broken from his leash sooner.
“My dear, you’ll learn soon enough that these are inferior beings, and how they feel mean nothing when it comes to success.”
Sitting in a conference room filled with heroes was one thing, but sitting in a conference room full of heroes being debriefed on your secret criminal business father was another. Seeing all of these familiar faces made your palms sweaty and an anxious shiver go down your spine. They were all the former class 1-A students who met your father —whether that was by coincidence of scheduling, or these were the ones who couldn’t believe the case at hand, you didn’t know. None of them were as close as Mina and Katsuki so this truthfully had nothing to do with the past, but everything to do with the present news that came out not too long ago.
They were helping to protect their old friend’s child, and his now speculated ‘wife’.
“. . . I can’t give you any more information than that, the old bastard has all of his dirty work under security, but there’s someone who can.” Katsuki said, and you looked up at him from your spot next to Ashido and Kirishima, vacating your thoughts to meet his eyes that had landed on you. “Y/N.” He called, and you stood up from your seat.
You glanced at them all again, taking note of their very clear interest while finding the words to help them understand what you knew. It wasn’t just the ones who you had just seen again for the first time in years, this was also information and a plan that you had not run through with Katsuki, Mina, or Eijirou who had discussed this meeting with you beforehand. Whether it was because all three of them looked so concerned with your safety that your plan would positively not be received well, or simply because you yourself weren’t prepared to put everything at stake wasn’t abundantly clear.
A warm and soft hand grabbed hold of yours from where you stood, and you glanced at Mina to see her smiling with encouragement. “Don’t worry, I’ll have your back, ‘kay?” She said, and you squeezed her hand.
“Okay then. First things first, I want you all to know that I haven’t had contact with him since the last year you have all seen me, not even money related. When I was in close contact with him, I was unaware of any illegal actions he’d done until I was kicked out. Are there any questions on that?” You began, doing your best to get the most obvious questions out of the way first.
The eight heroes in the room — Tokoyami, Sero, Kaminari, Todoroki, Uraraka, Ashido, Kirishima, and Bakugou — all glanced at each other for a moment, and two hands went up: Todoroki, Kaminari. You looked to Todoroki first, his dual colored eyes piercing into yours like he knew you. From what you remembered from all that hero news Ryu loved, he had his own personal family issues that ended up public information. Honestly, you didn’t know if he was looking at you like that because he related to you, or was greatly suspicious of you. Either way, you nodded at him to voice his questions first.
“Did your father use you to fulfill his own goals?”
“Todoroki, let’s stick to questions that have something to do with the crimes and just her father.” Kirishima sweatdropped, and you could see Katsuki’s expression from the corner of your eye that looked like he wanted to send an AP shot right through his left side.
‘Never let him ask me anything, good to know.’
“Kami- Chargebolt, you had a question.” You redirected the attention to Denki who looked as done with Todoroki as the rest of the group, but once you called on him he refocused on you.
“If you knew he was doing illegal stuff at some point, why didn’t you say anything to the police before?” He asked.
The air became thick in the room, and all of them looked at you with their full attention once again, and that’s how you needed it to answer that. What they were about to take on may not be physically exhausting as a villain, but the mental toll this could take would be something they’d never forget. Their images will forever be changed in the media, and they’ll never look at those who run this world the same when you expose to them the man that they’d only met as a hopeful teenager. This was a man who would stop at nothing to stay on top, even going as far as to threaten his own blood’s life to ensure silence.
“When I got kicked out of my home, pregnant and a disgrace to him, he realized that I may not have known much about how the underground business he did, but I could easily stain his image by telling my story. About a month after I was kicked out, when I was two months pregnant, a man showed up at the hotel I was staying at and attempted to kill my baby. I survived with bruises and a stab wound that entered just between my rib cage instead of directly into my stomach. That man was hired by my father to kill me. . my mother had come to the hospital to break that news to me. She is the reason another attempt hadn’t been made on my life, but it was at the cost of me disappearing and never returning again.” You laid out the full story, sparing gruesome details but not leaving any room for confusion or continued suspicion.
Denki looked horrified as he tried to apologize, “I didn’t think he did something like that to you. I’m-“
You cut him off with a raised hand, “that’s why you’re here now. No one knows how evil Eito L/N is, because he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing to the public. This isn’t your routine evidence and arrest case, and if you think there’s a low that my dear old father won’t reach to make me disappear, you’re going to end up dead, or so far in the gutter of negative media attention that your career will be over in days. You’re going to find out information that will destroy the relationship between you and the men that have made you heroes. As we speak, he is most likely ten steps ahead of us all and expecting us to move as quietly as we can for the sake of your licenses and my business.” You explained, and Uraraka stood up in distress.
“Then we should be looking for evidence! Doesn’t this mean you could be being followed right now? Why are we sitting here discussing it?” She asked, and you nodded in agreement at her words.
“You’re right, but there’s a quick end to this that only I can do at the risk of my own life. . I didn’t go over this with any of you, and I deeply apologize for the trouble I will soon be causing, but I can’t let all of you save my life while I lay down and cower with my son.”
You whipped out your phone and searched up the first news outlet that came to mind, and just as you expected, your video was being played as you spoke. You laid it out on the table after turning the sound up, watching the video you had recorded last night played to the public.
“I am Y/N L/N, the daughter of a very well known man, Eito L/N. Six years ago, he told the public that I went overseas in search of a different life, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In actuality, six years ago, Eito kicked me out of his home after finding out I was pregnant and used that story to cover up my disappearance. I have since been living on my own with no help or contact from my father, and I urge all of you to look closer at those in power and wealth. You have no idea what they could be doing behind closed doors. Thank you.” You turned your phone off and slipped in back in your pocket as they all took in what you had done, and it was of course Katsuki who spoke up first.
“What the hell did you do?!” He growled, and you met his concerned and angry eyes with frightening intent.
“I’m making this a media circus, Dyanmight,” you smiled.
“You’re drawing him out, but why? Won’t that make this worst?” Tokoyami asked, but you weren’t the one to answer.
“He doesn’t know what she’s going to do. . she’s making it impossible to keep his tracks covered.” Todoroki looked at you, and you both nodded at each other in complete understanding. “Y/N just made this a lot easier for us.”
A/N: I was gonna keep dad’s name neutral, but it just didn’t make sense that they all would constantly refer to him as her father. So evil dad’s name is Eito! This is pretty much a small filler before we reach our real drama and end. I can’t promise a soon update and the hiatus is still very much in motion, but I wanted to get this out to you. I hope you enjoy!
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pub-lius · 3 years
A Debunking and, in my Humble Opinion, Superior Version of Weird History’s “Hardcore Facts About Alexander Hamilton”
I haven’t updated my blog in quite some time, and that is due to my schedule being primarily dominated by school. So, I decided my first step into posting semi-regularly once more shall be a more casual, more fun endeavor. 
If you have not heard of the Weird History youtube channel, good for you. It is yet another social media platform that misconstrues history to appeal to the public’s enjoyment of extremes and strangeness. I saw The Historical Fashion Queens make a video responding to their highly misinformed documentary on corsetry on Miss Abby Cox’s youtube channel, which I highly recommend. This intrigued me, and I decided to find a video I could dissect off my expertise, at first only for fun in my own time. This resulted in the production in a very long bullet list in the notes app of my phone. So here is my informal destruction of this godforsaken video.
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Disclaimer: I am not at all excusing any of the awful things Alexander Hamilton did during his lifetime. I am absolutely the last person who would even come near to claiming that many of the things he did were justifiable in the slightest. Although, he might be the only historical figure which I have a very strong interest in the life of, as he was incredibly complex, and the part of me with a love of psychology finds him absolutely fascinating. There is also something to be said about the way we consider moral standards of historical figures. We are quite lucky to believe in the time that we do, and not all of our standards can apply to historical figures. This does not mean they should not be held accountable. I find that a way to criticize people while also praising them where it is due is by judging them based upon their intentions. In my opinion, Hamilton’s intentions were not to harm anyone in most situations, so I don’t think he was a terrible person, nor do I think he was a particularly good one. Then again, I don’t think either of those things about a mass majority of people, so let us proceed without further delay. (Note: I will also be referring to the collective Weird History channel as the Narrator to avoid any mental gymnastics, and all of my knowledge is coming from my memory of Hamilton’s writing and some biographies.)
Automatically, the video starts with mention of the musical, but that just reminds me that many use Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton as a basis of their statements about him without utilizing much critical thinking, so I am slightly nervous. 
The Narrator then refers to Hammy Ham man as “...one of America’s most undervalued founding fathers...” Now, it is debatable whether or not Mr. Hamilton is undervalued per se, but when it comes to the founding fathers, they are usually undervalued or overvalued. At this point, Hamilton is both.
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I shall not subscribe, thank you for the offer though, Mr. Narrator.
Now for the first fact: “Historians don’t know when Hamilton was born.” Yes, this is correct, but I don’t believe this should be labeled as “hardcore”, but perhaps that is just me. One early document indicates that Hamilton was born in 1755, while all later ones point to 1757 as his year of birth. We know Hamilton was not always a completely honest man, so it is possible that he lied.
Also, they show an image of a baby, and I do not know if this is actually Hamilton, but they use a lot of strange imagery, which I found humorous.
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“A self-made man born out of wedlock.” Now, this fact could indeed be “hardcore”, if this was not colonial America we are discussing. Hamilton actually wasn’t really special in this regard. Yes, his rise to fame was impressive considering his circumstances, but this wasn’t unheard of.
The Narrator then says that Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Faucette, was “estranged from her husband.” This caused me some confusion as it is a vast understatement. Her ex-husband was absolutely awful to her. 
Additionally, they claim that James Hamilton left his family behind for some reason that I did not write in my notes, but the most likely reason that he actually left was because of his awesome debt. James Hamilton also had a history of ambitious pursuits for money, so it would not be extreme to claim that he moved to another island to attempt to make a fortune in some trading endeavor.
They also cease to mention the Stevens family, who housed young Alexander while he was working for Beekman and Cruger, and had a great influence on him, but I digress.
“A college dropout who joined the Revolution.” Once again, this isn’t special. Many rowdy young Whigs left behind their careers and educations for pursuit of military fame in the Continental Army. They also do not mention anything of Hamilton’s expansive military career, which aside from being indicative of primitive research, but would produce more “hardcore facts.”
Although, they do discuss his application to Princeton college, which is interesting enough I suppose, although everyone who has heard the first two songs of the musical knows this story. His proposal for an “accelerated course of study” was likely inspired by Aaron Burr, as claimed by Chernow and Miranda, or James Madison, as supported by evidence provided by author Noah Feldman in his novel, The Three Lives of James Madison, which is an excellent read. Young Madison, having already completed a course, decided to do so again, but compacting a usually three year course into a shorter period of time. He hardly slept during this period, which was stressful upon his health, making Princeton more disinclined to allow a similar course to be taken.
The Narrator then claims that Hamilton “formed his own militia of 25 men.” Technically, yes? But not exactly. Hamilton joined a paramilitary group called the Hearts of Oak, and they drilled in Trinity Churchyard. This became ironic later. He then became a captain in the New York Artillery Company, and enlisted his own men, which was at one time around thirty or so, if my memory serves me correctly.
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“Founded a bank that existed for over two centuries.” Ah, yes, a very hardcore fact indeed. Yes, Hamilton did establish the Bank of America, but Robert Morris was the one who inspired him to do so. Though, I do think the financial plan is a product of his own genius, but I will get into that much later.
I got an ad. :(
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The Narrator also says that the misfortunes done to the New York shipping industry by the Articles of Confederation were the most prominent, if not sole, motivation for Hamilton to concoct his financial plan. He first recognized the need for a sound financial plan when he was in the army. You know, when he was watching men die of inadequate supplies because the government couldn’t tax the states.
This video, like Chernow’s biography and Miranda’s musical, claims that Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr were friends when, in actuality, they weren’t really. Yes, they knew each other, and they didn’t hate each other until the end of Hamilton’s life, but they really didn’t think about each other much before the Election of 1800.
“Hamilton authored over half of the Federalist Papers.” Indeed, he did! I enjoy this fact. It isn’t very “hardcore” but it is very impressive. The Federalist Papers were arguably Hamilton’s greatest accomplishment, as he organized the entire thing and, as previously stated, authored much of them. I very much enjoy the Federalist Papers, as they give some insight as to Hamilton’s political and philosophical theories, as well as how he thought of the world. It makes for an interesting read if you have something you’re looking for.
Now, this may be a hot take, but Madison’s essays are by far more effective, as they were better organized. Hamilton and I share a common flaw, and that is the lack of brevity. 
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“Involved in America’s first sex scandal.” Yes, we all know. I’ll get into the Reynold’s affair later because it’s its own beast to conquer. Basically what you need to understand information I shall provide later in this post is that James Reynolds extorted money from Hamilton, and if Hamilton failed to pay, Reynolds would expose the affair Hamilton was having with his wife, Maria. Hamilton paid, but when Reynolds was arrested for something else, he exposed Hamilton anyway.
“He worked with Aaron Burr to defend a man.” Once again, this isn’t very surprising. They were both capable lawyers in the same area, so it was basically inevitable. Though there was this one instance where Hamilton and Burr were working on a case together and Hamilton, being himself, insisted upon having the last word. Well, Burr was tired of him, and I can’t say I blame him, so he made every possible argument in his finishing speech, leaving Hamilton with virtually nothing. 
The Narrator also mentions Hamilton’s opposition to slavery, but he didn’t really outwardly oppose it as much as you would think listening to the musical or reading Chernow’s biography. Far from being the “fervent abolitionist” Chernow and Miranda glorify, Hamilton didn’t really do much for the enslaved. He helped John Laurens in his Black Plan and joined the Manumission Society, but other than that, he never made any attempt to progress the abolition of slavery. He also “purchased” slaves for his in-laws, and some argue that he “owned” some himself, but there is no contemporary evidence to support this that I have seen. The enslaved and servants that were in his household likely belonged to his wife.
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“Founded a newspaper that still exists.” Ok.
“Died by duel.” I swear, this fact is by far the most unnecessary. They mention the duel so many times that it is already redundant. I completely skipped over this part, and the video ended, so I was thoroughly underwhelmed.
Well, seeing as this post is already longer than my attention span, I shall save you the pains of having to read any more in just one post. I shall make a follow-up to this where I give my own facts, which I believe are far more hardcore than “he founded a newspaper.” I hope you have enjoyed and this isn’t too terribly boring. I hope to get back to posting soon.
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doakaptan · 4 years
i may not be mentally okay but so is ted
so, kids, this is the story of how I watched how I met your mother and accidentally spiraled into an existential crisis
At the start of this semester, I started watching How I Met Your Mother for the third time to overcome my fear of sitting through films and shows. The show is familiar and, something I already liked so, I did not think I would find any errors or things that would make me uncomfortable. 
Well, first of all, I was wrong and, second of all, now I’m afraid to watch Friends again because I know I’m going to hate it after a while. 
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How I met your mother is a lighthearted show about a guy named Ted who’s trying to find the love of his life to get married and... That’s basically it. Most of what Ted wants throughout the show centers around his dream of getting married and, we see most of his lowest moments during the times he’s chasing after that dream. Actually, the show starts with his lowest moment where he confesses his love for Robin within their first date, insisting she’s the one, and this creepy attempt at romance kickstarts the 9 season adventure that is Ted’s life.
Most of HIMYM’s humor derives from the year it takes place. So, I was not surprised to see jokes that are pretty offending thrown in every two to three lines. Still, the show is too lighthearted to take them seriously so, I kept watching without a hitch. 
Everything was fine until I reached season 5 and then things starting getting out of control. 
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In the 5th season, most of the gang starts moving on with their lives. Marshall and Lily get married and start thinking about having children, Ted becomes a professor at Columbia University, Robin starts trying out things that she wouldn’t do; like getting in a serious relationship and putting it before her career ambitions. Barney... Well, Barney is the same old Barney but, now he is more aware of his on-going issues. Try guessing who’s my favorite character.
Then,  I started feeling like I’m losing friends and that they are moving on with their lives faster than I am. I think this was due to me procrastinating while the rest of my friends actually finished projects while I was watching HIMYM but, I digress. 
This is also the season where Spongebobification or Simpsonification of HIMYM starts. Now, what the hell does that mean? Let me quickly explain. 
As shows go along with more seasons the characters start becoming the shells of their former selves. In Spongebob, the main characters are reduced into single characteristics like; Patrick being plainly dumb, Mr. Krabs being stingy, Spongebob gay, Squidward only being sad. In Simpsons it’s the same thing but more painful... The characters no longer have depth, they are merely two-dimensional. 
It starts to be that way for HIMYM characters, especially Ted.
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Ted becomes someone who’s so blatantly obsessed with his perception of love and, how relationships should be, that he slowly manipulates Robin and Barney into breaking up. He does not approve of how free-spirited Robin is and instead wants her to want the exact same things as himself. 
The same thing goes for his thoughts on Barney and Robin’s relationship. He finds them incompatible while they are oddly similar in many ways. Both have commitment issues but, they get each other since their issues beyond commitment are also similar. Their preferences on alcohol, cigars, relationships, even their daddy issues are similar. 
Ted doesn’t see the similarities or their compatibility and even gives Barney lectures on Robin. For me, that episode is the one where I realized Ted completely lost it. 
And as I watch more, I remember even more of the final episode and it gets on my nerves. For everyone’s sake, I’ll leave out my thoughts on the final since the last time I’ve watched it was several years ago; but, I will come back and update this post once I am finished with it. 
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Lastly, as season 5 progresses and we move onto the sixth season.. Things for the gang start settling down for once. 4/5 of the doppelgangers are found, Lily and Marshal are set on having a baby and, Ted is both enjoying his job as a professor and, as an architect who’s in the process of designing a building that would affect the skyline of Manhattan.
This got me thinking about my own goals and dreams and, I realized that I’ve kind of lost it. I’m having a hard time dreaming about my future; I don’t know what I want and, I have no idea whether I want to continue my life as it is. Yet, I have no idea what I’ll do if I were to change it and, I don’t know why I’m feeling like this while the episode is mainly about men with small dicks. 
But thanks to this hot mess of a season I sped up the process of my internship and, I’m looking for a job on the side to make me feel like I’m doing something. I know I’ll be back to normal once the school kicks back in full force but, this hectic schedule won’t be with me after I graduate and, I don’t want to fall into a void once it leaves... At least I hope it won’t be like this after I graduate because if it's even worse than this I won’t hesitate to sue request the school to pay for the therapy I desperately need.
To conclude once and for all, I may have lost it along the way but, at least I know how I met your mother has it worse than me.
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Also I just wanted to add that, something about the lighting of this show makes everyone who appears look awfully average. I know for a fact that Cobie Smulders (Robin) is ten times more attractive than how she’s on the show and not only her but they managed to make the likes of Britney Spears, Nicole Scherzinger, Jennifer Lopez look average. There’s a lesson about lighting there but, I don’t exactly know. 
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Fic Recs/Mandatory Reading for Reddie fans
Here is an incomplete list of some of my favorite Reddie fics on ao3, because i cannot get over the sheer talent of this fandom’s wonderful writers! A lot of these are the Greatest Hits that you’ll find on almost every fic list, but that’s why I consider them mandatory reading. like if you haven’t read some of these, what are you doing?
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg, rated M
the 27 years in between, but better because richie and eddie stay together. every time i think of this fic, i think of that lady gaga meme where she’s like “brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, etc” and maybe it’s bc this is one of the first reddie fics i ever read, but this one is always gonna be my favorite
broken record by spunknbite, rated E
the mother of all time loop fics. every reddie veteran gets chills at the phrase “the house on Neibolt was still standing”
literally everything by stitchy
like seriously just clear a few days bc you’re not gonna want to stop reading this author once you start. no other author has made me literally fucking cackle in one paragraph and sob in the next like this one, pls do yourself a favor and devour all their works like i did 
the night we met (take me back) by camerasparring, rated E
ch2 fix-it where eddie shows up at richie’s door alive and with no memory. great slow burn with a wonderfully conflicted richie, 10/10
let’s hear it for my baby! series by cloudings, rated E
OOOOOOOHHH boy! a modern teen!reddie grindr AU that’s both steamy AND sweet?? more like a fucking blessing amen hallelujah
a heart that laughter has made sweet by marjaani, rated E
another lovely teen!reddie fic that’s got it all! sweet, stupid boys, humor, a teeny bit of angst, and some 5-alarm fire smut with some top eddie, as a treat
keep talking. i’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice. by theappleppielifestyle, rated T
angst with a happy ending is my favorite, and this one is just fantastic. so sweet, so sad! and stan is featured as eddie’s afterlife buddy and idk about y’all but i cannot get enough of stanley uris in my reddie fics. read this, then read all this author’s reddie fics, they’re all amazing
collateral by loosecannon, sheepknitssweater, rated E
a post-ch2 fic that i guess could be classified as fix-it, BUT with some very interesting twists. they beat the clown, everyone lives, but no one really gets the tropey happy ending. the WIP sequel is also incredible and i live for the updates.
the greater fool  series by mischiefmanager, mostly rated T with some E
this is a series i’ll reread a lot bc it’s so fucking good. follows young reddie into early adulthood, mostly a bunch of cute shit where they figure out themselves and their relationship. also contains the single best teen reddie fic in existence, he came in through the window, but reading the whole series is a must
brokeback derry and everything else by Amuly, rated E
27 years in between, richie and eddie reconnect in their 20s and meet back up in derry twice a year to remember and love each other before going back to their lives and forgetting. so much pain. there’s a lot of sweet stuff in there, but you can see shit’s gonna get complicated from miles away and the anticipation almost gave me stomach ulcers (in a good way). ultimate angst with a happy ending.
let me name the stars for you by playedwright, rated M
speaking of angst with a happy ending...Martian AU!!!!! this one fucked me up in the best way, i literally called my roommate at 2am to vent to her about my emotions after reading it. i go back and reread chapter 8 just to be overwhelmed by it, and it makes me cry every time. plus, there are awesome sequels/companion pieces in the series! read this, i beg you!
walk through fire for you by hyruling, rated T
unwind after all that angst with some cute, drunk, confused eddie being very upset when he finds out richie is engaged. richie only teases him a little before pointing out the matching ring on eddie’s finger. 
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang, rated E
post-ch2 slow burn with tags that really say it all, including but not limited to: eddie moves to california and richie is a mess, Eddie Kaspbrak’s Hot Girl Summer, and cute middle aged man dates
pivotal moments by danfanciesphil, polypocket, rated E
high school reddie has a sort of fwb thing goin on, but emotions get in the way. featuring wonderful bevchie friendship, hella miscommunication, cute double dates, high eddie, and a happy ending
like a bullet in the back by jerry_duty, rated M
adult idiots in love! a personal favorite trope of mine! slow burn with a fair helping of angst but a really great ending. richie stays with eddie in new york while he’s there on business, and it takes these losers SO LONG to figure it out but the way they dance around it is very cute
no sense of living without aim [WIP] by liesmyth, rated E
richie and eddie meet on grindr in the 27 years between and hey, whadda ya know, they fall in love! i really love this fic but i’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. i’ve had it open on my phone browser for like 3 months with no update but i still check it regularly bc i’m pathetic and this fic is just so good i’m DYING to know what happens next so read at ur own risk
a strange sense of familiarity [WIP] by Katranga, rated E
another “they meet and fall in love without remembering” fic, and even though it’s not complete yet, it gets regular updates. oh, also, i’m obsessed with it. they’re long distance fuck buddies who can’t admit they’re in love, and then they get hit with the childhood memories! and everyone lives! what’s not to love!  also PLEASE read kisses take like mint and every other reddie work by this author, they are all fantastic
adult friends by sudowoodo, rated T
AU where adult reddie meet at a first aid seminar for work (immediately fall in love), become friends, become best friends, and finally get to be happy. has some super repressed eddie and intensely pining richie, which is always fun, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. also please check out this author’s other reddie fics, there’s some super sweet kid reddie in there that really warms the heart
the mind's a funny fruit by joldiego, rated T
eddie wakes up barely alive in derry, has 0 memory, calls himself richie, and moves in with some lesbians. an absolute must read that ought to be on every reddie fic rec compilation. i read this a long time ago and just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
now what i'm gonna say may sound indelicate [WIP] by IfItHollers, rated E
it took me entirely too long to find this fic since i joined the fandom, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. it’s almost at 200k now and still unfinished, and the slow burn is excruciating, but this is a legendary fic for a reason. eddie spends the first chunk of this fic in the hospital recovering from the massive chest wound, and then he and richie move the recovery to ben’s cabin in the woods. the author’s notes for each chapter are a story in themselves
signs of a new lifetime by swordfishtrombones, rated T
one of the sweetest, most romantic reddie fics i’ve ever read. a fresh take on a classic concept: post-ch2, they’re in love, they haven’t said/done anything about it yet, BUT!!! it’s not angsty! they are all cute and giggly like “you say it first!” “no, you say it first!” and it makes me fucking MELT
broadcasting tower by swordfishtrombones, rated E
back-to-back recs from the same author! bc i love these fics so much! sort of similar to the last one in that they both know what’s up and just haven’t said it, but this one’s got the angst! i didn’t know when i read it that it was the same author as the other fic, and i thought how funny, i found another reddie author that perfectly captures this pair in such a wonderfully romantic way! i also just noticed there��s a follow up to this so now i have to go read that immediately
eurydice; the original comeback kid by Vulcanodon, rated M
for the love of god please read this and the other work in this series. it’s a ch-2 fix-it with some intense action sequences and major pining, and it has haunted me since i first read it
love on the telephone by tempestbreak, rated E
okay this one is really just 30k of pure smut but it’s also so sweet and features a mini sexual awakening for eddie and some insecure richie with an emphasis on how much they love and trust each other. also it doesn’t hurt that the smut is fire, like does anyone else want that twink obliterated, or is it just me?
the boy who loves you by candlejill, rated E
eddie lives, richie confesses, things are chill and then they’re not. richie’s career flourishes, which is always nice to read and is what ultimately catalyzes eddie’s gay awakening and realization of his love for richie. it’s got some sad angsty parts and a very sweet ending, and it up there as one of my favorite reddie fics of all time
richie and eddie break up [WIP] by skeilig, rated M
a refreshing and realistic take on life ch-2 for the losers, because being in love at thirteen doesn’t mean you can fall into a perfect relationship at 40. i’ll admit, i’m hoping this will ultimately be a “richie and eddie get back together” fic, but it’s still a very good read (and often very funny in the second chapter) at the moment in the midst of their break up
september 1989 and everything else by pineapplecrushface, rated T
cute kid reddie figuring it out and making me smile. the follow up to this and the after derry series by this author are also personal favorites
go west by ssstrychnine, rated T
road trip fic! an absolute work of art slow burn with teen reddie in the 90s. it’s so beautifully written i just wish i could go back and read it for the first time again
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by tozier, rated M
character study with some incredible fucking prose, my lord it gorgeous. explores how eddie learns about love as he grows up, and it’s super fucking sad sometimes bc the poor boy doesn’t know how to have the things he wants and i just want to give him a hug, but it’s really a spectacular fic
circular motion by sinchronicity, rated M
soulmate!AU that follows book canon and even though it’s been a long time since i’ve read it and the details are fuzzy, i remember absolutely loving it and thinking it was incredible
tell me you know by RichiesToesHurt, rated E
college losers with some severely pining and jealous richie with a lovely ending 
predicament bondage [WIP] by dgalerab, rated E
i resisted reading this fic for so long, recently broke and binged all of it, and now i’m like frothing at the mouth for updates. richie’s a closeted actor/comedian who meets eddie, a professional Dom, when he needs help researching a role. they become friends, they develop crushes, richie realizes he’s a sub, and it’s just so much fun to read
there’s a lot more fics to rec so i might add on to this in the future, but in the meantime my biggest tip for for reading fanfiction that took me embarrassingly long to figure out: focus on the authors! if you read something you like, check out the rest of the work by that author bc odds are you’ll like that too. i mentioned it in a few specific works above, but check out the authors catalogues for these fics. if i included every work by these authors that i loved, this list would be miles long
feel free to add on any great stuff i missed, there’s sure to be tons of it!
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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Growing up in California in my grandmother's house, surrounded by tías, tíos, and all my cousins, I always felt a deep connection to my Mexican-American roots. Every generation of my father's family has had incredibly different experiences that reflect much about American history. 
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My great-grandfather on my abuela's side, Daniel Martinez, grew up in Mexico and immigrated to Los Angeles. Eventually, he saved enough money to open a neighborhood market, which is where he met my great-grandmother, Guadalupe Miranda Martinez. She had come from Mexico to Los Angeles with her mother and brother as a young teenager. They soon married and began having children. When he lost his business in the 1920s, the family turned to migrant farm work. They were forced to use segregated water fountains and bathrooms and my darker-skinned tíos and tías were sent to Mexican schools, while those with light skin and blonde or red hair were allowed to attend schools with white students.
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Unhappy with the segregated schools, my great-grandfather joined up with other families to open the East Barrio School for Latinos in Claremont, CA — fighting the status quo is part of my heritage! They taught reading and writing in Spanish and learned Mexican history at a time when it was hard to show pride about being Mexican.
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My great-grandfather on my abuelo's side, Catalino Alba, came from Mexico during the Revolution. He met my great-grandmother when he immigrated to Gallup, NM, where he helped build the Santa Fe Railroad. He was a musician and inspired my abuelo José Alba to sing, practice traditional Mexican dance, and become an accomplished classical guitarist. As a child, there was never a family party where my abuelo didn't play guitar while my abuela, tíos and tías, and cousins sang along. Perhaps this is where I got my love for the performing arts!
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My great-grandfather moved to San Bernardino, CA, to work on the railroad and my abuelo José Alba grew up in the barrio where he and his siblings slept head to foot. With little food at home, he often asked the neighbors for fruit from their fruit trees. He was compelled to eat dirt, which he later learned was a natural response to the lack of iron that he needed in his diet. As a kid, he wasn't allowed to swim in a public pool without a certification of vaccination. He would often get glass stuck in his shoes because the soles were so thin and worn out — he couldn't afford anything else. At one point, glass punctured his foot, and as a result he developed lockjaw, which was nearly fatal.
When he could work, he made money selling oranges and picking potatoes. He says the first thing he did when he had money was to go down to Main Street to have his shoes shined by a young boy. He told that boy that he would come every week because he knew he was trying to make his own way too.
There were 12 kids in the family and my abuelo is proud that his mom figured out a way to send them to school as soon as it was possible. She understood the value of education. Even though it was hard for them, she made it a priority.
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This is my abuelo and abuela's wedding above — so classic. I always thought our ancestors were Spanish, but I learned through genetic testing that they were Native American, with roots that may go back as far as the Mayan civilization. We've been here from the beginning!
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My parents, Mark and Catherine Louisa Alba, were so different . . . but they had the same hairstyle! I know that when my dad was growing up it was difficult for him and his parents to be Mexican-American. The hyphen wasn't an option back then.
My abuelo had only learned English when he transferred to grammar school at around 6 years old, and he was way behind as a result. Like many others of their generation, my grandparents didn't teach their children, including my dad, to speak Spanish. My abuelo says that he didn't even think about it, but I wonder if he associated it with a difficult transition in his life.
I want my girls to embrace their Latino roots, know how much we have contributed to this country, and understand that the road ahead is richer when we acknowledge and embrace our heritage. I want them to learn Spanish like their great-grandparents. I'm incredibly proud of my diverse heritage and I want my daughters to feel the same way.
Jessica Alba is something of a triple threat: She's managed to achieve major success as an actress, fashion designer, and business mogul. It's hard to imagine anyone not wanting to work with Alba, but early in her career she had a hard time getting roles because of her race.
"They couldn't figure out my ethnicity," Alba said. "I would always go out for 'exotic.' They were like, 'You're not Latin enough to play a Latina, and you're not Caucasian enough to play the leading lady, so you're going to be the "exotic" one.' Whatever that was."
Of course, Alba eventually ended up starring in hits like Fantastic Four, Into the Blue, and Good Luck Chuck. So, yeah, it's safe to say she proved those people wrong.
And not only is this actress leading by example; she's also taking steps to change the game herself. The creation of Alba's cosmetics line, Honest Beauty, which she founded as part of her brand, The Honest Company, in 2015, stemmed from her own struggles as a young girl trying to find a foundation that matched her unique complexion. "I didn't feel like, when I was younger, that there were a lot of things offered to women of color," she said.
So Alba went out and made her own. "The philosophy around starting this beauty line is about enhancing who you are instead of cover up and turn you into somebody else," she said.
Jessica Alba’s startup The Honest Company is a veritable success — approaching over $350 million in sales during a year in which many companies struggled — but venture capitalists turned up their noses to the idea at first.
In 2009, Alba had a real issue: She couldn’t find baby products for her newborn that were guaranteed to be safe and eco-friendly. After having an allergic reaction to one of the allegedly baby-safe detergents she bought, she developed her idea the same way many successful entrepreneurs get started: She pitched building the solution she herself wished was on the market.
Alba pitched serial entrepreneur Brian Lee on her idea, who reportedly passed after saying it wasn't “very promising.” The feeling that others don’t see potential in you or your business idea is a familiar frustration for budding entrepreneurs. At the time, Alba remarked that she felt nobody took her seriously as an entrepreneur, or even believed in her idea, even though she knew there would be demand. 
But just five years later, The Honest Company reached unicorn status, valued at over one billion dollars. What changed in those five years that let her take her failed pitch to becoming a success story?
To perfect your pitch, experiment
Fast forward to 2012. Alba is now in Washington, lobbying for an update to reform the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act. Buoyed by her growing knowledge on the subject, she went back to Lee and pitched him again.
This time, her deck was much more concise, down to less than 30 minutes from start to finish. In a world where most entrepreneurs give up after a rejection or two, Alba instead had spent the years between their two meetings pitching her idea to friends, getting holes poked in her positioning,and answering each and every supply chain question that arose. 
Another change had happened over the last three years: Venture capitalists like Lee, whom she was pitching, had all started young families. Alba’s pitch was rock solid, and as an added bonus her prospective investors wanted the product themselves. 
Lee said yes to the second pitch. The first year The Honest Company was in business, it reported an astonishing $12 million in revenue, a number that has only increased each year. After facing initial rejection on her pitch, Alba’s decision to persevere has led The Honest Company to dramatic success.
At first, everyone told Alba she should start with one product, then expand once that was successful. But this didn’t gel with Alba’s vision of a complete line of baby-safe products; the founder knew parents who wanted clean products wanted a brand that could provide multiple solutions.
Ultimately, Alba ignored the conventional advice and launched with 17 products, which many people believed was too many. But because she didn’t compromise on that, either to venture capitalists or herself, the launch was a total success.
Sources: (×) (x) (x) (×)
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King Falls AM Episode Twenty: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
King Falls AM Transcript
Episode 20: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
Run time: 22:17
First Aired: Feb 15, 2016
Summary: Sammy & Ben get a quick update on the little ones off Route 72 and learn live on-air that not everyone had a great evening on the night of the Valentine’s Day Dance.
(For a list of characters and references from this episode see the end of this post)
[King Falls AM theme plays]
Troy: Hey folks, if you or anyone you know has any information on these hybrid werewolf slash human baby thingamagigs-
Sammy Stevens: Is that a technical term, Troy?
Ben Arnold: Can you please let Troy finish, Sammy, this is important!
Troy: Heh, thanks, little buddy.
Ben: Go on, Troy.
Troy: Well if you see those little beasts or have information on them you just got to let us know. Don’t harbor them, they could have the rabies and or the colic. And please don’t try to adopt while it’s in its human form, cause that ain’t gonna end up well. Just use your common sense and be safe.
Sammy: Thanks for calling in officially with police business and alerting the public to the issue.
Ben: Yeah, nice hearing from you on the job, Troy.
Troy: Whilst I’m still on official police biz, I’d like to make one more little statement if I could, fellas.
Ben: Dude, of course! The floor is yours!
Troy: Well the sheriff is a real foul mood regarding these hybrid wolf babies and what have you just running amok, and he wants to make it completely, perfectly, crystal clear that if anyone should have these animals or any other illegal animals in the city limits of King Falls, they will be apprehended and exterminated on site with extreme force of malice. King Falls is a zero tolerance town for any illegal animals of any kind, up to and including wolf-human hybrids.
Ben: So… uh (clears throat) you’re saying that anyone listening that may have access to a cute and cuddly but illegal animal should do… what?
Troy: Now I’m not talking to no one in particular, I mean this isn’t a warning, it’s just a fact. Sheriff Gunderson is making it a personal project to bring down any and all animals that shouldn’t be in town.
Sammy: But cats are fine, is that right, Troy?
Troy: No doubt about that. Ain’t nobody gonna get any cats while I’m patrolling the streets, friends.
Sammy: There you have it, folks. If you or anyone you know has any information on the werewolf puppies last heard from around Route 72 or any other illegal animals not allowed in the city, please contact the sheriff’s department at once.
Ben: (sounding strained) Thanks for the info, Troy.
Troy: All you listeners, you stay safe out there, alright?
Sammy: Thanks, Troy. We’ll talk to you soon, sir.
Troy: Roger that, Sammy.
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Ben: (clearing throat) Well… that’s good information there, huh?
Sammy: Are you okay, Ben?
Ben: Yeah! You know, I’m just… I’m not a fan of the idea that Gunderson is sending out gangs of thugs to dispatch animals, man! Aren’t there real issues for law enforcement in this town? Last week, I saw old lady Turner jaywalking in front of the grocery store.
Sammy: So you’d rather Gunderson take down the organized jaywalking underbelly of King Falls?
Ben: No, I actually helped her cross the street, but the point is that this werewolf issue seems like an animal control issue! Let Ralf Harkins take care of this! Why are the police even involved, man?
Sammy: Your guess is as good as mine. Moving forward-
Ben: Yeah! Yeah, uh, moving forward we’ve got about thirty minutes of open calls lined up before acclaimed ebook author Kirk Sycamore- don’t judge this, Sammy- will be joining us to talk about his new book Dead Tom Turkey: The Perils of Uncooked Poultry.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what now?
Ben: I mean… it’s a thing. Undercooked anything can’t be good, right?
Sammy: I would assume, but seemingly that one sentence just covered everything you need to know. Cook it longer.
Ben: Then it might get dry. I don’t know man! Don’t look at me like that! Merv emailed and asked to book this guy. His book topped Beauregard’s King of King Falls, it’s got to be worth something, right?
Sammy: The perils of uncooked poultry.
Ben: In thirty minutes.
Sammy: I don’t know if I can hold this excitement in for thirty minutes, Ben. You must be bursting at the seams! Surely you’ve waited your entire journalistic career to talk about under-broiled birds.
Ben: Uh, if it makes this any better, apparently this is a novel, not an instructional guide.
Sammy: (outraged) That actually makes it worse! This is a fictional piece of work?!
Ben: Merv emailed this to us, Sammy.
Sammy: Listeners, please immediately stop what you’ve got going on and mark this down: I’m going to do my damndest to get you the info on Merv’s book of the month club. I’m on your side and I am fighting for you.
Ben: Merv, if you are listening, I do not need to be cc-ed on the email you are penning. 
Sammy: (laughs) You heard it folks, that’s coming up quickly, but until then we are taking your calls, King Falls. What would you like to talk about this evening, Ben?
Ben: Whatever’s clever. 
Sammy: Talking about whatever’s on your minds before what is sure to be a Pulitzer winning interview. 
Ben: It’ll be good- you’re making fun- but it’ll be good. 
Sammy: How could it not be? You heard our story, King Falls, now let’s hear yours. 
Ben: Give us a call at the station- 424-279-3858, or hit us up at the tweet machine!
Sammy: That’s @ kingfallsam and @ kingfallssammy respectively. Line seven you are on the air with King Falls AM. 
Pete Meyers: You’re saying to yourself: I don’t think Pete Meyers would listen to a show of this terrible quality, as handsome and as smart as he is. He’s probably watching Big Bang Theory or something. 
Sammy: That is exactly what I was thinking, Pete. 
Ben: Word for word, almost. 
Pete: Look, I don’t like talking to the two of you either. 
Ben: Yet you continue to call! And listen! And show up at events!
Pete: Ben if you don’t drop a little bass out of your voice I will roundhouse you right in the gullet the next time I see you. You hear me? I will skullf-(beep) your mom.
Ben: So now you’re threatening me? Do you hear this Sammy?
Sammy: (annoyed) Just hang up. 
Pete: (stammering) Whoa, wait, wait, alright? You know, I’m sorry. I’m a little emotional right now… I would never intentionally try to scuff up my lugs on your face, Ben. I apologize. 
Sammy: I don’t think that-
Ben: What’s the matter? Got a vampire not appreciating the hedge art you’ve been clipping into the bushes?
Pete: Well it’s kind of about him- did you say vampire?
Ben: (triumphantly) Knew it! Man, just fess up and tell everyone that your boss is a vamp!
Pete: Ben Arnold, I just bought domain to your name. And you know what? I’m going to fill up all the pages with babies and donkeys. What’s the world going to think of you? Some weirdo guy, making an internet site about babies and donkeys? Yeah, that’s right-
Ben: (all riled up) Oh yeah? Ooooooh, Pete! Why don’t you come down here, look me in the eyes, when you’re saying this huh? Huh?!
Sammy: Guys. 
Ben: Meanie!
Sammy: Guys! That’s enough. Pete, state your problem or move along. 
Pete: Alright, fine. I messed up big time. Worse than the time I dressed up as Edward Scissorhands for Halloween and ruined Mr. B’s hedges. Apparently I pushed a button or didn’t-really-push-a-button on a fancy thing… that’s beside the point. What I really want to know is- did you guys hear something funny on your station a week or two back?
Ben: Um, um, I’m hearing something stupid right now but I don’t know if that’s-
Pete: Come on, Ben! Be serious. I take you seriously- I almost respect you! Now, I heard a little something like maybe you guys got hijacked or something like that and I just wanted to know… you know, what’s up.
Ben: This again?
Sammy: Wait, Ben, we’ve heard this a few times actually. The shotgun guy said it, we’ve had a number of tweets about it. We don’t know anything about this but apparently another feed cut into ours about a month or so ago. 
Pete: Oh sh-(beep).
Ben: Watch your language, Pete.
Pete: Watch your… face, Ben.
Ben: Wait, what the hell are you and Beauregard up to? 
Pete: None of your damn business. 
Beauregard: (from the background of Pete’s call) Yard boy, what are you doing in this chamber without supervision?
Pete: Uhhhhhhh what? Uh, Mr. B, uh nothing!
Beauregard: Don’t act like an ignoramus around the transmorgrifier. 
[There are metallic clanks and scrapes in the background and the sound of metal pipes moving around. A whirring humming sound begins like a machine turning on which grows steadily louder]
Sammy: What the hell is going on over there? Pete?
Pete: You made me mess up again you butt smackers. 
Beauregard: Don’t just stand there all slack-jawed and drooling. Turn it off this instant. Celestia!
[The whirring cuts off and there is the sound of a call ending]
Ben: What the hell?
Sammy: Well, folks, this is a first for me that I believe an on air failed attempted felony will lead us right into break.
[Cheerful music starts as a commercial begins]
Ernie: Hey there! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books ain’t your normal bookshop. Maybe you’re asking yourself: Ernie, whatever do you mean? What I mean is that Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books is more than just a hipster reading book nook. We don’t carry none of those cheap-ass paperback books or harlequin novels here, plus you sure as hell ain’t gonna find nothing to read on your I-pad kindle whositswhatsits. For what I understand it’s only first edition leather bound books and (???) up in this joint. Maybe you’re thinking you need to gussy up your place to impress some broad or you have a real need to make people think you got a bigger vocabulary than some Johnny come lately. Either way, Ernie’s got you covered. That’s a book joke! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books- we got fancy books! F-(beep) you, pay me.
[King Falls AM rock music plays then fades out as the commercial break ends]
Sammy: Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books? There’s two of these stores here? I’ve never even heard of one of them until Rich McGuff! I don’t know what’s more surprising, Ernie’s entrepreneurial rise in the community or him almost making me forget what happened before the break…
Ben: I’m literally afraid to comment one way or another on this. 
Sammy: (amused) He is an intimidating specimen. 
Ben: (carefully and slowly) If he… likes to hear that, then, yes, you are right. If not, please don’t slander that gigantic human!
Sammy: Ha, no slander intended. We’re taking calls and counting down the seconds before we get a riveting interview with the man who some call the Dan Brown of bird related mysteries. 
Ben: Wow, they say that?
Sammy: No, they don’t! (laughs) The phone lines are still lit up, let’s take some calls.
Ben: Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM. 
Greg Frickard: (smugly) Well look who decided to pick up the phone. 
Ben: (quickly) Um, let’s take another-
Greg: Hey, Sammy! I’ve got a topic of discussion. Let’s talk about how that co-host of yours is just gonna sit there all quiet and not even mention the fiasco he caused earlier this week at Granny Frickards!
Sammy: Greg? Is everything okay?
Greg: Oh, it’s not okay, Sammy. That- pardon my French- moron, that he would even-
[the sound of a call ending]
Ben: Whoops!
Sammy: Ha! 
Ben: Line five you are on with Sammy and Ben!
Sammy: Wow, it looks like you learned a thing or two from Chet, I see. 
Ben: Don’t know what you’re talking about!
Caller: Hello?
Sammy: So what happened at Frickard’s?
Caller: Are you talking to me?
Ben: Nothing happened to… let’s just-
Sammy: Not only are you my broadcast partner, I thought we were friends! 
Ben: Hey! We are friends! I just didn’t think to tell you that I happened to have dinner at Frickard’s earlier in the week.
Caller: Hellooo?
Sammy: Uh huh. This wouldn’t happen to be the same night Emily was on a business meeting with Greg, would it?
Ben: I really don’t recall but it might have been… that’s a good question. 
Sammy: You don’t recall going to your least favorite restaurant in town, which you never eat at, on the night of the King Falls Valentines Day Dance where your main squeeze-
Ben: Watch it.
Sammy: Where the girl you pine for-
Ben: Watch it!
Sammy: Where Emily Potter-
Ben: Thanks.
Sammy: Happened to be roped into a business meeting with Greg Frickard.
Ben: My mortal enemy. 
Sammy: Paid sponsor of King Falls AM. 
Ben: Whatever. 
Sammy: You don’t recall if that’s the night you dined at Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ehhhh it’s not really ringing any bells! 
Sammy: Maybe we should call Emily. 
Ben: Don’t do that!
Sammy: Things coming back to you now? 
Ben: Did- ugh… can I fill you in at break and not on the air?
Sammy: You’d better! You know, I’m a little sore that you didn’t tell me to begin with! And this was days ago! 
Ben: I’m sorry, man, it’s just it’s not the best story. Believe me.
Caller: Hello? Can we talk now?
Sammy and Ben: No!
[The sound of a call ending]
Sammy: The turkey guy is not sounding so bad right now.
Ben: Ha, why don’t we try… lucky line one, you’re on King Falls AM. 
Greg: Hey Ben Arrrnold! Why don’t you tell the whole friggin town about you showing your butt and ruining my business meeting with Emily Potter!
Ben: Greg, I really don’t wanna get into this. 
Greg: Ohh, you can’t talk in front of Sammy and the whole town- what’s the matter? Frog got your tongue?
Ben: That's not a saying. 
Greg: You sure didn’t have a problem causing a ruckus at the restaurant! In front of Granny no less!
Ben: Can we take another call, Sammy?
Sammy: Is this true, Ben?
Greg: You can’t deny it, Ben Arnold! I’ve got it on camera from multiple angles! You are a heathen.
Ben: Why do you have me making a scene on camera?
Sammy: Multiple angles?
Greg: I’d like to say it’s just the security cameras… but, if you must know, I hid a few cameras around the Froggery for my big night. 
Sammy: You call a business meeting your big night?
Greg: With Emily Potter I absolutely do! She is the most beautiful creature in King Falls!
Ben: So you admit that it was a date?
Greg: It was a business meeting with a gorgeous woman! Take it as you will!
Ben: You’re so creepy! God!
Greg: Oh, so it’s creepy. Wanting your gramma and your future children to see the moment their future mother and I fell in love? Recorded for prosperity forever. Probably. Classily edited to voice a man and everything. 
Ben: Yeah! It’s creepy!
Greg: (singing) I’ll make love to you! Like you want me to, oh baby hold me tight I will love you all through the night…
Sammy: That is really creepy, Greg.
Greg: You’re just a heathen. You don’t know what love is. What do you know? Tell them what you did, Ben!
Ben: I’m not getting into this on the air, Greg. Let’s just-
Greg: I am a paying sponsor of this show, Ben Arnold! Fess up, right now!
Ben: What are you gonna do, Greg?
Greg: So help me I’m gonna ask Granny- real nice- to pull your sponsorship money!
Sammy: Greg... are you crying?
Greg: (in a high pitched voice) No...
Ben: Hmm, so you’re threatening the show over a personal issue?
Sammy: Greg, we appreciate what you and Granny do for the show and the station-
Greg: I’m glad to see one of you does.
Sammy: But I’m not about to let you threaten taking money away from the station to pressure Ben into talking about something he doesn’t want to. Do what you got to do. 
Greg: Ha! Don’t think that I won’t wake up Granny right now!
Ben: You want to talk about this on air, Frickard?
Greg: Tell the people what you did. Just tell them!
Ben: Ugh, okay. So, I made a reservation for myself at the King Falls best f-(beep)-ing Froggery the same night as your video taped date with Emily. 
Greg: Keep going.
Ben: Jack-In-The-Box-Jesus, this is ridiculous. Sammy, I made a reservation and I made a scene! The end.
Greg: Details, heathen!
Sammy: Details would be nice here, Ben. 
Ben: So, uh, (clears throat) I got there right as Emily was sitting down. 
Greg: At a table right next to ours! He requested it!
Ben: That is also true. 
Sammy: Ah.
Ben: And that’s that! I watched Greg lose his mind. Nature took its course. 
Greg: He ordered every single flambé frog special on the menu.
Ben: Yeah? So?
Greg: Everybody who’s anybody knows that that’s the most romantic frog dish in the world! And you cleaned us out!
Ben: So what? You don’t need romance on a business meeting!
Greg: You ordered twenty of those things just for you!
Ben: And I paid for twenty! What’s your point?
Greg: My point? You didn’t even eat them! You brought in Chipotle!
Ben: Yeah, man! Cause frogs are gross!
Greg: You… you’re gross!
Ben: Oh yeah?
Greg: Yeah. You’re gross! A gross heathen and I… I hate you! I hate you! Ha! I said it. I hate you.
Sammy: Guys…
Ben: I’ll do you one better- I never liked you to begin with. You creep me out. 
Sammy: Ben…
Greg: Well, heh, that’s not what your mom says.
Ben: Don’t you bring my mom into this.
Greg: Your mother things I am a fine, upstanding, entrepreneur, and model citizen!
Ben: She’s an idiot then! Sorry mom.
Greg: Heathen!
Sammy: Guys! (Clears throat) Okay so you disturbed Greg’s meeting with Emily. You ordered food you didn’t eat. I-is that it?
Ben: Basically! He lost it because I was probably in the shot of his candid camera date!
Greg: I lost my temper, but you had it coming! You get Emily whenever you want and I schedule months in advance!
Ben: Yeah, and you did it during the Valentine's Day Dance. Just real messed up, man. You’re a stalker. 
Greg: Who showed up at whose date, Ben?
Ben: I was just having dinner at my favorite sponsor’s restaurant.
Greg: You don’t even like frogs!
Ben: Nobody does!
Greg: Why don’t you tell them how you got escorted off the premises?
Ben: You just did, idiot!
Sammy: If you were just eating, or not eating as the case may be, how did they have the grounds to toss you out of Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ugh. I- I may have started throwing tiny hush puppies in Greg’s general direction.
Greg: You, you, you may have? Pah-lease! You were pretending to be Nolan Ryan while you’re lobbing them at my head.
Ben: You had no right to kiss Emily’s hand!
Greg: Well you wouldn’t have even known if you weren’t, you know, stalking us to begin with!
Ben: Yeah? Well, uh, stay away from Emily!
Greg: Well I won’t have a problem doing that since she hates us both.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what’s that, Greg?
Ben: Can we move on… please.
Greg: Emily left in a huff and said she wasn’t a prize to be won. Totally thought she was roleplaying and I called her princess Jasmine… Which she also didn’t appreciate… 
Ben: Nice touch, dumbass. Referencing Aladdin don’t make it right.
Greg: It’s kind of ludicrous when you think about it. I mean, she is a prize to be one. She’s the trophiest of trophy wives to ever be trophy won!
Ben: She’s pretty mad, Sammy.
Sammy: It sounds like she kinda should be…
Ben: She probably hates me now, man. Stupid stunt…
Sammy: I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, Ben.
Greg: Oh yeah, she hates him big time. I mean, she hates us both, but it’s basically a win for me. She was only lukewarm to my intentions but she can’t stand Ben now. She’ll eventually come back around to the Frog Prince if, uh, he’s out of the picture.
Ben: Greg.
Greg: I’ll take your apology on air, Ben. But I would also like it written on a nice piece of cardstock so I can show it to Granny.
Ben: I sincerely hope that you catch a frog-based STD and die.
Greg: And I hope that you find another perfect woman to fall head over heels in love with, Ben, because you just struck out. You stuck out big time.
Ben: You’re an imbecile! Nobody likes eating frogs! It’s 2016, Greg! You’re gross!
Greg: Ha! Shows what you know. Some cultures consider frogs the poultry of the pond.
Ben: Literally no cultures say that!
Greg: Oh yeah? Well ask Kirk Sycamore when he comes on, he’ll show you.
Ben: I’m not asking anybody anything.
Sammy: Greg, I think it’s best if we part ways for the night.
Greg: Fine! No skin off my bubble butt! Later haters!
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Sammy: I think-
Ben: Can we just go to commercial, Sammy? I just- I can’t right now.
Sammy: D-do you want to? Is that on schedule?
Ben: No! And, no… Ugh, just take a couple more calls before the bird man pops in.
Sammy: Lucky line one you’re live on-
Caller: Hi, Sammy. Hi, Ben…
Sammy: Good evening, Emily. I assume you’ve been listening.
Emily. I’ve been listening.
Sammy: You know what, let me put you on hold so you can talk to Ben off the air.
Emily: No! I’d like to talk to Ben on the air, if you don’t mind, Sammy.
Sammy: You know, I uh… Ben?
Ben: Uh, whatever you want, Emily.
Emily: Okay, you know I don’t hate you, Ben. Far, far from it.
Ben: I’m so sorry Emily. I just, I lost it sitting there, thinking that you were all alone with that creep and-
Emily: You acted like a real ass.
Ben: I know I did!
Emily: I’m not a child, Ben. When I told you that I would love to go to the dance with you, that was the truth. But when I also told you that I was a woman of my word and was going to honor my prior engagements, as stupid and contrived as they were, I meant that too.
Ben: I just-
Emily: You acted like an ass!
Ben: I know, but-
Emily: There’s no explanation that will make this better, Ben! You acted like a jealous boyfriend and I’m not sure if you know this, but you aren’t my boyfriend.
Ben: Can I just say-
Emily: Even if I wanted you to be before, you aren’t. So you have no right to act like this!
Ben: (Pausing) You wanted me to be your boyfriend?
Emily: Before the incident there was no doubt about it.
Ben: After?
Emily: I- I- uh- I can’t let my feelings override the fact that you treated me like a kid, Ben. I am a grown woman! I am a professional woman. I don’t need some white knight to save me from the likes of Greg! And while I appreciate the idea behind it, like I said to you and I said to Greg, I am a person! I have feelings! I’m not a prize to be won! 
Ben: I really messed this up, I’m… I’m sorry. Emily if you’ll just-
Emily: I just- I need some time to evaluate what the next step is. 
Ben: Because you hate me.
Emily: No! Bec- because I lo- I strongly strongly like, probably definitely on the verge of more. I mean, I was scared to death that you were hurt or worse during Lincoln’s revenge! But I was scared even more when I saw you acting like a high school bully during that meeting. 
Ben: You strongly strongly like me?
Emily: I do. But it’s, it’s gonna be a little bit before I can trust you to be okay with that.
Ben: I understand. 
Emily: But I… I wasn’t going to let another minute go by of you think that I hated you. Cause I don’t. But you really need to fix this.
Ben: And I will. I- I promise.
Emily: I hope so. (pause) Ah, goodnight, Sammy. Ben.
Sammy: Goodnight, Emily. We will talk soon.
Emily: I’m sure of it. Ah, I actually wanted to talk to you about being one of the library’s spring break speakers soon. I’ll send you an email.
Sammy: Oh, please do. Anything to get the kids back in the library after, you know, Lincoln’s revenge…
Emily: Thanks, Sammy. Goodnight, guys.
Ben: Hey- hey, Emily?
[The sound of a phone hanging up with a beeping that slowly fades out. The King Falls outro music and credits begin.]
Nolan Ryan: a baseball pitcher.
The Big Bang Theory: A television show.
Edward Scissorhands: a charactor from an old fantasy movie by the same name about a man who had scissors for hands.
Harlequin novels: a trashy romance story.
Sammy Stevens, Ben Arnold, Troy, Greg Frickard, Emily Potter, Pete Meyers, Beauregard, Ernie Salsado.
2 notes · View notes
starrynite7114 · 4 years
Snapshots: the only exception
A/N: SO, I didn’t think I was going to be able to post this as quickly as I did, but when the muse hits, it hits. This update definitely went a different way than I had intended too, I hope you all enjoy it! 
I am going to try and work on an update for Distraction, if not, snapshots will be updated again by the end of next week or maybe even sooner!
Love you all! Thank you for showing snapshots so much love!
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You sighed as you walked inside your hotel room. Being in New York was lovely but you missed California. It was April and spring was just making its way through the city. You loved the weather, but you wished your better half was here to enjoy the weather with you. It’s been two weeks since you went to New York, leaving Angel in Santo Padre. You two FaceTime everyday, but it just wasn’t enough. You missed Angel terribly and you were so thankful that you were coming home tomorrow.
There was a knock on your door, which startled you. Rafael was out and about with a fling of his, so who was at the door? You haven’t even ordered room service yet. 
Walking over to the door, you looked through the peephole and you found Jake, holding pizza and beer. Quickly, you opened the door and he greeted you with that usual warm smile of his.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Jake,” you returned his smile. “Come in! What are you doing here?”
“Rafa told me he ditched you, so I figured I’d bring you some food and beer. You fly out tomorrow right?”
“Yes, thank god, I miss California.” You closed the door, following Jake to the table you had at the corner of your room. You sat on the chair across the window, the intoxicating smell of the pizza overtaking your mind. “Oh god, that smells so good.”
“Figured I’d show you how pizza should actually taste.”
You laughed. Jake used to speak about New York fondly. He wanted to leave San Diego and move back to New York where he spent his undergraduate college career. Jake wanted you to move to New York, knowing your company would gladly transfer you over. But there was just one problem, Angel.
Jake let it slip to Angel, which you’re quite certain was on purpose, that you were thinking of moving to New York. Angel looked at you from across the room and you knew Jake told him. The way his face changed, taking a swig of his beer as he kept his anger at bay. 
It was an epic fight between you two and was the beginning of the end with Jake.
“So when were you going to tell me you’re moving?” Angel questioned once you two were all alone in your apartment. 
You sighed, cursing Jake’s name under your breath. “Angel, I’m not moving.”
“You sure? Pretty boy is already picking out the patterns of your plates.” 
This was not what you needed right now. Angel wasn’t going to talk to you with everyone around. Jake had to leave since he had some family brunch in the morning and his apartment was closer to his parents place. As soon as Jake was out of the door, Angel was itching to speak with you. There was no way you were going to move away, not from him. San Diego was acceptable, but across the country, that wasn’t acceptable. If he had to kill Jake, he would, if that meant you were staying beside him, he would do it. He was never a selfish bastard, but as of late, he felt you slipping away and he couldn’t handle that. 
“It’s a process, but you know I would talk to you if I decided to move.”
“So now it’s a process but you just said you weren’t moving.”
“Angel, I don’t want to argue about something that may not even happen and honestly doesn’t even concern you.” You realize your mistake as the words came out of your mouth. Angel’s face changed from anger to shock to disappointment, it was so quick that you were surprised that you caught those changes.
“What’d you just say?” He asked after a long period of silence between you.
“I didn’t mean it,” you immediately answer. “I just,” you sighed. “I don’t want to move, I can’t even imagine being without you, but,” you made eye contact with him then. “I love Jake and if he ends up moving, I would want to be with him.”
Angel’s heart clenched hearing your words. It was the day he feared. It barreled towards him like a truck going down a hill and it hurt. He was crushed.
“Then go be with him.”
Angel didn’t know what else to say. He couldn’t handle this. He did what he thought would be best, he walked away. He always thought you were his exception, the one who was never going to leave him, the one that would always be by his side. 
He was wrong.
“Do you ever wish you could turn back time and move with me?” Jake questioned.
It was going to sound terrible, but Jake always hoped that it wouldn’t work out with you and Angel. That you would wake up one day and realize that Angel was not the one for you. It was awful of him, he knew that, but you were his exception. 
As cliche as it sounded, you were the only girl who didn’t fall for his charm, for his infamous looks. The only reason he was able to score a date with you was due to his persistence, otherwise, his looks don't matter to you. His personality had to win you over. 
You opened the pizza box, unsure of how to answer the question. There were times before you got with Angel that you regretted not moving with Jake, especially when Adelita came. You should have just moved with Jake, someone who loves you and took care of you. Someone you clicked with so well and made you smile during an awful day. 
But at the same time he wasn’t Angel. You couldn’t do it. No matter how hard you tried. You almost did it, especially since Angel avoided you like the plague, but you couldn’t move away. But there was a part of you that still believed it was a good idea. You could further your career in New York. When you were younger, it was your dream to move to New York. But when you actually came to New York with Jake to just test it out, you were miserable. You missed Coco, Gilly, Rafael and most of all, you missed Angel. When he found out you went to New York, he reached out to you with a simple message,
‘Couldn’t even say goodbye?’
And it pissed you off. Instead of texting him you flew out a week early and gave Angel a piece of your mind.
You shook your head. “Sorry! Zoned out, what was your question again?”
“Do you wish you could turn back time and move here?”
“No, I’m very happy where I am,” you confidently told Jake. This was what you always wanted, to be with Angel. You weren’t missing out.
“I never truly understood why you were so willing to give up everything for Angel. He seemed like a good enough guy, but I always thought you would just,” Jake chuckled and shook his head. “I thought you would wake up and realize that you didn’t belong in his world.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Come on, you’re an intelligent young woman who has an amazing career ahead of her. Being the girlfriend of an outlaw biker with a shady job isn't exactly ideal for you.” As nice as Jake was, you knew that he had some type of superiority complex when it came to Angel. For Jake, Angel was never going to be able to give you the life you deserved. Though, he obviously didn’t understand what type of life you wanted, but Jake felt that on paper, you two were the perfect match. While he did bow out, you knew that Jake was bitter. It was the reason you two never really stayed in touch. 
“I think you should go,” Jake wasn’t worth your time. You completely lost your appetite after his words. After your interaction 2 months ago, you thought that maybe, just maybe, Jake moved on. But you assumed wrong.
“Y/N, I’m,” 
Before he could apologize, you cut him off. “Don’t, you don’t mean it, let’s not kid ourselves.”
Jake sighed and nodded his head. “I’m just looking out for you, Angel is eventually going to break your heart.”
“I’m good, I don’t need anyone looking out for me.” 
Jake stood up and left your hotel room. You frowned, opening one of the Redd’s Apple Cider he brought for you and chugged it. Jake was wrong. You didn’t care what Angel did for a living. You didn’t care that he was part of a gang of some sorts. Angel was Angel and the MC was basically family to you. Everyone always had an opinion on things they don’t know about. You weren’t going to pretend the boys were saints, but you also weren’t going to cast a bad light on them. They were humans, we all made mistakes. 
You hated the fact that you started crying. Jake’s words didn’t matter to you, but you hated it when they put Angel down. Angel was an amazing guy regardless of his occupation or affiliation. This was the man that stayed up with you during your first heartbreak, running to the store to get you ice cream. You were 16 years old, the time of your life where puppy love existed and broke your heart so thoroughly. 
“I can’t believe I’m crying,” you cried out as you sobbed harder. You felt like an idiot. You should have known that Nathan was going to break your heart. It was his literal MO, but like every other girl, you liked to believe that maybe, just maybe, you were the exception.
“Baby, it’s okay, I understand why you are,” Angel rubbed your back as you laid on his bed. His mother had just dropped off some cookies, giving you a kiss on the top of your head since it was the only thing she could kiss with Angel hugging you tightly. 
“How can I be so stupid?” You sounded dramatic, you knew it. You felt like the characters on a teen drama. 
Angel chuckled. “Baby, you’re not stupid. Believe me, you’re far from that.” 
You remained quiet, wrapping your arms around Angel’s middle. He laid his cheek on top of your head as you listened to his heartbeat. You don’t know what you would do without Angel. He was your best friend and you couldn’t even imagine a life without him. Angel was the exception, every other man in this world was trash, but him. 
“I want ice cream,” you stated, breaking the silence between you two. 
Angel chuckled and kissed the top of your head. “We don’t have any, I’ll go to the corner store real quick.”
“What, no way, it’s dark outside.”
“Anything for you.”
If you were being honest, the people in society that were considered odd, outcasts, were the greatest people you knew. You may be biased but you’ve been part of the so-called normal world and it was overrated. 
Your phone rang and you immediately picked it up knowing it was Angel. You smiled when you saw Ares’ nose on the screen as Angel pretended to fight your puppy for screen time. Ares looked at Angel, giving him some evil type of eye while Angel playfully rubbed his face before moving the phone so you could only see him. 
“He’s such a hog,” Angel playfully rolled his eyes.
You laughed. “You’re such a dork, how was your day?”
“Good, can’t wait till you come back tomorrow.” Angel smiled. “We ain’t leaving our apartment for a least two days.”
You laughed once again, Jake’s stupidity was out of your mind. “Sounds like a promising weekend.” 
“Have you been crying?” Angel frowned, noticing your puffy eyes. 
“I just miss you,” you feel your eyes welling up again.
“That’s true, I miss you too baby, but I call bullshit.” You hated that Angel knew you so well. He was such a drag at times since you couldn’t lie to him well. “What’s going on?”
“Jake just dropped by.”
“What did that motherfucker say?” Angel could feel his blood boiling. Jake was so fucking lucky that he wasn’t there with you, otherwise he would have beat the shit out of Jake.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” 
“You’re crying, it’s obviously something.” Angel was hoping that after numerous talks you two have shared, you wouldn’t close him off. “Talk to me, mi dulce,”
“Nothing, it’s stupid, I don’t want us to waste our time on him.” 
“Nice try, now spill it,” Angel moved away from Ares as the dog kept trying to see you. He walked in his room, closing the door behind him. “What did pretty boy say?”
“He just asked me if I had a change of heart about moving to New York.” 
Angel sighed, shaking his head. That was a difficult period for him. When you two got into an argument regarding this possible move, Angel couldn’t bring it to himself to speak to you. You fucked up, not him. You’re the one who decided to leave, you’re the one who broke the promise. 
You and Angel had promised one another that no matter what, you two would never leave one another. It seemed like such a juvenile promise, but after losing important people in your life, you and Angel leaned on one another. If you two could control it, you would never leave one another, that was the deal. And you broke it. That’s why Angel was so upset. 
No matter the rule, the stipulation, the situation, you and Angel were the exceptions for one another. 
Your commitment to one another ran deep. You two established a foundation for your friendship that eventually blossomed to a relationship. You knew it was somewhat cliche however, you figured that’s why it worked. You two have always been committed to one another, your relationship just evolved into the next chapter in your lives. 
“I still haven’t forgiven you for that,” Angel was joking in some ways, it was his way to deal with pain. But he really hasn’t. 
The cut was deep. 
“I know, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you,” you gave him a small smile.
“So what else did he say?” 
Your tears spilled then, remembering his words about Angel eventually breaking your heart. You’re working on your insecurities and it’s not like you believed his words, but many people have expressed the same thing. 
Angel was going to break your heart. 
But you knew he wouldn’t. You were confident he wouldn’t. 
He was the exception to all the men that have come and go in your life. 
Angel Ignacio Reyes, Secretary of the Mayans Santo Padre Chapter, was the love of your life and he would always be there for you. No matter what anyone else in this world thought. They didn’t know anything about you and Angel. 
“Baby,” Angel grimaced, seeing the tears in your eyes. 
“It’s stupid, I know I shouldn’t cry about anything Jake said, but I hate it when people put you down.” You explained.
“Fuck them, I don’t give a fuck what they have to say.” Angel seethed. He was going to kill pretty boy. “What did he say Y/N?” He didn’t care about his words, but it obviously upset you and that made him care.
“He said that you were going to end up breaking my heart and we weren’t compatible.” Saying out loud made you feel more of an idiot, but you couldn’t help it.
Angel sighed, running his fingers through his short hair. This motherfucker was really trying his patience. Who the fuck did he think he was?
“Do you believe him?”
“Of course not,”
“Then what’s the problem? People say things all the time. He’s your ex-boyfriend, he’s obviously upset because of what happened. Who cares what he says? I love you and his issues are the least of my concerns.” Angel hated that Jake was trying to undermine your relationship, but he was glad you weren’t falling for Jake’s charm. Jake has always been on Angel’s shit list, but now he’s on a whole different level.
“I know, he just got to me. I hate it when people talk about you and the MC since they go with the status quo.” 
“Baby, not everyone likes us, you can’t get offended about things you can’t control. What matters is us, Jake is just pissed cause he’ll never have you.” Angel was trying his best to help you feel better. He knew you worried about trivial things you couldn’t control, but that’s why he was here, to help you out. “I think you just miss me so much that’s why you’re emotional.”
You laughed making Ange laugh as well. “I love you, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“I love you to mi Dulce,” Angel walked out of his room and almost tripped over Ares. The dog glared at him and stood on his hind legs. Angel wrapped an arm around Ares, picking him up. “This brat is out of control.”
You laughed again. “He just misses me.”
“You okay?”
“Yes, I just needed to hear your voice, thank you for calling me.”
“Anything for you, sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You two said your good nights. You placed your phone down and opened another bottle. You were definitely thankful for Angel. As lovely as New York was, you couldn’t wait to get home to Angel.
“Fuck,” you moaned out as Angel continuously pounded into you.
You got back to San Diego around 6 in the evening. After dinner, Angel took you home to his apartment and the next thing you knew, you were a moaning mess on the bed.
“Baby, fuck, you’re so wet.” Angel slid in and out of you easily, he fucking loved it. “I fucking missed this pussy.”
You just moaned, scratching Angel’s back.
He slowed down, straightening his back. Looking down at you, he watched as you bit your lips as he slowly slid out and slid back in at the same pace. You whimpered, begging for Angel to speed up.
“Nope, you’re gonna take what I give you baby,” Angel bent down to take a nipple in his mouth, biting on it gently. 
“Angel,” you whined.
“That’s right, who does this pussy belong to?”
“You,” breathlessly, you replied to Angel. 
You can feel your orgasm building as Angel continued his torturous pace. 
“Angel, please,” you begged, grabbing his arms with your hands, softly squeezing it.
“Anything for you,” he increased his speed, capturing your lips before he pulled back, pushing your legs back. 
“I’m coming,” you moaned as Angel bent down to bite your neck, the spot he knew that always got you. “Angel!” You screamed out knowing his neighbors were definitely getting an earful of your screams. 
You two have been at it for hours and you’re pretty sure this wouldn’t be the last round.
Angel groaned as his thrust became shorter and finally, he released inside you. You love feeling his release, especially when he pulled out. Angel kissed you once again before he slowly pulled out, the friction causing you two to moan. He laid beside you, taking you into his arms. He kissed the top of your head as you wrap your arms around him.
“You’re too good at this,” 
Angel chuckled. “It’s not that hard.”
“You’d be surprised, none of the guys I’ve slept with has been this good,” you paused. “Or intense.”
“Well, I’m in love with you, we’re not fucking. We’re making love.” Angel was never into sappy shit, but it was true. Sex with you was just so much different. It sounded so fake, but it wasn’t. That’s why he couldn’t get enough of you. He tried to memorize every reaction you had, it was his favorite thing to do. Watching you come undone just further motivated him.
“You’re so romantic.”
“To you I am,” Angel ran his fingers up and down your side. “Has Jake tried reaching out to you?” He saw your phone lit up a few times, Jake’s name popping up on the screen. He trusted you and he wasn’t going to snoop, but he was still curious what the mother fucker wanted.
“Yes,” you grabbed your phone before returning to your previous position on Angel’s chest. Handing your phone over to Angel, you changed your position slightly so you could see his reaction. “Nothing too great.” 
Angel looked through the message and there were no replies from you. The messages were from Jake, apologizing and reasoning with you. 
He placed your phone on the stand beside him. 
“What you gonna do?” Angel questioned.
“Nothing, I’m done with him.”
“That’s it querida? You don’t want to put pretty boy in his place?”
Putting Jake in his place was low in your to do list. If anything, you didn’t care much for Jake, and you haven’t in so long. People like Jake, they wanted to apologize because they were notorious for being the “good guy”. Everyone had to love him. But at the end of the day, even the so-called good guys aren’t that great. You weren’t going to give Jake the time of day, just because he meant well doesn’t mean it was going to be received well. 
“I don’t really care what happens to pretty boy,” you placed a kiss on his chest. “Got everything I want right here.”
You were always so good for Angel’s ego and self-esteem. You were his only exception, the person he would go through hell and back and even consider living the life he built so hard to have. The MC would always have a place in his heart, but at the end of the day, you were his heart.
Angel smiled down at you, kissing your forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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Survey #435
from yesterday, don’t feel like updating the answers. :^)
When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? Uhhh. I really don't know... I mean maybe doing all I can do avoid debt? That's what my parents mostly argued about, and I know financial strain can really affect a couple. I never want that burden. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? My damn self. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No; my parents didn't grow up here. Wait! I THINK Mom had one of my college professors? I don't recall for sure, and I definitely don't remember who it was. Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge? Nah. Are there any songs that inspire you? Certainly, such as "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne, "Get Up" by Shinedown, and more. How do you feel about celebrities getting involved in politics? Do you think that the celebrity world and the political world should be kept apart? Not at all; everyone has the right to share their opinion and should not feel like it's necessary to censor it. Let them be people with morals and beliefs, too. I'm totally fine with them CHOOSING to be quiet about controversial subjects, but they're more than welcome to share their thoughts on any topic. What is one pro of living where you do, and what is one con? What is a pro and a con of living where you wished you lived? I guess the only real pro (and this is horrible to be the first thought) is that we're under the radar; like, not really a target for terrorism or anything, lol. I'd get kinda nervous if I lived in, like, Washington D.C. or something. We have A LOT of cons: there is NOTHING to do, we're essentially a hub for crime, the scenery is boring and bland as fuck... I could go on for a long time. I'd love to live in many areas in North America, but I'll go with Alaska, since that would absolute RULE. A strong pro would definitely be the cold climate and the sights, but it would definitely be a con to me when that relentless dark era lasts for months on end. I need the sun (from inside anyway, ha ha) sometimes, because it being dark for what, half a year?, would really damage my happiness. What is your favorite episode of your favorite TV show? Referring to Meerkat Manor, it's actually the one where Mozart dies, I think, even though it destroyed my heart. I just think the writer portrayed it as so beautifully tragic, and the clips shown were so pretty. Does having others watch you do things make you uncomfortable? What sorts of things make you extremely uncomfortable if you are watched while doing them? Are there any things that give you confidence to do if you have an audience? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. Do NOT watch me on the computer (especially when writing), I literally will not draw if someone's watching (inevitably besides in Art classes, I think Sara is legit the only person who's watched me draw a bit), I really don't like people watching me edit photography, I'm nooot a fan of others seeing me exercise (though I kinda have to suck that up with having a personal trainer), etc. etc. Just don't watch me do anything, lol. I don't know what actually boosts my confidence if I'm being observed. Does someone in your house speak a different language on a regular basis? No. Do you follow or care about any big sports events? Not at all. Are there any activities people normally do together that you prefer doing alone? Hm. I dunno. If you are going somewhere where you’ll have to wait for a while (i.e. a doctor’s office), do you bring something to occupy yourself? My phone, yeah. How long is your favorite song? I checked, and it's almost six minutes. Do you think you’d ever want to be “internet famous”? I'll admit I've somewhat thought about it, only because my career choices are running so dry, and I'd be able to do it alone. However, I've got noooo idea what I'd actually do, and I also don't think I could handle ridicule or anything like that for any reason. Having a spotlight on me would stress me out. Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? My older sister. What moment in your life have you been most scared? Probably this one occasion where Dad had to pick my sister and me up from school one day and make the 30-minute drive home. Well. He was clearly in a hellish mood because he was flying. He ran stop signs and red lights, passed people illegally... I was in the passenger's seat and absolutely convinced we were going to crash. I can barely believe we didn't. Who was the last person you slow danced with? -_- Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. I like how they block out external sound better, and they don't hurt my ears like headphones do. What person/people do you trust the most? My mom. Who in your life do you care about more than yourself? My parents, sisters, my nieces and nephew, Sara... A lot of people, if I'm being honest. I don't value my life as much as I should. Which wild animal would you most like to have as a pet? I am DESPERATE to rescue an opossum one day. :''''( What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I have no idea. Have you ever felt seriously violated? No. Do you watch American Horror Story? I adore(d) the first season; it was mine and Jason's "show." We watched most of season two as well, but I lost interest in the later half of it. I haven't really watched it since, save for the pilot episode of some season I forgot. Does your hometown have any urban legends/scary stories? Not to my knowledge. What’s the scariest nightmare you remember having? Something involving my dad that I won't speak about. Pancakes or French toast? Oh my god, French toast. That sounds delicious rn. Are there any apps you’re addicted to? Not addicted, nah. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? Yes; it was a bunny holding a multicolor polka-dotted blanket. Do you still collect stuffed animals? Hell yeah. Have you ever had eggs cooked over a campfire? No. What colors of mascara have you worn on your lashes? Just black. What font do you usually use? I mean, it depends on what I'm doing. Is it supposed to appear professional? Aesthetically pleasing? It varies too much to answer this with one font. What about font colors? Usually just black, but again, it depends on what I'm writing. Are you good at making graphics or designing layouts? Ha, no. Do you put gel or mousse in your hair? No. Sleep with just one pillow? No, I use two. I am VERY uncomfortable with just one. Ever woke up crying? Yeah, from nightmares. Do you like big dogs or small dogs better? It depends on the breed and their energy level. I don't really prefer one over the other as a general judgment. Are you going to graduate high school on time? I did. Been to the zoo lately? No, but I'd love to go. :/ Now that I'd consider myself at least a pretty decent photographer, I'd love to see what shots I could take. I LOVE photographing animals with how unpredictable they are. It's like playing the lottery; you really don't know what you're going to get, but you have the chance for seriously priceless moments. Even if we could afford the trip, though, I know I wouldn't last long whatsoever with my legs being as weak as gelatine. I know especially that there's a notable incline in the path, and I'd never make it up it. I really, really look forward to the day where I can really start feeling a difference in my body thanks to the gym. Have you ever been to Mississippi? No. What did you do for your last birthday? We went to The Cheesecake Factory. Do you like to cook? No. What is the worst thing that has happened to you in your entire life? If I'm looking at the big picture and what truly damaged my pleasure in life the most, it'd be developing depression and such intense anxiety. I've given up so much and changed so negatively because of it. Do you know when your next family reunion will be? We've never had one. My family is too spread out. What is your favorite thing to do with your significant other? I'm single, but even in a relationship, I love playing video games together. I've got multiple memories of just having a great time doing that. Where is “home” for you? Wherever Mom is. Is there an animal that creeps you out? Whale sharks, maggots and other bug larvae, centipedes, many beetles, and some other bugs. What is the name of the last band you discovered? Uhhh.. good question. I admittedly don't listen to new music a lot. I tend to stick to the stuff I know. Do you prefer group projects, or would you prefer to work alone? I would rather kick my ankle against a Razer scooter than do a group project. Have you ever been to Hooters? No. Do you have a brother? What’s his name? Yeah, Robert, but everyone calls him "Bobby." Have you ever thought that your life was so bad you wanted to give up? About a billion times. I still do sometimes. Do you have a ceiling fan located in your bedroom? Yes. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No, but I was supposed to visit one in the fourth grade. The water was way too aggressive that day, though, so we had a change of plans and went to a closer island. Hell, it might have been the better option, because it had horses. I remember collecting seashells, too, and just watching the power of the ocean hammer at the shores. It was really pretty. Have you ever been bitten by an animal? Only playfully, like by a cat. Well wait, I think my old baby iguana may have bitten me once (he sure tried to, ha ha), but I don't remember for sure. Did it rain today? Yes. It rains pretty much every afternoon here in the late summer. What was the name of the last dog you pet? Zeke, my sister's German shepherd. He's adorable. Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? No. Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? I pretty much always hug my friends when I see them. I'm a big hugger. Have you ever witnessed a tornado? No, thank the fucking Lord. Who is your favorite person to talk to when you’re down? Sara. What are you listening to right now? "Blood For Blood" by Powerwolf. Can you get over people easy? Hell no. I do NOT handle loss well AT ALL. And not just romantically. What was the last thing you carried to your room? A drink. Do you drink water that comes from your sink? Only once it's been filtered. Have you ever prank called the police? That is fucking awful. No. What’s your LEAST favorite smiley? XD looks so stupid to me I'm sorry lmao xD reigns supreme. Do you like Italian food? Yeah, more than I used to. Have you ever put red lipstick on just to make lip marks on something? No. Do you watch Shane Dawson on YouTube? Isn't his career pretty much toast now? I DID used to love his videos, though. I still occasionally watch his fiance, though, and he pops up sometimes. Regardless of everything, I still think he's funny as fuck. Would you ever spend a day to see what it’s like to be homeless? NOOOOOOO NO NO NO NO. I am TERRIFIED of living on the streets someday. I want NO idea what it's like. Is the house you’re currently living in over 50 years old? I highly doubt that. Have you ever had a yard sale? Many. What is your favorite color? Baby pink. Did you have a good day or a bad day? Today was extreeeemely dull and felt like it lasted eons. Do you know anyone that has/had cancer? I sadly know maaaaany. Have you ever read somebody else’s diary? No, that is incredibly rude. Do you enjoy going to school? I hated it from start to end. Like I have good memories, but overall, I hated school. Were you a big jump roper back in the day? OHHHH YES. I almost learned how to double-dutch, even. I could jump with two ropes, but not jump in with two. Are you a local celebrity? Definitely not. Do you eat candy daily? No. I'm already fat dude, I don't need candy. I avoid candy as best as I can. Do you get nervous with public speaking? Like you would not believe. How old were you when you got your driver's license (if you have it)? I'm 25 and still don't have it. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Yes. What memory are you most afraid of losing? Meh, I don't know. A lot of what I consider my "favorite" memories I'd honestly be better off losing, probably. Who accompanied you to your first concert? My mom, younger sister, and Jason. Would you rather have tickets to see your favorite band in concert, or $100 to go shopping? TAKE ME TO THE OZZY CONCERT. What do you usually eat for breakfast? It really varies. I'd say cereal most often, probably? Do you wish you were more outgoing? Yeah. Do you know anyone who wears a hearing aid? I don't think so?
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
What are your theories about this pr*gnan*y? You think they will fake a miscarriage, that G*gi's a surrogate or she will fake having a baby bump and then we will never have news about this b**y?
Anon #2: do you think quarantine made it easier for them to do babygate, which is why they’re pushing it now, or do you think it was already planned for this month / date? what do you think?
putting my answer under the cut for reasons*
i’ve said it before in tags but yeah, as absolutely shitty and diabolical as it sounds, a miscarriage is basically the only realistic way i see this playing out for her cause it just does not make any level of sense for her to blow up her entire modeling career right at its height and saddle herself with a whole child i.e. a whole 18-year commitment THIS young and with a man she can barely even maintain a stable relationship with no less (and had also only just gotten back together with - for the 678th time lol - around the supposed conception date), while also risking her own health and her baby’s health (given her supposed hashimoto's disease which would make this both a miracle pregnancy and a high-risk pregnancy, ripe with the threat of a multitude of dangerous complications) all for A LITTLE extra attention.
and while i think there’s a possibility it may have already been planned for sometime around this period, i absolutely think quarantine made it easier for them to do this right now b/c they’re able take huge advantage of the fact that this is a time where no one can really confirm anything outside of family for a good long while, so there’s less opportunity to invite questions and speculation since there’s no one else really seeing her that would be able to go and say well she definitely didn’t look pregnant when i saw her, or to let something slip about how she was doing stuff that a 5-month pregnant woman - esp a high risk pregnant woman - should not be doing (nvm that she slipped up all on her own by posting shit of herself riding horses, and drinking wine and coffee and her stomach looking flat af in the weeks prior to this announcement lmao) but the fact remains they can very easily keep everything locked up tight within the family, where the story and any others details or pics and vids that are released can be very much controlled
also news is fairly slow rn and everyone is literally just sitting at home with not much else to do THAN watch the news (for updates of this virus situation mostly ofc, but it also kind of forces a wider audience that maybe wouldn’t normally see it/pay attention to it to now be inundated with announcements of it whenever they go to check into the news) so in terms of making a huge splash this is probably literally the BEST time in actual modern history that they could have conceivably done this because it is one of the only big things/news items going on for ppl to talk about rn outside of the pandemic
tl;dr - b/c as usual this got way long but anyway all that said, the short of it is that the only way i can really realistically see this playing out in a way that makes sense for her, as shitty as it may sound, is that they're trying to make a huge splash/huge deal out of the fake pregnancy news, which they’re gonna milk for as long they can while playing around with camera angles and clothes, and take advantage of this quarantine where no one can really confirm outside of family for a good long while and where the story and surrounding “evidence” can be easily controlled, and then claim she had a miscarriage or something (or maybe just complications that resulted in the loss of the baby) due to her hashimoto’s disease to make an even BIGGER splash from the ensuing sob story
again, its SUPER fucked up but it's the only thing that makes sense cause i really cannot see her destroying her career and foreseeable future over all this just to get a little more attention. alternatively there’s the possibility that she is pregnant (but just not by zayn obviously lol) and has just been extremely reckless and unsafe during this pregnancy in her hobbies and eating/drinking habits, and therefore this baby is severely underweight and that’s why she’s barely showing at 5 months and doing things that she should really not be doing, esp this far along into what should be a high-risk pregnancy if she does in fact have hashimoto’s and that was not just a giant lie too to cover up her alleged drug use and fluctuating weight...but again, given that she was just at the height of her modeling career and presumably still has a fair bit of opportunities that she would lose out on by getting pregnant and taking on the responsibility of raising a child right now, i would think she would do everything in her power to avoid getting pregnant (or going through with the pregnancy once she found out she was) and bury the story. not shout it from the rooftops as loud as she can and create a whole narrative around starting a family with a man that just last year she made out to be “too unstable” to even maintain a two-person relationship but is suddenly stable enough to raise a whole child???
a man who btw has literally not said A WORD about any of this, and whose family i’m pretty certain have also not said A WORD about it publicly. a man who has has not been "present" for his gf’s or any of the hadid family members "announcements" about it either and like...in what world is that normal lol? like first off in what world is someone who's being painted as such a happy/proud boyfriend and father-to-be NOT there with his gf and/or her family for the announcements being made about his own soon to be family lol? and second of all, and biggest of all, IN WHAT WORLD WOULD THE BABY-LOVING CLOSE-KNIT AF MALIK FAMILY NOT BE LOSING THEIR MINDS WITH OVER THE TOP JOY AND PRAISE AND EXCITEMENT OVER A NEW ADDITION TO THE FAMILY (if it was real lol) FROM THEIR BIGGEST PRIDE AND JOY ZAYN??????
and moreover, i’ve said this before also and i will say it again as many time as i need to, but why is no one seeing how weird it is that so many members of a boyband have babies by women they're not married to?? when THE FUCK has it been normal for so many members of a boyband to have kids before the age of 30 and NONE OF THEM BE MARRIED TO THE ACTUAL MOTHER OF THEIR CHILD???? like i know the people behind the scenes are trying their absolute hardest to make that seem normal and like it's just the millennial way or whatever but THAT IS NOT FUCKING NORMAL
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toxicmother · 4 years
Revisiting the Past
Hello all. It’s been a while since I posted anything here. There are several reasons for that.
Thank You
First, I’d like to say thank you to everyone that has left a comment or engaged with one of my posts. I would love to answer many of you, but I realized some time ago that my main account is tied to this one and it shows my real identity when I respond. If you’re wondering why I haven’t, that’s why. I even had to go back and delete a few of my responses. Oops!
I’m not afraid to share my identity, but I’d rather keep this blog anonymous. That’s important because I want many of you to understand that it’s okay to speak about these experiences. It’s actually one of the best ways to start the healing process. It’s also okay to protect yourself from backlash, especially from the people doing you harm. That does not make you weak. Abusers are predators and they will do anything and everything they can to hurt you. The point is, do what you feel is best for you and no one else. Hopefully, many of you can understand. If you need to talk to someone feel free to reach out, even privately. Some already have, and although I was super super late to respond (it’s been awhile), it’s lovely to talk to others with similar issues. Well, not lovely, that was a poor word to use. It’s terrible that others are hurting like this. Hopefully, you understand what I mean there.
Now, let’s talk about one of the most important reasons I’ve been quiet.
At this point, I’ve had 4 years without any contact. I realize it’s not the right choice for everyone, so I have no intention of shoving that down your throat. I also understand it’s not possible for everyone. However, it was hands down the best decision I have ever made for my life, my health, and my family. I will probably never break the no contact rule, and I can say that for sure as some pretty serious things have transpired in the meantime.
I’ve been married 6 years in May. I have two beautiful children, a 3-year-old girl and a 2-year-old boy. One of the biggest contributing factors to my no-contact decision was when my daughter was born. I saw how poorly she was being treated just for being my child. My donors have still never met my son, and they’ve only seen my daughter once or twice when she was an infant.
The choice to go no-contact helped kickstart my healing process. But with a newborn in the picture, I had a lot of healing to do if I wanted to be a good parent to my children. I moved away from talking about past experiences, and part of that was to stop sharing and discussing how I’ve been treated. That’s not necessary for everyone, it was just something that I felt would help me. I tend to dwell and stew and wallow in my pain.
I’m not healed completely, nor will I ever be. However, I strongly feel that I am much much better now. I’m also at a point where I can start talking about these experiences again without self-sabotaging or feeling waves of debilitating mental pain. Sadly, the pain is still there, but I have learned to deal with it better.
Donor Updates
As an aside, my wife and I have taken to calling my parents my “donors” because they didn’t contribute what loving parents should have. She finds it somewhat amusing, I find it cathartic. Some might think this cruel or in poor taste. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it helped me cope. I’m sure some of you already know, but I cannot explain to you the intense feeling of hate that builds up over time. You have to deal with that in a constructive way, but also in a way that helps you.
Ripping the band-aid right off: My youngest brother killed himself during a fight with his wife. I don’t think they had the healthiest relationship so it cannot be blamed entirely on his past. Also, he pulled the trigger, no one else. We weren’t close, so I’m not adding this for sympathy. However, I believe it’s relevant to lay out some of the aftermath of my Mother’s abuse.
If you feel lost or alone or you’re on the brink of suicide, please reach out to someone. You are important, even if you don’t feel it to be true. Your life matters. Just don’t do it, because it’s not worth it. I love you. Someone will love you.
My brother had a 2-year-old daughter, who was present when he did it. In time, I’m sure she might even forget who he is. My heart aches so bad for her, especially since I have a little girl who’s the same age. I have never met my niece.
The middle brother, and Golden Child, seems to be doing much better. He’s also doing poorly in other ways. The woman he was dating left for another man, and took his son. That hurts my heart too. I cannot imagine being so far away from my babies. I did get to meet his son, at least, shortly after my daughter was born, but that was over 3 years ago now.
I’m glad to see he’s doing okay otherwise. He has a new career and seems to be on the right track and I hope it stays that way.
For a short time after the death, I tried low-contact with my surviving brother. It did not work out. I have two other siblings, also younger, that I do not talk to either.
It hurts knowing I will not be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews, and that they will not meet their cousins. It also hurts knowing that my siblings and their children will probably never visit for holidays, barbecues, and special events. This is a product of my Mother’s hatred. She has split the family and created pain and distance that didn’t need to exist.
It’s unfortunate, it’s sad, and it grows more tragic every day but it’s the reality when you’re dealing with a narcissistic parent.
I feel for any of you that either have experienced the same thing or are going through similar things right now.
What Now?
I’m not sure yet if I’m going to start updating this again. I might, I might not. No promises.
However, I will do my best to check it regularly, so I can engage with you lovely people. I feel terrible that I missed a few messages and those who took the time to reach out had to wait as long as they did.
For anyone that reads this, thank you for taking the time. I wish all of you the best, and as shallow as it might seem, I send love and warmth (as much as I can on a blog). <3 <3
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Patch Notes June 2019
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers!
Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that - we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in...
What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever.
Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind.
It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts -- created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project -- so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone!
Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on.
Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further.
More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you!
A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to -- you guessed it -- get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool.
Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off.
Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too.
Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find.
Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain.
Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh -- and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee.
And now on to the unintended features…
General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah - this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today.
Stay Cheesy,
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praphit · 5 years
BAMFs of 2019
Here's last year’s CHAMP -
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(Thanos: ”WTF did you just say?” #Mood)
Let's see if he made it back.
But, first, let’s take a look at some honorable mentions, as well as some people who were trying too hard:
Rey - 
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Of course she is a total BAMF. So, why isn't she on this list? 3 REASONS: 1) She looks like a racist ex that I once dated. How can someone who decided to date you (a black man) be racist? Did y'all see the movie "Get Out"? You didn't know that the story was based off one of my relationships did you? So, yeah, she ain't ever gettin on this list.
2) The force is cheating - their I said it.
3) This last movie sucked. This rap she did didn't help her cause.
ALSO - there’s this - her rapping. I repeat, she ain’t ever getting on this list.
Nic Cage - cuz he's Nic bleepin Cage
Cardi B - cuz she’s Cardi bleepin B
Hooded Justice - if only he had been in more episodes. A black man disguising himself in a hood, as well as white, to fight evil in his neighborhood, that the police force (of which he is a part of) refuses to stop. Hell yeah! I love "Watchmen".
Lupita! - her brilliantly scary performance in "Us" is def BAMF material.
The Rock - honestly, The Rock is so awesome, and has been for so long, that he needs to be extra awesome to make it.
Trying too Hard. Please STOP:
Batwoman -
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I like Ruby, but she's like an elf. She's an elf model. It's not bad to be an elf model, but... If a villain in Gotham, let's say "Bane" 
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has me cornered, and Batwoman shows up to "rescue me", Imma start praying. He'd swing her around by that red hair of hers until her head pops off.
Rambo - He’s like 80! C’mon, Sly. Please STOP.
Dark Phoenix - a movie about her temper tantrum 
Joker -
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 - not with all of that awkward dancing he was doing
NOW, finally, the top Bad Ass Muthas of 2019!
12) Greta - 
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Say what you will about climate change, but you can't deny her passion and dedication, and how inspiring it is (unless you're Prez Trump or Fox News) to see and hear a kid like her do her thing. I admit that her winning the honor of "Person of the Year" is too much. But, we all wish our kids would be this dedicated to what they believe is positive change. Plus, she has a kickass soundtrack. Gets me hyped every time!
11) Dave Chappelle
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Back in the day, comedians used to be brought on stage, tasked with the difficult job of making a room full of different types of people laugh. Now, it's not just about the job of jokes, but you have to do so without offending anyone, and with clean living. When did we start holding a comedian's behavior to a higher standard than we do elected officials? Dave saw this, and kept doing what made him popular anyway. In a world where most comedians are running scared from difficult topics, Dave plunges right in. BAD ASS. 
10) Linda Hamilton - 
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Old as bleep! We have what's-her-face here, 
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who is kinda badass herself, but despite being a badass cyborg (or whatever the hell she is), she still felt the need to ask for help from Linda bleepin Hamilton. LH traded her Hospice bingo card in for some guns and went to town on some machines! It'd be like if your home was being surrounded by aliens, and despite you having some fire power in your home and 911 at your disposal, everyone's first thought is to call grandma. That'd have to be one BAMF of a granny!
9) Masvidal - 
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Allow me to describe this brotha to y'all who might not know.
Some guy was talkin smack to Masvidal, and that guy got kneed in the face by Masvidal (fastest knock out in UFC history = 5 secs). Some guy was arrogant enough to say he was the baddest mofo around, and Masvidal scheduled a fight with this dude for a literal baddest mofo around belt. Plus, that same night of the fight, when he was talking to the media after he had won, he started mocking Conor McGregor, talkin bout Conor don't want none of this. He was talking trash, publicly, about Conor, while people were feeding him pizza. BADASS!
If there is ever a fork in the road, and on one side you see The Rock, Jason Statham, and Will Smith chasing after you, and the other you have Masvidal sitting down, eating a slice of pizza, you had better take your chances with the three action heroes over this BAMF.
8) Nunes - 
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If you don't know who she is, I wouldn't be surprised. The UFC botched her marketing before and after she fought and beat (badly) Ronda Rousey - yeah, RONDA ROUSEY; remember her? Nunes pretty much ended her career.
The UFC was so certain that Ronda was going to win, and so shocked when she lost, that they missed an opp to get behind a fighter who is better than Ronda (though mad respect for Ronda), and is currently holding TWO belts (first woman to do so). ALSO, she's the first openly gay UFC champ in history. She's so sweet too! - well, unless you're locked in the octagon with her, then she turns into a werewolf.
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I don't know about you, but all of this talk of teamwork from comic book movies can be a bit tiresome. The Avengers, The Justice League, The X-Men. Everybody wants to form a band. What happened to solo acts? What happened to lone rangers? People may say "There's no I in TEAM." Yeah, that's the prob! What about I?! Sometimes, you're Justin Timberlake, and the rest of the group is simply holding you back. That's Mando. He's Disney's updated (non-racist, unless you’re talkin drones) Lone Ranger. He doesn't need teamwork (maybe a weekly cameo, and a baby tag-along, but that's it!). He has beaten up gangs of robots, burnt people up, taken people out Jason Voorhees style, cut people in half, blown people up, blown off heads, BUT because it's Disney, we haven't seen any of that good stuff. He'd be higher on this list if they gave my man an R-rating.
6) Capt Marvel -
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Captain Marvel is definitely the most powerful person on this list. She is probably also the fiercest person on this list. In Endgame, when she saw her black daddy (Nick Fury) on the screen, talkin bout Thanos snapped him away, and then something snapped inside of her, and she said "I'm going to go kill that mofo." The Avengers accompanied her, but I don't think she would have needed their help. She didn't really need their help in the final showdown with Thanos. He threw her aside, but you know she was coming back, until Tony got in her way. She is so fiery that it wouldn't surprise me if in her sequel, she goes back in time in order to rematch Thanos by herself, to prove her dominance. The reason that she's not higher on the list is because she's so damned destructive. She's just like The Hulk in the fact that she shows up to destroy everything. Now, she's a lot more focused than The Hulk, but she's so powerful that she does more damage. And she doesn't have much of a personality (so far), so it's hard to gauge her badassery of attitude, you know?? Like, if you're a villain, and you get in the way of a gorilla, that gorilla will destroy you in a very spectacularly badass way, but... it's a gorilla, you know??
I’M NOT CALLING HER A GORILLA. Don’t go snitching on me to her.
I just don’t know if she’s a hero or simply has anger management issues. Is she badass or too powerful not to do badass things?
Either way, RESPECT... or she'll come for that ass.
Let’s break from all of this badassery with some cuteness
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Look how cute it is - I CAN’T TAKE IT!
Ok, back to action.
5) Iron Man - 
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Look, Iron-Man started this shit! Who knows what would have become of the MCU had Robert Downey Jr. blew it. Tony Stark assembled the team (granted, he was partly the reason for the break-up), he gave us Spider-Man (with that suit) (he also gave us Ultron, but let's not get bogged down with details), he held his own against Thanos in "Infinity War",
Dr. Strange thought HIM worthy of saving, and no way time travel would have worked in "Endgame" without him. Plus, in the very end, he out-smarted Thanos, and countered Thanos' one-liner ("I am inevitable.") with his own ("And I... [five minutes later - I swear that's what it felt like] am Iron-Man.").
Paid the ultimate sacrifice. Hell yeah, he's on this list. I felt kinda bad for his wife. After IM3, she was barely around. And when Tony died, she was barely comforted... cuz nobody knew her. Oh, well.. she be aiight.
4) Thanos - 
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This dude saw his demise coming, and still went straight ahead towards the foes who cut his head off. BADASS! He was exceptionally crafty in playing The Avengers and blowing up their base. Then, he was just sitting around waiting for the main Avengers (Capt, Iron, and Fat Thor). He wanted to gloat a bit first. BADASS! And had Gamora not betrayed him, and had given him the gaunlet, he would have beaten The Avengers AGAIN!
He even died with a cool pose (he took a knee and got his "Thinking Man" on). BADASS!
3) Arya Stark - 
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This young lady scared the bleep out of me. She has my fear AND respect. I was actually scared for whomever her current target was... I was like "Run, fool! She gonna get ya! Damn, Arya, you didn't have to do them like that!"
Now, I know I talked about Ruby Rose being a ridiculous choice for Batwoman, but if Arya Stark left on a voyage to Gotham and became Batwoman, I'd buy that. I can see her killing Bane very slowly. This woman is a frickin psychopath, and I love it. She's fearless! She also went up against the top cheese of the white walkers. Y'all remember that badass move she had at the end!
YES! I only wish she had said something cool when she took him out, like... "You've been Starked." No, that's terrible, but something like that. I wish she was the one sitting on the throne, but they... you know... did what they did.
2) Capt America - 
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I think that it's fair to say that Capt America was the rock of The Avengers After the snap, he was the only one to keep his shit together; he actually worked to help others keep their shit together.
Meanwhile, Widow is crying in the dark every night while having a PB sandwich and bourbon dinner. And she just gave up on her hair.
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Thor became an alcoholic.
And you could say Hulk was ok, but... was he?
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I mean, that ain't right. This is avoidance behavior if I've ever seen it.
But, Capt kept it together. Then, that fight with Thanos at the end was one of, if not THE best one on one fight of the series. Using both Thor weapons, meaning he was both badass on a fighting level and a righteousness level - which ain't easy to accomplish. And when he straped tight his shield in that trailer, and gritted his teeth - hell yeah!
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Chills. Capt to Thanos: You motha bleeper"
1) John Wick - 
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Three movies with no time in-between to shower, sleep, take a piss, brush his teeth, NOTHING! His life for the last few years (it seems like) has been running, lurking, hiding, beating ass.. and beating ass some more. Lord knows what this dude's kill count is up to. His nickname is "Baba Yaga" Have y'all seen what the actual Baba Yaga looks like?
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Terrifying. And yet, not as terrifying as John Wick when he's angry at you.
The amount of endurance and focus that has gone into this long stint of murdering (only fueled by rage and a few shots of bourbon from time to time) is uncanny.
In JW3 he makes a guy eat a book (imagine what must be done to a person's jaw for that to happen), he gets shot, stabbed, hit my two cars (seconds within each other)... Nah, y'all ain't hear me! TWO CARS! The people in the cars were trying to kill him! He fought two super ninjas - like IP Man caliber, he beat up an army of soldiers, crawled through a desert, got shot by a friend who betrayed him, fell off of a building (bouncing around a few times before hitting the pavement), and was somehow still good to schedule a fourth movie after all of that - which I assume will pickup right there.
He doesn't have any superpowers (though you wouldn't know), but his tenacity is to be envied, and outdoes everyone else's on this list.
24 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 18th, 2019)
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers! Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that – we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in… What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever. Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind. It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts — created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project — so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone! Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on. Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further. More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you! A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to — you guessed it — get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool. Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off. Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too. Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find. Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain. Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh — and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee. And now on to the unintended features… General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah – this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today. Stay Cheesy,
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, but actually yes! That issue should be fixed this patch. Please let me know if it's not! There were way too many bugs to mention every single one 😅
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 18, 2019
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