#I made this for my twitch channel as an emote lol
galoogamelady · 7 months
May I interest you in a gummy?
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shizucheese · 2 months
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We've made it to the final round of Omega's fucked up tournament.
So will Omega figure out the secret of what makes us tick and harness that power? Or will we be adding yet another giant robot to the trash heap?
And what's going to happen to precious-baby-who-can-do-no-wrong Alpha?
Also on the schedule for tonight is the rank up quests for the Ananta! And maybe, maybe, if there's time, we'll do Fractal Continum Hard, because oops I completely forgot to do it when we were doing 4.2 content. And then if there's time after that, we'll do Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Hard.
If we don't have time though, we'll definitely be doing both of those dungeons on Sunday, when we will also be doing Swallow's Compass (which I forgot to do when we were doing 4.3 content....I'm a very professional streamer who's totally on top of things guys!), Suzaku, 4.4 Hildibrand, and the Stormblood quests for ALC, CUL, MIN, BTN and FSH!
All combat content will be MINE, as always!
In other channel news: I now have things set up so that if you donate 100 bits, a cat squshmallow will be thrown at my vtuber model! If you donate 1,000 bits, the plush will get bigger, and at 2,000 bits, it'll get even bigger! (This is all assuming I didn't mess something up, which I won't know unless someone donates lol!) All proceeds from bits donations will be going towards paying for stuff for the channel, such as official concept art for my vtuber model, which will then be used as references for custom emotes, sub badges, alerts, etc, as well as, you know....my actual official vtuber model.
I've also finally brushed the dust off of my old Instagram account, so be sure to give me a follow over there as well! https://www.instagram.com/shizucheese/ Also be sure to join the community on Discord for off-stream nonsense! (And when I do polls about the channel, if you're in the Discord, *and* following me here on Tumblr, you'll get to double dip, since I'll be running the polls in both places :p) https://discord.gg/N8BKSDN
You can catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! We're 2 subs away from my first sub goal, so if you want to hear me recite a Gaius or Zenos mololog in UWU speak, be sure to come on over and hit that subscribe button!
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zephyr-rat · 3 months
Green Giant Saga: Zac Character Insights
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No road’s easy for a hero, but I’ll get there. I have to get there. Maybe it will be complicated, but what else would I believe? If I just cling on to the hope that surrounds me, the hope I bring to others, I can’t be the monster. I can’t be a mindless weapon. I can be the hero. The Great Green Giant."
- Zac from Sewer Strays (You can also read this as "what I do if I have control of Zac's LoL lore") (Based off of how I write the characters for The Green Giant Saga)
In Piltover-Zaun where capitalism and exploitation runs rampant, crime and violence is inevitable. The city is filled with all manner of gang fights, robberies, drug abuse and factory accidents. Who knows how many people die a day in Zaun? This city needs a protector. This city needs a hero. What’s a more fitting hero to Zaun than one that was originally branded as a weapon to be exploited?
This, to me, was the main thematic appeal of Zac as it pertains to the modern setting of Piltover-Zaun as the city above and below. Zac’s main elevator pitch was always him as the superhero of Zaun, even in the original old lore on his release in March, 29th, 2013. After all, he was the very first likable protagonist of what essentially was, in the old lore, the evil scientist city. He was given parents that actively loved him and taught him morals. He defended them from the chem barons when they were attacked and he actively chooses to defend the weak and downtrodden of Zaun. It’s a very basic but functional premise for a Zaunite superhero.
And then they tried to put that superhero in a grimdark capitalist setting.
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I’ll be blunt: I’m not that big a fan of Zac's new lore bio, and I’m not the only one. To the few lore enthusiasts in the Zac mains discord channel and other league of legends lore content creators, Riot downgraded Zac’s new lore in the big Piltover-Zaun update at the start of 2017. Many question a lot of the decisions made to have Zac fit into a more grimdark setting such as
Killing the parents in the hopes the pain and suffering can give Zac an arc to grow from (I remember this answer in a Q&A)
Making him more emotionally unstable through a weird empath ability in which he can feel other people’s emotions
Changing his origins from a weapon created at a lab to something extracted because of the theme of exploitation (I think???)
ZAC’s present state being really sad as he’s just wandering aimlessly alone around Zaun, fixing pipes
Presenting Zac as less of a hero and more of an unstable mess depending on the city's tensions (Personally my biggest bugbear about the new lore)
To me, the reason why the new lore failed was because it added so many unnecessary changes to make him fit in this brand new Piltover-Zaun setting without connecting those much darker features to the theme of him being a hero that was once a weapon. If these new changes were supposed to be connected to that overall pitch, then it’s not made explicit or clear in the text. The only one that kinda fits that theme is the third point about changing his origins to be more in line of being someone that’s exploited instead of made to be a weapon. The majority of the changes just feels like tacking on dark features with no purpose in an attempt to make him more interesting and fit in the wider context of a more darker, “realistic” Zaun which is crazy because he could already have dark vibes from the sheer fact that he was originally branded as a weapon. It feels like Zac should’ve been in the crop of characters that were more in line with a saturday morning cartoon tone like Zeri, Renata Glasc, Twitch (in his sewer tour shorts) or Ziggs, but they wouldn’t have figured that out years after 2017.
So when I designed Zac’s character for my fanfiction series the Green Giant Saga, I wanted to borrow more from the old lore, but I was also deeply fascinated about the setting of the new lore, the great golden city of Progress sitting on top of the poverty stricken undercity of Zaun. A setting rife with systemic issues and capitalistic exploitation that runs deep into the city’s bones. With such profound issues plaguing the undercity, can a superhero like Zac truly save Zaun?
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(art by OrlandoFox)
Green Giant Saga ZAC
In the Green Giant Saga, Zac still has the same character base that’s in the original voiceover and the old lore: a kind-hearted, quippy super hero who cares a lot about his parents and the people he’s protecting. That being said, I wanted to add some aspects from the new lore to strengthen and give more depth to his, let’s be honest, very basic old lore characterization. I gravitated towards the idea of Zac as more emotionally sensitive than the rest of his peers, emphasizing empathy even in the darkest depths of Zaun. It would also give him an interesting flaw to work with, making him difficult to think in long term strategy and more in short term emotions. This one flaw helps to emphasize one of the core themes of the whole Green Giant saga: the individualism of stories and our desire to see individual problems versus deeply systemic issues.
You see, in the Green Giant Saga, Zac does get saved by his parents from the wrath of Chem-Baron Takeda like in every iteration of his League of Legends lore, but the way he learned his moral code was through media. The parents forbade him to go outside of their sump home out of fear of being found by the chem-barons, so he learned a lot of his morality from watching his parents heal stray animals and his dad’s collection of comic books. Zac gravitated towards one superhero in particular, Atomic Man, a superhero who had the same stretchy powers with the catchphrase “Hope is in my hands”! The catchphrase in particular emphasizes this individualism where a person, if they tried hard enough, can make the world a better and happier place.
However, there’s a major limitation to that type of thinking. In Zaun, most problems aren’t caused by maniacally laughing major supervillains that need to just be punched down a peg; they are caused by banal, corrupt systems that exploit people in poverty. It is correct that Zaun has Chem-Barons at the helm, but if you just get rid of them without changing the laws and systems around them, you just end up getting new Chem-Barons. (And that's not even touching Piltover). You can’t just save the city and improve people’s lives through stopping robberies and saving cats from trees alone.
All 3 of the Zaunite victims that Zac has saved across the Green Giant saga exemplify this idea. In every case, while Zac does save their lives, he only delays the inevitable because the systems at play will always push those victims in those same precarious situations. When Zac tries to give advice to these people based on his individualistic mindset and his focus on short term emotions, it can come off as really condescending from someone who doesn’t really know how the city works. There are even cases where Zac can be dismissive, wanting to make people happy quickly without considering why they aren’t happy with their situation. However, because Zac is very emotionally sensitive and sympathetic, he’s in the predisposition to learn and deeply empathize with others. If Warwick can’t help but see the blood on everyone’s hands, then Zac can’t help but see the humanity in others.
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(Art by Martina Matteucci)
This brings us to Twitch. I will have another insights page with Twitch, I have a lot to say about him, but, in the context of Zac’s character, Twitch fits the bill of a stereotypical minor villain: a brutal, narcissistic, self-proclaimed “sewer king” who wishes nothing more than to conquer the wretched topsiders above him. However, as Zac spends more time pretending to be his only subject, Zac sees more sides to Twitch: Twitch trying to teach him how to loot. Twitch trying to protect him from any sort of danger, Twitch eagerly telling him his stories and Twitch being scared of the world around him. When given the chance to escape Twitch’s lair from being a subject to his kingdom, Zac chose to stay because he saw Twitch horrified of being alone.
However, this comes at a cost at Zac sometimes being complicit with Twitch’s actions. When strong emotions are at the forefront, if there isn’t anyone for Zac to focus on, he folds, hoping that the fire will die down with time. He tries to find solutions that try to make everyone happy, but can end up being a Band-Aid fix at best or making no one happy at worst. He wants to help Twitch “become better”, but currently he fails to realize that if you can’t take Twitch out of the harsh context / setting he lives in (more on that in the Twitch insights page), it would be difficult to change him, reinforcing the theme of individual issues versus systemic problems. It’s not impossible, but it will be difficult.
Then the question becomes: how do you solve these systemic issues as a superhero like Zac? How do you do more than just Band-Aid fixes? There’s always collaboration, but that, especially for someone like Zac who was always branded as a weapon, could lead to potential exploitation. There’s a running theme in the latest story A Sewer King’s Conquest on what is the best way to make progress when you’re in disempowered positions. If you want to make the biggest change, isn’t it better to use the well-established, least-resistant channels to do so, even if the channels may be corrupt? I mean, Zac’s working with a murderous psychopathic rat to bypass having to deal with what is essentially his kryptonite, but going through those pre-existing channels can be morally compromising. How many Politicians justify corrupt behavior by saying that these channels are the only ways to do anything? Is it possible to make something new? It’s a question that I want to explore as someone who recently graduated college and fully realizing the systemic issues plaguing our society, and I want to root for Zac.
I want to believe in empathy and connection. I want to believe that Zac can make his relationship with Twitch work. I want to believe that he can make Zaun better through his compassion and desire to do right by other people. I don’t think a superhero alone can save Zaun, but with a lot of help, he might be able to.
Oh, also the parents are definitely not dead. They're abducted by Takeda and he has to work with Twitch to get them back.
If any of this is of interest to you, you can read the story here
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butchboromir · 10 months
ok so. so. my dorm got renovated over the summer and it has been a Nightmare since then so the stove in the kitchen doesn’t work so they turned off the power on my side of the floor to work on it but also the showers were flooding for Months and i had to go to the other floor to shower and also i had to go to dive practice this am and it was. soooooo cold like 35 degrees maybe? but no snow so basically i am suffering more than jesus rn
also yay max live but also. who is max don’t cancel me for not knowing pls 😔
- j (cold edition)
oh what the hell that sounds so awful. going to a whole nother floor to shower sounds like Hell. i hope that your dorm gets it's shit together!!!! + no snow is good i suppose. md (at least where i am) hasn't had a good snow in years so i am like anxiously awaiting some still LOL. also dive practice :0
+ i don't expect anyone to know who max is LOL. his whole thing is he has an insta account where he sets up a vid like he's gonna explain some sick airplane facts (he is an airplane mechanic) and then he does a 180 into lotr facts. anyways he's been streaming wow on twitch the past week or so and i have been enjoying them :-) (+ i made an emote for the channel and have offered to help with twitch stuff LOL)
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cherub014 · 2 years
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i made twitch emotes for my twitch channel lol
if you wanna come see me ramble to a glowing box for 3 years on fridays and saturdays you can find me here
maybe stop by yk
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
quackity priv tweets talking about content/his english audience
12/22/22: im feeling under the weather guys no driving stream i am sorry :(
12/7/22: Want to take the time to thank all the English speaking viewers who take the time to learn o try to learn the Spanish language to understand some of the content. It’s the coolest and cutest thing ever. Don’t worry to those who don’t anyway, lots of HUGE stuff coming for yall
10/19/22: I’m genuinely upset that throughout my career I’ve been seen as a horrible cook for all the silly little cooking streams I’ve done, when I OBVIOUSLY am not that shit at cooking. On Saturday I’ll do an actual serious cooking stream to prove all of you wrong because I’m sick of it
10/11/22: thank u guys for being so sweet and so nice to me at twitchcon. had a blast meeting every single one of you, both from my English speaking and Spanish speaking community i will proceed to yell from happiness AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
9/17/22: i'm going through so much footage and so many scripts that explain SO much. I wrote all the scene contexts with such depth, this is gonna be amazing
9/15/22: In one of the upcoming days I’ll be doing a FULL ON behind the scenes stream of ALL the Las Nevadas footage/scripts/images/bloopers I’ve obtained throughout almost 2 years of DSMP. :)
8/25/22: i cant believe how fucking crazy this whole lore is ending up looking like lol
8/13/22: Despite it being short, had so much fucking fun with this stream can’t wait to do it again soon. Love and appreciate u guys so much
7/30/22: I just hit a million subscribers on my Spanish channel and I cannot thank you guys enough for everything. Iwouldn’t be able to do this in Spanish if not for the insane support my English community has brought me throughout the years. Love and appreciate you all so much ❤️; It may not seem out of the ordinary but being able to do all this in Spanish as well has been a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. I feel so blessed to have TWO amazing communities. Cant wait to bring a lot more incredible content to everyone!!!!
7/27/22: miss u guys!!
6/26/22: I REALLY MEAN IT WHEN I SAY I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ❤️; I feel so emotional, a few days ago I got to stand inside the boxing ring of the BIGGEST ever Twitch event ever made in history with many of my Spanish friends. You guys have given me these opportunities and I’m so fucking grateful to have TWO massive and supportive communities!
6/15/22: For the next 3 days (or less) I’m participating in a huge Spanish Minecraft event on my alt Twitch channel :-) Super appreciative of those who come and support the streams despite not knowing Spanish. In one of these days I’ll raid into my main and do an English stream btw ^_^
4/2/22: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of activity recently. I’ve been working hard on literally my favorite fucking video of all time. I say this for each video I make and I mean it every time. It’s coming out soon and im so fucking excited for you guys to see. Big fucking plans ahead ily
3/20/22: i remember after working on my last lore stream every day from morning to night for a month, i remember the morning after the stream, i woke up at 5AM and i literally just went to the beach and sat there for an hour it was so nice. im so happy to see everyone getting the merch; i have so many projects in the works and i can’t wait to replicate this feeling many more times in my life
3/9/22: I just filmed the most incredible video I think I’ve ever done in my career. I’m so fucking happy for these opportunities. Love you all I’m so excited to show you
2/24/22: AHHHHHHH school has been super difficult on me recently but i have so many projects on standby ready to go!!! thank you guys so much for the patience i promise theres some really big stuff for you all soon!!!!
2/12/22: i miss you guys. ive been incredibly busy but working some incredible fucking stuff. i feel excited and very blessed
oh thanks for sending that. i think deep down he probably wants to shift to Spanish only but knows that a big % of people are attached to his english content so he keeps trying to say that things are coming
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vettesebas · 1 year
bigass rant below the cut (tw: misogyny, autism)
so... went in crush's stream last night, where he was playing batman: arkham asylum. poison ivy was imprisoned, wearing a halter and panties, boobs all over the place. harley was in a super short nurse's outfit with her magumbos out. i expressed my disgust and he said yeah, there were several unnecessary upskirts of harley already. i said "thank you, male gaze" assuming he'd know i didn't mean him, that he's aware that men suck overall (which he's indicated many times before). he took umbrage at that and played the "not all men" card. wasn't sure if he was taking the piss until he complained about me lumping him in with that lot. my mistake, fine.
then he made a joke about tipping his camgirls well, "as you should" (my reply). he said something the other night about commissioning twitch emotes from me, but wanting someone else to pay for them. (we're both unemployed, i get it, lol. it was enough for me for him to want my art in the first place) when he made the camgirl quip, i said "oh, so this is why you didn't want to pay for my emotes." which he took seriously?? we joke about porn all the time? i had joked about trying to get him to subscribe at a higher tier to my channel, too, so he took all that as me trying to wring money out of him, i guess. (he's not wrong, i'm broke af) i was like, you realize I'm joking, right? i don't give a fuck what you do with your money? he said, "i'm autistic [he is], i didn't know you were making a joke." which drew some serious side-eye from me, since i don't know if he's joking half the time, and that's with aural input. fine, whatever.
cut to end of stream. he played a snippet from batman: the animated series where harley's just trying to have a normal one and ends up carted to the asylum anyway. she laments that she lost a dress that she'd even bought with her own money. batman produces the same dress for her to have, whereupon she smooches the dickens out of him. poison ivy, flower pot in hand, watches on from her own cell and exchanges shrugs with robin. knowing the lesbian canon that's happened between harley & ivy since then, i said, "poison ivy's mind: blown." crush says, "that's not poison ivy." i'm like, wtf are you talking about. he insisted that it wasn't her, that "not every redhead is ivy," that she's "never been locked up in arkham," etc etc.
bitch. i've seen the show. i used to watch it every fucking day. and if you're trying to gaslight me into believing that wasn't poison ivy – even as a joke, even if you turn around and you're like "no, it's not poison ivy, it's dr. pamela isley hrhr" – that's pretty shitty. i know i only have basic cape comic knowledge. but to disregard what knowledge i do have, that I'm convinced of — well, fuck you, then.
i told him not to gaslight me and he even doubled down that it wasn't her; otherwise i'd have let this go. the stream was ending and i didn't want to argue there, so i left the channel and wrote out a thing much like this complaintfest, took a screenshot and sent it to him. he has not responded. i feel like shit and have cried a lot remembering how hard it was growing up a female nerd (a fat female nerd, even) among mercilessly nerdy guys, so intimidated as to repress how nerdy i really was, and how he probably doesn't care, or was looking at something else entirely and didn't mean any of this and it's all a huge misunderstanding. but even if it was, i just wanted him to see where I'm coming from, that he can't have it both ways when it comes to getting/not getting jokes, that he was employing the casual misogyny that he rails against, and i didn't want him to get away with it.
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udon-udon · 3 years
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Beat the devil out of her
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
Rated: Suggestive
Pairing: JaehyunxReader
Summary: Holding a conversation with anybody was a task for you. Holding one with Jaehyun seemed impossible. Till that is, one day he took the initiative himself.
Warnings: None except that this is a tease.
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N): I'm just trying something else. This is basically a dream I had that I wrote into a scene. This is probably the shortest thing I've ever written lol.
It was late in the evening when she finally walked into the hotel from a nearby café. Her mother had called her for the third time, telling her sternly that it was time to come back. This time she caved. The day's sightseeing finally got to her. When they returned to the hotel all cramped in a minivan, she had insisted on having a cup of coffee to keep her awake for dinner. It was that very dinner her mother was urging her back for.
She dragged her feet up the meager steps to the 'lobby' that was in this case an open seating area that looked into the same ocean she had been staring at all evening from her solitary corner at the coffee shop.
When she came closer to the sound of the waves, she noticed Jaehyun on one of the couches, staring out at the beach.
She hated that the back of a head was all it took to recognise who it was, his shoulders rising and falling from what looked like a sigh. She turned to look at the pillar behind which stood the elevator she needed to take, chastising herself for even considering making a run for it like she was a fugitive.
It wasn't that she was avoiding Jaehyun. No. It was just that she felt like they were both too reclusive by themselves to ever strike a conversation with each other.
When she met him at the airport, Jaehyun gave her a warm but pursed smile when her mother introduced (Y/N) to her business partner and his family— his wife and their son, Jaehyun. After that he proceeded to plug his earphones in and go sit on a couch in the corner, not looking up till the flight was called. That moment defined the trip so far and it was fine by her. She could understand the impulse, so she just left him alone.
Her footsteps scurried by him on the slate floor rather loudly, holding her breath till she reached the corner where the elevators were. Making it without giving into the impulse to look back at him.
Tapping her foot on the floor, (Y/N) watched the screen that told her which floor the elevator was. The sleeveless top she wore for the hot day now exposing her arms to the harsh air conditioning, making her cross her arms. It was footsteps that made her look down, seeing his black sneakers before she saw his face.
Jaehyun came and stood beside her, making her eyes hastily go back to the screen. He was close enough for her to hear his breath, always so steady that it tended to pacify her nerves.
"Hi." His voice was soft. Like despite there only being two of them, he made sure the words were just for her. It made her look back at him.
"Hi." She breathed out, swallowing an internal groan when the single word she spoke came out unsure.
The other reason she avoided Jeong Jaehyun was that he made her very nervous.
Maybe it were those dimples that currently assisted the pursed smile he had on his face— otherwise supposed to be as awkward as the current silence between them. By the time the elevator dinged she sighed out loud from relief, only realising a moment too late the implication it might have.
She hurried into the elevator, hearing a soft laugh from him as she turned; the gesture telling her that he definitely heard it. He watched her with eyes squinted from humour as he shook his head and walked into the elevator, his hands going into the pocket of his tan shorts. She pressed the button to their shared floor, eyes going down to the floor.
Out of the few rare moments that they had to interact, (Y/N) decided that being stuck in an elevator for even a few moments with him would definitely be the most excruciating of them all. Being confined in the space made his cologne as intoxicating as it was imposing. The infuriating realisation she had was that he had spent all day in the heat and humidity, still in the clothes he was in all day. She took a deep breath, not knowing whether it was to channel her frustration or to whiff at him like a creep.
"You know," Jaehyun became the one to break the silence, her brows rising slightly before she realised as she turned to him. At three words, this was probably the most he’d said to her directly. His lips twitched on one side when he saw the subtle surprise on her. "My dad asked me why I don't try to talk to you." He licked his lips, biting down on his tongue as he tried to hold in a smile.
Her cheeks heated impossibly from the thought of his parents talking about this. It also heated from the sight of his mouth. "It's okay." She winced, "I like to keep to myself too. I don't mind." She shrugged, wanting more than anything else for this conversation to be over. He smiled a little wider, cheeks cushioning out around the two dips in them.
She absolutely hated how attractive he was.
"I told him that I was a little apprehensive because you look like you like to keep to yourself." His lips grew wider still when she smiled sheepishly this time, snorted at the irony. "And because you look like you bite.”
Her heart jumped into her throat at the words, "You told your father that?" She interrupted him with a stunned gasp. Jaehyun rolled his tongue under his cheeks, the action inexplicably hot, shaking his head at her with just a shade of impatience, smile disappearing. The first real emotion she'd seen on him. His eyes looked above her, then came back to her eyes. He took a subtle detour for the smallest second to glance at her lips.
When he looked back, the small gasp of her breath made his lips twitch subtly.
"My mom chimed in then. Do you know what she said?" His devious smile was an indulgent one.
"What did she say?" Her voice came out more demure than she thought. Not pondering long on it after Jaehyun gave her a pleased look.
"She said that I'm too handsome to worry about something like that." He couldn't stop his scoff.
(Y/N) turned to rightfully give him a look of disbelief, his cheeks turning red and his hand raising to rub his earlobe. A slow smile spread on her lips at the sudden bashfulness despite the few moments of bold challenge that came immediately before.
"If it helps, I think she's a total sham too." He clicked his tongue, other hand reaching out to rub the other ear. This time she noticed how red the tips were before he even touched them. She looked at the screen inside the elevator, noting the floor.
"On the contrary." She breathed out, the timbre of her voice getting heavier. Jaehyun looked back to meet her gaze and the confined and sparse space almost gave her the sense that for a moment time stopped. "I think your mother's right." She shrugged, looking back to the elevator door as it dinged. What she heard then made a small sense of victory press on his back. Jaehyun’s breathing hiked, clearly afflicted.
She walked out, giving him a small sly smile. Her head tilted up as Jaehyun walked out of the elevator after her, standing less than a metre away from her.
"What are you doing after dinner?" He questioned, eyes drifting to her lips with a little more nerve, taking his time on this instance.
"You tell me."
That made him look up to her eyes, his own slowly lighting with promise.
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curtain call, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You know that TikTok trend where girls would drop their towels in front of their gamer boyfriends? As expected, Min Yoongi didn’t until he was informed by his six troublemaking friends. In this case, his girlfriend was the pro streamer and he was the guy in the towel... so what’s the result?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, tiny bit of crack; sexually explicit thoughts; smut (fem reader, handjob, cowgirl); very fluffy; non-idol!AU - established relationship, music producer!Yoongi x LoL streamer!reader
“Hahaha, oh my god, chat, did you see that? He bounced so many times from the CC, he literally went sky, holy shit!”
Min Yoongi opened the front door of his apartment to the jovial, laughing voice of his girlfriend. He shut the door, smiling to himself. Her streaming room was in the extra bedroom. The door was open, and he could see the bright RGB lights of her computer tower reflecting off the walls. He took off his black coat, placing it on the hanger in the hall closet.
“Stop cursing because it’s not ladylike?” He heard her scoff. “No, fuck you.”
Yoongi smirked. That’s my girl.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through social media. His friends always told him to reply to their posts, but Yoongi was a lurker. The only reason he even had any social media was because his friends set it up for him. He literally only followed six people – his six friends. Everyone else he just stalked from memory, even his own girlfriend. Mostly because he didn’t want random people following him for no reason, because they most certainly would with how popular she was.
When she had asked him what he thought of her full-time video game streaming, Yoongi told her to go for it. She had been obsessed with League of Legends for over nine years, even before she met him. At their first date, she first question was if he knew what League of Legends was.
“Uh… I got to Gold in season 2?”
Later, she told him his answer had seriously tilted her and she even considered not going on a second date.
“But you did. Because of this face.”
She had laughed and nodded.
She had been playing solo queue for a long time. When she finally started streaming her games, her channel grew slowly. She would immediately start playing after she got home from work. Hours and hours, growing a fanbase. Yoongi later learned she was startlingly good – “I was Master for a long time, got Grandmaster this season” – and when she asked him if she could quit her job, he pointed to her bank statements.
“Do you even need to ask? You might make more than me at one point and I’m Big Hit’s top music producer.”
And she did end up making more than him, at least some months, because the team that picked her up as a content creator this year was none other than T1, the most beloved (and hated) organization in Korea. Had she ever met Faker? No, but it was cool to say she was under the same umbrella as him.
Yoongi rounded the corner, knocking his knuckles on the doorframe.
You looked up from your game, grinning. Twitch chat had just said some dumb shit, but your eyes were on Min Yoongi now. The love of your life, standing in the doorframe, looking amused at your antics and dressed sharply in a white dress shirt and black slacks with a matching black tie. Very different to your black T1 hoodie and sweats.
“Whoa, fancy, fancy,” you teased, eyes going back to the game. You pushed back one of your headset’s earcups to hear him better. You clicked rapidly, autoattacking the towers swiftly. You were about to win after a hectic Baron fight. “Why are you dressed like that, Yoongi?”
Your chat was exploding with cat emojis. They had only seen Yoongi a few times and someone had compared him to a cat once. It stuck and now every time Yoongi spoke, your chat was spammed with cats. You even had a custom white cat emote made with Yoongi’s signature black hair.
Yoongi appeared next to you on the cam, only his slacks and bottom of his shirt visible next to you. He patted your head.
“Meeting today,” he said simply in his lovely deep voice. The chat was exploding due to Yoongi’s appearance. Everyone was thirsty for him. You couldn’t blame them. You too. “Looks like T1 Curtain Call is kicking ass.”
You fired the last shot at the Nexus, earning fifty gold. Was it necessary since that was the end of the game? Absolutely not, but it gave you bragging rights. You sat back, smirking. You were in your promos to Challenger, the highest rank in the ladder. It would be really exciting if you could make it to Challenger this season.
You turned to Yoongi as you honored your support Nami. “Chat wants you to say hi.”
Yoongi stuck his large hand out in front of the camera and waved it once. “Hey everyone.”
You chuckled as Yoongi retreated his hand. You clicked on the stats for the chat to read before reentering the lobby. T1 Curtain Call. That was your in-game name, or IGN. It was named after your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, mercenary gunman with a sniper ultimate and an obsession with the number four. Your IGN was Jhin’s ultimate ability name. You were an attack-damage carry main, also known as ADC.
You felt Yoongi ruffle your hair, messing it up under your headset.
“Going to take a shower before making dinner. Bye, chat.”
Yoongi stuck his hand in the screen again, right in front of your face.
You leaned forward to read the chat as you queued up. It was going to be a long queue, so you answered questions in the meantime.
“Ask Yoongi to play with you?” You chuckled. “Trust me guys, I’ve tried, even if it was just normals. He’s confused as shit.”
Yoongi worked the shampoo in his hair, feeling the hot water hit his back. Before getting into the shower, Yoongi had gotten multiple texts from the group chat. Normally he would ignore them, because he always ignored the group chat. This time, however, he saw his girlfriend’s name pop up in the texts, along with his name with multiple exclamation points. He frowned at it, opening the chat. He did not like his friends typing her name heedlessly.
It was some dumb TikTok trend.
“Hyung, you gotta do this to noona,” Jeon Jungkook had typed with multiple ‘kekekeke’ behind it. The youngest was an idiot for even suggesting this.
“Please do it,” Kim Taehyung typed with multiple laughing emojis.
“I want to know her reaction,” Park Jimin typed with a bunch of winking faces.
“The fuck is this?” Kim Seokjin had typed. “Oh my god, you have to do it, Yoongi.”
“But don’t film it,” Kim Namjoon warned. “Don’t want to make her look bad or anything.”
Jung Hoseok had just typed multiple laughing symbols. Yoongi could hear him laughing through the phone even if he wasn’t here.
It was a stupid trend where girls wrapped themselves in towels after a shower and then dropped said towels in front of their gamer boyfriends while they were playing, with varying reactions. Yoongi had sighed, putting his phone down. He shouldn’t have clicked on the chat. Those guys were loons. Besides, his role was reversed in his situation. A guy’s flaccid dick was a thousand times less interesting than his girlfriend’s perky tits and round ass. And her squeezable thighs. And her glistening pussy.
Yoongi rinsed his hair off, muttering to himself.
Why would he even consider distracting her like that anyway? He rubbed soap on his arms and legs. She took her games seriously and Yoongi wanted her to win them. It would just be dumb to be the reason that she dies in game. It was her job, after all. It was true they had less sex, but that was also partially his fault. He had been working on an album and it ran long hours. He had to finish before the deadline after all. Yes, sometimes Yoongi woke up late at night with a massive hard-on and her warm body next to him, only in her underwear. Sometimes he took her hand and wrapped it around him, considering on waking her up to do it.
But her peaceful, sleepy face was too cute to wake up, so he never did.
Yoongi puffed his cheeks as he rinsed off, thinning his mouth and eyes into lines. They used to mess around, right here in the shower, where he would jerk off on her face and chest, just to watch it drip down her body. He could see her pretty face in his mind, cum sprayed across her cheeks and chin, mischievous smile on her lips. They had different schedules now, so she always showered before her stream, while he was at work.
Yoongi clicked his tongue and turned the water off, body still hot. He grabbed the white towel from the rack and dried his hair, making it stick up in every direction. He rubbed himself down, wicking the water away. It made him remember how her hair used to stick to her body after their shared showers and how he would lift it away to play with her nipples.
He huffed, seeing his phone on the bathroom sink. His friends needed help. How could they even suggest such nonsen–
Yoongi tried to wrap his towel around his waist. He could feel a draft. He looked down, raising his eyebrows.
His dick was pitching a music-festival, VIP-member-only sized tent.
He pursed his lips. He shouldn’t be that surprised. He had literally been thinking about his girlfriend’s naked body the entire time. His eyes glanced to his phone once again before he opened the bathroom door. He heard her sigh loudly.
“Noooo, that’s the third dodge! Am I ever going to play a game, chat?” she whined.
Yoongi padded out into the hallway. Technically he was already halfway there. Might as well. Was this the stupidest shit he was ever going to do? Maybe. But she wasn’t going to expect it, that’s for sure. The thought made Yoongi smirk.
“When is Jungkook going to duo with me again? I don’t know guys; he said he has finals soon so he has to focus on school.” He heard her click her tongue. “Get him on cam again? Oh, I see, that’s what you all wanted... At least let him get through university.”
Yoongi stopped at the doorframe. Her hands were on her chin and she was sighing, looking depressed at her long queue time.
“Ah, so unlucky. It must be everyone’s dinnertime.”
He called her name in the same tone he usually used.
Her head lifted and her eyes floated in his direction.
Yoongi dropped the towel.
In less than a second, her eyes grew three sizes, jaw dropping. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, shading his eyes a bit. He cocked an eyebrow, slow smirk on his lips.
“Anything you want for dinner?”
You heard your queue pop, but you were frozen in place, gawking open-mouthed at your boyfriend standing in the doorframe of your streaming room, butt-ass naked, cock hard as a rock, towel on the ground. Did he just..? What the…? This was Min Yoongi. Your mild-mannered, somewhat-lazy, preferred-to-be-asleep boyfriend. Not suddenly-trying-to-send-you-to-horny-jail-in-front-of-three-thousand viewers boyfriend! You blinked at him, stuttering.
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. Your voice was a little too breathless, a little too shocked. And slightly too needy for Twitch chat. Your face was heating up fast. You whipped your head back to the screen, realizing you missed the queue. At this point, you didn’t give a single shit.
“You know what, guys,” you said shakily, laughing awkwardly. “I better help Yoongi with dinner and be a good girlfriend.” You rose, feeling the wetness between your legs. “See you tomorrow!”
And you immediately turned off the stream, fuck, you turned off your whole damn computer, mashing the power button, and throwing one of your spare hoodies over the webcam. You exploded from your T1 gaming chair, literally shooting it back three feet into the League plushes behind you, ripping your headset off, tossing it onto the keyboard. Yoongi looked surprised, as if he expected you to be demurer about it.
Yeah, that’s not kind of woman you were.
“Min Yoon-gi,” you hissed, stressing every syllable of his name. “How the fuck do you think you can just show up naked and not expect me to want to immediately fuck you?”
Yoongi chuckled. “I wanted to see your reaction.”
You narrowed your eyes, pressing him against the door with your body. “You don’t watch TikTok. Who put you up to this? Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?”
His voice was low and husky. “You know the mankae line are trouble.”
Your hand snaked up into his damp hair and you pulled him down for a sensual kiss. His soft, pink lips parted and you nipped at his lower lip, grinding deliciously into his hard cock. Your sweatpants and underwear were in the way, but you moaned into his mouth, tongue grazing against his lips.
Mentally, you thanked the three mankaes for giving Yoongi this wonderful idea.
He breathed against your lips, smirking.
“How many pieces of clothing are you wearing?” he purred.
You grinned into his kiss, tongue between your teeth. “Four.”
“On brand for you.”
And then you two stumbled into the hallway, Yoongi’s hands on the hem of your hoodie, pushing it up as you kissed him over and over, whispering his name, telling him how handsome he was, how perfectly sexy he was with his wet hair and soft skin. His lips curved upwards under yours, basking in your compliments, drinking them up.
“Count for me,” he drawled, pulling the black T1 hoodie up.
You slipped out of it, sliding down, hands splaying over Yoongi’s chest.
He tossed it aside as your hand wrapped around his cock. A sharp gasp left his lips feeling you stroke him slowly, your hand snaking around his neck and bringing his face close to yours, lips on lips. His hands curled around your waist, moving up, grasping the hook-and-eye of your black bra. All the while slowly making your way to the bedroom, nipping at his lips, sucking on his tongue.
Yoongi pinched, releasing your bra. You released his cock, letting it slide off your shoulders.
“Two,” you moaned, feeling his hands on your breasts, rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
“Hah, your body is so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmured. “Missed fucking you.”
You snickered, licking his lips. “Why don’t you actually try to wake me up for once instead of using my hand to jack yourself off at two in the morning?”
His dark brown eyes went wide, shock creeping into his voice. “W-what? How did you…?”
You pushed him through the doorframe of the bedroom. “You think I don’t notice your dick in my hands?” You reached down now, gripping it again, sighing softly at his hardness. “I’m a light sleeper.”
He sputtered at you, fingers curling under the waistband of your sweatpants. “No, you’re not.”
You grinned. “Yeah, you’re right, but this your cock we’re talking about, and I love your cock, Yoongi, fuck,” you continued, pumping him slowly as you felt his length twitch in your hands, his hands pushing down your pants, sliding down your legs.
“Three,” he breathed softly.
You took his larger hand and wrapped it around yours, stepping out of your pants.
“Go on, Yoongi. Show me what you do when you think I’m asleep,” you said softly, nudging him to the bed and laying him down, down, crawling over him, staring into his beautiful dark eyes, falling more and more in love with him every second. Yoongi bit his lip, looking back at you, shifting your hand up and down his cock, whimpering as he jacked himself off, but with your hand and your eyes on him.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” he mumbled. “Such perfectly shaped eyes.”
You leaned down, squeezing him a little harder, a tiny gasp brushing against your lips. “That’s you, my love.”
He smirked, his free hand hooking on the side of your panties.
“Hit me with the fourth shot,” Yoongi teased, grinning.
You kissed him lightly, smiling. “That’s going to be a critical hit.”
“Better be a critical hit all over my dick.”
You laughed, reaching over to the nightstand and pulling out the drawer, taking out a condom. The two of you pulled down your black panties, Yoongi completing the final number.
“Four,” he exhaled, nearly moaning at the sight of your juices snapping against your thigh.
“Me on top?” you asked, ripping the condom open.
Yoongi’s naughty smirk grew. “You do love me.”
You slid the condom down his length, both of you gasping as his cock throbbed in your hands. You slid up, holding him with two fingers as you sank down on him, tipping your head back at the feeling of Yoongi’s cock buried deep inside.
“I’ve determined we don’t fuck enough,” you muttered, rolling your hips at the delicious sensation of being stretched out by your lover.
“I should wake up earlier,” Yoongi hissed, hands twisting in the sheets. “So we can shower together again.”
“You miss that?” You began to move, riding him deliberately slow but rough, slapping your hips together. You were leaking all over his crotch and balls, adding to the sound. “Miss me on my knees for you, wet from head to toe?”
“Hah… I was thinking about it in the shower,” he panted, feeling you lean down to change the angle, rolling the entire lower half of your body to fuck him hard, fast, intensely squeezing his cock at every descent. “You look so good covered in my cum, my love.”
You smirked, arching an eyebrow. “Yeah? Take some pictures. Show your friends.”
Yoongi laughed, that attractive raspy laugh that showed his pink gums and his pretty white teeth as you rode him, chasing your orgasm and determined to get him to his. “They fucking wish they could see this body,” he growled, a touch of possessiveness in his voice that made your spine shiver deliciously. “Bet they wish they could see you riding my dick right now, your perfect tits and ass bouncing on top of me.”
You clenched him harder and he moaned, head pressed into the pillows, eyes closing, drowning in the feeling of you.
“Ask them,” you snickered. “I already know Jimin’s answer.”
Yoongi gave you an open-mouthed smirk. “That fucking pervert.”
You slammed your hips together tightening your jaw and your core, sucking in his entire length, every contour imprinted into you, every vein pulsing into your walls, Yoongi so fucked out and gone under you, the best image in the entire fucking world. You leaned your head back, gasping triumphantly as the pleasure finally dropped, showering over you, your hips shaking, pussy throbbing all around him, splattering onto his crotch. Yoongi groaned, smacking his fists against the sheets as he shot up into you, cock swelling against your walls, choking out your name due to the strength of your orgasm. You felt your pussy milking him for every drop, draining him. Yoongi’s hips jerked involuntarily up towards you, squelching loudly and lewdly.
Fuck, you loved him.
You bent down, hand between your bodies, holding the condom down as you kissed his open mouth, tongue sliding in to stroke his, murmuring to him how much you loved him. Yoongi panted into your lips, hot erotic breaths that made you moan as you slowly removed yourself from his softening cock. He opened his eyes, half-lidded, drunk with pleasure. His voice was breathless, content.
“I love you.”
You smirked.
“Drop your towel some more, but maybe when I’m not live streaming.”
Yoongi laughed and you laughed too, because in the end it was still hilarious.
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quel-bon-idee · 2 years
Okay Boys! Another long post criticizing critical roles choice in the way they narratively tell their dnd stories. Now let me just say, if you like cr (I do as well, but I hate campaign two a lot lol) this isn’t a form of attack, it’s natural critique from a writer. Early deaths of a main character in a story are (while a natural part of the DnD game), in my opinion, a bad storytelling technique. If, for example, we are writing a fantasy novel with an ensemble cast, the focus on the novel would in fact be one part the plot and one part the dynamic between characters. Taking a minute to focus in on the character dynamics, a few things that can propel them in a simplistic way are friendships, love interests, rivalries, and opposing morals. If you want any of that propelling to be successful, you’re going to have to spend the time to add moments of conversation, growth, and narrative. With a show like critical role there is obviously the threat of death, but mechanically there is nothing stopping the show with adding “padding” to make sure a character has a narratively satisfying arc before death. You could even make it an episode cap or a level cap until he begins having lethal fights (lethal meaning a fight where the enemy spent extra time to “kill” unconscious characters like the one that killed three characters). Applying the normal DnD rules to number one twitch channel Critical Role, would be a little naïve. Matt already makes Revivify a ritual process with rolls to make things harder so saying that they need to “stick to the rules” is a moot point, they already have been breaking them. They have a team of writers and actors putting on a story, like any other television show. In my opinion having a character (and a fan favourite no less) die essentially one hundred episodes before the campaign finishes, makes them narratively pointless and makes viewership lessen. The story gets worse. The death doesn’t cause any real effect because we don’t have enough real time with her to care (I mean obviously it’ll cause an uproar online, clearly. She was a literal fan favourite). Nothing more will make me put a book down like an early main character death. Even death as a plot device to make characters avenge them or what have you doesn’t really apply here because Marisha is going to come back as another person, they’ll reform the group, and one hundred episodes later, Laudna will be but a memory. Killing a character has to have a point, especially killing a main character. You can’t just kill people willy nilly and try to milk emotions without putting in the effort to make it sad (and this is not me invalidating anyone who was saddened by Laudna’s death, I was as well, I am simply speaking in a purely analytical way). Anyway, I personally believe that this is a huge issue with the writing of critical role. Pacing, since it is an improvised show, has always given way to a poor execution, and having these lethal choices be made (it was Matt’s choice to make this character continue attack after unconsciousness) leads to even more bad pacing, and ultimately, a disappointing story
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efemerografica · 3 years
Made this sometime ago, and it got “greenlighted” (lol). BBBIBILANDIA TWITCH Icons and Emotes.
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My dear friend G. Sakata asked me if i could try making some icons for her Twitch channel (where she streams her awesome drawings). She liked the ending results, so all this is now hers (ONLY) lol. I myself am quite happy with it. A big noticeable improvement. Although we considered it finished, im (always) open for critiques, obviously. - PLEASE - Follow my incredible friend Bibi here: @bbbibilandia  | @bbbibiblog Lets convince her to stream again at: https://www.twitch.tv/bbbibilandia!
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morikouwu · 4 years
How about some Bakubabe soft lovely-dovey stuff as payback for your Outside fic, cause that shit HURTED. Like you’ve been in the dumbs lately, and your lovely boyfriend true to himself, has no clue as what to do except cuddle the everloving shit outta you. and maybe stuff some ramen he made down your gob because ‘you’re not gonna be sad AND hungry on my watch damnit’’also hydrate ya dummy’’jk jk bby ily ❤️💖💕’
Okay first of all, thank you for reading my angsty Outside fic 😳🥺 there will be a alt ending that hopefully wont hurt as much lol, and secondly thank you for sending me my first request! 💖 This request really hits home with me right now because I to have been dealing with feeling sad and just down.
I hope you like it Anon! 💖
Warnings: Cussing (its bakugou) and teeth rotting fluff!
It’s your last day off from work and all you wanted to do was lay around. You had no energy for anything else. Lately, you have been feeling pretty down. You felt the familiar black cloud start to form over your head. You hated that you could tell it was coming but felt like there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
So what you did do was lay on the couch in your living room in front of the tv that was on a random channel because you just couldn’t seem to pay attention to it. The tv filled your small living room with drowned out noise that seemed far away in your head. It wasn’t until you heard your front door opening an then closing with a definite bang and the shuffling of shoes being taken off that you realized just how long you must have been on the couch. 
“Oi! Dumbass where are ya’?” you heard your hot headed boyfriend of 10 months call out. If it was any other day you would have barked out a equally snide remark to answer him, but you just couldn’t find the energy to form the words. “hmmmph” is what came out instead. That was more than enough for your perceptive boyfriend to find you.  He had stomped his way to the living room, ready to give you a teasing earful on how to properly greet someone but all his jeering comments flew out the window the moment his vermilion eyes fell onto your feeble form curled into a ball on the old couch. 
His throat felt tight and constricted as he made his way to you, already hating seeing you like this. Where was his annoyingly outgoing partner that he fell for? You felt the couch dip next to you, already feeling the warmth Katsuki always brought with him wherever he went.  “Hey..” his softer than usual voice made your eyes land on him. “Hi” you manage to let out. He lets his sharp eyes sweep over you. He notices that you are wearing one of his old t shirts that he graciously gave you after you pestered him non stop about wanting something to remind you of him when he wasn’t there with you. Bakugou wasn’t an idiot. He knew when there was something bothering you. And he also knew what it felt like to have a black cloud follow you around. But did that mean he knows what to do to make you feel better? No. No it did not. He wasn’t an idiot but he definitely wasn’t good with emotions and comforting people!
You feel his muscular legs bounce next to you. You go to ask him what up before he gets up and heads in the direction of your modest kitchen. You faintly hear the fridge door open, the sound of bottles and jars moving and clinking together before the door closes and you hear the familiar sound of your boyfriend making his way back to you. Next thing you know there’s a ice cold water bottle being shoved in front of you. You look up to Katsuki quietly questioning him with your eyes. “Drink you shitty dumbass!” He shakes the bottle in front of you as you slowly push yourself into a sitting position. “I bet you haven’t drank or even eaten anything today” You stay quiet as you purse your lips in mock thought. He presses the cold bottle against your cheek making you yelp in shock before grabbing the bottle to get him to stop. He stands there with his arms crossed against his chest. “I ain’t leaving here until I see you drink.” You want to roll your eyes but you know hes acting this way because hes worried about you. So you twist open the bottle and take a sip. The cold water feeling foreign in your dry mouth. When did your mouth get so dry? How long have your lips been this chapped?? 
You hear Katsuki let out a relieved sigh as he sees you take another drink of water. “Listen here ya damn nerd, you are gonna stay here and keep drinking your water while I go make ya something decent to eat. When I get back, that bottle better be finished. Got it?” His tone leaves no room for argument but you can’t help but let out a small smile. The icy cold water already seeming to clear a little bit of the fog you have been in all day. So much so that you have juuust enough energy to playfully salute to your boyfriend and say “sir yes sir” tauntingly. You hear your hot headed boyfriend utter his infamous “Tch” before he goes back to the kitchen. You didn’t miss the way the corners of his mouth twitched up before turning his back to you. 
 Katsuki is in the kitchen for about half an hour. The only noises you hear are the clinking and clanking of pots and pans. You do as you are told though. You sipped your water, feeling the icy cold settle into your empty stomach. By the time you hear Katsuki’s heavy footsteps make their way back to your spot on the couch, your bottle is haphazardly sitting on the small coffee table in front of you. 
You again feel the couch dip next to you, seeing your boyfriend holding two bowls of steaming hot ramen. He holds a bowl out to you for you to take, which you do. The aroma hits your nose immediately. Did he really make this heavenly smelling meal with what little groceries you had?? Your eyes dart to him taking in just how handsome your boyfriend really is, but his ruby eyes are already on you. You see him raise a pointed eyebrow to you. “Well? What are ya starin at me for idiot? Eat up dammit.” Your face flushes at getting caught ogling before you bring your attention back to the bowl in front of you. You grab a forkful of noodles and lightly blow on it before bringing it to your awaiting mouth. You swear your boyfriend is a wizard with how good he can make food. 
In no time at all you have both finished your bowls and they sit there along with your water bottle on the coffee table. You feel Katsuki shuffle. Hes laying down before he pulls you to lay against him. You hear his strong steady heart beat as his huge hands lay along your back.  His fingers kneading random patterns into your back as you let the warmth that is your boyfriend take over. The scent of caramel and burning sugar coaxing you to relax. “Next time you feel like this... you let me know.. ya hear me idiot?” You can barley make out his soft voice over the steady beat of his heart. Your eyes already feeling heavy as you lay there against him. You cuddle more against him before leaning your chin on his chest. You look into those vermilion eyes that always seem to be on you. “I love you blasty” That earns you a pinch to your side. “Yeah yeah.. i love you too dumbass.”
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fistsoflightning · 5 years
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rue the day
we will regret this day. let us hope we live long enough to do so.
notes: shadowbringers lvl 79 quest spoilers ‘extinguishing the last light’ just in case, slight drk spoilers!
new writing post format because i likey screenshots! it also makes it easier to put my writing tag on my tags page lol
words: 2647
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Under the relentless and horrific pain the Light brings, Zaya falls, their own aether warping and twisting the soft night above them into a harsh, eternal day. The Light brought together is stronger than they alone—an outcome long predicted, but Zaya is nothing if not hope—according to one Tataru Taru—so Zaya pushes forth in against the unbearable light.
That hope has done nothing but kill us slowly; what use is it in face of despair?
A flash of crystalline blue light and the relief from the screeching Light by way of wailing wind forces Zaya to get to their knees, eyes barely lifting off the ground to see the Exarch, a stalwart figure in deep red and black against the backdrop of eternal light. His stance is relaxed; resigned, almost, but not to the inevitability that the final Lightwarden will be them. With how he walks soft upon marble to soothe their horns, it cannot be the death of the final Warrior that he expects.
He waves his staff towards them—a staff charm hangs on one of the boxy holes near the top, red rubies and fire twisting with his blue aether—and it is as if the air clears. Light channels like the Lifestream between the two of them as Zaya pulls their head up higher and higher, watching the translucent blue crystal of the Exarch’s arm flake off and become an impure white midair.
“At journey’s end,” he speaks in a lilt Zaya has not remembered in a long, long time. “An opportunistic thief makes off with the hero’s prize. A paltry way to end a chapter, I concede.”
The winds rise higher into the barrier of aether the Exarch has made, the patterns on the barrier climbing into the skies as Alisaie begins to slam her fists against it, begging the Exarch to stop, to think for a damned second about what he’s doing before it’s too late.
“Yet your tale will continue, and my role in it will be scarcely remembered.” He continues with his final words despite Alisaie’s protests, signing the last line on his death sentence as light swirls and swirls around in his eyes, his arm, his chest. Zaya starts to lift their hand up to the trail of Light, pulling the strength needed to draw aether into themselves again when—
“Worry not.” The Exarch tilts his staff a little lower, and again the flow of Light tips back to him, and Zaya is forced to watch as the black of his skirts and hood are tainted with white ink patterns. “Whatever should become of me, I will be happy and free, safe in the knowledge that I have played my part.”
How could you say that?! A voice screams from the abyss worlds away, pounding against a wall of light. What about those that you left? The ones still waiting for you?
Zaya lets Light drip down their face as the flame grows fierce in their chest. What else is there to say? To do? Their strength is all but gone, and without enough focus, they cannot try to play martyr for another. Just like the last time you had to be saved.
The Exarch, smiling and wistfully happy under his hood, pushes more magic through his staff. The eternal winds pick up around them faster than before, and the Exarch, too caught up in his final moments, fails to account for the wind and his identity. Fading red hair and whitened tips fly free from their confines, the Exarch’s eyes closing in a moment of surprise, and the final piece it takes is—  
His ears. There’s a scar on the left one, from when Zaya “accidentally” shot their bow at him while racing for the crystalline dust required to open the Tower; he’d never had A’dewah heal it despite the chance of it ruining his ear, for it was a “reminder of a good friend”.
All suspicions proved, Zaya takes the greatest leap of faith.
“G…” Light bubbles in their throat, hissing as they force a strained voice to sing an unfamiliar tune. “G...raha?”
G’raha’s eyes shoot open, both irises now crimson like the false moon that once circled the tower, and tears start to well up as he finally gets the ramifications of his actions while hidden away. Instead of pulling his staff back, however, he pushes forward , calling greater winds as Thancred, Y’shtola, and Urianger gasp at the sight of a fellow Archon they knew a long time ago. His ears twitch at the sound of their pained gasps, but he does not look back.
“Thank you for fighting for this world. For believing.” G’raha lets unstained tears fall from crimson eyes like moonlight as the light begins to wrap around his head in thick, transparent feathers. His words are practiced—it is easy to tell by how he does not forget or stutter, but it cannot be said that he is emotionless when he pauses. “Fare you well, my friend—my inspiration. ”
And Zaya is so overwhelmed by the weight of his lie, the weight of his heart poured out in less than twenty words, the sheer misfortune of them meeting again wholly and truly now , at the brink of his death, that they look down—just for a moment, but they do.
Never look away.
A gunshot rings out as quickly as G’raha can expand the barrier between the two of them and the Scions, and the Light comes rushing back towards Zaya, leaving G’raha the way he was before this whole ‘absorbing the Light’ mess. He falls forward, coming close enough for Zaya to reach out and brush his ear as blood seeps through his robes, metal staff and charm meeting ground in an ugly clang. The sound of something breaking brings back horrible memories, filled with a different kind of light and wound and sound as a metal shield meets smooth stone, aether swirling about just like the Light does now.
G’RAHA! The flame bursts a crack into that invisible wall of light deep inside and blinding them with a rage long forgotten and retrieved. The fire is so overwhelming, so unfamiliar now that when they look up again from G’raha’s bleeding body, Zaya meets eye to eye with Emet-Selch, holding a Garlean gun pointed at the scales between their eyes.
“To think he went through all this trouble for the sake of a single hero. It’s almost admirable in its absurdity; reminds me of a fool from long ago…” Emet-Selch steps closer, around and over G’raha’s weak body. “My, my. Have you heard a single thing I’ve said just now?”
Zaya can barely hear him over the din of Light that’s returned with the loss of sobbing winds, but they somehow muster the energy to shake their head. He clicks his tongue. “No matter; you will forget anyhow when your grand scheme falls flat. Look at you; already on the verge of turning, eater .”
Emet-Selch laughs bitterly as Zaya pieces together the bloodstained pieces of the puzzle to find that the damned Ascian in front of them went back on his word; a liar in every right. Some “Angel of Truth” he was.
“I wonder; should I end your misery now to have one of your precious friends here end the land? They’d be plenty strong, especially with the shock of aether your death would provide.” Zaya follows the Ascian with their eyes as he slowly makes his way to kneel in front of them. Under his robe, a glimmer catches their eye; a… Crystal of Light? It gleams honey gold with the aether of the earth around them, despite how twisted its become.
Syhrwyda’s crystal? She’d never give it up, unless…
Emet-Selch catches Zaya’s gaze while looking at the Scions; they’re shellshocked with every right to be so. “Oh, seen these before, have you?”
He pulls back his short fuzzy coat to reveal seven necklaces with seven crystals of Light hanging from them, motionless without wind. “I had to, you know. They’d attacked me even before I could plead my case! You’ve been the first so far to listen, to care enough to try.”
Emet-Selch kneels, eyes and mouth tilting in a taunting sort of way, layered with the calculating look in his eyes.. “I understand you have a ‘Shadowhunter’ friend back home. ‘Tis only fair for me to take due payment for the lives of my brethren.”
Due payment? DUE PAYMENT?! The flames burn up everything and anything that Zaya has left of their restraints, letting both Light in and Darkness out as they rise to their feet, light aether swirling around them into feathers as Zaya loses sight, loses touch, loses focus.
Emet-Selch rambles about truth and despair and the Rejoining in a blurry mess as Zaya tries and fails to stop the turning, lurching ever closer to the Ascian, who is so convinced that they were down for the count that he turns his back. Lightning—all purple and indigo rather than cobalt blue—leaps to shock the Ascian, and he jumps. A surprising action, but Zaya drinks in his surprise and speechlessness all the same.
The speechlessness doesn’t last all that long, but it’s the look of his face that counts. Emet-Selch composes himself, and Zaya is so very tempted to leap forward and punch him hard, not accounting for how much energy it would take or risk it would incur; this liar is one worthy of punishment with a double-edged sword.
Make him regret this. Something… not entirely of the abyss speaks to them, angry and defiant in every right. It twists words in the wrong way; it can’t be Fray, but Zaya is not of the right mind, and certainly cannot care at this moment.
The bastard smirks when he looks at Zaya, looking deep at their soul and emotions as if there was no such thing as privacy , thank you very much.
“Ahh, the irony. What Vauthry achieved through bliss and ignorance, you will achieve through despair and anger.” Sparks fly towards him, but they all fade before possibly reaching his hands. Zaya’s sight grows shaky. “But I have overstayed my welcome. I shall look forward to seeing you bring the world to its knees.”
Zaya faintly hears an ‘again’ under the simmering problems raging in them, but he tuts as they strain to focus again, teetering back and forth on the line of no return. Emet-Selch snaps G’raha out of existence—surely he did the same to Syhrwyda, Tehra’ir, Lumelle, everyone else before them—and floats himself high above Zaya’s angry reach. Only for now; just a few seconds more and Zaya will have wings , like they’ve always wanted to be free and wild and glorious —
“I pity you, I do.” Emet-Selch’s bitterness and regret cuts through the thickest of Light induced thinking, voice like seeping poison on Zaya’s tired mind. “Your friends are now your foes; if you do not kill them, they will kill you.”
And in that, Zaya picks up on the faintest ‘I’ve been through this, too’ lined with lightning and rain.
“In the dark depths of the Tempest, I have an abode. Seek me out when it becomes too much to bear.” The edges of the Ascian begin to fade into teleportation magicks as Zaya’s body sways, aether expended and flame turning to embers. “There, you may complete your descent into madness with some dignity, far from prying eyes.”
“Till then, I bid you farewell… eater.”
As Emet-Selch dissipates, the anger that’s been fueling their control goes too, and they fall onto the floor, writhing as Light fully takes hold in lack of a balance; the embers are barely there, even when Zaya sees Thancred and Y’shtola and Ryne through light-stained vision, even when Alisaie’s bruised hands lift them up, even when Ryne starts to tear up at the light hardening over skin.
Don’t you dare give in, not when this is… not when we are so close.
And from the depths of the pit of ashen embers, something small and fading rises up to rush through and claim more aether from Zaya to form, gleaming a purple-pink as it forms right over Thancred’s shoulder.
We aren’t finished yet, are we? We aren’t going to accept defeat this time, are we? Fray murmurs as they quickly kneel besides Ryne, channeling a spell meant to seal and freeze aether. Their helmet is already fading, and Thancred stares onwards as the blue and black scales are revealed from underneath the helm.
You have those you can yet save. Those we have already lost. Remember, for all of us, the times we’ve had, the stories unfinished. Fray’s whisperings chase them back into safety, into a deep dark that has always been there, and Zaya, sick and tired of fighting, lets go for what could be the final time, etching the faces of their family as their final memory.
Zaya wakes in a fit, a full moon later. The room; empty, save for the sleeping figure of Thancred by the window where the Crystarium plants have well and truly died from the repeated change in light. The pain and weight of the Light still pounds behind their eyes, waiting to be freed from the confines of Fray and Ryne’s ministrations to end Norvrandt once and for all.
Nhaama’s tits, they’re surprised they’re even alive and mortal anymore.
They should go back to bed, before Thancred wakes up and sees them up and around. He’d alarm the rest of the Scions to their state, and they’d all come rushing back to the most dangerous place to be; near the Lightwarden, near the civilization that holds their last hopes in Lyna, Ryne, the Crystalline Mean, and the Crystal—
Just as quickly as Zaya had laid back down, they shoot back up, remembering the gunshot, the blood, the roar of Light and the older parts of their soul as Emet-Selch…
Zaya lets their feet guide them to the door, looking back only once to make sure the door clicking shut does not disturb Thancred, as it has many times before. Their blue robe, stained an inky white, rests over his back—after Zaya is sure it will not do any damage to Thancred’s aether too, and instead they wear a large cloak as they slink towards the aetheryte plaza unnoticed. They would much rather sleep forever under the light of the Crystarium, wait for a cure to the Lightwarden affliction, but...
They have something left to do.
Thancred wakes up two minutes too late. A robe is draped over his back (still somewhat warm), and the door is left ajar, letting voices from further down carry into the spacious inn room.
“Was that…?” A young lady asks in whispers.
“That was the one who came here on a stretcher!” A child whisper-yells back.
Thancred, despite the aches in his bones and the stiffness of his muscles, shoots up from his seat, takes the tattered robe in hand, and runs out the door. The Light above is blinding now, with how long Zaya has slept, and if they were to leave without Ryne’s help, it could most certainly mean death!
“Hells open, heavens weep… Zaya?!” Thancred begins to call as he rushes through the Pendants, past the clerk with worried eyes and past Bragi into the aetheryte plaza just as a flash of teleportation magic goes off. “Zaya!”
He can’t follow them—he never could keep up, much less now —and by the time he calls for help… where will they be? In a grave? In the Empty, seeking death? Already a Lightwarden? Gods, how many times has he lost them now; Ifrit, the Praetorium, the banquet, to Doma, to another world …
He cannot—will not let this be another bygone.
By the time the other Scions return to the Crystarium under Lyna’s call, the Light above is burning their mistake into their skin.
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ok, i have around 35 minutes left on the batman 2022. and now, i believe is when we're going to get the inexplicable act of violence of the riddler flooding gotham like he's noah, despite every action previous pointing towards him knowing that the real enemy is people in power using said power to exploit the abject misery of gotham's people (misery that they are directly responsable for) to make even more money.
this had to happen because reasons. cant have the leftist radical making Too Much sense!
and before you @ me, yes it makes sense for the story they're telling. hopefully we get more character development for the bat in the sequel, because he is still wrong about a lot of things! but making villains revolutionaries and then pulling the rug from under us with a "HA! they tricked you! they just wanted to kill/they were jealous and resentful/they wanted to be the new oppressor/etc" is also part of a wider trend which i find very annoying. it just makes me wish i was reading commie trash fanfic instead 🤣
we can have stories that dont do this to us. that treat us like, yknow, intelligent people who can form their own opinions. the immortal hulk for example, which i havent read yet because my "to watch/read later" list is so long that i get anxious even thinking about it. no cheap tricks required baby!
now we're at the hotel room again! just saw the polaroids 🤣 those should be a new meme format :p martinez is here! "what are you doing here?" and bruce just stands there, ominously. that counts as an answer right? no wait. another mark for the "we accidentally made an autistic man" tally. he's tried to answer questions asked like this before (its not actually a question, they just want you to stop) and it got him yelled at so he just Doesnt.
martinez is trying to make small talk. oh god why. !!! i didnt know there was a tool for that. would have helped a lot to know when we installed carpet in my bedroom when i was 14 :/
"A REAL CHANGE" yeah, yeah, you're gonna recreate the flood, whatever. though i really like the akira and ryo thing the batman and the riddler have going. "hey guys :) thanks for all the comments :) special thanks for the tips on detonators :)" he's my comfort twitch streamer. aaaww he's getting emotional :3 he got radicalized by 4chan because he wanted friends is what we're going for?
he wants to kill miss real too, the other candidate for mayor who won by default, because her opponent got fucking murdered. he believes that it's all a lie and it's all gonna keep getting worse. very doomer.
i dont think electoralism and reform do much either, because you're constantly compromising with people who dont think X group deserves to live or just dont care/consider it an acceptable loss if X group dies. you spend so much time arguing that the people you try to help end up dying while waiting for you to gain ground through "the proper channels".
it only becomes less of a slog if there is a tangible threat to the interests (or lives) of the ruling class that could be pacified by making things less shit/better for marginalized groups. if he hadnt done a terrorism right at the end of the movie, the riddler and his supporters could have been that for bella real. a symbiotic relationship, even if they hold deep distaste for eachother, would have been incredibly useful for the people of gotham and would have led to the betterment of their quality of life...
but instead of holding her to her promises of change (which he could have done very easily, he's a smart boy and he's killed before, very publically) NO! LETS KILL HER *explodes the sea wall* there are problems murder and violence cannot solve, you cant stab rich people until social safety networks come out (well, you can. but the riddler did it wrong lol)
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03/17/2021 (II)
Coincidences always mess with my head because the emotional side of my mind wants to believe that they don’t exist and that everything in this universe happens for a reason and that I can derive some meaning from it - but then the rational side kicks in and lets me know just how crazy that line of thinking of is and that anything, no matter how small the odds, is still possible because the universe is just that random and meaningless. I want to believe the former because it’s comforting, but I’m compelled to believe the latter even though that fills me with nihilistic despair. This can all really suck me into a downward spiral if I overthink it too much. So even though I still feel at a loss for words over this morning’s coincidence, I think I may as well try to get this down right now so that I don’t exhaust too much mental energy on this particular topic the rest of the day.
I’m sitting on my computer this morning eating breakfast and watching youtube like I usually do every morning, about an hour or so after writing what I wrote previously. Lately I’ve watching this obscure English speaking Malaysian youtuber who does these expert playthroughs of an obscure late 90’s video game that masterfully blended ancient Roman history & Roman aesthetics with a city builder sim – the masterpiece that is Caesar III. Probably my third most played game as a child, right after DOOM and Duke3D respectively. Anyway, really impressed by how well he understands the game and intrigued by his rather unique personality so I decided to try to find his twitch link so that I could follow him there, too. Noticed in the info section he had a link to his Spotify account so I head over to follow him there. Was a little surprised though because he’s got over 100k subscribers only YT but only 35 followers on Spotify and two playlists. Was intrigued that I was part of such a small percentage of his fanbase that had gotten here, and decided to check out what kind of people our small little group consists of. One account instantly stood out from the rest because it was someone’s facebook linked account thus real name and photo and she looked like a young arts school/nerdy type (I don’t mean as an insult) which didn’t seem at all like the type of person I’d imagine watches his content. There was nothing that stood out about the rest of the accounts at all, except this one was some old bloke who’s probably in retirement lol. They were what I’d expect the audience of an obscure Asian youtuber who plays retro strategy games to be.. men of my generation and above. A woman who could be young enough to have not been alive when the twin towers came down really just stood out. Curiosity made me dive down the rabbit hole and click her profile.
I’m going to have to digress for a moment and explain what I mean by that rabbit hole. I’ve found that – in the online world at least - 6 degrees of separation is very much real. Whenever I bother to read facebook comments on news articles or memes I often will click on someone who stands out for whatever reason and find someone they’re interacting with on their profile then click on them – repeat the process and you quickly find someone who has a mutual friend of you. Or, when I’m reading YouTube comments I often do the same thing but in search of truly obscure content – like channels with videos not exceeding 150 views. You find these strange communities consisting of like half a dozen people but eventually you find someone you have something in common with. It’s kinda like how you can go on Wikipedia, click random article, and from there you can click any random link on the page and continue that process until you can get to the page of Adolf Hitler. You can do it within 6 clicks. I’ve literally never lost it. Go try it, it’s fascinating. Because that means every single wikipedia article is only seperated by 6 degrees from Hitler.
Anyway, so yeah, was curious about this person who stood out from the rest and wondered what I could find down that rabbit hole. This persons not got many followers, but one rather unique username stands out instantly.
I’ve seen that name before. Where have I seen that name before?
Someone I know must be following this person or something, I know I’ve seen this account name before on here.
Hmm, small world.
So I click on it. They’ve got two followers.  Click. On follower is this person where this rabbit hole began.  But the other follower is her.
Oh shit.
I think I know who this is, it must be him. Fuck.
Small world indeed.
I anticipated feeling this sort of way if I ever accidently bumped into her somewhere, sometime. But I wasn’t expecting this. What are the fucking odds of that happening.. at all, let alone within an hour of me writing what I wrote this morning. What the fuck. 
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