#I love you local Mexican restaurants 💖💖
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hi life update 🤓
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holocene-sims · 25 days
🥯 and 🍚 for Grant :)
aww these are fun questions; thank you so much for the ask!! 💜💖✨
🥯 what's their usual breakfast like? do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
first of all, grant is a strong believer in the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" idea!! if you ever see him not eat in the morning, he’s probably on his deathbed.
he usually does eat alone, at least these days now that he’s living alone and out of his previous relationship, but he’s okay with that, and he’s also used to it. his previous job schedule was erratic and full of traveling, so he spent a lot of time eating continental hotel breakfasts by himself lol.
i think his usual breakfast is very classic american, like fruit and waffles + bacon + coffee + maybe potatoes in some form. his ideal one might be, like, cooking with a partner or friends and going all out on a mocktail mimosa and fancy french toast, stuff like that!
🍚 they have been invited for a dinner by someone close to them! where are they going, what are they ordering, what are they drinking and what do they talk about?
i love the idea of grant, henry, soobin, and potentially others like shannon and colm, etc., all going out for the also classic tradition of margarita night at the local mexican restaurant, except that they’re not drinking margaritas because almost everyone at that table is sober. instead, they’re just eating their weight in chips and salsa.
as for what they’re talking about…it’s probably a quote unquote wide-ranging conversation. conspiracy theories, internet rabbit holes, gossip, TV and movies, books, life updates, video games, etc.
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takemyopenheart · 3 years
Luz’s finishing her shift when Ethan surprises her with a mysterious date invitation, refusing to reveal any details. How does she react? What has Grumpsey planned for them? 👀💖
PS. Hope to see you back here one day, Queen 🥰
Thanks so much for this fun question, Hilde!! It’s been a loooong while since I’ve written anything, so apologies if this isn’t as creative!
I love this concept so much. I imagine Ethan has been planning this meticulously, and the fact that it’s a surprise is right up Luz’s alley; she lives for spontaneity.
All Ethan tells her is that there is something special he planned. She’d be super excited and giddy, asking for hints and whether she should go home to change into something more appropriate. Ethan reassures her that what she’s wearing is perfectly fine. Emphasis on the “fine” 😉.
“What’s the occasion?”
“Should there be one? I’d prolong any night with my favorite person, now quit asking further questions,” he’d answer with that favorite smirk of hers.
Just days prior they were discussing their favorite food. Luz mentioned she couldn’t remember the last time she had great authentic Mexican food. Food that reminded her of her parents’ cooking. Their local Mexican restaurants just didn’t do it for her. That sparked an idea in Ethan. He immediately secretly contacted Luz’s mom and the plan was set in stone.
Luz grew confused when he drove the way to their apartment, thinking the surprise was elsewhere. Staying true to his word, Ethan didn’t answer any of her questions.
Upon entering the apartment, Ethan told her to take a bath and relax while he prepared something for them, and that she did. Once she finished her shower and dressed, one of her favorite smells reached her nostrils. She recognized that smell as the same one that wafted through her parents’ home.
As she entered the kitchen, her suspicions were confirmed. Ethan stood at the stove flipping over the tortillas in the same enchilada sauce her mom always made back home. Her footsteps alerted him of her presence and he poured her favorite wine as he finished cooking the meal. Her face lit up. It all meant so much to her.
Unbeknownst to her, Ethan had asked her mom to send him the recipes to all of Luz’s favorite home cooked meals. Luz couldn’t resist helping Ethan, even though he declined the help. But she couldn’t just sit there and watch, as much as she enjoyed the view of his ass in those pants 😉, and he eventually gave in when she gave him those puppy dog eyes.
So it was a lovely and intimate night, cooking together before finally enjoying one of the meals she so missed. He made sure to save all the recipes for the future.
Any night with your favorite person is a great night ❤️.
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