#I love you in Oshiwambo :)
ask-namibia · 4 years
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Day 1: The Past/History
It wasn’t.
Ever since the 1800s, I was told to be more “civilized”, whatever that meant. It made me ashamed of who I was and what I believed, especially when they tried to destroy my cultures. As I was colonized for a hundred years, I longed for the girl I was before all this. All these years, I was taught to be like the white people. Do what they say. Be like them. They failed at this. That only taught me that I shouldn’t be mad at myself for being genuine. I love my cultures. They’re what make me me. It took years but I love my skin, my cultures, and how I look.
I can finally tell myself in the mirror “Ondikuhole”.
//A day late. I am so sorry. 
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sunshinewrit-ing · 4 years
‘I Love You’ in 50 Languages
ig: sunshine.writing
If you’re using one of these languages in whatever you’re writing, make sure that you check to make sure you’re using the proper masculine or feminine form. There were only a couple languages I found that did that for ‘I love you,’ but it’s always best to do the research and be 100% sure you’re using the right gender. Some of the accents or special characters might be wrong too, and there might be some that are missing them since I don’t speak the languages, so make sure you double check that as well because accents can change the entire meaning of a word or phrase. Also, if you’re looking for an ‘I love you’ for a parent, grandparent, friend, stranger, etc., make sure you do separate research because for the languages that this applies to I provided the romantic form which would most likely be said between partners and not to your character’s friend!
English: I love you
French: Je t’aime
Spanish: Te quiero
Italian: Ti amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Dutch: Ik hou van jou 
Hindi: Main tumse pyar kartha hoon (f. Main tumse pyar karthee hoon)
Greek: Se agapó 
Mandarin: Wǒ ài nǐ 
Arabic: Ana Uhibboka (f. Ana Uhibboki)
Bengali: Ami tumake Bhalobashi
Russian: Ya tebya lyublyu
Korean: Saranghaeyo
Japanese: Daisuki da
Icelandic: Ég elska þig
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
Romanian: Te iubesc
Croatian: Volim te
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Hebrew: Ani ohev otah (f. Ani ohevet ot’h’a)
Indonesian: Aku cinta kamu
Vietnamese: Ahn yeu em
Turkish: Seni seviyorum
Javanese: Aku seneng kowe
Tamil: Naan unnai Kadhalikkirein  
Gaelic Irish: Tá grá agam duit
Tigre: Ana enti efete
Xhosa: Ndiya kuthanda
Soussou: Iran fan ma
Sesotho: Ke a o rata
SiSwati: Ngiyakutsandza
Polish: Kocham Cię
Ukrainian: Ya tebe kohayu
Somali: Waan ku jeclahay
Thai: Chan rak ter
Zulu: Ngiyakuthanda
Czech: Miluji tě
Hungarian: Szeretlek 
Twi: Me dɔ wo
Kurdish: Dilê min ketiye te
Igbo: A huru m gi n'anya
Oromo: Sin jaaladha
Ewe: Me lonwo
Berber: Lakh tirikh
Fula: Mi yidi ma
Scottish Gaelic: Tha gaol agam ort
Ndebele: Niyakutanda
Oshiwambo: Ondi ku hole
Pular: Mbe de yid ma
Panu: Ni u rondi
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
Tag thingy
tagged by my sweet fren, @little-noodle-curl ♥︎
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Jenna but I’ve been going by Jen more recently :)
Zodiac sign: Libra!
Height: 5′3” aye smol squad
Languages spoken: English, some Spanish, and scattered Oshiwambo (a Namibian language) and Swahili
Nationality: American but i’m 3rd generation Irish so lowkey Irish-American???
Favorite fruit: Mangoes and cherries
Favorite season: Fall and Summer
Favorite scent: Christmas ????
Favorite color: Blue and Purple
Favorite animal: Cheetah
Coffe, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee if iced or cold
Average hrs of sleep: Anywhere from 8-12... too many
Favorite fictional character: Hermione Granger, always
Dream trip: I wanna go back to Africa but i’d LOVE to go to Japan or Australia
Blog created: December 23, 2017
i tag: @serpentsdacre @mileven-353 @harringtonwife @shesnothotrichie and whomever else wants to do this!!
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shaunfloyd-blog · 7 years
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real africa;
so, well, um it’s been weeks now. the car which once gave me freedom became my ball and chain. here’s a list of repairs i’ve had done:
four tyres accessories belts overhaul prop shaft replace all engine seals timing belt new alternator exhaust pipe repairs battery clamp spare wheel bracket repairs hand brake realignment air con bearing thousands of cable ties replacing brackets which were probably once there
fortunately the expression ‘this is africa’ works two ways. one is that you wait a very very very long time for anything to happen, but the other is that living is cheap. so if i was optimistic i would say that at least i didn’t spend much money waiting, and that the repairs were fairly cheap. the truth is that i nearly went insane, being told the car would be ready tomorrow for weeks. i feel for the donkey who chases the carrot.
but guess what!? the carrot is finally mine! (although it’s somewhat soured by the fact that the clutch bearing is making funny noises which it wasn’t before. haha eeyore).
it is commonly known here that africa begins in the north of namibia. like there’s some line you cross and suddenly not everyone speaks english and whites are a vast minority. i’m there. i’ve been in africa for over three months now and i now feel like i’m in africa. yesterday’s example is simply too perfect.
i woke at a place called hippo pools community camp on the kunene river which divides namibia and angola. aside from the goats wandering around i had the campgrounds to myself. i collected some kindling and prepared a fire to cook some eggs and toast and to make some coffee. a curious young themba boy dressed traditionally in a thin leopard print shawl around his waist shyly approached, waving first and then looping around before coming back to watch me from behind a rock wall. he spoke little english so after a few attempts at talking we gave up and sat silently, regarding one another. i shared my breakfast (as is expected in africa) and then we went down to the water to skip rocks. while down by the water a super agile, colourful bird flew overhead chasing a bug. i watched it land then showed the boy intending to find out what it was. he grinned, picked up a rock and threw it, knocking the bird from its perch. he ran over, picked it up and handed it to me like a gift. i tried to impress that although i appreciated the gesture, that he shouldn’t kill unless he is going to eat it but of course in such matters i’m the uneducated one (i’ve hardly killed to eat), so my lecture trailed off. it wasn’t long before he started throwing rocks at a monitor lizard, with less accuracy this time. anyway, the bird survived.
some fisherman arrived in their carved wooden canoe on the bank and sold me four freshly caught fish for N$30 (AUD$3).

the boy helped me to pack the car then, seeing how dusty it was, went to the bin, picked out some bottles, filled them with water and started to clean my car with his hands. when we were finished he asked for a banana as payment, which i was happy to give him.
on the way out of the campgrounds, a himba couple asked for a lift to the town, ruacana. the man laid down a patterned cotton sheet in the back seat to avoid getting otjize paste on my seat. he helped take the baby from the woman’s leather back-pouch while she struggled into the car, her jewellery jingling as she moved. the baby was placed on her lap, and the man wrestled with my surfboard in the front until he found a comfortable position. i did my best to shield a laugh at the foreign situation we were all in. they didn’t speak english so the short trip was silent and i thought mostly about whether or not it was significant that the man took the more-spacious front seat. the day before i had given a lift to a teen herero boy and his mama, who had her giant traditional dress on. he too, took the front seat while his mother squished her dress into the back. it is also possible they were the ones taking on the navigational role.

i dropped the himba couple off and drove out of town in the direction of ondangwa. i stopped for ice at a small bar in outapi. while waiting for the shop owner to smash up the ice, i was confronted with stares from around the room. to break the ice i asked the men what they were drinking out of giant plastic jugs. one type was oshikundu, the other something like ontaku. both made from fermented millet and served at room temperature, which is bloody hot. perfect for the middle of a monday. it’s apparent i’m in ovambo land. these people love to drink. there are more bars through this part of the land than any other type of shop.
next stop was an ‘open market’ in oshikuku. i bought some dried chilli, tomatoes and onion to go with the fish and some rice. the woman had heaped piles of dried beans, millet, nuts, mopane worms, dried cabbage, and date-like dried fruits. she charismatically talked me through what each one was and how they cook with it. of course she wanted something in return and asked me to buy her a large bottle of coke. N$20. i bargained that i get a glassful and she grinned and said ‘thank you thank you thank you!’ with child-like enthusiasm.
onward through oshakati and into ondangwa where i’d found a historic missionary which provides accomodation. the family who run the place are really nice and since i can’t keep the fish fresh for long i gave two away. as the sun started to relent, naas, 26, and junior, 9, came to my site and asked if i’d like to come to the soccer. i grabbed a couple of beers, thinking that i’d be watching but when i got there i was allocated a team. six-a-side. narrow goals with no keeper. knockout games where a goal is a win, with a time limit and previous victor carries on if its a draw. the pitch was classic africa. a section of field where a large portion is hard dirt, and flat. we started with three teams and ended up with five as more people came from all directions. everyone was speaking oshiwambo which made it more difficult to play but easier to absorb the rich atmosphere. it all ended when the sun went down and i hobbled back to the missionary with naas and junior. mama had already prepared some ‘meat and pap’ in the traditional ovambo way, and insisted that i eat. so i ate.
i can’t believe it happened in a day
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lungameni · 5 years
I come from a group of people known as Aawambo. We are divided up into 8 tribes which speak different dialects. The interesting thing is that we all understand one another when we speak. We make up about 50% of the Namibian population, with a small piece the also found in northern Angola. I am a mixture of two tribes, Aambalantu and Aakwanyama. We are very hospitable and kind people and this makes me proud of my culture. We have a traditional drink called Oshikundu which is my favourite. This drink is served to guests and is very refreshing and filling at the same time. I absolutely love Oshikundu, you should try it. Happy Heritage Month Everyone. Let's celebrate our uniqueness. ________________ 😁KEEP VOTING FOR ME TO BECOME THE BRAND AMBASSADOR AND FACE OF ARTS AFRICA. WE'RE ALMOST THERE👍🤗🤗🤗 SMS "006" to 35701. R3 PER SMS. FREE SMS'S AND BUNDLES DO NOT APPLY. ________________ www.instagram.com/iampeterlpeter www.twitter.com/peterlpeter2 www.peterlpeter.wordpress.com ________________ WHEN SHARING MY CONTENT ON FB, PLEASE TAG THESE 3 PEOPLE FOR THE JUDGES TO SEE. 1. @Elouise Janse Van Rensburg 2. @Elsubie Verlinden 3. @Tayla Luna Reimann ________________ WHEN SHARING MY CONTENT ON INSTAGRAM, PLEASE USE THESE 4 TAGS AND THE HASHTAG, #teampeter006 FOR THE JUDGES TO SEE. @thefaceofartsafrica @elouise_jvr @talent_agent_33 @taylatalentscout ________________ @itsartsafrica @artsafricamanagement @artsafricascout @sosotalentscout @33_and_me @33_and_me_talent_agency @thefaceofjustyou @justyouagency ________________ #iampeterlpeter #thefaceofartsafrica2019 #malemodelling #kingpeter #sms006to35701 #heritagemonth #heritageday #happyheritagemonth #aawambo #oshiwambo #aakwanyama #aambalantu #naimbianculture #africanculture #culture https://www.instagram.com/p/B21AoaQAR5w/?igshid=1qpsnf7knkonq
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
What language(s) would you love to learn fluently?
Hm....Italian, because out of the ones I’m learning right now it’s my absolute favorite. Russian, because it would do wonders for my employment prospects. Greenlandic, because the place fascinates me and it would be something entirely different, Oshiwambo because I wanna go back to Namibia one day...I really can’t decide.
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ask-namibia · 5 years
Hallo! How are you? Also- I’m curious- what holidays do you celebrate? And out of all of them- do you have a favorite?
Hallo! I’m doing absolutely great! Ja…
As for the holidays… 
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The first holiday we celebrate is New Year’s Day. The other southern African nations and I gather to drink and tell our resolutions (that we’ll never achieve but like to brag about). At this time as well, I get to tell all the stories that happened during the year! Everyone loves my story-telling! 
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Ja… 21 March… My independence. Where to begin on this glorious day? I guess I should start with the parades. In my country, we have parades and other celebratory events! Some of these include performances of different people group such as the Oshiwambo. I always love what my people have to offer; they make me happy! Oh! And then there´s my friends! They would bring such wonderful gifts, and we get to celebrate! Best part of it all, no work! I can just have fun with my people and friends! Truly, this is life at its greatest.
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Ooh! Good Friday and Easter is next! I´m actually a Protestant Christian so what I like to do is go to church for one. I then go have a little Easter egg scavenger hunt with my friends! Let me tell you right now: decorating the eggs is my favorite pasttime around this time. They´re relaxing to paint and I get to design it however I like! Well, I paint it along side Lesotho so I also have some company too so that´s a bonus!
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And we begin May with Workers´ Day! Generally, schools and businesses are closed so I really sit back and watch tv or go on facebook for a long time. I do not care. I don´t have work that day so why not relax and indulge yourself in temptation?
//Listen, I won´t have Namibia say anything on this part. The Cassinga Massacre is a more recent tragedy and I do not want to disrespect anyone who has been affected by this event by inserting my character in such a sensitive topic. Moreover, I just want to answer your question of what holidays are in Namibia, so that´s the main focus. Moving on, as you´ve just read, this was a massacre that took place in 4 May, 1978. Unfortunately, more than 600 people were killed that day, many being women and children. Ceremonies are held for the lives lost that day every year and in addition, a national park was created to honor them in 2002. I seriously don´t want to discuss this furthermore because it´s upsetting and I don´t think I´m qualified to talk about it here on this blog. But I would like to end this part by saying to the victims and to the everyone else who were affected by this that you´re in my thoughts and prayers.
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25th of May… Africa Day… Ah, yes. Stop listening to the media who spew only negative light on us Africans! We are proud people of our respective countries and cultures! 
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Another holiday my people celebrate is Ascension Day which is on the 30th of May for this year. On this day, I would go to a local church and pray. This religion is important to me. And because so, I treat it with such respect!
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Leaping a couple of months and we celebrate Heroes Day on 26th of August. On this day we celebrate and honour the National Heroes of Namibia, all the soldiers who fought for Namibia´s independence, and other respected individuals in Namibian history. It´s a time of remembrance.
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At the 10th of December, we celebrate Human Rights Day/Women´s Day. We also have parades and smaller celebrations, but most of these are usually backed by speeches about human rights and women´s rights in my country.
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Then we finally end the year with my favourite holidays: Christmas and Family Day! On these days, I spend them all with my fellow southern Africans. We absolutely adore Christmas and the joy it brings to children and us! We love decorating trees and looking at all the Christmas lights! It´s our own African Christmas wonderland! Then Family Day is just spending time with your family. In my case, I spend it with friends! We do so many different activities!
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
another tag game :)
tagged by @ghostbuster-henderson 💖
How old: 16, i’ll be 17 in September
what are your nicknames: jen, baby j, j, billy RIP ME
where were you born and raised: Texas!!
How is life?: it’s... gettin’ there
what is your star sign: libra
what is your sexual orientation: she/her (gender), and i dont like lables but i like nice people so i dUNNO 🤷🏼‍♀️
what was the last thing you bought: uhhhh a diet coke probably
what color are your eyes: emerald/dark green
what’s your best features: idk man, you tell me
do you have braces: no but i used to
do you have any piercings: just one on my ears but i wanna get a second on my lobes, a cartilage, and maybe a nose piercing
do you have any tattoos: nope but i’m getting one when i turn 18
do you have any pets: a kitter named Tito
are you left handed or right handed: Right
Height?: 5’3”
If you had to learn a new language, what would it be? Swahili bc I absolutely adore Africa but Spanish is more realistic bc of where I live
Favorite actor? Oh geez :// I don’t wanna be basic and say Joe bc that’s a no brainer but i LOVE the Chris’ of the MCU
Most overrated celebrity? Beyonce or the Kardashian’s
Favorite TV shows?: Stranger Things, Walking Dead, and any crime show (but I also love GLOW)
Favorite movies? Monsters Inc, Lion King, and Tangled... i’m a sucker for Disney. OOO and We’re The Millers
Fictional characters you can relate to? Hermione and Newt from Harry Potter, Reid from Criminal Minds, and a bit of Nancy from ST
ios or android: iOS
dogs or cats: CATS ALWAYS
what is your favorite sport: baseball and gymnastics (my little sister is a gymnast)
when was your first real holiday: i’ve been going to Mexico since I was basically born but the first one I remember is a road trip to California when I was in like first grade
what was the last concert you went to: I think Panic! at the Disco last April
what’s your favorite color: blue and purple
what’s your favorite restaurants: probably Whataburger (im such a Texan rip) or any sushi place
what’s your favorite magazine: Rolling Stone or Alternative Press
Do you love your country?: sometimes (technically Texas can legally become its own country soooo)
what’s your favorite season: summer or fall
who was the last person you messaged: @shesnothotrichie
Like anyone? no :/ *cough* kay
How many kids do you want in the future? If so when? i’m not 100% sure that i want kids but if i end up having em i want a boy :) and i’d say probably late 20s/early 30s
do you want to get married one day: not really but i like the thought of it
where do you want to live: Africa or California
do you believe in God: yes
do you believe in miracles: depends
do you believe in love at first sight: ^^
do you believe in ghosts: yES
do you believe in aliens: totally
do you believe in soul mates: ye
do you believe in heaven or hell: yeah
do you believe in kissing on the first date: depends
do you believe in yourself: HAHA no
do you sing in the shower: all.the.time.
where was the last place you traveled: Tyler, Texas i think
would you go skydiving: i just had an emotional breakdown on a ferris wheel so probably not
if you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be: Australia or Japan
can you whistle: kinda
can you speak another language: some Spanish, Oshiwambo, and Swahili
what’s most important in your life: family, friends, and my catto
have you ever had surgery: yup
3 fears that you have: existence, high places, and outer space (hella existential crisis)
tagging: anyone who feels like doing it!! aka im too lazy to tag
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
question tag
I was tagged by @thatssotatyana 💖
rules → answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
• name: jenna but i got by jen on here :)
• zodiac sign: libra !!
• height: 5’3”
• languages spoken: english, american sign language, some spanish, some oshiwambo (african tribal language/Namibian language) and some swahili
• nationality: american
• favorite fruit: mangoes and cherries
• favorite season: fall :)
• favorite scent: christmas ??? idk is that a scent
• favorite color: blue and purple but i love pastels as well
• favorite animal: cheetahs
• coffee, tea, hot chocolate: cold coffee (like frappes and iced macchiatos) and hot chocolate!! i think tea lowkey tastes like dirt ??
• average hours of sleep: too many lol average 11 hours
• favorite fictional character: Hermione Granger always has a soft spot in my heart, Steve Harrington, and Rapunzel
• dream trip: Either Tokyo, Sydney, or I’d wanna go back to Africa
• blog created: December 23, 2017
i can’t think of 20 people to tag so, i’m only gonna tag a few and if you wanna do this, go for it!! @lovelydacre @mileven-353 @harringtonwife @evieismissing ♥︎
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