annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Peter regarded her with a smug grin, shrugging a shoulder in an attempt to seem humble.  Of course he was good company to be around, that wasn’t even a question.  But this girl was starting to prove herself likewise.  She had good taste in drinks, good attitude, and wasn’t nearly as vapid as most of the other girls that stood laughing around the party.  She had an intelligence about her that drew Peter to her.  
“What did I see in you?  Well…”  He thought carefully, eyeing her once more before clearing his throat.  “You have an excitement about you, but don’t demand the attention of everyone around you.  It’s a natural attractiveness that is hard to resist.”  His attention fell to her drink, now sweating on the counter.  “You don’t have stereotypical choices in drink, which is great.  The number of margaritas I’ve made tonight…”  Peter grimaced, shaking his head.  “And the fact that you came over by yourself shows you are comfortable not only in your independence, but you are open to meeting new people.”  
He listened to her, taking in every word that she said.  Her information seemed helpful enough, though the personal anecdote about her own time in a sorority house was superfluous and an annoying attempt at creating common ground between them.  There was some sort of well-meaning advice about communication and Peter’s mind briefly turned to his disaster of a roommate, but turned back when she began mentioning certain fraternities.
Sigma Chi sounded alright, but Peter didn’t particularly want to be part of something “really chill”.  He wanted to be part of the best, not the easiest to be around.  Peter was in for a challenge, and Sigma Chi sounded like some sort of greek coffee shop.  His interest was piqued when she whispered to him about Beta Theta.  
“What makes them crazy?”  He leaned toward her, conspiratorially.  “I mean, are we talking crazy like ‘wildest ragers on campus’ or crazy like ‘once they found a dead body in the house’?”  
She fluttered her eyelashes, her head cocked, playing ostentatiously flattered even though of course she truly was and she had been looking for exactly something like that. To think she had only had like eight years to get used to no longer being the sore loser who always stuck out as a failure... “Okay, as basically a bartending pro you probably don’t need me to tell you this, but all the people with their margaritas, they’re so going to lie in bed tomorrow complaining about the worst hangover ever.” Or something like that. Didn’t they say that vodka was the mildest when it came to hangovers? She opened her eyes properly again, smiling. “Thank you. I’ve moved around so much by now, I blame it on that. Gets you into the rhythm of always meeting new people. This is the...,” she legitimately had to count on her fingers, “....fifth place I’ve been living in, not counting places I’ve only been in for a few weeks or so.” She took a sip of her drink. Not like the alcohol played any role in being outgoing and confident, nope, Sir. “So if you’re a freshman, I take it this the first time you’re away from home permanently? What does it feel like?”
Anni followed his example, leaning forward until her elbows came to rest on her knees. Everything about ...well, not just Cabot Creek and its rumors, but about her own life and the whole world that surrounded it turned into something to be talked about in a mock-conspiratorial tone, into something to be treated mostly as a source of entertainment once you had a drink next to you and heels on and the music was playing loudly enough. For good measure, she gave a slight wave of her hand, motioning the other further towards her: “I don’t know how much of the rumors you’ve heard, but anyways, there’s people here that probably think this town is like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, built on some hellmouth. Those people would probably also tell you that Beta Theta Pi routinely sacrifice people to Cthulhu.” She took a deep breath, returning to a more serious tone. “A lot of what they do is shrouded in secrecy, that’s part of who they are. The most official version is that people have broken limbs because of their hazing. They also have pretty legendary parties, but you only get to go if you know someone who knows someone. But I wouldn’t put it past them that at some point someone, like, drowned in a bathtub at one of those and they buried the body in the woods. That’s how crazy they are.”
Alpha to Omega // Anneliese && Peter
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Could you forgive incest?
If the people in question aren’t biologically related...maybe in some cases, depending on how they grew up. But if they are, then nope, never. It’s actually gross.
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
“I like the Bahamas theory,” Stella laughed. “It’s about where I am with school. Except I think I’d go farther than the Bahamas. Maybe one of those islands in the Pacific. Like Tahiti. That’d be fucking awesome.” She smiled at the girl and started cleaning some of the empty glasses left behind. Stella was always a daydreamer. She never had the money to travel, but wished she could. Leaving everything behind was always on her mind. One day she thought, one day she’d see the world. 
“Eh don’t be too nervous. The amount of people that I watch walk out of here alone, just to come back the next night unscathed is enormous. But if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes while I clock out, I’m headed back to campus, I can keep you company,” Stella nodded her head towards the back of the bar, suggesting she was on her way to clock out. She wasn’t on clean up duty tonight and the bar was thinning out. She didn’t want to be around for the extra hour to deal with the super drunk, get jipped on tips, and make virtually nothing when she could be in bed. The last hour would be easy for the second bartender to pick up on his own anyway. “Plus that way, if anyone jumps out of a bush and dries to dissolve your body in acid, you’ve got a witness,” She joked. “Not sure how well the story would sell, it’s lacking compared to Hector’s story. it might be a tough sell, but I’d play it up for you.”
Anni narrowed her eyes for a moment. She didn’t know how Stella was doing with her classes, was probably hard if she was working here as well and she didn’t seem like someone whose life revolved around getting As, but Anni usually assumed that most students were sort of getting by when it came to grades. In any case, hard to tell with Stella and the sarcastic way she often seemed to be talking about herself. She decided to respond in a matter-of-fact way, as usual. “Tahiti would be awesome too. But I guess you’d probably have to learn French before moving there? Or is that actually the reason you picked that place? Well, if I could personally chose, I would probably go for Turks and Caicos. You can use dollars and there’s direct flights, so there’s that.” As if she would ever actually have the courage to go through with that. 
She smiled at Stella’s offer, a genuine smile. It wasn’t like anything had genuinely changed in her assessment of the world immediately around them, Anni told herself, it just felt justified to feel a little more afraid for tonight (and maybe a week or so in the future as well). What she’d be doing after that...cross that bridge when you come to it. “The majority of those people is probably old men or gym-bros, right?” Anni grimaced. “But sure, that would be lovely. Where are you staying, exactly? I’m in the Delta Gamma house.” Anni grinned and started to fold up her newspaper and attempt to shove it into her gym bag. “That’s just lovely to know. I’ve always dreamt of dying a beautiful corpse. If they interiew you, be sure to mention that I had great plans. President of this country, ambassador to Finland or here, I don’t know. Maybe we can get that story to Hector-level.” She took a sip on her drink, nearly done. “I’m by bike, but I can always push the bike. How long do you still need? I could go outside for a smoke and wait there for you?”
Another Kinda Closing Hour
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Hector was never good at consoling people. He’d found with time that people could be comforted with the closeness of another. But when she looked up at him with disgust in her eyes, he knew that this wouldn’t be the case.
He shifted back on his feet and grabbed onto the ledge near his head. “Yeah… Yeah I guess I do.” His voice was shaking. Of course he was used to the jeers of people on the street, but he thought at least being in a lockdown with a more present threat would get rid of that. Clearly he was wrong. Hector glanced around the room searching for Lena, praying she would come to his defence and pull him away. When he finally spotted her, she had her back turned while mid-conversation with another student.
Hector sighed as he pushed away the desire to run. There was no where to go in a lock down, and he would have to start getting used to this. He let his butt fall onto the floor and stretched out his legs. 
“I even get to go to class like a normal human being. Crazy shit.”
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She could hear the shaking in his voice and wished her voice wouldn’t be doing the same, though there was probably little hope there. Why did this have to happen here, with them caught in this room and unable to leave? It wasn’t like Anni was scared of Hector (truth be told, he didn’t actually look remotely as threatening as some of the more scandal-seeking newspapers had tried to make him look). But her nerves were still on edge with the events of the day, and she was afraid that the unusually shrill tone to her voice would make her sound more panicky about him than she actually was. 
Anni took one last quick round of massaging her temples and a deep breat before she could reply, making sure she wouldn’t budge on the floor as he was sitting down: “You don’t have to be so sarcastic about it. Maybe we’ll be here another five hours without any water or toilet breaks, so I’m really not looking to have an argument. I’m merely wondering how someone sits in jail for months on suspicion of trading less than legal substances on campus while you’re out again after a few days. Did you get bailed out or something?”
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Fine Arts Center
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Melody: Try to just breathe and keep calm, panicking won't help the situation
Melody: No, if the campus is on lockdown because of something happening in town, they'll understand. it would be unfair dismissal and you could sue them.
Melody: So it is serious, though the police have been known to make errors in judgement recently.
Anni: I'm trying. Would help to know tho how long we're here for...
Anni: That's a relief to hear but I'm sure if I did that it'd just make people hate me and I wouldn't even want to work there anymore lol
Anni: Maybe it actually connects to the professor thing? If they found her body or something?
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Anni chose to jog all the way to the gym, even though she usually took the bike. The messages seemed to have given her an even greater need to move, to stay active, than she usually already had. Of course that meant she was a tad too late, and of course that embarrassed her, but the need to tell James about the messages overshadowed that emotion which usually bothered her so much. She found James waiting for her in the lobby of the gym, and after giving her tennis partner a quick hug motioned to a table in the corner of the room. There, she withdrew her phone, but held it in her hand, switched-off, while she was still speaking: “Thank you for coming by so quickly. I promise we can play all the tennis we want, but first I’d really like to show you this because it’s been....bugging me. And before I show you this, please promise me that you’re not going to tell anybody about it. I need to know what I should do, I don’t want more people talking about this than necessary.” With that, Anni switched on the phone, flipped through her messages, and held the phone out to James, showing the messages in question: “I got these a few days ago and I swear I have no idea who they’re from.” 
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I got arrested eventually,” Ruby commented, shrugging. “Plus, if someone like Hector already got a taste, there’s no hope for me - especially with all the illegal shit I do.” And what surprised Ruby the most was the fact that she had never been arrested, even with all of her carelessness. But, something told her, that the day she did, it’d be for a damn good reason. Not for smoking pot in the parking lot. 
“Sure…” she dragged on, taking back the joint and placing it between her lips. “You can’t even expect the minimum for me, Anni. And that’s just how life is.” To remember the last time Ruby did more than the average could take her quite some time. Excellent, hard-working and efficient just weren’t the words that came to mind when people had to evaluate Ruby’s work. But honestly, she didn’t care. She enjoyed the passerby feeling - the inexistent need to please people; to prove how “smart” or not she was. 
“I’m already thinking of skipping my first test. You should take it for me.”
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“You mean even though his family has so much money? That’s true, but they took him in because he might have killed somebody. You probably need to store a lot of illegal substances in your room to get to that level of police attention.” She had been to enough parties with Ruby to know that the latter did more than just store illegal substances, but the less she pretended to know about the whole thing, the better. 
She didn’t understand why Ruby only did this little - if you could even call it little. Sure, everyone’s priorities were different, but at some point, didn’t university just turn into a giant waste of time? Part of her admired the girl’s apparent carefree persona, but she never would have admitted that. “The minimum honestly isn’t that much work though. I mean, I’m still working and going to parties and I have my clubs...” She smiled indulgently. “I really wouldn’t let me do that, if I were you. I sucked really hard at all the science stuff in school. And why not just try, even if you don’t study for it? You can take it several times anyways, and you might just get lucky. I know I have been before.”
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
“You’re supposed to be out here having fun, not sulking around like a lost puppy,” Ruby whispered as she walked up to where Anni was standing, drink in hand. “Didn’t think you were the need-hand-to-be-held type.”
Anni looked at Ruby with an expression not easy to read, especially under Ruby’s drunken state.
“It’s not very fun when people don’t exactly don’t talk to me. Plus, it’s not like I’m some social butterfly like others here.”
“I hope you don’t mean me because if you are… You’re blind.”
“Well if you’re not social enough, at least you’ve got some appeal to get people to talk to you. For instance that guy over there,” Anni pointed out, her head nodding towards behind Ruby. She turned to look at the guy, and Ruby couldn’t help but snort.
“If that guy thinks he has the slightest chance with me, he’s insane. Or he doesn’t know me.”
Anni laughed, shaking her head at Ruby. The attitude the girl wore was so uninviting but every once in a while she could notice how people seemed to be intrigued by the girl. It was a weird thing, really.
Ruby kept her glance at the guy for a second more than what she liked and when he hit one of his friends, to let him know Ruby was staring back, Ruby decided to take it upon herself to let this asshole know she wasn’t interested, or even remotely available for him.
Grabbing Anni by her neck in a swift but delicate manner, she pressed her lips against the other girls’, kissing her deeply, their bodies pressing together against the wall behind Anni.
Ruby couldn’t remember the last time she had kissed someone this impulsively, and she hoped she at least be able to make it look believable. What she wasn’t expecting, was for Anni’s hand to reach and grab Ruby’s hips, bringing the girl closer to her, their bodies leaving no space between each other.
It happened quick, but for a second Ruby’s tongue tried Anni’s lips, and their lips parted open, allowing the kiss to deepen. Ruby was already breathing a little heavy and Anni seemed to be doing the same. But, before she could get too caught up in giving a show to the whole crowd, Ruby removed her lips from Anni yet their bodies remained together. “Thanks pal.”
“For what?” Anni asked a little out of breath.
“For helping me keep that guy away from me.”
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
✎ - Our characters are supposed to be doing homework but get bored and/or distracted (west)
“Okay, sowhen was the Italian Republic proclaimed?” West takes another flashcard off herpile for Italian Civilization and History. They’re supposed to help each otherstudy today, but somehow, with her exam coming up, Anni’s role has turned intothat of the student.
“1848?”Anni scrunches up her face as she responds, realizing that the date is but aguess based on what little she remembers of the Spring of Nations.
“Close.1846. When did Sicily become part of unified Italy?”
At thispoint she’s just guessing, even though she’s revised the dates a hundred timesalready. “1864?” West doesn’t even need to answer, Anni can tell from his facethat she’s hopeless, good for nothing but picking up a few words here and thereand stringing them together into babbling that could hardly even be termed “conversation”.She rests her head in her hands as she feels the panic rolling in, taking deepbreaths and racking her brain for something to say that will hide howpathetically she reacts to not knowing something. Failing at anything, really. “Youever been to Sicily?”
“No, why?”
“Becauseyou should. Did you know that there’s this monastery there which has, like,hundreds of mummified bodies under it? It’s like the Paris catacombs only you’reallowed to visit and walk around all by yourself.”
“Why arethey mummies? My remote memories of European history tell me that medieval Europeansweren’t into turning bodies into mummies.”
“It was acoincidence.” There, much better. Sort of nerdy, but West must have noticed inGreece already that it had taken her all of twenty-four hours to memorize howto order their favorite drinks in Greek, and he was still talking to her inpublic. “They thought the bodies would decompose, but the air was too dry, sothe bodies turned into mummies. There’s even a child there, la mummia più bella del mondo theycalled her. Wait.”
She’s takenout her phone and is scrolling through hundreds of pictures because freeing upthe phone memory is for people who have nothing else to do.
“Did youknow that in Pompeii there’s a body of a guy who was caught wanking?” Westinterrupts her scrolling.
“No, I didn’t,but that actually makes sense. Like if you’re gonna go out, go out in style.”
“Is thatyour motto?”
“You knowit. You know, if the world was going to end now in a cloud of ash, I wouldprobably just…” The two ways she’s around West seem to collide, there’s aflirtatious, thoroughly invulnerable American and a nerdy European with aninsatiable curiosity. And it hits Anni that maybe West is the same way, somehow.That maybe that should be a reason they should allow themselves to be thelatter, at least for a fleeting moment. “Have you been to Pompeii?”
“Not inperson. What are your plans for next summer? Are you flying to Finland again?”
Anni nods.
“I’m inPortugal again, at some point. What do you say, we go to Pompeii at some pointin July?”
“Hey, wearen’t supposed to like, plan thesethings,” Anni replies, and all the panic is already forgotten.
“So howabout Naples then?”
“You justwanna party there, admit it.” She rolls her eyes playfully and gives West alook of mock annoyance.
“Like I’mthe only one,” he replies, and Anni responds by throwing her eraser at him.
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Falling in love has been greatly overrated. Falling in love consists of 45 percent fear of not being accepted and 45 percent manic hope that this time the fear will be put to shame, and a modest 10 percent frail awareness of the possibility of love.
from Smilla’s Sense of Snow by Peter Høeg (translated by Tiina Nunnally)
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Melody made her way out of class and across campus, glancing at her phone as she did so. She knew it would take her a few minutes to get from one side of the campus to the other, but she was sure Anneliese wouldn’t mind waiting for her. Whatever it was that she wanted, it sounded important and she was a little worried for her friend. When she finally reached the coffee shop and walked inside, her sense were assaulted with the smells of chocolate, coffee and vanilla. Stopping a short way from the door, she peered around until she spotted her friend, already seated and made her way through the throng of students to reach her. “No problem, it sounded urgent” she said, taking a seat at the table and dropping her bag to the floor by her feet. “I won’t, I promise” she assured her, before taking the phone and reading the messages on the screen, eyebrows raised. “You have no idea who sent it?” she asked, though she knew the answer. “It sounds a little… threatening. Have you thought about talking to one of the Deans?” she asked, before looking up and taking in the expression on her friends face. She reached forward and took her hand, “Anni, how do you feel about this? You look freaked”.
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She watched Melody as the latter was reading the texts, trying not to let it seem too intently but probably failing. Anni simply felt like she needed a way to gauge if she was overreacting. Melody could have been given away an attempt at hiding laughter with a twitching in the corners of her mouth, but no such thing. Why did that relieve her so much? Anni shook her head. “I called the number, but it just rang. I even asked two people at the house without showing them the messages if they knew the number, but nope.” Talking to the one of the deans at first sounded like a great idea, but before Anni had even opened her mouth, some issues with the idea occurred to her. Mainly: Shouldn’t her first personal encounter with them be reserved for something more...dignified? “Don’t you think they’re just going to laugh at me and dismiss this?”  
Her tone sounded a lot more whiny than she would have wanted it to, but feeling someone just holding her hand felt like such a relief she managed to forget about it for a moment. “I...I don’t know. I guess...annoyed is the right word? I really wanted to take this class, and I don’t know if they’ll still be offering it in the next semester. But even if this is just a prank....if it’s a really elaborate prank, it can still mess up my studies here, and...I guess that’s what I’m mainly scared of. Plus this whole Hector thing....you know, sometimes things just go wrong, that sort of feeling? Even if we do our best not to let that happen.”
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
What's the most romantic sentence?
“I did the laundry and made you a quinoa bowl with lemongrass, but first come lie down so I can give you a massage.”
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
♮- Our characters as old geezers
“Anni! Is the food ready?” Stella shouted from her rocking chair in the living room. She had always sworn she wouldn’t be one of those stereotypical grandma’s, but, unsurprisingly she was. Rocking chair, knitting, yelling at younger kids to ‘Fuck off’. If it was even possible, she cared less then she ever had in her entire life. Anni and her had stayed close after college. Often they met up for during the day for a light lunch or tea. And almost every time, Stella coerced the other into making the food.
“I’m fucking hungry here Anni! You said it’d be done,” Stella glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Shit, I can’t read. I think the clock says 4 minutes ago. Bring my glasses in with the food!” Stella kept yelling. Anni had to know Stella got grumpy when she went unfed, they’d known each other that long. She was truly a saint for not killing Stella after this long. Half the time Stella couldn’t take her own stubbornness. But- They’d been through so much together, they had a mutual understanding for each other. It was just a typical day. 
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
♚ - Our characters have a night in the pub
“Come on, one more” Lily encouraged Anni, they had planned a girls night out weeks ago and now it was finally here the blonde was convincing her friend that one more shot wasn’t really going to do them any harm, despite already being on the sixth or seventh round and that wasn’t including the drinks that had already consumed at the bar.
“You’re going to get me so drunk” she replied, as she necked down the shot glass in front of her.
Lily smiled “That was the plan remember, winter break is coming up and we said we’d see this semester out in style.”
Anni playfully rolled her eyes, “I knew it would end up like this. It never was going to be a few quiet drinks down the pub, especially with you.”
“You know me too well” Lily smirked, taking another shot herself.
The past semester had been hell for everyone at Cabot Creek, you could start to see the toll it had taken on many of the students, some of which had already left Cabot Creek and swore they’d never return again, other had stayed but had become a shall of themselves and the rest, just like Lily had chose to push the strange happening to the back of their minds, as if they had been locked away.
Anni had mentioned a couple of times about what had been happening but each time Lily had changed the subject and getting her friend totally drunk was one of her ways of trying to help her friend forget, at least she hoped it would, after all it seemed to work perfectly well for Lily.
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Melody: Lucky for you, I just have a hundred panicking people to keep me entertained.
Melody: Sorry, bad attempt at humour, I'm not handling this cooped up thing well. Claustrophobia and everything...
Melody: Shit, totally forgot. Yes, we can look it up on google! See if there's any news about what's happening.
Anni: Shit. Not feeling great myself either.
Anni: Do you think I could get fired cause I actually had to work?
Anni: Just found that there's more police in town but nobody knows why? But I think we're here on police orders.
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annixxolsen-blog · 7 years
Lena couldn’t figure out why Hector would want to meet at the Fine Arts Centre of all places on campus, but she had been relieved to hear from him at all since his release. 
When the alarm first sounded, she had just made it into the building. She could hear chaos ensue around campus instantly as the announcement was made about the lockdown. Lena’s first instinct was to find asylum in a locked room, when she was quickly ushered into Room 115 with a few other students, most of them she knew. 
She sighed with relief at the people already safe in the room. Part of her was especially relieved to see that Hector seemingly had nothing to do with this lockdown. 
It had only been a few moments after Lena had sat down that she saw a familiar blond head walk into the room, throw her bag down, and sit with her head in her hands. 
Unsure of how to react, she reached over to rub a few reassuring circles in the other girl’s back. “This has been one hell of a semester already,” she sighed. 
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Anni didn’t say anything at first, merely allowed herself to focus on the feeling of a hand on her back. Shirt or no shirt in between, the sensation of feeling somebody else, knowing they were there, always helped her calm down immensely. Was it bad luck that it was Lena who was now seeing her like this? Yes, seeing as she’d recently tried to play the carefree person with the near-perfect life around her in order to avoid any and all conversation on how she was feeling. But she’d have to get rid of this sensation as quick as possible if she wanted to say a single word in here without embarrassing herself. So Anni closed her eyes, focused on the feeling, took a last deep breath and opened her eyes again. 
“Tell me about it. I swear this university is unreal sometimes,” she got out with a deep sigh. There. Good. She could do it, she could talk. 
Now Anni looked up, daring to breach what was right now at the forefront of her mind: “Do you think they could fire me for not coming to work today?”
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Fine Arts Center
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