#I love you Burn I love you Scarlet I love you Jinx I love you Ambessa I love you Wasp I love you Helen/Administrator
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some-pers0n · 3 months ago
evil women. you agree?
Agree whole-heartedly. I love evil malicious characters and evil women are exactly that
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novacqnes · 2 years ago
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stranger’s in the dark // jinx
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warning: nothing like some soul crushing angst
pairing: jinx x fem reader
a/n: i apologize for how long this took me, i began it a little while ago but it’s been hard trying to find time to write— nevertheless thank you for the request :)
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she wasn’t there, maybe in body but not mind—and if jinx tried hard enough she could nearly convince herself of it. she searched for indications of reality, anything that clearly solidified her presence at that moment in time. the pale, cold hands draped at the sides of her thighs, and the frenzied strands of blue that clung to her forehead were indeed hers— but they didn’t feel like it. she couldn’t truly register anything, not the tension that pervaded the atmosphere like dozens of rabid dogs, or the hushed sobs that fell from your lips mere inches away. frankly, the only thing jinx was truly certain of was that she was angry and it rarely, if ever, panned out well.
she detested it— losing control. it was palpable, relentlessly ringing in her ears and simultaneously draining out all else. heat rose in her cheeks dousing them in a fiery crimson shade. the searing warmth spread to all parts of her body, manifesting itself in words, each laced with untamed malice that spilled from her tongue. jinx could register them, one by one they slipped from her mouth— wrapped in more fervor than the next. the emotions were blinding, clashing, and contradicting with every turn. distorted images of your face, fatigued and demoralized crept into the corners of her vision, practically tormenting her. 
despite it all you reached for her, desperately trying to reel your girlfriend back in. you cupped her face in your hands, rubbing your thumb along the soft skin as you suppressed your own tears. she wanted to stop, every bone in her trembling body urged her to— but the words were coming out faster than she could fathom.
“it’s all your fucking fault.” the phrase stung, burning red and hot like the corners of jinx’s eyes. eventually branding a bottomless black hole into the center of your heart. her eyelids twitched from the lack of restraint that swarmed her, and it went against every fiber of her being. 
these weren’t her words. 
“you don’t mean that,” you shook your head furiously, “i know you don’t— please just talk to me.” against your better judgment you succumbed to the scorching tears that burned the rims of your eyes, leaving them stained and scarlet red. you clung to her, pressing the palms of your hands to her face. the numbness set in, locking your fingers into place in spite of your adamance to keep them there.
she refused to look at you, and when she did it was paralyzing and distant. even the slightest glare sent shivers up your spine and it wasn’t something you’d experienced before. it was uncertainty. amplified by the notion that the person you loved was utterly unrecognizable. 
“jinx look at me…. don’t do this,” your voice was small and meager in comparison to her presence. jinx stood bold and firm— even in her weakest moments. but you? you mirrored that of a mouse. a tiny, trembling rodent— one that cowered in the shadow of the very person that claimed to love you. your relationship hadn’t begun this way, and neither of you could have foreseen it spiraling like this. 
but now that you’re here?
there was no reversing it.
jinx reached for your hands, cupping her palms over them. the contact was cold and distant but it sparked an ounce of hope inside you. her eyes flickered up, normally they were a deep, infectious cerulean blue. the very things that seemed to calm you, even in the most heated arguments. however this time it was different— they were different. her pupils were dilated, surrounded by an icy sapphire haze that penetrated you. her gaze diminished any semblance of hope or comfort from arising. rather it was replaced by anguish and a deep-rooted sense of melancholy that you feared— the two of you would never come back from this. 
she closed the gap between you two, easing your fingers from her face. budding tension filled the air making it even more difficult to take a breath. rapidly your heart pounded against your chest, pumping with even more force as jinx smiled— the corners of her lips pulling into a menacing grin narrowly disguising the sorrow underneath it.
her lips brushed along the top of your ear as she leaned forward whispering, “i never wanna see you again.”
your knees buckled under the weight of your body. it became taxing to stand upright and you were sure if it wasn’t for jinx's body against yours, you would’ve collapsed. she spoke with such anger like it had been stirring inside of her forever, searing its way through and clawing at her sanity. jinx’s skin felt foreign, she almost didn’t recognize it herself. she was being carved out from the inside, into the shell of a dry husk plagued by bitterness and regret. at that moment there wasn’t enough fight left in her to stop herself from uttering the very words that would deliver the final blow to your bittersweet relationship. 
“you’re dead to me.”
she unraveled her hands from yours putting as much distance between the two of you as possible. tears stained her cheeks but she had no shame in letting them fall. in a way she was grateful for them— they obscured her vision. preventing her from truly being able to see the damage she’d done. before her you morphed into a faceless figure, frozen into place. your mind was set ablaze with memories of you and jinx burning at the forefront. desperately you wanted to cling to them, scarring yourself in the process. but there was nothing to salvage. 
there was nothing for you here. 
you swallowed the large budding knot at the surface, gathering the shattered pieces of your dignity and lingering faith in jinx. each step felt heavier and more dreadful than the next but you refused to turn back. 
“you’ll come back,” jinx whispered as you pushed past her, “you always do.”
she stood by dazed, but it was too late to take it back. there’d been many arguments, only a few of this magnitude. yet there was only one in which jinx had spat on the entirety of your existence. this wasn’t the first time you’d walked away. any other day she wouldn’t have batted an eye— but the ache that sat upon your shoulders, emitting from across the room was enough to spark seeds of doubt. she tried to extinguish it, piecing together hundreds of poor excuses. 
you needed time. time to think and clear your mind.
the air inside was suffocating— terrible for thinking.
each one paled in comparison to the next. but as more time passed by they were all jinx had to cling to. obsessively latching onto just about every scenario that pervaded her thoughts. she needed to believe it, she needed to convince herself.
however, not enough convincing could distract jinx from reality. you didn’t return that night or the next. soon the waiting culminated into long weeks, accompanied by radio silence. she woke up, praying that she’d see your face— anything to remove that image she was stuck with. she wanted to touch you, kiss you, hell even get down on her knees if necessary. jinx would’ve done anything to take that night back. despite this she woke up alone and exhausted, growing bitter as time inched by. 
months had come and gone since jinx had last seen you. contrary to popular belief heartache wasn’t healed over time. it was replaced by an endless void that grew until it was rotting and blackened. the space sat at the center of jinx’s heart, and rather than working to heal it, she just found ways to numb the vessel. yet the most convenient coping mechanism arose in an endless cycle of drinking— and inventing. thus most nights she was out scouting for pieces in the form of old rubble. before stopping by the last drop to wash away her sorrows, and on this dull night it was absolutely no different. 
the air reeked of gasoline— so jinx knew she was on the right track. all she needed was gas, a small amount to complete the final part of her new invention. she’d spent most of the day roaming the streets until she’d come across an old engine. without a moment of hesitation, she snatched it from the junkyard, setting off toward the last drop. it was a prime environment for distractions, preventing her mind from lingering elsewhere. 
loud music boomed through the bar as she sauntered in with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. she took the first open seat at the counter, gesturing towards the bartender. the man slipped a light blue drink her way, watching as she chugged it down in one gulp. although alarming, it had almost become routine for jinx. the harsh taste and burning sensation that filled her throat didn’t even seem to phase her. 
“feast your eyes on this beauty,” she exclaimed plopping the engine out in front of her. jinx’s veins pumped with adrenaline as she fidgeted against the wood, sliding the drink back.the bartender’s eyes flickered between giddy jinx and the drink before lifting the pitcher, and refilling her cup to the brim.
“whatcha got there?”
she took a long sip of the drink smacking her lips together, “this my friend is the solution to all of my problems.” in more ways than one it wasn’t really an exaggeration. absolutely nothing beat the rush that jinx got from creating. it was something that only she could control— and it sure as hell wouldn’t leave her. 
she began taking apart the engine, setting aside the pieces she needed. her eyes were bloodshot and her body was way beyond tired yet she refused to succumb to the exhaustion— once she fell asleep there was no telling what images she’d have the pleasure of revisiting in a nightmare. hence she worked tirelessly until her fingers were numb, but even then she shot back another glass, stepping outside for some fresh air. 
the moon was full, casting a white haze over all the nearby properties. small stars nestled into the clouds revealing themselves in rare glances that mesmerized jinx. the scene was beautiful but she couldn’t help but frown. she hated somber moments like these, it left her remembering and yearning for something that she no longer had. she constantly found you in everything and it only forced the void in her heart to fester. jinx felt like she was in a dream. one where she could almost hear your voice, reminiscing in the way it filled her ears so sweetly. she’d dreamed of it several times but it felt so different now. it felt real. 
in the distance jinx saw two figures, although she couldn’t make out their faces, one of them felt so familiar. laughter traveled from the couple to her— and it was unmistakably you. jinx couldn’t have made it up if she tried. she knew your laugh, she knew the way it sounded better than you did. it was infectious just like it was the last time she’d heard it. the sound nearly sent the drink flying from jinx’s grasp. despite the pestering voice that urged her not to, her legs carried her further.
you stood next to a figure— one that she’d never seen before. the woman’s hand slipped into yours as you leaned closer nuzzling into her side. she wrapped her free arm around your waist, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. jinx’s stomach turned, contorting into a large knot that tightened the longer she watched. she wanted to call out but once again she was speechless, subject to the very emotions that pulled the two of you apart. 
she’d never considered the possibility that you’d moved on. jinx had always hoped that some way— somehow you’d find your way back to her. and that maybe you were struggling too, grappling with restless nights and the memories of what you once were together. but seeing it— seeing you now, it changed everything. you weren’t a slave to your emotions, you were coping just fine and falling in love with someone new in the process. thus there was no gray area, you weren’t coming back and there was nothing she could do.
the two of you continued walking, diminishing the distance between you and jinx with each step. however, you didn’t recognize her until you were just a few feet away. jinx’s eyes were sunken and bloodshot, she was paler than ever, and if you hadn’t known better you would’ve mistook her for a ghost. she looked nothing like the radiant girl you’d once fallen for— she was a stranger. 
for a brief moment, your eyes met hers. you didn’t know what you were searching for. maybe remnants of your old lover, indications that she was still there. but alas you were met with nothing, not even the slightest reminder. jinx’s eyes were cold and unfamiliar. yet this sentiment wasn’t exclusive to you. she too found herself searching, desperately scouring for the person you once were in her gaze. but there was nothing to be found— you were a stranger. 
“who’s that?” your girlfriend whispered, glancing back at jinx. you snuck one last look at her frail frame, relinquishing yourself of any guilt and attachment towards her. the person you’d once loved had morphed into an unknown figure before your eyes, thus there was no need for them anymore. 
you turned back toward your girlfriend, placing a small kiss on the underside of her jaw as you cooed, “no one important, let’s go.”
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hex-rex · 5 months ago
arcane, scarlet hollow, aos, and bg3 for tha fandom asks!
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putting it under a cut cuz itll be long
Favorite Male Character
Ekko! All the men in that show suck besies Ekko, Vander and Silco so that was NOT a hard decision 😁
Favorite female character
I wonder. Who that could be. *glances at my pfp* I truly dont know. *glances at my popular tags* I have no idea. (ITS JINX!!)
Least favorite character
Jayce and his little nerd friend. Characters are WHAGEVER but the fandom is so annoying over them I can no longer stand them. Also that little MUPPET.
Favorite ship
Caitvi! Also easy choice cuz there arent really any ships I enjoy that much in the show.
Favorite friendship
Jinx and Ekko! I actually enjoy them as friends more than I do lovers.
Favorite quote
Its actually my queue tag lmaoo, "You're Perfect" bc it just hits hard EVERY time.
Worst character death
AUGH. SILCO. Heartbreaking everytime 💔 character death was actually very good but I'm taking 'worst' to mean 'saddest.'
This made me sososo happy
Absolutely no joy can be retrieved by watching this show. You will be beaten up. The director will come find you and kill you slowly. (I actually really like the intro scene in the first episode when theyre stealin and theiven)
Saddest moment
Hard question because there are. many. Scenes to choose from, but Vi punching Powder is up there, along with the tea party scene and the oil and water scene.
Favorite location
Well there are two. But I like the underground more 😁
Scarlet Hollow:
Favorite Male character
You never realize how little male characters there are until you think about how little male characters there are. My real favorite in my heart of hearts is Dustin the Possum, but I also like Wayne because. Well. He's neat♥️
Favorite female character
HARD question they have so many good charas but my favorite is Tabby. Mean old grumpy cousin❤️ (and also Grechen. Of course:))
Least favorite character
Favorite ship
Stellabitha or whatever there ship name is!!! Love me some lesbian denial.
Favorite friendship
Avery and Stella !! Very underrated duo. (Also using this as an excuse to say Avery is my favorite, despite not being able to say that anywhere else)
Favorite quote
Worst character death
I actually only got one. SO. Im saying Gretchen because she CAN die even tho I never let her 😁
This made me sososo happy
Saddest moment
Technically I didn't get this but the scene where your burning Reese alive???? Is so sad?????
Favorite location
I like Oscars haunted house quite a bit. And the diner :D
Favorite Male character
FITZ!!!! Autistic little man who may have some dead braincells 😁
Favorite female character
SKYE!!!! Autistic little woman who may have some attachment issues 😁
Least favorite character
Truly a hard question to answer bc there isn't anyone I dislike that much, but I suppose Ward? He is a really interesting character though and I enjoy how he breaks the typical trope.
Favorite ship
Hard to answer cuz there arent alot of great ships unfortunately! But I am officially rooting for FitzSimmons 😁. I have to admit they're cute, I take back what I said before 😞
Favorite friendship
Fitz-Skye. The parallels between them and Ward is crazy. I als really like Simmons-May.
Favorite quote
Hard to answer AGAIN cuz this show has a lot of good one-liners but currently I like 'sometimes a miracle can be born from an accident' or whateva it is!
Worst character death
This made me sososo happy
Ward getting beat to death 😁
Saddest moment
So far, Fitz drowning himself for Simmons and also Skye visiting her father at the vet clinic 😩
Favorite location
I really liked the inhuman sanctuary!!! Great season all in all.
Favorite Male character
Favorite female character
Least favorite character
Gale. Chris started giving headcanons on his lesbian hating and now I can't stand him .....
Favorite ship
Karzelheart or whateva it is! KarlachXlaezelXshadowheart 😁
Favorite friendship
Astarion and Shadowheart!!!!!!! Mean girl elves with white hair.
Favorite quote
Worst character death
This made me sososo happy
THE SWIM SCENE WITH SHADOWHEART IS SO CUTE!!!!! Also Karlachs first romance scene !!!
Saddest moment
The conversation with Karlach right after killing Gortash hits me in the guts everytime :(
Favorite location
Idk if this counts but I really like all of act 3. Very fun 👍. Real answer is the carnival tho 😁
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queersrus · 2 years ago
Hi, Fukase anon here! Sorry, It never occurred to me that people may have a hard time coming up with things for characters they don't know a lot about. Sorry :( /gen
Anyways, I really love the clown and red theme ideas! Also, since Vocaloid is technically a music software, I was thinking some music-themed names as well! Also, as long as this isn't too specific, could you maybe do some X-themed things since there's a lot of Xs in his design?
I also like the idea of the darker, edgier themes, but I'd rather not have anything explicitly horror/slasher/demon related... as someone who kins Fukase, being associated with that stuff brings back some rough memories :( /nm
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific or picky or anything like that, and I hope everything I've said makes sense! Once again, thank you in advance :)
no worries!!
heres some names and pronouns based of red, clown, dark/edgy themes and the letter x!
Music names:
muse, musa, musica, musette harmony melody, mic, major, minor clef, capelle, capella, cord, chorus note key tone, tempo, timbre bar, beat, bridge, bass, blue, blues sheet, strum, song, singer, sang, string, sonata, soul acoust, adagio, allegro, andante, arpeggio, amp, alto, aria instro, instra, instrumenta rythm/rhythm, ryme/rhyme, rock, rocker orchest, orchestra pitch, pop funk
list here, here
red names:
Altemur, altan, autumn, apple, amaranth, alhambra, alroy danla, desire, desiree parichat, phoenix, pepper, poppy/poppie cher, cherry/cherrie/cherri, crimson, clifford, copper, candy/candie, currant, carmine, carmin, chili, coral, corsen, clancy maroon, merlot, mahogany, mohagan blood, brick, berry/berrie, blush, burgundy, barn, burn, blaze ruby, rust, rusty, rose, raspberry, redd, rede, redde, reder, redi/redie/redy, reddet/redet/reddett/reddette/redett/redette, redeta/reddeta/reddetta/reddeta, redin/redine, redina, redino, roso/rosso, rufus/rufous, rowan, rosa, rosie, roisin, rory, radley, rudyard, radcliff, redmond, redman, rumo, russel/russell, rohan, redford, rufina, reeding/reading, reed, rogan, roone, roth garnet, ginger, gough scarlet, sangria, strawberry, sienna, sorrel/sorrell jam wine, watermelon fire, flame, ferrari, flan/flann, flannel, flanner, flannery, flyn/flynn, flanna vermilion, venetia imperia tart, torch hazel, harkin
clown names:
Joseph, john, joey grock oleg emmett/emet/emmet/emett bozo, barry ronald krusty penny, pogo, pinto charles sunshine weary, willie albert, antonio, arthur daniel, david, demitri/dimitri, Demetrius/demitrius tinsel
actually found a whole wiki here
Dark/Edgy names:
dusk, dagger, draven, drake, draco, damon/daemon, damion/damien/damian grey/gray, gunner/gunnar, greer keir, khaos, knox, kestrel umbra, umbro poison, pain/payne asteroth/astaroth, asher, ammo, astrid chaos, crow, coen, chase, casper, caspian, cassian, carter, cage, colton hades, hemlock, hex, hunter, hawk, harper somber, sombre, sombra, serpent, snake, saber, stone, storm, slade/slayde, sparrow, salem, snow, smoke, slayer necro, natrix, nox, nix, nyx, nero, nash branwen, briar, blackwell, blade/blaid, blair, blase/blaze/blaise raven, reven, requiem, rhapsody/rapsody, rogue, ryder, ryker, raze, razer eris, elysium, ebony jinx, jett/jet, jack, jason lucien, lucius, lock/locke viper, venom, vlad, vane/vain/vein, veil, vee/v wolf/wolfe trix/tryx, trixie, thorn, tyren/tyrin, tirent, torrent, tyranny, toxin, tank, tempest, tanner zeke, zena fox, flask, falkner, falkon/falcon onyx/onix, obsidian xena
X names:
xen/xene, xavier, xena, xeno, xenon, xeon, xero, xerox, xyx, xyr/xyre, xyra, xray, xeny/xenny/xenie, xenia, xander/xzander, xyla, xyler/xylar, xia, xavi, xylia, xylitol, xioa, xu, xan, xanth/xanthe, xanthus, xavia, Xinjiang, xinia, xenophon/xenophone, xayvion/xavion, xochitl, xio, xion, xiona, xiomara, ximena, xanthia
many here
red 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
clown 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
edgy/dark 3rd p pronouns:
list here, here
x 3rd p pronouns:
xe/xem, xy/xem, xy/xyr, xe/xyr, xy/lo, xylo/phone xyi/lotl, x/x's, ex/ex's, ex/exes, xay/xem, xay/xyr, xie/xem, xie/xyr xe/no, xeno/xenos, xeno/morph, cross/crossed, cross/crosses, x'ed/out, exed/out, ex/amble
hope these help!
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chemicalmongrel · 2 years ago
"Y-you aren't dead", Jinx whispered as she cautiously stepped closer towards the wolf, "Wow. That's impressive." She hadn't tried to kill him of course, but it still astonished her. Normally people didn't survive her explosions. Normally, loved ones didn't survive it when she jinxed everything. "Murderer." Her head shook low as she tried to ignore Mylo's accusation. It was not an accusation; it was the truth. Jinx placed her hand on the metal rod and said: "I am going to pull this out of you, Wolf, if you don't lunge at me. And by the way, my name is Jinx. What's yours? It's clearly not... Well, I don't think I can call you who you used to be, Wolf."
Moments before the WRETCHED gun with O N E E Y E hefted against blue's shoulder snapped at the BEAST, everything ground to a stop. The world got caught up in a picture frame. One you could put your hand through, feel around and mess with what it depicted. But only for it all to snap back into position. A moment to ponder, frozen in time. Voices layered atop one another until garbled memories jumbled into a Gordion Knot. Goggles and lockpicks and scabbed knuckles and symbol monkies. Jokes and jabs traded over a store counter. A man held beneath the Pilt, blood clouding already caustic waters. Years of promises shattered in a single night. He thought of the wordless promise he made the bodies lying on the bridge, scarlet pooling around them. Of the word he gave to two scared little girls, lost twisting in the wind. An oath of blood shared between brothers. Names and faces fading in the flames. It was happening again, only now he didn't have the excuse of leather strips biting into his extremities. Binding him down. Leaving him helpless to fight for those he took so much from already. QUIET.. A failure through and through- Heroes always die... ...I have never been better than this... This ignominious end seemed only fitting.
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Despite itself, the BEAST bellowed with white-hot anguish clawing at its throat--one that shone through the missile's shout. Fire licked up its matted hide with the feverish appetite of a scampering sump rat. Oranges and yellows and reds mingled with crimson and phlegm-flecked chemicals. It CHARRED its flesh and SCOURED dark blue fur until it better resembled charcoal. Feeling like the hellish spawn between a first-degree burn and a heat rash. And then came the force of a HUNDRED hammers against its body. Bone and flesh RUPTURED, old scars splitting at the seams and weeping caustic ichor. Every limb cried out. It JOLTED back. The air sucked down its throat felt hot, tasted of rotten pennies and rancid mucus that threatened to POP its lungs. Burning shrapnel peppered the roof, ricocheting off shattered slate and riddling the MONSTER'S body. Some piercing clean-through. Others getting embedded like wasp stingers or coming to rest within the jagged canals burrowed into its MEAT! Worse still was how quick its body tried to mend itself. Like an overeager seamstress looking to claw out some recognition so she might have the means to start her own business. Its flesh writhed around where air ran razors over its body. Trying to knit itself back together, force SPLINTERED bone back into a cohesive shape. Despite it all, though, Warwick never took its eyes off blue. Was there a glimmer of a man in those eyes? A ghost of a man who always handed her a bucket of scrap metal, screws and oil crayons when he saw a burst of inspiration flash in her eyes? Something sad and angry, disappointed? Bitter, griefstricken? Who could say, really? The roof gave way.
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At least a ton of stone, metal and burning wood was sent careening toward the crossroads below. Like a landslide without any incline to tumble down. Missing a walkway entirely and slipping down past several layers of Zaun. Punching a hole through the Gray. Leaving dust and detritus drifting in its wake. Swallowing the MONSTER in a dense, cloying cloud. Falling in the same manner Jinx had when, for the first time, her machinery worked. Only Warwick had no time to ponder before a heavy dose of reality shattered his spine and unzipped his backside like an overstuffed sausage. Then the rest of the debris came tumbling onto him, SMASHING his limbs and RUPTURING his body. Driving rebar and sections of pipe through his guts. Saddling the BEAST with punctured lungs and viscera turned to speckled jelly. So when she, Jinx, came upon the handiwork of her inventions--describing the pitiful sight before her as anything more than a dog that forgot how to die was generosity personified.
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Whatever was left of the beast incited by the chambers and plungers had lost the strength to give blue the time of day. Having its very life spread out from under the rock and metal crushing its body would do that. Ichor and chemicals oozed from Warwick's split, ruined lips. Something important had broken inside his body. Despite that, whatever kept him going could be seen trying to put his body back together. When she spoke, his one good ear flicked before the eye that hadn't been smashed and starting to ooze out the sides drifted to attention. It was no longer crimson, nor was it a mucus green. It was a weak, pale blue.
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He saw her face and felt his head pinch, trying to sift through the jumbled mess of its psyche. Searching for anything substantial. Anything to grab onto. Warwick barely even felt the rod lodged in his shoulder get removed. All he could do was muster the will to raise his ruined arm not pinned beneath rock and metal toward blue, toward Jinx, toward Powder. A name--if nothing else, a name would do. He remembered tapping her cheek with two knuckles when she was pouting. Whenever she had a fight with her sister, with pink. She always came to the same stool at the bar, face downcast and eyes puffy. Then he took out her cup, a jug of juice, filled it to the brim in front of her before then tapping two knuckles on her cheek to get her attention. So he did just that. Reached out to her face, straining his arm, before tapping her cheek. "...am sorry..." he croaked. "...'m fault..."
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perspectivestarters · 2 years ago
Perspective's Sentence Starters; MIDNIGHTS by Taylor Swift (Part I)
"Meet me at midnight."
"You don't ever say too much."
"You don't really read into my melancholia."
"You handled it beautifully."
"All this shit is new to me."
"I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me."
"I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say."
"I just wanna stay in that lavender haze."
"All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride."
"The only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife."
"I find it dizzying."
"You weren't even listening."
"Talk your talk and go viral."
"I just need this love spiral."
"Get it off your chest."
"Get it off my desk."
"I just wanna stay."
"We lost track of time again."
"You were my closest friend."
"How'd we end up on the floor anyway?"
"I see you every day now."
"I chose you."
"So scarlet, it was maroon."
"How the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"Ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us."
"I feel you, no matter what."
"I lost you."
"Looked up at the sky and it was maroon."
"I wake with your memory over me."
"That's a real fuckin' legacy to leave."
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser."
"Midnights become my afternoons."
"My depression works the graveyard shift."
"All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room."
"I should not be left to my own devices."
"They come with prices and vices."
"I end up in crisis."
"Tale as old as time."
"I wake up screaming from dreaming."
"I'm the problem."
"I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror."
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero."
"I'm a monster on the hill."
"Pierced through the heart, but never killed."
"Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?"
"I've realized all this time."
"Life will lose all its meaning."
"She's laughing up at us from hell!"
"It's me, I'm the problem, it's me."
"I saw flecks of what could've been lights."
"It might just have been you."
"Life is emotionally abusive."
"Time can't stop me quite like you did."
"My flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"It's like snow at the beach."
"Weird but fuckin' beautiful."
"This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen."
"I've never seen someone lit from within."
"To hide that would be so dishonest."
"It's fine to fake it 'til you make it."
"I can't speak, afraid to jinx it."
"I don't even dare to wish it."
"Your eyes are flying saucers from another planet."
"Can this be a real thing, can it?"
"It's comin' down."
"Summer went away, still the yearning stays."
"I play it cool with the best of them."
"He's gonna notice me."
"We're the best of friends anyway."
"You're smoking with your boys."
"I didn't choose this town."
"I dream of getting out."
"There's just one who could make me stay all my days."
"I waited ages to see you there."
"I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that you never cared."
"You're on your own, kid."
"You always have been."
"I picked the petals, he loves me not."
"Something different bloomed."
"I'll run away."
"I called a taxi to take me there."
"My dreams aren't rare."
"I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this."
"The jokes weren't funny."
"I took the money."
"My friends from home don't know what to say."
"I saw something they can't take away."
"There were pages turned with the bridges burned."
"Everything you lose is a step you take."
"You've got no reason to be afraid."
"Yeah, you can face this."
"You're on your own, kid. You always have been."
"He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain."
"He wanted a bride, I was making my own name."
"He stayed the same."
"All of me changed like midnight."
"My town was a wasteland."
"But for some, it was paradise."
"My boy was a montage."
"I broke his heart 'cause he was nice."
"He was sunshine, I was midnight rain."
"But for him, it's every day."
"All the love we unravel."
"The life I gave away."
"I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"He never thinks of me except for when I'm on TV."
"I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted."
"I never think of him except on midnights like this."
"I remember."
"We had one thing goin' on."
"I swear that it was somethin'."
I don't remember who I was before you."
"You painted all my nights a color I've searched for since."
"One thing after another."
"Fuckin' situations, circumstances, miscommunications."
"I just may like some explanations."
"Can I ask you a question?
"Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?"
"Then what did you do?"
"Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night?"
"Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"She said it was too much."
"Do you wish you could still touch her?"
"It's just a question."
"Did you realize out of time?"
"She was on your mind with some dickhead guy."
"It was one drink after another."
"Fuckin' politics and gender roles."
"You're not sure and I don't know."
"I just may like to have a conversation."
"Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"What's that that I heard?"
"That you're still with her?"
"That's nice, I'm sure that's what's suitable."
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jacklesraised · 2 years ago
Change pronouns as you see fit. CW: ED, depression, etc
Lavender Haze
“Meet me at midnight”
“You don’t ever say too much.”
“You don’t really read into my melancholia.”
“I’ve been under scrutiny.”
“You handle it beautifully.”
“All this shit is new to me.”
“I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me.”
“I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say.”
“I just wanna stay in the lavender haze.”
“All they keep asking me is if I’m gonna be your bride.”
“The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a bride.”
“I just need this love spiral.”
“Get it off your chest.”
“Get it off my desk.”
“Cause we lost track of time again.”
“How’d we end up on the floor anyway?”
“The lips I used to call home, so scarlet it was maroon.”
“When the silence came we were shaking blind and hazy.”
“How the hell did we lose sight of us again?”
“Sobbing with your head in your hands.”
“Ain’t that the way shit always ends?”
“Carnations you thought were roses, that was us.”
“I feel you no matter what.”
“When I lost you.”
“Awake with your memory over me.”
“That’s a real fucking legacy to leave.”
Anti Hero
“I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser.”
“Midnights becomes my afternoon.”
“When my depression works the graveyard shift l of the people i ghosted stand in the room.”
“I should not be left to my own devices.”
“They come with prices and vices.”
“I end up in crisis.”
“I’ve realized all this time.”
“I wake up screaming from dreaming.”
“One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving.”
“You got tired of my scheming for the last time.”
“I’m the problem.”
“It’s me, I’m the problem, it’s me.”
“At tea time, everybody agrees.”
“I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror.”
“It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero.”
“I’m a monster on the hill.”
“Pierced through the heart, but never killed.”
“Did you hear my covert narcissism disguised as altruism”
“Life will lose all of its meaning for the last time.”
“I have this dream my daughter in law kills me”
“She’s laughing up at us from hell.”
Snow on the Beach
“I saw flecks of what could’ve been lights.”
“It might have just been you.”
“Life is emotionally abusive.”
“My flight was awful, thanks for asking.”
“I’m unglued thanks to you.”
“It’s like snow on the beach.”
“Weird but fucking beautiful.”
“Tonight feels impossible.”
“I’ve never seen someone live from within.”
“To hide that would be dishonest.”
“It’s fine to fake it til you make it.”
“I can’t speak, afraid to jinx it.”
“I don’t even dare to wish it.”
“Can this be a real thing?”
You’re on your own, kid.
“Summer went away, still the yearning stays.”
“I play it cool with the best of them.”
“I wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me.”
“I didn’t choose this town.”
“I dream of getting out.”
“I waited ages to see you live.”
“Just to learn you never cared.”
“You’re on your own kid. You always have been.”
“I see the great escape.”
“I picked the petals, he loves me not.”
“Something different bloomed.”
“I run away.”
“I gave my blood, spending tears more or less.”
“I hosted parties and starved my body.”
“Like I’d be saved by the perfect kiss.”
“I looked around in a blood soaked gown.”
“Cause there were pages turned when the bridges burned.”
“Everything you lose is a step you take.”
“Yeah you can face this.”
Midnight Rain
“I don’t remember what you said or how you said it.”
“The way you looked at me so different.”
“Cold as ice, I won’t forget it.”
“The way you change your heart, it’s like the weather.”
“You’re willful, I’m headstrong.”
“The daybreaks, I move on.”
“Still one thing I can’t long for.”
“Feels like midnight rain.”
“I can’t help it, I hear your name.”
“I can’t seem to wash you away.”
“Still I got myself in your flames.”
“I wouldn’t wonder what you’re doing with your time.”
“If you have a lover.”
“I pretend you’re forgiven.”
“When I change my heart, you’re not forgiven.”
“Big cities, wrong choices.”
“We had one thing going on.”
“I swear that it was something.”
“I don’t remember who I was before you.”
“One thing after another fucking situations, circumstances, miscommunications.”
“By the way, I just may like some explanations.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?”
“Then what did you do?”
“Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?”
“Did you wish you put up more of a fight?”
“When she said it was too much, do you wish you could still touch her?”
“She was on your mind with some dickhead guy.”
“You’re not sure and I don’t know.”
“Does it feel like everything’s just like second best?”
“What was that that I heard? That you’re still with her?”
Vigilante Shit
“Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man.”
“You did some bad things, but I’m the worst of them.”
“Sometimes I wonder which one of them will be your last lie.”
“They say looks can kill and I might try.”
“Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge.”
“I don’t start shit but I can tell you how it ends.”
“Don’t get sad, get even.”
“She needed cold hard proof, so I gave her some.”
“Picture me, thick as thieves with your ex wife.”
“And she looks so pretty driving in your benz.”
“Ladies always rise above.”
“Someone sweet and kind and fun.”
“Well he was doing lines, and crossing all of mine.”
“I don’t dress for villains, or for innocents.”
“I’m on my vigilante shit.”
“Didn’t notice you walking all over my piece of mind.”
“And by the way, I’m going out tonight.”
“Best believe I’m still bejeweled when I walk in the room.”
“I can still make the whole place shimmer.”
“Familiarity breeds contempt.”
“Diamonds in my eyes, I polish up real nice.”
“I think I’ve been too good of a girl.”
“I think it’s time to teach some lessons.”
“I made you my world, but have you heard, I can reclaim the land?”
“I miss you, but I miss sparkling.”
“When I meet the band, they ask ‘do you have a man’ i can still say I don’t remember.”
“Sapphire tears on my face, sadness becomes my whole sky.”
“Some guy said my aura’s moonstone just ‘cause he was high.”
“What’s a girl gonna do? A diamond’s gotta shine.”
“It only hurts this much right now.”
“Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out.”
“I’ll be getting over you my whole life.”
“You know how scared I am.”
“It rises past, it can’t last.”
“Uh-oh, I’m falling in love.”
“Oh no, I’m falling in love again.”
“How’d you turn it right around.”
“Lost in the labyrinth of my mind.”
“Break up, break through, break free, break down. “
“You know how much I hate that everybody expects me to just bounce back.”
“You talkin’ shit for the hell of it.”
“Addicted to betrayal but you’re relevant.”
“You’re terrified to look down.”
“If you dare, you’ll see the glare of everyone you burned just to get there.”
“I keep my side of the street clean.”
“You wouldn’t know what I mean.”
“Karma’s a relaxing thought.”
“But for you, it’s not sweet like honey.”
“Flexing like a god damn acrobat.”
“Weave your little webs of opacity.”
“My pennies made your crowns.”
“Trick me once, trick me twice.”
“Did you know cash ain’t the only price?”
“Ask me what I learned from all those years.”
“Cause Karma is the thunder, rattling the ground.”
“Sweet like justice.”
Sweet Nothing
“Does it ever miss sometimes?”
“They said the end is coming.”
“Everyone is up to something.”
“All you ever wanted from me was sweet nothings”
“You say what a mind, it happens all the time.”
“The voices that implore, you should be doing more.”
“I can’t admit that I’m too soft for all of it.”
“Once upon a time, the planets and the fates aligned.”
“You and I ended up in the same room at the same time.”
“The touch of a hand lit the fuse.”
“A chain reaction of counter moves.”
“Checkmate: I couldn’t lose.”
“What if I told you none of it was accidental?”
“The first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me.”
“I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line.”
“What if I told you I’m a mastermind.”
“And now you’re mine.”
“It was all by design.”
“We were born to be the pawn in every lovers game.”
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
“What if I told you none of it was accidental, and the first night that you saw me, i knew I wanted your body?”
“It was all my design”
“No one wanted to play with me as a little kid.”
“I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since.”
“To make them love me, and make it seem effortless.”
“This is the first time I felt the need to confess.”
“I swear I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care.”
“Saw a wide smirk on your face- you knew the entire time?”
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marveloussupernerd · 2 years ago
The RFA’s Romance as Taylor Swift Midnights Songs (+ Minor Trio ofc ofc)
Finals are almost over and thus hopefully ??? I can write some stuff. I love this inspo ty @jumin-ssi for the lowkey request <3 I beg y’all if you like any of these ask me to make a one shot based off one
Oh also these are happy. I’m so obsessed with the Choi twins’ ones they just fit so well to me (also Zen’s “romance is not dead” also vandy’s bc if you end out with him you def glitched the game
Zen - Paris
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I’m so in love that I might stop breathing, drew a map on your bedroom ceiling. No, I didn’t see the news ‘cause we were somewhere else. Stumbled down pretend alleyways, cheap wine, make-believe it’s champagne. I was taken by the view like we were in Paris
Privacy sign on the door, and on my page, and on the whole world. Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever. I wanna transport you to somewhere the culture’s clever. Confess my truth in swooping sloping cursive letters
Yoosung - Sweet Nothing
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They said the end is coming. Everyone’s up to something. I found myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside they’re push and shoving. You’re in the kitchen humming. All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothings
On the way home, I wrote a poem. You said “What a mind.” This happens all the time
And the voices that implore: “you should be doing more,” to you I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it
Jaehee - Maroon
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Laughing with my feet in your lap. Like you were my closest friend. “How’d we end up on the floor anyway” you say. Your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosè, that’s how. I see you every day now
And I chose you, the one I was dancing with in New York, no shoes, looked up at the sky and it was maroon
The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was maroon
Jumin - Lavender Haze
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I’ve been under scrutiny. You handle it beautifully. All this shit is new to me. I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me, surreal, I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze. All they keep asking me is if I’m gonna be your bride
Talk your talk and go viral, I just need this love spiral. Get it off your chest. Get it off my desk
Seven - Snow on the Beach
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You wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it’s coming down, no sound, it’s all around like snow on the beach
I’ve never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery
I can’t speak, afraid to jinx it. I don’t even dare to wish it. But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet. Now I’m all for you like Janet. Can this be a real thing… can it?
V - The Great War
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It turned into something bigger. Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed. Your finger on my hairpin triggers. Soldier down on that icy ground looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops. That was the night I nearly lost you. I really thought I lost you
We can plant a memory garden. Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair
My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War. Always remember we’re burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours ‘cause we survived the Great War
Saeran - Mastermind
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Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned. You and I ended up in the same room at the same time
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless. This is the first time I’ve felt the need to confess
So I told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me nothing was gonna stop me. I laid the groundwork and then saw a wide smirk on your face: you knew the entire time. You knew that I’m a mastermind, and now you’re mine
Vanderwood - Glitch
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We were supposed to be just friends. You don’t live in my part of town but maybe I’ll see you out some weekend depending on what kind of mood and situationship I’m in
I think there’s been a glitch. Five seconds later I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch. And I’m not even sorry, nights are so starrry blood moonlit. It must be counterfeit
A brief interruption, a slight malfunction. I’d go back to wanting dudes who give me nothing. I thought we had no chance, and that’s romance
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ohmygoodnessgraciouss · 6 years ago
Heist (Loki x Reader) Pt. VI
Haven’t seen the beginning?  Read the first part here! 
Welcome back. This is the second to last part of the series. I apologize in advance for the stupid excuses for plots.
@angelofasgard16 @it-jinxed-us @dark-night-sky-99 @pyrowolfgirl1408 @heartsxhoney @twhgirl @xavierwoodsxkofikingston @panda-duuu @nonsensicalobsessions @marisayouass
One by one, portals opened up near you.  You could see inside slightly.   Some were lands you couldn't guess, but you could point out New York City and Wakanda.  You could see T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye step through.  You didn't interact with them often, but they were always friendly.
Your smile grew as you saw Sam fly through the portal, circling back.  The snap worked, no doubt about it.  There was no way this wasn't real. 
Your eyes flicked from portal to portal, seeing people you've never met before amongst the familiar faces.  Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Bucky, and everyone else stepped through.  Along with Doctor Strange  (who you heard about from Tony), tens of hundreds of people like him stepped through.  Ships with more people walked in as well, and Valkyrie flew in on her Pegasus. 
Just as the portals were starting to close, Scott climbed up from the rubble with Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket in his hand.  Rocket was on top of Rhodey who was in his iron suit.  Scott leaned down to let them jump off of his hand. 
You grinned at them brightly and stood next to Clint.  The army that came through the portals matched Thanos' army.  Only in size though.  You had no doubt in your mind that you'd beat them. 
"Avengers," Steve yelled, grabbing Mjölnir.  That wasn't even the most shocking thing you've seen today.  You were still amazed.  "Assemble." It was quiet, but that didn't stop Thor from yelling out a war cry as everyone started running into the fight.
You ran along with them, holding the gauntlet in your hand.  You can't do much while holding it except make sure that it doesn't fall into anyone else's hands.  Your back stung with pain still, but it didn't matter.  There was too much adrenaline running in your veins. 
"Where do you want this damn thing?!" You asked as you ran through the battlefield.  Dodging alien after alien was rough.   You wanted to fight.  
"Keep that thing as far away from Thanos as possible!"  Tony yelled.
"No!" Bruce interrupted.  "Get it to the time machine.  We can send it back."
"Well, that's going to be a little hard considering it was probably destroyed!" You dodged another alien as Peter used his web to blind it.  You gave him a thankful glance before turning towards an open area.
"Wait!  We have one other time machine" Scott jumped in.   A distant car horn could be heard playing La Cucaracha. 
"Valkyrie, can you find an ugly, brown van?" Steve asked. 
"I can see it, but you're not going to like where it's parked." 
You could only assume it was buried under parts of the building and that it had plenty of enemies surrounding it.  "If someone can take these stones off my hands I can get in there and clear a path." You said, stopping to see who was around.
"Y/N, give it to me," T'Challa called out from on top of a hill.  You handed him the gauntlet before running into the battle. 
You shoved some enemies across the ground.  For others, you used their own weapons against them.  You'd take their blades and slice their necks or stab them easily.  Tony taught you a few self-defense moves in case anything happened.  
One more hill.   You had one more hill to run up to before you could spot the van.  Looking off to your right, Tony and Peter were hugging.   The sight warmed your heart.  On the other side, Wanda was beating the shit out of Thanos.  She destroyed his weapon with ease.  You were proud of her and silently cheered her on. 
You made it to the top of the hill and slid down.  The van laid in a mess of metal only a few yards away.   You sprinted towards it, lifting your hands up to lift the metal with your powers.  It was heavy and taking a toll on you.  Sam backed you up, flying over to use bombs.  He was able to break it up until smaller pieces for you.  He then fought off several aliens that were racing to you. 
The pieces were off the van in no time after that.  Scott and Hope were loading up the machine.  Just as the gauntlet was making its way over to the van, Thanos threw the last piece of his sword into the machine.  It caused a huge explosion, sending you back. 
You groaned in pain from the blast.  Burns were scattered on your body, you could feel them.  You were covered in dust and dirt.  Sam flew over to you immediately, going to shield you.  "Sam?  What are you doing?" You asked him.  He was about to respond when a large beam of light struck near you both.
Hundreds of the same thing started flying across the battlefield.  They were coming from the ship up in the sky.  You could see people getting struck by them and collapsing.  The ship suddenly started aiming for something in the sky. 
"What the hell is that?" Sam asked as you watched Captain Marvel going through the ship, easily taking it down.
"Our only lifeline," You replied, "Come on, let's go find that gauntlet before someone else does!" You quickly got up. 
Thanos pulled the gauntlet on.  The energy surged through him quickly.  It reminded you too much of what happened five years ago.  There was no way you could let it happen again. 
Carol ran in before you could.  She used her powers to stop him from snapping.  She was able to overpower him.   Just as she was going to land a final blow on him, he pulled the power stone out and blasted her away. 
Thanos placed the stone back into its slot carefully.  He was able to wield the stones and scan the grounds.  He watched as people were still fighting.  He found it almost cute. 
You took this as your chance to stop him.  Tony was still trying to stand, and Strange knew you had to stall for time.  Whatever it takes.
Using your powers you swept in and stopped him from being able to move his hand.  "Ah," He began, "The guardian.  You couldn't handle losing everyone you loved, could you?"
"You think this is vengeance for everyone I've loved?  Oh, no.  You're sorely mistaken," You almost laughed, "The snap was for them.  This... This is for Loki."
Your attention turned towards Tony and Strange.  Your power was draining quickly.  Strange looked at you, slowly moving his finger across his neck to tell you to stop.  You nodded, and let Thanos win. 
Thanos quickly took the advantage and grabbed you by the neck with his good hand.  He threw you across like a ragdoll, and you crashed into the ground.  You could barely keep your eyes open as Tony made his way in.
Strange helped you up, allowing you to rest on his side.  You watched as Tony took the stones out of the gauntlet, smiling slightly. 
Thanos threw him off, unaware that the stones were gone.   He had a triumphant glint in his eyes as he held his hand up, getting ready to snap. "I am inevitable," He said, as a small clink could be heard.  He turned his hand to see that the stones were gone.
Tony sat up, holding his right arm up instead.   The stones slowly connected into the suit.  The suit took a brutal part of the energy, but it hit him quickly.  You could see the bright lights of the stones crawling their way up and through his neck. 
Strange carried you over, knowing exactly what you'd do next.  Grabbing his left hand, you nearly screamed from the pain.  It woke you up quickly, and it felt electrifying.  Tony looked at you with worry.  "You're not going to do this alone, Tony.  We're all in.  Whatever it takes," You barely choked it out. 
Tony nodded, turning his attention back to Thanos.  Strange grabbed your hand.  The next thing you knew, Steve held onto Tony's arm.  Bucky did the same with Steve.  Sam held you by the shoulder, and Peter Parker clung to Peter Quill, who was grabbing Nebula's wrist.   One by one, everyone joined in, taking a chunk of the energy with them.  It was evenly dispersing, lighting everyone up. 
Rocket climbed onto Rhodey, completing the chain.   "And we," Tony started, glaring at the Mad Titan, "Are the Avengers."
When Tony snapped, the bright light occurred once more.  You opened your eyes when it was gone.  Thanos' army was quickly vanishing, just like how your people were a few years ago. 
Thanos sat down slowly on a rock.   You watched as he slowly faded into dust as well.  You couldn't fight the tears that threatened to escape.  Your emotions were all over the place currently. 
You and Tony took the most damage given that you were the closest to the stones.  Tony collapsed shortly after you did.  Pepper and Peter immediately went to him.  Sam and Thor crouched down and helped you.  You were fading quickly.  It was getting to be too much. 
You faded out when you heard the two words you needed.
"We won."
Staying in the hospital wing of the Avengers tower in New York City was probably the most frustrating thing you've experienced.   It was dull, but at least you could watch TV.  All across the networks, people were cheering as they reconnected with their loved ones.  You didn't need to watch it though.   You could hear it right outside.  Cheers, celebrations, and parties were all across Manhattan.  It was like modern V.E Day. 
Tony wheeled in in a wheelchair while knocking on your door.  You smiled at him and beckoned him to come in from your bed.  You couldn't move your right arm and you were told there was no way you'd be walking for another week. 
"What's up, Tony?" You greeted him.
"How are you feeling, kid?"
"Better than I was a few weeks ago, but it still hurts like a bitch sometimes."
"Yeah, well, tough luck.  That's what you get for sharing the energy with me." You chuckled lightly.
"Right, I totally regret that move," You retorted. 
"Oh, you should.  I have to make sure Morgan's godmother outlives me to make sure Pepper has a backup."
"That's hysterical, Tony.  It's cute."
"I'm being serious actually," He replied.  His gaze was soft yet stern.  "You are her godmother."
"I am?" You asked, surprised. 
"You've been there for all five years she's been around.  You've helped us raise her more than you realize.  She gets excited when she knows you're coming over.  I want you to be the godmother that Pepper and I despise because you spoil her rotten."
"That's a little hard to do considering her father's a billionaire."
"I threatened to sell all of her toys one night.  She's not spoiled all the time." Tony grinned. 
"Right, well, I'm honored, Tony.  Really."
"Just promise me you won't die anytime soon." 
"I promise."
"Stephen," You called Dr. Strange into your room one day.  You were being discharged finally after a week of physical therapy.
He walked in nonchalantly, his head slightly tilted in response.   Numerous bandages were scattered across his arms still. 
"When I was holding Thanos back, he said that I was the guardian," Your mind drifted back to the memory.  It felt like it was only yesterday.  "I was wondering if you had any idea what he was talking about." 
Stephen sighed before sitting down.  "The infinity stones were destroyed.  Truly.  Thanos was able to rid the universe of them with the snap of his fingers.  The stones have a sort of subconscious that you may have known due to the Tesseract."  You nodded, and he continued, "They were aware that this could happen at some point.  Every few centuries or whenever they felt like it, the stones would assign a guardian.  Someone or something that could harness the power, and theoretically, create the stones again by exhausting the power."
"So you're saying the stones could be created again?"
"Yes, but only if you're willing to give up your power completely."
"Do we know anyone else who has it?"
"Wanda.  Since her powers originate from the mind stone, she could bring the stone back.  We could have both the space and mind stones back easily."
"The question is if it's a good idea."
The lakehouse was crowded with Avengers.  Everyone who helped out in the battle against Thanos was there.  Morgan was being held by her mom, who stood by Tony's side, a wide smile on her face as she introduced Happy to the child.  Tears sprung in his eyes at finally getting to meet his best friend's daughter. 
You caught up with T'Challa and Bucky in the meanwhile.  You noticed Thor walking by with a bottle of beer and wasted no time to grab it out of his hands.  He glared at you as you took a sip of it.   It was absolutely disgusting, but you had to stop him from drinking. 
After talking to most everybody, hugging them, and exchanging new phone numbers, you walked out by the lake to see Steve, Bruce, and Thor all grouped together in front of a new time machine.   You and Bruce designed it and built it with ease.  Rocket helped out every once in a while.
This time around, instead of making a simple time machine, you were able to create a more complex creation.   This one could view the timelines.  It had a screen that showed you the outcomes up until your present year.  As you learned, there were thousands of different timelines, all differing slightly from each other.  There could be one timeline where you beat Thanos in 2018, while another timeline includes Tony's death.  Either way, each one was different. 
The one you found to be the most shocking was one where Thanos won.  That wouldn't be surprising if it didn't end up with the death of all of the Avengers.  In this one, Loki witnessed every death firsthand, including your own.  He had faked his death in that one, causing him to be able to watch it all unravel. Thor, Bucky, Tony, Nebula, everyone was dead.  Thanos had to wipe everyone out in that timeline to complete his mission, and he did. 
Steve had one job.   He was going to take the stones and place them back where they were taken from.  It wouldn't interrupt the timelines then, and life could be normal again.  The thing that was eating you alive was the one timeline you could view.  That one.
"Bruce, can I?"  You asked him as Steve closed the case with the stones.  
"Can you what?" He asked although he suspected what you were about to ask for.  Your reaction to finding out about Loki was enough to make anyone pity you for a single moment.
"Can I take Loki from that timeline?  He shares all of the same memories as we do up until 2018.  He has nothing there, you saw it yourself.  He's miserable.  We could change that."
Bruce pondered the thought for a moment.  He couldn't see what damage it could make.  "You really love him, don't you?" 
You said nothing and kept staring up at him.  He nodded in understanding.  "Alright, take one of the GPS watches.  You can go with Steve.  Be careful in that one.  We only know what it's like now.  We don't know if he's with Thanos at the moment or if something went wrong already." 
You tried to calmly take the watch, but the excitement was still clear in your eyes.  You walked up to Steve, who carried the stones and Mjolnir up.  The two of you started setting up your GPS.  One went to 2014 first, the other was going to 2018.  The best point in time to go was the one where Loki was last seen in your main timeline.  You don't know where he went after that, so it was best to go off of Thor's word.    
While waiting for Bruce to program everything into place, you realized something.  This opened up a whole new world for everybody.  A way to go into alternate dimensions and universes.  Your life was no longer in a single universe.  You were present in a multiverse, filled with the same people, but different outcomes.  It amazed you, and you almost wanted to just go around and explore everywhere.  Sadly, you knew there was no way you could do it without messing something up.  What you were doing now was messing something up in another timeline.  But maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing.  
"Alright, we're ready.  We'll bring you back in five seconds, got it?"  Bruce asked. 
You and Steve nodded, but you knew he wasn't coming back.  When you talked to him earlier, he was distracted.  His eyes kept drifting to a picture of Peggy he had.  He told you about how he saw her in 1970.  It was only obvious what he wanted to do next. 
"Steve," You called out.  
"Yeah?" He looked over to you. He knew that you knew what he wanted to do.  He hoped you wouldn't say anything though. 
"I'm gonna miss you, buddy.  I can't say I become close friends with every 90-year old super soldier I meet." 
"Bucky and I are the only ones you know and you're friends with both of us."  He grinned. 
You laughed a little while turning towards Bruce.  "Well, you're not wrong.  Go for it, Bruce." 
He pressed the final button, and you were sent flying through the quantum realm once more.  It was time to bring everyone a little joy.  You didn't tell Thor in case it didn't happen.  Plus, it'd be nice to bring him a little surprise.  Maybe it'll snap him out of it. 
You were jerked back into place as you stood behind some rubble from a ship.  When you looked out to the sides of it, you could see Thanos with an infinity stone.  The Black Order was present with him, watching Loki's every move.  
Loki was a different story.  He was much older than when you had last seen him.  It made sense, but it was certainly a change.  Although something about this Loki made your blood boil slightly.  This was the same Loki who lied about his death and became King of Asgard without letting you know.  Well, not the same Loki, but another Loki who did the same thing to another you.  Time travel and timelines are weird. 
Your eyes drifted to behind Loki, seeing the Hulk nearby and off to the side.  He was hurt, but not enough just yet.  Your eyes widened when Loki opened his mouth.
"And for another, we have a Hulk."
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cassandrabeckett · 5 years ago
Sanders Sides Oneshots
#7: Do It Again
Synopsis: What if Virgil’s anxiety sometimes overflows, like electricity? And what if Roman accidentally got... electrocuted?
Trigger warnings: Anxiety mention
(Let me know if I should add any more!)
It had been an incredibly bad day for Virgil. As soon as he woke up, he was practically static with negative energy. Occasionally this simply happened; Thomas was especially anxious about something, and Virgil's energy practically threatened to overflow as a result.
He'd gotten used to it over the years.
On these days, there wasn't much Virgil could do. Mostly, he just stayed in his room, waiting until the excess energy passed. This normally took some time, so Virgil was quite bored- that, and uncomfortable. His hair always stood on end, and he was always on edge. More than he already was normally.
But this day, Roman wasn't having any of it.
"Virgil!" he whined, refusing to leave Anxiety's door. "You have to join in with karaoke, who else will sing Hans in Love Is An Open Door?"
Virgil didn't especially want to take part in this karaoke night- the chances of humiliating himself were too high- but it was quite clear that Roman wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"Go away!"
Whoops. His voice accidentally came out distorted and echoing. His excess anxiety sometimes made that happen; in his haste to get rid of Prince Not-So-Charming, he had forgotten that fact.
Luckily, Roman didn't appear to think anything of it. Unluckily, he continued to try and convince Virgil to leave his room, much to his dismay.
"It won't be Disney Karaoke Night without you!" Roman sang merrily.
He then proceeded to sing Do You Wanna Build A Snowman at the top of his lungs. Apparently Roman was in a Frozen mood tonight.
Virgil bit his lip. There was no winning this, and Virgil realised that. So with a heavy sigh, he opened the door.
Roman dramatically gasped.
"Virgil," he said, trying to be tactful and then giving up, "Have you been electrocuted by any chance?"
Virgil scoffed. "Do I really look that bad, Princey?"
"Your hair seems to be... Defying gravity, a bit."
Virgil's sarcastic demeanour disappeared, and he started panicking. Sometimes his hair picked up some of the energy; but when this happened, he couldn't let anyone touch him.
He'd touched Deceit when he was still a dark side; it hadn't gone down well.
"I- uh, ex- excuse me," he muttered, pushing past him. He didn't know where he was going- he just had to get past Roman.
Oh no. He'd touched Roman. He'd touched the embodiment of Creativity with his overflowing anxiety.
"Okay, okay, okay," Virgil said, turning around and rushing back to the prince, "Don't panic."
Despite what he'd just said, Virgil was quite definitely panicking. And Roman was no different.
"W-what's going on?" Roman asked, his hands shaking. He was standing unsteadily on his feet, swaying slightly. "I-I don't know what's going on..."
"I've accidentally given you some of my anxiety."
"W-what?! How?"
Roman's head was spinning. He'd taken so much anxiety in such little time, he could hardly think straight. His head was buzzing with thoughts he'd never had before.
What did people think of him?
Was he good enough?
He'd never doubted himself quite like this before. So many things flew around his head, his head spun-
Meanwhile, Virgil was still freaking out while he tried to keep Roman on his feet. He was still standing up, so at least that was something, right?
Virgil quite definitely jinxed it.
As soon as the thought crossed Virgil's mind, Roman's legs gave out, and Virgil struggled to hold him as he guided the now unconscious prince to the ground.
Instantaneously, Logan walked down the hallway, looking for Roman. He'd been absent from the karaoke night for quite some time- which for Roman, was almost unheard of.
So he was rather confused to find Roman on the floor, his head on a heavily panicking Virgil's lap.
"S-so, uh... Some stuff happened," Virgil said, sounding almost hysterical.
Ten minutes later, Roman blearily opened his eyes to find himself on the living room sofa, feeling absolutely dreadful.
"Roman," Logan said calmly. "How are you feeling?"
Roman groaned in response.
"Uh, not so good, then, Princey?" Virgil asked nervously.
Roman seemed fully conscious now.
"You," he breathed, acting like he was on the brink of murder. "What did you do?"
Virgil knew Roman was being purposefully over dramatic to scare him; but after releasing some of his energy to Roman, Virgil admittedly felt the best he'd felt in years- so Roman's acting didn't exactly have the desired effect.
"Well, Virgil accidentally transferred some of his anxiety to you, I believe," Logan said matter-of-factly.
"It was a rhetorical question, teach," Roman murmured, still staring at Virgil.
"Why are you staring at me?" Virgil asked, eyebrow raised.
"You're- smiling," Roman said, shocked. "Like, actually smiling."
"Well, after I accidentally sent some of my energy over to you, I kinda felt great," Virgil admitted. "Still do, actually."
Roman suddenly seemed to perk up.
"Then by all means," he said, grinning and sitting up, "Feel free to do it again."
Virgil snorted with laughter at the flirty (and slightly delirious) look on Roman's face. Then he realised how close they were, and felt his face burning scarlet.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Romano," he said softly.
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character-scrolls · 5 years ago
Miscellaneous Headcanons: Jinx - TSM (Soften Edition)
Enjoy some cute headcanons of some of my Jinx beans <3
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - No doubt about it, Jinx would have a book review channel and it would be as cute as heck.
- An incredibly fluffy and sweet vibe, she'd have a large bookcase in her background with cute fairy lights draped over it, maybe some miniture cactus plants sat on some of the shelves.
- Probably uses some soft music box as the background music or something that relates to the book she's reviewing that week.
- Jinx would mostly be a solo reviewer but she might occasionally bring on someone for a collab
- She has gotten some god awful book suggestions, some she does reviews and some she'll outright refuse to do
- Her channel would probably be something like Bookworm or The BookWorm
- One of her videos showcases a mini tour of all the books she's gotten over the years, she's slowly running out of floor space.
What kinda blog would they run? - PASTEL.COLOURS.FOR.DAAAAYS.
- Jinx's blog is dedicated to all things literature from fiction to non-fiction
- She could talk for hours and hours about her favourite authors and the books she's read that week
- Jinx takes photos of her reading space which is normally a comfy chair with a little side table with her current book and a cup of fancy tea steaming next to it and her reading glasses resting on top of her book.
- Though in reality it probably ends up with her sitting up in bed until god knows what time whilst spouting the false promise of 'yes this is the last chapter I'm going to read I swear' wheather that's a book or a really good fanfiction on her ipad that's upto you.
- Jinx's posting shedule would be at least twice a week, depending
- Would for sure have a side blog for fanfiction
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Jinx would be a cute little ghostie for Halloween
- She's not one for being scary so cute is the next best thing
- Jinx would do her best to hand make the costume, it wouldn't be the neatest but hey ghost aren't meant to be
- The costume consists of a white robe with oversized sleeves covering her hands with a lacy hood over the top and short chains would be attached around her ankles
Who would they cosplay as?
- Jinx would for sure cosplay someone like Yuna from Final Fantasy X or Howl from Howls Moving Castle  
- She would try and get a high quality costume, trying to get the most accurate looking one
What type of biscuit would they be? - A gooey chocolate chip cookie, because she's a soft that is all
What type of tea would they be? -A cinnamon blend tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - A sweet red wine
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - For sure, a spellcaster deck probably based around the Silent Magician
- Not just for the obvious reason...also by how it's played
- Not seeing her with any other type
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly Fairy? I'm not entirely sure because they're a number of pokemon I see her having in her team, I have considered like psychic for another option?
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Maybe a sheep? a cute little purple sheep
- Has the cutest cottage aesthetic going on
- Will gift you many, many, many books
Aesthetic: leather bound books, ink stained parchment, burning candle light, dark blues, pastel pinks and purples, empty potion vials, soft touches, sweet smelling purfumes, crytals, the glittering particles of magic, grubby bandages
Extra headcanon:
- The fiction she read throughout her years helped her discover her bisexuality, she had read so many books with different heros and their romantic endevours that it had a profound a effect on her. At first she didn't understand why she liked boys but also girls??? fiction helped her to finally understand that it was perfectly normal to feel like this.
Ruben - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - This boy. THIS BOY. His channel would be a disaster , but a wonderful one..he's trying
- Ruben would do a lot of dumb but harmless challenges, but it would radiate pure chaotic energy
- He's a gremlin with too much time on their hands lets be real here
- Ruben would do a lot of collabs, which are even more diasterous than his solo videos depending which poor soul he asked
- he edits like it's going out of fashion, jumpcuts galore and dumbass sounds effects for days.
- He has a sizable following
- He would for sure drag his boyfriend in for a video...for a price
What kinda blog would they run? - Like this Youtube channel, it's chaotic but is slightly more structured
- Being a avid comic reader, his blog is centred around comic books
- Will have full-on arguements with other people about which character is strongest/best/weakest etc
- "Now you listen here you litle shit, YOU DON'T-"
- His blog is fairly simple in terms of colour scheme, possibly using themes available to him
- Has an inconsistant posting shedule
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Probably a skeleton, surprisingly good at face painting
- He'd use face/body paint for his neck area and hands
- Contacts maybe?
Who would they cosplay as?
- Would for sure cosplay as Beast Boy from Teen Titans, feel like that would be the type of character he'd go for
- Maybe with full-on body paint too?
What type of biscuit would they be? - Ruben would be like one of those giant biscuits with the chunks of m&ms baked into it
What type of tea would they be? - Iced lemon tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Apple Cider
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? -Elemental Hero deck maybe?
- His love of super heros would play a part in why he chose it
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly flying?
- Has for sure named one of his pokemon Jeremy
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
-Possibly a squrriel
-Has a mis-matched house because who hell is interior decorating
Aesthetic: Fireworks lighting up the nights sky, scrapped knees, wide grins,bare feet,messy hair constantly running fingers through it,dark greens, off white,loud laughter, dumb jokes.
Extra headcanon:
- Ruben is known for being the town menace, however, when he was younger especially, the elder folk would leave out baked goodies for him to pick up during his escapes. Sometimes they'd even let him hide out near their house if it was safe enough to do so. Now that he's older, they don't let him get away so much anymore but will occasionally leave out a place of treats.
Lamina - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Lamina's channel would be dedicated to fitness and her vast collection of swords
- She'll do exercise challenges and inbetween she'd show off her latest custom order swords
- Lamina has an intense energy on screen but will give legitmate advice on health and exercise
- She'll only really soften up if she talks about her girlfriend or her swords, getting equally giddy over both
- Her shedule is regular and she has quite a big following
- Swords will always be present in her backgrounds
What kinda blog would they run? - Her blog would focus on her swords and she'd go into detail about their history and origin
- She takes beautiful pictures of them from every angle imaginable
- Lighting is everything, it's gotta hit the blade juuust right
- She poses them with occassionally, doesn't admit it but she enjoys it
- Her colour scheme would be muted and her theme would be minimal
- Lamina tends to post whenever she has a new sword delievered
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Lamina is not usually one to get dressed up, would probably take some persausion
- She'd want it to be low effect, nothing too complicated
- If she had to pick, possibly an apocolyptic survior, no it's not an excuse to show off her cool swords shUT Up
Who would they cosplay as?
- Possibly Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
-Because did I mention swords? because she likes s
-Not sure which armor she'd go for
-Possibly would commission someone to make it
What type of biscuit would they be? - A simple shortbread biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Green macha tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Straight whisky
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Warrior deck or Amazoness deck?
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Fighting type, feel like it fits her
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Wolf possibly? or a bear
- Home filled with work-out equipment
- Grumpy personality?
Aesthetic: Early mornings, sore knuckles, stern looks, hidden softness, sword clashes, the smell of burning, loyal bonds, dark purples and blues,brusied skin and busted lips, quiet nights beneath the stars.
Extra headcanon:
- (tiny spoilers??) After Solus left most of her men dead, Lamina felt geniuely hurt. Her loyalty and trust in Solus was strong. She wouldn't admit but she did shed a few tears when she was alone before completely shutting herself off from her remaining men. They weren't like him, in fact, they were among the ones who mocked her and they only trusted her out of fear. She felt she'd lost her only real connection. Thankfully, she was able to open up again and she couldn't be happier. -------------------------------------------
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Katia would have a fashion channel, she'd showcase the unsual dresses she'd buy and possibly make
- There's always a WIP of a dress on a manniquien in the background of her videos
- She'll sometimes do time lapses of dress
- Katia will occasionally post tutorials on the dresses she makes and leaves materials and such in the description  
- She'd talk about the best materials to use to sew with
- Her sewing machine is covered in cute stickers and has become staple in her background
- She keeps a list of themes to explore in a notebook
- Her following is large but not overwhelming
What kinda blog would they run? - A fashion blog
- She'd post lookbooks each with a different theme
- Her colour scheme would be soft galaxy, maybe blue and purple
- Katia loves to talk about the history of fashion and tries to re-create the clothing from different points in history
- Her blog is clean and orginaised to a T. Everything is put into categories
- Katia posts weekly and does at least one lookbook per week
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Katia would be a wailing victorian bride
- With her skills in dress making her costume would be sublime
- She'd go ham on her costume, adding every single detail she can think of to make it look better
- Kinda erie how accurate it would be
Who would they cosplay as? - BOTW!Zelda or Twlight Princess!Zelda
- Again, costume making is her jam! the entire thing would be made from scratch minus a few things like the wig
- She loves the outfits Zelda wears in the games and would study the hell out of them to get the design right
What type of biscuit would they be? - Simple lemon biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Earl Grey
What type of alcohol would they be? - Vodka
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Harpy Lady deck
- She just thinks they're neat
- And she enjoys the play style
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Ghost type
What Animal Crossing animal would they be? - Rabbit
- Her house would be cosy and hidden away within the trees
- Shy personality type
Aesthetic: Silver necklaces, heavy veils, masquerade masks, silk dresses, corset ties, anxious thoughts, strained smiles, secret encounters, fights for freedom, golds, silver, sparkling jewels, touch starved.
Extra headcanon:
- Katia was not always an anxious mess, that only occurred later in life due to the pressure her parents placed on her. As a child, she was playful and witty, she was rebellous and would always find ways to esape her escorting guards. These days the only way she can 'escape' are when she's in her own quaters.
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onelittlesparkx · 6 years ago
BOH ctnw
This was it. Daphne Finnigan would have to be at the top of her game tonight, otherwise she'll end up dead. The entire year  had been nothing but keeping on her toes and being secretive in order to stay in one piece. Towards the end she and almost all those having difficulties would end up in hiding in the room of requirements, their sanctuary. <B>"And what if we want to stay and fight?"</b> Noo sooner had she thought the words she heard her own cousin, Ernie McMallian demand a response. The saying was true, the apple did not fall far from the tree. <br> As the students began to file out she removed her school robes, not wanting them to hold her back. Making sure her wand was secure between her belt loops of her skirt she rolled up the sleeves of her button down, still in uniform, as Ernie walked up before her. "Staying behind too?" she asked with a cocked brow. <br> "Yeh, I'm off to fetch Smith an' make sure the bloke doesn't chicken out and leave." He looked slightly awkward, as if he wasn't sure of what to say. Daphne smiled up at him, loosening her scarlet and gold tie around her neck. Nothing was needed to be said on his part. "Well, off you go." Patting him on his back she turned to find Seamus and Kyle. Head held high she looked around, first catching sight of Seamus and soon after Kyle standing beside Jefferey Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt. <br> Time and time again she heard from Kiera how Kyle reminded her of Steven. Looking at him standing there, proud and tough, she imagined it was her father there for a split second. The fear had gone from his eyes, until he turned to look at his sister with a heart breaking expression. As he nodded in agreement as to what Kingsley had said it took him only a short moment to approach the blonde. <br> "Find Seamus, do whatev'r it is ye need ta do, an' meet me up a'the third floor." <br> "Yer not stopping me?" she asked with a puzzled expression. She would have thought that the two of them would have to raise their voices at one another before such an agreement was presented. <br> "I can't rightly be do'n that now can I? Yer of age, I s'pect ye wouldn't be throwing yerself in if ye weren't prepare, yeh?" Still slightly confused she nodded. "It's time ta finish what mum and Da started," with those last words drawn out he smiled at his sister before taking off behind Moody. <br> His words echoed in her ears. Their parents, their real parents... would they meet the same fate? Pushing the question out of her head she looked around for Seamus again, spotting him before she walked towards him, only to end up running. He, like she remained calm still. Knowing the serious-ness of the situation. "Listen 'ere," she said in her demanding manner. "Best defense is a good offense righ' ?" She grabbed a hold of his wrist, pulling him out of the Great Hall with haste. "Blimey! Can ye slow down fer a minute Daph!" <br> "No time, Seamus! We 'ave supplies ta fetch!" He had never known the girl to move so quickly. Up the stair cases they went till they reached the Gryffindor Common Room and soon after left him there for her to fetch a few things from her dormitory. Emerging with a huge box in her arms and her broomstick under one of her arms she dropped it onto one of the large, red couches. <br> "What's this all 'bout?" he asked as he looked over her shoulders. <br> "Ye didn't think I'd go on about all this without be'n prepared now did ye? Come on Sea-Sea ye know me betta then'tha!" She swung the strap of a small, knitted side bag over her shoulder and shoved a few phials of already made potions in them. <br> "What are they?" without hesitation he picked a few up, shoving them in his pockets. <br> "Just'a few thing I wipped up earlier this year," she pointed to the pink one she was aabout to shove into her bag. "Tha one causes a burn'n sensation on skin, so watch out, will ya? But really, just chuck'em something'll do something." She was so carefree about the matter. Perhaps nothing had really set in yet. <br> "Dungbombs?" he asked with a cocked brow, not hesitated to shove a few of those in his pockets as well.<br> "but'o course my dear Sea-Sea!" As if everything was peachy keen she smiled, before pulling out that last items in the box, her own beater's bat and a bludger. "Now or never eh?" After she picked it up, the bludger ceased from squirming and moving, comfortable in it's owner's hands. In that moment the ground beneath them shaked, and the portrait hanging over the mantel of the common room fell on the ground, it's inhabitants shrieaking with frieght. <br><br> Arriving up on the third floor she was shocked by the fact that it was still empty of intruders, but she couldn't shake the erie feeling in her spine. <br> "Daph!" Though she loved it, the familiar voice she heard was the last one she wanted to here. Turning her attention, wide eyed with Colin and Dennis Creevey beside her brother, wands already drawn out. <br> "Are ye bloody mad!" face red and fist clenched she stomped her way over, Seamus following carefully behind her. "Yer not of age! Ye trying ta get yerself killed or something? An' Dennis!  Did ye not think about tha boy? Colin, he's only fifteen, he hasn't even prepared for O.W.L's and ye expect him to live through this?" It wasn't that didn't have faith in younger Creevey brother, on the contrary, he thought he was very talented, just not talented enough to fight off death eaters at such a ripe age. <br> Looking ready to defend his words, Colin opened his mouth to speak but was cut off before he could muster out a single word.<br> "Their coming from the grounds," Kyle said narrowed eyed. With his most serious tone, which was very unlike the oldest Finnigan, he looked over at the Creevey brothers. "I'll have to agree wit Daph, Dennis shouldn't be here." <br> "The Kitchens should be the safest place," Jefferey Chimed in from almost out of nowhere. "Go, and STAY there. The opening to the Hogsheade has already be sealed." Moody had never struck Daphne as scary. He was odd yes, but never scary until that moment. She almost saw Alastar in him. She wondered how he was coping. "I'll cover you guys, but you've got to be quick on yer feet!" Slightly annoyed Jefferey already began to head down the stairs. "Quick now!" he demanded. <br> Poor Dennis looked almost helpless to speak, but Colin couldn't hold his tongue, brushing a few strands of his long, blonde, and slightly curly hair he huffed. "Fine, but I'm coming back ta fight!" <br> Daphne was about to say something but Moody was going interrupt that as well. "Fine, whatever, but the boy needs to not be here right now! There is no time for arguing, if yer here, than act  like yer adults." Yeah, he was definately scarier this time adn Daphne wondered how Kyle could keep such company. <br> "Fine," they both agreed. <br> "Kyle," Moody began but he finished his sentence.<br> "Get in'ta position, yeh I know." <br> With a quick hug to the Creevey brothers she placed a kiss on Colin's cheek, not wanting to cause too much of a scene at a time like this. "I love you, be careful." And the two families went on their seperate ways.<br><br> With a loud, shattering crash one of the large windows broke, glass falling to the ground. Luckily the three Finnigans were a few ways away from getting hurt, so far. <br> "S-spiders?" Seamus stuttered slightly, almost in the manner of Ron Weasley. It wasn't that he was frieghtened by the Arachnids, but he had never seen them at such a large scale. "Didn't see tha'one com'n" Kyle drew his wand out and pushed it forward with great force, "Depulso!" One of the large spiders heading in ther direction was pushed back out the window by his wand and just in that instant, Seamus mimiced him. <br> "I'll cover you," swinging a leg over her Nimbus 2000 she still carried with her she took into the air, bludger under her arm pit, and bat gripped alongside the wood of her broom. Making sure she was properly balance, she locked her legs over one another, gripping her broom, as she lifted her left arm to hold the bludger infront of her before colliding it with her bat, aiming for one of the large spiders. With it's violent forced she knocked two of them out like bowling pins, foiling their attempts to  attack her family. Emerald hues locking with the whereabouts of the bludger, she pushed her body down close to her broom to gain speed before throwing up her torso and taking another whack at it.<br><br> "Oi! Watch it!" <br> Seamus's voice had awaken her. The feeling on her broom, the grip of her bat, it had taken her to a different place. She had almost forgotten there was a war going on. <br> With a small explosion the bludger that was aiming towards the last bit of spiders entering from the window had incinerated and with wide eyes Daphne could see the cloaked death eaters making their way at them. Making a dive she narrowly missed the green light that had been designated for her. But the sudden change in altitude added with her unsteady hand caused her to crash into the maroon curtrains hanging from the very top of the glass windows. She raised her forearm to sheild her face from the burning sensation the rest of her body felt as skin met with fabric at high speeds heading towards the ground. <br><br> The ground had snapped her broom in half, bits of wood digging into her elbows as she pushed herself off quickly from the floor, ignoring the sharp pain in her ankle. Wand ready in her head she sent a stunning spell just past Seamus's shoulder, knocking out a Death Eater who was trying to sneak up on him. He would have grinned in graititude if he wasn't busy in his own dual.<br><br> What was only minutes felt like hours as the Finnigans continued to fight bravely. Daphne and Seamus dueling side by side but nothing compared to the fierce jinxes and defensive spells that Kyle lashed out at his enemies. <br> Stepping back Daphne thrusted her wand forward with full force, "Flipendo!" The hooded figure was knocked off his feet backwards and in on swift movement she had slipped her hand into her bag and chucked a phial in the Death Eater's direction. Shattering at his feet he began to scream in pain, complaining about an incredibly itching sensation. Beside her, Seamus had succeeded in knocking his own opponent down on his feet as well. But their brief victory came to an end.<br> Just a few feet away someone had found the Finnigan cousins to be a welcomed target, and without hesitation the Death Eater went for the kill, "Avada Kedevra!" Those two words hadn't even registered in their brain before turning to see Kyle shove himself in front of them with an apologetic look before the life left his eyes and his limp body fell forward.<br><br> A chill ran down Jefferey Moody's spine as he heard the very words that followed Death. Knocking his apponent unconscious on the ground he turned with shock to find his best-mates body lifeless on the ground. His cousin's hovering over him, frozen in place. He could have felt saddened, or even angered, but there was no time for emotions when everyone's life was at stake. Running forward he flicked his wrist and Kyle's killer was frozen in place by his charm. "Don't just stand there!"<br> Daphne opened her mouth to speak, but could not find any words. She was cold and her eyes were burning before looking up as soon as he heard Seamus cry. "D-d-d-emntors!" He raised a shaken hand up to a hole that they seemed to pour into. With that the remaining Finnigans raised their wands up, thinking now of a happy memory and forgetting what was right in front of them. The two small, silvery foxes danced around Jefferey's Giraffe as they pushed the negative feeding beings out of the castle. <br><br>
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incognito-burri · 7 years ago
Loving Me is Like Loving War
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[ part 1 ] - [ part 2 ] - [ part 3 ] - [ part 4 ]
Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: I might regret this part later but oH WELL . Again, this turned out different than originally planned but I guess that’s the beauty of it. *cries* sorry.
Only three other people were inside the diner, all of which turned and stared at you and Billy when the bell rang as you entered the building. You were still blushing after feeling Billy so hard against you outside and couldn’t bring yourself to look up from your feet, but Billy scanned the room and found somewhere to sit; he placed his hand on your lower back guided you over to the table.
As you walked towards the small table for two in the far corner of the room your mind was frantically replaying what had just happened. You couldn’t believe that Billy Hargrove had actually just pressed his hard (and apparently rather large) dick against your hip and then proceeded to tell you that he wants you. Boys had never really been that interested in you, or so you thought, so the idea that you had that affect on Billy was a new and pretty odd concept for you.
You and Billy finally reached the table, where you were completely ready to slouch and hide your burning face behind a menu, when all of a sudden you felt Billy’s hand drop down to your bum. He gently squeezed it and you whipped round to look at him, your face an even darker shade of scarlet. He simply winked at you, licked his lips and then picked up one of the menus to find something to eat.
Jesus Christ, you thought, why am I here with him?
In that moment you wanted to slap him incredibly hard and just walk out, but you were also starting to feel pretty turned on...
Fuck, no! This is Billy. Billy Hargrove. Biggest dick in the school. Just stop.
You listened to yourself and sat down, picking up a menu to try and distract yourself.
“So, what are you thinking?” Billy said after a few moments.
“Uhh, that you’re an asshole?” You blurted out without thinking.
He chuckled and looked at the table momentarily, before looking back up at you with his piercing blue eyes: “Ahah, oh Y/N. C’mon now, don’t be so rude! I’m excellent company.” He winked at you again, reminding you of how desperate you were to feel him against you. By this point you were feeling flustered and decided that the best thing to do was to just spend a few minutes in the bathroom gathering your thoughts and pulling yourself together. You needed to be away from him for just a few minutes, to remind yourself of what a dick he was.
“Okay I really need to use the bathroom. I guess I’ll just have…” you paused and scanned the menu quickly, “Uhh, cheeseburger with fries. Order for me if I’m not back by the time the waitress comes over?”
“Yeah, sure.” He smirked.
With that, you hurried away to the bathroom.
Once you actually got into the toilet you noticed you did actually need to piss and quickly grabbed a cubicle. Then, after washing your hands, you decided to just try and cool yourself down by leaving the cold tap running over your wrists for a few minutes. This was a trick you had learnt years ago before a drama performance when you were about 10. Mrs Lovelock, a crazy woman with wildly curly hair, had told you that if ever you felt nervous or flustered before a performance then you should put your wrists under some cold water and it would help cool you down.
I might not be about to perform, but I have never felt so fucking flustered in my life, you thought as your wrist began to go numb. But it was working, you were finally returning to a normal, healthy temperature.
Just as you were about to move away from the sink to dry your hands, you heard the door open and suddenly a pair of hands grabbed you by the waist and you could feel warm breath on your neck.
“I said I want you, baby girl, and I don’t think I can wait…” said a familiar, husky voice. You spun round to find Billy Hargrove only millimetres away. Your eyes met and you couldn’t help but smile slightly as you glanced down at his lips and then back up to meet his gaze; he saw this as encouragement and closed the gap between you, your lips colliding. Hard. You ran your cold, wet hands up his torso and placed them on the back of his neck, shocking him slightly and causing him to pull away for a moment. But before he could say or do anything, you pulled his head back towards you, longing to feel his lips moving against yours once more.
As your lips moved together, he lifted you up and placed you next to the sink, allowing you to wrap your legs around his body and pull him in even closer. You felt the edges of his mouth turn up as you did this and suddenly you felt his tongue flick past your lips, deepening the kiss. You then took one of your hands and lowered it down to his tight ass that you had been admiring earlier in the day and squeezed it hard, thinking that it was only fair after he did it to you at the table. His response to this seemed to be placing one of his hands on your chest, gently cupping and squeezing your boobs. Eventually, you had to pull away for air and his mouth moved down to your neck, leaving a trail of rough kisses along your jaw – he finally settled in one spot and began attacking your delicate skin, not pulling away until he knew he’d left his mark. Your eyes met and your lips connected once more.
You could’ve gone on like that quite happily for hours, but when his hand moved from your chest down to try and reach underneath your dress you froze.
What the fuck am I doing? You thought. Billy had set to work on leaving yet another mark on your pale skin and had one hand at the top of your inner thigh.
“What the fuck am I doing?” You said it out loud this time and Billy stopped to look at you.
“Well, little one, you’re currently having an excellent time in the girls’ bathroom with the one and only Billy Hargrove.” He whispered, before returning his mouth to your neck.
You couldn’t believe this. You hated Billy. He was a racist asshole that treated everyone like shit! He got into so many fights that he came into school pretty much everyday with new bruises and he was honestly the least likable person you knew. So how the fuck had you ended up with his hands basically in your pants.
“Stop…” you said, but he either didn’t here or chose to ignore you, “Billy, I said stop it! Get off me!” you said again, louder this time and pushing him away.
“What the fuck babe?” He said accusingly, wiping his mouth.
“I…I don’t want this…” you mumbled.
“Oh, little one… you know that’s not true. We both know how wet that pussy is right now, all because of me. You want me Y/N...” He said, taking a step towards you. He was right. You were incredibly wet right now, but you were not about to lose your virginity in the scabby old bathroom of some local diner.
You jumped down from the side. “Fuck you Billy, seriously. Just fuck you.”
“That’s the idea babe – fuck me.” He licked his lips and lunged towards you, pinning you against the sink as he tried to pull the bottom of your dress up, exposing you.
“Billy, no! Get off me!” You screamed. But he held you there and all you could think to do was lift your leg up and ram your knee into his crotch. Really fucking hard.
He immediately doubled over, grunting in pain, and you ran. You ran out the bathroom, past the people staring and out the glass door into the cold night air. You ran without thinking, tears now streaming down your face, for what felt like hours. It wasn’t until you felt like your feet might actually be about to fall off that you finally stopped to catch your breath. You looked around, worried you would see the headlights of Billy’s Camaro coming towards you, but there was nothing. It was then that you realised you had absolutely no idea where you were; you spun round, desperately trying to find something you knew, but all of this was unfamiliar. There was not a single thing in the area that you had ever seen before and you had no idea what to do, so you simply dropped to the floor, pulled your knees to your chest and cried. Cried like you never had before.
Fuck you, Billy Hargrove.
{ @thisisme-allofme-anditsyours @jinx-is-fire }
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rumbelleshowdown · 7 years ago
Delivery for You
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Author: Bouquet Prompts: must be a mix-up; secret; jinx Group: B
It wasn’t uncommon for Storybrooke’s library to receive packages. Book drives would sometimes send small town libraries excess copies of books if they’d gotten an overwhelming number of the same title; and the dedicated librarian, Belle French, use the modest budget she was afforded to keep as many new titles as possible on the shelves.  So she didn’t think anything of it when a package ended up on the stoop of the libraries back door one early morning.
The town was just beginning to wake up as Belle hummed to herself while carrying the package into the small storage room that made up her office.  New books were always a delight and she was sure that it was a sign that the day would be a good one.  The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and in an hour she would go get her morning coffee from Granny’s and perhaps get a chance to see the shy pawnbroker as he sought to fulfill his own caffeine needs.
Most people in town were wary of Mr. Gold, he owned most of the property in town and had a penchant for deals that he expected people to uphold, but Belle found him rather charming instead of sinister.  He was withdrawn from most of the town, but where others saw ill intent and an old miser, Belle saw someone that was painfully shy and using his fine clothes and sharper wit to keep other from noticing.
Slowly she’d been trying to get to know him better.  He was skittish around her first, regarding her smiles and pleasant greetings with no small amount of suspicion.  But when it became clear Belle wasn’t after something he’d let his guard down enough to nod and return her greeting with one of his own and a small smile.  Her own smile had only grown at the sight and Belle had felt a warm kind of delight fill her when he’d begun greeting her first.  Belle’s intent had only been to begin a friendship with the mysterious man everyone warned her to be wary of, she did love mysteries after all, but soon she’d found herself feeling far more than friendship towards the reserved pawnbroker.
Belle, for all her bravery, hadn’t yet acted on her new feelings for him.  Every time she had tried to ask him out for something casual and low pressure they’d be interrupted, and she couldn’t very well march up to his house or store and ask him to dinner, it had been hard enough to get him to smile at her.  It was almost like they were jinxed to never have a moment alone together.  But today Belle was going to change that, something felt different when she’d woken up and the surprise package was only the beginning, she was sure of it.
Placing the package on her desk she grabbed her box cutter and sliced through the packing tape with practiced easy.  Flipping open the flaps of the box she dug through packing peanuts of the books inside; but the thing she grabbed didn’t feel like a book, and when she pulled it out it certainly didn’t look like a book either.  In fact, it wasn’t a book at all.  Belle stared in confusion at the box of men’s hair dye in confusion.
Touch of Gray
The label proclaimed in silver lettering above the face of a handsome model with sculpted cheekbones and perfectly coifed hair.  Curiously Belle pushed more plastic peanuts out of the way to find several more items hidden within.  Protein powder, a set of DVD’s proclaiming they could get you fit and a self-help book about how to talk to woman.  It was very obvious that this package wasn’t for the library, even if there was a book in it.  There had been some kind of mix up, and no doubt some poor soul was waiting for their package so they could begin to change their life.
Carefully Belle repackaged the contents of the box, trying to make it look as if it hadn’t been opened and taped it closed once more.  It was a simple enough mistake to fix, she could just bring it to the right address before the library opened and no one would be the wiser that she’d looked through their things.  Satisfied with her idea, Belle turned the box to the side to find the address.  It was one nearby, which would explain that reason it was dropped off, no doubt the mailman was as used to her getting packages as she was and hadn’t read it clearly.  For a moment, as Belle stepped out of her door, she realized she didn’t actually know the address of any of the buildings beside the library.  Storybrooke was so small that she’d never needed to, but that was another problem easily fixed.  Her phone was able to show her the way to go, but once she reached her destination she had to double check to make sure she’d ended up at the right location.
Before her was Mr. Gold’s Antiques and Pawnshop; the last place she had expected to end up when she’d begun her short journey.  Belle stood at the entrance of the door for a long moment, looking in through the window and caught sit of Mr. Gold, impeccably dressed as always, as he flipped through one of his ledgers.  Shaking her head she pushed the door open, she wasn’t going to get anything done by just standing there and staring.
The bell jingled pleasantly as she stepped in and she couldn’t help but feel pleased that when he looked up and saw it was her he smiled.  Then his eyes slipped to the box under one of her arms and his smile faded.
“Miss French,”  He said, capping his pen and closing the ledger with crisp movements.  “What can I do for you so early this morning?”
“It seems I’ve gotten some of your mail.”  Belle replied, holding the box up.
“Ah, I see.”  He said, looking at the box with a mixture of distain and embarrassment.
There was a long awkward moment of silence as Belle held it up before she cleared her throat and placed it on the counter.
“Well, I suppose I should be getting back to the library.”  She said awkwardly.
“It’s been opened,”  Mr. Gold said as he looked down at the place where she had retaped it.
“Has it?”  She asked, her cheeks betraying her as they burned scarlet.
“Yes.”  Was all he said, his own cheeks beginning turn pink.  “I suppose that means you’ve seen the contents.”
“Not on purpose,”  Belle said, trying to make him feel better.  “I thought it was more books, for the library.”  She added lamely.
“Ah.”  He said, as he twisted his cane within his grasp.  “Then you know that I…”  He trailed off, looking painfully awkward and making Belle’s heart ache for him.
Without thinking she reached out and grasped his hand on top of his cane to make him stop and look at her.
“It’ll be our secret.”  She said with a smile.  “We all want to look our best, I wouldn’t leave my apartment without brushing my hair or putting makeup on and this is no different.”  Biting her lower lip and taking a chance she added.  “But for what it’s worth, I don’t think you need any of it.”
“Y-you don’t?”  He replied, his eyes widening.
“Not at all.”  Belle said with a shy smile.  “You could be wearing a paper bag and I’d think you were the most attractive man I’d ever met.”
As soon as the words were out Belle felt like kicking herself.  He didn’t need her confessing something like that when he was clearly self-conscious about his looks.  She’d been trying to go slow and coax him into a date and now she’d blown it, no doubt he’d slam all his walls back down in her face and send her running from the shop with some well-placed icy barbs to protect himself.
“I think of the two of us you’re the only one that could pull of bag chic here.”  Mr. Gold said instead, taking her by surprise but making her laugh.
“We could be a matching pair.”  She teased back, making him chuckle as well.  Belle realized she was still holding his hand and he hadn’t fled from her.  Biting her lower lip she said.  “Do you think perhaps we could match our outfits one of these nights?  Perhaps not paper bags, but something less revealing, at Granny’s?”
“I’d like that,”  Mr. Gold replied.  “I’d really like that.”
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whoareurl · 8 years ago
a building frustration
i’ll write a part two to this (hopefully you can see where it’s going) (not smut of course i’m a dork i can’t do the Sex)
The flat was quiet when Yuuri got home so he suspected Viktor was asleep since that was the only time he was ever quiet. He was proven wrong, however, when he heard a frustrated groan from the bedroom. Dumping his skate back, he pushed open the bedroom door which was slightly ajar and saw Viktor massaging his pink nostrils through a thoroughly crumpled tissue.
“Not feeling better?” Yuuri asked sympathetically, hearing Viktor gasp as he looked up.
“Yuuri! Viktor’s voice was muffled by the tissue and his congestion but his delight was evident. It was sweet how much Viktor seemed to miss Yuuri when they were apart, especially when he was running a bit of a fever.
Returning the smile he was sure was there, Yuuri settled next to Viktor and pressed a kiss to his cheek which had Viktor sighing contentedly.
“Missed you,” he mumbled, leaning his head against Yuuri’s shoulders, crumpled tissue held in his lap. He sniffled pitifully, prompting Yuuri to peck the top of his head lovingly. “How was practice?”
“It was fine,” Yuuri said, thinking back to his gruelling practice session with Yakov which had seen him attempting his step sequence probably a million times. Usually, step sequences were Yuuri’s specialty but he’d been distracted today worrying about Viktor. He didn’t like leaving him alone when he was sick because he had learned that Viktor was absolutely hopeless at being a human being. He never had any food in his flat and always forgot to buy toilet paper and take out the bins. There was no way he’d look after himself properly with a low grade fever.
Viktor pouted, sitting up to look at Yuuri accusingly. “Better than when I’m there?”
Yuuri smiled mischievously. He’d have kissed that pout away had Viktor not been so ill. “Oh, definitely. Nobody to distract me with poorly timed dog puns.”
Viktor gasped dramatically. “You love my puns! They give you paws for thought.”
While Viktor collapsed in an adorable pile of giggles, Yuuri took a moment to survey the room. To his utter shock, Viktor actually had half a glass of water on the table. Hopefully that meant he’d gotten himself some more than what Yuuri had left him this morning and hadn’t only drunk half a glass. The painkillers he’d left out were gone too. Good. So Viktor wasn’t totally useless as long as Yuuri gave him a little help. He’d make an adult out of him yet.
Viktor stopped giggling abruptly as a tickle made itself known. He hitched and struggled with it, rubbing his nose with irritated tears in his eyes but eventually it became clear that it wouldn’t come out. Yuuri was practically ready to burst.
“It’s been teasing me for hours,” Viktor whined, rubbing roughly at his septum. “I haven’t been able to sneeze all day!”
Yuuri felt his heart skip more beats than was healthy as his face flushed scarlet. Viktor couldn’t just….say things like that. But Viktor could and he would because he was currently cocking his head to the side with a smirk.
“Mm,” he hummed thoughtfully. “You like this too?”
Yuuri licked his lips nervously, biting his bottom lip as he gave a single nod. Viktor’s soft, hitching breaths hadn’t stopped since the impending sneeze had made itself known but they were quiet and it was clear Viktor was trying to keep them that way which only sent Yuuri’s body into a frenzy of excitement. A soft sniffle and another few tickling hitches had Yuuri’s heart racing as Viktor leaned closer teasingly, tilting Yuuri’s chin up with his free hand while the other came to his face to rub a finger under his nose with another liquid sniff.
Yuuri swallowed. “V-Viktor?” He squeaked. “Y-you’re sick, I-”
But the hitching was back, deep, desperate inhales which had Viktor’s chest heaving with the pressure. His eyes fell shut, head tilting back almost imperceptibly as his nostrils fluttered with irritation. His eyelids fluttered like he was trying to force them open again, one bare hand hovering ready to cover his face while the other felt blindly for the tissue box. Yuuri couldn’t even hand it to him. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.
“C-come o-ohh-ngh…”
Viktor’s incredibly sexy complaint seemed to jinx it and he let out a rushed breath just seconds later, his wrinkling nose betraying the tickle which still lurked there.
“Poor thing,” Yuuri muttered sympathetically though his heart was still racing. “You’ve been like this all day?”
Viktor nodded miserably, plucking another tissue to blow his nose but, from his soft sniffles, Yuuri could tell it hadn’t alleviated the torturous itch which had been plaguing his poor fiance all day.
“I tried the tissue thing, but it didn’t work,” he sighed before his eyes lit up with an idea. “Why don’t you help me?”
Blushing up to his eyeballs, Yuuri jumped up from the bed like he’d been burned with a scandalised yelp.
“Viktor, you can’t just...just say that!” he practically shrieked, covering his burning face with his hands. “You don’t understand, I...you can’t!”
Yuuri hears Viktor chuckling softly as his hands are gently pulled away from his face. “I’m sorry, Yuuri. I wasn’t thinking.”
Yuuri swallowed. “It’s okay,” he said and then, after a moment’s hesitation, he added, “I might have something that can help.”
part 2
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chassie666 · 8 years ago
Unfinished fic, just testing out the waters, is it too hot or too cold????
Part 1
“That's it bro!” Nino exclaimed loudly in the library, “I can't take this Romeo and Juliet stuff!  My brain is going to explode!”
He sat at one of the study table with Adrien, Alya and Marinette, working on their literature assignment.  Each group had to take a Shakespeare play and interpreted it, unfortunately for some, the language of the past did not seem to make sense to them.
“It's not that bad, Nino.” Laughed Alya, “You just have to take it part by part, right Marinette?”
Alya turned to her best friend, who was obviously in dream land starring hopelessly at the secret love of her life, Adrien.
“MARINETTE!” She shouted, making the poor girl jump out of her skin and fall off her chair.
“”Ow Alya!” Marinette blushed as she got up and sat back at the table, “There are other ways of getting my attention.”
Alya chuckled, “But this was fun.  But seriously, what about Romeo and Juliet for the class play?”
Marinette thought for a moment, “I'm not sure, there are some serious lines in there, but it would be so much fun to make the costumes thought!”
“And I'm sure you'll make the cast glow in your creations, Marinette” Adrien commented to her, making the poor shy girl blush even more.
“But dudes,” Nino starred at the the words he could not grasp, “I can't say these words, Let's find something with lots of action and drama!”
“Well we all have until after class to put in our suggestions for Mme Bustier to consider,”  Alya smiled, “What about a comic series?”
“Yeah!” Grinned Nino, “That would be awesome! Maybe I could write my own script and put it in the suggestion box! We can make it about Ladybug and Chat Noir ”
Adrien and Marinette smiled, secretly relishing in the fact that they are real superheros, it would be ironic if they played themselves?
“Goodnight, Papa” Adrien called out from outside his bedroom, he waited till he heard the muffled reply from his father's office before closing the door.  
He raced to his bed and began to arrange the pillows under covers, making his feathered double lay in his place as he went out on patrol with his Lady.
“I'm surprised that no one has just walked in here and pulled back the covers.” Laughed Plagg as the little black Kwami floated near Adrien.
“Don't jinx it Plagg,” Adrien turned off the lights in his room, “It give us the entire night to be free.”
“And fighting akumas right beside your Lady love is just the bonus?” Plagg grabbed another slice of warm cheese from Adrian's desk, “Are you always going to chase her even though she doesn't feel the same?”
“I know Plagg, I don't have a chance of her, but it won't stop me from loving her and trying...”
“Phff! What do you know about love?” Plagg asked in between bites.
“I know...”  A bright light from outside the windows illuminated the room, painting the wall a golden yellow, Adrien gazed out his grand window at the cause of the unnatural glow.
His eyes grew large as the source of the light was incredible.  It was a bird like shape made from flames, it glowed so bight in the night sky.  The young man starred closer to the form, there was a female outline within the flames, another akuma?
“Time to put out the cat Plagg!  CLAWS OUT!”  Adrien leaped out the window as he transformed into his alter ego, Chat Noir landed safely on all fours quietly on the roof below.
He stood up and kept his eyes on the akuma, it was moving slowly, headed towards the business end of the city, but still moving fast enough to make Chat run.  The young hero jumped from roof top to roof top, pondering who had been taken over by the wretched Hawkmoth.  It seamed that as much as he and Ladybug tried, they were no closer to discovering who he was and where, but with each akuma they defeat, they made sure his destructiveness did not spread.
Speaking of, he had not seen his Lady yet, surely something like this would have gotten her attention, unless she was preoccupied.  He stayed on course with the flaming bird, waiting for her to land or attack or at least something!
She landed on a rooftop by a restaurant that featured live bands, staying on the roof trying not to be noticed.  Tonight they have a string quartet of musicians, playing classical music to the patrons.  He landed on the building next to hers, it was higher and she wouldn't spot him easily.  He watched in awe as the flames around her disappeared and all that stood there was seemed to be a girl around his age, dressed in a frilly night gown.  Her hair was long and loose, but it was too dark to see the color, his night vision didn't help either.  She was gazing down towards the music, her body began to sway with the rhythm, enjoying the elegant sound from the well played instruments.  
Chat Noir stayed in the shadows, now uncertain if this girl was akumatized or not.  He watched in silent as a fiery from appeared in front of her, a man  it seemed with a top hat?  The flame man bowed to her, she curtsied back, he took her into his arms and they began to waltz around the roof with the music.  He was able to see her face, her eyes closed enjoying the music, a smile dressed her face as she danced with joy.  Even in the night he could see her beauty, her hair flowing behind her..
“This can't be an akuma,” He thought “she's not acting like one, she has no costume, she's... she's just dancing...”
Chat Noir made a daring decision.  He dropped from his perch and landed softly on her roof, his eyes still in wonder as she and her flame partner danced in circles in the cool air.  He moved closer, pleading with himself she wouldn't see him yet.  He stopped just a few feet away from her and grinned.
He bowed as she made her way towards him, “May I have this dance?”
She let out a shrill cry of surprise as her flame gentleman disappeared, Chat looked up at her, saw the fright and panic in her beautiful eyes, her face almost covered by her long bangs.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...”  He slowly reached out his hand to her.
In an instant she was covered with her flame bird presence and shot up into the night sky, Chat looked up confused, “Please wait!  I just wanna...?”  he shouted at her, but she did not hear.
He watched as the fire bird raised into the darkness, then shoot off towards the west side of the city, with much greater speed than before.  And within a moment, her light was gone.
Chat rubbed his head, still not sure what had just happened, “Who are you?”
“Who is who?” He head Ladybug ask as she landed beside him, “Who are you talking about?”
“Bugaboo!”  He grinned, “Didn't you just see a giant bird flying around made out of fire?”
Ladybug looked around the black sky, “No, I didn't see anything like that.  A new akuma?”
Chat looked back towards the west of the city, “I have no idea...”
The girl landed on the terrace of her room, her home had been a grand keep for years at one time, now it was a prison.  She crept inside, listening to anything that might give her pause, but everything seemed as she left it.  Until the lights were switched on.
Her scarlet hair glistened in the light, her amber eyes focused on the three that had waited patiently for hours for her safe return.
“Have you brains about yourself?” The short but stocky man shouted at her, his black hair peppered with gray, his navy blue housecoat wrapped tightly around his large belly, “You are well aware you are to NEVER leave this house!”
“I'm sorry but I need to get out of here for a bit!  I can't stand being locked away anymore!  It's too much for me!  I need some freedom!” She shouted back, “Stop being angry with me Papa!”
“I will stop when you start listening!  WHAT IF YOU WERE SEEN?”
“No one saw me.” She lied.
The tall thin woman by his side placed her hand on him, her red robes loose, “George, please, it was only a matter of time before she would get anxious.  It's not good for her to stay inside so long without...”
Mother, Please...”  She girl sobbed, “I don't want to be caged up anymore.  I want to know what being a normal teenager is!  I've been locked in either a laboratory or a stone cage all my life!  I'd like to know what it is to be free, even for a few minutes without being worried that I will burn the world!  I want to go to a real school!  Make friends! Live like a normal sixteen year old girl...”
A fire ignited in the fireplace of her room, reminding them.
“I'm sorry Rachelle, but you are NOT a normal teenager, you think I can allow a nuclear warhead loose in Paris? YOU are we are protecting these people from.  YOU cannot go out and have a soda with the girlfriends and get all pretty up and go on dates or anything like that!  And you know why!  You are old enough to understand that life isn't fair and unfortunately YOU don't get a normal life! There is thirty-nine reasons why you cannot be allowed out of this house.”
The girl  reeled back as if she was bitten by a dark reminder of her impending evil within, her father never let her forget the reasons why she had to be locked up like a dangerous animal waiting to be unleashed in a unprotected world.  She hated him for it.  
“That is enough My Lord...” the spectral voice broke the tension, the shadowy form of a woman dressed in 18th century black clothing float into the light.  Her head covered by a veil, but the two red glowing eyes penetrated the fabric, “Perhaps it would be time to allow the little swallow to fly.  Her human studies will be concluding soon and perhaps it would be a good time for her to experience this.”
George turned to his daughter's inhuman guardian, “Pasha, I will not be held responsible for allowing a bomb to run around Paris!”
“And that is why the good Doctor left her in MY care.” replied the dark woman, “My Lord, my master had given me responsibility of the girl, not you.  You are only here because you wish to be here and as her parents it would be beneficial to her mental health, but I do disagree with your methods of parenting.”
Rachelle smiled for the first time in a long time, “See? Even Pasha thinks it's a good idea!  Pasha of all people!”
The father starred at them all, his wife looked hopeful, his monster daughter pleading with her amber eyes, the death eater floated silently.
He sent a warning glare at the guardian, “I leave it in your care, but when she destroys this City, don't come crying to me!”
The others watched in silence as he left the room, Rachelle was beaming with excited, she turned to her mother.
“Am I really going to be allowed to go out now?” She looked at her mother pleading.
“Let us talk about it some more before we make a decision, I'm sure there will be some serious rules.”  She hugged her daughter, “Give it some time and we'll see.”
Adrien yawned for the fourth time as he waited at is desk while class was starting to fill in.  slowly all the chatting students made their way to the seat as the Teacher Mme Bustier was talking with Mr Damocles.  Adrien spent each night for the past week trying to find the fire girl as Chat Noir,  he would only call off his search when Ladybug needed his help, but after wards it was charge up Plagg and go again.  Still there was no sign of her.   He dreamed of her, her glowing face starring back at him in fear, him reaching just slightly to her...the thump of Nino's bag on the desk shocked Adrien back to the conscious world.
“Dude, You can't let the teacher catch you sleeping again.” Nino began to shake his best friend awake.
“I'm fine Nino...”  Adrien sat up and smiled at him, “I've been doing some late shoots and not getting enough sleep, I'll be more awake tomorrow.”
“All right everyone settle down and take your seats.” Mme Bustier said in a clear and commanding voice, “We are having a new student so I need to change things around here.  Ivan, I need you to trade seats with Lila.  Our new student is a girl so I'd like everyone matched up.”
“But Mme Bustier!”  Cried Lila, “Me and Nathaniel like it up here by ourselves.”
“I'm sorry Lila but that's how I want it, so both of you change seats now, she will be here soon.”
“Cool!  Another girl!” Alya smiled at Marinette, “I wonder what she's going to be like!”
“Hate to break it to ya unprivileged peasants, but she's from an old money family, rich!  I heard them talking about it yesterday.  She'll hang out with me before she'll look down at you guys.  It's going to be so much fun!  It's about time we get another rich girl, you poor people are just such a downer!”
“Not all rich people are snobs and childish brats...” Alya could feel the heat of her rage rise, “Adrien is rich AND a great guy, and he's not an ass like you!”  
“Keep him out of your cat fight!”  Nino tried to yell but kept it at a loud whisper, Adrien had fallen asleep again on the desk.
“What's wrong with him?”  Asked Marinette, Adrien was never this tired.  She smiled, he looked so adorable as he slept peacefully.  As she thought about it, Chat Noir was starting to look tired as well, perhaps they should ease up on their patrol.  
Mme Bustier starred at the sleeping prince, “ADRIEN AGRESTE!!!”
Adrien sat straight but still in the arms of sleep, “The radius is 7.5987 to the equal of....”
“It wasn't a question Adrien, perhaps I should take to your father about these late night photo shoots.  It's starting to be a huge problem in your education.”  
“NONONONONO!!!!” Adrien tried to smile, his father would question him relentlessly, “I swear this is the last time! It's my fault, I play video games after the shoot to unwind before bed and I get really really carried away...”
“One more time Adrien and I'll be calling your father into the office.”   Mme Bustier smiled at the rest of the class, “Now for our new student...”  She walked over to the classroom door, she opened it and peered around the door frame, “...you can come in now dear...”
Everyone stared at the girl following the teacher, no one stared more than Adrien as he recognized her face.  He lost the need for sleep and sat attentive to the new girl.  He quietly kicked his bag that rested against the table legs beside him, he could hear the bag material move as his Kwami looked out the cracks of the flap at the girl.  “NOPE!” he heard from the bag.
Tikki also looked out Marinette's bag and gave the girl a good look, it didn't ease the worry she was feeling.  
Adrien smile at her, she still had that look of fear on her face, but nothing compared to her fright the other night.  Her long red hair was pulled up in a pony tail, her long bangs seemed to hide her eyes from the uneasy gaze of the other students.  A dark pink knitted shawl draped over her red dress, her amber eyes still fearful glanced over the students before her.
“Everyone, please meet Rachelle Dubois,” She turned to the frightened girl, “Rachelle, would you like to say something about yourself?”
Rachelle was obviously nervous, this was her first time actually interacting with people her own age.  They all stared at her, some with strange looks on their faces, some with friendly faces, and one with quite the snobbish look.  The palms of her hands began to sweat, she could feel her inner heat began to rise.  She had to calm down or her nervousness would burn the school down.  Not a very good first day if that happened.  
I can do this! She thought, she took a deep breath, “I... I love music...”
“Do you play an instrument?” The teacher asked.
Rachelle nodded in silence, she swallowed hard and tried to not sound foolish, “I can play the piano, guitar, drums, flute...”
“Sure you do!” Cloe laughed, “Just like Lila is best friends with Ladybug!”  
Most of the class began to laugh, only a few didn't think it was funny, especially Lila.  
She gave Cloe a dirty look, “One day you blond bimbo...”
“ENOUGH CLASS!” Mme barked, “Rachelle, you can take the empty seat beside Lila behind Marinette and Alya...”
Rachelle slowly made her way up to the third seats, she didn't notice how hard Adrien was staring at her, his eyes moved with her as she took her seat beside an angered Lila.  Nino, Alya and especially Marinette took notice on how hard he was looking at her, and his staring was making the new girl more nervous one she noticed him.  
“Hey...” Nino whispered to Adrien, “I think your staring is starting to weird her out bro.”
Adrien immediately turned around, “Oh you're right...”
“So...” Nino grinned, “You like the new girl?  She caught your eye?  It's the red right?”
Adrien couldn't hide the huge smile, the fire girl had a name, Rachelle.  He couldn't help his sheepish grin as he began to think of different ways to strike up a conversation with her.  For now they had one thing in common, Adrien played the piano as well.  
Adrien stared at the girl in red as she sat on a wooden bench, under the shade of a tree in the outside court yard of the school.  She was eating her lunch out of a small pink box, with chop sticks.  He could see she was experienced with them, eating her cold rice with ease. He grinned as he spotted the manga book in her hand, there was another thing they had in common, but he didn't know how he should approach her.
“Just walking up to her and saying hi would be a start” He heard Plagg from his school bag.
“It's not that easy Plagg, I can't just walk up to her, what would I say? What if she recognized me? “  Adrien sighed, “I need to know if it's really her or am I just wanting to find her so bad that I see her everywhere?
“Oh she's the one alright, I can smell the sulfur and brimstone from her.”  Plagg laughed.
“She's a demon?” Adrien almost shouted in shock.
“Oh no, not a demon, don't be silly.” the little black cat Kwami had a sly grin on his face, “You can take care of a few demons, that girl is a whole new level of scary.”
“Yeah ok,” laughed Adrien, “Look at her Plagg, she's just sitting there eating her lunch reading a manga... oh my gosh it's a bento box lunch!  She's eating a bento box!  And she knows how to use chop sticks!”
“So she's a dork just like you.” Plagg grinned again, “So there's more things to talk to her about, so just go up to her and talk to her.  Ask her what book she's reading or what's she's eating cause it looks interesting.  Or just make something up.  But just standing here stalking her is not getting you anywhere.  So suck it up, but if you get burned don't come crying to me about it.  I did warn you.”
“About what?  You've given me nothing about her?  Can you feel her power? Is she an akuma?  Is she a Miraculous holder?  What the hell is she?” Adrien knew Plagg was hiding what she was from him, but why?
“She's going to be Cloe's next victim if you don't do something”  Plagg answered, causing Adrien to look back the girl, to see Cloe and Sabrina making their way towards her.  
“Hey new girl!” Cloe shouted, “Do you always read your book backwards? Is that what they do back where you come from?”  Cloe and Sabrina began to laugh.
Rachelle looked puzzled at them, “It's a manga, straight for Japan, that's how they read and write...”
“So, you are reading this for what?  You can't read like normal people? Eww!!!   What are you eating?  That's so gross!   You know there's a place for weirdos like you...”
Rachelle was already having difficulties with being at the school, but this bully was making things worse.  She looked down at her meal, the little dried fish were delicious with the sauce and the octopus bits were just as sweet.  She tried to shrink back in her seat, unsure how to deal with this girl, without using her abilities.  Was many people just mean?  Rachelle began to entertain the thought of burning the seams off Cloe's clothing in front of everyone in the class, but her embarrassment wasn't worth risking her discovery.
“...you can go to school across the city for “special” students...” Cloe began to laugh again.
“Cloe!” Adrien shouted as he approached them, “Don't you have better things to do than to pick on the new girl?  You have a serious problem Cloe and if you don't get a grip on it, you are definitely going to be alone for the rest of your life.”
“Adrikins!” She put on a fake smile, “I was just being friendly...”
“Making fun of her lunch is NOT being friendly.  Making fun of her reading choice is NOT being friendly.  Do you really need to make everyone feel like crap just to lift your poor self esteem up for a minute?  I know crap has happened in your life to make you angry but it gives you no reason to be rude and mean!”  Adrien had enough of her bullying, “Crap happened to me too but you don't see me making other people feel like shit!  Try being nice for once and maybe it will make you feel better because doing this isn't.  It makes you look like a... bitch.”
Cloe and Sabrina were shocked, Adrien had never been rude or brass, had never called anyone a name.  But his limit had been reached by her, Cloe had cause a lot of people to become akumatized as well as just being the school bully, and Adrien was tired of it.
“I...I can't believe you...just called me a...”
“A bitch.”  Rachelle looked up at her and smiled, “He called you a bitch because you're acting like one.”
Cloe was at a loss for words, no one had ever dared to be so rude with her, not even Marinette and she was the victim of almost all of Cloe's disgruntled anger.  She turned around in a huff and began to walk quickly towards the school with Sabrina in tow.  
Adrien sat on the bench beside Rachelle, “I can't believe I just said that to her.  I'm never rude let alone name calling.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better...Thank you.”  She smiled at him, Adrien looked back at her.  She had such a pretty smile.
“You're welcome, Cloe can be a tyrant, but I know there's some good in her...”
“My first impression states otherwise.”  She put her book back in her bag, “I'm glad that you came over, I'm...I'm not used to dealing with other people...”
Adrien smiled back at her, “Were you home schooled?”
“You can say that...”
“So was I!” Adrien grinned, “I just started coming here last year. You'll like it here.   Everyone is really nice, you'd like my friends, My best bud Nino is awesome, his girlfriend Alya runs the Ladyblog, and there's Marinette, she awesome and extremely sweet. She's going to be an amazing fashion designer one day...” He began to blush and chuckle nervously, “... I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself...I'm Adrien.”  
“I was wondering when you'd tell me.” She laughed, “I'm Rachelle, and again, thanks for coming to my rescue.”
“I am happy to be your knight in matt cotton.” Adrien was pleasantly surprised when she laughed.  
“That's funny.” Rachelle grinned at him.
So...” Adrien could feel his own cheeks flush as they both chuckled with their nervousness, “What were you reading?”
“Revolutionary Girl Utena.” She pulled the book out of her back and showed him, “I'm on the fifth book.  I just love her whole “I want to be a Prince” attitude.”
Adrien couldn't hid his grin, “I started fencing lessons right after I watched the first season, I thought it was so cool how they fought. Speaking of...”  He pulled out his cell and checked the time, “I actually have to be going, my lesson starts in a few minutes.”
“Thanks again for rescuing me.”  She smiled as he stood up.
“Anytime Fair maiden.” He chuckled, and he mock bowed, “Maybe you can pair up with us when we head to the war museum this afternoon, it's a huge place so Mme wants us in groups.  It'll be fun.”
“Sure.” Rachelle couldn't be happier, things seemed to be going well for her first day on the outside.
“Great! I'll see you in class after.”  Adrien gave her a small wave as he turned and ran towards the front door of the school.
“That was beautiful!” He heard Plagg from his school bag, “I knew you had it in you!   Not only did you put Cloe in her place, but you're impressed the girl with your dorkness.  You're on a roll kid!”
“Come on Plagg, what is she?  She's not akumatized, never seen anything like that before, and now she's here like she's a normal girl.  I need to know how and why and...”
Plagg laughed harder, “Oh my gosh, you are so curious!  It's eating at you!  Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat...”
“...satisfaction brought him back.” Adrien grinned, “She could be a new super hero that could help us with Hawkmoth.  We could finally have a chance to stop him once and for all!  And ladybug and I could finally know each other's identities!  And maybe...”
“...And maybe you just ran past your fencing class!”  Plagg laughed again.
“Shit!” Adrien turned around and opened the door to the fencing room, happy to see everyone still changing.
“Lucky.” He heard from his bag.
“I am today!”  He smiled as he walked to his locker.
'Did you see the way he looked at her?” Marinette asked her best friend Alya as they headed to Marinette's house for lunch, “He looked like a dog who just found his favorite toy!  I mean, I've never seen him look like that...”
“Girl, you're just working yourself up for nothing.  She's just the news for the next few days and then she won't be exciting anymore.  Besides, you've been working on that boy for over a year now, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he asks you out.”
“That's just it Alya, it's been over a year and still I can't form a full sentence when he's around.  My head gets all foggy and I get hot and cold at the same time, I just can't keep it together long enough to ask him instead of waiting for him to do it.  The way it's going we're all going to graduate before he asks me.”
“Well maybe you can take an opportunity at the war museum to ask him out. Me and Nino can kinda step away from you two and give you some privacy...”
“That's a great idea Alya!  We can go to a part of the museum where Cloe or her pet Sabrina won't interrupt us and I can finally ask Adrien out...”
Tikki listened to the girls laugh, it made her worries grow.  Hidden in Marinette's bag, she turned on Marinette's phone and brought up the text menu.  She typed in an unknown number then moved on to her urgent message:
She turned the volume down and waited patiently for the reply.  It didn't take long for it to come.
Tikki sighed, she hoped that she was wrong about the girl, she would wait until she knew more before telling Marinette.  She didn't want to frighten her, at least not yet.
Nino looked around the museum, “What are we supposed to learn here?”
“Our war history?” Adrien replied as he looked around for Rachelle, he didn't notice her on the bus, “Hey, did anyone see Rachelle get off the bus?”
Marinette and Alya gave each other a puzzled look.
“Um, no...” Smiled Alya, “Why?”
“Because I invited her to join our group on this field trip, I hope you guys don't mind.  She's been house schooled like I was and I doubt she has any friends so I thought we could hang with her.” Adrien grinned as he finally saw her creep out of the woman's washroom, cautiously looking around.
He waved to her, she smiled back and started her way towards them.
Alya gave Marinette a reassuring look, “Always the good guy, when did you ask her.”
“At lunch, Cloe was giving her a hard time so I stopped it, we had a little chat and she seems really nice.  She was home schooled too”
“That's really kind of you Adrien...”  Marinette tried to smile, still unsure about the presence of this new girl around the love of her life.  
When Rachelle reached them, Adrien moved beside her, “Rachelle, this is my Best friend Nino, his girlfriend Alya and our friend Marinette.  
The three friend greeted her and smiles, Alya wasted no time as usual, “So Rachelle, Adrien told us you were home schooled too, what do you think about our class?”
“Well,” She chuckled, “I hated math but then I found decimals had a point.”
Rachelle and Adrien busted in laughter as the others rolled their eyes.
“A math pun?” Adrien took a breath, “That was awesome.”
Alya groaned and leaned close to her bestie, “We may have an issue...”
Marinette understood the situation, Adrien and Rachelle kept smiling at each other the whole time while they traveled with the class going through all the exhibits with the tour guide.  The two would sneak whispers with each other, a laugh here, a chuckle there.  Adrien was getting too friendly with this new girl, similar to what happened last year with Lila.  But Marinette ended that as Ladybug, and it caused Lila to be akumatized by Hawkmoth.  Things didn't improve after Ladybug cleansed the akuma,
Lila had voiced how much she hated ladybug and vowed revenge that never seem to come...yet.
She knew she couldn't just transform into Ladybug to get Adrein's attention, she's done that a couple of times and it didn't end up well.  Marinette led out a sigh of discontent, she had to let things run their course, it wasn't like they were a couple.  Adrien could have lots of friends that are girls, there's her, Alya, Cloe (uhg..) basically all the girls in class where his friend.  What's one more...that made him laugh loudly at her puns...
“Hey, you ok?” Alya asked her as she wrapped her arm her friend, “You know this could just be nothing.  We could be reading this all wrong...”
“I know, I'm just letting my imagination run wild.”  Marinette smiled, “After all, Adrien is a wonderful, caring, sweet guy.  He's just being nice...”
The screams of frightened people from down the hall made the class turn their heads towards the terrifying sound.  People where being chased down towards them by what seemed to be world ward one soldiers. Adrien and Marinette both noticed that the soldiers where mannequins that came alive, they both hopes that the guns they where wielding weren't.  There was only one thing that would do that.  A tall man marching behind the soldiers dressed as a general was the cause.  His metal looking skin and red eyes clearly told the two that an akuma had been released.  
Marinette belong looking around for a place to change, but she also had to make sure that her friends where safe first.  She looked around and smiled as Nino and Alya where beside her, but as the crowd came running past the class, they were separated from Adrien and Rachelle.  
“Oh no!  Adrien!”  Marinette was just about to make a rush for him when Alya grabbed her hand.
“We got to go girl!  Adrien and Rachelle can go find cover, “She turned to Nino, “Get Marinette to safety, Ladybug and Chatnoir are going to be here any minute and I need the footage for the Ladyblog.”
“No way!”  Nino stared down at her, “You're coming with us!  That's too dangerous for you to be there!  They have guns! No not having it!”  
“Nino! This is my job!  I'm a reporter!  I need to report this to the people!”
Marinette took the opportunity to run behind an old tank to transform, “Tikki spots on!”
Adrien pulled Rachelle behind him as the crowd rushed buy, he knew Nino wouldn't let anything happen to the girls.  So Adrien only had to worry about getting Rachelle to safety and to help Ladybug, who should be here very shortly.  He pulled her towards one of the entrance to another exhibit.  As they entered the large round room, Adrien pulled the doors closed and locked them.   He turned to Rachelle to see the same panic stricken look she had the night before.
“What are those...”  She looked at him confused, “What's going on?”
Adrien placed both his hands on her shoulder to try to calm her, “You stay here where it's safe, I'm going to try to help the others.  Just don't move from here...”
“You're going to leave me here alone?”  She could handle that, just in case she had to use her powers for self defense, no witnesses would be the best.
“I swear you'll be ok here, just wait until I...”  The squeaky sound of plastic rubbing on itself sent chills up both their spines.
They both looked around, to their horror the room was full of mannequins dressed as Nazi soldiers, and they were slowly starting to move.  It took them seconds to surround the two, Adrien tried his best to put Rachelle behind him, moving them closer to the wall where he could protect her better.  He could hear the panic in her breath, he wasn't going to be given much choice soon.  The mannequins where equipped with guns and swords, making real harm a reality to them.  Time was coming to an end.
Adrien took a deep breath, “Plagg!  Claws....what?”
He was being lifted in the air, he looked down at Rachelle, her eyes glowed as if they were on fire.  His eyes grew in awe as fire ignited over her body, taking shape of a eagle.  The head seem to come alive and cried out a high piercing shriek that sent a soft but strong tingling feeling though out Adrein's body.  He could feel the heat radiating from her fire, this is what he was looking for.  This was more than proof she was the same girl he saw.  His heart pounded with excitement as he watch her extend her palm out towards the mannequins, a burst of fire came out, burning anything in its path. She roared as the plastic soldiers melted all around her, the fire grew with her as she made sure anything dangerous was burned beyond recognition.  
“What is she?”  Adrien whispered.
Plagg looked out from under Adrein's jacket, “Like I said, a whole new level of scary...”
When nothing moved around them, she brought her arms beside her and began to inhale, the flames began to to flow towards her, being absorbed by her own flames.  The fiery bird form began to grow until all the flames where gone, Rachelle turned towards Adrien, her eyes still burning bright.  She lowered him safely back on the ground as her fire aura disappeared into the darkness of the room.  Adrien stood in silence as he starred at her in aw,  he had never seen anything so beautiful.  
“No..no no nonononono!!!!” Rachelle began to panic, she had lost control and burned everything in front of him...
“Rachelle?” He took a step closer, she jumped away for his touch.
“No...I messed up again!  They're going to find out and they're going to lock me up!” tears began to run down her cheeks.
“Rachelle, you just saved my life!”  Adrien was confused with her rambling, “Come on, no one's going to know, I promise..”  He tried again to get near her but the terrified girl moved back, the more upset she got, the hotter the room got, he had to try to calm her down before she set the room back on fire around them.
“You're going to tell!  I shouldn't have done this in front of you!  You don't understand!  They're going to lock me back up again and I can't go back!”  She sobbed.
“Rachelle, I swear I won't tell a soul!  Please trust me...”
“How can I trust you?  I just met you!”  
Adrien could see the smoke around him getting thicker as sparks began to ignite in the ashes, he had no time for this but he couldn't leave in the state that she was in.  He hoped that Ladybug could hold off the akuma until he got things settled here first, but how was he going to gain her trust?
He took a change and garbed her hand, pulling her closer face to face, “Listen to me, I swear that I will never tell your secret to anyone, as long as you never tell mine.”
Rachelle wiped a tear away from her face with her free hand as she gave him a look of disbelief, “What secret could you have that compares to this?”
He gave a sheepish grin as he gave her a playful wink, “Plagg, claws out!”
“What? Oh hell no...!” Plagg yelled as he was being absorbed into the ring.
Rachelle was motionless as she gazed upon the face she had seen the night she first escaped her home,  she knew from the internet and television who he was along side his Ladybug partner.  He startled her, she didn't expect to be found so soon by anyone the least the resident super heroes of Paris.  The though of any possibility of being caught by them frightened her.  But now, he stood in front of her in his bareness, trying to ease her mind.  
“See?” Chat Noir grinned, “So, is it a deal?”  
He leg go of her hand as she gave him a good look, “Ok, yeah...it's a deal.”  She looked around the room, “but how can we hide this?”
“Not to worry my fair maiden,” Chat laughed, “Ladybug's Miraculous will be able to fix this after we've captured the akuma, which is why I need you to stay here and please calm down.  I have to go help her and I need to know you'll be ok,.  We don't need to have the building collapse on us.  Ok?  We'll fix this and no one will know.”
Rachelle took a deep breath, “Ok, I'll wait here.”
Chat took her chin in his hand and gently lifted her face to his eyes, “Hey, it's going to be ok.  Trust me.”
Rachelle nodded as he let go of her and ran out the doors, she crouched down in the middle of her destruction, holding her knees tight in comfort.
Chat Noir ran as fast as his enhanced body could run down the hall to the sound of his lady in contact with the metal general akuma, and sure enough as he turned the corner, he could see her in the mist of “soldiers”.   She was definitely keeping them at bay, but she needed his help now if they were going to take the akuma down.
“Sorry I'm late My Lady, but traffic was bad!” He joked as he landed beside her, deflecting the attacks from the mannequins with his staff.
“Better late than never Kitty!” She smiled at him.
“Got a Plan?” He asked as she swung her yo yo around him, pulling him out of the way as a metal bookcase was thrown at their directions.
Ladybug and Chat Noir rolled out of the way and landed back on their feet, starting down the “general”
“Get the Miraculouses!” The akuma yelled out to his remaining mannequin.
“Alright, he's too heavy to lift, so we need to take him down but how?” Ladybug looked around.
“Lucky Charm time Bugaboo?”  Chat grinned, “It usually helps.”
She threw her yo yo up in the air, “LUCKY CHARM!”
A flash of red light flickers as a red spotted bottle of dish soap landed in her hands.  
Chat gave her a strange look, “So we're going to wash his dishes or something?”
“Be serious Chat,” Ladybug looked around the room, her bug vision spotted a small metal door on the wall opposite from them but close to the general.
“Ladybug they're getting closer!” Chat yelled as he began to beat off the ones that reached them first.
“Chat, there's a metal wall on the other side, we need what's behind it! I'll get behind the tin-man.”
“You got it bugaboo!”  Chat replied as the two ran off leaping over the remaining plastic soldiers.
Ladybug moved to her position as Chat got to the metal door, but found it locked down, “CATACLYSUM!” he touched the door with his power, he felt the dark charge course through his veins as the door disintegrate under his touch.  He loved the thrill it gave him to use it, that moment of pure power made him feel intoxicating but for just that one moment.  
He pulled out the hose and turned on the water, “Hey Tin-man, are ya thirsty?” He sprayed the general with the hose as Ladybug ran around emptying the dish soap around him.  
The general tried to take a step but lost his balance as his heavy eight made loosing his balance easier, as soon as one leg was in the air, putting so much weight on the other, it cause the other foot to slide from the slipperiness of the soap.  The akuma fell on the ground, shaking the old building to its foundations.   Ladybug ran over and grabbed the war medal on the metal general's chest, breaking it and releasing the black butterfly.
“No more evil doing for you little akuma!” Ladybug said as she stroked her yo yo releasing the cleansing power, she threw it towards the cause of most their problems, “Time to de-evilize!”  
The yo yo trapped the dark akuma with it, “Gotcha!” she reeled it back in, touching the glowing side again with her finger.  The sides opened up, releasing a white butterfly glowing a soft lavender.  It began to fly up high, away from the mall.
“Bye bye little butterfly...” Ladybug said as she took hold of the empty bottle of dish soap, she threw it hard in the air, “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”  
The red sparkling power exploded for the bottle, racing towards all directions, repairing all the damage that the akuma had cause. Mannequins with their old uniforms sprang back into place, damaged repaired right before their very eyes.  
“That will never get old!”  Ladybug smiled, she extended her first to her partner.
“Pound it!” they both said in unison as they fist bumped.
“As always My Lady it has been a pleasure, but I”m going to turn back...so I'll catch you later LB!”  Chat waved as he ran back down the hall.
Ladybug was puzzled, he usually lingered as long as he could before they parted.  She ran into the broom closet, “Tikki, spots off!”  In a flash of light, Marinette stood in Ladybug's place, she caught the little red Kwami in her hands, “You ok Tikki?”
“I'll be fine Marinette,” She replied in a weak voice, “I just need some cookies...”
“Here,” Marinette slid Tikki into her satchel, “There's a few packaged cookies in there, rest up.”
She stood up and crept slowly out the door, making sure no one was watching, “I have to find Adrien and the others...”
Chat reached the doors where he left Rachelle, just as he was about to open the door, he could smell the order of brunt plastics and fabrics.  He slowly opened a door and slid in unnoticed, he was her holding herself in the middle of the ash stricken room.  Ladybug's miraculous didn't touch the room, nothing had been fixed, how?
“Rachelle?” He called to her softly, she lifted her head at him, looked at him with tear filled fearful eyes.
“It didn't work...” She whispered.
“Plagg, Claws in...” He caught Plagg and slid him in his shirt pocket where a wheel of Camembert waited for the little Kwami, Adrien bent down and took her hands into his, “Don't worry, we'll think of something Rachelle, it will be ok, I promise...”
They slowly rose up, still holding hands, his smile began to reassure her, his gentle face seem to ease her worries, things couldn't get any worse...
They heard the door open, “I FOUND THEM!!!”
“Nino!” Adrien looked shock as Rachelle looked away, trying to dry her tears.
“Whoa dude!”  Nino looked around the room as he and Alya walked towards them, “What happened here?”
It looks like someone took a blow torch here...” Commented Alya as she began to take pictures with her phone.
“We don't have any idea...” Adrien said in a confidence voice, “Rachelle and I have been running trying to find a place to hide. We just came in.”
“This is weird...” Alya was still taking pictures, “Ladybug's miraculous was supposed to fix this...”
“Alya, maybe there was a fire in here already before the akuma attacked. That dude who was akumatized could have caused the fire in here and was just fired...”  Nino's guess did make sense.
Adrien grinned as Alya pondered his thought for a moment, “True... you do make a very good point...”
“Alya?” They heard Marinette's voice from the hall.
“We're in here Marinette!”  Alya called back.
Marinette popped her head in, “What's going on here?”  She saw Adrien holding a distraught Rachelle in his arms, a small growl escaped her lips.  
“We're trying to get everyone together for a head count,” Replied Nino.
“Check out this place Marinette...” Alya took a few more pictures, “Do you think that it's possible for Ladybug's miraculous to have a limit?”
It was just now that Marinette noticed the state the room was in, “What happened?”
“I'm guessing that this is what cause the akuma this time.” Nino voice with pride, “Alya even agrees with me!”
“Whoa boy,” Alya crossed her arms, “I said you have a good point, but I didn't agree with you.  Need to investigate this further.”
“No can do babe,” Nino grinned, “We're got to book it to the front, we've been told to get on the bus for a head count.  Akuma attacks are nothing to take lightly.”
“Fine, for now...”  She gave him a wink as she started out the door with Nino in tow.
Adrien gently pulled Rachelle behind him while making their way past Marinette, who was still starring eye wide open in disbelief.
“Marinette?” She heard Adrien call her, “You coming?”
“Yeah...” As she followed up behind them, her eyes catching the glimpse of his hand still in hers.  
As they made they way in the bus with the field teacher marking off their names on her clip board, Adrien motioned to Nino, “Rachelle is having a hard time, it's her first akuma attack so I'm going to sit in the back with her ok?”
“Oh yeah sure dude, that's cool”  Nino smiled as he slid with Alya and Marinette, “That boy is so nice...”
“Too nice if you ask me...” Alya snidely replied.
“Hey babe, I know you're hard on your girl and my boy getting it on but we don't control who he wants to be with.  He's got a thing for the new girl, come one now it's not her fault.  Geez, get over it.”
“Nino's right.” Marinette sighed, “She's probably really nice and Adrien being the gentleman he is, it's just in his nature to want to help so maybe we're just making something bigger than it is...”
Marinette turned around and peered over the seat to see with herself if her imagination was running wild.  She saw that Rachelle was still upset, looking out the window biting nervously on her bottom lip.  She looked at Adrien, who was staring at Rachelle with a concerned look, he whispered something in her ear, it made her turned back to him and smile.  Marinette could feel her heart sink, it was obvious that something was starting between them.  She was too late.  She should have done something sooner, and now time wouldn't turn back. Marinette slumped back into her seat.
“Marinette?” Alya asked, Marinette laid her head on her friend's shoulder and closed her eyes, wishing she had more time.
The ride back to the school was too short, Marinette had to watch in silence as Adrien hopped off the bus, still hold Rachelle's hand.  He pulled her away from the rest of the class who were  dispersed around since it was home time anyways.
“Are you going to be ok?” He asked her softly.
She nodded softly, “Yeah, I think so.  You think they bought that?”
“I'm sure they did,” He smiled at her, “We're going to have to work on keeping you from igniting things on fire.”
She smiled at him, “Thank you again, you seem to be there when I need you.”
“Just doing my duty as a knight of the matt cotton.”  He took her hand and kissed the back of it, it send sweet shivers down her spine, “Can I see you tonight?”
“Tonight?” She asked him.
“Yeah, tonight, on the roof top where we first met.”  His eyes met with her, making her feel weak at the knees.
“Ok...” the excitement filled her as she thought of sneaking out, “Yeah, on the roof top, same time?”
“Yeah..” He smiled, he looked back at the two cars lined up by the curve, “I'll be the one in black.  Looks like my ride is here.”
Rachelle looked over, “Mine too, the black car.”
“Wow, coincidence much?” He chuckled as they began to walk towards their rides.
“Like right out of a manga.” Rachelle laughed.
Marinette couldn't stop staring at them, she always believed that it was just a matter of time before Adrien would notice her.  But it all came to an end when that girl came into their class.  In one day she had done what Marinette dreamed of for over a year.  All her hope and dreams came crashing down around her, and she had no one to blame but herself taking her time, pretending that there was just him and her and... fiction sounded so possible.
She started to walk home as their cars pulled away, Tikki floated from the satchel and hid behind Marinette's hair, “Marinette?  What's wrong?”
“Adrien is falling for the new girl Rachelle...”
“Oh no...”  Tikki took a deep breath, “Marinette, we have to go see Master Fu right away.”
“About my love life or lack of one?”  Marinette was confused, “I'm pretty sure he'd be against me parading around Adrien as Ladybug just so he's notice me and that's not how I wanted it to happen anyways.”
“Marinette, this have nothing to do with your love life!  Remember the burned room?”  Tikki floated closer to her, “The akuma didn't burn the room.”
“Do you know what happened there Tikki?”
Tikki hesitated for a moment, “I have a guess but I need to talk with Master Fu before I say anything.  I'm hoping I'm wrong but if I'm not, this world could be in big trouble...”
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