#I love yapping about this au because it lets me share it without actually writing it lmaooo
symbiotic-slime · 4 months
idk how much you’re willing to spoiler about your fic BUT I am so curious if there will be any other avatars besides Eddie/Venom & which entities you associate with which characters!! :o I always thought a tma/marvel crossover would be so cool, I’m so interested in this :]
I’m always happy to share more about these fics!! I admittedly haven’t thought of many characters since I’ve basically only made lore for Eddie/Venom and Flash 😅 I’m hoping the fics will be written like a statement/series of statements!
for what entities they’d serve, I think Eddie would be an avatar of the Corruption! it just fits symbrock so well— like a parasite (affectionate) who is obsessively in love with you is basically combining all of the aspects of the Corruption into one. in my fic, Venom starts out as mold growing in Eddie’s apartment which he starts off trying to kill but eventually the Corruption gets a hold of him mentally and he bonds with Venom! there’s a lot of body horror with Eddie since the Corruption is just perfect for body horror. lots of rot/decay (he’s basically Jane Prentiss-esque but instead of worms it’s goop) and also to highlight the obsessive/toxic love part Eddie’s rib cage is ripped open and Venom is wrapped around his heart >:3
I think Flash would be an avatar of the Slaughter! I know I’m so original by making the solider character a Slaughter avatar but it fits him too well 😭 his fic is a lot sadder than Eddie’s, since I’m kinda making the unpredictable abuse he suffered from his dad the catalyst for the entity noticing him and starting to influence him. I’m warping around the comics timeline a bit so he joins the army right after high school and also making it so his legs being amputated is the result of his need for violence instead of him being a war hero to fit the Slaughter better! in the hospital, since he can’t really feed the Slaughter anymore, its influence on him starts to wain and he resolves to become a better person (think like what happened with the coffin in s4)! it’s not entirely a happy ending, since he is getting weaker and weaker by trying to be a better person, but he makes amends with Peter and their friendship starts there in the fic! that’s as happy of an ending as anyone in a TMA au can get unfortunately :,(
I was also thinking of making the Venom symbiote an avatar! I kinda scrapped that idea because I figured they would be an avatar of the Hunt and I wasn’t sure how to show that in a way that significantly deviates from canon? like they already kind of have to kill to survive, and are an apex predator with a drive to hunt. I’ll make a fic about that if I can think of a fun supernatural way to do it but as of now it’s still a headcanon but I’m not a planning a fic about it
I’ve also thought about what entity they would be a victim of! I’m a big fan of putting my favourite characters in situations, so it’s very fun to assign them their own personal hell, but I haven’t thought of any fic ideas for it. they’ve just been given a vibe lol.
Eddie would be a victim of the Lonely (he starts having a breakdown every time he thinks the symbiote has died and starts weeping about how “we’re dead” and cannot get over Anne for the life of him… he just seems like his biggest fear is being alone)
Flash would be a victim of the Web (specifically with the addiction imagery from s5, but also with him being repeatedly blackmailed in the comics)
Venom would be a victim of the Desolation (especially with Eddie and Dylan both “dying” in the current run, I’d also ignore Flash’s resurrection so it’s just like “all my friends are dead”)
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pengychan · 4 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Pt. 22
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
Art by @swanpit​.
[All chapters are tagged as ‘mind the gap’ on my blog.]
A/N: a chapter entirely from Héctor’s POV because it was about time.
“You know, when you two become really famous - and trust me, you will - I think Ernesto is going to be every bodyguard’s worst nightmare.”
“Huh?” Héctor finishes gulping down nearly the entire water bottle he was handed as soon as he walked backstage and turns to look at Armando, who is looking out through a gap in the curtain with a chuckle.
“You know, mingling with the crowd like that, taking selfies with absolutely everyone.” Their manager vaguely gestures to the scene Héctor cannot see, but can definitely imagine. He can hear the laughter outside, clamoring, people calling out Ernesto’s name. More than a few are calling his own, too, and Héctor would lie if he said he wasn’t flattered… but he really needs some more water before he can even think of going anywhere without risk of collapsing. 
He shrugs, tilting up the bottle so he can get the last few drops of water over his head. It was a pretty intense performance, and euphoria aside it’s left him feeling as though he walked a few miles in a desert. “Ah, he’s always done that. You know him by now, he loves an adoring crowd. He’s still getting used to success.”
“You two are on track to get far bigger crowds than this soon,” Armando laughs, letting go of the curtain. “He’d be out there all night taking selfies, then. And being an absolute security nightmare, as I said. But that will be the problem of whoever we hire for security, all things considered.”
Héctor laughs, drying off some sweat off the back of his neck with the towel a stagehand - Raúl, wasn’t it? He always feels bad when he can’t remember someone’s name - just handed him. “Ay, maybe by then he’ll be used to it and he’ll be content to keep away and let them fight each other for a chance to get a glimpse,” he says, and shrugs. “I can see him playing hard to get to. Want me to go out and tell him we need to head back?”
“Ah, no need. He’s heading back.” Armando mutters, and covers his mouth with the back of a hand before yawning. “I don’t know how you two do this. I am ready to collapse and I didn’t have to leap across the stage for two hours while singing and playing.”
“I’m more tired than I look, and I bet so is Ernesto. ” Héctor laughs, choosing not to mention how offended would be if he heard someone referring to his dancing as ‘leaping across the stage’. 
“He doesn’t look tired at all.”
“Oh, he is, or else he wouldn’t be heading back. And after only twenty minutes in the crowd? Must be exhausted.” Héctor throws the empty bottle towards the bin, and grins when it gets right in - a perfect shot. “He’s just never going to show it if it kills him.”
“Ay, mi amigo, this concert killed me.”
“Por Dios, you really are getting old.”
“Is that a white hair I see?”
“There is no white hair.”
“Oh, and how can you be so su--”
“I check every morning and get rid of them.”
“Ah,” Héctor says, letting himself drop on his bed. They have each their separate room, actually - they have joked over not having to share one anymore is a tangible sign they are making more and more money - but they always had a tradition to have a toast together in their room after each performance, and neither is willing to put a stop to it.
This is going to be far from their first toast of the evening, and likely they’ll have more than one, so Héctor decides it would be wise to call home and say hi to Imelda and Coco before he is completely wasted. He pulls out his phone and calls while Ernesto is busy filling the glasses, smiling broadly, waiting for his wife’s face to pop up on the screen. 
What does pop up on the screen is a big, toothless smile. 
“Babababababa!” Coco exclaims, clearly her favorite thing to say. Héctor likes to think, with no small amount of optimism, that she is trying to say papá.
His smile becomes, if possible, even broader. “Coco! Mi vida! Where’s--” he trails off when a long, pink tongue suddenly appears on screen to slap her wetly across the face. Sometimes Héctor has to wonder if Dante is indeed a Xolo or if he happens to be crossed with something else entirely, like a chameleon or an anteater. There is no way that is a normal dog tongue. 
Coco seems unconcerned, however, and reacts to the tongue slathering half her face in drool with gales of laughter. There is more laughter, and the camera turns away from the scene to show a still snickering Imelda. “She wanted to see her-- Dante, down now-- her papá, I figured you’d like-- I said down!-- to say hi.”
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“Isn’t it a bit late for her to be up?” Ernesto speaks up, sitting next to Héctor with a full glass in each hand. Whatever he used to keep his hair in place is beginning to give up, his jacket is off and the first few buttons of the shirt are undone, but he still looks much more elegant than Héctor, who rather looks like he has walked out of a bad argument with security. Effortlessly handsome as always. 
And Héctor is almost tipsy enough to say as much aloud.
On the screen, Imelda rolls her eyes while pushing back the hair that has escaped her bun with her free hand. Héctor can’t help but wonder if she’s thinking the same thing. “Héctor, call a priest. Someone’s got to chase my mother out of his body.”
As Héctor lets out a sound that is half a snort and half a laugh, Ernesto raises an eyebrow. “Oh, I see. But when I sing a bit too loudly and wake her up, I am the bad guy.”
“You are after we spent two hours making her fall asleep,” Imelda points out. 
To be entirely fair, Ernesto usually means well. Coco loves listening to her parents singing, and has fallen asleep to their voices almost every evening, but with Ernesto it is a different story. Not that she doesn’t love listening to him too - she does - but his voice seems to make her want to do anything but sleep. She gets excited, bouncing and flailing all limbs like she’s trying to dance before she can even sit up on her own.
Ernesto makes a face. In the background, Héctor can hear the sound of Coco’s ceaseless cooing, some yapping that is probably an argument among the chihuahuas, and a thumping sound that he assumes has got to be Dante’s tail hitting the floor at a fast pace. 
“She’s not asleep now though, and it’s not my fault.”
“She has been fussy all evening, I couldn’t get her to sleep. As much as I would love to blame the tiny terrors you insist on calling dogs, I think she’s looking for you two.”
The thought of Coco looking for him is both adorable and somehow the most heart-breaking thing Héctor has ever heard, or so it feels at the moment. He is not tipsy enough to downright tell Ernesto he looks ridiculously handsome and open that can of worms they all keep ignoring is even there, but he is tipsy enough to tear up. “Ay, let me speak with her-- papá is going to be home soon, Coquito! I promise! I’ll make it up to you! Write a brand new song! And a present!”
“Por Dios, Héctor, you have been away three days…”
“It feels like such a long time!” Héctor protests. 
“Babababababa!” Coco declares on the other side of the line. 
“Heard that? She agrees! Imelda, let her see me again…!”
She does, and there are a few minutes of cooing back and forth. Ernesto doesn’t join the cooing, but he does smile and even wave at Coco when he forgets to feign annoyance. Eventually Imelda laughs, declares it enough, and lifts the phone to look into the camera again. “How did the concert go?”
Héctor is happy to let Ernesto do the talking there, let him gloat about how big everything was, how dazzling, how successful, how wild the crowd went. It’s nice seeing him so excited: occasions like this are when he’s at his happiest. It actually takes him some effort not to stare at him as he talks… and he notices, with a glance at the screen, that Imelda is indeed staring at him with a soft look Héctor knows well. Ernesto doesn’t seem to notice, too taken describing the applause they got; Héctor feels something much like a lump forming in his throat for a moment. 
Last time they had a video call with Imelda while away for a concert this long, they did a lot more than talk. They put up a really good show for her, really.
Héctor makes a very conscious effort not to think about that, and downs the glass Ernesto filled for him with a gulp. It helps, and it also gives him an excuse to get up and move a few steps away to the liquor cabinet. He’s refilling the glass when Ernesto bids Imelda goodnight and holds out the phone for him to take. He smiles at her.
“Mi amor! Would you like me to sing for Coco? As a last resort?”
“Ah, that may help. I can’t seem to be able to make her settle…”
“I can sing,” Ernesto offers.
“Don’t,” both Héctor and Imelda say immediately, and Ernesto throws up his hands, leaning back against the wall.
“Ay, my art is not understood here,” he mutters, and downs his own glass, entirely forgetting about the toast they had been planning. He doesn’t protest further, however, and just leans back, listening as Héctor sings at Coco through the phone. To Héctor’s immense pride, Coco does finally settle down to sleep.
“You should write this one down,” Ernesto muttered after they have bid Imelda goodnight and the call has ended. He’s filling the glass again, and he empties it in one gulp. “Would be a success.”
“Ah, that’s just a lullaby I came up with for her.” Héctor sits with his own glass, and drinks about half of it. “I don’t think it suits our style, anyway.”
“We can liven it up a little.”
“I’d rather not. I haven’t finalized it yet, but it’s… I don’t think I’d want to share that with crowds. Which, if Armando is to be believed, will keep getting bigger and bigger.”
Ernesto lets out a laugh that almost sounds like braying. He is getting drunk all right. “Hah! Of course we will. To success!” he adds, lifting the glass before bringing it to his mouth without apparently realizing it’s empty. The look of pure disappointment on his face is enough to make Héctor burst laughing, sitting down heavily beside him and leaning against his side. Ernesto scoffs. “Hey, stop that--”
There is some squabbling, a glass falls thankfully without shattering, hands are slapped away and hair is ruffled. By the end of it they’re both snickering and laying against each other, like they had the first time they got drunk on a bottle they had stolen from Ernesto’s father’s stash and drank in secret in old Rafael’s orchard as kids. Well, as a kid and a young teenager respectively. Ay, Ernesto was always such a bad example. He should tell him that. Actually, he will. 
“You know,” Héctor mutters, turning. “You were always such a bad exa--” he trails off, realizing belatedly that Ernesto is looking at him, no longer smiling but wistful, in a way only someone with all walls down can. Their faces are close, and Héctor’s smile fades. They stare at each other and something aches, the sense of absence he has been trying to ignore. 
He is happy with the life he has, but sometimes he... and Imelda, he’s sure, they just lay there and try to ignore the empty space beside them in the bed. If he only leans in… if he just--
“I think I should go lay down in my room,” Ernesto says abruptly, and stands just as suddenly, almost toppling back as a result. His skin is flushed, and his eyes are darting across the room, never pausing on Héctor. “It’s-- late. Yes. Late. We have the plane early tomorrow.”
It doesn’t depart until midday.
“... You know you can stay here. If you’re too drunk to make it back to your room,” he adds quickly with an unconvincing smile, as though that can in any way hide what he truly means. 
We could. If we want. If you want.
“I…” Ernesto hesitates, his gaze finally resting on Héctor. A look of painful yearning crosses his face for a moment before he turns away. “Had a glass too many, but I can make it to my room. I’ll see you in the morning,” he mumbles, and makes for the door, as quickly as his unsteady feet can get him. 
“Ernesto,” Héctor calls out, heart beating somewhere in his throat. He stops at the door, back rigid, and doesn’t turn when Héctor speaks again. “I meant it. If… if you want--”
“This isn’t about me,” Ernesto cuts him off, his voice unsteady as his gait. Something sinks in Héctor’s chest just as his best friend mutters a ‘good night’ and yanks the door open, quickly stepping out. The clack as it shuts again seems to reverberate in the room. What he means, what they both know, hangs unspoken and heavy in the room long after he’s stumbled out of the door, leaving Héctor alone with an empty glass, an empty gaze, and empty bed.
It wouldn’t be the same. For either of us. 
As he lays in the middle of a king-sized bed, empty spots at either side of him, Héctor finds himself unable to sleep. He wonders how Ernesto bears it, trying to sleep every night with that emptiness around him. Héctor will soon be home, and one spot by his side will be filled again - but the other one will remain empty, a gap he and Imelda have been trying to ignore for far too long. How much longer?, Héctor has asked himself more than once, and he finds he has the answer now.
No longer.
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When Imelda picked Ceci as Coco’s godmother, Héctor had a few concerns. 
Not that he didn’t think she would be happy to be asked - she was - or that he doubted she would take the role very seriously - she did - but he mostly wondered how she would get along with Ernesto when it came to organizing… everything that godparents are meant to organize together. As it turns out, the answer is ‘not very well’.
“Can you hurry up and take the measurements already? She’s drooling all over my hand!”
“I’m trying, but as you are unable to keep her still--”
“Why don’t you try to keep a baby still?”
“Because then I’d have to leave the measurements to you and you’d make a mess out of it.”
“See, she agrees with me.”
By his side, an ear to the door and a hand over her mouth, Imelda is trying with all her might to stifle the giggles that shake her frame. Héctor bites back a laugh himself, takes a mental note to tell Imelda picking Ceci was a great idea, and keeps listening.
“She’s not agreeing with-- ugh. This is stupid. Can’t we just buy her the ropón like any normal godparents?”
Ceci gasps as though she just heard him suggest they should throw her in the baptism water naked as the day she came out of the womb, and possibly leave her to drown.
“There is no way my goddaughter is going to wear a store-bought ropón. I will make her one. All you need to do is keep her still now, and buy her a decent gold medal. Not silver, you cheapskate. Gold.”
“Me, a cheapskate!” Ernesto couldn’t sound more insulted if she accused him of stealing candy from children. Which he has done on a couple of occasions, Héctor recalls. “For your information, now that my career is well on the way I spare no expenses.” Well, some expenses, but they are getting more money than ever before now and there will be more in the future, Armando tells them. “I think silver is more elegant, is all.”
“What does a baby care about elegance?”
“I don’t know, why does the crazy seamstress need to make her a ropón from scratch?” 
“See, now she’s agreeing with me!”
Ceci’s response is a barrage of expletives that have absolutely no business being uttered in the presence of anybody below the age of twenty-one, and Imelda would normally throw the door open to make her displeasure known... but Ceci could always get away with more than most. That, and Imelda is too busy snickering in her hand.
Ah well. It’s not like Coco is old enough to learn the words she’s hearing now, after all. 
“Are you sure they won’t kill each other during the ceremony?” Héctor sniggers, and Imelda grins back.
“They know that if they try I’ll bring them back and kill them again.”
“Heh, true. Guess it’s a good thing Ernesto is fine with coming to Santa Cecilia now,” Héctor says. Not that it has kept him awake at night, but he and Imelda had always known they would want their children to be christened in their old parish in Santa Cecilia, more out of tradition than anything else… and the godfather being allergic to the entire town may have made things tense. “Still can’t believe old Estéban actually went dry.”
“I guess people change,” Imelda mutters, but the smile on her face is different - more muted, somewhat melancholy as she keeps looking at the door behind which Ernesto and Ceci are still squabbling over Coco’s delighted squeals. She doesn’t need to say anything more for Héctor to guess exactly what she’s thinking.
He did, too.
This is not about me, he said, and he meant it. The man he was before, the man Imelda rightfully argued would never be able to put Coco’s needs or indeed anyone else’s wishes before his own, would have never uttered those words.
“... Yes. They do change,” he finds himself saying, very quietly. 
There is silence and there it is, the thing that has been hanging between them for a good while now and which neither has spoken of. There are probably better moments to finally talk about it than now, with the man in question in the next room over squabbling with his co-godparent, but Héctor knows that they have waited long enough. 
“I’ll make some coffee,” is all Imelda says, and he follows her to the kitchen. There is a brief silence while she prepares the coffee machine, and then she breaks it. “So… nothing happened these past three nights?”
“No, nothing,” Héctor says quietly, sitting at the table. Not out of lack of want or opportunity it just-- did not. Much like Ernesto hasn’t been seeing anyone else, and entirely ignored a dancer’s honestly rather clumsy attempt at flirting the previous week. Not for lack of opportunity, but he just… did not. 
“You know I do not mind,” Imelda says, her voice still very quiet. “Surely he still wants you. And you do want him. I mean--”
“You do too,” Héctor replies, and reaches over to take her hand, pulling her gently towards him. She looks down, and their gazes meet. “And it seems-- unfair. Without you.”
“It is not the same. It was one thing when we were all in it together, without you it would feel...” he tries to find an appropriate word, fails - congratulations, songwriter - and sighs. “Not the same thing. I’d rather keep the memory of what we had rather than risk ruining it by forcing some kind of imitation. And I think he feels the same. When I had a moment and tried to suggest we… he was the one who stepped out.”
She smiles faintly, stroking back his hair. “So I am included in the package, then?”
A chuckle, and he wraps his arms around her torso before craning his neck to keep looking up, chin resting over her chest. “You created the package, Imelda.”
“I recall. Not how I expected the evening to go. I only wanted to shut his mouth.”
“I mean, I also did that.”
“True.” She is quiet a few moments, her fingers running through his locks. “... You know why I felt-- it needed to end.”
“I know.”
“The priority must be Coco now, and I thought - I knew - that Ernesto would not have been able to accept that. Take the backseat when needed to make sure her upbringing is as normal as it can possibly be.”
“... I keep picking up a past tense.”
Imelda’s hand pauses in his hair. She looks at him in the eye, her gaze soft. Thoughtful. “He did change. I think he will make a fine godfather.”
“Are you considering…?”
“I am. If he’s willing to give another try. And if you are.”
“... Yes. But we are all in this or no one is, so it is your decision. I know there may be challenges if, well... people finding out, or when Coco asks for an explanation growing up, or-- if anyone mocks her for it, I don’t know what I would--”
“We don’t need to scream it from the rooftops,” Imelda says, and resumes stroking his hair. “It is no one’s business but our own. Neither should we go out of our way to hide. We’re doing nothing wrong.”
Héctor holds her a little tighter. “I know. But if you still feel it is best for Coco, both Ernesto and I understand.”
“It is Coco I am thinking about.” She cuts him off, and sighs. “Well-- her as well. I have been wondering, should she somehow find out either way what there has been between the three of us - I know it’s near impossible unless we tell her, but just imagine - what would we be teaching her?” The hand in Héctor’s hair pauses, and she looks down at him. “That no matter if she’s doing nothing wrong and hurting no one, she should take the path of least resistance and do what she’s told is proper? Forego her own happiness because people who don’t understand it may disapprove?”
Ah. That is… not something Héctor thought about. He slowly pulls away, and grabs both of Imelda’s hands. “I’m sure that won’t happen. She’ll be as brave as her mamá.”
“Then it’s time for her mamá to be brave.”
“Ay, mi amor--”
“Uh, apologies for interrupting, but I think your coffee is spilling over the stove.”
“Gah!” Héctor jumps back and almost falls off the chair when Ceci’s voice rings out. Imelda blinks, and turns to look at the doorway. Ceci is there, her measuring tape and notepad in hand, one eyebrow raised. Héctor stands, giving her a smile entirely too wide. 
“Ceci,” he says quickly. “Whatever you heard, it was, uh. Not what it. Sounded like.”
Ceci’s left eyebrow joined the left one almost up to her hairline. Imelda sighs and places her hand on Héctor’s shoulder.
“Turn off the strove,” she says before turning to Ceci. “... How much have you heard?”
“Enough to hurt my brain, to be entirely sincere. Not out of bigotry, mind you, but... him of all people? Unless I understood it all wrong. Please tell me I understood it all wrong.”
Imelda’s lips curl in a faint smile, and some of the tenseness in her back disappears. When she speaks, she denies nothing. “No accounting for taste, I suppose. I would be grateful if you could keep what you heard private.”
“Of course I am not going to go around telling, who do you take me for?”
“A bruja?” Ernesto’s voice carries over from the next room, causing Héctor to wince and, of course, spill hot coffee on his hand. Ay, maybe having that conversation with Ernesto and Ceci a couple of doors away was every bit the lousy idea he thought it may be. To his relief, as Ernesto walks in with Coco in the crook of his arm, it becomes obvious he only heard the last few words and has no idea of what the concersaton is even about. 
Héctor silently thanks God for the fact they won’t have to talk things through in front of Ceci just as Ernesto pauses on the doorway and blinks, realizing all eyes are on him. 
“Is-- something on my face?” he asks, taken aback. In his arms, Coco squirms and coos, holding out her arms to Imelda. She immediately goes to pick her up, her face just a little reddened, and Ceci clears her throat. 
“Well, I think it is about time I am off. I'll send you progress photos of the ropón," she says quickly, and is out of the room and towards the door as fast as her legs can carry her. 
Ernesto blinks again, watching her retreating back until she’s gone. “What crawled up her--”
“Not in front of Coco!” Héctor almost screeches, his own face dark red, and Ernesto trails off. 
“Right-- what’s gotten into her?” he asks, and looks back at them. “... Actually, what’s gotten in all of you just now?”
Héctor works his jaw, and glances over at Imelda. She looks back at him, bouncing Coco in her arms for a few moments, and finally turns back to Ernesto.
“... Would you like to stay for lunch?” she asks.
He does.
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curanonemu · 5 years
ateez soulmates au | choi san
✧ Red String AU ✧
tags/warnings/notes: san’s pov, angst, happy ending (i promise), mentions of other members :3, i listened to oneus’ red thread while writing this and also cried once, go listen to that and cry with me if you haven’t already djskfks
word count: 1,335
enjoy~ ♡
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San’s eyes rove over the crowd again, trying to see if he can find the other end, but as always, his string disappears somewhere, tangled with no other end in sight.
He massages his finger absently.
The end attached to his finger looks more and more frayed as days pass. Almost as if they’re about to let go, whoever they are.
He doesn’t want that. But he can’t do anything.
He wishes it were as easy as telling them it’s alright, it’ll be fine. But it’s not. And he can see the string turning dull, an old, rusted red.
It makes him sad.
He’s trying his hardest, but at the back of his mind, he’s always wondering if the other end is still the bright, vibrant red that he’s trying to project. If that’s already lost, then he doesn’t know what’ll work.
San doesn’t want to lose his soulmate without even meeting them.
He blinks, shaking his head imperceptibly to drive away the thought. It’s fine, it’s just another day when he gets through with his business in the world without his other half.
Somewhere, out there, they’re probably thinking of him too; he shouldn’t lose hope. After all, the fact that the string still exists implies that they care. And that’s all he needs.
Knowing they care.
He also needs them to know that he cares, possibly much more than he should. But the other end should give his soulmate the same message.
Sometimes, he wishes he was like his friend Hongjoong, with the ability to communicate with his soulmate, if even in the slightest. Or even Jongho. Though that scares him; he’s not sure he’d be able to share such a bond with a person only to be ripped away from them in the blink of an eye (quite literally).
In one way or another, he feels like all his friends have it better than him. He shouldn’t think that, of course. They’re all varying levels of sensitive, it’s not fair for him to be resentful. Mingi’s soulmate doesn’t even seem to like him; San can’t imagine how the poor boy would feel if he ever met them.
He makes his way through the crowd, slipping into the building soon enough.
He just wants to meet his soulmate. He just wants to be with his soulmate.
And all he can do at present is hope that they don’t give up on him. The colour of the string scares him.
Stop, San. You’re not supposed to be thinking of this.
He forces himself to smile. Smiles are good, they’re positive.
At that moment, Wooyoung pokes his head out from under the counter, and San actually laughs. The other boy spits out a petal and glares at him. “Sure, let’s laugh at him because he inhales pollen all the time.”
San laughs harder, but it still sends a pang of something through him, seeing the daffodils. It happens only when Wooyoung and his soulmate feel the same emotion, and the flowers are a pretty good indication of their shared emotion.
Wooyoung’s ears are already red, San has eyes.
“Let’s laugh at him because he’s been looking for the other end of his string but he can’t see that far.” He says in return, and predictably, Wooyoung lets out a shriek, dissolving into laughter.
As long as someone’s happy.
San spends the next few minutes organising the shelves, stroking petals lovingly as he arranges leaves, making sure they don’t get tangled up with each other.
He likes working here. Being a florist had been his dream since he was a child, despite him not owning the shop. Perhaps he could, one day in the future when he doesn’t have silly things to deal with, and has a nice, heavy wallet to back his whims up.
The door opens, and San allows Wooyoung to deal with the customer, choosing to give his full attention to flowers instead.
It’s only when he hears someone choking that he tears his attention away from his babies.
It’s ironic that Wooyoung isn’t the best receptor to pollen, when he literally grows flowers out of his skin.
Plastering on his best smile, San turns to address the customer, belatedly wondering why Wooyoung seems perfectly fine, but the words die down in his throat.
Standing next to the counter is you, and San can see the string on your little finger. It leads right back to his hand, hanging limp by his side.
No wonder Wooyoung wasn’t coughing. He doesn’t even know what’s just transpired, the string invisible to all but the ones who are tied by it.
San stares at you, and you stare back, neither able to utter a word. Your eyes flit down to his hand, and he shifts defensively as he curls his finger inward, trying to hide the string the best he can.
“Oh.” The word finally leaves your mouth, and San’s ears zone in on it, skin prickling.
“I was about to give up.”
The words wash over him like icy water, and it takes physical effort to not let his face contort with the pain his heart is currently feeling.
“I almost can’t believe I found you again.” You keep going, and the words reach San, but he can’t understand, he’s still stuck on I was about to give up.
You quieten down too, and that’s when his brain catches up. Or his mouth does, he can’t really tell. “What if you hadn’t?”
Out of the corner of his eyes, Wooyoung is shuffling away from the counter and going over to the storage room, and San appreciates him for that.
You give a weak smile, and San can’t look at you.
“Then I guess you’d have stayed with that ugly colour for longer.”
He looks down at his hand; sure enough, the string no longer looks worn out. It looks loving, as weird as that is, and it threatens to make emotion well up in him that he does not want to deal with. Not right now.
But his mind goes back to how it used to look, and all that he felt for it. “Don’t.” He says, swallowing around a lump in his throat, “Don’t call it ugly. It’s not, and it wasn’t. I liked it, however it was. Even if you were going to give up.”
The last sentence is cutting, and he wishes he could take it back but he can’t, and he supposes that’s fine, with the way you’ve hurt him. But it’s also not fine at all, the way his heart squeezes and hurts and makes it hard for him to breathe. He can’t forgive himself for saying something like that.
Instead, your smile brightens, and San’s hit by a wave of fondness, and he hates himself a bit for getting swayed so easily. Only when it comes to his soulmate.
“I’d give up only on finding you actively. I could try and love you from afar till we met again, instead of searching for you ever since I got a glimpse of you, weeks back. I must say it’s quite unfair, you walk way too fast.”
The ground seems to wobble under his feet, and San is dragged back to the day when he’d been out with Mingi, and he’d had enough of his friend’s yapping and walked away, even though his heart had felt so heavy, as if he were walking away from home. That was the last day the string had had the rich colour that’s slowly come back to it.
He meets your eyes again.
You still smile at him.
And San still loves you.
He cracks a smile back, before crossing the distance across the room.
He takes your hand in his, watching as your fingers intertwine with his, the string hilariously short now; one end tied around your finger, the other around his.
Then he’s pulling you to him, enveloping you in his arms and allowing himself to hold you for the first time.
(Thank you for reading.♡ Let me know what you thought. :’)) I’ll post the other members’ parts as and when I can! Love you all~)
Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho
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