#I love u brigadier
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thetorturedlovergirl · 3 months ago
Why does the brigadier talk to everyone so close to their faces lmao man you sure want to kiss some men don’t you?
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elevenclara · 8 months ago
i love u the brigadier's briefings on each unit member. they included mike if u even care
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veratheforgetful · 11 months ago
u should give her to the brigadier i've heard he loves ferrets
I know he's afraid of them. Unfortunately, as hilarious as it would be to see him lose his composure again, I need to stay on his good side for now.
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bessies-girl · 3 years ago
Idk if this is popular or unpopular but I LOVED battlefield so much.
As soon as I saw the Brigadier, gardening, you Know I was smiling
Ohhoho I very much ship Ace and Shou Yuing. Girls bonding over explosives? That scene in the circle? Yeah, they’re a couple now you can’t change my mind.
How long was the brig and the lieutenant in that helicopter??? That thing was in the sky for half an episode fjsjsjaja
A cheesy plotline of king arthur and mordred and morgaine but with statements about how dishonorable nuclear weapons are? Yes please.
The effects were just...*chef’s kiss*...so bad.
When the Doctor threatens mordred and mordred is like ‘you won’t kill me’ and the doctor is like ‘yeah u right’ but the the brig steps up and morgaine is like ‘oh fuck sorry son, it was nice knowing you’
The Doctor growling ‘if she’s dead...’ and he’s Trying to sound threatening but also it’s like being threatened by a teddy bear so it doesn’t work.
‘Exotic alien swords are easy to come by. Aces are rare.’
That weird flying green thing that kept wacking into the doctor, and the way the doctor kept rolling onto his back and i think they used the same clip like three times yeah that’s Peak doctor who and it’s brilliant
The brigadier being stupid and self sacrificing and knocking the doctor tf out before He could be stupid and seld sacrificing.
When the doctor runs up to the brig and pulls him into his lap and is close to crying saying ‘you were meant to die in bed! Not like this!’ and the brig just wakes up and instantly starts with the jokes and i cry
I love Doris so much. ‘Have something tasty ready for dinner by the time I get back!’
This episode was just...i loved it. This isn’t even everything i loved.
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portuguesedisaster · 3 years ago
The Spectre ot Lanyon Moor
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I. Love. Evelyn.
This is basically what I took from this audio thank you very much.
Ah, and the Brigadier is in it. He saves the world too.
No, but this story is actually really good. I was kinda hesitant to listen to it, because it sounded like the usual Doctor-Brigadier relationship which would end up taking a bigger chunk of the audio time. However, this relationship is really well included in the plot which is, u know, a advantage that this story has over...i don't know, that Tv fifth doctor who story whose name i can't remember :).
The plot is really good and the plot twists make the story more interesting (which is how u recognize a good plot twist!). The clifhangers are a little more meh, with the first one being the weakest.
Character-wise, I loved the more aged Brigadier, whom is aparently Pre-Kate (or she was not mentioned :) ), Philiph is a very lovable character, the lady with the dogs was made to be pitied (I hope, if not she was actually really annoying!) and can we hate the noble bastard?
Ah, ya, this story has a very obvious anti-title agenda, which makes sense for the time, but it's not very actual nowadays. Or at least for me, since my country does not care for titles since the begining of the last century :).
Everyone knows my opinion about Six, I love him. Is it an unpopular opinion? Maybe! But he just gives so much happiness-vibes!
It's an 8.5. I actually gave it a 4.5 in story graph, so it would be a 9, but an 8.5 sounds better.
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lionowlonao3 · 3 years ago
this is kinda random but i saw your tags on your reblog and i love that brigadier/doctor hc omg. they dated and i know that for a fact.
honestly it drove me a bit insane how much of a crush Lethbridge-Stewart had on the doctor. gay gay homosexual gay
(for context, the (fifth) doctor is in their bedroom in the tardis, but they can't go back to earth at that moment for Reasons, that the rest of the chapter explains)
Briefly, they consider getting undressed and actually getting into bed, but decide against it: given that they’re not remotely tired, to sleep now, it just wouldn’t be the same without Alistair. Timelords require only a fraction of the amount of sleep Humans require, but they can sleep almost as much, if they choose to – which the Doctor started doing long ago when they discovered how much they enjoy the feeling they get, sleeping beside him: feeling warm and fuzzy, and safe. Ever since then, whatever sleep they do need – which isn’t none, despite assertions that have been made by a number of their friends who have found them in the console room at all sorts of hours – they usually manage to get it whenever they’re with him; meaning they often don’t need to when they’re not. Well, that gives them an even better idea. Getting off the bed and straightening out their clothes, they go over to the sofa and open the universal video link-up, dialling the corresponding link that they and Alistair had set up at home, when their exile was lifted after the first Omega palaver.
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fxghtclxb · 4 years ago
 hi !! i’m j, here to play a fake faith healer turned medik (konstantin) and a rough handed brigadier who admittedly fell in love with an anonymous letter sender (sorin).
i wrote some tidbits about ‘em below, as well as provided some wanted connections too !
click here for kon !
click here for sorin !
always love to plot, but if you want to get a feel of how your muse reacts to either of them that’s totally fine with me too !
excited 2 meet u all  ✨
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splendidshinobi · 4 years ago
almost halfway done lads how we feelin'
episode 21: the red glow
ah yes barry
"i'm alphonse elric!!!!!" yes u r baby!!!
who just popped over the wall
scar im assuming
"i kill therefore i am".....barry spouting descartes rn
it was scar haha
hi greed
thought i saw you earlier
ope he found the chimera crew...
jerry jewell's evil laugh gets me every time lmao he's so great
ed has deep philosophical talks bro
also ed is chaotic but his personal morals are unshakeable
who are these prison guards gonna release
oh hey kimblee
oh hey squad
ed take out ur pokeball
um wth is that
bro of all the things i was not expecting him
oof ishval flashbacks
young scar why is your hair brown
why is it white now
whos her
lust 1.0 im assuming
ew omg tucker is literally so fuckin nasty lookin idk
idk why but he's worse than rod reiss titan for me
wait a damn minute
wait a damn fucking minute
what is GOIN ON
i need tucker to stop whispering he sounds like fucking voldemort on the back of quirrells head
episode 22: created human
hughes' pajamas look like armin's futon from aot junior high
the bad place???? was that greed's prison gluttony was lookin at?
im still shook af over tucker and tbh its been like 24 hours since i watched episode 21
driving me up a wall
my poor son looks so tired :(
those moral principles at it again
ewww the way tucker walks STOP
hi envy!!!!!
so all of those prisoner guys gonna get flattened by some alchemy
hey kimblee!!!
so did greed escape with the homies???? cause i feel like he would have made his presence known already....
i feel like im missing a lot because im a ding dong
musty prison kimblee is kinda...hot....physically speaking..oops..personality wise obviously there's MUCH to work on
so envy knows hohenheim
he won't do it
oh no alphonse
oh god memory implants
al's identity crisis CONTINUES
they wanna become humans??? huh....doesnt really make sense for their characters...(maybe envy but more on that at 11)
is ed gonna kill these guys for al
some1!!!!!! hold!!!!! me!!!! im so stressed
is he pretending to do it and he's got another plan up his sleeve!!!!????
honestly he's so depressed i cant even tell
those unshakable moral principles at work again i see
the red water can turn ed into a god???? wtf ed doesnt want to be a god he wants to punch god
oh theres the greed squad! i found them!!! is kimblee joining up with them
maria girly!!!!!!!
who's the lady. i need 2 know.
episode 23: fullmetal heart
alphonse is destroyed again
poor kid
"edward sir" brosh pls!!!
oh excuse me--- ***Bloch
The Ross Slap™
winry <3
pinako takes no prisoners
ed didnt you JUST tell brosh and ross they might be right that you needed to trust adults with more shit and now youre blowing off hughes
ed's DRAWINGS im-
hi sig hi izumi!!!
al is so sad over there in that corner
poor baby son
sometimes i feel like hughes and mustang are ed and al's divorced dads
the little arakawa avatar cows in the back im CRYING!!!!!!!
snappy al
omg hughes plz
elicia is precious though we love her
"dad's friend the bookworm" omg sheska
awwww gracia made edward a cake!!!!!!!
god catch me cryin in the club
"whatever" al im crying he's so sad
"you goof"
yes winry you are correct boy is a goof
sir you are being so dramatic
give that baby a hug
"so called brother"
so we all know that was a knife through the heart for ed
al just jumped off a FUCKING ROOF and ED TRIED TO FOLLOW
so im crying
episode 24: bonding memories
guess we're gonna play w my emotions again
sometimes like....one bit characters talk...like villager b ya know? and im like who are you i know that voice
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again
and barry for some reason
aww poor al
youre real you are!!!!!!
i just feel like people would know people that wear sunglasses in the rain would be ishvalan
but what do i know
obviously they dont have the white hair thing in this version
poor ed is so sad
these boys need a hug 
let me just *pulls out adoption papers*
well if scar doesnt have queen mei to adopt in 03, he’s got this little toothless boy
dont lie al you do care
ew i dont like her
the drama of this boy
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again part 2
apparently they are *mercenaries??? excuse me
i have some questions regarding this kid’s mom
well you know i can see why this kid feels this way about his mom
it does look like she ran off...
al and scar dream team up
bout time
yall gonna have this talk now????
brotherhood barry is the true king there i said it
damn scar you baddie
barry like....you already knew him
someone save this boy!!!!
oh good his mom “saved” him
ah damn thats pretty tragic
she didnt know they were right in front of her
well my questions were answered
so she attacks with grape fanta. thats one way to do it
ed looks like such an angry gremlin right now this is a heartwarming moment sir please
why are ed and scar being so civil right now this is so weird
bye scar
we’ll see him again
see you later scar
episode 25: words of farewell
maes who let you buy that awful pink suit 
gracia please it better not have been you
mustang ew please
dont open the door lookin like that
what the hell are you doing in here 
so hughes WASNT in ishval here?
i think that takes a lot away from his character but anyway
bradley hangs around like a creep at every possible instant
why would bradley care about ishvalan refugees like hughes cmon
juliet douglas is this lady’s name
only took me 1000 episodes to figure that out
ED AND AL??? NOT DEALING WITH DANGEROUS THINGS??????? dont make me laugh assholes theyre lying thru their teeth
izumi time lets go
wow we’re still going to rush valley? wasnt really expecting that tbh
elicia i LOVE you!!!!!
ew kimblee “hi”
how did he lightning himself like that
if i were ishvalan i would not go to the south....yet ANOTHER war torn region of amestris but ok
an amestrian desert biker gang rolled up to wreak havoc
tbh i wouldnt want to tell roy anything either stupid bitch
um why do i feel like its hughes’ death episode
he would not be shown tucking elicia in to bed otherwise 
please im not ready to be hurt again
oh no
yeah he just learned something about our girl juliet
ive been waiting for this information 
he’s gonna die before we learn anything helpful
hey lust figured you’d show up sooner or later
i too wish i could look that sexy pulling a kunai out of my forehead
did girly just say SLOTH
i- nothing about her seems particularly slothy but ok
u know what!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha famous last words
oof it hurts every time
not the FUNERAL scene no!
time for me to go 
peace out homies im dead inside
yes my brigadier general 
hughes is sneezing six feet under
was ed supposed to be looking at hughes’ ghost
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bunnywand · 5 years ago
ellie’s “second doctor” thoughts..
just finished watching “the invasion” so i’ve only got 3 second doctor stories left now, “the krotons,” “the seeds of death” and “the war games” (i’m skipping “the space pirates” bcos most of the episodes are missing and i just don’t feel like it 😅) so i thought i’d make another post like this like i did when i finished watching the first doctor!! 😮
- so, as much as i ended up liking the first doctor, right from the start the second is instantly more likeable, and i’ve just been liking him more and more as it goes on 😭 although he mellowed out a bit over time, the first doctor could still be Rly fucking rude sometimes and he’d just snap at his companions over nothing, but the second doctor is So much nicer, he’s rly funny, and he just does more in general than the first doctor ever did?? u can rly see like, parts of the ~modern~ doctors starting 2 appear already!!
- talking of the modern show, Tonnes of stuff from it originated in the second doctor’s era!! i said in my post abt the first doctor’s era, pretty much the only recognisable things from the modern show in it were the doctor, the tardis, the daleks and the cybermen, but here’s all the things that appeared for the first time in the second doctor’s era: the sonic screwdriver, u.n.i.t., the brigadier, the ice warriors, the great intelligence, the macra and (in “the war games,” that i haven’t watched yet) the time lords!! 😵 i think matt smith and steven moffat must have been big second doctor fans, bcos it was w/ them that some of this stuff appeared in the modern show 😅
- gonna note like i did in the first doctor post, i watched nearly every story from the second doctor’s era, for the missing ones i either watched the official animations/reconstructions, or if they didn’t have one, the fan reconstructions on youtube - the only stories i skipped were “fury from the deep” (bcos all 6 episodes are missing, and it’s getting an official animation sometime this year so i’ll watch it then!!) and i’m gonna be skipping “the space pirates” (bcos 5 of the 6 episodes are missing, and i just don’t feel like watching any more of the fan reconstructions 😫)
it hasn’t been too bad dealing w/ the missing episodes, but ngl i’m gonna be rly glad 2 get 2 jon pertwee’s and the later doctors and not have 2 put up w/ them anymore (and also bcos their episodes are in colour!! 😳)
- a favourite story is so hard 2 pick from the second doctor, there were so many i loved!! 😭 “the evil of the daleks” was Rly good despite having nrly all it’s episodes missing, there was rly funny bit where the doctor turned some dalek’s good and they were spinning around singing and saying “friends!!!” and also he later ended up on skaro and met the dalek emperor for the first time which was rly cool!! 😮 “the enemy of the world” was also fucking Amazing, it’s been the first story 2 have plot twists that made me like “wtf?! 🤯” and “the invasion” that i just watched was a rly good cyberman story that introduced the brigadier and u.n.i.t.!!
- my least favourite was “the highlanders” tho unfortunately.. 😔 i don’t think i mentioned it in my first doctor post, but in the first doctor’s era, episodes set in the past were purely historical, there weren’t any aliens or monsters in them, so it was just the doctor and companions going around w/ historical figures, and “the highlanders” is the only second doctor story 2 be like that, and it just made it look so bland in comparison.. 😣 the one good thing i Will say abt it tho is it introduced jamie, who i’ll get 2 in a sec!!
- ~companions..~ in order my fav was definitely jamie, then zoe, then ben and polly, then victoria 😧
in these old doctor who’s, where there’s no real like, character arcs or story arcs or anything, and the drama and story just comes from the characters interacting w/ each other, i think the best quality a companion can have is just staying around for a long time 😭 i don’t mean that in a bad way, but it’s just some companions *coughdodocough* don’t stay around long enough for you 2 get attached 2 them at all, whereas the ones who stick around for a while, u grow 2 like and don’t wanna see them leave!! and so jamie grew 2 be my fav bcos he’s been w/ the second doctor ever since the 2nd story!!
he’s a sweet guy, him being scottish made a nice change from everyone else in the show speaking in ~bbc english~, he was from the past so there were a bunch of funny moments of him not knowing what things were, and also my fav moment of him attacking a robot while yelling “take this ya wee tin kettle!!” and i think s/t that made him more interesting 2 me was, unlike ian and barbara, or ben and polly, jamie didn’t seem particularly bothered abt getting back home, and was fine just adventuring w/ the doctor!!
i don’t have as much 2 say abt the others, i rly liked zoe, she has a fun dynamic w/ jamie, being a genius from the future, and always had funky clothes on for some reason??? (last episode while fighting the cybermen she was wearing a sparkly jumpsuit 😭), ben and polly were okay, the most interesting thing abt them was that they were originally travelling w/ the first doctor and then he regenerated, so it’s the first time u got 2 see companions reacting 2 a regeneration as well!! 😧
and victoria was.. nice, and i wish i could have liked her, more but she only rly got used as “the companion that gets captured every week and the doctor and jamie have to save” which sucked.. 😖 one interesting thing abt her i will say tho, she did get a lil bit of a story arc that was good 2 see, she started travelling w/ the doctor and jamie bcos her dad got killed by daleks, and then (altho i didn’t watch the story, it was in “fury from the deep”) she gets fostered by a nice family she meets, so at least she got a good ending!! ☺️
- last point, something i think i’m gonna start noting is actors i recognise from other shows!! i’m watching it w/ my parents and they’ve been recognising ppl from old films and soaps and stuff since the beginning, but i’ve only recognised a couple so far, altho i’m sure as it goes on i’ll recognise more!! (i kno young martin clunes is in a fifth doctor story 😳😦)
so the first person in the show i recognised was milton johns in “the enemy of the world” - he’s also in star wars: the empire strikes back (as an imperial officer in the han carbonite scene), but where i recognised him from is the basil brush show, where he was the horrible landlord mr. rossiter!! 😨
more interesting tho, the other person i’ve recognised was donald sumpter in the 1968 story “the wheel in space” and it’s interesting bcos he’s been in doctor who recently!!-ish.. he was a villain in a sarah jane adventures story in 2009, “the eternity trap” but also he played rassilon’s new regeneration in the twelfth doctor episode “hell bent” in 2015!! 😵 rly cool 2 see someone come back into the show nrly 50 yrs later!!!
so that’s all my second doctor thoughts so far, i might make another, smaller post when i’ve finished his last few stories, but this was rly fun 2 write and thank u for reading this if u did, it was longer than i expected snfhjdsjh!! 🥰✨
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theskyexists · 5 years ago
watchin Death in Heaven finally
Missy is just such an evil bastard to Osgood in this
fuckin hell
didn’t they have a camera on missy in the hold lol. yup they did but none of them - INCLUDING THE FUCKIN DOCTOR - kept an eye on her. like. jfc. just left Osgood, somebody who’d thoroughly impressed him, with the Master in the same room who was restrained with only HANDCUFFS
the Doctor really is an idiot
I’m really surprised at the choice of leaving people’s faces intact for these cybermen (and later with Bill) - i found the Cybermen so scary as a kid because they cut your brain out while you were still alive and made the rest into goop. which made it genuinely impossible to return to anything resembling a human or individual
but it works for this emotional exchange. (and danny does look appropriately fucked up). this is touching - her trying to save him from his emotion
oh damn Missy is so FERAL in this lol - went up and down his timeline to see all the destruction he’s caused, capture all the minds of dead humanity, funnel money into research to convert the dead (which - she definitely changed history there what with converting the dead being standard practice in the cyberwars in s12). admits to setting him up with his closest friend just to show him how destructive the relationship could get with a companion - comparing his desire to help others with being a dog on a leash hmmm. the master puts in so much drama and work and flair and time into their plans it really does look like a fuckin courting process. and the Doctor is just like - fuckin hell why.
she doesnt take dying seriously at all
and then kills Kate the Brigadier’s daughter. Moffat knows how to say: EVIL. she’s EVIL. she’ll kill your faves left and right for fun no remorse
did the Doctor try to save Kate at all lol
oh lol the Doctor is right about pain but Danny just K.O.’d this dude lololol u deserved that Doc. there’s so much going on here. ‘he needs to know’ - yeah. ‘just do as you’re told’
ok i love this mercy kill danny/clara thing
‘armies are for people who think they’re right’ - ‘give a good man fire power and he’ll never run out of people to kill’ I LOVE THIS
‘i don’t want an army’ - (because of the above!!!)
‘why are you doing this?!?!?!’ capaldi is brilliant
she’s got him where she wants him - she wants him to realise they’re not so different - in other words - if he takes the army and starts killing - he does as she does - but if not ‘what’s the matter mr president, don’t you trust yourself?’ which means he knows he could do it and thats enough already
moffat sure did some great stuff with the Doctor and Danny
god i love his writing for Twelve SO MUCH. ‘im an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver, just passing through, helping out, learning’
INCREDIBLE! what a way of putting it - what a way formulating it - of articulating it. reinforcing the one truth of the character. i love this so much more than the ‘never be cruel never be cowardly’ bullshit. (though i do like how Thirteen fails those ideals - because it becomes so clear how they are ideals)
I have NO clue how it relates to Eleven and his literal ‘when a good man goes to war’ - i guess it’s - he never runs out of firepower on Trenzalore? and the war keeps killing. it’s backwards storytelling yes?
he doesn’t have armies, he has friends and love....
The Doctor’s not a hero. but he makes other people heroes....and i do like how the writing always casts doubt on whether that’s a good thing - especially with Clara and Danny. but the conclusion generally seems to be: yes. but for that to happen the Doctor must give up the decision to his human friends. his betters. (Thirteen completely, just COMPLETELY flipped on this....and it has the most terrible consequences - but chibs seems not to be too interested in exploring that - very different themes he’s interested in). The Master created an impossible choice but the Doctor found the third way - through their companions. Thirteen can never find a third way - because she never looks to her companions.
and the narrative eventually redeems the SOLDIER. the dead will save the living. there is decency in sacrifice for protection. not the orders of a general or a lunatic. i just realised that Gallifrey has fallen to a general (the Doctor) and a lunatic (the Master). 
the Brigadier was the other Soldier that saved the person he loved (because the Doctor wasn’t like hey maybe i should pick Kate up on the way down lol. and he got to kill the Master. wait how the fuck did she get back in s9. did she just SHOW UP?
Ok so i did almost cry about Danny choosing to let this kid live over him
Missy just shows up in season 9. is there any fucking explanation lol. Does Clara not confront Missy with the fact that she got fuckin vaporised by a cyberman???????
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goddesstrolls-archive · 6 years ago
i also have an obsession over titles bc half my cast have PhDs and theyre all >:O if someone calls them by the wrong title or name or are ranking officers but anyway i love altira and the rest of your trolls ;w;
i have some trolls like that now but ‘doctor’ is easier to remember than like, brigadier general (in nine’s case)
sorry u love altira, she’s real dead
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elevenclara · 8 months ago
'your dad was an idiot.' spy master i love u but u can't insult the brigadier like that... that's my guy
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raggabalder · 6 years ago
The biggest tunes in reggae of 2018 ! Mixed by Pop-I the 26th of December 2018 More mixtapes at: http://bit.ly/2RmCZKu Tracklist: 01 - Flames - Protoje Ft.Chronixx 02 - Ghetto Cycle - Charlie P & O.B.F 03 - Murder - Khago 04 - Nuh Killi Killi - Anthony B 05 - I Can't Stand It - Skarra Mucci & Hawkeye 06 - Reggae Music - Kabaka Pyramid 07 - Lightning Storm - 5 Star 08 - Legal Now - Collie Buddz 09 - Raggamuffin - Koffee 10 - Waste Man - Teflon 11 - Ram Dance Master - Brigadier Jerry 12 - Every Sound - Zamunda 13 - See Dem A Come - Fyah George 14 - Rude Boys - Eek-A-Mouse And Xt 15 - Why - The Viceroys 16 - Lett - Lamek & Obijan 17 - Dem A Move - Colah Colah 18 - Fussing And Fighting - Linval Thompson 19 - Medical Marijuana - Cocoa Tea, The Expanders, Walshy Fire 20 - Love Of Jah - Fyah George 21 - Death Trap - Micah Shemaiah 22 - Yaad N Abraad - Dre Island 23 - Cold City - 5 Star 24 - Guess Who? - Tarrus Riley Feat. Mykal Rose 25 - Injustice - Busy Signal Feat. Tebby 26 - False Promises In Dub - Morgan Heritage Feat. Gappy Ranks 27 - Lie - Alborosie 28 - Caress Me - Romain Virgo 29 - Black Hypocrisy - Spice 30 - Stark Kvinna - Essa Cham 31 - Ova Ya So - Christopher Martin 32 - Get Up And Show - Iba Mahr 33 - Money Come My Way - Nico D 34 - Cherry Oh Baby - Bulby York Feat. Busy Signal & Patrice Roberts 35 - Paradise Plum - Naomi Cowan 36 - Feeling - Samory-I 37 - Trouble - Jah Cure Feat. Spragga Benz 38 - As Me Forward - Busy Signal 39 - Believe - Awa Fall Feat. Kumar 40 - Gotti Gotti - Lila Ikè 41 - See Them Fake Leaders - Ziggy Marley 42 - Heaven - Jah9 43 - Do You Know - Mr. Vegas 44 - Every Hustler - Konshens 45 - Jamaica - U-Roy Feat. Natashja 46 - I'm Alive - Beres Hammond 47 - Nothing To Prove - Teflon 48 - No Guarantee - Protoje Ft. Chronixx 49 - Contradiction Feat. Chronixx - Alborosie & The Wailers United 50 - Kontraband - Kabaka Pyramid Feat. Damian Marley 51 - Domino Table - Agent Sasco 52 - Kush Ina Mi Brain - Delly Ranx 53 - Trouble - Exco Levi 54 - Kingston Kingston - Fyah George 55 - Help The Weak - Capleton & Chronixx 56 - Rock Steady Love - Maxi Priest 57 - Just One Lifetime - Sting & Shaggy 58 - Lyrics Deity - Kabaka Pyramid 59 - Badness - Ninjaman & Monkey Marc 60 - Soul Of Death - Fully Bad 61 - No More War (The Pop-I Remix) - Fyah George 62 - Second Chance - Lila Ikè 63 - Come From Far - New Kingston http://bit.ly/2GIPzzF
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sweet-soul-sister · 6 years ago
Song Rewind - 365 Days Music Challenge
well, it’s day 150. so i figured i could make a post which includes all links to the first 100 days. the next 100 will come as soon as i find some time. please also check out @tailalindsay who is the creator of this wonderful challenge. and this is the masterpost
have fun browsing! :]
also under the cut because the list is quite long
Day 1: A song that reminds you of your first car    - Angels by Robbie Williams
Day 2: A song that reminds you of summer    - Kite by Kate Bush
Day 3: A song you listened to as a kid, that you thought made you cool. Real Cool    - Schrei nach Liebe by Die Ärzte
Day 4: A song you like from a movie soundtrack    - The Devil and the Huntsman by Daniel Pemberton
Day 5: A song that you quote to people    - Meisenmann by Helge Schneider
Day 6: A song from an Artist you discovered from a TV show    - Rhythm inside by Loïc Nottet
Day 7: A song that wrenches your heart out from sadness    - Requiem for the Brigadier General by Akira Senju
Day 8: Your least favorite song from your favorite band    - Line & Sinker by Billy Talent
Day 9: A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more    - Tetris Techno Remix by DaCaV5
Day 10: A song from a band that you think should be more popular    - Portuguese Knife Fight by Cage the Elephant
Day 11: A song you indulge in shameless self pity to    - The Kingdom Soundtrack: Finale / End of the Road by Danny Elfman
Day 12: A song you play when your getting ready to get your confidence up    - Boss / Fire / Ko Ko Bop / Dramarama Remix (feat. Cherry Bomb) by Miggy Smallz
Day 13: A song that reminds you of a past love    - Morning Sun by Robbie Williams
Day 14: A song you like that’s instrumental only    - Harmonics of Life by Money Mark
Day 15: A song your parents played on road trips when you were young    - Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat by Bob Dylan
Day 16: A song you have seen performed live    - Randale by Kraftklub
Day 17: A song you remember dancing in public to    - Barada by Russkaja
Day 18: A song you would consider part of the “soundtrack” of your life    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 19: A song that you love from a band that has since broken up    - Crazy by 4minute
Day 20: A song you know most or part of the choreography to    - Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS
Day 21: A song from a band or artist (member(s) alive) would love to see perform in person    - Augenbling by Seeed
Day 22: A song from a band or artists (member(s) decease )you would have loved to have seen    - Concert for Bangladesh by Leon Russell
Day 23: Song from a band or artist that you have met in person    - Down Down Down by ITCHY
Day 24: The last new song that you heard that you really liked    - Fake Love by BTS
Day 25: Worst song you have ever seen performed live    - Wonderwall by Oasis
Day 26: One of the top songs that was released the year you were born    - ... Baby one more time by Britney Spears
Day 27: A song you like to blast on your car stereo when it comes on    - Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Day 28: A song you change the words to when you sing it    - I need you / 500k Mashup by myself (not actually existing song)
Day 29: A song that describes a friendship    - You’re my best friend by Queen
Day 30: A song from a band/artist that you are planning to see in the next 6 months    - Outro: Tear by BTS
Day 31: Your class song (or what you want your class song to be)    - He’s a Pirate by Klaus Badelt
Day 32: A song that plays to your inner hopeless-romantic    - A Lovely Night by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling
Day 33: A song that you can’t even think of without it getting stuck in your head    - Bedroom Warfare by ONE OK ROCK
Day 34: A song that you try to get stuck in your head to replace the one that’s currently stuck there    - Zero for Conduct by BASTARZ
Day 35: Your favorite cover song    - Somebody to love by Queen and George Michael
Day 36: Your least favorite cover song    - Wonderwall by The Mike Flower Pops
Day 37: An essential karaoke song    - Dancing Queen by ABBA
Day 38: A song that you sing really well    - Perfekt by Die Ärzte
Day 39: A song that you wish you could sing really well    - Bermuda Triangle by Zico feat. Crush and Dean
Day 40: Your favorite song from the 50’s    - Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis Presley
Day 41: Your favorite song from the 60’s    - House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
Day 42: Your favorite song from the 70’s    - Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Day 43: Your favorite song from the 80’s    - Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Day 44: Your favorite song from the 90’s    - Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) by Backstreet Boys
Day 45: Your favorite song from the 00’s    - Stan by Eminem
Day 46: Your favorite song of this year    - Morgen by Fynn Kliemann
Day 47: The oldest song you own    - Smyphony No. 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Day 48: A song that you wish you could’ve written    - What it’s like by Everlast
Day 49: Your favorite TV show theme song    - Daredevil - Main Title by John Paesano
Day 50: A song that you’ve listened to for years & have just recently begun to appreciate    - Love me do by The Beatles
Day 51: A song that you realized you’ve been mishearing the lyrics for years    - T.N.T. by AC/DC
Day 52: A song that you’ve been listening to for years & you still don’t know what the heck they’re saying    - Gimme tha Power by Molotov
Day 53: The song that you’re most proud of knowing all the words to    - Tetris Techno Remix by DaCaV5
Day 54: The song that got you hooked on your favorite band/artist    - 3xxxv5 by ONE OK ROCK
Day 55: A song you’ve listened to so many times that you just can’t listen to it anymore    - Monsta by Culcha Candela
Day 56: A song that is insanely simple/repetitive, but that you consider awesome anyway    - Unbreakable by H3ctic
Day 57: Your favorite song from your favorite genre    - Song Rewind
Day 58: Your therapist in a song    - Calm after the Storm by The Common Linnets
Day 59: A song whose lyrics you take advice from    - Think by Aretha Franklin
Day 60: Your favorite movie-moment song    - Epilogue by Justin Hurwitz
Day 61: A song that you like to sing in the shower    - Penny Lane by The Beatles
Day 62: Your favorite song by a singer turned actor    - Lose Yourself by Eminem
Day 63: Your favorite duet    - Owls by Cocoon
Day 64: Your favorite song featured in a musical    - Audition (The fools who dream) by Emma Stone
Day 65: Your favorite song by a actor turned singer    - Baby by Astro
Day 66: A song you like to clean the house to    - Mansae by Seventeen
Day 67: Your least favorite song by a singer turned actor    - The Kill by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Day 68: A song you have requested to be played on the radio    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 69: Your least favorite song by an actor turned singer    - I feel everything by Cara Delevigne
Day 70: A song that you wish someone would cover    - Ddu-du ddu-du by Blackpink
Day 71: A song that gives you a headache    - Rom by Dschingis Khan
Day 72: A song that you love that you first heard on a mixed CD made for you    - Quark by Die Ärzte
Day 73: A song someone has said reminds them of you    - A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles
Day 74: A song from a band that you wish you could hang out with    - Shall we dance by Block B
Day 75: The song that you most recently downloaded    - Bling Bling by iKON
Day 76: Your favorite song beginning with the letter A    - Really good songs beginning with the letter A
Day 77: Part A - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part B    - Zico
Day 78: Part B - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part A    - Alligatoah
Day 79: A song that makes you think of the color blue    - Blue Side by J-Hope
Day 80: Your favorite band beginning with the letter A    - Really good bands / artists beginning with the letter A
Day 81: A song you like with Monday in the title    - I don’t like Mondays by Bon Jovi and Bob Geldof
Day 82: A song you would dedicate to the boy/girl you have a crush on    - What is Love? by Twice
Day 83: A song you would/have dance(d) with a parent to, at your wedding    - Very Nice by Seventeen
Day 84: A song that you like that’s in a language you don’t know    - Shoot Me by DAY6
Day 85: A song that you always put on a new mixed CD you make for everyone    - Owls by Cocoon
Day 86: A song that you like by a band you suspect is going to break up    - Nalina by Block B
Day 87: A song you play when someone breaks up with you    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 88: A song that you like that’s from a different culture    - Il n’y a pas d’amour heureux by Youssou N’Dour
Day 89: A song that you love to work-out to    - Limitless / Monster / I Need U / Hero / Hate Remix by Miggy Smallz
Day 90: A song that describes your work angst    - Sklave by Kraftklub
Day 91: A song you like to sing to babies    - Der Mond ist aufgegangen by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz
Day 92: A song you play when you can’t sleep    - Far Away by H3ctic
Day 93: A song you play when you break someone’s heart    - Hypocritical Kiss by Jack White
Day 94: Your favorite song that features the use of a harmonica    - Harmonics of Life by Money Mark
Day 95: Your favorite song that starts with the letter “B”    - Really good songs beginning with the letter B
Day 96: A song that makes you think about stars and the universe    - Black Tears by Tyler Bates
Day 97: Your favorite classical song    - Symphony No. 7 (Allegretto) by Ludwig van Beethoven
Day 98: Your favorite song that you remember from a kid’s show    - Opening Theme from “Die Sendung mit der Maus” by Hans Posegga
Day 99: A song that you like in part, because the title is so good    - Waldspaziergang mit Folgen by Die Ärzte
Day 100: A song from the last CD mix you made someone    - While my guitar gently weeps by George Harrison and Eric Clapton
well, you made it. i’m proud of you :) and also thanks for reading through this list. it means a lot to me. if you noticed any errors or false links, feel free to message me :]
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motherwasapapafucker · 7 years ago
Question--if somebody was looking to get into the VNAs and EDAs, which ones would you recommend to them as must-reads? (I've already got Human Nature, Sky Pirates!, The Room With No Doors, and Lungbarrow on my list for the VDAs and Vampire Science, Alien Bodies, Interference, and Taking Of Planet 5 for the EDAs.)
So beyond the novels you’ve already mentioned (Highly recommend the lot of them) I’d suggest the following. Inevitably these are more personal suggestions and I’d never pretend that someone of them are great fiction but as Who books go they all have something or other to offer. I’d also note that beyond a  few teething troubles, both the VNA and EDA lines reached a level of consistent quality so you’re usually safe to pick up one on a whim….that said avoid St. Anthony’s Fire like the plague. Anyway, here are the VNAs. Love and War: I’m not particularly big fan of Cornell’s prose work, but it’s a solid story that sells Ace’s break with the Doctor while also doing a great job of building Bernice up as a character. The plot itself is by the numbers, but this tends to add to the shock of the Doctor’s actions rather than turn the thing into a dull slog…for the most part.
Birthright/Iceberg: Following on from the same event, the TARDIS coming close to deconstruction, Birthright is the first Doctor-lite book from Virgin, but because this is a VNA that means it uses Seven’s absence to explore the ramifications of the Doctor as arch-manipulator, keep an eye out for Muldwych and his uncharacteristically physical take on a particular concept. It’s very much Who in it’s moral dilemma mode, and gives the book room to explore Ace and Bernice’s personalities in relation to their views on the Doctor. Iceberg meanwhile follows up on the Doctor’s experiences after the above incident, throwing him into a fairly traditional Cyberman adventure, but alongside Birthright this is works to highlight the Seventh Doctor’s personality. Placing him in a B.U.S. set-up with characters we have no prior experience with to play “The Mysterious Doctor” up to the fullest extent. Blood Heat: So, this is the first part in a quadrilogy of alternative universe books and while the rest of them are solid enough Blood Heat is leaps and bounds ahead of them in terms of quality. Thrust into an alternate universe where he died during the events of “…and the Silurians,” The Doctor has to contend with a world where the Silurians now rule and are engaged in a vicious guerrilla war with an increasingly unhinged Brigadier. It’s not a pleasant book, but it’s one that uses the it’s increasingly bleak vibe to highlight Who’s more consistent moral thematics.  I’d also recommend reading the author’s “Director’s Cut” that divorces it from the A-U story arc and takes the book off in a far stranger direction, it’s got a truly unique Alt-Doctor, but I really don’t want to say too much because reading it without foreknowledge only adds to it. Theater of War: Bernice Summerfield meet Irving Braxiatel, or; the one that introduces everybody’s favorite bastard.  In all honesty that’s the main selling point of the book, the plot itself is fine but it’s drowned out by foreknowledge of what it ultimately set-up, but the Benny and Brax sequences are worth the price of admission. All-Consuming Fire: So this was the first VNA I read, but beyond that it takes something that could have easily been an exercise in cloying fanboyism and produces a story that actively works for the two worlds being merged. Lane as a few Watsonian tendencies that leap out now and then, but his Doyle pastiche is one of few that manage to nail the style without drifting into parody, that he manages to maintain this when Holmes and Watson leave the planet is even more impressive. There’s nothing overtly gained from the crossover but his obvious enthusiasm for the two franchises makes it hard not to get swept up in the spirit of the story. Fittingly, it’s the closest the VNAs come to pure pulp, makes for a nice break after some of the more thematically heavy books that preceded it. First Frontier: McIntee writes a damn good Master (Give or take Dark Path squandering its potential) and this serves as a nice follow-up to “Survival,” featuring Ainley still suffering from the effects of the Cheetah Planet allying himself with the Tzun Confederacy in the 1950s. This works particularly well in relation to the earlier books, if Survival is about the Doctor refusing to stop to the Master’s level then First Frontier shows this conflict at a stage where the Doctor has done borderline unforgivable crimes that have begun to wear him down, which contrasts with a Master who’s taken a direct shortcut to the novel and gets to leave it free of the baggage of the past. Not to say it’s overly maudlin, because at it’s heart it’s still “Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with UFOlogy.” The Tzun are a fun little concept, genetic engineers that via their skills effectively serve as every conspiracy theory Alien in one species, The Master/Doctor dynamic is  just a nice bonus that adds a personal edge to the events. Falls the Shadow: Broadly speaking this is the Seventh Doctor vs. a sociopathic riff on Sapphire and Steel, but that’s selling the book short. O'Mahony is arguably one of the finest writer’s Who has ever seen, and while his début novel has the sort of issues you’d expect, it’s a fantastic bit of high-concept sci-fi. Well worth reading, even if only as an introduction to O’Mahony’s work. Christmas on a Rational Planet: Like O’Mahony, Lawrence Miles début novel as the usual issues as well as more than a few iffy elements (part of the parcel with most Who writers) but it’s ultimately style a book with a lot of potential that clearly helped Miles build his skills as a writer. An essential bit of early Miles-Who mythology that reappears in one form or another across all his work, it’s also deeply funny which is an aspect of Miles’s stuff that tends to be overlooked.Eternity Weeps: So I’m probably alone in liking this one, given it takes Mortimer’s tendency towards mass-decision to hilarious new levels, but it’s the ultimate encapsulation of the VNA Seventh Doctor and he only shows up for a few dozen pages. Written in the lead up to Virgin losing the Who license, the idea behind the book was to test Bernice as a solo protagonist, so much of the book is centred around the collapse of her marriage while she hunts for Noah’s Ark, at the same time a deadly plague is sweeping the earth and things get terribly doomsday esq. What the book ends up being though, is an examination of the Doctor as a force, something that can twist people’s fates with little effort and the books structure reflects that, with everything that occurs spinning towards or out of his handful of appearances. This is Time’s Champion at his most mythological and is worth reading just for that atmosphere.  Cold Fusion: Now this one’s a total cheat given it’s a missing adventure but it’s also fundamentally a story about the Fifth Doctor stumbling into a Virgin New Adventure plot, in this sense it can be viewed as something of a predecessor to the Interference duology. Mixing Parkin’s more experimental side with his knack for writing blockbuster style adventures the book sees both five and seven drawn into a human colony’s experiments with something that might be a prototype TARDIS, the book containing a number of revelations about the Doctor’s past the tie-in with the VNAs ongoing plot-line.  It’s a solid plot that makes nice use of the more traditional TARDIS team working alongside Seven, Chris and Roz. Some of these are a bastard to get a hold of, and the BBC clearly has little to no intention of re-releasing most of them, but there are ways around that, not that I’d ever endorse that sort of thing. *audible wink* Given the length of this I’ll follow up with my EDA recommendations shortly.  
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gemvictorfromtheponyverse · 7 years ago
!! if u would want to,, mayhaps a Drabble abt peri and the brigadier getting coffee and giving each other advice abt how to Romance the doctor???
Of course you can have this! The story didn't turn out quite like you (or me) had intended, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway!Tagged: @lesbiantwelve @lesbianchesterton @7th-impossible-thing @spoonietimelordy @unitsoldier @junkyardbluebox @askperibrown AO3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13800126FANFIC ITSELF: "So, how do you romance, The Doctor?" Peri looked the man sitting across from her dead in the eyes, trying desperately not to laugh as she asked her question."That, Miss Brown, is a question that I don't think any sane person in the universe can answer." The Brigadier smiled, equally amused by the womans question. When The Doctor said that he was setting him up for lunch with one of his companions, The Brigadier had been wary, but Perpugilliam Brown had soon turned out to be good company. "And yet, here we are, trying.""Amen to that!" Peri agreed, raising her cup of coffee in the air before taking a sip. It tasted good, and she happily drank some more. Though she'd been uncertain if she would be good company for an old army officer, she was quickly finding that she had more incommon with The Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart  than she thought. "Now, tell me, did you ever want to hit The Doctor over the head when he was yours? Because sometimes I sure do!" Peri rolled her eyes, exasperated beyond words at the way The Doctor insisted on acting. "Oh yes, and I am quite certain I felt like that many times. Even think I might have acted on it, once or twice." The Brigadier took a sip of his own coffee, debating what to say next. "But he is something lovely, too, isn't he? Bloody alien charming us all.""He steals your heart and refuse to give it back." Peri mussed, a dopey smile spreading on her lips as she thought of her partner. "If he could just...just be that good all the time, it would be the perfect romance. The perfect partner picked straight out of a fairytale.""Taking away half of what The Doctor is, it won't make any of you any happier or better. The annoying and stubborn comes with the romantic and lovely, trust me." The Brigadier smiled, nodding towards Peri. "The first lesson you should learn, if you're to keep a relationship with The Doctor, is to pick your fights. You can't teach him everything, or make him be patient and kind with you every time you do something. It is just not with in his nature.""Lesson two, then" Peri rebuked. "Don't let him get away with everything. He can be so good, if you just put him in the spot and show that you care what he does! Because he forgets that we are humans, and humans do it differently, so we want him to do it our way." She paused, looking at The Brigadier, before smiling brightly. “He will, you know, if you just tell him too.” "That is true, Miss Brown." The Brigadier agreed, sighing. "We chose a hard road to walk, did we not?" He smiled bitterly, looking up at Peri. There was something sad, almost guilty in his eyes, and Peri wondered if she looked the same when she spoke of The Doctor. If this was what it was like to love The Doctor."Yes, but we couldn't have gone any other way..." Peri whispered, shaking her head in disbelief at her own thoughts. "I'd have died, drowned, if The Doctor and his companion at the time hadn't appeared. His companion, this guy Turlough, swam out and rescued me...And then again, if The Doctor hadn't given me the antidote to the poison, I would have died. He regenerated, because there was only one cure and I was given it."  "I remember Turlough. Might have died somewhere round there, were not for him, too.” The Brigadier agreed sympathetically.  “I would have died long ago if not for meeting The Doctor. The Yetis would have crushed me if it wasn't for that ridicules little man with his ever damned recorder." This time, The Brigadier's expression is one of more genuine happiness, and Peri feel her own happiness rising, too. "I never would have seen my daughter again, were it not for The Doctor. So many times my little girl would have lost her father, if not for the miracle man I fell in love with."Peri laughs, but doesn't know what's funny. Tears threatened in her eyes and this time she really wondered what had become of her. How she could be this way, and how much of it she should tribute to The Doctor? Her hands and her voice shook but she fought on to get her message across. "I love him. I really, really do. I know you do, too… but the first thing he did after regenerating, was trying to strangle me, and I was so close to ask him to take me home! I wanted to leave, but I stayed, and god dammit it, I love him." Hearing this, The Brigadier laughed, and Peri giggles along with him. They laugh and giggle and lose themselves in the sound of ot, seemingly trying to forget all that had been said all the heartfelt Confessions they had let go of over a cup of coffee.“We are a sad pair of people, are we not? Lamenting over the obstacles of dating The Doctor as though he was a random guy next door.” Peri exclaimed in between fits of giggles.“Well, he is certainly not an ordinary bloke, I can tell you. He is a madman, a maniac and an arsonist. But in the end, he’ll always be our nutcase, now won’t he?” Done laughing, The Brigadier leans back in his chair amd hold up his cup. “To The Doctor, lover and madman extraordinair.”Nodding, Peri lifted her cup in response. “To The Doctor, the most lovable nutcase on Earth!”
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