#I love them but jesus christ bc there’s so few of them they can really get under ur skin
jackies-ear · 5 days
Harvest moon with a partial lunar eclipse
So of course my kids lost their fucking shit today
2 out, 1 left early. Had 4 kids at the end of the day. 2 of those were my suuuuuuuuuuper high energy kids and they were off the fucking wall all day
And bc we had 2 out, 1 left early, and the overnight camp is tomorrow, we didn’t do much. Which is not good for those kids. They need structure, we didn’t have much structure today.
I am so looking forward to 2 days without them, and then a 3 day weekend.
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jeezypetes · 2 years
Ahhhh the job I thought i didn’t get bc they never got back to me after my interview (which I thought went really well) just reached out to me bc apparently the person they tried to hire backed out.,.. and now its gonna be like another month of wondering if I’m gonna have to decide if I want to move to another state where I don’t know anyone. And i was kind of relieved when i never heard back bc I’m really happy here with my family and gf and friends but the fact is my job here is a contract with very slim hopes of developing into a real job with benefits and i live with my parents bc i love them and our house and our town but i know i have to seriously consider this opportunity bc it would be a good career move and i want to live a rich and interesting life. But I don’t want to talk about it with anyone irl because my dad has covid which has been my number 1 fear since the start of the pandemic (he’s 71 and immunocompromised but he’s doing well and not needed the hospital) and I just want to be able to only worry about that I can’t even talk about the job thing which i drove myself and everyone around me crazy with already back in October. Which is why I’m just posting it vjfdhk I’m being tormented by forces beyond my control i feel like this is the sort of thing it would be really helpful to believe in God about
#like people who say He has a plan which i guess is comforting but his plans are so inscrutable they may as well be random. but some people#think he wants the best for us??? which seems so unlikely to me I can’t even try to believe it#anyways i think my dad willbe fine but I’m worried about long term health issues which would make it really really hard to move away bc my#mom is already basically disabled. and i want the house I want it so bad but I can’t afford to buy it from them bc our neighborhood has#gotten sooo much more expensive then it was when they moved here in the 80s and i know they’re planning on selling it to fund their#retirement. but i love it here so much I want to live here forever and die here but its not realistic and maybe it would be easier if i#moved away and put down roots somewhere else and then it will be less painful when they sell the house and less painful when they die#i just want things ro stay likethis forever I’ve#spent so much time these past few years walking around this neighborhood its like the veins in my arms i can live other places i have for#years but they never get this deep im so scared for the futuy#future but there’s absolutely nothing i can do to stop it. except kill myself i guess but it’s#not nearly at that point yet ckgdf it would make a lot of people very upset. it is sort of comforting to remember though i have that option.#god i hope they don’t offer me the job I’m a wreck just thinking about it#i really haven’t made any special efforts to reach out to them or anything. obv I wasn’t their first choice i have no idea if I’m their#second. i think they really liked me but I’m guessing im younger and less experienced than other candidates#hi if ur reading this btw its me a stranger on the internet and you know something my closest friends and family don’t know. congrats#I’ll talk to someone in a few days when my dad is feeling better. really hope my mom doesn’t get sick too she’s been coughing a bit but#testing negative. idc if i get covid i actually hope i get it bc that will prove I didn’t give it to my dad asymptotically#that’s not a secret i toldmy mom she was like jesus Christ don’t think like that
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bearambles · 2 months
ARUGUMENT FIC W HAMZAH PLEASE like gets into an argument and you need to cool off and leave and he won’t let you jus angst 👅👅
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words: 1.9k
warnings: established relationship, angst, arguing, swearing, hamzah is kinda a pos, happy ending
note: i hope this is what you were hoping for! i could also 100% write a part 2. also, i think another anon recently requested an argument fic, so there might be another one coming bc it was honestly fun to write. love u all, more fics coming soon
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hamzah is driving you insane.
he’s usually not the “jealous type”, but for some reason, today is different. he’s grumpy and pissy and you think you know why.
last night you had gone out to dinner with a few friends from your old school. you weren’t out late, and the group was only about ten people, but to his dismay, your ex boyfriend was one of them.
you told him about it as soon as you knew, and he was pretty passive as soon as he heard. still, he didn’t make too big of a deal, even when you wore your skimpy little outfit to the bar. after all, it was high school. besides, he trusts you.
that was until he saw the pictures. your exs hand on your waist. the way he’s next to you in the group photo. it all really pisses him the fuck off, and even when you swear to him it meant nothing and the guy didn’t mean it, he wasn’t so sure.
“y/n, you see this guy after like five years, you look fine as fuck wearing that tiny fucking skirt, and you think he won’t be into you?”
you scoff, your chest now rising and falling. you really never pegged hamzah as the type of guy to act like this. yet here he was, standing in your bedroom, a few feet away from you with his arms crossed over his chest.
you’d crawled into bed last night to him asleep, and the two of you had been completely fine until this morning. he woke up to see your friend post on instagram about the night prior. he scrolled through her photos before finding the ones of the whole group.
“okay, so it’s my fault if he was?”
“i didn’t say that.”
“you meant it though!” you run your fingers through your hair, frustrated. “listen, i already told you it was nothing. but if it wasn’t, if he was interested, it doesn’t matter, because im dating you.”
he smiles tightly and shakes his head, the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb.
“sure. okay. yeah.”
“you think i’d cheat?”
you stare at him, your blood pressure rising. you can’t believe the way he’s acting. the shit he’s implying you’d do.
“i never fucking said that, y/n. i’m just saying he was touchy, and you won’t admit it.”
“it was one fucking photo! he happened to be next to me! where did you want him to put his hands?”
“anywhere else! not your waist! it’s fucking weird!”
“so you’re mad at me because of the way a guy acted towards me.” you say, sitting down on your bed and mimicking his move of crossing his arms. “that’s really fucking progressive of you.”
“oh my god, you know that’s not true. jesus christ. i’m not mad, im just fucking annoyed. and i don’t like how you acted either.”
“how did i act hamzah. you weren’t even fucking there.” you start to feel tears prick your eyes. you hate crying in front of him, you rarely do. but this was so frustrating, listening to him accuse you when you only love him.
“i still saw.” he mumbles, clearly losing what he was trying to say in the first place. he’s just spitballing stuff at this point.
he isn’t even looking at you any more. his eyes meet the floor and he’s breathing so hard you can hear it just barely. he’s close enough to where you could reach out to his arm and pull him on top of you. you won’t though.
“saw what? my tiny skirt?” you laugh, baffled. “just leave me alone.” you can feel some of the tears start to fall.
he looks up at you when he hears your voice break. his eyes soften their gaze but he stays where he’s standing. it’s silent for a moment before you speak again.
“go away, hamzah.” you say, moving your position to lay down, your face turned away from him.
“no. i wanna talk.”
you’re silent.
“i said go away.” you mumble between sobs.
you’re stiff for a long moment before you hear him sigh. he turns and leaves your room, and you wait till you hear the door click before really letting yourself sob.
you’d dealt with this in the past - controlling relationships where anything you did around any ex was considered suspicious. in fact, you almost didn’t go last night. but you’d wanted to catch up with your old friends. if it was up to you, you wouldn’t have had your ex there either. he was a total jerk back in the day. but he was, and it was fine. you’d barely spoken outside of taking that group picture.
you don’t want to fight with hamzah. he’s your person. but the way he’s acting is scary.
eventually you decide you need some air. you get dressed, throw on some makeup, and head out the door. you don’t know where you’re going, but you know it needs to be away from here. away from him.
he jumps up from the couch and catches your wrist right before you can turn the knob. you whip your head around, and meet his eyes. he looks just as pissed as before.
“where are you going?” he asks, still gripping you hard
“what, do i need your permission to leave the fucking house now?” you bite back, wriggling our arm free, “get off me. i’ll be back later.”
he starts to protest, but you slam the door before you hear any of it. if you had any fucks left to give, youd tear up again. at this point though, you’ve had enough. if he wanted to be like this, you weren’t gonna entertain it.
the city’s relatively walkable, so that’s what you do. there’s plenty of stuff to do around the area. retail therapy, you think. whatever makes you forget about this argument for a while.
it’s late when you walk home. later than the night before, and later than you’d ever been out without calling. you and hamzah had one another’s location, so really, he could see anytime where you were. which was the outdoor mall, and then the local bar. you’d only had a few drinks, but you were there for a good two hours. just talking and talking to the bartender. you guys are friends, and she was a good listener. so she listened.
“he’s just being so mean. and like, he’s never mean. sometimes we argue and stuff, but it’s always over stupid stuff, you know? and like, we make up super quick. but he’s like, so mad at me. and i swear to god, i didn’t even do anything.”
“it’s his first real relationship, right?” she asks, while pouring a drink
“yeah. i guess maybe that’s why. i just like, never thought he’d be like this. all jealous.”
“i think most guys are, honestly. or at least, the insecure ones. either way though, he shouldn’t be acting that way. i’m glad you got out to clear your head.”
you nod and take a sip. you’re tipsy, you realize. it actually feels pretty nice though. letting loose to someone like this. you should be talking to hamzah, but he doesn’t seem to want to listen. you sigh and shake your head like it’ll clear the thoughts away.
when you walk through the door, the house is silent. it’s nearly one am, so you assume at first that hamzah fell asleep. that is until you’re going to hang your jacket up and hear him open the bedroom door. you press your eyes closed, ready for the reprimanding.
“you scared the shit out of me.”
you turn around to face him, and his eyebrows are knit together. he’s in the doorway, his arms crossed and his back against the doorframe. he chews at his lip.
“sorry.” you mumble, going to take your shoes off.
“sorry?” he scoffs, uncrossing his arms and using them as he speaks, “you were out for hours, y/n!”
“i told you i’d be back later.” you don’t look at him, don’t step forward. you stand there, your arms pressed against our chest, holding yourself tight.
“that’s all i get then? not even a text? what the fuck, y/n.” his nostrils flare as he talks, and he starts moving closer to you. “I had no idea if you were safe! you could have gotten fucking killed.”
you laugh, moving your head back like you can’t believe what he’s saying. though honestly - he’s right. the city can be sketchy, especially at night. you seldom went on walks without him this late. especially drunk. which, he hasn’t seemed to notice you are yet.
“killed? come on.”
“don’t act like that’s crazy to say. the streets are dangerous. you know that!” he’s in your face now, motioning with his hands. “seriously, y/n, what the fuck.”
you flinch as he raises his hands in exclamation.
“so you’re mad again, great.” before you know it, you’re crying again.
you hold yourself tighter as tears start to fall. you feel like a little kid, just standing there helpless. the drinks are really getting you now.
hamzah is silent for a minute as you sob. he stands so close to you, but doesn’t dare move. when you finally look up at him, his gaze has softened and his hands are in his pockets. he reaches out slowly to brush your hair out of your face, looking at you like he’s waiting for protest. instead, you lean into his hand on your cheek.
he stares at you for a moment and you can’t tell how he feels. his eyes scan your features, landing on your lips, which are quivering just slightly. after a few moments of just looking at one another, he puts his arms out, offering a hug.
you fall against his chest and start sobbing all over again.
he rubs circles into your back absent-mindly, whispering little “shhs”. you don’t even thin of how angry you were today. how mean he was. you just cry and let him hold you. he pulls you two apart and goes to hold your face in his palms.
“how much did you drink,baby? " he asks, wiping a tear.
“not that much. just like, a few.”
“a few what?”
“mmm seltzers?” you say, more of a question than an answer.
he sighs.
“okay. well, i think you should go to bed, yeah?”
your eyes scan his face, searching for whatever emotion he’s hiding. surely he’s still angry. you hold onto both his arms while you speak.
“i don’t like my high school boyfriend.”
“i know.”
he presses his eyes shut tight. his chest rises and falls slowly and before you can argue that he clearly doesn’t know, he speaks again.
“i was gonna apologize when you got home.”
“but now you’re mad again.” you say, pouting
“not about that. and i’m not mad, y/n, i was worried. you were gone for five hours without a text or anything.”
“m’sorry.” you mumble, pressing your head against his chest again.
“let’s go to bed, okay?”
he strokes your hair as you breath in his scent. he’s warm, and it hits you how tired you are. Ou nod softly against him and before you know it, he’s picking you up and carrying you to bed. giggling, you land with a plop. he joins you and holds you tight.
“we can talk more tomorrow, yeah. you deserve a better apology but i have a feeling you won’t remember much of it if i tell you now.”
you nod, scooting back to press your back against his chest. he kisses your shoulder. you fall asleep.
i hope you guys enjoyed >.< requests are open
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michwritesstuff · 1 year
Can I get a FIC abt the reader being Theodore’s gf and best friend and she’s embarrassed and alone in her dorm bc of cramps and they are REALLY REALLY bad and he just comforts her and they snuggle and he gives her his hoodie and fluffy!! (I’m dying from my cramps in my bed rn 🙏 I need comfort from my book bf)
Ok I don’t even know where to begin other than saying that this was my first request! After writing for over 5 years I can’t begin to explain how rewarding it is to know that someone else wants to read your work! Thank you to all of you who always like and reblog my work! Love you forever. And thank you so much for this request, I hope that you love it :)
Just Want To Be With You (Harry Potter: Theodore Nott)
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summary: female reader (she/her) x Theodore Nott
notes/warnings: mentions of bad period cramps, draco and mattheo being assholes (love them, but i needed a villain) fluff, and theodore just being comforting and cute, suggestive at the end
word count: 1,300+
You knew it. As soon as you woke up you knew that you had started your period. If the cramps from the day before didn’t tip you off already, they were making their presence known now.
You didn’t always have terrible cramps, but when you did…there wasn’t anything you wanted more than to curl up into a little ball under your sheets.
Alas, the world is unforgiving to women, and you couldn’t skip all your lessons without drawing some attention. Having to explain the inner workings of the female body to Professor Snape wasn’t exactly at the top of your priorities. So, you mustered up all the energy you could and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.
In hindsight, coming to breakfast may not have been the best idea. You were in pain and feeling quite nauseous, barely chewing on your toast as you poked at the food on your plate.
“You alright Y/N?” Pansy asked.
You gave her a weak smile as you shook your head no, gesturing to your stomach in the process. She gave you a knowing look, instantly understanding your frustration and pain.
You hoped that you would see Theo in here, he usually woke up later than you did so you knew it would be pointless to wait for him in the common room. Yet the lightly curly-headed and blue-eyed boy was nowhere in sight.
Malfoy and Mattheo whispering and giggling brought your attention back to the table.
“Look at Potter with that know-it-all mudblood, we’re going to wipe the floor with Gryffindor at tonight’s match.”
Now you weren’t exactly friends with Hermione Granger. She seemed nice enough from the lessons that you had shared with her, being a know-it-all was a pretty accurate description of her. But Malfoy was always a complete minger.
“Don’t use that word,” you spoke up, surprising the boys whose giggles and large smirks turned into sharp stares.
“What was that Y/L/N?” Mattheo spoke up.
“I said not to call her that,” you spoke again, more strongly.
Malfoy smirked before speaking again.
“What, are you friends with the mudblood? Why didn’t you just say so Y/N.”
“SHUT UP MALFOY!” you exclaimed.
“Jesus Christ you’re no fun,” Mattheo stated under his breath.
“What’s wrong with you, are you on your period or something?” Malfoy teased.
That caused both boys to laugh, along with a few first years seated a few feet down.
You got up quickly, storming out of the Great Hall. You could barely hear Malfoy doubled over in pain after Pansy had elbowed him in the stomach.
As you made your quick exit you bumped into a large figure.
It was Theodore. His bright smile dropping as he took in your state. Your face had reddened from the embarrassment and light tears filled your eyes.
“Y/N, are you alright?”
“Yeah, just want to get to class early.”
“Ok, I’ll come wi—”
“NO!” you said, a little quicker and aggressively than you intended.
“You have a game today; you need to eat. I’ll see you in class," you smiled softly, reaching on your tiptoes to place a small kiss on the edge of his mouth.
Theodore watched as you left, a sad frown gracing his lips as he continued into the Great Hall.
Your lessons went by as smoothly as they could, despite the stabbing pain in your abdomen.
Theo was as supportive as he could be, you hadn’t exactly told him much. He knew something was wrong, but he knew better than to pry. You would tell him when you were ready.
As you walked back to towards the common room Theo swayed your hands back and forth. You looked up at him, giving a soft smile before your eyes dropped to the ground again.
“I’m going to grab my robes then stop at the great hall for a quick snack before heading to the pitch,” he told you.
FUCK…you forgot he had a match tonight.
“You know, I’m not feeling too well. Would you mind if I just stayed here?”
Of course it would be ok, Theo would never make you do anything that you didn’t want to.
 You loved going to his games and supporting him. He’d give you your favorite quidditch hoodie of his and look to the stands to see you cheering and screaming louder than anyone.
“I—Yeah…Y/N, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, just not feeling too hot,” you smiled weakly.
“Good luck tonight, I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
You hugged him tightly before giving him a soft kiss and walking up the stairs to your dorm room.
Hours had passed and you could assume that the match was over and Slytherin had won from the cheering and chanting that echoed up the stairs from the common room.
Your cramps were relentless. You took a steaming hot shower, and while the pain had subdued for a short moment, it had returned.
You were currently in the fetal position, clutching your stomach as tears fell from your eyes, your transfiguration textbook thrown aside as your homework was long forgotten.
Too caught up in your pain, you hadn’t heard when someone entered your room.
Theodore was terrified to find you curled up on the bed, soft whimpers leaving your lips.
“Darling!” he exclaimed, dropping his bag at the door and hurrying to your bed.
Your eyes shot open at the noise, turning your head to face him as he made his way over to you, your gaze softened.
“How was your game?” you asked.
“Y/N, enough. Please love, what’s wrong.”
There was no more hiding the pain, you were literally curled up in front of him.
“I’ve had the worst cramps all day and the pain just won’t go away. I tried to do McGonagall’s assigned reading, but I just couldn’t focus,” you said as the tears began to fall.
Theodore moved your books to the floor before moving you slightly so he could sit next to you.
“Why didn’t you just say so love? You know my mom makes that special tea.”
“I—I was embarrassed. Malfoy and Mattheo were being mean, and I just overreacted.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“You didn’t overreact. You have every right to feel how you do right now. I’d like to see Malfoy have cramps. I’m sure he’d be even more insufferable than he is now.”
You chuckled softly at his statement.
Theodore always had a way of making you feel seen. He was your boyfriend of course, but he was also so much more than that. He was your best friend. Everything between you too was effortless, he never made you feel like a burden. You felt silly thinking that you were.
“What do you need from me?” he asked gently.
“Just want to be close to you,” you whispered softly, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Now that I can do,” he said as he stood up.
“Theo, no, where are you going?”
Without answering you, he walked across your room and pulled his hoodie from his bag.
As he returned, you sat up slowly. Reaching for the hoodie he shook his head.
“Arms up.”
You happily complied and let him put the hoodie on you, pulling it on completely before leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
He shifted you away from him so he could cuddle up behind you. Pulling you close, he rested his hand on your stomach, drawing soft circles with his fingers.
You pushed your body back slightly, wanting to be as close as you could to him. He inhaled slightly at the friction before tightening his arm around you.
“You know, I remember reading some muggle article that says sex supposedly helps with cramps.”
“Oh shut up” you laughed.
“I’m serious,” he laughed with you.
Turning your head slightly so your lips could meet with his, you gave him a quick kiss before pulling back.
“I love you Theo.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
check out the rest of my masterlist :)
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
JUNO BABY LOVE. i see your "losing your virginity to skz" AND I NEED YOUR 🧅 ON THE BOYS. I seen you made han and jeongins virgins as well🥴
But what are the boys like if THEY lose it to YOU. The concept is so🤤.
I am the shrek to your 🧅's babe
hello. sorry this has been rotting in my inbox but also creds to miss ems aka @cbini aka my wife bc we had an in depth discord conversation deciding what this would be like
jeongin & jisung are here!!
chan: virgin big dick chan. virgin big dick chan who's so freaking excited to finally lose his virginity!! he's always so busy and so stressed that he has become well acquainted with his hand, and now he has this insanely pretty girlfriend. you've told him you're ready when he's ready, that there's no rush, you can take it slow.
chan decides fuck taking it slow when you're laying on his bed, sexy body illuminated in purple from his led lights and your pussy glistening even in the low lighting that he's set. he's only kissed you, but now you've got him wondering - do you get this wet every time you kiss? have you been teasing yourself just to make sure he's ready? the thought has him hardening even further in his boxer briefs, and he finally yanks them down, heavy cock hanging thick between toned thighs. you giggle, eyes focusing between his legs.
"oh, channie. you're big," you coo, hand wrapping around his shaft. the tight ring you form makes him groan, his plush lips parting as he just lets you. "is that good? my pussy's tighter, y'know."
"don't," chan gasps, his hips canting into your hand. you smile again, hand speeding up on his cock. "don't- don't tell me that, jesus christ. i need- please, can i? god, you're fuckin' insane-"
you let your hand fall from his cock, dainty and soft. your hands are so soft that his mind feels fuzzy from the few movements you gave him. you move upwards on your forearms, tits jiggling on your chest. chan wants to press his face in between them even if he can't breathe.
it's when you move your legs, feet planted either side of your hips and pussy fully exposed to him that he finally springs into action. "can i? can i, can i? baby, i'm really fuckin' hard, i need to- need to finally feel it. finally."
"of course, channie," you murmur, pulling him in by his broad shoulders. the movement has his chest pressing against yours, toned chest against your sensitive pebbled nipples and you sigh in bliss. chan looks like he's about to die, eyes blown wide and heavy pants falling from his lips. his cockhead is right against your hole, not quite breaching but very present. "d'ya wanna push in now? i'm wet enough."
chan nods, huffing, and then he's pushing in. his cockhead is thick, flared mushroom head pressing past the tightness of your hole and he gasps with the feeling around his cock. it makes him jolt, thighs clenching and unclenching on top of you, and before he can process it, he's moving. his hips are fluid against yours from years of dance practice, and you see his eyes roll back into his head.
you simper with the feeling, his cock massive and weighty inside of you. it feels so good, but - you count one, two, three full thrusts, and then his hips stop moving. his fingertips dig into your waist, and he's gasping before letting out a deep groan, eyes fluttering shut. oh.
"baby, did you cum?" you smile, running your hands through his messy hair. he huffs in disapproval, head drooping to rub his nose against the crook of your neck. "awh, that's okay, baby. we can do it again later, yeah? did you have fun?"
he hums, scratching the back of his neck. you can feel how bad his cheeks are blushing on your skin. "i am so fucking embarrassed."
(he's still thinking about it five years later when you're married with kids by the way!! he rocks your world every night at that point, but he still scratches his neck and blushes awkwardly everytime he thinks about filling you up so quickly.)
minho: he always kisses you so passionately. he's fucking insane, you realise, this virgin boy who should be blushing and embarrassed from the way his hips grind sinuously into your throbbing core. he should be nervous, but he smirks down at you with his eyes half-lidded every single time you whimper for him.
"is that good?" he murmurs, and you can hear his voice dripping in faux sympathy. "let me fuck you, then. it'll feel better, yeah?"
the gusset of your panties is positively dripping, no doubt marking minho's tight, too-expensive boxers with your slick. you whine, canting your hips up against him. he's hard. he's hard, and you can feel it - thick, long, everything you could've ever wanted. you just don't want to rush him.
you're babbling before you can even stop it, as if he doesn't have you naked from the waist up in his bed. with the boys in the other room, nonetheless. "minho, minho, are you sure? i-"
"let me get my cock in you, pretty," he leans down, bunny teeth nipping your ear. "i think i have a natural talent, y'know. all that dancing, i think i can fuck you just right even though i've never done it. what do you think?"
he punctuates his words with another few thrusts into your core, and you gasp, hands coming to rest on his shoulders. he's shirtless too, planes of milky skin stretched tight across dancer's muscles. he's so yummy. "i want it," you whine, nodding. "i want it, i want it. are you ready? are you?"
you find out that yes, he really is ready, especially when he strips you both of your underwear and finally, finally pushes inside. it pisses you off that he doesn't even react, fully calm and collected despite you writhing and squirming beneath him. he really does have a natural talent, you decide. the slide is so smooth, your pussy so slick and consistently gushing around his cock.
"so wet for me," he mumbles, one thumb coming to rub over your clit. it makes you whimper, eyes watering at the overstimulation. his resolve is faltering, you realise, his eyes struggling to stay open and his teeth biting into his plush lower lip. "i need you to cum, kitty. need you to cum for me, okay? i can't hold on much longer, you're- kitty cat, remember it's my first time, 'kay?"
"so confident before," you huff, but you let him bring you to the edge anyway. he giggles, biting your earlobe again.
"that's before you got so fuckin' wet for me, minx. c'mon, feel my cock and cum."
changbin: definitely climbs through your window trying to be all sexy and mysterious at like 2am. he woke up with a start, and then decided that tonight he was going to fuck you. or try to, at least. he knew you'd had sex before him, knew you were waiting for him to be ready, and coming through your window just seemed like a great fucking idea at the start.
he rolled through onto the windowsill and landed on the floor with a thud. he only looks at you, where you're still awake and shoving crisps into your mouth except now staring at him with wide eyes. he puts a hand on his hip, quirking an eyebrow. "was that sexy?"
"no," you answer honestly. "you want some crisps?" changbin nods and clambers onto your bed, but it's only after a few mouthfuls does he propose the idea to you.
he wants you on top, he says, letting you decide the pace. "you can jump off when i'm gonna cum, y'know," he mumbles. he's nervous, still doing that cute little downturned smile but he's blushing. "if i'm on top, i think i'll just cum inside."
"makes sense," you hum, and then you're sinking down onto him. he's thick, short in length but girthy enough that it makes you whine out desperately. it feels good. he's perfectly sized for you, and his broad hands go to your hips almost immediately. his biceps are tensing, jaw dropped in a silent moan.
"jesus, is this- does it feel this good every time?" he whines, and you hear his feet thudding against the mattress as he thrashes around. you giggle, starting to rock your hips against his, but his hands grip you even tighter. you might have bruises afterwards. you want to have bruises afterwards. "i can't. i can't, don't move, i'll cum!"
you soothe him with a hand over his pec, thumb brushing over his nipple. it unfortunately makes him buck his hips with an even louder noise. "binnie, it's really okay if you cum. it's your first time."
"hnnfmg," he manages, head falling back against your pillows. his hands go to your ass, and before he can even process what he's doing, he's thrusting up into you. the movement makes you gasp, jolting forward with your hands over both of his pecs, fleshy and delicious where your fingers dig into him. "ah, ah, ah. binnie's pussy now, okay? it's mine, please, let it be mine. it's so fuckin' good, so wet, jesus-"
"yours," you whine, nodding. "all yours, all yours. forever. i love you, binnie, i love you so much."
this makes him let out a garbled, choked out noise, and then he's tapping your ass frantically. you jump off of him like you said you would, thighs splayed over his, and watch in shock as his cock spurts white hot liquid all over his own body. it drenches the smattering of hair at his base and sprays all the way up to his shoulder and he gasps, hips bucking into nothing.
"oh," you say, giggling. "messy, huh?"
changbin huffs, thrashing his feet again. it's hard to take him seriously, cum covering his entire upper body and his cheeks blushing fervently. "shut up!" he turns to you then, grinning as if he's not got his own seed on his shoulder. "love you."
you smile, shaking your head fondly. "i love you too, baby."
hyunjin: definitely gets way too excited. he's fucking vibrating when he finally lays you down on his bed, and hyune is a romantic - you walked into his room to see multiple candles lit and god damn rose petals on the bed.
"my love," he coos, plump lips brushing over your shoulder. his hair tickles your neck, newly dyed dark and soft against your skin. "my first love, only love. thank you for letting me have you like this."
he wants you on top, too. his cock is curved perfectly to hit your g-spot and okay, maybe you get a little too excited at the thought of having that inside you while you're on top. it's gonna stretch you so perfectly, fill you up with his long length and you get to see that man looking so beautiful beneath you. you can't wait.
when you finally lower yourself onto his length, one of hyunjin's hands grips a bunch of rose petals and the other one knocks the lamp off the bedside table. "shit!" he exclaims, leaning over to try and look at the damage. you can see it's shattered on the floor because of course hyunjin's got one of those expensive, brittle ones on his bedside table. he shakes his head anyway, returning to his position laying flat and his hands going to your waist. "i don't care. continue, my love."
"hyunjin, the lamp..?" you question, but your hips are already grinding against his. you were right. his cockhead presses deliciously against that spongey spot inside of you, and it's so sweet the way his lips form a blissed out smile, tongue licking over his teeth. "is it- do you like it, baby? do i feel okay?"
hyunjin nods quickly, a bead of sweat forming at his temple. your pace is slow, and you were worried he wasn't enjoying from how quiet he was, but when you look into his eyes you can see the truth. "i'm just- i'm trying not to get too excited, or i might hurt myself. i'm literally trying so hard not to like, backflip right now."
"please don't backflip when you're inside me," you admonish, and hyunjin giggles. you let him flip you over, his forearms holding him up over you, and then he's moving inside of you. his cock is so long it feels neverending everytime he pushes back inside, breaching your drippy hole over and over to the point you feel you might be going insane.
hyunjin's chain drops into your face, and you find your eyes crossing as your gaze follows it with every thrust. you're whining, fully pliant on the bed for your boyfriend's cock for the first time, and you can't help yourself when you take his chain into your mouth.
hyunjin halts, gasping, and then his eyes are rolling back into his head. you feel his cock spurting warmth inside of you, and as he tries to ride his orgasm out with desperate, jerking movements, his head thuds into the headboard.
"ah!" he squeaks, head dropping to your chest. he's stopped moving now, and you giggle, rubbing your hand over his head. "i'm so embarrassing. that was so fucking good though, next time i'll try not to destroy the room."
"try not to give yourself concussion next time, too, baby."
felix: honestly, you're surprised it took so long. felix has gotten embarrasingly rock solid in his trousers every single time you've made out or even just sat on his lap. he's so horny you know he fucks his fist multiple times a day, you've heard it. you just didn't want to rush him into sex before he was ready.
turns out he'd been ready the whole time, especially when he's now rutting into your core desperately. it also turns out lee felix was a bonafide freak, begging you to let him fuck you raw so he could feel every inch of you around his cock. his cock isn't too big, a nice, easy size to take, and when he'd pushed in you'd been moaning easily for him.
his hips slap against yours now, years of dance practice leading him into an easy, slick slide. his forearms clench either side of your head, and his heart shaped lips are parted, unabashed deep groans falling for them.
"i'm gonna- i'm gonna cum, i'm sorry, it's early, i need to," felix grunts, and you coo at him, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes. he moves to kiss your thumb where you rested it on his face, and then he sucks the digit into his mouth. it makes your pussy gush even more, adding to the wet noises of skin on skin between your legs, and felix whines around your thumb at the addition of slick on his cock. your thumb drops from his mouth, wet with spit. "gonna- g'na fuckin' blow, baby, baby, princess, i'm cumming-"
his hips stop, and you feel the cum spurt inside of you. the abundance of it oozes out of your hole, warm and thick around his cock, and you realise felix has started to move again.
"want more," he whines, licking into your mouth. his breath is heavy against your lips. "do you want more? i want more, it's so good, i can't stop. i'm still fuckin' hard, baby."
"gimme more, lixie," you nod, nipping at his bottom lip. "give my pussy more. you like it? wet enough?"
"fuckin' soaked, gonna- gonna fill you up loads, gonna fuckin- you're gonna be dripping with me for days, and then i'll just do it again."
seungmin: it's shocking to see your cool, calm and collected, almost reserved boyfriend fall apart beneath you. you've been grinding on his naked cock for a while now, and he can't help his hips canting while he tries to slip into you. your folds are soaked, gliding on his cock with the most pleasurable slide you've ever felt.
"babe, i think- i think i wanna put it in now," seungmin mumbles, cheeks burning red. he's so cute like this, fully naked on your bed with his cock flat against his tummy for you to use.
"yeah, i know," you giggle, and he swats at your thigh playfully. "you're rock hard, seungmin. you think i don't realise?"
"well- put it in, then, god," he huffs, and when you just raise an eyebrow at him, he's lifting you up by your waist. he positions his cockhead at your hole, the slit just as drippy as your pussy is, and then he's lowering you down. seungmin keeps eye contact with you as you lower onto his shaft, thick and stretching you with a gasp.
"that's big, seungmin," you murmur, and seungmin grins.
"yeah? big enough for you?" it's your turn to slap him playfully, and then you're grinding along his cock. you consider briefly that you may be getting addicted to it, the way his cockhead presses deep against your cervix in this position.
seungmin isn't fairing too well, either. all cocky comments he had in his head have disappeared, mind going fuzzy at the feeling of you on his cock. this is what he's been waiting for? it's been fucking worth it, definitely. you're going to have trouble getting his cock out of you from now on.
"god, how has- how has no one sat on this before? it's fucking- it's so good, seungmin," you huff, and despite feeling the burn in your thighs, you start to bounce. the sudden movement has his fingertips digging into your hips painfully, and with one thrust of his hips meeting yours, he's cumming. you feel it before you recognise it, but you giggle anyway, bouncing just a bit more to let him ride out his orgasm.
he fills you up to the point it starts to drip back out onto his pubic hair, and then he yanks you down to lay on his chest. "give me five minutes," he yawns, hand threading into your hair. he's still inside you, cock softening but still feeling so, so full. "give me five minutes, and i'll fuck you properly, nice and dirty. i'll make you cum."
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mayisgoingnuts · 7 months
I saw the requests for fics were open I just need to ask if it's ok to put one in and if it's ok to have an x reader even if platonic bc honestly I'm in a mood lol and I am craving LER ALASTOR idk why and I love your fics and you are a great writer
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"Good night"
Summary: You were struggling to sleep that night, so in defeat, decided to just give up and stay up all night. Sadly for you, Alastor didn't exactly approved your idea.
Warnings: Swearing.
Bags under your eyes would appear if you didn't go to sleep, and you knew it pretty well. It sucks, really sucks, but laying down on your bed doing nothing and being unable to finally take a good night of sleep sucks the double of those two combined.
As much as the TV wasn't that entertaining, it was enough to keep you awake and slightly less bored.
3AM, still nothing. You took a nap on the couch, but then woke up again. Did you actually took a nap? Or did you brain just turned off? Not sure, not bothered enough to care.
But, suddenly, something else finally got your eyes off of the screen.
"And what are you doing down here so late?"
The sudden voice made you stop on your tracks, jump even, as it came right after hours of silence.
"Jesus fucking Christ Alastor, I almost had a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. "I'm just watching TV."
Alastor looks to the TV with the corner of his eyes, squeezing them slightly to show his displeasure. "Those things can be quite unhealthy at this time, my dear. Why don't you just turn this off and go to sleep?"
"Because I don't wanna and I can't sleep." You didn't even wanted to sound abrupt, but your filters slowly disappear when you grow more and more tired.
"Now that's just rude." Replied, not offended at all but rather keeping this in his mind for later. "Can't sleep, you say? Well, I have a solution for that." He added with a confident grin.
"...does it include hitting my head onto a wall to knock me out or something?"
Alastor stared at you with a blank face, blinking a few times. "Two solutions."
You rolled your eyes and finally sat, raising an eyebrow. "What solution?"
Alastor lets out a snicker, and with a single snap of his fingers, both of you are back on your room. You fell on your bed a bit too aggressively, but it's not like he cares.
"We only need to get rid of that energy of yours. I'm sure it'll be as easy as pie, you're already almost falling asleep."
"Uh... okay... and what's your plan, exactly?"
Your question made him look at you mischievously, which startled you and already made you let your guard up.
But before you could react, something pinched your side right behind you. As you looked, it was one of Alastor's little creatures. Is that a little man? A doll? A little demon? A pet? Whatever this thing is, made you flinch with a single touch.
And just like Alastor could spawn one of those, getting more of them needed the exact same effort.
"What are those??"
"Oh, I never really gave them names, so call them whatever you want. They're also harmless."
Three of them surrounded you, poking your upperbody in different spots while giggling.
"H-Hey! Gehehet off!" They may be weird but also looked weirdly adorable, what made you hesitated on pushing them away. "Thehehey're tick-"
But you stopped yourself right away. It got the other demon's attention, since your fit of giggles was definitely not the cause of the sudden hold up.
"Did you just interrupted yourself?" He asked teasingly, leaning towards you with a more bratty smile.
"Whahahat?! Nohohoho!"
Alastor shrugged, throwing his staff lightly from one hand to another. "If that's the case, I must have misunderstood. After all, there's no reason for you to not say 'tickle'." His head turned back to you, curiously. "Correct?"
As they keep tickling you, you ended up falling on the bed, rolling back and fourth as a poor attempt to escape. "ShuhUHUHUT UP!"
The deer chuckled at your reaction to it. "Oh, I'm not the one who should! Your volume may wake up someone in the hotel."
"Thehehen STOHOP!"
Your words entered his ear and leaved the other, or even worse, didn't even entered in any at the first place, as everything he did was look at his nails.
"I can't, I already promised to help. It is getting you tired after all-"
Your tone suddenly increased in a... huge volume. More than he expected, what startled the guy. Wanting or not, if anyone wakes up he'll end up getting in trouble aswell, so he's thinking twice about his plans.
However, something is off for him. Once you lay down, you didn't got up again nor tried to. It definitely isn't bothering you as much as it looks like, and this fact did not make it worse for himself. More likely to be the opposite, as an encouragement.
The inner conflict was agonizing to keep, and Alastor's eyes show that. With a sigh mixed with a humming, he snaps his fingers, finally sparing you from the shadows.
Your laughter slowly died down, and without realizing, your face shifts to one of disappointment.
"Hah... heh... what..?"
The taller one sits by your side, avoiding visual contact but, for some reason, not the physical one.
Before you could react, Alastor quickly recomposed himself, looking at you with a cheeky grin once again while his own hand touches your stomach.
"It is unfair for me to get punished because of your sensitivity, so I'll try something lighter this time."
The demon's fingers began to scratch, but not hurt, tickling you in a slow yet surprisingly effective way. You grabbed his wrist, but didn't have the courage to take it off as you knew it would come to an end if you did.
Your chuckles, snorts, cackles, any noises you would make, would spread the room as long as he wanted, and the silence would only return once you're finally asleep.
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menlove · 2 months
Wait can we talk about No More Lonely Nights as a mclennon song for a second? Like the context is that it was written for give my regards to broad street, which all of us mclennon scholars know is pauls movie he made about his grief for john instead of going to therapy. And like specifically in the movie it begins playing while paul is walking around the titular broad street station looking for his john stand-in and not finding him and almost immediately after it ends (there's a really short moment of paul thinking about being a busker) paul realizes john stand-in is there and rescues him/reunites with him. Which leads me to THIS crazy ass paragraph:
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which I mean, you could take that on its own to be about john but SPECIFICALLY regarding the film it's: a love song, about a lonely person/about the heartache of being apart from your loved one (paul sadly trying to find his john stand-in) and getting back together and wishing to not be apart from them again (paul finding/rescuing/reconciling with john stand-in). Like I know some mclennony songs might be a stretch but this is like not even an interpretation this is literally directly what happens in the film like the other thing you could debate is if harry is REALLY supposed to be john but like come on his death scene is so obviously meant to evoke johns death it's literally not even funny (and obviously there's other elements of the movie that make it obvious).
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I'd like to direct attention to paul apparently changing the lyrics from 'until I SEE you' to 'until I CALL you' given how many songs paul and john wrote were about calling each other and calling each other was a Big part of their relationship in the last few years (see: paul always fucking talking about how their last phone call was nice etc.)
Sorry I made this connection when I watched broad street but like, reading the entry in The Lyrics almost made me have a stroke just now. Anyway 'you're my guiding light/day or night you're always there' is about paul still feeling a connection to john/seeking his guidance for his music and 'I know what I feel to be right' is about accepting his gay feelings for john thank you for coming to my tedtalk ❤️
hi penny!! this ask is a hatecrime and I'm suing you for emotional damages 💖🫶
this is sooooo fucking. god. fuck me. I still need to watch give my regards but from everything I've heard it's...... like you're literally fucking right. jesus christ 😭
I don't have Much to add but can I just say....
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made me want to crawl under a bridge and cry bc. well. john was the one to ask for a divorce + in all paul's songs you get the feeling john was the one shying away from shit + john telling him to leave when he showed up to the dakota w his guitar........ I'm fragile as fuck right now no one talk to me
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday 10
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
something borrowed by @rosyredlipstick
In the Solace Wedding Planning agenda, on the fifth page into their summer schedule, there are carefully scrawled out notes reading this: Bride and Groom - Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang Best Man & Maid of Honor - Percy Jackson & Piper McLean Wedding Court - Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace Mellie & Gleeson Hedge Reyna Ramírez-Arellano & Leo Valdez Ring-bearer - Chuck Hedge Flower-boy - Nico di Angelo - Will plans wedding and now, apparently, Nico stars in one. Except...sometimes there's a bit more confusion on that last part. AKA the AU where Will plans weddings and thinks Hazel and Frank are going to have to cutest, gap-toothed ten year throwing flowers down the aisle, all while wondering why this 'Neeks' guy is always hanging around, and what business he has looking that good.
yes i am back on my rosyredlipstick (dude she's GOOD okay). however this one is my favourite i think. this is the kinda story you could use to explain to people what dramatic irony is bc LORD i wanted to SHAKE THEM 😭😭 will falling like deeply in love with nico and being intensely stressed about everything the whole time is so real and on brand. i love him and i love the fond exasperation that just bleeds from this fic its GREAT
2. Rental Love by @rosyredlipstick
*Read Terms & Conditions - Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one.
THE LEVEL OF STUPID THAT THEY ARE...😭😭 kills me fr. like this whole fic is just a manifestation of truly one of the best tropes of all time…..like what if we took a hallmark movie and made it gay as all hell. iconique indeed
3. A Match in the Making by @coconutcranberries-blog
“You’re a morning person,” Nico muttered, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He ran a hand through his black hair, which stuck up in disarray, the same way it did every morning. He was a mess, and Will Solace looked annoyingly put together, and Nico didn’t even care, really, he didn’t.
friendship is the core of romance!! it is!! every time!!! and it's such a core in this fic....which is fucking??? ten years old??? im just realising?? jesus christ??? anyways. "Nico had the sudden, warm feeling that Will Solace had never bought his act." i YELLED
4. Perception by scorchedtrees
In which everyone thinks Nico and Will are together.
i love this trope i love it SO BAD. both ways. when your love is so obvious that no one misses it.....love to see it truly. and will can have one second of beingn smooth and not a dweeby loser. as a treat
5. the world is brighter than the sun now that you're here by @finalizer
It was hard, Nico eventually concluded, to maintain one’s air of spooky otherworldly detachment with a blinding ray of sunshine trailing one step behind him every minute of every day.
grouchy nico my beloved truly. honestly hes such a bitch i love him like "Seriously, give the guy a perm and a few cats and he’d be that weird aunt that everybody avoided around the holiday season." why does he ALWAYS have something vile to say 😭😭 hes a mood fr
thank you for joining me this saturday friday!! happy reading!!
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rv3rblog · 1 year
kyle “gaz” garrick headcannons
headcannons w gaz as ur bf bc hes so bf (mine)
warnings: some suggestive content (maybe some small smut), war themes, military inaccuracies, prob ooc too
mdni !!
kyle “gaz” garrick x male!reader
part i part ii
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prettiest boy ever i wanna kiss him
first let’s lay the scene, how you two meet
if you’re a civilian you guys probably met at a bar near the base after one of his missions
you’re alone, a hard day at work and you wanted to have a drink or two before walking back home (you live on the same block as the bar)
the bar is small, quiet and not well known. technically only locals in the area go to it and you’re a regular
always showing up after work having a drink and then leaving
he notices you first when he walks in, a pretty boy sitting at the bar nursing a drink in your hands
you notice him as he’s seated with the task force, all four of them seemingly tired with their muscles aching
i feel like he’s the type to rub his neck to get rid of the tension and kinks so you probably notice that
he can feel your eyes on him, having been trained to be aware of his surroundings
you take him in, your eyes raking his body and his face, trying to memorize him
you turn back to your drink, your cheeks feeling warm at the fact that he’s absolutely gorgeous and you kinda want to talk to him
he also wants to talk to you, i feel like he’s shy about it though, being around his friends and colleagues and most of all he’s absolutely infatuated with how you look
neither of you make a move that night, too shy and too nervous
you show up the next day, talking with the bartender and chuckling at a joke they said
you don’t notice when gaz walks in, you’re seated at one of the few tables on your laptop doing some work
you don’t feel his gaze on you right away, it takes a couple minutes
when you look up, you feel your breath stuck in your throat because last time you saw him the lights were dimmed heavily and he was wearing a jacket
now? jesus christ you feel like someone ran you over
he’s standing at the bar looking at you, a tshirt on that hugs his arms and some seemingly tight jeans
he’s looking at you and you’re looking at him
he walks over to you after a couple minutes and the two of you get to talking even some flirting from both of you
now im not entirely sure if i hc gaz as like shy yk? but lets say he’s slightly shy
so when he does flirt with you? you can tell he’s shy. he may be looking at you, but theres a small smile on his face as he does so (yk when u blush? idk if its just me but i tend to have a small smile as i blush)
“you’re really…”
“i’m really…?”
“breathtaking. you’re breathtaking.”
needless to say you can feel your cheeks warming up after that.
and when he asks you out on a date?? woooo
you’re smiling, your work forgotten as you talk with him
he’s also smiling, i kinda imagine he has his hands on the table as he leans on it to get a closer look at you
now let’s say you guys are officially official bfs
you know he’s military, that’s all he really offers you and you don’t pry
you still show up at the bar after work to drink and then go home, that didn’t change
what did change was gaz showing up every once in a while in between deployments (when he could get away without anyone really asking questions, it was always a surprise to you)
he compliments you all the time
he’s also slightly touchy with pda
he loves holding your hand or even just caressing your hand with his thumb
he likes when you touch your knee with his when you’re sitting with him
he also likes seeing your smile when you spot him walking into the bar
he’s cheesy
and i mean like cheesy pick up lines (they’re terrible but they make you laugh, that’s why he says them)
if you aren’t big on pda? he’s cool with it.
and i mean he’s fine. it doesn’t bother him
he respects your boundaries
they’re would be moments where he’s antsy after a mission, happy to see your safe but needing touch
and you can tell
those are some of the moments you let him do what he wants when it comes to pda knowing it calms him down
it had been maybe a couple weeks since you last saw kyle. you were in your usual table and your laptop was out as you did some work. like usual you didn’t notice when someone new walked into the bar.
from your peripheral vision, you saw someone sit down in front of you. their arms were crossed and their leg bouncing. you look up and smile when you spot kyle in front of you.
he’s in some causal clothes, not wearing any military equipment. he has a cap on though, that was always a consistent sometimes.
you reach your hand over, showing him that you’re okay with him touching you right now.
that’s all he needs.
he reaches over and holds your hand, his grip tighter than usual but that’s okay.
you continue you work with one hand, occasionally caressing his hand with your thumb. you hear his chair scoot over to be next to you. you look over to see him sitting next to you, your arm no longer on the table but on his lap.
you go back to your work. you don’t talk usually waiting for him to talk first when he comes back.
he then leans his head on your shoulder. you hear him sigh contently as he watches you work.
you keep moving your thumb, reminding him you’re there with him.
he holds your head so softly. like he just admires you. like legit heart eyes as he looks at you
he thinks you’re the prettiest boy out there
i feel like gaz is a soft kisser
he isn’t hard or pushing when kissing, he’s gentle with it trying to savor the moment
he definitely cradles your face in his hands as he kisses you ESPECIALLY after coming home from a mission
so soft (until it isnt)
if he comes home to you after a bad mission? his body still shaking from the adrenaline? oh this man will absolutely hold your face as he kisses you passionately
he’s definitely pushing you against a wall as well as he does this
his thigh between your legs as you whine into the kiss
he likes hearing your little whines
teases you abt it though, like he’s so cocky
“hm? my pretty boy likes it when i touch him?”
“oh you’re gorgeous, whining just because i kissed you?”
big on praise. always calling you pretty and good
biiiig on body worship. like big on it
he will have you laying down and his hands will move all over your body as he whispers praises into your mouth as you two kiss
“such a pretty boy. so good for me.”
“absolutely gorgeous, all mine yeah?”
slightly possessive? like he will leave marks on your neck and collarbones
calls you his. his boyfriend, his pretty boy, ect
when he introduced you to the group it’s maybe a year into dating
they’re like his family, he wants to be sure you guys will last before doing so
so, it’s around a year or abt to be a year
you’re in the bar, looking over some work a pen in your mouth as you think
they all walk in and here’s the thing — your table is small only big enough for two people
now imagine four six foot men trying to sit around it and not disturb your notes
you smile brightly at gaz as he sits next to you
to say you’re nervous is an understatement
the day before you were on the phone with a friend running around your apartment spewing your worries
“what if they don’t like me? yeah i know it sounds dumb but these guys are important to kyle- i need them to like me.”
they can all tell you mean a lot to gaz so they play nice
they ask questions and watch as you listen to them talk
ghost is the first one to notice you squeezing gaz’s hand as you speak to them — your hand on his lap
price is the one to notice how gaz is absolutely relaxed around you — slightly letting his guard down
soap is the one who notices you looking softly at gaz, your eyes so full of adoration and love
they leave the bar and you relax against gaz
“did they like me?”
“they mean a lot to you kyle, i need to know if this went well.”
“it did.”
and like ?? it warmed his heart knowing you want to get along with them
he just loves you so much
like you’re his safe space after seeing all the horror around the world
he likes holding you as he sleeps, makes him feel like you’re protected
sometimes you can’t get out of his grip even if he’s dead asleep
while trying to fall asleep he whispers into your hair about how much he loves you, his hand tracing patterns on your stomach
you have your hand over his, caressing it with your thumb
he falls asleep after you unless he’s absolutely exhausted
it makes him feel better to know you’re safe in his arms
he loves telling his team about you after you guys meet
always going off about you
“actually my boyfriend said that-”
“he’s actually talking about getting a pet together.”
“i think he’d enjoy that joke, you should tell him next time we all hang out.”
he’s so in love with you it’s absolutely sickeningly
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Can I get Charlie,auron,seth,and Alphonse for the fursuit hcs
Damn, that's a expensive fur suit!
OG ask: So I saw the cosplay hcs and I was wondering if you'd do like hcs of the boys with their listeners who has/wears a fursuit Also looked up how much it is to make a custom one, and holy fucking SHIT?? 6k right off the bat??? Bro Furry's get bank bc whaattt???? Also even if you make like one yourself its around 350 to 500 Jesus fucking Christ-
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A fur suit? Like the one to look like an animal? Ooo which one did you choose?
Very curious on which animal you chose and why. Will ask how the process making one is.
If you just buy it he'll complement the artist when he looks over the fursuit.
But if you make your own he's praising you! Saying how amazing it looks when your working with what you have.
Tells the towns people to fuck off if they try giving you shit for wearing a fur suit, It's literally never that deep like okay
Tries to help you get materials to make the suits since he knows their fucking expensive. He literally recoiled at the cost.
Oh? What's that? Seth never really knew about this so when you told him he was confused at first.
After learning what it is he asks how long does it take to make one? Thinks it's wild it takes like month or years depending on how much you want on it.
Doesn't know how to complement the fur suit you made so he's truthful. Like if your wondering if a color scheme works he says maybe a different color?
Loves if you make your own bc that takes dedication. But if you have a custom one made he tries to help you find a good artist to buy from!
Literally flips the old people off in town if they try saying anything bc fuck off ur old we get it.
The cost of the fur suits makes him blink before saying Sugar...Sugar are these prices right?? Tries to chip in so you can get material or buy a custom suit.
Honestly since he owns a talent company he's meet a few people who can make really good fur suits. So he recommends them (might even cash in a favor having one made for you)
Asks why you chose a certain animal if you did along with the color scheme.
Doesn't blinks at the prices and asks if you need help buying the materials or getting a custom done. Is fully ready to buy everything bc he wants to help you
he knows of fur suits but doesn't have a lot of information on it. Ends up doing research so you don't
Let's be honest who would even try and insult you in front of him? But if they did he just says a witty comment and leaves with you.
Loves listening to you talk all about the fur suit if it's custom telling him the exact order. Or if your making it telling him the process your going through
Remember's one time when younger you told him how you wanted a fursuit. But never could because of money and time.
As you ramble about why you chose the animal and color scheme hes smiling seeing you happy.
The prices make his head dizzy when he sees them and hes looking at you saying your stronger bc what the fuck are those prices-
But he understands why their so expensive bc of literally all the materials you need to make them. Charlie tries to find some that he can buy for you to help you.
Stares blankly at the person that insulted you and then says wooww your not fun its literally 2024 go get a hobby.
If he can he'll try and help you make or add things to your fur suit. Just tell him what to do and he's doing it the best he can!!
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alelelesimz · 9 months
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here are my favorite things i did this year :) thank you for tagging me @madeofcc <3
i was just gonna make a simple post and for some reason i decided to make this whole thing i guess, even features my stupid handwriting lol. everything written above + some more thoughts down below so you don't have to decipher whatever i wrote, also links to everything. thanks for following my messy blog and allowing me to rant about splatoon every other day lmao love u friends
harmony my beloved
i love splatoon ok! i've tried to recreate a few different splatoon characters before but they don't really translate well to sims. however i love how my harmony turned out! she's my fav character in the game and i'm quite proud of this funky little edit :)
leaf carrying a plant she stole
as soon as i saw that pose i knew i had to use it with my girl leaf! simple edit, but very cute <3 i wanna post more about my nymph!!!!!
what is this? a crossover episode????????
bojack horseman is my fav show ever. when i saw the horse pack trailer i KNEW i had to make this silly joke :p i didn't expect it to get so much attention but i'm glad it did! fun facts: 1) i painted bojack's face in game but basically redid the whole thing in photoshop bc sims textures are uh bad. 2) i recolored pc's dress and god i wish i could've made something better lmao. 3) i converted mr. pb's glasses and i SUFFERED. they actually look terrible ingame but ✨photoshop magic✨
this edit of an alien oc that i need to name still
i don't really use alpha hairs but ain't this one cute?! and i love this edit! if you read this give me a name suggestion for this sim please
I LOVE JUNO BIRCH!!! i literally need to stop myself from making another juno post every time she posts anything online lol. but that hot dog costume is iconic, what can i say.
sims in the city, baby + everything i made about them
i've been wanting to recreate these guys ever since i joined simblr back in 2019 (jesus christ) and i finally did! i'm very proud of them and happy so many people like them :) i loved this game growing up but none of my friends played it, so it's really cool to see more people who played it too!
also, that roxanna moxie lookbook i did? peak fashion
these guys!!!!!!!!! i really wanted to make a silly little band since forever and kari's edgewave fest finally pushed me to make them and I LOVE THEM! i can't wait to keep making more stuff with them babyyyyyyyyaskldjalskhdfklasj
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
nahhhhhhhhhh bc imagine ur working out with ghost at the gym. maybe ur in the field but waiting for further instructions or maybe u finally got a break and are now enjoying some domesticity whatever. anyways so ofc ghost has the longest workout routine you've ever seen (not that ur complaining bc that man's body is pure magic i mean the forearms the veins BRUH HIS THIGHS ✋😩) anyways i digress. so imagine the two of u are working out seperately, like ur in the same gym but ur just doing diff routines, and ur done with yours so you walk up behind him and because you don't want to scare him (not that you could mans probably wears the mask to hide the eyes in the back of his head let's be fr) you make eye contact with him thru the mirror and you sorta sidle up behind him and wrap ur hands around his waist and give him a little hug (bc ghost needs a hug idc what anyone says).
anyways after his hug deficiency is tended to, u turn around to face him and u look up at him thru ur eyelashes and ask him if he's done yet, and he can hear the playfulness in ur voice and he wants to give in (bc it's you and with you his self control hits record lows and his need to please skyrockets) but ghost is dedicated to the grind so he asks you in his gruff voice which is still covered by the mask mind you (bc it doesn't matter if he's doing bicep curls and sweating bullets in the gym, if he's not in the field he's always wearing sweatpants, a hoodie with the hood up of course, and his trademark mask) "are you done?" and so u roll ur eyes with an annoyed smile on your face and tell him to answer the question, and THIS MAN. with the most smug voice possible says "i thought I was the commanding officer here"
and obviously this annoys you so you playfully raise ur hand up as if ur gonna slap him AND THEN he literally catches ur hand, (bc this guy has reflexes better than spiderman) pulls it up to his face, and kisses it while giving you the most genuinely loving look you've ever witnessed and ofc ur melting atp but you gotta at least try to maintain some pride so you make a show out of rolling your eyes but you don't let go of his face and he doesn't let go of your hand and very quietly just so you can hear it, he tells you that he's almost done and then he just needs to cool down really quick.
but u can't lie, secret softy ghost is doing smthing to you so you pull your hand off of your face and instead interlace both of your hands with his and you pull them down in between the two of you and u tell him in the most sultry voice u can (although ghost thinks any voice u use is sultry) that maybe instead the two of you should go back to your place and you can help him finish his workout there (ifykwim 🤭) while looking him up and down.
AND JESUS H. CHRIST if that doesn't get ghost going 😩. but just bc ghost softened up a little doesn't mean he's abt to get needy in front of everyone so he looks you up and down and it's so much more intimidating then when you did it bc that's just how ghost works, but you can see his slight smile from under the mask and so he tells you to help him clean up then and bc u can't let him get away that easy you tell him fine, but only bc you know he's going to be the one helping clean you up in a few hours as you start to pull away.
and then ghost tilts his head and his stare is so intense it keeps you from leaving and then he says "oh it's going to be a lot more than a few hours, darling" with the most teasing grin you've ever heard leaking thru his voice
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fbfh · 2 years
OMGGGGG YOUR FRANCIS HCS MADE ME REWATCH MALCOLM JN THE MIDDLE 😭😭😭😭 pls tell me you’re writing for him more 🙏🙏🙏
HONESTLY ITS MAKING ME WANNA REWATCH IT TOO 😭 Abso-fucking-lutely yes I will!!!!!! Send me asks about your Francis thoughts bc I have a few meself.
You know what would be an absolute hot mess disaster???? Okay we know Francis has a big fat obsessive crush on you, but the only thing worse would be if his brothers started to get crushes on you too. Like you're so nice and sweet and have such a charging soothing energy its impossible not to fall in love with you so no one can be too surprised. The problem is having one Wilkerson boy in love with you is already a handful, especially if its Francis. But all four of them????? Jesus fucking christ brace yourself.
Dewey is the first one to get a little puppy crush on you. You didn't make fun of him when he couldn't remember his times tables, you didn't even make him feel bad. You just said "it's okay, I had trouble with this too when I was your age. It gets easier the more you practice." With an encouraging smile. You gave him a couple tricks to help him remember the things he was struggling with, and that was the heart eyes moment. After that Dewey started bringing you drawings and pieces of candy and every good grade he got on an assignment just to see your face light up.
Reese falls for you next. You don't have to do much, he's probably going to have at least a tiny little crush on you if Francis likes you. What really gets Reese is when you help him beat a video game level. You offer to give it a shot and he humors you. You haven't mentioned anything about liking video games since you started babysitting, but he's really stuck on this level so he lets you give it a shot. He watches you annihilate aliens like it’s nothing and you beat the level in one or two tries. He can't remember any of the tips you give him about the game because he's too busy staring at you totally dumbstruck.
Malcolm is the last one to go. Before you come over one day, Dewey tells Francis he thinks he shouldn't try to date you anymore and Francis looks at him like he's grown another head. When he asks why, Dewey tells him he's going to ask you to date him instead. Much to Francis's surprise, Reese objects before he can. To say the room erupts into chaos is an understatement. They're all arguing about it when you show up, and Malcolm thinks it's the dumbest thing ever. Why would they spend so much time fighting over a babysitter and arguing about who you'd like back. Then you give Malcolm some old notes you found from when you were in the gifted class in middle school. You were in the gifted class in middle school? Someone as cool and pretty and cool as you?? He takes the notes and thanks you, suddenly thinking fighting his brothers for you doesn't sound so dumb after all.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
AHHH OKAY I’M SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT HAWKS FOR A SECOND (this one got long I’m so sorry 😭) [also idk if you’ve seen anything of season 6 yet but his ARMS???]
I’ve just been. Having SO many thoughts about him okay? so many. The one at the front of my mind right now is him and his wings tho.
His wings. I love. And I love even more the fact that he’d definitely use them to bug you. And give you affection. And be so annoying with them. Cause he’s a little shit. But you love it and he knows.
Everyday you’ll randomly have a feather fly to you and stick with you, providing he’s not in another country. How he’d use it? If he’s feeling playful (most of the time bc have you met him) he’d run it over your skin and neck and collarbones to make you laugh a bit and then hide it in your sleeve so no one could see it and end up embarrassing you. He’d also tap you on the shoulder with it and then hide from you to annoy you.
(…back on my playfighting as the 6th love language agenda but… using his feathers during a play fight when you guys are both home. Such a cute thought!!!)
If he’s feeling romantic, he’d run it over your face all slow and gentle like he’d caress your cheek to let you know he’s missing you a lot. OR he’d wrap it around one of your fingers like a ring to let you know he’s there with you even if he’s not PHYSICALLY there.
Out with your friends? He’s flying the feather all around you to tease you and mess up your outfit a bit. Your friends laugh but they don’t miss how happy you are when you finally get hold of it and mindlessly play with it throughout the day.
If you’re particularly sad when he has to leave for a mission, you usually ask for a feather to carry with you and he’s more than happy to provide.
wrapping his wings around you after you’ve had a long day and just want to hide away. HE LOVES YOU AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU.
…this got so long I’m SO sorry I just had too much to write about. I love love love him and I hope you enjoyed this one!!
anon <3
God I’m… I’m so wHIPPED GOD.
As much love and warmth as his wings give you, make you feel so safe and just so secure, they’re also the baNE of your existence. Sure, it’s nice when you’re snuggling, and they close around you, and it’s amazing how beautiful they glimmer in the sunlight. They’re warm, provide you with a feeling of physical and emotional safety, you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
He knows the hold his feathers have on you, that you do adore them and the look of them, so yeah, he’ll sacrifice a few to adorn your fingers, add some oomf to whatever you’re wearing, but more than anything, he loves using said feathers against you.
What sucks, is when he goes into work, and he sends one of his feathers up to wake you if you don’t answer his texts, the plumes tickling up your foot that pokes from the covers until you finally wake up.
SENT you’re such an asshole, let me sleep
Keigo 💍 no can do, baby
I know you need your beauty sleep, but I missed you :)
In play fighting- which is a love language okay I don’t make the rules- when he’s got you pinned under his massive frame, he keeps his golden eyes on your writhing, giggly figure, feather flitting over your body and cheeks and all over. Your shoves at his shoulders do nothing to move him, and he’s so entranced by the sight he barely recognizes the tapping of his wrist to tell him you’re really done, coupled with the giggly whines of surrender.
“You’re such a cheater,” you snicker once he finally stops, the wings that were just torturing you now curled around you in a protective manner. “You have whole ass other weapons, why have we not banned quirks in our fights yet?”
“‘Cause you liiiiiiike it,” he teases, nipping at your neck to make you squeal.
“Shut up.”
AND YOURE SO RIGHT, BECAUSE YOU DO LOVE THEM AND HE KNOWS IT, AND HE GETS SCOLDED FOR MISSING ALL OF HIS FEATHERS CONSTANTLY BECAUSE HE LEAVES THEM WITH YOU, AND You’re just like. So sad when he does leave and he has to break it to you that he does need them for this one time, and when your lip starts to wobble and eyes water, he just gnaws at his lip and lets one on each wing go because he’s fuckin’ hawks, he doesn’t need all his feathers what do they think this is?
And the feathers are juuuuust enough to comfort you while he’s gone.
That same feeling of the plumes over your feet in the morning. The way he rubs your cheek mimicked by the softness. The poke on one shoulder to dart away playfully and keeping you from boredom. Ruffling your hair when you go out and hiding away when you try to chase it. The feeling of it draping over your waist to copy his arm over your waist. Wiping your tears when you’re on the phone with him.
“I miss you,” you choke, and before you can reach up to wipe your swelling eyes, his feather does it for you with the softest touch, and you chuckle and nuzzle into the softness. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he hums. “Just don’t blow your nose into it.”
Keigo knows how to take care of you. There’s nothing you wouldn’t trust him with, he knows you and what you need like the back of his hand, and his feathers sometimes are just the best methods to show you that. Even if he’s not physically there, he’s always got something looking out for you.
But even you can’t deny how much you love when he comes home, immediately catching you in his arms when you run into them, his wings enclosing you both in a private manner.
“You’re here,” you whimper, kissing all over his face.
“I am, baby.” He fluffs his feathers out for warmth and for that familiar safe feeling as he uses his muscle memory to get through the house, not daring to think about letting you go or down.
He just loves to keep you happy. At the end of the day, that’s what it comes down to. if he has his choice, it’ll be him doing it, but on the not-so rare occasion he won’t be there to, his feathers provide just enough of his presence to keep you going and swooning.
Okay- Maybe you could live without them flying down your shirt in search of sensitive areas.
But that’s all part of the package.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 days
Pony and Curly are soo stupid I love them so very much. Hc it takes them forever to actually recognize their feelings for one another cause they’ll be like “he’s just fun to mess with” or “we’re just close friends”. Like oh my GOD just KISS ALREADY. Curly yapping about Ponyboy to his siblings with every breath and then proclaiming he doesn’t like guys, he just likes hanging with Pb. Pony confusing his feelings for annoyance because Curly IS an annoying fucker. “God he is so annoying; I can’t get him out of my head”. They’ll do dumb stuff like learn the other’s favorite food or drink and then deny it like their life depended on it if questioned
Anyways hiiii do you remember that post you made a while back with Spider-Man PaperCut hcs,,, do you perhaps have any more to spare,,,,,
i DO remember that post and i DO have more hcs to spare
•curly does have spidey senses and he uses them to his advantage during fights, but if hes play fighting w pony sometimes he’ll b nice and wont rlly react in time to level out the playing field and give pony a chance
•his spidey senses also makes curly pretty good at gambling and he wouldnt tell ANYONE this, everyone just thinks hes regularly cheating which ig isnt too wrong, they just cant prove it, pony REFUSES to play any card games w the bastard
•do yall think he purposely stuck his and ponys hands together,,why not their whole bodys together actually
•once he decided to b an extra creep and crawl on the walls of ponys room after getting in through the window to sneak in and ponys never felt such fear as he has in that one moment before, all he saw was a blob
•apologies to all the “curlys shorter than pony” luvrs out there, bc of that spider bite, curly actually had a growth spurt and is taller than pony here and hes so annoying about it
•im pretty sure spidermans blood just always flows in one direction no matter what, and thats y he can stay upside down for so long, and i promise u, curly us juat always upside down, hes jump scared pony so many times by just dropping down, but even when talking hes just,,,,upside down at times, usually on the monkey bars in a playground
•he really only needs a few hours of sleep, so when ponys just cannot sleep, curlys up w him trying to get him to lose his energy, if ponys sleeping he just,,,,watches
•which is a lil scary cause if the moon reflects just right and ponys up, curlys eyes can shine and jesus fucking christ does that wake u up😭
•hes really good at gymnastics now and pretty flexible, AND he can self heal, which is great for him bc the main reason y pony didnt teach him flips n stuff was bc he was scared curly would just bust his ass, and hes not wrong, but now he can do flips AND more and heal pretty quickly, be teases pony about being better
•IMMMM giving curly retractable stingers and yes, he DOES use them in fights but most importantly he uses them to poke pony w in the middle of class to see him jump
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Ok I think tumblr is eating my asks- BRO WHAT WHY AMNZBXGDEYUWMZN Either you havent seen the notes I sent u or Tumblr ate them so in teh first case take your sweet time its 100% otay but in the SECOND CASE then just tell meh if you saw them or not ill send u the notes any otehr way so in the MEANTIME: Yall know what TIME IT ISSS!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *RIGHT long one w/Eleanore and the Bubbaverse YIPPIE!!*
*LMAO Imagine if the Bubbaverse played like complicated monopoly or smth and they had to ring up Eleanore to clarify teh rules bc they forgot teh rule book* Badass: "Step into teh courthouse BITCH!" Eleanore: "*Inside "courthouse" and standing like on a pedestal* *through laughter* What is-WHAT IS GOING ON YALL JUST SAID YOU NEEDED MY HELP" OG Bubba: "Right so I failed my task MISERABLY-" Eleanore: "Realy?" OG Bubba: "YEah thanks to THIS DOOFES *points at Badass* I failed it like MINUTE ONE and I cant remember what the game decides on re-rolling soo.." Eleanore: "Right- ok- you cant- So theres a difference between "failed" and "havent done yet" OG Bubba:"But I have failed my task miserably-" Eleanore: "Then you CANNOT RE-ROLL *knocks down makeshift javel and like the backround goes black and only his outline can be seen for a moment and his eyes glow white or some shit*" Dumba: "well he-JESUS CHRIST" Eleanore: "*suprised at his own ability to be DRAMATIC* WHATTTT" Clay: "through laughter That was REALLY SERIOUS!" Eleanore: "THAT WAS SO DRAMATIC! I LAYED DOWN THE👏 RULES IN THIS GAME!" (Based on that one Secret Life episode fro YT) if Tumblr eats this istg-
I love this. and I *have* been seeing them, I've been meaning to draw a few of them but crk is taking up my entire frontal lobe atm(fnaf reference???) but yeah- I'll be drawing some of the things you sent :]
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