#I love the vbs version but this version really messes with me
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kidcosky · 6 months ago
We should talk more about Gaku Yamamoto's/Peg version of One Sheep [Hitsuji ga Ippiki].
I love how the voice sounds, the symbolism of the arts, the art of the mv itself... It's all so beautiful, this version is very unfair...
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persistentplums · 2 months ago
U should infodump some of your Triana thoughts 👂👂🙏
Currently laying on my bed, on my stomach kicking my feet and twirling my hair. Thank you for the ask!!!
Also everyone please feel free to send Vbros asks it’ll take me a minute but I’ll always answer!
Triana to me is mixed i haven’t pinned down what mix but for now wasian. Although mixed middle eastern is also in my head the problem is I want to be specific but i can’t pull from anywhere specific right now.
I think if we got her New York look I flip around the thought of her going full goth stereotype (I really love the idea of her going trad goth black dress with jewelry) which would be cool but also a part of me would think it would be SICK if she shaved her head and had this buzz look leaning a mix of punk and goth. (More British inspo not in a racist white way)
She has magic jewelry, rings and necklaces, I think she gets into insect taxidermy which also influences the type of jewelry she has, I think she has a cool beetle broach that moves around and has magic! I think it would be cool!
I think she gets into Mind magic. And I mean this completely separately from telepathy, anything to do with the mind since it was Orpheus that messed with it. She becomes unintentionally fixed on making her mind a place that can’t be messed with. Her mom, dad and stepdad teach her a lot but Master and her click super well and she tells him what she wants to learn.
I think her relationship to Master is very very silly. Master has a LG slider so he can text her type of silly. I think now that she does magic they can gossip really it’s just Master telling her stuff she shouldn’t know but still fun stuff.
Triana is someone who is fun to be around and genuinely a nice kid, so it makes sense wherever she goes she gains friends. She doesn’t get along with Dermontt bc Dermontt is a little shit to be fair but I would also like to think if she met Sirena it would be rocky also.
Sirena is cool, there’s no doubt about it, but I think Sirena impatience which can turn into actions that hurt people+the want of a bottom line wouldn’t gel with Triana. Since VB hasn’t really developed any of the girls they’ve made with any moment of failure/hardship I have to use the CRUMBS given in the show.
Triana not outright telling Dean the day she moved out she is not into him then trying to put an idea in his head instead speaks to a quality of not wanting to get caught/rocking the boat. At first I thought it was classic rebellious kid lying to parent but I realize also in part of the writers under developing her, she shies away from parts of her self, hiding them to keep her life uncomplicated and moving. Funny enough a trait very much like her dad, both are different versions of the peacekeeper.
I think Triana big thing is she needs to be able to be herself even the parts that people think is bad. It’s not like the parts of her are a big deal if someone doesn’t like them. She isn’t worried about that, it’s the idea she needs to keep the peace. Fuck the peace girl let that shit fly.
Triana is very similar to Hank in the sense of she isn’t overtly hiding things but by doing so means things internally can be hidden to others. I think Triana is slippery in that sense, good at half truths, good poker face, strong values she believes in, a very loyal friend.
If I was to tie her into the main gang this is how I would’ve done it:
The limbo mind world is her training space, like Luke in Dagoba. She-with Master “teachings”-is figuring out how to control what she has and how to use it regarding the mind since at this point she can do magic but she’s basically trying to get her “diploma”in the mind. She’s going through all that and finds not just one Hank but multiple Hanks and goes “hm! That’s….not usual a thing that happens.” She does a dream call to Hank and they meet again.
They have a chat, catching up and getting semi personal, she ends up in New York to talk to her dad and gets swept in some adventure the boys are in and meets everyone else. I think the moment she clicks with the Mind is waking the remaining guys back, fully now in tune with her goal but she still needs to figure out what to do with it!
Extra stuff about Triana I personally hc:
Her and Sirena go out together first as a “get to know you” thing but it becomes tradition
Triana knows how to play drums, definitely could’ve been on Shallow Gravy
Triana is low-key trying to set Dean and Jared up by the most subtle comments ever bc interacting with Dean is like trying not to scare a deer still after all these years to her
Her jewelry range from basic rings to bug themed broaches all having a specific magical element (for my dnd ppl out there think magical items with charges or when you imbue an item with a spell) I think she gives them to her friends
Jared and Triana have mixed feeling only because she is trying very hard to respect his journey of being into Dean and vice versa but also she cannot stop going “this is gay.”
She has a gf, she’s bisexual at least, but in my heart lesbian. I love the idea of her gf being a powerful magical being that someone else thought of! Or
She watch romantic movies with Hank bc he’s the only one who appreciates them. Despite Dermontt constantly complaining about watching “chick flicks” Dermontt is also there
Dermontt and Triana beef so often that Dermontt ends up being like her shit head younger brother in the way they argue. And Dermontt doesn’t confirm or deny just says she needs SOMEONE or she’ll fall into only child disease. They aren’t nice to each other at all but they do have each other backs
Triana has the same weirdo mean streak as her dad sometimes but doesn’t take many things seriously so she really is doing stuff just to fuck with people bc she finds it funny. Example: Orpheus trying to get an arch and smacking the shit out of monarch then putting his feet on fire vs Triana doing that to Dermontt just because on a Sunday. Orpheus has a means to an end Triana just doing it for the love of the game
Speaking of, Triana is more inclined to be Guild only she doesn’t give a shit, she rides the new wave in the VB world of middle men. Not heroes not villains just kinda doing their own thing. I do think she has many Guild friends
Speaking of middle men, she is a headache to OSI/Protags/Arches bc she isn’t affiliated officially and doesn’t want to be. She is now accustomed to doing so much paperwork and this is a regular topic of contention for her and Orpheus. It’s not serious contention more like when there’s nothing happening he starts asking which annoys her bc in actuality she doesn’t know who she wants to be (jumpstarts her hanging out with Hank and Dean again)
Thats all I got for now! Tanks for the ask and for waiting!
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lovewithoutparole · 2 months ago
Daily Vocaloid rambling day 1- How old is Vocaloid? And other parts of Vocaloid history.
So, fun fact, Vocaloid actually started all the way back in 2004! Varying sources says different things, but LEON/LOLA were the first English Vocaloids (and I think the very first Vocaloids too), and MEIKO and KAITO were some of the first Japanese Vocaloids (although I'm not sure if they were THE first since we still have quite a few in V1)
Hatsune Miku, as commonly known, was released in 2007 for the Vocaloid2 engine. Then came Rin&Len ACT 1, which sounded a bit rough and muffled (I wasn't there to witness it, so don't take my words for it), which lead to the Rin&Len OG voices we know and love (ACT 2)
Somewhere in there, UTAU released, which is basically a free version of Vocalojd where you can make your own Voicebank (bring back cursed UTAU, erase AI covers!), although it didn't sound too good back then. The first UTAUloid was Defoko, but I'm not too knowledgeable on her.
And I guess somewhere in there, Fanloids such as Akita Neru and Yowane Haku were created? Since they were featured in the Teto Territory MV. Fanloids are Vocaloid characters who don't have an official Voicebanks. Yowane Haku and Akita Neru are the most popular ones. The former often being a pitched down Miku, and the latter, a pitched down Rin. Also fun fact, both are featured in the Loipara (Hachune Miku's everyday Vocaloid paradise) manga! They have pretty big roles too!
On April 1st 2008, Kasane Teto was introduced as a new Vocaloid, however, this was just an April's fool. BUT Teto didn't die like this! She got her own Voicebank in UTAU! And so, Teto Territory by ZUN (yes, THE ZUN who created Touhou) has been made and Utau became more known (although I might be wrong here, I joined Vocaloid five years ago, so, a lot of the history is stuff I learned about, not lived trough)
I'm gonna put this after, but it migh have been before that, Nyanyanyanya by DaniwellP was created, and someone out there made a cover with the UTAU Monome Momo, and it became the Nyan cat song we all know and love (I swear this song in Project Diva will be the death of me someday)
A few years later in 2009, Megurine Luka was released for V2, the first Vocaloid to have both an English and Japanese voice bank in one package! I'm gonna be honest, her English actually wasn't too good (looks at DYE), but it was a start!
From here on, I'm not too knowledgeable about the history. V3 got released and we got nee Meiko and Kaito VB, Gumi and Gakupo were released, V4 happened and we got new Luka, Miku, and Fin&Len VBs, and other stuff happened that I don't really know much about. SynthV happened too, which is a really good program,! And SynthV web exists, although with only one Voicebank, but that means you can make your own vocals on your browser (although actually saving it is a mess, but that's a story for later)
Then, on April 1st 2023, Kasane Teto SynthV happened. It was a great day, really. She became a real Vocaloid, even better than a Vocaloid!
Then last year the SP voicebanks dropped and... Yeah they're... Disapointing to say the least.
That's what I know and consider the basics of Vocaloid history! Of course, there is a lot more to say about producers and the songs released, but this is more about the history of Vocaloid as a software.
I hope you enjoyed! Don't worry, the other ones will be much shorter, it's just that I don't know how much you know about Vocaloid, so I just assumed going over all the basic history would be best!
{ JEEZ you are EDUCATED on this,,, }
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ramblingsekai · 3 years ago
Hey, I’m not dead! Sorry I haven’t done much for a few days. I realize like a week isn’t that long technically, but I haven’t actually written stuff for awhile. And what better to make a comeback than by talking about the April Fools ‘event’ on the JP server. I’m going to react and write out my thoughts on each of the songs that came out and maybe talk about the groups. I haven’t seen all of the info about what exactly this event is, but I’ll still make some speculations about it. (I watched Jaycy’s translation and I just realized, omg we’re in an AU where what if the OG groups never got together and that’s why we have these groups. Omg) Let’s gooo.
Also disclaimer, I know that these songs are suppose to be more light-hearted like ‘oh haha what if these people sang this song’, but I’ll still comment on quality. I feel like if you’re going to do something like this, might as well go all in.  (Looking back, I realize I use the word soft a lot. To explain a little more, I guess either too quiet or too low energy or both). Edit: Jaycy released another translation for area convos so I’ll add more as time goes along. So stuff in parentheses are stuff I added after I posted this long mess of a review. RIP me.)
1st group- FANTASISTA SQUAD. Ifuudoudou.
Right off the bat, I’m a little disappointed they went w/ this song. Just bc I think that it would’ve been more fun to do something like Dr. FunkBeat or King. Also, I know some people will disagree, but I feel a little disappointed they just stuck all the boys together. I think it also would have been more interesting to see more interactions between the guys and different girls since I feel like we already kind of have a feel for how these 4 would interact with each other. So yeah the song, I don’t like it that much. I mean I like the song in general, but this version doesn’t really do it for me. Disclaimer, I don’t know much about music or how it’s made, so sorry if I get stuff wrong. So, this cover is kind of too ‘soft’ for me I guess. To me, all the guys sound kinda subdued and unenergetic like they’re not into it. I’ll admit that the Proseka version w/ AkiToya also isn’t my favorite, but I like it more than this 4-man version for some reason. No idea why. I think maybe bc the nqrse version of the song is the first version of it I’ve ever heard and that sort of influenced how I see it. Anyways, I’m totally biased with this one unfortunately so I’m sorry if I offended anyone on this group and song. So this is a skip for me. I know people will disagree with me on this since we all love the boys, but I guess I just don’t feel excited with this group and song.
I think the group dynamics are funny though. Tsukasa is screaming about wings and being a pegasus in the back alleys, Rui just saw Tsukasa and was like ‘oh yeah this’ll be fun’, Toya I guess is the one who convinced them all to be a group, and the only reason Akito is there is to make sure his partner Toya doesn’t get dragged in the other two’s antics. (Saw the area convo, it’s actually Tsukasa and Rui trying to recruit AkiToya and Toya being on board. It sounds like they’ve been doing shows as a duo, Tsukasa/Rui, and Toya wants to learn from them. Rui also seems to help direct and plan out the shows, though it’s still Rui lol. I guess Akito and Rui could kinda get along). So basically Akito would be the voice of reason for this group which is a little scary. Like with VBS, sure he has connections, helps with booking shows, and helps with on-stage outfits (that’s a lot actually), but I also think the others pitch in a lot to help make it feel balanced. So basically, I feel like with Fantasia Squad, Akito is gonna burst a vessel dealing with everyone LMAO. Rip Akito. I have no idea why Tsukasa wants to be in a street squad though.
2nd group- Kyujitsu, Shumijin Doushi de, Venom.
I like this version well enough. Thought the group was a little weird at first and I think I still do. Venom is one of my favorite covers from 25ji so I’m kinda glad they covered it here. I will admit though that Minori, Nene, and Honami are all sort of the softer parts of the song while Mizuki comes in with the strong vocals. I like Mizuki’s cover of the song, but I also think it sort of takes attention away from the other 3 bc of how powerful Mizuki’s voice is. Like I think the other 3 sang the song well, but when Mizuki comes in, it sort of overshadows the other 3, which is kind of a shame. These covers are sort of supposed to be a way to look at ‘what if these randomly picked people sang together’ and it is sort of felt more like Mizuki + Minori/Nene/Honami. I don’t blame Mizuki or the VA, I blame whoever chose the group and song. Other than that, I like how Nene is singing in this, Honami is doing a great job, and Minori is a little soft for me but I think she sounds cute with the song. Honestly, if they released solo covers I would like it more. 
This is such an odd group as well since I think Minori and Nene have talked before during that one event in the JP server, but other than that these people have never interacted before really. It sounds like they just got together bc they liked the same stuff and talk about their hobbies. They sound more like an afterschool club or something, but since they’re based around 25ji, I guess they all met online. Nene mentioned they all like video games and musicals so maybe they bonded online through that? Mizuki seems to like video games and is mentioned to link Let’s plays to the other 25ji members. In Puchiseka, Minori is the one to play the horror game in a stream. I have no idea with Honami. She mentions they have off-parties at her home so I guess they interact mainly online. Still this group does have some sad context since this means that Minori gave up on her idol dream, Honami might not have made up with the rest of Leo/need, I’m not sure how close Nene is with Rui in this universe, and Mizuki doesn’t have interactions with Ena to help ‘save’ them/make them open up. Like Minori, Honami, and Nene would definitely help/support Mizuki, but I’m not sure how deep their friendship is or if they even notice that Mizuki has some deep dark secret. Nene is the only person who goes to the same school as Mizuki and she might know, but at the same time, Mizuki is probably still skipping so Nene might not connect that the rumors are about Mizuki. Honami may notice that something is up with Mizuki and maybe Nene. Minori would immediately try to help as soon as she realizes there’s a problem. But the thing is, we know Mizuki would just try to create distance as soon as they realize they might be getting to close to the others (like with Ena). So it’d be up to the other 3 to try to gap the distance if they want to help Mizuki. I think eventually they’d get through to Mizuki, but it’d still be difficult and may take more time than with 25ji’s story events. Still, seems like an interesting group. 
3rd group- YUME YUME JUMP!, Happy Synthesizer
I let out a laugh when I saw this group. LMAO Kanade, An, and the Hinomori sisters. But first, the song. I like it. Not much more to say about it honestly. I think the vocals for each person is solid and it sounds nice. I will admit it’s kinda hard to hear Kanade’s singing at times when she’s singing with someone else (like An who has a strong voice), but I also am beginning to wonder if maybe it’s the mixing of the song. Maybe turn down the instrumentals too so it’s easier to hear the singing. It’s a nice song though and I’d listen to it a lot.
So the group. Like I mentioned above, I think it’s hilarious. But I also think it’s a little heart-warming too. From what some of the characters say, it sounds like Shiho is just trying out being an idol, Shizuku is just happy she’s in a group with Shiho, An is having fun being an idol, and Kanade is just dying from the physical activity (lol). Honestly, no idea how this group would have formed. Shizuku probably still left her former idol group, I guess Shiho is either taking a break from her dream of going pro as a bassist(?), An didn’t mention RAD WEEKEND, and I think Kanade mentions how idols are shining. So maybe Shizuku is the one who helped form the group (either as a result of leaving her group or deciding to just go independent from the start) and Shiho decided to help try it out (she did mention she’d take it seriously though). No idea how An ended up here since she doesn’t go to school with any of these people. I’m assuming Kanade’s sad backstory still happened though since she mentions shining. Maybe Kanade decided being an idol is the best way to save others with her music. She just didn’t think about all the exercise she’d have to get (I’m also assuming that she is still doing online school). I think this is a nice group though. Shiho and Shizuku get to interact more. An seems to be having fun and is amazed at how much idols can/have to do. Though I guess she’s either given up on surpassing RAD WEEKEND or has decided to surpass it through being an idol. And I think Kanade might actually have some positive influences in her life for once. I’m not dissing 25ji, but you have to admit that Kanade is probably in a better head space having caring people like Shiho, Shizuku, and An interact with her constantly. An is pretty observant and I think she’d see that something is up with Kanade and try to bond with her. Shiho is also caring in a subtle way and would try to help Kanade through quieter, understanding means. And Shizuku is doting and would probably help make sure Kanade is actually taking care of herself (eating, sleeping, exercise,etc). Plus yeah, Kanade is getting legit exercise for once. I’m not sure if Kanade would tell the others about her past and current struggles, but I think after awhile they’d notice and encourage her to open up with them. I also find it funny how this is a group with contrasting father figures.  An has the stable, good father figure. Kanade has the tragic father figure (he’s probably still in the hospital). Shiho’s father influenced her to go pro. And with Shizuku, well maybe because their parents weren’t around a lot, Shizuku felt the need to dote on Shiho so much since she was the one who was constantly supporting Shiho when they were kids. We don’t see Shiho and Shizuku’s dad in the story events and the mom seems to work a lot. So yeah, I like the group and I like the group.
4th group- Aoharu/Friends, Aoku Kakero
The school band of Ichika, Saki, Ena, and Airi. Did not see that coming. So the song. Never heard of it before. Not much I can really say about it too honestly. I think it sounds fine and is composed well. Not really my cup of tea but I don’t really have much thoughts on it. Maybe, I’d have like to hear Airi and Ena singing more since we don’t really get that combo anywhere else. I think Ichika sings less in this song, but I think that’s ok since I feel like she often gets the spotlight for Leo/need songs. Saki sounds great too. It’s alright with me. I might not listen to it, but not because I think it’s bad, just that I’m not really into this type of music.
So the group. I guess Ichika and Saki’s stories start up similarly to the OG timeline, but here they don’t make up with Shiho and Honami I guess? Maybe they do eventually, but in the end, they’re not a band together. So I guess Saki recruited Airi and Ena to help fill the roles. But also, do Airi and Ena even know how to play instruments? I could see them learning to help out, but I also wonder about who plays what and how well they are at it. They seem to playing into the youth angle with this group for some reason. But yeah, Ichika and Saki don’t seem that different from their OG selves. Airi sounds really pumped to be in a band with Ena and Ena mentions how dazzling Ichika and Saki are. So first thing I noticed, maybe Airi never became an idol in this timeline. I zoomed in on the whole ‘band with Ena’ statement so I wonder if maybe because Airi never became an idol, she would have ended up closer to Ena and that’s how she managed to convince Ena to join a band. I also think Ena may still have her talent insecurities since she mentions how dazzling Ichika and Saki are. So maybe she is jealous of how talented Saki is with the keyboard/how social Saki is and jealous of Ichika’s singing and guitar playing/songwriting. They all keep mentioning youth but I’m not sure what to make of that. So yeah, I think Airi would notice Ena’s insecurities and try to help her with it. Ichika and Saki would also support Ena and her drawing too I think. They’d all be positive reinforcement and try to encourage her constantly. Ena would probably be pretty open about her problems honestly, especially compared to the rest of 25ji. So they’d be a cute group I guess. Not much more I can say.
5th group- Happiness Sentai Sunny Sunny, Positive☆Dance Time
Oh god why is the title and group name so long. So this one terrifies me a little. Mafuyu’s ‘Ikuyo’ at the start made me do a double take. But uh yeah. It’s a fun song, all the vocals sound on point, and I don’t have much to say. I can easily see all of them singing this EXCEPT MAFUYU. She sounds so happy here. Song segment, not much to say. Fun song, I’d listen to it if I see it in my recommendations.
THE GROUP. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO GET TO. So I guess Emu made this group and is focused on trying to get Mafuyu (and visitors) to smile for real. I guess in this universe, Emu’s Flight or Fight instinct chose Fight over Flight. So Emu gets Kanade’s savior role, except Emu doesn’t have crippling depression. Ok jokes aside, while I do think it’s cute Emu wants to help Mafuyu, I’m not sure if Emu is gonna be a much better substitute than Kanade. For one, I think Mafuyu’s good girl persona is firmly planted on in this AU. Haruka and Kohane don’t seem to mention it so they might not even know. Haruka is called Stoic Challenger Haruka and feels like she has to live up to that (don’t really know what that nickname means). Maybe Haruka has to struggle with putting up a facade on stage, which may push some buttons for Mafuyu or cause Haruka to relate to Mafuyu more. But also, I guess Haruka either gave up being an idol and got over her trauma, or she never became an idol since she doesn’t seem to mention it. She has to be one stage for performances, so I guess she’s either over her past or it never happened. And Kohane makes sense for this group since she’s a Phoenix Wonderland super fan. It’s kinda easy to see how Emu would rope Haruka and Kohane in since she knows both of them. BUT MAFUYU. I have no idea how Emu convinced Mafuyu to join the troupe and how Mafuyu explains to her mom what she’s doing afterschool. I guess maybe Mafuyu has a closer friendship with Emu. Mafuyu mentions how Emu calls her the ‘impregnable, shiny senpai’ and while Mafuyu says she’s not sure if that’s good or bad, she does think that Emu is amazing. (not sure if that amazing is good or bad too either lol). So maybe she goes along with it bc why not. If Emu thinks she can make Mafuyu smile, might as well see if she can succeed right? I think eventually Emu lets it slip that she’s trying to get Mafuyu to smile for real to Haruka and Kohane and they decide to help her at some point. Though I’m not sure if they try to confront Mafuyu about it. I think that at some point, Mafuyu eventually relents and everyone doubles down on trying to help. Still, it’s gotta be unnerving for everyone to see Mafuyu’s blank expression vs the smiling, upbeat mask she probably has to wear for the stage. But that’s probably what makes Mafuyu so good on stage. I gotta say it, but with how caring and positive these 3 are, this might help Mafuyu. She has people in her life trying to help her and aren’t being antagonized by their own demons as well. Mafuyu might put up some resistance since I’m not sure if they’d understand what she’s going through, but that doesn’t negate that they want to help her. The closest to problems I could see for them outside of Mafuyu, Emu still has to worry about the Wonderstage closing and Kohane might have to struggle with her self-confidence since Haruka and Mafuyu are probably super talented on stage and Emu has the experience, while she’d be the rookie. Interesting group, kinda scares me bc of Mafuyu, but I think it’d be fun to see their story.
So those were my thoughts on the groups and their songs. I think I like them all overall and they provide an interesting look at an AU. I 100% understand why people might disagree with me, but these were just my opinions and not to be taken seriously. Wow I wrote a lot, but it’s been like a week so might as well come back with a bang. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading.
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utau-bowl · 3 years ago
Looking at all the Voicebanks on the Arpasing website
This is a project that took a good amount of time to write and publish, so I’m glad I’m finally here! For context, there is an unofficial Arpasing website with reclists, plugins, and USTs to use. There’s also a list of avilable Arpasing voicebanks to try out, and here’s where I had the idea to download and talk about-all of them. These will generally be pretty short, but I hope they’re at least somewhat informative. Many of these voicebanks are in beta/unfinished to a degree, so keep that in mind. Since a lot of these are old beta voices, if you don’t want your VB on here, just send me a message and I’ll delete it.
All of these voices can be downloaded at the Voicebank Directory on the Arpasing site. 
A few of the links on the site didn’t work, so sorry Cherry, Daichi Hayashi, and Armani. I’m also not including the Arpasing prototype VB since it’s just recordings and has no oto. For people who don’t know much about arpasing: 0.1.0 is the original version of Arpasing with 219 samples, and 0.2.0 is an updated later version made by Kanru Hua that has 334 samples. I also bring up the alveolar tap a little bit. The alveolar tap is a consonant common in american English (it’s the “tt” sound in butter, better, and letter). Since Arpasing was optimized for American English, it’s surprising that most of the reclists for it don’t include the alveolar tap! So I might point that out when I see it added into a vb.
Aero-gen Shinsu by Wolfe Nebula
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 3 ※Has FRQs?: Some Aero is a mild adolescent sounding voice with lots of noise. He generally sounds pretty sweet and light, I love his voice a lot! There is a decent anount of background noise, which some may be picky about. Still, it doesn’t affect the quality much and he works with most resamplers. Putting high BRE on him makes him sound pretty good. I generally had no issues with his oto, but the CC transitions aren’t otoed very well and some are off time.
Aino Erufu by Jasputing
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※Reclist: 0.2.0  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes, also has full llsm and pmk files Aino has a very unique voice acted timbre, and it’s almost difficult to find a song to match her. But when you do, she’s a sweetie. ^^ She has a sweet, louder voice and sounds best above A3, or even higher in the soprano range.  She is touchy with resamplers but works well with fresamp and world4utau.
Aki Toka/幸兔雪  by Yukito Yuki 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Aki is clear and strong and has a good tone. good tone, clear. has full frqs. got one of my favorite accents. Despite being monopitch, he has a very wide range and can go a little below his stated range of F3-C5. The mid/low range sounds best though imo. He comes with a guide for aliasing for those new to Arpasing, and a list of all the sounds which were affected by the VP’s accent. The Finnish accent does come through in the vowels and ending consonants, but the duplicates allow for more varied pronunciation so it’s not a big deal. Akihana ENG [radiance] D3_beta by Lunamageice ※Reclist: 0.1.0, uses phonetic filenames  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Akihana has a low, rich, full voice that’s good in bass and baritone range. I’ve used his VCCV before, but the Arpasing actually has more natural pronunciation. It has been in beta all this time, but it’s still worth it to use because of the rarity of this voicetype in UTAU. Angus by ReticentResolve
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes    I was blown away by how good Angus was! He’s a deep, soft masculine voice ranged F2-G4 with a nasal quality. He comes with a tripitch VCV JP bank for those who’d want that too. The mic he was recorded on picked up a lot of background noise and makes him sound muffled, but he’s still a decent vb.
AWG YukiList verKLAD by Adlez27 ※Reclist: YukiList with modifications ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No This is an example voicebank for the Yukilist arpasing recording style created by YukitoYuki. It has 800+ samples and a lot more coverage than basic Arpasing. It’s a tenor vb with a mild tone. The alveolar tap (dx) samples are in a separate folder for some reason and aren’t fully otoed, but they work fine. Some of the VC transitions aren’t configured correctly, but generally the oto is good.
Canary by SlightlyShredded
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (D3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Canary has a really pleasant voice! He’s a sweet, fruity baritone with power in his voice. He’s very suitable for pop/edm. His oto kept spitting out errors while I used him but he sounds mostly fine despite that. 
Eon_Arpasing by fmccaddy12 ※Reclist: Custom (made by fmccaddy12) ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Eon is a very realistic baritone voice. He sounds a little congested but is overall one of the best voicebanks on this list. He can be pushed a bit out of his range As far as I’m aware, his official site/character revamp is not done yet but his dl is still up on this website. Not even sure if I should share the link but it is still up publicly...
Hailey Denali by CatMoun
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※Reclist: Custom  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm  Hailey has one of the cutest tones one of all these voicebanks. She’s very nasal and sounds almost voice acted. Her reclist is 500+ samples long and doesn’t lack anything. However, all the vowels and most of the consonants are 2-3 syllables. Hailey also comes with an automatic updater.
鳳鐘ユウリ(Houshou Yuuri) by さきた (Sakita) 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Yuuri has a range of about A3-D5. She has a heavy Japanese accent but a decent range. She’s very emotional and pretty sounding, especially in the higher ranges. Though, if you want to use her, know that her oto requires a lot of fixing, as a lot of VC transitions are configured incorrectly.
Johatsun Kikuro Arpasing by Awes0meBr0/Biohazard-P
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm/bak/pmk   He has very quiet samples which causes lots of distortion in the program. Nevertheless, he still manages to sound realistic somehow-? He reminds me of older vocal synths like Microsoft Sam almost. I did mess around a bit with resamplers/flags for Kikuro and the best combination I’ve found so far was f2resamp and F0g1H20h0C10. Using Kikuro requires some effort but he’s sill pretty good.
Kara Kokone by SunGuardian524
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Kara is most impressive for being one of the UTAU with the highest number of pitches on this list- each of them has a different tone, with one being a falsetto and another being a shout pitch. Her range is pretty wide, reaching almost into alto and being able to hit the high soprano notes too. However, this bank really does feel like a beta that hasn’t been touched in a while. It doesn’t have a fully configured prefix.map and the oto is pretty off and requires a lot of adjusting. I also wish she used a more comprehensive form of the reclist, since there is a lot missing. At least there’s a lot of duplicate entries.
Kayaka Konagi Arpasing(English) by こむぎこ (Komugiko)  ※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Konagi is very good, her pronunciation is clear and she has a nice tone. She is a bit finicky with resamplers and flags, probably meant to be used with default settings. She does have a Japanese accent but it’s a little less pronounced than Yuuri’s.
Kevin Futarine STUDIO (VP2 Arpasing) by FRAloids
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No  Kevin is another baritone voice with a youthful flavor. It has a good amount of flexibility, being sort of emotional and soft sounding but also capable of producing a bright, clear sound. He was recorded at E3 but has a flexible range and even sounds good higher. His pronunciation is pretty on point, but the t/d are a little mixed up. His dh sounds are also so short they’re hard to hear at times. The oto is generally good but might need some adjusting out of the box. He has a ton of extra samples of sighs, laughs, whispers, etc. I’ve been a Kevin fan for years and this voicebank definitely keeps the tone his Japanese vbs have.
Kii Nane by kii ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some   Kii Nane is a sugary sweet voice that sounds best at C4 and above. Her samples have a lot of reverb, and there is some background noise which affects the output. Her pronunciation is very good, but a little slurred and off because of the engine noise. Resamplers are hit or miss, she does sound good with world4utau though.
Koyanagi Sayuki DEITY by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 4 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm  Sayuki is a very realistic voice ranged F#3-G5. Her low range is soft and her mid/high range is loud and clear. Lovely to tune and use in anything, I don’t have much negative to say about her.
Koyanagi Takehiko_TSUNAMI (BETA) by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (G3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Takehiko is very cool sounding and bassy, and the voice acting makes him distinct from his sister. His best range is from D3 to G4 and he has sorta a soft tone that can be boosted via resamplers. He sounds great with f2resamp.
KYE by WinterdrivE
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 + a few Alveolar tap samples ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Kye needs no introduction-he’s the guy who got most of us interested in Arpasing in the first place! His abundance of pitches works in his favor. He’s probably the best of these voicebanks to just plug and play to learn how to use Arpasing-if you don’t mind waiting for all those 1000+ frqs to generate. He is by far the best in baritone/bass range. A lot of the D4 pitch actually has pitch/frequency issues that can’t be fixed without workarounds, so using him from B2-C4 is your best bet-or just using a different pitch for the higher ranges. He does have a sort-of lisp but overall, not many oto or pronunciation issues.
Marie Kagekine Arpasing (v1.0) by AdagioFantasque
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes +  some llsm, pmk, and uspec  Marie is an operatic voicebank who tries to recapture the charm of Prima in an UTAU format. She has a wide range of B3-F5 and a mature, yet high and bright, sound. She has some of the best understandability out of any of these voicebanks. I really like her <3
Mikone Samu by codyboyo
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Samu/Sam is a port of Microsoft Sam done in a similar way to how Defoko was made. He’s a crisp sounding masculine low voice. Due to the samples being short, he can sound very stilted. But for a jinriki (?) like this, he is very high quality.
Resonance Harmony (Arpasing English) by Hazu/パワ 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 6 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes I have a lot to say about Harmony, and no good way of wording it. Okay. Resonance is very nasally and high, she has 3 base pitches plus growl, power, and whisper appends, and some vocal fry. Conceptually, she seems like a pretty good bank but I’ve always had trouble using her...it feels like a hit or miss on whether she’ll sound good or not. She sounds decent with f2resamp and w4utau but not many flags make her sound better. If anyone else wants to download her and play around, I’d love to hear it.
Rose Mae Arpasing BETA by Monochrome Rose ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Rose has a bright, tomboyish, androgynous voice. The readme file notifies us of the non-native accent in the vb. It does have a drawl and some of the consonants aren’t recorded/otoed right, but overall the vb sounds very smooth. Honestly, I care more about recording conditions/oto/general feel than accent most of the time, and Rose does well in those ways.
Ryuunosuke Aoyama by Mattsuran 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Ryuunosuke is a childish, boyish voice with a strong Chilean accent. I think this vb may have actually been recorded by a kid, so that’s a point for uniqueness at least. He sounds best with fresamp and f2resamp. He has a gentle tone that can work in a lot of different ranges.
Tarek by Tadashi
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B2) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, has llsm Tarek has a clear, loud tone with a noticeable lisp. UTAU recommends using him as a baritone, but I found putting him into higher ranges generally worked too. His samples sound less like singing and more like talking. He was recorded on a midquality mic which causes some distortion in the output. Still, I think his voice is really cute and I’m a sucker for baritones.
Thoma by Nythoma
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 + vocal fry/alveolar tap ※Number of pitches: 1 (F#3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Thoma is an androgynous alto/mezo soprano. They have a soft, plasticy sort of feeling to their voice. They sound best from C3-F5. I feel a little..weird linking to/talking about Thoma since they were redesigned and are supposed to be a private voicebank, but the download is still linked on this site. Also please check out Nythoma when you get a chance, they make the best Arpasing USTs which helped me a lot while making this post. I feel like I haven’t checked in on anyone here in a while. How are you doing? I’ve written most of this post within the span of a few days and I think my brain is not capable of producing any thoughts other than “monopitch.”
Tsubasa Arugo Arpasing (BETA) by WinterStar
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Tsubasa has a soft, androgynous voice that sounds best from E3-A4. The samples are full of static, which causes some distortion. The ending vowel sounds also cut off too much at the beginning, making them too breathy. Still, it’s always nice to see another soft vb.
Xiao Meihua by 実偽Migi
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No Meihua has a realistic mature voice that’s also sweet and friendly sounding. She has a sort of low voice, and sounds the best from G3-C5. The download comes with a natural vb and a Sweet append, both monopitch. I listed them as being different pitches because they aren’t recorded at the same note. The Sweet voicebank is nasal and stronger too-it sounds more solid than sweet. She’s one of the vbs on this list that sounds the best with little to no edits. Her oto is smooth as butter :0
And that’s all of them done! Thank you SO much for reading if you got this far, seriously. You are what makes writing this blog worth it <3
Also I wanted to list my favorites of the bunch! This isn’t meant to pit any vb against each other or anything, just the ones I’m likely to go back to. -Canary -Eon -Xiao Meihua -Marie Kagekine -Kii Nane -Aki Toka -Thoma -Kevin Futarine Studio
Who are your favorites?
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oikawasbread · 5 years ago
Hi;;; could I get a head canon of tsuki, suga and daichi dealing with a gf that’s frustrated with law school but is able to pass her classes bc of the boy’s help? Ty in advance
hello!! omg finally something new🥺 i am so tired of match-ups😔 anyways
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SUGA, DAICHI & TSUKKI x Stressed reader - [ hcs ]
[ Sugawara Koushi ]
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• baby knows you as a funny, out-going, positive person
• your laugh was one of the things that made him fall for you
• but when he started to see that you wouldn’t hang out with him or your friends, you’re not active on your socials, you’re always sounding so sad and tired and you barely eat, he knows he has to step in. he won’t allow any negativity in this household #negativitybegone
• he asked you what was the matter, and you explained the situation : you had to pass the classes at your law school, because you couldn’t let your parents down.
• they worked so hard to help you get there so you can’t disappoint them, and besides that, if you fail you’re going to disappoint yourself and him
• but you just couldn’t keep up; it was too much stress for one single person
• he immediatly understood, but one night, while you were studying, he came into your room and told you to take a break; Suga wanted to tell you something
• you sit on the bed as baby boy opens his laptop, making you watch his 8 slides presentation on why you are so important to him
• you were now a red mess; Suga noticed your subtle giggle so he knew his mission was a succes
• after the presentation was over, he sat next to you on the bed, wrapping you into his arms
• he told you that you have to let your body and mind rest, that even if you fail, you will never be a disappointment; your parents and your friends knew how smart you actually are, so they could never think of you as a disappointment because you screwed up one time
• and he would NEVER think you are a disappointment. you can do anything, Suga knows who you really are and nothing can change his mind
• Suga believes in you, and he KNOWS you’re going to pass all your classes and final exams
• he didn’t let you study anymore until your exams, he said that the information will get confusing if you try so hard to memorize it, so you have to focus your attention on the things you already knew
• Suga tries to make the days before your final exams the best days : he spoils you constantly, asking if you are feeling good, preparing nice warm baths for you
• so you slowly forget about the stress, and when you see that you are actually passing the classes, you can’t help but feel the most happy and lucky person in the world; because after all, it was him who helped you going through this
[ Daichi Sawamura ]
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• this man totally acts like a dad
• if you hadn’t had him, you would be a mess lmaoo
• but right now, you actually are, and he noticed immediatly
• you told him that school was slowly killing you
• you felt like you wanted to drown yourself haha
• and he WON’T ALLOW you to feel that way so he had a plan
• after all, he had experience at babysitting because of the vbc idiots
• Sawa knew that you had to pass your classes, but he couldn’t watch you lose your mind over it
• you clearly needed him right now
• so everyday he would help you study by asking you different questions , telling you tips that made you memorize the information easier
• and making sure that you’re not overdoing it
• as soon as you told him that you did it, you passed your classes, he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you and spin you around
• he was so happy for your succes
• Sawa noticed the bright smile you put on whenever you were proud of yourself, but this one wasn’t exactly like that
• you were smiling because you passed your classes, yeah.
• but mostly because you felt so lucky to have a man like him in your life: who would spend his time helping you achieve your goals
• so you realised that you’re falling in love with him even more, like was that even possible?😳
[ Tsukishima Kei ]
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• we all know he is unbothered
• but deep down he cares about you more than you think
• seeing you struggle with law school was almost breaking his heart
• but it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t get information in your head and pass your classes
• he was hugging you whenever you seemed sad, but that was pretty much it
• don’t get me wrong, he loves you
• but he’s not that affectionate
• until one day, when you snap
• you burst out crying because you were scared you will fail your classes
• you were shaking, your heart was beating too fast and you were barely able to breathe
• that’s when he realised that he should’ve helped you
• but it wasn’t too late for Tsukki to show his appreciation and love
• he grabbed your wrists and kissed you to help you calm down
• it wasn’t the hottest and most passionate kiss, but it was reassuring
•he made sure you knew he was right there, in front of you, ready to help you be the best version of yourself
• after your heart was beating slower and you stopped shaking, he cupped your face into his hands and looked directly into your eyes
“ Listen, dumbass. You won’t fail, alright? You will get though this and after you’ll tell me you passed, we can go to that favourite sushi place of yours to celebrate. But stop crying, Jesus. Do you think it will solve anything”
“ I guess not.. i should go study a bit more.”
“ No, that’s enough for this week. Let’s go to sleep. I’ll let you be the big spoon if you want, but just this time.”
“ Gomen, Tsukki. I’ll relax for a few days—“
“ Ugh.. do you have to sound just like Yamaguchi?..”
you could’t help but let out a bright smile
“ That’s it. That’s how I wanna see you from now on : smiling . You should trust yourself more. After all, I’m not in love with someone stupid, am I?”
“ So you’re in love with me.”
“ We’ve been together for 3 years.. It would be weird if I wasn’t in love with you, dumbass.”
• you pass your classes and you don’t know how to thank Tsukki for getting you back on your feet
• but he’s happy as long as you’re happy
• definetly pretends to forgot about promising you that he will take you out after passing your classes
• but seeing his little dumb girlfriend looking at him with those big eyes, Tsukki forgets abt vb practice for a day, just to spend some time with her
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omg i really hope you like it!!! school was killing me as well but i stopped caring and i’m happier now, i’m satisfied with just doing my best and not overworking myself, and now i get even better grades than before : so sometimes it’s alright to relax a little more; your mind needs time. Feel free to request again anytime you feel like it🥺❤️
- Riley
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suzanneshannon · 4 years ago
Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
Can you believe it's been 6 years since my last Tools list? Tools have changed, a lot are online, but honestly, it's just a LOT OF WORK to do the tools list. But here's one for 2020-2021. These are the tools in my Utils folder. I made a d:\dropbox\utils folder and I added it to my PATH. That way it's on all my computers and in my path on all my computers and I can get to any of them instantly.
This is the Updated for 2020-21 Version of my 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2014 List, and currently subsumes all my other lists. I’ve been doing this for over 17 years. Wow. I need to do better, I guess. 
Everyone collects utilities, and most folks have a list of a few that they feel are indispensable.  Here's mine.  Each has a distinct purpose, and I probably touch each at least a few times a week.  For me, "util" means utilitarian and it means don't clutter my tray.  If it saves me time, and seamlessly integrates with my life, it's the bomb. Many/most are free some aren't. Those that aren't free are very likely worth your 30-day trial, and very likely worth your money.
These are all well loved and oft-used utilities.  I wouldn't recommend them if I didn't use them constantly. Things on this list are here because I dig them. No one paid money to be on this list and no money is accepted to be on this list.
Personal Plug: If this list is the first time you and I have met, you should subscribe to my blog, and check out my podcasts, and sign up for my newsletter of Wonderful Things.
Please Link to http://hanselman.com/tools when referencing the latest Hanselman Ultimate Tools List. Feel free to get involved here in the comments, post corrections, or suggestions for future submissions. I very likely made mistakes, and probably forgot a few utilities that I use often.
"If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow." - Beyoncé
Windows Subsystem for Linux - It really can't be overstated how WSL/WSL2 has put the cherry on top of Windows 10. It runs on any build 20262 or higher as it was recently backported and it's integration with Windows is fantastic. It's also WAY faster than running a VM. Go learn more on my YouTube
Windows Terminal - Finally Windows has a modern terminal. You can run shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Its main features include multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and the ability to create your own themes and customize text, colors, backgrounds, and shortcuts. It also includes a pseudo-console so 3rd party Terminals like hyper, conemu, terminus and more work better!
Windows PowerToys - They are back and they should be built into Windows. Install them here and get a color picker, fancy zones, file explorer addons, image resizers, keyboard manager and remapper, an Apple Spotlight-like running in the form of PowerToyrs Run, the Shortcut Guide and more!
Also check out Ueli as a great launcher/spotlight for Windows!
VS Code - Visual Studio Code is hella fast and is my goto text and code editor. I still use notepad sometimes and I'm in full Visual Studio a lot, but VS Code is like the Tesla of code editors. Check out my Favorite VS Code Extensions below.
PowerShell/OhMyPosh/PoshGit/Cascadia Code - I've had a blast this year taking my console prompt to the next level. Try these out but also look at Starship. Whatever you do, play! Don't accept the defaults!
ZoomIt - A true classic but also the answer to the #1 question I'm asked. How do you draw on the screen when you're sharing your screen? ZoomIt has been THAT TOOL in my toolbox. Really take some time and learn how to do boxes, arrows, colors and more and you'll be a more effective screen-sharer. In fact, just go get the whole SysInternals suite and put it all in your PATH.
Winget - It's apt-get for Windows. Similar to choco which I've used in the past, WinGet is going to be included in Windows 10 and has a ton of nice features. I use it to setup a machine in an hour from the command line, versus a day before doing it manually. Just add your MSA (Microsoft login) to the Package Manager Insiders Program and get it from the Store. It's bundled with the Windows App Installer. Then just "winget search <tool>" and winget install whatever!
QuickLook - Free in the Windows Store, just highlight a file in Explorer and press Space to get a preview!
Amazing .NET and Developer utilities
"Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice." - Beyoncé
CodeTrack - CodeTrack is a free .NET Performance Profiler and Execution Analyzer. It works on basically every version of .NET and will give you massive insight into how your code is running! The flamegraph view is fantastic. It's free but you should donate as it's a one-person amazing app!
LINQPad - Interactively query your databases with LINQ with this tool from Joseph Albahari. A fantastic learning tool for those who are just getting into LINQ or for those who want a code snippet IDE to execute any C# or VB expression. Free and wonderful.
WinMerge - WinMerge just gets better and better. It's free, it's open source and it'll compare files and folders and help you merge your conflicted source code files like a champ. Also see Perforce Visual Merge which free and also can diff images, which is pretty amazing.
WinDbg - Low-level and classic but also new and fresh! WinDbg (Wind-bag?) is now in the Windows Store with ALL NEW VISUALS and more!
Insomnia and Nightingale are great alternatives to Postman for doing REST APIs!
NuGet Package Explorer - This app allows browsing NuGet packages from an online feed and viewing contents of the packages
WireShark - What's happening on the wire! WireShark knows!
GitHub Desktop - Gits, ahem, out of the way! Watch my Git 101 on YouTube!
Useful Windows Utilities that should be built in
"I love my job, but it’s more than that: I need it" - Beyoncé
Ear Trumpet - Fantastic advanced volume control for Windows! If you have ever wished that volume on Windows could turn their UI up to 11, Ear Trumpet is that app.
Teracopy - While I use the excellent built in copy features of Windows 10 the most, when I want to move a LOT of files as FAST as possible, nothing beats TeraCopy, an app that does just that - move stuff fast. The queue control is excellent.
AutoHotKey - This little gem is bananas. It's a tiny, amazingly fast free open-source utility for Windows. It lets you automate everything from keystrokes to mice. Programming for non-programmers. It's a complete automation system for Windows without the frustration of VBScript. This is the Windows equivalent of AppleScript for Windows. (That's a very good thing.
7-Zip - It's over and 7zip won. Time to get on board. The 7z format is fast becoming the compression format that choosey hardcore users choose. You'll typically get between 2% and 10% better compression than ZIP. This app integrates into Windows Explorer nicely and opens basically EVERYTHING you could ever want to open from TARs to ISOs, from RARs to CABs.
Paint.NET - The Paint Program that Microsoft forgot, written in .NET. It's 80% of Photoshop and it's free. Pay to support the author by getting the Windows Store version AND it will auto-update! It's only $7, which is an unreal value.
NimbleText - Regular Expressions are hard and I'm not very smart. NimbleText lets me do crazy stuff with large amounts of text without it hurting so much.
Markdown Monster - While I love VSCode, Markdown Monster does one thing incredibly well. Markdown.
Fiddler - The easy, clean, and powerful debugging proxy for checking out HTTP between here and there. It even supports sniffing SSL traffic.
NirSoft Utilities Collection - Nearly everything NirSoft does is worth looking at. My favorites are MyUninstaller, a replacement for Remove Programs, and WhoIsThisDomain.
Ditto Clipboard Manager - WindowsKey+V is amazing and close but Ditto keeps pushing clipboard management forward on Windows.
TaskbarX - It literally centers your Taskbar buttons. I love it. Open Source but also $1 in the Windows Store.
If you really want to mess with your Taskbar, try Taskbar Tweaker.
ShellEx View - Your Explorer's right click menu is cluttered, this can help you unclutter it!
OneCommander and Midnight Commander and Altap Salamander - As a long time Norton Commander user (google that!) there's a lot of great "reimaginings" of the Windows File Explorer. OneCommander and Altap Salamander does that, and Midnight Commander does it for the command line/CLI.
WinDirStat - A classic but still essential. What's taking up all that space? Spoiler - It's Call of Duty.
Also try SpaceSniffer!
FileSeek and Everything - Search it all, instantly!
I like Win+Share+S for Screenshots but also check out ShareX, Greenshot, and Lightshot
For animated Gifs, try screen2gif or LICEcap!
Alt-Tab Terminator - Takes your Alt-Tab to the next level with massive previews and search
PureText - PureText pastes plain text, purely, plainly. Free and glorious. Thanks Steve Miller
I still FTP and SCP and SFTP and I use WinSCP to do it! It's free or just $10 to get it from the Windows Store and support the author!
VLC Player - The best and still the best. Plays everything, everywhere.
PSReadline - Makes PowerShell more Bashy in the best way.
Yori and all Malcolm Smith's Utilities - Yori is a reimagning of cmd.exe!
Visual Studio Code Extensions
"I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me." – Beyoncé
There's a million great Visual Studio Extensions. The ones I like won't be the that ones you like. But, go explore.
GitLens - Glorious. Just makes Git and VS a joy and adds a thousand tiny lovely features that will make you smile. You'll wonder why this isn't built in.
Version Lens - Do you have the latest package versions? Now you know
CodeSnap - Screenshots specifically tailored to make your code look nice.
.NET Core Test Explorer - Makes unit testing with .NET on VS Code so much nicer
Arduino for VS Code - The Arduino extension makes it easy to develop, build, deploy and debug your Arduino sketches in Visual Studio Code! So nice.
Coverage Gutters - This amazing extension highlights what code is covered with Unit Test and what's not. Ryan is looking for help, so go see if this is a great OSS project YOU can get started with!
Docker for VS Code - Container explorer and manager and deployer, directly from VS
GitHistory - Another nice add-on for Git that shows your Git Log
HexDump - I need this more than I would like to admit
LiveShare - Stop screen-sharing and start code and context sharing!
PowerShell for VS - A great replacement for the PowerShell ISE
Remote Containers - This is an AMAZING EXTENSION you have to try if you have Docker but it has a horrible non-descriptive name. But must be seen to be believed. Perhaps it's "Visual Studio Development Containers," I'm not sure. Open a folder and attach to a development container. No installs, just you debugging Rust, Go, C#, whatever whilst installing NOTHING. Amazing.
Remote SSH - Another in the VS Remote Family of Extensions, this one lets you use any remote SSH Server as your development environment.
Remote WSL - Edit and debug and build code from Windows...using Linux!
And finally, Yoncé, my current VS Code theme. Beyoncé inspired.
Things I enjoy
“We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths.” – Beyoncé
RescueTime - Are you productive? Are you spending time on what you need to be spending time on? RescueTime keeps track of what you are doing and tells you just that with fantastic reports. Very good stuff if you're trying to GTD and TCB. ;
Carnac - This wonderful little open source utility shows the hotkey's you're pressing as you press them, showing up as little overlays in the corner. I use it during coding presentations.
DOSBox - When you're off floating in 64-bit super-Windows-10-Pro land, sometimes you forget that there ARE some old programs you can't run anymore now that DOS isn't really there. Enter DOSBox, an x86 DOS Emulator! Whew, now I can play Bard's Tale from 1988 on Windows 10 in 2021! Check out Gog.com for lots of DOSBox powered classics
Oh yes, and finally Windows Sandbox - You already have this and didn't even know it! You can fire up in SECONDS a copy of your Windows 10 machine in a safe sandbox and when you close it, it's gone. Poof. Great for testing weird tools and utilities that some rando on a blog asks you to download.
Sponsor: IDC Innovators Report: Multicloud Networking--Read the latest from IDC and discover one of the premier platforms addressing the rise of multicloud architectures and cloud-native apps. Download now.
© 2020 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.
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      Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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philipholt · 4 years ago
Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
Can you believe it's been 6 years since my last Tools list? Tools have changed, a lot are online, but honestly, it's just a LOT OF WORK to do the tools list. But here's one for 2020-2021. These are the tools in my Utils folder. I made a d:\dropbox\utils folder and I added it to my PATH. That way it's on all my computers and in my path on all my computers and I can get to any of them instantly.
This is the Updated for 2020-21 Version of my 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2014 List, and currently subsumes all my other lists. I’ve been doing this for over 17 years. Wow. I need to do better, I guess. 
Everyone collects utilities, and most folks have a list of a few that they feel are indispensable.  Here's mine.  Each has a distinct purpose, and I probably touch each at least a few times a week.  For me, "util" means utilitarian and it means don't clutter my tray.  If it saves me time, and seamlessly integrates with my life, it's the bomb. Many/most are free some aren't. Those that aren't free are very likely worth your 30-day trial, and very likely worth your money.
These are all well loved and oft-used utilities.  I wouldn't recommend them if I didn't use them constantly. Things on this list are here because I dig them. No one paid money to be on this list and no money is accepted to be on this list.
Personal Plug: If this list is the first time you and I have met, you should subscribe to my blog, and check out my podcasts, and sign up for my newsletter of Wonderful Things.
Please Link to http://hanselman.com/tools when referencing the latest Hanselman Ultimate Tools List. Feel free to get involved here in the comments, post corrections, or suggestions for future submissions. I very likely made mistakes, and probably forgot a few utilities that I use often.
"If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow." - Beyoncé
Windows Subsystem for Linux - It really can't be overstated how WSL/WSL2 has put the cherry on top of Windows 10. It runs on any build 20262 or higher as it was recently backported and it's integration with Windows is fantastic. It's also WAY faster than running a VM. Go learn more on my YouTube
Windows Terminal - Finally Windows has a modern terminal. You can run shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Its main features include multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and the ability to create your own themes and customize text, colors, backgrounds, and shortcuts. It also includes a pseudo-console so 3rd party Terminals like hyper, conemu, terminus and more work better!
Windows PowerToys - They are back and they should be built into Windows. Install them here and get a color picker, fancy zones, file explorer addons, image resizers, keyboard manager and remapper, an Apple Spotlight-like running in the form of PowerToyrs Run, the Shortcut Guide and more!
Also check out Ueli as a great launcher/spotlight for Windows!
VS Code - Visual Studio Code is hella fast and is my goto text and code editor. I still use notepad sometimes and I'm in full Visual Studio a lot, but VS Code is like the Tesla of code editors. Check out my Favorite VS Code Extensions below.
PowerShell/OhMyPosh/PoshGit/Cascadia Code - I've had a blast this year taking my console prompt to the next level. Try these out but also look at Starship. Whatever you do, play! Don't accept the defaults!
ZoomIt - A true classic but also the answer to the #1 question I'm asked. How do you draw on the screen when you're sharing your screen? ZoomIt has been THAT TOOL in my toolbox. Really take some time and learn how to do boxes, arrows, colors and more and you'll be a more effective screen-sharer. In fact, just go get the whole SysInternals suite and put it all in your PATH.
Winget - It's apt-get for Windows. Similar to choco which I've used in the past, WinGet is going to be included in Windows 10 and has a ton of nice features. I use it to setup a machine in an hour from the command line, versus a day before doing it manually. Just add your MSA (Microsoft login) to the Package Manager Insiders Program and get it from the Store. It's bundled with the Windows App Installer. Then just "winget search <tool>" and winget install whatever!
QuickLook - Free in the Windows Store, just highlight a file in Explorer and press Space to get a preview!
Amazing .NET and Developer utilities
"Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice." - Beyoncé
CodeTrack - CodeTrack is a free .NET Performance Profiler and Execution Analyzer. It works on basically every version of .NET and will give you massive insight into how your code is running! The flamegraph view is fantastic. It's free but you should donate as it's a one-person amazing app!
LINQPad - Interactively query your databases with LINQ with this tool from Joseph Albahari. A fantastic learning tool for those who are just getting into LINQ or for those who want a code snippet IDE to execute any C# or VB expression. Free and wonderful.
WinMerge - WinMerge just gets better and better. It's free, it's open source and it'll compare files and folders and help you merge your conflicted source code files like a champ. Also see Perforce Visual Merge which free and also can diff images, which is pretty amazing.
WinDbg - Low-level and classic but also new and fresh! WinDbg (Wind-bag?) is now in the Windows Store with ALL NEW VISUALS and more!
Insomnia and Nightingale are great alternatives to Postman for doing REST APIs!
NuGet Package Explorer - This app allows browsing NuGet packages from an online feed and viewing contents of the packages
WireShark - What's happening on the wire! WireShark knows!
GitHub Desktop - Gits, ahem, out of the way! Watch my Git 101 on YouTube!
Useful Windows Utilities that should be built in
"I love my job, but it’s more than that: I need it" - Beyoncé
Ear Trumpet - Fantastic advanced volume control for Windows! If you have ever wished that volume on Windows could turn their UI up to 11, Ear Trumpet is that app.
Teracopy - While I use the excellent built in copy features of Windows 10 the most, when I want to move a LOT of files as FAST as possible, nothing beats TeraCopy, an app that does just that - move stuff fast. The queue control is excellent.
AutoHotKey - This little gem is bananas. It's a tiny, amazingly fast free open-source utility for Windows. It lets you automate everything from keystrokes to mice. Programming for non-programmers. It's a complete automation system for Windows without the frustration of VBScript. This is the Windows equivalent of AppleScript for Windows. (That's a very good thing.
7-Zip - It's over and 7zip won. Time to get on board. The 7z format is fast becoming the compression format that choosey hardcore users choose. You'll typically get between 2% and 10% better compression than ZIP. This app integrates into Windows Explorer nicely and opens basically EVERYTHING you could ever want to open from TARs to ISOs, from RARs to CABs.
Paint.NET - The Paint Program that Microsoft forgot, written in .NET. It's 80% of Photoshop and it's free. Pay to support the author by getting the Windows Store version AND it will auto-update! It's only $7, which is an unreal value.
NimbleText - Regular Expressions are hard and I'm not very smart. NimbleText lets me do crazy stuff with large amounts of text without it hurting so much.
Markdown Monster - While I love VSCode, Markdown Monster does one thing incredibly well. Markdown.
Fiddler - The easy, clean, and powerful debugging proxy for checking out HTTP between here and there. It even supports sniffing SSL traffic.
NirSoft Utilities Collection - Nearly everything NirSoft does is worth looking at. My favorites are MyUninstaller, a replacement for Remove Programs, and WhoIsThisDomain.
Ditto Clipboard Manager - WindowsKey+V is amazing and close but Ditto keeps pushing clipboard management forward on Windows.
TaskbarX - It literally centers your Taskbar buttons. I love it. Open Source but also $1 in the Windows Store.
If you really want to mess with your Taskbar, try Taskbar Tweaker.
ShellEx View - Your Explorer's right click menu is cluttered, this can help you unclutter it!
OneCommander and Midnight Commander and Altap Salamander - As a long time Norton Commander user (google that!) there's a lot of great "reimaginings" of the Windows File Explorer. OneCommander and Altap Salamander does that, and Midnight Commander does it for the command line/CLI.
WinDirStat - A classic but still essential. What's taking up all that space? Spoiler - It's Call of Duty.
Also try SpaceSniffer!
FileSeek and Everything - Search it all, instantly!
I like Win+Share+S for Screenshots but also check out ShareX, Greenshot, and Lightshot
For animated Gifs, try screen2gif or LICEcap!
Alt-Tab Terminator - Takes your Alt-Tab to the next level with massive previews and search
PureText - PureText pastes plain text, purely, plainly. Free and glorious. Thanks Steve Miller
I still FTP and SCP and SFTP and I use WinSCP to do it! It's free or just $10 to get it from the Windows Store and support the author!
VLC Player - The best and still the best. Plays everything, everywhere.
PSReadline - Makes PowerShell more Bashy in the best way.
Yori and all Malcolm Smith's Utilities - Yori is a reimagning of cmd.exe!
Visual Studio Code Extensions
"I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me." – Beyoncé
There's a million great Visual Studio Extensions. The ones I like won't be the that ones you like. But, go explore.
GitLens - Glorious. Just makes Git and VS a joy and adds a thousand tiny lovely features that will make you smile. You'll wonder why this isn't built in.
Version Lens - Do you have the latest package versions? Now you know
CodeSnap - Screenshots specifically tailored to make your code look nice.
.NET Core Test Explorer - Makes unit testing with .NET on VS Code so much nicer
Arduino for VS Code - The Arduino extension makes it easy to develop, build, deploy and debug your Arduino sketches in Visual Studio Code! So nice.
Coverage Gutters - This amazing extension highlights what code is covered with Unit Test and what's not. Ryan is looking for help, so go see if this is a great OSS project YOU can get started with!
Docker for VS Code - Container explorer and manager and deployer, directly from VS
GitHistory - Another nice add-on for Git that shows your Git Log
HexDump - I need this more than I would like to admit
LiveShare - Stop screen-sharing and start code and context sharing!
PowerShell for VS - A great replacement for the PowerShell ISE
Remote Containers - This is an AMAZING EXTENSION you have to try if you have Docker but it has a horrible non-descriptive name. But must be seen to be believed. Perhaps it's "Visual Studio Development Containers," I'm not sure. Open a folder and attach to a development container. No installs, just you debugging Rust, Go, C#, whatever whilst installing NOTHING. Amazing.
Remote SSH - Another in the VS Remote Family of Extensions, this one lets you use any remote SSH Server as your development environment.
Remote WSL - Edit and debug and build code from Windows...using Linux!
And finally, Yoncé, my current VS Code theme. Beyoncé inspired.
Things I enjoy
“We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths.” – Beyoncé
RescueTime - Are you productive? Are you spending time on what you need to be spending time on? RescueTime keeps track of what you are doing and tells you just that with fantastic reports. Very good stuff if you're trying to GTD and TCB. ;
Carnac - This wonderful little open source utility shows the hotkey's you're pressing as you press them, showing up as little overlays in the corner. I use it during coding presentations.
DOSBox - When you're off floating in 64-bit super-Windows-10-Pro land, sometimes you forget that there ARE some old programs you can't run anymore now that DOS isn't really there. Enter DOSBox, an x86 DOS Emulator! Whew, now I can play Bard's Tale from 1988 on Windows 10 in 2021! Check out Gog.com for lots of DOSBox powered classics
Oh yes, and finally Windows Sandbox - You already have this and didn't even know it! You can fire up in SECONDS a copy of your Windows 10 machine in a safe sandbox and when you close it, it's gone. Poof. Great for testing weird tools and utilities that some rando on a blog asks you to download.
Sponsor: IDC Innovators Report: Multicloud Networking--Read the latest from IDC and discover one of the premier platforms addressing the rise of multicloud architectures and cloud-native apps. Download now.
© 2020 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.
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      Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows published first on http://7elementswd.tumblr.com/
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persistentplums · 6 months ago
This is my half made thoughts on the future of the Venture boys bc I doubt we will see them soon (as someone who just finished VB):
My thoughts on Dean in the future is less wondrous like Hank and harder to put down. I think Dean leans into his love of animals, the natural part of life. I would think he gets really into botanical science and would help Bobbi ranch. If I would go really hopeful I think he would find a way to help the animals, remove the more life threatening things/machinery etc.
I think Dean would have a daughter and a son, I think it would be hell unfortunately. I think he would be divorced, I want to believe that Dean wouldn’t be awful and I truly don’t think he would be but he has a lot of his dadisims what he doesn’t feels very Monarch and Brock.
Someone pointed out Ventures are the unnatural vs Monarch natural, circle of life theme. I think Dean struggle against the Venture messing with nature will ultimately be a good thing the problem is Dean still believes in this game they play.
I think Hank and Dean won’t hate each other but it will still be a bit bitter between them in odd ways. Hank is suited fully for this life, he would be the new age for adventurer, which is a bit risky bc the older they all get the newer and wilder the arches will be (Blind Rage, Mantilla as examples they run however they want)
Hank makes it look easy. Dean would probably be jealous Hank just makes growing up, accepting himself and his part of all this look good on him. Added on to the fact Hank will probably be the fun uncle to his kids.
Hank though will still feel lonely, he followed the footsteps, did it better than his dad and still will feel like Dean gets all the support. Which doesn’t help that Dean has kids who do love him.
Hank like I said in another post would be Tintin. Definitely could kill you but doesn’t, travels around, becomes a face and name known. I don’t think Hank particularly gets a dedicated Arch, he ends up in situations but never outright targeted. He’s weirdly likeable in that way but also he never stays in a spot for too long.
I’m not trying to say Dean and Hank have this massive fall out, it’s just going to be this weird unsaid thing but they do love each other. Maybe they do say it or they don’t, but their relationship is always going to be weird bc of the other person perception. It’s unfortunate outcome of being siblings to not the best situation that I can see them carrying.
I do like the thought of Dean having kids, a lot, only because he would definitely try really really hard and him having a daughter and son makes me laugh. But let’s all pray for a girl venture, a nightmare truly to be a girl in a family like that.
I also like the idea Hank gets all his bases covered in a convoluted way so he’s never really in trouble with the OSI. Whether that’s somehow getting the license to kill (just incase), or going through different trainings I think Hank would somehow, in a very roundabout way, become a certified professional.
Dean becomes much to his own personal disappointment good at the super science thing but only because he ends up liking his professors and bothered by disappointing them specially Victoria Von Helping. I think Dean gets an Arch who definitely steals his work and makes deadly versions that personally pisses Dean off because it’s directly against the one thing he wanted do the science stuff only for good. Almost like a personal mockery and theft.
I think that’s all I got! Would love to hear other ppls thoughts of what the boys might do in the future
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