#I love that 3rd name but alas it wasn’t the one we settled it. So now I have another. That one’s… boring though. Overused. Not a fan.
chilapis · 3 months
Thinking of adding a new name to my collection, though Lapis will remain primary. Current prominent contenders are Liegia, Carnelia, Coquina, and also my 2nd birth name, Rabiya. Thoughts?
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lucisfavoritedemon · 3 years
Something Domestic
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: You never thought your life to be grand, but you never saw as absolutely terrible either. You were always happy with the things you had, but the one thing that you always wanted was to find love. Little do you know love is just two steps away, and across the hall.
Square Filled: Neighbor AU @marvelfluffbingo
Warnings: super cute fluff, anxious Bucky, shy reader, slight smut, implied smut, slight angst 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3573
A/N: This originally was going to be a platonic Sebastian Stan x reader fic, but I got inspired to do something else. I was somewhat inspired by a TikTok POV called Two Lost Souls by hlovesmarvelpov which is where I got the idea to write what life was like for Bucky in Romania. I want to give credit to @nix-akimbo whose art I used in the collage for this story. Pics are linked here, here, and here. Other images we're found off of Pinterest, but the collage is mine made on Canva. Everything in italics is 3rd person POV of Bucky’s thoughts. This is not beta read, so all mistakes are mine.
I never knew where life would lead me. I knew I wasn’t going to find something to do to make me rich. All I really wanted was to find a good job that paid me enough to get by. Living in Romania was an absolute dream. It was so beautiful, and it was always so interesting. Everyday felt like a new adventure. At the market you never knew who was gonna show up, or what was going to happen.
One day while at the market, just shopping for some fresh produce to restock my apartment with for the week, I saw an interesting looking man. I had never seen him before, and he definitely didn’t look like he was from around here. Something about him drew me in, but I was too shy to approach him to say hello.
I was definitely at that age where I was ready to look for mister right, and finally settle down. I seemed to have met every guy in this city, and none of them were to my liking. They all seemed very bold, manly, and had egos bigger than some of the buildings. That wasn’t really something I was looking for, and to be fair it was probably just part of their personalities, no judgement there.
There was something about this stranger though that was different. Yes, he was very handsome and buff, but he looked very shy and reserved. Not something I was used to, and that probably contributed to why I was so attracted.
He seemingly glanced my way, and I turned to look away. I knew I must have been staring and I felt awkward about that. So, I quickly finished up my shopping and ran home. I really hoped though that I didn’t make him think that I found him creepy. Damn my shyness, and anxiety.
It had been a few days since I saw the stranger at the market. I was walking down the street to my office when I happened to pass him by. He seemed to pause his gaze for a quick second before looking away. I walked past him at a decent pace, hoping he would make the first move to say hi, but alas, he did not.
The week went by, and it came time for me to head back to the market to restock my produce for the week. I ended my shopping spree and turned to head home when I ran right into someone's very muscular chest. I almost fell back when the person grabbed my arm, catching me.
“Are you okay, miss?” The person asked, speaking Romanian.
“I am fine thank you.” I looked at the person, and it was the stranger I saw last week.
“You’re welcome. Sorry I knocked you over.”
“Please, don’t apologize. I was the one who bumped into you.”
“At least allow me to help you carry your groceries home.”
I nodded and handed him a bag. He gestured for me to start walking, and I led him to my apartment complex. “My place is a bit messy, I wasn’t expecting anyone to come over to see it.” I said, going to unlock the door.
“Don’t apologize, I won’t go in if you feel uncomfortable.”
“I feel bad having you follow me all this way, and not even offer you a snack or something.”
“You’re too sweet. I’m okay, doll. I’ll stay out here. It also wasn’t too out of the way for me.”
“Are you sure?” I reached my hand out to take the bag he was holding.
“I’m sure,” he handed me the bag and turned to walk away, “and if you need me, I live just across the hall.” He walked over, unlocking his door, and opening it.
I almost fell back in shock. How did I not know this man lived across the hall from me? I surely would have seen him walking out. He turned and smiled at me before walking into his apartment. I tried not to look shocked, but all this time I had no idea he was living just 5 steps away. 
I close my door quickly and go to put my produce away. I tried to keep the stranger off my mind, but that seemed like an impossible task. Then, I thought of the perfect idea, I would invite him over for dinner. I wanted to get to know him, I needed to. Put all these wandering thoughts to rest.
I made us a lovely dinner of chicken and potatoes. I set everything up to look somewhat nice, and go to knock on his door. When I went to open my door to walk out, he was standing there ready to knock on my door.
He had a bouquet of different assorted flowers. I give him a small, shy smile as he hands them to me. I, of course, take them and find a vase to put them in. As I put them in the water, I look over at him, and he looks kind of sad.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you expecting someone? I didn’t mean to come off straight forward. I just-”
“I wasn’t technically. I was going to ask you if you wanted to join me for dinner?”
“Really?” He perked up, and I nodded my head, “I was going to ask you the same thing. A home cooked meal sounds better than one you can get at any restaurant.” He chuckled.
We sat down, and talked for hours. He avoided some of the questions I asked him, but I wasn’t going to push him for answers if he didn’t want to answer them yet. We laughed, joked, and just enjoyed each other’s company. 
“I realised that I never asked for your name, doll.” He spoke up.
“My name is Y/n. I never asked yours either.”
“I guess we both figured it would come up eventually. My real name is James, but you can call me Bucky.”
I smiled as I thought of what a lovely name that was. I didn’t ask why he preferred Bucky over James. Something in me wanted to make him love it, adore it. I wanted him to treasure his given name as I was right now.
The night came to an end much to our dismay. I didn’t want to say goodnight though. I wanted him to stay, which wasn’t like me at all. I usually said yes to one date, and that was that. I don’t know what was different about Bucky, but he brought out a new side of me. He intrigued me, and I had to know more about him.
“Until next time, doll. Promise you won’t bump into another guy before then?” He chuckled.
I giggle, “I promise. You’ll be the only guy I bump into now. At least that’s my hope.”
He kissed my cheek before walking to his door, and I could have sworn I was flying. If that was the way it felt when he kissed my cheek, what would it feel like if he kissed my lips.
Over the course of three months every Sunday Bucky and I had dinner together. We started with switching off, but slowly Bucky had been taking over our Sunday night dinners. Tonight when I went over I realised that I was slowly moving into his apartment. 
“You okay doll?” He asked, looking at my far off look.
“Yeah. I just realised it looks like I’m starting to take over your apartment.”
“That was one thing I was going to ask you about tonight.”
“I’m so sorry, I’ll pick up my stuff and take back to my place i didn’t-”
“Not that. I was going to ask if you wanted to move in together. It doesn’t have to be in my apartment, and I know we’ve only been together for a few months, but-”
“You want to move in together?”
Bucky just nods slowly, and I rush to hug him. I no longer had to wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms. I no longer had to feel that lonely feeling I felt after our Sunday night dinners. I tried to keep my mind from racing with all the things I had wondered about. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Bucky chuckles, squeezing me back.
After dinner, we walked over to my apartment to get some extra blankets and pillows. I hoped I hadn’t rushed him into this by slowly looking like I was trying to move myself in on my own. I hadn’t even realised that our hangouts had left with me leaving my belongings all over the place.
“My place is your place now.” He spoke up, placing the blankets he was carrying on the bed.
“I didn’t rush you into this did I?”
“No. I know it seems quick, but I just get this feeling when I’m around that makes me not want to take things as slow as we probably should.”
“I was worried I was rushing you into things. I didn’t even realise that I was leaving things over at your house.”
“No. I have been planning on asking you for a few weeks now.”
I smile as we curl into bed together for the very first time. He was warm, and I felt safe laying in his arms. Laying there for the first time in a long time, I fell asleep almost immediately.
It has been 6 months since Bucky and I started seeing each other, and it has been the best 6 months of life. Even the last 3 months have been amazing. I have enjoyed every minute I have spent with Bucky. He is sweet and kind, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. He had my heart in his hands, and I didn’t want it back.
The only thing that was strange is he didn’t talk about his life at all. He wanted to hear all about my life, but he wouldn’t speak about his life prior to coming to Romania. I knew he originally came from America because we both switched from speaking Romanian to English when we are alone.
“Is everything okay, doll?” Bucky asked, tearing me from my thoughts.
“I was just thinking.”
“About what? You know you can tell me anything right?”
“Tell you, yes. Ask, no.” I kind of snapped as I stood up to put my plate in the sink.
“Is everything okay?” I could hear the panic in his voice, and I didn’t mean to hurt him, but I knew I had to say something, or it would eat me alive.
“I just don’t get why you want to hear all about me, but avoid questions about your life. I get it if you don’t want to talk about it now. I just don’t like it when you dodge it altogether.”
“Okay I understand that, and I’m sorry.”
Bucky really was sorry. He didn’t want to scare her away with the horrors of his past. He wanted her to know more about him. He wanted her to know that he is way older than what she may think he is. That he fought side by side with Captain America during WWII. 
He couldn’t get the words out though. He would lie awake at night trying to figure out how to tell her. Even on the nights when he found it hard to sleep, and he couldn’t lay there anymore, he wanted to wake her and just spill all the stories. 
He found warmth and comfort in her, but he didn’t want to haunt her with his past. He couldn’t taint such an angel like her, no matter how bad he wanted her to know. To hear her voice break just a little as she expressed how she felt broke him.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I just want you to know that it hurts me a little whenever you don’t give an explanation.”
“I want to tell you all about my life, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m sorry.” His eyes went down, and my heart broke for him.
“James, look at me please?”
Bucky loved when she called him James. It was like she was trying to teach him to love his given name, and it was working. It rolled off her tongue so sweetly, and it came out so easily. He couldn’t help but obey when she asked him in that sweet tone of hers.
“The fact that you want to is enough for me right now. I’m not upset,” I smile sweetly at him, and walk over, placing my hand on his, “I don’t want to push. When you are ready, my love, I will be here waiting to listen contently.”
Bucky’s heart sighed in relief. He was worried that he had mucked everything up. He cared too much about her to let himself ruin things. If she wasn’t content with his response he would have told her everything. If it meant keeping her happy, he would give her the world. 
My conversation with Bucky seemed to have gone well. He slowly started to open up little by little. He was a bit vague, but at least he was trying. The first time he actually opened up a little was the first night I had noticed he was having a nightmare.
He was tossing and turning in his sleep, and I began to worry. I had heard never to wake someone up from a nightmare, so I sat there till he shot up. He was covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. He went to lay back down not realising I was already awake until I turned on the light. He looked over with sad, apologetic eyes. I just laid my hand on the small of his back letting him know everything was okay.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn't, I was already awake.”
I caressed his cheek, rubbing my thumb against his cheek. He slowly leaned in, and I followed until our lips came together. Sparks flew between us, and I felt butterflies. His lips were soft and gentle. The gentle kiss though soon turned into more. 
Bucky was gentle and slow. Making sure he wasn’t pushing my comfort level, and made sure he wasn’t hurting me. It felt amazing, and was the best night ever. I hoped that with Bucky and I becoming so intimate he would see that no matter what, I wasn’t going to go anywhere.
Bucky wasn’t sure how Y/n would feel if he initiated the kiss, but she put just as much passion into it as he did. He pushed into it more, and she returned it. Before he knew it he was on top of her naked body. He made sure he didn’t push her to do something she didn’t want to, but he could tell in her eyes she had been waiting a long time for this moment.
He made sure to be as gentle with her as he possibly could, but the urge to be inside her was too much for him to bear anymore. The room was filled with their moans as their bodies were connected so intimately.
Bucky felt that everything was going to be okay between them after that night. He held her as tight as possible after that, and was able to sleep through the rest of the night. Maybe he was worried about nothing. He felt like he could do anything now as long as he had her by her side.
“James, will you run out and get some fruit for me?” I hollered from the kitchen.
Bucky came into the room as he finished getting dressed, “anything specific you want?”
“No, just something I can turn into jam. The stand has been doing really well, and I’m running low on fruit.”
Bucky smiled as he walked over to me kissing my cheek, “anything for you, doll.”
Bucky left shortly after that, and I started to package the batch I had already made. Once I finished jarring what I had, I went to the walk-in pantry we had and started to shelve them. I thought I heard the door open so I called out to Bucky, but I got no answer.
“Everything alright out there my love?” I walked out of the pantry to be met by a man dressed in an all blue outfit. He was carrying a shield on his back that was red, white, and blue with a white star in the center.
He was looking through our kitchen, and I began to panic. I had no idea who this man was, or why he was in our apartment. I couldn’t find words to say when he noticed me.
“Where is Bucky?”
“Why do you want to know?” I asked, speaking in Romanian.
The man just turned around and looked at the top of the fridge. He pulled down a book, and that’s when I felt a hand on the small of my back. I jumped slightly at first then I realised it was Bucky behind me.
The stranger turned around, and saw Bucky. He started asking weird questions like if Bucky knew him, or why he pulled him from a river? All of it was so confusing and worrying to me. Before I knew it we were being attacked by the police. 
Bucky took off and I tried to follow him, but the stranger told me to stay put. Once the fight took the streets, I tried to follow on foot. By the time I got where I thought they would come out of, they were being surrounded. Bucky was being shoved to the ground and handcuffed. 
“James!” I yelled, rushing to him, and fighting the blockade of police.
They shoved me back, but I fought back harder. It was no use though as they loaded Bucky into a huge truck. I felt like my world had just come crashing down on me. Everything that happened this last year all came flooding back to me. I knew I had to get Bucky out of there. He was an innocent man, and I knew as long as we had each other, there would be nothing we couldn’t conquer.
Y/N tried to move on as best she could, but her heart felt empty. The day they took Bucky away in handcuffs was the day her heart left her. She closed her stand in the market, and went back to her dead end job. She moved out of their shared apartment because the thought, or even smell of him was too painful.
Y/n thought that the love of her life was gone forever. She even thought about moving away permanently, but loved the city too much to do that. The once bright and bubbly girl went back to her old reclusive self before she met him. No one had ever put the light back into her. Her smile was gone, and she hardly ever laughed anymore.
She was returning home from work one night, and decided to take the long way home. She wandered towards her old apartment complex as she often did. Ignoring the weird looks she got from the people she passed by, she kept her eyes to the ground. That was her mistake as she was lost in thought when she bumped into a muscular chest, almost falling to the ground. 
A firm gentle hand grabbed her arm kept her from falling, and she fought back tears as she remembered her very first full encounter with Bucky. “I’m sorry, I should have been paying attention.” Her voice broke as she fought back the pain, not wanting to look the stranger in the eyes.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I almost knocked you over.”
“Please don’t apologize. I was-”
“The one who bumped into me?” 
Y/n heard the man chuckle and almost felt like she could hear Bucky behind the chuckle. She gained enough courage to look up at the stranger who she bumped into, and the person she saw was not who she was expecting.
“You okay doll? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
She didn’t even hesitate to jump into his arms. It was the reunion she waited almost two years for. He picked her up and held her tightly as if he let her go, she would disappear. Y/n nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck taking in his scent.
“I’m sorry I left you. I-”
“It’s not your fault James. You’re back, and that’s all that matters.”
Bucky pulled away slightly from the hug to look her in the eyes. He pulled her in for a soft, gentle kiss. For the first time since that terrible day, Y/n smiled into the kiss. Now that they were back in each other’s arms, she finally felt like her heart was put back together. 
She didn’t care what happened, she was just happy to have him back in her arms. She was happy he was safe and sound with her again. The light in her eyes had returned, and Bucky felt like he was falling in love with her all over again. The world could throw whatever it wanted at him now. He had his girl back, and he felt like he could overcome anything as long as he kept her by his side for the rest of his life.
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tendouthighs · 4 years
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Characters: Kuro Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou (separate)
Time period: 3rd years at Nekoma, late college time
Warnings: literally one slightly suggestive line
Word Count: 1.7k
Genre: Fluff
Format: One shot
Gender: Fem/Male/Gen
Dedicated to @jayeray for the secret solstice event between me and some friends!
Kuro Tetsurou:
It was finally the weekend, the boys had just finished their volleyball practice and you and Kuroo were on your way back to his for your Annual-December-Weekend-Movie-Marathon. Cool name right? Anyway, the manger of Nekoma, Jay, had just finished locking up and saw Kuro waiting for her by the vending machine. Walking over Kuro passes Jay a soda and proceeds to hold her hand.
“So what are we going to watch this time?” Jay asks as she take a sip of her drink, “I swear to god if it’s the polar express again, I’ll drown you in hot chocolate.” Kuro chuckles and grabs her unoccupied hand, “You say that but I know you love the film, sweetheart.” “Don’t ridicule me you ass hat” Jay says in fake annoyance. “What can I say? It’s fun to tease you” His ever lasting smirk makes Jay want to hit him but unfortunately her hands are full.
Jay rolls her eyes as she sees that they’re just now coming up to the schools gate. “If we stay at this speed we’re never going to get back. Was volleyball to hard on you, Captain~” Jay chides, teasing him back from his comment before hand. “Well I don’t know if you can see, kitten, but it snowed last night and I’d rather you not fall and be whining all through out watching polar express that ‘it hurts’ and that I should ‘kiss it better’. So you should be thanking me.”
The comment makes Jay fluster as she finish’s her drink and throws it away, “Hey! I thought I said no polar exp-“ Jay pauses in her sentence when she see the rest of the volleyball team are all standing around grinning, “what’s up with them?”
Turning around (and letting go of kuroo’s hand) Jay spots kenma launch a snow ball at Yamamoto. Kuroo instantly starts to cackle while Jay stood there in shock and proudness “I knew he had it in him”, Jay whispers whilst wiping a fake tear from her eye.
Just as Kuroo finally calmed down from laughing, he cracked up again as Yamamoto missed throwing a snowball at Kenma and hit Yaku. “Wahhh Yaku so you’re so tiny that it must of been luck that the snowball hit you” Lev commented which therefore caused Yaku to throw a snow ball at Lev and a while snowball war to start out.
“I’m not even going to question how this happened, so let’s just leave and not get dragged in-“ Jay whistles and try’s to turn around to sneak off, whilst dragging Kuroo with her. Jay was definitely not going to give up cuddles just to get cold in the snow. But alas, the universe has different plans for Jay and her main character life.
On their way out Lev threw a rouge snowball and it hit Jay square in the back of the head. God help Lev against Jay’s overprotective (and dotting) boyfriend. “Hey! Do you want to run double laps Lev!” Kuro shouts as Lev frantically apologises, “it was an accident Kuroo I swear- Jay, I’m sorry! Tell the bad man it was an accident!”
Whilst kuro was telling Yaku to keep Lev on a leash, Fukunaga throw a snowball at Kuroo, right in the face bless him. “That was cold as ice,” he giggles to him self.
Jay instantly burst out laughing “Fukunaga that was comedy ‘cold’! And the faCE KURO MADE AHAHA! Oh god I’m crying that was hilarious, you deserve a raise for that oh my-“
Jay stopped laughing as snow filled her mouth making her cough. The cackles of Kuro and the muffled giggles from the team were heard as Jay slowly stood up from her previous laughing fit on the floor.
Jay swiftly snatched the snowball Lev was making (which in turn made him whine, but Yaku stuffed snow in his mouth whilst Inokua tried to stop him-) and aimed the snowball at Kuros face, at close range might I add, and threw it into his cackling open mouth and closed eyes, which made him choke.
After Kuro stopped dying, Lev of course had to say something “that’s karma for throwing a snowball at our pretty managers face”, which irk’ed Kuro. “I’ll show you pretty you damned giant!” Kuro sneers and throws another snowball. Which unfortunately for Kuro, hit Kai. Which then began another war.
After an hour or so had past, and being covered in snow and cold to the bone, the volleyball team went inside to get changed, and dry off, in the locker room. Jay and Kuro started on their ways back to Kuroo’s, with his arm draped over Jay’s shoulder, and her arm wrapped round his waist. Slowly catching her breath, Jay breathed an airy laugh, “I gotta say, I didn’t expect to be dragged into a snow ball fight when I woke up this morning,” she smiled, “although I can’t complain, as you did get a face full of snow”.
“Says the one who got snow thrown in their mouth!” Kuro retorts, smirking. “Yeah! Well! At least I wasn’t the one who choked on the snow!” The look Kuro gave Jay made her realise what she said, “hey wait, don’t-“. He swiftly cut her off “ but you’re the one who chokes-“, Jay jumped and tried her best to cover his mouth, “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU-“.
His eyes held amusement as he pries her hands away, “you know, that was our first snow ball fight.” Realisation flashed in Jay’s eyes and a giant smile came across her face. “Oh yeah! It didn’t snow last year” Jay comments and grabs kuro’s hand to continue the walk, “well I enjoyed it, especially now that we can get back and we can cuddle and get warm.”
Looking up at the sky Jay smiles fondly “Although it’s cold, this will still be one of the best memories that I’ll treasure with you and the team in”. Kuro’s eyes wondering slightly before a genuine smile settled across his lips, not his usual smirk. “Well then I’ll just have to warm you up in my arms and make more unforgettable memories”.
Coming to a stop a few blocks from Kuro’s house, he hugs Jay tight around the waist as her arms come to instinctively curl around his neck. Jay looks into his eyes and smiles cheekily, “well my lips are cold too.”
With a smirk and a whisper of “I think I can warm them up”. Kuro dips his head as his lips connect to hers in a soft kiss. Pulling back slightly Jay smiles at him. “We should hurry up, or else we’ll never get back,” with another peck to his lips Jay detaches her self, “I want more kisses and cuddles when we get in.”
With a laugh, they both continue back. It’s safe to say this is the best winter that Jay had ever had.. and Jay knows that as long as she has Kuro, all winters will be the same. Nothing seems more perfect than this.
Bokuto Koutarou:
Bokuto always took things to the extreme, and Christmas was no exception.
The house was blitzed to the max with decorations, the biggest tree there was, and a hundred lights that light the front lawn.
But the activity that Bokuto loved the most, was gingerbread decorating.
So that’s what Jay and Bokuto did Christmas Eve Eve (as Bokuto says) because patience is not in Bokuto’s vocabulary.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing” Jay’s eyes glimmer in amusement as she watches Bokuto stack icing covered gingerbread biscuits on top of each other. “I know what I’m doing, I’m an expert at this type of thing! I wasn’t the ace of Fukurōdani for nothing!”.
“Bokuto that was four years ago,” Jay sweat drops but doesn’t bother pressing into the matter, “and with how tight you’re squeezing that bottle, the top looks like it’s about to blow off”. It was true, with the excitement and determination to finish his gingerbread tower? Stack? Thing?, his knuckles were slightly white from squeezing the bottle too hard.
“This bottle is as tough as nails!” He proudly declares, “nothing can break this bad boy-“ maybe it was the fact he spoke too soon, or his icing cover face and hands that made Jay laugh and grab the table to stable herself; but either way she was in stitches.
“W-what was you going to say-“ even speaking was hard when you were dying from laughter, “as hard as nails, eh?”. The tick mark on Bokuto’s forehead increased with every comment; until he exploded.
“YEAH, WELL, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT IT WAS AS SOFT AS KUROO WHEN HE LOOKS AT WOMAN” Bokuto _screamed_, it went silent. A pin drop would of sounded like an earth quake.
“Did you just-“ Jay cut herself off as she stared at Bokuto, deadpanning. Flushing red he rubbed his face to get the icing off, instead making it worse. “Now you just look like a clown,” Jay’s comment makes his hair deflate a little so Jay quickly rephrased what she said, “a hot clown that is my lovely boyfriend!”
A proud smirk soon returned to his face as mischief flashed through his eyes, which in turn made Jay raise an eyebrow. “Well every hot clown needs a stunning clown!” Realisation hits Jay like a brick as she waved her hands around frantically, “h-hey! W-wait a minute,B-Bokutooooo!”
Bokuto pounces on Jay and knocks the both of you to the floor, with Bokuto on top of you, gripping Jay’s hands with his; whilst rubbing his cheek against Jay’s simultaneously. “Now we’re clowns together! All we need now is a baby to make a clown family!” The comment is enough to make Jay flush, but Jay quickly push it down as she sits up and Bokuto slips to the floor. “At least give me a ring first” Jay jokes as Bokuto’s hair sticks straight up and stars shine in and around his eyes, “Marriage is the key to a clown family!! I’ll start the preparations and we can have a gingerbread tower cake and-“ before Bokuto can ramble anymore Jay presses a finger to his lips which stops him in his rambles, going cross eyed to stare at her finger.
Meeting back with Jay’s eyes, fondness is swirling within her irises, “oh I love you, you big good,” a massive smile etches on to his as he tackles you to the floor again, changing “I love you! I love you!” Over and over.
“Alright, alright!” Jay fondly holds him back, “let’s get tidied up and then we can discuss the marriage deal with the gingerbread tower cake”
General Taglist: @mssyprsn @sachirou-senpai @sugasugawarau
Random: my heart is about to beat out of my chest I’m so nervous- sorry in advance because of how b a d my writing is- ily- xoxo
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pandoras-proxy · 5 years
I'm also obsessed with the whole Strahd/Tatyana dynamic (I have an Insta account dedicated to it - @barovia_bites) Looking forward to seeing more from you!! You are an awesome artist and story teller :)
Thanks so much! It’s definitely something I’ve been enjoying a lot in our campaign. :) I think I mentioned it in a previous post, but the whole Strahd/Iona arc started with a letter she wrote to the Lord himself. I really loved this exchange, so I figured I’d share! 
Iona’s 1st letter
I write this letter not knowing where to begin. How did we meet? What were we to each other? How did I hurt you? I have more questions than there are stars in the sky.
I suppose I’ll begin with a confession.
I said I didn’t know you, but in truth, there was a whisper of a memory… but only a whisper. It may as well have been obscured by the mists that brought me here. I sense I have a history here, but there are so many things I do not understand. Help me understand.
Maybe then, I could understand the love you say we had or this curse you say I brought… Maybe then, we could free you of this cycle of suffering you are trapped in, together.
I don’t know where I’ll be by the time this reaches you but something tells me that if you want me to receive a reply, I will. Given how contentious our first meeting was (with words of anger from you and bravado from myself), I ask that you remember the protection I am under.
[There is a large space between these words and the next, and a small drop of ink, as if Iona’s quill hovered for a long time in search of words.]
Was I musically inclined when you knew me? In this lifetime, I find solace in music so I’ll leave you with the beginnings of a song:
I know not if fate would have us live as one
Or if by love’s blind chance we’ve been bound
You flee my dream come the morning
Your heart, its passion displaced
By anger ever growing, hardening into stone
The wish I whispered, when it all began
Did it forge a love you might never have found?
[Beside the words are music notations]
Strahd’s 1st letter
My Dearest Iona,
There is so much I long to share. So much, that I too find it difficult to determine an adequate place to begin. We have had so many beginnings you and I, and each one has been lost in the darkness of the past. But perhaps I shall start with the first.
A long time ago, my father had called upon me to serve in his wars. He called upon my sense of honor. He called upon my sense of duty. And, finally, he called upon my years. I gave him victory, and for that he took my youth. Time is such a precious thing. You cannot own it. You cannot keep it. You can only spend it. And, once you have, it is forever lost.
Following the triumph of our kingdom, I sent for my family, long unseated from their ancient throne, to settle with me in Castle Ravenloft. They came with a younger brother of mine, Sergei. He was young and handsome, and I hated him for both. But mostly, I hated him for what he brought with him. You.
From the moment I first looked into your eyes the rest of the world vanished. In you I saw everything that I had yearned for and lost. Youth. Kindness. I longed for you to be mine. But, alas, your heart went to Sergei. “Brother,” you called me. Yet while that word spilled from your crimson lips, I knew its true meaning. “Elder,” “Old-one.”
What my father had taken from me, he had left to my brother.
Darkness overtook me. I would find a way to preserve what youth I had left, no matter the cost. Perhaps then, I could rightfully take what should have been mine. I made a pact with death, which I signed with blood. But in the end, it did not matter. You hated me for what I had done. For the sacrifices I made in your name!
You threw yourself from the waterfall, and thus our first beginning came to an end. But I could not let it be the last. I darkened the skies and shrouded the land to keep you here with me. I would endlessly traverse time itself to find you again. I stand at its harbor, scanning the horizon, and through its waves I can see moments as slow and transparent as glass. And you, forever on the other side, your hair blazing like the rising sun. I tremble in your radiance. All other desires, hopes, and aspirations have been banished by its rays, until there is you. Only you.
You ask me if you have always been gifted with music? Yes. But to me your greatest work was simply your presence. It has been the symphony of my heart, and the dirge of my soul.
Iona’s 2nd letter
I learned about Ireena today. She was one of our many lost beginnings, wasn’t she? I wonder how many times you’ve found me as you stood vigil over your oceans of time. It sounds… so lonely.
Has tragedy truly followed all of our meetings?
I don’t know how much of my life you’ve seen, if any, but I have not given my heart to another. The thought is terrifying. Love has only ever destroyed those around me and made them suffer. As it has made you suffer. All that you’ve gone through, the pain, the sacrifice, this cycle of torment, can you honestly say it’s been worth it?
And yet, even as I write this, I realize our paths aren’t so different. Rage and despair have lead me to a pact of my own, as you must know. I don’t care its price so long as the violence in my heart is reconciled.
Will you help me or will you hinder me in the end, I wonder?
I travel now, my destination unknown. This world of yours is a dark place and I sense its menace around me, like the eyes of a predator upon my skin. Tell me, what will I face? If I ever need aid, is it the Vistani I can trust? How can I show that you and I are connected?
As ever, I am full of questions but perhaps you understand my caution. Already this beginning of ours was nearly ended.
You’ve told me about yourself and about us and for that I thank you. Is it strange that I look forward to your next letter? That I’ll watch the night skies and think of you when I see the mists?
The first song isn’t ready for an end, so I will leave you with this one instead:
Sun sets, beloved one
Time to dream. Your mind journeys,
But I will hold you here.
Where will you go, beloved one,
Lost to me in time?
Seek truth in a forgotten land,
Deep within your heart.
Wherever you shall go, beloved one,
Follow my voice-
I will call you home.
I will call you home.
[Music notations are beside the words]
You’ve called me home again.
Strahd’s 2nd Letter
Dearest Iona,
Tatyana was the first, and Ireena the last. Until you. And through the years, there have been many more.When you threw yourself from the cataract, I knew I must keep you here with me. I drew upon the darkness and formed the ashen mists that envelope this land. They are a prison, which binds souls to this valley and keeps them here with me. Time and time again, you would be born. Time and time again you would choose death over my embrace.
When Ireena passed, I waited again - patiently like the tide. But you did not return. Despite all possibility, you had escaped. I scoured the world from my castle. Searching. Until there was a whisper… but only a whisper. And I followed, just as the moon follows the sun across the horizon.
No, Iona, I cannot say that love has been worth torment. It has never brought me happiness. The fires of hell could burn for all eternity and it would never equal what I feel for you in minute of the night. Yet appraising its value is futile. If only I could cast it into flame and sear it from my heart, I would. But, in my endless vigil, I have found the most horrifying truth: Love never dies.
Join me, here in Castle Ravenloft and bring an end to this curse you have placed upon me. Until then and always, I too shall watch the night sky and think of you.
Iona’s 3rd letter
[Some context: This letter is sent after Iona leaves Ravenloft against Strahd’s wishes. She does it reluctantly but with the belief it must be done to pursue her goals.]
I know you will be angry. Maybe you will never forgive this perceived betrayal. But please know that I did not do it to spurn you or to hurt you. What I said before was the truth; when I have completed what I must do, when the connection between the Feywild and the Material Plane has been severed, I will stay with you. Whether you try to stop me or help me from now on, I will come back to you. I will walk to your castle gates and I will give you everything that I am.
Until then, I beg for your understanding and for your forgiveness.
I hope you will write back. Though I’ve only known you a short time, there’s already a hollow ache in my chest at the thought of your silence. If you write, will you tell me one of your happier memories? Before the curse. Before Tatyana. I want to you know you. Not the Lord. Not the Vampire. But the man. I want to open my heart to you.
I’ll share a memory of my own.
When I was a young girl, I was rather mischievous. I would escape my caretakers often and lose myself in the gardens of the Unseelie court. There I had such adventures. I would weave myself a crown of black hellebore and nightshade and carefully make dolls out of twigs and grass. In my halls of hedgerow, I presided over a kingdom of leaves and flowers.
In it, I would slay dragons and capture fell beasts, all of which were in truth the resident sprites of the garden. Whether it was the honey I used to entice them or simply the amusement at seeing a Fey Lord’s daughter prance about with flowers in her hair and dirt on her knees, they played along in a spectacular fashion.
I had death-defying duels with willow switches. I embarked on quests to find treasures of seed and stone hidden for me throughout the garden. I held court and danced beneath faerie light.
Despite its darkness and the pain it caused me, some of my happiest memories were in the Feywild. I hope I can be the light in your darkness.
I left you my lute in the gardens by the cliff. It’s the last thing I had of my mother. In its place, I will cherish the memory of your lips and the sliver of your heart I carry in my possession.
Now and always, I am yours.
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
diamond in the rough; p.j.h
request: anon asked:  hello! can i please have a bestfriends to lovers imagine? angst but a happy ending hehe// wait! about my bestfriends to lovers request, i think i forgot to add the member hehe jihoon pleaseeee thanks again! have a nice day xx
a/n; i combined your request with an idea of mine, i hope you dont mind^^ special thanks to dain(@pinksausageduo) and tina(@whatabrightplace) for helping me out,, not forgetting allison(@pwjins), sarah(@day6euphoria), xuan(@hwinkinghwi)and rissa(@hwangminn)! y’all might not have helped much but it meant the world to me and rescued me from the ditch,, i love you guys
and im sorry iris @101mess i didnt manage to do up 10 fics:’)
starting line:  “Don’t touch me.”
synopsis:  you never believed in falling for your best friend, until one confesses, in the most shocking way possible
warnings: uhh mild language sliiight steam and nothing else everything’s at pg dw
genre: mafia!jihoon,, angst and fluff
length: | a paragraph | drabble length | a short story | your average essay of less than 10,000 words | a fic too long but too short for a part 2|
masterlist//requests are open
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"Hey babe," Jihoon slings his arm around your shoulder, "I heard the first class is Economics, and we have it together,"
You shrugged Jihoon's arm away, walking a few steps ahead of him, "Stop calling me babe, its annoying, and your stupid winkies would haunt me for it too." Jihoon. Your best friend since the 3rd year of middle school, your wingman, your #1 supporter. You were there with him since his awkward emo stage, and now that he became an extremely handsome individual. The friendship didn't change despite Jihoon looking better, but he has a hoard of girls, who named themselves winkies, chasing after him at his every whim. You didn't care much about them, since theyre chasing after false hope. But you were indeed afraid of them, you saw how they bullied a girl Jihoon helped out on her first day of school, and they only stopped when Jihoon intervened. Now, not that Jihoon was a fuckboy or anything, although the ambience he carries says otherwise. A true tsundere, Jihoon is more than he seems below his looks. Sometimes however, he could be cold on the outside, warm on the inside, and the opposite on some days. Knowing Jihoon's personality fairly well, you never phantomed that your best friend would fall for you. Jihoon had his fair share of pretty friends, and you just looked like someone to complement him in pictures. You did develop a crush on Jihoon during the first year you met him, but your hopes to only be crushed when Jihoon started gushing over the prettiest girl in the cohort. They did become an item eventually, but young Jihoon's heart to be broken only a week after finding out his girlfriend lost interest in him. He turned to you, his best friend, which resulted in movie night, accompanied by lots of ice cream. As the both of you grew, Jihoon's heart grew bigger for you as well. He seemed to realise that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not just visual beauty. You, his best friend, was there with him through thick and thin, better or worse. He slowly started to grow fond of the two dimples that adorned you when you smiled, and how attractive you were when you were extremely focused on a task. If anyone were to glance at Jihoon staring at you, the entire galaxy could be seen in his brown orbs, bursting with affection. What a pity, you couldn't see it.
And what you didn’t know, was Jihoon’s involvement with the 101 mafia.
The 101 mafia was notorious for money laundering, and gang fights. The neighbourhood you lived in was the 101’s turf, any other rival gang that went up against them will end up in shambles, and a free trip to the hospital.
You knew of the 101, but you didn’t really involve yourself in those matters(what an irony though, jihoon was your best friend) as your GPA was much more important than finding a boyfriend or getting into fights.
In school, Jihoon was the stellar student, straight As, cocoa hair in a neat but slightly dishivelled fashion, uniform neatly ironed. However, during his “duties”, school jihoon would be thrown in the gutter, the boy would sport a black leather jacket, milky white forehead exposed below his gelled up fringe. Having a black belt in taekwondo, Jihoon was one of 101’s most valuable assets.
Hence, many girls have their eyes on Mr. Sweet but Strong guy, including one of the leaders of the  Fantagio mafia, Choi Yoojung.
Jihoon used to be part of the Fantagio mafia, until the mafia disbanded for a short while. They wanted Jihoon back, but he was in a much stronger mafia than their own. Yoojung was friends with Jihoon during his time in Fantagio, and inevitably caught feelings for the doe-eyed mafia member. 
Alas, she couldn’t confess to him as Jihoon left Fantagio sooner than she expected, and the underlying feelings never left. She had made a point and a swear to herself that she would do anything to let Jihoon be single, even if it means to harm the people closest to him. 
During economics class, Jihoon kept throwing playful winks at your direction, messing with both your mind and heart. You were used to it though, but Jihoon was exceptionally flirtatious today. You rolled your eyes at him, gesturing your finger to his textbook, mouthing "pay attention".
Jihoon did quite the opposite, dragging his table and chair beside you, then settling himself down with a plop.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, seeing a few classmates turning their head at the commotion.
"Shifting my seat to a more comfortable position," Jihoon shrugged, "It's really hot there, I don't like it."
"It's literally minus thirty degrees outside, Jihoon," You tried to direct your attention back to the economics textbook ,"stand outside if you want."
"Miss Y/N and Mr Jihoon, are you done?" Your economics teacher warned, tapping her book on the teachers' desk, "Leave your sweet talk outside of the classroom, not during my class."
You already feel a couple of glares directed at you, not because of your talking, but because of your interaction with Jihoon. There were quite a few winkies in your economics class, and they are constantly vying for the seat beside Jihoon. However, Jihoon being himself, he would always shift to the seat beside you, as the girls' faces would turn into a scowl. Today was no different, but worse when the teacher openly lectured both you and Jihoon as a pair. 
You lowered your head in embarrassment, not wanting to face the wrath of Jihoon’s stupid winkies after class. Before you could shift your seat, a slip of paper was pressed underneath your textbook.
Don’t be too upset, hmm? I can’t bear to see my best friend like this:( I’ll wait for you in the music room during recess with waffles. And strawberry milk. 
Your heart warmed at the message, your mood instantly lifted as you listened attentively for the rest of class.
“Dont stop me,” Yoojung seethed, as she pried Mark’s hand away from her shoulders.
“Hey, it’s not right to hurt someone because of your crush on Jihoon,” Mark reasoned, standing in front of her, “and what’s worse, she’s his best friend. Can you imagine how much he’s gonna hate you for hurting her? That’s just not putting the situation in your favour.”
“Do I look like I care?” Yoojung folded her arms, “I have been practically been with Jihoon since he was like fourteen and I know him better than she does.”
“Actually, she has known him since middle—“
“Ok, whatever.” Yoojung rolled her eyes, pushing the frail 127 mafia member out of her way, “I do what I want.”
Jihoon was a man of his words indeed, the boy was seated at the piano seat, two brown paper bags and two bottles of strawberry milk perched atop of the grand piano. Though, he wasn’t playing the piano. He was busy tapping on his mobile phone, presumably some mobile game he was involved in.
You creeped up to Jihoon, then thrusting your hands on his shoulders. The boy let out a yelp, nearly dropping his phone. When he saw that it was you, he placed his palm over his chest, scrunching his nose.
“You scared me,” Jihoon huffed, palm still clutching on his chest, “I thought you were one of the winkies or something.”
You shrugged, taking one of the paper bags and sitting beside Jihoon, “What game were you playing just now? You seemed engrossed.”
Jihoon’s eyes shifted, as he cleared his throat, “Uhh, Mobile Legends.”
“Really?” You quirked your eyebrows, reaching for his phone, “Teach me how to play, I wanna be a cool gamer dude like you too.”
Before you could touch his phone, Jihoon snatched his phone back, raising it up above his head. You frowned, as Jihoon stuck his tongue out.
“What’s wrong with trying to learn how to play games?” You pouted, “I don’t get why you’re so defensive.”
“N—no, it’s just...”
You pulled Jihoon’s hand down towards you, as you snatched his phone back in victory, your back facing against him as you tried to unlock his phone.
“Yah! Give it back to me!” Jihoon tried to get his phone back, as you finally managed to unlock his phone.
His password? Your birthday.
What surprised you even more was his homescreen, it was a picture of the both of you, during middle school graduation.
“How cute, tsundere Jihoon having our picture as his wallpaper?” You cooed, “We were even so uncool back then.”
“Now you have seen it,” Jihoon tried to grip his phone, “give it back to me.”
“Why?” You teased, “Do you have a girlfriend that I don’t know about?”
“Actually,” Jihoon’s face inched closer to yours, making your heart accelerate at a very fast pace, “I’ve been thinking about this for a really long time, and its also the reason I asked you to come here for.”
“W—what is it?” You stuttered, not used to the proximity of your bodies.
“Y/N, I—“Before Jihoon could complete his sentence, the incessant vibrating of his mobile phone interrupted him, making him curse under his breath as he picked up the call.
“Hello—What?!” Jihoon furrowed his brows, then scrunching up his hair in frustration, “Ok. Make sure you keep a lookout for me.”
With that, he hung up the phone, and looked into your eyes, “Look, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I have to leave now. Something urgent cropped up, and I have to be there.” 
You bit your lip, as you forced out a smile, “It’s fine. Just go.”
Jihoon squeezed your hand, as he left you alone in the music room, two waffles and strawberry milk untouched.
“Hey,” you hear someone call out to you, as you pulled out your earphones. It was the president of the winkies, Yoojin.
You stared at her blankly, as she scoffs, “You really don’t know where to draw the line, don’t you?”
You frowned, not understanding anything she said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Yoojin.”
“It’s Jihoon that I’m talking about,” She folded her arms, “Stop being so close to him.”
You couldn’t believe your ears, are the winkies really coming at you for something so petty?
“Can’t you see? The oh-so-tough 101 mafia member is so smitten for you, his world revolves around you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, looks like his bestest friend doesn’t know,” Yoojin snickered, along with her other winkies, “Yes, your Jihoon is part of the 101 mafia. A prized one in fact. He doesn’t have a black belt in taekwondo for nothing.”
You were currently in disbelief, thinking that the winkies would do anything in their way to break the both of you up. You knew Jihoon was rumoured to be in the mafia, but he was too good of a student to be part of it. Besides, you were his best friend. He would tell you everything, right?
“I can show you his picture if you want—“ Yoojin’s phone went flying across the floor, glass fragments littering the concrete floor of the classroom.
“I can’t believe you stooped this low to get Jihoon,” Yoojung shook her head as she stepped on Yoojin’s brand new iPhone X, “even a baby wouldn’t believe your words.”
“Choi Yoojung!” She screamed, but no one showed sympathy to her as she picked up her now shattered phone, “Look what you’ve done!”
“What I have done?” Yoojung laughed, “Stopping another uncultured swine from spreading rumours, no?”
The whole class burst into whispers, as Yoojung pulled you by your wrist out of the classroom.
“Look, I don’t normally do this but, I’m sorry.” Yoojung bowed, as she gave you a cup of water.
“What for?” You were puzzled, immediately helping Yoojung up.
“I wanted to harm you...” Yoojung’s head hung low, “and I really shouldn’t because of a stupid crush.”
“Harm me for what?” You laughed, hugging an almost crying Yoojung.
“I wanted to harm you for getting close to my crush, you are really too nice.” Yoojung sniffed.
“Ok, tell me who’s your crush, I’ll help you.” You smiled, as Yoojung shook her head.
“It’s Jihoon,” Your face momentararily stiffens, “and I guess its time to get over him as well.”
“H-hey,” You stuttered, “I can help you, he’s my best friend.”
“No, I can’t.” Yoojung shook her head, “Jihoon has someone else in mind already.”
You slouched, patting Yoojung’s back, “I’m so sorry to hear that, Yoojung.”
“and he has his 101 stuff to handle too, I feel bad to add on to his work load...”
“Wait, 101?” You frowned, “as in the 101 mafia?”
“Jihoon is in the— oh you’re not supposed to know.” Yoojung scratched her head, then standing up, “I’m sorry and thank you.”
“No, Yoojung, wait!” You tugged on her jacket, “what am I not supposed to know?”
“N—nothing.” Yoojung tried to wriggle out of your grasp, but can’t under your iron grip.
“If you’re really sorry, then tell me about it.” 
Yoojung sighed, “Alright, fine. Jihoon is in the 101 mafia, and I’m not joking. He really is in the mafia and is one of the most valued members because of his ability to do well both in school and work.”
Yoojung saw your doubtful eyes, as she whipped out her phone and showed you a picture of the 101 mafia, “Here’s Jihoon,” she zoomed into one of the members in the centre, seated right beside a silver haired man, “he looks different, doesn’t he?”
Jihoon indeed looked different, a boyish smirk stitched on his handsome features, hair all gelled up and a black leather jacket that had “101” imprinted on the left breast pocket. You couldn’t believe it, as his best friend, you had asked him many times about him and the 101. Of course, Jihoon denied it and waved it off with a charming smile, making you forget all about it.“He was in Fantagio before he joined 101,” 
Yoojung sighed as she locked her phone, “And I guess that was when I started developing a crush on him.”
The both of you shared a moment of silence, as Yoojung stood up again, “I know this is a little too much for you to take in, but just so you know, I’m always active on Kakao, so just text me whenever.”
You and Yoojung were more than acquaintances, but little less than friends. You didn’t really know the petite girl well before, but now, you were guessing that you have earned yourself a new friend.
30 minutes earlier
“Jihoon,” Mark gasped over the phone, “Yoojung is going to do something to Y/N.”
“Hello—What?!” Jihoon furrowed his brows, then scrunching up his hair in frustration, “Ok. Make sure you keep a lookout for me.”
Mark sighed, as he slumped into the abandoned desk chair, right outside the music room.
A angry Yoojung carrying a bottle of 500ml Hershey’s chocolate sauce was seen stomping to Jihoon’s class, as she wanted to take revenge on Y/N by pouring the gooey sauce on the girl’s chair. A horrid prank, one would say, but this was no feat to the Fantagio mafia member.
“Yoojung!” She heard someone call out to her, as she froze, and quickly hid the bottle in her uniform jacket.
“Where are you going?” the voice belonged to her crush, Jihoon, who had his hands nonchantly tucked into the pant pockets.
“I was just, going to the toilet,” Yoojung lied, preparing to run off anytime soon.
“But the toilet is the other way, isn’t it?” Jihoon pointed to the opposite direction where Yoojung was headed. She cursed in her head, knowing she was going to get found out.
“So, what were you doing with a bottle of chocolate syrup?” Jihoon pointed at the awkward bulge in her uniform jacket.
She bit her lip, not knowing what to say.
“Are you going to mess up Y/N’s stuff with it?” Jihoon raised his eyebrows.
“Jihoon reading everyone’s mind like a fortune teller, as expected,” Yoojung laughed humourlessly, “Yes, I wanted to mess up Y/N’s seat with it. Why? Are you mad?”
“No, I’m not.” Jihoon shook his head, “I’m just disappointed that my friend would sabotage someone I like through something childish.”
Yoojung hung her mouth open in shock, seeing a different side of Jihoon, where did the 101 Jihoon go? 
“I thought at least you could help me a little with this crush thing, because you have been in a relationship before,” Jihoon explained, then smiled grimly, “and also because I want you to get over me. It’s not worth it, Yoojung, imagine if your boss finds out you’re dating someone from the 101, you’ll be in trouble, you know that?” 
Yoojung hung her head low, sighing, Jihoon was always right, and doing something childish over her jealousy was just really immature.
“Then what about Y/N?” She shot back, “She’s not even involved in anything, what if the rival mafias find out about her? What will you do? Will you protect her?”
“Yes, I will protect her.” Jihoon refuted, “I have even told Daniel about it already. At least she is just someone I like, my best friend, trying to get good grades like how normal teenagers do. But Yoojung, I’m sorry but I only see you as a good friend. Someone I can turn to despite not being from Fantagio anymore.”
Yoojung was now stunned, Jihoon was no longer the immature fourteen year old she met in Fantagio, picking fights at every disagreement. Now, Jihoon has the ability to talk people through reasoning, heck, his face was not helping at all.
“Well then, what do you want me to do?” Yoojung folded her arms.
“Just, don’t try to harm Y/N anymore, and never let her know about my involvement in the 101. Promise?” Jihoon held out his pinky finger.
Yoojung smiled, “We’re still at it now?”
Jihoon nodded, still holding out his finger.
Just as you thought your day was going well, Jihoon ditching you, the encounter with the winkies and Jihoon’s involvement with the 101 made it all worse. Thank goodness you didn’t have any other classes with Jihoon for the rest of the day, at least, that would give you a good reason to avoid him.
Or so you thought.
Right after your last lesson, you spotted Jihoon waiting right outside your class, tapping his foot to an unknown beat. 
You rolled your eyes, as you walked past him as if he was invisible. You soon heard footsteps chasing after you, your first instinct was to run.
It wasn’t long until Jihoon caught up with you, as he pulled on your backpack.“Why are you running away from me?” Jihoon panted, “It has been long since I ran after a girl, you know.”
“I don’t think I’m worth running after,” You replied grimly.
Jihoon’s face immediately fell, then placed both of his hands on your shoulders, “Hey, what’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything right?”
“But you don’t tell me anything,” You felt tears stinging your eyes, “How long were you going to keep from me that you’re from the 101?”
Jihoon kept silent, shaking his head, “No, Y/N—“
You shrugged his hands away, “Why did you deny something that I will find out eventually? Calling yourself my best friend, I don’t think you’re doing a good job at that.”
You then walked off, tears streaming down your face.
“Hey, you’re crying as if your boyfriend cheated on you,” Yeri peeled open the 5th triangle kimbap, handing it to you, “it’s not that bad, Jihoon can protect you!”
“Protect me from what?” You sniffed, taking a huge bite, “his lies?”
“H-hey, he’s your best friend after all, calm down on the roasting, will you?” Yeri laughed nervously, then looking at her wrist watch, “Crap, I’m almost late for cram school. I’m sorry I can’t be with you till your tears dry up Y/N, but you owe me one for 5 triangle kimbaps and 7 bottles of banana milk.”
You sighed as you watch your best friend run off to the nearest bus stop outside the convinience store, slumping in your seat. Staring at the 4 kimbap wrappings and 6 empty bottles of banana milk, you sighed again. Why were you such a glutton when you were sad?
Even though it was only 5pm, the sky was pitch black, tiny stars dotting the sky. During the winter, it was common that the evenings would look like nights, darkening the path to home.You were glad that the estate you lived in had brightly lit lamp posts to guide your way home, but there were a few dodgy corners you had to get past in order to get home. Nonetheless, you never had any encounter with anybody you didn’t want to see.
Until today.
You walked the same route back home like you do everyday, safely passing by the most dodgy looking corners of the route. That night felt especially cold, sending shivers down your spine despite having 4 layers of clothing on.
While you passed the last corner, you let out a sigh of relief, thinking that you got through, until a hand covered your mouth and reeled you backwards.
Your first instinct was to scream, but the stranger’s big hands muffled most of your screams. You also tried to wriggle out of the stranger’s grasp, but they were too strong for you.
“You bitch,” You heard him mutter, “How dare you mess with my sister’s boyfriend!”
“I don’t even know your sister!” You panicked, slowly taking out your phone to dial for the police.
“You are such a liar, aren’t you?” He laughed menacingly, “Park Jihoon is Yoojin’s boyfriend, stop making him cheat on her!” 
You finally managed to escape from the man’s grasp, then breathing heavily, “Jihoon doesn’t even like Yoojin, she’s nothing but a delusional bitch who chases after false hope!”
“What did you say?” The man seethed, taking out a pocket knife, hands quivering in anger.
“I said, Yoojin is—“
Before you could complete your sentence, the man was beat to the ground, groaning in pain. Behind the man was Jihoon, not in school uniform but in his leather jacket. 
“Idiocy runs the family, eh?” Jihoon smirked, kicking the penknife away, “Like brother, like sister. Dumb and dumber.”
“You seem to be everywhere, Park Jihoon.” The man huffed, dusting himself as he got up.
“Didn’t your boss teach you not to screw up in others’ turfs?” Jihoon spat, “Yoohyun.”
Yoohyun sent a punch to Jihoon, which the latter skillfully avoided, and twisted the older boy’s arm and flung him to the ground. You gasped at the sight, not used to seeing this side of your best friend.
“Y/N!” Jihoon hugged your weak frame, “Are you alright?”
“I’m f—fine—Behind you!” You pulled Jihoon towards you, behind him was a charging Yoohyun, penknife in hand.
Jihoon dodged the penknife, but too close a proximity that the blade slightly grazed the young boy’s cheeks, leaving a cut. He ignored it, as the continued throwing kicks and punches to the older boy. You could only watch in sheer shock and fear, not knowing what Yoohyun would do next.
After a few punches and kicks, Yoohyun was beat to a pulp, purple bruises on his arms, legs and face. He cowardly limped away from the both of you, muttering a string of curse words under his breath.
You examined Jihoon carefully, the bloody red cut screaming contrast to his milky white skin, red bruise forming at the corner of his plump lips, brown hair moist and dishevelled, eyes still showing signs of rage. You shook your head, as you dragged him by his wrist, back to your home.
“Where are you bringing me to?” Jihoon asked, enjoying you holding his wrist too much.
“To treat your stupid wounds, you gangster.” You rolled your eyes, reaching your doorstep in a matter of minutes.
You were thankful that your parents were working overtime for today, or they would question why you brought a beaten-up Jihoon home. You lazily jiggled the key into the keyhole, then kicking off your school shoes to a corner. Jihoon followed suit, taking off his jacket and putting it neatly on the clothesrack next to the door.
“You can eat whatever,” You waved to the kitchen, “there is cold water in the fridge too, if it helps.”
As Jihoon watched your figure disappear into your room, he groaned as he got up from the sofa, shuffling to the kitchen to get himself a bottle of water. He gulped down the water quickly, letting out a gasp of satisfaction after finishing the bottle.
“I didn’t know you could fight,” You broke the silence in the house, “you do fight well.”
Jihoon turned around, to be met with your petite figure drowned in a oversized pink and white stripped shirt, hair tied up in a messy bun, complete with a pair of white bunny slippers on your feet. He choked on his saliva, as you frantically ran over to him to pat his back to soothe the cough.
“Do you want me to change? You seem...shocked, as if you have never seen me before.” You stifiled your laughter, patting his back.
“N—no, you’re fine. You look cute.” Jihoon unknowingly spat out, blush reaching his cheeks after realising what he just said.
You shrugged, retriving the first aid kit from the bottom drawers of the island, plopping yourself on the sofa, patting the seat next to you. Jihoon obediently sat there, as you swung your legs on the sofa, resting it above Jihoon’s legs.
“You know, I can’t be with you forever to treat your wounds,” You nagged as you dabbed some disinfectant cream on the cut, “I’m not your maid, you know.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And you can’t be always fighting,” You frowned as you dabbed some saline solution, “fighting is bad.”
The both of you then sat in comfortable silence, Jihoon occasionally wincing in pain as the disinfectant came in contact with his wound. You were too engrossed in trying to treat Jihoon that you didn’t notice that your face was dangerously close to his, close enough for Jihoon to lightly place a peck on your lips.
Jihoon’s heart was beating wildly, even though his brain told him otherwise. He was conflicted wheter to confess to you or to kiss you, he was afraid that either would end badly.
“Screw this,” Jihoon huffed, grabbing your wrist, closing in the gap between your lips.You were surprised, but slowly got used to it as he moved his lips with a little more force, moulding against yours. You gasped as his teeth tugged slightly on your lower lip, you could feel him smirk against your lips.i need holy water The both of you eventually pulled away after a good 20 seconds, gasping for air. 
Jihoon pecked your lips softly one more time, brown eyes looking straight into yours, “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell and trust you with my secret, I just didn’t want you to view me differently after I told you about it. I wanted to confess to you earlier on but I was interrupted, so, uh...” 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Jihoon looked at you with hopeful eyes, gleaming under the ceiling light.
You hugged your now-boyfriend as you nodded, “Of course I would be your girlfriend, you idiot.” 
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the-n7-blog · 6 years
Day 1 2017 cruise trip
The date was June 3rd 2017 it was a little past 530am when we got to the airport parking lot sun peeking out, or at least it would have been if the skys weren't so gray and decusting. Its funny how we always remember the stupidest things during a vacation. The airport was about par for the course for airports (god i hate going thru them) and we soon were ready to board our flight. As we sat in our seats i took the window as being a big guy that i am prefering an end seat or window as I rarely use the bathroom on planes. Apon arriving in Orlando Florida I was instantly barraged with a series of flashbacks and memories of my childhood going to Disney world and as it appears, when in America or the other parts of the world, I'm in my element. I enjoy travel, not just from the prospect of being a tourist, but understanding the culture and learning the day to day stuff like bus schedules or (well in London England) learning the tube map. The first half of our departure from the airport was nice as the air conditioning was quite good and refreshing, but as we got closer to the doors it got so hot and muggy. Ill never forget a few aspects from this trip, how bland home felt, how much Florida felt like a tropical country. And how much I learned I love grits (and more I wont say today). Moving on, we got a rental car, which was nice, going to cape cod would have been problematic without a rental (especially for what we had planned) i beleave it was closer to 9am by the time we pulled into a dinner, the name always escapes me but i had a nice corn beef hash, grits, a biscuit and eggs. Since i was very hot and i figured what the hell, I added a beer which was in a frosted mug, which was nice. Breakfast was amazing. The grits, eggs, hash were all amazing. The biscuit warm and fluffy. After we ate we went to the car rental place which was across the road. From there we took a shuttle to the ship, the driver reminding me of a friend exactly. Same accent & speach patterns. Getting on the boat wasn't all that exciting. Its getting in the boat that was the highlight. The oasis of the seas. There was a time that was the biggest ship in the sea, and thats no joke. This ship had a shopping center, a nightclub (a few of em) and something close to 10 restaurants. The rest of the day was quite dull as we got settled in our cabins and found our way around the ship. We had an interior cabin so no windows. I did not like that at all. It felt horrible not having any way to see the beautiful sea or sky. Alas we had dinner at our designated restaurant which name i also cant remember. I had a steak and it was ok, not bad not amazing (oh boy did they go to break my expectations in a good way after) and we slept. Any ways that sums up day one. Next up day 2 a day at sea, and my exploratory day. -Sarge
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