#I love nazseelk and their poly relationship with iris y’all have no damn clue-
hevexns-realm · 2 months
Sonic - popular jock, captain of either soccer or track. A lot of people have a crush on him, but he has a little bit of an attitude towards some of the “villains”.
Knuckles - star quarterback, but anger issues. He tends to hang around Sonic and crew, and while he is popular, he’s nowhere near shadow or Sonic’s level of popularity. He’s known to get into skirmishes with scourge a lot, but it’s usually because he’s caught scourge be mean to tails.
Tails - president of the debate team and science club, intelligent and passionate about his work; he is currently working his way towards his PHD in medical science early! However, he’s very shy and has a hard time talking outside of his debates or explanations, a true nerd!
Shadow - also popular, but for a different purpose. He’s the cute motorcycle guy you see all over booktok (the healthy ones-) that has some abandonment issues, and a lot of the girls there think they can fix him or make him worse. However, he and sonic are starting to see each other. They’re taking it slow, one step at a time, but otherwise they’re considered a sweet couple!
Silver - the sweet prince of the school. Popular, but not as much as Sonic and shadow. He’s smart, sweet, and bubbly! However, do not mistake his kindness for weakness. He can easily mop the floor with you if you hurt his friends.
Scourge - self proclaimed “king of bayside”. Which is mostly a lie, but he’s the leader of a local gang in the school, and is known for striking fear into the hearts of new students or freshmen. He’s done this since his sophomore year, and isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
Mephiles - is known to be a part of an underground band. It has house or EDM mixed in with some gothic elements! Recently the babdreleased a few new songs, and the most popular one is “spellbound”. He is also the vice president of the witchcraft club in bayside!
Nazo - Despite him being well known around the campus, Nazo is actually more of a loner. He usually keeps to himself and studies or does training to keep his powers up. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t catch the eyes of students, as he’s always wearing his whimsigoth wardrobe and can be seen wearing all sorts of eyeliner and eye looks. He is a little lonely though, and has no idea how to make friends. (Well, he won’t need to know, because two hedgehogs, one of them being a siren, are already taking an interest in him!)
Seelkadoom - unlike nazo, seelkadoom is the alt kid that all the freshmen and new kids go to when scourge and his gang try to pick on them, as scourge is much weaker than seelk. He’s also popular due to him having the whole “bad boy with heart of gold” deal. While he is popular with the ladies, there’s only two he has his eyes on currently, and like hell he’ll let the opportunity pass by!
King - one of Iris’ biggest fans, and he’s like the hypebeast “alpha male” types who tries to flirt with every girl he sees. It usually doesn’t work , especially if seelkadoom or nazo are close by.
Amy - cheer captain, good grades, big social circle, she’s got it all! Well, except a good boyfriend. Most of the guys she’s interested in are gay or taken. However, she’s not bitter of it. If anything, she’s the most supportive and protective of them all, making sure nobody tries sabotaging their relationships.
Rouge - you lookin for gossip, she’s got it! This girl has got dirt on just about everyone here! (With a few exceptions, because they’re either her friends or they’re loaded enough to sue her for defamation.) Always prepped with all the feminine care needed, ranging from pads to emergency face masks. She’s also contending for the homecoming queen crown!
Blaze - the quiet academic, but is a part of the debate and music memory teams. She’s that aesthetic dark academic that you see posting pictures of her work on Pinterest, outfits, and more! While she’s not as popular as you may think, she likes it that way, so she can focus on her work!
Maria - shadow’s older sister, and one of the counselors’ aids for disabled students. She was an A-B honor roll student, and is shadow’s biggest supporter and role model. It’s actually why shadow is trying to become a doctor, to hopefully cure her of her illness!
Aeon - scene social media queen! She always does these cool outfits of the day, educates people on scene culture and it’s history, and records everyone’s fails, and tells her story of being trans and her experiences of being a trans woman! (She might or might not have a small crush on Amy too-) While is she is a contender for the homecoming crown, she isn’t the most into it, unlike rouge and Iris!
Surge - the little rebel sophomore that hangs around seelkadoom. She’s the rambunctious rebel who is a little bit too violent for her own good, but she cares a lot about her friends and will always protect them! While she’s civil with scourge, she just does not like him.
Iris - Whenever you hear the tapping of red bottom heels and smell the scent of either honey, roses, or chocolate, you know you’re in the presence of one of the school’s newfound popular girls. She’s sweet, sassy, and drives most of the students up the damn wall with her siren-esque charms.She’s also a contender for the homecoming queen crown, and is arguably the most intense about it. She’s just excited since it’ll be her first time doing this! ^^
“Ok, so what about their dynamics?”:
Sonic and shadow - the newest couple on the block, and you either love em or hate em. Some try to actively sabotage their relationship, but Amy’s got that covered!
Sonic, tails, and knuckles - the most popular boys, as they’ve been here as friends since they were kids. Nobody can separate them from each other for long, as they’ll meet up again eventually!
Silver and blaze - also childhood friends trope, but it’s slowly blooming into a romance with each time they hang out!
Amy, rouge, aeon, and Iris - the popular quartet! They all tend to have personality traits that bounce off each other, and this is one of the few times we see the more shy and awkward Iris, as she can’t keep the facade forever!
Rouge and shadow - polar opposites becoming friends. Rouge being the popular gossip girl, while shadow was the quiet biker type. It was actually rouge who introduced shadow to Sonic, and shadow has been forever grateful since!
Aeon and Amy - a situation where one has a crush on her best friend, but doesn’t know how to tell her. However, it appears Amy seems to be piquing interest in aeon as well, especially after the whole camping trip situation!
Blaze and tails - mutual admiration and a sibling like relationship between the two!
Nazo and seelkadoom - two alt/goth kids who are in need of friends and they happened to meet after a bad skirmish with scourge after the bastard tried throwing his hands on mephiles after one of his concerts.
Surge and seelkadoom - sibling archetype. Seelkadoom is the older alt brother who sticks it to the man and then surge is the younger sister who is trying to follow in his footsteps, just not the same as him.
Mephiles, seelkadoom, nazo, and aeon
- The fun alternative group of friends who do stupid shit together, but would literally kill everyone else to protect their friends.
Iris, seelkadoom, and nazo - Princess X “bodyguards”. Originally it was just seelkadoom making scourge run off from Iris, but she actually had a proposition for them. She wanted them to be her temporary bodyguards while she’s running for homecoming queen, as she knows scourge and Fiona are trying to run as well, and can’t risk being ambushed by them after school. So they agree, only to end up having a blossoming poly relationship with the three of them! (Don’t worry, she does pay them! $55 per hour, and they get paid every Friday!)
^ (I am so normal about nazseelk and the three of them, I’m sorry, I just can’t help it ;v;)
I’ll probably make mini stories about them eventually, but I’m currently working on AUWNN side stories, so be prepped for that!
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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hevexns-realm · 23 days
Soo, I’ve now been given the responsibility of drawing nazseelk art for the few fans out there.
I’m currently working on something, but requests for doodles for these two are open!!!
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hevexns-realm · 1 month
For the highschool AU, I can imagine Iris getting sick from something. Most likely a stomach bug. Most would wish her better, maybe even come by after school to help with the assignments she couldn’t get, and that’s all sweet and cute. However, her two lover boys take it a little further than that.
Nazo and seelkadoom would skip the whole day, or at least the second half of the day to be with her and help her recover. (Much to their parents’ surprise, as they thought they skipped just to skip.)
Seelkadoom would bring her favorite flowers, ginger ale, or any medicine he knows that can help her! He hates seeing her sick, and if he’s able to get her feeling better or at least put a smile on her face? It’s all the more worth it!
Nazo would bring one of his consoles and a few game controllers, notes from the first half of the school day, an extra assignment for them to work on together, and her favorite soup and sandwich from the deli she likes (it’s expensive as all hell, but the soup is the only thing she can keep down whenever she’s sick. Plus it makes her happy, why deny her happiness when she’s sick?)
They would all play video games together or watch a series she got into for some reason, and then would probably end up falling asleep together. That is until seelkadoom’s mom pops by and the boys have to go home. Seelka is given a bunch of meds when he goes home, and nazo doesn’t get sick often, so he just doesn’t physically interact with his adopted parents for a few days, along with wearing a mask. He might’ve gotten made fun of for it by some of scourge’s crew, but it’s worth seeing Iris all happy and healthy at school!
The amount of rumors that flew around about these three being together before they actually got together were wild, but at least everyone wanted them to end up together and stay together after highschool.
Well, almost.
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@thebreadmeower @hunniegl4zed
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hevexns-realm · 2 months
Okay, a little lore about the highschool AU I have.
Iris is a transfer student who came to bayside for a new life, and nearly got harassed by scourge and his group on her first day.
While she’s able to charm her way out of any situation, she was grateful when a cute alternative boy came to her aid.
Scourge and his gang scramble away, and the two begin chatting. Turns out his name is Seelkadoom, but she gives him the nickname: “seelkie” for short!
And in all honesty, he’s the sweetest guy she’s met in this school so far, and she’s always had a thing for the more rebellious types, but not full on asshole rebels that have absolutely no regards to the safety of others during their fights for justice. (Then again, he can be, he just isn’t like that in public. Plus, who’d want to make a pretty lady like Iris feel unsafe?)
Eventually, after some chatting, seelkadoom guides her to her first period, astronomy!
After he walks off, she can’t help but stare at him. He seems so sweet and energetic, but yet so calm and dangerous. He’s honestly really cute, and she hopes to have the opportunity to meet up with him again soon!
Timeskip to lunch, Iris is getting her lunch and is called over to seelkadoom’s table, where Aeon, mephiles, surge, Nazo, and infinite are all staying. This is where she finds out that seelkadoom already has a relationship with nazo.
This makes her feel a little heartbroken, but she’s glad she found out now and not later! So, she shoves the feelings aside and begins chatting with them about random things, that is until aeon brings up homecoming. This piques her interest, as she never had the opportunity to be part of the homecoming court in her old school. So after finding out where the homecoming sign ups are, she signs up after school and is now having to prep herself for turning up the charm for the long haul!
And well, it works. A little too well to be honest. While she’s on good terms with most of the other contenders, there’s one girl that doesn’t like the fact Iris is already starting to gain a massive following.
Fiona the fox, scourge’s girlfriend, and the one who was tied with rouge on levels of popularity and highschool fame for homecoming queen. Is now losing her fame to Iris. This has led Iris needing bodyguards at school for her own safety, but she wanted it to be convenient. So, she turns to the only two guys she trusts in school, Nazo and Seelkie.
She makes them an offer, $55 per hour, paid every Friday. The work? Just make sure she’s safe from Fiona and the others until autumn break, as that’s usually past homecoming!
So, they take the deal. Every day one or the other, usually both, would be hanging around Iris and keeping an eye out for any potential threats to Iris. They each would walk her home on different days, and on Fridays, they both walk her home. This over time made Iris develop feelings for the both of them, but out of fear she’d lose them if she confessed, she kept her feelings behind a flirty and sassy persona.
However, during study nights for tests, hanging out with the others, or even just spending the night together at her place, she let her guard down, let herself be vulnerable with them, and became a little more affectionate towards the both of them. Dropping hints about what kind of guys she likes, how she wants to be treated by a guy, and even being a little physically affectionate with the two of them. Holding their hands while they walk her home, clinging onto one of their arms out in public, or falling asleep on their chest when they come over for study night are just a few examples.
And yes, they got the hint very early on. Nazo got the hint first as he heard her talking to rouge about what kind of guys she likes, before she just looks up at seelkie and nazo before looking back at rouge.
Seelkadoom got the hint during their first sleepover, about a month away from homecoming. They were watching a movie before Iris started getting sleepy, and she starts to ramble a little bit in her sleepy state, before lying on his chest and says:
“You and nazo are the best things that happened in my life since my parents split up. Thank you for making me so happy…!”
You might be thinking: “Well, what was their response?”
Well my friend, it’s a lot more positive than you think! They basically use the same strategy on her, dropping hints that they like her back. Ranging from wrapping their arms around her, being more aggressive with scourge and Fiona when they try any bullshit, and basically do the same things as she did. However, they each had their own unique twists to it!
Nazo is from a more wealthy family, and he tends to spoil her by paying for her lunches and gets her favorite flowers whenever he sees them in the shop. Although his physical affections are usually just wrapping his arms around her, and leaving kisses on her hands when she least expects it! He also likes to hold her hands from behind and just rest his head on her shoulders to hear her pulse, knowing he’s the reason it’s speeding up so fast!
Seelkadoom is the more rebellious type, but he usually tries to sneak her out for small little “hangouts” on her rooftop, usually having her favorite flowers and foods there. Other times he lets her listen to his music and see if she likes it, if she does, he gets extra tickets to the band’s concert for her to go and enjoy with them. He also lets her play with his quills whenever he’s lying on her chest after a long day of school, probably after a sports event or coming home from schooling events!
“And what about homecoming, who won?”
Well, it was actually a tie between aeon and Iris! So, they split up the prizes, Iris keeps the crown, aeon gets the cash rewards for winning, and they split the roses between them! (We’re talking about a VERY rich school here.)
However, Fiona and her gang try to jump Iris while she was alone. This led to a fight between nazo, Fiona, and scourge as seelk brought her home via motorcycle, placing his leather jacket over her shoulders as he gets her home.
This is where the confession comes in.
After nazo teleports to Iris’ place, his suit jacket covered in blood and other liquids, and his face and body all bruised up. She gets up from her balcony couch and does her best to patch him up. Once done, she starts crying. Knowing she ended up not only getting herself hurt, but nazo being injured as well.
Iris: “I’m so sorry, I wish this didn’t have to happen…! You two should be back at the dance, having fun, not worrying about me..!”
And before she knew it, she is yanked into a kiss by Seelk and then Nazo followed suit.
Nazo caresses her face as he dries her tears and begins to talk while out of breath.
Nazo: “Iris…. don’t you ever apologize and think about yourself like that for things you can’t control… What they did was unacceptable, and you’re just as important to us as we are to each other.”
Seelk: “I agree, you’re too sweet to hurt. You deserve to be loved, respected, and treated like the princess you are.”
Seelk gives Iris a kiss on her hand before looking at her with the same sweet smile he had on his face the day they met, she couldn’t help but smile and give them each another kiss. This time on the cheek, and finally confessing her feelings as well!
Soon they all change into PJs and cuddle up together while playing cozy games and watching a few movies. Leading to the sweetest polyamorous relationship at the school, and the surpport of many students! (Much to Fiona’s dismay.)
After the autumn break, everything settles down for the time being, and despite Fiona’s attempts to start drama and trying to spread rumors, Nazo just shuts that shit down whenever he hears about it. Despite Iris’ flirty personality, she’s the sweetest girl they’ve met, and like hell he’s going to let some petty spoiled brat ruin her reputation!
What are they doing now? Well, they’re all still together. Iris joined the theatre/drama club, and is prepping for a show currently! Nazo and seelkadoom are both studying for their finals for the first semester, and are also thinking of cute date ideas to take Iris out on! (They also may be thinking about how they’re going to be the best boyfriends possible, not only for her, but for each other as well!! ^^)
All in all? A sweet highschool slow burn between the school’s “Princess” and her two bodyguards! 🖤💙🩵💜
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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hevexns-realm · 2 months
I have a lil scenario idea: Nazo being a sleepy beauty for a good while, maybe had a really hard day that made him feel so tired and angry. Seelkadoom and Iris came up with an idea to wake him up and surprise him with something. How and what would it be? 👀
So let’s say Nazo had a bad interaction with some homophobic shitstains and came home from it angry as all hell, also kind of bruised up from the fight.
So as he sleeps, seelkadoom and Iris start coming up with ideas to make him feel better.
There are a few ways this could go.
- going to one of his favorite restaurants later that evening all dressed up, and then going to the casino to help him get his mind off the situation and win some money while at it! (He also may or may not actually drink this time around because alcohol is bad for his POTS!)
- get into their swimsuits and head to the beach for a day of fun in the sun and a little bit of romance.
- join him in bed for cuddles and all sorts of affection. (Bonus points if they dress in their more intimate pajamas-)
- or maybe just head to a cafe or a library to find a place to rest and calm down. Find a way to romanticize life a bit and let nazo calm down with his favorite tea or coffee as he talks with his beloved gems about their day after he passed out. Then they can go check out the latest fashions near the boutique street, after all, the Olympics bring so many new fashions to solleanna, best to see what they have in store for this year! (Nazo also may or may not end up looking around the jewelry shop for engagement rings or promise rings 👀👀)
- or they just make him some baked sweets and they dress up in their baker-like costumes that Iris snagged from work one night. It’s probably the safest option, as Nazo usually has a sweet tooth after using so much energy, especially in the summer heat due to his POTS. ^^
- either way, Nazo would appreciate them trying to make him feel a little better, even if it’s as simple as cuddling up with him in bed and giving him kisses and cuddles! ^^
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