#I love my nt (sometimes 😂)
canirove · 3 months
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leonsliga · 1 year
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The USMNT: Behind the Crest
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 6 months
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
For Laurent:
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
Thank you for the ask 💜 from this ask game.
Meh, it's gonna be long *snips*
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
As a child, she learned the normal things children in a major city with access to schools would learn — reading, writing, calculating, basics of history and some natural sciences (don't come at me with worldbuilding). She already had bad vision, so she struggled with some things, and when their parents got a third child, they kind of... dropped her.
They didn't bother teaching her any but the most basic life skills. In a way, they're still convinced she won't make it on her own — and she's 44, hasn't lived at home in over 20 years, and runs her own store. On the rare occasions she visits home, they still ask her if she's found a man yet to take care of her 🙃
When she was around 12, she began to hang out at a candy store and befriended the owner, Rachel. Rachel let her help for fun at first but quickly realized that Aurelia really loved what she did. So she began to teach her for real, and When Aurelia became of age, Rachel let her move in.
Finally out of her parents' house, she grew much more confident. She found a group of other blind people who shared their knowledge with her, she learned how to navigate the city, and how to live on her own. When Rachel's health began to decline, Aurelia took over more and more responsibility, ultimately inheriting everything.
The latest thing she learned is this world's equivalent of braille. It started to spread widely a few years back, and since she now has barely any usable vision left, she gladly embraced it.
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
She loves her store, but I don't think any kind of rare ingredient or machine she doesn't have yet is really in the spirit of this question 😂 She totally would.
For herself, there is little she needs or wants. She inherited everything from Rachel, store, living quarters, furniture and all, and sees little reason to replace anything. She likes to buy nice clothes, but she also would not spend *significant* money on them.
She would probably pay people do to some things for her. At the moment, she pays to has her laundry done and her store windows cleaned, but she would gladly get someone to do all paperwork for her, clean everything else, or perhaps cook, because she doesn't like cooking. She would also love to hire and teach an apprentice, to keep the art of candy making alive and have a pair of helping hands around.
If she didn't have a contact in the Order of Fire, she might buy some of the assistive devices they make. That would probably take a while longer though; many are still prototypes and it's unlikely she would have access to one to figure out what she likes and can use if Cecelia didn't keep her updated with the newest developments.
For Laurent
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
He dances occasionally. Yvan refuses to show up at any pompous parties, so Laurent sometimes accompanies Cedric. He did learn it to fit in, or perhaps to get close to someone for information, it's been a while. Whatever the reason, he realized he liked it, though he prefers smaller occasions to the grand balls of Caldeia's elite.
There's something about the rhythm and pattern of steps and movements he likes, and it gives him a reliable framework of established rituals to interact with people oh no, please can one of my chars stay NT for once.
Significant dancing moments, you say? *giggle*
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
He has been friends with Cedric for over 20 years. Let's just say, with time, I think all their morals changed. In their 20s, they were much more idealistic, but they quickly figured out that being good gets you nowhere.
I think at the core, there's still the fact that they would never willingly hurt innocents—it's just that their definition of hurt and innocents has become, uh, flexible. Stealing some small things from rich people won't really hurt them, and someone who's a threat to them or their friends isn't innocent 😅
I would love to say that they're helping those in need and shit like that, but while that sometimes happens, their primary goal is their own lifestyle and the lives of those close to them.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
For the send a character ask: Granit Xhaka XD
@perfectpiety here you go!!!
favorite thing about them: HOW to even answer this??? i think granit might be as close to "perfect" as a human can get. first of all let's get out of the way how stupid gorgeous he is and has been for basically his entire adult life--my personal favorite granit aesthetic era is his early bratty twink time at arsenal (if he's wearing 29, you know he's extra fine) but he's stunning in any era. his cheekbones should probably be arrested. the side dish to this is how fucking awful he looks in his selfies 😂 he's way too young to take such bad photos of himself. there's some legend that quilters would purposely make a mistake in their quilt to show humility--that only god can be perfect--while i don't know if this is a true story, maybe granit's selfies are the contemporary version of this 😂
as for the REST of it...
who the fuck is this man? he's so strong and solid while not being an asshole, toxic man with no emotions. he operates on a value system that feels almost archaic sometimes, but in a good way, like he'd probably lie his nice coat over a puddle for mikel to step on in the rain. he truly seems to have the most golden heart. But he has a heart of molten gold—more lethal than the hard form.  More alive.  Overtaking everything it touches. His natural leadership and charisma are truly insane. My sister is a little like him in this way, and it's always truly fascinating to watch--someone who just naturally commands the attention, leads a conversation, even the most experienced and hardened team captain seems to defer to granit for the team talks. while "taking over everything and commanding the attention" is often a really annoying and unlikeable quality, for people for whom it comes that naturally you can't even hate them for it because they're not trying to be pushy or an asshole. they're just a born leader.
i also used to think he was kind of a himbo, but i feel like i owe him an apology because he actually seems quite intelligent and serious. he's one of those footballers who can give an actual academic subject answer for "what was your favorite subject in school" (math lol)
least favorite thing about them: that he DOESN'T PLAY FOR ARSENAL ANYMORE
favorite line: anytime he calls mikel a "freak, in a positive way"? in his open mic video during covid season, where someone scores and he goes "FUCK ME! THAT'S FOOTBALL GUYS!" uhhh...his entire "if you don't have the balls to play, stay home" speech in 2022? when he told alex iwobi "i only listen albanian music" in his #29 days cause that was such a lie lmao. in terms of international duty: when he was hyping up the team before the penalties vs france in euro 2020 and yelled "WE ARE CLEARLY THE BETTER TEAM HERE". or...most iconically...looking at the serbian bench and mouthing "Ta qifsha nonen ne pidh"...thanks to my scholarly pursuits of albanian i did not need a translator for that ;). or wait...in colney carpool...whatever the fuck that weird thing he said about giraffes was 😂
brotp: well...granit and his actual brother taulant? hahaha. i love him with anyone he was friends with at arsenal (gabby j modelling his clothing line, anyone?) with carlos cuesta, with ricci rodriguez, xherdan shaqiri, and breel embolo (always ready to throw down with vs the serbian nt). his history with yann sommer...i love granit's Friendships
notp: ok...please don't hate me. i don't mean "notp" as in like, eww, i hate this, i'd never read about it, i'd block the tags, etc. i just don't personally ship granit and martin. i think they were a great influence on each other as like...captain and vice-captain, and i loved seeing their interactions there. i just didn't really see sexual chemistry between them, if that makes sense. i certainly have read some granit and martin fics and enjoyed them! i just don't ship it really.
otp: i mean...
do i need to stay more? two hearts that beat as one. one's heart is the other's home. mikel saving granit, shaping and transforming him, understanding him...sometimes it makes me think of the story in plato's symposium (don't worry everyone--i got a C+ in classical philosophy this is the only thing i remember or understood) from aristophanes where he talks about how zeus cut ppl in two and they have to roam around looking to find their "other half" so they could be complete...Xhakarteta be like that.
and also. how they both own each other, dominate each other, submit to the other. granit in charge in bed yet all in service of mikel. granit's utter, wide-eyed devotion to mikel in interviews. the way mikel saw the beast and the angel within, and loved the beast and showed the world the angel. UGHGHGGHGGHGGHG
random headcanon: i don't think granit would like, label his sexuality as anything? i think he just does what feels right.
unpopular opinion: i've definitely expressed this before but i do not--sincerely do not--agree with the popular view that granit would "lose control" when he got physical. for example (sorry veronika hahaha) when he chokes ashley westwood. if you look at his body language there--or even in like november 2022 vs chelsea where he kind of flung chalobah around--it's honestly a body that is very IN control of itself. he just came at these games from a very different mindset. he's naturally aggressive, goal-oriented, here to both win but also defend the honor of both himself and the team, so-- confident in his value system, he didn't care what he had to do to make it happen.
i've genuinely never seen granit appear "out of control," and i've watched a lot of aggressive granit compilations hahaha. i think mikel did help him find maturity about this, and i think putting him in a less defensive role really helped. granit defending = license to Murder
(frivolous bonus: i think he looked hot with the bleached hair! like he looked kind of deranged and so it grew on me...it definitely doesn't suit him hahaha)
song i associate with them: i don't really have one...maybe kangë e shahirav by mc kresha/lyrical son, and/or future lovers by madonna, but only bc i've listened to these songs a lot when writing fics about him lol
favorite picture of them: hOW do u expect me to do the impossible!!!!! how about these 2, the first with granit in my two favorite colors of course (and i love the 2nd one because he looks like he just woke up lol)
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Writerly Question Tag
I was tagged here by @i-can-even-burn-salad, and I'm actually going to do it :D thanks!
Open Tag for anyone who would like to jump on this. Under the cut bc its loooonng. There's a template at the bottom.
About You
When did you start writing?
Sometime in 2019/2020, before covid started. Late start, I know lol
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, not really. I am a fantasy romance girlie (gender neutral) through and through. It's really a rarity for me to branch outside the fantasy genre at all.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I've not been writing long enough nor do I have a wide enough reader base to be compared to anyone lol. Emulate though 🤔 I don't know. I do know that certain writers leave an impression on me. Or I'll admire their style or how they did some bit of worldbuilding or torture. But when I'm writing, I'm not consciously trying to be like them or to even reference the stuff I was admiring to try and emulate it. That being said... I swear, C.L. Wilson, I was not trying to emulate you. I couldn't even approach the depth and mastery of your epic 5 book fantasy (this one). But I also can't deny the similarities that turned up in my book despite me not having read that series for multiple years before writing it 😂
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
My recliner in the living room or my (home) office. My office is the cooler option lol. I have a floor to ceiling built in bookshelf that my desk faces and a pretty ice blue rainbow backlit keyboard. However, I am having issues with both spaces currently. Nobody will leave me alone in the living room. And I'm in my office 8.5 hrs every goddamned day for work and really don't want to continue being in my office when I'm done. At least for a while anyway. It's smth I need to figure out so I can start writing again XD
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Uhhh. I wish I knew. Usually stuff will just hit me randomly and I have no control over when or where or why :')
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Most likely? In that it's just more work for me to write an environment that isn't close to the one I live in. But, it's fantasy, so. 🤷‍♀️
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Outcast/loneliness, finding a place to belong/found family, being enough, finding love without stipulations/compromises ... *deadpan* I'm so super surprised. Oh, and the suffering. We gotta have some of that :)
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Right now, it's probably Carr from Hidden Depths. Carr is so much fun to write. There is smth very freeing about writing a char that really truly doesn't give a shit :)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I could be friends with Alaia, but I'd never be able to keep up with her. Carr would probably have no patience for me lol. Kadin would amuse and annoy me and I could probably only tolerate him in small doses. Darian would intimidate me. Maybe Resh? Provided I could learn their version of sign language so I could talk with him.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Any of the bad guys XD
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Uh, they come up with themselves 😅
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Most of them are neurodivergent as fuck, even the ones I wrote thinking I was NT XD
How do you picture your characters?
I don't? 😅 *cough* aphantasia Although, some of those artbreeder pics helped, along with the commission :D
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Because I can! Because I started and I don't want to stop! (current dry spell notwithstanding XD) Because only in writing will I probably ever get the things I want 100%
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Literally any comment. Any indication you read and enjoyed what I wrote. However that may come across, I treasure it :D
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
*side eyes this question* People would think of me? Why? I am not the story o.o
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Look, I am terrible at identifying my own strengths XD Maybe characterization? Someone told me I did a good job with that once upon a time <3
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Frequently lol. I need to write more 😂 See above. Apparently I cheated and borrowed from this question. I've also been told I do a good job with descriptions, like in a worldbuilding way. Which is fascinating to me, bc I can't see shit in my mind. I just make shit up and hope it works 😅
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on when I'm reading it lol. Honestly though, I can tell I've improved a lot from when I first started a few years ago. Mostly I'm proud of it when I'm not being embarrassed by the thought of someone reading some of the more... interesting... things I've written 😅.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Probably. Only through writing can I fully characterize and flesh out the daydreams. Plus, it's a freaking treat to sit down with your own book and read it and enjoy it.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I'm very influenced. I want to make my friends happy! But I also will write what I enjoy in the parameters of my chosen genre. I just might incorporate things I otherwise might not of thought of. And if it ends up making me uncomfortable down the road, I can always remove it.
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About You
When did you start writing?
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
How do you picture your characters?
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing?
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
I feel like he contradicts himself sometimes, but maybe I'm not quite understanding him 🤔
Naw i think yr right lol JE comes across hypocrital and wishy-washy a lot. Talks about if u want a Elvis impreasion go to Vegas while complimenting Austin in another interview, talking about TKB being an "escape" while loving TMNT (lmao), wanting to b such a private person bt dating a whole influencer n dissing TKB one day while saying yr grateful for it another...
he may b book smart bt he just dsnt seem.. the brightest to put it bluntly 🥴 lik hes just nt consistent with what he says
Lol rofl 🤣 😂
No, my favorite was when he dissed superhero films, but LOVED TMNT and watched it repeatedly lol 😆
Or, when he called Superman "way too dark", so that's why he didn't want to do the role, but yet, he plays Nate Jacobs in Euphoria.... 🥴👀
I thought Superman was like the boy scout of superheros honestly rofl 🤣 But hey, maybe this new film's script is crazy dark rofl 🤣
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dorian-they-ao3 · 3 years
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chaostrick · 6 years
I fell in love with football watching Robben and RvP and Sneijder take on teams that were supposed to kill them off in 2014!! I love Robben. That penalty he drew against Mexico? Iconic.
Dutch players turning ppl into football fans since forever ❤ I was really rooting for them, still sad they didn’t reach the final. Robben was simply the best in 2014!! Iconic indeed #erapenal
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spoon-writes · 2 years
Hi spoonwrites!
I never really ask anything or request anything from anyone but WOW. I love ends of the earth and its slow burn narrative based story. I know from archivesofourown that there is eventual smut and I gotta admit I’m REALLY curious because I originally thought that was off the table for you but I’m so so glad it isn’t.
I love when smut has a meaningful romantic arc behind it, it just makes everything more gratifying, and your story is fantastic already without it. I guess what I’m asking is…can you update it please 😅 You don’t have to rush smut or anything but I want confirmation from the ✨author themself ✨that it’s coming. I think I’ve read shelter a million times cuz that’s the most sexual tension we’ve gotten so far lol.
I think a lot of Mando smut is great but can sometimes be too much? Idk like I don’t mind a bit of dominance and roughness AT ALL but your version of mando seems like the most show accurate one so far and I would love to see how he devils tango if ya know what I mean. He seems like he could get down and dirty while still not becoming the typical dom character that’s like “you pretty little c*nt loves to be f*cked by my…..” ya know😂. I’m not like a prude (censoring myself didn’t help my case lol) but I don’t think that’s realistic for mando, I think he is a guy that can f*ck and be rough and a little kinky while not going overboard and still keeping his honorable character intact even in smut mode.
Anyways hope this wasn’t too long but I just wanted to say I LOVE your writing I think you have a special talent that cannot be taught and gotta say, urs is probably the best mando fic yet. I really hope your ok and still want to come back to continue posting! Just know that your work is always supported <3
Thank you SO much holy shit this is literally one of the nicest messages I’ve ever gotten 😭 You’re so sweet omg <3 Sorry it took so long to reply but I honestly needed some time to calm down lol So I am definitely gonna update Ends again! I actually got the next arc written it just needs some editing and then it’s good to go. I’m not totally sure when, but it is coming! These last months I’ve been at a low ebb motivation wise, so thank you for giving me a kick in the pants lol it feels so good writing again Also I can give you a definitive confirmation that there will indeed be smut. I’ve always preferred smut scenes that straddle (oi oi) mature and explicit so that’ll be what I’ll be aiming for. I’m not really a fan of typical dom character Mando either 😂but I can tell you that this won’t really be a thing for quite a while unfortunately. But if you like sexual tension on the other hand 😉 stay tuned Mando can be a tricky character to nail down, so I’m glad to hear that you think I write him well! It’s funny because I just read the very first notes I made and he’s a VERY different character than he ended up being. I started writing Ends between episode 3 and 4, so before he was on Sorgan and we got more of a glimpse into him as a character. Very first draft it was actually him who caught Sinead on Toola, but I realized that it wouldn’t work because no matter how much character development I put them both through, Sinead would never trust Mando. So nameless Trandoshan it is! Thank you again this is such a lovely message! I promise the next update won’t be a million years away <3
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pickled-flowers · 3 years
I love your blog so much sometimes I think it must be a fig mer-nt of my imagination
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avenirdelight · 3 years
Don’t listen to that last anon. As someone who was also not born and raised a spurs fan but rather became one by choice (crazy as it may sound lol), sometimes I feel myself having a bit of imposter syndrome and questioning why this team makes me feel the way it does and, while I understand my relationship to the team is different than those who have been spurs fans since birth, I still don’t think anyone has the right to gatekeep how spurs make you feel because why would any of us put ourselves through the mortifying ordeal of being a spurs fan if not for the way they make us feel? Whether spurs are playing well or badly, I think we can all agree, supporting spurs makes us all feel like a part of something bigger than ourselves, part of a community, and isn’t that worth celebrating? And tbh, if you started supporting spurs during the 2020-21 season and still intend on supporting them, you deserve a medal and a parade and that’s that on that…anyway coys! 🤍
thank you so much for sharing your story, i really really appreciate it🤍
it’s okay, it’s not the first time i was told not to act like a “massive fan” of spurs and england nt. i spent some time to think about it, and talked with some of my mutuals, to make sure that what i do here doesn’t disrespect anyone because that’s the last thing i want to do.
i had never been interested in football before. and until this day i still wonder, out of all the teams in the world, why did i find and choose spurs (that somehow brought me to england nt)? i’m a believer of everything happens for a reason. and i’m experiencing the first of everything and making new memories, i just want to enjoy and cherish them, all the exciting things and all the heartbreaks☺️ (wish i could’ve been here way sooner, you know😂)
sometimes, being a non-english person makes me feel like i’m an outsider, but then i see so many spurs fans from my country and think, oh maybe i do belong here. and well, i let myself feel everything i feel. i want to support them all i can, in my own ways, even though it’s not much😊
thank you so much dear anon, made me happy waking up to this😆 have a lovely day, stay safe and healthy! sending my love💓 coys coys coys coys coys🤍
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
Awww, you and your friend sound like you really get along that’s so sweet!!
And OMG yes, having irl friends can just be so exhausting sometimes - like the more you have, the harder it can get to stay social and provide all that support that comes along with friendship and you can get so burnt out sometimes
But I think my favourite line from the episode was Mobius saying “He could be lying, the long con, of course that just makes him more likely to be a Loki”
I just lost it after that because he’s right!! Cause if he’s been lying that whole time about being a Loki, that just raises the chances of him actually being a Loki cause who else would lie about something like that 😂
And of course I remembered!! I was really interested in hearing about it so I wasn’t going to forget!! Now if we were talking about remembering something I don’t find interesting or don’t like, then chances are I would’ve forgotten as my memory is crap sometimes 😅
But I’m glad to hear that everything went well!! Well, everything aside from you falling on your ass - that sounds like it can hurt with those kinda floors
And thank you!! It’s nice to hear that!! I do find it hard to do stuff sometimes and I’m not sure why - like I can have excess energy and easily be able to do something, yet when it actually comes to do it it seems so hard to be able to like, get together the will to start. Cause once I’ve started it’s always easy and flies by, just starting itself though Is always hard and I’m not sure why. I always just tell people it’s me being lazy, but it’s not usually the case - I just don’t know how to explain it to them without them think I’m coming up with excuses
Idk, either way though thank you for the kind words - it means a lot!!
- 🦋
yeah i love her! and yesss like with my friends, even though i love hanging out with them it gets me so burnt out!!!
and oh my god yes!! because it's it's just an endless loop when you keep thinking about it lmaooo
awhhh shsjsksk you're so sweet 🥺 and yeah sometimes but i've fallen so many times it's not too bad lmao
and it could be because if executive dysfunction!! it's basically a difference in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in the brain that a lot of ND people have. getting started on tasks is part of it, it can be really difficult, even simple tasks. because for neurotypicals some tasks just come so easily to them, but with executive dysfunction it is a lot more difficult. like every night my executive dysfunction really shows when i need to get in the shower, even though i love showers. but there's so many steps that NTs don't even have to think about, but to us is exhausting because there are just so many tiny steps to doing something so simple. like you have to get up, grab a towel, my phone (for music lmao), then go to the bathroom, turn on the shower, put the towel up, and so on and so on and to NTs that's so simple, but for us those tiny steps are much more noticeable
i hope that made any sense lol but just know you aren't lazy, it could just be executive dysfunction!
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tomdutch · 3 years
I’m so happy I’ve got you feeling excited, like we are a WEEK away?! HOW HAS THE TIME GONE SO SLOW BUT SO FAST?!
Oh trust, I won’t be spoiling it for ANYONE! I’ve made deals with a couple people who want me to spoil it but I won’t be putting that on public forums for everyone to see, I’m a c*nt sometimes but I’m not a dick 💀 hahaha
Omg your last final?! GOOD LUCK!! I’m sure you don’t need it bc you’re gonna smash it but yessss once you’re done you can just say fuck it and do what you want and I love that for you ♥️
My week has been alright apart from an emergency d*ntist appointment which I hate but the week is nearly over so fuck it 😂
Also, I’m gonna take a minute to appreciate the wonderful hot ones video today….okay minute over, but holy shit I’ve missed Tom being out and about and in videos this funny, I need more Tomtent like this 😭
this is a couple days late, i’m sorry, it has not been a fun time to live in my head recently 😭 but yeah i’m becoming a lil more excited for nwh!! the hot ones interview and hearing tom talk abt his experience with alfred molina and how much this film means to him got me in my bag i’m not gonna lie 😔
omg unpopular opinion but i love going to the dentist…. idk what it is, i just excel at it. perhaps it’s an oral fixation thing 🧍🏽‍♀️ god anyway let’s not unpack this i hope your emergency wasn’t too painful and that you can rest :(
and yeah fuck i miss him so much 🥺 that interview felt like a breath of fresh air and i can’t stop rewatching it :’) really hope gets more intimate-yet-not-intrusive solo interviews for this press tour, it was so wonderful to hear him talk abt films and himself and cuss and be goofy for a half hour. could wash it for weeks
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WONDERING! maybe its cause i dont look a day over 13 and im 5'2. idk. i think everyone stopped being scared of me when i stopped clawing bitches in hs. maybe i should grow out my nails again... LMFAO i was feral fr. nah but when ppl tell me i talk to much i get more upset and less angry and wanting to ruin their life bc my track record w keeping friends is so bad my brain has convinced me it's a me problem and something i genuinely need to work on so i shouldnt hold it against them. it keeps me from sending them 6ft under but i still do hold it against them. like yes jade i remember every single little off comment u made to me in 8th grade. tbh looking back on it it's probably because i still wanted to be friends w them that i held back. the bitches who Really crossed me and i lashed out at, never recovered. i was deadass aboutta jump a bitch on the way home from work the other day for smth he did three years ago. guess i really am a scorpio LMAOOOO too bad im leaving the country i wouldve loved to knock his lights out -felix bi anon
My philosophy on yall shorties has always been this: the shorter they are, the closer to hell. Do NOT fuck w a shortie they will slice your achilles tendon and then go back to their iced coffee like it twerent no thang. Mess w someone under 5'5", they will burn your house down right after they ask for your help reaching the snacks on the top shelf 😂 IT IS NOT A GAAAAAME HOMIE 🤣🤣 anyone who thinks that shorties can't fight has never gotten an uppercut to the jaw from someone who looks like they should be on the schoolbus but harbors the fires of hell inside them at all times. Not a joke, just a fact. I promise you though it's absolutely not a you problem, I know it's so hard to overcome that mindset because we're constantly confronted w the fact that we live in a world that is not designed for us to thrive in, but it's not a you problem, some people just fucking suck. If I had a boring ass NT brain I'd probably be mad as hell that someone had so many cool things to talk about too, when all I had was a regurgitation of whatever mainstream news was out lately 🙄 If I wasn't easily able to juggle six topics and storylines at once during any conversation I'd be mad too 🙄 If I was the human brain equivalent of flat soda I'd be mad too 🙄 Scorpios do be ruuuuuthlessssss tho, straight out the jungle type ruthless 😂 that's what I love about yall. Yall don't miss, yall don't even play. Your shooters a scorp, they stay hot 😂 But I also really love the fact that Scorpios are so feisty and petty because they are deadass the most loyal fuckin people you've ever met, they've always been through shit and have been hurt and their heart is locked away behind all the walls all their past betrayals built. But if you stick around, put in some elbow grease, show you're a real one? Get past those walls? Actually get to touch that heart that theyve kept so soft and so tender, away from all that damage? They'll never leave you, never ever, theyll never dream of going against you or betraying your trust. They'll ride out for life. You gotta work for em, but they're worth it. And if you finally earn that trust, and then betray it? You go back on a scorp once they've allowed you into the triple-decker high-end-security vault that is their heart? They NEVER forget. They might forgive you, sometime 80 years from now, at your own funeral (which they showed up to looking hotter and more successful and more unbothered than anyone else), but they will never forget. Scorps are soft and extremely sensitive under that exoskeleton. Under it all, they're as soft as a scoop of strawberry ice cream melting in the summer sun. Softiest, sweethearts, good, loyal friends, protective as fuck, scary on the outside but only bevause they have reason to be. Every person I've ever fallen in love with has been a Scorpio for that reason, they fuckin get it. I ain't never had my ass checked quicker or more thoroughly than by a Capricorn, and I ain't never been whipped into shape faster than by an Aries lmfao you're swimmin in it, you're golden, boo. MY ass however hoooo lawd jeebus, I got the taurus moon (sounds of projectile vomiting) which is why these boys easily control my emotions from their fuckin dorm that don't even got a proper curtain rod 😂
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hyperbolicgrinch · 4 years
Tagged by @bl-archer 🙌 (you are too kind! 😆)
name: Jaz (bet that surprised all of you lmfao)
nickname: Jazzy or other fun variations
zodiac sign: Aquarius✌️
height: Oh... Umm... 164cm??
languages: For someone who is completely obsessed with any and all of them, I only know English. 😪 But I have been trying to learn Spanish for a while and am sort of making progress when I stay consistent 😂
nationality: Australian, mate 🇦🇺
favourite season: Here in the NT we only really have dry & wet and I can take or leave both
favourite flowers: Sunflowers! Daisies! Poppies! Daffodils! Dandelions! Wild flowers!
favourite scent: Hmmm... Cinnamon? Baking? Horses. Rosemary. Honey?
favourite colours: I'm more of a shades person but love blue, yellow, pink
favourite animals: Horses, wombats, kookaburras, bees, whales, buffalos,,,, basically just any animal really. Animals make shit worth it. 🥰
favourite fictional character: Shit. Ah. Sam from the Lord of the Rings or Granny Weatherwax from Discworld?
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Don't really go in for coffee unless it's like ice coffee and then barely that, same with tea, mostly just have green tea, so maybe hot chocolate? Although I hardly have that either... Hmmmm... 😂
average sleep hours: Oh buddy just generally not. enough.
dog or cat person: Self confessed double agent
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞▼・ᴥ・▼ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ👌
number of blankets you sleep with: Pfft, sometimes just one and then other times I'm a humongous heathen and sleep with like fourrr
dream trip: Anywhere with the fam, but New Zealand, Argentina or Canada would be lit~
blog established: Oh bloody hell, um,,, 2012?? I think... ⊚ ͟ʖ ⊚
followers: I haven't looked in what feels like years, honestly i'm just here clicking shit now (whoever is still hanging around, you're some serious champs. 😂🙏)
random fact: I HAVE A TWIN (this is my go to fact cause I'm lazy, soz)
coolcooolcoool, okay, tagging: @xgoldentempest @atoxicrose @gandy-alf @thedragonoftelevision @unexpected-nightview @king-layney @sweet-potatoq @deansbaby-1967
But no pressure! 👐
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
By the way Hollywood is i would just b content with Kaia being in her late 20s n Austin in his late 30s bt 20 (wen they met) is just so.. young. I actually enjoy Kaias book club n she said in the last one that was told a lot that she was very "mature" n a "old soul" when she was young n i definetly get that vibe from her, i feel like she thinks shes more mature bt by her interviews she sounds like her age to me tbh (nt a bad thing though shes still seems more stable than a lot of other nepo baby models).
I did think her n JE were going to last longer, they give off the same kinda vibe imo. In his print interviews he seems pretentious/wanting to emulate old hollywood stars or Health Ledger n Kaia mentioned smthin about how an artist isnt going to sacrifice their movie for someones kid (wrong lol) cuz thats not how art is made n she wants to "make art". Just by those comments i got why they were a couple ☠️ both of them can just sound very eye rolling to put it plainly lol kaia seems a lil more geniune wen shes nt ignorant about nepotism tho lol
Im srry bt the "rent a model gf" gave me a lil chuckle lmao it def helps wen her last n current bf have been actors n she wants to b an actress now. Anytime someone mentions her its either cuz her mom or shes "_'s gf". I think shes prob going to continue to have a deal with the paps until or if her acting career takes off cuz they give her visibility in hollywood
Late 20s would be fine....shoot... even 25 would be better and just fine imo lol 😆
I've always liked the fact that Kaia had her book club, and it's smthg she's done for years. She's a VERY avid reader, so I'm not even surprised that Austin was attracted to her, coz he loves to read also! 😊 Like, I can totally understand why they clicked, cuz they actually have quite a bit in common.
While I do think that Kaia has been forced to grow up VERY quickly in the modeling world, and probably isn't a "regular person's" 21 year old, she's STILL very young (imo), and pretty naïve and out of touch.... You can tell by her interviews. The funny thing is, she doesn't even realize it yet, which is why it's so ironic.
I'm not sure of the context of what she meant by "making art", so I won't comment on that, but part of me almost feels like she's just repeating buzz words lol. At least with JE, I feel like that's who he truly is, and what he truly wants. Although they sometimes looked miserable together lol, I actually think they were better matched? They were closer in age, and seemed to have similar backgrounds.
ALL of us were more naïve at that age though, so it's not a slight towards her, it's just a reminder that she doesn't have much life experience yet. 🤷🏾‍♀️ According to Psychologists, your brain isn't even FULLY developed until your mid-late 20s!
JE grew up pretty privileged, and so did Kaia. When you've been raised around wealth your entire life like Kaia has, it's hard to know how to relate to "common folk".
Re: JE.....
I'm not even surprised he's with Olivia Jade rn lol. 😅 They've actually lasted waaaay longer than I expected, so I guess he stopped cheating on his gfs lol. 🤭
Re: Rent-a-Model-Girlfriend...
Lol I'm sorry rofl 🤣 But after dating Pete Davidson, Jacob Elordi, and now Austin Butler lol, it just seems like I'm noticing a pattern here rofl 🤣 (Hot, up-and-coming actors who are going places lol)
As far as Austin is concerned.....
I'm probably gonna ruffle some Kaustin/Kaia feathers by saying this lol, but I'll say it anyway since I'm ALWAYS 💯% honest here on my blog....
First off, I'll just say, I think Austin is actually a very nice guy, and definitely seems way more humble and in touch with reality due to his background.
But boy does he have a bad woman picker lol 😂 Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the women he's been with have been "bad women" at all (I actually didn't mind Vanessa back when they were dating pre-covid 🥴), I just think that his personality doesn't always align with who he's dating. So his choices are sometimes like, "seriously?" to me lol. Almost like, he doesn't realize that he could do better. 👀
Tbh, I've often wondered if maybe he got with Kaia because after the lengthy Vanessa rlshp and breakup, maybe he just wanted smthg more low-key, easy maintenance, a pretty girl on your arm for movie premieres and press tours so you're not asked about your ex all the time 🙄, and just someone who can be private, and not rustle feathers too much, or be overly obnoxious on social media. 👀
I could be dead wrong, but I kinda get the impression that he's more so focused on his career right now. Yes, he's been in the business for almost 20 years, but he's JUST now getting his big break, so he's a bit behind than some others who got their big breaks in their early 20s or younger. He could def date an older woman again in the future, but I don't think at this moment in his life that he's really looking for an older woman who might be wanting or pressuring marriage right now.... hence, KAIA. 👀 🤷🏾‍♀️
I actually wouldn't mind Kaia too much if she were at least 25 and came from a regular background like himself. She's private, she doesn't say anything about the rlshp, and many famous ppl need you to be that way when you're dating such a high-profile man. Maybe she took notes from Zendaya lol 🤭
Anyway, I think his focus at the moment is his career. You saw how QUICKLY those engagement rumors got squashed right lol? Rofl 🤣 😂 I'd be a little surprised if he gets engaged to Kaia anytime soon. (I could be totally wrong though)
But he is def a guy who seems to prefer stable, long-term rlshps though, so they will probably last quite a while! They might even surprise everyone and get engaged one day, but I don't see it happening tomorrow, in other words. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Honestly?? I actually think Austin would do well to just be SINGLE for 6 months lol. I know that's a TALL order for a handsome, nice guy in the industry lol, but imo I think it would do him well. He's been through a LOT. Not just his mom's death, but other things in his life as well.
Relationship-wise, he went from an 8-yr rlshp with Vanessa, to then a massive breakup, to then a rebound "situationship" with his Elvis costar Olivia, to then another rebound fling with Lily Depp lol.... like laawwwd dude rofl 🤣 😂 Can't you just be single lol? 🤣
I'll give him a slight pass though, cuz 8 years is a very long time to be with someone, and then NOT have anybody.... I always say that the longer your relationship was, the longer you rebound also. I don't even think they broke up in person face-to-face. 👀
Anyway, IF he and Kaia do breakup one day, I'll be looking to see who he gets with next, cuz if it's some young 21 year old again I'm gonna be giving him the MASSIVE side-eye.
Anyway, those are my thoughts/opinions.... you don't have to agree. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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