#I love merrical they make me ill
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fandomowltrash · 6 months ago
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arrival on jedha
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casualfeh · 6 years ago
(eating disorder tw) Mod soren how would merric, marth, alm, and/or roy (you can pick however many) react to having an s/o who struggles with anorexia? GL with the blog!!
Thank you! I haven’t played shadow dragon or binding blade, so I’m going to try to do Marth and Alm. 
- He doesn’t really think much of it at first, assuming their lovely s/o doesn’t eat much.
-Once Marth’s s/o collapses from exhaustion, however, he realizes that his beloved is lacking energy and nutrition.
-���Love, are you okay?!”
-After carrying his s/o in his loving arms, he brings them to a bed to get some rest and food.”
-”You look ill, dear, let me take care of you.”
-After some food, cuddling, and a long talk, Marth vows to not let his s/o get to that point.
-”You are perfect, s/o. I cannot bear to see you looking so feverish. Please don’t scare me like that again, love. We can work on this together, and I will stay by your side through it all.”
-This now includes reminders to eat; Marth will not force you to eat a lot, but he will gently insist his s/o eat something.
-Now Alm was no stranger to not eating since Zofia had the famine. Bags of flour were neither tasty nor filling (Unless your name is Boey). 
-However, seeing his s/o not eating over a span of days began to raise his concern. 
-”S/o, you aren’t sick, are you? You haven’t been eating…Are you okay?”
-Granted, his s/o tried to avoid it, but eventually they spilled. Both their anorexia struggles and their tears. 
-”S/o…..I’m so sorry…”
-Cue the cuddles and kisses, Alm, his s/o, and their adorable kitten, in a blanket pile. 
-”Please don’t hide things like that from me, okay? I want to be able to help you. I want you to be able to count on me. I’m sorry I didn’t help you before… I want to make up for that lost time.”
-Alm made sure to never let the food storage become as low as it did. He didn’t want to do that to his s/o ever again.
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astralescent · 8 years ago
MarthIke for the ship meme!!!!!
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
who hogs the duvet
Ike, much to Marth’s dismay. He just kinda grabs whatever’s within reach in his sleep and builds a nest overnight. Marth just hopes he gets pulled in along the way because there’s no winning a tugging war against Ike.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
they both do ! I’d say it might be more of a reflex to Ike, he’s generally a little less busy than Marth and the one who has just enough free time to stop and realize he wishes he could see his person that day, which will usually prompt him to text or call. Although it’s also totally something Marth does when he checks the time and knows for sure that Ike is on break or just available to a degree
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
I think that would go to Ike; while Marth is the kind to go all out and stress himself into exhaustion to find the perfect gift, it usually ends up something fairly traditional or meaningful but that still stays within the bounds of what can be expected. Ike’s ideas are probably more original.
who gets up first in the morning
Marth ! Almost always has stuff to do in the morning and usually wakes up early anyway. Ike will be up early if he has something going on but he will not be happy about it and if he doesn’t then he’ll just sleep in until he’s downright sick of being in bed
who suggests new things in bed
Probably Ike. Marth has conducted a few experiments of his own but Ike’s the one who’s actually outright suggested things like collars and bondage. Ike has more “exotic” kinks as well I believe so I wouldn’t be surprised if that trend kept going.
who cries at movies
If anyone it’d be Ike, the big softy can’t accept that that one dog had to die
who gives unprompted massages
they both do, actually ! they both gladly get onto the other’s case without them asking for it on a regular basis. Ike knows about Marth’s secret weak spot and is not afraid to use it, especially when he’s around to see how much time Marth spends bent over a desk or with his back too straightened up while in other people’s presence, and Marth has been able to take notice of just how damaging Ike’s training and fighting methods can be to his back and shoulders, so whenever the opportunity shows itself, one of them gives the other a good rubdown.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
again, both of them. Mostly out of simple care and concern, but Marth also knows Ike rarely becomes ill so he worries twice as much as he should when that happens, whereas Ike knows it was never his family or friends that cared for Marth when he was sick growing up and wants to make up for it now with extra care and affection. 
who gets jealous easiest
I think I would say Marth ? It might just be because so far only Ike has been actively coveted by others, but I think it’s also fairly safe to assume Marth is the most insecure and/or possessive of the two.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
err, neither ? Unless you consider Marth’s especially nerdy appreciation of classical music embarrassing, but he definitely isn’t any kind of embarrassed about it himself. Admittedly I’m not 100% familiar with Ike’s taste in music, I assume he’d be into rock/alternative a lot but maybe he secretly enjoys cheesy pop songs, who knows
who collects something unusual
haha, both of these were brought up a long time ago but I’m glad I get to talk about them publicly. So, regular verse, Marth - modern verse, Ike
Ike travels a lot for his job and as expected, these two miss each other a lot when he’s on the road. To make the wait more bearable, Ike has developed a habit over the years of gathering little somethings during his travels, little tokens of his adventures that he then presents to Marth upon his return. Marth has dedicated a couple of shelves to them in his room and treasures them and the meaning they have.
In modern AU, Marth is a compulsive post-it notes user. He always has  some on himself and uses them extensively, to jot down important stuff as well as to scribble little reminders. It’s come to the point where if he has some within reach and a pencil in his hand, he’ll start scribbling down key words about random thoughts he’s having in the moment. One night, he was helping Ike study for a test, and while doing so, started randomly making notes of Ike’s qualities and things he likes about him in general and sticking them to him. Ike kept focusing on his studying for a while and only got to read the notes once he was done. He secretly kept them and put them up on a little board in his room. Marth doesn’t know still, but ever since he’s made a habit of writing down sweet little nothings on post-it notes and giving them to Ike every now and then, slipping them in his lunchbox, under a plate he knows he’ll have to clean up at work, or just when they’re spending quiet time together for whatever reason and he wants to tell him something without breaking the silence. Ike collects them all.
who takes the longest to get ready
Marth. Neither of them take very long but if anyone it would be Marth; he takes more time to bathe because he enjoys it whereas Ike is out as soon as possible; Marth actually puts some minimal thoughts into how he’s gonna dress for the day whereas Ike just grabs whatever stinks less; Marth will take a moment in front of the mirror to clean up his face and tame unruly strands of hair if unruly strands of hair there is whereas Ike doesn’t give a fig. All in all I’d say it takes Marth a good 5 to 15 more minutes getting ready.
who is the most tidy and organised
Marth by a mile. Being organized is a very important principle of his, and he doesn’t see the point in letting clothes and sheets and stuff sprawled on the floor or hanging off furniture it shouldn’t be hanging off of if the idea is to either keep them clean until they’re used or to get them cleaned up at the earliest opportunity. Ike is more of a “I know where I put it, therefore it’s in the right place, wherever that is” kind of person. 
who gets most excited about the holidays
I’d say originally it was Ike, but with Marth now being more or less part of his family, he probably is now very much looking forward to holidays as well.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Ike is big spoon, Marth is little spoon
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
They both do, honestly. They’re both stubborn and competitive; pitting them against each other is basically guaranteeing a never-ending battle or an extreme quantity of salt for whoever the loser turns out to be.
who starts the most arguments
hmmm I wanna say they don’t argue a whole lot, but if anyone probably Marth ? He’s used to reading between the lines, so when he gets very insecure he tends to ignore part of Ike’s bluntness and assume he’s implying things he’s not and such, which can lead to misunderstandings and arguments. 
who suggests that they buy a pet
Ike. Doesn’t suggest, begs. Not a pet, multiple pets. All of the pets. And also adopt the litter of stray kittens and rescue all those dogs. All of them.
what couple traditions they have
I don’t think they have any yet, actually ? Aside maybe from honey kisses. Having Ike ingest a lot of honey and then kissing to share the taste is somewhat of a celebratory gesture at this point.
what tv shows they watch together
That’s a very good question, honestly, I don’t know many TV shows at all. The only thing I know Ike watches is like, those nature shows, which sure, Marth would love to watch with him. It’s very calming.
what other couple they hang out with
None, I don’t think ? Nothing that’s been confirmed at this point in time at least. I’d assume they have meals with Merric and Elice on a regular basis after getting married. They’re also still often around the rest of the Greil Mercs, so if anyone gets in a relationship there, that would include them too ? But nothing set in stone yet– that I can think of.
how they spend time together as a couple
Do I really have to answer this ? They do everything together.
who made the first move
It was Ike ! At least in our main verse, we haven’t determined anything in the others. But it was Ike who took a leap of faith and went in for the kiss.
who brings flowers home
Neither, Ike is allergic to flowers.
who is the best cook
they both lack a bit in cooking experience, but I’d say Ike. He cares more about food than Marth and therefore is probably more invested in the making of it and has more flair for it. I am also fairly sure at this point in time that he tries to make a habit of cooking regularly and experiment a bit.
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