#I love it so much when characters give off this kind of energy! 😁
celestialowlryx · 15 days
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Callum + being the biggest magical fanboy
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wordbunch · 1 year
LOTR/TH characters with an extroverted partner
a/n: guess who’s written something again!!! can you believe it? I hope to get back into writing a bit more 😁 thank you @goingtoladyworld for requesting this, it was a great idea and I enjoyed writing it 😘 if you like it, let me know, and consider reblogging so others can potentially see it too 💛
INCLUDES: Elrond (whichever version you want to imagine, will be fine), Aragorn, Thorin, Legolas, Haldir
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is absolutely in love with your energy
admires how you carry yourself in social settings and how you can have a friendly conversation with basically anyone
sometimes he’s too overworked and tends to forget someone’s name or some basic information about them - then he always looks to you for help and appreciates it so much when you remind him of things like that
doesn’t at all mind being “in your shadow” in large groups, actually he enjoys the fact that you’re outgoing and everybody knows you and he can just be there with you
gets the tiniest bit jealous (or insecure-ish) when he sees how much people gravitate towards you and your shimmering energy, but he would never ever want you to change that about yourself
 actually it’s very convenient that an introverted KING has an extroverted partner to lean onto during royal functions or balls or such
he’s very dignified and he says what needs to be said, but someone has to take it up a notch, spice it up,  and it’s going to be YOU
if he is stuck in an awkward conversation or someone is annoying him needlessly, he will give you a “help me” kind of look
it almost makes you laugh because there’s this royal manly man who looks at you like a lost puppy, but of course you’re going to cut in and save his introverted ass
in case you ever feel a bit insecure about your personality or think that you’re “too much”, he will immediately reassure you with the kindest words and a decent amount of kisses
in case you ever start to feel insecure and think that you’re being too loud, too much or anything like that, he will reassure you instantly and tell you how perfect you are to him + include a decent number of kisses, just in case
he will side eye anyone who comes up to him with something that he deems stupid or unnecessary… except for you
everyone is in awe of how your very presence makes him change his demeanor
many times he will complain and grunt about not wanting to go somewhere people-y (because he knows that many will want his attention), but as long as you’re there, he will survive
he literally refuses to go to any kind of social occasion without you (you are sunshine he is midnight rain)
 if his words toward someone are harsh, you will expertly jump in and soften the blow and just quickly look at him with slight disapproval
he doesn’t overtly admit it, but he’s impressed by how you carry yourself and give your time and attention kindly to others, he considers it a valuable skill and is very thankful to have such a person as his partner to strike a balance
I don’t actually consider him that much of an introvert, he’s just… himself and a bit odd
he can go off on a tangent about something that randomly crosses his mind and then you have to be the one to save the situation, and rescue whoever is the poor soul that ended up listening to the elf’s poetic monologues
he doesn’t dislike socializing, but you’re the one who pushes for it more, and he’s very rarely going to refuse
you love to dance and he needs time to get comfortable enough to dance with you in front of others, and then he will absolutely not take his eyes off of you - you keep him grounded
when you’re feeling like being a tease, you enjoy making him only slightly flustered in front of others, whether it be through some comment you whisper to him, or through physical affection - he is more reserved in public and you respect that, but sometimes it’s just a little fun to make the tips of his ears go red
bestie he is SUFFERING in social situations
nearly a death grip on your arm half the time
you find it slightly amusing how mortified this elf gets if he needs to make a speech or confront somebody
he can’t believe how someone could ever be extroverted but, goodness, does he appreciate the way that you are!
will try to find any excuse to avoid socializing with people he doesn’t know well
breathes an absolute sigh of relief when you pick up a conversation that grew awkward because he was giving short, seemingly disinterested answers
in private, you will lovingly make fun of him for all of that, but you two complement each other nicely
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​ @lazymeriadoc​ @starlady66​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ @silversword7000​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @i-killed-ramsey​ @emmaarenstarr​ @noldorinpainter​ @asianbutnotjapanese​ @adamgetawaydriver​ @fenharel-enaste​ @ironmandeficiency​
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chaos-monkeyy · 8 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers
Tagged by @trainofcommand and @cordeliaperry , thank you 😁
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
969,232 !
(I had a soft goal of trying to break a million this year, but I probably won't quite make it. Ah well, next year!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Literally anything I see or read that happens to hit squirrel-brain in the right spot: Stargate, Star Wars, Cosmere / Stormlight Archive / Sanderson's books generally, Loki series & other MCU media, OFMD, Good Omens, Dresden Files, Star Trek (and one-offs for random-ass shows like the Mentalist, 1899, tLoVM, Echoes, etc). Honorable mentions to past beloved fandoms that I'm not super likely to really get back to again include Midsomer Murders, the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, and the Expanse 💕
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Top spot is A wonderful thing (OFMD); the next four in order are all Witcher - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Keep it up, and Undignified.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love seeing people's reactions, and letting them know how much I appreciate that they took the time and energy to comment (because fuck knows, I don't always have the spoons to comment on stuff myself). And it's so nice to get that connection with people and get excited about stuff together!
(I have missed some replies here and there just because of over-stressing about what to respond, and subsequently feeling guilty that I left them unanswered so long 🙈 ahh, anxiety-brain, you sure are special)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is one is easy, it's definitely Zombie / what's in your head. One of only two times I've written Major Character Death, and the only time I've used the Angst and Tragedy tag.
It's fucking brutal, honestly. Damn good, but ouch. Dark. Sometimes I reread it when I just want to cry hopelessly for awhile. It's like an... emotional reset or something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings in the happy-sexy-sated vein, but most of my fics are also happy-sexy-oneshots so there isn't any real conflict or worry to come back from that makes the happy ending something that wasn't a given, if that makes sense. My first thought for something more involved was Inflection Point, but it's not exactly a happy ending for everyone. So I think I'll go with Curious Creatures, because even though I know how it ends and I wrote the damn thing, I still somehow get worried it will have a sad ending every time I go back and reread it, and then I'm relieved all over again at the end.
(Honorable mention to the Adventures of Admiral Prawn and Yee-Claw, because how can we not be happy that he found his lost hat with the help of a new friend 😂)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly nowhere near as much as I'd kind of expect to? 😆
I had some rando dickhead giving me grief in comments on a couple Assassin's Creed fics, and I've seen people griping in fandom social media spaces about a couple of my works and the fact they (gasp) existed in the tags at all, but mostly people have been decent and kept it to themselves when they don't like me or my writing 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. All of it. All the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Never published one to AO3. Closest I've got is that Witcher-Assassins Creed WIP languishing in my google docs, and a silly fun little SGA-Original SW thing on tumblr from probably a couple years ago now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Pretty sure, yeah. Not to the point of really being able to do anything about it but it kinda sucked. Shit happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple of them that I know of 😁
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Oh hell yeah. Many times 💕
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I have two published WIPs that fall into that category exactly, Ill-advised encounters and The skills of Assassins. They were really fun, I'd have really liked to finish them, annnd I probably never will 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty damn good at pacing a story, whether it's a oneshot or a longer fic, and at getting ~feelings~ across (whether it's horny feelings, smushy soft feelings, angsty feelings, whatever). And I've been told that I'm good at like... developing a setting and characters in a way that flows or unfolds naturally with the story while you read? Or something like that? (they said it better and it made me very happy)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
That would be not getting things actually started and just keeping the ideas in my head because What If this time I can't make the words do the thing good enough. Especially whenever I have ideas for something potentially longer or more involved, I do tend to kinda shoot myself in the foot by going "eehhhhh that would be a LOT of work though.... I don't want that kind of commitment....... Maybe I'll write down the idea later............"
Also being constantly distracted by shiny new things. But that part's fun 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use italics, try to limit it to single words or short phrases, and where possible I make the meaning clear or translated somehow within the fic itself. Last resort, I'll add a little glossary to the start or end notes if it's important to the story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 💖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I genuinely don't have a favourite! There's a few I'm extra proud of myself for accomplishing, but I really like most of what I've ever written for one reason or another.
Or another answer would be, my current favourite changes like every week and is usually one of my recent fics 😂 Right now it's probably The Taste of My Blade; it'll be something else in a month.
No pressure tags: @dewdropreader , @mirilyawrites , @starport-seven-five , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @dedkake , @wantonwhale , and I won't spam tag all the same people as I did in yesterday's tag game in case you're not feeling it right now, but as always - if you see this and want to be tagged, you are! 💙
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
Top Ten Favorite Sonic Characters Of All Time?
Oooh boy!!
Okay! Here we go!
Sonic himself! 🤭 the guy has helped me so much and is such an inspiration, he's so relatable and fun and he just has a great time with life, and I love him!!! 🥰🥰
Tails! The little guy is just the sweetest and most thoughtful kid, and his and Sonic's brotherhood is one of my favorite things!! 💛
Amy Rose! She's such a darling, such a sweetheart, I love how empathetic and sweet she is! I love how she loves to bake and make things and take care of younger kids and she's just such a sweet girl!! I love her very much 🩷🩷🩷🌹🌹
Shadow! The Ultimate Lifeform! His backstory is so sad, but his overall story is powerful and inspiring. 🖤❤️ I love his complex personality and relationships with the other characters, it's super cool!!
Knuckles! The way he's so blunt and absolute with everything is so funny AND cool. I love how he probably used to pretend he didn't care about a lot of people, but how protective he gets of Sonic, Tails, and Amy, like those are his siblings right there. 🥹 He also gives off major homeschooler vibes and I find that hilarious 😂
Tangle! She reminds me a lot of Sonic, but is also relatable just in her chaotic energy and desire for adventures and fun!
Rouge! She's such a queen, such a girlboss 🤩 I love her confidence and sassy personality, the way she does what she wants but can still get serious when she needs to be, and will look out for those she holds close in her heart. I love her 🤍💙
Silver! He's such a cinnamon roll! I love how he can be both naive but also serious, sometimes dramatic, but kind and gentle, he's so sweet!
Blaze! I love how calm and serene she is, how she has excellent self control and is usually the voice of logic in crazy scenarios 😁 not to mention her story with Silver and her selflessness is very admirable 🤩💜
Whisper! Her story is so sad, but so deep! I love how soft spoken she is, but how fierce she is when it comes to justice and the safety of those around her. I'm so glad she's found new friends. 🥰
Thank you for the ask!!!
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toast-tales · 1 year
50 for Sam and Cyrus because I'm gonna make you think. 😁 1 and 8 for Maria, 7 and 8 for Ryan
Oh boy this is going to be a long one. Oh my gosh but thank you for asking about the side characters, this is why you're Big Brain lmao (I'll use a read more to spare everyone's dashes lol). Also mild spoilers, I guess, if you're not caught up on the story, just because of the nature of some of these characters.
What is your favorite thing about them?
For Sam: I love their aesthetic, to be honest. That, and their confident cluelessness. I'm not sure what to call it...let's call it Dumbass Energy. The way they just go for it despite not really understanding what's going on. I love them.
For Cyrus: Why do you hate me I think my favorite thing about Cyrus is the bitch's audacity the fact that he can be simultaneously cunning and clueless. Like, he's a savvy businessman, and he knows what he's doing when it comes to dealing. But he also hasn't upgraded his security cameras since the '90s because, you know, "if it ain't broke don't fix it." And despite his ability to corner Christopher and Nathan, he didn't even stop to consider a human would be the one to pull their stunt off. It's an odd mix to write but it makes him a...well, I wouldn't say "fun" character to write, but maybe "interesting."
Do they have any crafting hobbies?
Maria: It's a strange question to answer for Maria because she really hasn't been outside of the Black Dragon since she got to this world. I don't know if this counts as a "crafting" hobby, but she used to be really into baking, and wanted to get into amateur winemaking as well. Screw it, I'll give whoever's reading this a bit of a sneak peek as a treat: she used to be a chemist, so her hobbies kind of lined up with that. Once she figures out Christopher is into cooking as well, oh boy.
Do they collect anything?
Maria: Again, hard to answer for the same reason as above. But I think, given the chance, she'd end up collecting pins of places she's been to before. She would want to get out into the world and see as much as she could, and having a way to remember that by would be meaningful for her. It would be like a physical reminder of how much distance she's put between her and her (slightly traumatic) past.
Ryan: He likes music - I think it would end up being something that would act as a sort of comfort mechanism for his (also slightly traumatic) past. With that in mind, I think (given the opportunity), he'd like to collect CDs, or records, or whatever physical medium was available of his favorite artists.
Do they have any unusual fears?
Ryan: Besides the kind of fears that come part and parcel with humans in his situation, Ryan would be scared of water - specifically, the kind of large bodies of water that he could drown in. He's not a strong swimmer - he had some health issues as a kid that made his parents a bit...overprotective, and as a result he never learned how to swim properly. While he wouldn't understand where the fear comes from now (thanks to his lost memories), he'd still be quite nervous about anything involving swimming. Plus, now all the lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. are a million times bigger and more dangerous for him, so I guess his fear is somewhat founded now.
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