#I love humans sometimes
I want to live my life as a love letter to all the forgotten strangers who, through small actions and tiny gestures, raised my faith in humanity.
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dragons-library · 2 months
I love seeing what fanfic writers put as content/trigger warnings, it’s hilarious and beautifully human
You have your typical trigger warning and things that make sense, then You have petty warnings about characters they hate 😂, you have the “idk maybe someone is triggered by this?” Kinda tags, and then things like “non consensual rescue” “improper use of grizzly bears”
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it's 9:44 pm, and my neighbour is playing some form of brass instrument outside their house
they do this every night, at around this time
i don't know what instrument they're playing, but i think it sounds a bit like a trumpet
i don't think i've met them, and if i have, i probably didn't know it was them
and every night they play the instrument, and it echoes around a bit, and eventually, muffled and thin, it gets to where i am
and i like to sit and listen to it
they might not be the best at it, and it might be drowned out sometimes by the sound of cars and crickets,
but i think there's something about things like this that's
one day i'll leave, or they'll leave, or they'll die, or god knows what else
and it won't be there, every night
but it'll still be there, in my memories, at least
i'll forget about it, yeah, but it might be something i occasionally bring up in conversation,
or something that i remember out of the blue and think about for a moment, before sending it back off into the archives
and there's. something special, in these ordinary moments, these little things that pass by so fast to make room for the more important things,
and so i sit on the crooked chair on the balcony, and i listen to the sound of their music
this is going to be a nice memory to forget, one day
i wonder if they know that
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wisteryuu · 9 months
I'm drinking wine out of my cauldron mug and eating gummy bears while watching east coast new years celebrations and my cats run around, it's a weird new years eve but maybe not in a bad way 💫✨🥳
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charlesthefrog · 6 months
my favorite thing about last week before i forget: i was sitting in the passenger seat coming home from a movie and i decided to put our popcorn tin on my head. my dad said, “the pagliacci people think you’re very funny.” i looked up from under the tin rim and there were two people on a date sitting at the window. the girl was covering her mouth and laughing at me. i waved. she waved back. i pulled the popcorn tin further down to hopefully make her laugh some more. i took it off as we drove away and she was grinning into her pizza
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giftedpoison · 9 months
Nah cause I was working today. And I was stocking the frozen and there were two vendors stocking near me and they were talking. Id wager they were in their late thirties early forties. (But I suck at guessing age so I could be wrong.)
And the one guy says that he's not a gym rat and isn't looking to be but he's excited to start trying the gym in a little more chill way and go to classes to learn how to do it properly (I think I didn't quite catch the class type) and how he got info about a place from a friend who is a gym rat. And then he went on to say how he told some of his friends he was surprised to find that they were very supportive and excited for him. And how he wants to get into meditation at some point but it's down the road for him.
And the guy hes talking to says that he was shipped off to state prison when he was 18 and while he was there meditation helped him a lot to deal with everything because there was a lot to process and it helped him think about how his actions affected things and how he could improve and stuff. And that now he does it every night before bed.
Meanwhile I'm stocking and am hanging on every word trying not to be obvious because I find this conversation fascinating and so wholesome and great. And I hope that guy reaches his fitness goals whatever they are.
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honiilemonn · 10 months
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weidli · 1 year
got held up on the way to work today because there was a big snake trying to sun herself on the highway right on the way out of town & the lady in the grey subaru in front of me put her warning lights on & got out to try & shoo her into the grassy sunny verge on the other roadside. & it was afternoon and busy but the logging trucks stopped & waited & the family cars stopped & waited & the long haul truckers stopped & waited for that snake to cross the road. nobody so much as honked. & when the snake was safe the road was backed up in both directions but a fellow in a pickup truck waved at me to go ahead (i was waiting to turn right onto the highway) even though he could have made me wait until the whole long line of cars passed. what i am trying to say is: there is still love in this world. what i am trying to say is: happy pride to me & to that big old bull snake who will live to see another sunrise & to every person on that highway who decided that saving her was worth five minutes of delay
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Donna Noble really got in the TARDIS and on trip number ONE like ONLY the FIRST trip she was like we are going to change history to save a single family because that is how it should work so that is how it does and then on trip number TWO on the SECOND trip she was like we are going to destroy an entire culture of slavery because it is right I don't care if we're two people and then on the THIRD trip she was like I am going to be unbelievably brave to save my home and everyone I love and then on the FOURTH trip she was like no living breathing thinking creature is less than a person and how dare you try to dehumanise someone like that how dare you not give her a name and the list GOES ON this woman NEVER MISSED there goes one of the kindest bravest most constant women you might ever meet and she's a temp from Chiswick
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to the girl at the maggie rogers concert tonight who let me take her place at the barricade during dog years:
thank you so much<3 it was such a nice, sweet and wholesome thing to do<3 it literally made my week!!! (honestly my month tbh)
dog years is my favorite song by maggie and i have a strong connection to it, so out of all songs you chose the perfect one without even knowing<3
it literally meant so much to me!!! ill never forget it<333
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 month
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They're judging their sibling's life decisions, and they are not impressed.
(And to think Jason and Dami have pit-madness in their system)
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keferon · 2 months
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…..I should be working rn but one of the songs in my playlist hit harder than usual so
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sukinapan · 3 months
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tentacle-therapissed · 4 months
manga Light: *loses 10 pounds in the first 5 days of using the Death Note and is constantly plagued with nightmares over the guilt of what he is doing*
drama Light: *literally tries to kill himself because he can't come to terms with the fact that he murdered two people who were directly endangering his loved ones*
anime Light, approximately 15 seconds after using the Death Note for the second time: this is great actually now I don't even have to join the police force in order to murder criminals
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atalana · 1 year
so the good place is widely lauded on this site for its takes on morality and capitalism, which i totally agree with
but i think it should get more recognition for the line "all humans are aware of death. so we're all a little bit sad all the time. that's just the deal. we don't get offered any better ones. and if you try and ignore your sadness, it just ends up leaking out of you anyway. i've been there, and everybody's been there. so don't fight it. in the words of a very wise bed bath and beyond employee i once knew - go ahead and cry all you want. but you're gonna have to pay for that toilet plunger."
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hongjoongpresent · 3 months
Thinking about how cats the musical works so well because every cat thinks theyre the best cat. Like yeah of course this cat thinks the entire train will not go without him and that hes basically in charge. Hes a cat.
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