#I love her thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble even though I went nowhere!!
Wanna talk about shiki being a lil fucked up?
Oh boy do I ever! Not to be predictable (glances at the joshneku mentioned in my bio) but I adore when things are flawed and messy and complicated and Shiki is all of those things. She's all of these things WHILE setting an example anyway of how to treat others, teaching Neku a lesson on the inner unseen thoughts and desires of others even while not fully getting it herself.
You never know how much of her is an act, a performance of unpersoning herself to match her perception of what everyone around her must be. There are times she acts out of pure impulse and emotion, such as making Neku strip or shutting down when she decides for all her, Beat, and Neku it wasn't worth it to finish the game, and these times where the facade really and truly breaks are times we see a person that is bored and selfish and despairing and thoughtlessly cruel in a very organic way. She tries to be Eri. She loves Eri. Eri is a cardboard cutout of everything she thinks she should be—beautiful, charming, smart, creative. Eri has good grades and a lot of friends and wears clothes like they're built to be displayed on her. Which makes it fascinating how "being Eri" manifests as wearing her body, as something superficial and skin deep.
Once she looks like Eri, she tries to smother all the parts of her that are inconvenient. The parts that need things and want more than she has. The self-loathing we see from her is probably a symptom of her larger pattern of not really understanding that other people are people as much as she is. She knows lying is sometimes good and necessary but hasn't worked out exactly where that applies yet, and has a demonstrable ability to be manipulative or cold in the face of others being erased. There's so many ways this could go wrong, viewing people as just bodies and tools and things to be decorated and prop each other up!
It's not a mistake or coincidence the final gun duel is a callback to the scene where Nekua chokes Shiki, and while I wouldn't call her misanthropic to any extent, there's a lot of ways in which Joshua's sentiments and behaviours mirror hers with regard to honestly, unpersoning, depression, blame, and appearance, and I think there's a lot to be said about the way Joshua starts the narrative a grotesque funhouse mirror of being in Neku's shoes and ending it by casting himself in Shiki's, with him being the obvious villain the fandom loves to point at as being unreasonable.
I think it'd be an absolute blast to explore the sides of her we know are dishonest, mocking, and prone to dehumanizing others without erasing the good parts of her the fandom likes to celebrate (and frequently the only ones they acknowledge) because I think her self-centeredness is fascinating especially in the context of her utterly trashed self-esteem she spends the game trying to get others to bolster by being kind
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lovebugism · 7 months
Hi um, could you please maybe write something with Stevie and his agoraphobic girlfriend, who is worried she clings to him/depends on him too much for her own comfort and panics and tries to distance herself from him? (Also I adore your writing, you write for Steve so well, it hits me in the heart constantly)
thank u angel! i lovelovelove this request! — you worry steve thinks you're a burden, but really he just loves you (shy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, cw for mentions of social anxiety, 1k)
Steve can tell when you’re out of the shower. The air starts to smell vaguely of fresh flowers and warm vanilla as wisps of steam travel down the hall. He sorts groceries in the kitchen and smiles to himself when he hears your bare feet pad closer, giddy with the thought of surprising you.
You freeze in the doorway at the sight of him, looking more scared than shocked. Wet hair drips onto the neck of your oversized sweatshirt — definitely his. “What are you…?” you trail off, wide eyes darting around the kitchen, now filled with brown paper bags and new groceries.
Steve grins, pink and lopsided, as he slides fresh milk into the door of the fridge. “Hey, babe,” he greets in a honeyed voice.
“Hi…” you waver, brows still pinched with a distant concern.
“Good shower?” he asks, just before a chuckle spills from his mouth. “You were in there for, like, thirty minutes.”
You force a laugh of your own. “Yeah, it was… It was… fine— What are you doing?”
Steve meets your screwed-up features with a brighter beam. He holds a loaf of bread in one hand and chips in the other. “I went grocery shopping,” he answers.
“Okay,” you nod, then shrink inside yourself again. “…Why?”
He shrugs and sets the items on the counter, rambling as he digs into another crumpling paper bag. “‘Cause I knew you’ve been meaning to do it and everything, so… I thought I’d make it a little easier on you.”
Your heart threatens to swell at the simple act of kindness. Your brain doesn’t let it, though. The mean thing can’t comprehend that he’s doing this because he loves you. Instead, it tells you he’s doing this because he thinks you can’t.
“Thank you,” you murmur sheepishly, wringing your clammy hands into a knot. “But, you know, I could’ve done it…”
Steve scoffs. “Of course, you could’ve! I just wanted to do something nice for you.” He puts boxes of something into the upper cabinets you usually have trouble reaching. With his back to you, he rambles. “And don’t worry about paying me back, alright? Consider this me making up for takeout the other night. I really did forget my wallet at home, babe, I swear.”
The memory makes him laugh now that he’s over being horrified about it. He thought about it for days, though — the way he patted at his jeans in search of something that wasn’t there, and how the excuse sounded like a lie as it fell from his lips. 
You didn’t think twice about it after it happened. You were more than happy to pay for your dinner that night, especially considering Steve never lets you pay for anything.
As his quiet chuckling fades, he realizes you hadn’t laughed about it at all. Not even the pity laugh you give when you don’t think something’s all that funny, but you don’t want to be rude. 
With a worried look pinching his features, Steve looks at you over his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
Your eyes go wide. “Hm?”
“What’s that look for, huh?”
“What look?” 
“That one,” he says with a quiet chuckle, pointing to the concerned frown scrunching your brows and swimming in your eyes. “You look upset about something.”
“No!” you blurt before you mean to. The last thing you want him to think is that you’re unhappy with him. So quieter and less convincingly, you waver, “No. I’m not… I’m not upset.”
Steve crosses his toned arms over his chest, looking less than swayed. “Did I… Did I do something? Should I not have bought the groceries— ‘Cause they were having a bunch of sales, you know— it wasn’t that expensive, I promise—”
“It’s not that,” you assure him firmly, before going suddenly shy all over again. “I just… I really could’ve done it, Steve.”
He nods, furrow-browed. “I know.”
You swallow hard. “I just don’t want you to think that you have to do all this stuff for me just because it’s… ‘cause it’s harder for me.”
Steve’s structured face goes lax with realization. He nods slowly to himself, chest wrenching because he understands it all now — why you look so pouty about the whole thing. Because you think you’re a burden.
His sneakers pad softly against the tile floor until they’re planted just ahead of your bare feet. Steve smiles down at you and smooths his palms over your sides. “I don’t feel like I have to do anything,” he promises with a faint laugh, squeezing gently at your hips. “I like doing these things for you… ‘Cause I like you and everything, I guess.”
You scrunch your nose to keep from smiling too big. “Well, that’s gross…” you mumble.
“Disgusting, huh?” Steve concurs with a lopsided grin before smacking a kiss to your mouth.
Your lips tingle for more of him when he pulls away. Your yearning hands twist at the hem of his shirt before he can step away from you completely. “At least let me help put them away,” you plead with sparkling eyes.
Steve’s face twists. “What do I look like to you?” he scoffs. “I’m not some kinda schmuck that makes his girl put up groceries! Go finish getting ready. Or lay down or something— I’m good in here.”
“I can help!” you protest, doing everything but stomping your foot.
“I know you can. Excuse me for wanting to pamper you.”
You make a faint grumbly noise of disdain but don’t press the issue any further.
“You can make it up to me later?” Steve offers with a plush pink grin. His softly calloused palms smooth over your shoulders, wide thumbs rubbing along your collarbones. “Movie date? At the Hawk? Next weekend?”
Your chest pinches with a momentary panic, but you know he’s doing everything right. 
The Hawk isn’t crazy crowded these days, and cinemas don’t usually call for a ton of human interaction. He’s giving you an entire week to prepare yourself for it, too. Steve’s learned all your little idiosyncrasies — for better or for worse.
“Try?” Steve presses at your silence.
You exhale a sharp breath through your nose to dispel the fleeting worry in your chest. You nod. “I’ll try.”
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eluxcastar · 9 months
Number 13 and 14 with Arlecchino
Arlecchino being comforted by her s/o
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: arlecchino comfort drabbles yesyes
୨୧﹑genre :: sort of fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, possibly ooc because it was written pre fontaine quest, not very proofread, arlecchino is implied to have issues with self-image/perception
୨୧﹑words :: 2.2k
"I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I've met." "I'm going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly."
IT'S HERE you guys always spoil me 13 is my favourite prompt and you are the first of two to request it. completely unrelated but this is so familiar to what Kae said a few days ago (months now omg 😭) when we were talking about One of Repetition and it fits those two so well 😭❤️
to the anon who requested furina it'll take me a minute to figure out how to write her because I haven't played the archon quest but I'll watch some cutscenes and do my best for you
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I'll also be using this because I got it in the middle of writing this and thought it fit the idea I had going super well 🙏 that makes three Arlecchino requests with prompt 13 😭 also second anon you're fine dw you guys are free to do with your requests with these prompts as you like, mix them together, add extra descriptions and rambles it makes it more fun 👍 thank you btw 😭❤ feel free to give yourself a name for future requests if you want ❤️ I love having new anons
prompt list
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It is not often that Arlecchino shows her doubt, maintaining that half-pleasant façade to hide it all. If all people see is a ruthless woman with no regard for loyalty, then the details don't matter. There's no need to question, no need to dwell. She is one thing and nothing more, and she much prefers for nobody to notice the hesitancy in her drastic decisions, the thin-veiled regret as she watches the children she witnessed grow up go on to become valiant children of the Tsaritsa.
If there is anything more, it is disregarded as her unpredictability. She is a roach in the eyes of others, and perhaps she's ok with that…mostly.
To hear someone say "I love you" is strange to her, though it shouldn't be by now.
It shouldn't be unusual to wake up tangled in the sheets with you by her side or the struggle it ends up being to leave that mess as you try to convince her to spend five more minutes with you. It shouldn't be odd to discover that you've gone ahead and made her tea in anticipation of the time she will wake up or to have you remind her every morning that you hung her coat up to dry after she dumped it over the back of a chair the night before or to see you wandering around going about your own job.
But those events all feel surreal to her, even though she has watched you walk your patrol path a thousand times now, and she has seen you slack off where she sits by the window of Zapolyarny when you think nobody is looking.
You are very real, there's no doubt about that.
The things you do never click with her, however.
Perhaps you are real, but she made up these fantasies after watching you loiter by that one spot in the garden a little too long.
Yet every evening, you meet her in her office after you're officially let off for the day, and you usually bring snacks. You are most definitely there, then, as she watches you struggle to get through the door without damaging whatever you found for her to try, usually only small, a pastry you managed to get that you absolutely mustn't knock from your hands.
"I tried to get something that wouldn't make a big mess all over your stuff," you usually say, sometimes hacking on a 6guilty little "But~ these just looked so good…" to try and excuse you for bringing something that would cover her desk in crumbs.
Arlecchino doesn't mind because you went to the trouble of getting her something.
She got you a special chair to pull up and everything, and anyone else who uses it can deal with the death glare they get or find a different one.
But perhaps she made that up too, conjuring the image of someone fumbling their way through her office door to greet her with a smile, sometimes with jam on your mouth from taste-testing the gifts that she'll point out to you that you hurriedly wipe on your sleeve and pretend it was never there.
Maybe she put that chair there for nothing, and it never really moves, and each time she thinks this, she is sure this fantasy will all disappear.
However, every evening, without fail, as the sun begins to set out the window and the room is dyed an orange hue, the door opens, and there you are again. Delusions can't possibly be that persistent, and you would've scowled at her when she approached you in the hallways if you weren't aware of this relationship.
So it must be real, which she's well and truly aware of. There must be a person out there who sees what she cannot, someone who, by some miracle, manages to see past the things that block out all of the good. How can a person see anything but someone unworthy of their love?
What else is there to see? 
The idea of a person who deserves to be loved beneath bloodshed has become unthinkable.
For a person who has been exposed to Arlecchino's worst sins, who has seen everything, and whose worst offence in life is a little laziness on the job, how is it possible to look at her and smile?
Arlecchino often wonders as she watches you. She how you go through your routine of placing your things down, whether on the desk or beside them, then all too happily mosey on off to get your chair and drag it over to sit across from her. She doesn't know why it's this particular day that she asks. Perhaps the fact it was weighing on her mind after a recent mission had her list of redeeming qualities shrinking further and further. It is in her job description, and there are plenty of worse people in this world.
But do you deserve to be stuck with one of them?
"Did you ever feel pressured into accepting my feelings for you?" Arlecchino asks the question so suddenly as you're halfway through walking back with your chair that she sees the exact point you register what she said, freezing in place from the shock. "Whether through status or power," she adds.
You blink a few times before all the motion in your world resumes to greet you with the image of her staring you down from the other side of her desk, patient and waiting for your response. "Sorry?" You let the chair go to return alone to her, standing in the place where you always put it. "I don't, uh…follow? I'm sorry, I just— I'm not sure what you mean?"
She hesitates, momentarily glancing down before her age returns to you and your uncharacteristic expression riddled with worry. She must've made you upset again.
"You want to be in this relationship? With me, that is…" Arlecchino struggles to think of the words, saying them as soon as they appear in her mind. "Even though you know the kind of person I am, you still want that?" 
She studies your face as carefully as she can, watching the way you react as you absorb everything you just heard and assumedly try to put a response together in your head. Arlecchino has noticed before how you take longer to speak than her sometimes, but it tends to make everything you say more thought out, though you may end it like you're unsure.
"Well, I mean…if I didn't, wouldn't I just—" you pause for only a second— "break up with you?" There's silence after you finish. She doesn't say or do anything. To Arlecchino, that strangely almost makes sense, but you must be far too bold to admit that to a Harbinger. "It's not that I want to! I'm a little--…well, I think I'm just a little bit confused where that's coming from."
"I was thinking about it." You frown when she admits that. "Some of the things you have seen of me are…" Is there even a word to encompass that? "unbecoming of a lover."
Is that the right way to phrase it?
Again, you pause, and the telltale signs of consideration cross your face. An intense focus that barely lasts, and Arlecchino waits through it all to allow you your chance to answer, intent on allowing you that much. A few seconds more, and your features relax, looking back at Arlecchino with a tender gaze. "There's not really one 'right way', is there?" Your question, though rhetorical, strikes a chord with the many impulsive responses that flood her mind, all of which she keeps to herself. "You just kind of...try your best. Things might work out, or maybe they don't— the point is that you mean well and put in the work."
"That's not enough," she argues, "you deserve better."
"I deserve what I want." Your rebuttal makes sense in theory, but what do you want? She struggles to make sense of that part, the answer muddled by all of her thoughts and lost in her doubts. 
You could ask anything of her, and she would do it. Any material possession, every feeling, more love than you know what to do with in any form you desire—physical, emotional, intimate—and yet you never do. You accept her awkward hugs, that it takes her time to relax when you lay your head on her chest, the fact she sometimes snores, that her clothes may very well be covered in bloodstains when she comes home depending on uncontrollable circumstances.
You never ask for the things she has plenty of power to give you in return for those flaws.
She shakes her head, "but surely you want more."
"I don't."
"There is a lot wrong that you deserve compensation for." 
Arlecchino clenches the pen in her hand tightly, feeling the slight distress of pressure around it. She can't articulate what, not in the way she understands it; flaws is too broad of a term to use. You would instantly know and understand what she meant in a perfect world, but the world is not so generous.
"Like what?" you question. You feel that it’s obvious that nothing Arlecchino will struggle to say will shake you. She opens her mouth, prepared to refute it, headstrong and frankly stubborn as ever, but nothing comes out.
There is silence for a moment, and no one rebuts what you say. Nobody can. The only other person in the room fights with herself to yield and give in to your unwavering loyalty. In your mind, she is everything you want. There is nothing else you can ask of her than to simply accept that you wish to remain with her if only she will allow you to through her own emotional turmoil.
"Are you listening to what I’m saying?" you ask, frown creeping back onto your face as it tugs the corner of your lips down, seemingly against your will, "I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met."
Another chord is struck, her heart beating so loud it thrums in her ears like suddenly becoming aware it’s been threatening to beat out of her chest the entire conversation. She breathes, shaky and caught up in her own surprise. Somehow, she didn’t expect you to be so sweet in your words or throw her off guard so abruptly. She finds it hard to believe them. Arlecchino’s worries haven’t disappeared, only dwindled. It helps, if not completely. There is a reprieve in listening to you.
You have seen the worst of her, every crease she hasn’t ironed out, her sometimes rotten personality, her stained clothes, the weapons she cleans in your home. You have seen her walk to greet you covered in blood and gore from a savage fight, kneel before you and hold your hand with the same hands she uses to kill vagrants and petty criminals, kiss your skin with those lips that spill the vilest of curses against her enemies.
Before she realises what she’s saying, she blurts out a question, "Do you really believe that?" 
It is quiet, reminiscent of how gently you looked at her earlier as her voice barely breaks a whisper, and she can’t bring herself to break eye contact with you once she finds the courage to make it.
"I do." 
You smile at her, hoping she will smile back. A faint smile graces Arlecchino’s lips, ever the handsome picture. Her sincerity is comforting after such a scare. You still worry, and perhaps you will never stop with the way her mind likes to trick her. How long had she thought you secretly looked at her with disgust this time? You fear you won’t have an answer again, though you desperately wish for one. As much as you notice her awkwardness, dismissing some of it and observing other parts with more scrutiny, it is hard to make her talk to you at times.
"Thank you." It is all Arlecchino can think to say in response as she forgets what else she was going to challenge you on. It will return eventually, and she will face it again, but for now, it settles. Arlecchino can reasonably bury her doubt for a time.
"Can we keep talking?" you ask. 
"About anything," she confirms with a nod.
You turn away, walking across the room in pursuit of retrieving your chair from its designated spot by the wall. You pull it along, dragging it over the floor, and set it down across from her on the other side of the desk you’ve been talking across. Your seat welcomes you as it always does as you settle into place, now comfortably at eye level with her.
"In that case," you begin, taking the pen she holds and wriggling it from her hands. She relinquishes it without much of a fight, allowing you to place it off to the side out of the way. "I’m going to ask you how you are, and I would like you to answer me honestly."
"Anything for you, my love."
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3lle-l-black · 4 months
The Lapse (Part 2)
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George Weasley x Reader
Part 1
Warnings: English isn't my first language, use of you/your, use of she/her sometimes, swear words, beginning writer/not reviewed 🧡
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George slowly opens his eyes.
Head spinning a little from lying down still drunk, me he looks around and mentally thanks when he realizes that he's in his own bed, even without know how he got there. George only remembers that you brought him home, the rest is all messed up. He turns around and sinks his face into the pillow, ‘Maybe if I don't move, my head will stop hating me’.
Luckily, George always dealt well with hangovers, he knew he would be fine soon. After a few minutes of complete silence, the bedroom door creaks and Fred slowly enters the room, looking for his brother with a glass of water in one hand.
"Are you awake yet?" — Fred's face lights up with a mischievous smile, and he gives the foot of the bed a little kick. George lets out a muffled grunt before turning over and sitting up. Fred's smile softens as he sits next to his brother on the bed, "Seriously, are you okay? When I arrived yesterday, you were already asleep."
"Yeah, just a little dizzy, but" — George reaches over and takes the glass from his brother's hand. "I think I had a dream" — He drinks the water in a hurry.
"A dream?"
"I dreamed that I told her that I like her," George speaks each word hesitantly, looking at the bottom of the empty glass. "Was it just a dream, right?" — He says placing the glass on the dresser next to the bed, his voice tinged with hope. Hope this isn't a memory messed up by alcohol. Hope that he hasn't ruined everything with you.
Don't get it wrong. He wants to tell you, he even has a plan to ask you out and tell you, a very elaborate plan, by the way. He just doesn't know when he'll do it. Fred gets lost in his own thoughts, eyes fixed on a corner of the room, trying to remember something that could help his brother.
"Well, when she said it was better for you to go home, you said you would only go with her" — Fred starts rambling about the last night. "You even preferred walking back instead of using magic, just so you could 'spend more time with her,' and I might have seen you hugging her as you left the bar. So I'm pretty sure it wasn't a dream."
George rub his face with his hands, letting out an indignant growl. Did he really tell you? What if you didn't want to talk to him anymore or felt uncomfortable around him from now on? As if Fred could hear his twin's thoughts, he pats George's back, trying to comfort him.
"It's not a bad thing, we both know you've wanted to say this for a while, and I know she likes you too," he pauses, even though you never said it out loud, he knows you do. "We are already adults, the excuse that you will wait to see if it isn't just teenage love doesn't work anymore."
"I know"
"Not even the excuse of making the store work first, or the excuse of waiting for the right moment, or"
"Okay, I understood" — George slaps his brother's chest with the back of his hand, not too hard, enough for Fred to stop talking.
"Aggressive" — Fred held his chest in false offense, "Get ready soon so we can open"
The rest of the day was lazy. The weather was cloudy, the cold outside contrasting with the warm atmosphere inside the WWW, making the place more cozy, the sky was threatening rain and the store was quieter than last week. Fred stopped in front of one of the huge windows, watching outside, while George went upstairs to clean up the mess left over from the weekend. Throughout the day, George remembered one thing or another that he had said to you, so he was trying to keep his mind busy to avoid serving a customer with a red face.
Somewhere between tidying up the last shelf and throwing away an empty box, George remembered you complaining about the difficulty of opening their front door. "Bloody hell" — He curses himself under his breath as he rubs his face, trying to shake off the shame of having hung onto you like a spoiled child. Or a clingy boyfriend.
George rests his forearms on the railing and lets his head fall between his shoulders, eyes fixed on the floor and his mind doing what it does best: coming up with a plan and thinking about you. As if the universe is in a good mood, the doorbell rings and a familiar voice, greeting Fred, can be heard.
Your voice, sending shivers down George's back.
He lifts his head, looking for you, his body reacting faster than he cares to admit. You enter WWW, immediately enveloped by the cozy warmth. You don't bother taking off your coat; there's a light rain outside and the stores are starting to close, so you wouldn't stay long.
"I just stopped by to say hi," you greet Fred and look around, missing the other redhead.
When your eyes meet and George realizes you've caught him looking at you, a shy smile plays on his lips. You smile back waving at him, trying to decide between to face the situation head-on or pretend nothing happened.
"I came to see if you were okay. Are you ok?" — There's a playful tone in your voice, you really care, but seeing George awkward like that is funny and a little cute. He clears his throat and composes himself before answering you.
"Yes, and you? It's late. Are you going home?" — You live in an apartment above your own store, similar to the twins' place. It isn't that far from the WWW but it was already dark, and even though he knew you knew how to protect yourself, George was always worried about you walking alone.
"Yeah, I planned to walk back, but the day was busy, it got dark in the blink of an eye, so..."
"Do you want company?" — A wave of confidence hits George, "They say I'm great company, if you want..."
Fred, behind you, shoots a quick OK sign and an exaggerated wink towards George. It takes you a few seconds to respond, the idea of talking about yesterday appearing in your mind, a mix of emotions hitting you.
"Okay, I'd love to," you say.
George goes downstairs, picks up his jacket that was leaning on a counter, and puts it on, while you head towards the exit. Before you can open the door, George arrives first and opens it for you. Taking care of you has always come naturally to him.
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You made small talk most of the way. You talked about the weather, the new store in the alley, everything except what had been on your mind all day. That is, until a couple passed by you – a drunk girl and a boy helping her. They laugh as she hugs his arm, almost making them fall.
They walk away and a silence settles, broken only by the light rain and the sounds of shoes on the wet ground.
"About last night, I'm sorry for making you take care of me," George says as you walk side by side, using the storefronts as an umbrella from the fine rain. He swallows hard. It had always been easy to talk to you; he didn’t know why it was so difficult now.
"It's okay, I don't mind. You leaned on me like a koala, but I like taking care of you," you reply throwing him a small smile. You know George would always help you, why wouldn't you do the same for him? What you don't know is what this simple sentence did to George.
He feels amazing, like every time he is with you. His heart races, and a warmth spreads through his chest.
"And what I said..." George speaks slowly, analyzing your reaction. You click your tongue as if you don't care but start fiddling with your fingers nervously. It wasn't hard to fall in love with George; even Fred jokes about you acting like lovers since your 4th year at Hogwarts. But since he didn't make the first move, you conclude that you've fallen in love alone.
"There's no need to worry, Georgie. I don't believe the words of drunk people", you say, crossing the street and looking down, suddenly finding the floor very interesting. But George stops. Something clicks in his head with your sentence; he doesn't want you to think it was a lie. George would never lie about it.
Damn, he had to be exhausted and drunk to be able to tell you, but he meant it. George is really good at doing stupid things; luckily, he's also good at solving them. Maybe he can fix the mess he made yesterday.
"I'm not drunk now" he says loudly, making you stop. George tenses as you turn to him with a confused look on your face, the drizzle catching you now, "If I say it again now, would you believe it?"
"Are you serious? Like, do you really mean it?" — Your voice comes out louder than you expected, you weren't mad, just surprise. The possibility that you are hallucinating crosses your mind, but the sincerity in George's eyes tells you otherwise. George didn't want to hide this from you anymore, even if it made you hate him. If you want to hit him for ruining your friendship, Merlin knows he would let you.
You take a deep breath. "I would believe"
He lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. George looks at you with wide eyes, like a deer caught in headlights, trying to process the situation.
"I wanna be" — Before he can finish, the drizzle turns into heavy rain, drowning out the noise around you and soaking your clothes. Without hesitation, George grabs your hand and runs towards your place, the rain and his gentle touch catching you off guard. Luckily, your store isn't far away and has a large facade where you can escape the rain.
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As soon as we both huddle under the shelter, bursting into laughter, he lets go of my hand to fix some strands of hair that stuck to his face, and I have to hold myself back so I don't grab him again. "Don't worry, you're already pretty enough" — I say as George uses the window as a mirror. I run my fingers through my wet hair and wipe the cold water off my face as much as I can.
George let out a chuckle, "And people say I'm the flirt" — He says shaking his head, as if in disbelief. How can someone be so idiotic and handsome at the same time?
"Cause you're" — He turns to me with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped, if I didn't know George, I would be worried. Quickly, his expression changes to a proud one, he shrugs with a smug smile, enjoying the compliment. We stand in front of each other, the cold breeze passes through both of us and although the wet clothes are starting to bother me, I don't want to leave here. Not without knowing first.
Maybe I shouldn't have waited for him to take the initiative, maybe I should do it, I'll do it.
"So," — I keep my hands in my pockets, trying to ignore the cold, trying to look more confident. "You were saying..."
"I was saying that... we can be more, you know?" — He plays with his eyebrows making me laugh. George has a calm smile that contrasts with the hesitant step he takes closer to me. I wanna tell him that he can stop with the nonsense.
Go direct to the point.
But what's the fun in that?
"Hmm? What do you wanna be?" — I lean in, letting my hands draw circles on his chest as I try to calm my heart. His body feels warm against the slightly cold weather around us; 'I feel my body getting warm too'. George catches on to my teasing, the expression changing, a lustful gleam passing through his eyes.
His gaze shifts from my eyes to my lips and I have to take a deep breath, George gently places his hands on each side of my waist and pulls me closer. Our chests touch and I'm sure George can feel my heart racing, the tension between us palpable in the air, crackling like electricity.
"You know what I want, sweet"
"Yeah, but I want to hear it. I need to hear you say it"
"Fuck..." — George's breath catches against my skin. He leans in, your mouth hovers over my ear. Knowing the effect this would have on me, he whispers
"I wanna be yours"
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The heart skipping a beat, George's warm breath sending shivers down your spine, and for a moment you lose your breath. You turn your faces at the same time. Eye contact returns, but the confident pose and provocative look that you had a few seconds ago is gone.
George could admire you for hours from this position, but now was not the time for that, without hesitation, he closed the gap between you and captured your lips in a passionate kiss, making a sigh escape you. Your hand instinctively reached out, fingers curling around a fold of his coat.
George holds your hand tightly, as if you could disappear, holding on to the one he always wanted and wouldn't let go so soon now that he finally has.
And it feels so right.
Like you always should have been here.
Your tongues explore each other and George's hand travels over your body, hugging your waist. The feeling of his lips on yours is soft, his touch is soft, in contrast to the hunger for the kiss. The intensity of the kiss slowly fades, and with one last peck, you reluctantly part, but George doesn't move away from you.
He rests his forehead on yours, the breaths mingling with the cold wind, you stayed like that for a while, enjoying the moment, in no rush to separate. George lets out a low muffled laugh as you wrapped your arms around his waist inside the suit, you're still feeling the heat of the moment, but now the breeze is starting to get to you. George's face lights up with the same pretty smile you've always loved.
He admires you with red cheeks and ear tips. 'I must not look different', you think, looking at him with a downcast gaze. George hugs you and you snuggle into his chest. "Are you cold?" — He asks, adjusting the sides of his jacket around you as much as he can.
"Yes" — You pause, gathering the courage to ask, "It's really cold out here, do you want to come in?"
"Come in? Like... just until the rain stops or spending the night?” — George jokes, unable to stop looking at you, with a twinkle in his eyes. 'You shift your weight from one foot to the other muttering a low drawl 'yeah'.
"I don't know, I just want to spend more time with you, If you don't wanna"
Before you can finish, George interrupts you, "If I ever say no to you, I want you to take your wand and curse me. I'm talking about an Avadra" — You laugh loudly pushing him lightly.
Bônus: "Just so you know, if you hadn't slept, you would have heard me say I wanted to be more than friends sooner, idiot." — You say with a wide smile on your face looking for the key in your coat pocket.
"I was exhausted. You're lucky I turned off after we were already inside the house." — George says, hugging you from behind and purposely making it difficult for you to open the door.
This should have been post sooner but oh well, I posted, that's what matters It's my first time writing a kiss and I don't think it's amazing but it was fun to do so... i hope you like 🧡
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Hi kore! I wanted to see what you could come up with for this request! I have been thinking about this for a while! How would Mercy, Kiriko, and Moira react to finding out that their s/o has been hiding getting hurt during missions?
Doesn’t want to tell them because being healer can be exhausting and doesn’t want to add onto the work? How they find out can be up to you! Feel free to ignore.
omg thank you for the request! Healers are always running around doing the best job they can. I love every support main <3 we are the strongest ever LMAO.
How Mercy, Kiriko, and Moira react to their s/o hiding their injuries from them
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-Angela could read you like a book, no matter the situation
-After much prodding and asking you to tell her what's wrong, you finally crack
-She would think your joking, the both of you got home hours ago. She would've noticed your injury by now
-You proceeded to show her how much pain you were in and how you can't really move your right arm, stating it was out of it socket or something was torn out of place
-Angela was quick to put to your rescue, frantically grabbing supplies she keeps in your shared medical cabinet while quietly rambling to herself about what you need
-She sat you on the toilet in your shared bathroom, checking to see what the problems really is. She found out it was simply popped out of place. Angela told you take a deep breath as she popped it right back in place
-You hissed out in slight pain but you can move it again! Angela applied some muscle relaxer cream around your shoulder area
-When you went to thank her, she had a disappointed look on her face with her arms crossed over her chest, "Liebling, why the hell wouldn't you tell me you were hurt?"
-Oh no...she brought out the 'disappointed mom voice'. You sighed as you explained that she is always healing your fellow teammates and you didn't want to add to her stress. You thought you could wait it out and try to the problem you had, also you mentioned since there was no blood, she wouldn't know
-The more you explained, the more shock showed on her face. By the end she was shaking her head and she bent down, holding your hands, "Y/n, you are my main priority, not matter what. You should never be afraid of telling that you're hurt.." She placed a hand on your cheek, "You are my everything, I never want you to hide your injuries from me again. Even if I am busy, I will always make time for you."
-Your girlfriend always has an eye on you. No matter how many people crowd her and swarm her, she is constantly watching you
-You, Kiriko and her gang of vigilantes came back to the shared hide out. They call cheered as they came back from a successful mission, and because you this is your first victory with them!
-Though all seems well, Kiriko senses something with you is off. She sees that your smiling but you keep shifting yourself on time side and sees a slight limp when you walk
-“Excuse me guys, babe, can I talk to you alone?” she asked, grabbing your hand gently and pulling you away from the group. With this, she also feels how you try to walk normally but you grip her hand everytime you walk
-“What’s going on? You’re limping like a hurt deer, did something happen when we were out?” she asked. You nodded and explained how you did have time to tell her you sprained your ankle since you were all just trying to get back to base
-She propped your hurt leg on top her lap and placed one of her healing ofuda on your ankle. You immediately feel relief and smile at her
-She sighs, “Babe, if you were hurting you should’ve told me right away. I know we were in a rush but I also can’t have my baby hurt, alright?” she stated, leaning in to give you a kiss <3
-There is no hiding from this woman. She already knows before you could even hide it
-Moira is a observant and looks at everything and everyone with a close eye. But since you are her partner, she looks at you with a magnifying glass.
-Talon had come back from a successful mission. Everyone was excited and relived to get home and recuperate from this mission
-You clutched your side, something hurt and breathing was harder but you couldn’t tell what it was. You figured since Moira was busy you could wait it out
-Until Moira snuck behind you, “Dear, you’re hurt…” She said as you jumped to turn around and face her. She sighed as she brought you back to her lab for privacy
-“Sit on my desk, we’ll figure this out..” She mumbled as you say down. She listen to your heart beat and breathing, have you lift up your uniform to expose your torso. As much as you wanted to blush, you know she was serious and not trying to be intimate
-“Hmm…It seems one of your ribs are out of place, let me help you,” she whispered to you, positioning your body so the rib will be able to snap back in place
- She tried to quick as possible so your pain isn’t there but you still cried out in pain. She shushed you as she sprayed her you with her healing stream from her hand
-You sighed in relief, “We’re too going to tell you you were hurting?…or try to wait it out,” she asked, looking deep into your eyes. This was a tactic of hers to makes sure she is getting the truth
-“I wanted to wait till you were done, you had so many people to go through-“ she cut you off, “I could care less about them. You are my number one priority, if you came to me you would’ve been the first to be healed.” She held you hand and raised it up to kiss your knuckles, “You’re strong, but not that strong to ignore pain that bad…Please, don’t be afraid like the others…Come to me”
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated! <3 :)
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astra-galaxie · 22 days
argo related headcanons I BEGGGGG (they're not exactly hcs if YOU make them about your own character though? what do you call those.)
Ah… Facts maybe?🤔
Regardless of what we call them, thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about Argo a little!😁
Before moving to Concordia, Argo had never driven an automobile. Even though they existed in Italy, he never saw a reason to learn how to drive one. When he moved to Concordia, he realized it might be beneficial to learn for his job, so Isaac taught him how to drive. (Maddie had offered to teach Argo, too, but her driving style made him nervous… Thankfully, Isaac is a patient teacher since it took Argo multiple attempts to earn his driving license.)
Argo is often mistaken for a woman due to his feminine appearance. Like, put him in a dress, and no one would think he was a man. This has advantages and disadvantages; it's great for going undercover, but it's annoying to correct people when they misgender him.
He is of Polynesian descent on his mother’s side.
Argo used to wear makeup as a teenager and was especially fond of lipstick. He found it fun to leave lipstick marks on Diego’s face since the Spaniard never noticed they were there until someone else pointed them out or he looked in a mirror. Argo’s record for the longest Diego went without noticing was five hours. Diego pretended it annoyed him, but he secretly enjoyed having Argo leave kisses all over his face.
He's a cuddler. He can be so clingy in his sleep that he's been compared to an octopus more than once!
Argo loves chocolate. He enjoys sweets in general, but chocolate is his favourite.
While Argo loves singing, he’s afraid of performing for others. It's not that he thinks he’ll sound bad (he knows he has a beautiful voice), but he’s scared of people listening to him sing. It doesn't count if Argo is unaware that people are listening, but if he knows they are, he starts getting nervous.
He loves soft and fluffy things. Blankets, pillows, plushies, animals—you name it—if it's soft and fluffy, Argo would love to cuddle it! Bonus points if it's also warm!
Do NOT get between this man and his coffee! Many people have learned the hard way that you should never delay Argo (especially a sleepy Argo) from getting his cup of coffee or espresso!
Argo is scared of pirates.
During his childhood, there was a period when Argo was seriously sick for a long time. He eventually got better, but it was terrifying for him as this happened after he lost his parents and grandparents...
And that’s all I have for now! Some of these facts might have already been known, so I'm sorry for repeating myself! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Argo. Don’t worry; I will elaborate on some of these things later in my story!😉
Thank you for the ask and letting me ramble about Argo!
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executables-sims · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Thank you so much for the tag, @goatskickin! :D I am ill rn, so please excuse the rambling. x) Long post ahead!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Maybe fright? I've only ever had it happen once via ghost, the anim is pretty funny. :)
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? My Simblr probably says otherwise, but I don’t have a preference! I’ve had nearly every possible CC style under the sun throughout my years of playing, and I constantly think about reviving my 'semi-realism' folder (living vicariously through you, other simmers!). I didn't play with CC until early 2006 though, so MM is a little bit more nostalgic. :)
Do you cheat your sims weight? Hell no! I'm still in awe of Nysha's townie body diversity mod finally letting townies be fat. :D I wish the game had a better way of managing bodyshapes so I could add more variety that way.
Do you move objects? Of course!
Favorite Mod? Of all time? Impossible! My continued interest in gameplay is always because of new mods. :)
I did gain a new outlook thanks to a mod recently, though! My wild romance sim Blaze Biermann ended up 'mood swinging' to fortune before he went to uni, and instead of reverting, it got stuck.
He had a few flings still (pleasure secondary), but after he returned home and met his daughter (for the first time since her birth), he started cringing whenever I directed him to romance his dates. It felt like he had grown as a person, and I loved it!
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TL;DR: Randomly change your sims' original aspiration/s to give them interesting character arcs! First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I mean, not my decision, but our first TS1 EP was Hot Date. I'm pretty sure I got TS2 EPs/SPs in order of release (miss those days of unwrapping a new one every birthday/christmas!).
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? We're LIVE, baby! 🎥
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't usually get very attached to my first-generation sims, but maybe Evonne Milos, from the gameplay/story hood I accidentally destroyed in four days? Never actually played her, but I had a lot of ideas for a corrupt 'sexpot' politician. x)
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Have you made a simself? Lots! 99% of the fun I had playing TS2 as a kid was me and my best friend making ourselves and our respective crushes of the week, and we'd always live in one of those Veronaville lots that was two houses connected by a balcony. I can't even tell you the amount of times she got me pregnant against my wishes whilst I went to the bathroom, lmao.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? For colour consistency, probably brown? But there are a lot of brunettes in Brunwick (must be the name!), so I enjoy the recessives popping up in gameplay. :)
Favorite EA hair? Does an EA download count? Jeanette is lovely.
Favorite life stage? Ohhh dude, that's so difficult to answer. They all bring different challenges and dynamics to the household! I feel like I've started to appreciate the child lifestage more since Brunwick has grown large enough to have multiple friendship groups. It's fun watching them goof around with each other and be actual kids, instead of sitting indoors skilling. I really need to build a park! :)
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
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Are you a CC creator? Yes, I really love how this game has led me to so many creative hobbies! Would like to tackle BHAVs one day. :)
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Yeah! I consider us all friends over our shared enjoyment of the game really, but as a chronic lurker I'm not the best at cultivating connections. x) Does anyone wanna make a secret club? xD
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I do have a bunch of rad sims memories. 👉😎👉
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I watched plenty of sim music videos back in the day! Found a lot of songs that way. :) Some formative memories here: One / Two
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I sadly don't have screenshots of my oldest saves thanks to a combo of no external HD and no screenshot program, but here's one example:
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But gameplay-wise, a lot! My early years were probably based around creating stories more than actively playing, but when I did I would just emulate perfect families, attempt legacies, and restart BG hoods over and over. x)
Now I'm all about wants-based gameplay; witnessing and interpreting a story, as opposed to creating one from scratch. But I will add drama if I find my interest waning! x)
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Again, super-duper impossible to answer because everyone's CC makes the game fun, but my most recent CC shopping spree was Honeywell and HugeLunatic! :) 🛒
How long have you had Simblr? Technically 2011, officially 2013, but if we're being pedantic, I finally made a dedicated Simblr (this) in 2016. x)
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How do you edit your pictures? These days, just sharpen and shrink! CC previews aren't too complicated either- a blurred out screenshot for the BG and a shadow.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? Ooh… maybe Nightlife, by a smidgen? I feel like it gave us a lot of new features and items, and the subhood was nice (as a non-builder at the time!).
Tagging: @daman19942 @aondaneedles @eulaliasims @profesionalpartyguest @tvickiesims @and everyone else, I love reading these! :D
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Could I ask for "I prefer not to be disturbed." with Amane please? I just saw the prompt and went. Omg amane. Imagine amane saying this to Kotoko when she's. Beating people up. And Kotoko goes 'understandable' and goes to mikoto <3 it just seemed funny in my head sorry for rambling
Omg I absolutely loved this, thank you!! 😂 I was cracking up about this for so long -- it's such a fun way to read Amane being completely untouched afsdfd. It's got a bit of the attack-scene drama but I had fun writing it lighter, so I hope it reads as such! (me? writing in present tense? less likely than you think but here we are lol)
Kotoko’s fist pounds three times on the cell door. A confused face appears as it opens. “Shiina Mahiru. Milgram has named you guilty of an unforgivable murder. Meet your judgment.”
In only a minute, her boots travel around the guard tower. She flicks dark hair from her eyes, careful not to wipe the blood from her knuckles onto her face. 
Three pounds on the cell door. A confused face appears. “Kajiyama Fuuta. Milgram has named you guilty of an unforgivable murder. Meet your judgment.”
Kotoko moves to cell 008. There is more blood. Three pounds on the door. She opens her mouth.
But it remains closed.
She waits a moment. She can hear Amane inside.
Kotoko knocks again, trying for more urgency.
A professional voice comes from inside. “I am preoccupied. Come back later.”
Kotoko grits her teeth. She doesn’t plan on harming Amane as she did the others -- she would never raise a hand to a child (despite what she told her about avoiding special treatment.) Still, the girl needs to be taught a lesson. Kotoko is a vessel for justice. She has been chosen. She will not be turned away so easily.
“Momose Aman--”
The door opens a crack from the other side.
"I prefer not to be disturbed."
Amane looks up, her expression making it clear she has already been disturbed. Kotoko’s fierce red eyes are startled by the gaze looking up at her.
“Well,” Kotoko shifts so she can see the blood that flecks her clothes. She can get a good look at her boots, and her raw knuckles. Amane sizes her up, her purpose becoming clear. “I --”
“You will need to come back later.”
Kotoko's brow furrows. She doesn’t have time to come back later. She can already hear Kazui collecting himself from where she’d left him with Fuuta. She wasn't prepared for any of this.
“Er... You have been named guilty. Your...” She clears her throat. “Milgram has named you guilty of an unforgivable murder.”
“Milgram is wrong.”
Amane’s voice is unwavering. Her eyes went from mild frustration to a pinpointed rage.
Kotoko had just listened to Mahiru’s cries that this was all a mistake, though the woman accepted her judgment quickly. She’d heard Fuuta’s excuses and denials, showing nothing but an immature rejection of what he’d done. But the way that Amane rejected her verdict, Kotoko was actually inclined to believe her.
No, she would not be mislead. She was not mistaken. She was here to bring only righteousness. She was here to administer punishments.
“I am here to--”
“-- you are here to disturb me. I refuse to be taken from my studies.”
Amane squares her shoulders. She starts rolling up her sleeves.
Kotoko knows better than to mess with a young woman with that kind of fire in her eyes. She gets the feeling that even if she doesn’t take things too far, Amane will. That was not part of her grand plan of delivering justice.
She straightens. “...I understand.”
She hears Kazui is nearly recovered. She thinks she hears Shidou’s voice as well. Too much time has been spent here, with no easy resolution. There’s one more prisoner she must deliver punishment to -- one whose verdict was the absolute clearest to the warden. He should be her true priority.
Kotoko steps back. “You will see the error in your ways in due time. But for now, I’ll leave you to it.”
Amane’s hard set expression doesn’t change. She gives a curt bow. “Or, perhaps you will. Thank you.”
Kotoko doesn’t lose another moment hurrying to the neighboring cell. She spares a single glance over her shoulder. She just has to be sure those intense green eyes are off of her. Amane shoots her one more look before shutting the door.
After exhaling a little sigh -- not out of relief, if anyone were to ask -- she pounds three times on the next cell.
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min-hoax · 2 years
envy - nuisance jungkook
AN: For my Nuisance enthusiasts, here’s a lame drabble :) Set before the written story.
Warning(s): Mentions of TABOO RELATIONSHIP! (DNI IF SUCH TOPICS MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE) pseudo incest, obsession, obscene language, extreme jealousy, manipulative behavior.
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His gaze burned deeply into your skin, sending silent shivers all throughout your body as you tried to keep yourself from looking back at him. You were sure if you looked back, the doe innocent eyes that you loved would be gone, and glaring, dark, revengeful ones would stare back, waiting to pounce with angry venom.
If looks could kill.
Through his anger you still smiled, nodding at Namjoon’s words when he continued to ramble about something you lost track of so long ago. Namjoon was kind, sweet and loving - everything your mother desired in a partner for you, but deep down… you didn’t crave for him the way you desperately craved another. Someone that was untouchable, somebody you couldn’t ever have.
There was always that little thought in your mind: that Jungkook was out of limits and you could never be one because the act was unforgivable in the eyes of the universe.
But yet, you both couldn’t stay away.
The kisses behind close doors, dangerously taking a risk whilst your parents where just a room over, the trips you’d take hours away in order to feel closer - where you could envelope and love each other and pretend to be lovers.
“Thank you.” You chuckled taking a seat on the chair that Namjoon had pulled out for you. His parents walked with yours, existing their home with glasses of wine in each their hands as they took a seat around the outdoor table, no doubt speaking about business that you couldn’t give a damn about though you probably should since you’d be the head once your parents were gone.
“Jungkook, sweetheart, won’t you join us?”” Your mother called, looking at her son with concern as he sat away from the rest of you, not smiling in the slightest with his hands inside his black hoodie. Despite the Kim’s dressing beautifully as host’s tended to do, it was common knowledge that guests should do too, but Jungkook couldn’t give a damn and your mother never said a word - never to him.
Jungkook nodded slightly, his tongue poking out of his cheek when he stood, glaring at you when he pulled out a chair… right next to you. “Ow.” You gritted, giving the same attitude when his sneakers stepped on your open toed heels. His eyebrows raised once, shrugging with the motion.
“So -“ Namjoons’ mother started, voicing your name. “We thought you could extend your trip with us! There are a few things that we believe you and Namjoon could do. Doesn’t that sound fun?” Namjoon smiled, blushing bright when he shyly looked down, pushing his glasses up with his pointer finger. Jungkook’s jaw clenched with animosity, taking a hold of your father’s wine, gulping almost the entirety of it.
“Oh, I would lo -“
You gasped as the glass of wine slipped from his hands just below your shoulder, the burgundy spilling and tainting the white v neck. Jungkook stood immediately unwrapping napkins from the roller and dabbing it against the table and your shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” You said, filled with embarrassment, your cheeks burning. “I’ll be back. Excuse me.”
It took just ten seconds before Jungkook stood up again. “Need the restroom, excuse me.”
You glared at him when the door to the guest bedroom opened. “Get out.” You gritted.
“What?” He chuckled. “Now you’re pissed at me?”
“You would be too if I fucking did that to you in front of everybody.” Grabbing a shirt from your pack, you went to put it on, but Jungkook was faster, snatching the tshirt from your grip and immediately wrapping his arms around your waist. “Then I’m lucky that was not your favorite shirt.” He muttered, pecking just below your ear. “What, did you think I’d really let you stay with that nerdy little fuck? You’d be bored before the day even ends, babe.”
“That’s none of your business.”
“You’re my business.” He harshly maneuvered your body to face his, kissing you deeply and passionately with a desperation. “Don’t you know that I love you? That I am yours just as much as you are mine? Will you leave me?” His anger vanished, thin pink lips quivering before you, on the verge of crying.
It’s was his tears. It was always his tears that did you in. “No.” You cooed, cupping his red cheeks in your hand. “Of course not.”
“Promise me you won’t stay.” He cried, “Promise me please.”
“I won’t stay, I promise. We’ll go home right now if you want.” Jungkook immediately nodded, finding refuge in your embrace, missing the conniving little smirk in the corner of his lips.
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rovingthewaves · 2 months
A Special Gift ~ *Yinlin*
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Summary: Yinlin is suspicious of this new tailor shop in town. As she goes to investigate, she finds the most peculiar woman...
Pairing: N/A
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Word Count: 712
Warning: N/A
Yinlin was wandering aimlessly through the streets of Jinzhou when she came across a peculiar little shop. It was one she had never seen before, which instantly made her suspicious. So, with an air of pure curiosity so as not to rouse any suspicions, she entered the quaint little shop.
Even with its already small size, the place was cramped. It was full of fabrics and nearly completed clothing pieces. The sizes ranged from very large to very, very small. As Yinlin scoured the shop, she kept a keen eye out for any contraband or anything that meant the owner was up to nefarious deeds. But so far, it looked like an ordinary tailor's shop.
"Good afternoon! I'll be out in a minute!" A chipper voice called out from the back. Yinlin kept her calm, but the air inside the store began to faintly crackle with electricity.
"Take your time." She answered. Though she still looked like an interested buyer, her guard was raised and she was ready to strike at a moment's notice. She had no idea what the shopkeeper was doing in the back, and if it was anything illegal or suspicious, she'd be ready to take them into custody.
It wasn't much longer when a bright, smiling woman came into view. She went over to the front counter and gestured to her shop. "Welcome to Needle n' Thread. My name is Y/n. What can I help you with this fine afternoon?"
She didn't seem like the suspicious kind of people that Yinlin associated with on a daily basis, but she could never be too cautious. So she shook her head nonchalantly and continued to browse. "Just looking."
The shopkeeper nodded, her bright smile never once leaving her face. "But of course! If you need anything, just give a holler!"
Yinlin nodded and continued to survey the little store. She was beginning to think that this woman was not the malicious type, and had no ulterior motive with her tailor shop. She couldn't find a single thing that would link her to any sort of crime. Perhaps she really was worried over nothing...
"Excuse me." The woman asked. "I hate to bother you while you're browsing, but I simply have to ask where you got that beautiful puppet?"
Yinlin glanced down by her hip and noticed Zapstring floating there. She slightly narrowed her eyes at the shopkeeper. "My guardian made it and he gave it to me."
"Well, I must say, that is some very fine craftsmanship!" She then shyly held out her hand. "May I take a look?"
Again, she looked at Zapstring before giving what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug. Worst case scenario, if she tried to steal her puppet, all she had to do was electrocute her. 
When her puppet was in the woman's hands, Yinlin watched as she carefully turned it over, a look of awe in her eyes. "Wow! It's even more magnificent up close! Your master is a very fine craftsman indeed!" She then looked up at her with her smile. "Are you learning to sew from him?"
"No, not really." She shook her head and watched as her smile fell.
"Oh, I see." She tenderly handed Zapstring back to her. "Well, it must be nice forging your own path instead of following in your guardian's footsteps. I mean, well, it's not that I don't love my job as a seamstress, making clothes for humans and dolls alike. It's just, I always wondered what else I could do with my life..."
When she noticed Yinlin staring at her, she laughed and shook her head. "Ah, my apologies! I didn't mean to say all that! I have a habit of rambling."
"It's alright." Yinlin replied, albeit a bit stiff. Without thinking, she grabbed a random bolt of fabric that was small enough to not cost her an arm and a leg. "May I purchase this? For my guardian."
"Oh, of course!" The shopkeeper rang up her purchase and Yinlin handed her the money for it. "Thank you so much for shopping at Needle n' Thread! And please tell your guardian he has quite the talent!"
"I will." And with that, Yinlin left the little store, curious to learn more about the odd shopkeeper woman.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
surprised that no one asked about Fiona and Handler :'D
I'm assuming about the character ask meme from a few days ago :D
First impression: We have this term in my language that would translate to "ice column", and it's used to describe a person who is cold and shows absolutely no expressions. Well, that was what I thought when I properly saw Fiona, especially when she went to the Forgers' house and Yor opened the door to well, that face.
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Impression now: Look I ain't excusing her but there's something deep and sad about her wanting Twilight to see the real her but hiding that self behind that unbreakable poker face. I want her a million miles away from Yor but I also want her to find the comfort to be herself and not drag others down.
Favorite moment: This is hard to answer because I don't enjoy her as a character, I enjoy the dynamic she brings to the story. For that matter, my favourite moment that she was a part of was when she confirmed to the audience that Twilight's smile hides a part of truth behind it. But I'm not sure I can say I have a moment I like that's about her. But I am open to it for the future.
Idea for a story: I want her and Twilight to come to a very angsty clash. For her to try and ruin his marriage to Yor and him realizing that she has feelings for him. Which would lead him into thinking he failed her as a mentor, because he failed to see that she'd grown feelings for him and because he failed to correct her when she took his "hide your feelings" advice so much to heart that she ended up never showing feelings like ever. Idk where it would go from there. Perhaps he would ask Handler to assign her another assignment in another town to put some distance between them and it would actually be sad because they feel they've failed each other. And even though you wouldn't root for their relationship to be romantic it's sad because they were so accidentally so toxic for each other, even though they had the same goals and actually wanted the best for each other.
Unpopular opinion: There's more to her under her "notice me senpai" front and I'll patiently wait for Endo to prove me right.
Favorite relationship: Uhhhhh
Favorite headcanon: Idk nothing comes to mind
First impression: Who is that now what's she about will she be there just for briefings and such uhhhh give me SOMETHING
Impression now: I want her entire backstory and a spin-off just for her and how she went from a grieving mother into a handler for an entire spy agency.
Favorite moment: Her "you don't know shit about war" speech. I've even wrote a meta about it. I remember at that point I wanted to see more of her and OH BOY DID THAT SCENE DELIVER.
Idea for a story: It kinda is becoming a story thanks to @spencerisdead taking my ramblings and putting them to fic, but it's about Twilight getting captured and tortured, and Yor being determined to save him. But because peace treaties are on the verge of being secured, and Sylvia knows any drama involving spies breaking out of the SSS's clutches will only make things worse, she decides to call the SSS on Yor in order to force her to leave and let things be until peace is secured. Lotsa angst and feelings of betrayal both from Yor and Loid (once he makes it out) but I think very on par with how Sylvia works. She would feel lots of guilt for it, but she'd know (and so would Loid) that she would do it over and over again if it meant peace would be restored.
Unpopular opinion: Yeah unpopular alright cause I think it would take far more for her to allow Twilight to just up and leave and go live a peaceful life (and Twilight, too). I've read a few fics where she just... lets it happen, and though that's in no way a jab to the choices of the fic writers... I don't think canon Sylvia would just go like "Oh okay you love them go live a peaceful life with them I guess", she would drag his ass back to HQ and smack him for some good measure. Again, it's okay to happen in fic, fic is supposed to be transformative. But at the worst possible scenario, I think she would at most take Twilight off the field and have him do office work or something for WISE. If anything, because it feels like she knows he wouldn't choose to abandon this position that easily.
Favorite relationship: With Twilight, platonic, like a found brother/sister relationship or something. I cannot wait for more details on how they got to know each other (no spoilers for the manga though please!)
Favorite headcanon: She seems to be quite a positive thinker. Or maybe she forces herself to be? Like I remember in two separate occasions (right after the Doggy Crisis arc, and when Zacharis' secret ended up not being a danger to peace) that she went like "All that matters is that peace is safe". So I think after all the tragedies she went through (and still goes, in a manner, since she constantly has to watch spies from her agency get caught and killed) she's forced herself to have a more positive outlook and focus on the good outcomes.
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kittieeepaw · 1 year
[Same anon]
I love what you have! I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of out of questions, but I really want to keep hearing from you! You can use this ask as an excuse to ramble about whatever you'd like!
so the latest chapter is really funny to me because Attmoz like…doesnt even care that he pretty much horrified galvana HELP
He literally traumatized them into saying their first word but hes just too proud of himself for saving his boyfriend like DAMN!!!! YOU NEED MENTAL HELP ASAP!!!!! Like Galvana’s first word was literally them yelling in horror as he destroyed the one source of their power
I genuinely do think they should find like…a therapist or something 😭😭😭 like they’ve been through a lot but I feel like with everything happening at once they havent really talked things all the way through y’know
ALSO I feel so bad for Glaishur because he still just wants to help out as much as possible even though he literally DIED and just came back!! ☹️ hes probably never really had a break in his life (thanks a lot Furnoss!! /j)
I think its funny that Attmoz, Glaishur and Galvana are all sneaking out together…Galvana gets to be a 3rd wheel at the ripe age of like 1
ATTMOZ JUST LOVES SNEAKING OUT HES SO GOOFY!! Someone needs to put this guy on a leash I swear! He already went crazy and flew all the way to celestial island to revive Glaishur AND THEN he let all the kids go crazy and mess up the entire house (but it was syncopites fault or whatever)
ALSO I just love Attmoz and Glaishur’s dynamic in this fic like they mean so much to each other!! That little chat they had is just so sweet…sniff…it brings a tear to my eyes…/j
AND!! I thibk its cool that scaratar gets her own room!!! Give that little guy a break!
Hmmm okay I guess thats all for now!!! :D
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glomurai3 · 11 days
I know this will be somehow lost on my account since I reblog LOT'S of thing's, and no one cares enough for my account to read through it until it reaches this post. But yeah.
If you did, hello. I'm Lev Sthefan. A trans guy to people that don't understand much of this subject of gender, and agender (whose prefers to be masc and use masc pronouns. One neutral too, I don't rlly care as long as it isn't fem pronouns.) to the ones that understand more about it.
(this post is literally me rambling about how I hate my gender and how I am traumatized by my ex dumping me cuz of it. Don't mind me, lmao)
I really like to be seen as a guy, even though I'm not medically transitioned... So yeah, only on media that it happens, lololol. Anyways, I simply just hate my gender. I want to be seen as a guy, but also don't want it... Idk. Maybe I'm just too much traumatized about my ex dumping me after nine months of relationship (and one year and a half, or more of friendship) because she """discovered""" to be a Lesbian.
Yk what, I was just too damn dumb, stupid and too much of a dog to let her go. I knew since the beginning of April of this year (one month and 23 day's before our breakup) that something was wrong.
She literally denied me when I asked to kiss her, giving me a excuse that her mother counted the time for her to get gome when she literally went to the supermarket with her friend's RIGHT AFTER her denying me kisses after class; she would NEVER say "I love you" in public; she never tried to go back with her OBVIOUS mistakes, and then only say sorry via text; she didn't even properly thanked me after giving her a surprise for her birthday...
I LITERALLY made a BOOK for her; the "Congratulations" music trend thing; did three BIG ASF LETTERS; buyed her painting thing's; buyed a flower in a small pot; then made another thingy with various little writings about some random stuff about her, just for her to simply say "ah, thanks." and hug me. I GAVE IT ALL TO HER IN A BASKET, EVEN!!
Why am I so FREAKING dumb??? Why am I always trying to love too much when I know no one irl will ever reciprocate my feelings like I do with them? Why. Why do I even still try to find love? Why do I even want to be loved by someone?
Why do I still freaking love her..???
Why can't I just, idk. Be normal at least for once and forget about this whole shit? I'm tired of wanting to write about it over and over again on paper, on my phone, or just think about it during the whole day. Yk what? Since this will be lost on my account anyway, I'll just post two of my vents about my ex that I made on my phone.
Text 1:
"Gently saying, go fuck yourself, Liz.
We dated for 9 fucking months just for you to tell me that “oh, now I'm a lesbian” oh, fuck you. You never even really loved me. I was always the first one to approach you and your friends, I was the only one who waited for you when my class was released early, I was the only one who showed a minimum of interest in public, I was the only one who tried to love you properly. And how did you repay me? Not even saying “I love you” in public, only hugging me if I did it first, you never even waited for me after being released early, you spent the whole beginning of April, plus the whole month of May without giving me a single peck on the lips, and you still come to me, five seconds after breaking up with me “Oh, but we can still be friends! I consider you a brother”
FUCK YOU, YOU DISGRACEFUL ASS!! BROTHER IS YOUR DAMN ASS, WHY WERE WE EVEN DATING THEN, YOU BITCH? FOR NOTHING??? Holy shit, man. Only a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH WITH AN GOO IN PLACE OF A BRAIN WOULD SAY THAT TO A PERSON THEY WERE DATING JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO!! (five) Get a grip, bro. You were the worst person I've ever dated in my life. I thought you were the best because I was an idiot, blind, dumb, dumb, dumb, mute, deaf, idiot, [...]
Seriously. I erased all of our memories from my phone. From the first photo to the last, from the first video to the last, from the first saved audio, to the last.
I wanted to erase my memory too. But they haven't invented that thing to erase 007's memory yet, otherwise I would have already bought it and erased all of your memories from my existence.
I regret crying those days when I thought you liked JP. I regret crying at school that day. I regret asking the girls for help to tell you I loved you. I regret making all those gifts I made for you. I regret making you a book.
I regret loving you.
And I'm still forcing myself to receive your messages that you send once a week, and look at that, as if we were friends.
If it were up to me, I would have blocked you everywhere. But I just didn't do it because I don't know how to avoid someone I really loved. I don't know, I really don't know. But I wanted to know. And as soon as I figure out how to do it without feeling guilty. You'll never see me or talk to me again in your life, Liz."
[June 4, 2024]
Text 2:
I need to talk to my ex. She was too good for me when we were dating, but as soon as she broke up, my friends threw some truths about her in my face. She never told me she loved me in front of anyone, she never really wanted to kiss me because I was always the one BEGGING to be kissed (it only happened a few times a week), I was always the one starting a conversation or hugging her in public.
I don't think she even liked me, to be honest. Maybe I was just an experiment for her to discover she was a lesbian after 9 months of dating? Probably yes. I'm the idiot in the relationship. I knew something was wrong since the beginning of April of this year, which was when she STOPPED letting me kiss her.
She became cold and barely even looked at my face properly. And it was only on May 23rd that she broke up with me saying she was a lesbian. She always knew, right? She just wanted me to give her her birthday present first (she knew she would be surprised) and stay with me for a few more days out of pure pity.
I honestly hate myself for believing her words. For believing her when she said "you're the only reason I'm still alive", and I said the same... at least I really told the truth. I have no reason to stay alive. I could just end it already, but I think my best friend wouldn't like that. I'm the only "real friend" she has, according to her. So, if I leave, I'll leave her alone and I don't want to end my life and then see her in the same place as me after some time.
I wouldn't want to see that, so I think I was wrong when I said I had no reason to stay here anymore. I have my friend, Eve. She needs me, I think, so I'll stay here for her. Even if she also leaves me later, that's okay. I just don't want to feel guilty thinking that she'll suffer the same fate as me if I "leave."
[July 05, 2024]
Update abt the text 2 "lore":
She began ignoring me, I began ignoring her, we began avoiding each other at school, everything alright. 😋🙏
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waywardxrhea · 8 months
Part Fifty-One: Two Hearts, Just You and Me
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence.
installment list
Word count: 2.6k
Steve and Emma's wedding day finally arrives!
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A few more weeks pass and it's finally the big day. Emma is a nervous wreck, pacing around her old bedroom while Maria and Natasha are in the small bathroom getting themselves ready before helping Emma get ready for the ceremony.
"Em, what's up? You are way too stressed right now," Maria says as she emerges into the bedroom all dolled up.
Emma stops her pacing and sighs, telling her, "It's just that Wanda still hasn't answered any of my calls, texts, or anything in the last few weeks about the wedding. I got more of a response from Groot than I have her and it's worrying me... And then there's the whole thing about you and Fury having to go off-world soon... Then you know there's kinda the whole thing where I'm getting married to the love of my life today, that's a thing that's happening..."
"Emma!" Maria laughs, putting her hands on her friend's shoulders to stop her rambling. "First of all, I'm sure Wanda is fine, she's just dealing with her grief and if that means spending time by herself for a while, that's how it is. You can't change it. I dealt with the same feeling when you went missing, but trust me it'll be okay. Just breathe."
"Okay. Right. She's just dealing with things. I had five years to deal with my feelings, she just needs time," Emma says as she breathes in and out with Maria.
"And about the whole going off-world thing, I am really sorry to drop that on you on such short notice, but when duty calls you know the drill."
"Totally. I'm just glad you're both here for the wedding."
"See, there's that optimism," Maria says softly, a smile on her lips.
"Just like Steve," Nat says as she makes her way out of the bathroom.
Maria lets out a low whistle and Emma says, "Well I'll be damned, I think you're gonna outdress me."
"Nonsense. It's your day, you're the star," Nat tells her. "That dress we picked out is gonna take his breath away, promise."
"Thank you," Emma says as she blows a breath out, still trying to calm her nerves.
Maria looks at her phone for the time and says, "It's getting close, are you ready to get dressed?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," Emma replies with a smile.
Once Emma has her makeup and hair done and is in the dress, Maria carefully dabs some tears from the corners of her eyes at the sight of her friend. "Oh Maria, don't do that, you'll make me cry too," Emma tells her as she gives her a hug.
"Sorry, I'm just happy for you. To think that when I met you, you had sworn off love after your last breakup and now you're here getting married!"
"I'm just really happy I gave it another chance," Emma says. She wanders over to her dresser and grabs something before asking, "Hey, can you put this necklace on me?"
"Sure," Maria replies as she takes the necklace from Emma. She studies it for a second before asking, "Wasn't this Grammie's?"
Emma nods as she takes a breath and lets it out before saying, "Even though she can't be here I'm happy I have the necklace."
"How'd you get it?" Maria asks as she fastens it around Emma's neck.
"Well you see, I was the guinea pig with the time machine that was used to bring your ass back," Emma tells her with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Oh well excuse me Miss Time Travel," Maria laughs. "So how did that work? Getting the necklace and all?"
"Well I went back to...to that day and I was with her until her last breath. It's what I wanted, so when I got the opportunity to see her again, I jumped at the chance... I just wish she could be here now."
"I know, Em," Maria replies quietly before gently rubbing Emma's shoulders comfortingly.
"Well enough being sad, I don't have time to ruin my makeup," Emma says with a laugh.
She takes a deep breath and turns to Natasha, asking, "Hey can you go get Sam for me? I need to ask him something."
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A little while later, the chairs by the dock are filled with people whom Emma and Steve have met throughout the years. Tony sits with his family, Thor sits with the Guardians, Banner takes up a few chairs himself, Clint's whole family is there along with Natasha's sister Yelena, Scott is there with his family and the Van Dynes, and Shuri sits next to T'Challa both dressed to the nines in the finest Wakandan silk. A few others from the town, work, and family friends are also in attendance. Beside the memory table sits a few empty seats for the spirits of those they lost along the way like Grammie and Gramps as well as Steve's mom and Vision. Above everyone in the sky is Emma's drone SAM flying about getting footage of the wedding so they can have a good memory to look back at after all of this is over.
Steve stands up front with Fury who is taking up the position of the officiate, Bucky as his best man, and Sam as a groomsman. Standing opposite them are Maria and Natasha, all waiting for Emma to make her appearance. After everyone is seated, Sam takes a breath and whispers to Steve, "I'll be right back."
Before Sam can leave, Steve chuckles and says, "Sam I'm supposed to be the nervous one here, not you!"
"I'm not nervous there's just something I gotta do," Sam tells him and pats his back before running up the aisle and into the lodge.
From beside Steve, Fury leans over and asks, "Are you nervous?"
"As all hell, but in the best possible way," Steve tells him with a smile. After this, he leans over to Bucky and asks, "Do you know where Sam went?"
"You'll see," Bucky replies with a smile and a pat on the back as the music starts to play, a recording of Emma playing a 40s jazz version of Here Comes the Bride.
The door to the lodge opens and out comes Emma with her arm linked with Sam's. "Thank you for walking me down the aisle," Emma whispers as they come out of the door.
"Anything for you," Sam says with a smile as they come into view.
Emma can't help the huge smile on her face seeing Steve all dressed up in a sharp tuxedo. At the front, Steve smiles from ear to ear as well and wipes a few tears from his eye after seeing Emma and having the moment sink in.
Once Sam and Emma reach the altar, Fury asks, "Now, Sam, do you support Emma in her marriage to Steve today?"
Sam smiles and says, "Yes sir."
Fury smiles a rare genuine smile and says, "Then let's begin."
Steve takes Emma's hands in his and before Fury can start speaking, he whispers, "Wow you look...stunning!"
"As do you, my love," Emma whispers back, trying not to cry and ruin her makeup.
From beside the pair, Fury pulls up his book that everyone helped put together for the ceremony and begins speaking. "When it comes to finding that special person in your life, sometimes you just know. As we all bear witness to this union of Steve and Emma we can all see that to be true. Now, it took them years to finally grow up and stop dodging their feelings, but I think we can all agree that we're glad they did."
There's a small bit of laughter from the little audience at the joke before Fury continues on with, "Many stories we read and shows we watch like to depict love at first sight, but that isn't how it was with these two. Steve and Emma's relationship is built on a friendship that had been through some tough times but only grew stronger because of it. So instead of calling it love at first sight, I'd like to call it love at each sighting because that's what it is between these two. Their love grows stronger for each other every day and will continue for all their years to come."
Sam clears his throat and says, "Amen to that!"
Steve and Emma smile wide, neither breaking the other's gaze, content in the presence of one another while listening to Fury continue his speech. "Now it's time for the declaration of intent, so I will ask, does anyone here object to this marriage? It's time to speak now or forever hold your peace and whatnot."
This earns a laugh from everyone and when no one says anything, Natasha mumbles, "That's what I thought..."
"Great, so now it is time to begin joining these two together with all of you as a witness to their love and commitment to each other." Fury turns to Steve and asks, "Steve, do you take Emma to be the one? The one you hold above all others, the one you hold in the highest regard, the one you hold when she needs to be held, and the one you hold first and foremost in your heart and soul?"
Joy fills Steve as he smiles and nods. "I do."
Fury nods and turns to Emma, asking, "Emma, do you take Steve to be the one? The one you hold above all others, the one you hold in the highest regard, the one you hold when he needs to be held, and the one you hold first and foremost in your heart and soul?"
Emma nods quickly, and whispers, "I do."
Fury then turns to Bucky and asks, "May I please see the wedding rings?"
"You may," Bucky replies and pulls the box holding them out of his pocket.
Fury opens the box and says, "See now, these rings have no end much like your love for each other has no end. These rings are made of the strongest metal on the planet and will be able to withstand whatever life throws your way much like your love will. As I understand, the two of you have your own vows written?"
"We do," Steve says.
"The stage is yours then," Fury tells him.
Steve clears his throat and squeezes Emma's hands before starting. "Emma... I don't even know where to start. I am so thankful to have had the chance to meet you. You are one of the hardest-working and most dedicated people I've ever met. You're also the kindest, most caring, and most loving person in the world. Knowing what you've been through in life it sometimes blows my mind how much you still trust in the world and its people, but that just shows how beautiful your soul is. When I came out of the ice, you helped this scared, paranoid, and confused man understand his new world and I'm so happy it was you. You took your time with me, helped me understand things when they weren't clicking, and just wanted to help me feel happy and at home. For that I'm grateful, but what I'm more grateful for is the friendship that came out of that chance meeting. That friendship that turned into what we have now, a love that I have and will put my life on the line for again and again because I couldn't stand to be in a world without you Emma. So after all these years, all these trials and battles we've been through together, I just want you. With this ring I take you, Emma, to be my wife. I promise to have you and to hold you, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." By the end of Steve's speech, he has a few tears of happiness falling from his eyes as he slips the wedding band on Emma's finger.
In the audience, many people sit with tissues in hand wiping tears away. Emma wipes away a few tears from her own eyes at Steve's words and says, "Wow, now I'm not sure I'll make it through my vows."
"You've got this," Steve whispers to her with an encouraging squeeze of her hands.
This helps Emma regain her composure and she starts with, "Steve... It took me forever trying to figure out what I wanted to say to you for this moment. I probably have about a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost decided on today, just ask Bucky."
"It's true, she almost hit me with one," Bucky agrees with a chuckle.
This makes some people laugh before Emma continues on with her vows. "Point is, I write for a living, and even with all my years of putting the right words together, I still couldn't figure out the best ones for the perfect man standing in front of me. I did give it my best shot though, so here it goes: To the man standing in front of me. My rock, my light in the dark, the one that guides me through the tough times when I thought I wouldn't make it through, I love you. More than anything. Before I met you I thought I knew what love was. I was skeptical, afraid, and hurt by it. Then I met the guy who came out of that ice and warmed my heart into loving again. You showed me that love isn't supposed to hurt or be one-sided, but it's supposed to heal you, protect you, and care for you. The past five years I won't lie were some of the hardest times I've ever experienced, and without you being there by my side I wouldn't be standing here right now. You kept me going when I thought I couldn't, you kept up that giddy optimism that I love so much, and most importantly you were simply there for me when I needed someone to lean on. Life may not always be perfect, but with you by my side, I know that we'll always take it on together and get through anything. So that being said, with this ring, I take you, Steve, to be my husband. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." Emma can't help the shaking in her hands as she tries to slip the ring on Steve's finger. He smiles as he helps steady her hand to get the ring on.
Fury subtly wipes a tear from his eye before saying, "With that being said, I will end with this sentiment to hold on to. Love is not static. Much like everything in life it's subject to change. The love you have for each other today is not the love you held for each other when you first met nor will it be the same love that you will experience in one, five, ten, hell even fifty years, but the love will always be yours. Because love is what memories you make together and the history you have with one another and as time goes on, those will change with your shared experiences. You two make sure to love each other every day and never give up on one another okay? So by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife. Steve, you may kiss your bride."
Joy radiates from both Steve and Emma as he takes her into his arms to kiss her gently. The crowd cheers and laughs as Emma pulls Steve closer, deepening the kiss. The two laugh as they pull away from one another, resting their foreheads together.
Emma looks deep into Steve's eyes and whispers, "Well hello there Mr. Rogers..."
"Hello to you too... Mrs. Rogers," Steve whispers before pulling her in for another kiss.
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a/n: and just like that we have come to the end of the story! it's kinda bitter-sweet isn't it? this story has brought me so much joy, laughter, sadness, frustration, and most importantly love as cheesy as that sounds. it helped me expand my writing abilities and helped me escape reality for a while when all i needed was a world that i knew the ending to. it was great getting to know Emma as she introduced herself to me in this process and i can't wait for y'all to meet my other characters that i have brewing for my other stories (particularly Julianne in my Daredevil story, she's great). so until next time.
love always and excelsior!
taglist: @mrsevans90
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 2
14/05/2023 22:47
Well might as well start all entries with how my sleep schedule is, i had an afternoon nap so i might not sleep enough tonight but better than being up at 4am because i tried going to sleep at like 11pm and it went horribly wrong.
Reason for writing today? well while before looking at cute couple stuff like hugging and cuddling would make me cry now a porn video that wasnt even my first time watching made me cry because the couple seemed really happy and having a good time even though the girl was probably laughing cause she ruined the dudes orgasm on his face (video: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/quaintelderlyvireo#rel=tag%3Aruined-orgasm%2Cchastity%2Ca;order=trending)
I guess i should start with yesterday, with the blessing of the folders/briefcases whatever, it was as bad as expected so at least not worse than expectations, a very late start as a lot of people expected followed by a walk a queue to sit down, a small sermon and then speeches from each course. The worst part honestly might have just been the sun, it was blazing hot and i think i got sick from it, my nose was extremely fucked last night and still kinda is. After that we went to have lunch at a crisp 3pm and the food arrived at like 4, thank god my body has a high hunger resistance or i mightve killed someone, i spent a lot of time at the restaurant but at least i got to be with my cousin so it was actually pleasant, at the end we went to the lake garden to take some pictures for some reason and then went home (the for some reason comes from the fact we already had like 40 photos on the camera alone and went to take more).
idk why i wanted to write down what happened yesterday this was supposed to be more about emotions than story but oh well who can stop an autist from rambling.
But going to aforementioned (wow that was the word whos spelling i really had to look up, why am i spellchecking a personal diary? cause fuck you i want to, anyway another autistic rambling aside) emotions, those ribbons made me feel kinda weird when i reread them cause everyone was saying congrats on the hard work and for beating this challenge but i feel like its undeserved cause its not like i put a huge amount of effort studying, i barely passed some stuff which is definetly something im not proud of but yeah i feel like i slacked off most of the year even though ive never missed classes or failed to deliver a project, i guess im just associated with the studying part of school instead of this which is better honestly, even if i get stressed like now where i have a shit ton of stuff to do and am over procastinating as usual, but yeah, a lot of good jobs for a meh performance feels kinda weird.
But enough about school heres an update on D, today is sunday which matches the same day as the day of the call so how was her availability? well she gave me a maybe and then said that apparently her visa is expiring and shes super stressed out, well that seems like something way too complex for an excuse/lie so i believe her more but yeah her moving again is definetely going to make her busy again so i guess no calls for me.
Really feeling like a piece of shit that thats all the care i can muster for it, shes like about to get formally deported and im out here complaining shes too busy for me, and the worst is i decided to get a keyholder on chaster just to satisfy me, it feels like cheating i dont know why, we had some mild texting and a call and ive already like fallen in love and feel like a traitor, but i guess im tired of waiting and it might be for the best to move on if she just wants to stay an acquaintance (well new record for biggest spelling blunder), but yeah i feel like im giving up too soon cause i really liked her and just moving on feels really bad but what can i do when she doesnt show any interest, i mean not only does she not text back she also hasnt asked anything about me, which i guess is kinda fair for most boring person in the world whos hobbies are gaming and youtube, yippy, i guess ill wait again, this time im gonna do a week of no texting to see if she ever sends me something, she will be busy with the moving so she probably wont but oh well whatcha gonna do, not like shed say yes to a call in these circumstances either, i still wish i could help her but i dont think i can just ask dad if he has a contact with the visa man to hurry her process, but i did imagine that cenario
I guess switching to a different type of emotion to put some variety in this yesterday i fucked up the gamepads usb port out of anger but i think i tricked my parents by saying i saved the computer from falling, and on other hardware problem news theres a screw that i think broke the plastic around it so know the case keeps disconnecting from the rest. This was a shitty story but at least its not all about being sad and lonely
Well a bit of a blunder of an ending but oh well heres entry two, if the lady i messaged to be my keyholder replies the update will be here:
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p3nope · 2 years
please!! write a smutty oneshot for robin🤤 maybe like a dom!robin x bimbo!reader / fem!reader, or really anything as long as it’s abt robin!
“How about you show me a little more gratitude?”
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Bimbo! Reader
WC: 2.3k words
Warnings: SMUT/PWP/smoking/established relationship/Soft dom! Robin/Sub!reader/language/Nicknames (sweetheart, pretty girl, little thing, darling, princess)/light choking/pinning/fingering/oral/ Idk its just smutty smut
Summary: Robin finally got a day off of work, but she was planning on spending the whole day with her friends until those plans abruptly changed.
A/N: thank you for the request and I’m so sorry this took so long lovey!! I am in love w/ the Bimbo!reader concept going around😩 but I hope you enjoy <3
The warm summer wind whistled loudly through the pink curtains that fell over your window that was ajar to let out the smoke smell that was quickly becoming stronger. Your girlfriend, Robin, had gotten the day off from Family Video and when you initially found out about her upcoming freedom you had made up so many plans in your head on what you could do with her. You thought about taking her shopping, doing her nails or forcing her to let you do her makeup..But none of that ended up happening;
“I’m sorry (Y/N), I already made plans with Eddie and Steve..you’re welcome to come along if you want!” Robin had told you with an apologetic tone over the phone.
“Well what are you gonna do?”
“Uh..well we uh, we rented The Shinning and we were just gonna-“ you cut her off before she could finish
“Robin you know I don’t like scary movies!” you yelled into the telephone as you fidgeted with the cord out of frustration. As Robin started spewing apologies and excuses you zoned out into thinking about what you wished she’d be doing if she were on your bed next to you. And that’s when a mischievous idea popped into your head. You waited for Robin to stop rambling, “Would you ditch your friends if I told you Im super horny?” Sensuality dripped from your glossy lips and you smiled to yourself when all you heard was Robin letting out a surprised scoff and her breath becoming uneven.
“I- what?” You rolled your eyes and let out a frustrated sigh and just like that it was like something switched in Robin, “Don’t get an attitude with me pretty girl. I asked you question.” You contemplated on just giving into the submission that was clouding your fuzzy mind, but you fought against it by scoffing and you answered, “I said, will you finally spend time with me if I’d let you fuck me.” even though you answered like she had asked, it was dripping with sarcasm.
“Hm, that’s cute. Even during a normal conversation, all you can think of is my fingers inside you. But I dunno, with all this attitude you’re giving me it doesn’t really seem like you want me over, sweetheart.” She trailed off and the change in her voice sent shivers down your spine as you smiled knowing you had her right where you wanted her. “Well I don’t think there was any attitude.” You heard a sharp inhale on the other end of the phone.
“Give me five minutes.” And without another word she hung up. You set the telephone down onto its base as you smiled widely and giggled to yourself. You quickly went into your messy vanity to apply mascara and more lip gross- if Robin was coming over then you wanted to make sure there was makeup she could ruin. Once you were finished you checked your hair in the mirror making sure everything on your body was in proper place. You made your way over to your bed and sprawled yourself out wanting to look pretty and perfect for her.
The minutes felt like hours as you waited in need from anticipation on your bed. Starring up at the ceiling you groaned in frustration, she’s doing this on purpose. Enraptured in lust you found your hands slowly and lightly dragging down your body, manicured fingernails grazing down your neck, to your chest, teasing your perked nipples…to your stomach and onto your thighs. As your hands got closer to where you ached for them the most you felt something- or someone’s hand pin both you arms down.
“What do you think you’re doing pretty girl?” Your eyes opened quickly and you were immediately looking into Robin’s darkened eyes. She looked down on you with amusement as you struggled against her grasp. “You took too long. So I figured I’d take my pleasure into my own hands.”
Robin just laughed in your face, “Well I’m here now aren’t I? You’d think a desperate little thing like you would show a little more gratitude. You’re already on thin ice darling, so tread carefully because I’m waiting on my apology for all this sass.” She spoke quietly as her head inched closer to yours, lips just about to graze yours. But with no sign of her moving any closer you decided to try and move your head up to reach her lips only for her free hand to grab ahold of your neck and pin your head down, applying slight pressure to make you ache for her even more. You whimpered in need, “Please..”
“I already told you what you need to do princess” she spoke softly as she started to leave light kisses all over your face but always missing your lips. She made her way to your ear and whispered “Apologize darling.” She bit the shell of your ear which earned a whimper from you.
“I..I’m sorry for being..for being mean to you” Robin smiled as she released her grasp on your neck and hands as she moved to grab your chin and pull you in for a heated kiss. Placing her knee in between your legs and pushing against your cunt was to much and to little at the same time as you whimpered into the kiss. You felt her smirk into the kiss before she bit your bottom lip and started to trail her actions down your neck searching for that sweet spot. Once she found it she heard the hitch in your breath and she attacked that spot, sucking, biting and licking it until satisfied with her work. You were writhing against her as you started grinding down on her thigh chasing after any friction. “Robin..” she looked at you as you interwound your fingers in her brown hair, fingernails scratching at her scalp. Robin continued to trail kisses down and over your chest as her hands rested on your bucking hips. She stopped what she was doing to look down at you asking you to tell her what you wanted as she gently rubbed patterns on your skin with her thumbs.
“What is it baby? Use your words.”
“Please..please I need you” you practically cried out in frustration
“I’m right here pretty girl. C’mon I know you can use your words like a big girl.” She spoke with a sickeningly sweet tone to condescend you but you didn’t care. All you cared about was her finally fucking you.
“Please, Robin, please! I’ll be good, I promise I’ll be good- just please touch me. Please.” Your voice broke. Robin just held a faux sympathetic pout before smiling down at you “Good girl, was that so hard?”
In a matter of seconds she tore her knee away from your wet pussy so she could reposition herself to be sitting back on the heels of her feet. She quite literally ripped your pink lace panties off of you and you freaked when you heard the tear, “Robin! Those weren’t cheap ya’know.” Even though you were dead serious she just laughed and rolled her eyes, “Shut up I’ll buy you a new pair.” She spread your legs wide so she could see everything that was hers. “Fuck baby..so pretty and wet for me. All for me, isn’t that right princess? Your dumb little body belongs to me?” You nodded your head frantically and let out a gasp when you felt one of her lanky fingers collect your juices and then press onto your throbbing clit. Your hips bucked to which robin retracted her hand and looked down at you. “I thought you said you were gonna be good for me?”
“I am! I will! I’m sorry I couldn’t help it..” tears started to well up in your eyes from embarrassment and want. Robin watched you with amusement as she sucked on two of her fingers before quickly thrusting them into your throbbing cunt. You let out a moan in surprise at the sudden penetration and relief as your arms wrapped behind her neck as you pulled he into another heated kiss. You felt her fingers reaching deep inside you, curling and hitting that special spot mercilessly. Soon you felt her thumb on your clit rubbing it in light circles and you couldn’t stop the moans coming out of your mouth and onto your girlfriends tongue. You departed from the kiss as your back arched and your head leant back into the mattress. You’re close and robin knew it. The thumb that was rubbing soft circles onto your clit started to pick up speed and pressure and she watched you intently as your eyes screwed shut, your moans becoming more frantic and your body started to shake around her. And just when your orgasm was right there- Robins movements ceased as she brought her fingers out of you and forced them into your mouth and you sucked them clean, tasting yourself off of Robin’s fingers. She then pulled her hand out of your mouth and you panted heavily from the desire and denial. She rid herself of her shirt and bra before taking yours off as well. So you lay under her completely bare and spread open for her while she still has jeans and underwear on.
Robin hooked her hand under your knee and raised it slightly so she could leave kisses and hickeys down your inner thigh. Soon all of that pleasure you had just left you quickly came back as you felt her lips on your trembling cunt. She lapped your juices up as if she was dehydrated before wrapping her lips around your clit so she could suck and gently nip at your clit. When you let out a yelp from the overwhelming pain you felt her let go of your leg as her hand trailed up to play with you tits. Pinching your nipple to add to the pain. So that the amount of pain and pleasure would be even she took her left hand and inserted two of her lanky fingers back into you and you felt as if you were on cloud 9.
You felt your orgasm quickly approaching from all the stimulation. “Ah- Robin, please, please I’m gonna cum can I come please?” Robin said nothing but looked up at you and nodded her head. As soon as you got the go ahead you came hard. She helped you ride it through but her movements didn’t stop and soon it was too much. Your legs closed around her hand as you tried to push her away “S’to much, to much, baby-“ you were cut off by a broken moan as her fingers ceased their actions and her tongue drank up all of your juices.
“Delicious baby.” Her raspy voice whispered as she planted a wet kiss onto your cheek to which you smiled at. “Are you gonna continue being a good girl for me and return the favor? Can you do that for me?” You looked up at her and saw that she was genuinely asking if you were still alright. You had mascara running down your face, your lipgloss glistening on robin’s lips as she held a small smile on her face. You quickly nodded and flipped you both over. You leant you face down to her breasts, knowing how sensitive she can be you quickly drew her right nipple into your mouth as you swirled your tongue around it while your hand played with her other boob. “Fuuck princess that’s it, you always know how to make me feel so good don’t you?” You smiled around her nipple at the praise. You soon trailed down and you started biting and leaving hickeys all over her torso. When your face was in front of her pussy you looked up at her asking for permission and she smiled her beautiful smile, “take care of me princess.”
Your face lit up as you dragged her jeans and panties off in one pull. You flattened your tongues against her and licked al of her up in one strip. Immediately her hands were tugging and pulling on your once styled hair. You attacked her clit showing no mercy as you ate her out only getting more encouraged listening to the praises that left her mouth. “S-shit princess, that’s a good girl..just like that” incoherent sentences of pleasure were all that came out. You looked up at her, taking in the pleasured look on her face and you smiled. “Fuck! Right there! Fuck, Im close sweetheart- I’m so so close..” her words became more frantic as she came on your face and you lapped up every last drop.
Robin’s arms were wrapped around your body as you two cuddled after the cleanup. You both were exhausted and so close to falling asleep when the phone rang. You groaned and answered it
“Damn, someone’s in a pissy mood.” It was Steve. “Do you know were Robin is? We were supposed to meet at Eddie’s and-“
“She’s with me now go away”
“Hey but that’s not-“ you hung up on him and you heard robin chuckling next to you, “you couldn’t have been a little nicer?” She her voice raspy as she nuzzled her head into your neck “I don’t care. You’re mine for the night.”
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