#I love dad!jake
hoedamn-eron · 2 years
I’m having a dad!Jake moment, obviously Halloween based. I have 8 (very overdue!) WIPs, please someone tell me dad!Jake is a bad idea 😭😩
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
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Because fatherhood looks good on you Jake💙🥹
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sasucaty · 3 months
I just noticed that gap and baby jake are actually wearing matching fits and it's freaking adorable!!
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whohasthecards · 10 months
Hangman meets this Nick-Goose guy at the bar (not a joke)
Jake rested his chin on his cue stick as he stared curiously at the pair at the bar.
The famous Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson and some skinny blonde guy were hanging around. He never knew that the Admiral could smile. Sure, the guy was fair and respected all around the base, but he was stoic. He shrugged and went back to his game. 
By the time he sunk the 8-ball in, he looked up and the Admiral was gone. He handed the cue stick  to the next guy about to play and went up to the bar, knocking on the counter.
“Ma’am, a cold beer, please,” He said flashing Penny a smile, she rolled his eyes and handed him his drink.
“Stop calling me, ma’am, I’m not your commanding officer, Lieutenant,” Penny grouched before smiling.
“Aye aye, Captain,” Jake said flashing a wink and Penny rolled her eyes in response.
“Damn, Pen, not checking IDs, you’re getting sloppy or soft,” The mystery man said and Jake turned to get a better look at him.
He blinked before realizing that Roo-Roo Bradshaw was somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and a good 30 years younger than the man.
“Shut up, Nick, he’s a grown aviator,” Penny sniped back, hitting the man with a towel as he batted it away.
“Damn straight,” Jake said, taking a sip of his beer.
“Ahhh, so you are getting soft, you’ve always been soft around aviators,” Nick said, giving Jake a wink.
Penny blushed and gave Nick another hit with a towel before another customer called her away.
“Piss her off enough and you’ll get thrown overboard, even if I gotta do it alone,” Hangman said, flashing Nick a sharp grin.
Nick gave a low whistle, “Damn, son, no wonder she’s soft on ya, you probably remind her of me and the boys back in the day.”
Jake frowned at that.
“Nevermind that, I’m Nick or Goose, choose what you want,” Nick, Goose, said, reaching out his hand to shake.
“Jake,” He replied, shaking his hand, looking the guy up and down, seeing the grey on his temples. “You used to be an aviator?”
“Old men, can’t be on active duty?”
“The Navy would be too busy worrying about paying for your back pain.”
Goose honked out a laugh that made his callsign make sense.
“I was a backseater, RIO, then after I left I became a civilian flight instructor,” Goose said. “Single-seater?”
“Yep,” Jake said, finally deciding to sit down beside the older man. “Lucky guess?”
It was Jake’s turn to be scrutinized as he was looked up and down, “Nah, I just know the type, do you prefer Jake or Hangman?”
Jake’s lip twitched down before he settled on a blank mask. He used to have no shame regarding his callsign, so who gives a shit if he misspelled a couple words here and there. Until.
“All you do is leave good men hanging! Goddamn executioner of your own squad!”
“Hangman! Smoke in the ai-”
“Lieutenant Jacob “Hangman” Seresin, you did everything you could, dismissed.”
He took a deep breath that was more shaky than he’ll ever admit, “Jake’s good,” he said, flashing a smirk as he took another sip of his drink.
The older man’s eyes softened and he gave Jake a small smile.
“How about you?” Jake asked, realizing it was polite to reciprocate the question.
“Eh, either is fine, they’re both the same to me,” Nick said, shrugging. 
“Doesn’t Goose remind you of the thrill of being in a jet?” Jake asked, swirling his beer bottle around. 
“Nah, reminds me more of hanging around the boys,” Nick replied. “Still see them, but it ain’t the same as it used to be. Plus, I think I’ve had enough excitement for this life,” Nick said chuckling, leaning back and both men wincing as they heard his spine crack.
“You’re showing your age, old man,” Jake muttered, looking at him worriedly, wondering if he was about to keel over. “You hangin’ in there, gramps?”
Nick chuckled, “Not that old, brat, I have a son your age. He’s 27.”
“How old do you think I am?” 
“Hmmm, 21?”
Jake squawked in offense, “You’re actin’ like this my second time drinkin’ or somethin’!”
Nick raised a brow at him, “Is it not?”
Jake glared at him and all Goose saw was the same pout on his son’s face when he withheld the cookies from him.
“ ‘M 23,” Jake muttered.
“See? Not that far off, no need to get your feathers all ruffled, birdy,” Nick said, honking out a laugh.
Jake grumbled, but Goose could see the smile behind the sip of the beer bottle.
“Mav, did the Navy bio-engineer you and Ice’s DNA to create a son we don’t know about?” 
Mav paused, looking at his phone to check if this was Goose he was talking to. “Not that I know off,” he said slowly. “Why?”
“Kid, tall, blond hair, green eyes, naval aviator, technical flying style with some of your style, has your social skills too,” Goose added the last part thoughtfully. 
“Is that a compliment to the kid or an insult?”
“....Anyways, you made sure you don’t have some kid we don’t know about, right? Because if you gave me a nephew and didn’t make me his godfather I will ground you, no jets for a month.”
“Let me check with Ice.”
“Hello my sweet-precious-baby-mini-me,” Goose crowed to the phone as his son groaned on the other line.
“Dad, I am taller and bigger than you.”
“You still get your good looks from me, honey, how’s the deployment going?”
“The other pilots are shitheads, the amount of ego here is astounding.”
“Naval aviators,” Goose said, shrugging before realizing his son can’t see that. “There’s never a shortage of ego, say these pilots are younger than you?”
“Some of them are, some of them are older,” Bradley said slowly, wondering where this conversation was going.
“Good, you’ll have enough practice then.”
“Practice!? Practice for what!? Dad?”
“All good things come to those who wait, Brad-Brad.”
Hey gramps, I’m being’ deployed to Top Gun, Hard Deck?
Sure, Jakey
Gramps flew with pops? Goose and Maverick ejected. Goose got an honorable discharge. Holy shit.
Bradshaw was Nick’s son?
Is that why he was angry?
Hangman was face to face with Bradshaw, anger coursing through his veins. Doesn’t he understand? If they couldn’t fly like Maverick, they would all end up dead. Dead. 
Is he angry because of hop 31? Pissed on behalf of his Dad? But, Nick wasn’t angry at Pete, right?
You can find out.
“Come on, take a walk with me, son.”
No. Nick doesn’t deserve that.
“You have a family Bradshaw,” Jake said slowly, watching as Bradshaw’s hackles raised up even higher.
“Yeah, kid is simultaneously too hesitant and reckless at the same time, and I thought my wingman is the reason I’m gray…”
“You’re almost 60 gramps, that’s the reason why you’re gray.”
“Don’t let them lose you because you can’t think straight. Feelings ain’t matter here, not if you want to live,” Jake gritted out, shoulder checking the other man as he left the room.
They’re alive.
He saved them.
Thank fucking god because in all the hours he spent on stand-by in his jet, he still didn’t know what the fuck to say to Nick if he came back, but his brother and son didn’t.
A selfish part of him wondered if Nick would still care if they both died.
Probably not. Thank god he wasn’t a complete fuck up.
The celebration died down and he was walking back from his long-ass debrief. Getting reamed for launching without orders.
He felt his phone ping with a text.
Come over for dinner when you’re onshore.
Jake gave a small smile at that as he sent back a reply.
“Hangman! Hangman! Lieutenant Seresin! Jake!” 
It was the inverted version of Mav calling out for Rooster during that first day in the tarmac. Except Jake was already turning around once Mav said Lieutenant.
“Jesus, Mav, calm down, I hear ya, I ain’t goin’ anywhere yet, pops,” Jake said, raising his hands up as he flicked his toothpick to the side of his mouth. “Don’t stretch your legs too far tryin’ to keep up with me,'' Jake said, smirking.
Mav rolled his eyes upwards as he put his hands on his hips, as if asking god for patience. Heh. 
“I wasn’t able to talk to you one-on-one after the mission, kid, how are you?” Mav said, eyes softening as he looked at Jake up and down.
Jake felt self-conscious, as he straightened up instinctively, which was dumb because surely Mav wouldn’t notice that he was eating less. That he felt more tired each day. That he doesn’t know what kind of man he is.
“I’m fine, Mav, just thinking,” is all Jake could say.
“Don’t think too hard, kid, you might hurt yourself,” Mav said, giving Jake a smile, but there’s a glint in his eye that told him he meant it.
Mav’s an ace.
“Do you think about it, often?” Jake blurted out.
Mav furrowed his brow, “Think about what?”
Killing people.
No, not now.
“Nothing, nothing, sorry, pops, long day, just thinkin’ about how much the big bosses lectures on and on and on,” Hangman said, cringing at the babbling he just did.
Mav frowned, looking unconvinced, but gave a grin when command’s lectures were brought up, “I just learned to tune it out and forget. After you hear the first one, it all sounds the same, anyways.”
Jake barked a laugh at that, “You’re a menace, Mav.”
Mav grinned at Jake’s laugh, shoulders relaxing as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
“Anyways, I’m here to ask if you’re free tonight? My family and I are having dinner together and I want you to join in,” Mav said. “Some of the other Daggers will be there.”
He felt a pang of regret when he realized he’d have to decline, and it must have shown on his face, when Mav gave an understanding smile.
“Have plans, already, huh?”
“Yeah, a,” grandpa, family, mentor, father-figure-, “friend invited me for dinner, I haven’t seen him in a while, and yeah. I wanna hang out with ya pops and the squad, cross my heart, it’s just that I already got plans, and-”
Mav cut him off with a chuckle, “I get it, kid, don’t work yourself up, there will always be next time. Just promise me I won’t have to bail you out of jail tonight and you have fun.”
Jail with Nick? What a joke.
“Aye, Aye, Captain!” Jake said, giving Mav a salute, smirking as Mav shooed him away.
“Yeah, yeah, go on, brat, don’t cause trouble, you hear me!?”
“As if you can talk.”
Jake took a deep breath as he turned off the ignition of his truck, grabbing the beers he brought. He ain’t gonna come to a dinner empty handed, and Nick was more of a beer guy, rather than a wine guy.
He went up to the door and knocked.
“Mav?” Jake said, blinking his eyes in shock.
“Jakey! You made it, kiddo,” Nick greeted warmly, gently pushing Mav away to envelop Jake in a tight hug. Jake closed his eyes and leaned in, burying his eyes on the older man’s shoulder, trying to reciprocate the hug despite his hands being full.
“Here, let me take that from you, buddy, and you two can catch up for a little bit,” Mav said when Jake pulled away from the hug, taking the beer from his hands.
“It’s okay, pops–”
“How come Mav gets pops, but you call me gramps?” Nick said, pouting as he slung an arm around Jake’s shoulder.
“Because,” Jake said dumbly, still a bit shock at seeing Mav.
“Ahh forgot to tell ya I invited my former wingman, Mav and of course you’ve heard of my son, Brad-Brad,” Nick said leading Jake to the kitchen. “Some other guys will be coming, later, some of them are part of Mav’s squad.”
“We’re well-acquainted Goose, heck, the kid even told me he couldn’t come to hangout with us because he had plans with a friend,” Mav said grinning at the two of them.
“Awwww, so you do see me as a friend, huh, Jakey?” Goose cooed, ruffling Jake’s hair as Jake pushed him away.
“I didn’t know you were invitin’ me to the thing I was already invited to!” Jake protested, blushing.
“Hey Dad, where’s the— holy shit, Hangman, you came?” Bradshaw Jr. said, walking into the kitchen. “Mav said you said no, did something happen?” Rooster asked, furrowing his brow.
Jake finally had a side by side view of the two Bradshaw’s. Definitely related. Should have figured that out years ago. 
“Ohhh good that you’re here Brad, here’s the baby brother I promised you years ago,” Nick said, steering Jake by the shoulders to push him towards Bradley. “You’ll love him, play nice, okay?”
“That is a pain in my ass, grown-ass man,” Bradley said, blinking slowly as if he couldn’t understand what was happening. “How the hell did you two even meet?”
“Oh, I found him in a bar acting like a mixture of Mav and Ice and I just gotta keep him,” Nick said casually.
“Baby brother-?”
“Congratulations, you’re adopted, kid,” Mav said, taking a sip of his beer. “Wait til Ice sees you.”
“Iceman,” Nick said. “Tom-Tom, Tommy, Tomcat, you will probably be calling him gramps.”
“I am not calling the COMPACFLT, gramps,” Jake said, jaw-dropping.
“No, you will be calling my brother, gramps, Jakey, plus they already expect it, they have heard many stories about you.”
“You talk about me to the Iceman!?” Jake said, his pitch rising an octave.
“And me, and everyone else, I was wondering why I haven’t heard about this aviator kid Goose here was talking about, started thinking he adopted an air force kid or something,” Mav said grinning. “He only really called you Jakey.”
“Or Jake-Jake, Jay, Baby J –” Bradley started, smirking at a flushing Jake.
“THAT’s enough,” Jake said, pushing at Bradley to cut him off, but Bradley just laughed.
“Boys enough. Bradley, stop teasing your brother. Jakey, no pushing,” Goose said wagging a finger at them.
“Yeah, yeah, dad,” Bradley said, rolling his eyes.
“Also, we need to make a custody contract, Goose, I want partial custody of these two,” Mav said looking way too serious as he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper.
“We need to wait for the other boys to show up first, I have a feeling Cyclone or Iceman would be calling dibs,” Goose said grinning.
“What?” Jake said, confused.
“It means, you’re stuck with us now, Jake-Jake,” Bradley said, ruffling the blond’s hair.
“You named your kid, Bradley Bradshaw?”
“I wanted a little Brad-Brad.”
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
the Sully kids' reaction to Jake saying Spider "knew everything" breaks my heart.
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they knew him better than anyone else, better than their parents. they knew his love for Eywa, for Pandora, for The People, for the clan, for their family. they knew he would never tell the RDA anything... not willingly at least.
they knew they were leaving because Spider would be tortured for information, he'd be forced to reveal their home, their plans, their numbers, their weaknesses. their brother would be tortured and they were being forced to leave him behind.
they knew they were being forced to find a new home, without their brother, because their dad knew he would be tortured.
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missathlete31 · 1 year
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The hand on the hip, semi- exasperated expression is just making me imagine a Dad!Jake Seresin moment where maybe a mini Hangman just got detention for sassing back at a teacher and all the Daggers are just laughing at Jake like “are you even surprised, he’s your son after all!”
It’s giving me PTA mom meets hot naval aviator lol
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cheapbourbon · 1 year
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“Is consort the same in all languages?”
I believe so Khonshu says.
I finally got around to doing some Fanart of my all time favorite Moon Knight fic series- We don't need to say it to each other by: deadonarrival on Ao3.
I don’t know if the author is here on tumblr or not. D=
Those fics= fucking perfection. Do mind the tags tho if you go looking, here there be monster(fucking).
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Hangster Twisters enemies-to-lovers AU where Rooster and Hangman have different chasing teams (like, Javy with Hangman and Phoenix with Rooster or smth) and their respective wingman are like, "my brother in Christ, this would be so much easier if you two dipshits would just work together" and ofc they're both like "over my dead fucking body" but they keep ending up at the same goddam storms anyway.
"Fuck off, Bradshaw, I got dibs on this one."
"Dibs? Dibs on a meteorological event? Kiss my ass."
omfg yes!!!! they even have rival YouTube accounts and it’s a whole thing of like which side are you on in this niche tornado chaser community. Bradley’s channel is more focused on explaining the data and schematics, sort of like a virtual class on tornadoes and meteorology. meanwhile, Jake’s is a lot like Tyler Owens’ tornado wranglers channel where they do challenges and shit
however, after the storms all die down, both teams go to help the communities affected and even link charities to donate to, and it’s here where Jake and Bradley are at their most friendly because now isn’t the time to be causing a scene over something as petty as “stealing” each other’s thunder. this could even lead to both teams eventually coming together to create a solution that could “tame” a tornado
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crossthread · 3 months
Okay I swear to God I hope the directors of avatar (the alien movie) sees this post somehow but the whole reason the way of water flopped so badly is cause it was written over 10 years ago. So I like avatar. I thought it was a cool concept and good characters and overall a solid action movie. But the characterisation is just a dacade old man. It's really outdated. It instantly turned me off when Jake was seen to be a 'hardass' to his kids, and having them call him Sir, and have Neytiri taking kind of a secondary role as the 'peacekeeper' parent who goes 'but your dad loves you, he just wants you safe' bullshit trope that's just really not what this generation is looking for rn.
Emotionally mature parents is what's on topic rn. Dad's that step up and know what they're doing and don't have the 2000s 'military hardass emotionally distant' bullcrap. Just look at all the other movies and shows with family themes that did really fucking well. The Last of Us. Ultraman: Rising. Nimona. Even Maleficent, which I think is one of the earliest movies of this trope that's well known. They did well for a reason. You can't make Jake Sully a bad father and think the current audience will dig it. All of his kids, one way or another felt the pressure of living up to their dad's expectations, and im sure, whether he really loves them. And I assure you for all intents and purposes it felt like Neteyam died thinking he wasnt enough. You can't have those 'your dad loves you but he just doesn't know how to show it' bullshit anymore and expect the audience to like or even relate to that character cause a lot of us don't take that shit anymore from our own parents. A lot of millennials are actively trying to be present and good parents to their kids. So yeah. The way Jake Sully, and to a certain extent, Neytiri were characterised is probably one of the biggest reasons this entire movie flopped. It could have been great. But it isn't. And I kind of hate it actually.
My point is: if there's gonna be a third movie, the best bet to make sure it doesn't follow the way of waters footsteps is to overhaul a lot of the characterisation and plot. See what the audience wants rn, and what they audience relates to. It was clear the writing to that movie was old as balls and gen z or gen alpha don't take that shit man. Give us good parents
Edit: okay as someone pointed it out it wasn't actually a 'flop' flop because they grossed by over a billion or smth in the box office I think but to be fair half this post has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 years and I wrote this soon after I watched it back then, and a LOT of people werent that happy with it. But yall know what I mean. I waited for this movie for 10 years and all I felt was this low simmering disappointment because it could have been so good, but it wasn't.
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torchflies · 12 days
I love that Ice, Mav, and Sli went from having 1 kid to losing said kid to gaining a handful of kids AND grandkids...good thing they have a big house
Exactly!!! Ily Nonny!!! 💜💜💜 Jake comes with five little tagalongs. Sure, most of them are in their twenties, but these kids have never known parental figures that didn't kick the shit out of them or disappoint them — other than Jake of course and Javy’s parents. The first time Joey looks up into the stands at a cheer comp and sees grandparents in the stands cheering for her, she almost starts crying. Bug actually starts crying at her barrel-racing event and she tries to pass it off as being delighted about winning a saddle.
Mack isn't sure how to react when he gets gifted the exact set of super-expensive markers he'd been talking to Ice about saving up for. Gunny is used to being the tallest of the bunch, despite looking like he's made of pipe-cleaners, so when Slider picks him up to dunk him in the pool, he squeaks and sputters in happy surprise.
Ree takes care of people, that's just what he does. He also has a pretty severe case of asthma, he developed it as a teenager and he takes medication every day now. One day he forgets his spacer while coming over for family dinner (the attachment onto his inhaler to hold his medication in place so he can breathe it in easier) and he resigns himself to just going without. Jake is the only one who carries a spare and he won't be by for another couple of hours, he's just about to take his first puff when he gets hit in the chest with... a spacer, flung at him by Mav from across the room.
“Aren’t you supposed to use a spacer to get all the medication, Nurse Seresin?” Mav teases and Ree flips him off, a little more teary than he was before. 🫁
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bagheerita · 4 months
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Absolutely brutal. She took no prisoners.
(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, s4e5 "Indiscretion")
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saintsdiceswife · 5 months
my dad started leaving me daily homestuck drawings. Do I have any idea how he knows what it is? No! But look at these!!
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stardustvanfleet · 8 months
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today’s jakedown is brought to you by jake’s blue suit because……. god he looks so handsome 💙
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whohasthecards · 1 year
Top Gun AU Idea -- Jake is Mav's son and grew up in foster care.
Jake only has a beat up picture of his dad and that his name was "Pete". He didn't know his mother at all, not even his birth certificate. He was abandoned and whoever abandoned him made sure that his lineage would never be traced.
He figured out who his father was during his first time in Top Gun.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
He also found out that his father was married to the COMPACFLT.
He didn't need a father anymore, right? And he wouldn't want to break up a family in his desperate attempt to maybe gain one. His father probably didn't know he existed. Hell, his father could even be the one that abandoned him (although why he would leave the picture makes that theory unlikely).
However, he did want to meet the one of the Navy's top pilots. It's all professional curiousity.
(He was in the same profession as his father, aviation is in his blood.)
He will become the best.
Maybe he'd meet Maverick once he's on top.
During his first air combat kill, Iceman was the one to shake his hand. The admiral gave him a clap on his shoulder and congratulated him.
The mission occured.
As a person, Maverick was not who he expected him to be.
As a pilot, Maverick was the best.
He was numb when Maverick and Rooster were shot down.
He never felt more alive and scared when he pushed his jet to save them.
He turned and walked away when he saw Rooster and Maverick hug it out, confirming his suspicions during training.
Rooster was Maverick's son, in every way that matters.
Blood doesn't matter, heck there isn't even a blood test that proves that Jake was his son. Only a battered photo with scripted handwriting.
Jake should let go.
After the mission, Dagger squad becomes a permanent squadron with Maverick as team leader.
Maverick got along with every single Dagger just fine, but there was an awkwardness between Hangman and himself that neither knew how to bridge. Mav never did know how to act around people who was just like himself.
Maverick acts paternal and caring to everybody, especially Bradley, and Jake had to swallow the growing jealousy (I don't need him, I don't need him, I don't need--). Why did everyone get a family and a Mav that would look their way for more than 10 seconds?
Why did Rooster get everything he ever wanted?
What did he do or not do that made him deserve this crippling feeling of jealousy and loneliness?
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meteorstardust · 1 year
Dad!Jake headcanons because I love him
(This is my first time writing for anything avatar bare with me)
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● hanging out in the forest with him, he likes your determination and how much you try to be like him and Neytiri
● oh my god THE DAD JOKES.
● he loves and also hates the way you're just like him in so many ways, it's almost scary
● calls you a number of Nicknames you don't really get but love anyway
● he can read you like a book even when you try to hide whatever you're feeling, he notices the small changes
● you definitely inherited his curiosity and need to touch everything interesting you see
● whenever you couldn't sleep or had a nightmare he'd stay up with you until you drift off
● when you're in one of your moods and don't wanna talk to anyone he would be one of the only people you'd speak to
● you just wanna make him proud
● along with his curiosity you definitely got his stubbornness and urge to just jump into things and learn on the way, something that frustrates Jake but then he remembers who you got it from
● once you have your own ikran you two would definitely race
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A/n: I'm sorry if this was bad or too short hopefully they'll get better 😭
TAGLIST: @sully-stick-together @mrs-sullys-blog @strwwbbrri
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lvrcpid · 2 years
me after solving my daddy issues with jake sully x daughter reader fics 🤭
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