#I love both and I know there’s no ‘right/wrong’ answer
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I Never Got to Say Goodbye
ex boyfriend!eddie x reader
You see Eddie over a year after your break up and you both realize that you never stopped loving each other
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex, hurt/comfort, angst, a guy gets handsy with reader
You sit at your vanity in your room, dreading to get ready. You don’t even want to go out, but you feel like you have no choice. Your friends are trying to get you to meet someone new but how can you when you’re still not over your ex?
You’re not even sure why you broke up anymore and you’re wondering if he feels the same. If he lies awake playing your breakup over and over, wishing that you would have just stayed together. But you suppose it was just a “right person, wrong time” sort of thing, that it was more the situation than anything that led to your relationship ending.
You put on your makeup and get dressed as you put on the mixtape that one of your roommates had made for you. You’re dancing around as get ready, loving every song that’s been put onto it. She knows you so well, knows exactly what you like. But then you freeze when the familiar guitar riff floats through your ears.
“I can’t dance,” you tell Eddie as he guides you around your living room. He’s trying and failing to teach you how to dance but he’s just so determined to show you how.
“Sure you can,” he says, turning up the volume of the stereo before taking your hands in his. He steps forward and you step back as he guides you through the moves, being so gentle with you like always. “Eyes on me, okay?”
You nod and keep your eyes on his pretty brown ones as he slowly shows you the steps. You’re not even sure how he learned this but you love seeing the fluid steps and wonder how he does it so well. There’s just so much about him that you want to know and you hope you’re together long enough to find out every single thing about him.
A knock at the door pulls you out of your flashback and you’re quick to turn off the music before hurrying to answer it. Janet is on the other side, a bright smile plastered on her face like always. You know she’s waiting on your to finish so you all can leave and you’re actually kind of pissed at her for not at least letting you finish your flashback.
You’ve been having a lot of those lately. It’s like your brain is trying to torture you with all of the memories because it knows just how much you’ve been missing Eddie. You miss him so much that it actually hurts. It’s to the point where it’s gotten so painful to think about but you don’t want the memories to stop.
You grab your purse and follow Janet and the other girls out the door. Luckily, the club is just down the street so you don’t have to hail a cab to get there. They’re all talking about finding someone to hook up with but of course, all you’re thinking about is your ex and how much he would have hated a place like this.
Being in that close proximity to strangers-drunk strangers at that-was his worst nightmare and the loud music was so overstimulating which you totally understood. It was something that he would always push through for you because of how much you loved it and now you know you’re going to miss having him by your side, whispering silly things into your ear and staring down any man who even looked at you.
As the four of you get in line, Violet slips some condoms into your purse that you’re sure you’re not even going to need but you let her anyway. It’s easier not to put up a fight, especially when they’re all just trying to help.
The club is newer and allegedly very hard to get into and as you look up at the name, you notice that it sounds very familiar, something you’ve heard a billion times but you’re sure that it’s not actually what you’re thinking of.
“Ed’s?” You ask with a laugh. “That’s the name of a bar, Eddie, not a club. And why do you want to own a club anyway? That’s not exactly your scene.”
“For you,” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world before pressing a kiss to your lips. “I want you to have a place you can call your own, where you can make the decisions. You always complain about the music and the prices and now you’d be able to have whatever you want.”
“You’re doing this for me?” You feel tears welling up in your eyes at the gesture, wondering how you got so lucky to have someone who cares that much about you. That pays that much attention and is willing to drop a bunch of money just so you could be happy.
“I’d do anything for you, you know that,” he winks and your heart flutters.
“Ed’s,” you nod, having a newfound love for the name. “I like it.” You lay your head on Eddie’s chest while he runs his fingers through your hair, your favorite lullaby.
“I thought you might.”
You’re thrown back into real life to the bouncer outside the club asking for your ID. When did you get to the front of the line? Did you really zone out of that long?
You shake the thought away and pull your wallet out of your purse, retrieving your ID and handing it to him. Once he sees that you’re of age, he hands it back and you head inside. As you walk through the doors and take in everything, you still think about how familiar everything looks, almost as if you’ve seen it before. But it can’t be what you think it is…can it?
Your friends have separated from you yet again so you head to the bar for a much needed drink. As soon as you sit at the bar, you look around and see just how busy it is. The bartenders are working hard to stay on top of their orders and as much as you really want a drink, you’re willing to wait as long as you need to.
You pick up the menu and look at the drinks, the deja vu coming over you again as the names all sound familiar. They’re based on metal songs, songs that you’ve heard so many times you could sing them from memory.
They would all play so loudly in Eddie’s car as you’d drive around town, screaming the lyrics as loud as you could through giggles because you were just so happy to be around each other.
You haven’t even been able to listen to any of them since the breakup because it just hurts too much. At first, you were only listening to them because of Eddie, but over time, you really grew to appreciate the genre and even started listening to them on your own.
Eventually, one of the bartenders comes over to take your order and your mouth falls open as you make eye contact with him. You definitely must be hallucinating because he looks so much like Eddie. As you stare at him, taking in his features, his longer hair, his beard, and nose ring, his own eyes widen which causes you to believe that he is in fact real.
The last you heard, he was in Chicago. What was he doing back in New York? And why hadn’t he told you? Oh, that’s right. He probably doesn’t have your number anymore and considering that you haven’t kept in contact, you don’t really deserve to know what’s going on in his life anymore.
And that just kills you. You wonder how much about him has changed besides his appearance. He obviously still opened the club even though you aren’t together anymore. And it seems to be doing really well so you can’t help but feel your heart swell with pride. He got everything he ever wanted. And the stab to the chest is that he didn’t even need your help to do it.
“What can I get for you?” He asks and now you don’t even want a drink. You want him to sit next to you while you tell each other everything that’s happened over the past year. You want to tell him just how much you fucking miss him.
“Rum and Coke,” you reply and he smiles, loving to see that you’re still ordering the same drink.
“You got it,” he nods and moves around the bar, fixing the drink. You watch him, staring at his back, wishing you could hug him from behind like you always used to do. He’d just laugh and turn around , wrapping his arms around you and giving you a squeeze. You miss everything about him, but you’re pretty sure you miss his hugs the most. They were always so tight and long, his favorite way to show you just how much he loved you.
Loved. As in, past tense. You never stopped loving him but you’re not sure if he still loves you. Considering how he’s been treating you like every other customer, you don’t think he does. You almost want to just get up and leave but he sets your drink on the bar in front of you.
“One rum and coke,” he says, wiping his hands off on a towel and you can’t even look him in the eye. It’s just too painful.
Eddie can’t fucking believe that you’re here. He hasn’t stopped thinking about you since you broke up, well, more specifically, that day and how much he regrets the whole thing. It still plays in his head on a loop, torturing him. What he would give to go back in time and beg you to stay.
“So what are you saying?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Surely you’re not suggesting what he thinks you are. No way are you breaking up with him. You just can’t be. You’ve been through far too much to just give up on each other.
“I’m saying that what’s the point of even being together if we can’t be together? We’re both always busy and we see each other once every few weeks. That’s not a relationship Eddie.” He knows your right, but he’s sure that you just need to push through and you’ll get through it just like the two of you have every time you’ve had something you needed to work through.
“So you want to break up?” He almost looks like he’s going to cry and you just can’t bear to look at him if he does. You don’t need this to be any harder than it already is.
“I didn’t say that…but I don’t see any other choice.” You’re both crying now and the whole thing is just pitiful, the two of you looking at each other with tears streaming down your faces, having a conversation you never thought you would.
“No. No, we can make this work.” He’s taking your hands in his and as much as you love that he’s fighting for you, you know you just can’t keep going like this.
“How?” You ask and he reaches up and wipes your tears, resting his hands on your cheeks. This is one thing he just can’t fix and that breaks you.
“I don’t know. I guess maybe it’s for the best,” he shrugs, finally seeing it from your perspective. He feels like his heart is being ripped out of his chest and he’s not entirely sure what he should do about it. You’re always there to fix things for him and the one time he really needs you, you’re not going to be there.
“I guess so,” you sniff, the two of you now breaking into sobs, knowing that things between the two of you will never be the same.
You moved your stuff out of his apartment that week and you both cried the whole time, the pain all consuming as he helped you pack up your stuff, being his sweet self which just added salt to the wound. You broke up with him and he still helped you move your stuff, being nothing but a gentleman about the whole thing.
He didn’t even beg you to stay or anything like you thought he would. He just silently helped you pack stuff into boxes then put it all in the truck you rented. All he did was cry, not even uttering a single word to you as he did so.
He hasn’t seen you since that day and he has no idea how you got even more beautiful since then. You’re wearing a pretty silver dress and the biggest standout is that you’ve cut your hair. The short style looks good on you, but Eddie thinks that everything looks good on you.
He doesn’t know how he ever let you slip through his fingers, who he let you move your stuff out of his apartment, why he even went as far as helping you pack everything up. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do but he felt like it was the right thing for both of you.
But now that you’re here tonight, he’s wondering if it’s fate giving him a second chance. God, if he’s offered one, he’s going to take it. Just thinking about it, he feels the weight on his chest lifting, like everything finally makes sense again.
You’re sipping on your drink so elegantly, giggling with a man who’s now occupying the stool to the left of you. You seem to be having a good time and now you’re holding Eddie’s heart in your hand, squeezing it as you continue to giggle with the man and he can feel it, his chest aching as he watches you slip through his fingers once again.
But as he’s turning his back to help the other customers, he sees the man’s hand sliding up your thigh and something about watching this happen is making his skin crawl. Just thinking about this guy touching you like that makes him want to break every single one of his fingers, especially because of how uncomfortable you look.
You’re trying to scoot away but don’t have the strength, the guy grabbing hold of your arm and holding you there so you’re unable to move. Even from your profile, he can see the fear in your eyes as you try to push him off.
Eddie’s had enough of this and rounds the bar, grabbing hold of the guy and pulling him off the stool. As soon as he looks the guy in the eyes, seeing that he’s not even phased tells Eddie that he does this a lot and that doesn’t sit right with him. He’s seen red now as he holds the guy by his shirt and he knows he really shouldn’t but before he can stop himself, he raises his fist and punches him square in the face before letting security take care of him.
He shakes his fist afterwards because of the tingly feeling just as you’re throwing yourself into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as you bury your face into it. He doesn’t exactly know what’s going on, pretty sure that you’re trying to thank him, but he doesn’t need it. He did it because it was the right thing and honestly would have done it for anyone.
You pull away and Eddie feels every part of him ache when he sees that you’re crying. He notices your face change, your eyes widen as you slip your arms from him, almost as if you think that you’ve made a mistake.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him as you step away, quickly adjusting your dress before wiping your tears from your cheeks. There was a time where that was Eddie’s job but being chronically single since the breakup, you’ve learned to do it for yourself again
“For what?” He asks, tilting his head to the side as he slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans to prevent from reaching out for you.
“For hugging you,” you reply as if it’s obvious, but clearly it’s not since he’s still looking at you like a confused puppy. Has he always been this adorable?
“Baby-” he cuts himself off, the nickname coming so naturally like it hasn't been months since he’s called you that. “You can hug me anytime you want. Especially after that.”
“Sorry,” you shake your head. “This is just weird for me, I guess. I-I wasn’t expecting to see you here and I guess old feelings are just flooding back.” You’re chuckling awkwardly like you shouldn’t be saying it, but it’s honestly music to Eddie's ears.
Eddie’s brain short circuits as you finish speaking. Old feelings? So you don’t still love him. You don’t feel the same way as he does and that absolutely kills him. This whole thing has just become torture but he can’t get himself to walk away because he’s still wrapped around your goddamn finger. Some things just never change.
“Well, I um-” you cut yourself off, now feeling flustered. “I should get back to my friends,” you jerk your thumb over your shoulder and Eddie couldn’t be more disappointed. He really wishes he had more time with you, realizing just how much he missed you now that you’re leaving again. If he doesn’t say something now, he’s going to be kicking himself for the rest of his life.
“Wait,” he calls after you and you turn around, clearly caught off guard by him still having something to say. “I get off in about an hour. Do you want to…go somewhere?”
“Eddie…” You look hesitant, almost caught off guard and now he’s trying to think of how he can backtrack since he’s clearly made you uncomfortable.
“I just want to talk.” You think about it and Eddie can practically see the gears turning in your head. You want to, you really do, but there’s so much that you want to say that you probably shouldn’t.
You want to tell him how much you miss him, how you miss being wrapped up in his arms, the way he’d squeeze you tight before the two of you fell asleep. You miss the humming that he did or the tv constantly playing on low volume in the background because he hates silence.
You miss his kisses and even though it’s been over a year since your last one, you still vividly remember what his lips felt like. They were almost always chapped and he often tasted like the mint gum he chewed to cover up the tobacco for you.
“Okay, yeah,” you nod, craving to be in his presence so badly. Being here with him now, all of that anxiety and dread you’ve been carrying around with you is gone, replaced with warmth that’s spreading throughout your body, the calm that always coursed through you when you were around him. For the first time in so long, you finally feel like you’re home.
Eddie’s feeling clammy as he stands outside the club. He’s smoking a cigarette to help ease his anxiety but it’s not working. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous to talk to you. Maybe because there’s so much uncertainty. There’s so much he wants to say and he’s unsure how you’re going to take it all. He wants to tell you just how much he misses you, how much he still loves you. It’s fucking breaking him being apart from you and when you left, he felt like he lost his purpose, his passion for everything gone with you in the moving truck.
And the thing is, he doesn’t even blame you for leaving because what else were you supposed to do? That’s what happens when people break up. He just wishes he had gotten the chance to say goodbye since you made the decision to leave while he was at work. He got home and all of your stuff was gone, those cute little mugs you had collected over the years gone from the kitchen cabinet, your books that you would read to him every night before bed disappeared from his bookshelf along with everything else that you owned.
Seeing you tonight made his feelings for you even stronger and now he can’t even fight them off like he usually does. They have to make themselves known, wanting Eddie to not deny them anymore. He guesses he can’t now and he honestly has no idea what he’s going to say to you without looking like a lovesick fool.
So he just continues to smoke his cigarette until it’s gone, then reaches for his pack to get another one when you exit the club, giggling with your friends before saying goodbye to them and heading over to him. You’ve gotten even more beautiful since he last saw you a couple hours ago and it hurts so bad knowing that he can’t have you. After getting your closure, the two of you will go your separate ways and Eddie will go home to a bottle of tequila and put on the mixtape he made for you while he drinks until he cries himself to sleep.
He’s pathetic and he knows it. He’s imagining you telling him that you miss him too then sharing a kiss that’s filled with fireworks. He really needs to get a grip and stop wishing for something that will never happen.
“So,” you speak up, standing there awkwardly as you fiddle with the strap of your purse in your hands. “Where are we going?” Eddie completely forgot to come up with a spot and now he’s panicking, saying the first thing that comes to mind.
“Dina’s,” he says as he takes one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out underneath his boot. Your eyes widen at the name, memories flooding your mind of sitting in your favorite booth, the two of you giggling over pancakes and a milkshake with two straws.
Eddie suggesting that place is like a stab to the gut, too painful to go there and try to relive the good memories of your failed relationship, but you think that maybe it won’t be too bad.
“Dina’s, wow, I haven’t been there since-” you cut yourself off, wondering if this is even a good idea, talking things over with your ex, bringing up the past as you both mourn what could have been. You’re just not sure if you should be doing this. Maybe it’s not too late to catch a cab and go home.
“Since our anniversary,” Eddie finishes, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket, seeing that you’re not wearing one, your shoulders bare, your arms wrapping tighter around your body to try and warm yourself up but it’s not working. It’s taking everything in him not to give you the jacket right off his back but he knows you won’t take it, too stubborn like always.
“Right,” you nod, knowing that this will be nothing like that. It will just be an awkward and painful conversation that you really wished you hadn’t agreed to. You have tried so hard not to think about Eddie, pushing out every single thought you’ve had but there is always going to be little pieces of him sprinkled into your life. Whether you like it or not, there’s always going to be something that reminds you of him, taking you back to that painful place where you left him as you moved out that day.
Eddie leads you to his van and you can’t help but feel like this is a date. You wish it was, though. Maybe you’ll be able to turn everything around and he’ll be your boyfriend again. Or your friend at the very least.
He opens the passenger door like he always used to and helps you into the van and it’s just like old times. You look around the van as he rounds the hood and it looks exactly the same, the stickers that have been on the dash since you’ve known him are still there, even the ones you gave him.
They’re curling up at the edges, the adhesive wearing off, but that only means that he’s loved them so much that they’ve been there a while. You run your fingers over them as Eddie gets into the driver’s seat, watching you from where he’s sitting with a smile that’s filled with admiration.
He starts up the van and catches you singing along to the next song on the tape he’s got in. It’s the last one you made for him that he plays in a loop because apparently he loves to torture himself. It’s got his name written across it in your handwriting with sloppily drawn hearts all over it.
He can’t keep that stupid smile off of his face and joins you, both of you laughing through your duet as if no time has passed. Things are so different now but one thing you at least know for sure is that Eddie still loves ABBA.
You sing the rest of the song, your laughter fading away as another one starts and now it’s just awkward silence. Neither of you know what to say even though you unknowingly still love each other. If only the two of you could get over your anxiety and just say it already.
But you can’t. You won’t. You already hurt him once and you’re not going to do it again. He’s doing so well and you’re not going to stumble into his life and claim your have feelings for him when he’s definitely over you.
If only you could see how lovesick Eddie still is. If only you could get back all the cobwebs that have gathered in your past and see the future that’s right in front of you. Eddie is still as head over heels for you as he’s always been. He never stopped loving you even when everything went to shit. He’s tried, god, he’s tried. He’s wanted to forget you, but you’re always still there, stuck in his mind forever.
He pulls up to the restaurant and you’re thrown back in time again, another flashback that you can’t seem to escape as much as you want to. You remember the tender touches of your hands across the table and the loving stares and now you’re just sitting across from each other like two people on a blind date.
You hate that you still remember your exact orders even though you haven’t even thought about this place since the last time you sat in this very booth. His hand is resting on the table as he looks at the menus and god, you just want to reach for it, to know if they’re as rough as you remember. You hope he still uses that lotion you always used to buy him.
He’s sitting there, looking so pretty with his hair tucked behind one ear, moving an unlit cigarette between his fingers that’s always been a nervous habit. You hate that he’s nervous but you completely understand why. This is uncharted territory. You’re completely different people now and this whole thing was completely unplanned.
You mimic him and look at your own menu but you’re not even hungry. You’re actually feeling sick thinking about why you’re actually here. You’re nervous as shit to have this conversation. You just know he’s going to break your heart and you suppose you can’t even be upset with him since you deserve it for leaving him all that time ago without even so much a goodbye. But the thing is, you actually actually left because you were terrified to see the look on his face so you fled to avoid the pain of seeing how heartbroken he was.
“So,” he says, taking a deep sigh as he sets his menu on the table, looking you in the eyes as he does so.
“So,” you repeat in the same fashion and furrow your eyebrows when he brings his hands up to cover his face, scrubbing at his eyes. He then slaps his hands onto the table which startles you, looking at you with that fire that you’ve missed the entire night.
“I’ve gotta be honest,” he says, his gaze still burning into yours. “I’ve missed you. Like, so much that I can’t even stand it.” He knows that it’s rushed and that he probably sounds crazy and eyes widen at his confession, he’s terrified that he’s scaring you away. God, he’s driving you away again, fucking up one more time before you leave his life for good. He just can’t seem to get it right.
Before he can even finish his speech that he’s been writing in his head for months because in the blink of an eye, you’re sitting right next to him, a goofy but adorable grin on your face. He has no idea what’s going on but he sure as hell isn’t going to deny you being in such close proximity to him.
“I’m sorry,” he replies, nervous all over again because even though you’re smiling at him, he can’t help but feel iscared that you’re going to slip through his fingers. “I-I don’t know why I said that. I just-”
“Eddie,” you cut him off, your hands cradling his cheeks like they used to and his eyes widen as he stares at you, wondering what you’re going to do next.
“Yeah?” He asks, his voice small for the first time tonight.
“Will you please just shut up?” You ask before pressing your lips to his, pouring out all of your repressed emotions for the past year pouring into it and you don’t even care that you’re crying. You just need this and apparently Eddie does too because his arms are wrapped tightly around you, his own tears trailing down his cheeks as he involuntarily whimpers against your lips.
This is the best way he’s ever been shut up in his life and it’s crazy to him just quickly you’re both able to do this after so long, picking it up like it’s nothing. It gets progressively more hungry and as you’re sticking your tongue into his mouth, you suddenly realize where you are, deciding that you can’t exactly do what you’re doing here. So you stand from the table and offer him your hand which he gladly takes.
You’re both out the door in a flash and as soon as you’re heading down the alley between the diner and the other building, you’re pulling Eddie into the dark, pressing yourself to the wall as your lips find his again, somehow even more hungry than before. You’re both crying again but you’re too caught up in your need for each other to be embarrassed.
His hands are sliding up your dress as he kisses down to your, nipping at whatever skin he’s able to get his teeth on as he goes. It starts off as gentle kisses as he murmurs the words “I missed you” against your skin but it gets progressively more intense as he begins to suck on your skin, making your brain feel fuzzy.
“I missed you too,” you moan as he pushes you gently against the wall. He’s pulling down your thong and you let him despite being so out of practice that you’ve felt so nervous about sleeping with anyone else. Being with Eddie, though, just feels so right.
You unbutton his jeans and pull them down with his underwear, so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t even notice that he’s slid himself inside you, both of you grunting at the tight fit.
He’s moving slowly at first but progressively gets faster, missing the feeling of being inside you, missing the way you moan, the way you grab onto him, scratching up any part of him you can get your hands on, missing you. God has he missed you. It feels so right being here with you now.
He’s moving so fast, your legs wrapping around his waist as he pumps and pumps, his lips finding yours again, biting down on your bottom lip as another moan slips past your lips. It’s loud and he’s eating it up, wondering how much more he can get out of you before you’re absolutely spent.
You’re close already but to see how long you can hold out. You’ve gone so long without him between your legs that it doesn’t take much for you to orgasm, to completely undone as he bottoms out inside you. He’s still going as you whine his name, pumping in and out, in and out until he reaches his own orgasm, moaning so loudly that you’re almost concerned that someone is going to hear him.
The words “I love you” fall from his lips and you melt when you hear them, so happy that he still feels the same way, that the love you have for each other has never faded. You’re both smiling now as you pull him into another kiss, mumbling the words back to him against his lips. A laugh escapes his lips as he pulls away and he picks you up and spins you around. He’s the happiest he’s been in so long.
“C’mon, angel,” he says, grabbing hold of your hand and leading you back to his van that’s around the corner. “Let’s go home.”
#stranger things#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie x y/n#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson smut
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Can you get out of the room? - LADS
You asked him to leave the room so you could change your clothes, but he reminded you that you both were married and had children. (I saw some couples doing this on TikTok).
pairing: Zayne x You, Xavier x You, Rafayel x You, Sylus x You, Caleb x You (Female reader)
warnings: pet names (babe, love...), sex mention, suggestive phrases





It was a lovely Sunday evening. After a long week, you finally had a chance to have Zayne with you again, a rare occasion due to his hard work in the hospital.
He was reading a book on bed, waiting for you to get ready so you can go out to eat at your favorite restaurant. The bedroom was very peaceful, the only noises being the cars outside and the My Little Pony opening song coming from the living room, where your daughter is.
You just got out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, when you saw him reading and decided to test something you saw on the internet.
“Love, can you get out of the room, please? ” Your voice sounded innocent as you began to open your drawers. “I need to change my clothes”.
You turned to look at him and saw that he was staring at you over his glasses, looking confused. “Pardon?”
“Well, I need to put on some clothes and I am a bit shy to change in front of you.” You said, squeezing your arms around your body to keep the towel covering you. “You know… I am a bit embarrassed.”
A playful smile appeared on your lips as you saw his frowned face.
“I don’t understand why you want me to leave the room.” He answers, closing the book and taking his glasses off. Then he stood up, walking towards you at a slow pace. His shirt has the first two buttons open, and his belt is open as well.
“Because I don’t want you to look.” He almost laughs at your answer, looking at you, dumbfounded.
Suddenly, he called your daughter's name, who appeared at the door after some minutes. She was only four and was wearing a blue dress, matching Zayne’s shirt color, ready to go out with you, so she looked at you a bit confused when she saw your body still wrapped in the towel. “Mommy is not ready?”
“Mommy is being difficult.” Zayne forces a sad expression, walking towards the little girl and patting her head. “Tell her to hurry up.”
“Hurry up mommy!” Your daughter runs again to the living room and Zayne smiles, looking at you.
“Do I have to remind you how babies are made?” You blush slightly when he smiles mischievously, leaning against the door. “But once you asked, I will leave the room and make our little angel company”.
It was your time to take a shower, so Xavier was taking care of your son while you were enjoying your bath, massaging yourself with the liquid soap. When you ended your bath, you walked to the bedroom and saw Xavier with the baby in his arms.
“Babe, can you get out of the room?” The blonde man looked at you, confused.
“Why? Did I do something wrong?” You opened a tender smile to him and chuckled, getting some clothes in the drawers.
“No, of course not. I just want to change my clothes.”
Xavier looked at you, then his eyes found the baby in his arms. One moment later, he looked at you again. “You know… that I already saw everything, right?”
You blush, looking away to cover your face. “Shut up… I just need some privacy…”
“If it is something with your body, stop overthinking. You are as gorgeous as ever.” You looked at him, and for a moment you didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or to throw a pillow on him.
It was just a joke, a prank that you saw some couples doing on the internet, you didn’t know he would say something like this.
“And don’t you remember what happened fifteen minutes ago that woke him up?” You widen your eyes, feeling your cheeks getting hotter.
You two listened to the baby laughing, and you couldn’t help but smile too. “You… silly.” Xavier opened a warm smile at your words.”
He kissed your forehead before he began to walk away from you. “I will get his pacifier. Maybe he can sleep again, and we can…” Xavier glanced at you.
That 's it. You got a pillow and threw it at Xavier, making him run out of the room, laughing out loud.
One morning, Rafayel was helping your son with the art homework, and both of them sat on the carpet of the bedroom.
You saw that cute and pacific scene in front of you and smiled, seeing your husband so excited to teach your little boy. A perfect time…
“That's it, my little bubble, now if you mix yellow and red…”
A perfect time for a prank.
“Babe, let's go to the swimming pool… it's so hot today.” You say, innocent, seeing your son's eyes shining bright with the excellent idea.
The boy closed the notebook and ran to his own bedroom, and Rafayel chuckled.
“Fine, let's relax a bit, maybe after that he can sleep early and I will have you just to myself.” He stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist, giving your neck a peck.
“We will have a lot of fun, but now can you get out of the room? I need to put on my bikini.”
Rafayel frowned, confused. “What? Why do I need to get out?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling softly. “I am feeling a bit shy today, so I didn't want you to see.”
The artist raised an eyebrow at your comment.
“Love, do I have to remind you how we made that little boy?” He kissed your cheek. “It was raining when I held you and…”
“Shush!” Your face was almost burning up, as red as a tomato. “I remember.”
He chuckled again, caressing your hip slowly.
“Good, then I don't have to remind you about how…”
“Daddy! Where are my swim goggles?”
Rafayel stopped, looking at the door.
“Have you looked in your drawer?” He answered, looking at you. “I will help him.”
It was your birthday and Sylus promised a “family day” to you, as you asked for.
While you were drying your hair, he was helping your younger daughter to dress up. A moment later, he walked into your bedroom and saw you choosing an outfit.
“Love, can you get out of the room?” Sylus frowned. “Why would I?”
“I want to change my clothes, so I will need to take off the one I am wearing.”
Sylus looked at your covered body, then at your face. “It’s not a big deal. You can change in front of me.”
“No, I am embarrassed.” You answer, lying. You just wanted to test the prank you saw on the internet.
“Embarrassed of what?” He scoffed.
“Changing my clothes in front of you.” He blinked, totally confused, then called three names, making his deep voice reach all the house.
Two children runned into your bedroom, the twins, who were already dressed up, then your younger daughter walked in slowly, since she was still learning how to walk.
“Trust me, kitten, I saw your body a lot of times already.”
One of the twins frowned, saying “Ew! Mommy and Daddy are flirting!” You looked at the kid, poking his nose. “We are not!”
Sylus was smiling charmingly. “Of course we are…” He walked towards you and held your hand, giving it an affectionate kiss.
“Will we have another sibling?” You almost choked when the child said it out of the blue. “What? Where did you get this idea from?”
“Daddy told us that to make a baby he has to kiss your hand…” One of the twins said. “I want one more sister!” The other said as well.
You looked at Sylus, who was trying to hide his smirk against your hand.
“Everyone… get out of here!” You shouted at them. Sylus laughed, holding both of the twins in his arms when he escaped from the bedroom, letting just you and your daughter. “Can you believe it?” You ask the little girl, who smiled cheerfully. “No, you are not going to have a new sibling.” You said, picking her up.
“Captain Marshmallow to Captain Daddy, are you listening to me?” You frowned, amused, as you saw your daughter and your husband playing spies in your bedroom, rolling on the bed and running around the room.
“I am, Captain Marshmallow. Leader Mommy just arrived from work. We need to greet her.” Caleb said as he picked the little girl in his arms. “Let's go.”
You smiled, kissing the girl's head before doing the same with Caleb's lips. “How are my ‘Captains’?” The question was almost a joke, but you saw your husband laughing.
“She watched a lot of movies.”
“Daddy! We can use the bubble guns to play!" The girl ran out of the room, letting you and Caleb all alone.
“How are you, my dear?” He hugged you tightly.
“Tired, but I am good.” You smiled, feeling a bit better. “I need to change my clothes, can you get out of the room, babe?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why? It's not like I never saw you naked before, you know…”
You poke his arm, blushing. “I just need some privacy.”
He laughed, seeing your daughter running back to the bedroom with two bubble guns on hands.
“I will give you ten minutes.” He winks, looking at you. “So hurry up, or I will have to keep you here for more than that.”
#lads#lads sylus#lads zayne#lads xavier#lads rafayel#love and deep space#loveanddeepspace#lads mc#lads caleb#love and deepspace#lnds#xavier#love and deepspace caleb#caleb#caleb x mc#zayne love and deepspace#lnds zayne#zayne#love and deepspace sylus#lnds sylus#sylus#rafayel love and deepspace#rafayel x mc#rafayel
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Back to Friends - J.J Maybank
A/N: Part 2 to this fic! Loosely based on "back to friends" by sombr. Another song I've been obsessed with. Didnt really proofread so sorry abt that! Also…sorry for the timing in light of recent events 😭 JJ Maybank you deserve sm better than your actor.
Summary: It's been a month since the last time, since JJ saw in the arms of another. But now, you're alone at The Wreck, and JJ Maybank has never been able to mind his business—especially when it comes to you. A past that won’t stay buried, and two people pretending this will ever be just friendship.
Word Count: 2,526
Warnings: more angst, a hint of fluff, some swearing, drinking, mentions of cheating
The Wreck was quieter tonight, the usual rowdy crowd dwindled down to locals nursing drinks engaged in small talk. JJ Maybank hadn’t planned on coming, but the familiarity of the place drew him in like a bad habit. A month had passed since he last saw you, wrapped up in someone else’s arms, looking like you had moved on completely.
You hadn’t noticed him yet. You sat at a corner booth, aimlessly swirling your drink around, lost in thought. No bright smile, no soft laughter. Just you, looking smaller than he ever remembered.
His stomach twisted.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he stood, walking across the room toward you.
You looked up when he stopped at your table. Your expression hardened. Pushing away the glimpse of happiness you regrettably felt seeing his face.
“What do you want, JJ?”
Not even a hey. Not even a look of surprise. Just cold indifference.
His jaw clenched, but he forced himself to smirk. “Good to see you too, sweetheart.”
You scoffed, turning your gaze back to your drink. “I’m not in the mood for whatever this is.”
JJ swallowed hard. He expected this—hell, maybe he even deserved it. But it didn’t stop the sting.
He hesitated before speaking. “Mind if I sit?”
You didn’t answer right away. For a second, he thought you’d tell him to leave. But then, with a sigh, you gestured to the seat across from you.
He slid into the booth, the silence stretching between you. It was agonizing, sitting across from you like strangers. You were acting like he was just some guy from the Cut, like you didn’t know every scar on his body, like you hadn’t once whispered you loved him more than anything in the world.
Like three years meant nothing.
“You’re drinking whiskey now?” he asked, noting the glass in your hand.
You hummed in response, taking a slow sip. “Tastes better than beer.”
JJ let out a dry chuckle. “Didn’t used to think that.”
You finally turned to face him, eyes sharp. “Yeah, well, a lot of things change, don’t they?”
That hit harder than he expected.
JJ exhaled, rubbing a hand over his jaw. “Look, I didn’t come over to start anything. I just—” he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “I saw you sitting here alone.”
You huffed a laugh, shaking your head. “So what? You thought I needed company?”
“Maybe,” he admitted, watching your reaction closely.
You pursed your lips, tilting your head slightly. “Well, you were wrong.”
JJ nodded slowly, staring down at the condensation on his beer bottle. “Fair enough.”
For a few moments, you both didn't utter a word. He could feel the weight of all the unspoken words hovering over the two of you, thick and suffocating. He wanted to ask why you were alone, where that polished guy was, but something told him that question wouldn’t go over well - yet he did it anyway.
“So,” he started, leaning back against the booth. “Where’s your boyfriend?”
Your fingers tensed around your glass. “Not here.”
You exhaled sharply, shaking your head. “If you must know, he cheated.”
JJ blinked. “What?”
You let out a bitter laugh, swirling your drink. “Yeah. Found out last week. Some touron at the B&B.”
Anger flared in his chest. He never liked the guy, but hearing that? That was enough to make his blood boil. “You’re serious?”
“No, JJ, I’m making it up for fun.”
He ignored your sarcasm. “What a fucking idiot.”
You shrugged, trying to seem like you didn't care, like you weren't disappointed at the fact that you were a victim of another douche didn't know what he had when he had it. But, JJ knew you too well. The tension in your shoulders, the way you avoided his gaze—it hurt you more than you let on.
He leaned forward. “You okay?”
You laughed again, but there was no humor in it. “Why do you care?”
His heart clenched. “Because I do.”
You scoffed. “That’s rich.”
The weight of everything unsaid pressed between you yet again. The breakup, the months apart, the way he let you walk away. He didn’t know how to fix it, but damn it, he wanted to try.
JJ wanted to say more, to tell you that the guy never deserved you anyway, that you deserved someone who would never even look at another girl. But he held his tongue, because who was he to say any of that? Sure, JJ let you walk away. He didn't fight for you how he should have, but he only ever had eyes for you. He still does.
So instead, he asked, “Can we talk?”
You scoffed. “Aren’t we already?”
He let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head. “You know what I mean.”
You glanced at him then, something unreadable in your expression. After a moment, you sighed and took another sip. “Fine. Talk.”
And so he did. About the last month, about random things that didn’t matter but somehow still did. Slowly, the stiffness in your shoulders faded. And somewhere between old memories and quiet laughs, the wall you had put up started to crack.
For the first time that night, you really looked at him. Studied him. He wondered what you saw—if you saw the same boy who once held you close on cold December nights, who kissed you like you were his only safe place in the world.
Hours passed, and neither of you moved. It was almost like old times—except it wasn’t, because nothing could be the same again.
The winter wind rattled against the thin walls of the Chateau, but inside, beneath a pile of mismatched blankets, it was warm. JJ held you close, your head tucked beneath his chin, your fingers tracing slow, lazy patterns along his arm.
“I love you,” you murmured, your voice soft but certain. “So much, JJ.”
His body stiffened, just slightly. Not because he didn’t feel it too—God, he did—but because he never knew what to do with love when it was handed to him so freely.
You pulled back slightly, tilting your head to look at him. “You mean everything to me, you know that?”
JJ swallowed, his throat suddenly tight. He wanted to say it back, to tell you that you were his whole damn world, but the words got stuck somewhere between his heart and his mouth.
Instead, all he managed was, “Thank you. You know you mean a lot to me too.”
Your expression flickered—just for a second. And in that moment, he saw it. The way you were starting to carry all the weight in this relationship. The way he was slowly, unintentionally, breaking you down.
JJ cleared his throat, shaking the memory away. That was months ago. This was now. And now, you barely even wanted to look at him.
He leaned forward, tapping his fingers against the table. “Listen, I know things ended… messy. And I don’t blame you for hating me.”
Your eyes flickered, something unreadable passing through them. “I don’t hate you.”
He tilted his head. “You sure? ‘Cause you’re acting like you don’t even know me.”
You let out a breath, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t know how to do this, JJ. How am I supposed to just sit here and pretend like nothing happened?”
He hesitated, then said, “Then don’t.”
You blinked. “What?”
“Don’t pretend,” he said simply. ““Yeah. I mean, we’ve known each other too long to just—pretend the other doesn’t exist. Let’s be real. We were a mess, but… I still want you in my life.”
A bitter smile played at your lips. “And what exactly do you want us to be?”
JJ hesitated. What he wanted was to tell you he still loved you, that he never stopped. But what he said was: “Friends.”
Your brows lifted slightly. “Friends?”
He nodded, ignoring the painful twist in his chest. “Yeah. We can do that, right?”
You studied him, and for a moment, he thought you might say no. But then you sighed, taking another sip of your drink. “I don’t know how to be your friend, JJ.”
He forced a smirk, though it felt hollow. “Guess we’ll figure it out.”
You looked at him for a long moment, as if searching for something. Finally, you nodded. “Okay.”
But as you both sat there, stealing glances and fidgeting with your drinks, you both knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
JJ was still hopelessly in love with you.
And unbeknownst to him, you had never stopped loving him either
The conversation started slow, cautious. Small talk about the Pogues, the latest island gossip, how things had changed—or hadn’t—since you last really spoke. But somewhere along the way, the tension began to fade.
You teased him about his ridiculous new sunburn. He rolled his eyes when you admitted you still couldn’t make it through a horror movie without covering your eyes. And for the first time in months, it felt easy.
Both of you were tiptoeing around the past. It wasn’t easy—nothing about you two ever was—but for now, it was something.
Like maybe, just maybe, this could work.
And JJ would take whatever he could get.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “You, uh… still hate pickles on your burger?”
The question caught you off guard, but then—finally—a small smile tugged at your lips. “Yeah.”
JJ glanced at you, watching as you stared down at your empty glass, lost in thought. He knew he could ruin this in an instant—say too much, feel too much, want too much. But instead, he forced a smile and nudged your arm. He was aching to touch you, even if it had to be masked with platonic intentions.
Before you both knew it, the bartender called out for last rounds. It was 2am. You had spent 4 hours just, talking.
“That’s our sign to wrap it up then, huh?” You point out.
“I guess it is.” He responded, with a hint of disappointment embedded in his tone.
You start to leave, but were interrupted.
“So… friends?” JJ asks.
You turned to him, surprised. And then you smiled—really smiled. The kind that made his heart stop, the kind that reminded him of everything he lost.
“Friends,” you said softly.
Something inside him ached. Before he could stop himself, before he could think, he leaned in and pressed a light, fleeting kiss to your cheek. It was impulsive, instinctive. A habit he couldn’t quite break.
And you let him.
JJ pulled back, watching for any sign that he had crossed a line. But you just looked at him, something unreadable in your eyes. Then, without a word, you slid out of the booth, grabbing your bag.
And just like that, you left The Wreck, going your separate ways. Stepping into whatever this new thing between you was—unsure, unsteady, but together.
For now, that was enough.
JJ exhaled, something in his chest loosening as he watched you leave the building. Maybe you were still in there, somewhere.
Maybe he hadn’t lost you completely.
#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank x you#jj maybank x pogue!reader#jj maybank angst#jj maybank smut#jj obx#jj maybank#outer banks fic#outer banks#rafe cameron#rafe outer banks
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motel six
spencer reid

cw; spencer reid x fem!reader, spencer gets caught jacking off, cowgirl, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, softdom!reader, sub!spencer, one bed troupe, oral (m. receiving), aftercare, unprotected p in v, spencer’s a little desperate and awkward (what’s new)
an; HIII ALLL!!! This is based on an ask I received earlier this month, but I have had a few similar ones so I finally made a fic for them. The truth is that I have been seeing a beautiful woman and she is taking up most of my time. BUT- I managed to sneak this one in. I will start posting more consistently again now that my writer’s block has finally disappeared. As always, please leave some feedback if you liked it (if you didn’t just know you’re stepping on my hopes and dreams). Love and miss u guys xoxo
wc; around 3k
Your stomach twists. A long day chasing leads and poring over case files has already left you drained, and now you have to share a room with someone? You glance around at your teammates, who are pairing off with little hesitation. Morgan claims a room with Rossi. Hotch and JJ take another. Emily and Garcia get the third. That leaves…
You turn your head just as Spencer Reid—resident genius, profiler extraordinaire, and your usual case partner—adjusts the strap of his bag with an unmistakable grimace. His hazel eyes dart to yours before flicking away, his jaw tightening.
Of course.
"Looks like it's you and me, Reid," you say, trying to keep your tone light.
He doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he nods stiffly and brushes past you toward the room number scribbled on the keycard sleeve. Your stomach sinks further, but you push down the unease and follow.
The room is as underwhelming as expected: beige walls, scratchy-looking blankets, and a single queen bed shoved against one side. A rickety wooden chair sits near the window, but otherwise, the space is cramped.
Spencer stops in the doorway, his whole body tensing. "You take the bed. I’ll sleep in the chair."
You frown. "Reid, that thing looks like it’ll collapse if you breathe on it too hard. We can just—"
"I said I’ll sleep in the chair," he snaps, dropping his go-bag by the door.
The sharpness in his voice catches you off guard. Spencer is always a little awkward, sometimes distant, but rarely outright rude. You watch as he rubs his temple, his jaw clenched so tightly you wonder if he might crack a tooth. He looks… angry. At you?
"Okay," you say slowly. "Did I do something?"
"No," he bites out. "Just drop it."
You exhale sharply, irritation flaring. "Spencer, we’re both exhausted. If something’s wrong, you can just—"
"Just leave it alone, Y/N."
His words are clipped, final. You stare at him for a moment, searching his face for an answer, but he won’t meet your gaze. The room suddenly feels suffocating.
Fine. If he wants to be an ass, let him.
"I’m going outside," you mutter, grabbing your jacket. "Maybe by the time I get back, you’ll have figured out how to use your words like an adult."
You don’t wait for a response before stepping out into the cool night air.
The motel parking lot is nearly empty, save for the team's vehicles and a couple of semi-trucks parked along the far end. You breathe in the crisp air, letting it wash away some of the frustration bubbling inside you.
Spencer’s behavior isn’t just annoying—it stings. You thought the two of you were friends. Sure, he can be awkward and distant, but he’s never been outright cruel before. Whatever is bothering him, he clearly doesn’t want to share it with you.
You wrap your arms around yourself, shivering as the cold seeps through your thin jacket. After a few minutes, your irritation starts to wane, replaced by exhaustion. You don’t have the energy to stay mad, and honestly, all you want is to collapse into bed and sleep for at least twelve hours.
With a sigh, you make your way back toward the room. The hallway is silent, the only sound your footsteps against the aging carpet. You reach for the door handle but freeze as a muffled noise seeps through the thin walls.
A low, breathy moan.
Your heart stutters.
You strain to listen, barely breathing as another quiet sound follows—one you recognize immediately.
A strangled gasp, unmistakably Spencer’s.
Heat rushes to your face as your brain supplies every possible explanation, each one more embarrassing than the last. You should walk away. You should turn around and pretend you never heard anything. But your hand stays frozen on the doorknob, your pulse hammering in your ears.
Another moan drifts through the door, this one louder. You swallow against the sudden lump in your throat.
"Fuck," Spencer gasps. "O-oh god— please."
His voice is low, rough. Desperate.
You grip the doorknob tighter, debating for what feels like an eternity. Should you walk away? Or—
You ease the door open, pressing your hand against it as if to stop yourself from charging forward. Spencer’s back is to you, his head thrown back as he works himself over, his hand moving in rapid strokes.
You can’t help it—you step further into the room, drinking in the sight of him.
He’s sprawled on the bed, shirtless and pale in the moonlight filtering through the blinds. His arm muscles are tense, sweat dripping down the side of his face. The blanket is thrown back, revealing his naked lower half: his long legs, his perfect hands—
His cock, thick and wet between his fingers.
You feel a rush of arousal at the sight, your blood pulsing hot. This is so wrong. So inappropriate. He’s your teammate, for god’s sake, and yet—
And yet, you can’t bring yourself to walk away.
Spencer's hips jerk upwards, his body shuddering with pleasure. "Y/N," he gasps again, his head falling back against the pillow. His eyelids flutter shut, his brows drawn together.
"Y/N, fuck, please—" His hand moves faster, stroking himself with a rough desperation that makes your breath hitch. You can’t look away as he thrusts against his grip, his hips writhing, his spine arched.
"Ah- fuck," he gasps, his body tensing, his fist tightening around himself. His mouth falls open, his eyes squeezing shut as he comes with a strangled moan.
You press your hand over your mouth, holding back a whimper of your own as you watch him.
Spencer sags against the mattress, his chest heaving. He's so fucking beautiful, and—
And you’re still standing here, watching him.
Your eyes dart to his face, and your stomach plummets as he turns his head.
He opens his eyes, and you meet his gaze across the room.
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
Then you both leap into action.
He scrambles upright, fumbling for the blanket to cover himself. You jump backward, tripping over the threshold and landing hard on your ass.
"Shit," you hiss, wincing at the pain that shoots up your tailbone. "Shit. I—fuck, I’m sorry. I should—"
"Y/N," Spencer says in a strangled voice. "I—I thought you were gone. I didn’t know you were—"
He trails off, looking anywhere but at you. You struggle to your feet, smoothing your clothes down self-consciously. This is awkward as hell.
"I thought you were asleep," you admit, wincing. "I didn’t mean to—"
Spencer draws his knees up, wrapping his arms around them. He looks so fucking embarrassed, and you can't blame him.
You should say something. Apologize. You should put him at ease—
But the sight of him still has your pulse hammering.
You clear your throat, trying to calm down your racing thoughts. "I’m sorry, Spencer. I really am. I don’t mean—this is just—"
He raises his head, his eyes searching your face. "What were you doing, standing there?" he asks softly.
You swallow against the lump in your throat. "I don’t know," you whisper. "It was wrong, what I did. I shouldn’t have—I shouldn’t have watched you. I’m sorry."
Spencer lowers his gaze, his face still flushed. "What if I wanted you to?" he mumbles.
Your heart jumps. "What?"
"I wanted you to watch me," he says louder, his eyes darting up to meet yours. "I’ve been wanting you to for weeks, ever since you asked me to take over the case files."
"What?" you repeat stupidly.
Spencer shifts, his cheeks flushing a deep red. "I started—I started thinking about you. Fantasizing about you. You touching me, kissing me— everything."
You stare at him, trying to process. "Reid," you say softly. "I—"
"Don’t apologize," he says quickly. "It’s not your fault, I just—I wanted you. So fucking bad. I thought that sleeping next to you would be—"
"What?" you prompt gently.
He exhales sharply. "That it would be uncomfortable," he says in a rough whisper. "That it would drive me crazy. That maybe you’d—maybe you’d feel it too."
His gaze flicks up to yours again, full of hope.
Your heart races. "Is that what you want?" you ask, stepping forward.
Spencer's breath hitches, his fingers tightening around his knees. "Yes," he rasps. "Oh fuck, yes. If you—Y/N, I’ll do anything you want. Just—just don’t leave me alone again. Please."
His words send a surge of pleasure through your veins. The sight of him, desperate and pleading, is almost too much to bear.
"Spencer," you whisper, taking another step forward. "Come here."
He scrambles to his feet, rushing toward you. You meet him halfway, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close. He melts against you, pressing his face into the curve of your neck with a sigh.
"I can’t believe you saw that," he murmurs into your skin.
"I can’t believe I did either," you admit with a chuckle. "But I’m glad I did."
Spencer raises his head, his hazel eyes searching yours. "You are?"
You nod, smiling softly. "Yes."
His face flushes. "Do—do you want to watch me again?"
You smile wider. "Maybe later," you tease. "Right now, I think it’s my turn."
Spencer's eyes widen as you press him backwards, onto the bed. "I thought you were tired," he murmurs, his voice already thickening with arousal.
"I am," you agree, smiling. "But this is more important." You drop your jacket onto the floor, pulling off your shirt and jeans in quick motions. Spencer's eyes dart down to take in the sight of your naked body, and you flush at his hungry gaze.
He groans, throwing his head back against the pillow as you climb on top of him.
It takes a lot to shock Spencer Reid. But you're definitely up for the challenge. The look on his face is priceless as you take his cock in your mouth, not wasting any more time. His hips buck against the mattress, his hands threading into your hair.
"Fuck," he gasps. "Oh my god. Y/N."
He tangles his fingers in your hair, urging you on as you work him over. He's so responsive, moaning and gasping and whining—fuck, it's a beautiful sound.
You work him deeper, taking
Spencer moans loudly as you take him deeper, his thighs trembling. "Y/N, oh fuck, I—fuck—"
You press one hand against his hip, holding him steady as you swirl your tongue over the underside of his cock. Spencer bucks against your grip, his fingers tightening in your hair. He's still so sensitive from his previous release, but he's still getting harder—thicker—by the second.
You run your tongue along the underside of his cock, teasing the spot behind the head.
"Oh fuck," Spencer gasps, his voice broken. "Y/N, please—please don’t stop. I’m going to— ah."
You press your other hand against his stomach, feeling the muscles contract. His whole body is straining upwards, his back arched and his eyes squeezed shut.
You take him all the way in, swallowing around his length as you work your lips over his shaft. Spencer comes with a cry, his hips jerking as he empties down your throat. You swallow every drop, holding his gaze as you slowly pull back.
"Touch," he rasps, his fingers searching for your own.
You swallow against the ache in your throat and smile up at him, lacing your fingers with his. "How are you feeling?" you ask, running your thumb over his hand, keeping your voice soft as to not disturb the air.
Spencer sighs, though not out of exhaustion, you assume he’s still taking everything in as you see his head rolling against the pillow. "It’s never felt like that before."
You grin. "Glad I could help."
He shifts, reaching for his discarded pants on the floor. "We should—we should clean up," he mumbles, his eyes darting to yours. He flushes when he sees your expression, and his face turns even redder as you realize what he’s doing.
"Reid," you laugh. "Are you really reaching for tissues right now?"
His ears turn bright red. "Well, what—what else am I supposed to do?"
You shift, straddling his hips as you lean down. "How about we do something else," you murmur. You kiss his jawline, working your way down his neck.
"Like what?" he asks in a breathy voice.
"Like this," you reply. You shift, taking his cock inside you. Spencer's breath hitches, and he groans at the feel of you surrounding him. You clasp his shoulders as you begin to move, his hands falling to your hips. He gasps with each thrust, his eyes falling shut as his head lolls back against the pillow.
"Y/N," he whimpers, his fingers digging into your skin. “I don’t know if I can-."
You ride him harder, sliding up and down his cock. “Yes you can, baby. I know you can give me one more,” Spencer's hips rock upwards to meet you, his breath coming in broken gasps.
His fingers tighten around your hips, holding you close as he thrusts upwards.
You’re both panting and gasping now as you chase the peak. You're so close. So fucking close.
"Please—" Spencer groans. "Y/N. I'm—fuck, I'm coming."
You feel him spasm inside you, his fingers tightening almost painfully around your hips. You groan, your movements slowing as you ride him through his orgasm. Spencer's eyes are closed, his mouth open as he gasps for air. His body trembles beneath you, and you feel a surge of satisfaction as you reach yours, too.
You slump forward, catching yourself on his shoulders as you press your forehead against his. He opens his eyes and smiles at you, a warm expression that makes your chest ache.
"Hi," he murmurs softly.
"Hi Spencer." You smile back.
You both lay there for a moment, enjoying the weight of each other’s bodies. Finally, you roll off him, stretching out next to him on the creaky motel bed.
You reach for him, pulling him into your arms as you smile. He nestles against you, his arm snaking around your waist as he presses his face against your chest.
You wrap your arm around him, whispering soft praise into his hair as you stroke his skin gently. He relaxes further, his body growing heavy with sleep.
The mattress is uncomfortable, the sheets too thin. But somehow, you feel more at ease than you have in weeks.
Spencer Reid is a brilliant man. But he’s also really fucking good at other things too. And you’re excited to find out what else he’s good at.
You smile to yourself, your chest warm with affection.
"Goodnight, Reid," you whisper into his hair.
He hums a soft reply, his breathing already slowing. You wrap your arm tighter around him, closing your eyes and letting yourself drift off into sleep. Tomorrow, the case will continue, and so will your job. But right now, you have Spencer in your arms.
And that’s more than enough. You smile again, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you as you drift off to sleep. This room might not be perfect. But it’s home for the moment, and that’s all you need. You drift off to sleep, lulled by the steady rhythm of Spencer's heartbeat against your chest.
#missarchive#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#bau x reader#spencer reid fic#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid smut#spencer reid x fem!reader#sub!spencer#sub!spencer reid
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Rec List — The Adult Industry Edition!
That's right, all the below fics feature Harry or Draco (mostly Draco tbf) working in the sex industry. Please mind the tags for any fic you click on.
You always open (petal by petal) by birdsofshore
Explicit | 65 214
Summary: Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is.
This is one of my favourite ever fics featuring Down and Out Draco and an obsessed but delightfully oblivious Harry.
Fantastic Flip Fuck with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy! by @hoko-onchi-writes
Explicit | 10 898
Summary: Draco fucks Harry. Harry fucks Draco. They are porn stars. That's it.
This is a hugely fun fic where Harry and Draco are porn stars.
Another Mask Behind You by @letteredlettered
Explicit | 116 557
Summary: Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies. (And then more porn. Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this. And please read the warnings.)
Another of my absolute favourites, Draco is an escort in disguise hired by Harry. Draco is a fantastically unreliable narrator and the smut is epic.
Nonymity by @shewhomustnotbenamed
Explicit | 11 304
Summary: Anonymity and Harry Potter rarely went hand-in-hand. When he learned about a sex club that hid both the patron's and the sex workers' identities, he knew he had to try. Little did he know that the club had a dark secret.
I came across this little gem while compiling this rec list. It's refreshing to read a first person fic and it handles consent really well.
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid
Explicit | 169 560
Summary: Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived.
12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends.
Only nothing feels perfect.
Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
Don't want to give any spoilers on this one but there's a BDSM club!
Unhook the Stars by Jad
Explicit | 70 587
Summary: For HP Sexstars 2012. - "Love is like a Rubix Cube: there are countless wrong twists and turns, but once you get it right, it's perfect no matter how you look at it." Seventy-thousand words of pornographic discourse between two boys-turned-men that still haven't learned how to communicate like normal people – with words. Guest appearances by Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Teddy Lupin, Gregory Goyle, the Weird Sisters, ex-wives, several Weasleys, a Boggart, and a Honey Badger.
Another of my top favourite fics and an absolute classic, Draco is an escort hired by Harry.
Camboy Draco by A_LoveUnlaced
Mature | Art
Summary: Draco is living in the muggle world, working as a cam boy. And he's very, very good at his job.
Some top quality art next. Sadly the fic it is inspired by is no longer in A03, but it kind of reminds me of...
Come As You Are by @its-the-allure
Explicit | 35 016
Summary: When Harry Potter visits a sexy internet chatroom site, he does so with the hope of answering a niggling question: Am I interested in men? He finds more than he anticipated when he stumbles upon a free strip show starring a very familiar person. Just what is Draco Malfoy doing on a Muggle pay-per-view site? And when did he get so fucking fit?
... this super fic which also featured Draco on webcam and stunning art by @itsphantasmagoria
I'm in Love with a Stripper by @kbrick
Explicit | 79 576
Summary: Harry's life is a bit of a disaster across the board, but it's particularly messy when it comes to love. Because Harry might have feelings for his best friend, and he definitely has feelings for his best friend's brother, and he sometimes sleeps with his other friend, for whom he has no feelings whatsoever. Then things somehow manage to get even more complicated when Draco Malfoy twerks his way back into Harry's life one night at a muggle strip club.
Because as it turns out, Draco's a stripper. And he's gotten really, really fit. And his sugar daddy is a married club owner.
What could possibly go wrong?
Draco Malfoy is a stripper! Nuff said 🩷
Embers by @shiftylinguini
Explicit | 25 195
Summary: Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice.
Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter.
This time it's Harry providing his services to Werewolf Draco 🐺
I'm looking for a man in finance. 6'5". Grey eyes by @vukovich
Explicit | 7 728
Summary: Harry's a part-time sex worker. Draco's a piece of shit.
I will read anything this author writes, even a shopping list. This is a great fic which constantly challenges the readers' expectations.
In the Red by @bixgirl1
Explicit | 45 629
When Harry goes looking for a vampire at a Creature club, the second-to-last thing Harry expects is to find Malfoy working there.
The last thing he expects is to fall in love with him.
And finally we have Vampire Draco working in a creature club.
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The ACL Chaos Continues(KerstinCasparijXRuthBrownXJillRoordXCasparijReader)

A/N: this Is Part two of 'The ACL Chaos Roommates' so read the first Part before this one.
Warnings: mental health issues, ACL injury, angsty
Summary: your healing Journey continues and so does the chaos.
Jill was off the crutches. So were you. It has been two months since surgery. But you still needed a cane sometimes to get around. And your pain was still a 6 sometimes even a 7 out of 10. But you kept pushing yourself even though you knew this was probably only gonna make things worse. Your fiancee, your twin and Ruth sure saw you struggling and they became quite worried with how you were handling things.
You were standing on the back porch, trying to walk without the cane while trying to get your leg to stay straight and it just wasn't working how you wanted it to work so you became more and more frustrated. Kerstin saw you from inside and walked out.
"y/n! Stop! What are you doing?! You are clearly exhausted! And overworking yourself doesn't gonna make this better!" Your twin sister told you. Her tone was a mix of worry and anger.
You looked at her before you started yelling and crying. Hugging her.
"i hate this! I know i said i would be patient but Physio said he isn't sure i will get back to my old self! What If i can't Play anymore?!" You cried into her shoulder while she wrapped her arms around you. Holding you close.
"it will be okay! Whatever happens you are smart, you will figure something out! And you are not alone, ever!" Your twin told you. You didn't see her face but you could hear in her voice that she was close to crying.
Unknown to both you and Kerstin, Jill & Ruth were watching you from the inside. Eyes filled with concern.
"this looks serious." Jill whispered out.
"i agree. whatever it is, we all have eachother! And we will support y/n! I just hope that Kerstin managed to get through to her. Because honestly your fiancee is not doing herself any favors like that! She is overworking herself constantly!" Ruth said.
"i noticed that as well, whenever i try to talk to her about it she keeps telling me how fine she is and that i imagine things!" Jill admitted.
Back to you and Kerstin...
"Luister alsjeblieft naar wat de dokter zei." (please listen to what the doctor said) Your sister spoke up.
"Ik probeer het. Maar dit is mijn leven." ( i am trying. but this is my life. ) You explained why it wasn't so easy to let things go and give them time. You were afraid your career might be over.
"Jezelf nog meer pijn doen, maakt het niet beter!" ( hurting yourself even more won't make things better! ) Kerstin answered.
You two talked for a little bit longer before walking inside. Both Jill & Ruth staring at you.
"Wat is er, lieverd?" ( what's wrong, darling? ) Jill asked.
"zag je mij een inzinking hebben?" ( you saw me having a breakdown? ) You asked your wife.
"we both did!" She told you and was referring to Ruth as well. You sighed softly taking a step towards hery grabbing her hand gently.
"let's sit down! I can't stand for that long without a cane." You admitted.
"which is Part of the Problem. Right?" Ruth asked. You nodded your head. All of you sat down on the Couch.
"Physio says he isn't sure i will be able to play like i used to before this injury. I am afraid my career might be over." You admitted, tears streaming down your face again. Ruth and Jill both felt like someone was punching the Air out of their lungs. They didn't expect this information to leave your mouth.
"liefje, it's still early on. Give it time! Even if you can't Play as strong as you do now, it doesn't mean you fully have to stop playing. Let's Focus on the healing process now. And worry later. I know things aren't going great for you but if they don't tell you that you can't Play anymore let's not go to career ending right now. Might take you longer to get back on the pitch, but you will get there!" Jill told you. Wrapping her arms around you. you cuddled into her side. It was clear to you, Ruth and Kerstin that the speech was not only for you but really to make sense of this for herself and well and build everyone back up.
"Jill is right, be patient with yourself! Be kind to yourself! You will get back onto the pitch. Even if you can just give 50% of how you played before this injury you still are world class! You are one of the best Players in the world, y/n! So don't give up on yourself! Cause the three of us sure won't ever give up on you!" Kerstin replied.
"we are here to support your healing Journey!" Ruth let you know. Offering you a kind smile. You thanked the three of them. Trying to stay focused on the good things. You knew they were right. You had to be more kind to yourself. And see what was about to come your way. Give yourself time. The Pitch will be there when you are ready.
You look at your fiancee ,a few minutes later you spoke up.
"i am thankful your journey is going better then mine Babe. I genuinely mean that. i hope you are right with what you say about my Journey but If you aren't...i know we talked about kids in the future...and i would be willing to carry one for us." You stated.
"that's sweet Babe! But let's wait okay? Focus on healing. You will get there!" Jill said.
Turned out that you indeed just needed more time but five months later you managed to do some running without pain, working on other skills as well. It was 7 months after you got hurt now. You weren't on the end of your healing journey but you were doing so great now and everyone was proud of you. Jill was doing even better , you were proud of her.
The two of you moved back into your place 3 months ago. Planning your Wedding, which was gonna be in exactly a year from now on. You had pushed it back cause of your Injury.
Even though your journey was difficult you appreciated everyone that was there for you and you liked being there for their journeys whatever those might be. You wanted to help people and not just receive help.
#woso request#woso x reader#woso fic#kerstin casparij x ruth brown x jill roord x casparij reader#jill roord x casparij reader
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Enough | L Draisaitl
It starts with a tension you can’t quite place. A weight in the air, thick and stifling, pressing against your chest every time Leon looks at you like he’s thinking something but doesn’t say it.
At first, you chalk it up to exhaustion. The Oilers have been on a grueling stretch of games, and you know how much it takes out of him, both physically and mentally. But then, it doesn’t stop. If anything, it gets worse.
He’s distant. He doesn’t reach for your hand like he usually does, doesn’t pull you into his side when you’re sitting on the couch together. The kisses he presses to your forehead in passing lack the warmth they used to hold, and he keeps looking at you like he’s trying to find an answer to a question you don’t even know has been asked.
You try to ignore it. Maybe it’s just stress, maybe it’s something else on his mind. But then, he says it.
And your world tilts.
“You don’t have to pretend anymore.” His voice is sharp, cutting through the thick air between you like a knife. “I get it now.”
You stare at him, confused. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Leon lets out a bitter laugh, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, I finally see it. You’re here for the money, the name, the—whatever else comes with being with me.”
It takes a second for his words to sink in. When they do, you feel like you’ve been slapped. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” He’s pacing now, like he can’t even stand still. “Everyone’s been telling me, but I didn’t want to believe it. Thought I knew better. But they’re right, aren’t they? You’re using me.”
You take a step back, suddenly feeling like you don’t even recognize the man in front of you. The man who, up until now, you thought loved you. Trusted you.
Your voice is eerily calm when you speak. “Who the fuck has been in your ear, Leon?”
He scoffs. “Does it matter? It’s not like they’re wrong.”
You inhale sharply, pressing your lips together as you shake your head. “That’s the thing, though. They are wrong. And the fact that you’re even saying this to me right now—” You cut yourself off, because suddenly, there’s a lump in your throat, thick and heavy. “I can’t believe you actually think that about me.”
“I don’t—” He stops, exhaling sharply as his jaw tightens. “I don’t want to. But it makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, look at my life. Look at your life. You—”
“Stop.” Your voice wavers, but you don’t back down. “Leon, if you really think I’m here because of your bank account or your name—if you think any of that has ever mattered to me—then you don’t know me at all.”
He swallows hard, his hands clenching at his sides, and for a second, he looks like he wants to take it back. Like he regrets it already. But it’s too late.
You shake your head, exhaling sharply. “You think I need your money? That I want your fame?” Your voice is rising now, the hurt morphing into anger. “I have my own damn career, Leon. I make my own money. I pay my own bills. I don’t need you to take care of me.”
His brows furrow, and there’s something desperate in his eyes now. “I didn’t mean it like—”
“No, you did.” Your voice is firm, unwavering now. “You meant it. Maybe you regret saying it now that you see how fucking cruel it was, but you meant it when you said it.”
Leon flinches. He looks like he wants to argue, to tell you you’re wrong, but he doesn’t. He just stares at you, the weight of his own words crashing down on him.
You cross your arms over your chest, trying to steady yourself, trying to ignore the way your hands are shaking. “I have never, never given you a reason to doubt me. To think I’m here for anything other than you. But you let them get in your head, and you believed them over me.”
Silence stretches between you. Heavy. Suffocating.
And then you say it—the thing that hurts more than anything else.
“If you really think so little of me, maybe I shouldn’t be here at all.”
Leon’s head snaps up, panic flashing across his face. “No—wait, I didn’t mean—”
You step back before he can reach for you. “Don’t. You don’t get to say that now.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but it’s laced with finality. “You already did enough.”
Leon’s throat bobs as he swallows, his eyes clouded with regret, with something you can’t quite place. But you don’t wait for him to fix it. You just turn around and walk away.
And for the first time since you met him, he lets you.
He doesn’t call that night.
Or the next day.
You don’t expect him to, but you also don’t know what you’re supposed to do with the emptiness settling in your chest.
It takes him three days to show up at your door.
You don’t want to answer. You consider ignoring it altogether. But you know Leon well enough to know he won’t leave until you do.
So you open the door, arms crossed, expression unreadable. “What do you want?”
Leon looks like hell. His eyes are bloodshot, his jaw is tight, and there’s a desperation in the way he stares at you, like he knows he might have lost you already but needs to try anyway.
“I fucked up,” he says. No hesitation. No pretense. “I fucked up, and I know I don’t deserve another chance, but I need you to know—I didn’t mean it.”
You let out a humorless laugh, shaking your head. “You keep saying that, but you still said it.”
Leon exhales sharply, running a hand through his hair. “I was stupid. I let other people get in my head instead of trusting you—us. And I know I hurt you, and I will never forgive myself for that.”
Your throat tightens, but you stay quiet.
Leon takes a step closer, cautiously, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he moves too fast. “I don’t care about money. I don’t care about fame. I care about you. You are the only thing that matters to me, and I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you, if you let me.”
You inhale shakily, hating how much you want to believe him.
He notices. He always does.
“I love you,” he says, voice barely above a whisper now. “Not because of anything you have, or anything I have. Just you. Only you.”
For the first time in days, you let yourself look at him—really look at him. And you see it. The guilt. The love. The raw, unfiltered regret written all over his face.
You bite your lip, weighing your next words carefully. “You don’t get to do this again, Leon.”
“I know.”
“No, I mean it. You don’t get to doubt me like that. To doubt us. If we’re doing this, we do it together. No outside noise. Just you and me.”
Leon nods, not hesitating for even a second. “Just us.”
Silence lingers between you, softer this time. Not as heavy. Not as sharp.
You exhale, feeling yourself start to thaw, just a little. “I love you too, you idiot.”
The relief that floods his face nearly knocks you off your feet.
And when he finally pulls you into his arms, holding you like he never wants to let go—you let him.
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Could you do prompt 21 for teruko and hu from despair time
Aftercare with teruko tawaki and hu jing
Suggestive post
Prompts list
A/n:I'm pretty sure all drdt characters are 18 (correct me if I'm wrong), but just to be safe, everyone involved in this is over 18
Teruko tawaki

Teruko has no real idea what to do after the moment is over, she just lies on the bed and thinks about how good it felt and how she actually scored
She genuinely can't believe it. She never thought she'd date someone much less get to this level but she can't deny it felt incredible and she wants to do it again
When she comes back to reality she's so embarrassed that she doesn't know what to do next
"Oh sorry........I was just thinking.....so....do we just cuddle now or what?"
"Sure if you want to"
She actually discovered she really loves naked cuddling for some reason, just the skin on skin contact helps her remember that you're still there with her and never leaving her. She'd love it if you could so it in a non sexual situation but she's way too embarrassed to ask
One of the times you actually did someone walked in on you (probably because of teru's luck) and teruko just wanted to die right there while you explained that you were in fact not having sex
Sometimes her body feels sore despite both of you being gentle, and despite her insisting that it's nothing (it was very not convincing, she could barely get up from the bed) you gave her a massage and her entire body felt better it was like magic so it instantly became a regular thing during aftercare
She loves it when you fall asleep on her naked chest, and she gets to look at your adorable sleeping face. She loves seeing your face in general, but for some reason, in this moment, knowing that she brought you pleasure and happiness like this makes her happy too
[You're laying on teruko's chest while she hugs you]
"........I love you so much"
[You stir a bit, but she cuddles you closer, and you fall back asleep]
"Good night y/n......and thank you"
[She smiles and kisses your forehead before falling asleep too]
Hu jing

This girl is the absolute best at aftercare. She just loves taking care of you in every possible way and especially in the bedroom so aftercare is obviously a part of that
First thing first, she always asks you if you enjoyed that. The answer is obviously yes, turns out she's great at taking care of you even in the most intimates of ways. She also asks if it hurt, which never happens cause she's incredibly gentle all the time, but she still wants to check as she would hate for you to feel anything but pure pleasure while being with her
She then runs a bath, and while you're waiting for the tub to fill, she gives you a massage, and it genuinely feels like she has the hands of an angel (something you could also ascertain earlier) she touches all the right spots and it feels like you're about to fall asleep from how relaxing it is but try to stay awake to feel the rest of the amazing aftercare
She's also insanely good at cleaning you in the bath. You're as good as new whenever she's done with you, and of course, you clean her too once she's finished and she loves it too
You then finish the amazing night cuddling together until you fall asleep. If you can't, then she'll sing you a lullaby or bring you tea (even if she prefers doing that the morning after) but most of the times her soft body and voice are enough to make you sleep
The best part is that during all of this, she's praising you and telling you how amazing you did, even if she basically did everything to make you feel good. She praises you a lot during the lovemaking (that's the only way she'll call it because she doesn't want to be too vulgar) just because she loves it and she definitely won't stop even after it's over. If you try to contradict her or tell her she was the one who did everything, she won't hear it. She hates you being negative or deflecting her praise and will double it if you do that
"Darling, you did so good today, the moment feel perfect"
"No please hu, you were the one-"
"Love, I thought we already went through this, you were amazing and don't try to deny it anymore ok?"
[She kisses your cheek and cuddles you closer to her]
"That's my good baby"
"But you were amazing too hu, seriously how are you this good?'
"Oh, I'm glad to hear that, I love making you feel happy and taking care of you, darling. The fact that you love being intimate with me makes me so happy too"
"I swear how did I get a woman as amazing as you?"
"Just being your adorable and sweet self my dear"
#danganronpa despair time x reader#Danganronpa despair time#x reader#drdt#drdt x reader#despair time x reader#despair time#teruko tawaki x reader#teruko tawaki#drdt teruko#teruko x reader#teruko#hu jing x reader#hu jing#hu drdt#drdt hu#hu x reader#gn reader
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Hear me out: (an x reader)
Liam, Ridoc and Dain.
Liam/Ridoc/Reader start with some #7 for celebrating.
Goes into a lil bit of #34 ofc cuz alcohol.
#34 plays into #13.
#13 turns into the other first year (whoever isn’t mackin on reader) doin a bit of #61.
Then Dain somehow catches them and they invite him in bc who doesn’t love a squad leader joining his fav first years ;)) with a bit of #68. He’s hesitant but he secretly loves it sooo.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)

Life Of The Party
・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Modern!Liam x Ridoc x Dain x reader
Warning(s): 18+, mdni, smut
Summary: When attending a sorority party with your two roommates, you never imagined anything could go wrong -- but, how could it be so wrong if it felt so right?
SR’s Note: You guys are HUNGRY for these foursomes lmaoooo I love it. This is my first ever story with Dain... oof, let's see how that goes. I did change up a little, making it more of a modern-college-frat-roomie situation, and Y/N is in her sophomore year with Liam and Ridoc (let's pretend, here) while Dain is in his junior year. Other than that, enjoy some more smut involving our favorite men (; This uses prompts #7, #13, #34, #61, and #68! This is long, and took 3 days to write -- but on God, it might be one of my favorites of all time.
Tags: @mellowmusings @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @kitsunetori @velarisdusk @nctsawrus (inbox me or comment if you'd like to be added!)
・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
"Y/N, I already told you -- I do not want to go to Violet's party-"
"Oh come onnnn," you whined, sporting a pouty face when Liam frowned at you. "She's our friend, and it'll be really fun!"
Your tone isn't convincing enough.
"I just don't want to go through an entire night watching her and Xaden eat eachother alive-"
"Woah!" Ridoc exclaims, waltzing into the kitchen lazily. He scratched at his tousled hair, his eyes still widening from his slumber. "Who's eating who?"
Liam chuckled at your shared roomate, but you only rolled your eyes.
"Violet is throwing another party tonight," you explained, hoping that the mention of your shared friend would pique Ridoc's interest. "She said it's some kind of fundraiser for her sorority-"
"Ooh, yeah. Uh. I'm out." Ridoc holds up both hands in surrender, and you huff.
"What is it with you two and not wanting to go tonight?" You frown, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's a party, for Christ's sakes -- I figured you of all people wouldn't want to miss that," you accuse, your eyes slicing to Ridoc.
"And you," you continue, zeroing in on Liam. "... wouldn't miss the chance to see your best friend. Isn't it obvious that Xaden will be there?"
Liam shrugs, his eyebrows raising as if he's considering the invitation.
"Yeah, he'll be there -- those two are connected at the hip," Ridoc starts.
"They're connected in more places than just that-"
"Ew!" You shout, covering your face with your hands. "Liam, that's disgusting."
Him and Ridoc howl in laughter as you work to get the mental image of your friend and her boyfriend being... well, connected.
"Anyways," Ridoc says, working to control his breathing. "What I was saying was that if Xaden is there, so is the rest of his frat." He shrugs as though he'd made up his mind.
"And, what's the problem with that?" You ask, brow raised. Before Ridoc can respond, Liam answers for him.
"You know those guys, Y/N -- the short one that tries to be everybody's friend... well, he's okay I guess."
Liam nods. "Yeah, hes fine -- but the other ones, I mean... Bodhi, that freshman Aaric," he grimaces. "Their new VP? What's his name?"
"Dain." Ridoc says flatly, and Liam snaps his fingers before pointing at him.
"Right! Yeah, him." You huff a short laugh.
"I've never even met the guy before, what could be so-"
"Everything, Y/N." Ridoc responds lowly. "Everything, is so wrong with the guy."
You roll your eyes for what felt like the millionth time this evening.
"He isn't just the VP for their frat, ya know." Liam continues, and you slide your gaze to him. "He's the top of their class, apparently he's being considered for the class president role-"
"Okay, how do I not even know who we're talking about?" You ask.
Ridoc holds a flat hand just above his head. "About, this tall? Brown hair, tan-ish guy... I'm sure you've seen him around," he explains. You rack your brain, trying to think of anyone you'd seen on campus with that description. No one was coming to mind, which was concerning since you were sure you'd know someone just a year older than you with that kind of title.
"I don't know," you give up, and Ridoc drops his hand. "I thought their class president title was given to Imogen, anyway?"
Liam shakes his head.
"Nah, they wanted that asshole over her I guess." Ridoc remarks.
You frown. "What is it with this guy that you guys dislike so much?"
They both start talking at once.
"Alright, alright -- I got it," you hold your hands up. "So what, this one person you don't like will be there, big deal."
"Big deal?" Ridoc's voice pitches. "This guy was the one responsible for Halloween last year -- and you remember how long it took us to clean all that up."
Your mind flashed to the memory. Your two roomates didn't live in a house with their fraternity, in fact, they didn't even really have one. Nonetheless, the Halloween prank war between all the fraternities didn't quite go in their favor last year...
...let's just say, they spent more time in the bathroom than you did for the following month. And your shower smelt heavily of eggs and fish.
"Waa waa, so what." You shrugged, and they both looked at you incredulously. "Is it so hard to ignore him? You both know we should be there to support Vi," you try reasoning with them. Liam sighs, running a hand over his face before looking at you solemnly.
"This is her first fundraiser, and she really wants us there."
Ridoc huffs, scratching his post-nap hair again.
"You know Jesinia will be there..." you tease quietly, and Liam's eyebrows raise.
"I'm in," he says immediately, and Ridoc scoffs.
"Dude -- you won't even talk to her until you're two beers in," he says, and Liam rolls his eyes.
"So? It is a party, won't they have-"
"No dude -- it's a fundraiser," Ridoc says slowly. "They won't provide any alcohol, since they're hosting. Sorority rules." He shrugs, and Liam groans.
"Okay -- just hear me out," you say, walking toward the fridge. You open it silently, and gesture to the half-empty boxes of various alcoholic beverages inside. Ridoc shakes his head, and Liam seems to weigh his options.
You stare pleadingly at the pair before Ridoc speaks again.
"Fine. We'll go. Only on one condition. We get plastered first."
* ✧・゚: *
You stumbled out the front door, following after your friends as you headed for the sidewalk. Liam said something ahead of you, and Ridoc let out a rediculous laugh.
"W-what... are you guys talking about?" You grinned, and Liam looked over his shoulder at you.
Ridoc let out another chuckle, and the two of them glanced at eachother.
"Nothing, nothing." He mumbled, and you rolled your eyes.
"You know, if Rhi were here, she'd torture the answer out of the both of you." Rhiannon, your third roomate, who was conveniently out of town this weekend visiting her family.
"Good thing she isn't," Ridoc says, tossing an arm around your shoulders. "You're stuck with us this weekend."
You look sidelong at him, giggling at the pink staining his cheeks. He'd chugged three Nutrls before you left, and Liam was in fact already twp beers in -- he shouldn't have any problem talking to his crush.
"Damn! She really decked the place out!"
Ridoc's voice faded as the three of you stalked closer to the soririty house, the music blasting through the wide-open front door. People loitered in the front lawn, enjoying their filled solo-cups while enjoying the nice weather and setting sun.
"Hey, I thought you said no alcohol?"
Ridoc shrugged at Liam's question as you crossed the street, making your way up the stone steps to the front door.
"Maybe it's soda."
A girl to your right laughed loudly, tripping over her own feet as she worked to regain her balance -- using the arm of male next to her, of course. Liam turned sharply, chuckling at his friend's incinuation.
"I can guarantee you... it isn't water, in those cups."
Once crossing through the doorway, you look around in amazement. Purple streamers, multicolored balloons, and silver glitter adorned the high ceilings and grand staircase of the sorority house. It looked like Elle Woods just threw up on the damned place -- if Elle Woods didn't wear pink, anyway.
"Guys!" You heard the familiar shriek of excitement, and you turned to see Violet bounding over to the three of you. She threw her arms around you, and you embraced her right back.
"I'm so glad you could make it!" She looks to Liam, giving him a warm smile.
"Wouldn't miss it," Ridoc says sarcastically, and you elbow him in the ribs. Violet didn't seem to catch his tone.
"So -- what do ya think?" She asks, gesturing to the decorations and the people mingling under them. Liam nods, his eyes peering through the crowd surely in search of the brunette he fancied.
"It's... it's so cute, Vi. You did great," you muster, the effects of the single White Claw lightly clouding your brain. She looks to you again, her eyes wide.
"Can you tell what the theme is?" She asks, and you look around quickly. With all the random decorations, the mix of colors... you spot a blown up plastic snake in the corner, that looked similar to a pool floatie. Shake It Off blaring over the speakers didn't really help your mental state, either.
"Uhh... Taylor Swift?" You guessed. She laughed, tossing her head back.
"No! Silly," she mused, her words dripping with the effects of a drink or two herself. "It's Greek Mythology -- you know, because sororities are, greek?" She shrugs, and you paste on a knowing expression.
"Right! Right, I totally see it now." You didn't see it at all.
She pointed to the snake balloon. "See, this one is like that one goddess with the snake hair, and," she takes ahold of your arm, guiding you further into the foyer. You toss Ridoc an apologetic look, but he only chuckles at your predicament.
"...and I did purple for like, Atremis, ya know... oh, and the silver glitter for like, magic or whatever." You nod as though you understood her reasoning. Was she intoxicated when she came up with this plan?
She lead you into the kitchen, where you were greeted by more familiar faces. She eventually dropped her arm, rushing over to the back door as her boyfriend waltzed in, his posse behind him.
"Babe!" She squealed, running to him and pressing a kiss to his lips. You continued your conversation with Cat, another one of Violet's sorority sisters -- but your attention began to waver as each member of Xaden's frat followed through the door behind him.
Bodhi, of course, walked in and had girls flocking him immediately -- his polite smile and kind eyes were vaguely similar to his cousin's. Aaric, the freshman, followed after; he looked sky, but cute nonetheless.
And then... holy shit.
It may have been the most beautiful man you'd ever seen.
"Yeah, so anyways -- Vi wants me at the booth out back, I'll catch ya later?"
You shake your head, trying to refocus on Cat as she left the kitchen island.
"Yeah... I'll... see ya..."
His toned arms were sun-kissed beneath the thin material of his tank, the clean white of the material only enhancing the contrast between skin and clothing. His hair looked so soft, swooping to the side and revealing his deep brown eyes--
"Might want to close your mouth, Y/N; you'll catch a fly."
You glare over your shoulder, Ridoc's body approaching behind you. You heard his mocking tone before you saw him, walking over with two pink cups in his hands.
"I wasn't..." you start to protest, and he reaches around you to put one in your hand. You swish the liquid around, discerning what he'd just handed you. Water.
"Oh for the love of God -- do not tell me you were seriously checking out--"
You ushed back against him, craning your neck as you held the back of your hand to his lips.
He leaned in, taking your hand in his as he moved your arm back down to your side. His lips tickled as he spoke softly against your ear, his voice low.
"...Dain, Aetos."
You huffed, lifting the cup to your lips as Ridoc moved behind you, opting to sit on a clear space of countertop as he looked to you quizzically. You took a large gulp, the refreshing feeling a welcome one as opposed to the burn of the alcohol you'd consumed earlier.
"So?" You shrugged, and Ridoc shook his head slowly. "So what if I was?"
He chuckled, pincing the bridge of his nose.
"Just know, I wish you all the luck, Y/N." He says, his tone resigned. You roll your eyes, walking over to stand between his knees. He stares down at you, raising a single eyebrow.
"I don't need, your luck, Ridoc," you say, and his thumb and forefinger lightly grip your chin.
"You don't need, that," he says the word as though its poisonous, glancing toward Dain again. Your eyes follow, watching as he greets a few girls on his way through.
You look back up at your dark-haired friend, your eyes catching on a few strands that fall across his forehead.
"You have no idea, what I need."
* ✧・゚: *
It'd been a pathetic hour that you roamed the house, talking with friends as you searched for Liam. The sun was dipping below the horizon, casting a orangey glow throughout the mansion. You dodged person after person, scanning for a certain face you were sure you wouldn't forget.
Did you want to run into him? Oh, yes. But what would you even say?
The thought made your stomach churn.
A stranger to your right brushed past you, uttering a giggly apology as htey continued on their way. Many of the partygoers seemed... more than happy, at that. Where were these people getting the goods?
"In the back!" Violet's voice rang through the hallway, her sing-songy tone ushering people outside. "The booth is in the backyard -- only a dollar!" She called, her face coming into view as more people filed through the kitchen and out into the sun.
She grasped her arm when she found you, her eyes glazed. Her brow furrowed as she looked down at your cup, noticing the emptiness of it.
"You don't look like you're having enough fun," she comments, and you shrug.
"It's a great fundraiser, Vi," you assure her, and she chuckles.
"Wanna drink?"
Now it's your turn to frown in confusion.
"I thought you weren't allowed-"
"We're not," she cuts you off. "But Xaden's frat brought a bunch of coolers -- they're in the back," she shrugs, and your face falls. This entire time, you could've been enjoying yourself more, and didn't know it?
She pats your arm once, then rushes off, ushering more people to the backyard. You round the corner and find Liam in the study, his unmistakable blonde hair glinting with the setting sun. Beside him stood Jesinia, smiling politely at something he was saying.
You didn't want to intrude, but... the girl looked like she might be grateful for it.
"Where the Hell did you get that?" You asked, looking at the Coors Light bottle in Liam's hand. He looked to you, a flash of annoyance and... something else crossing over his face before he answered.
Jesinia beat him to the punch, pointing at the door through the kitchen toward the backyard.
"Xaden and his bros brought them in," he said with a chuckle, glancing down at the poor girl when she didn't laugh with him. You swore, his dorkiness could only go so far -- and this, this was proof.
"Right," you said slowly, glancing over your shoulder and doing a double take when you watched a familiar white tank top saunter through the open door. Liam laughed, lightly shoving your shoulder.
"Hmmm, I see she's taken a liking to Dain Aetos," he dawls, and you glare at him. Jesinia only shrugs, chuckling as you smile knowingly at her.
The three of you are interrupted as a strawberry blonde approaches, leaning into the doorframe as he stares directly at Jesinia.
"Hey, Jes -- play flip cup with me?" He asks, and her cheeks pinken at his request. Nonetheless, she gives Liam a polite nod before joining the new male, leaving the two of you in the study.
Liam tips his bottle back as he watches her walk away, the guy's hand resting on her lower back.
You glance up at him, and he only shakes his head lowly.
"Fucking Sawyer," he grumbles. "Maybe I don't like the guy much."
You place a comforting hand on his upper back, rubbing back in forth comfortingly. His back muscles flex beneath the thin fabric of his black tee, and he looses a long breath.
"Come onnnn; let's go get you a drink."
* ✧・゚: *
You'd managed to snag and finish two more drinks before Ridoc caught up with you again -- all the while, avoiding Dain.
"Make a move on your new little crush yet?" Ridoc taunts, and you smack his shoulder.
"No," you say assertively, and he grins down at you.
"She's being a chicken." Liam says, glancing around the full yard over the rim of his cup. You glower at him.
"I am not -- I just... would rather have better conditions to meet him for the first time." Your cheeks flush. A cropped graphic tee and jean shorts didn't exactly scream "fuck me, please"!
Ridoc snorts. "Like, what, in a wedding dress?"
Liam laughs, Ridoc following right along. You roll your eyes in annoyance.
"Why don't you guys leave me alone? Go figure out what those tables are for or something." Their eyes catch on the long white pop-up tables, adorned with a pie at every folding chair. Liam shrugs, tossing his can in a nearby bin before heading that way.
You thank God when Ridoc follows.
You hear Imogen's voice over the crowd, and your eyes search for her bright pink hair. When you find it, you start making your way toward her -- next to the kissing booth.
"Listen, Gen, I understand why, but, I'm straight."
She laughs, leaning against the wooden frame that Cat sits behind. She looks miserable, biting on the edge of her solo cup as she sits there.
"No no, not for me," Imogen assures, gesturing to Cat. "My friend here hasn't peed in two hours, andddd since I can't find the other girls, I was hoping maybe you could cover?"
Your brows shoot up, and Cat widens her eyes.
"Please, Y/N -- just for a minute, I really gotta go," she pleads. You look around the backyard, searching from person to person.
You try to ignore the way Dain's muscles flex when he tosses a beanbag.
"Why can't Sloane do it?" You point to the freshman, standing shyly near the entryway to the kitchen.
"Because freshman aren't allowed to run the booths," Imogen says sternly. The idea of sitting here, waiting for some gross guy to come up and pay for a kiss? Gross.
You glance to her again. "Why not Vi?"
Imogen snorts. "Really? You think Xaden Riorson is letting any other man put his mouth on her?"
You shrug in agreement. "Why not you, then?"
She levels a hard stare at you. "I've already done my time with fundraiser booths. No thanks."
You huff. "I'm not even in this sorority-"
"Pleeease," Cat begs, her eyes as round as saucers. "It's just a few minutes, and I've barely had anyone all night." She assures, and you groan in defeat.
"Ughhh, fine." She excitedly slips from behind the booth, and you shuffle to take her spot. She scurries toward the house, and Imogen slaps a hand on the wooden frame once.
"It'll be fine," she reassures. "I think Cat's only made like, five bucks all night."
You sigh, glancing out at the lively scene around you. You spot Ridoc in his red jacket, talking with a redhead near the pie table. Liam is near the cooler again, rummaging through for surely another beer.
"Are you open?"
Your gaze fixes on the male before you, and your breath catches in your throat.
You open your mouth to answer, but it just hangs open. No sound comes out.
"It's... one dollar right?" Dain asks, sitting on the short stool on the other side of the booth. You force your mouth closed -- don't want to catch a fly, right? -- and nod, swallowing hard.
Dain nods once, a light smile playing on his lips as he tears his gaze from yours and moves to take out his wallet. He rifles through it, his long fingers filing between receipts, cards...
Ugh, his hands.
"Shoot, well, I only have a five," he says, his gaze finding yours again. He pulls it free handing it to you. You take it, glancing at the money jar behind the counter to find only a couple of bucks.
"I-I don't have, change," you stutter, and he chuckles.
"Guess I'll just have to redeem all five then — your boyfriend isn’t mad that you’re doing this?”
Your brows knit, and fully furrow when Dain motions to Ridoc.
“He’s absolutely not my boyfriend.” You scoff.
Dain grins.
He leans in immediately, pressing his lips to yours. You don't have time to react as his mouth moves against yours, the kiss feeling like five minutes and only thirty seconds at the same time. When he pulls back, he smiles at you -- his teeth impossibly white.
You blush as he pushes a hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
"Four more to go."
You nod, a dorkish grin spreading across your face as he stands. He licks his bottom lip, waving to someone behind him as they call him over. He leans in one more time, speaking while staring you right in the eyes.
"But, we have all night."
With that, he grins and walks off, leaving you flustered and hot and ... everything, all at once. Your chest heaves, the weight of what just happened settling in.
You look across the yard, realizing everyone also just saw that happen.
But, no matter where you look, you only find one pair of deep brown eyes glaring back at you.
* ✧・゚: *
"Pie time!"
Violet annouces with a clap of her hands, and the crowd gathers before the tables as men from Xaden's frat take their seats.
"I mean, I'm glad you like someone but... him?" Ridoc chastizes, shaking his head as the two of you join the herd.
You scoff. "Ridoc, what is this obsession over Dain Aetos? I mean, really." You ask, and he takes a long swig from his can.
"The guy is just an ass, and thinks he's better than everyone. At everything."
"One more spot!" Xaden calls, motioning to the chair before him. "Somebody come claim it! Only five bucks!"
"And that bothers you...?" You continue, watching as Ridoc's face shifts into a mask of cool calm.
"It bothers me because he isn't better. At anything." He hands you his canister, breaking through the crowd as he makes way for the table. He holds up a $5 bill.
"Ridoc! What are you-"
"I'll take it," he annouces, reveling in a the cheers sounding around him. You shake your head, watching as Xaden takes his cash and then ties his hands behind his back. He smiles cheekily at you, and the male sitting next to him follows his line of sight.
That's when Dain Aetos' eyes meet yours once more.
"3...2...1... go!"
The thoughts that filled your mind were... unholy.
Your eyes were glued to Dain, watching as his face devoured the pie before him. His tongue, stained by the red berries inside, swooped out and into the pie as he feasted on it, licking around the indention he'd made with his teeth.
Gods, his lips had tasted good. Better yet, he still had four more this evening to go.
In your hazy, lust-stricken gaze, you found yourself almost distracted, your eyes catching on the dark head of hair next to the handsome male.
Your mouth watered more, despite your inner protests.
Ridoc was your friend, one of the best at that -- however, your mind began to race watching him nise-deep in the pie tin. The obscene sounds of slurping and sucking didn't help either.
Mental images raced through your head, each one sending more and more flurries through your lower stomach.
Ridoc's lips on yours.
The feeling of Dain's hands on your body while you kissed.
Ridoc over top of you, kissing over your neck and chest.
Dain pulling down your soaking panties.
Ridoc sliding his rough fingers into your wet cunt.
Dain's tongue on your clit as he ate you out.
Ridoc's forearm across your waist, holding you down as you cried out for him-
You snapped out of your daze, realizing how far you'd gone into it. Your best friend appeared before you, his shit-eating grin telling you all you needed to know.
"I won, Y/N! I told ya I could," he smirks, his mouth stained a deep pink. You chuckle, watchign as he wiped his lips across the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
"Proud of you," you tease, and he slings an arm over your shoulders. His scent of freshwater and sage wafted in -- you'd never pondered how good he smelled.
"Let's get you another drink, to celebrate."
* ✧・゚: *
You were happy to blame the alcohol for the situation you were in.
Somehow, Violet had convinced you to join the large group game called Medusa -- one you'd never played before. However, all the singles were urged to play and had to pay $1 for what Violet was selling as "the luckiest 10 rounds of your life".
You weren't too sure of that.
The game was simple; every one closed their eyes, and when Violet shouted Medusa, you opened them and looked at another person in the circle. If you locked eyes, you had to kiss -- if the person was not looking at you and instead looking at someone else, you simply waited for the next round.
"Okay everyone, eyes closed!"
Violet of course, wouldn't be participating.
You warily opened your eyes, your gaze locking on Imogen. She was looking elsewhere, and somehow, no one locked eyes this round.
"Ooh, okay," Violet mused. "9 rounds left. Eyes closed!"
You obeyed, waiting for her call. Ridoc squirmed beside you, and you huffed in irritation.
Irritation for his movements, and potentially because a certain third year was not participating also.
You'd gone three more rounds after that, and by round five someone finally made eye contact with another person. In round eight, Cat and Aaric looked at eachother before he leaned in, pressing his lips to her quickly.
"One I didn't have to pay you for," he smirked, and Cat shoved his shoulder.
"Hush it, freshman."
The next round, your eyes found Liam -- he of course, was not looking at you. You followed his line of sight, straight to Jesinia of course.
But, she was looking at Sawyer.
And he, was looking at her.
The redhead smiled, leaning in and kissing the brunette as though he'd done so a million times. Liam's gaze grew cold, his brows furrowing as he gripped his beer tighter. You wished you could do something, make him feel better some how-
"Eyes closed! Last round!"
You closed your eyes, Ridoc sucking in a breath as he took in his friend's angered expression.
You felt Ridoc's eyes on you, burning into the side of your head -- however, your gaze was locked squarely on Liam.
And his, hard and vengeful, was looking right back at you.
Violet gasped, but Liam didn't say a word. In fact, he made a show of standing and walking over to you, not even daring to look sidelong at his crush.
When he was within mere inches of your face, he kneeled, pressing his torso between your parted thighs as you sat helplessly on the plastic folding chair.
"Liam, you don't have to-"
His lips crush yours in an instant, his mouth moving furiously with yours. The taste of his drink felt good on your mouth, even better when he slid his tongue past the seam of your lips. You nearly groaned when his hands found your cheeks, cupping your face with his caring touch so at odds with the way he was practically devouring you-
"Alright, alright. Damn."
Liam pulled away, his darkened blue irises peering up at you from the floor. You grinned, enjoying the view of his handsome face as well as the lingering feel of his mouth on yours. He chuckled, his hands falling from their position as Ridoc continued his brooding beside you.
"He didn't have to," Violet teased. "But, I think he wanted to." She giggled.
Yeah, you'd definately be blaming the alcohol tonight.
* ✧・゚: *
How was it already 10 o'clock at night?
You tipped back your cup, welcoming the water into your system once more. You were listening to Sloane, another freshman, drone on about her classes this semester as you worked to regain some sort of control over your body and mind.
The reminders of the last game you'd played though -- you couldn't surpress those.
It was wrong, thinking of your long time friend and roomate in such a way. Never had you been attracted to that blonde head before, but... tonight...
"Hey, I'm gonna go grab another box of the Coors!"
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, watching as the third year made his way toward the front door. You felt bad, abandoning Sloane this way, however... you wanted to follow him. You wanted to, but didn't at the same time.
You cut the blonde freshman off with a quick, drunken hug.
"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm so sorry-"
She shook her head, smiling at you.
"Go! Go, I'll catch up with you later."
You gave her a hazy smile before walking (as straight and fast as possible) up to and out of the front door, your eyes scanning the front lawn for that white tank.
Sure enough, there he was -- braced against the side of a huge black truck, reaching into the bed in search of more alcohol.
You walked over, coughing once and working to mask your face in cool indifference.
"Use some help?"
He turned at the sound of your voice, a smile instantly curling his lips.
"From a pretty girl like you?" He hopped off the back, abandoning the beer on the grass as he looked to you. "Anytime."
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and he leaned against the side of the Ram.
"Do you have more you need me to-"
"Nah," he said, inching closer to you. His arms crossed over his chest, and you stared up into his deep brown eyes.
"I'd rather just take a minute and... talk,"
You arched a brow, offering to answer whatever he wanted to inquire about. It felt so natural, your conversation coming so easy with him -- that was, until Bodhi appeared in the front door and called to him.
"Dain! Beer? C'mon man," he shouted, and Dain waved him off.
"Guess I should probably take this back inside," he chuckled, leaning to reach for the heavy box. You absentmindedly reached for his arm, your hand bracing against his bicep.
He looked up, your pleading eyes on his face.
"Wait," you said, and he straightened. A small smirk tugged the corner of his lips up, and he stepped closer to you. So close, your chests touched.
"Hm?" He asked, his right hand slowly finding its way to your waist.
"I... uh," you stuttered. "You have four more left to-"
He pulled your waist to his, cutting you off with a kiss to your lips. Your breath hitched, drinking in every inch of his toned body pressed against yours. Both hands now rested on your hips, and your arms tangled around his neck to pull his mouth to yours. He broke away only for a moment, smiling down at you.
He kissed you again, harder this time. His lips slid across yours, the sweet taste of whiskey rolling off his mouth and onto yours.
You whimpered, parting your lips as his tongue dove into your mouth. He squeezed the exposed skin of your waist, groaning into your mouth as his hardening length made its presence known as it pressed against you.
He whispered the last word, not going in for more this time. You sighed, looking up at him.
"C'mon," you pleaded. "You still have one left-"
"I'm saving it," he said, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek. "I want to use it later."
He said it with such sincerity, the soft gaze sweeping over your face that you wished it were later already.
Oh God...
Your pussy clenched at the thought.
"I don't know how we've never met before," he started, shaking his head at you. "You're... not like, anyone I know."
You blushed again, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth.
"Well, I am a sophomore-"
His hands were off of your hips, sliding slowly down as his face fell.
"Wait -- what?"
"Your brow furrowed in confusion.
"What?" You asked. "Is that, an issue?"
He huffed a short sarcastic laugh.
"Uh, yeah," he said, staring at you as he backed up a step. "I'm... I mean, I'm the head of my class, and with the frat -- you know we're not allowed to get involved with girls outside our year."
You rolled your eyes.
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
He picked up the box, heaving it onto his shoulder.
"Maybe, but it's the rules."
He started toward the house, and you followed behind -- your steps shaky with the aftereffects of the alcohol. Your head swam, thinking of any way that this situation could be worked around.
"Then why do Xaden and Violet get to be together?"
He sighed, slowing to walk beside you again.
"Because, he's the head of our frat. He doesn't have to follow the rules." He shrugged. "And, quite frankly, as his second in command, I'm more in charge of keeping freshman and sophomores in line anyways."
Your brow furrowed as you approached the front door.
"If you're the VP, why do you have to-"
"Because it's the rules, Y/N."
He walked inside, the light from the mansion bending around his tall frame. Anger welled inside of you -- what a stupid regulation they had. What did it matter to anyone that he was involved with someone only a year younger?
No matter the frustration, your heart still skipped a beat as you though of his touch once more.
* ✧・゚: *
Your mind was a blur as you waded through the crowd in search of your roomates. You thought you spotted Liam, but realized it likely wasn't him. He was probably off brooding somewhere, you were sure. After all, you had passed Jesinia and Sawyer in the study, their mouths in a tango.
God, he was probably pissed.
Finally, Ridoc's familiar red jacket came into view across the yard as he stood talking with a few guys before a bonfire. You reached a hand up, preparing to wave him over.
"Ridoc! Hey-"
Your call was cut off by a gasp. Cold, fermented liquid doused the front of your shirt -- and a freshman girl stood before you in shock.
"Oh my God!" She squeaked. "I'm so sorry, I-"
You held up a hand, your lips pressed into a tight line.
"It's fine." You said, your words short and temper even shorter. Partygoers around you stopped to gawk, staring straight at your chest as the pink liquid soaked through the white fabric. You turned on your heel, embarassment creeping its way up your neck and across your cheeks as you stomped toward the house once more.
You'd ignored the sound of your name behind you, not even stopping to look as you angrily bounded up the stairs and made way for the upstairs bathroom.
The exhaustion of the night weighed heavily on you, and you really just felt like going home at this point -- but door after door, you grew increasingly frustrated as the bathroom was not where you remembered it to be from last time.
You groaned, angry tears pricking your eyes as a couple of seniors walked out of an empty bedroom, glancing pitifully at the front of your favorite tee. You turned around in frustration, the never-ending hallway not yeilding any sort of washroom.
Just then, an iron-grip closed around your arm and yanked you into the vacant bedroom.
* ✧・゚: *
"Here," Ridoc said kindly, pulling you through the door and guiding you to sit on the bed. You obeyed, sitting on the plush mattress and glancing around the rather bare sleeping quarters. He moved before you, unzipping his jacket.
"How did you know this was vancant?" You asked, and he slid the material over his shoulders. His tan skin poked out beneath his own gray t-shirt, the arm holes straining around his biceps.
You tried not to stare.
He chuckled, his fingers hooking under the hem.
"Let's just say... I've been in here before," he winked, lifting his arms over his head and taking his shirt with them.
Holy fuck.
His abs flexed, the tattoos along his left side swirling over his hardened muscle. He sighed as he pulled the shirt completely off, balling it in his hand and extending it to you.
"Here," he said softly, his expression full of concern and ... something else. You silently took it from him, and he breathed deep before settling on his knees between your legs.
Just like Liam had.
No, you scolded yourself. Stop that.
You sat silently, staring down at the floor as he inched closer. His fingers reached for the edge of your own ruined shirt, his eyes asking permission before you nodded.
Yes. Please.
He slowly lifted your shirt, gently pulling it over your head as he sucked in a harsh breath. Goosebumps erupted over your skin, the cool night air coming in from the open window mixed with the way his eyes roved over your exposed top.
Your nipples hardened beneath your lacy bra.
His face inched closer to yours, his right hand pushing your hair behind your ear.
"Can I kiss you right now?"
His question came out strained, his voice gravelly as though he was holding back. Your eyes met his, ablaze with a fiery lust you'd never quite seen before.
You answered wordlessly again, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth as you nodded your reply.
He pressed his lips against yours, the touch so gentle and at odds with his usually overecstatic, joyous attitude.
Neither of you moved, his lips stayed on yours and yours stayed on his. You reveled in the feeling, replaying every time you'd thought about this very inappropriate, very sinful thing.
Every time he left the bathroom in nothing but a towel.
Every time he came home late, spending the evening with yet another female.
Every time he cooked breakfast shirtless.
Your panties grew wetter.
He breathed in deep, pressing up onto his knees to kiss you deeper. You leaned back slightly as his hands found the small of your back, pulling you into him as he finally continued the kiss. His soft lips glided on top of yours, the remaining taste of the sweet pie on his mouth a warm welcome.
Just when he swiped his tongue over your lower lip, asking for entrance did you pull back. Your eyes were wild when they met his.
"Ridoc... we can't, this... this is so wrong."
A look of defeat flashed in his eyes before being quickly replaced with something else. His hands caressed your skin, rubbing small circles on your back as he hovered closely to you.
"It doesn't feel wrong to me," he admits, his voice low.
You sigh, your hands draped over his shoulders.
"Tomorrow will be one Hell of a morning-after," you suggest, and he grins.
"I don't care. I'd take a million hellish morning-after's just to do this."
When his lips found yours again, it wasn't soft. It wasn't nice.
It was hungry.
Your hands tangled in his hair, and he groaned when you tugged lightly on it. Your hips moved along the edge of the bed, the growing ache in your lower belly near unbearable as his mouth continued to assault yours.
He seemed to take the hint, one hand moving from your back to press against the fabric of your jean shorts. He rubbed back and forth, his strong fingers pressing into your most sensitive spot.
You didn't care that the window was open. You didn't care that the door was unlocked. You moaned loud, the feeling sending what felt like champagne bubbles right up to your brain.
"Ridoc," you panted, grinding your hips into his touch. "More."
That's all it took.
He pushed you back onto the bed, laying you flat across the plush duvet as he rose, unbuttoning his jeans and kicking them off along with his shoes. He worked on you next, unzipping your shorts and then hooking his fingers through your beltloops, removing the garment in less than a minute.
"Please," you begged, and he chuckled darkly at you.
"Don't beg," he teased, settling on his knees once more. His breath was warm against your thighs, but his touch was cold as he placed a small kiss to the inside of your left one. "Not yet."
Your mind flashed back to the pie contest, his face smeared with the berry filling, the sounds he made as he ate--
None of that, compared to this.
"Oh my God," you squeaked, your hand finding a fistful of his hair as he licked up your folds. His tongue worked, swirling mercilessly through your folds as you clenched around nothing. You sucked in breath after breath, your head falling back in pleasure as he continued eating you out. The way his lips roved and sucked, his nose nudging your clit with the movement; fuck, it was electrifying.
Your gaze lifted as you heard the doorknob turning, a jolt of fear running through you. Ridoc only paused a moment, looking over his shoulder as the door opened slightly. Your eyes met the wide blue ones you were so familiar with, and his jaw dropped.
"What the fuck-" he muttered, unable to tear his gaze away from your body. He unashamedly looked you over, not moving into or out of the room.
"Liam, please-"
You were cut off with a whine as Ridoc shoved his forefinger and middle inside of you, your face contorting in pleasure. He smirked, looking at his friend once more.
"Ahhh, come on man -- you know you don't want to go back downstairs."
Liam watched, looking almost horrified as Ridoc continued fingering you. The small squeaks coming from you must have propelled him inside, as he quickly crossed the entrance and shut the door. He sat down his glass on the nightstand, his eyes taking in the scene before him.
Ridoc set a punishing pace, curling his fingers inside of you every time he pulled out and re-inserted them.
"Oh God," you whined, and Liam quietly walked around the other side of the bed. He sat behind you, awkwardly for a moment, just watching. Your fingers found your nipples, pinching hard as you toyed with your boobs in front of the two men.
"Seems like you have a little problem," Ridoc taunted, and you arched off the bed a bit. Your gaze foudn Liam sitting behind you, upside down, yes, but you didn't miss the tent in his pants.
No going back now.
"Liam," you whined, feeling your impending orgasm nearing its peak. "I want to cum."
He sucked in a short breath, leaning over on the bed and pressing his lips to yours once. You moaned into the kiss, queaking as his large hands found your breasts and squeezed.
His voice was a mere growl as it found your ear.
“Let me help you with that.”
"Oh fuck!" You chanted, the feeling of Ridoc fingering you and now lapping at your clit almost too much -- especially with the way Liam pinched and rolled his thumbs over your hardened peaks.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming-"
You unleashed your orgasm with a sigh, your quivering hole clenching around Ridoc's digits over, and over, and over again. Your abdominal muscles flexed and unflexed, the feeling of Liam's hands cupping your boobs made you want more.
Before you could think too long about it, Liam was sliding off the bed behind you, his gentle hands guiding you to lie flat on your back. You did as such, submitting to whatever he gave you.
It turns out, he wanted something from you.
Your head hung over the edge of the bed, and your gaze found the floor. Liam hovered over you, the distinct sound of his jeans zipper cut through the otherwise quiet room before his fingers gripped your chin.
He tapped his hard cock on your lips once, twice -- groaning when you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out flat. His fingers pumped his dick above you, before guiding it into your wide mouth.
You garbled around his thick length, the sheer size of it forcing your throat to open wide. He shoved all the way in, his pelvis meeting your nose before he pulled out, and pushed back in, slowly fucking your mouth.
"So fucking good baby,"
You blushed at the praise, your head still swimming with the effects of the alcohol you'd consumed. In the back, you could hear Ridoc's soft praises as he fisted his own cock at the sight.
"So pretty, taking dick down your throat."
Your pussy clenched at his words.
Liam continued thrusting, only slowing when his dick began to lurch. He was close, and you could feel it.
"Fuck -- oh fuck," he chanted, ramming his cock down your throat before halting. He breathed heavily as cum sprayed your throat, his release bittersweet as you swallowed it.
"Mmm yes... swallow all of it."
You do as your told, gulping down the last remnants of his seed before he yanks his cock from you. Gasping for air, your mind swims. Lifting your head up and regaining focus is a monumental task -- and before long, Ridoc is trading places with his roomate.
"Hands and knees, gorgeous."
His rough tone sends a shiver down your spine, but you obey. You lean forward, ass up and pussy spread to Ridoc behind you. Liam appeared before you, leaning onto the bed once more before fisting your hair in his hand. You whimpered, and felt the unmistakable tap of Ridoc's length on your ass cheek.
"Gonna take all of me? Like the good girl you are?"
All you could do was nod, unable to look back at him. Liams fingers toyed with your breasts, his other hand still gripping your hair tight. Your mouth fell open as Ridoc pushed in, inch by agonizing inch, until he was seated at the hilt.
You cried out when he retracted, slamming back into you at full force.
"Fuck, babe -- perfect pussy," he praised, his rough pace already causing a weakness in your knees. Liam licked his lips, his fingers trailing lower toward your aching clit.
"Please -- oh fuck, yes Ridoc," you chanted, lurching forward with every sharp drive he gave you. Your eyes rolled back as Liam found your clit, rubbing slow circles around it.
"What... the Hell... is going on here?"
Your eyes shot open at the tone, your cheeks immediately pinkening in shame. Ridoc nor Liam let up, still rubbing and thrusting into you as though Dain Aetos wasn't standing in the doorway.
"D-Dain.... oh fuck," you groaned before meeting his gaze. His brows narrowed as he took in the scene, though he didn't leave the doorway. "P-please, it's not what it-"
"What it, what, looks like?" He scoffs incredulously. "Because to me, it looks like you're fucking your non-boyfriend, or, boyfriends? Maybe?" He shakes his head, his eyes not so subtly tracing over your form.
Your mouth twists as Ridoc hits a particularly sensitive spot.
"Correction," he says, finally adressing the junior. "We, are fucking, her." He chuckles. "And, no, we're not her boyfriends."
Dain shakes his head again, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Look, I don't give a fuck what you all are. But, I swear to God, everyone can fucking hear you through that window-" he gestures to the open window, moonlight pouring in.
Liam pinches your clit, and you squeal.
"See?" He throws his hands up. "Everyone can fucking hear you."
"Why don't you come shut her up then?" Liam asks, taking on a tone you'd never heard before.
"Yeahhh," Ridoc agrees, his fingers gripping the meat of your ass. "You're the VP here -- teach her a lesson."
Dain sighs, stepping into the room and locking the door behind him.
"I fail to see how this is a good idea," he hesitates, but nonetheless stalks closer to the bed. You peer up at him, your rounded glassy eyes only sending a rush of blood straight to his cock.
"P-please, Dain," you beg, biting your lower lip. "You still... oh," you pause, feeling Liam's fingers rub your clit. "Y-you still have... one more..."
"Oh, I'm well aware." He grumbles, his fingers wrapping around the base of your throat as he squats before you. At eye level, he's even more devastating. He leans in, kissing your lips timidly before backing away, studying you with uncertainty.
"Come onnn," Ridoc pants, egging him on. "I know you want to -- you've been undressing her with your eyes all night."
Dain sighs, his tongue running along his bottom lip before he rises. He unbuckles his belt, letting it fall to the floor before sliding down his jeans. His cock springs free, slapping against his pelvis. He takes it in his hand, rubbing his fingers up and down the length.
"There you go -- now, show her how to be quiet." Liam urges.
Dain steps forward, his darkened eyes meeting yours as he guides his cock to your awaiting mouth. He slides it past your lips, shuddering when you swirl your tongue around the tip.
"Shit," he groans, his hand finding your jaw as he pushes in further. You gag as he stuffs your mouth, reveling in the way he throws his head back in pleasure.
He syncs with Ridoc, his cock pushing down your throat with every thrust Ridoc drives into you. You're moaning, the sound strangled around Dain's dick as he continues fucking your mouth, slow and deliberate.
"Shit, I'm fucking close-"
Ridoc drives in harder, his cock rubbing your g-spot before he bursts inside of you. His warm seed paints your walls white, pushed further inside as he delivers a last few, languid strokes. You clench around him as you find your own release, the fire in your lower abdomen burning hotter than it did the first time you came.
Liam sighs beside you, abandoning your pussy as he makes to rise off the bed. You groan at the sudden loss of Ridoc inside of you and Liam's fingers on your clit, the primary focus now being on Dain and his jerking cock. He growls as he fucks your face faster, his eyes studying your arched back and rounded ass as he drives himself in.
"Fuck sweetheart," he grumbles, his hand cupping your chin as he fucks your face with fervor. "This is what happens when you don't follow the rules, gonna get me in trouble-"
He pull shis cock from you, his hand pumping it before your face as you realize his impending release. You look up at him innocently, laying your tongue out flat for him. He moans, loud and clear, before semen shoots from the head of his cock, painting your face white with each ejaculation.
He breathes heavy, working to come down from his high while the other two quietly dress and make to leave the room. You continue to stare, flashing him an unabashed, drunken grin.
"Maybe I'll break the rules more often, then."
* ✧・゚: *
#the empyrean#fourth wing smut#ridoc fourth wing#fourth wing#iron flame imagine#iron flame#onyx storm#ridoc smut#ridoc x reader#ridoc gamlyn#dain aetos#liam mairi x you#liam mairi smut#liam mairi imagine#liam mairi x reader#liam mairi#read more
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On a random night in 1989, Ice and Mav have a fight about their future together. Ice wants to quit the navy and love Mav in all the ways he deserves, out and proud, but Maverick doesn't let him. He knows Ice wants to climb through the ranks and get stars on his shoulder, he can't be the reason Ice misses this.
That night, they broke up. Ice couldn't bear be with someone who didn't love him just as much as he loves them, and Maverick couldn't tell Ice he wouldn't give up flying for him.
Ice quits the navy. He would've done it with or without Maverick.
30+ years go by, and their lives haven't even once crossed paths, not even at Slider's wedding nor Sundown's funeral. It seems like the universe had separate plans for them, and it stuck this way.
(They were at both of these events, but Wolfman was in charge of "Not let Mav and Tom see each other" and he always aces a task)
Until Wolf's retirement party, that is. With him being the center of attention, he gives Hollywood the most important task of his life, Wood have other plans tho, he's very easily distracted by his husband's beautiful smile and when they're least expecting it...
"Hey" Maverick says, sitting on the bar, side by side with Tom.
"Pete!" Tom opens a big smile "Long time no see!"
"Yeah, right." Mav takes a pause, looking at the other up and down. "You look great"
And he did. Being away from the navy must've given Tom 10 years of his life back.
"You look exactly the same," Tom laughs. "Like, scarily so."
Pete laughs with him, although the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. In just 2 minutes, between seeing Tom from across the room and engaging in conversation with him, Mav noticed he seems... happy.
"I think I've been time traveling in those jets," he jokes, and Tom laughs. Again.
Tom didn't have such an easy smile back then. It rubs on Maverick the wrong way.
"How have you been?" Tom asks, after taking a sip of his vodka.
Maverick did not have a good answer to that question. Miserable? Missing you every day of my life? Discharged?
"Good" it's what he settles for. "You?"
Something in Tom's eyes twitches, like he's well aware Maverick's lying to his face, he says nothing about it, and Mav doesn't give him a chance to. He spots the ring on Tom's finger and, before he can help himself, he asks:
"What's her name?" Earning yet another laugh from Tom.
"I know it's been a while, but I'm sure you remember I'm not particularly interested in women." Tom plays with his ring and adds: "His name is Grant, and he's..." Tom searches for something in the room, then points. "... right there."
Against his better judgment, Mav turns to see where Tom's pointing. He regrets it immediately. Grant is gorgeous.
He's the exact opposite of Pete. For starters, he's tall, taller than Ice, taller than Slider whom he's talking excitedly with. Grant's hair is silver, and he carries a smile that would make Mav swoon if the situation was any different.
"We met in 2001" Tom continues, smiling lovingly at his partner. "Got married in 2016, and..."
"Our kid came to our lives in 2019. She just turned 10."
Maverick feels like he's going to throw up. Husband and daughter. Tom had both a husband and a daughter while Pete was still in weird terms with Bradley and as single as he's ever been. It wasn't fair. He was the one who didn't want Tom and now... Now, Tom has been living a happy life with a family he could only dream of when he was in the navy, and Pete still held onto a tiny bit of hope that he would get Ice back.
It wasn't fair. Not at all. He might die of regret.
"Listen, I gotta go to the restroom, " Ice said, getting up. "You stay here! I'll be back. We have a lot of catch-up to do, " and walked away.
Mav downed the rest of Tom's drink in one go, very disappointedly realizing it was water and not vodka.
"Hey, shortstack!" comes from Ron Kerner, looking a bit tipsy, bringing Grant on his arm. "I want you to meet my dear friend, Grant!"
"Yeah, I..."
"Grant, this is Pete Mitchell, Tom's wingmen" hearing Slider refer to him as Ice's wingmen did something weird to Mav's heart. "Mav, this is Grant Kazansky, he's..."
"Ice's husband, yeah, I heard."
Both Slider and Grant giggle at this. Grown man. Giggling. "He hates being called Ice nowadays," Grant explains. "He says Iceman is someone who should stay in the past."
"Sorry, old habits." Mav opens an awkward smile.
"Can I get you a drink?" Grant offers. "Something stronger than Tom's water."
"I thought it was vodka." Mav murmurs.
Already gesturing to the bartender to bring a drink, Grant says: "He stopped drinking when our princess came to our lives."
"And yet I'm her contact emergency" Slider interrupts.
"Because you let her eat ice cream before dinner!"
And isn't this nice? Maverick thought to himself. Him, his biggest love's husband and fucking Ron Kerner all sitting together and having a nice chat!
Before he could actually throw up in front of these people, he excused himself and went to get some fresh air.
Not even 5 minutes go by before someone sits down besides him on the sidewalk.
"He talked about you." Grant says, offering Mav a glass of something that might be whiskey — or apple juice, you never know.
"Good things, I hope." Mav says, taking the glass.
Grant snorts, but doesn't answer. Awkward silence rovers between them.
"Do you love him?" Pete asks, breaking it.
Without missing a beat, Grant answers: "More than I ever loved anyone."
Something twists in Mav's stomach, but he ignores it.
"That's good. He only deserves good things."
But it went without saying. Grant knew Tom deserved only good things, hell, Ice knew it. He would never settle for less than he deserves, and that's why he's with Grant and not Maverick.
"He's lucky to have you," Pete finishes, swallowing the bitter taste the words leave in his mouth.
"I'm lucky to have him." After a beat of awkward silence, Grant adds: "You should come by to dinner."
Mav must've heard it wrong, so he waits for Grant to correct himself. It never comes.
"Dinner at our place," Grant explains. "He'd love to get you back in his life, he treasures his friends a lot."
Friends. Right. That's what they are. No.
"We haven't been friends in a long time," not since 1986, he lefts unsaid, since we started dating.
Grant seems to think about it, then decides, "Now it's a good time to reconect. Enjoy your drink."
Then he walks back into the bar, leaving Mav and his thoughts alone.
It all seems a bit crazy for him. Ice — sorry, Tom — has a husband. And they've been together for more than twenty years. A husband who loves him dearly and isn't afraid to say so. A husband who goes to navy events just to celebrate Tom's old friends. A husband who looks like could and would kill anyone who did Tom wrong. A husband who sat down with Tom's ex and invited him to dinner just because.
Pete thinks he should accept the offer. Just to see what Tom's been up to and meet his daughter, would she like him? Would she call him "Uncle Mav"? He should call Slider and check on what to wear and say...
Oh. He doesn't know what to say around Tom. They're strangers now. The man who he once shared a house, a bed, a life, and a heart with is now a stranger to him.
The realization does something to him, something very bad. He takes a sip of his drink and decides this day could not get any worse.
Huh. Whiskey. A good one. At least Grant knows his liquor.
#i pictured Grant as Thomas Ian Griffin#i talked about this fic before but I have to confess something#i fell for grant#and little alice#and i couldn't bear to break their hearts#so i probably won't finish it#icemav#top gun maverick#top gun#tom iceman kazansky#pete maverick mitchell#top gun fanfiction#top gun 1986#ron slider kerner
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scout: what if i throat chopped him instead. he will want to talk and i can’t work and talk at the same time… at all. he’d be asking veterinary questions and i’d have to be like bro… i’m not that guy. you may think i’m that guy but i’m not that guy. i’m not that guy at all bro. his puny brain cannot comprehend how i take a dirty nasty dog and turn it into a beautiful, clean, fresh smelling dog. like the process baffles him after the scrubbing part of the bath. but he enjoys watching it.
soldier: he will try to help and i will have to politely tell him to sit his ass down and watch. might have him lift the big dogs on my table. also marginally baffled at how i manage to do my job. finds it funny when i have to climb into the tub. he asks questions i should feasibly know, but i just can’t talk and work at the same time. if he has questions he should wait until after i’m off. he’d be fun to bitch to off the clock.
pyro: they will watch politely, and occasionally ask to pet a dog, and then i’d have to tell them i’m not insured for anyone else except me touching the dog. i might let them pet the ones i know are very nice and friendly. but not for long, since i do still have to do my job. but they’d be a very nice spectator, and i’d let them pick bandanas and bows if they so wished to. every animal that steps off my table looks nice to them, and sometimes i will have to cringe and accept the uneducated compliment.
demo: asleep in the kennel. joking! kinda. but in all seriousness he’s genuinely interested in my work! he recognizes the necessity of it, and applauds my efforts to do my best. finds it somewhat humorous this is my occupation; though the more he thinks about it, he finds that he couldn’t imagine me doing anything else, really. happy i made something of myself.
heavy: a quiet watcher. will not give an opinion unless i ask for it, which is incredibly welcomed. very much a rubber duck type. he won’t talk while i’m working, and if anything will tell me to quit talking and work, that i do better work when i’m quiet, and he is very right about that, so i will oblige. but as we both look at the dog, he might point out something i don’t see, especially if it’s a larger dog and he knows i’m losing steam from staring at the dog for so long. best for last minute catches and fixes.
engineer: appalled and frightened by the state of my clippers. work will stop so he can fix them. and the entire time i am getting an earful about the importance of maintaining my tools. while i get it, if the guy only comes on fridays, and i gotta call… i just ain’t got the brain for it sometimes engie, im sorry. he does still realize the quality of my work, he just knows it’ll be easier with a new blade drive. and he’s certainly not wrong.
medic: the doc doesn’t want to see me do a good job on a nice dog where it’s sunshine and rainbows and happiness and love and joy and i can make the dog look great. call him when i’m suffering. he’ll be there when i’m sitting with the dog on my table and my head in my hands. he wants to see the work come to a complete stop. he wants to see the ones that wreck my time management for the day. he wants to see the crisis cases. he wants watch me cry so he can laugh about it. tell me this is the job. shape up and finish it.
sniper: every dog looks great. once i pull out the thinners he’s impressed. but it is only occasionally when he is interested in details. will normally watch in silence. polite enough to wait for me to be off work to ask his questions. and if i can answer them, i will! he finds it to be an odd, niche job. but he doesn’t think it in a negative way, he himself has an odd, niche job. just interesting to see how odd and niche it can get on both ends.
spy: finally, a man with some strong opinions. spy will be critical and i will welcome it, no question. he’s so picky that when i parse through his comments on my technique i find that he’s actually saying things i can use. or at least things i should consider. he’s a good stand in for a client, staring over my shoulder, parsing through my notes, especially if i got to interact with the client beforehand. i get good results with him.
#team fortress 2#team fortress two#tf2 medic#tf2 sniper#tf2 heavy#tf2 scout#tf2 soldier#tf2 engineer#tf2 pyro#tf2 spy#tf2 demoman#tf2 demo#why would i ever let my favorite character comfort me in times of stress#i am a slave to the canon#and that’s okay i wouldn’t have him any other way#thanks for appreciating my hcs if you got this far!#oh! by the way!#two. more. posts.
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Agnes meeting up Alice over ohhhh almost 20 years?!😭🙃💔
Continuation from this post
Agnes takes the number Vidal gives her. It takes her almost a week and a half to even punch the number into her phone. She expects it to either be busy or deactivated but it rings
Alice picks up on the 3rd ring and Agnes' heart catches in her throat when she hears Alice's voice. She sounds the same, maybe a little older now but, still the same voice she carried around in her memory all these years
Agnes takes a breath to answer; nervous as ever and there's silence on the other end until Alice just whispers, "Hey, sweetheart"
And Agnes is sucked right back into those 5 years with Alice and everything they shared, everything they dreamed
She has to stop herself from crying; pulling up her strength in her voice as she asks the usual questions
And Alice can hardly believe she's talking to Agnes and god, does she sound the same. A little rougher, bolder. She can tell she fell into herself since they saw or talked to one another last and Alice is genuinely so happy
They set a date and time to meet up at Agnes' favorite coffee place
It's like stepping back in time for them; staring at each other and still seeing that young woman just as they remembered last. Now there in this coffee shop, 20 years later and 20 years older and has time ever really passed?
They both 'know' of each other through work; that wasn't a surprise - it was just never in the cards for them to cross paths again
Alice telling Agnes she was surprised to see her working for Westview and not Eastview. Agnes explaining she couldn't leave her roots that easily and, she wanted to bring some good to Westview's name
Alice asks first because she can tell Agnes is trying to avoid bringing up or touching on the topic,
"So...you seeing anyone?"
And Agnes gives Alice this look that Alice has soon to forget; mischievous and doing her best at trying not to gush. Alice laughs, grabbing Agnes' arm to shake her playfully. A phantom touch; something Agnes both remembered and forgot
"Yeah...uh..you know the Agent who-"
"Oh my god...Vidal?!"
Agnes is just :V like, how do you know her?!
"Everyone knows her, she's one of the best of the best...damn, Agnes" JUST SIZING HER UP LIKE SHIT, I TAUGHT YOU WELL 🥺
Agnes just brushes it off, blushing like she got a instant sunburn
"And you? I'm sure you have someone; I mean shit, Gulliver..."
"Ok, so you still can't flirt...knew it."
Alice showing pics of her and Jennifer on her phone. Little milestones, birthdays, parties, trips. Agnes approves; genuinely happy for Alice
"Look at us, huh? How did we get so lucky?"
And Agnes is smiling at Alice, shaking her head but there's still that gnawing sensation inside of her. Gnawing at something she lost, something she can't get back. The feeling that something in burning her thigh through the pocket of her jeans; the unspoken words. The years that passed without words at all
They both turn a little serious as they sip their coffees in silence; the unspoken weight of personal history on their shoulders
"I kept every card...whatever you had left behind in that apartment. Notes, pictures...especially the pictures...god, Alice, I couldn't get rid of those? It felt...wrong..."
And Alice just nods because, she too, kept what she took. Her notes, her pictures. Cards that Agnes gave her while they were together
"Fuck...I still have that orange flannel shirt I bought with you..."
"How much have you told Vidal?"
And she's serious. Not in the angry sense but in the sad, grieved sense. And Agnes can't look at her face; can't face Alice's eyes
"...Did she reach out to you for your number because, I didn't ask her to go looking for it..."
"She really loves you, you know? Agent Vidal? You gotta let her in Agnes...you can let her in like you did with me..."
And she knows Alice is right. Her words are true. She knows how much Vidal loves her, how much she trusts her. She couldn't picture her life now without the Agent by her side. She nods, looking up at Alice's face
"Don't lose her Agnes, not this one."
They make plans to meet up again, talk again. They have each others numbers saved now; shooting a test text to make sure
Alice has Agnes saved as Sweetheart 💙
Agnes has Alice saved as Sunshine 🔆
Agnes pulls off just a little ways on her way back home after the meet up. She's got her favorite song blasting through the stereo as she pulls up to Norm's Pawn Shop
Norm is working which, works in Agnes favor because she knows he'll know exactly what she's looking for
A vintage, simple yet elegant emerald ring
#Marvel#Agatha All Along#Butch!Agatha#Agnes O'Connor#Detective Agnes O'Connor#Agnes of Westview#Agent Vidal#Rio Vidal#Alice Wu Gulliver#Jennifer Kale#heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥺🥺💙#LOOK AT THAT#LOTS OF NEW THINGS#Writing#HCs#Headcanons
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Anon Ask:
What do you think about making peace with an ex and catching up occasionally? (I shortened it, but this was the gist)
In normal circumstances, I would disagree.
If you don’t have an issue with him, then it’s really up to you. If he’s been decent and supportive after the breakup, then it makes sense to keep in touch, especially if you seemingly want to- but only because the guy wasn't a horrible human being. It really comes down to how these interactions make you feel. If they drain you or bring up negative emotions, ask yourself—is it even worth it? If staying in touch keeps you clinging to the past when you’re trying to move on, then don’t do it.
Personally, I’m not friends with any of my exes, even the ones who proposed to me. Not because of bad blood,—I simply don’t feel they need to be in my life. We grew into completely different people and we are not aligned at all. I have never taken an ex back either, would I? I haven't been in a scenario that has even made me consider it, so I don't know. I believe real change takes time and even then, it has to align with your own growth. In my perspective, if someone hasn’t changed much and you still feel compatible with them, that means you haven’t grown much either. If we both grew into similar paths and there is love there, then it is what it is, you know? This is obviously circumstantial.
That said, your situation is different. You’ve mentioned he’s done the work and both he and his family have remained good to you. If you two are still compatible and there are lingering feelings, then do what feels right. You shared a long history, time has passed and there’s clearly still love there. You’ve both evolved individually, so reconnecting in some way isn’t unreasonable I just wouldn't advice to be too lenient, or rush into anything until he proves himself and shows you that this new him isn't an act. You will know too because it will feel different.
I strongly believe that in love and relationships, you can’t just push feelings aside or ignore them, you really have to see these things through. They don’t just disappear. No amount of distractions will make them go away if they still need to be processed. Suppressing emotions only delays the inevitable—they’ll surface in unexpected ways, through nostalgia, dreams or even in future relationships. It is not a fun experience I promise.
So, my most sincere and love filled advice is this: If he’s not a terrible person, he genuinely loves you and he’s good to you, then follow your heart. Whether that means friendship, closure, or something more, honor what feels right for you. There’s no right or wrong answer—only what brings you peace. Just be honest with yourself about whether this connection is helping you move forward or keeping you in an emotional loop.
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Would you perchance write something about either Price or Ghost (or both, author's choice 🫡) coming out as trans to the rest of the team? I love soft little stories where a character carefully pick the right time to reveal that they weren't always a man or the completely unapologetic reveal of top surgery scars without any shame whatsoever. I also love me some lovey dovey 141 boys finding out new things about each other and only becoming closer because of it ♥️
Heheheh. Yes yup absoulutely I love this. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! I ADORE GETTING THEM!
Ghost leaned against the wall debating it. He'd been working with the 141 for three years now. He really should come out to them.
Not just because he did trust them and wanted the most important people in his life to know him, truly know him.
But he also felt is was... probably a necessary thing to inform them of. He'd hate to be like injured on his chest and they go to treat it, and tits.
He sat back, chewing on his lip as he debated it.
He didn't get to debate it for long because Johnny noticed something was up. "Ghos' ye good?"
Ghost half considered just nodding and letting that be the end of it, but he was also being a pussy. "Uh... yeah just... just something ay should tell you guys... probably."
And just like that he had three sets of eyes on him. And was also regretting his decision, somewhat considering exiting via the window.
"I'm trans. Like born... a girl in the wrong body... but I'm a guy."
Shit shit shit.
Soap spoke up "Damn noice."
Ghost blinked at him. That was it? No transphobia, or being an arse or anythin? Just... noice?
Gaz stared at him intently for a second.."So have you had the titty chop? Because like... I cannot believe you were born female. Obviously you were meant to be a guy."
Ghost quickly blinked back the years before answering... "Uhm.. yeah .... No I haven't... they were just small so I built up the muscle to make em look like pecs"
The scot whistled "Damn LT! Dedication!" He declared high fiving the brit.
Ghost nodded glancing over at Price who hadn't said a word. "Uhm... sir?"
Price glanced up blinking. "yeah... sorry just .. You know what can't be fucked to word it." The older then pulled his shirt off, gesturing at the scars under his pecs "I am also.. uh.. trans"
Well this was going a shit tonne better then Simon was expecting. He didn't even know why he was worried. It was his team.
Hope this is what you wanted anon!! I couldn't pick so you got both!!
#cod#cod modern warfare#cod mw2#cod fanfic#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#simon riley#johnny 'soap' mactavish#Trans ghost#Trans price#john price cod#captain john price#cod john price#john price#kyle gaz garrick#task force 141#Kyle#Gaz#Silly#tf141#141 as family
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Fighting for your life with heroes against brand new ones that sweep your team. Henrietta lore? That power she must keep in check? Summoner just won't die. Only in some timelines. and badly. Sharena. Ragnorok?!?! Loki's shenanigans.
Thank you stranger! In no particular order, let’s go through these
First off, OH I LOVEEEEEE BEING IMMEDIATELY PROVEN WRONG ABOUT LOKI. FINALLY. THANK FUCK. The validation I felt when the question of her motives was IMMEDIATELY brought up this book. I don’t care that my read was wrong— what I truly wanted more than anything was something of more substance to read into. As for actual predictions, my bets are that her aims are on bringing about Ragnorok and the end of the gods. For fun. As a treat. For the silly.
As for the actual state of the game, idk man, I play this game weird. I’m both free to play and entirely causal, so it’s entirely up to luck if I ever have any relevant units. In my many years of playing this game, I have never managed to +10 merge a unit that wasn’t a grail unit. So I don’t tend to play game modes where that matters much, with the exception of aether raids sometimes. I like clearing the challenge maps and making the story mode levels really difficult by using strictly Askr trio.
For events outside of that, I have a lot of fun using about one team per six months and trying to creatively use them and their base skills to solve whatever new bullshit is added. The game is clearly not built for you to do that, but I like the challenge it poses. I got really lucky on the CYL7 banner and got all four of the guys from that event. Brave Robin, Corrin, Soren and Gullvieg was my go to team for wayyyy longer than it should have, especially with zero changes to their kits and no merges. Hell I didn’t even have dragon flowers on half of them because Askr Trio building has long stolen most of flower supply. But god was it fun. I know how that group of units play off each other like the back of my hand. And considering how most people tend to just be frustrated with this game’s gameplay, it feels like I must be doing something right. I am constantly broke tho, so rip.
On the lore side, Henriette and Gustav are such a fascinating two for one package for me. Marketable plushies often bought together please don’t separate. The :) to his >:(. They’re both are great rulers and loving partners, but fumbled a bit in their parenting in ways that make total sense. For you see, I am a firm believer that everyone walks out of their childhood at least a little fucked up. Even the best parents are still human. And I adore Askr’s royal family unit, because it digs into that idea! Henriette and Gustav weren’t abusive or harboring malicious intent, but they were neglectful and lacking in ways that cannot be denied. Which is extremely cool! More of this please and thank you.
Looping back to the quote in question, to be perfectly honest, I would be pleasantly surprised if we ever got answers for her day of devotion alt voice lines. However, Gustav having a wife with the power to kill him easily would be so fucking funny. Like father, like son. If your romantically coded life partner can’t theoretically ensure your body is never found, what’s even the point. She doesn’t even need to be secretly divine or anything— I would be satisfied with her being something as simple as an abnormally strong mage. She can accidentally fold people like an omelet if she’s not being careful. Which, now that I’m putting that into writing, might contribute to her relationship with her kids.
Speaking of, Sharena!!! My best friend Sharena!!! I’ve got a multitude of thoughts cooking for her, but currently the one at the forefront is making home girl jacked as hell. Not joking. Dead ass. We all know the role she plays on a personality level— she’s the heart. The emotional glue that keeps these loner trickster types together and in check. But considering that this is the theater of war and everyone else has a role to play, I think it could be interesting if she was the beefiest fighter in the Askr trio. She’s able to dedicate the time fully to that craft, you know? She’s not balancing the responsibilities that arise from being the Order’s commander, tactician, or right hand man/history buff. Not to mention she was trained to fight by Bruno, who presumably played the role of group muscle before her. Therefore, when it comes to feats of physical strength, Sharena should be the Order’s go-to lady! I think it would be neat! She deserves the ability to easily carry her commanding officer and beat Alfonse’s nerdy ass in an arm wrestle.
Last but certainly not least, summoner bad ends! What could possibly go wrong? A lot, apparently. And it happens much more often than you’d expect.
See, I don’t think it’s that the summoner cannot die. Polar opposite, if anything. Each success is built upon the littered corpses of millions of failures. This idea loops back to the alternate version of Askr the group finds in book 3. In order to defeat Hel, they must loot the corpse of a dead world. By its very nature, not every summoner has an alternate corpse to loot. At least half of all realities where the summoner exists results in death and ruin by book 3 ALONE. This is saying nothing of all the dangerous odds they must beat from then to book 9. Just pulling one example off the dome, in order to defeat Gullveig, they had to die a truly eldritch and inconceivable amount of times. But we the audience don’t bear witness to that. We get to see the one world with the one summoner who is hitting those fraction of a fraction odds. The universe’s luckiest bastard. Others are not so lucky.
#Thank you so much for the ask! I enjoyed this little shotgun blast of topics.#I could have theoretically expanded any of these ideas into their own full Ted talks but that’s a lot labor#This short and sweet version is a good alternative methinks. I might do this more often.#feh#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem#feh Ted talk#ask asnwered#feh loki#fe loki#feh henriette#FE Henriette#feh gustav#FE Gustav#feh sharena#fe sharena#feh kiran#fe kiran#feh summoner#fe summoner
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"then, what is it about? you haven't held back on the rest. why start now?" her tone wasn't even argumentative but whilst they were airing things, he may as well get this off his chest. She'd rather this be the disgusting argument it was now, then them constantly having to come back to it because they didn't raise everything they wanted too. "i shouldn't be so willing to agree but i do." there was definitely something wrong with the both of them. "that may have been the logical thing to do but is there anything logical about love? i mean, i'm genuinely asking because i'm still attempting to figure it all out. and you didn't do the same to me? i know it was confusing at the beginning but i've loved you from the moment i saw you. how the fuck isn't that ruining me for anyone else? just you, that would have been nice." could he still even give her that anymore? well, all she knew was that she wasn't going to be one of those sad people who ended up regretting not fighting as hard as they could for the person they love. cecilia wasn't sure she had the answer and that hit the hardest because he was right, no one could ever fault how hard they had tried but the thought of giving up? it hurt as much as holding on was right now and she didn't know what to do. "then, what do you suggest? is the best that you can come with is to give up? to just end this?" maybe that was the right thing to do but she could have crippled over with how much the thought of doing that hurt her. "I THOUGHT --" and she honestly felt like the biggest idiot for even letting herself think it. Llt alone admit it to him, when he was right and had told her what felt like a hundred times. "CONSIDER KRAMER TAKEN CARE OF. I'LL SEE TO IT PERSONALLY." she could have given him so long speech back but nothing was going to make up for the fact that she just hadn't seen this. nothing. "is this all you have to desperately cling too? that you made vows to her? because you made vows to me first. you made vows to me that were actually supposed to mean something. this marriage to donna was as forced as our divorce was. she got a pay cheque out of it, p. please, please explain to me why you think you owe her ANYTHING?" this was one situation she truly didn't understand and honestly, she was never going to want to understand why he was acting like his vows to donna were important than the ones he made to her. "i don't know." that was the truth, and yet her grip on his bare shoulders was so tight, it was very clear that she wasn't contemplating letting go either. "so? i thought we were already there." oh, cecilia wanted to leave her fair share of marks and bruises on him. she wanted to show donna how insignificant she was in the grand scheme of things. the rougher he was, the rougher she encouraged him to be, she didn't want gentle, she didn't want nice right now. "i think you're doing a pretty good job at convincing yourself of that. yes." this was taking to much time, she needed him now. fumbling with the button on his jeans so that she could free them of any barriers between them. "you're going to show me..." @fcdcdmcmories
"IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT. I..." or maybe it was and maybe he had been fooling himself and right now, he didn't particularly know what he was meant to say. that they didn't work? THEY DIDN'T. that they were fools to even be here? yes, but.. was that going to change anything? probably not and maybe, their story showed that it was not going to. but.. but.. what could he even say? was there any making any of this right? "i think we're both insane. i think we should have taken what happened with kramer and back home and stayed as far away from each other as possible, and yet.. we kept on attempting to make it work. TIME AND TIME AGAIN. I THINK THAT SAYS THAT WE'RE BOTH OUT OF OUR FUCKING MINDS. and you took all that i had left to give and apparently ruined me for anyone else. isn't that enough for you? what else do you want from me? of me?" because he didn't feel as if he had anything left to give. if anything, he felt as if it had all been taken away and right now, all that he saw was her. he couldn't look at anyone else. he had tried.. god, if he had tried, but.. NONE OF IT HAD WORKED. shaking his head and this time.. it was.. sadly. "it wouldn't work. you know that as well as i do. we tried. how long can love hold something together, when everything else seems to be pulling it apart?" wasn't that the case here? because he could admit it. he could admit that he loved her and he could admit that he had tried and he could admit that he had done everything and yet.. here they are. "I WARNED YOU. I WARNED YOU SO MANY TIMES ABOUT HIM. HE'S NOT OUR FRIEND. YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID TO ME. WHAT HE DID TO WILL. THAT FUCKER IN THE MASK THAT YOU SAW DOWN THERE? IT WAS HIM. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. HE DOESN'T EVEN REMOTELY CARE. HE WANTED TO OWN YOU. AND THIS SHOWS IT. NO, I DON'T THINK YOU HELPED HIM, I JUST.. I THINK HE'S YOUR BLIND SPOT. ALWAYS HAS BEEN." for a moment, he stopped. for a moment, his hand lifted, almost as if he wanted to reach for her and almost as if he wanted to end it all there and then, but.. it fell down. it did. "i've tried. i've tried to forget you completely. i tried - god help me - to fall for donna so desperately, but.. i can't.. i can't even look at her without thinking it's wrong. WITHOUT THINKING SHE'S NOT YOU. THE ONE GREAT LOVE OF MY LIFE," he could admit that. it was the truth and he had spent long enough denying it. "I JUST.. I MADE VOWS TO HER and.. i can't just break them. and we.. you and i.. you know that we don't work. we're too different." but he didn't want to focus on that. he wanted to focus on her and right now, it was with a desperate grunt that he reached for her. "you still want me here? even.. after everything?" his voice did not seem like his own as he picked her up, placing her against the counter. his hand were everywhere ; in her hair, in her waist, against her own, pulling her closer to him.. closer, closer, closer. fuck. "we're going to hell for this. YOU KNOW?" nibbling against her neck, not bothering to be soft or gentle or anything. perhaps there'd be a mark there in the morning, but.. he laughed darkly, shaking his head. "you think that i don't want that? you?" grunting, as he got rid of her belt. "you really have no idea how much i do.." / @xtinyslip

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