#I love a Meta Knight and Susie that do not hate each other...
desultory-novice · 1 year
This convo exists in Apologies in a different, much less vitriolic form. But I kind of liked the version of Meta Knight and Susie that would be so openly barbed with each other so, enjoy...if you enjoy that!
<Meta & Susie on Evil Science>
"...Do not make Adeleine relive that tragedy."
"I wouldn't dare! I would be fixing things for her."
"I thought you were leaving that legacy behind..."
"That's right, I am! The Haltmann Works Company has decided to stop taking from people. Our remaining resources and staff are dedicated wholly to the task of giving back...!"
"...By handing Adeleine a lobotomized monster you've trained to drool her name on command? Her brother is dead, like so many others... His body thoughtlessly devoured by an entity that cannot feel; the last of his soul destroyed by innocent hands that did not even know what it was they mercifully slayed. And no matter what you think, no matter what you've heard, no matter what you've seen - even amongst the more... unique ...of our allies - there is no way to resurrect a soul that has been fully consumed. Whatever you make out of that will only traumatize a little girl further."
"Goodness! Someone in this room is certainly traumatized! Sir Knight, you really should have taken advantage of our company's medical benefits. It sounds to me like you have some baggage to work through! ...I'm not so foolish as to give a poor thing like her a defective product! If my plan fails, even a little, Adeleine will never see the results... She will never even hear about this..."
"She wasn't the traumatized little girl I was referring to, Susanna."
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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next up in the redeemed villain squad, the bitch ass egg that i used to scream "die" at when i was 8 (i never forgave him for his sins)
headcanon time yee haw
around 20 years old, the youngest in the kumazaki trio (excluding marx), a fact that he both hates and takes advantage of
cannot drive a damn thing. too busy gaming to get a license. this is why the lor has crashed 263827848383 times. do not trust him at the head of the star allies sparkler.
bandana dee HATES him and does not trust him one bit. magolor makes a point to be extra annoying to him.
VERY interested in the Ancients to the point where he dresses like them and tried to base his whole personality off the "ooo magik smart spooky so wise" vibe. he is an overzealous fanboy who cosplays everywhere he goes.
like tell me you don't see the similarities between magolor and hyness's robes. magolor probably found out he was 0.002% Ancient and ran with it (his ears look very similar to hyness's just saying)
game magolor is aroace but won't stop flirting with every living being (manga magolor is a different story)
has offered all his friends part time jobs at his themepark, they are now an unstoppable staff team
idk man something about how taranza is an expert in magic and susie is an expert in technology and how magolor is a perfect blend of both, constantly fluctuating between dramatic and poetic speech patterns and modern lingo. how the themes of their games revolve around the loss of love, family, and friendship for taranza, susie and magolor respectively.
susie and magolor get into petty fights at least once a week. they are either planning to kill each other or gossipping and counting money at any given point.
loooves to make fun of taranza. that's not nice, dude. stop.
lowkey kinda jealous of taranza for being better at magic than him. taranza offers to teach him but he always declines.
this guy is marx's biggest supporter #1 bestie bro before hoe partner in crime, all that jazz
they pull off silly shenanigans together and are banned from most public spaces.
magolor has taught marx everything he knows. their tomfoolery is unmatched.
has a hard time expressing his true feelings, often puts on a facade of overdramatizing his emotions to the point where it seems fake
genuinely does like making new friends, he thought that by obtaining the master crown, he could make a universe where people would have no choice but to like him because he would be the greatest ruler in the galaxy and overcome his crippling loneliness
option B was making a themepark, where he would be the harbinger of fun and joy, creating a space where people could meet and make new friends and hopefully see how fun and friendly magolor was, too
he is overjoyed that kirby considers him a friend after everything and would do anything for him
constantly trying to get on meta knight and dedede's good side
magolor's got outfits for every occasion. a real fashionista, that guy
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giantchasm · 10 months
Random Kirby Headcanon #21
The Kirby cast have all sorts of nicknames for each other.
When he was very young, the Animal Friends would refer to Kirby as ‘Twinkle,’ ‘Popopo,’ and ‘Kiddo.’ They’ll still actually do so sometimes if they’re feeling particularly sentimental.
For a long while Dedede exclusively referred to Kirby as things such as ‘Squirt’ and ‘Punk,’ but now that they’re friendly rivals he mostly calls him stuff like ‘Kirb’ or ‘Kirbster.’
Susie, obviously, refers to Kirby as ‘Pinky.’ Similarly, she refers to Meta Knight as ‘Navy’ sometimes as an extended play on that. He seems to be much less accepting of it, though.
In general, Meta Knight just does not really like nicknames. Despite this, oftentimes Dedede and Magolor simply call him ‘Meta,’ disregarding his repeated insistence they use his full title.
Dedede doesn’t have any nicknames, really, but sometimes Bandee refers to him as ‘Sire.’
Waddle Dees traditionally don’t even technically have names, so ‘Bandana Waddle Dee’ and ‘Bandee’ are nicknames in and of themselves, originally given to Bandee by King Dedede.
The other Animal Friends sometimes refer to Coo as ‘Birdbrain’ when he’s being particularly stubborn.
Back when Kirby first met Nago, Pitch and Chuchu, he addressed them solely by ‘Kitty,’ ‘Birdie,’ and ‘Squishy’ before he actually learned their names.
Marx loves to come up with ‘extensions’ for Gooey’s name. His favorite by far though is ‘Goobert.’
The Animal Friends refer to Marx by various clown names such as ‘Pagliacci’ and ‘Pennywise.’
Francisca refers to Marx as ‘Marxie.’ I think there’s a hilarious juxtaposition to be found in her referring to him by a cutesy name while full-well knowing he’s a sicko and in fact enjoying his company because of it.
For a while, Elfilin called Adeleine ‘Miss Human’ until she told him it was alright to use her name.
Daroach and Adeleine both refer to Dark Meta Knight as simply ‘Dark.’
Susie refers to Dark Meta Knight exclusively as ‘Edgelord.’
Dark Meta Knight calls Daroach ‘Rat.’ This is out of endearment… probably.
Marx and Dedede both refer to Magolor as ‘Mags.’ Zan Partizanne has also blessed him with the generous nickname of ‘Deceptive Egg.’
Flamberge calls Taranza ‘Spider-man,’ and later, once she realizes just how much of a softie he is, ‘Lovebug,’
She also calls Magolor ‘Catboy’ and Susie ‘Pinky,’ the latter of which Susie hates. Not only is it higly unprofessional, but that’s a nickname she already gave Kirby! Flamberge can’t just copy her.
In general, Susie does not like nicknames. This does not stop Magolor from regularly referring to her as ‘Suz,’ though.
Back when she was in her right mind, Joronia would sometimes sarcastically call Taranza ‘Peasant Boy’ because of his status as a commoner. Initially, this was probably meant to be insulting, but as their friendship deepened it became a vessel for affectionate teasing.
Francisca is sometimes referred to as just Fran or Franny by her sisters. Similarly, Flamberge is sometimes just Flam or Berge.
Francisca and Flamberge are the ONLY people allowed to call Zan Partizanne simply ‘Zan.’ Everyone else is expected to use her full name lest they receive a spear to the face.
Magolor, of course, does not heed this advice though, and incessantly refers to her as ‘Zan Parmesan.’ At this point it’s almost just Their Thing, though— pretending not to know each others names, that is. It’d be weird if he stopped.
Magolor calls Hyness ‘Blanket George.’ The first time he said it was before they fought him— which is to say before he knew Hyness was an Ancient, and he meant it in a pejorative manner. But after Hyness was purified, he still remembered it, to Magolor’s horror. Thankfully, though, he found it funny, and was in fact quite happy to receive a nickname, so Magolor’s kept it up.
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of-dream-land · 2 years
For this post ... If you haven't been asked yet, Magolor ~
YESSSSS omg this is perfect bc i have a LOT of hcs about magolor
attraction headcanon: i see him as pansexual !! leaning maybe a little more towards guys though
gender headcanon: i think he just doesn't rly care about that. like he says he's a guy out of convenience but i don't think he cares or thinks about that too hard
a ship i have with this character: oh boy. oh MAN. i have quite a few ships with magolor LOL so ill just go through all of them and explain my reasoning behind them i guess?
magoranza: GRAHHHHH.... i love them a lot. i think its my number one ship w him. i like to think that its smth that happens very gradually too. maybe they don't really like each other at first/find the other a little annoying but then eventually they get closer and catch feelings idk.... i like to imagine them as part of the same best friend group (w marx and susie too) so they get to spend more time that way since theyre together more often. also i just think they contrast each other nicely!! like ally who turns out to be an antagonist + antagonist who turns out to be an ally....auauauau
magochilly: THEY'RE VERY CUTE...!! its a little particular tho bc i dont necessarily like/agree w the way it was portrayed in the manga (making magolor this obsessive over chilly is very weird and creepy) but i think the fandom version of magochilly is adorable so im choosing to make my own too. i kinda just see them as magolor being all loud and open abt his love for chilly and chilly just being a little shy abt it but reciprocating when its just the two of them bc hes not used to pda and all... idk!! its very sweet to me
magoroach: so like. this one kind of started as a joke LMAO,,, the little animation scene in the main menu of star allies where daroach steals the lor and magolor runs after him kind of defined their entire relationship to me ngl LOL. like, magolor is a snarky piece of shit but daroach is someone an even BIGGER snarky piece of shit and i think thats smth magolor doesnt expect so he gets riled up p easily by him. i dont rly ship it that seriously tho i mostly see it as like,, smth they just Have eventually but its never that serious
magometa(?)/metalor(?): i dont know the ship name but LMKSDJJSDKL THIS SHIP IS FUNNY TO ME bc i already have a hc that meta knight fucking HATES magolor after the events of krtdl, so their rs to me is basically just the "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme. again more of a joke ship that i plan on making very specific fanart of eventually but i dont rly ship it that seriously
thats all for the ships. ahem. back to normal business
a brotp i have with this character: MARX!!!!! i think marx and magolor are best friends but in the way that they can't stand each other. they hate each other but they're always together. they enable each other. they bring out the worst in one another. if one of them died the other probably wouldn't care. they complete each other they start shit together they-- YOU GET ME. i love them. best worsties. worst besties. etc etc. i could talk abt their dynamic all day they mean so much to me
a notp i have with this character: m*rxolor im sorryyy (censoring so it doesnt end up in research tags)... there's nothing wrong w the ship! it's just not my cup of tea bc i see their rs as strictly platonic. also obvious one but him and kirby bc kirby is a child and i hc magolor to be a young adult so.
a random headcanon: i like to imagine that magolor has more cat-like attributes that arent just shown on his appearance. like he probably has a cat tree in the lor that he just uses for fun. he reacts to lasers the same way cats do. he probably purrs idk? if u dangle smth in front of him he'll stop what he's doing to catch it
general opinion of this character: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH he might be my current fav character of all times :] he's so fun and cringe (lovingly) and loveable!!! he makes me very happy. i could talk abt him for hours i could draw him for hours i could watch video essays abt him and abt kirby's return to dream land for hours too he is my everything my little meow meow my nyagolor (heart emoji) (heart emoji) (egg emoji) (gear emoji) (cat emo
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ceoofmetagala · 2 years
Since everyone sharing thier writing ideas i will too!! Some of which i have drafts for 👀👀
Just a cute lil metgala fluff- meta knight and galacta knight go on a date togther nothing speical just the 2 going omg u are so pretty for however long is dcdied to write it
Fecto and gala talk- meanwhile in hades while fevto is still trying to use its brain power to open rifts again they meet gala who's been wandering for a while with papi making a guest apprance with gala!!! That's it thats the plot. In the end fevto goes bye . (Leaves) (asorbs morpho like a girlboss) (goes to prep self to look even more emo)
Eldfin and gala talk - this time taking place whole elfidn was near to death whole carol cares for him to live gala chills in hades they talk and morpho takes him back since carol atuclly did bring him back in time
Morpho and dmk - ugh my rarepair meet and fall in love fic i will never write but i can dream abt how they will pine abt each other and want to make out argherssively 💔💔/hj
Morohodad- i love morpho dad and so does it's kids
Papi,fluuter,sparkler and kraken follow their dad around a fic
Sparkler and kraken are my ocs and fliutee nad and papi exists soemhwre as uniquely patterns butters .
Fluuter villan origin shory- not atuclky i just want to write abt my inside joke flutter hates love and ribbon 2 because she caused fluutter whiek they were in bubber form LMAO
Elffin lab trauma- i just want to write more tsuff of them and WILL do it just try and stop me. Growls and barks. Summary? Elffin revists lab discovera after fevto fight with kirb and Bandee to free the dees that were forced to labor and take em home. Anyways elffin has a mental breakdown like me fr
Meta knight Beats the shit out if susie- that's it that's the fic. Mostly i want it because i agte susie. I snat her to get beaten up by meta knight now. NOW . Not gorey because meta knight doesn't sue his sowrd he uses his fists and throws hands (it's implied in the noevls he can throw hands too)
Meta knight yells at susie- he yells at her for everything she's down to him fic. Would write but hits too close to home in terms of the fact i can not handle writing3 a fic where the ormeise happens close to how most of my crying fits happen !!! So yeah !! But i would love to see someone siete it for me tho. Someone who's emntally stronger than my weak ass
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i-like-eyes · 3 years
Daroach for the ask 🐀
Anon I bring you cheese
First impression: When I saw the KSA Dream Friend trailers back when they came out I remember thinking "wow that's a Kirby character if I ever saw one". Man imagine if I actually played the Dream Friends when they released I could of found god sooner.
Impression now: Whoops new favorite. He's got a fantastic design and sassy dialogue making for one of the strongest characters. Nothing mind blowing, he's a fairly standard gentleman thief type, but still very well executed and confident.
Favorite moment: Stretching it here, but I really like how he plays in KSA. He has a wide variety of moves that need charging so every fight you have to think about what works best for the situation. I feel like he could of had more personality in KSA, especially in the animation department, but playing him feels like you're the crazy prepared leader of a team having to plan a heist on the spot.
Idea for a story: Oh god I have too many. One idea is a heist at Haltmann works where he runs into Susie and they get into a fight. He brings Doc along with him because Doc's more familiar with the tech-y stuff.
Unpopular opinion: How can there be unpopular opinions if a character isn't that popular to begin with
Favorite relationship: This is outside of the games but Meta Knight. I'm not a huge fan of the novels, but holy shit those two are chummy to a near comical degree. A problem I have with the novels is that they are really mean spirited, but they can't help but compliment each other whenever they're near. They'll also just stop and ask how they are doing and have each other's best interests in mind and wow that's really refreshing. Thinking outside the novels they have enough similarities for getting along but also some differences in personality to challenge each other with. I'd like to think Daroach would hesitate to trust people, what with being an infamous thief he probably has made a lot of enemies. He'd take an interest in MK because Cool and Mysterious dude but hesitate to reach out. MK's excuse is he's shit at communication so he just does Daroach a lot of favors which throws Daroach off. Daroach eventually realizes that MK is just being massive dork and they become fast friends then. More obvious is just Daroach is much open and flamboyant than MK is; Daroach would push him to have fun but wouldn't overstep any boundaries. I see hc's that they'd chat about their adventures over tea or go on heists together, but I'd like to see Daroach asking for help with hand-to-hand combat with some sparring.
Favorite headcanon: Less headcanon and more maybe canon/theory is this beef he and DDD have. DDD is (rightfully) pissed that Daroach has stolen from him and Daroach just thinks he's ugly lol
In the DDD Directory tweets he's said: And "Dark Daroach" is a form he took on when he got taken over by some strange black smoke at the end of the story. That HAD to be his punishment for daring to steal my treasure!
And Daroach spits hard facts in Mass Attack: I used to steal the hearts of young ladies by the seaside here. But that was long ago, before King Dedede came to spoil its shores.
Dedede Resort has a castle that King Dedede had built. It’s supposed to be beyond tacky. This is the most petty and pointless conflict in the series and I love it. Throwing out some more, I like stuff in the Dreamy Gear novel like how Vul hates his guts or how he's apparently a really good chef/baker and I just apply that to the normal canon.
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phoebelovingcare · 3 years
Okay, DoC here, hi, when you get to reading chapter 7, could you tell me what I did right and wrong? I'm only saying this because so far, you're feedback has been only positive, and I'm super happy you like my writing, but I don't know what I need to improve on, that's all I ask, not trying to sound mean or ungrateful, I just want to get better, that's all, thanks for all the kind comments!
You don’t need to beat yourself up over your jokes or your dialogue or your pacing if you could just fix your grammar. You need an editor or time to reread what you’ve written and fix it, not hours of self hate.
Here, lemme show you (spoilers for The Time that Time Fell):
This is the Daroach paragraph where he goes through the squeak squad hall:
Walking through the hall, Daroach saw some familiar images, firstly was when he stole Kirby’s cake, Daroach chuckled at the memory, they always joked about how “Kirby has killed gods over cake”. Second was an image of Kirby beating up Dedede, poor guy, always gets blamed the second something goes wrong. Third was an image of Doc piloting Yadogaine, he always bragged about how that was his “greatest invention”, always conveniently forgot to mention Kirby tore through it like paper. Fourth was his fight with Kirby, Daroach giggled, Kirby always complained about Daroach “teleport spamming” but if you saw a hammer going towards your face and you had the option to dodge instantly, wouldn’t you take it, Daroach thought back and remembered Meta stealing the chest so it couldn’t possess him, I mean, he could’ve at least told him! Fifth was the image of the aforementioned possession, when Daroach opened the chest, that’s essentially been one of the four times Daroach felt real fear, the others being Doc’s spaceship blowing up during an excursion, Spinni getting caught in a bear trap, and… hearing Magolor, Taranza, and Susie had been kidnapped, so he cared about them, he wasn’t made of stone! Lastly was an image of Dark Daroach, with Dark Nebula looming in the distance, he wished he could’ve killed that thing himself for possessing him. Daroach made it to the end of the hall and jumped down, seeing a hologram of what was supposedly his enemy.
Now I’m going to edit it slightly. Watch this.
Walking through the hall, Daroach saw some familiar sights displayed along the walls.
The first was when he had stolen Kirby’s cake. Daroach chuckled at the memory. They always joked about how Kirby would kill gods over a slice of cake after that whole mess.
Second was an image of Kirby beating up Dedede, the poor guy. He always gets blamed the second something goes wrong, even if he’d been nothing but kind to Kirby for the past decade.
Third was a depiction of Doc piloting his ship Yadogaine - he always bragged about how that was his “greatest invention”, always conveniently forgetting to mention that Kirby tore through it like paper in only a few minutes time.
Fourth was his own fight with Kirby. Daroach giggled. Kirby had always complained about Daroach’s erratic and constant teleporting, but if you saw a hammer going towards your face and you had the option to dodge instantly, wouldn’t you take it? He frowned as he thought back and remembered Meta Knight trying to steal the chest so it couldn’t possess him. Well, he could’ve at least told him! 
The fifth was of the aforementioned possession, when Daroach opened the chest. He shuddered at the memory. It was essentially one of the four times Daroach felt real fear, the others being Doc’s spaceship blowing up during an excursion, Spinni getting caught in a bear trap, and… hearing Magolor, Taranza, and Susie had been kidnapped. Yeah, so, he cared about them, he wasn’t made of stone! 
The last picture had him glaring angrily, quietly seething. It was of Dark Daroach, with Dark Nebula looming in the distance. He wished he could’ve killed that thing himself for possessing him. He sighed and moved on.
Daroach made it to the end of the hall and jumped down, greeted by the sight of a hologram of what was supposedly his enemy.
So here’s the patch notes:
Added proper paragraph spacing in between the descriptions of each image! This makes it easier to read if you have ADHD or some kind of visual processing disorder as well, so it’s not just prettier, it’s also more accessible!
Removed repeated phrasings and added synonyms. The original paragraph says “image” 5 times, which can feel repetitive and therefore boring - the edited version only says “image” once. I did this by changing a couple words - “picture” and “depiction” - and/or just removing it all together. I don’t need to say it’s the fourth image, you’ll know what I mean if I say it’s “the fourth one”.
Removed slightly clunky phrasing, so everything flows together a little better. Pick a perspective and verb tense and stick with it! /lh
Added a little more showing instead of telling. Instead of just saying it was one of the only times he was truly afraid, make him shudder at the memory and THEN say that. Same for the last one - he wishes he could’ve killed Dark Nebula personally? Make him glare at the reminder that he even existed.
Speaking of which, added italics on “himself” in that sentence because I almost missed it when I first read through it and went “...but he is dead, kirby killed him? oh wait himself okay”. Also makes it clear where the emphasis in that sentence is supposed to be.
Found a way to convey “teleport spamming” without using a video game word. Just prevents breaking immersion, that’s all
These all aren’t pacing issues, poor jokes, bad dialogue, or bad description. These are all basic grammatical issues. Your jokes are fine, your dialogue is fine, but I got taught almost all this stuff in second grade. I had a similar conversation with another friend of mine - I love her writing, and now that it’s easier to read, so do a lot of other people!
I hope you find this helpful - uhh for the record, I’ve only just finished Chapter 7 so don’t start sending spoilers in my inbox - and have a good day!!
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cowopuffs · 5 years
Kirby headcannons
Any random kirby headcannons! I'll (probably) reblog with more later! Most of these are just little thing I find funny or fitting ^^
Kirby tried to eat a scented candle once. He tries to eat everything, but it was particularly hard to get him to not eat the candle because it smelled like cookies.
Taranza is fluent is flower. He knows the meaning of literally every flower that exists. 
Magolor is a pro at poker. He is exceptional at lying and at reading people. So he wins poker nearly everytime he plays it. He and metaknight play it a lot. The amount of things maggy has gotten meta to do because he won is honestly too much. Meta play's everytime though. And yet, is still surprised when he looses.
Bandana dee has a swear jar and whenever someone swears, he makes them put a coin in the coin jar. Meta and marx have the most coins in the swear jar.
Prince fluff wears heelies, and just rolls around dreamland causing minor problems.
Kirby, Prince fluff, and bandana dee are inseparable. Their best buddies. The trio. They cause a small amount of mischief.
Sometimes dark meta will just come over to dededes castle to fuck with metaknight. He just annoys him and thats all he does.
Meta is actually lighter than he seems and can be picked up very easily. He makes sure no one knows about it except for dedede, magolor for some reason, and his crew.
Often times while meta and his crew are on patrol together they just fuck around the entire time. Meta tries to be serious, but eventually just fucks around too.
Dedede forces everyone in the castle to do karaoke nights or movie nights often. And their honestly a blast for everyone, even meta. Even though he'll never admit it.
Marx will do commentary on whatever is happening around him in a dumb announcer type voice. Sometimes it's hilarious, and other times its the most annoying thing. Most the time though, its a good mix of both.
If something interests magolor, he will have the urge to touch it. No matter what. It can be a rock, he'll still touch it if he finds it interesting. This can sometimes lead to awkward situations, meta had his wings out and magolor just. Grabbed them and began studying them, without even realizing. Meta was mostly just confused.
No one knows why, but sometimes galacta knight and morpho just show up for a while and just vibe. Then leave for a bit, and come back. But they're always together.
Marx plays pranks all the time. Magolor helps him, but is mostly there to make sure marx doesn't do something stupid enough to destroy the entire castle.
Everytime metaknight and susie even see the other. They insult each other. They hate each other with such a passion its concerning.
Magolor knows where meta keeps his candy stash. Which he will steal from. Whenever meta catches him, its always is an interesting situation.
Taranza never knows whats going on. He's just painfully oblivious in every single situation.
Dedede plays golf. He usually drags meta along. And meta actually hates when he does this. He wants to break every single golf club dedede owns
Dedede also likes picking on people. He do find out a very specific thing about someone. And tease them relentlessly. One time dedede somehow found out magolor was small enough to fit into most dresses, so he tried to force mags to wear a dress. Which didnt work.
Magolor would totally wear a dress though. He just didnt want to wear one for dedede's entertainment.
Metaknight loves to just, be confusing. He will do things, purely to piss people off or to make them confused. He finds it to be the best form of entertainment.
Prince fluff owns clout goggles.
Prince fluff is T R A N S ftm and we support him.
Marx likes to freak people out by taking off his arms because they're prosthetic. He barely wears them. They're heavy and mostly get in the way. Who needs arms anyway?
Kirby tries to hug-attack meta everytime he sees him. But meta always doges the hug. Kirbys gotten close though.... One day...
Susie and marx are like, best friends for some reason. They just enjoy being assholes together. They also know any and all drama. They also have infinite blackmail on almost everyone.
Kirby is emotional support for almost everyone. He doesn't mind though, in fact he enjoys it because he's helping people :)
Everytime they have a Holliday party, it just goes straight to hell. Something always happens and it just turns into utter chaos.
Magolor and prince fluff will just recite memes to each other everytime they see one another. They could just be passing by, but they will stop in their tracks just to meme. No one knows how this began. It just did.
Metaknight secretly loves musicals and will bop to them all the time. Sometimes he'll quietly hum a song from one while he works.
Magolor can play the violin and will just walk around dreamland playing it. Everyone loves it. It fills dreamland with pleasant music and gives magolor something to do thats not in front of a screen.
Kirby is baby. We cannot change this
Marx, magolor, metaknight, taranza, daroach, and ddd all have a bois night out at least once a month where they cause trouble and just vibe.
The girls also have a gals night out because its fun. They also just vibe and goof off. A lot of tea is spilled during this.
Susie loves just, going up to people and just, makeover time. Gives them a new outfit, makeup, the whole thing. Marx helps with this by rating it 1-10. He also lets her do makeup on him all the time. His lack of arms make it hard for him to do it himself.
Metaknight is the master of eyeliner. Not even susie can compare to his eyeliner. Its too beautiful. He just learned how to do makeup out of pure spite to be better at it than susie. Just to piss her off.
It worked.
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dreamybandee · 4 years
Tumblr media
Rules:  Don’t reblog, repost. Reply as muse talking. Tagging:  Ahhhh anyone who hasn’t done it and wants to do it! Tagged by:  @sternenteile​! Thamk you Nikki. Sending big love ;v;
► NAME ➭   “Hello there! I’’m Dee! Bandana Dee! I’m uh...I’m sure you can guess why I’m called that. I can’t wait to answer these questions!” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  “Yes! I’m a single waddle dee among MANY Waddle Dees! There’s so many of us! You can ask Waddle Doo at the castle! He even says there’s a lot of the-...OH. Oh that’s not what you meant...But I guess I’m single in that way too! So yes again!” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭   "Oh yes! Very! Thank you!” ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➭   "Wha? Oh no. Not at all! I’m happy, after all! Wait...can you be happy AND angry? Is that possible? Oh man, I dunno!” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭   "Oh, well I...I don’t know...I don’t even know...my parents. I haven’t for a long time...Well, if they’re out there, I...I hope they’re happy. Having a good life...in a good spot...I wonder...Ohh. I’m sorry. Please continue!”
⚡️ NINE FACTS! ► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭   “Dream Land! Just like every other waddle dee! I mean, I think. I don’t remember anything about it, but I’m pretty sure it was Dream Land I was born in. I just...I just don’t know where in Dream Land. I’ve been at Castle Dedede for so so long now? ...Wait, do you think I was born there?” ► HAIR COLOR ➭   "No hair here! But my bandana is blue! And I’m not taking it off to show you my head. Sorry!” ► EYE COLOR ➭   “Brown! Like um...Like chocolate! Milk chocolate! I love chocolate. Oh it’s so sweet...Oh! That wasn’t part of the question...Whoops.” ► BIRTHDAY ➭   “Oooh, uhm...I’m not...entirely sure? I don’t know when my actual birthday was. His highness told me he didn’t really know either...But November 7th is kind of a special day! That’s when I joined the army! I guess THAT could be considered a birthday, right?” ► MOOD ➭   “I’m feeling pretty good and pretty happy! Starting off the day on a good note!” ► GENDER ➭   “I don’t really do that! Sorry!” ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭   “Summer! Oh yes! Perfect for walks, picnics, and picking apples! I love being outside in the warm sun!’ ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “I have to go with afternoon! I feel so tired in the morning and mornings are really early for me too.”
⚡️ EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE! ► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭   "Always! I love the friends I have and the friends I’m going to meet! They mean a lot to me!...Oh wait...That’s not what you meant, was it? Well, no. I don’t think so anyways.” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭  “I, well....I dunno! I think you should get to know people at least a little bit before you love them! It’s like an apple! I could look really clean, red, and delicious on the outside, but you gotta check if it’s rotting or has critters on the inside!” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭   “Huh? You mean...someone didn’t want to be my friend anymore? Well, I don’t know who’s done that, but that’s up to them and...not me.... If they don’t wanna be my friend then that’s sniff th-that’s o-okay and sniffle sniff th-that’s their decision...” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭   “Oooh, oh I sure hope not! I really don’t want to hurt anyone or their feelings!” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  “Yes! Well, I mean- no? Yes and no? I don’t want to break anyone’s promises or let them down! Making people happy doing those things? It feels...it feels really good. Makes me really happy too! But some things are really hard to do! I’d never tell people that, of course...I’d hate to trouble them or make them feel bad...So....Yes and no I guess!” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭   “Yes! I’m always there for hugs when people need them! I like them. They’re warm and friendly...” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭   “Well k-kind of?? I get an awful lot of nice notes from fellow waddle dees and other people telling me that I’m a good rep for them! Even a role model! I don’t even know where some of these notes come from, but I’ll do my best for all the great people who sent them!” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭   "You...You can do that? I didn’t really know...M-maybe I did? Ooooh, I have no idea. This isn’t....isn’t really fun to think about. I’m sorry.”
⚡️SIX CHOICES! ► LOVE OR LUST ➭   "Love! I don’t really know about that last one.” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭    "I’m thinking...Tea! I like tea both cold and hot! I love Lemonade too, but sometimes it can be soooo sour. It leaves a really weird feeling! But you know what is good? Lemonade in some Tea! It’s so sweet and good! You should give it a try! I can make some if you want!” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭   “I-well...I have both actually! Is that okay? I love all my friends very much! The waddle dees, the dream friends, other people in the castle, even some people I’ve met these last few years! But I’ve had more time with different people, y’know? Kirby, Meta Knight, his highness, people at the mansion, they’re all so amazing. I love my friends...” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  "W-wild? What does ‘wild’ mean? I mean, I don’t think I’m romantic, so maybe the first one? This is so confusing!” ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭   "Oooh, I like both! Night is so pretty with the stars and the cool air! But it’s so dark! I like the warm sun and I like seeing. Both are great!”
⚡️ FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS! ► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  “W-well...I....yeah. I guess...I guess the king caught me a couple of times. I really wanted to see how Kirby was doing and just get out of the castle a bit, y’know? But...work should ALWAYS come first, I guess. I’ll try and be a little smarter from now on...Oh, and please, don’t tell the king I said that! I-um...I don’t really know if I should have told you that...” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭   “Y-yeah, but stairs are so big and hard to step over! I hate walking on them when I’m holding stuff! I can’t see them! And I end up dropping everything all over the place? Ooooh, I don’t like stairs. I wish the castle wasn’t so high up! Then we wouldn’t have that many stairs!” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭   “Yes!! That cake Dedede had for the battle Tournament he made. Those fights were scary and they definitely hurt! But with Kirby’s help, we made it! It was worth it! The best cake I’ve EVER tasted!”
⚡️FIVE PREFERENCES! ► SMILE OR EYES ➭    “Smile! I’m so jealous. I can’t smile. I have no mouth. But seeing people’s smiles? It’s nice! I love seeing people happy! I love seeing that! I wish I could feel and show that for myself...” ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭    “I like seeing people when talking to them! It feels weird to be looked down on. Soooo maybe shorter? I MEAN if other people were shorter! I myself would love to be taller! It’s so hard to reach everything! I hate asking for help too.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭   “You mean how smart? Or how nice looking they are? B-but...What about how kind they are? I mean- both are of those things are good, but I think being nice is even more important!”  ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭   “...What’s a hook-up?”
⚡️ FAMILY! ► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭   “W-well I um...I kinda told you I don’t have a blood family so...Oh! But what about the other waddle dees? I hang around them a lot! Yeah! Okay! We get along a lot! Sometimes anyways. Sometimes I have to fight against them though. I don’t really feel good about that...” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “Messed up? Oh no! Not at all! I know life has it’s fair share of ups and downs, but that’s okay. I’m happy with it. I’ve learned so much and gotten so far. And most of all, I’ve met so many great people! I think I like my life the way it is.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭   “Yeah! A couple of times, actually! Monsters and all sorts of bad guys have taken over Castle Dedede or even destroyed it before! I think the other dees and me were lucky we made it out okay!” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   “Once again, yes! Those people who take over the castle aren’t very nice! His Highness has even dismissed me a couple of times...but mostly when weird things are happening! Oh, please forgive me, your majesty! I didn’t mean to sound so rude!”
⚡️ FRIENDS! ► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭   “Wh-what? Oh no no! Not at all! I love my friends! I love Kirby, his Highness, Meta Knight, Sailor Dee, and oh! All the friends who helped in our recent adventure! Gooey! Adeleine! Ribbon!  M-...Magolor...S-Susie... and M-Marx and...and...I-I mean...I know they’re not all perfect b-but...we’re friends now, right? H-hating them would make me....make me a bad friend...” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭   “Y-yes! I...I guess? I mean, some of them were bad before, but they’re good now! I mean...I sure hope so...” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭    “All my friends! I love them all very much in their very own ways! Sailor Dee and I have known each other for all our lives...Kirby is so strong and cool, and I want to be just like him...And the king too! He’s such a great leader! And Meta Knight always has our backs! And-and....! Oh! S-sorry about that. I guess I kind of...Kind of got lost in my thoughts there. Uh-heh heh...” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭   “Well...I don’t know if there’s anyone out there that knows absolutely everything about me, really. There’s still so much I want to show people! And so much I want to learn and do! I don’t think I even know everything about myself yet. Can I be as strong as my friends? Where am I going to go in life? How can I be better and stronger? There are a lot of things I’m still trying to figure out I think...”
“Oh! That was it? Gosh. That felt so quick, answering all those questions. Thank you for doing this with me! Come and find me at the castle if you have any more, okay?”
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