#I love Wally
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pleading-the5th · 2 years ago
ok i need to find the people obsessed with puppets WHERE ARE YOU BITCHES
im talking The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood, etc WHERE IS THE FANDOM REVEAL YOURSELVES
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sentientfunfetti · 1 year ago
killer!wally/reader hcs
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(killer wally and his au were made by @itskorrychang on tumblr and twitter! go support their work!)
when you two first meet, he’s wary of you and a lot more aggressive. that is until you show that you’re not a threat. it takes a while, but when he finally does fall for you he’s head over heels. to the point you can’t leave his sight. he follows you everywhere.
due to the fear of you abandoning him, and him being all alone again, it’s only natural that he takes steps to make sure that just won’t happen. let it be locking doors, hiding keys, not answering questions. he hates lying, but if it makes you stay the he’s all for it. some things are better kept secret, after all.
speaking of questions: he loves both asking and answering them…but everyone has their limits. unfortunately for you, you tend to reach that limit very easily. if you ask too many too much, he’ll just…stare at you. eyes wide. pupils dilated. lips pressed into a thin line. silent…then carry on as if nothing happened! try not to push his buttons too much. he’s not above putting his pallet knife to use…
can’t imagine a world without you. you’re the kindest neighbor ever, after all!
loves everything about you. especially your eyes. eye contact was a bit hard for him after he lost one of his own, but after you showed up and showed you were accepting of that fact, oh boy did he love that. he loves your eyes, the color, the way they widen when your surprised…the fact you have both of them…
paints you religiously. he doesn’t even need you to model anymore. it seems like every time you turn around theres a new piece, or doodle of you somewhere.
more than anything, he just loves having you around. you brighten his day, make him smile, ease the pain of loneliness. you’re just so sweet. you make him feel warm and fuzzy. he can’t get enough of you.
as soon as you break down his walls, he’d do anything for you. anything. draw blood, trash all of his paintings, take his other eye. anything. all he wants to do is make you smile. make you stay. make you want him. he still doesn’t fully understand romance, or love, but all he knows is that you make him feel something new. something good.
if you two fight, he immediately comes to you apologizing. he’d break into sobs if you didn’t forgive him, and immediately beg you to stay. don’t leave him. if you refuse…well…
in short, he would make you stay if he needed to. he can’t have his favorite neighbor leaving so soon! he’d tie you up to a chair, and feed you everyday. he’d take good care of you. he’d let you out one day if you promise not to try and leave again. if not, then, it’s back to the chair! womp womp!
also loves the fact you’re taller than him. loves when you pick him up and move him around, the fact you have to look down at him, the fact you can cradle him so easily in your arms, he loves sleeping with you, and watching you sleep. you look so peaceful…
speaking of sleep. he’s plagued by nightmares and night terrors (yes those two things are separate things and conditions). you wake up to him screaming and kicking frequently, begging for his late neighbors to stay, for them to stop. at first, you were to afraid to comfort him, or wake him up, but after a bit you began to hold him close, whispering that it was just a dream in his ear as you watch his body relax.
he loves watching you sleep. when he wakes up from nightmares in the middle of the night and you aren’t woken up by his tossing and turning, he just sits up and watches over you. he feels nice knowing that you and him are safe there, together. you’re safe with him. always.
sometimes, he enjoys taking care of you too. he’ll sing to you as you fall asleep, tell you stories, teach you how to draw, anything that puts a smile on your face and makes your day.
when you two aren’t painting or overall just hanging out together, one of his favorite things to do is cuddle you. he loves feeling your body against his (not like that calm down), and he loves looking into your eyes while you two cuddle. more than anything, he loves listening to your heartbeat. it’s something he lacks, and he’s fascinated by it.
he’s fascinated about everything biological with you. one thing he can’t seem to grasp is the fact you can eat…like actually eat. with your mouth. he gasped when he first saw you bite into one of the apples he gave you. he also loves how squishy you are. the feeling of your skin is different than his fuzzy skin. he lets you ask your questions about his anatomy too…as long as you don’t ask too much.
has frequent hallucinations, and episodes where he becomes frantic, irritated and paranoid. sometimes he accuses you of hurting his friends, and taking them away. as scary as it is, you take the time to calm him down, get the knife away from him, and remind him that you’re here for him. that you care. be appreciates this, and most times takes a nap afterwards having spent all his energy tearing the studio apart looking for his friends.
wants to introduce you to Barnaby one day…or at least what’s left of him. doesn’t allow you into the other neighbors houses AT ALL. “neighbor…it’s rude to go into other peoples houses without knocking…naughty naughty…!”
at the end of the day, he’s harmless. as long as you stick around and make sure he’s in high spirits, this can only end well!
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author’s note ⊹˚. ♡
just wanted to do some killer wally hcs. i absolutely love this little guy! such a silly little fellow! wahoo!
anyway, i have a few requests to do and some more of my own hcs i wanna do. if you have any requests, don’t be afraid to request them! until then :3
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CUT!!!!! Actor Wally x Stage Hand GN Reader
Pics are from frillsand on tiktok. I love their actor concept. Though I’m sad they stopping but it’s understandable. Anyway to keep with pics. Puppets are seen as lesser than humans by most. Ok love ya byyeeeee
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🎬 You are honestly tired of this. Every time one of your fellow employees seems to be awful to the other puppets besides Wally, he yells cut and then yells at them. You can understand his anger , you were angry too . These are actors making a show. They should be given respect. You even yelled at a fellow employee yourself because you were sick and tired of the discrimination against the puppets. They are alive and feel and should be treated better
🍎Wally started noticing you when he was about to yell at someone for being mean to Poppy when you threw down your clipboard and yelled at them instead saying how you felt and how they are alive and feel and should be treated better. The other employee ran scared cause you were red in the face and looked like you were about to punch them. Wally watched you straighten up your outfit and bend down to pick up the clipboard. He like you and how you stood up for the puppets. He called the manager over and told him to give you a raise and have you be in charge of all things related with the puppets.
🎬The director gave you a new job of working with the puppets and helping them in the work environment. He also gave you a raise which you were shocked about. But you had no complaints. It made you closer with the cast. Helping them with their lines. Making sure everyone got what they needed. Yelling at coworkers if they didn’t follow exact instructions and threatening to tell the higher ups. The one person who seemed to avoid you in the whole thing was the main star Wally. But you didn’t hold it against him. Everyone is their own person or puppet so they can do what they want.
🍎Wally was enamored by you. You are the only human to have stuck up for his friends and every time you came near butterflies were in his stomach. He had to leave whenever you were by. His friends noticed and asked him about it and he said it was nothing just didn’t want to be in the way is all. But he watched from afar and was happy he and his fellow actors are in good hands . Your really pretty hands. Wally pats his face when he thought that and just went back to work
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lanlishiba · 2 years ago
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I cant stop drawing him pls send help
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kaybl · 2 years ago
Hugs 🫂
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BTW, if somebody didn't know, Wally canonically won't stand up if he trips. He will just wait until someone picks him up.
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koharu0402 · 1 year ago
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Wally Darling 🌀:3
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clownspirals · 1 year ago
Beautiful boy, darling boy.
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mimistami · 2 years ago
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Huge garlic for your favorite artist @eechytooru !!Happy birthday again!!!
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ishinaa · 2 years ago
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Love him! Little guy!
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hou497 · 2 years ago
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Hold still
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holy-watercolors · 1 year ago
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Saw the plushie and immediately needed to draw this LOL
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daisysscorner · 2 years ago
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This is Still my Favorite clip from the interview Audio, so Naturally I Had to doodle it!
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sentientfunfetti · 1 year ago
Yandere! Actor Wally, please...
possessive actor!wally/reader hcs
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(actor wally and his au was made by @/frillsand on tumblr! go support their work!)
of course, like any other version of him, this one would be very cautious and closed off at first. he wouldn’t share much with you and if he does it’s brief, but after you ‘prove yourself’ to him he immediately becomes attached to you. he's absolutely stuck by you. you're just his assistant but he falls hard. harder than he ever has.
seeing as how you’re the first person to ever see him for who he is, he lets you get away…with a lot. it’s all bias of course, and you may not even use it but you start to notice that your small mistakes barely go noticed. he doesn't even allow anyone else to scold you either. you can tell that his patience is still thin, however.
he values your time with him. in his downtime he’s hellbent on spending time with you and you only, even if this means dragging you along on subtly planned ‘lunch breaks’ with him. (these are dates) or calling you for petty tasks he could have easily done himself just to see you.
he likes spoiling you, and that becomes very obvious very fast. he loves it when you tell him ‘thank you’ for buying you lunch or getting you coffee. he goes from sending you in to get these things for him to go in with you, bringing his bodyguards along.
you take up so much of his mind he starts to stumble in rehearsal. this actually frustrates him at first. he takes his frustration out on you a tad before finally cooling down.
practically demands all of your attention. he goes to you for just about everything. input, script reading, any excuse to see you. any excuse to get closer. he hates the fact that you two have such a professional relationship and wants to be more, even if that means breaking a few rules. it's not like you're a fan, you're his assistant. no harm done.
ignores fanmail entirely. when you ask why he brushes it off the way he usually does. "why would i want a bunch of strangers telling me what i already know?". the truth is very different, however. he secretly wishes to be praised by you and you only.
speaking of, he may not show it but he soaks up any and all praise you give him and internalizes it almost immediately. no matter how small. he loves it when you compliment him.
it's hard to keep his cool when he sees you getting the same treatment from others, however. he silently watches from the corner, fuming. how dare they. until he can muster up the courage to fully compliment you himself, he glares daggers at people who do. repeat offenders get fired and blacklisted from acting entirely.
he is not above blackmail to get his way. not to you, no of course not! other people, however? free game. he has dirt on just about everyone. they don't even know.
even though he has a tendency of doing horrible things to get his way, he always tries to steer away from that entirely. he keeps trying to convince himself that he’s above that and he’s a changed man. unfortunately, you make that a bit hard with how many other people you seem to attract every other day.
appreciates your patience with him most of all. set aside the fact you're not weird about the fact that he's a puppet like most people, he loves your kind heart and wants to protect that, even if that means burning bridges to see more of you. he craves intimacy with you. he hates how weak you make him feel, but he can't help but let all of those walls come crumbling down when you're that nice to him.
isn't good with physical contact at first, so he sticks to small things: 'accidental' brushes against you, linking pinkies with you, shoving you along. he’s experimenting, give him time.
drags you along to rehearse his lines. he loves using his 'deadlines' as an excuse to get your help. he knows he could ask anyone else but why would he? you say yes every time anyway because that's how nice you are. he absolutely loves the scenes where he gets to subtly flirt with you. did the script call for improv? ssssh. doesn't matter. your red face makes it all worth it in the end.
is not above using the character he's playing mannerisms to get his way. he knows he's good at what he does, and he knows he's adorable. he uses this to his advantage, even incorporating past character's mannerisms into his own when he notices people stick to them. this includes you. if he notices you like a certain thing about a character he's playing he is quick to pick up on this and use that against you.
in the end, his end goal is for you to date, and maybe be something more in the future. he's willing to do whatever that takes, even if that means working on himself more just to make sure you're more comfortable with the idea of dating. has no issue with having a 'secret' relationship if that's what you want.
isn't much of a pet name person but he would call you 'hun' sarcastically at first but over time it would become a genuine pet name for him.
if you two do something together then expect that to be something you two do together. he would get upset at people who try and 'butt in' in the things you two do together. those things are for you two and you two only. certified gatekeeper.
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author’s note ⊹˚. ♡
funny thing! i actually got two requests to do this guy!
it was a bit hard to do seeing as how i don’t really know much about the au, but thank you for requesting it anyway! (both of you LMFAO). i have a few more planned, and two more requests to do. i’m still working on my reboot wally/reader fic so if i seem a bit slow that’s why. please be patient. i already have the outlines and things like that made for the requests i’ve gotten.
thanks for the request, neighbor!
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I found a tiktok about rules. This person took time to look through clowns post and share what you can and can’t post and I will share it with y’all today . TikTok ragweed_babey
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So I will still have a break today but
I am coming back!!!!!!!
Edit1 : I do apologize if it looks different. The person who originally made the TikTok asked me to take the two pics off and of course I respect people and their wishes. But they said I can keep the rules on here for y’all So here y’all go. If you would like to see what’s missing. Go and check out ragweed_babey on tik tok. Thanks
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telraxsc · 2 years ago
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stat1c-flair · 2 years ago
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Omg!!! Wally doodles⭐⭐ and Valerie! 💕
(I can never have one art style)
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