#I love Semmelweis
fishareglorious · 6 months
so... apparently I've been writing Sammelweis' name wrong the entire time. It's Semmelweis, just like the doctor Ignaz Semmelweis.
I do wonder if she's going to have a heavy-handed reference to the real-life Semmelweis. Look him up, his story and role in the founding of antisepsis practices is incredibly interesting if you're into medical history like me.
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whitelotusherald · 10 months
Washing before a procedure is a relatively new practice, but George instilled the importance of it when I was little. It used to be that doctors went right from autopsies to childbirths without so much as a scrub. These days, new mothers don’t die nearly as much.
Me, an intellectual (and Hungarian): George is a fan of IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS!!
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tofutopping · 3 months
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Guess which types of drawings I enjoy making more: light or dark? Difficulty: extra hard. /j
Anyway, Semmelweis is a queen, I love her, and I hope I did her justice with the first drawing.
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koshka-sova · 3 months
more arknights x reverse 1999 shenanigans
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based on their udimos, this is how you can categorise some re99 characters. ive not found a solid udimo database and the cn wiki, though very resourceful, doesnt actually have the udimos' image :")
this is an unfinished list, im working only on the ones i remember and/or can search.
some caveats:
jessica, although properly a changeling, could very well fit as an elafia bc she was originally just that. a deer.
jiu niangzi on the other hand i could put as a lushu instead, similar to how in arknights, leizi is the one and only kylin. i wonder if thats fair. in the meantime i put her as kuranta
theres talk that eternity is a vampire because of her longevity, is this true? i put her as aegir due to her oceanic theme.
semmelweis is an obvious sarkaz, but in fact i could specify further that shes a vampire. her i2 garment even turns her hair white, emulating other vampires like warfarin and the sanguinarch!
list still needs updating but a preliminary look into this is neat already. reverse 1999 really loves their bird udimos
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dxcstrange-stuff · 1 year
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Some more Semmelweis cos I REALLY love how he looks in that outfit with his tie tucked into his shirt pocket.....so pretty 🥺
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kradogsrats · 1 year
Hello ! You seem very knowledgeable about the practical side of life in the middle-ages and I love reading your takes on the TDP world-building... So, I am researching for the purpose of a fanfiction about Soren's illness and I intend Lissa to be a doctor. Could you tell me a little bit about what could the treatments for breathing diseases be in the TDP universe ?
HA okay so I don't think I actually know more about history than anyone else with an extremely casual interest, like I didn't study it in school except as adjacent to art history and I don't even read historical novels or fiction or anything? Though to be fair my mother-in-law is a legit academic medievalist publishing books about individual English manuscripts so maybe I just don't have a good calibration of "casual interest in history." Anyway, I don't have an answer off the top of my head, but that means I can walk you through my general research process!
Step 1: Decide on some parameters. Is there a real-life illness that you are applying for Soren? Is it a bacterial or viral illness, or a chronic condition like asthma? Are there additional symptoms that will need to be addressed, like fever? Do some research on the illnesses you are considering, and both their modern accepted treatments and "natural" remedies. (Ignore anything based on essential oils.) For example, some home remedies for cough and shortness of breath are:
Tea: with ingredients like ginger, honey, etc. which are believed to reduce coughing. Caffeine is also a natural bronchodilator, and since coffee is not naturally occurring in the TDP setting, tea is a good hand-wave source for it.
Saltwater gargle: more of a sore throat thing, really? But it might help with loosening mucus.
Other herbs: particularly mint (menthol), thyme, camphor, and marshmallow root. These can be incorporated into teas, or you can explore other delivery systems like more concentrated syrups or tinctures, breathing steam from infused water, or ointments applied to the chest/back.
You can also look at historical treatments for these illnesses, but that's sometimes actually quite hard to find information on. I'll usually look at anything from ancient Egyptian to the antibiotics era. Problems I've run into include things like "asthma was not acknowledged as a medical condition, so the treatment was basically 'breathe better'" or "pneumonia was so awful before antibiotics that you basically just died."
Step 2: Decide on what you're willing to allow in terms of stretching the setting. TDP is... not very medieval at all, actually? So I generally am willing to consider stuff that didn't develop until well into the 1800s. This can get particularly awkward with medical stuff, simply because we generally read any framework of medical understanding that predates the germ theory of disease and antiseptic sanitation as ignorant and primitive, and that makes having a medicine-oriented character come across as intelligent and informed is difficult. To that end, I generally just throw up my hands and say the TDP setting understands modern sanitation and germ theory.
The problem with that is that the germ theory of disease and corresponding antiseptic understanding required the invention of the microscope to be able to actually see bacteria. Prior to that, science understood contagion and various people theorized that disease was caused by some unseen particles or agent. (See the case of Ignaz Semmelweis and his discovery that washing your hands between touching cadavers and delivering babies reduced maternal mortality significantly, but was completely incorrect about why.) I would actually be willing to allow microscopes and the corresponding understanding of cells and bacteria into the TDP setting, I'd just describe them in a sufficiently old-timey and handcrafted way, but you may feel differently! (You can also just hand-wave it, of course... behave as if germ theory is common knowledge but never mention bacteria, etc. I mean, I guarantee that's what the writers would do if it came up.)
Generally my personal limits for something no longer feeling like it fits even the most advanced cutting edge of TDP science are things like petroleum products (the implications give me a headache), chemical electrolysis (eliminates a lot of synthesized chemicals), and penicillin-level antibiotics ("this cultivated natural remedy prevents infection when applied to a wound" is fine, but oral antibiotics for bacterial diseases are not). I don't take any of this into account when reading fic... it's just a helpful set of boundaries for consistency when I'm writing. (Also don't forget to check the actual source material: I somehow remembered the animal doctor using a stethoscope to examine the egg, but there's actually no stethoscopes anywhere in that scene or the later hospital ones. Which isn't at all to say you can't have them, but it would have been an interesting canon setting data point given that they weren't invented until the 1800s.)
Or, of course, you could ignore all of that and just go hard mode with Lissa struggling to balance Soren's humors via diet and bloodletting.
Step 3: Brainstorm how the more advanced elements you are allowing could be developed and transmitted. So taking the example of Lissa as a doctor (and oh my god what an idea, that's amazing): how and where was she trained (an apprenticeship, or are you going to include a university system)? What is the human medical community like (isolated individual clinics or some kind of guild network)? Where and how is research being done and how are practitioners informed of new discoveries or theories? (Is there a scientific journal-style circulation of pamphlets? Who verifies them? (That's a place where either a guild or a university would come in handy.) What is Lissa's level of interest in pushing the boundaries of medicine vs. delivering basic care, and how might Soren's illness change that?) A couple possibilities:
If Soren has an asthma-like condition that involves chronic inflammation, maybe she treats it with a form of Ephedra from the region between Neolandia and Duren. (I like trying to match biomes or environmental conditions when transferring real-world plants into TDP, but you don't have to.)
Maybe she hears of a mold that has been cultivated in Evenere that clears infections in wounds when properly prepared, and has to evaluate whether to attempt using it experimentally with Soren against the infection in his lungs.
TDP also has a whole secondary ecosystem of magical substances, which could be effective in various ways even without being used for dark magic spells. Plants from the Sun or Earth primal could have natural healing properties, and combined with ones from the Sky primal could particularly target respiratory symptoms. Basically, if you can't find a natural-ish treatment ingredient, make one up with a goofy name and say it's from Xadia. Maybe Viren goes to collect it himself at great personal risk.
Step 4: Consider magic! I assume part of what's behind making Lissa a doctor is exploring the relationship between magical and scientific medicine in intimate detail with her and Viren, which is amazing. How does the medical community (and/or Lissa personally) feel about magical healing? Is there animosity between practitioners of medicine and dark mages with healing spells, or collaborations that are stronger than either would be individually? Are there medical tools or equipment enhanced by magic (enchanted microscopes or stethoscopes)? Is there disagreement on whether magical Xadian ingredients are more effective than mundane ones for medicines? Does the medical community harbor feelings of resentful inferiority toward the powerful primal magic healing confined only to the elves, or pride in the completely non-magical accomplishments of human ingenuity? Is the overall future of humanity carried in the power of magic, or of science?
So those are overall the kind of things I consider and look up when doing worldbuilding for TDP fic. All the examples here are medical stuff since that's what was asked about, but it's basically the same for anything else from "I wish to intricately describe the fiber content and sources of this luxury clothing item and how it was made" to "I need to make it clear that this basement laboratory is equipped to deal with the possibility of small fires, because fantasy OSHA."
And here are a couple helpful links that I found while doing this:
Wikipedia - List of plants used in herbalism
Wikipedia - Herbal medicine (especially the section on preparations)
Wikipedia - Medicinal plants
Wikipedia - Timeline of medicine and medical technology
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nordleuchten · 2 years
Museum asks 5 and 9?
Dear @clove-pinks, thank you for the ask. :-)
5. If you could create a museum about one thing, what would it be?
That is quite a hard question, sincere there are so many interesting topics out there. Despite the great selection, I would like to create a museum about laboratory notes of great scientist. I want the notes of Marie Curie, Edward Jenner, John Snow, Ignaz Semmelweis, Louis Pasteur, Georg Mendel, Robert Koch, Charles Darwin, Alexander Flemming, Antoine Lavoisier, and so, so many more. I want everybody to see their writings, their thoughts, their triumphs, and their failures.
9. What historical artifact (that you haven’t seen) would you like to see in person?
The Fraunces Tavern museum has the sash on display that La Fayette used during the Battle of Brandywine to bandage his wound. He was shot in the fleshy part of his left calf while trying to get the Continental Troops into an orderly retreat. Legend had it, that La Fayette did not notice his wounds up until the point where blood was drip out of his boot. A Continental General, General Heman Swift, saw what La Fayette was doing and not only helped him off the battlefield but also gave him his own sash to wear. I would love to see La Fayette’s original sash.
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abbysprettygiiirl · 12 days
What's your favourite show/movie?~☆•♡•☆~
arcane!!!! I can't wait for s2! :3 I also love blue eye samurai and nana
my favorite movies are: Semmelweis 🤍 every Spiderman movie, mean girls, Ghibli movies, etc.
and I have a lot more 🤍
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singeratlarge · 3 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dan Akroyd, Pamela Anderson, The Beatles’s 1963 recordings of “I’ll Get You” and “She Loves You,” Marc Benno, James Cotton, Delaney Bramlett, Andre Braugher, Geneviève Bujold, Leslie Caron, Leon "Ndugu" Chancler, Andraé Crouch, Bobby Day (“Rockin’ Robin”), Olivia de Havilland, Princess Diana, Willie Dixon, the great gospel music legend Thomas A. Dorsey a.k.a. Georgia Tom, Missy Elliot, John Farnham, John Ford (The Strawbs), Jamie Farr, Farley Granger, Randall Hall (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Deborah Harry, Evelyn "Champagne" King, Charles Laughton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Terrence Mann, June Montiero (The Toys), Franz Xaver Murschhauser, Cavan O'Connor, Sydney Pollack, David Prowse, Alvino Rey, Alan Ruck, George Sand, Marty Schneider (of the fab band Trip Wire), Amanda Seales, Ignaz Semmelweis, The Sony Walkman (1984), Johann Ludwig Steiner, Sufjan Stevens, Twyla Tharp, the Tour de France (1903), Liv Tyler, Jeff Wayne, Keith Whitley, Brandee Younger, and my old friend + one of my first music mentors Mike Kanski. He was “an influencer” long before social media, going way back with me (age 10). While I watched in awe, he was the first singer-songwriter I witnessed to perform a live demo of an original song, and he set an example by getting a “real job” so he could purchase a quality guitar (vs. cast-offs and cheapies), showing that if you want to get somewhere you had to make sacrifices. Musical milestones in our long friendship include a handful of demos, impromptu house concerts, and a couple public performances (not to mention countless turntable gab sessions over tea and mix tape swappings). Here’s a clip from a cafe set we did in Florida (read the video caption for an expanded Kanski tribute!). Meanwhile, HB MK—thank you for your years of cheerful music-making!
#jenniferjuniper #donovan #kanski #mike #michael #florida #coffeehouse #mentor #music #influencer #johnnyjblair #concert #folkrock #britishinvasion #psychedelicpop #yellowsubmarine #jennyboyd #avis #pennsylvania #jerseyshore
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furiaehope · 3 months
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True Appearance (2)
(Walking in the wilderness)
The St. Pavlov Foundation sent us to investigate a new area that is not on the map. Didn't they think about our safety?
Who knows what those guys were thinking?
The Manus Vindictae group or other elements deemed harmful by the Foundation were eradicated, but we did not reduce the workload of the investigation matter.
Besides, all the senior investigators disappeared, so they only sent us junior investigators to continue the rest of the exploration.
This is why require we should keep in mind the content of "School of Primary Defense of Mankind concept Regulations". The most commonly said sentence is:
Life will only lead to death in constant loss. So we should all focus on our highest mission.
It’s so humorous.
I’ll also tell you a joke:
“May peace be with you.”
The Manus Vendike organization is more advanced than our foundation and has a lot of protective equipment to avoid being wiped out by heavy rain. But the St. Pavlov Foundation did not leave anyone alive. Only Mr. Forget Me Not escaped with his whereabouts unknown. At that time, I thought the foundation would persuade them to work together to change the world.
Does the Foundation want our mission to be more important than our survival?
The foundation is not entirely a true charity, the higher-ups are still conspiring for some money and power. But no one dares to say more, after all, you know it’s useless.
This is an old problem. Joshua thought this way eight years ago and even stole the key to sneak into the Foundation's restricted database.
Yes, very serious
In order to ensure that Joshua does not remember these secrets, the Foundation has amnesticized and tampered with everyone in our generation.
It’s because of him that I don’t even remember my family, my identity, or my childhood history.
But having memories is not necessarily a good thing. After all, we are all orphans.
Only a few people have surviving family members.
I envy Joshua for having a grandfather who loves him so much that he even has the capital to pursue his own hobbies and interests. We are different from him,
You and I both need to continue performing missions to make a living, so neither of us can refuse missions sent by the Foundation.
Yes, his grandfather seems not like a real ordinary person. He does not see things through the dichotomy of the Foundation. He is able to accept different points of view, even the point of view of the Manus Vendike organization.
Therefore, Joshua's abnormal behavior of often leaving his post without authorization or disobeying orders was all done with the tacit approval of his grandfather.
Joshua's grandfather was a mysterious man.
It seems that our topic has gone a bit far. Let’s talk about this mission.
In addition to completing telecommunications reports, the high-level investigators who entered this new area in the early stage must also have at least a few who returned to the team safely, right?
No, the report shows that they entered a dense fog area and lost all news. Although fog is normal in mountains or hills, their equipment is more advanced than ours, and they are unlikely to get lost. I don’t know. What happened?
It feels a bit scary, and this should be left to nerds to complete the task.
He always liked to investigate on the verge of life and death.
What surprised me was that this time he actually said: I don't want to die. No matter how scary or charming that place is, I don’t want to go.
I didn't expect that he would have such emotional changes...
Are there words with blood stains on the ground!?
The dry ground mixed with blood reveals words.
“Semmelweis and Isolde are killing”
Doffer immediately leaned into Anjie's ear and whispered:
Shh, I guess if we go further we will enter a foggy area.
This dense fog uses traps created by arcanum. Hopefully this man still has a breath to wait for rescue, we are not strong enough to defeat those two arcanists.
Go back quickly and fight for the chance to send the message back to the Foundation.
Anjie nodded in agreement to Doffer, then the two of them turned around and ran away together, disappearing at the end of the forest.
(The camera switches to a dark alley of a tavern three hours ago, where everyone is discussing Vertin.)
Is this true? Timekeeper opened a tavern for Pavia in order to get more information about the survivors of the Manus Vendike organization? Does she feel the need to find out what remains of the real Arcana?
My discussion is a bit long, please patiently listen to my explanation first.
These are all the information I wiretapped, and they can't be wrong.
Timekeeper felt it the moment Arcana died
She has a strong emotional nostalgia for the world. It is speculated that Arcana went dark for some reason. After her death, her remaining feelings for Timekeeper were like treating a familiar yet unfamiliar junior.
She used the remaining arcanum to form a pair of hands and caressed Timekeeper's head and shoulders, and then disappeared.
Pavia has taken over the tasks of Manus Vendike organization several times before
They have a better understanding of the hiding places of their personnel.
So timekeeper decided to cooperate with pavia for a long time and gave him the task
Secondly, Vertin had put in so much action, for no other reason than that she wanted to know the news about her mother, and the mental trauma caused by the Foundation's years of molding and growing her had deteriorated her potential arcanum constitution.
This deterioration will be reflected in her skin and clothes, similar to those of supernatural infected people, but a little different.
What's the difference?
The trauma part is not my expertise, you can ask Ms. Kakania or Ms. Mesmer Jr. a long time observer of timekeeper artificial somnambulism.
Well, this matter is complicated. Timekeeper acted without asking us what we thought. Doesn't it mean that Pavia, not Sonetto, has the best relationship with her?
I will also ask Pavia later, will you go into the pub together ?Matilda?Sonetto?
This seems to be against Foundation rules, and we are both underage. I'm afraid a temporary inspector will raid.
I have the same doubts, but this pub was opened by Timekeeper, so she should be congratulated...
It’s not yet 6pm. At least we can go back before the gate time. Maybe it will not only sell wine, but also my favorite sparkling drinks or carbonated drinks. Don’t think too badly about it.
Perhaps you're right
Hahaha I understand, let me guard for you outside. When you see Timekeeper, go inside the pub.
(after a while)
Some customers entered the bar one after another.
When I first came here I was very nervous.
really weird. The timekeeper had been chatting with Pavia.
We were completely ignored, this is not reality! ! ! !
Maybe it's because there is no sales pressure and no greeting is given to the customers. Oops, it turns out that this is the case.
Light projection screens have been introduced here to order food. No wonder customers entering the store don’t have to worry about lack of service.
Uh-huh, now that the rainstorm has brought us to the 25th century, this kind of ordering function should really be included.
Let me see what's inside, it's great!
There is indeed three drink I love!
At this time, Pavia and Vertin had not noticed that this new guest was her familiar companion.
The ambiguous atmosphere made Pavia raise her head slightly and couldn't help but kiss Vertin's lips.
Vertin's first kiss was actually with that guy
Her legs weakened and she was about to fall to the ground. Matilda immediately helped her up.
What a surprise!
The scene just now shocked Ms. Sonetto. Thank you, Ms. Matilda. Fortunately, you can help me take care of her
You're welcome, I came here because I was worried about Sonetto. Sonetto, who lives in an ivory tower, has nothing and his only concern is the Timekeeper. I hope she can understand that Timekeeper does not belong to her alone, and that she has her own world.
Okay, go and get some good news!
No problem
Joshua walked slowly to the front desk and greeted them calmly: Hey! Ms. Vertin and Mr. Pavia, I didn’t expect to see you here! ?
Scussi, kitten, did you invite him?
No, not introduced. How did you know this place,horropedia? Could it be that you...?
Don't be nervous, my colleagues and I happened to be walking by here after work and saw you enter the pub.
I just want to talk about something.
You know what, I feel your anger and murderous intent. Even if you hide it well, I can still feel it.
Is it because I ate some of the desserts you brought in Vertin's refrigerator?
Did I use up your long-saved gameworld points without permission?
On the day you are about to go on a mission, you find that your magazine inventory is missing 5...?
Or did you see me kissing Vertin?
What did you think of it? Horropedia?
Joshua quickly took out a hammer and knocked on the counter, pointed at Pavia and said:
Humph,You never learn to be respectful and polite. If it weren't for Vertin's sake, I would really like to have a duel with you.
Say something nice, Pavia
You promised me that you would strive to live in harmony with others.
Make amends to Mr. Horropedia and stop causing trouble at the bar.
Vertin is trying to prevent the situation from getting out of hand
mi dispiace molto.
The law of the jungle taught me from an early age to use violence and money to solve all problems. It's very difficult for me to completely correct myself.
But I can compensate you with money and food. After all, I also promised Vertin little girl to improve her behavior after she is released from prison on parole and reduce the chance of being written a complaint letter.
OK, I accept your apology. Back to the question, I would like to know how much Mr. Pavia knows about the Manus Vendike organization?
You actually want to discuss such a taboo topic? Tell me, which side are you on? St. Pavlov Foundation,Manus Vendike, Kingdom Of Number or Lucy and Enigma?
According to my speculation, although there are many good villains in it, none of them are the key to changing the world, so supporting those parties may not be beneficial.
Very good, you are very objective, then I will tell you some news.
When the Manus Vendike organization was first established, Arcana followed a peace agreement, but since the St. Pavlov Foundation was reported by reporters to have rumors of a human experimentation plan,
The number of Arcanists began to increase, and soon There are Arcanists with crazy ideas.
I don't know if it's related, but I was thinking...
Perhaps my mother or grandfather was also a lunatic, and we can favorable evidence could be found to confirm this.
Joshua: That makes sense. Let's continue the discussion.
(Time passes It's about 9pm.)
Bkornblume hurriedly reported an urgent matter to Joshua in the pub.
Bkornblume: I received a distress call from a new area on the mountain, but the Foundation was not broadcasting it.
Two investigators from the same class as Horropedia are on the run.
Ohh, I know that mission. It’s too difficult, so I advise them not to go…
Who is the pursuer? Is the content mentioned?
Semmelweis and Isolde
I still remember Semmelweis making me eat nasty cakes with pepper in them.
Symptoms of facial nerve paralysis and constant drooling continued for many days.
Okay, so Horropedia and Pavia we ready to go here.
You are joking?
My Arcanum not be enough against Isolde. She would cut open my chest and take out my heart. I appreciate such horrific scenes so much, but what if it happened to me!
No, no, no, don’t look for me...
Don't worry horropedia, I'll invite Kakania to fight with us.
You only need to think about how to win, and leave the matter of dealing with the enemy to the vanguard, horropedia.
Joshua Spread your hands said:
Choosing Ms. Windsong will be more reliable!
....to be continued
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fishareglorious · 2 months
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finally playing chapter 6. i'm putting everything under cut for the sake of not spoiling people and because i might go off the shits.
anyways: i'll be bringing up the events that'll happen in the later stages constantly. also will mention chapter 7 (patch 1.9) spoilers in detail so watch out.
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isolde on the torture chair once again.
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since i like reading up on medical history i am curious a little bit on the actual historical accounts of EST. while im mainly more interested in the realm of epidemiology instead of neurosciences and general psychology stuff i might fall into a deep dive of this topic later lol. who knows.
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.... eee. a sad truth.
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ehm. not really.
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ah were back for the regularly scheduled arcanist discrimination i guess
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oh. yeah i forgot kakania's a med school dropout with a practice that's definitely not legal.
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can't. hold schwartz against that sigmund freud was a... weird guy. especially with his oedipus complex thing
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we back on laplace. also what the fuck is up with these guys. didn't matilda and sotheby run into one of of them covered in weird slime in The Star
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the forehead slap i just did can be heard all the way down the marinara ocean. like fuck offffffffffffff. luc's such a funny bastard she has the most serious robotic voice yet she does stupid comedic shit like this. i love you you funny tin woman
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... at the expense of the majority of your staff? god with my knowledge on chapter 7 im constantly going 😬 here not going to lie.
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i kindave feel for medpoc if I was them i would be biting the shit out of lucy right now in utter frustration of her callousness
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an unfortunate nickname for them, but that's semmelweis' team!
all we know from echoes in the mountain's story has set up quite some of the happenings for this chapter.
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watercolor-hearts · 3 months
Tagged by @starlightiing, thank you. 😊❤
Do you make your bed?
In the dorm, yes, I do, but at home I don't really.
Favourite number?
What's your job?
I'm a graphic design student. (Second year starting in September.)
If you could go back to school, would you?
Well, I'm still at school and I'm dead by the end of the semesters so much I don't have energy to do my hobbies in the breaks, so... But I wouldn't go back to high school, either, that's for sure. I couldn't wait to finish it and study something I care about.
Can you parallel park?
No, I can't.
Do you think aliens are real?
No, I don't think so. But even if they're real, I'm sure they don't look like how people imagine they do.
Can you drive a manual car?
No, I can't drive, no matter what type of car it is.
Guilty Pleasures?
Hearts, heartbeats, cardiology, cardiac surgery, emergency medicine, things like that. (But I don't know that much about them so please don't start quizzing me. 😂 Nowadays it's only hearts/heartbeats, the others are old ones from the time I was writing about two surgeon main characters in my old original story and I since I stopped, I've forgotten a lot of things.)
I don't have any. Sometimes I want some, but I'm too scared I wouldn't like the result.
Favourite Colour?
Favourtie type of music?
Pop, rock, gothic metal, alternative, and I'm sure I like a few more I just don't know they have their own name/category. 😃
Do you like puzzles?
I don't really care about them. There are some good-looking/interesting ones I see on the internet but I don't really have space to do puzzles, so I don't really care about them.
Favourite childhood sport?
Vaulting and then ballet.
Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I do. I have to discuss my weird ideas with someone that has exactly the same taste. 😃
Tea or coffee?
Coffee, but I like tea, too. ❤
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
Probably princess, as a child, but then paramedic (which is really weird because I really don't like blood and needles and bones sticking out of the skin and things like that), then fashion designer and in high school graphic designer.
What movies do you adore?
My favorites are Semmelweis (it's a Hungarian movie about Ignác Semmelweis and his biggest achievement in medicine) and Gran Turismo (because I love the driver-engineer relationship in it, it's beautiful).
Tagging @fredwardart and @vicsbasement. 😊
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mintyteatea · 4 months
The moment I saw semmelweis shown the very first time in the 1.6 livestream, I immediately loved her design. So seeing her playable and that gorgeous I2 art.... and then it turns out she's gonna be a free 6* for anniversary !!!!!!!
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indyhypnosis · 1 year
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Self-Deception Holding You Back?
“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother
The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new baby had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria.
Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate at his hospital.
One day, he came across a paper written by a physician in another country proposing that “invisible bugs” were causing infection and death. The cure was using a combination of chloride and lime to terminate them. 
The paper also suggested that physicians unknowingly pass these bugs to their patients.
Dr. Semmelweis was displeased with the suggestion that doctors might be unconsciously at fault, yet he pushed his ego aside to save his patients.
He concocted the chloride of lime solution and proceeded to wash his hands before delivering babies, for this was not a standard procedure at the time.  
Almost immediately, the post-mortality rate for his patients dropped from 18% to 2%. Then he ordered all of his medical instruments to be washed in the chloride of lime solution before each procedure, and the mortality rate dropped to 1%.
Dr. Semmelweis was both delighted and saddened.
He was grateful for discovering the breakthrough solution yet horrified by the idea that such heartbreak was due to the doctor’s actions since their mission was to save lives.
So he shared the news and enrolled all the doctors in adopting this new practice, they saved hundreds of lives, and all loved Dr. Semmelweis.
I wish that were true, but self-deception is brutal, and when under pressure, the ego is more concerned with self-preservation than what’s good for humanity.
Instead, colleagues mocked his “invisible bugs” theory and continued doing what they had always done despite the substantial statistics proving their approach was detrimental.
Administrators retaliated with the cost of remodeling the entire hospital with sinks in each room so physicians could wash their hands before delivering babies. 
Instead, they continued to state it was a ventilation problem and ordered the windows always to be open. 
Even with Dr. Semmelweis’s 17% improvement in post-mortality death, the consensus was that “Doctors don’t spread disease; they cure it!”
Outraged by such ignorance of the truth (self-deception), he railed against the powers that be, was fired, and passed away in the prime of his life after experiencing deep depression.
Twenty years later, the “germ theory” was proven accurate, and Dr. Semmelweis became known as the Father of Infection Control. 
Yet, how many families were devastated because human beings resisted change so adamantly?  
Having all the supporting information, data, and facts in front of you don’t seem to change behavior when one’s ego feels threatened.
Instead, we slip into denial, blame others, or attack ourselves with no intention of changing our approach. 
“Yes, well that was back then and we’ve come a long way since then.”
Have we?
I observe individuals, corporate executives, company teams, and family members struggle with the same self-deception and ego challenges now as we did then.
Changing behavior and emotional habits by first becoming accountable for your feelings and actions can be as frightening as death. 
Your old habits must die for your new life to begin. 
That cannot happen until one owns their thoughts, feelings, and actions, even when it feels lousy, instead of blaming ourselves, others, or life experiences for how we show up today.
Every day is a fresh opportunity to begin a more empowering chapter of your life by setting aside ego, blame, and self-deception.
Will today be that day for you?
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punkprefect · 3 years
The Semmelweis Medical Museum is a small, obscure place that I recommend to people who love weird dead things like myself. If your stay isn’t that long in Budapest, I would not necessarily say it’s a must, but you know who you are if you have to see this stuff no matter what. The Semmelweis Medical Museum is named after the Hungarian doctor who realized that washing hands before surgeries…
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abbysprettygiiirl · 5 months
finished the movie and omg. :(( loved it so so much !!? the soundtrack is so beautiful as well. and the end... aah. it was a really interesting movie! and also, hungarian is a pretty language. (though i had to watch it with subtitles). emma and ignac were so adorable? like the scene where they first kiss, when ignac knocks on emma's door after he got into a fight with a man (who's wife died). and emma cleans his wounds. i love a good wound cleaning scene. but overall. the character of semmelweis is just... it's so inspiring and touching how he really cares for his patients. and how he'll do anything to care for them, to help them, and do better. this movie is so good. and so pretty and touching. and i thought it was so cute how he wrote emma a letter, to convince her to come with him to budapest. and how he got her little sister new glasses at the end. :(( this movie had the right balance of romance and plot. so so good !! 🫶🏻
"maybe the words i'm even more sorry about are the unsaid ones, the ones that would have made it clear to me – that i need you. you are important to me. and i believe we belong together." from ignác's letter.
as for your crush. it sucks so bad to have a crush on your best friend. :(( i've only fallen in love with a best friend once. and we "dated" (we were like, 13 at the time). but we lost contact. and she said i was a creep for liking girls and she forced herself to love me?? but anyway !
you don't have to put pressure on yourself to figure out if you're bi or a lesbian. it can take a long time before you figure that out, so don't pressure yourself. really. we tend to stress over labels sm when they don't really matter (in my opinion.) and what do you mean the feeling is starting to fade away? i hope you're ok and not feeling too bad about it, lovely :(( 🫶🏻🌷 mwaaah !!
I'm so happy you liked the movie, I really am! 💘
by the way, when I first saw the movie in the cinema, Ignác was so unlikable because of his cold demeanor, but when he was with Emma, he became more and more likeable, except when Emma "betrayed" Ignác to the head doctor of the other department. and my god, when Ignác's friend died :( I felt so sorry for him :(
whaat? how can anyone say such a thing?? forced herself to love you?! what the heck-😨 like she must be dumb, sorry
anyway, I try not to think about it too much, but at night, until I fall asleep, these thoughts enter my mind and unfortunately, sometimes I worry until I cry (just like now). and I meant that sentence to mean that the feeling of "love" for my best friend is starting to fade and I'm starting to think of her as a friend again. :) 💕
thank you for talking to me, 🌷 nonnie!! 🫶🏻
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