#I looked into the form just for fun and found that it fit her very well
agatharkn3ss · 5 hours
Theory on Agatha/Rio past
We know Rio joins the coven next week, climbing out of (what looks like) Sharon's grave and will be part of the next trial.
We also get a sneak peak on how the trial starts - but in the extended version, after the coven disperses to find the clue, we see Rio standing behind Agatha and saying "boo". Agatha seems stirred but eventually she replies a very decisive "No".
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Now - I, for one, would love this brief moment to be about the sexual tension and how they can't keep away from each other. However, I think Rio's unspoken suggestion is actually about killing the rest of the coven. Especially that in another promo we hear Agatha telling Rio that "she needs these witches to get her what she wants".
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So I think their past might be something like they were always just the two of them together against the world, and that they used to find witches for Agatha to syphon power from, and Rio would help her. This would sit well with Rio's chaotic energy and the theory that she's Lady Death.
I also think that despite all her bravado, Agatha actually longs to be a part of a coven. After her own mother's coven turner against her, she would've tried to form her own sisterhood. We see in a promo that she's sucking energy from a group of women around her, so probably another coven turning against her for whatever transgression this time.
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It's probably caused by something Agatha did (although in my eyes she can do no wrong!), but I wonder if at some point Rio doesn't start meddling here.
Maybe Rio meets Agatha and becomes fascinated by this loud and unapologetic witch, so she wants her all for herself. She starts meddling so that Agatha is more and more isolated and betrayed by other witches and begins to think that maybe a coven is not something she wants any more and that she can only rely on herself and Rio. Eventually she gives in and the two of them enjoy their lives together, causing chaos and tricking other witches for a few centuries - something akin to Louis and Lestat in the Interview with the Vampire (maybe they even split up because of a child, like the vampires?)
We don't know how long it's been since they've been apart, but we know it's since Agatha acquired the Darkhold, so probably a fair chunk. But now Rio found her again and she misses Agatha and wants back the chaos life they led. She was never intent on killing Agatha, I don't think, but she wanted to see her hurt. But when she finds out Agatha doesn't have her powers, she realises it will be tricky to go back to where they were until Agatha has magic again. She starts scheming again, maybe she even hopes that Agatha will be able to syphon the Salem Seven? Or that Rio can play the hero, save Agatha and show her how much Agatha needs her?
But instead of fighting or running, Agatha assembles a coven. And she actually seems to enjoy it - I mean, look at them singing the ballad. Even though Agatha is impatient to open the gate or get some magic blasts flowing, she does take a pause at the end of the song, clearly enjoying it.
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In episode 3 she has her soft moments too. She clearly doesn't feel like part of the sisterhood yet, because she's wary of her past experiences - she tries to protect herself by offsetting any moments of kindness with some jerk behaviour (I think that's the only reason she kicked everyone after sliding out or the first trial) and show them she doesn't need them. But you can tell she fits into her role as a leader so well and maybe even is surprised by it. And just look how she enjoys herself in episode 4 band!
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I think Rio is opportunistic, so after Sharon's send off, she sees her way in, but what are her intentions for joining?
She might just enjoy the chaos and hope for fun "like the old times", maybe expecting Agatha to intend to kill the witches like before. Or she might want to keep meddling so that Agatha doesn't abandon her for a coven. Or there is something else and she actually wants something from the Road? Or all of the above?
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drawingsphopho · 2 years
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Daemon Age: Inquisition
Cullen Rutherford & Aeltjedemuis - (Mabari/Pittweiler) Cullen, ever the Fereldan, settled quite patriotically (and young) as a robust and strong dog. Aeltje is often seen next to the stern-faced Commander, wagging her tail ferociously. Pitties can be either aggressive or gentle depending on who trains and nurtures them. Their bond is tender ever since weaning off Lyrium. It is unbearable for her to leave his side.
Josephine Montilyet & Agapito - Bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) Agapito sits within a fishbowl on the ambassador’s desk, or floats within a water-filled bauble hanging around the Antivan’s neck. He can put on quite an attractive show, dancing about, and revels in practical and mutual cooperation.Yet beyond the flashing scales lies a cunning mind. Like Josephine, the cleaner wrasse always finds the benefit in a transaction.
Leliana & Sharon - Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) Why do you think they call the spymaster Lady Nightingale? Actually, the nickname is purely incidental. While malcontents are focused on the frightening Right Hand, Sharon works away chipping foes down bit by bit, singing beautifully all the while. She can be seen under her human’s hood, or sometimes at an unnervingly far distance.
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ambrosiagourmet · 7 months
I've been thinking about Laios' succubus lately. Mulling it over a bit.
Because I've seen these pages brought up a fair bit, but almost entirely in the context of shipping (on all sides, really). And I really want to understand what they are doing for the story beyond that.
When I went back to reread the scene and section, a few things caught my interest: the way Laios responds to both forms of his succubus, the themes of the volume the chapter is found in, and the other events of the chapter itself.
So let's dive into those three things, and what I think they say about the succubus scene's purpose.
Laios is never fully frozen by the succubus
So. If you compare Marcille and Chilchuck's reactions...
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to Laios':
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There is a difference. Sure, the basics may look the same once it turns into Scylla Marcille, but even then, it functions differently.
Chilchuck and Marcille are completely frozen once they catch sight of their succubus. Izutsumi, as well, isn't able to look away, and completely freezes up once her 'mom' starts talking to her. As Chilchuck describes, "just looking at them makes you unable to move."
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And yet, Scylla Marcille has to actively convince Laios to comply. He even looks away from her at one point!
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Laios accepts this succubus, but he is never actually helpless to it in the same way. Taken in? Convinced? Sure, at least enough to let things happen that he probably should question more than he does. But magically compelled? Not really. Not the same way as everyone else is. So that's interesting. But let's move on for now.
2. Volume 9 is all about drive and desire
I don't often look at chapters within the context of the volume they are included in, but I think there's some really fun things to be found with that perspective in mind.
For one, volume 9 starts with an exploration of what desire brought Laios to the dungeon:
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And ends with a question of what desire brought Laios to the dungeon:
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It's also very concerned in general with questions of why people do what they do. Why they are in the dungeon, why they are with the people they are with, why they stay, what they fight for.
In addition to Laios, we see it with Marcille...
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and Mithrun
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Hell, we even get it for the demon!
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It's certainly not the only volume concerned with desires and motives, but it is particularly focused on these ideas.
The succubus scene fits quite well into the ongoing question about desires, especially Laios' desires. It is even placed at an interesting spot within the volume. The volume is six chapters long, and the scene takes place at the start of the 4th chapter. It's almost smack-dab in the middle.
With all this in mind, it is interesting that, with both versions of the succubus Marcille, it's not totally clear which parts of her Laios is rejecting.
The first version of Marcille looks human, but Laios attacks when he identifies her as a monster. The second Marcille looks like a monster, but he seems to believe that she is the real (human)(ish) person that he knows. So is he rejecting the monster at first, and then accepting the person? Or is he rejecting humanity and only interested in the monstrous?
Something to consider as we look at the next point...
3. the rest of the chapter is a seduction, too
This is one of those things that might not be apparent on a first reading, but is crystal clear on a revisit. We see the succubus try and charm Laios over 7 pages, and then see the Winged Lion do the same thing for the next 19.
Much like the succubus, it offers the mingling of monsters and humans. Much like the succubus, it offers belonging.
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(and this is the point where I absolutely must also link this post by fumifooms on the succubus, which has some great ideas on how the scene is informed by Laios' trauma and desire for acceptance!!!)
But, back to the point. The Winged Lion wants to feed on Laios just as much as the succubus did, and it uses similar strategies to try and make that happen. Though this chapter isn't really the turning point for the next Lord of the Dungeon (it is Marcille who will, eventually, become the Lion's next victim), it certainly behaves like it is.
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Laios is convinced. The succubus gets its meal. By the end of the volume, the reader begins to understand how concerning his desires are. Together, it is all very good at building up that sense of dread and pending disaster, as we see exactly how and why Laios might just fall into the Lion's open arms and bring about the end of the world.
So that's the three things I noticed. But there's still something I want to touch on by looking at the way these observations overlap, and what they reveal, together.
As I said, by the end of the volume, you can feel the tension growing. Just as Kabru and Mithrun do, you look back for an answer to the questions that have been built, chapter by chapter: why is Laios here? Where will his loyalties fall? This chapter, and scene, seem to prove the inevitable truth: he will choose the monster, of course. He will choose the seductive, easy power of the Winged Lion.
But the details of what actually happens tell different story: one in which the Lion is wrong.
First, as a reminder - even in Scylla Marcille mode, the succubus never fully entrances Laios. It convinces him, but it doesn't have him completely under its thrall.
Similarly, in the dream, the Lion does convince Laios to embrace the world he is offering. But even within that dream, Laios continues to ask questions that will be vital to him later. It is because of those questions that Laios comes to a new understanding about Thistle.
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And it's this realization that he cites later as part of his reason for refusing the Lion's offer.
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He is thinking through things the entire time, just like he continues to question the succubus even after it turns into Scylla Marcille.
Laios also expresses an interesting reason for why he wants to see the future of this world. He's not just invested because it would mean people liking what he likes, or him getting to spend time with monsters. The thought that comes immediately before his acceptance is about what he wants for monsters and people.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that this statement - "we're living beings that share the same world, but all we can do is keep killing each other" - can apply to the various humans races just as much as it does to humans and monsters. The thing he is thinking about here isn't just a matter of his personal daydreams. It's an idea that underpins every conflict in the story.
Laios caring about how people as well as monsters in this manner is something that the Lion gets wrong every time. Even at the end, he still frames Laios' desires entirely around hating people and loving monsters.
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The Lion has heard him express an opinion about the future of the world! It happened right there in the dream, right in front of him! He just didn't take it seriously, and didn't view it through any lens other than "Laios likes monsters more".
He's convinced that he understands how to get to Laios. Maybe the Lion can't truly see everything, or maybe his vision into everyone's deepest desires has made it hard for him to realize how much choice still matters. That people can, and do, choose which desires to act on, and how to act on them.
Whatever the case, he's wrong about Laios, and the story shows us this over and over again.
After all, look at how the succubus interaction plays out:
A monster uses Marcille to appeal to Laios...
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He realizes that something about the situation is wrong, and rejects her.
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It changes strategies, and makes new offer: to turn him into a monster.
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It also assures him that his friends are, or will be, taken care of.
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He accepts. Or rather, allows the monster to have its way with him.
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But Laios is not as helpless as he initially appears, and what the Lion thinks is a successful seduction also contains the seed of an idea that will allow Laios to later resist him.
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We even get to see Izutsumi playing a similar role in both instances, as the one person fully able to take action in the face to the illusion.
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The story lays out what is going happen, and then explicitly tells us that the demon and the succubus are thematically related.
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The chapter performs a great sleight of hand here - everything about it seems to indicate that Laios is doomed give in to the option to have his deepest desires realized. But if you look closer, it also contains the evidence that he won't. There's a lot more going on for him.
Yes, he still falls for obvious tricks. He is still extremely into monsters, and he still doesn't feel like he fits in with other people. He may, deep down, crave to surrender to the monstrous - to let it absorb him. But he questions more than he seems to. He considers more than people realize. He cares so much more than anyone gives him credit for.
And I think this is part of why we see the succubus called back to so many times, especially with the wolf head addition to his Monster Form, which he specifically added due to his encounter with the Scylla Marcille.
This all stays with Laios. It doesn't just foreshadow the path of the story, it is fundamental to how and why he walks that path. It's not about him choosing monsters, and it's not about him choosing people. It's about how he considers both, and cares about both.
And it's about the forces that think they already know his answer. Mithrun and Kabru. The Winged Lion. The succubus.
It's about how they are wrong.
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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I volunteered to help the florist with her Mother's Day deliveries today, it was fun! My favourite parts of the experience:
early this morning I delivered flowers to women who were busy with morning farm chores, usually out in the barn; some had forgotten it was Mother's Day and were pleasantly surprised to see me show up holding a bunch of flowers above my head (so it wouldn't get eaten by barn animals on the way)
speaking of: one woman let a cow smell the flowers, then said "they're probably treated with chemicals—better not have a taste" with an apologetic look (at her cow)
a little boy opened the door at one point and I said, flowers for your mum! and he called her and while waiting for her to come downstairs, he said, "I learnt a Mother's Day poem at school", so I said, let's hear it! And apparently he hadn't expected that, and he lit up upon realising he would get higher returns on his poem investment than expected. He thought he'd recited it once and it was over but here was a fresh new audience!
a woman whom I found at the back of her garden hanging out with ducks deplored the fact that she didn't have a coin in her pocket for a tip, then said "Do you want to see my baby pigeons?" Yes of course I want to see your baby pigeons. That's a good tip
I delivered a bouquet to someone and a woman next door, who was in her garden, turned to the open window of her house and said, "[Neighbour's name] got flowers! For MOTHER'S DAY."
I later had to return to that street after a last-minute order was placed to this woman's address. Whomever she was talking to inside the house got the message loud and clear :)
at one point I entered a barn that seemed empty (except for cows), said "Is anyone here?" and a goat SPRUNG UP out of nowhere and poked me with her hoof and gave me a heart attack
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I returned to the shop and the florist let me pick a couple of plants as thanks, and we had the usual conversation—"Would this cheerful yellow plant thrive in my house?" "No. Your house is under 10°C. Try this one instead." Me: "This one isn't yellow :( It's more austere" Her: "So is your house" (She entered my non-heated kitchen in December once, and ever since I've been trying to convince her that it's not always like that) (just six months per year)
as I sat in the shop waiting for more bouquets to deliver, a man came in to buy roses and the florist started wrapping a ribbon around the bunch and the man asked, could you put a ribbon around each rose? I said aw they're for several mums? :) And he said yeah—that he was going to visit his mum at the retirement home and he wanted to get something "for all her friends too, why not!" It made everyone smile
admiring the florist's skill as she quickly put together a bouquet for a new order, I said something like "at least AI won't steal your job" and she said "with quantum computing, you don't know... not sure what it is but I read an article and it sounded scary." I said, I heard it's still impractical because the quantum computer particles need to be kept in very cold environments, like close to absolute zero, and she said "Quantum plants would thrive in your house."
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Florist: "I'll accompany you for this delivery because the person who filled the form gave a 'turn left after the third mossy rock'-type of address"
I was invited at her house for lunch, and I asked warily "Does your husband still have swans?" She said "No, we only kept the geese. We have just 3. They're evil too but not as bad as the swans"
one of my favourite interactions was when I delivered flowers in a hamlet that could fit in my pocket, and a young girl who came to the door asked me in what village I lived, and I said, it's not a village, just a lone house in the woods, and she sighed "I wish I could live away from civilisation." I looked around us. Asked, how many people live in this village? She said, "Sixty." I said, "That's too many?" She said, "Yeah."
Final stats for today: I was offered a coffee 4 times, Mother's Day chocolates 2 times, and 1 meeting with baby pigeons; was startled by 1 goat and terrorised by 3 geese; petted 2 windowsill cats, and was asked if Pampérigouste was currently in her pasture 4 times.
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pearlzier · 3 months
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now playing . . . cowboy by tyler the creator 𓈒⠀ ✧
⠀⠀⠀⠀𝅄⠀⠀ㅤׂ ⠀warnings / smut, cheating, random ass boyfriend called josh, reader is wearing a skirt, oral (m!receiving), p in v, public kinda (they're outside in the garden), unprotected sex (idk no mattlings running around yetzies)
⠀⠀⠀⠀𝅄⠀⠀ㅤׂ ⠀word count / lots of words like over 2k probably ??
⠀⠀⠀⠀𝅄⠀⠀ㅤׂ ⠀author's note / i got so carried away this was supposed 2 be a drabble LMFAOOO have fun w this :3
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"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND. YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER, ALRIGHT?" is what he was told, the moment he met you.
and he listened. he really tried to. until he couldn't anymore. until he had you pinned against the wall of his friend's house, creaming on his dick. it sounds insane, it probably was, but matt was a man pushed to his last straw with a very pretty girl at the end of it. you can't blame him for that, even if it does sound cruel. to be honest, his initial resilience and resistance of temptation should've been a dead giveaway to the way he would fall into the claws of desire so hard.
matt didn't think much when he heard that josh had gotten a girlfriend. he was happy for his friend, glad that he'd found someone. he didn't expect you to be drop dead fucking gorgeous. to be so pretty. he had to do a double take when he first saw you, absolutely stunned. josh wasn't that bad looking, no, but.. to pull a girl like you was a massive feat for anyone. you're like, so fitting for josh. but at the same time, that makes you fitting for matt. of course you are.
he's fully aware of how he stared at you the first time he saw you, which caused josh to say—"that's my girlfriend. you stay the fuck away from her, alright?"—bringing him out from the daze of lewd thoughts and inappropriate positions his brain had already put you in. was he a shit friend? probably.
this resulted in matt having a bit of a staring problem as you'd called it. it wasn't creepy or anything, it was actually appreciated and polite. albeit very much loaded. it was like you knew he was head over heels for you and decided to dangle your affection infront of him in some form of torture. it was not fair how he had to hide his boner around you. absolutely torture.
he couldn't hang out with josh like he used to simply because of your presence. and you fucking knew it too, you tease. it was your favourite thing to wear the tiniest clothes around him or simply bat your lashes and giggle in the most adorable way. matt was pretty sure you wanted him dead, just from how amazing you were. once again, at a party held at josh's place, he's day dreaming a little taking you in. his blue eyes flicker over you, he swallows thickly, glancing down at the soda he had in his hands. he'd barely drank any of it, if any. too distracted by your presence.
trying to focus his attention on something else, he glances away from you, focusing his attention on some other girls dancing together. they want his attention, you just.. capture his attention without even trying. until you actually did try to get his attention, flashing him that soft little smile when your eyes met his. he has to practically force his jaw shut after it drops at the sight of you. he's so whipped for his friend's girlfriend.
matt curses himself for the way he glances away like a little kid when you meet his gaze, and he knows you most definitely saw it. he swallows hard, trying to focus on somerhing but you once more. it becomes impossible when he feels a presence which he knows is most definitely you beside him. his mouth goes dry.
"hi, matt," you say, all coy, like you don't know the exact effect you have on him. matt glances up at you, trying not to seem as awkward as he feels. his lashes flutter as he tries ro come up with a response that feels chill, not.. insane. "hey," he settles on—it's simple, casual. doesn't betray the thoughts in his head.
the smile on your glossy lips only grows at that. it's like you can see directly through him into his soul. your eyes rake over him for a moment, as you consider what to say, "you havin' fun?" you watch him, waiting for a response even if you know exactly how he's feeling. matt goes quiet, brain whirling once more in an attempt to seem normal. "sure," he starts, "just.. y'know.." great job, matt. he seems so normal, right? great.
the laugh you let out at his response has his gut tightening along with his jeans, and he swears he can feel his heart in his throat for a moment. matt runs his fingers through his hair, playing with his rings in a nervous movement. "y'know?" your words are soft, curious, as if coaxing him to continue. he really doesn't want to, but he does, anyway.
"uh," matt scratches the back of his neck, an awkward chuckle slipping past his lips. you don't think its awkward at all, no, you think it's adorable. endearing. he's adorable. "a little bored, i guess, but.. never really been much of a party guy," his blue eyes meet yours again and the intensity, the tension, makes him glance away once more. you laugh again, making his cheeks flush.
"bored? here? m'surprised, everyone's like.. having the time of their lives," you're not wrong—everyone is having the time of their lives.
"i could think of plenty of other things that would constitute as the time of my life, this isn't one of 'em," matt snarks playfully, finding himself comfortable with you almost instantly. you have this vibe, this comfortable aura that makes people relax and chill out. trustworthy, in a way. "i get it, don't worry. besides the dancing and people and.. things, it's not that entertaining." he can agree with that, and he nods, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he leans back against the wall.
this allows him a moment to take you in. he shouldn't have done that. that once over only made his thoughts about you worse. horrifically worse, oh god. matt glanced at the ceiling as if the faint stain on it was interesting. it wasn't. he'd much rather leave stains with you on some sheets. even he cringed at his own thoughts. "come outside with me," you offer after a moment. everything about you oozes innocent but matt can't help but think you're anything but. he thinks about josh and swallows, mumbling, "i don't think josh would like that very much."
"he's not here right now, is he?" you remember very vividly josh had gone out to grab some drinks for the party with another friend of his, having headed to the convenience store near his house. which left you with free reign of the party, and the chance to do whatever you fucking pleased. and you wanted to do matt. the obvious answer.
matt's a tiny bit stunned by your words and he blinks slowly, processing for a minute before his brain catches up and he nods quickly, pushing off of the wall with an eagerness he's embarassed at. "you're right," he starts, "yeah, okay," he nods towards the door leading outside to the back garden with the hot tub and such. he's a tiny bit nervous you're playing with him, to go back and tell josh what he's doing, however you seem just as into this as he is, and he nods once more.
he takes the lead, glancing back frequently to check you're still there. you are, thankfully, and he gains a tiny bit more confidence. "you look nice," he murmurs, quiet, so if you didn't hear him he wouldn't have to repeat himself. you did hear him, however, and you feel flush at that. that soft smile only grows more, "thank you. can say the same," matt laughs softly, glancing away bashfully. he holds the door for you, delighting in the way your soft body brushes against his. he wants to feel more. wants to feel you under him, above him, around him.
it's cool outside, an easy breeze that contrasts to the warm heat of bodies within the house. you visibly relax which makes him relax too. he's quiet, you're quiet, the two of you making your way to a quiet part of the garden. it's sort of an alley, the bit between the back gate and the house itself. he likes how private it is. "so," matt starts, "so," you respond in return. it's not an awkward silence, but gentle. he laughs softly, he doesn't even know why. you're just so pretty it makes him giddy. and he says it. "you look so pretty."
"you think i look pretty?" you know you look pretty. when don't you?
"uh-huh," he nods, gently. "real pretty," he swallows hard. you overwhelm him. "sometimes i think—" he shouldn't go down that rabbit hole, especially not infront of you.
but he'd already gone too far, you'd heard him. "you think what?" you're always so attentive and inquisitive, he hates it. not really, he adores it, but sometimes he wishes you'd let things slide more often. matt curses under his breath, blue eyes soft.
"sometimes i think about if you were mine," matt's voice is quiet, almost scared as to how you'll react. he thinks you'll flip out at him, slap him, call him insane. but you don't, a soft looking appearing in your eyes. you look at matt with this gentle curiosity that coaxes him into saying more; "because you're.. you're just so gorgeous, and sweet, and funny, and you smile at me when i'm having the shittest days ever and i just fucking wish you weren't with josh because god, i'd make you feel so good, baby," he doesn't think twice about calling you baby and you don't think twice about how good you feel when he says that.
"now you're just begging me to kiss you," your tone is playfully soft, and matt looks a tiny bit weary, like he's scared you're joking. his plush lips are parted, soft puffs of air slipping past, "kiss me?" he asks gently, blue eyes innocent in how surprised he is. you want to kiss him?
you decide to answer without words, gently grasping at his hoodie and drawing him in for a gentle kiss. your lips meet, a soft groan slipping past matt's lips almost instantly. his hands hover around your waist, as he's scared to touch you, like he doesn't deserve to, so you gently mumble against him, "you can touch me," just to make it crystal clear you're okay with this. his lips are soft, gentle, his mouth tasting faintly like the soda he'd been drinking and a faint vanilla lip balm that made his lips so plush. your lips are equally soft, the glitter of your lip-gloss transferring to his lips and leaving a glittery sheen on them.
matt lets out a soft whine when your lips have to come off eachother, to simply get air. fuck air, he thinks to himself, but he doesn't say it outloud. "josh," he says gently, his brain immediately thinking to the worst scenario. you, however, don't look fussed. "what about him?" your relaxed demeanour and absolutely no worry in your gait makes his cheeks flush more, but also a confidence grow within him. he quickly grasps at your hips and brings you into him, thumbs stroking over the fabric of your skirt.
"nothing," he says quietly, practically breathing you in. the smell of your perfume made him dizzy. he wanted to suffocate in it. god, if you heard his thoughts.. "no—nothing about him," he slides his hands over your sides, and he's trying to resist the urge to grope at your body. "nothing, ma," he wants to kiss you again. "can i kiss you again?"
"mhm," you hum gently, preening into his touch with your eyes lifting up to his. your smile only grows, a giggle slipping past your lips once more. "i suppose so." matt eagerly slips his hand down to your ass, grasping gently to tug you impossibly closer before he presses his lips to yours again. his tongue brushes yours, and you eagerly reciprocate it again. as he grasps at your ass, your hands slide to his arms and hold yourself against him.
"god, you're so pretty," he murmurs against your lips, whimpering the words out gently. you slide your hands up and down his arms, making a shiver flutter down his spine a little. "s'not fair, how come he gets you?" his voice is whiny, like he really can't believe that you're his, even if he wants you so bad.
you raise your brows, "you're getting me right now." your words are a soft reminder, that he shouldn't think about his bestfriend, your boyfriend at this very moment. matt practically melts the moment you drop to your knees infront of him. he glances around frantically for a second as if josh is gonna pop out of a bush or something. this feels like a dream, like it's not real, but your fingers tugging on the zip of his jeans was very much real.
"are you not uncomfortable?" of course that's what he's worried about. your comfort. it's adorable how his blue eyes search yours to find any hesitation. he doesn't find any.
"m'fine, don't worry yourself 'bout it, matt," he's dreamed of this before. woken up with his boxers sticky at the thought of you on your knees for him. he swallows thickly, "okay," he breathes out, sounding a little on edge.
matt whines under his breath when you tug at the zip, his chest rising and falling in gentle breaths whilst he watched you. the cold air hits his thighs when you manage to tug down the denim previously covering him, and he lets out a nervous little laugh. "oh my god," he mumbles, he'd never thought he'd have you like this. your fingers brush his legs, making him practically buckle at the knees. "you don't have to, i mean—" he'd fully planned on being the one to make you feel good, but from how eagerly you're tugging at his boxers, he's pretty sure he'll get to wait.
"i want to, though," there's such certainty in your voice. it's attractive.
he swallows thickly when he feels you tug down his boxers, a quiet yelp slips past his lips. his tip leaks precum, clearly having been doing so for a while now considering the stain on the front of his boxers. matt would feel embarassed if it wasn't for how badly he wants to fuck your throat till you cry, pretty tears on your cheeks. he's so hard, it almost hurts. "you look so good," he mumbles quietly, "oh, god."
your eyes flutter over him, taking in the sight of his cock appraisingly. "says you," matt blushes instantly at your words, "me? pretty? that's just because my dick's out, isn't it?"
"that too," you shrug, running your fingers up over his thigh. the touch is light, and you realise you like touching him a lot. the faint shiver in his leg, the way he watches you so attentively at every tiny movement—you feel wanted. so, so wanted. more than josh ever made you feel. he instinctively pumps his hand on his cock, a pitiful whine slipping past him as his head tilts back a little. he hasn't even been touched yet, and he's yours. he thumbs his slit for a moment, coaxing more precum to drip. smearing it over the swollen head, he gently guides it to your mouth, watching as the tip pushed against your plush lips. "is this okay? do you—is this.." matt doesn't know why he's so nervous. he'd been with plenty of girls before so this isn't anything different, but it is. you're amazing.
"you're worried," you start, "but i wanna make you feel good," words mumbled against his tip, you leave little kisses as you speak—"let me," you say softly, watching as he strokes his cock once more. matt's hesitant for another moment, scared of making you uncomfortable, before he decides to let go of those fears and just go for it. his hand slides to the back of your head, cradling as he tugs your mouth onto him, watching your plush lips stretch to accommodate his girth. the sight is gorgeous, a gasp escaping him as he watches you.
"holy shit," he's gentle with you, wanting to worship the land you walk on in this very moment. your pretty eyes on his as you gag around him a little, grasping at his thighs to steady yourself. your lips leave a little gloss imprint on him, a quiet giggle coming from him at that. but he's also giddy about how warm your mouth feels around him, and the urge to just start thrusting his hips is palpable. "you feel so.." his hips move in gentle, shallow thrusts, trying not to go too far. you moan around him, a pretty sound which makes him whimper again.
your lashes fluttering as you swirl your tongue around the tip, making a mess of him as your drool runs in globs down the sides of his cock. he likes the way you struggle a little, but his head's fuzzy at how good you make him feel. "so, so good, ah, ah—" matt makes the prettiest noises, eyes squeezing shut the moment he starts rutting his hips against you, bullying his dick further down your throat. "fuck, fuck, shit.. like that.." he mumbles under his breath, hands drawing you closer by the back of your head.
it doesn't help the way you start to bob your head, his thighs tensing beneath your touch as he whines, "so.. fuck.. makin' me feel so good, baby, uh-huh," you have to breathe through your nose to take him as deep as you want, which is deeper than matt had anticipated. not that he was complaining. you felt so good, your mouth so warm and wet around him. more precum leaks from his tip at your motions, and you swallow for a moment slowly, the salty taste making you moan around him.
that makes his thighs tense once more, a quiet whimper bubbling from his throat before it drops into a guttural moan, his hips stuttering as he grunted out, "gonna cum, shit.. mmh, gonna—gonna cum," thick, white ropes of cum spurt as he lets go, warming your throat and painting its surface. he holds you close still, even as you swallow down his load, his chest rising and falling in quick breaths.
he looks so pretty like this—all blissed out and weightless from how good you'd just made him feel. his lashes flutter, blue eyes now on yours as his eyes open, and he stammers out quickly, "i'm so sorry, i didn't ask, i just assumed that.. that—"
"it's okay, hey," you liked everything he was doing. it felt good. you enjoyed swallowing whatever he gave you, it wasn't like you weren't enjoying yourself. the awkward way in which he handled his feelings towards you made your heart warm, a soft, nervous smile playing on his plush, pink lips now. "yeah?" he asks gently, swallowing hard. he's got an idea, brewing in his head. "okay. uhm, here, uh.."
he glances down at himself, embarassed at how hard he still is despite the fact he'd just came down your throat. but he's got a plan to fix that, as his hands slip down to help you back up. "here.." he mumbles, a little clumsy in how he handles you but it's still way more.. comfortable than it is with josh. even when you're outside against a brick wall. "is this okay?" he asks, running a ring-clad hand over the curve of your thigh for a moment before he presses you against the wall, letting your back come against it.
"this is okay," even a simple, is this okay, has you soaked. he's so considerate.
"it is?" he asks, gently, fingers brushing the hem of your underwear, tugging slowly with a curl of his index and middle.
"you're worrying," you murmur, expression soft.
"just wanna treat you right," matt says gently, tugging down your underwear finally. you flinch a little at the cold air hitting your wet cunt, his blue eyes following the string of your arousal clinging to your panties from your hole. he swallows thickly at the sight, sliding your underwear into his pocket for safe keeping. it'd be a miracle if you got those back after. "make you feel as good as you made me, baby," he shifts you against the wall.
you're pretty sure you're dripping down your thighs, and matt can't help a bashful smile at the sight. "up," he says gently, and you oblige, lifting your legs to hook around his waist so he holds you up with his body. it's an interesting position, but this is an interesting predicament, you suppose. "thank you," he says gently, unable to stop himself. he feels.. just.. amazing.
"what are you thankin' me for?" you giggle, head tilting. you're trying not to focus on how good you feel as the head of his cock glides over your folds, parting them gently enough to rub against your clit. he hasn't even been inside you yet and you're pretty sure you could make a mess right there and then.
"lettin' me have you," matt says it like it's obvious, scoffing a little at the way you look at him so curiously. his hands slide down to your thighs, gripping and tugging you closer to hold you up and give himself leverage to slide into you. he pumps his hand over himself once or twice, smacking the head against your cunt before he slowly starts pushing into your tight hole. a whine escapes both of you when he does so, the tight stretch making both you and matt shiver. "oh god, oh.."
if he could stay buried in you forever, he would. if you could have him in you forever, you would. he stretches you so good, a little muffled whimper coming from you as you'd nuzzled into his shoulder to keep yourself steady. "matt," you whine, "so good," he revels in your praise, a fluttery feeling in his stomach at how you seem to adore him. matt's careful, easing himself into you till he bottoms out, fitting snug within your sensitive pussy.
his head tilts back with a groan, content to just stay there like that, but he can feel you grow a tad bit impatient with a little rock of your hips. "i got you," he says with a little nod, slowly easing back before he rocks his hips forward again. he does this a couple more times till he finds an easy rhythm, the slickness of your pussy allowing him to just slip in and out. "is this o—"
"matt, it's fucking okay," he can't help but laugh at the way you snap st him, your words shaky as you watch the way his cock disappears into your tight hole, the wet sounds making your stomach feel all fluttery just like his. the rhythmic sound of skin slapping against skin makes you feel all the more connected to matt, your eyes searching his. "it's okay, more than—shit, mmh.." you just make the perfect sounds as he gradually finds himself pounding into you, hands holding you up against him.
his movements are a little sloppy and clumsy, a testament to how badly he wants you, wants you to feel good, wants to feel the way you clench around him when you cream on him. "like that, like that, shit, fuck me like that," your whimpers only make him thrust harder, his eyes locked on the bounce of your tits with everytime his hips meet yours. every inch of you is intoxicating for him.
"you feel like heaven, baby, god," he grunts out, feeling the way your tight walls squeeze him, practically trapping him there. he keeps it up, free hand lifting to palm at your chest, gently squeezing. he can't help himself, and you can't help but cry out louder. the music of the party is loud enough to mask your sounds anyway, you're sure of it. "this pussy, mmh, could die right here, poundin' your tight cunt, baby."
"uh-huh? yeah?" you coax, feeling your head spin as he hits every spot. his tip hammers into that gummy spot inside of you that makes you cry out with every hard thrust of his hips, and he groans under his breath as you start to clench around him again. "shit, matt, m'gonna cum, i can't, gonna—"
"yeah? yeah? me too, me too, baby, c'mon," he squeezes at your chest once more before his hand slides back down to your thighs, his thrusts only becoming more forceful, making your legs tighten around his waist and inner walls squeeze him even more. "me too, cum for me, cum with me, i got you, that's it, that's my girl," his hips stutter once more, especially when you cream on his cock like that, his blue eye falling instantly to the way your release oozes down him. it soon mixes with his own, a lewd, wet sound squelching out as he pulls out from you a moment after.
his chest rises and falls in heavy breaths, as does yours, recovering from how intense your orgasms were. even then, he feels like he could go again. a million times. maybe after a second, you'd definitely go again too. he's about to go to speak when he hears a call pull up outside, most definitely josh, and your eyes widen, "matt—"
"my place," he tells you, no negotiation in his tone. he wasn't done with you. he doesn't think he'll ever be done with you.
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๋࣭ ⭑ taglist / @mattslolita , @st7rnioioss , @flairdean , @mattsluv , @bepositiveforachange , @poetatorturadaa , @onlynextdoor , @sturncakez , @luverboychris , @sirenedeslily , @evrithingbagel , @sl4ttformattsturniolo , @mattsturnihoe , @aphroditepjo , @mazzystar111 , @flouvela , @stonermattsgf , @str4wberryk1ss3s
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monimccoythings · 7 months
Cursed Cat! Alastor x Child!Reader (Platonic)
This fucker has consumed my entire mind. Everywhere I go, I see him. I need posters, keychains and a plushie of this entity of evil. Since the Sacabambapsis, I never laughed at anything as hard as I did with this little freak of nature (affectionate). Going to be a short one because I'm still laughing as I'm writing this.
This is not proof read, so sorry for any grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes.
All credit goes to @coma_0423 on twitter for simultaneously ruining and saving my life.
Tw: mentions of death
tags: @anonymousewrites, @nonetheartist, @littledolly2345, @sunnyx07, @ouroborostheunholy, @mo-0-o, @sydneyyyya @lbcreations-blog
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Nobody really knows how he ended up as a cat. One day he just woke up like that.
The first time you see him your mind goes entirely blank. And then you laugh. Like, really loud. You don't remember the last time you laughed as hard as you were laughing now. You were rolling on the floor, tears running down your face and holding your tummy in pain.
You can see smoke coming out of his ears and static getting louder. But oh boy was it funny, he looks like he hasn't had a single thought in his entire life. He doesn't find it the slightest bit amusing, but you are truly laughing for the first time in years so he will let it slide.
He follows you around, being the protective cat-father he is. At some point your strides are too much for him to follow up with, so you have to carry him. And given your short stature he is just dangling in your arms with that stupid looking face, which, no matter how much you try to resist, makes you burst into laughing fits.
Won't allow any doors between you two. If you have to leave him out, he will serenade you with the song of his people until you let him in.
Can't stand seeing you spending time with anybody else, specially Lucifer. If he catches you two together in some bonding activity, he will dart across the room and jump him. You had to practically beg Vaggie to not use her spear as a baseball bat whenever he tried to pull that one on the King of Hell.
When you are sitting, he likes to loaf on your lap. Just keeping you pinned to your seat so you'll be forced to pay attention to him and only him. He won't admit it ever, but he absolutely adores being scratched behind the ears.
Satan fobid if you get a hold of a laser pointer. You can see him literally vibrate, eye twitching, trying to resist the siren call of the light. (He eventually gives in)
Any pests? He will take care of them, you can find him casually munching on the carcass of some dead animal in the middle of the hall, talk about being classy. And then he'll have the nerve to call you out for chewing too loud.
Get ready to wake up to him staring at you unblinkingly, with his snout mere centimeters from your nose. The first time he did it, you screamed and fell out of bed. He checked to make sure you were okay, but still found the situation very amusing, given the way his smile widened.
It is impossible to take a pic of Alastor in that form. He is always hypervigilant since he knows the damage it could cause to his reputation as a feared overlord. All pics of him are either blurry or distorted. You don't have the heart to tell him that it just makes them more hilarious.
You don't know how to turn him back, Lucifer seems to not know how to do it (or maybe he does and is having way too much fun with this), but maybe you'll keep him like that for a little while; as a cat, you dad is practically harmless, or at least less dangerous than he was as a demon. Also, it feels nice going to sleep with him curled into a fluffy ball by your head, his static filled purrs lulling you to sleep.
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knavesflames · 20 days
hi el :) imagine arle getting frustrated w reader and grabs her by the throat, harder than she intended to, but then reader enjoys it
mhm I think that could be fun
something something hands something something fingering
Yeah gotta be about the hands I just know you love hands so much
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Hello >:) I do love her hands you’re so correct about that. I spent today writing this and at some point I just brain rotted completely and zoned out for a bit but!! Here you go. If she doesn’t do this to me, I will burn the world down <3 /j feel free to have an emoji if you’d like✨
Word count: 2119
Content: reader likes fingers, bratty reader, fem!reader, fingering, asphyxiation (consensual obviously), fingers in mouth, hand over mouth.. you know.
A/N: I tried without using the red colour for Arlecchino. I used it only so I could differentiate between reader and her, but I’m unsure if you guys enjoy it or not. Let me know<3
Nsft utc!
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Her hands were the first thing that drew you to her, if you’re honest with yourself. You remember hearing the way her nails drummed against the surface of the counter as she waited for her coffee (double espresso. That’s it. Nothing else). The sound annoyed you, and you remember the way your eyes scanned for the perpetrator so you could politely ask them to stop. You never said anything.
Your eyes had locked onto her hands and you were admiring scrutinising each centimetre of skin. Blackened, though they were, they were slender, and her fingers were long. Even without the nails that looked like they’d scratch out an eye with ease, they were elegant, fitting for a woman of her stature.
Now of course, Arlecchino was no fool. She was plenty aware of what you were staring at, no matter how much you were trying to hide it. She found it endearing, really. How quickly you focused on them, how your breathing got just a little deeper. She liked it, and she liked you. Not just because of this, of course, she’d had her eye on you for a while, but the fact you’d made it clear that you liked her too.. A woman like her gets what she wants, especially when what she wants, wants her.
A relationship quickly formed. It seemed you both fit together quite nicely, despite her cold, closed off nature. It was quite a sweet relationship, apart from the fact that you could be a total brat when she needs it the least. How many punishments would she have to give before you learned? Or, perhaps, you quite liked them. Especially when she used her hands and her fingers.
From the way you watched her fist the base of her favourite strap, to the way you mewled when her fingers curled inside of you, you were both very very much aware of the fact that it was her hands that were the thing that got you off more than anything else. You were both very very much aware that she used that to her advantage.
One day, she was lucky enough to work from home. A rare occurrence, but one she treasures. She does not have to don the suit she wears in public, she can give her feet a much needed rest from the stilettos she refuses to leave the house without. Instead, her outfit is.. almost casual. It’s a nice change, you think. She looks like husband material. You’d never say that. Instead, you decide today is the perfect time to annoy her until you get what you want! Of course you do, you’re just a little slut for her and her hands :(
Your arm snakes over her chest as you stand behind her, your words drawn out and pleading. “Peruere,” you whine, “take a break.”
“I cannot. You know this.” Comes the firm reply. You know this, but you can’t bring yourself to care. It makes you more determined, though. Arlecchino should have known. Your fingers fumble with the buttons of her loose shirt, and your lips kiss the shell of her ear. Arlecchino sighs, her eyes raising from the paper that sits on her desk. Her hand gently slaps your own away, and her voice comes out just a little sharper.
“No. Not right now. Do not be a brat.” It’s a warning, a warning you don’t listen to. “Peruere, I’m wearing the set you like.” Her jaw feathers at that. She’s unsure if it’s the image you’ve set in her mind or the way you say her name, her real name. It’s her weakness, but currently, you’re frustrating her. Beyond belief. And the second you moan into her ear, a fake, airy moan, she loses any control she had.
She spins her chair around, stands up, and pushes you against the nearest wall. Her hands wrap around your throat, and she does not squeeze, but she could. She has. You pretend you don’t like it, but she knows, from experience, the way that your underwear is practically unwearable after thirty seconds. You get so wet for her and she loves it. Her fingers twitch and her thumb strokes your windpipe, just to see the reaction it elicits from you.
“Do you enjoy breathing?” She murmurs, her voice low and soft, a contrast to the way she just slammed you against the wall. When you only smile widely in response, her grip tightens, just enough for you to lose your breath. “Not so much, then.” Arlecchino has a tendency to muse to herself when she renders you incapable of speaking. She does it purely to mock you, to remind you of the fact that she is the one in control, no matter how bratty you can get. When you attempt to reply, and the only thing you can manage is a strangled whisper of her name, full of want, she tightens until your breath stops. She waits, timing the seconds in her head until she knows your vision blurs just a little before her grip relents.
She watches as you gasp for breath and moan at the rush of oxygen, your eyes glassy. (She wouldn’t do it if you didn’t like it, but she vividly remembers the time you asked for it. You tap thrice if it’s too much). “Not so talkative now, are you?”
When you catch your breath enough to speak, she realises your few seconds of breathlessness was not enough. “Perhaps I don’t want to talk.” Your smirk is infuriating, infuriating enough that she scoffs.
“Wanted my full attention, did you?” (Sorry I couldn’t help myself putting her voiceline in there). You shrug, pretending like you really don’t care at all, but when her hand travels down from your throat, nails grazing your perked up nipple that begs to be freed from the restraints of your bra, she knows that your words are complete bullshit.
“You’re a liar. I dislike liars. I can only assume you’re dripping for me, like you usually are.” Arlecchino hisses. She’s annoyed, you can tell that much, because she knows the work she was supposed to do today is forgotten. It always is when you act like this. Her hand leaves your nipple, trailing down your stomach until her nails dip into the waistband of your underwear. You’re lucky enough that she’s filed three of them, just for the days she decides that she doesn’t want you to clench around her strap, but instead, she wants to feel the way her fingers pull orgasm after orgasm out of you until you can’t form any words.
When her digits graze your folds and she feels how wet you are without even properly sliding her fingers into your slit, she huffs, her words full of arrogance. “You’re fucking soaked. Over some choking? You’re a good little slut aren’t you?”
You’re already melting at her words alone. The tone of her voice, the way she says such dirty words so softly. It almost makes you think she’ll give you mercy. She will not, not now. She notes the way your breathing, now that you’ve caught your breath, has sped in anticipation. Her digits graze over your sensitive skin, touching everywhere but the one place you need it the most. Her intention is to make you beg, you’ve realised, but you’re adamant that you won’t.
When she realises her current tactic won’t work, she lets her finger give a single tap to your aching, puffy clit. It’s enough for a jolt of pleasure to shoot through your body, your lips parting in a small gasp. She taps again, and once more before she rests her finger there, and doesn’t move it. She watches with amusement as you clumsily grind your hips in an attempt to get friction and sensation, her finger only moving away any time you get even the slightest chance.
“I didn’t say you could do that, did I? Are you really so mindlessly needy that you disobey me?” Her voice only serves to make you more desperate, and your arm shoots out. Your hand grips her wrist in an attempt to keep her finger where you’d like it, and for now, she abides. Arlecchino allows you to chase the pleasure for only a few moments before she shifts her hand, two of her beautiful blackened digits line up against your entrance.
“Are you going to be a good girl, hm?” A dangerous whisper right against your cheek. At this point, you might just be out of your mind with desperation, so you agree. Your head moves frantically in a nod, a quiet whimper of ‘yes, I promise, please.’ With that, she pushes them in without much difficulty (thanks to the fact you’re convinced you’ve never been this wet). The Knave is so agonisingly slow with it in the best way possible, sliding her fingers in inch by inch until you take her to the knuckle. Usually, she coos, and tells you just how well you’re taking it. Not today.
Instead, she begins her assault, curling her fingers and immediately reaching THAT spot. The woman is quick, and the second you open your mouth to groan, you feel the same two fingers on her other hand push into your mouth and press down on your tongue. You whine in response, but her reply is a cold chuckle, her voice so mockingly sweet. “We have neighbours. Do you want them to hear how badly you’ve been misbehaving?”
You do. You so badly do. You so badly want people to see just how much she can make you fall apart. Alas, you shake your head, and just to irritate her (turn her on) even more, you let your tongue swirl around her fingers the way you’ve done with her strap so many times. You suck on them hungrily, your moans and mewls of pleasure muffled. “Oh, you are a good little whore for me, aren’t you? So obsessed with my fingers you’ve chosen to suck on them while I finger fuck you into silence.”
With each curl of her fingers and rub of her thumb on your stiff clit that just begs for attention, you’re getting to the edge VERY quickly. She knows it, she can tell when you clench around them and your walls pulsate. When your legs tremble and you can barely keep yourself against the wall. When each squelch of her fingers pumping in and out of you has your eyes fucking rolling into your head, and you can no longer focus on anything and you can barely remember your name.
Usually, on nights where she decides to be loving, she’ll slow herself down during your orgasm, to prolong it, to let the pleasure hit you for longer. Today though, she speeds up and moves her fingers harder, so hard, in fact, that tears are once again welling in your eyes, that you’ve begun essentially deepthroating her fingers and gagging on them (she loves it! She adores when the very thing that has you cumming also has you struggling like a little slut, her slut <3).
You tap thrice on her wrist when it gets too much, and she takes her fingers from your mouth quickly, opting to instead clamp her hand firmly around your mouth to shut you up instead. When you cry out as your orgasm hits you, she can only raise a single eyebrow. You did not ask for permission, and she has told you that brats ask for permission. “Peruere,” you moan shakily from behind her palm as you slowly come down from it, but the look in her eyes makes yours widen.
Her fingers slide out of you with a soft squishing sound, and the dark finger pads glisten with the evidence of what she’s done to you. Arlecchino coaxes your jaw open, and she places her fingers into your mouth again, though, softly this time.
“Clean them.” She demands, and you do, groaning at the taste of it and the way she stares right at you. When she’s satisfied, she retracts them, leaving you whimpering at the loss of them. You are spent, and your legs feel like they’re about to give way. Your panties are so wet that you know you’re going to have to put them straight into the washing machine, and the thought of it makes you shiver. You lift yourself off of the wall, your legs trembling, only for her to push you right back.
“No. I did not say we were done. You interrupted my work hours, so I will not be finished with you until my work hours are over. We have about five hours.” Aww, such a shame, isn’t it?
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hubbypossession · 1 month
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I snuck into my best friend's place this morning because I just couldn't resist the urge to transform into her fiancé, Bryan. I know that sounds gross and weird but he was so hot. I'm forced to work with the guy five days a week and it's hard to stand by and watch him from my cubicle most days. He's a really nice guy and totally supportive of my friendship with his soon-to-be-wife, but I always had such dirty thoughts in my mind when I thought about him.
I had resisted using my shapeshifting power for personal gain, but I figured a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, who has to know? They had both left for work already and I had her house key because I was supposed to dog-sit this weekend.
I raided their master bedroom and found Bryan's shirt and pants that he wore yesterday. God he looked so hot in it yesterday at work. I sniffed it and could instantly smell his sweat, musk, and cologne all in one go. I began to imagine myself wearing his big hunky body myself when I heard the front door opening. Fuck!
I quickly scrambled out of my clothes and into his, hiding my old clothes under their bed. I instantly felt my body envelop in a warm heat as my form shifted right before my eyes in the mirror. I grew taller, stronger, sexier, and bigger all at once. The once-baggy clothes slowly began to fit my new hunky frame as my face and hair all transformed to become an exact replica of Bryan. As the transformation finished, the bedroom door swung open and I was greeted by someone I was not expecting!
"Hey ba-! Fuck! Who are you?! What are you doing in this house - err, my house!" I stammered as I saw a cute twink standing in the doorway with a devious glint in his eyes. It was Devon, the other shapeshifter in town that used his powers for crimes and theft.
"Harry, I know it's you in that body. You can't fool me. I saw you sneak in here. Looks like someone's getting a little antsy always using their power for good all the time. How's it feel being in that big strong masculine body?" He taunted as he grabbed my muscles and cock.
"Devon! Get the fuck out of here. I wasn't doing anything serious. I just wanted to try him on is all. He's a good guy and yes I had a crush on him... You need to leave, right now!"
"Oh I don't think so. I'm gonna tell your friend about all this. About breaking and entering. About your power. And how you used it to morph into her hubby." He stated as he took a picture of me with his phone.
"No! You can't do that. Please! I promise it won't happen again. Just let me go. Here I'll shift back. I'll do anything you want!" I begged, falling on my knees.
"I have a proposition. And you might actually like it Harry. Let me morph into your friend. And let's go on a weekend getaway together. Just the two of us."
I revolted at the thought and stood up. "Absolutely not! You sick fuck!"
"Do it, or your secret is out. And not just to her." He was dead serious.
I contemplated for what felt like hours. "You promise that's it? Won't you hate being a woman?"
"Of course not. I get off on becoming anyone. But you better act the part too. And yeah I promise this will be it. Us shapeshifters ought to stick together... babe." He taunted as he went into the bathroom and began searching the dirty clothes hamper, just like I had done.
I waited a few minutes on the bed, contemplating my life decisions when suddenly the bathroom door opened and my friend, err Devon, walked out. It was scary how he assimilated into a new personality and body so easily.
"Wow. You look, uh... Just like her." I stammered, getting somewhat hard at the thought of impersonating my best friend and her husband for the weekend.
"What are you talking about Bryan? You feeling okay babe?" She asked as she came up to me, the very faintest hint of a smile plastered on her stolen face.
"Yeah, uh, babe. I'm feeling good actually."
"Yeah you are big boy. God I can't wait to give you road head in the car later. You ready?"
She groped my bulge as she inhaled my pits through the smelly shirt - I guess I had started sweating as Bryan. I gulped as I was lead out of the bedroom by new fiancé. I had no idea how to explain this to anyone. Hopefully I'll never have to...
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Hi! Hope your doing well i was gonna ask if u could do an ellie x fem reader where ellie is completely downbad and overstims the reader ALOT u can add some fluff in there too if you feel like it, love your work and have a good day
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, mean ellie, ellie is in fact down bad tho cause reader is her bby, vaginal fingering ( r! receiving ), oral ( r! receiving ), strap on use ( r! receiving ), a lot of teasing, ellie makes fun of the reader here and there ( lightly ), degradation, praise, ellie thigh kink lmfao, dom!ellie, sub!reader, reader is a total pillow princess in this
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - Look at me, being all active and stuff. So sorry this took me literal months, I hope you enjoy, it's currently 3am and I am tiredddd. But I am proud of how this ended up coming out!
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She hated that tone, it was as if a red light beamed above your head and had the words 'not happy' written across it. Her eyes flickered upwards, focusing on your blissful yet aggravated expression.
"What?" She questioned.
"They're all stretched and bunchy now."
You were going to be the death of her.
Your thighs were pressed as far back as the mattress would allow, the middle of the pink shorts pushed to the side to make room for her mouth. This meant her tongue just kept dancing up and down and up and down. Again and again, around your clit and then she'd annoyingly pull away to press a sweet kiss to your inner thigh.
She was toying with you as if you were just some dumb thing for her entertainment. And you took every second of it like a good plaything.
"I know... you just looked so pretty." She muttered between breaths like she was a starving animal that'd found food after days of searching, you though, were worried she'd rip your bottoms.
Constantly pulling and tugging to fit her desires. The light fabric was only so strong, and you were only so patient until you finally had to say something.
"Y-you're gonna-" Your head fell back, a high pitched cry filling the room as she shoved her fingers deep inside your hole. Eyes rolling back and Ellie just smiled at how pornographic you sounded. Such a good dumb girl all for her, no director could make that up for some shitty scenario.
"M'gonna what? What am I gonna do Y/n/n?"
Your breaths were uneven, as were your little pleas. You listened to them as you lifted your head up to watch her play with your pussy. It was dirty, yet you felt yourself clench around her just at the sight. Lips covered in your slick along with a bit of her chin, it made you run hot seeing it, and she nearly laughed at your flustered hum.
A part of you was embarrassed someone could make you fall apart so easily. Like a glass doll being tossed onto the ground, except she still had a care for the shards leftover.
"You're gonna rip 'em..." You pouted, hips bucking towards her mouth, almost as if it was instinct at this point. Chasing after her like you needed her, like she was water and you were dying of thirst. So pathetic, she'd concluded, but it was all just for her and that made it perfect.
"I'll buy you whatever new shorts you want, any damn color..." You shook your head at her response, reaching towards the hand holding them back to keep you exposed.
"But-" You began, but she quickly gave you a look, a warning. Her green eyes dark and almost dangerous, but they could never be such a danger to you. But for some reason you still felt a small little sinking feeling that made you nothing if not annoyed. You huffed at this, giving her a glare before you realized you were very outmatched.
"You promise?" You then replaced the sentence you first formed, choking when the woman pressed her tongue flat against you, just to tease a little.
"I promise baby." She said, watching you nod your head. "Okay..." And that was that, her fingers fucking your hole with no remorse as she tasted you. Sucking on your clit with a force that was anything but gentle.
It wasn't a surprise when the coil in your belly began to tighten. Legs shaking and body trying to run but there was no escaping the hold she had on you. At least not in this moment and that was enough to make you moan.
"M'gonna- El- El m'gonna-" She just stared, continuing to kitten lick your clit. The tips of her fingers curling, brushing over your g-spot before applying more pressure than you knew how to deal with at that moment.
The cherry on top was the moment you grinded so roughly into her face that it made her groan, the vibrations rocking you over the edge. A numb sense of pleasure rushing from the bottoms of your feet, up to your chest as you came, head pushed back into the pillow. It was so much at once you were positive you'd implode then and there.
She drank you up as well, lapping at your little bud. Listening to you choke out air and swallow your own screams so as to not piss off your neighbors more than you probably already do.
What a shame.
You nearly trapped her between your thighs just after that wonderous reflection skidded through your mind, her grip faltering for the mere moment she'd gotten busy watching you orgasm. You were all but crying, even as she pulled her mouth away. Her hand didn't move from its place though, slowly rubbing the area around your entrance. It kept you on edge, almost painful, no breaks, just her and it made you feel drunk, despite being stone cold sober.
"How 'bout I take these off?" She smiled, gesturing to your shorts with her free hand. "Hm?" She then made a noise, looking at your blissed out face which stared back at her with half a thought, grabbing at her hand to get her to give you a moment to relax.
"P-please..." It came quiet from your lips, watching her nod while looking down and carefully pulling her fingers out. You whimpered so softly it was almost silent, feeling empty at the loss of her hand and oh so bare as the pink fabric came sliding down your thighs.
"I'll get you a new pair since I stretched these ones out, alright?" You shook your head but didn't say anything. "Yeah, that sounds good, huh?" She assured, leaning down and kissing both your boobs before the valley between, looking up at you.
She chuckled when you motioned for a kiss, bending up a bit to meet your lips whilst her hips grinded into your own, feeling the way you gripped her shoulders and dug your nails into her muscles.
"M'not done with you yet." She whispered, her breath fanning your lips whilst she pulled back, tilting her head. The nervous, flustered embarrassment from earlier came flooding back as you watched her try to make up her mind about something, pecking your lips once again.
"Roll over..." She said, then let out a breath of amusement from her nose when your eyebrows furrowed. "But I've been good..." You muttered, watching her nod, kissing you quickly before backing her face up once again. "Exactly."
Face down ass up with three fingers stuffing your hole and a vibrator on your clit was the perfect way to reward you. She usually liked doing it all herself, though, when you did a good job, you got good a outcome. You had been such a good girl after all, why not give you a little something to feel for another few days?
Drool dribbled across your cheek and onto the pillowcase that didn't match the bedspread, soft moans and whines tumbling from your lips each time she rocked her hand in and out. It was agonizing, from the long minutes she spent only messing with you, but she wasn't cruel, especially not during your reward time.
"That's it... fuck you look so pretty." Her mumbles were just barely audible, along with whatever babbling mess you were managing to string together. Knuckles sore from holding onto the bed sheets so tightly but you just couldn't let go.
"You want more?" She asked, tilting her head while watching your face with a look of indescribable content, that made you smile at her, shaking your head with a few small pleads following.
"Mhm, pl-please-"
"So polite.." Her lips broke into a smirk, pupils flickering over to the way her fingers disappeared inside of you. Like a very entertaining magic show that she couldn't seem to look away from.
Only this was not an illusion. It was very, very real. And she loved it.
"Please El- oh..." Your voice died away as she moved deeper and much more quickly. Entire body rocking as she fucked you, the sounds of your wetness like music to her ears. It was a sight, a sight just for her.
You shoved your face into the pillow only for the vibrations to disappear and a slap to your ass to be the response. A shriek hurriedly overstepping the noises that had been coming from your cunt and filling the tantalizing silence.
"I wanna see your pretty face." You turned your head towards her, tears of both pleasure and pain prickling your eyes. "S-sorry Ellie." "That's my girl." She hummed, pressing the toy back against your clit while continuing on with her thrusts. Loud moans swallowing up the room once more.
"Ellie m'gonna..." She hummed, cutting you off whilst nodding her head. "I know..." The vibrator seemed to move with an intoxicating pattern of waves before then came a pause and just before you could complain, it seemed to get more powerful. Pushing deeper against you, hand only moving faster and faster.
"M'coming-" She kept it quick, hard, and deep. Giving you the best while you nearly cried from the surge of a pure orgasmic flood that raced you over the edge. Thighs shaking and body giving out against the navy sheets that had already been previously coated by you nearly three times now.
You could hear her speaking, but you couldn't actually hear her. Mutters of nonsense tumbling out along with a string of thank yous that made her smile. She could tell you were coming down hard against her hand while your mouth hung wide, wide enough for her thumb to make it home.
When she did so, she let it sit for a moment, then pressing the digit against your tongue making you gag at the sudden surprise, but she had only laughed.
Your mind was fuzzy, so fuzzy you hadn't realized that she'd slowed herself. Never feeling the kiss she then gave you just above your eyebrow, only the aftereffects of the toy that was no longer even powered on, her hand instead pulling out to massage your sensitive cunt.
Her hand moved from your mouth, gripping your hips to get you to turn onto your back that way she knew you were comfortable. Hearing you sigh as soon as she did so made her confident in her position change, besides, she liked how your tits looked in this lighting.
She then brought her hand up, moving behind your head to massage your neck since she'd kept you looking to the side for so, so long.
"Was that good?" She asked, pressing her forehead against your own before pulling back to kiss the spot between your eyes. You nodded in response, "Use your words, babe." You again nodded, this time followed by a quiet, "Yes."
She didn't react though, fingers trailing down to your pussy before pausing. Just below your belly button, her hand had frozen.
"You look so pretty today." She then mumbled, looking over your thighs once more, she really had liked those shorts.
"Spread 'em." You groaned at her lude words, though your legs came apart. "Don't talk like that."
She chuckled, kissing down your sternum, her lips ghosting over the rest until she was between her two favorite things once again. She had to clean you up now, there was no way you'd end up in the bath before you fell asleep, and all of this would go to waste if she just wiped it away now.
"Like what?" She muttered, warm breath fanning your swollen clit that was already aching for more. "Fuck, look at that, such a good little slut for me." You shook your head. "M'not."
Her eyes met yours again, your little pout making her let up, but not without a slightly longer chase.
"You're not good?" You quickly shook your head. "I am." She raised her eyebrow in response to you. "Then what are you not?" "M'not a slut."
She again, looked at you with amusement in her eyes, humming.
"Sure princess."
"I've seen the way you've begged for my cock."
You tried to look away but there was no use, she clicked her tongue and you knew she'd get frustrated if you didn't turn your head back.
"But that's with you..." She let out a breath through her nose, kissing the inside of your thigh. "You think I don't know that?" You let out a noise, unintelligible and nearing a whine. "No, but I-"
Ellie leaned forward, taking a long stride with her tongue up your cunt. Focusing her attention on the bundle of nerves that seemed to really need all of her centered right there. And in your head that was as heavy as cotton, you were beginning to realize that maybe she was right.
"How about instead of cleaning you up? I show you how good of a slut you are for me?" You choked, painted nails clawing at her bare arms. "You want my strap?" You nodded, thighs trying to tighten around her head, but she kept her firm, restraining, clutch on them both. That meant, they stayed on the bed.
"Gotta ask nicely."
She groaned as she sucked and swirled her tongue around your clit. Eyes on yours - that were blurred and emptily staring at the TV before they turned to stare at her. They had never looked so pretty though. Even while they cried because she teased too much for her own good.
"P-please.." She pulled away, much to your dismay. "Please what?"
"Please fuck me with your cock Ellie..." You whined once more, begging for the other toy she had yet to use, the few choices that stayed alongside the two options of vibrators in the plastic box that usually stayed the closet, but was now nicely sitting open on your nightstand.
"Which one?" She sat up, massaging circles into your hips. "You pick." You mumbled, straining your head only to see her pull out the biggest option, your brain dizzy just from seeing it.
"You gave me the choice..." She reminded, seeing you agree while licking your lips. Pupils tracking the way she clipped it to her pelvis, allowing the tip to bump your clit as she moved it around to adjust it. She just liked how you jumped each time it happened.
"Will you be easy though?" She made a noise, meeting your eyes. "Your choice princess, m'not the one getting fucked." You covered your eyes, peeking through only to watch her align the silicone up with your hole.
"Okay... be easy please."
Pushing in just as you spoke made your mouth stretch wide along with your entrance, pleads for her to go deeper immediately following all while Ellie folded your legs back like you were a ragdoll.
"Already begging... but you're not a slut right?" You shook your head, watching her thrust shallowly into your wet warmth, finding the fake cock rubbing against your walls. "M'not..."
She laughed, moving back and forth faster, holding onto your hips but not as tightly as she had been before. Instead choosing to move a hand in order to press down on your lower belly, watching your eyes widen and an almost scream follow.
"That feel good?" She then listened to you say yes, over and over while staring into her eyes. "More- mo-more El-" "You still not a slut?"
You couldn't answer, looking up at her with your sad stare and wobbly lips, though you were only half sad which made her laugh as she kept going. Leaning down to kiss your pretty mouth that was tainted just the slightest with your sweat that made you just a bit salty to the taste.
"Answer me.." She whispered against you, thrusting her hips back and forth at a slow, deep pace, just how she knew you wanted.
"M'a slut..." You murmured, feeling her grab your face and puff your cheeks up, chuckling as she did so. "What was that?" You looked like an angry pufferfish when she began moving quicker, making you whimper. The girl leaning down to smooch your puckered lips.
"I'm a slut..." You then spoke just the slightest louder, the sound of her hips barreling into your own soon filling up your ears to the brim. "Huh?" You wanted to cry and she saw it, grinning like the Cheshire cat when she leaned in to kiss you again.
"My good little slut, huh?" You nodded, the silicone brushing against your clit each time she bottomed out as she moved over and over again. Broken moans clawing out of your throat and out into the open air confirming that you were in fact,
"Such a good little slut, yeah? Does she wanna come?"
A mess of the word 'yes' came barreling out, holding onto her for dear life whilst she kept you folded back, hiding her face into your neck. She kissed and sucked and did whatever she pleased whilst screwing her pelvis into your own, forgetting the entire fact that she'd said she'd be gentle. It seemed though, that you did too.
"You gonna come?" You kept agreeing to her words, feeling the build up swirl around and around as if it was also teasing you now that she'd stopped. "Come baby, c'mon..."
You felt your juices drip down your ass as you came, shaking around the silicone, crying out for her to not stop. And she didn't as you squeezed around her, gritting your teeth as you came, feeling it through every inch of you. The tip just barely kissed your cervix whilst she rocked her body against your own.
You absentmindedly pushed her away but she hadn't stopped, only slowed, grabbing your leg and turning you to the side. Pushing your thighs together and looking at the way your cunt dripped with your own extract.
"One more? Okay?" You shook your head, denying it but she'd already begun to move. "Just one more, alright?" Her hand ghosted over your nipples, sore from all her play, but it felt good, good enough that you reached to keep her touch there, holding her wrist in place.
"I lo- love you-" You moaned, feeling her nod as her face was close to your own, hair tickling your cheeks. "I love you too baby..." She watched you hum, her hands now ghosting over your face like feathers as she just barely hovered above your flesh.
You were getting close again, you weren't very far in the first place though. Feeling it bubble up in your lower half, pleasure waves moving up and down with a sob of bliss coming right after.
You came hard, this time followed right after having orgasmed just before, meaning this made it seem so much more guttural as it happened again. Squeezing the bottom of the pillow until your hands shook from the pressure of your own grip.
"E-Ellie.." She grumbled out something against the surface of your neck, burying her nose in the smell of you before pulling her head away. Giving a quick peck to your upper shoulder before leaning away to look at the way your cum coated the fake cock and the mattress beneath you both, the look of your worn out and ravaged body along with your slightly overworked face then had her leaning back in.
"How about one more? Just one?"
She was going to be the death of you.
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loviingpedri · 10 months
one of his girls tonight - hector fort
prompt: he can’t get enough of you.
warnings: cursing, drinking, clubbing, suggestive content, grammar issues, not intense smut (viewer discretion is still advised)
please let me know if more since this is going to be a little explicit.
any italicized texts are lyrics
credits to owners for all images
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what else do young adults do in their free time? party, of course.
nothing like a hot saturday night in barcelona when the city was awake as people went out.
“y/n! my sexy girl, let’s go!” going out with your friends at least once a month was a must. meeting new people, kissing strangers, waking up next to someone random.
everything felt like a fever dream. especially that one boy you shared an unforgettable kiss with. last month, you were drunk out of your mind. you met this one guy, he had brown fluffy hair and touched you in the right places. your friends always said you were gonna go home with him and make him yours for the night. until, a random girl walked up to you and slapped you. either you just made out with someone’s boyfriend or someone was a complete control freak over him.
you hoped to see him tonight. some reassurance of what happened last month. and if he’s single, maybe you’ll keep him wrapped around your finger this time.
“alright! i’m ready!” you grabbed your small purse that barely fit anything in it and ran into the uber with the 10 other people in it. “a bit crowded?” you laughed as some people were sitting on each other’s laps.
“anything to save money and not have a designated driver tonight. today’s the day where all hell will break lose.” going out with a group of people was safer, calmer, and more fun.
lately, your life had been hitting every single positive goal in life. you spent your days with the people who brought out the best. little did you know, you would meet the person who would see you inside and out.
getting out the car was a hassle. thanking the driver and running to show your ids to the bouncer. already pre-gamed at your tiny apartment, it was finally time to let loose.
“it’s fucking hot in here.” one of your dearest friends spoke to you as you tried to mingle on the dance floor.
“i just finished my makeup 20 minutes ago and i can feel it melting already.” you fanned yourself to keep composed.
“y/n, that guy keeps staring at you.” looking behind your shoulder. you saw the one and only boy, the one with the best lips you’ve ever felt on yours.
“holy shit. that’s the guy with the crazy girl that slapped me.” you looked at your friend in disbelief. he must’ve went out to the clubs a lot if you continued to see him.
“go up to him. i don’t see her around. ask him what that whole fight was about. take a shot though, you’re gonna need it.” turning around, you could already see his eyes going up and down from behind you. meeting with your friends at the bar and downing shots after shots. finally feeling the alcohol in your system, a new boost of confidence was found.
walking up to him, you spotted different girls surrounding him. as you got closer, he sat up straight and tried to distance himself. sitting down next to him, he sat there frozen.
“hey, aren’t you the guy from a few weekends back?” for a guy who seemed popular around the ladies, he seemed pretty fucking nervous around you.
“yeah i am. sorry about that slap. i don’t know what happened. she’s not my girlfriend by the way. just someone random.” he spoke so fast, fidgeting with his hands. considering you already made out with him, there was no reason for him to be scared.
“you seem very popular. met anyone you like?” he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. you listened closely to the song in the background as he tried to form an answer.
push me down, hold me down.
spit in my mouth while you turn me on. i wanna take your light inside.
“you. can’t ignore a pretty girl like you.” he began to play into your little game. slowly, you touched his shoulder and sat closer to him in a comfortable position.
“oh yeah? well, this ‘pretty girl’ has to know your name first.”
and i’m screamin’ out. give me tough love.
“my name is hector. yours?”
“i’m y/n. you have a little something on your neck.” spotting a red kiss-mark on his neck, obviously not from you, you smudged it off.
we don’t gotta be in love no. i don’t gotta be the one, no.
i just wanna be one of your girls tonight.
“wishing it was your lipstick?” he give a little grin, trying to rile you up. you looked at him, his way of words trying to get into your pants was working.
“i don’t need to wish.” within seconds, your lips happened to be on hector’s. your legs straddling him while he rubbed your thighs.
he knows how to get the best out of me.
his hands were grabbing your waist as you felt the material of his pants under you. he continued rubbing your thighs, but he slowly made it up to your ass. as you gasped for air, he decided it was a good time to slip in his tongue.
finally breaking the kiss, you hear him whimper for more even over the loud music. smiling at him, you made your way to his neck and jaw. you planted a few kisses here and there, then you could feel his hand start to go under your dress.
“not here, but i know a few places.” making eye contact, you already knew where this was going.
hector wanted to you to be his girl every night.
author’s note: author gone wild. imagination got the best of me and i know this is not likely of my stories. let me know if i did good for these kind of storylines!
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venjras · 7 days
same as the one before only for sukuna this time. enjoy. nsfw : slightly exhibitionism, dirty talk, fingering, dry humping, use of pet names, mention of alcool.
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you felt on top of the world tonight, you could feel the electricity running through your entire body. heading to the bar where your boyfriend was waiting for you with his friends, since you were early for your date with your bestie you had decided to stop by for a quick hi. after all, it had been a while since you had last seen the boys.
you would have recognized your boyfriend's pink hair from miles away, sitting with one arm resting on the couch, shirt unbuttoned and a bold smirk as he talked to the others. it still seemed unreal that he was your boyfriend. sigh, entering his vision and immediately gaining his full attention. his gaze was quite literally setting you on fire, making it really difficult for you to walk properly towards them. “oh, oh, look who's back.” it was gojo’s voice greeting you, bringing you back to the real world. in the meantime sukuna had stood up, immediately putting an arm around your waist and stealing a small kiss from you.
“hello, my love.” his deep tone ran straight down your spine, creating a flock of butterflies in your stomach that made it hard to breathe. trying not to show it, settling next to him, taking off your jacket and leaving it abandoned next to your body, leaving your fit completely expose.
a flowing mini skirt that reached just above your mid thigh, a black shirt tucked into it, extremely tight, mid-knee boots and as a final touch hanging from your neck was the necklace he had given you for your anniversary. shiny. “didn't think you'd miss me that much, don't worry it won't happen again.” you said sarcastically, greeting megumi, yuji and suguru sitting around the rest of the table. they all adored you and it was a mutual feeling, right from the start you had found a really good connection and after all they had turned out to be such precious friends for him so it couldn't have been otherwise.
speaking of the devil, he hadn't taken his eyes off you for not even a second. his arm was stretched out behind you, his hand caressing the back of your neck. he always needed some form of physical contact, even small and this thing had always driven you crazy. it made you weak, slowing down any logic and rational thought. putting you under a spell. you were all lost in talking, chatting about the news and joking animatedly. after half an hour you glimpsed your friend and stood up to hug her immediately. the skirt had risen up a bit, giving a dizzying view to the pink-haired man who couldn't help but lick his lips. just enough to tease him a little. tonight you felt inspired, you wanted to provoke him and maybe end up bent over in the back of his car. obviously the view was simply reserved for him, behind you all was the wall and it was something calculated to perfection. putting on your coat, bending a little to greet him with a kiss and finding his hand on the back of your thigh, caressing the naked skin with his fingertips. “i'll take you home, hmm? have fun, babydoll.” and so he let you go, your head spinning and your friend's words sounding all jumbled together.
the hours passed quickly, between one drink and another, not enough to make you drunk but enough to make you feel lightheaded. however, the feeling in the pit of your stomach had not abandoned you, in fact it had only increased. now you were in the car with him, in the passenger seat, you two were driving your friend home. and once you were alone, silence had fallen, but it was a silence full of desire, as if there was no need to speak to know what was going to happen soon. very soon. “baby.” you turned your head towards him, reaching out to caress his hair. “i really, really need you ‘kuna.” the words had come out fluidly before you could even think about them, your voice full of need, of desire. taking his hand, already resting on your thigh, bringing it even higher until it collided with the edge of your panties.
the car suddenly stopped, luckily you were on a not very busy street and almost immersed in nothing but pitch black so it was rare for other cars to pass by. in no time you were on top of him, his mouth attached to yours, drinking you up desperately. hands squeezing your ass, pushing you down on his clothed erection, making you feel how much the whole situation was anything but indifferent to him. moaning against his lips. starting to move your hips against his cock, panting as you felt how hard he was. “need you so bad.” your voice was needy, pulling away from him just so you could look at him with pleading eyes, thinking that you could easily come just by seeing him with labored breathing and messy hair, totally fucked.
now he had you turned, back against his chest and the car visor lowered so you could see yourself in the small mirror. legs spread, blushing violently at the thought of being completely exposed to his merce. “you wanted to play, then let's play.” he said huskily in your ear, making you want to clench your thighs together in search of some relief but being stopped by his hands that kept them well spread. “sukuna.” your voice was begging him, lifting your hips slightly as one of your hands went back, squeezing his dark locks, not thinking you could resist any longer. you needed him to touch you right now. “what a messy girl.” he quipped at the way your thighs seemed to spread wider at those word, your impatience made him feel lightheaded. his fingers stroking softly along your wet folds through the panties' fabric. his breathing fanned along your neck and his lips curled when you shuddered into him, drinking in the twitch of your thighs and the muffled whimper slipped from your lips when he collected your slick, trailing it up to ease the first roll of your clit.
he watched your hips twist under his touch, making him press down on the sensitive bud harder before he's finding a pace and rubbing at you with two fingers. your hands grabbing at his forearm with every sinful circle of his fingers against your cunt, whimpering needily against his body and it's almost like you re begging him not to stop, and that only drives him to press into you even harder, more eagerly as he get lost in the way your lips part to moan when he finally sinks his fingers into your pussy. penties finally pulled to the side.
“so fucking wet, my pussy it's always so ready f' me.” he groaned, his tone wavering with the weight of his arousal. he took a handful of your breast through your shirt, grinning when he realised you ve decided to go out without a bra tonight, rolling and twisting at the sensitive peak as you whimpered. “such a dirty girl.” sukuna’s words were heavy, only making the slick between your legs intensify, making it easier for him to sink his fingers into your tight walls, pressing them against the swollen, sensitive spots inside of you with every practiced twist of his wrist. your clit was getting puffier, more swollen with each graze of his palm against it and he couldn't help but pull out of your cunt to rub your slick around it. so so sensitive to his touch.
“ s — sukuna.. ” you gasped, trying desperately to muffle your moans when you looked over to cast him a starry-eyed look, one that lured him in for a kiss that made the whole car spin as his other hand rolled your sensitive nipple between his thumb and forefinger. drinking in your next languid moan of his name, licking into your mouth with such an intensity that made you gasp.
“that's my girl, fuck — ” your thighs trembled around him, breaking apart from the kiss wetly to let your head fall back against his shoulder. he kept up his movements, sinking his fingers into your clenching walls with every few swipes just so he could feel the way you were soon going to be squeezing around his length. letting you ride out your orgasm as you grabbed at him and your hips twisted and jolted with every rub of his fingers as they pulled back to roll your clit, prolonging your blissful state until you were pushing him away with a whimper and breathless pant. but he was breathing heavy from where his chin was pressed into your shoulder, grazing his lips along your jawline when he tapped on your clit. chuckling at the way the tiny aftershocks made you jolt before he gently tapped on your thigh.
you just could never win with him, you would always end up at his feet in the end. not only metaphorically.
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©️ venjras.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Here is a fic ask? Or an idea that popped into my head! Soo I got this idea of Fem! Reader being this Nephalem thing, she made some deal with God, and God lost, she was aloud to make some corrupt angels.
More on reader, she works at the hotel, posing as a normal demon, but she doesn't sing nor dance, how odd because everyone does!..
Adam being her next target, they strike a deal that if he gets the idea of Extermination he can have one thing of whatever he wanted of course reader wanted something in return, his wings. It happened but than he soon died, and before he truly died, Adam could hear he voice, and this holy but demonic chain and parper appeared, indicating he made a deal made literally everyone freeze.
Singing this song, is basically Reader angel and demon side debating what to do! https://youtu.be/0Y9rL6xpvlk?si=i_rjScHV8Kg2qwjp
I can imagine the reactions of the others that where there. 🤩💃🕺
Her taking Adam's precious wings instead of his soul, I can imagine she probably has Lucifer, the other deadly sins and even lillith under a contract as well.
Also take your time with this! I know it a lot to take in haha! Drink water okay!!
A/N I hate Adam so this request is very fun :) Also, I just went off the vibes of the song rather than incorporating lyrics for the most part, I hope that is okay. Also I made her and Lucifer friends because I wanted to.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely (Adam x Reader)
Pairing: Adam x Reader
Warnings: So many. Um, gore, abuse, just generally Y/n being evil and malicious. Adam.
Word Count: 2,432
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n wasn't supposed to exist. Then again, souls trapped in Purgatory weren't supposed to challenge God, but she had done that too. It had been a simple bet, based entirely on God's belief that absolute power does not corrupt absolutely. He had lost and so, Y/n had become something else.
Not quite good, not quite bad. Neither a sinner nor a winner, a demon or an angel. She was something in the the middle, something worse. She called herself the God of Prospects, she was known as a nephalem.
A traveler between worlds, Y/n found herself the perfect fit when she had first heard of Lucifer's daughter's hotel. The two were friends of a sort and she had been quite bored of late, when he had mentioned it off hand her eyes had lit up with hunger. Lucifer had known that look, the irreversible calamity that always seemed to follow not far behind it.
"Just don't make a deal with Charlie, please." was all he had said on the matter, his voice bleeding.
Y/n had hummed a noncommittal response but took his plea to heart.
The others at the hotel were generally wary of Y/n. Even in her demon form, she cut an intimidating figure. Half a head taller than Charlie, thin muscles tracking the course of her limbs - she radiated power. Her steps were quiet and determined, the crowd never failed to part for her.
Charlie knew nothing of Y/n's truth of course, only that she was a friend of her father's. This was confirmed when Lucifer eventually visited the hotel and the pair greeted one another warmly and so, Charlie trusted her implicitly despite every sign not to. Still, she was wary. She was wary because Alastor gave Y/n a wide birth at all times and Alastor never feared anyone. When Charlie had questioned him on the matter, he always carefully changed the subject.
When Lucifer had gotten Charlie the meeting in Heaven, he had asked Y/n to go with. Neither Charlie nor Vaggie knew why save for the fact that maybe Lucifer wanted to keep an eye on his daughter. He had, after all, had a tone steeped in regret when he had told the pair he would be unable to come with himself and Y/n was his friend. It kind of made sense. Kind of.
It was there Y/n met Adam. He had pulled her aside before the chaos of the trial, making brazen advances towards her. Never having had the pleasure of meeting the first man before, she was amused to no extent by his bravado. He didn't suit Heaven at all, in her opinion, yet another example of the opinion she had proven to God all those years before. He might've been a good man once, but he was no longer. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
"So what do you say, sweet cheeks?" Adam had asked, his hands on his hips after having described everything he could 'do to her.'
Y/n had stared at him so long and hard he had almost begun to shake. Only then had she spoken, her voice like sharp gravel on bare feet, hot asphalt on hands in the dead of summer. It tore the world around it, it burned.
"Do you have any idea who I am?"
"Uh, hot demon snatch?"
Y/n had laughed at this, her teeth sharpened into points. Her head thrown back in glee, Adam had watched in confusion. When she had finally calmed her wild and uncalled for, in his opinion, joy, she had met his eyes once again, hers burning lazy fire.
"I am the God of Prospects. I will be your doom."
He hadn't known it then, but she had been right. It was strange. Adam had always liked women with a temper, hence his picks for the exorcists he worked with, but he had never liked being outshined, overpowered. It made him uncomfortable, he stayed away from women like that. Yet, something about Y/n in all her carefree composure, all her spiraling damnation, drew him to her.
"Let's make a bet."
She had held her hand out to him then, her nails sharp enough to draw blood.
"A deal?"
Adam had heard of deals in Hell, what an overlord could do through such a thing. He eyed her in suspicion.
"Did you listen to what I said? No, a bet." Y/n corrected tactfully.
"You're not an overlord, are you?"
Y/n's grin widened, unsettling him further.
"Then what is it?"
"If you win this war that is bound to happen, I will go with you. If you do not, I will take something from you."
"And how do you know it is going to be a war?"
All pretense was gone, he was nothing but a man in her scorching gaze. A shiver traveled its way down his spine, unbidden.
"I told you." she replied, as if speaking to an ignorant child, "I am the God of Prospects."
Y/n had been suspiciously absent from the battle until its very end. She appeared beside Angel Dust as Lucifer and Charlie stood before Adam, laying beaten and bloody on the ground.
"Where the hell have you been?" Angel asked and Y/n smiled, her arms crossed.
"I told you," and she had indeed told them all, the night before at the bar, "I would have made it unfair."
"Like any of us beleive you're actually that powerful." Angel scoffed and Y/n just shrugged, watching the scene play out before her in anticipation.
This was what she had been waiting for all along. She hadn't realized it until she had met Adam in person but, Y/n knew the cure to her boredom and it was not the hotel. No, the hotel was just part of the gateway, same as Adam. Really, the last time she could recall being genuinely entertained was when she had first placed that bet against God. New challenges to face, new mountains to climb, whisked past her minds eye. Plans formed and reformed, she made matter out of nothing.
"How does mercy taste you little bitch?" Lucifer said as he and Charlie turned their backs on Adam, joining the small group of people who had congregated behind them.
"No..." Adam weakly replied, slowly getting to his feet, "You don't get to end this."
Y/n could see his face now, for the first time, without his mask blocking it. She had been right all along, he had always just been a man. Mythologized, but a man none the less.
"I am fucking Adam!" he yelled, pulling himself from the crater, "I am the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts. You all should be worshiping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking..."
He trailed off as he caught sight of Y/n. She stood near the back, her arms crossed. Everyone looked around, trying to figure out what had him so out of it when they realized his frantic gaze was being met by none other than Y/n.
As she stepped between Vaggie and Lucifer, she began to change. Large black wings sprouted from her back, a black halo, similar to the one the exorcists wore, appeared above her head. Then there were the thorns, black vines twisting their way around her limbs. She leered over the now trembling Adam.
"Y/n..." Lucifer began, the smile long since having vanished from his face, "what did you do."
"I made a bet, that is all." she placidly replied, not bothering to look at the man.
She licked her lips in hunger, her mouth full of razors. Adam stumbled a step back.
"No!" he yelled, "It's not over! The war is not over! I... I..."
"This is your fate now."
The group watched in horror as Y/n grew taller, her limbs and torso stretching out thin and monstrous. She looked emaciated, she looked like death.
"NO, it's not!"
"I choose your fate now or did you forget about your side of the bargain? I will get what I am owed."
With a flick of her finger, Adam was raised into the air by glowing black, thorny vines. He struggled against the bonds as she turned his back towards her. Even now, he couldn't help but find something compelling in her, something that drew him to her.
"What are you doing? What are yo-"
He cut himself off in a terrible, protracted scream. The sound of tearing flesh and cracking bone was nauseating as Y/n slowly ripped the wings from his back. She let him fall, whimpering and bloodied, to the ground. Turning the wings over before her eyes, she examined them carefully as she shrunk back to her normal size and body shape.
"Beautiful but... I already have a pair." she mused before throwing them to the side.
"What are you?" Vaggie asked, breathless, as Y/n turned back to the group.
Her hands were stained golden in blood as were her teeth. She grinned.
"I am the God of Prospects. I am corrupted by absolute power."
"Jesus, Y/n." Lucifer sighed, a hand to his head, "You're scaring them."
"You knew?" Charlie asked her father in shock and he nodded softly.
"But I've never..."
"Seen me like this before." Y/n finished the thought for her friend, "In my true form. It is a lot to digest, I try to be kind."
"You try to be kind?" Husk repeated.
"Oh I like her." Cherri smiled brightly and Y/n tilted her head to the side in thanks.
It was now, as Lute pulled herself from the wreckage and Adam took his last stuttering breaths that she screamed, rushing to her master's side.
"Sir? Sir?!" she asked, flipping him over with her good arm.
Y/n turned to the scene, smiling. If this was the sort of thing her newfound passion would bring her, life was certainly about to become much more enjoyable.
"Stay with me, sir." Lute begged the dying man.
The last thing he did was smile up at her before falling dead. Charlie stepped forward with Vaggie not far behind her, her eyes glowing red with power and matching those of her father as he followed in her steps.
"Adam!" Lute yelled.
"It's over." Charlie announced, and the exorcist looked up.
"Take your little friends and go home." Lucifer added forcefully, "Please."
Lute looked between them for a moment before obeying, calling the retreat. The exorcists rose into the air, disappearing back through the portal. but not before she had grabbed Adam's fallen halo.
Charlie now turned to Y/n, the same fire burning in her eyes.
"Why are you here?" she asked.
Y/n shrugged noncommitally.
"I was bored, you all are interesting."
Charlie took a deep breath.
"What are you?"
"I am the God of Prospects."
"She is a nephalem. Well, sort of." Lucifer corrected and Y/n pouted.
"A nephalem?" Vaggie asked.
"Neither an angel nor a demon."
"How... shouldn't you be in purgatory?" Angel asked, taking a step forward.
"Does she look like she should be in purgatory?" Husk countered.
"I was there for a while."
"Really? What happened?" Cherri asked in excitment.
Y/n turned to her.
"I made a bet with God."
"And she won. Hooray, now, who is up for pancakes?"
After some conversation, it was determined that Y/n would be allowed to continue her stay at the hotel as long as she promised to protect it should the battle return. Y/n knew it would and told everyone as much, she agreed to the terms. Then the subject at hand had turned to lamentation. For the hotel, for their friends - the minute Charlie had brought up Alastor and his supposed death, Y/n had stopped her.
Holding a hand out to the demon princess, Y/n closed her eyes.
"He's injured, but alive." she announced after a moment, "I will go get him."
Before anyone had the chance to ask her how she knew or what she meant, Y/n had taken off into the sky on her wings of night.
The radio tower was in pieces, and Alastor sulked within. He looked up at the sound of her entry, his eyes wide and wild.
"Took a beating there, huh." Y/n mused playfully and Alastor scoffed, "I have a new job for you."
"What." he spat back, "Something else to get me almost killed?"
"Maybe." Y/n shrugged, "Either way, you know you can't refuse."
Vines, the same ones that had held Adam, appeared on Alastor, wrapping their way around him, bringing him to his knees. He grunted softly as they hit the ground. He knew she was right. He had been vain and a fool, he had been cocky. He had made a bet, and now had to lay in the grave she dug for him.
"What is that job?" he asked through gritted teeth.
"You're going to help me get a meeting with God."
Y/n hopped up onto a mostly intact table, taking a seat upon it. Alastor watched her, speechless.
"Yeah, he's sorta been, you know, avoiding my calls? Between you and me, I think he's pissy he lost our bet."
"Why do you want a meeting with him? Don't you already have everything?"
"Almost everything. I want to play a game."
"With God."
"With God."
"What for?"
Y/n hummed in thought, kicking her legs slightly.
"I want to be corrupted absolutely."
Alastor could read between the lines, he had known her long enough. His eyes widened with surprise. Y/n wanted power, to replace the man upstairs. She wanted to be God, not just a nephalem. She was always crossing boundaries, doing things she wasn't supposed to do, being things she wasn't supposed to be. Who was to say she couldn't do this too? Still, the fear and uncertainty ate away at him. He had no choice but to bend to her will but that didn't mean he had to have complete faith.
Y/n stood again in response to Alastor's doubtful look, her vines dragging him to his feet. She stared him dead in the eyes, her hands on her hips.
"Remember, foolish man, if not for my kindness you too would be gone. Don't try anything, just keep holding up that lovely facade of yours at the Hotel. I will alert you to when your skills are needed."
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Hello helloo! I've a request but I hope it doesn't sound weird.. There is such a tradition in Turkey, maybe you know, or heard about it. Women add salt to their fiances coffee to show that marriage is not always sweet (during their unofficial engagement ceremony among their family and friends, Turkish coffee is served to everyone). Soo, I was thinking about it, what would ghost/könig/soap do if their s/o did it to them? Like their s/o sees a video about it and decides to try. I think that would be funny ehehe
Hi!! It's not weird at all! This one was a fun one to write. Hope this is what you were looking for!🙃❤️
Warnings: swearing
Ghost/Soap/König's Reaction to Reader Pouring Salt in Their Coffee
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Simon "Ghost" Riley-
You and Simon had been together for years before he'd popped the question. In the years you'd been together, you'd never once pranked him.
Scrolling through your phone one day, you came across a video of a Turkish tradition where the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to show no indication that he didn't enjoy it. You knew at that moment you wanted to try it on Simon.
He'd just gotten home from running some errands, so you decided to make him a coffee to "help him decompress".
He smiled warmly at you, and graciously accepted the coffee. "Thanks, love."
You bit your lip to hide a smile, and simply nodded your head. You watched his face scrunch up in disgust as he took a sip of the coffee.
"Bloody hell, what's in this?"
You faked a sad expression. "What do you mean? It's just coffee."
Simon took in your expression, and a frown formed on his face. "Love I- I meant no offense it's just. It's salty?"
Unable to hold up the facade any longer, you busted out laughing.
Simon was beyond confused at what was going on. "Babe?"
"I watched a video the other day, it's a Turkish tradition that the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to not make a face. I thought it would be funny to try." You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing further. "Your reaction was priceless."
"Glad you found it amusing, love. Now come try a sip of this shite yourself." He held the cup up to you for you to try. "Let's see how you react."
"Nope, not gonna happen." You said backing away from the mug.
"Get over here, babe." He moved closer to you as you proceeded to move away from.
What ensued was Simon trying to catch you and force you to drink your concoction.
Much to your dismay, Simon was a lot faster than you.
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You'd seen the videos circling TikTok of the Turkish coffee tradition. You found the videos hilarious as you watched the different groom's reactions.
The more you watched them, the more you knew you wanted to try this out on your fiance König.
You'd gotten everything set, it was early morning and you knew König would be down any moment for his usual cup of coffee. You'd made the coffee just the way he liked, the only difference was, you'd poured about a tablespoon of salt in the cup.
König came downstairs with a radiant smile on his face. He saw you holding out a cup of coffee to him, and his eyes lit up. "Good morning Schat. That for me?"
"Morning! Yup, all for you. Made it myself." You were desperately trying not to laugh, as you didn't want to give anything away. "Just the way you like."
"Thank you, my love." He nodded at you before taking a sip from the cup.
You watched as he processed the taste. His nose scrunching slightly, as he turned his back to you.
"This. This is very good dear. Thank you." You could hear him struggling to get the words out, before a coughing fit consumed him.
He turned to you and mustered the best smile he could. "Tastes a bit different. But it's. It's good. Yes."
He moved to take another sip, clearly pretending to enjoy the coffee for your sake so as not to hurt your feelings.
"Kö, baby you don't have to drink it, it's okay." You giggled.
"No love you made it. I shall drink it." You could see that he was doing his best not to gag.
"Baby, it was a joke. I saw a video on tik tok that it's a Turkish tradition to put salt in the groom's coffee to test his reaction. It's evidently a way of saying marriage won't always be sweet."
König visibly relaxed at this, clearly happy he didn't have to continue to drink the coffee. "I hope I have responded well, Schatz. That was not sweet at all. Frankly that was utter shit."
You cackled at his reply and moved to wrap yourself against his torso. "God, I love you, I can't wait to marry you Kö."
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish-
The two of you had actually both seen the tik tok, on your own. The minute you'd seen the video, you knew you wanted to try it on Johnny.
You both were in your kitchen, getting ready for your day, when you approached each other, drinks in hand.
"Aye, bug I made you tea. Two creams with extra sugar." He said with a shit eating grin.
"Oh. Well. I made you a coffee. Great minds think alike, huh?" You asked sheepishly, handing the coffee to him.
"What's the occasion?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Just seemed tired, wanted to make you a cup?" You took the tea from him, and studied it closely. In all your years together, he'd never once made you a cup of tea.
"Well thank ye." Soap smiled at you, and moved to take a sip. You watched as his eyes widened, and he immediately spit out the coffee.
"The fuck? You did not." He was laughing hysterically.
You smiled to yourself, before taking a sip of the tea he made you, only to be met with the worst tasting liquid you'd ever experienced. "Good grief Johnny, what the hell is this?" You scrunched your face up in disgust.
"Seems we both had the same idea." He winked, a wicked grin forming on his face.
"Oh my God, did you watch the same video? The Turkish salt in coffee tradition?"
"That I did love. Looks like I'm gonna be the best husband ever."
"Your reaction was terrible! That proves nothing!"
"My dear, you should know, marriage won't always be this sweet." He sauntered up to you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. "Your lips, uh, taste a little salty, dear."
"Screw you, MacTavish."
A/N: hope you enjoyed!! Thanks for reading🙃❤️
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readsaboutreid · 2 months
Permanent Solution (part II) | S.R.
contains: lots of discussion of suicide, other typical criminal minds violence, heavy heavy angst but a happy ending (i promise!), MORGAN GETS REDEEMED
look i'm sorry to put spencer and reader through so much pain T-T but also i wanted to use my own negative thoughts in a better way than just stewing in them so i adapted them to fit this
i also had someone request that i tag them so i guess if you'd like for me to tag you in future posts lmk and i'll add you onto a taglist! when you request just specify if you want to be tagged for a specific part 2 (or continuation of a specific story) or tagged for any future fics :)
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Spencer jolted awake, the faint ringing of his alarm clock dragging him out of sleep. He sat up and rubbed his sore neck, wondering why his alarm sounded like it was in a different room. And then the memories from the previous night came rushing back to him, and he realized that it sounded that way because it was, in fact, coming from a different room. He had fallen asleep on the couch, Dr. Mewshroom taking up (Y/N)’s usual place wrapped in his arms. He checked his phone, no missed calls from her (but about 20 from Garcia, and only one voicemail, also from Garcia), and the clock on its little digital screen told him it was 6:30 AM. He got up and went into the bedroom, checking to see if maybe she had decided against waking him. Anxiety rushed through his veins when he saw the empty bed, and he called her phone again, which rang four times before going to voicemail.
“Hi, you’ve reached the voicemail of Dr. (Y/L/N), I can’t come to the phone right now but if you leave your name and number, I’ll return your call as soon as I am able. Thanks!” Beep.
He swallowed, struggling around the lump forming in his throat. He got a call from Hotch right as he started getting dressed for a day off (much earned after their last case). “I’m sorry, Reid, but I need you and (Y/L/N) here immediately. We have a new case, local, and we need all hands on deck for this one. I need you two in the briefing room in 20 minutes.” Spencer groaned internally at the prospect of back-to-back cases but confirmed that he’d be there. Then, he covered for (Y/N)’s absence. He said that she was sick and couldn’t leave the bathroom for longer than five minutes at a time and that seemed to be all the convincing Hotch would need. “Since the case is local that’s fine, she can join us when she recovers. But get here ASAP, Reid.” Click.
Spencer took a deep breath to calm the anxiety bubbling in his gut and chest. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it hadn’t happened since they had moved in together five months ago. Since she had stopped taking The Walk. He took a deep breath and assured himself that the chances of (Y?N) being missing were slim-to-none.
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Spencer walked through the glass doors of the BAU and hurried to the round table, the last one of the team to enter. He nodded to Garcia, Prentiss (who looked like she had a very fun mystery date the previous night), Hotch, and Rossi. He pointedly ignored the greetings of both JJ and Morgan, the latter rolling his eyes slightly at the passive aggressive behavior.
“Reid, glad you could make it. Okay JJ, fill us in,” Hotch nodded to JJ, who stepped forward and placed a file in front of each of them.
"Where's (Y/N)?" Penelope asked Spencer, giving him a confused and worried look. He avoided her gaze as he muttered something about her having a stomach bug while he took his seat.
“Last night, a body turned up in the Anacostia River, near the 11th Street bridge,” JJ began as she placed files in front of each of them. Spencer’s blood ran cold, and his stomach dropped at her words. Not there, anywhere but there.
“It’s the third body they’ve found this month, and the timeframe between bodies seems to be around the same each time, one week. All the victims are female, mid-to-late 20s, and all three had a history of multiple suicide attempts," she explained, pulling up some of the crime scene photos on the projector in front of them.
“Hold up, JJ,” Morgan interjected, “if all three victims have a history of suicidal tendencies, how do we know these aren’t just run-of-the-mill suicides?”
“Each body was disposed of in a large black trash bag,” Hotch explained.
“That and they found evidence of torture as well as ligature marks on the wrist and ankle of each of the victims,” she elaborated, switching the slide to show some of the coroner’s photos. Electrical burns littered the torso of the victim on the slide, and Spencer's stomach churned at the sight. She looked so much like (Y/N) it was uncanny.
“Each victim has a similar build and they've all got the same hair cut and color,” Prentiss observed, “maybe a surrogate for the Unsub’s real target?” Please, no.
"Could be a mother or girlfriend," Rossi speculated. "Do the DC police have any idea of where he's taking his victims from, or is it just the dump site that they know? And are there any witnesses?"
"Until last night, the victims had all been taken from their homes with no witnesses on what the police assume were the same nights the previous victims' bodies had been dumped," JJ answered, "but last night he seems to have escalated and abducted someone straight from the bridge itself according to a nearby eyewitness, a man who had been out for a late night jog. They found this—" she clicked to the next slide, "at the scene, along with the victim's cell phone, both of which have been bagged as evidence and are at the local precinct."
Spencer’s world came to a crashing, burning halt. In the image on the screen was a rather generic looking, but still all too familiar, green knit cardigan and black cell phone with a cracked screen. No one else had seemed to put it together yet, except perhaps Rossi, who had shifted his gaze to Spencer.
"Do we know the identity of the most recent abductee—" Prentiss had started to ask before Spencer had to stand and run to the trash can to vomit.
"That's some stomach virus," Rossi mused, giving Spencer a concerned and knowing look.
"Reid? Are you alri—" Prentiss was cut off again, this time by Hotch.
"Prentiss, Morgan, go to the location where the bodies were found, and the most recent victim abducted. Track down the eye witness through any means possible and interview him. Rossi and JJ, you two head to the precinct. Reid, my office. Now." Hotch issued the orders with a deeper sense of urgency than usual. Spencer stood and shakily walked to Hotch's office after the rest of the team had hurried off, and as soon as Hotch entered and closed the door behind him Spencer’s legs gave out, leaving him to collapse onto his knees.
"Talk,” Hotch said, his tone dangerously quiet.
"(Y/N)'s not sick," he managed to choke out between the gasping sobs that now wracked his chest. "Di-didn't— come home— last night," his words were punctuated by gasping breaths. "M-my sweater— wearing my sweater—" he couldn't breathe, and his vision was like looking through a tunnel, the edges getting darker and pushing in more and more with each second, he struggled to inhale. He shouldn't have gone home last night. He should have gone after her.
"And you have reason to believe she was at the 11th Street bridge?" Hotch questioned.
"She used to walk there every night," Spencer jumped at the sound of Garcia's hollow voice coming from behind him. He hadn't even noticed her come in through his panicked haze. "When she first started here. It's why she always looked so tired those first five months, because she'd barely sleep. She'd walk there and pace back and forth along the bridge. Sometimes she'd just sit on the railing."
"Sh-she hasn't been there in months," Spencer's voice was hoarse, "but last night she— something happened that upset her and she walked off—" another round of sobs forced their way out. "Hotch, he's gonna—" Spencer reached for the trash can next to Hotch's desk and vomited again, and again.
"Spencer," Hotch knelt in front of the young agent, gently moving the trash can to the side. "Deep breaths. I know you're terrified. If you need to take yourself off the case, don't worry. We'll find her."
"Off the case?" He panted, trying to steady his breathing.
"Well you're clearly in no state to be doing much of anything. I don't think anyone on the team would blame you for having to step back on this one," Hotch reasoned.
"What? No, no I've got to find her!" He felt his head clearing a bit as his breathing finally returned to a normal rhythm, his vision slowly returning until he could see the full room properly.
"Reid, are you sure that’s a good idea—"
"Hotch," Spencer interrupted, "I can't just do nothing while he tor—" he reached for the trashcan and vomited yet again at the thought of what the Unsub was going to do to her, what he probably already was doing to her; he was honestly surprised there was anything left for his stomach to throw up at this point. “I can’t just sit by and watch, knowing that every second she’s there with him she’s being subjected to one sort of torture or another.”
Hotch paused and observed Spencer briefly before he rose to his feet and offered Spencer a hand to help him stand, as well. “Take a few minutes to compose yourself and then meet me at the SUV downstairs. We’ll head to the precinct together and you can fill me in on what happened that upset her last night. It might help with the victimology, which you’re going to be working on with me for now since you know (Y/N) better than anyone else.”
“Thank you, Hotch,” Spencer managed to force out, the words quiet and trembling. Hotch left the office and Garcia lingered, giving Spencer a look of pure sorrow.
“I— I’m so sorry, Spencer,” she began, an echo of their conversation outside of the bar last night.
“Garcia, this isn’t your fault,” he responded, continuing the reprisal.
“When you didn’t call me last night I—I just figured that you two had—I don't know—kissed and made up and fallen asleep, I didn’t realize that she never even made it home,” her voice broke on the very last word, and her hand shot up to her mouth as sobs began to escape. Spencer’s legs were still shaky, but he managed to cross the room to her and give her a tight embrace. “I—no, you shouldn’t have to comfort me right now, Spencer, I’m sorry!”
“Consider this me returning the favor from yesterday,” he muttered, his own voice tearful while he kept holding on to her. He swallowed around the lump in his throat.
“Spencer, you have to find her before he can—”
“I know. I will,” he said, trying his very best to sound determined. Instead, his voice came out sounding more like that of a frightened boy than a grown FBI agent.
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“What’s going on with Reid?” Emily asked Derek, giving him a quizzical look from the passenger seat of the SUV.
“Last night I sort of went off on (Y/N) after one too many glasses of whiskey and I may have told her nobody wanted her there,” he confessed, shame swirling in his head as he drove. He didn’t really dislike her; he found her demeanor slightly off-putting, but he had felt the same way about Reid when he first joined the team, and she was an excellent profiler, so the least he could do was give (Y/N) the same benefit of the doubt he had given Reid. “Garcia tore me a new one after he had come back into the bar and told us that she had broken things off between them because of my...outburst.”
“Damn it, Morgan,” Emily muttered, flipping through the file in her hands. “You see, this is why we can’t have nice things!”
“Look, look, I know I was wrong about what I said to her, but I can’t turn back the clock. I’ll just have to find her and apologize once she’s feeling better.” They approached the 11th Street bridge, and he stopped the car and put it in park. They both stepped out into the crisp morning air, a light fog slightly obscuring their vision.
“According to the witness statement, this guy was out for a late-night jog when he called the non-emergency police line after seeing a man toss what the was presumed to be trash into the river in a giant black trash bag,” Emily recited what she had read from the file on the drive there. “But he called 911 when he said he heard what sounded like the start of a scream and then saw the struggle before saying the woman went entirely limp. Report says he tried to catch up with the Unsub, who then got into an unmarked black van and drove away.”
"Looks like the CSI team may have missed something," Derek called out to Emily as he caught a glimpse of what looked like an earring and some dried blood under some fallen leaves on the bridge. He snapped a glove onto his hand, and when he pushed the leaves aside he felt his blood run cold. He'd recognize this earring anywhere. "Oh, no."
"I-I like your earrings," a soft, small voice spoke from behind Derek and Penelope as they did their morning flirting routine. They both turned and saw the newest member of the team looking shyly at Penelope.
"Oh these? Thanks! You know, I could make you a pair if you'd like," Garcia smiled at (Y/N), whose eyes widened in panic.
"O-oh! No, don't worry, y-you don't n-n-need to trouble yourself like that!" The young agent hurried off in a panic.
"That was...weird," Derek mused to himself as he walked to his desk.
"I guess she decided to take up Garcia's offer on a pair of her own after all," he muttered, his voice sorrowful.
"What'd you find, Morgan?" Emily asked as she made her way over. "Is that one of Garcia's earrings? How'd that get here?"
"She had offered to make a pair for (Y/N) right around the time she joined the team," Derek explained before looking up to find Emily's face falling at the realization.
"Oh, god," she gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "Bag that, I'll call Hotch and let him know what we found."
"I'll also call Garcia, ask her to get the address of the witness. We got to get (Y/N) out of there ASAP." Derek pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia.
"What, Derek?" She snapped, and Derek had to fight every urge in his body to playfully argue with her to try to lessen her anger with him. There were more pressing things he had to talk about right now.
"Hey, Garcia, we found something at the scene," he began, "it was, uh, an earring you had made for (Y/L/N) from the looks of it. Got a little bit of dried blood on the post." He took in a deep breath before adding on, "I'm sorry." The line was silent for a minute before she finally spoke again.
"Poor Reid," she whispered, her voice tearful. He could hear her take a shaky breath before she asked, "what, uh, what do you need me to do?"
"I need the address of the witness, a man named Jonathan Levi," he he explained.
"Yeah, uh, yeah I can get that for you right now," she said, her voice growing stronger. He could almost see her wiping her tears from her cheeks as he heard her sniffle on the other end. "I'm sending it to your phone now. And Derek?"
"Yeah, baby girl?"
"You find this son of a bitch," she said before the line disconnected.
"We will," he said to himself.
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"Prentiss," Hotch's voice came through Emily's cell phone, "what have you been able to learn from the crime scene?"
"Uh, well not very much, yet. Morgan's calling Garcia to get the address of the witness so we can interview him," she answered, trying to keep her voice from sounding shaky. She failed.
''But?" Hotch pressed.
"...but we did find an earring with some dried blood on the post that was missed under some leaves," she added, swallowing nearly audibly. "Earrings that—that Morgan thinks Garcia had made for (Y/L/N) a little while back."
"Thanks, Prentiss. I've got Reid with me, I'll let him know what you've found," Hotch said before the line disconnected.
"—yeah, baby girl?" She heard from where Morgan stood, followed by a determined, "We will."
"Prentiss!" He called out, heading to the black SUV. "Garcia sent me the address, can you drive?" He tossed her the keys and she caught them, jogging over to the drivers' seat.
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"Reid, you doing okay?" Rossi asked him as they rushed to the home they had finally tracked the Unsub to.
"I—I just—," he stammered, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I just hope we get to her in time." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"We know he keeps them for a week. It's only been three days," Spencer felt Rossi's hand land on his shoulder. "She's a fighter, Spencer. You know that better than anyone else here."
The address Garcia had tracked down for them led them to the fairly large but still dilapidated house of a man named Andrew Warren, a CNA at a local mental facility who lost his parents in a double suicide as a child, and then his older sister to suicide a month ago after she had gone through multiple rounds of ECT as a teenager in the 1990s.
The other SUV containing Prentiss, JJ, and Morgan arrived at the house slightly before theirs and Spencer could see as his coworkers stopped the car and raced towards the door of the house. Morgan kicked down the door and raced inside right as Hotch put their vehicle in park and Spencer was out of the door before he could hear any of Hotch's orders. He didn't care about orders, right now. All he cared about was getting the love of his life to safety.
As he ran over the threshold of the house, he heard shouting coming from up a bunch of old stairs. He took the steps two at a time and he went up each floor until he finally reached what seemed to be the third floor landing. The shouting became more distinct as he approached and he could make out Morgan negotiating with the Unsub.
"She's weak," the Unsub spat, followed by a whimper from (Y/N) that sent a stab of pure fear through his gut. "Weak members of our species like her need to be removed from the gene pool."
"Drop the knife, Andrew," Spencer heard Morgan say in a calm voice as he rounded the final corner and the entire situation came into his view. The Unsub had (Y/N) in front of him with a knife held to her throat, both of them standing before a large, open window. She was in nothing but her underwear and bra and had multiple electrical burns marring her skin. (Y/N) made eye contact with Spencer and tears started streaking down her cheeks as she mouthed I'm sorry to him, sending a crack through his chest.
"Don't come any closer!" The Unsub screamed as he finally noticed Spencer approaching with his gun drawn. Spencer's eyes widened as he slowly put his gun back into the holster and then raised his hands just as slowly. He halted his steps and took a deep breath.
"It's okay, Andrew," Spencer attempted to sound calm and collected through his panic. "I'm just trying to help."
Spencer looked around the room at JJ and Prentiss who were flanking Morgan in the center, both with their guns drawn. He could hear Hotch and Rossi approaching behind him and he turned and softly told them, "stay back." He then started slowly approaching again as he turned to the Unsub. "I know what you've been through, Andrew," he said, his voice steadier than he thought it would be.
"You lost your parents in a double suicide when you and your sister were little. Your foster parents would torment you and your sister and blamed you both for the way you reacted to the trauma you had been through and your sister ended up institutionalized after a suicide attempt at 17. Once she got out and took custody of you when she turned 18 and you were 16, she had trouble being able to keep up with everything. She started harming herself," Spencer took another shaky breath as he slowly continued forward, watching as tears welled in Andrew's eyes. "And then you lost her, too, when she jumped from the 11th Street bridge a month ago."
"Sh-she was weak, just like my mom and dad." Andrew responded, but his voice cracked and faltered.
"No, Andrew, they weren't weak. They were sick," Spencer reasoned with him. "Your sister was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, just like your parents. She was sick and in pain. She wasn't weak."
"She was weak," Andrew said. "She left me here all alone!"
"I know," Spencer said, the slightest amount of relief sparking within him as the knife at (Y/N)'s throat began to lower. "I know she did. You can't blame yourself, though, Andrew. It's not your fault. They needed help that you couldn't give by yourself, and that's not your fault. Just let her go and we can get you the help that you need." He pleaded with him, his voice wavering slightly as he looked (Y/N) in the eye again and saw all of the fear and pain radiating from them.
"No," Andrew responded as tears streaked down his face. "I can't—" As he raised the knife back to (Y/N)'s neck, Spencer heard the sound of gunfire and watched in terror as Andrew started to fall backward with his arms still around (Y/N). Spencer tried to run to her but didn't make it before they fell through the open window.
"No!" Morgan shouted as he lunged forward, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand right as she fell backward out the window. Andrew's lifeless body plummeted to the ground beneath them, landing with a crunch. "Hold on, (Y/L/N), I've got you!" He called to her as she dangled from the window, his hand her only lifeline.
Spencer rushed forward to his side before reaching his own hand out the window toward (Y/N), and together they pulled her back up through the window. They moved back and Morgan closed the window as Spencer wrapped (Y/N) into his arms while she sobbed in relief.
"I'm so sorry," she muttered into his chest over and over. Spencer just held her close and kept assuring her that she had nothing to apologize for.
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I sat on the back lip of the ambulance, a blanket around my shoulders in some borrowed clothes. Spencer refused to leave my side until he was called away by Hotch. "I'll be right back, okay, love?" He looked at me before giving my forehead a soft, gentle kiss and then walked over to our boss.
"(Y/N)," I heard from a few feet away. I turned and was faced with Derek Morgan.
"M-Morgan," I stammered as my eyes widened. "I-I'm so sorry—"
"Stop, (Y/N). You don't have to apologize to me for anything," he started, "I'm the one who needs to be apologizing for my behavior."
"I—you just kept me from being dragged out of a window and likely breaking my neck. You don't owe me anything. I owe you my life." I muttered, looking at the ground.
"You don't owe me anything. I did the same thing for you that I would have done for any other member of this team," he looked at me while I kept my gaze on the ground in front of me. "Look at me, (Y/N)." I looked at him and he looked me right in the eye as he said, "my behavior the other night was uncalled for. "This team is a family, and you are a vital part of that family. We need you, Spencer needs you, and I'm so, so sorry. I hope that you'll let me try to make it up to you in the future."
Vital. He called me vital. That word clanged through me and I broke down crying again. He wrapped me in a bear hug and apologized again. "Th-thank you, Derek." I said, my voice small as I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him in return.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he said one more time before releasing me. The paramedics approached and asked if anyone was going to accompany me to the hospital.
"Reid!" Morgan called to Spencer, who had just finished up with Hotch. Spencer raced back to us, his eyes widening and growing concerned when he saw my fresh tears.
"What's wrong?! Is everything okay?" He asked as he gently grabbed me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes. I closed my eyes and nodded, unable to form any words. Vital. I'd never felt that I was wanted or needed anywhere I'd been in my life, much less vital to anyone or anything.
"Paramedics wanna know if you're gonna accompany her to the hospital," Morgan explained, and Spencer agreed in a heartbeat. I was then loaded onto a gurney and into the ambulance, one of the paramedics and Spencer following behind.
Vital. As I looked at Spencer, he grabbed by hand and pulled it up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back. "I'm so happy you're alive," Spencer whispered to me, his hand moving to stroke some of my hair out of my face. "I love you, (Y/N)."
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@busy-buzzing here's part 2 sorry it took so long!
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kairiscorner · 1 year
MIGUEL O'HARA (girlfriend day headcanons !)
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he'd scoff at you mentioning the whole notion of girlfriend day, reminding himself it's a made-up holiday on the internet that he doesn't have to take seriously.
though, he does take it seriously, it's not obvious nor in a fit of total desperation, instead it's just a little nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him to at least make that day a little more special for you because with the way you're talking about that day and gushing aloud about what kind of stuff you want to happen that day, he feels slightly pressured to do better than he does usually for you.
he does worry about at least making you happy on the day itself, he worries about whether or not he can make it feel like an even more special day for you. he's asked lyla ''''''''subtly'''''''' what would be the best things to do for your girlfriend on that day, and lyla would always tell him no search results come up when she scours the web.
miguel threatened to disconnect her from the system if she doesn't tell him the truth right now, but she tells him that there is no right answer because you're not like all women in the world, you're your own person, so the best way to find out what would be best for you would be to ask you himself.
he summoned you to his office once under the guise of him asking you for any updates or reports, all that work stuff, with him soon asking you more unrelated questions. like what kinds of flowers do you like, what your favorite restaurant in the whole multiverse is, if you need any replacements for shoes, clothes, or if you're looking forward to shopping for something that made you happy just looking at or having it. and it was here that you realized miggy cared about that "silly internet holiday" you told him about.
you told miguel your honest answers, with your grin widening as miguel told lyla to take mental note of it and to help him plan a whole itinerary for tomorrow, which miguel completely forgot when he saw you in casual wear the next day. you never fail to make him breathless when he sees you in... anything, really.
he tries to follow the itinerary, but when you suggest doing something else, something you found more fun in between what he had planned, he felt himself becoming more and more loose with himself, he found himself... enjoying today, especially with you by his side.
though he really didn't want anything about dinner to go bad, because since you never gave him your favorite restaurant name, miguel decided to make you dinner himself. you always loved miguel's homemade cooking, and he prepared all evening yesterday to make the perfect portions, get the right tastes that you told him you liked, and just make everything perfect for you.
his gift for you was this, quality time with you, taking a break from work and all the stress you two have from saving the multiverse; tonight, the multiverses was just you two, together, sharing dinner and relishing each other.
you watched as miguel's hands twitches and as beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he muttered to himself what should be where, what should be done cooking by now, and just... how he wants everything tonight to go as planned. though you didn't interrupt him from talking to himself silently, you placed your hand over his as he set it down on the table.
it was then that miguel looked up at you, his brown eyes locking with yours as his lips quit murmuring and as he gazed at you, with you smiling at him and muttering an 'it's okay' towards him as he took in a deep breathe, exhaled, and gently took your hand in his own. "querida... i know i shouldn't be worrying so much, i know i said it was just a silly internet holiday, but i need you to know you're my world. you don't have many chances to know that, to be reminded i love you, so... i wanted tonight to work out well." he said as he ran his thumbs over the back of your hands and knuckles.
"thank you for making my life a little more hectic, yet very, very worthwhile." he whispered towards you as you were treated to the very rare sight of miguel smiling up at you, without any sarcasm or snarkiness behind it, just pure adoration and love for the woman who made his life worth living, no matter how hard everything gets.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @fiannee @melovetitties @arachnoia @ophanimgold @jrrantss @fictarian @yuridopted0
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noellefan101 · 8 days
Their S/O Is a Gamer, But They Arent Really One
Characters: Pantalone, Childe, Albedo, Nilou, Tighnari x GN reader
Summary: Your partner doesnt really into playing online games, but you do, so what do they play when you introduce them and what would they be interested in playing.
Warnings: mentions of blood, and horror games but nothing bad jsut the mentions of it, otherwise just fluff, modern au
Note: love the idea of playing games with someone who has never really touched an online game, so you introduce them to some not so weird games and play with them. i sound so lonely- love you
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He definitely lives in a giant place, so you have your own room with a pc and all that stuff, even though he doesnt really understand it he loves you, and your hobbies are apart of you.
Would love to play something with you, but he for once isn't sure how to ask, and he doesn't have much free time. But would love to play some cozy games with you, either on a console or with him sitting in your chair while you teach him how to play.
Likes playing more business-focused games, just so he can also show off all his knowledge of marketing to you, but could also get into horror games if you played with him.
He plays the sims with you at times, and he definitely has one of the sims run a store and can make a lot of money really quickly, even without knowing what he's really doing.
He has played a few games, but only combat games where you could also see blood, so think shooters and that stuff. so if you play more cozy games, or just sweet games i dont think he would be very interested at first.
But if you wanted to play with him he totally would, he would sit next to you at his own desk and look over to see what you were doing once in a while when he was lost.
He likes playing with you but doesnt do it often, only when he really feels like it. Also loves horror games, but especially if you get scared easily so he can tease you and comfort you, plus he gets to hold your hand.
He is definitely interested in video games, and has some on his phone that Klee can play when she's with her but he's busy.
So he has gotten you to talk a little about the games you play, and seen you play as well. But has never actually tried playing it, so he would like to try.
Likes to play dress up games, just for fun but also because he can draw the outfits and get inspiration form them. Plus he has you beside him so he can tease you by drawing you in a rather embarrassing outfit.
He's not really into the concept but still likes to just watch while he's doing an experiment, but would play science games on his own if he found one he liked.
Think if Dr. Stone made a game, so stuff with a lot of scientific aspects to it. Games that would put you to sleep after he started talking about it.
Loves to look at you play, she sits on your lap at times to get a better view. She doesn't really take an interest to what you're doing as much, but would still love to play with you.
She would like playing the sims, making both of you and building a pretty house for you to live in. She has also made you kiss many times, but got embarrassed when you commented on it.
Would also challenge you in fitness type games, but she wins almost every time. You now have a Wii in your living room where you both do yoga together every week.
He is way more interested in nature, plants, and the outside world of living beings, so he hasn't really touched the concept of playing games on a computer, more so looking up information.
But he would be so into Stardew Valley, yes he does know way more about all these plants and will rant on and on about why these plants need to planted in the spring and stuff. But he would have so much fun playing if you got im into it.
GRASS, did i scare you? go out and touch some please, you need it
And yes, he is interested in what you play otherwise without him, and would encourage you to talk about it for hours just like he does with plants. He's very supportive of you and likes just looking at you play games while he studies a special species of fox that he just learned about.
Walks into your room from time to time and opens the windows, because you need more sunlight, and he doesn't accept the excuse of him being your sun, though he does blush if you say that.
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Thx for reading pookie, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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