#I look out of the window; watch couples pass by and bite my tongue.
sapphistically · 8 days
the leather jacket
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read on ao3 | masterlist/s
description: you’re having a bad day and spike runs into you, a conversation sparks and you realise you might actually feel something for him.
relationship: spike & reader
a/n: in my mind reader is fem, but idk if i specified it anywhere? they are wearing a dress, but that’s mentioned once, in the beginning.
wc: 1140
You sat down on a bench, it was dark, there was only one lantern a couple meters away from where you were. You felt the cold air caressing your bare arms and calves, as your skirt reached a little below your knees. It was hard, adjusting to living like this, living and haunting demons while you had your own demons haunting you, for a good while now, life was just, too much. Buffy’s life seemed to be piecing together, Willow met Tara and was obviously in love, Xander started to work and had Anya, you were just… there.
Wishes and what ifs filled your thoughts, you wanted to go back to high school, when it was just the Scooby Gang, when you had Cordelia, who you were close with at the time, you two were always outcasted to an extent, she was especially after Xander cheated on her, that’s when you distanced yourself more from him, while Willow always seemed honestly sorry, he never did. It was never the same after that, while you enjoyed spending time with them, you just never got that close again and your life seemed to go down hill from that ever since.
You watched people passing by in distance, you felt so empty, like someone cut a whole in you that could never be filled, today was especially bad and all everyone cared about was demons and other strange creatures of the dark to fight. A set of footsteps caught your attention, it was getting closer to you, you looked over to see a face you recognised, but haven’t seen in a while.
His hair was still platinum, combed back, he had his leather jacket on per usual and a funeral like — all black — outfit. Your eyes stopped at his face, he tilted his head, as he just stood there for a moment, his gaze lingering on your face, you could swear you saw his eyes soften for a brief moment, before they went back to being cold as usual.
“What’s wrong?” He said and the question took you aback for a second, you parted your lips ready to answer, but ended up biting your own tongue in time.
“What do you want, Spike?” Your voice was calm, almost emotionless, a chill run down your spine as the wind blew again, creating goosebumps on your skin.
“What? What do I want?” Spike let out a scoff, as he relaxed more, now standing in a less of a dull position. “Do I always have to want something?”
“Well, you usually do so… What is it?”
He scoffed again, you could feel your hands clenching slightly at that, he was bothering you and now wouldn’t even say what he wanted.
You just focused back on the people you could see in the windows of the dorm rooms, those passing nearby or those going out, probably to party. You kept a mental note of the fact that he was still there, his gaze was lingering on you and you could feel it. He eventually moved to sit down next to you, you glanced at him, your gaze paused on him, as you noticed his eyes softened again.
“If you’re hoping to see Buffy, she’s not coming.”
“Oh right, the slayer…What a loss.” He said, his tone more playful now, you just glanced between him and the passers by.
Silence fell between you two for a moment, he was just… sitting there and so were you, you didn’t really mind or care as long as he didn’t annoy you too much, it was quite nice, having company wasn’t so bad, even if it meant his company.
“Something is wrong.” Spike said, catching your attention, you turned to him, this time focusing on him. “What’s wrong, hm? Maybe I can help out.”
“I don’t need your help. Or want it.”
“Gee, no wonder you’re sitting alone.”
Your lips lightly pouted, it was instinctual, your head moved down as you looked at him with hurt in your eyes.
“Well, you’re sitting with me. So…”
“So what? You’re not alone? You’re in my company, a bloody vampires and not your ‘my little pony’ friend group?”
You let out a sight answering with a simple, “No.”
He took out a flask bottle out of his coat, he took a long sip, moving it towards you with a raise of a brow.
“What is it?”
“Apple juice— What do you think it is?” He scoffed.
“God you’re insufferable.” You mumbled taking it from his hand and taking a huge sip yourself.
It didn’t take long for you to get more talkative, you had a pretty weak head when it came to alcohol, you were shivering by then, the cold becoming unbearable. You began to think how cool was the fact that the cold couldn’t affect him, he was dead after all and probably cold himself as well… you stopped your train of thought there, because why on earth were you thinking if he was hot— warm or cold.
“You’re shivering.” He noticed, his voice was deep, he took his jacket off. He moved it onto your shoulders, allowing you to adjust it, so you did, doing your best to cover up as much as you could, it just ended with you putting it on fully.
You smiled lightly at him, your cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, “Thanks.”
“So you were saying…” He clears his throat as he takes another sip of the drink.
“Right… Um… What was I…” You frowned your brows, your mind was fuzzy, each thought went in and out within seconds, not letting you to focus on anything. He seemed to notice you struggled with putting it together so he just spoke for now.
“Well truth be told, the… whatever you called them gang… they are not as half as cool as you are, I mean, think of that prat Xander.”
You just nodded in an agreement, there was something in common between you, a human, struggling mentally and a blood thirsty, old as time vampire — your hate for Xander Harris.
“I— I don’t know…” You shook your head, drinking more, the flask was almost empty. “It’s all just… I’m just… Tired.” You looked down as you spoke, voicing it all felt a little too real.
“God this is so depressing.”
“Is it? I think that’s just you, love.” He smiles lightly at you, making you smile, he had a pretty smile… wait what?
“You know what… I- I need to go.” You got up, giving him back the flask, unable to say much you just… took off. You could hear him yelling a couple of “hold up” after you, but you kept on walking, you eventually reached your dorm room, you walked inside.
You took your leather jacket off, but it wasn’t yours, was it?
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gojoed · 2 years
GLASSES. | gojo x reader. | 1.3k words. | a/n: time - before shibuya
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The December cold was a little bit bearable in these conditions. 
People were walking on both sides of your body, voices could be heard from every possible direction. Everyone was walking in and out of stores, most of their arms were busy holding bags of every possible size. Families, couples, people who went alone were everywhere.
And meanwhile, you were stuck waiting for a certain white-haired man to come out of a busy cafe. Sitting on a bench that was situated across from the store, you would easily see the abnormally tall Gojo weave his way past people while waiting in line through the windows.
He was fairly easy to spot, being tall and almost always having a pair of sunglasses even when it was late at night. 
The cold of the bench was starting to seep through your clothes, chilling you slightly the more time passed. Hopefully Gojo’s order was ready by now, who knows what he ordered when all you asked him was to go see if there were any warm cookies in the cafe.
Breathing out your breath formed in front of you, your fingertips grew colder.
Maybe you should just ditch him. Your nose was starting to feel like it was going to fall off.
“Heyy, I'm back!”
Oh well speak of the devil.
Gojo was walking towards your bench, his loud cry caught the attention of a few people, stealing glances at him. It seems he didn’t just get you a cookie, but a warm drink judging from how he was balancing two cups in one palm of his hand and his other was holding a small paper bag. 
“Heyy, you’re back.” 
Your tone sounded flat, making his lips turn downwards slightly.
“C’mon, at least sound a little happy, I got your cookie.”
“I would if my ass wasn’t freezing over, Gojo.”
He muttered a small ‘booo’ under his breath before handing you the paper bag. It was warm, which helped your fingertips mellow out from the cold the weather gave them. After a few seconds of heating up your hands, you opened the bag, and pulled out a cookie out of the two that were in there.
Taking a bite, you looked at Gojo who was sipping on one of the drinks, he looked back at you and made a muffled ‘mm!’ thanks to the cup.
“That one’s mine, gimme.”
“What do you mean, and?”
You perked an eyebrow up at him slightly. He squinted his eyes at you from behind his glasses before saying what you wanted to hear.
“Gimme, please.”
You hummed, handing the bag over to him (you have a napkin to hold yours). He traded the second drink he had for his treat. The cup was hot, warming up your hands even more than the cookie did. You set it aside on the bench, in between you and Gojo. He seemed content sitting there, eating while watching people walk past you both. 
People watching was a habit of his, as it was yours. Moments like these between you and him weren’t rare, comfortable silence hung in the air rather than uncomfortable. You would like to think that mundane moments such as these were one of his favorites; where nothing or no one was looming over his head. 
A small tap at your knee broke the train of thoughts you had. While munching on your cookie, Gojo’s finger tapped you.
“Move your cup, no?”
Without thinking of his intention, you moved it to your side where he wasn’t. The moment the cup left its place, he soon replaced it. His thighs were pressed against yours now, tall shoulders met the sides of your arms. It seemed he didn’t have his infinity on, even though he was still working on it to cover himself. So you could feel his warmth. 
“It’s cold.” He said before you could even ask why he did that. 
You were a bit suspicious of him.
“Then why do you have that big puffer coat with you?”
He scoffed, as if offended that you didn’t know why.
“Cause it makes me look good, duh.”
it was your turn to scoff, muttering under your breath something along the lines of, ‘As if you need that to look good.’; all the while taking a sip of your too hot drink, it burned your tongue slightly, making you recoil. 
“Why do you even have your glasses too?” You asked him while not looking at him, now resorting to let your drink cool down in your hands.
“Lights hurt.” 
“They hurt?”
The buildings were all covered in holiday lights, you thought. But not too much that it would make someone’s eyes hurt. 
“Having six eyes isn’t all great y’know. My senses are heightened, even my eyesight.” 
“So your glasses help then?”
“Survey says, correct!”
“Gojo, I’m being serious.” 
“Well, so am I.” He stuck his tongue at you.
After he did that, he took his glasses off the bridge of his nose and held them out towards you.
“Check ‘em out for yourself.” 
For a second time you were suspicious of him tonight, but that didn’t stop your hand from taking them. With your drink in one hand, you put the glasses on.
“Holy shit! They’re literally black, what the hell Gojo!”
He chuckled, snickered almost at your response.
“I’m telling you, the lights hurt!” Normal sunglasses won’t do the job so I had to get custom ones made.”
Gojo watched you attempt to look around the brightly lit area with his glasses on. He could tell that you could barely see a thing with them on, for a normal person they were so dark that the bright lights would only faintly glow behind their lenses.
To be fair, light didn’t hurt his eyes too much. But he had gotten used to him ever since about a year ago, when he received his first pair from Shoko and Suguru. 
Plus, he thinks he looks good in them.
“Alright c’mon, I need them back.”
You quickly took them off, handing them back.
“Does your head hurt if you have them off for too long too?”
“Nah, not really. They just help with dimming the light.”
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Soon your drinks were gone along with the treats that Gojo had gotten. You offered to pay your part, but he had refused.
‘Have enough money anyway.’ He gave a you peace sign when saying that.
With stomachs satisfied and bodies warm you decided it was time to get up and actually do what you came here for. Gift shopping, of course, was the main reason before Gojo had insisted you needed a cookie to keep you warm. 
When you got up and stretched your arms out in front of you, Gojo did the same but instead did it upwards while sitting down. He stretched his abnormally large legs too. 
“Get up Gojo, we need to get our gifts for Shoko and Suguru.”
He whined at your words, having his arms hang behind the bench while his legs were still outstretched.
“But I don’t know what to get them.” He drew out the ‘m’. 
“Oh I’m sure you do, you and Suguru are basically an old married couple by now.”
“We are not!”
“Pretty sure you are.”
Gojo let out a dramatic sigh, got up and pulled down his puffer coat that had scrunched up at his waist. 
He casually held out his elbow for you to grab onto, and you took it. Whenever he did this he claimed it was so you “wouldn’t get lost.”
Gojo you’re practically a head taller than everyone else. It’d be impossible to lose you.
He led the way into the still busy street. 
“Alright, where to first captain?”
“Wherever you want to go.”
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griseldabanks · 21 days
For Let Me Count the Ways, 15 for any two characters, of which at least one has not yet appeared in the Foster Family AU, please?
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Fandom: FMA Characters: Riza and Rebecca Catalina Prompt: "What? I meant it as a compliment."
“So?” Rebecca said, pulling her yogurt and fruit parfait closer and digging in. “How's it feel to know you'll be a mom soon?”
Riza focused on pouring the little cup of creamer into her coffee, watching the white swirl through the rich brown. “I don't. Feel like one, I mean.”
“Mmm.” Rebecca swallowed her mouthful of yogurt, gesturing with her spoon. “My sister said the same thing when she had her first. But hey, at least you don't have to go through all the trouble of actually giving birth, right? My sister was in labor for, like, two days.” She shuddered. “I mean, yeah, kids would be nice, but....”
Riza watched the steam swirling up from the surface of her coffee. “Sometimes I can't help but feel...that maybe we've made a mistake.”
Rebecca cocked her head to one side. “How so?”
Swallowing hard, Riza turned her head to look out the window, watching people passing by. Couples walking arm-in-arm, people rushing along on their way somewhere important...a mother walking hand-in-hand with a little girl skipping along the sidewalk, chattering away excitedly about something and gesturing with her free hand.
“They know everything about having a mother...and I don't have the faintest idea. I'm sure I...what if I...they've already been through so much....” She let out a nervous breath, trying to speak past the growing lump in her throat. “If I'm not everything they need...I'll only be making it worse. For everyone.”
“And what makes you think you're not exactly what they need?”
Riza blinked at the unexpectedly soft look in her best friend's eyes. “What?”
Rebecca winked. “Maybe what a couple of unconventional boys need is an unconventional mother.”
Shooting her an unimpressed look, Riza finally took a sip of her coffee. “And here I thought you might actually give me some encouragement.”
“Hey, I meant it as a compliment!”
“Really? Because here I thought you were just calling us all strange.”
With a shrug, Rebecca scooped up the maraschino cherry on top of her parfait and plopped it onto Riza's saucer, like she always did. “Strange doesn't have to be bad.”
Popping the cherry into her mouth, Riza savored its sweetness as she deftly tied the stem into a knot with her tongue, then stuck her tongue out at Rebecca, stem and all.
Rebecca simply took a dignified bite of her parfait.
“Still,” Riza murmured after a moment, as if there had been no interruption in her musings, “this is the situation we face, and I suppose we'll all just have to try our hardest to make the best of things.”
“So, have you met them yet?”
A smile found its way to Riza's face as she nodded, thinking back over the day when they'd all sat down in Mrs. Rockbell's kitchen to discuss the matter. “Edward is so grown-up already. He's just twelve, but he's taken on the responsibility of raising his brother. I think he's of the opinion that they don't need foster parents at all.
“Alphonse is a dear,” she added, remembering the boy's shy smile across the table at her. “He doesn't talk, but he's very kind. And Edward always seems to know what he wants to say. I can tell Alphonse looks up to his brother a lot. I'm glad they get along so well.”
“And Roy?” Rebecca asked.
“What about Roy?”
“Will he get along with the boys? I mean, we already know you're going to rock at being a mom, but....”
Riza took a sip of coffee, wishing she felt as confident about it. “It's going to take a while to adjust, I'm sure. Originally, we were both thinking it would be a baby....”
Rebecca made a sympathetic sound. Their eyes met, and a whole conversation they didn't need to have again passed by in a moment of silence. After letting that silence settle between them, Rebecca lifted the mood with a deftness Riza always envied. “Still, I bet he was relieved that he won't be changing any diapers.”
“Don't tell anyone, but I'm a little relieved myself,” Riza laughed.
“But Roy,” Rebecca reminded her. “Did he hit it off with the boys?”
Riza couldn't suppress a small smile. “If by 'hit it off' you mean he started bickering like he was twelve himself....”
Rebecca gaped at her. “He didn't! What was he trying to do, sabotage everything you've been working for all this time?”
But Riza was still smiling, thinking back to the way Edward had gone from slouching, unimpressed, in his chair to yelling at the top of his lungs and challenging Roy to a Super Smash Bros. match to settle their differences. She remembered the way Alphonse had smiled for the first time, his eyes dancing with glee as he watched them, even as he half-heartedly tugged on Edward's sleeve in a vain attempt at restraining him.
“I don't know what Roy was thinking,” Riza said fondly. “But I think that's what sealed the deal. I think what those boys really wanted to know was whether we could handle what they're really like.”
Rebecca returned to her parfait with a shake of her head. “Yep. You're all perfect for each other.”
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
"please come out, i need to talk to you" with nolan and princess au!!!!
contains: princess reader au, dad!nolan, angsty teenagers, break out the tissue box | this is the PERFECT time to go off of my idea. thank u anon.
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"I know- I don't need you to lecture me." Nolan said right as he saw his wife come into his peripheral vision. He sat on the couch, blood boiling and his mind racing. He hadn't got that mad in a long long time, and he was ashamed of himself that his kids had to witness it.
She stood there, arms crossed and just as equally mad, but the married couple were mad at different people. Nolan was mad at the boy - the boy that she didn't bother to tell him about, the eighteen year old boy that she didn't bother to tell him about - Gemma brought home for dinner, and Y/N was mad at her husband. If they looked at each other they could practically see the steam coming off of them, they were so angry.
"You need to make this right before you come to bed, or you can have the guest room." Is all she said before she walked back upstairs, her steps heavy on the way up. It had been a very long time since she has seen Nolan that mad, and he can't even remember when he was that angry last. He knows she's right. Before she goes to bed, he needs to settle this with Gemma.
Nolan takes a deep breath before walking up the stairs to his eldest daughters bedroom at the end of the hall, passing his other kids rooms. Hesitantly, he knocks on her door softly. He tries to open the door but it's locked.
"Gem, open the door please." He softly says, leaning against the wooden door. He can hear shuffling around the other side of the door and that eases his nerves a little, at least she didn't climb out the window.
"Go away dad," the sad and brittle tone that she responds to him in breaks his heart. He bites his tongue and ducks his head down, holding onto the door handle incase she unlocks it.
"Gem i'm not going away til this door opens," Nolan leans his head against the door, listening to try and make out what she's doing in her room. His heart breaks at the thought of her just sitting in a ball curled up. She's done that since she was a child, he used to call her a turtle. She would curl up a lot when she felt sad or scared, and Nolan was usually the only one who could coax her out of the turtle shell.
"Please come out Gemma, I need to talk to you."
He was met with silence, and he was about to give up until he heard the lock turn on her door. He stood in front, his hands in his pockets and watched as Gemma slowly opened her door. She mumbled a quiet "you can come in" to Nolan.
He followed her into her room, stepping over some dirty clothes on the way to her bean bag chair. Gemma sat on her bed criss-cross, looking down at her white bedspread that had flowers embroidered onto it.
"I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of Barron-"
"Barret." Gemma corrects.
"Barret. I would just like to know these things ahead of time. I would like to know when my daughter, my fifteen year old daughter, is bringing a boy home for dinner. That's all." Nolan explained through the calmest tone possible that he could push out. Gemma doesn't say anything in response, and the silence between them is thick and awkward.
"When did you start dating?" Nolan asked. "Which, by the way, I never said you could do yet." He adds.
"We're not...we're just hanging out. I invited him over cause I wanted to see what you thought, and clearly you think he's no good or...whatever." Gemma traces the flowers on her bedspread, never looking up at her dad throughout the conversation. "What's the big deal anyway? You and mom are four years apart, and you guys are fine. Most of the time, anyway."
"The big deal is that he is a legal adult, you are not. That he looks at you in a way that I don't like. He wants things from you that personally, I don't think you're ready for yet." Nolan explained, getting up from the bean bag chair and sitting at the foot of her bed. "I'm just trying to protect you, that's all."
Gemma looked up at him, and she felt the slightest bit confused. She didn't understand her dad's words, she felt as though he was being overbearing and that he was restraining her. Gemma thought that he was overreacting, still.
"Just, wait a little while before you start dating, okay? I don't want to see your heart get broken." Nolan reached her hand out to her, open palm waiting for her to take it. She eventually did and Nolan pulled her in for a hug.
He knew that she was upset by his words and that she'd eventually understand what he was talking about, but for now she was going to sit in her feelings. He was okay with it, but he was upset with how he made her upset.
"I love you, Gem," he mumbled as he kissed her on the top of her head. He pulls away to look at her and his heart breaks a little to see her teary eyes. "I'm just trying to protect you, you know that right?"
"I know, dad. I just really liked him." Nolan wipes the tears from her cheeks and continues to hold her hand.
"Trust me on this one, Gem. You'll find better boys, and if you find ones that aren't better, i'll beat them up." Gemma laughs and that makes Nolan feel better now that he got to see her smile, the smile she got from her mom.
He leaves her bedroom after making amends and walks back down the hall to his own bedroom, to find his wife watching her favorite show for the hundredth time this month. He sighs, going to lay atop the covers next to her.
"Did it go alright?" She asked, pausing her show and looking over at her husband. Nolan nods his head, resting his head on her shoulder and stares at the television mounted on the wall. "You did the right thing. And you know, I didn't like the kid either. He kept looking at her funny."
"Thank you!"
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Part 3
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Summary: Writing everything down should help you process your feelings. Somehow it always turns into letters to him.
Warnings: Grief, angst, eventual smut.
Feb. 23
Time since you've left doesn't pass like it used to. I find myself staring out, my vision blurred at moments–grains of sand, waves crashing in, the starry night sky–spans of seconds and hours feel the same. Everything now overlaps, past with present, like a palimpsest, everywhere I look traces of you remain. You're like a ghost that haunts me and I ache for one of those visions to be real.
Are you still out there, somewhere in the vastness in front of me? I've heard the stories of your multiple deaths, only to come back again somehow. Is this another trick? Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane.
Fingertips drew lines in the sand, making patterns that would soon wash away with the tide. The cool breeze was welcomed as the sun dipped into the horizon, waiting until you could count the stars again, search for a planet (maybe two). He once told you how many different planets he had been to in his lifetime, at the time you were only half listening while studying for a mission. Did he say 200? Or was it closer to three?
As the sun's last rays passed below the curvature of the earth and the stars began to appear, it brought you back to your last mission with him. The Quinjet flew in stealth mode at dusk, and the team would arrive in Lichtenstein by nightfall.
The mission would take a few days, first surveillance and then infiltration. A hotel room was booked for you and Loki under the cover of a traveling couple.
It was cold when you arrived, the wind biting through your layers. Loki had changed appearances, donning a dark cropped haircut and a pristine suit. When he emerged from the Quinjet, he held his arm out. "Ready darling?"
Tucking a red strand of hair from the wig you wore behind your ear, you took his arm. A private car waited on the tarmac to take you to the hotel where you'd set up surveillance.
The hotel room was large, a living area, kitchenette, and a luscious separate bedroom adorned with fluffy pillows and blush roses. Sleeping arrangements ignored, you focused on setting up the surveillance, preparing for the long night ahead.
Time passed by slowly while watching with long lenses from the window, earpieces to pick up anything unusual. Loki stretched in the hard wooden chair, exasperated. "This is it, this is how I'm going to die."
You side eyed him from the surveillance lense. So dramatic. "Is this work below the means of a god?"
"I thought when they requested my skills, it would be for fighting and deception. Not whatever this is," he said, waving his hand in front of the window. "Please, regale me with tales of your life. Anything would be livelier than this!"
"I'm flattered you think my life story would be slightly less dull than this. But, I thought you already knew everything when you invaded my mind…" you said flatly, pausing to listen in on your headphones and take notes.
He pursed his lips and studied you. Adorable, trying to ignore him.
"Despite what you think, I barely touched the surface." He propped his legs up on the table in a flourish, head cradled in his hands. "Please, how is it that you've never allowed a man or woman to experience you so intimately? Do you…not have that desire?"
The clicking of keystrokes on the laptop were the only sound for a moment, focusing on a steady breath as your cheeks warmed. He wouldn't get the satisfaction of making you cringe, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. "I doubt you would understand," you said flatly.
His lips turned up in amusement, it was evident without even looking up. "Because I'm a god? Or because I'm ravishing?"
The look you gave him was less annoyed, more matter of fact. "Because I haven't found anyone that matters enough."
There was no snarky comeback, no witty retort. Had you finally silenced him for the night? You turned back to the work and attempted to focus again, the hairs on your arm standing up as you felt his stare heavy upon you.
Did you have desires…what kind of question was that? Of course you had them. But it was hard to hold onto them when everyone either disappointed you or left. Your heart was secured in an impenetrable fortress. For your own protection.
It was hours into the night when exhaustion started to weigh in, fighting the oncoming yawns and eye strain. Loki watched as you rubbed your eyes, trying to shake the need for rest. "Go lie down for a bit," he offered. "I can handle this for a few hours."
He noticed the hesitation. This mission was your baby. It was important. You continued to type up notes, another yawn, eyes straining. Your fingers stilled when the warmth of his palm rested on your wrist. He wasn't one to touch you often, and the sudden contact was a jolt to your senses.
"You need your energy for tomorrow." He spoke your name and your eyes traveled from where his hand stilled, up to his own eyes lingering above. The silence was palpable. Swallowing, you nodded and stood, only allowing an inch of space in front of him. His questioning gaze turned your stomach in knots and a nervous, tired smile crept up your face, giving a quiet thanks and slinking past him to the bedroom alone.
March 9
When it's dark and quiet and the world is still, my thoughts drift to you. It reminds me of that first night in Lichtenstein, laying in bed and you just on the other side of the closed door. Did you think about coming in that night?
I wasn't lying when I told you I hadn't found anyone that mattered enough. But I also hadn't felt someone look at me like you did. My body reacted in a way that wasn't normal. It made me confused. Uncomfortable. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed when you didn't come in that night. Instead, I was invaded by sunlight in the morning, well rested and ready for the green light to infiltrate that night.
It was a black tie event, which you took to with ease in a sharp suit and slicked hair. Even though you could dress with the flick of the wrist, you fiddled with your cufflinks when I emerged from the room, pausing to give a very obvious one-over.
And when I twirled around and asked what you thought, you gave me one word. "Ravishing." The choice of word wasn't lost on me.
Loki had turned, moving with a determined pace like a wild animal in hunt of prey. Frozen in place, his abrupt movement left you transfixed.
The crackling on your earpiece made you jump and Loki stilled, close enough to feel him near you, but not enough that he would step back. "Alright team," the voice in your earpiece said. "We are T-minus 30 for all positions in place. Do you copy? Over."
You quickly reached to your earpiece and copied, like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. But Loki was much slower, enjoying how you almost squirmed under his gaze. "Copy," he said, his eyes never breaking yours, then to you, "Are you ready to play?"
The event, a charity ball for high profile elites and government officials, was held in a 13th century castle overlooking a lake. Ancient stone walls, moss covered bridges, candle lit chandeliers–if you weren't on a mission, you'd think this was quite a romantic night.
The mission was complex–accessing an official's credentials via their fingerprint and facial recognition, Loki would need to get in close to the subject before he'd be able to use his magic to mimic. After bypassing security, you'd access a main database on the locations of children who were kidnapped and currently being prodded and tested into becoming super soldiers.
A glass of red wine held, you mingled through the crowd with Loki by your side, speaking under your breath before taking a sip. "Mr. X just rounded the corner of the north pillar. You have your eyes on him?"
"On him. Give me two minutes."
You resisted the urge to comment on the amount of time he needed, it was too obvious. Taking a last sip of wine, you slipped through the crowd, down a hallway as Loki spoke into your earpiece. "Got it. Ready?"
You turned a corner and there he was, no longer Loki, but Mr. X, leading the way to an upper room, the door secured by an intricate security system that he unlocked swiftly with a retina and fingerprint scanner. Inside was a vault. You methodically turned the dial, listening to the clicks of the internal locking system. When a portal door emerged, Loki pulled a key from his pocket dimension and presented it to you. "Would you like to do the honors?"
The key slipped in, turning until the door released. Your heart palpitated when the door opened, knowing you were one step closer. Loki grabbed the flash drives, the hard drives, the papers, stuffed into the inside breast jacket pocket. It was difficult to hide your smile, that feeling of accomplishment, and then your attention pulled toward the shouts and footfalls coming toward you.
"Shit," you mumbled, feeling naked without your katana by your side, but it was hard to hide a 28 inch blade within the form hugging dress.
Rushing out of the vault, you followed behind as Loki turned to the left away from the commotion, trying every door down the hall, but they were all locked. Another corner, another hallway, down a stairwell, through the door and back to the crowded party. Your steps slowed while weaving through the crowd, keeping a low profile.
You grabbed a champagne flute, he grabbed your hand, going deeper into the room. He spun you to face him, pulled your hand up to his neck. The abrupt action startled you and he gave an entertained smirk.
"Smile darling, we're putting on a show," he whispered in your ear. Your lips turned up as your pulse raced. "Now, glance behind me and tell me how many there are."
You gave him the details, ten in all that you could spot and their exact locations. The two of you could handle them all fairly well, but any weapons they had might make it more difficult for you.
"Alright," he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I want you to take this and head to the entrance. I'll be right behind you. If I notice you are drawing any attention, I'll divert them." He placed the smaller flashdrive in your palm and nudged you away. Head down, heart pounding, you counted the steps toward the exit. You could make it in two minutes. Right, left, right, left. Your eyes went up to two security guards on your right, neither looking at you. It was working, you'd be able to slip by. Sixty seconds. A security guard leaned to listen into their shouldered mic, and then his eyes looked up directly at you. You bent your head back down, turning slightly to glance behind you. Where did he go?
The security guard took a step forward in your direction at a determined pace. And then, behind you, commotion, a glass breaking, a woman screaming, the security guard running right past you, and you were 30 seconds to the exit. You'd make it out. Loki would be fine, he was a god you reminded yourself, he could take care of himself. And yet–fifteen seconds–you turned back and saw him fighting so many of them all at once. You had not been trained to slink away in the shadows to leave a teammate behind, it wasn't who you were.
Loki had dragged the flight out to the balcony overlooking the vast icy lake. He'd pulled his daggers from his pocket dimension, a wicked smile on his face as he fought off the pathetic mortals. They were no match for him. But behind him, you saw one with a baton and a taser at the end. Turn around Loki, watch your back. He was too focused on the three in front of him. Your legs took action before your brain could process, sprinting outside. Lurching at the larger man in a moment and wrapping your legs around his neck, he flipped to the ground with a hard thud. Loki turned to see you hit the ground, his jaw clenched. "What? I can't let you have all the fun."
He grasped you by the arm to help you up. "I recall telling you to go."
You grabbed the baton from the downed man and smiled up at Loki. "Guess I'm a bad listener."
He huffed, turning to fight two men in front of him, while you used the baton like your katana, knocking three men out while Loki easily handled himself, and you smiled to yourself. For some reason you and he made a good team.
Loki turned, feeling your eyes on him, and then a look of panic washed over him as Mr. X stood behind you, gun pointing at your head.
"Enough of this! Drop your weapons." His voice was authoritative. "Now!"
You dropped the baton, giving a small nod to Loki as the daggers clattered to the ground. "On your knees."
Loki rolled his eyes in annoyance, a guard shoving him to the ground. "You too little missy."
Hands by your head, you turned slightly to look back at the man holding the pistol at your temple, sizing him up. He was tall and wiry, he knew how to handle a gun, but not as well as you. In seconds, your hands were on his, first making him drop the gun to the ground, second to flip your body onto his. His balance lost in the surprise commotion, he flailed in an attempt to get you off of him, going toward the balcony railing to fling you off. But if you were going over, he was coming with you. The last thing you heard before your body hit the icy waters below was your name from Loki's lips.
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loveneversleepss · 2 years
Han fluff
Love you in the dark
I was on my phone scrolling through tiktok on the couch when Han comes out of his room. I look at him as he walks past me and into the kitchen. Bored as hell, I put my phone down and follow him. He was grabbing Felix's brownies from a container in the fridge. He turns around and jumps when he sees me. "Oh Y/N ah~ you scared me." He says slightly laughing and putting the container on the counter. "You jump so easy Hannie" I say smiling at him. He opens the container and grabs a brownie. I reach for one too and he smacks my hand. "Those aren't yours." I scoff at his comment. "They're not yours either." I argue back. I see the brownie in his hand and take a big bite out of it. He looks at me and shock and then at the brownie. "Mmm that's pretty good." I say to tease him. "yahhhhh" He yells out as I start walking away.
I sit back down on the couch and go on my phone again. I hear him put the brownies back in the fridge and start to walk over. He sits down next to me and stares. I turn my head over in his direction. He holds up a case saying just dance and moves his eyebrows up and down at me. I laugh and nod my head yes. He gets up excitely and puts the game on. I turn off the lights and stand next to him. He turns the tv on and hands me the controller. "Loser has to do a favor for the other." He tells me. "Deal. But also has to get ice cream." He smiles and the game starts. He chooses the song Black mamba by Aespa. The dance starts and we move hit the moves perfectly. I win the first round and yell excited. He pouts at me. "best out of 3?" He tries to convince me. I laugh and nod my head. I choose the next song, Ddu du ddu du by Blackpink. I don't know how but Han one this one. He yells up and down and I cross my arms pouting.
"aww so cutee." He says and pinches my cheek. I lightly hit his hand off. He chooses the song, Love In The Dark by adele. The song starts and it's a couple dance. I've never danced this one so I was a little loss. A move came up where he had to hold my hand and twirl me. Then another where he had to cover my eyes. I start breathing hard when he gets closer to me. He glided his hand up my side of my waist. He continued dancing but I was spacing out. Then came a move where he had to pick me up bridal style and twirl me. He picks me up and twirls me. We make eye contact and my hands wrap around his neck. He slowly lets me down and looks straight into my eyes. He raises his hand and places it on my face. He carreses my cheek and gets closer to me. "You're so beautiful." He puts both hands on each side of my face. He then leans in and our lips meet.
His wet soft lips slowly pressing against my own. I slowly wrap my hands around his neck and fall deeper into the kiss. He grabs my waist and pulls me in closer. Our kiss goes on until we break away to catch our breath. He looks at me lovingly. "Now everything changes." He says softly interwining our fingers together. He kisses my hand softly. "Does this mean I can be your girlfriend finally?" He looks at me and smiles big. "Of course. I've wanted that forever." He says and his thumb traces over my bottom lips. He pulls me back into another kiss. This time a little more harsh and passionate. He slowly slips his tongue into my mouth and moves around slowly. I moan slightly at his movement and he pulls away. "Did you just?" He says and I put my finger over his mouth to shush him. "shhh pretty boy. Don't ruin this" I say pulling down my finger softly watching his lips. "So I guess you'll be paying for our ice cream then" I say pulling away from him.
"what?" He says looking at the screen. He sighs and puts his hands on his waist. "Guess I have to." He smiles and chuckles lightly. "let's go baby." He says grabbing my hand and walking to the door. I grab my hat and purse and we leave. We get into the car and he starts driving us to SOMISOMI. My favorite ice cream shop. I forgot it was night and I stare out the window. Passing by all the couples happily walking and talking. Under the moonlight, perfect for dates. I fell something warm fall on my thigh and I turn my direction to it. He put his hand on my thigh. I blush a little and look up at him. We make eye contact and he winks at me. I get shy and look out the window again smiling and giggling like a little girl. We get there and he parks in front of the park. I put on my hat and get out. He puts his arm over my shoulder as we get out and go in. We order our ice cream and come outside. "Let's walk around.." He says and we walk around a bit. He gives a kiss on my cheek as we're walking. I look at him and point at my lips. "I think I need one of these." He laughs and leans in. He kisses me softly and turns back to his ice cream. "So what favor are you gonna ask me?" He says curiously looking at me. I smile slightly and tell him, "Just stay by my side. I know it's cheesy but you make me happy." He smiles big and pulls me into a hug. "Of course I will."
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saturnsorbits · 3 years
Omg thank you so much for telling me the story! ❤️
I loved how you and Bakugou dated before and it made your friendship better in a way? I did have Mina in mind when I asked the question about the bakusquad, I expected her to be like that, I mean Jirou is her friend! I thought Sero would be neutral but the little detail about him and Kaminaris past is veeery interesting!
The bruise on her neck? I felt that, it hurt! And you're so nice to pay for her coffee! The cafe you don't like? Genius! I'd have gone somewhere that I feel comfortable but you're so right, the place would be ruined for me after that! I'll keep that in mind although I hope I'll never need it! The conversation was hard but even though she's in love with him, apparently he isn't? Hmm... Still that doesn't excuse what he almost did! May I ask what happens next?
P.s. If it takes me a few hours to reply, is because I'm sleeping
I hope you had a good nights sleep, Anon!
But, thank you for enabling me to ramble about my little plot-thread!!! 🤣🥰
…And rambling I am, so imma throw this under a cut:
Oh, yeah, definitely. I think the whole thing made him feel a tinsy bit responsible for me? If that makes sense. We where both each other’s first everything’s and that built a lot of trust for us and he’s not the kind of person to just be able to completely sever those ties once made, I don’t think. (All of that is kind of bolstered by how it ended: I fell in love with him, just as he was falling out of ‘like’ with me and coming to his own realisations. He has to kind of watch me get over him, and then I get the absolute fucking joy (sincere) of watching him fall in love with Kirishima. On a whole the entire thing leaves us MUCH better off. We know that. Which is probably why we’re insanely ride or die for each other).
Mmm! Your feelings about Mina are 100% true! But, In regard to Sero, I think it’s important to know that he’s known Kaminari for longer than any of us; they’ve been through shit and although, he’s chill and laid back, he’s not above watching karma dole out what it’s owed. That isn’t to say he hates Kami or anything! I think he just saw it all coming in a way? And he’s not mad about it.
The whole scene in the coffee shop is one, big, huge, emotional power play - I think. Here, I’m the one worse off, right? I’m the one wronged; so instead of letting it back me into a corner I’ve forced myself to be the one with agency? I was probably the one to invite her out, I pick the location (not inviting her into my own safe space, while still ensuring that we’re both on the same comfort playing field), I pay and I prompt her to start talking first. It’s all to even the load - to gain back the power I’ve lost in having him sleep w/her. (I’m exposing how my writing thought process/analysis works a bit here 🤣)
But, the most important thing about that whole scene is that both Jirou and I feel the exact same. Both of us are convinced that it’s other he wants and both of us have enough ground and then, some to feel like that…
#saturnspeaks#We sit in silence for a while after that.#I look out of the window; watch couples pass by and bite my tongue.#‘He told me; y’know…’#Jirou’s head snaps up from the table; a small furrow between her eyebrows.#I smile; shake my head; blow air out of my nose like that will stop the tears: it doesn’t; but I press on anyway.#‘He rang me before he went over. Told me he had to get you out of his system. That - fuck - that he needed it.’#‘I -.’ She’s floundering as she realises it; but the moment she does it’s obvious. Her eyes go wide. ‘He told you?’#I nod.#‘So I was just… He was…’ She can’t spit it out because that will make it true. So instead; she locks it behind her teeth.#‘He fucked both of us over.’ I offer.#She counters: ‘I fucked you over too.’#For a moment I just sit there. I’m too tired to get into the semantic and with every passing second I’m running out of more steam.#‘Yeah.’#My phone buzzes on the table; a text from Bakugo lighting up the screen when I flip it over.#Kat: Want me to come get you?#I text back a quick ‘yes’; knowing he’s probably half way here anyway and down the rest of my drink.#‘I don’t think he doesn’t love you…’#Jirou smiles; catches herself and squashes it. ‘He loves you more.’#‘Its not a competition.’ I snap; drum my fingers on the table. ‘Have you spoken to him?’#She shakes her head. ‘He won’t -‘ More tears spill over her cheeks. ‘And - Kiri; Kiri told me it’s probably best if -.’#‘I’m not going to stop you talking to him.’ It shakes when it comes out of my mouth; but it’s stronger than before:#‘I mean it. I won’t - I can’t…’#She’s about to say something else when Bakugo walks in. He buys us coffee’s to go - waits as I awkwardly say good bye to Jirou and we leave.#I’m a mess that night. Bakugo and I bond. And the following week; we comes with me to see Kaminari.
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swwanda · 2 years
Pretty Skirt
Summary: You take your girlfriend Wanda shopping at the mall, but very quickly the two of you end up in a fitting room with your hand up her skirt. fem! reader. brunette wanda <3
Words: 2.3k 
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI, bottom wanda, fingering (wanda receiving), oral sex (wanda receiving) public sex, very horny wanda and reader, mirror sex, a lil overstimulated ( i think thats it) 
an: hi, this is my premiere of wanda fanfics, i do hope you enjoy <3 I TRIED!!!!
“Oh Y/N, I want to buy a new skirt!” Wanda quickly swallows the cold ice cream on her tongue to get those words out as quickly as she could. You chuckle at the small bit of ice cream at the corner of her lips. Her green eyes are glued on a skirt that is on display on a mannequin in the store's window. She licks her lips clean as her eyes meet yours. You let out a small groan at the sight of her tongue, grabbing her hand and leading her into the store. 
“What kind of skirt are you looking for, bab- ooo look at this shirt.” you let her hand go to start looking through the neatly folded shirts looking for your size. Once you find your size you quickly make your way over to the brunette who is already looking through various skirts. 
“What do you think about this one, honey?” the girl asks, using her free hand to put the skirt still connected to the hanger up to her waist. She takes the last bite of her ice cream cone and smiles up at you. 
“Its pretty, baby, what do you think of this shirt?” you ask, holding the shirt up to your chest. Wanda chuckles.
“I think we should try these on, putting them up to ourselves is not enough.” she starts looking through the skirts for her size now. Some minutes pass and you both have a couple articles of clothing draping over your forearms. 
“Damn, its packed in here.” you groan at the loud and very crowded store that you two are walking deeper into, making your way to the fitting rooms. 
“Well, it is a Saturday.” Wanda mumbles, holding your hand as her eyes start scanning all the racks of clothing you walk past, just in case anything else catches her eye. 
The two of you make it to the crowded fitting rooms, people standing off to the sides, leaning onto their small shopping carts filled to the top with clothing. In the middle of all the chaos was a visibly stressed fitting room attendant, trying her best to tend to each customer. “Poor girl.” Wanda sighs and you nod, “Retail.” you say with a roll of your eyes. 
Once the two of you reach the employee she smiles and asks how many items the both of you have, you two receive a number to hang on the outside of your door and the two of you make your way in. There has to have been about twenty fitting rooms and most of the rooms are taken. A couple empty ones at the very end of the hallway are the only ones available. You stand in the doorway of one, watching as Wanda walks into the one across the way. “Wands, what are you doing?” you ask, furrowing your eyebrows. 
“We can’t be in the same room, they’re too small.” she chuckles at the look on your face. Leaning her head onto the doorframe of the small room. “Oh, don't do that face” 
“We’ll be a little squished but its fine baby, there's a little bench in here.” You put on your best puppy dog eyes and smile with pure victory as she giggles and makes her way into the small fitting room. You close the door behind the two of you after putting your number on the doorknob. You were also very content seeing that the fitting room door had no gap underneath, or on top, completely private, perfect. 
You were the first to try on your clothes, Wanda can’t keep her eyes off of you the entire time and nods very quickly in approval of the first and every shirt that you try on after. “You just look good in everything.” Before you put your own shirt back on she reaches out to run her hand over your abdomen, biting her lip and looking into your eyes. “And even better without anything.” 
You smile and feel your cheeks flush, lean down and give her a quick kiss, “your turn, witchy.” Your shirt is back on, and the four shirts you are sure you are going to buy, simply because of your girlfriend's reaction to each one, are hanging on one of the four hooks nailed to one of the walls. 
Wanda gets up and hands her bundle of skirts to you, she unbuttons and unzips her jeans. The soft gasp that escapes your lips makes her smile. She looked up and met your eyes through the reflection of the mirror and slightly shakes her head, “Don’t do that.” She whispers and you smile in return, putting your hands up in defense. She chuckles and reaches for the first skirt you hold out to her.
She looks absolutely perfect in each skirt, you can very much feel the heat begin to settle between your thighs, she was also swaying her hips a little too much as she changed into each one, you knew she was trying her best to be a tease. 
“Oh fuck” You sighs as she put the last one on, it was actually quite simple; black, form fitting at the waist, flowy the rest of the way, but damn, the way it ends right under her ass was something else. 
She looks into your eyes through the mirror again, bit her lip. “A bit too short, right?” she laughs and you immediately shake your head no.  
“No, not if you’re only going to wear it around me.” You say and sit upright, leaning forward with your legs spread apart comfortably resting your elbows on top of your knees. You can see the blush rise on her neck and cheeks as she bites her lip, eyes still glued to yours through the reflection. “And when you do, you won’t be able to wear anything underneath.” 
“Don’t say that.” she says quietly before pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, a shy smile on her flushed face. You have her right where you want her. 
You groan when you saw her move her thumbs to the waistband, right before she is able to hook them under the fabric you reach forward, a hand on each side of her waist as you pull her towards you. She stumbles a bit since she is still watching you through the mirror and she whimpers as she lands on your right thigh, her center which is covered by her cotton underwear is now right against your clothed thigh. 
“Y/N…” she breathes out as you pull her closer to you, her back pushed up to your chest. You breathe out against her neck, your fingers gripping onto her sides tighter as you feel how warm and damp her underwear is.  “We’re in public…” she warns, as if that matters. . 
“You’re already wet, baby?” you ignore what she said and whisper into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She nods and shut her eyes. “Oh no baby, I want you to look at yourself, open your eyes.” she does as she is told, “Good girl.” And a moan falls out of her lips. 
Keeping eye contact with her, your right hand lets go of her waist and makes its way down to her center, cupping her. Wanda immediately arches herself, putting more of herself into the palm of your hand, you chuckle and pull her back against your chest, your smile widening as she whimpers.
 “So needy.” You say lowly, 
“I am.” She desperately nods, eyebrows furrowed as she struggles to keep eye contact with you, clearly flustered. 
“My poor baby.” You fake a frown and lean back a little, making this position more comfortable for her, your left arm securely wrapped around her middle, knowing damn well she was about to be squirming so much. Your right hand goes back to her waist, now she begins squirming at the loss of your touch. 
Both hands now on her hips, you began gently moving her, signaling her to start moving along with you. Her head falls backwards against your shoulder at the friction. Once she finds her rhythm, you let her hips go and gently grip her neck with your left hand, the other cupping her right breast, squeezing over her shirt making her let out a small squeal. 
 “Stay quiet, okay baby? don’t want to get caught.” You whisper into her ear. She nods, you grab her face and turn it to the left, her lips now against your neck, her hot breath grazing your skin with her panting. Her left hand is gripping onto the hem of your shirt and her right hand on top of yours, pulling it down between her legs. You chuckle and angle her face to give her a kiss, deciding you’d give her what she wants, when she wants it, just this once, she’s been so good. 
“Fuck.” She moans after you grab her left thigh, plopping it down over yours, spreading her thighs wider apart. Both hands now down at her center. 
“Hold your skirt up, baby.” You groan to her and she quickly bunches the front of the shirt in her left hand, squeezing it tightly as you slip your fingers into her underwear, sliding them through her wet folds. Her hips jerk upwards and a moan is just about to fall out of her lips, instead it falls into yours when you crush your lips together, kissing her deeply. 
Wanda tries her best to match your kiss, running her tongue along yours, but she can’t help her breathless moans that keep coming out, especially when your fingers finally meet her clit. 
You lean backwards into the corner of the room, the woman on top of you spreading her legs wider, your left hand meeting the other, slipping a finger into her. 
“Please.” She gasps, her right hand holding onto your forearm, her fingers turning white at the tips as she tightly grips onto you for support. “More…” she whimpers. Beads of sweat start to appear on her skin. 
You insert a second finger, making her absolutely loose her mind, her hand gripping the skirt flying up to her mouth, covering her own moans from coming out. You look up into the mirror, and the image alone almost brings you to your orgasm. 
“I want you to come for me, baby.” You practically moan into her ear and she nods. Her body shifted a bit to the side, both of her hands gripping the fabric of the skirt at her center now, thighs closing around your hands, you struggle to keep moving at the same fast pace but you knew she was close enough, just a few more pumps, a few more small circles and there it is. 
Wanda’s whole body shook as she came, her mouth open against your neck, her teeth gently biting down onto your skin. You keep your fingers inside her, moving slowly and on her clit as well, helping her ride out her orgasm. Her hands shoot down and grip onto your hands between her thighs, she squeezes her thighs tighter trying to halt your movements. “No more, detka.” She whimpers and you nod, stopping your movements but not moving your hands just yet, they were deliciously trapped in hers, between her thighs. 
After a minute she finally slumps her thighs back down. She moans as you gently pull your fingers out of her, and giggle blissfully at how you have to hold her, keeping her from falling over or from sitting her soft skin on the fitting room bench. You carefully stand her up and she holds onto you for support, turning around and smiling down at you. “I love you.” She whispers and leans down to press her lips to yours. 
“I love you more.” You reply once the kiss is over. “Let me clean you up baby.” You say as you drop to your knees, hooking your thumbs to her underwear and pulling it down enough to spread her apart, making room to stuff your face between her thighs. She stumbles back and leanes onto the wall, her hands sinking into your hair, her blunt fingernails gently grazing your scalp as you slowly lick between her folds, cleaning her up. 
You make your way back up her body, pull her underwear up and connect your lips in a kiss again, making her moan at the taste of herself. 
“You should buy all of the skirts.” The both of you laugh and Wanda wraps her arms around your neck, leaning into you. 
“We would have to either way… after that.” She laughs and you don't let her go until she stops trembling. Wanda changes into her jeans once more, the two of you look at your reflections. Both of you are a bit red and look to be in total bliss, the wet spot on your thigh and the small bite mark on your neck. You laugh and grab her hand, grab your new clothes and walk out. 
The two of you meet the fitting room attendant who was now more calm, the area clearly less busy. “Oh? You two are still here?” She giggles and takes the two numbers from you, “you’re taking everything?” She askes and you nod. 
“Yeah! It all fit!” You smile. 
“Great! Have a nice day!” She says as the two of you walk away, making your way to the cash registers. 
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Hey I have a request the reader is outside on the ranch it’s a sunny day and she is chasing her and rips son and playing in the sun . If you’d like to change anything that’s fine ?
I've finally done it everyone 100 Yellowstone requests 💝 Thanks to everyone who sent, vote, and comments
Best Day Off Ever (100 request!)
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Returning back to the ranch for the afternoon Rip heard a fit of laughter as he got closer on his horse to the ranch. Walking through the fence he dismounted his horse trying to follow the laughter in the direction of the barn. When he got there he discovered the source was his seven year old son James and his wife Y/n a.k.a John Dutton's youngest daughter. Running around the barn posts I try and catch my son but he's so fast. He climbed up into a loft sticking his tongue out where I challenged. "Don't think I can't get up there, James." Lifting my legs I started to climb up the post until I heard my husband chuckling from inside the doorway. "I come back from work early and I find you two running around like dogs." Normally I wouldn't see him until it was dark and almost time to put our son to bed for the night, but I managed to pull some strings with daddy this morning and give the Bunkhouse cowboys an early night off since they have been working really hard this mouth.
Grabbing my husband's hat off his head placing it on my head smiling. He tucks hair behind my ear tugging me into his chest with his other arm. Wrapping my arms around his neck I grinned giving him a soft kiss. "Eww. I don't want to see that." James throws his hands up flopping back into the hay loft. Rip pulled away from me climbing up the ladder and I followed so we were all sitting above the horses. James lifted his head up now wearing his father's cowboy hat that is much too big for him. It brings a smile to my face because wearing that hat he looks so much like his father. "When can I ride a horse by myself, daddy?" He asked sitting on his knees almost bouncing off the walls. Rip leans his back against the wall watching me open a small window seeing the sun starting to set across the ranch. "You have to get a little bigger before you can get a on a horse, son. We don't want you to get hurt." Foosteps entered the barn so I peak my head over the side seeing my dad staring up at us. "What the heck are you to doing up there. It's time for dinner." He smiled at his grandson waving hi.
Closing the front door behind me James rushed to his grandfather who picked him up with the biggest grin I had ever seen since mom died. I was the same age as Kayce when it happened so it's hard to remember what life was like before she passed. Rip was there for me more than my own siblings where we managed to fall in love that ended up us having a son. Rip wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder as we watched the pair play in front of the fireplace. "Honey, I've been thinking about something." I trailed off hearing him mumble back kissing my cheek. "What's that darling?" Turning around in his hold I stare into his dark eyes with a cheeky smile. "I wanna have another baby." Rip blinked a couple times causing me to bite my lip in nervousness. He didn't like dogs but he had gotten used to raising a child. He leans forward kissing me softly and I kiss back. He breaks the kiss resting his right hand to my cheek smiling, one that is so rare it makes me swoon everytime. "I wasn't gonna say anything unless you wanted one. But that's a great idea because...I wanna have a little girl this time." Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean up on my toes kissing him until I felt a marshmallow hit the back of my head. Turning around James cheers throwing another at his father's chest. "Marshmallow fight!" So that's how the evening went with the four of chasing each other around playing with marshmallows.
Comments really appreciated 😊
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diamond-coral · 3 years
A Game
Summary: Tony suggests a game that you, the unfortunate intern, get dragged right into the center of: who can make a woman cum the fastest?
Pairings: all dark!: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader, Thor x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader, Tony x Reader, implied natasha x reader
Warnings: DUB-CON/NON-CON (oral: f-receiving, fingering, tiny smidge of analplay) VOYEURISM/EXHIBITIONISM, BLACKMAILING, OVERSTIMULATION. The characters in this story are NOT good people. After reading the warnings, your media consumption is your own responsibility!
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As Stark’s party mellowed down and all the guests left, you, the unfortunate intern, were called over to the small group of five Avengers seated in a section of couches.
“Y/n, come!” Thor’s voice boomed.
“Y/n, come!” Sam mimicked, deepening his voice to make fun of Thor’s.
You approached them as the men snickered at Sam’s joke. 
“What can I do for you?” you ask, a fake smile plastered on your face.
Stark cleared his throat and raised a brow at you; a silent command. 
“What can I do for you, sir?” 
“A round of drinks please, and add this to Sir Barnes, Sir Rogers, and I’s drinks.” Thor handed you the flask of his Asgardian liquor and you accepted it, hiding the slight nervous tremble of your hands.
“Of course, sir.”
“Someone’s been learning their manners,” Steve taunted, and it took all your restraint to not snarl at him.
“Easy there, Rogers,” Stark interjected, noticing how your fingers clenched Thor’s flask tighter. “Pretty sure Barnes fucked the brat outta her couple days ago when he came back from that shitshow of mission in Bosnia. Got a lot of pent up rage there, Buck?”
“Mission just put me in a bad mood,” Bucky shrugged. “Either way, I don’t think I fucked all the brat outta her. Got anything left for me, doll?”
“I have nothing for you, you self-righteous, ignorant prick,” you spat venomously.
“There she is. I always love a challenge.” Bucky smirked at how your knuckles were turning white around the flask. “Now didn’t Thor ask you to go fetch us some drinks?”
You huffed, opting to bite your tongue rather than lashing out, and spun on your heel toward the minibar.
Three-months ago, you would never have imagined your internship interview at S.H.I.E.L.D to bring you here. Your interview had been conducted by Captain America himself, and just as things began to look promising, it was interrupted by a sharp knock from Tony Stark. Tony had brought Steve into the hall, leaving the door to the conference room open, and you could only sneak glances through the window of the room, hearing Steve whisper about how it was “a question of morality” while they both kept looking back at you.
You got the position, and the next day, Tony sat you down and gave you an offer.
The Avengers needed to be ‘taken care of’, as he put it, and you being a ‘stress-reliever’ would boost morale around the team. Most of the them never had time for the outside world (apparently saving the world was a big commitment?) and were rarely ever able to make lasting relationships. You could accept the position, be compensated monthy, and get to live in the compound, or you could decline, and walk away with your mouth sealed by the confidentiality contract you signed before the interview.  Something about S.H.I.E.L.D. work being linked to a lot of top secret information, meaning you weren’t allowed to speak any details of the job to outside parties unless you wanted to get sued for every penny you were worth.
You had been on the cusp of taking the second option before Tony mentioned your sister’s job as S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent. She was half the reason you’d interviewed for an internship. A couple words from Tony about her possibly falling into a fatal accident on a mission, and you took the position offer in a heartbeat.
You almost overfilled the glass while getting lost in your train of thought. Setting down the bottle of expensive whiskey, you placed the last glass next to the others on the silver tray, and picked it up, gracefully yet begrudgingly making your way back to the small gathering.
“Y/n, finally. We were just talking about who here can make a woman cum the fastest.”
The complete utter bluntness of Tony’s words caught you entirely off guard, and you tripped over your own feet, stumbling in your high heels to keep the tray of drinks from falling before Sam reached an arm out to catch the tray and another arm to hold your hip and steady you.
You ripped yourself from Sam’s touch without acknowledging or thanking him, to disturbed by Tony’s previous words to do so. You began passing out the glasses of dark liquid. “And you’re telling me this why?” Your voice was flat in hopes of showing Tony you were completely disinterested in any plans he might have.
“Why, we need your aid, Lady Y/n,” Thor answered a little too cheerfully for your taste.
“I won’t be partaking in your little immature competition of toxic masculinity.” You crossed your arms and continued. “It makes it seem that women are nothing but prizes. Games to be played by boys as they fight over the highscore. Toys.”
“Aren’t they?” Steve cocked his head, eyes glimmering with amusement while a smirk painted his face. The rest of the men chuckled at his reply.
“I think HR would be shocked to hear that Captain America is being a sexist dick to a woman in the workplace,” you bit back, but your threat was weak and they all knew it.
“I think HR would be to busy writing a condolence letter to your sisters family if, let’s say, on her mission with Sam tomorrow in Russia, a stray bullet hit her,” Steve replied. A quick reminder at the stakes. 
Sam clicked his tongue and shook his head in mock sympathy. “Those darn Russians and their careless aim.”  
He abruptly pushed himself off the couch and clapped his hands together. “I wanna go first,” he declared.
“Just remember, you can’t use your dick,” Tony added. “Some of us don’t have super soldier serum enhanced fuckwands.”
“Please never, ever say fuckwand again,” Bucky said, scrunching up his nose. “Besides, the hydra serum didn’t do anything down there.” He waggled his eyebrows while elbowing his enhanced counterpart. “Don’t think I could say the same for this punk here though.”
Steve muttered a ‘shut up’ while the group snickered.
All while they compared sizes like a bunch of teenagers, Sam manhandled you onto the coffee table in the center of the couches. You let out a grunt as you were shoved onto your front, stomach pressed into the tabletop while your pelvis was slammed into the edge.
Sam kneeled behind you and brought up two fingers to your mouth.
“Get ‘em nice and wet for me, baby.”
The men around you went quiet, entranced as you reluctantly took Sam’s fingers into your mouth, sucking on them and swirling your tongue around them.
When Sam finally pulled them out, he looked back at Tony.
“You ready?” Sam asked.
Sam hiked the flowy skirt of your dress up your legs causing you to squirm and pathetically thrash; a desperate attempt at putting an abrupt stop to this stupid game.
“You’re on the clock.”
At Tony’s words, Sam immediately stopped your desperate attempt at worming away from him by catching you by the back of your neck and slamming you back down hard on the coffee table. Much to your disdain, the rough treatment made you wet, and that was the last thing you wanted them to see.
But when Sam pulled your lacy panties down, you could tell it was the first thing he noticed.
“Fuck babygirl, I didn’t need you lubing up my fingers, you’re already drenched,” he noted.
You let out a soft moan as Sam worked two calloused fingers into your pussy. Although they’re thick and long, they were nowhere near the size of his dick and you silently thanked whatever was out there that he wasn’t splitting you in half with it at the moment. Sam released the grip on your neck, moving to settle the hand on your ass before giving it a light squeeze and a slap that elicited another moan from you. While Sam slowly began moving his fingers- twisting, curling, and pumping them- he leaned over you, caging your body under his broad chest, to speak dirty words into your ear.
“Baby, you’re so wet right now, I think you like having them watch you.” Your cheeks burned in shame while he picked up the pace. “You want them to see how well-behaved you are for me? Want them to see how you come on my hand like a good little slut?” he cooed.
Slow pumps now turned to quick thrusts from his skilled fingers and Sam groaned as you fluttered around him.
“That’s it. You’re taking me perfectly.”
Twisting his wrist so his thumb could also strum your clit, Sam was moving so fast you’d easily mistake him for a superhuman.
“Yes, Sam, please,” you cried out, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“Uh-uh, babygirl. Wrong word,” he scolded, although his pace never slowed as his fingers brutally fucked into you.
“Daddy!” you screamed. “I’m cumming!”
You chanted those words, cunt clamping down on his merciless fingers. He gave you no reprieve, mercilessly thrusting into you, until you squirted, your release coating his hand and dripping down his forearm. Only when you were almost crying, did he finally remove his hand from your abused cunt.
“Now that-,” Sam stated, grinning while he stood. “-is how you make a girl come.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever Birdbrain.” You don’t have any strength to look at Tony as he speaks. “Give her a couple minutes before whoever’s next.”
Whatever the conversation was between them (you couldn’t hear it over the buzzing in your brain), it was much too short to your liking. The few minutes Tony gave you only felt like a few seconds before Bucky was getting up.
“Guess I’ll take a crack at it,” he announced, rolling his head from side to side.
“No one says “take a crack at it” anymore, old man.”
“Keep talking when your in last place, Sam,” Bucky quipped, however, his tone was still light.
You felt a metal hand on your hip before you were rolled over onto your back, now facing Bucky while your eyes pleaded with him.
“Please dont,” you croaked.
Bucky just scoffed, kneeling down between your legs and wrapping both arms around your thighs as he pulled you closer.
“Tony?” His hot breath fanned your pussy as he spoke and you inhaled sharply at the feeling.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Stark said.
Bucky wasted no time the moment the words left Tony’s mouth. He started by licking up from your hole to clit over and over, the lazy stripes already driving you wild. Letting go of one of your thighs to bring his flesh hand to your pussy, he pulled the hood of your clit back, pausing his licking to blow on your engorged bud.
“Such a pretty pussy, doll,” he murmured before turning his head around and speaking louder. “You guys seeing this?” 
He moved his head out of the way to showcase your glistening folds. A couple groans from the men on the couches had you trying to close your legs, but Bucky’s grip was like steel (especially considering his hand was metal).
“Wasting time Buck,” Steve commented and Bucky just rolled his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure I can still beat Sam and have time left over,” he scoffed.
Bucky directed his attention back to your folds, this time, diving in right away. He still had the hood of your clit pulled back as he encased the bud with his lips causing you to writhe at the intense sensation. And yet, you were held down with practically no effort as he methodically played with you. Each time he groaned against you, you let out an embarrassingly loud moan, and by the time he started sucking on your clit, you were wrecked. Your hand found home in his brown locks of hair while he quickly moved his tongue back and forward on your sensitive nub that was trapped in the vacuum of his mouth. The coil inside you wound tighter and tighter, and suddenly, while Bucky began shaking his head from side to side, it snapped. Your clit pulsed rapidly while encased in his hot mouth, and you screamed, legs locking around his head while your hand held his head in place. He worked you while you rode out your orgasm on his face until you could barely move.
Bucky got up from his knees, grinning down at you, so weak, you couldn’t muster it in you to glare back.
“Now I think I really fucked the brat out of you,” he said. “What was that?” He cupped his ear. “Did I hear a thank you sir?”
“Thank you, sir,” you whimpered weakly.
You were so fucked out, all the next events were but a blur.
Thor had feasted between your thighs the same as Bucky but was more sloppy, although, your body seemed to love ‘sloppy’. His tongue was constantly lashing and worming around your clit, the wet muscle accompanied by lewd slurping sounds, and in record time, Thor’s suckling and licking had you tensing and building up so much that your orgasm felt like a waterfall crashing over your body.
Steve was just as methodical and precise as Bucky, also pumping his fingers slowly in and out of your pussy. He was sweetly slow, dragging out your pleasure to the point where you were begging him to come. His warm tongue dragged across your sensitive cunt, while another hand reached up to grab a breast and pinch a nipple. You felt like your body was on fire. It wasn’t until Steve had inserted a thumb into your ass that he finally allowed your body sweet sweet release.
Your head span as finally collapsing on Tony’s floor, listening to the muffled voices above you.
You didn’t even register Stark’s words as he announced Thor had won and Steve had come in last. You barely even heard Steve’s defense that he was just enjoying himself too much in the moment.
Although ten-minutes later you had a somewhat sense of clarity, after hearing their conversation, you wished you were just unconscious. Even better, dead.
“I’m tellin’ you man, I made her squirt. She definitely came the hardest with me.” Sam’s voice rang.
“Dude- she was literally grinding against my face and holding me in a headlock with her legs,” Bucky argued.
“I literally made the brat beg to cum,” Steve inserted.
“I’d say that by bringing her to release the fastest, it was most intense with me,” Thor declared, victoriously.
You were on the brink of tears as they talked about you. Until another voice cut into the room. A female voice.
“What do you boys think you’re doing?”
It was Natasha. Your head jolted up as you felt a glimmer of hope surge through you.
That glimmer of hope was quickly extinguished at her next words.
“Not inviting me to the boy’s party?” she scolded. “You think a girl might beat you by a landslide?”
Nat squatted down next to you, running a soft hand on your cheek.
“Well you’re right. I’ll beat Thor’s record and cut it in half.”
She began unbuttoning her pants.
“And I’ll do it while riding her face.”
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Looking Like U Got Me
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Request: "Prompt no. 56 and 55 for Gojo \(^o^)/"
55. "You look like my husband/wife"
56. "Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster"
↠ Pairing: Gojou Satoru x Reader
↠ Warning: none! Simply fluff
↬ Word Count: 1.7k
↠ a/n: i accidentally mixed up prompts 55 and 57 ;-; but still hoping this turns out good!!
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event!
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All he wanted was to wake up in bed, next to you— who would cuddle deeper in his arms even in slumber so he'd smother you with his kisses and tighten his hold around you and drift back to sleep longer, finally free of responsibilities for once and enjoy quality time with his only favorite person. But instead he wakes up with a groan passing through his lips, supporting his back side with his hand while shuffling to his side in a different position as the light sun rays shun through the window blinds, softly fanning his eye and forehead.
Gojo chuckles a bit before wincing. His lower back so tensed that he feels himself get older by the day. Pouting at the empty space next to him, he palms the cold sheet in wonder of where you are. Up so early in the morning when you could've just stayed in for him. How annoying. His eyes shut for moment when the scent coming from outside the room intruded his senses. Ah, you must be cooking breakfast. How sweet of you.
Thank goodness it wasn't another batch of dried crackers or cup of noodles that'll enter his mouth. He was never one to cook meals when he was on solo or when you weren't around. The very thought of not only the meal was awaiting for him outside, but also you excites him that it made him feel tingly inside. Call it dramatic, yeah, but it's not every day someone gets to wake up and immediately feel this full of love in the morning. You were the only and last love he's ever wanted to have in this world. It was so surreal even to him.
Sighing before pushing himself up, Gojo yawns out the remains of drowsiness in his system and stands. He didn't bother wearing a shirt since last night, claiming that he misses how his body rubs off yours in both comforting and suggestive ways. Plus it was just you and him home, he'd rather walk naked than wear the usual long sleeved uniform on a warm day.
The scent of coffee got stronger as he closes in his journey towards the kitchen. There was faint sizzling coming from the pan as you stood there in attendance. Stuck in your own little world, swaying to the sound of the radio playing, U got Me by Yung Heazy. It was one of the few songs that reminded you of Gojo back when you were both high schoolers. The exact song you remembered playing when you both hung out on a small cafe in Tokyo. Where he was so flustered, attempted to hide his blushes with his round glasses. The little things that reminded you of that memory never fails to make your heart race.
Of course Gojo knows this one as well. Because it was on that date as well he had call you, "his" after masking his embarrassment and from obviously checking you out every minute. How could he contain himself? He was a young man who was having trouble in the arts of love. Nevertheless he was glad to have grown up from those years. If his younger self could see him now, he'd be gagging at the sight of a softer version of his older self.
Snaking his arms around your torso carefully to avoid surprising you, he places his chin above your shoulder. Salivating at the sight of thick bacon in deep frying, shamelessly letting you know he was hungry from the sound of his stomach growling. "This is a nice way to greet me." you smile at the man behind you, who had his eyes closed in delight while rubbing his cheek against yours like a cat in need of attention. "Good morning to you as well, sweet cheeks." he says after  pressing a kiss on your skin.
"You got up early." whining softly, his hair and nose tickling the side of your neck and shoulder, "I was hoping to stay longer y'know?" trailing his hands underneath the his shirt you were wearing, mapping out on all the skin he could squish and hold with his large palms. Noticeably pressing himself closer to your body, the much needed space gone but you weren't complaining. After all, this was Gojo, a man who knows no boundaries.
"I wanted to make breakfast for you. We haven't had one together since we're both busy." you say as you grabbed the nearby plate, turning off the stove as the now cooked meal sizzles softly from the pan before sliding down to the porcelain surface. In attempt to lick his lips at the now prepared food, his tongue grazes upon your skin, sending you to jolt a bit, hearing the joyous laughter from him as he places a kiss on the spot as an apology.
"W-why don't you go sit down, there's rice bowls and cooked eggs prepared already." stammering, you quickly excused yourself away from his embrace to clean out the mess from the counter. Gojo sighs out the adoration but obliges to your command. Not long after you had finally settled down in front of him. Seeing him in all smiles as he scarfs down on his food made you smile as well. Thank goodness his blindfold was off, they looked adorable twinkling in happiness.
This felt nice. To have an opportunity to be a normal couple once again. So many times you could only daydream of scenarios like this. He could say the same as now that you were present on the usual spot he'd come home to empty. Often dozing off during meetings thinking of where you were or how you were, the multiple times Megumi has fed up with his whining about how he never gets to see or have more time with you. Nobara even pointed out a fact saying, "You act as if you're both married." and Yuuji, being the happy child of the three had said something that always ponder in his mind, "Why don't you marry each other yet, sensei?"
It was a statement he's been considering for a long time. Marriage. Of course Gojo wanted to marry you after years of torment love. To have his precious students say that you both already looked as if you were married got him all heart racing, and very very happy. He's had vivid images of a life with you. Not far from what it is today, but imagine. Unlimited happiness after so long of fearing it. Perhaps maybe even tiny legs running around, giving him such big love as his grows for the family he's craved, watching you smile beside the doorway and calling them in for a meal.
If marrying you means he can have that every day, then the hell with it.
"You look like my wife."
The spoon drop echoes. Slowly his face erupted into a faint blush while staring back at your widened eyes and opened mouth. "What?" gulping down the stuck food in your throat, Gojo bites his lips watching you maintain your composure. So cute. "Y-you know you say funny stuff when you're out of it. Maybe some daifuku would help? Yeah! Wait a sec." quickly getting up from your seat and rummaging in your fridge, you breathed out the heavy puff of air from your lungs.
He did not just say that so directly towards you. Maybe you were dreaming? You wouldn't be if your heart wasn't practically being forced out. Gojo is always fun and games, right? He doesn't mean that.
Sad to think of it that way.
"Ow!" thumping your head above the fridge as you grabbed some of the take outs of Daifuku you got yesterday, closing the fridge back before returning shortly to Gojo, who seemed as out of it as you were. "You did say your brain functions best when you eat sweets. Luckily for you I bought these yesterday. That's why I cooked earlier now because I wanted to try it out with you!"
Gojo can't tell if he wants to be offended at the fact that you think he was joking or just now, cover his half of his face to hide his laughter and igniting squeals. God he wished he had his phone right now, the moment was just so priceless and precious as you were.
Muffles from behind his hand was heard. Tilting your head to the side, trying to process what he said but no avail. "What was that?" you moved a little closer next to him, tapping his hand away almost eagerly. When he does, you spot that knowing smile present on his lips and the uncharacteristic blush still painted on his cheeks.
"Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster, honey."
You've gotten more shy when his hand held yours in the most loving way while drawing patterns. Searching through his eyes if he was playing around, but you were met with ones you know of when they were full of sincerity. "I-i. You know, they were so cheap anyways and I figured you'd want them." he snorts before leaning his head on your arm and laughs hysterically. It was painfully obvious that you were in state of shock that you couldn't even process his words.
Up until now the effect he has on you was still there like before.
"Sweetie." he turns his body away from the table to face you, pulling you so that you were standing in between his legs looking down shyly on the floor. "I'm serious." his fingers reached for your chin to pull your head up to meet his features. His other hand still holding your smaller one; index finger tracing your ring finger in circular motions as if he was creating a make believe ring.
He should thank himself for falling in love and be trusting once again.
Because now, staring back at your eyes filled with the same amount of emotions as his. Reciprocating the exact thing he was feeling. Waking up just to start the day already wanting him to be there. Knowing all the littlest things he's shared. Hearing the erratic sound of both of your heart beats.
He knew he's made the right choice.
"You really do look like my wife. My future."
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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celamoon · 3 years
getaway car
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Modern AU
--- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ---
The white light from your desk light burns your eyes, and you continue scribbling down notes for the last-minute homework your teacher assigned.
Two taps at your window break you from your drowsiness. You pull open the curtains, and you're met face to face with Camilo. You open the window.
"Good evening, mi vida," He grins. "Care for a drive?"
"It's 2 AM," You squint at the clock. "What are you doing here?"
"I just said," He hums. "Let's go for a drive."
"You drove your car here?"
"Wrong! My motorbike."
"Even worse," You grumble. "Aren't you not even supposed to be driving it?"
"Well..." He shrugs. "Isabela didn't teach me for nothing."
You gawk at him.
"So, mi vida? Yes or no?" Camilo swings the keys on his finger, and you think to yourself.
This is a terrible idea
but why not?
You swat your thoughts away, and you grab Camilo's hand. "Make sure I don't get caught."
Camilo helps you to the tree, and he hops down. "Come on!"
You jump into his arms, the two of you losing balance. "wait, how are we going to evade the cops?"
He transforms in front of you, and he looks taller. "Anything is possible, mi vida."
"You look so suspicious like this," You grumble.
"It's all about bullshitting till you make it."
"I thought it was fake it-"
He tosses you a helmet, and he secures it on your head. "Where do you want to go first?"
"I'm craving a corndog."
"Let's check a convenience store," He grins. "If not, then I'll bring you to the street market."
"I thought food there was dirty?"
"Whoever told you that is a liar," Camilo gets on his bike, and you sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Hang on tight, mi vida."
He steps on the gas, and your arms instinctively wrap around his torso. The city lights pass in a blur, but you watch the streetlights blink as cars speed by. The road turns empty after a couple of turns, and you feel Camilo slow down. You realize you're in the parking lot of a seven eleven.
"If they don't have corndogs, I'll take you to the street market. They have much better food," Camilo grins. "But I know you're technically not allowed to have any food like that."
"I'm not technically allowed to sneak out either," You shrug.
The two of you enter the store, and the employee grins at Camilo. "Mi hijo! How are you? You brought a little friend today?"
You smile, and Camilo grins. "Mi vida wanted corndogs."
"Ah, mi hijo, we're out," The man sighs. "Carlos came over a couple minutes ago and took the last one."
"Ah," Camilo grimaces. "Street market?"
"I didn't bring any money."
"Don't worry about it," He grins. "Señor, can I use the ATM?"
"Si, mi hijo," He grins. "Which market?"
"I was thinking the one two streets away. The one with all the cultural stuff?"
"Ah, it's a good time to go. There aren't many people right now, and the food is still nice and hot."
"I know," Camilo hums, and he takes the cash. "That's why I dragged her out right now."
You fiddle with your fingers, and Camilo glances at you. "Did you want something?"
"Ah... can I have a slurpee?" You scratch your cheek.
"Of course!" The man grins. "It's on me."
"No, no-"
"Don't worry," Camilo grumbles. "He'll just put it on my tab."
"I'll pay," You pull out your phone, and you scan the barcode on the glass. "How much?"
"5.59," He grins.
The payment goes through, and you hum. "Shall we go?"
"Finish your slurpee first," Camilo buys a lollipop. Unwrapping it, he stares at you as you stick your tongue out.
"What color is it?"
"Blue." He pops the lollipop out of his mouth, and sticks his tongue out.
"Wanna make purple-"
You hit his shoulder gently. "Finsh the lollipop. I'm done with the slurpee."
Camilo pouts, and he bites the rest of the candy off. "Better?"
"I want actual food," You grumble.
"I'll take you before you get any more grouchy," He grins, and he waves. "Bye, Señor!"
"Bye, mi hijo!"
Camilo drags you out, and he helps you put the helmet on again. "The road's going to be bumpy from here on out. Hold tight, mi vida."
You tighten your arms around his waist, and he starts the motorcycle. You're much more comfortable opening your eyes this time, and you stare at the more run-down buildings. The city is much quieter here, and other than the lights, nothing else blinks in the dark. The smell of skewers and arepas floats through the air.
"We're here," Camilo stops his motorcycle abruptly, and your helmet crashes into the back of Camilo's. "Mi vida, you're so excited~!"
You sigh. "Camilo Madrigal, I swear. I'm hungry, and if you don't get me food soon, I might just kill you in a dark alleyway."
"Sorry, mi vida," Camilo grins. "What do you want first?"
You mumble under your breath as Camilo takes you to the stands. Colors flash in your vision, and sparks of light fly from a child's sparkler. An old couple sits down at a bench. Another elder hands a child a cotton candy. You stop to stare at the boy who helps a girl off his bike, handing her his wallet, and the way she flushes pink.
The air blows on your face, and Camilo grins at you. It's too dark to count all the freckles on his face, but the glow from the streetlight illuminates his hair.
"Mi vida?"
"You look pretty," You grab the skewer from his hand.
Camilo flushes red, and he hides his face in his hand. "Mi vida..."
"You are," You affirm, and you bite down on the skewer. "Oh, this is good."
"See?" He grins. "Do you want a drink?"
"Not alcohol... right?"
"No." He assures you. "Unless you want-"
You smack him in the chest. "Regular, unspiked, drink."
Camilo laughs. "Anything for you, mi vida. How about you sit down first?"
You sit at a picnic table, and Camilo hands you a couple more foods. "What drink do you want?"
"Surprise me." You stab one of the meatballs. "Do you know if they have other foods?"
"I'll ask if they have takoyaki," He smiles.
"You'll see." He grins. "Trust me, mi vida."
"alright," You start eating, and you stare at the teens running past your table. One of them looks no older than you, yet they look much happier. You wondered what that felt like. Camilo comes back with food, and he hands a plate to you before putting everything else in his arms down.
"The señora asked me if I came alone and gave me extra when I said I brought you along," He grins. "What do you want to start with?"
"Uh... how do I-"
"So," Camilo grabs the toothpick, and he stabs the takoyaki. "This one, you eat like a regular meatball. It's good, I promise."
You mirror his movements, and you hiss at how hot it is. "It's hot."
"Like you-"
You glare at him.
"I told no lie," He grins. "Blow on it a bit. Here, have a drink."
"What is this?"
"Does it hit hard like McDonald's sprite?"
Camilo grins. "You decide."
You put the food on your plate and take a sip of the drink. You pause. It's really fizzy. "How'd they even make this?"
"You carbonate the life out of a carbonated drink," Camilo grins. "Is it good?"
"It's addictive," You take another sip, and soon, the cup is empty. "Wow."
"Isn't street food delicious, mi vida?" Camilo grins. "Aren't you glad you snuck out with me?"
"I'm not sure if I'll be glad when my parents find out," You grumble. "But, I'll relish in the moment."
Camilo smiles.
The moon is slowly making way for the sun to rise, and the two of you drown in a conversation. The carts slowly start rolling out, and you find yourself full. The two of you clear the table, and Camilo helps you put on the helmet.
"I don't think I've been this happy in a while," You mumble. "But I'm also exhausted."
"I'll take you home." He smiles. "Or, do you want to pretend that Mirabel went to the gym with you in the morning again?"
You pause. "Right... it depends on how long it'll take to get home."
Camilo grins. "Hold on tight, mi vida."
You wrap your arms around him, and as the sun rises, you think it isn't that bad.
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
one cup sugar, one cup spice | a. barber
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→ pairing: andy barber x black!reader
→ word count: 7074
→ warnings: age gap, corruption kink, innocent reader, daddy kink, pain kink, smut, sex, loss of virginity, vaginal fingering, hand job (male receiving)
→ author note: happy holidays my dudes! what i would do to have andy barber standing in my kitchen... anyway, reader is i n n o c e n t, but totally of age, and in college. as always, line breaks by @firefly-graphics​, gif by @evansensations​
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There’s a light dust of white covering the green lawns and black asphalt of the street. You shiver as you follow your parents out towards their car, pulling your beanie down over your ears before you shove your hands into your navy blue Dartmouth hoodie.
“Honey,” your mom coos, turning back towards you as your dad loads the car, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? Your aunt has plenty of room.”
“I’m positive,” you laugh, “Aunt Sohpie and I don’t get along that great anyway.”
“Well, you could try a little harder.”
Your mouth drops open, eyes wide as you stare at her, “She called me a stuck up, yuppie bitch when I told her I wasn’t going to stop using deodorant.”
Your dad chuckles, prompting a swift slap to the shoulder from your mother before she turns back towards you, “Sophie is a free spirit. She doesn’t believe in putting chemicals in or on her body. One week of trying to get along won’t hurt you.”
“Oh, it’ll hurt,” you answer, pulling her into a hug, “Smelling her B.O. for a week would actually kill me.”
Your mother tuts, pulling back and slumping her shoulders a little as she squeezes your sides gently, “I don’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
“Oh, stop badgering the girl. She’ll be fine,” your dad cuts in, kissing your forehead when he approaches, “She had a tough semester, she’s allowed some alone time. Be good, baby. I left a credit card on my desk for any emergencies.”
You smile warmly, “Thanks daddy.”
There’s a sound of a door opening, then closing, heavy footsteps against the old wood of the porch next door, “Oh, Andy,” your mom calls towards the neighbor, “You got a minute?”
Your face scrunches as you glance over at your father, who sighs heavy, “Don’t get mad, baby.”
“Why would I get mad?”
“She kinda, you know,” he shrugs, knocking his head back and forth, “Asked the neighbor to look in on you while we’re gone,” when your face drops, he throws up his hands, “I didn’t do it, she did.”
“Mom!” You hiss, flipping your eyes to the tall, dark haired man cutting across his front lawn, “I don’t need a babysitter! I’m twenty years old!”
“Hush,” she whispers, plastering a smile on her face as she wraps her arm around your waist, “Sorry to bother you, Andy.”
“Oh, no, no, no. It’s okay, I was just checking the mail.”
You’re angry and embarrassed as the tall, older man approaches, but a sudden heat blooms across your chilled brown skin. Pushing your glasses up your nose, you take a heavy breath, expelling it hard as you eye him. You’ve only really seen him in passing, throwing your hand up in a friendly wave as you jogged into your childhood home during a long weekend away from school. You only vaguely remember him moving in about a year or two before. Hell, you don’t even think the two of you have uttered anything more than just a neighborly ‘hey’, and now, thanks to your mother, he’s going to be keeping an eye on you.
Just wonderful.
She smiles proudly, “You remember our daughter, right?”
“I do,” he smiles slowly, an intense pair of blue-green eyes bouncing between yours, “We’ve run into each other a few times over the years. How you doin’ kiddo?”
He reaches out, extending a large palm and long fingers. You take it gently, smiling soft as you drop your eyes from his, nerves suddenly pooling in your stomach, “Um, good. Thanks for asking. How um,” you swallow, glancing back up at him, finding his eyes still centered on you, “How are you?”
He shrugs, but keeps your much smaller hand in his, “Can’t complain.”
“Listen, honey,” your mom starts, “I asked Mr. Barber to pop over and check on you every now and again while we’re gone.”
“Mother,” fake laughter filling the air, your face hot from being annoyed to all hell, “I’m not a child, and I’m sure Mr. Barber has better things to do with his time than to check on me constantly.”
“It’s no problem,” he shrugs again, those eyes of his now roaming, down your body, then up again, slowly, “I have the next couple of weeks off myself.”
“Congrats on the promotion, by the way.” Your father smiles, finally drawing Andy’s attention away from you. He nudges your side with his elbow, “Andy’s the new District Attorney.”
You keep your eyes on the tall Andy, sliding them the length of his body. He’s sturdy. Broad shoulders not so hidden underneath his zip up hoodie, clinging to thick biceps. Dark jeans accentuate long legs and a little waist. A perfect, full beard lines his strong jaw and chin. Two enormous hands are shoved into the pockets of his pants, so large that they don’t even fit right… You inhale deep, drawing your bottom lip into your mouth, sinking your teeth into the flesh as a tiny moan slips through.
Blue eyes snap to you again as it sounds. God. Your lips part, eyes widen as they stare back at him in embarrassment. He just smiles again, slow and seemingly knowing; his eyes falling down your frame again.
“We better go if we’re gonna miss traffic, hun.” Your dad’s voice suddenly breaks into your conscience, snapping you out of the small trance that Andy Barber has leveled over you, “Andy, thanks for watching over our baby while we’re gone.”
Andy winks at you, “I won’t hover, I promise. If you need anything, at any time, I’m right next door, okay? Better yet, let me give you my number.”
You nod quick, clearing your throat as you fumble around with your phone, pulling it out of your hoodie and handing it over to him, “Sure, yeah. Th-thank you, Mr. Barber.”
“Andy,” he corrects, reaching out and cupping your elbow gently, “Please.”
Another warmth spreads through you, emanating from the contact, making you giggle and smile nervously like a stupid girl before you get a hold of yourself and blink away. You all exchange another round of pleasantries, Andy wishing your parents a safe trip before he locks eyes with you again— biting his lip as he blinks and hands your phone back before turning away and heading towards his mailbox.
Almost frozen in place, you blink as you watch him move across his grass, forcefully swallowing. You really need to get out more.
One last hug from your mom and dad and you wave as they pull out of the driveway, your mom waving excitedly at you through the windshield. Rolling your eyes, but smiling wide, you return a wave before heading back inside, locking the door behind you before making a brisk b-line to the front door.
Andy’s still outside, pushing the green trash cans up against his garage as you peek out at him from behind the thin, white, door curtains. He throws open one of the lids before dipping his head, eyeing the mail in his hand as he flips through it slowly, tossing the junk into the open can. A pink blush piques on his cheeks and the tip of his nose, lips red with the chill. He looks up suddenly— out of nowhere— and cocks his head, letting another smile curl onto his lips when the two of you make eye contact again.
You gasp and jump back, instantly turning on your heel to run up the stairs towards your bedroom, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
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The smell of fresh baked cookies fills the house as you pull a pan from the oven. You hum in satisfaction, a small smile on your face as you scoop the sugar cookies onto the cooling rack before pulling your mom’s Santa Claus mittens off your hands and tossing them to the counter. Last Christmas by Wham plays from the small bluetooth speaker in the corner of the kitchen, A Charlie Brown Christmas on mute playing from the ipad leaning against the utensil holder.
There’s a random crackling from the fire you started in the living room as you move around, a whir from the mixer as it beats the eggs, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and corn syrup together. You dip your finger into the mixture, popping it into your mouth and groaning as the sweetness explodes on your tongue before you pull the beaters out, slipping your finger down the stainless steel to collect the icing still stuck to them.
A knock sounds from the front door, permeating through the rather quiet house. You lean to the side, blinking at the door as a shadow shifts through the windows on either side. Shoving the icing laden finger into your mouth, you jog towards the door, bare feet heavy against the wood floor.
“One second, one second,” you mumble, wiping your hands on your pale pink cotton shorts before you tug at your hoodie and unlock the door. A sharp inhale of cold air fills your chest when you pull open the door to find one Andy fucking Barber standing on the opposite side, “Oh,” is all you can manage.
“Hey,” he smiles, “It’s been a few days, just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Being a biomedical engineering student, you can rattle off some of the most difficult, obscure words known to man with exactly zero problems. When it comes to social interaction with the hot, forty-something, lawyer next door? Your tongue is heavy, your brain… dumb.
His smile widens as you blink like a moron, his eyebrows climbing up his forehead as he waits for you to talk. Here’s the part where you speak, dumbass! “Um,” you stutter, “Sorry, I, uh, yeah, I’m okay. I’m good, sorry.”
“Smells good in here.”
Nodding, you bite your lip, your eyes everywhere but on his face— his stare just too much, “I’m making cookies.” you glance over your shoulder before you point, “Do you want to make some? I mean,” you slam your eyes closed, “Do you want to try some? Not, some, one, do you— do you want to try one? Or some… I guess… whatever.”
Idiot. You’re a bumbling, stumbling, idiot.
He chuckles, the rumble low and deep as he runs one of those big ass hands through his dark, soft looking hair, “That is the best offer I’ve had all day.”
He steps over the threshold, his fingers brushing over yours as he reaches to close the door. You snatch your hand from it quickly, wringing it within the other as you turn awkwardly and move towards the kitchen, swallowing hard, suddenly hyper aware of how bare your legs are.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” Andy starts from behind you, “I’m surprised to find you here and not out with some friends.”
You move behind the marble topped island in the center of the kitchen as Andy walks around the opposite side. His eyes are on you again, staring as you fumble with the spatula, your fingers going as dumb as your brain, dropping it with a loud clang. You don’t even know why— okay, you know why, but this is something deeper, something you haven’t experienced before.
“Oh,” you shrug, “No, I uh, I just kinda like to stay around the house.”
He nods slowly, “A homebody, huh? Me too.”
He makes you dizzy; his masculinity is intimidating. It fills up every little space in the room. His intelligence— worldly, experienced—  oozes from him. He looks like you could ask him anything, anything, and he’d have the right answer for you. He could teach you a thing or two, that’s for sure.
A shudder creeps through your body, heat blooming across your skin, having to shift on your feet as your stomach flutters while you focus on icing this stupid cookie. The physical space he takes up unnerves you too. That wide, towering frame looming over you. Deft, thick fingers tapping gently against the countertop as you stumble around, your hands shaky.
There’s a stickiness. A warm, little wet spot in the center of your panties as stupid thoughts run through your stupid brain. You’re being ridiculous. Like this grown man would be interested in an inexperienced, socially awkward, in bed by eight thirty, little girl. Get a grip.
You slather some icing over the warm cookie and cautiously hand it towards him, clearing your throat and forcing a smile. Wringing your hands again, you find a little courage to lift your eyes just as he pops the small cookie into his mouth, closing his eyes as he chews slowly, a grunt sounding from deep in his throat.
Every muscle in your body clenches at the sound. It’s gorgeous— and if there’s anything your body appreciates, it’s a gorgeous man with a gorgeous grunt.
“It’s okay?” You squeak, timid and small before you nervously clear your throat.
“Shit, girl,” he moans again, licking his lips as he extends his hand again, “I could eat every single one of these.”
Nervous fingers clutch another cookie, adding a dollop of icing before you hand it over to him, eyes drifting up his chest and to his face as he devours the second treat. Your curious eyes watch with a longing. Pretty, thick, dark eyelashes closing again, splashing across smooth, slightly reddened cheeks. A pink tongue darts out of a wet mouth to slip along an inviting— too inviting— bottom lip, and you zero in on it. Chest rising and falling a little harder as you blink, in your own little world as you imagine just how much experience those lips, that tongue has.
There’s a hint of blue suddenly, his eyes no longer closed, now set squarely on you as those sickenly perfect white teeth emerge with another sly smile.
Another wave of embarrassment pushes through your veins, but you can’t look away from him this time. Locked in a heated stare, mind racing, palms sweaty as you watch Andy dip his index finger into the bowl of icing, scooping the sugary mix onto the pad of his digit.
“You like watching me, huh?”
Your mouth parts to answer, but nothing comes out, mouth and throat suddenly dry. He laughs at you, standing there, dumb and nervous, unable to form a coherent sentence as he pushes the tip of his finger into his mouth, sucking the icing from it slowly.
He’s moving, that much your brain can comprehend. Moving around the island, sliding the bowl of icing right to the edge where he dips his finger again, curling it to collect another glob.
Shallow, shaky breaths escape the small part in your lips, your chest and stomach so tight you’re surprised you can breathe at all. As it is, you have to rest your palm against the marble island, just to keep from falling over.
A long arm slips around your waist, nudging you forward— closer— so close that when one of those shallow, little breaths pushes out, your chest, well, your tits, brush against his. You picked a fine day to go without a bra. He drops his free hand to your waist, pushing it underneath your oversized hoodie to feel your skin as he wraps those long fingers around your hip, giving it a squeeze before he cups your chin.
“You have a boyfriend back at that fancy ass school?” He asks, eyes hooded as he tilts your head upward.
A hum vibrates through your chest before there’s a quick shake of your head as he pushes the icing over your bottom lip, smearing the sugary mix along it. He keeps your chin anchored in his hand as he stares down at you through slits, his own mouth dropping open as he coaxes yours.
“No, a smart girl like you doesn’t have time for boys, does she?” He purrs, “You probably haven’t even been touched by a boy.”
A squeak chokes in your throat as he teases you, pushing that finger back and forth, the tip pushing ever so gently into your mouth. He chuckles again, real low, menacing almost as he knows he has you right where he wants you.
“Ya know,” he starts, thumbs stroking your chin and jaw, “This Christmas cookie frosting would taste a hundred times better on you than my finger.” He smiles again, tilting his head, “Can I see?”
You mewl, pitiful and small as emotion pools in your eyes. You’re overwhelmed— nervous and unsure, wanting to be perfect. Womanly— but surely falling flat.
“Oh, baby,” he laughs, sweeping his thumbs underneath your eyes to catch the hot streaks, “Awww, it’s okay.”
Andy pushes in close, his lips brushing yours as he nuzzles his nose into the crook of yours, a low sound thrumming in his throat. He presses his cheek against your face, the soft hair of his beard pushing along your skin, goosebumps popping up all over. Your bodies start to sway in a slow rhythm, side to side, his warm breath washing over you as he smiles.
He pulls away, eyes traveling your face, “You haven’t even been kissed before?” When you don’t answer, he closes his eyes, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, “No? Oh, my sweet girl. That is just,” he groans, eyes twinkling with an emotion you don’t even understand, “You are so perfect— so good.”
His forehead comes to rest on yours, his hands still corralling your face, fingers sticky. His tongue darts out quick, licking at your lips, dragging up to the tip of your nose. You shudder, bleating as the rough velvet passes over your mouth.
Andy moans again, sucking the icing into his mouth and swallows slow, “Yum.”
You’re jittery— clammy, as labored breaths push out of your mouth, a murky fog clouding your brain. Shaky whirs tremble through your chest as you shift on your feet, your panties sticking to your now throbbing pussy. Andy closes the distance between your mouths again, his eyes hooded as he nips at you.
Your eyes flutter, closing instinctively— waiting for the claim. It doesn’t come, not right away, making your eyes pop open, a childish whine squeaking out. You even stomp your foot a little. Twenty years is a long enough wait.
“Kiss me,” you breathe, not wasting a second, “Please, Andy—”
The words are barely out of your mouth before he grabs your lips, inhaling deep. His tongue fucks into your mouth, slipping along the roof before massaging yours, sucking lightly. You go limp against him, trying to keep up with the fervent kiss, but soon just let him take full control.
Andy pushes his hips into yours, pressing his hard cock against you, forcing you to break the kiss, gasping deep. He rests his forehead on yours again, tittering as he bites his bottom lip, “Never felt that before, huh? Mmmm,” he groans again, “I bet you feel good. So tight and warm— umph, I’m probably not even going to be able to fit my cock all in.”
You shudder at the thought.
He brushes the tip of his nose against yours, “I gotta open you up a bit, don’t I? Hmm? This sweet little cunt needs to get used to being stuffed full.” He turns you in his hands, presses his burly chest into your back, his lips to your ear, “I want you to finish icing these cookies like a good girl, okay? You do as daddy says.”
You don’t move, you can’t really, as you try to comprehend what’s going on. It takes Andy pushing his crotch into your ass, grinding your hips against the island and literally grabbing your wrists, making your hands grab the butter knife and a cookie before your brain catches up. With shaky fingers, you push the knife through the icing and slather it on one of the small, round, golden brown cookies.
“Good girl,” he praises, pecking your cheek, nuzzling into the side of your face, “Daddy wants you to focus.”
He drags his warm palms up your forearms, stroking gently before they fall to your sides. They push up into your hoodie, fingertips glancing across sensitive, untouched skin. Small laughter vibrates through his chest as you jump and gasp, huffing and keening as he explores.
Little kisses are pressed to your temple and side of your face as his hands venture up your sides, curling around your rib cage until he’s grasping your bare tits in both hands, squeezing and kneading— hissing as he grinds his rigidly hard cock into your ass.
You freeze, body going stiff as nimble fingers play with your thick, piqued nipples. Warm lips nip at your neck as you push back into his hips, wiggling slowly, the thin cotton of your shorts not proving to be much of a barrier at all.
Andy reaches around, plucking the cookie out of your hand and pops it into his mouth just as his free hand skips down your stomach— right into your shorts. You jut your hips forward as his fingers plunge through your folds, massaging your clit slowly as he murmurs in your ear.
“That’s what I love about virgins. The slightest little touch gets you all worked up.” He pulls his hand from your shorts, holding it out for you to see your slick coating his fingers— a string connecting from his index finger to the middle. He brings his wet fingers to your lips, steel eyes peering at you as he waits, “Clean ‘em up.”
He slides his free hand back into your sweatshirt, pushing it up over your tits before he tweaks your left nipple, rolling it slow as he pushes the tips of his fingers into your mouth. Sweet, tiny little whines sound from you as you accept his long fingers into your mouth, starting to suck gently, the taste of your arousal exploding on your tongue.
“That’s right, just like that baby.” He reassures, slipping a hand back into your panties.
Your mouth goes slack around his fingers as he toys with you, rubbing your achy clit as your hips start to move with his rhythm. Resting your weight against his sturdy body, you moan loud, pushing out hard breaths, eyes slipping closed, head rolling on his shoulder as his wet fingers slip from your mouth back to your left nipple.
His fingers start to tease your slit, pushing gently, slowly, until… a sharp yelp fills the kitchen as two fingers stuff you full. Andy wraps his arm around your waist, holding you to him, cooing in your ear as he continues to push in, “You’re okay baby. I know, I know sweet girl, we’re almost there. Just a bit more.”
Tears sting your eyes as your face strains from the pressure and pain of being spread for the first time. Once his fingers have disappeared, the heel of his palm pressing against your folds and clit, he pulls your chin towards him and licks at your mouth, sucking air in between his teeth.
“I can’t wait to fuck this sweet pussy,” he kisses you quick and hard, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before he releases you with a loud smack, “I love a virgin cunt. It’s been a while since I’ve had one.”
You squeak when his fingers start to move, slow, deep, a squelch sounding as his fingers push into your muscles. It hurts, but there’s a twinge of good, something inside of you being pleasured once you push past the pain. The sweet taste of pleasure doesn’t stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks as his fingers pick up a brisk pace.
Andy growls in your ear, the sound scratching at the back of his throat, kind of hollow and breathy as he grinds his cock into your ass, “You havent fucked yourself like this before? I didn’t think I’d hurt you this bad with just my fingers, baby.”
A hot, rough wetness slides along your cheek, his tongue, lapping at you. You grab onto his forearm, feeling his muscles tense and flex as he fingers your innocence, digging your nails into the thick Shetland wool sweater covering his torso. He pushes deep, suddenly, making you cry out again.
He grunts, snaking his hand up into your hoodie to take a firm hold of your tit. Resting his forehead to the back of your head, he quickens his fingers, his hot breath on the back of your neck, quick swipes of his tongue and lips against your hypersensitive skin— making the miniscule hairs on your body stand on end.
His palm presses against your clit with each shove of his fingers. Strapping, hard chest flattened to your back, loud, husky moans in your ear. His hips roll and push, writhe into yours as his fingers start to thrash. Teeth sink into your shoulder, his tongue sliding and sweeping.
“Andy—” you cry, whimpering like a child, “It hurts. I— I can’t,”
“Oh, sweetheart.” His fingers slow and then stop, pulling out of you to rub your clit, soothing the balmy flesh. He turns you around in his arms as you cry, lifting you right from your feet, “I’m sorry. Shh, shh, I’m sorry, baby.”
The instant warmth of his mammoth chest and arms soothe the tumultuous pangs of anxiety coursing through you. Nuzzling in, the softness of his beard helps ease your nerves as you wrap two jelly arms around his neck. Andy’s big hands push up and down your back as he murmurs sweet nothings. Stomach tight, heart fluttering, face hot and wet with tears— you’re properly overwhelmed and overstimulated, and Andy could just eat it all up.
“You are so pretty when you cry, you know that? You did so good, baby. You took my fingers so well.”
You huff, disappointed, pushing your face deeper into his neck, “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t do that,” he whispers, “It’s okay to not be ready.” He sits you back on your feet, pulling and adjusting your sweatshirt back over your chest. He pecks your lips quick before cupping your face in his hands, “It’s gonna make our first time together so much better.”
He pushes in to kiss you again, but stops, just as his lips brush yours. You get up on your tiptoes, wanting to meet his mouth but he’s quick, pulling away and stealing another cookie as he takes a step back.
“Thanks for the cookies, sweetheart.”
And just like that, with a wink and a smile, he’s moving out of the kitchen, the front door slamming behind him.
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It might as well be the middle of a Texas summer heatwave in your bedroom. Exasperated, you throw the covers away from your body, skin slick with sweat as you wipe at your forehead. You’ve been like this all day— hot and irritated, stomach and mind jumbled, unable to focus on much of anything but thoughts of depravity. Pissed off at yourself more than anything; that you couldn’t take it all.
You sit up in the dark room, a sliver of moonlight spilling in from behind the thin curtains over your window. Snow flakes float down from the sky, glimmering, basking in the soft, natural light of the moon. Thoughts of Andy return. Reddened, full lips on your face, his soft, velvety, pink tongue forging its own path in the uncharted territory that is your mouth. His hands, big and warm, pinching and grabbing, pushing in deep.
Every muscle in your body clenches; achy cunt squeezing around nothing.
A soft light illuminates from the nightstand, followed by a buzz, a random alert from your twitter. But then, oh but then— Andy’s words come floating back to you. Better yet, let me give you my number. The sleek iphone is in your hand within seconds, fingers sliding over the keyboard, shooting off a text.
You 1:15am
You up?
Andy B. 1:17am
What’s a smart girl like you doing up so late on Christmas Eve?
An influx of air fills your lungs as your heart leaps.
You 1:17am
I can’t sleep…
Andy B. 1:18am
Want me to help with that?
You won’t be getting much sleep tho…
You 1:18am
That’s what I’m hoping…
Andy B. 1:19am
LOL, okay smarty pants, come wait for Santa with me, front door’s open
You’re already halfway down the stairs by the time his invite slides across the screen. You shove your feet into your Ugg boots at the bottom of the staircase and grab your jacket from the coat rack, pushing into it as you throw open the front door. Crossing your arms over your chest, you jog down the steps of the porch and start for Andy’s, an instant chill rattling right down to your bones.
Footprints in the snow follow you as you cross the lawn, a light crunch sounding underneath your feet, adding to the whoosh of a breeze that rips through the sleepy street. Once you’re on Andy’s porch, you reach for the door, pushing through the threshold and closing it softly with a click.
The house is dark, and quiet, a tiny point of light coming from the kitchen and the random ticks of a clock somewhere deep. Your jacket hits the floor, ugg boots thump against the wall as you kick them off, hand slides along the banister as you climb the stairs slow. Wide eyes adjust to the dark as you pad slowly down the long hall, passing by one closed door, and then another until you reach one that’s slightly ajar. Light spills out of it, splashing over your bare toes as you step right up to it, fingertips pushing against the door.
You find Andy propped up against his headboard, chest bare, legs spread— hard, pink cock sticking out of his boxers, gripped tight in his hand. He flips his eyes to yours as he strokes himself slow, pushing his hips into it, groaning at the sight of you.
The air in your body— the room— is sucked right out as you lock eyes. With a blink, your greedy eyes are on the move, down his hair smattered chest and chiseled stomach, over the dark blue boxer briefs, down his meaty thighs and toned calves, right to his curled toes and back up again.
You have to bite your lip to keep quiet.
“I’ve been,” the words out of his mouth come to a halt being replaced by a low grunt as he squeezes his cock, precum dribbling out of his slit, “Shit sweetheart, I’ve been thinking about you all day. Haven’t been able to cum since you left me all worked up.”
You bleat softly, blinking wild and nervous as you watch his hand slide up and down, palm and fingers sweeping over his mushroom head to collect the droplets of his arousal to push it down his shaft.
“Well, come on. Come touch me.”
It’s a good thing your feet aren’t as stupid as your brain, or else you’d still be standing in place. Before you can get your mind to catch up, you're pulling yourself towards the edge of the bed, falling forward, catching yourself with your hands. Crawling between his legs, your tank top hangs low, Andy’s eyes peering down your cleavage before you sit on your knees— hands trembling.
He reaches for you, grabbing your wrist gently, pulling your hand towards his towering cock. Guiding you slow, he wraps your hand around him, his hips jerking soft at the warmth of your palm and pushes your hand down to his base, before dragging it up to the tip. He helps you for a few more strokes, twisting your hand around him, guiding your fingers up over his cock head and then back down, squeezing your hand to apply a gentle pressure.
“That’s right, baby—ah—” he hisses, jutting his hips up into your hand, “Shit.”
You continue to pump him after his hand falls away, relishing in the small noises that sound from him— sending your heart soaring. His hips pulse into your hand, eyes fluttering as more cum bubbles out, slipping and sliding over your fingers. Andy reaches for the lamp on the nightstand, turning it out, covering the room in darkness except for the moon.
He’s beautiful like this. Chest tight and shuddering with each breath, dark eyelashes splayed over fair skin, a chorus of sweet, small little whines and praise pouring from him. A soft pink blush unfurling over his broad chest, creeping up his neck.
“Fuck baby,” breathless and strained, “You’re a fuckin’ pro already. My smart little girl.” You suck your bottom lip into your mouth but still can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners, “Oh, you like that?” Andy smiles lazily, “You like being my smart little girl?”
Hot lips are on yours before you can even form your mouth to answer. Flipped onto your back, strong hips digging into yours, his cock pushing against your covered clit and slit as he kisses you hard. It takes your breath away.
You’d always thought you’d be awkward, stiff and unknowing, once you finally reached this moment— nothing but teeth and elbows and knees in all the wrong places— but, there’s a natural instinct coming into play. You’re lost, but somehow intricately aware. Fingers creep up his biceps and curl around his shoulder blades, digging in as your hips push back into his. Mouth leans into the feverish kisses, tongue sliding with his.
Colossal hands push into your shorts, pushing them down before his feet knock them off the rest of the way. Your top is rucked up, up over your breasts, exposing more brown skin, two soft, jiggling mounds, two piqued nipples soon sucked into a warm, wet mouth. A long middle finger toys with your clit, rubbing circles before more fingers join, slipping through slick and skin as they play.
“Tell me,” hot, whispered words sting in your ear, “Tell me you like being my smart girl.”
Hips dig into yours once more, hard cock pushing against your sensitive nub, then pressing at your opening. You grab the back of his neck, moaning hard and loud as electricity bounces through your veins, “Andy—” you squeak, “I like—”
A sharp cry breaks through the words as Andy pushes hard, spearing you for the very first time. Pressure and pain courses through you, body going tight and stiff as he sinks deeper and deeper, large palms on your cheeks, forehead to yours, warm breaths and ragged, choked grunts washing over your face.
Hard kisses— one, two, three— on your lips as he holds your face, his eyes closed, mouth hanging as he sinks, sinks, sinks until you’ve taken him all. Your head is empty. Devoid of any real, coherent thoughts, unable to focus on any one thing; well, nothing other than the fullness.
“Tell me you like being my smart girl.” Andy rasps, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth, trying to keep himself together. He shifts, hips pulling away from yours, cock dragging out, “Come on baby, tell me you like it.”
Andy pushes his hips, pushes back into you, but real gentle and smooth, knowing you’re teetering— overwhelmed in more ways than one, a feeling that can turn south on a dime. So, he keeps his hands on your face, thumbs rubbing soft circles. He opens his eyes, giving you something to focus on as he moves gently— so, so gently. Keeping you present.
“Use those words, sweet girl. Talk to me.”
Water fills your eyes as you grip, nails biting into the meat of his sides as he fucks you slow and sweet. Heat burns through you, tiny sounds, choked sobs scratch at the back of your throat, but it’s good— feels so good. Your legs push up and around his waist, hands start to snake up his sinewy back, feeling the muscles flex and tighten as he makes you a woman— makes you his.
Safe. Warm. Cocooned between his heavy body and the light mattress. Hips rolling, pushing and pulling. Hot breath over hot skin. Quick, jumbled words, thick and ripe with a heady lust. You like being his smart girl. Gripping fingers, around your face, your wrists, your tits, hips, thighs, ankles— everywhere you could possibly imagine.
Andy flips you over suddenly, his back now pressed into the mattress as you lay on top of him. He positions you right where he wants you— sitting you up straight, positioning your hands against his brawny chest. He encases your waist with those massive hands, squeezing tight before the pads of his fingers drag along your thighs as you wiggle, getting used to the new position.
“Push up— that’s right, sweetheart,” he sighs softly as you follow his direction, “Now sit back down— slowly, baby, go slow.” His head falls back on the pillows as he exhales, a groan trembling through his chest, “God, yeah babe. Good girl. Up and down, up and down.”
Your fingers push through the tuft of soft, dark hair covering his chest as you ride him, lifting and sitting, rolling and bucking as you get a hang of it— catch a feel— your clit rubbing against his taut skin. You feel Andy trying to keep his composure, feel him trying to restrain himself, his hips. Watch his eyes flutter and close as his mouth goes slack again as he pushes up into you, meeting your increasingly greedy thrusts downward.
“I’m your smart girl,” you whisper, heart beating hard and fast in your chest as your confidence grows, “I’ve always wanted to be your smart girl.���
He jams up into you, much harder than anything you’ve felt so far.
A sharp yelp cracks into the silence and he grabs your wrists, runs his hands up your arms, before he cups your face, “Shhh, shhh, shhh, I’m sorry baby. I didn’t know it was gonna sound so sweet,” he laughs, “God, I fucking love hearing you say that.”
He drops a hand back to your chest, grabbing a handful of your tit, toying with your nipple, pinching and pulling. His other hand wraps around your hip again, helping to pull you forward, as he thrusts soft. You don’t move; you just let him fuck up into you, grab his hands and thread your fingers with his as you bounce.
Thrusts get faster; hips hurried, jabbing. Wet rasps fill the room, octaves soaring. You fall forward a little, unclasping his hands to catch yourself against his chest. Andy’s hands are back around your waist and hips as you fuck down onto him, chasing that little, dull ache in the pit of your stomach that grows with each push of his hips.
Andy has two full handfuls of your ass, growling loud, hips faltering— losing control as he forces you down on him. You take each hard thrust, tears spilling down your cheeks, pleasure and pain all wrapped up into one. Sweat and heat crawls along your skin, stomach goes tight, throat dries. You dig your fingers into his chest as your toes curl, whimpering and crying out, choking as the pressure builds.
You tighten— freeze quick, gasp hard as a white hot orgasm floods your veins, like a molten lava, oozing, spreading. Flattening yourself to Andy’s chest, you let him wrap his arms around your back and hold you tight as he fucks you through it. The meat of his thighs slapping against yours, your cunt sounding wet and filthy, squelching and convulsing as you come.
There’s another heat, quick and dense, filling you as Andy’s grunts grow deeper. His grip on your ass tightens as he spurts— your used cunt coaxing long, hot ribbons of white silk from his sensitive, red cock head. He falls out of you, dick wet and hard, pushing through your ass cheeks as his hips still churn out of habit and inherent instinct.
Hands are on your head, fingers wiping at your face and forehead, pushing hair away. You’re embarrassed— not sure why— and nuzzle into his neck, hiding your face as you tuck your hands into your chest protectively. Another laugh sounds from him, vibrates through you, as he kisses your forehead and rubs his bearded cheek against your face.
“You’re a sweet girl,” honeyed, his voice, smooth and sweet, slow drags of his hands up and down your back lulling you, calming you, suddenly nervous, “My sweet, smart little baby. You okay?” you nod, but it isn’t good enough, “Tell me.”
“I’m okay.” You sniffle, eyelashes clumped, cheeks wet, lips swollen and red.
You nuzzle into him more, taking a deep breath as you listen to his heartbeat. Another silence fills the room, Andy’s breaths soon turn deep, slow and rhythmic, his hands and fingers coming to a slow stop but still splayed out over your back. A quick press of your lips against his neck makes him shift, but doesn’t wake him. You press another on his chin before you settle down into him once more, watching as snow starts to fall again.
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There’s a Christmas present sitting at the edge of the bed when you wake the next morning, your name scrawled out on the name tag. You tear into it, pulling out a small white box, the name LELO embossed over the top. Eyebrows firmly furrowed, you turn it over in your hand, mouth falling open as you read the description and eye the two twenty karat gold Ben Wa beads.
Andy appears in the doorway, a steaming cup in his hand, a smile on his face, “Merry Christmas. Santa came for you, huh?”
“Merry Christmas,” you glance away, “I don’t have anything for you.”
“That’s okay,” he shrugs, “I was a bit presumptuous after our little rendezvous in the kitchen— ordered those from Amazon yesterday.” He pads towards you, leaning down to kiss you quick before he hands you the hot mug, “Are you okay?”
A nervous giggle escapes through your lips, your head falling as you cover your mouth with your hand, “Mmhmm.”
Andy tips your head back upwards, pushing his index finger underneath your chin, smiling again before he kisses you all sweet and soft and slow, making you go all stupid and gooey again.
“What are these for?” You ask after he pulls away a few moments later.
His eyes twinkle in the sunlight as he winks, “Training. Now, lay back and spread your legs for daddy, little one.”
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
3am with you | drabble (jjk)
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↳ drabbles masterlist
yours (ft. the bands!couple) | drabble three: it’s 3am in europe and jungkook just wants to love you down.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: cussing/mature language, implied sexual content, unprotected soft sex, oral (f. receiving), some (soft) choking, hair gripping, multiple orgasms, fingering, sprinkle of spit play and dirty talk, fluff, playful ass smacking, aftercare, cuddles
tags: @thebeebi​ @miinoongi​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @bluesharksandfish​ @unicornbabylover​ @ayujaded​ @wearenot7withu​ @jimidol​ @jikookiekosmos​
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"Baby." Jungkook grips onto your waist as he whispers into your ear, hands beginning to caress your sides gently. "Baaaaby." He repeats, more of a whine this time. To be honest, he woke up hard as fuck again and wanted more of you badly. As if you two just didn't go at it right before bed.
"Hm?" You stirred in your sleep, naked body pressed against your man's, his throbbing, hard cock pushed against your ass.
"I'm hoooorny." His tongue roams around the surface of your skin right below the ear, sending tingles down your spine.
"I can tell." You chuckle as you feel the wetness pooling in between your legs just from how needy he was being. "What time is it?"
"3." He softly chuckles. "Can I have you?" He cutely asks as he nuzzles his nose against your neck, pulling your ass against him so he can jut his hips into you. He presses light kisses against the nape of your neck before moving down to your shoulder blades. His soft, warm hands send tingles down your spine, adding to how worked up you're getting from this moment alone.
"You can always have me."
"Yeah?" He gently turns you onto your back, body slightly hovering over yours. "Always want my pretty girl so bad." He whispers before planting a passionate kiss against your lips, large hand slowly roaming up your side. Jungkook continues to deepen the kiss, sounds of wet kisses and sucking against your tongue fills the room, along with Europe's hustle and bustle. It was a perfect night for the current season, Jungkook begging to leave the windows wide open with the see-through curtains slightly drawn. The street lights illuminated corners of the room, shadows of cars passing by occasionally blocking it off. "Wanna make you feel good." He whispers in between kisses. "Wanna show you how much I love you." His hand trails down your neck, down your chest, making its way down to your folds to give your pussy a good rub.
"You're always good at showing it, Kook."
"Then I'll keep doing it." He smiles into the last kiss before pulling away to lock eyes with you as he slips a digit in and bites onto his bottom lip. "So wet for me already." You whimper, back slightly arching as he wastes no time inserting another finger inside, steadying his pace.
"Kook, fuck." You hiss. You almost want to whine when he removes his fingers from inside, only to realize he's making his way down in between your thighs underneath the sheets. Your hands grab at his hair as he lowers his lips onto your clit, soft lips pressing light kisses against it before he begins to tongue your folds down. "Mmmmyeah—" You moan, gripping his hair tighter as you slowly work your hips against his mouth. He sucks harder onto your pulsating nub, nodding into it as you continue to grind against his mouth. You feel him spit against your pussy, his tongue spreading his spit all over you. The way he works his mouth, his tongue— god, it's heaven sent. So heaven sent that the more you continue to fuck his mouth, the quicker the pleasure pools in the pit of your stomach.
"Baby, baby, fuck! Yeeeees." Your moan gets louder, completely disregarding the fact that Hobi is on the other side of your wall.
You two were gonna hear from him in the next couple of hours, no doubt.
"Cum, baby. Let me taste it." He moans against your pussy, the vibrations hitting your spot. He begins to rub at your clit viciously while his tongue is going to work on your sweet, wet folds. You roll once more against him, feeling yourself coming undone in his grip, Jungkook groaning against your pussy. He doesn't stop sucking your sensitive nub until he feels your body settle. "Fuck, so good." He says coming out from under the sheets, sweat lining his hairline as he dips down to press a kiss on your lips.
"Kook, please. Want more. Need you inside of me." He nods.
"You're perfect, sweetheart. Always telling me what you want. God you drive me crazy." He hovers over you, hand by your head while the other gripped his shaft to rub his tip up and down your folds. He hisses, teasing you a bit by gently inserting himself into you, only to come back out and run his head in between your lips once more.
"Kookie, stop." You whine. "Just fuck me." He laughs.
"Needy baby." He watches you as your eyes roll to the back of your head, his cock filling you up in the best way possible. The two of you just had some good, rough sex hours ago, and all Jungkook wants to do is love you. Love you down good.
Love you down softly.
Love you down delicately.
Love you down like the world was going to end tomorrow.
He grips onto your pillow as he bites onto his bottom lip, rolling his hips into you slowly, deeply. Your lips graze against his, mouth agape while you let out soft whines and moans. Your hands roam up his sides and back, nails digging deep into his shoulders when he buries his head against the crook of your neck. His moans are loud, but still somewhat muffled against your neck. He licks a stripe on the surface as he works his hips, picking up his pace while biting your earlobe and sucking on the skin below it.
"Shit, your pussy baby." He moans. "Ohhhhhgod— best fucking pussy. Shit was made for me."
"Kook, please— Like that." You whine against his ear, sending goosebumps to ripple throughout his entire body.
"Nnngh— damn, gonna fill you up just like this sweetheart. You want that?" You nod. "Let me hear you."
"Y-yes, babe! Yeeeees." You moan, fingers tangled in his luscious black hair.
"God, I love you so much." He kisses your lips, then nose, then forehead. "I love you, I love you." He repeatedly moans, shutting his eyes due to the pleasure building.
"I love you, too." You whimper. "Close, Kook. I'm so close. Gonna cum again."
"That's it, baby. Wanna feel you first. Cum all over me." He's holding on as much as he can, especially when he feels your walls tighten around him. "Yeah, like that. Let go for me, sweetheart." He picks up his pace, thrusting in and out of your wet pussy, not too fast, not too slow.
Just right.
He raises his body, hands around your neck, giving it just the right pressure as he fucks into you.
"Fuuuuuuckkkkgh!" You cry loudly. It takes a couple of more thrusts before you're hurdling over the edge, Jungkook's grip tightening ever so slightly around your neck while he starts to pound into you to chase his high. The aftershocks of your orgasm ripples through you, body twitching in response.
"Oh shit, oh shit. I'm coming, baby—I'm—" He moans loudly, as he grips your neck tightly, causing you to bite your bottom lip as you watch your man become undone right on top of you. He releases his hold on your neck, head tilted back as he tries to regulate his breathing, sweat beads dripping down his chiseled abs. "Ohhh fuck." He breathes, smiling down at you when he finally opens his eyes.
"Mmmm, so hot." You giggle as he removes himself from within you and steps out of the bed ass naked to grab a wet washcloth to wipe you down. He pulls the sheets from your body, pressing light kisses against your knees as he wipes you down. Once he finishes, he stands to wipe himself while you watch. You give his ass a good smack when he turns to head back into the bathroom, making him mock your yelp when he smacks yours from time to time. "You're annoying." You laugh when he hops back into bed with the biggest grin on his face.
"That's too bad princess, you're stuck with it." He chuckles. "C'mere." He pulls you onto his chest, arms wrapped around your body tightly while he kisses the top of your head.
"Look how pretty it is outside." You yawn.
"I know. Feels nice to be experiencing it with you."
"It does." You nuzzle your nose against his neck. "But, to be honest, I can't wait to just be home with you and Kai."
"Same. I miss the kid."
"I do too. We'll bother him later."
"Sounds good." He chuckles. "For now, I'll take this in though. Pretty view, pretty lady." He kisses you once more. "3am shenanigans."
"Really though." You sleepily chuckle.
"Wouldn't want it with anyone else."
870 notes · View notes
theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Tease [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 4110
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Every time George tries to get you alone, something seems to interrupt you and he can’t seem to catch a break. Maybe he just needs to get a bit more creative, or maybe teasing you under the table is enough to get you as worked up and desperate as he is.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. george is being a hot cheeky bastard wanting to shag his girlfriend.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @harrysweasleys @toranyx @theweirdsideofstuff @ickle-ronniekins @levylovegood @wand3ringr0s3 @diary-of-an-onliner
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: idk, george makes me feel things. enjoy and thanks for requesting nonnie! ❤️
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+ + + + +
George was frustrated. In both senses of the word. He had originally thought that inviting you to the Burrow over Christmas was a wonderful idea, and whilst he loved having you around, he felt as though he’d barely even seen you since you’d arrived. And it was beginning to drive him insane.
He loved that you got along with his family so well, that they constantly wanted to be around you but, in his eyes, he’d invited you there to be with him, and the fact you’d probably had around 10 minutes alone over the last week was starting to get to him.
It didn’t help, and he was certain you were doing this on purpose, that you kept wearing his shirts around the Burrow - something you knew turned him on - or that one day you wore a jumper that fell off one shoulder, exposing the area of skin that George wanted to kiss and bite down on. Or, worse, that one day you wore a skirt and knee high socks - Merlin, George thought he felt his heart stop that day.
He’d tried multiple times to get you alone - pulled you into empty rooms in the Burrow to kiss you, locked Fred out of their bedroom and even tried snogging you outside but it had gotten too cold and started snowing. Unfortunately, each time you were alone in a room together, you’d been interrupted fairly quickly by his family coming to ask you something or other, or in the case of locking his twin out, Fred had grabbed a broom and flew up to the window and knocked on there instead, wiggling his eyebrows and wolf whistling at the both of you as he found you underneath your boyfriend (fully clothed, much to George’s dismay).
So to say he was getting desperate would be an understatement.
And as he watched you from across the living room, sat cross legged on one of the couches as you laughed with Ginny, he began thinking of new ways to spend time with you, without the rest of his family barging in.
He thought about locking Fred out again, but this time closing the curtains and the window. He thought about the shed outside, and as much as he’d like to be in those close quarters with you, he knew it was far too cold. All he wanted was to be with you, without everyone else hanging round.
He finally saw his chance when Ginny decided to go off to talk to Hermione about some work she had for the next coming school term, leaving you in the living room with just the twins.
George seized the moment, standing up and walking over to you. He leant down to your ear, his voice low and warm breath hitting the side of your face, “My room, in two minutes.” You felt a shiver down your spine as you watched him walk off towards the stairs, eyes glued to the way his back muscles were moving in the t shirt he was wearing, but not missing the warning look he shot at Fred, who was sat in front of the fire and smirking at his younger twin.
You stood up after a minute, straightening out your sweater before following in the direction of where George had just left, rolling your eyes but laughing all the same when Fred called after you, “Not on my bed, okay?”
“That was one time!” You joked, laughing harder when you heard him spluttering out a horrified, “What?!”
Reaching the top of the stairs, you made the familiar journey to the twins’ room, where George was waiting. No sooner had you pushed the twins’ door open were you suddenly pressed against it, your boyfriend’s lips on yours, kissing you desperately, as if it were the last thing he’d ever do. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, making you moan softly as he deepened the kiss, his hands resting on the skin underneath the hem of your sweater.
His fingers ran up your side to the base of your bra, gently stroking along the lace as his eyes widened, him pulling away very slightly, both to catch his breath and ask, “You’re wearing lace for me?”
You shrugged, grinning at him, “Maybe.”
He groaned, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head, “You’re killing me, love.”
He ducked his head to press open mouthed kisses across your neck, talking between each one, “Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been not being as close to you as I want to be? I’ve been going insane.”
“You think you’re the only one?”
His hands ran down your body and round to your bum, giving it a squeeze as he pushed you against the wall. As he trailed up towards your mouth to kiss you properly, he tugged gently at the hem of your sweater.
Just as you had pulled it over your head - George mesmerised by the way your lace bra accentuated your breasts - you heard Molly call up the stairs that food was ready, and for everyone to come down.
George shook his head, grabbing your waist, “I can’t wait any longer, just look what you’ve done to me, love.” He pressed himself against you, and you could feel him hard against where you wanted him, making your breath hitch.
“Let’s just not go,” he mumbled, tracing kisses across your collarbone and down to the tops of your breasts.
You let out a breathy sigh as you ran your hand through his messy hair, “We have to, your mum has made food and honestly I’d love to eat it - I’m hungry and she’s an amazing cook.”
George buried his head into your shoulder,
“I’d rather eat something else to be honest.”
“George!” You playfully swatted at his arm, before pulling away and moving around him to grab the sweater you’d dropped, putting it back on.
As you passed him again, he reached out to grab your hip, “Are you sure we have to go?” You nodded, “Yes! Everyone will be waiting for us.”
“Fine...” He agreed, albeit reluctantly, running a hand through his hair to tidy it a little as he sat on his bed. You stood near the doorway for a couple of minutes, waiting for him to stand up, however he continued to sit there, making you raise an eyebrow and turn to walk out, hoping it would prompt him to follow, “Right, come on then.”
“Give me a minute,” he replied, staring at the floor.
You turned back to him with a frown. “Why- oh!” You realised, “Want me to wait or go?”
George licked his lips, his eyes looking you up and down, “Should probably go darlin’, knowing you’re right next to me looking like you do is enough to keep me hard all night.”
Scoffing out a laugh, you looked at him sympathetically, “We’ll finish this later, I promise.”
You left him in his room, heading down the stairs to where the family usually ate meals, finding most of them already there, bar Ron and Harry, who arrived a few minutes after you, pushing and shoving each other as they laughed at something one of them had said.
You were sat at the end of the table, Fred across from you, an empty seat to your left for George. Molly rushed into the room, placing plates of food down with a wave of her wand, fussing over Harry before heading over to you, “Do you know where George is, dear?”
“I think he’s in his room, Molly. Said he’d be down soon,” you replied with a smile. She placed a plate in front of you and nodded as you thanked her, “That boy is never on time for anything I swear - he’ll be late to even your wedding, just you watch dear!”
Her comment made your cheeks warm, and you ducked your head to hide your smile just as she wandered off to grab a plate for Percy, who was sat at the other end of the table beside Arthur, deep in conversation.
“So, where is my dear younger twin?” Fred asked, shooting you a knowing smirk as he began eating the food on his plate.
“I’m right here,” George announced as he entered the room, finally making his appearance as he took the seat beside you.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Fred spoke with a knowing grin shot in his twin’s direction.
“Yeah well, I had something to take care of,” George grumbled, sharing a glance with you and rolling his eyes when Fred let out a mocking laugh.
The beginning of the meal went by as normal, the family laughing and joking, you joining in. You’d just placed some more food in your mouth when you felt George’s hand on your thigh, just above your knee - the place he knew got you worked up. You glanced over at him, but his focus was on the conversation going on about a new muggle artefact Arthur had discovered at work.
Thinking it was just a coincidence, you went back to eating, however you suddenly felt his hand slide up your thigh slowly, fingertips squeezing gently, and dancing across the waistband of your trousers. Noticing the small smirk on George’s face, you shook your head a little at him, gesturing discreetly at the rest of his family, but he didn’t seem to be too concerned.
His hand moved down into your underwear, his fingers finding your clit easily - both from practice and from just knowing your body so well - and he gently began tracing circles, making your hips jolt forward and causing you to almost drop your fork.
He gave you a cheeky grin, “Everything okay there, love?” You grit your teeth as you replied, “Everything is just fine.”
His applied a little more pressure, circling faster and making you bite your lip. You swallowed a content sigh so as to not egg him on, and tried to focus on the main conversation, which had moved onto Hogwarts.
“So Y/n,” Molly began, making everyone turn to you, including George, who shot you a half smirk before picking up his pace, making you swallow harshly, “How are your lessons going?”
“They’re going quite well, Molly!” You replied, though your voice was slightly shaky, “I’m enjoying Care of Magical Creatures this year, there’s some interesting-“ you let out a half gasp as George suddenly pushed a finger into you, earning a few looks of concern.
“Are you okay, dear?” Molly asked, “Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Oh no! I’m fine, thank you! I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened there! But as I was saying, there’s some interesting creatures we’re learning about this year, so I’m really excited,” you smiled, hoping no one would be suspicious (nobody seemed to be, even Fred seemed preoccupied and wasn’t paying much attention, which you were thankful for.)
Hermione began talking about her own lessons, and you shot a warning glare over at George, who smiled innocently at you, as if he wasn’t currently fingering you under the table where his family were eating their evening meal. He added a second finger casually, bringing you closer to the edge.
He moved his fingers in and out, smirking to himself as he continuing eating his meal with one hand. He carried on for a couple of minutes and your hips began thrusting slightly towards his hand.
However, just as you clenched around him, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. You glared up at him, raising an eyebrow but he just shot you a lazy half smile, waiting for you to come back down a little before moving again, purposely teasing you.
Thankfully, the food was eaten quickly, meaning George had to stop. You were both grateful for that, and annoyed as you were now even more frustrated than before, as he hadn’t actually let you finish.
Soon after the plates were cleared, Molly ushered you all into the living room to sit down and wait for her to bring you all some hot chocolate. It was a tradition you adored usually, however since you were sat near your hot boyfriend who had now made you extremely sexually frustrated, you couldn’t wait for everyone to just go to bed.
George shared a couch with you, draping a blanket across both of your legs, and making sure you were comfy. You leant your head against his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
A few minutes later, you were all sat around the roaring fire, chatting together over your mugs of hot chocolate. You brought it up to your nose and revelled in the amazing smell, before taking your first sip. You had to admit, if there was one thing you loved about Christmas at the Weasleys, it was Molly’s hot chocolate.
You rested the mug on your knee, however nearly spilled some of your drink when you felt George’s free hand creep under the blanket and across your thigh. You tensed, still on edge from his antics at the dinner table - something that made him smile to himself, knowing you were getting just as worked up as he had been all week.
Placing a hand over his, you halted his actions, trying to push him away just a little, in order to be more decent. Undeterred, George decided to wait a couple of minutes before trying again. He placed his hand on the inside of your thigh, and then left it there, unmoving and right where you wanted him, making you shift uncomfortably.
You quickly drank your hot chocolate and placed it on the side table next to you, before looking over at George and raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned innocently just as he squeezed your inner thigh, making you press you lips together and it taking everything in you not to buck your hips against his hand.
Luckily, Hermione stood up soon after she’d finished her own drink, placing the mug on the table and stretching, “Thank you for the hot chocolate, Mrs Weasley, but I think I’m going to head up to bed. I’ve got a new book that I can’t wait to start!”
And then after Hermione, one by one, you noticed everyone bidding their goodnights and heading up the stairs and further into the burrow, until you realised it was just Molly and Arthur left. And after a while, even they retreated upstairs too - Molly ensuring you knew there was more food left in the kitchen if you wanted it - meaning you and George were finally alone.
“You tease!” You scolded, “Under the bloody table and then under a blanket when your family were literally less than a metre away from us? What were you thinking?”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it. It excited you, knowing they were there, didn’t it?” He said in a low tone, his eyes flickering down to your lips. You opened your mouth to reply but no words came out, knowing he wasn’t exactly wrong, and he knew it.
George bit his lip and gave one last glance up the stairs before bringing you into a rough kiss, pulling you onto him so you were straddling him on the couch.
It didn’t take long for you both to be breathing heavily, hot breaths hitting your face as he licked down your jaw.
He shifted under you, rolling his hips up into you, making the both of you groan, before you had to pull away a little.
“You sure you want to do it here?” You asked as you glanced up the stairs at where his family had disappeared to moments before.
“We’ve tried everywhere else, and kept being interrupted. Here, everyone is going to sleep. It’s our best chance,” George reasoned, running a finger along the waistband of your trousers.
“What if someone needs something from down here and catches us?” You asked, though you began leaning towards him to bring him into another kiss. He smirked back at you, “Isn’t that part of the fun?”
And you hated to admit it, but he was right. Something about the risk of being caught whilst being fucked by George was definitely appealing, and you looked up at him, biting your lip as you smiled, “I suppose so.”
That was all George needed to bring you back into a hot kiss, swirling his tongue around your mouth as you ground your hips down onto him, making him groan into your mouth. His hands gripped your waist pulling you against him further as one of yours ran through his hair, the other resting on his chest.
“I’ve waited too long for this,” he murmured against your lips, taking a quick breather to grab the hem of your sweater and helping you to pull it off, throwing it on the floor and leaving you in that lacy bra that George had been picturing the entire time he was sat at the table.
You reached round to unclip it but George stopped you, “Keep the bra on... and your knickers while you’re at it, I’m just gonna pull them to one side and fuck you whilst you’re wearing them.”
You moaned at the thought, grinding down onto his hard cock again, making him let out a shuddering breath. Pulling away for a moment, you stood up to take your trousers off, George doing the same. He then pulled off his underwear, his cock springing out, long and hard as he stroked himself a couple of times before sitting back down on the couch, pulling you down onto him again.
You could feel him against the lace of your underwear, and you circled your hips, making him groan against the skin of your neck, where he was pressing wet, open mouthed kisses, occasionally biting and sucking to elicit breathy moans from you.
“Look at you being all desperate for me,” George commented, watching as you kept bucking your hips against him, needy for the friction between your legs.
He reached down into your soaked underwear for the second time that evening, teasing your clit again before bringing his fingers up to his mouth to clean them off. He felt you grinding yourself down onto him and smirked to himself before deciding to move you a little to the right so you were now straddling his thigh, “Reckon you could come just from fucking my thigh, love?”
He jolted his leg a little, the skin of his muscular thigh moving against the material of your underwear and hitting you in just the right spot, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Merlin, you look so wickedly hot right now,” George breathed out, watching as you circled your hips around his thigh, eyes shut, head falling back as gasps fell from your pretty lips. At the back of his mind, he was aware that you couldn’t be much louder if you didn’t want to be caught, but Godric, did George love the sounds you were making.
“I’m close,” you gasped as he squeezed your hips, lifting his thigh a little to add more pressure. “That’s a good girl, I’m right here,” he murmured in your ear. Just a few minutes later, you felt the familiar feeling of pleasure washing over you, leaning your head onto George’s shoulders as he pressed kisses along the side of your neck.
“You looked so pretty coming for me like that, darlin’. Did you enjoy my thigh?” He murmured, sucking on a patch of skin below your ear. You nodded feebly, still seeing stars, and George smiled against your skin. He gave you a couple of minutes to bring your heart rate back to normal, however as soon as he felt your hips moving again, he leaned back with a smug expression and bit his lip, glancing from your dazed eyes to your swollen lips, “Are you ready for more, princess?”
All you could bring yourself to do was nod, finally satisfied from all the teasing he’d done to you over the course of the evening. He kissed you gently, a difference pace from a few moments previous, before thrusting his hips up to meet yours, enjoying the moan that escaped you as he hit your sensitive clit.
You felt him move your underwear to the side, and he lifted you up a little, allowing you slowly sink down onto him, making you both groan, enjoying the feeling of him being inside you again.
“You feel so bloody good, love,” he praised as you started to move up and down on his cock, circling your hips and falling into a rhythm as you rode him, “Taking me so well. My good girl.”
“George,” you breathed out, clutching his shoulders and he grabbed your hips to guide you. His head fell back, heavy breaths leaving his lips as you continued to ride him, both of you getting close - you from all the stimulation and him from his lack of.
You continued moving on him as he pushed his hips up to meet your thrusts. He sat up a little bit, causing him to go deeper, and you had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out.
“You’re so good to me, love. I’m getting close,” he groaned, leaning forward to press kisses to the tops of your breasts, gently biting at one in order to leave a mark.
“Georgie you feel amazing, I’m-“ you finished your sentence with a groan as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Come for me, darlin’,” he murmured into your neck, and you let your second orgasm of the night hit you, pleasure flowing through your body as your eyes closed and head fell back, clenching around him and moaning again as you felt George finish inside of you just as you began to come down from the high.
You both stayed there for a moment, the only sounds being the both of your heavy breathing as you tried to steady your heart rate.
And that’s when you heard the sound of the steps creaking and you froze, hands gripping onto George’s shoulders as your heart beat fast for a different reason this time, praying whoever it was wouldn’t find you in the position you were in currently - namely, sat on top of your boyfriend on his couch with him still inside you. You waited with bated breath, eyes shutting in anticipated embarrassment as he pulled the blanket around you in case he had to hide you.
“Will you two be a bit quieter? Some of us are trying to sleep!”
You exhaled at the sound of Fred’s voice hissing down from the top of the stairs, thanking Merlin it wasn’t Molly.
“Please just go back to the room, Fred,” George called back to his twin through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know, I kinda want a glass of water now I’m up...” Fred replied, and you heard him step down onto the next stair tauntingly.
“Fred!” George warned. “Fine, I’m going, I’m going!”
You heard him heading back up the creaky stairs and across to where you knew his room was before opening your eyes to look up at George, letting out a small giggle as he leant his forehead against your shoulder for a moment, before pulling you off of him carefully and standing up to grab a cloth for you, unable to keep himself from laughing too.
“You know he’s never going to let us forget this right?” You grinned in the dark, before grabbing the cloth from him.
“Might as well make it a night to remember then, huh?” George grinned cheekily, leaning against the nearby wall and crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes wandered down the veins in his lower arms before looking up at him, “What do you mean?”
“I’m thinking, round two, you sat on the kitchen counter, with my head between your legs. What do you say?” George smirked, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked you over.
You stood up quickly, grabbing his hand, “I say let’s go.”
“Well that didn’t take much convincing,” he followed you into the kitchen with a grin.
“Yeah well,” you replied as you reached the kitchen counter, him grabbing your waist and lifting you up onto it, standing between your legs,
“Right now I’d rather you use that tongue for something other than talking.”
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Hello! Can you write something with female Y/N and Chishiya? She helped him with something and is injured after that. She fell or burn her back or hit her head, but pretends that nothing happened since she think he doesn't care and the injury it's getting worst by days, Chishiya didn't notice at first and he just don't understand why Y/N is not talking with him but lets it go, then the day of game comes and they both have to play and Y/N faints few hours before registration. He is panicking suddenly aware of his own feelings towards her and he is SO worried and feels guilty. I hope you can add a lot of angst but fluffy end? I'm sorry if this is messy, english is not my first language 😭 Thank you!
Of course! And don’t worry your English is great 😊 I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Panicked Confession | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya (ft. Kuina, Usagi, Ann, Hatter)
Summary: You get badly burnt while saving Chishiya in a game, but made sure he knew nothing about it. Just before leaving for the next game, you pass out and Chishiya finds you, causing him to panic
Warning: swearing, burn injury, vomiting, fainting
Word Count: 4.9k
*reader is female
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“Shit! Guys come on!”
You, Chishiya, Kuina and Usagi rushed through the bottom floor of the building. Flames were curling in the air around each side of you, quickly closing in to eat you alive.
All four of you had almost completed the game, being the only players left after the last puzzle of the building. It was a diamond game, a game of intelligence. You were lucky to have been with Chishiya, as Diamonds games were his specialty.
You were all sprinting across the room, together in a tight pack so the flames don’t manage to touch you. You were panting, feeling your lungs collapsing in on themselves, but you had to press on. Only a few more steps before you could jump through the glass window at the end of the room, which was quickly being engulfed.
Suddenly, you saw Chishiya, who was running next to you, trip on a loose bit of debris laying on the ground inconveniently. You looked back and saw him holding his ankle in pain.
Of course, just your luck.
You all stopped abruptly, skidding along the floor and looking back to Chishiya in fear. He saw you all, his eyes widening.
“What are you doing?! Go!” he called out, wincing in pain.
You looked towards Kuina and Usagi, watching as thoughts spiraled around their heads to figure out what to do. The flame was too close behind Chishiya for it to be safe, if someone was to help him, they would have to risk their life doing so.
Both Kuina and Usagi shook their heads and looked away. They turned away from Chishiya and began jogging towards the window again. You froze. There’s no way they would just leave him like that.
“Guys!” You called out to them. They turned to you with fearful expressions painted on their face. “What are you doing?!” You asked, fear and worry dripping from your words. You had to make up your mind soon or you would be burned to a crisp.
Kuina motioned for you to come to her. “Y/N, there’s no time! We have to go!” you could tell she felt awful about this decision, but you weren’t giving up just yet.
You looked back at Chishiya laying on the ground. He was staring at you with a worried expression, wanting you to hurry up and leave him. You couldn’t leave a friend that easy to die. You had to at least try.
You let out a big sigh and lifted your aching legs to race towards Chishiya. He began yelling at you the moment you started running. “No, no, no! Go Y/N! What are you doing?!”
You ignored his shouting and quickly knelt down beside him to lift his arm around your shoulders. You weren’t going to lose anyone else, you promised yourself that after your friends died in the first game you played after appearing in the Borderlands.
Chishiya kept arguing and shaking his head as you tried to lift his body. He was surprisingly heavy for someone his size. “Y/N, go! There’s no time! You can’t save me!” he at screamed you, becoming more desperate with every plea.
You continued to ignore him and began dragging him along towards the window, where Kuina and Usagi were already working on breaking the glass with debris from around them. “You’re not going to off yourself that easily Chishiya as long as I have a say in it,” you rasped out, struggling to keep upright with the extra weight on your shoulders.
As your heart pounded in your ears and you felt the fire become hotter and hotter around you, you suddenly felt an incredibly sharp pain across your spine. The sensation spread all through your body, from your head to your toe, making you cry out and almost collapse to the ground, but you stayed strong.
Chishiya had given up arguing with you, using his good leg to take a bit of his body weight off your pained shoulders. With his help, you managed to move much quicker, limping and staggering your way towards Kuina and Usagi, who had broken the window and were now waiting for you to come, yelling at you to hurry up.
You didn’t look back; you didn’t want to see how close the flames were. You knew it would do nothing but make the situation worse.
As you neared the window, you slowed down as Kuina ran out to help you lift Chishiya up and out of the window. You were relying completely on adrenaline at that point, having lost all of your strength through running and carrying Chishiya.
You managed to lift yourself through the cracked window, earning a few cuts from the leftover glass on the way, and collapsed onto the grass ground below you. A large barrier from inside the room (probably manufactured for the games) closed over the destroyed window as you fell, being lucky to be the last out of the four of you to escape. The flames were locked in, unable to harm you.
The four of you laid on the grass, panting and trying to regain your breath. As your adrenaline calmed down, the pain of your large burn mark set in. You covered your face with your hand and silently screamed against it, trying to drown out the searing pain somehow. You couldn’t worry the others, not after what just happened.
The next couple of days was nothing but a struggle for you. As soon as you arrived back from the game, you stumbled your way to Ann’s medical room. She took a closer look at your burn wound, applying whatever she had to try and reduce the chance of it getting infected. But unfortunately, that didn’t reduce the pain.
After allowing Ann to wrap a bandage around your upper back to protect the wound, you slowly made your way back to your room on the upper floor. You didn’t want to rush yourself in case you made your wound worse, so you took your time in getting there.
Unfortunately, it was a bit too much time, as you managed to bump into Chishiya who popped out from around the corner. A small panic raised within you; you didn’t want Chishiya to see you like this! It’s embarrassing enough to like someone you had no chance with, but for them to see you stumbling and holding onto the wall because you can’t even keep yourself up? No, not today.
You stood more upright than before, giving Chishiya your best fake smile. “Hey Y/N,” he said, walking past you. You breathed a sigh of relief. Well, that wasn’t too bad.
You started to walk again before you heard Chishiya call out from behind you. “Oh, wait Y/N!”
You turned around, biting your tongue so you didn’t let out a yelp of pain as the skin on your back twisted with your movements. “Yeah?” you acknowledged him.
He gave you a half-hearted smile. “Thanks again, for earlier. I would’ve been a goner if you hadn’t risked your life like that for me,” he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. You’ve never seen him thank someone before, so you were shocked.
“Oh, it was no big deal! We should all help each other out, considering we haven’t really got anything else other than each other,” you said, smiling happily. You felt all giddy from him acknowledging the fact that you risked yourself for him.
“Yeah, but it was still pretty cool of you. Even Kuina and Usagi were willing to leave me there,” he chuckled as his own joke.
You laughed and shook your head at him. “I’m sure they were just doing what they thought was best for everyone else in the moment.”
Chishiya nodded and gave you a small wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then! Hatter let me know in the meeting this evening that you and I are together again. I’m glad though, because you seem to have the skill and brains to get through some tough games.”
You were flattered by his compliment. “Thanks, you too though! We would have burnt to a crisp if it weren’t for you during that diamond game tonight.”
The small talk was killing you. You just wanted to get back to your room and wallow in the silence that engulfed it. At least there, you could suffer from your burn wound a little louder than out in the public eye of The Beach.
Chishiya laughed at your statement. “No, I’m sure with you there it would’ve been fine,” he said back, making you smile wider.
“I’ll see you later then,” you exclaimed, waving a hand at him. He waved back with a grin on his attractive features before he turned around and continued down the hall with his hands tucked into their usual spot in his hoodie pockets.
You let out a big sigh of relief. That was close. You felt the pain seeping through your body the longer you stood there, hoping for Chishiya to just end the conversation. You felt guilty, it may have looked like you were trying to escape, since you were slowly backing towards the corner. Hopefully, he didn’t notice.
You stumbled the rest of the way towards your room, wincing and hissing in pain on the way. It felt like Ann didn’t do anything at all, but you couldn’t blame her. She had extremely limited resources and could only leave to search for more every few weeks.
When you finally made it to the door of your room, the familiar number engraved onto the middle of it, you gripped the handle and walked inside.
You collapsed onto your bed onto your stomach. There was no way you would be able to sleep on your back with this kind of pain, so you had to resort to either on your side or on your stomach.
Let’s just say, you had a restless sleep.
You were hoping after a night’s sleep that the pain from your back would have disappeared at least a little bit. But you couldn’t have been more wrong. If anything, it had become worse. You probably managed to roll onto it a few times during the night, reopening any part of the wound that had sealed up over the time you’ve had it.
It took you far too long to get out of bed in the morning. You groaned and moaned in frustration as you crawled your way out of the duvet, almost collapsing off your bed. You felt rather pathetic, but who wouldn’t after not being able to do the simplest of tasks from a wound.
As you were walking to your closet to look for something to wear, you remembered you had to go see Ann again that morning. She had told you last night to return to her medical room the next morning so she could reapply a new bandage onto you, in case the other one gets bacteria or blood on it during the night somehow.
You quickly put on your usual swimmers to wear around the hotel and the black hoodie that you wore most of the time when you got cold. You didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing your wound. The gaping burn mark across your upper back was bound to attract unwanted attention.
You made your way down the hall to go see Ann again. There was nobody in the halls around the rooms due to it being close to noon. You slept in longer than you expected.
You slowly walked down the couple of flights of stairs, making your way to Ann’s medical room on the lower floor. The walk down to the lobby felt longer at that moment than it ever had.
You approached the door with the red cross along the front of it, indicating the medical room. You were about to lift your hand to turn the doorknob before you heard a loud voice yell from further down the corridor.
You shifted your eyes and saw none other than Chishiya striding down the hallway with his usual cocky smirk painted across his face. Of course, you had to run into him out of all people.
“Y/N! Wait!” he yelled as he jogged up to you.
You stayed silent, waiting to hear what he had to say. You wanted to ignore him and just walk into the medical room to see Ann to avoid any kind of questioning or suspicion from him, but you knew that would only make him more curious.
“Hey, you alright?” he frowned, questioning you. He reached out to place a gentle hand on your forearm, but you flinched away before he could touch you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered, trying to sound normal. The piercing feeling that your wound brought you began to make its way around your body again, making you slightly shift and shake. ‘Of course, it just has its moment while I’m talking to the one person that I don’t want to look like a weakling in front of,’ you thought to yourself in your head.
Chishiya frowned at your flinch, but seemed to shake it off quickly, moving onto something else. “So anyway, where were you this morning?” he asked, leaning closer to you.
“I-I was in my room. I had a late sleep in,” you said, gripping the doorknob to the medical room.
“Oh, weird. Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?” he said with a smirk on his face.
‘Oh shit, he’s mocking my bad memory,” you thought, feeling embarrassed.
“Um… no? Should I?”
“You, Kuina, Alice, Usagi and I were going to meet up this morning to steal some food from the kitchen and take it to the rooftop. You didn’t show up near the pool where we said we were going to meet!” he exclaimed. He was laughing, obviously not caring too much about your forgetfulness.
You thought for a second. You did recall having that conversation. You guessed that you forgot about it because you were so focused on trying to reduce the pain from your burn. Even if you did remember, as if you would’ve been able to run away from the chefs in the kitchen after taking the food with this injury.
“Me and Kuina even knocked on your door. You must have been really knocked out if you didn’t wake up from Kuina’s loud yelling.”
He then raised his eyebrow and smirked. “Unless you were hiding from me?”
Your could tell he was obviously joking, but he wasn’t far off from being right. That has been your intention since last night, but trust Chishiya to figure you out quickly enough.
You heart rate picked up from his accurate accusation. “Uh, sorry Chishiya, but I really have to go,” you mumbled out, giving him a quick fake smile before walking into the medical room and closing the door behind you.
Chishiya’s mischievous smirk fell from his face. You didn’t even give him a chance to say goodbye, and you seemed oddly nervous from his accusation that you were avoiding him. He felt somewhat hurt. Were you trying to avoid him?
He shook off his suspicions and continued down the corridor to the lobby to find something to entertain him for the meantime. You wouldn’t try to avoid him, would you? Perhaps he’ll confront you about it later.
You were laying in your room reading a book when you heard the usual ring of the bell that was Hatter’s signal for everyone to move down to the lobby to prepare for the night’s games.
“Shit! Is it that late already?” you asked no one, glancing over at the digital clock on your nightstand.
You panicked and saw it was the time that you would head out to games. You said to yourself earlier that you would give yourself an early mark so you could get down there at the right time, considering you would be slow due to your condition, but you got distracted by your book and lost track of time.
You rushed to your feet a little too quickly for your body’s liking, causing the pain of your wound to shoot across your back without mercy, making you yelp in pain and fall forwards.
You managed to catch yourself before you face planted into the ground. You let out a few deep breaths, trying to regain your strength while the piercing pain became worse from your insistence.
You pushed yourself off the ground, placing your foot underneath you and attempting to stand to your feet. You had to make it to the cars at least, you knew if anyone found you at The Beach during game time, they would mark you a coward, or worse: a traitor.
You cursed under your breath and let out pained sobs as you tried to get to your feet again. But unfortunately, your body just wasn’t on your side at that moment.
Your feet gave out underneath you and your head pounded, causing you to feel dizzy and suddenly nauseated. You leant forwards as you emptied the contents of your stomach out onto the floor, gagging on the taste of it in the back of your throat.
Your eyes began to feel heavy, not being able to take the pain and stress you were under. You managed to roll yourself to the side so you wouldn’t land in the pile of vomit and lay yourself across the floor safely before you face planted.
“Fuck,” you rasped out, feeling helpless at that moment.
You couldn’t do anything as your vision narrowed, passing out from pain on the floor of your own room, no one around to help you.
“Hello again everyone! I would like to say a few words before we all get into our groups and drive to our games!”
Hatter’s usual booming voice thrusted across the crowd in front of him. Another night, another gathering. Just like every other day.
Chishiya stood at his usual spot in the back, leaning against the cement wall and rolling his eyes at Hatter’s words. He never seemed to have anything useful to say. Just some preachy words that created false hope.
‘How about for a change, he gave us some advice? It would probably spare some people a few headaches,’ Chishiya thought to himself.
He stood on his toes and tried to search the crowd for the top of your head. He was becoming anxious. You would usually be down in the lobby by now.
He was more nervous due to the way you’ve been acting all day. Usually, you two were joined at the hip twenty-four seven, but the only time he saw you that day was in the morning when you walked into the medical room.
He wondered why you were going in there. You never went to Ann unless it was for something drastic, but you seemed completely healthy and unharmed.
As the time ticked on, Chishiya became more and more worried. You would never skip out on a game; you were too afraid of being caught by the executives for that.
Hatter finished off his nightly speech with the list of groups and which number wristbands go where. Chishiya didn’t even care to pay attention as everyone began making their way towards the entrance of the hotel where they would pile into the cars and drive off to the games. He ran the opposite way, clambering up the flights of stairs to reach the level your room is on. If you had to be anywhere, it would be there.
He powered his legs into a sprint, having to brush his white locks out of his face once or twice due to them getting in the way. He eventually arrived at your room, stopping and panting to regain his breath.
He knocked on your door quietly at first, not knowing if you were asleep or something. “Y/N?” he called out through the door. “We need to head off to the games. Did you not hear the bell?”
When he received nothing but silence as an answer, he took it upon himself to walk in to see if you were there. He opened the door and peeked his head around the side, being careful in case you were indecent for some reason.
As he walked in further, his heart dropped as he saw you laying on the ground passed out.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, rushing over to your body and kneeling beside you. He lifted your head onto his lap gently and immediately checked your neck for a pulse. A small feeling of relief flowed through him when he felt the beat of your heart on his fingers.
“Oh my god Y/N, what’s happened to you?” he stressed, tapping your cheek with his hand to see if you would wake. He was beginning to become more worried as time ticked on. He glanced over at the clock on your nightstand and saw that it was getting later. He had to wake you up before registration closed for all the games.
He lifted you up from under your arms, using all his strength to pull you into your small bathroom. He placed you gently on the tiled floor, stuffing a towel underneath your head for support. He quickly shifted your body around, trying to look for any source of injury that caused you to pass out. He froze when he noticed a few stains of blood on the back of your hoodie. He quickly lifted the hem of your shirt to see what was causing the stains.
His eyes almost popped out of his head from the sight. He gasped at the huge burn wound on your back, stretching across from your shoulder blades to your waist. The bandage that Ann had wrapped around it had come loose, hanging off your abdomen carelessly. His heart filled with guilt as he examined it more closely. Why didn’t he look after you?
He immediately put two and two together and realized that you had probably passed out from the pain of the burn mark.
He stood up from his position on the floor and grabbed a small cloth from your towel rack, running it under the water from the tap. He knelt back down next to you and carefully placed the wet fabric against your wound. He was so afraid of hurting you, but he had to do what he could to make you better for the game.
“Oh, come on, please wake up Y/N,” he breathed out. Stress and anxiety filled his tone, making the air more tense.
“Please wake up, please be okay. I love you, please don’t die Y/N,” he suddenly felt small tears gathering in his eyes as he stood up quickly to refresh the cloth that he was using to clean the burn.
He felt his hidden feelings begin to pour out of his mouth. He couldn’t handle the strain seeing you like this was having on his emotions.
He brought the cloth back, but this time he turned you over slightly so he could place it on your face. Your eyes were still shut tightly, not showing any indication of opening.
Chishiya ran the fingers of his other hand along your cheek, tapping softly on your skin, hoping that you would wake up from the physical contact. He felt desperate. He has never felt this helpless before, not even in games.
He allowed his few tears to fall down his cheek, lifting your head and pressing his forehead against yours. “Please wake up, we have to go. Just wake up and I’ll take care of you,” he mumbled out with shaky breaths.
He didn’t know what else to do. He could do nothing but hope.
A few minutes passed with Chishiya just holding you and pressing the cold cloth onto your face, trying to make you open your eyes. And eventually you did.
Chishiya breathed in a huge sigh of relief when he saw your eyes flutter open slowly, dazed and confused. He smiled and kept the cloth pressed to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Oh, thank god,” he breathed out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and bringing you into his chest for a close hug. You groaned loudly at the contact as Chishiya accidentally placed his hand on your wound.
“Chishiya, be careful,” you rasped out against his chest. He flinched away immediately and apologized.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, lifting you up under your arms again. You groaned, not being able to stand up on your own yet. Chishiya kept you close to his chest as you leant against him.
He managed to clean you up with you leaning most of your body weight on him. He helped you wash out your mouth and clean your teeth to get rid of the taste of vomit and reapplied the bandage that had fallen off your wound. He did it all with such care and concern, being afraid of hurting you or overwhelming you with anything.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the games?” you asked after you had finished rinsing your face.
“I noticed you weren’t at the lobby when Hatter called everyone, so I ran to your room and found you,” he answered, fixing your hoodie on your back from when he had to lift it to clean your injury.
“So, everyone’s gone?” you asked with a worried expression. Chishiya nodded, leaning on the sink next to you to check your face to see if you were alright.
“But if they find us, they’ll mark us as traitors!” you exclaimed, fear filling your head.
Chishiya placed his index finger on your lips to shush you. “Shh, only if they can hear us. We can just stay in here and be quiet, and hopefully no one suspects that we’re missing,” he said, smiling to calm you down.
You searched his eyes for any uncertainty but chose to let it go and just listen to him. “Okay.”
You both sat side by side on the floor of your small bathroom, Chishiya running his hand up and down your arm to keep your anxiety away. After a while of comfortable silence, you spoke up.
“Thanks, Chishiya, for helping me. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be lying on the ground next to a pile of my own puke,” you laughed at yourself.
Chishiya giggled. “It’s okay. I care about you Y/N, I couldn’t just leave you there.”
You looked at him with sparkling eyes, being taken back by his statement. “Really?” you asked, not believing him.
He smiled lovingly and caressed your cheek with his fingers. “Of course, I’d do anything if it was to help you.”
You thought you would have a cute moment together, but that flew out the window when Chishiya slapped you lightly across the cheek. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to bring a shocked expression onto your face.
“But next time, tell me when you’re hurt instead of trying to hide it from me like an idiot! You really think you’d be able to hide something like this from me?” he scolded you like a mother, but you giggled at his reaction.
“Yeah, I’ll tell you next time. Why did I ever think I could keep something from someone with an intelligent mind like yours,” you teased, leaning closer to his face.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows. “Hm, thanks, I guess? Not sure if that was a compliment or if you’re poking fun at me.”
You chuckled. “Take it however you want,” you whispered. You finally closed to space between you, allowing your lips to clash against his. Chishiya let out a shocked sound, but quickly melted against you and accepted your kiss.
You both sat on the floor of your bathroom, moving your mouths together while Chishiya tried hard to place his hands on you without touching your burn mark. You appreciated his care, but he ended up having to awkwardly place them on your upper arms, rubbing up and down them slowly.
You pulled away first, making Chishiya chase your lips as you moved away, making you giggle. “There’s my thank you gift,” you said cheekily, leaning away from him and back into your seating position.
Chishiya pouted at you. “That’s it? That was barely a kiss!” he argued, trying to move closer to you, wanting more of your affection.
“Chishiya, your tongue was in my mouth. I think that clarifies as a kiss,” you stated, placing your hand on his mouth and pushing him away gently. “Maybe let down that tough guy persona more often and take care of me, maybe then you’ll get more kisses.”
Chishiya leaned back and frowned. “Fine, but don’t expect this to be the norm now. I’m not going to let you control my personality just for a bit of affection.”
Well, that was a lie.
Author’s Note: Every Chishiya fanfic I’ve written has had some sort of angsty moment in it 😂 this man is going through it
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