#I literally did nothing over the weekend but homework and work
I worked my ass off all weekend and I’m still starting out behind - remind me how this works?/s
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superhaught · 2 months
Sweetest Girl (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warning(s): discussion of disability
Word Count: 2200, Part 2/?
Author's Note: I was able to finish chapter 2! I'm sorry for the massive delay since positing any writing, it's been a time recently. I'll keep doing my best but pls don't hold it against me if I don't post for a while again. I still care about Regina so so much. Thank you to bestie @sapphicantics for helping me go back to this and reading it first :P
Summary: Reader goes over to Regina's house to work on some more chemistry lessons.
Part 1
Friday’s chemistry lecture was cut off by the dismissal bell and the teacher frustratingly called out as students were already busting through the door, “quiz on Monday! Don’t forget and study hard this weekend!” 
You were packing up your notes when five perfectly manicured fingernails rapped on the corner of your desk. 
You looked up and met the blonde's eyes. 
“So quiz on Monday, can I get some extra tutoring this weekend?” 
You nodded slowly, “do you want me to come to your place?” 
“I do.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want -“ 
“I already told you, yes. Stop being so weird about it. Tomorrow. Come over around lunchtime. My mom will feed us then we can work.” 
You bit your lip and then nodded again, “okay.” 
Regina gave you her version of a smile and then flicked her hair behind her shoulder as she left the classroom. 
You saw that the teacher had been watching your exchange.
“It’s working,” they said, “whatever you’re doing. Her homework was better.” 
“You definitely can’t tell me that.” 
“Just keep it up. She’ll be okay.” 
You smiled and nodded, hugging your books to your chest and leaving the classroom. 
After a twenty-five minute walk, you were standing at the end of the driveway to the George residence. 
You looked up at the massive house in awe. It was clearly a new build. Likely custom-designed by the Georges. Two stories. Huge yard. You imagined an underground pool and a deck with a built-in, year round jacuzzi in the back. A movie theater and second kitchen in the basement. A yoga room with a Peleton for Ms. George. Master bath with a soaking tub. 
You were afraid to go in. 
You stood outside and stared for a minute longer before finally walking up the driveway (not made of asphalt or cement, but pristine white rocks). You walked past Regina’s Jeep, a Mercedes, and an Audi all parked (as well as a children’s Barbie Jeep abandoned in the lawn, belonging to Regina’s younger sister you assumed). 
You giggled at that. You imagined Regina either beaming with pride or fuming with rage at the idea of her little sister wanting a matching car to Regina. 
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the front door and waited for a moment, hearing a faint “get the door!” from inside.
Regina opened the door, “hey, did you find parking on the street?” 
“Oh, I didn’t drive.”
“Someone dropped you off then? Do you have a ride home after?” 
You shook your head, “I walked.” 
“What the fuck?” 
A woman called out from inside the house, “Regina! Language!” 
Regina clenched her jaw and inhaled slowly through her nose, flaring her nostrils. 
“It’s not a big deal,” you responded quietly. 
Regina rolled her eyes, “I’ll drive you home when we’re done, Jesus Christ.” 
“You really don’t have to drive me home, it’s okay.” 
“Shut up, it’s literally nothing. Now come inside you weirdo.” 
You followed Regina in, and the interior of the house was even more grand than the exterior. 
You didn’t have much time to take it all in before Regina’s mom was pouncing on you and pulling you into a hug then holding your shoulders and examining you head to toe, “well aren’t you a cute little thing!? I love meeting Regina’s new friends.” 
“She’s my tutor mom.” 
“Cute and smart, then! Well I hope the two of you become friends, Regina needs good influences in her life.” 
Ms. George raised her hands in mock-surrender, “Sorry! I’m just trying to be helpful, my goodness.” 
You tried to force a smile and fidgeted with the zipper of your jacket awkwardly. 
“Did you make us snacks?” 
“Oh yes!” Ms. George trotted back into the kitchen and came back with a tray stacked with a variety of finger foods and fruity little drinks complete with excessive garnishes. She passed the tray to you, “here you ladies go. Study hard!” 
“Thanks,” Regina didn’t wait around any longer before starting up the staircase to the second floor and expecting you to follow behind.
“Um, it was nice meeting you!” You directed to Ms. George, “you have a beautiful home.” 
“Thank you sweetie-“ 
“Hurry up.” Regina cut her mom off while standing at the top of the steps with a hand on her hip.
You rushed up the rest of the steps and followed Regina into her room. She immediately went to her floor-length mirror and adjusted her hair while you set the tray of snacks down on her vanity. 
“Not there,” Regina snapped, as if it was obvious.
“Where then?” 
Regina pointed lazily toward the ottoman at the foot of her bed and you obeyed, setting the tray down and then helping yourself to a handful of homemade trail mix. 
Regina came over and sat down on her bed and grabbed a single celery stick to eat. 
You must have made a face that Regina noticed because she raised an eyebrow at you, “what?” 
“Why are you making that face?” 
“Oh, nothing, I just don’t like celery.” 
“You don’t have to eat it.” 
“I know, Regina.” You could feel yourself shrinking as your shoulders slumped. 
“It’s like negative calories so.”
“Well, actually…” 
Regina narrowed her eyes at you.
“Nevermind. So, do you want to work on material for the quiz?” 
Regina threw herself backwards and collapsed into her duvet in exasperation, “ugggghhhh!” 
“That’s why you wanted me to come over, right?” 
“Well duh… I’m just tired.” 
“I’m sorry.”
Regina propped herself up on her elbows and looked at you, “for what?” 
“That you’re tired?” 
She scoffed, “you don’t need to be sorry about that. See? You’re too nice.” 
You shrugged, “I guess it’s just something people say.” 
“Oh? So you agree, then? That niceness is a facade that people use to disguise their true feelings?” 
You shook your head, incredulous, “I didn’t say that.”
“Are you really, actually sorry that I’m tired or are you just saying it, then?“ 
You took a beat to think and then answered emphatically, “I am actually sorry. It’s called empathy. I feel bad that you feel rundown, and if you aren’t up for studying today, I would understand.” 
She raised an eyebrow again in her classic fashion, “I guess I just really don’t understand that. Why would you feel bad that I’m tired? And why wouldn’t you be upset if I wasn’t in the mood to study after you put in the effort to walk all the way here?” 
“I don’t know why, that’s just how I feel. What should I say instead? I don’t care that you’re tired, suck it up I’m here to make you better at chemistry?” 
“Maybe you should,” Regina shrugged. 
You shook your head, “I don’t want to say that. That’s not helpful to anyone. Are you going to retain any of the content we go over if I push you to do it when you don’t feel good?” 
“How do you know I’m not lying or just complaining for the sake of it? Maybe I need to be pushed.”
“Fine, give me a reason then. Why are you tired?” 
Regina thought about it for a minute, then her voice came out surprisingly quiet, “you know the accident from last year? The bus thing?” 
You nodded. 
She sighed, “It’s been a long recovery. I don’t usually talk about it with anyone.” 
“You don’t have to talk about it with me if you don’t feel comfortable, but… I am here if you did want to. Talk about it, I mean.” 
Regina didn’t say anything. She started to pick at the skin around her fingernails. 
You recognized the behavior right away because you do it too. Without thinking, you moved to sit across from her on the bed and reached out, clasping your hand around hers. 
The blonde stared at you shocked. 
“Shit, I… I’m sor-“ you began, starting to pull away. 
She didn’t let you go, “It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” 
The gesture must have cracked her armor, if only a little. She shrugged her shoulders and explained, “the accident injured my neck and back so I’m doing physical therapy twice a week for that and I’ve been diagnosed with something called POTS. So my heart is all fucked up or something. I'm exhausted and in pain most of the time even though I'm taking like six different meds every day.” 
“That sounds really hard.”
“But I feel like…” her voice failed her. She frowned, cleared her throat, and started again, “I feel like I shouldn’t complain about it… wouldn’t be cute to bitch about it when everyone…” she lowered her head and stared at her comforter, “when everyone thinks I probably deserved it.” 
You frowned and squeezed her hand, “do you think you deserved to get hit by a bus?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe. It feels that way sometimes. Like I was supposed to learn some kind of lesson from it. Like I was supposed to suddenly be a better person and be grateful and be an inspiration or whatever. But that’s like some biblical bullshit. And I’m not a better person. I'm still just me but now my body doesn’t work and people don’t even bother pretending to like me anymore.” The dam had burst. The corners of her eyes started to sting with painful tears. “I’m not grateful. I don’t think what happened to me was an inspiration or whatever. I just wish I wasn’t sick and I wish that people didn’t expect anything from me.” With that, she retracted her hands from you, quickly wiped her face with her sleeves and she continued to look anywhere but right at you.
“Regina, thank you for sharing that with me. I want to help you as much as I can.”
“Why, though?”
“Because I want to.”
Regina met your eyes again, scrutinizing you. Trying to find deception that wasn’t there. 
When she finally gave up she just said, “I don’t understand you.”
You laughed, “I’ve gathered that.”
She smiled and then rolled her eyes.
“Hey, do me a favor, okay? Go change into something comfy and then lets just watch something for a bit. Whatever you want. We can recharge a little and then see about studying, and if it doesn’t happen, it’s okay.”
“Are you being serious?”
Regina breathed a sigh of relief and then visibly relaxed before getting up and walking to her large closet. She came back out a few minutes later, having changed into baggy sweats. She wordlessly sat down at her vanity, tied her hair up in a loose bun, cleaned her makeup off and then replaced her contact lenses with glasses. 
You smiled to yourself while watching her. She caught you looking over in the mirror and you quickly looked away before seeing her reaction if any. 
When she came back to the bed, laptop in hand, she said, “I’d usually never let anyone see me like this.”
“Well, then I consider myself lucky. Unless you don’t plan on letting me leave here alive now that I’ve seen you ‘like this,’” putting air quotes around your words.
“Cheeky…” Regina smirked and sat back down on the bed next to you, constructing a pile of pillows against the headboard to lean on, “you wouldn’t know until it was too late, though.”
You smiled as she continued.
“I guess I just don’t really care right now.”
“Well, I’m glad that you feel at ease with me. Not that you’re any less pretty than before.”
“You liar!”
“What? I’m not lying!”
“I’m not pretty right now. I’m all puffy and my hair is gross and I have my stupid glasses on and I’m wearing my mom’s old college sweatshirt.”
You shrugged, “you are pretty, Regina. You have freckles, I didn’t know that. And your hair looks cute like this, the little strands framing your face… I don’t know, you look pretty to me.”
Regina narrowed her eyes at you and then shook her head, “okay, whatever. Let’s just… watch something now.” She redirected her attention to opening up streaming on her laptop, “have you ever seen Real Housewives?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Oh my god. Okay I’m catching up on New Jersey right now, I’ll try to fill you in.”
You smiled and nodded. 
She started the show and slid a little closer to you so that she could rest the laptop on both of your laps. 
You ended up watching the show all evening, only interrupted by Ms. George bringing some dinner upstairs for you both along with Regina’s meds.
“Sweetheart, you look… comfortable.” Ms. George remarked, her tone unmistakably judgemental. 
The corners of Regina’s mouth downturned just slightly.
“Yeah you know we just decided to have a relaxing night. No need to be all done up.” You smiled, “thank you so much for bringing us food, Ms. George.” 
The woman was thrown off and you felt victorious.
“Oh, of course. I’ll… go get you girls some popcorn.” Ms. Geroge left and shut the door behind her. 
Regina released a breath she was holding and whispered, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For… for what you just did.”
You shrugged and took a bite of food, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Regina’s eyebrows raised and then she just laughed in disbelief before turning the show back on and saying, “you continue to surprise me…”
Next Chapter
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moonydoodlez · 6 months
God, Shut Up
Pairing: James Potter x F!reader
Summary: You and James had always been close but you think he's in love with Lily. Turns out you were just too oblivious to see who he really liked.
Warnings: underage drinking
Wordcount: 1.4k
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You and James had grown up with each other. Always attached at the hip, from the moment you met to now. After all these years you still remained the best of friends, despite your unrequited crush you've had for years.
The marauders sometimes found it annoying how you guys had your inside jokes and the secrets you kept. Well it was mainly Sirius but that's because he had always claimed the role of being James's bestfriend.
The week had been going slow so instead of paying attention to potions you stared at James who was sitting across the room. He was paired up with Lily Evans, again.
You didn't hate Lily, how could you. She was literally the nicest person you had ever met. It was no secret either that she was absolutely stunning too.
"You know, you should tell him" Sirius said breaking you out of your daze.
"What" You said confused looking at Sirius who was sitting in the chair next to you.
"Tell James that your in love with him... duh" Sirius says annoyed as his eyes wander off to Remus.
"Fine then tell Remus your in love with him" You spat back at him.
Sirius eyes narrowed at you before he scoffed and dropped the subject. Well at least you thought he had.
"You know I don't know where you got the idea I love Remus" He whispered to you.
"Really" You deadpanned before chuckling and going back to your reading.
"No really.. like where did you get that. I can have a best mate. Me and Remus are like you and James" he said before his eyes widened. "No that was a bad example.
"No it wasn't" You said laughing as you went back to reading the instructions.
Except it was a bad example because at least it was obvious Remus liked him back. James on the other hand clearly had no romantic feelings. How could he when he had Lily to fawn over.
The weekend had finally rolled around. Sirius continued to badger on about how you should tell James your feelings. Apparently he had a gut feeling that he liked you back. You just couldn't let yourself believe that no matter how much you wanted to.
"You coming to the game later" Peter asked looking at you as the five of you sat in lunch together.
"Of course" You smiled at Peter before briefly glancing at James who was sitting next to him. "I never miss them".
"James can i talk to you real quick" A flowery voice asked. You looked up to see Lily standing there as her long red hair glimmered in the light.
"yeah" James said as he stood up from his chair. "I'll be back" He said as you looked away from where Lily and James were. However when you looked back everyone's eyes were on you. James had told you specifically he'd be back.
"O- ok" You smiled not sure what else to say.
He followed Lily away from our table and out the great hall. You watched them walk out still confused on why he had pointed you out specifically.
"What was that.. did you finally tell him" Sirius said staring at you creepily.
"Um no".
"Tell James what" Remus and Peter said at the same time
"Nothing" You and Sirius said the same time causing the two of you too start laughing maniacally.
You hadn't meant to miss the game. You knew how much these matches meant to James, especially how much he usually wanted you there.
From the late nights of helping the marauders with there pranks to the lack of motivation you've had for the last week; your homework had started piling up. You decided that you could get some done before the game.
Of course that ended up being a terrible idea since you had fallen asleep whilst working on an essay. You woke up with your body aching and the feeling of parchment stuck to your face.
You had scrunched your eyes together expecting for the bright mid day sun to hit your face except there was no sun. It was completely pitch black outside.
Your face dropped as you heard the loud music coming from the Gryffindor common room. Shit.
You quickly ran out wanting to find James. Knowing him you knew he was gonna end up being upset. As you ran down the stairs. Sirius's voice boomed as he called out your name.
"Where's James?" You asked calmly even though you could tell he was black out drunk. He stumbled forward and you tried to help catch him despite him being much taller.
"Jesus ok" You breathed out trying to get Sirius to sit down. You pushed him down onto the couch. He grabbed onto your hand almost making you stumble onto him. Suddenly he yelled that he could see James as he jumped to his feet.
James head whipped toward you and Sirius. A smiled formed on his lips before his eyes drifted to you. His smile dropped as he stood up and grabbed a few bottles of beer and headed up the stairs.
"No James wait" You yelled as Remus came over to grab Sirius who was now laying on the couch looking dead. "Yeah can you um..." You start.
"Yeah of course" Remus said grabbing Sirius and taking him over to where there were water bottles and another couch. He sat Sirius down and unscrewed his water bottle making him chug the cold water.
Your ran as fast as you could and knocked on the dorm door rapidly. "James" You yelled knocking harder.
"What" He said opening the door slowly. Only enough where you could only see a sliver of his face. The light shined on his chocolate brown eyes and glowing skin making your heart race.
"I'm sorry... I know i told you I'd be there" you tried to explain. "Please I fell asleep, I'm so sorry" You said as your shoulders slumped. James made eye contact with you again.
"Just come in" He sighed opening the door all the way to let you in. James went to go sit in his bed and sulk as you stood there at the entrance of the room.
"It's fine, I just really wanted you to be there" he whispered after a few minutes, so quiet you almost didn't hear him.
"Was Lily at least there" You asked curiously. You knew that it was probably stupid to bring her up right now, but you had no clue what to say.
"Uh yeah" He shrugged. "What does Lily have to do with anything" He asked confused as he stared daggers into your head.
"I just wanted to know if you had the girl you like there" You blurted out but instantly regretting it.
"What" he blushed staring at you.
"Lily... you like Lily" You stuttered looking at his tomato red face. Had you been wrong somehow?
"No. No yeah uh no" He laughed awkwardly. He shook his head trying to come up with something to say to explain to you how he felt.
"Are you laughing at me".
"Yes" James said starting to laugh harder. The awkwardness had begun to fade as a smile peaked at your lips watching him laugh. Even though he was laughing at you.
"Lily's dating Mary... everyone knows this" He laughs as you blush beet read.
"Oh" You in fact did not know this.
"Plus the girl who likes me wasn't there" He admitted staring at you with a longing look.
"Oh sorry" You apologized feeling bad. "Oh" Your eyes widened as you realized he meant you.
"Oh god" He groaned. "You really didn't realize... honestly i thought the past year was you trying to nicely reject me" he laughed.
"I'm doing the opposite of rejecting you actually... wait what's the opposite, I'm open" You say. "Well that not right either" You laugh embarrassed as you tried to think of what you were actually trying to say.
James stalked toward you before grabbing your hips "God, shut up" He muttered before holding your body flush against his as he kissed you. His lips moved slowly against yours as his hands gripped your hips. A warm feeling flooded your body as he kissed you harder.
He pulled back breathless holding your face in his hands. "Thankyou" You smiled looking down at your feet.
He laughed lifting your chin up so you would look up at him. "Your welcome" he chuckled placing a kiss on your sweet lips.
Masterlist James Potter Masterlist
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yankstrash · 1 year
So I start college in the fall... Any general tips on how to like. Succeed and make friends LOL I'm so scared (I'm living on campus btw)
YAS so excited for you!!!!
you came to the right place. (also i am so sorry this took me forever to respond to)
personally i came into college at the worst possible time (fall 2020 aka prime covid) so making friends was difficult but a LOT of people from my high school go to my college so i usually just hung out with them BUT i also made friends with some girls on my floor in my dorm. we had a groupme for everyone on our floor & one night these two girls literally messaged in it & asked if anyone had snacks & my roommate & i were like we do come on over ! & they did and we got super close with them after that! like, hung out every single day & night.
i'd say getting to know people on your floor or just in your dorm is one of the easiest ways to make friends. also talk to people in your classes or join a club! personally i'm not in a sorority but i know that's a good way to make friends. also, mutual friends are very easy to make. i go out on weekends with these 2 girls from my high school & i've met SO many other girls through them that i am now really close with & go out with!!!! there's tons of ways tbh. i'd say people in your dorm & study groups in classes are the easiest ways.
as far as succeeding, you just have to take it one day at a time. seriously. enjoy freshmen year because it's going to be your easiest year & for some people it's their only easy year. i know they're mainly just gen ed classes you have to take but actually try, get your GPA up early & while you're in easier classes that way if you start to stumble a bit with your major classes, your GPA won't take as big of a hit.
STUDY! this isn't high school, you're not going to do well if you don't study. i'm saying this from complete experience. i didn't study at all in high school & i still did decent, but if my study habits were anything like they were back then i'd be on academic probation right now.
my biggest tip for succeeding is to choose a major you really like & are interested in. for me if i'm not interested in what i'm learning about i don't learn. i also hear people all the time say how much they don't like their major & how boring their classes are & i can't help but sit back & be so grateful for the major i chose (i'm a psychology major & there is nothing else i'd rather be doing!). choose something you know you'll like, it will make college so much more bearable & enjoyable.
one more thing, if you're like me & LOVE to go out, find a balance. i've been asked this before on here how i manage going out while still doing well in school, & i said it's all about balance. i usually only go out once a weekend (typically saturday nights), sometimes i will go out friday & saturday but rarely. only if i feel like being an absolute feral menace that weekend (i'm usually just too drained from the week to go out twice or i just want to save $$$). however, if i know that i have a lot of schoolwork to do, i do not go out. the weekend before spring break there was so much fun stuff going on, but i had a LOT of homework so i didn't go out at all. you just need to know your priorities & find a way to balance work & play (i promise it's possible & really not hard) !
that's all i've really got for now but if you or anyone has any more questions PLEASE ask!! i'd love to help out :))
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quibbs126 · 1 year
It’s been basically 3 and a half days and I have not done anything
I have had all the time in the world and no excuses to not to do my homework, to not study my class material, to not make a resume and actually apply for a job, to not call my parents (and I already didn’t do that last week)
I’m doing exactly what I did last semester, which is the absolute bare minimum, if even that, and by the end of the semester it’ll come back to bite me just like it did before and I’ll have no one but myself to blame, since I knew it was a problem and said I’d fix it, but I didn’t do anything to actually fix it. I suppose the only thing I’m doing better is that I’m doing most of my homework. At least partially
That’s what always happens; I say that tomorrow I’m gonna do something, I say I’m gonna be productive, I’m going to change my ways, and then the next day comes and goes and I don’t do anything, making myself feel more guilty and then ending the day saying again that tomorrow’s a new day, I’ll be productive tomorrow
*sigh* it’s like…I don’t have the motivation to do anything. And I hate it, but I cannot force myself to do something about it. Even if the solution is right there, it’s so easy, I just need to do this one small thing, I just can’t force myself to do that simple task. And that’s the worst part, that the solution is so simple, it’s right there, I have literally no excuse not to do it, but I just don’t do it. And so that opportunity slips by and I know the only thing stopping me from improving my life in some way was that I was just too lazy to do something simple
But going back to the not doing anything for 3 and a half days, what makes it worse is that today at least, I have had no creative juices flowing. I don’t just mean that I couldn’t work on my requests or art (though that’s one thing too, and I just don’t feel like doing my requests right now, even though I should), I mean that usually, when I’m doing nothing, I come up with some story or plot point to focus on to think about and pass the time, usually about a fandom I’m currently in, a character I’ve created, or an original creation of mine (possibly with crossover with another fandom I’m currently interested in). But today, I haven’t had anything good to focus on, and it’s driving me nuts. It’s like when you’re trying to find the right song to listen to, but you don’t know what it is today, and so your scrolling through your entire list of songs on your phone trying to find that good one, and you keep trying songs that just aren’t doing it for you right now, and you just get more frustrated that you can’t find that one song. Which is also something I’m dealing with today, I can’t find the right song to listen to, and it’s incredibly frustrating
I don’t know why I’m posting about this, I guess I just want to say it. I mean, at least I don’t feel as bad as I did yesterday
But also like, every time I post about whatever struggle I’m dealing with, I get comments with people trying to help me, and I appreciate that, I really do, you don’t know how much it means to me, but the problem is I don’t feel as bad about things afterwards, and thus I feel no reason to actually do anything about the problem, as it feels over, and so it remains, festering until it bubbles up again
I dunno. Roommate came back after the weekend around the end of this post and my train of thought was sabotaged
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pythiaswine · 2 years
[productivity rant] [personal but it might resonate with other students and ND people]
as a general rule, any day i choose leisure over productivity basically ruins the whole day and that sometimes snowballs into ruining the week etc etc. but when i do even just ONE task i feel a little better and i'm able to continue it. didn't do anything all day besides pick up my clothes? that's okay <3 tomorrow i'll do more. i self-discipline but i conserve enough energy and treat myself so things that i HAVE to do (go to work, do my homework) i get done and things that i "should" do (laundry, dishes) i may put off but i feel good enough about having gotten my other stuff done that i feel energized into doing it.
a year ago, and even 3 months ago, i used to get so overwhelmed by everything i had to do that i'd cry and shut down and do nothing. i smoked marijuana to ignore my responsibilities and the consequences of not doing them. i've even drank and smoked and vaped nicotine for similar effects (rewriting my reward/dopamine system to not hate myself for being "lazy").
since the semester began, i've kept up the momentum. i made myself a schedule so as not to overwhelm myself unnecessarily (it helps!!), i got a new job as i had quit mine shortly after i stopped smoking November 2021 - that said, i work somewhere corporate now instead of at a franchise that scheduled me when I wasn't available. i attend my classes every week and do the work before the due-date, and once when i missed an assignment in one class, i did it late and turned it in anyway rather than decide not to do it all. that in particular has taught me i can't use procrastination as a means of getting out of the work, like i used to. it makes sense to me now to do the work before it's due rather than put it off hoping it'll disappear. eating meals has helped me stay in-tune with my schedules. i have coffee every morning (as a ritual), i eat breakfast, i make lunch when i can and if i can't i eat at work, and i eat before getting ready for bed. food has been a comfort to my emotions for years and now i'm ritualizing it to 1. make sure i energize my body and 2. routine!!!! aghhh routine my beloved.
at work, i make sure i take breaks. company policy is to take a paid 15 for every 4 hours and a 30-minute meal break before it's been 6 hours. at my old job, we didn't do meal breaks which is literally illegal but we could take two 15's if we wanted/needed. i got so burnt out because i never took meal breaks! at this job, i am required to take multiple breaks if my shift is over 5 hours. my coworkers and the team-leads are SO great about it. i don't feel guilty for taking breaks.
i also work somewhere i love. it took a few jobs, but i actually love it where i work. i get paid above minimum wage, it's corporate, and i'm barista-ing inside of a bigger store (you can probably guess where i work). i'm good at what i do, i like doing it, and i genuinely enjoy making customers happy when i'm there. when i'm overwhelmed, i don't ever get to that breaking point where i feel like i might freak out (due in part to my own self-work, quitting smoking, etc) but it's also because of getting breaks and knowing i'm safe, valued, and supported at my job. i can't speak for other stores but the ETLs where I work make me feel valued. it's important to find a job you like even if it's one you're working while in college or as a place-holder job until you work somewhere better, and that's not possible for everyone so i feel very lucky. it's made all the difference.
i find time for my friends! that's another thing. it's soo important for me to hang out with my #1 when he and i have schedules that allow it, and i've been keeping in touch with others rather than isolating myself. i go to school events when i can, get out by myself when i must. i went to a party this past weekend and hung out with people i don't normally hang with, hosted by a couple i haven't seen in a few years because we fell out and they had a friggin kid!! i got to see their life, their home, their adorable baby, and be a part of the scene catching up with all these other people i used to hang out with in high school. before one of my closer friends went out of state for university, she threw a party i was nervous about going to and i went and had a great time talking to people i didn't normally talk to, outside of my comfort zone.
ignore the weird paragraph breaks because i'm on mobile and can't figure out how to fix them, but this has been my quick little vent about how i balance all the stuff i'm doing. whenever i feel down about my worth or overwhelmed by the workload, i remind myself that i am a student working two jobs and a babysitting gig on top of classes, costuming for a show, and still finding time for appointments, events, and hobbies. i'm killing it out here. i've come to far and i am fuckin proud of myself.
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lokigodofaces · 4 days
the worst thing about the first week of a new semester is that i know that very soon i will have lots of homework, and my professors have explained there will be lots of reading and writing this semester, but it hasn't started yet. i have long breaks in between class, so i stay on campus and work on homework until next class. and when i come home i feel like i have to do work. but i don't. it's the first week, we've gone over the syllabus and like the first assignment so far. real stuff doesn't start until next week/this weekend. so i feel a restlessness because my brain is all like "you barely did anything today you should be studying" but there is nothing to study and i was already technically ahead in one class too but i can't go too far ahead right or else i'll probably shoot myself in the foot. & like i know i should be glad that this week is chill. but it just feels off. first week always feels off. my brain knows i usually need to study for x amount of time for my classes normally, but i'm not doing it. so i look for something to do. there's nothing to do. i feel restless bc i feel like i'm procrastinating and will hate myself later. but i'm not. i literally was ahead, technically am still ahead until friday. like i can't really go further without further instruction from my professors. yet here i am. restless. & i know next week i'll be drowning.
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iantimony · 7 months
i once again am overwhelmed by stupid busywork. Get Me Out
listening: finished the counter/weight prequel eps! feels good to be listening to a friends at the table thing in-time with when they're released, lol. i fully laughed out loud at the heartfelt moment between aria and hymn being interrupted by austin's fucking ice machine. incredible. no notes. "people are gonna go insane about aria in this one" keith you are SO right.
music for the week was the spotify release radar! just gettin some new tunes. i'm thinking of making a playlist that's just the songs that i like from release radar and the at the end of the year i can have a New Of 2024 list, idk. i AM going to try and be more discerning about what things i post, though - it would be very easy to just drop a huge list of all the songs on there that i kinda liked with no commentary but i think it'll be more fun to do fewer songs and actually talk about them, y'know?
philadelphia (matt maltese): feels like a mug of tea. very soft. nostalgic for something i've never seen. travels (rob blivion): really does seem like it should be playing over some indie film montage of someone travelling through mists in the scottish highlands. harsh truths (lemoncello): another indie soundtrack song. i think there's a bass in the background? although in retrospect i think it's a cello. lemoncello. duh. anyways it's very good. burning down the house (paramore): this is SUCH a fun cover. what can't paramore do for real. oh no::he said what? (nothing but thieves): BOUNCY. toe tapper. i am driving down a neon highway at 10000mph. coming home song (sammy rae & the friends): back to wistful and nostalgic. feels a certain kind of way especially right now because i am in the process of finding a new apartment, entirely alone for the first time. jolene (maneskin & dolly parton): speaking of really fun covers, yes yes yes. everything i would have wanted from this.
honorable mention to love me not (emei). i do not like this song particularly. it is stuck in my head though.
reading: fallow.
watching: just like last week: with the boyf, the newest dungeon meshi, i loved the way they animated the mimic. then some kill la kill. we're up to episode 11 now, almost halfway! also went to a superbowl party sunday. basically what you'd expect. fun socializing though.
playing: only had the one dnd last weekend, the one i run! went well. definitely was kinda sleepy and not as focused as i'd like. sigh.
making: mostly fallow...i cut out some of the border pieces for my handsewing project in a nice matching solid blue during the superbowl but have not attached any of it yet. started idly crocheting a rectangular prism-shaped object to use as a mtg deck case.
drew a little birthday card for my grandma i guess? mostly watercolor pencil, some prisma marker for the background. can't be assed to rotate it the right way, sorry, lol
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pottery-wise, i did not take pictures but i have some fun interesting stuff in the works! biiiiig pot for my mom (got a little busted. but i think it'll make it). mug. glazing a bowl using sgraffito to carve out some waves (my roommate accidentally dinged the rim and i'm incorporating that into the design). did not take any pictures last week but i'll get some tomorrow for the next tuesdaypost.
eating: my roommate made a truly enormous focaccia in a 9x13 glass baking dish to cut into super bowl party sandwiches. they were delicious and we are still eating them for lunch basically every day. she also made a marinated beef bulgogi-type object, served over rice with veg and a fried egg and some spaghetti squash...yumb.
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misc: i can't even be like "i just have to make it through this week" because i know next week will look literally exactly like this one (homework due wednesdays for one class, fridays (plus ANOTHER assignment alternating wednesdays) for the other). really bad vibes. just gotta make it through this week this semester.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 1 year
Being on tumblr really just feels like being adrift in the middle of the ocean
It really does feel like no one else is on this hell site which is kind of great because I never feel bad about shit posting lol I don't think I've done anything BUT shit post about my current hyper fixations in YEARS lol (case and point, me re-blogging a bunch of red white and royal blue posts the other day because I finished reading the book and would like the movie now please-)
I forgot I used to write on here sometimes, or that I even could. Was it ever anything substantial? Nah. Just musings of a usually v depressed and out of wack teenager.
I am now a slightly less depressed out of wack adult lmao
All this to say, read at your own whim or risk or whatever. It's the internet dude, do what you want.
I'm starting grad school in a little over a month, and I know people talk about how daunting that is all the time. But what I haven't really seen is people talking about going into a program that has n o t h i n g to do with your BA. I'm essentially doing a bit of a 180 with my studies, and where everyone else has loads of experience, and knowledge, and is just so stupid fucking smart, I...
Well, that's just it, isn't it? The trail off. The ... .
Not to say (among other things) that I'm not "smart" per-say. I'm not dumb, I know that. But these people? Mannnnn, you guys should hear and see some of these people. It is nothing short of terrifying.
I've been feeling very Elle Woods in her "coming here was a mistake" era lately. But when I try to explain that, it's usually the same "don't get intimated!" "you're all just starting!" "you're going to be fine!" etceteras etceteras. Not necessarily untrue, but not necessarily true either.
I'm going into a program where I am leaps and bounds behind literally everyone. People older than me, people younger than me, doesn't matter. And it feels like as hard as I work, I'm always missing something. Always 10, 15, 20, 100 steps behind everyone else. We just had a month of an online intensive orientation where we were interacting, and talking on discussion boards, and doing homework... And somehow, I still cant get everything fully right. Down to choosing the wrong kind of photo to go on my fucking introduction slide. Like come on! Seriously!? I can't even get that right? It's...
Yeah. It's.
So here I am, sitting on my bed, with my smart lights set to purple, in a too big Spider-Man cardigan, with a Taylor Swift lofi playlist going on youtube, contemplating yet again how the fuck I got here.
I made the joke to my mom that I was just the diversity pick. She didn't find that nearly as funny as I did. I digress.
We're... working on it. Kind of, at least. Pretending to, more accurately.
I just feel... like I'm in a constant state of having to prove myself, because nothing is ever enough. Nothing has ever been enough. I have worked so hard to the point where I have been on the brink of passing out before and even that still was not fucking enough.
Enough for who? For me? For my parents? For the metaphorical "them"? For anyone? I don't know. All of the above?
For that, I have no concrete answer and yet piles and piles and piles of evidence showing that nothing has in fact ever been enough.
I'm complaining too much, aren't I? I know it's not. World ending. There are bigger things. "People are dying Kim!" I know (also no, my name is not Kim, please understand the reference I'm begging lol).
Just some casual almost 9pm thoughts I guess.
I have work tomorrow, had the day off today. I started a new job and of course that happened at the same time as the online intensive so maybe that exasperated all these feelings since I really have had not a goddamn clue as to what has been happening for almost a month now but. I digress. But the job is going pretty okay. Slowly, I've been able to start to figure that out. And I somehow made it to the Eras Tour this weekend which was mind meltingly amazing. So I shouldn't complain. I really don't have anything to complain about at all.
And yet.
And yet.
And yet.
Well, I'm gonna fuck off and read some fanfic now. If for whatever reason someone tortured themselves and made it to the end, whats your fic poison of choice lately? I've been reading loads of Irondad & Spiderson fics. Give me Peter "I take care of everyone but don't know how to take care of myself because I think I'm fine" Parker and Tony "100% has a heart and just wants his idiot pseudo son to realize it's okay for people to help you" Stark all day.
...does that reveal too much? Eh. It's fine, I'm fine.
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lolkenzies · 6 months
Week 8
J: I just don’t see the point in college when I can make more money without a degree. 
K: I agree. Why am I making more waitressing than I would with my actual profession? 
E: Exactly! Why do so many of my professors waste my time with all of this busy work?
(T walks into the room, visibly angry)
T: I cannot wait to quit.
J: Why? What happened this time?
T: Im tired of working over 40 hours every week and barely making enough money to survive. I hate hosting. 
K: That’s the only reason I stay in school. I don’t think I could work in the food industry forever. I can’t wait to have my big girl job. 
T: Just because you guys go to college doesn’t make you guys any better than me
K: I never said that it did. This is just why I decided to go to school. 
T: Honestly, I literally couldn’t care less about anything anymore. I’m not staying here with y’all. 
J: This must be a joke, right? We weren’t saying you’re any less than us because you don’t go to school. 
E: I feel like I have been walking on eggshells around you recently, T.
(T says nothing, just storms out of the room)
E: She’s been so dramatic recently; all she’s done is complain. 
K: I agree, it’s like no matter what we do or say she’s not satisfied. 
J: Who cares at this point. It’s St. Pattys day weekend and I NEED to go out. 
K: I don’t know, I still have so much homework to do and I got scheduled this weekend. Maybe ill call off. Oh, never mind, I have $4 in my checking account right now. 
E: Yeah, but you don’t start until 9 so we just can’t be out too late. How important is this assignment?
K: I think I’ll still have an A in this class without this assignment, so let’s go drink. 
(J, K and E all grab an Uber to go out)
J: These bars are so overpriced. We should have pregamed. 
K: Good think I thought ahead!
(K pulls out a water bottle)
E: So glad you thought ahead. 
(Hour later… and a water bottle finished)
J: Okay guys, I think we got to go back.
E: No! No! We have to grab food first.
(All go to the closest pizza shop)
K: Okay I’m done eating. Wait, pass the cheesy bread. I also ordered the uber.
(All head back to Jerry’s apartment and fall asleep instantly)
(The next morning)
J: I have no memory of last night, just these pictures. 
K: Oh god, I can’t believe I have to be at work soon. Let’s do this again next weekend though. 
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honestlywrites · 2 years
Pom-Poms and Pseudodragons | Eddie Munson x Reader (Part Two)
Summary: After realizing you don’t have dice, Eddie comes knocking on your window and takes you on an adventure. There, you begin to realize that your feelings for Eddie may extend past platonic. The rest of the week passes and you finally get to play D&D with Hellfire Club, but they may not be as welcoming as Eddie insists. 
T/W: References to drugs. Slight bullying. No spoilers for Season 4. Reader is gender neutral. 
A/N: I did it! On my break between work--hope you enjoy! Shoutout to my beta reader @blackjeanbabyy Crossposted on AO3!
Part One | Masterlist
With everything squared away and your first D&D session a week away, your weekend was pretty much spent working on homework and enjoying time away from school. That is until you hear a knock on your window on a lovely Sunday afternoon. You write it off as nothing, perhaps the wind or another natural factor–until it happens three more times. Now, you live in a two-story house in the affluent suburbs of Hawkins so to look out and see Eddie Munson with pebbles in hand is quite a sight.
Pushing up the window, you stick your body out, leaning on the window's ledge.
“What are you doing here?” you were lucky that your parents were out having lunch with some friends, but it was still a bit nerve-wracking for him to have shown up out of nowhere.
“I realized that you don’t have dice!” he calls out from below, a hand cupped around his mouth to amplify his voice. 
“Yeah, I know! I just assumed that I’d borrow some from you or one of the boys,” you state, looking down at him. He’s wearing a Metallica shirt today and just the leather jacket. His hair is as messy as ever, but it looks a little better–almost like he raked his fingers through just to look a little more put together. 
“You can’t! It’s forbidden,” he insists. “But I can drive you to the game store and we can pick some out.”
“No, it’s not forbidden. I literally just used your big ass bag of dice to roll my character stats,” you roll your eyes, wondering why he drove all the way up just to tell you to buy dice. Though, it was a little endearing to think that he thought of you and decided to make the trek rather than just letting you fall victim to superstition.
“It’s different! You need dice because it’s your first character, and your first character is special,” he huffs, seeming more and more impatient by the second.
“I feel like there’s a joke in there, I just can’t find it,” you state and smile cheekily.
“You know what? I’m coming up there,” he marches forward through the grass and instantly begins to climb up the side of your house with the aid of the downspout. It creaks under his weight and you wince at the idea of him falling off and damaging both the house and himself. 
“Eddie, get down! You’ll break your leg,” you shout, hearing him huff and puff as he crests over the side of the roofing, digging his ring-covered fingers into shingles. You watch him pull himself up with determination, his tongue sticking out in concentration. 
“I can’t get down, sweetheart. You’ve forced my hand,” he grunts out and pulls himself over the side, getting a foot down and standing up right in front of your window. “Now, you have to come to the game store with me and get dice. It’s only right that your first time is perfect.”
He winks and you can’t help but flush at his choice of words.
“You’re so lucky my parents aren’t here or they would have made a racket,” you mutter, standing back from the window to allow him to crawl through. He sticks his legs through and slides in, grunting when he hits the carpeted floor. Your room is nothing special, with a couple of medals hanging and a hefty amount of band posters. Most notably, Fleetwood Mac and Metallica. 
“I haven’t done that in a long time,” he huffs, looking around at your room from his seat on the floor. “Seafoam green?”
“It was a phase, okay. And I still haven’t said yes to the game store. It just seems so unnecessary, I mean, what if I hate playing and I never play again?” you ask, plopping down on your bed and crossing your arms. You refused to give in, mostly because you didn’t want him to win. Or perhaps you didn’t want him to leave just yet. He was in your room, it was like a teen’s wet dream but also simultaneously the most embarrassing thing to have someone in your childhood bedroom. 
“Then I will steal the dice from you and my collection grows ever larger, but I would never let that happen,” he gazes up at you with his big brown doe eyes and you feel your composure crack ever so slightly. “I’m gonna do my best to make sure that your first session is the best time you’ve ever had, even if it means kicking every one of those meat heads out of the room.” 
“That’s so unnecessary, I’d feel terrible and they’d all hate me!” 
“They’re going to be so distracted by the fact that you’re a hot cheerleader that they won’t even stop to care,” he says and you feel your heart quicken in your chest, your hands clasping to stop them from shaking ever so slightly.
“You think I’m hot?” you ask, raising your eyebrows to egg him on.
“I may have failed senior year twice, but I’m not blind,” Eddie remarks and leans against your bedroom wall, staring up at you in a way you’d never even imagined. There’s a thick cloud of silence as you make up your mind, turning to your piggy bank with some saved-up money. It was childish, perhaps, but it did the job
“How much should I bring?”
After you pull Eddie through your house, refusing to let him stare at any embarrassing photos of you, the two of you pile into his van and make your way to the closest game store. Unfortunately, or fortunately, for you, the closest game store happens to be thirty minutes away in Anderson so the car ride is full of loud metal music as the van crests down the highway. 
Once again, you find yourself in the passenger seat of his car, enveloped in the smell and feel of everything that made Eddie, Eddie. It was odd, how quickly he made a space for himself in your small circle of people, but then again you didn’t really have a circle. Every friendship before his had never felt truly whole because there was always a part that felt fake. And yet, Eddie is so entirely real and wholly true to himself. There’s not a moment when he makes fun of your interests or treats your newly budding relationship as transactional. It’s nice. 
After getting off at the first Anderson exit and driving down a slightly desolate road, you find yourself in front of a larger building with a sign that says ‘Game Kastle.’ It’s connected to an arcade that is absolutely full to the brim with teenagers, but Eddie strolls up to the glass door, holding it open for you.
“I am so glad this place is real otherwise I was sure you were going to murder me,” you state, looking forward at the rows and rows of games and gaming materials. “It smells like an armpit in here.”
“That’s the sweet smell of pure excitement,” he inhales deeply, causing you to grimace at his reaction. He’s completely unphased. 
“C’mon, the dice display is this way,” he leads you over to a glass case where there are rows and rows of dice on display in little boxes. It’s all illuminated like a prize counter at the arcade and you look over the varying designs. There are dice in every single color and you can’t help but press your nose to the glass in trying to get a better look. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Eddie whispers next to you and you can tell by the tone of this voice that he’s smirking at you victoriously.
“It’s something, alright,” you tell him, overwhelmed by the selection. “How do I know which one is the right one?” 
“I like to choose a color, usually. I haven’t played a character in so long, but the colors are a big one. Especially if you match the color to the outfit of your character, then it’s extra special,” he leans against the counter as you look over, your eyes wide. 
“Oh god, I didn’t even think about what they would wear,” you watch him tilt his head back and laugh, shaking his head.
“It’s a good thing you’re thinking about it now, then,” he states. You turn back and stare deeply down at the dice. After about ten minutes of deliberation and Eddie walking off to find something, you decide on a deep green set that was neutral enough but also fits in with the type of cleric you would be playing. 
The person behind the counter grabs it and rings it up for you as Eddie returns to your side, a couple of other things in hand.
“Did you figure out what your cleric would be wearing?” he asks, holding his loot behind his back.
“Yes, I settled on a deep green cloak that would match my forest green dice. My cleric also wears a lovely white shirt that is loose-fitting for fighting and some comfortable dark pants,” holding it out, Eddie inspects the dice in your hands and nods approvingly. You smile with pride, those hours at his trailer had to have paid off in some way
“Perfect, now can you go outside and start the van for me? I’ll be out in a second.”
He holds out his keys, waiting to drop them into your hand.
“Why?” you ask, narrowing your eyes.
“No reason,” he shrugs and shakes his head.
“You’re a terrible liar, Eddie Munson,” you state, standing your ground. 
“It’s a surprise, now run off before you ruin it. Or else I’ll kill your character,” he taunts, a smile growing on his face.
“You wouldn’t dare,” leaning in, the two of you engage in a pseudo-staring contest for a moment before someone interrupts the two of you.
“I’m sorry, you’re holding up the line,” the cashier says monotonously, staringat the two of you awkwardly. He breaks the facade, causing you and Eddie to separate quickly after you grab his keys.
“I’ll wait in the car,” you mumble, rushing out of the store and getting in the car. You take a moment to catch your breath and start up the car, taking comfort in the low hum of the van and the music playing loudly over the speakers.  You press your hands to your cheeks to cool them off, catching your breath and reveling in the vibrations of the music. It’s getting more complicated, your friendship with Eddie. There’s just a pull toward him that is magnetic, he has his own magnetic field. 
A couple of minutes later, Eddie is walking out triumphantly. He swings open the door and climbs into the van, placing his plastic bag off to the side. 
“Success,” he smiles and winks, bringing his hands up to the steering wheel. “Want to see what else Anderson has?”
“It’s your fault we drove all the way up here,” you comment as he begins to pull out of the parking spot. 
“Eh, I don’t mind. I got to spend more time with you didn’t I?” you look over at Eddie in slight awe at his choice of words. Yes, yes he did.  
The rest of the afternoon is spent getting milkshakes and checking out a music store where they sell cassettes. You pick out a few that you didn’t have, namely the newest Dio music while Eddie picks out some Motley Crue to play in his van. As the sun sets, the two of you drive with the windows down, wind in your hair as you arrive back in Hawkins. In an attempt to look less wind-swept, you press down the frizz and put yourself together so your mother doesn’t assume the worst. You always go out with Chrissy, it shouldnt’t be a big deal.
Eddie drops you off down the street to avoid your parents, but you swing around and say goodbye to him while he leans out his window.
“I’ll see you at school then?” you propose, your plastic bag snugly tucked under your arm.
“See you, definitely, but talk to you? Not until Friday,” he states dejectedly.
“That’s not too far away, Munson. I’m sure you can deal without me.”
“With those meat heads? Friday couldn’t come faster,” he huffs out and sits up. 
“I’ll see you on Friday,” you lean in and press a kiss to his cheek without realizing, quickly pulling back with wide eyes. The two of you exchange surprised looks before you march off down the street so as to not deal with the consequences of that just yet. It could wait until Friday. 
When school started up on Friday, you resumed your life as a preppy cheerleader, trying not to make it so obvious that you wished to be talking to Eddie rather than hearing the grating voice of Stacey any longer. But, with all the festivities and a football game on Thursday, it went quickly. Though, the other cheerleaders knew something was up. Especially Chrissy, whom you felt closest to on the team. She pulled you aside during lunch on Thursday, out from the watchful eye of the crowd.
“Are you okay?” her brows come together in worry. She holds your hands in hers, not letting you make a quick escape. Out of everyone on the team, Chrissy always seemed the most genuine. Even as the Queen of Hawkins, she has a good head on her shoulders.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you ask, shaking your head. 
“You’re… off. Like you’ve been off this entire week,” she insists. “Is it your parents?”
“No! No, everything is fine,” she raises her eyebrows and slowly chips away at your barrier as guilt sinks in. “It’s nothing bad, I promise!”
“Are you sure? You haven’t started doing drugs have you? I saw you walk to Eddie Munson’s car after practice last week,” the color drains from your face as Chrissy speaks. “It’s okay if you are! I’m just worried.”
“I’m not doing drugs, I’m just–” you look around and pull Chrissy closer. “I’m learning how to play D&D.”
“Oh! Why didn’t you just say that?” she asks, the tension in her shoulders melting away. 
“I don’t know! I didn’t want you to think I was weird or something,” you shrug and Chrissy pulls you in tight for a hug. 
“You can tell me things, you know that. Just because I’m dating Jason doesn’t mean I’m completely oblivious to you. And, yes, Jason seems bad but I promise he’s just misunderstood!” Chrissy smiles and you laugh, shaking your head.
“I also may like Eddie,” you mumble, placing your head on her shoulder. “And I don’t know what to do.”
“You are a cheerleader! You know exactly what to do, you just need to turn on the charm,” she winks and smiles brightly, pulling back to adjust your uniform so that you show a little more skin. “When you walk in there, get me another fruit parfait and pass by his table. It’ll really rile him up.”
You stare back at her in awe, a nervous laugh bubbling up out of your chest. 
“You, Chrissy Cunningham, are incredible,” you pull her into a hug before the two of you scramble out of the empty classroom she pulled you into, making your way down the hall to the cafeteria. 
Just like Chrissy told you to, you strut past the Hellfire Club table and make your way to the lunch lady. Easily, you grab an extra parfait and turn back around to saunter back to the table. When you turn, you lock eyes with Eddie and see his gaze darken slightly as you give him a coy smile, walking back to Chrissy. His eyes seer into the back of your head as you pass and it’s good to feel noticed, even if you couldn’t reap the rewards of it instantly. 
“Thank you,” she says, smiling. You sit down and eat your lunch mindlessly, trying not to look over at his table. Light conversation is made and the urge to look is strong, but Chrissy’s training is even stronger.
“Don’t look, but he’s totally staring,” Chrissy tells you.
“Good. It’s going to make for a dramatic Hellfire Club,” you whisper to her just as the bell rings. Only one more day. 
The rest of your Thursday goes by quickly with the football game and then finally being able to fall into bed. You ensure to pack your folder with your character sheet as well as your dice into your bag, grabbing a small bag of candy to give to the rest of the club as a bribe. That night, sleep doesn’t come easy because of the excitement, but when you finally find rest, the next morning is already waiting for you. 
You dress like all the other Hellfire Club members do, sans the shirt. Eddie didn’t get you a shirt, just yet. Pulling the flannel on over your shirt, you look in the mirror and tilt your head, observing how you may fit in among the crowd. It was how you dressed normally, on any regular day when your cheer uniform wasn’t required, but you wanted to make sure the other club members would like you–especially Gareth and Jeff. 
In the morning, your mother drives you to school because she has to take the car to work so you get dropped off and eagerly make your way to class. It’s the class you TA for, the regular Senior English class where Eddie sits in the back of the classroom and hopes that he passes. You sit in the seat next to him, grading papers, but also because you hoped to get a word in for the game tonight.
“You ready?” he asks the second you’re seated.
“As I’ll ever be,” you tell him, finding his paper in the stack and seeing a seventy-three on it in bright red pen. “Look, you passed.”
“Yes!” he exclaims as quietly as possible, but it still wasn’t quite enough to evade Ms. O’Donnell. 
“Mr. Munson, do you have something to tell the class?” she asks. 
“Nope, just excited to learn about Jane Austen,” he smiles broadly, the sarcasm exuding off him in waves, but Ms. O’Donnell continues on. She’s dealt with him for three years. 
“You looked beautiful yesterday, by the way. I didn’t get to tell you,” he whispers as your cheeks burn bright. Once again, you place your hands on your cheeks as subtly as possible to hide the embarrassment, turning away from Eddie as to not show your hand. Additionally, you stay quiet, forcing Eddie to actually learn, but quickly after he whispers your name to get your attention.
“Be quiet and listen,” you tell him, glancing over.
“I will, just–” he pulls a piece of cloth out of his bag and shoves it into your lap. “For tonight.”
You look down at the cloth, unwrapping it to reveal your very own Hellfire Club shirt. Not to be worn just yet in public, but to show that you belonged and that Eddie himself wanted you to be there. Risking a glance over, he winks and smiles brightly, turning his attention to Pride and Prejudice.
Just like the rest of the week, the day goes by as fast as it usually does with you attending your electives and enjoying time at study hall to finish up some writing for college applications as best your can. School lets out and you help the cheer coach, Coach Madison, do some busy work in her office. As the sun begins to set, you bid her goodbye and make your way to the theater–not before stopping in the bathroom to pull on the shirt. It was a bit big, but comfortable and smelled a little bit like smoke. Did Eddie give you his shirt? Your heart pounds in your chest as it hits you. There wasn’t enough time to panic about it.
You rush down the hall, checking your watch. There would be a couple more minutes left before they got started, but it was so daunting to walk in by yourself. Squeezing your hands into fists and releasing, you take a deep breath and go to open the door when it opens for you.
“There you are,” Eddie’s smile is a silly grin that warms you from the inside out and your fluttering heart skips a beat. “What are you waiting for? C’mon in and meet the gang.”
You step in and the conversation stops. It’s a beautiful setup they have, snacks on a stray table with a long one in the middle of the stage complete with a make-shift Dungeon Master screen and mini-figures littered around the battlefield. 
“This is Gareth, Jeff, Aiden, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas,” you wave awkwardly, a shy smile on your face. “Everyone, this is our new member.”
“They’re a cheerleader, what are they going to do? Cheer us along?” Aiden suggests and Eddie smacks him on the back of his head. 
“Shut up, you were just as clueless when I taught it to you,” he tells him and looks back apologetically.
“It’s okay,” you reach into your bag and pull out the candy. “I brought snacks.”
Apparently, that’s enough to win over the freshman boys that immediately come over, taking their share of the candy. They seat you in between them to help you out when the time comes and you welcome their hospitality, especially Dustin who calls Aiden a ‘shithead.’ Everyone sits in their respective places and you pull out your folder alongside your dice. It was daunting seeing all of them prepared with their chicken scratch notes and eagerness to role play. It was especially harrowing to think about finally introducing your character and describing them. The thought of saying something incorrectly haunted you, so you had spent the entire week practicing an introduction. 
“Before we start,” Eddie interrupts. “I would like to introduce you to Cel Evenstar.”
He pulls out a fully painted mini figure, fit with all the descriptions you had told him about at Game Kastle. It was a little thing, but painting it must have taken at least a couple of hours and the thought that Eddie wanted to make you feel welcomed was astounding. 
“That’s me!” you say and smile, the younger boys ‘ooh’ing and ‘ah’ing over the new mini. 
“A cleric, we needed one. Mike, here, keeps charging into battle without us just because he thinks he can take them as the Paladin,” Dustin insists.
“That’s because I can,” Mike states proudly.
“And so we begin,” Eddie starts and begins to weave together a beautiful tale.
It felt unlike anything you’d ever experienced before and was just as magical as you imagined. The party was in a city where individuals kept going missing, so they were hired to help find the source of the problem. They met you in the local tavern and you tagged along on their wild adventure, going around the streets and finding various clues–all of which led you down into the sewers. 
Down in the sewers held a cave that was carved out, not by humanoids, but by something otherworldly. As the party delved deeper into the caves, they encountered a beholder, a large creature that was essentially a large eyeball with small tentacles coming out of its head adorned with smaller eyeballs. Its mouth opened wide to reveal a horrific mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The miniature was horrific and the second that Eddie slammed it down onto the tabletop–everyone was making bets about if they’d survive this one.
“I bet Cel’s going to die first,” Jeff says and laughs, nudging his friends to get them to laugh alongside him. 
Eddie is silent as he looks through his notes, looking up venomously at Jeff only when he finishes reading. 
“You take ten points of damage from Quaxel as he rushes forward and bites down on your arm, taking a large chunk of flesh out,” Eddie describes, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “‘Do not come into my lair with arrogance, expecting a grand welcome. You are but a single rat in this sewer.’”
Eddie’s voice is low and gravelly as he describes Jeff’s character’s gruesome first hit of the session. Once he finishes, he looks at you with a worried look, but you just smile reassuringly at him and nod in recognition.
The rest of the fight launches into action and in the end, only you and Jeff are left on the battlefield to face the, albeit injured, beholder. When your turn comes around, you know that Jeff only has so many hitpoints left. You have a small amount left as well, but in kindness, you decide to send a guiding bolt toward the beholder and with your bonus action, give Jeff a smidgeon of healing. It was an olive branch. An olive branch that succeeded as Jeff took damage but ultimately landed the killing blow. 
Everyone roars with joy as the beholder miniature is pushed over, the freshman boys offering you hugs in the celebration. Of course, you accept, they’ve been nothing but sweet and it’s nice to feel appreciated. 
Looking around at everyone, Jeff catches your eye and puts out his hand for a handshake. Apprehensively, you place your hand in his and shake on a game well done.
“Good game,” he begins. “I couldn't have done it without you.”
That was good enough for you. Looking back at Eddie, he smiles at you from his throne with the goofiest grin you’d ever seen. It warmed your heart to know that he was most proud of you. 
The game wraps up and the rest of the club members make their way out victoriously, you opting to wait behind and help Eddie pack up.
“So, how did it go? Besides Aiden and Jeff–I promise I’ll talk to them,” he insists and you shake your head.
“It’s okay, they were testing the waters. I showed them that I’m actually here to play, not just to be a part of the weirdo club,” you tell him, smiling as you pack away your folder and your dice. “But I think this is the best first time, ever.”
For the first time since the two of you had become friends, Eddie is the one who blushes slightly, and while it could be the excitement or the lights, he glances over shyly and quickly pulls you into a hug. He envelops you in his arms, wrapping around you almost too tightly. You hesitate for a moment before quickly wrapping your arms around him as well, burying your nose in his shirt. It’s comforting, the smokiness but also the clean scent of whatever cheap cologne he found. For the first time, you felt seen entirely–no barriers, just Eddie and you.
“What do you say we celebrate tomorrow at mine? Maybe you can even meet my uncle if you stay long enough,” he loosens his hold on you to look down but doesn’t let go, opting to keep his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“Sounds perfect–I’ll finally be able to drive myself because my mom’s not working,” you say and laugh as he feigns surprise.
“You know how to drive?” he releases you, placing a hand on his chest as he gasps dramatically. “The people of Hawkins better watch out, because I’ve never seen you drive.”
“I’m almost positive that I drive better than you,” you state, rolling your eyes and picking up your bag. 
“Well then, I guess you don’t need a ride home,” he pulls his bag over his shoulder and walks out without waiting for you. 
“Hey! You know it’s true,” running up to him, you nudge his shoulder and look over. “Thanks for the mini by the way. It was a good surprise.”
“I told you.”
Taglist: @givemethesleep @kissmyquill 
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blueskrugs · 3 years
Mr. Congeniality | Jack Hughes
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surprise! I (briefly) hit 900 followers over the weekend and decided to buckle down and finish this fic for y’all. I tend to have a lot of feelings about jack hughes. an expansion of this blurb and loosely inspired by this scene in miss congeniality.
tagging:@marcoscandellas @stlbluesbrat21 @dembenchboys @poltoncarayko @robthomissed @letmeplaytheblues @troubatrain @ayohockeycheck @blackwidowrising @aria253264 @antoineroussel @starswin @ch-ristiane @majdoline @nazdaddy @hockey-more-like
length: 2.8k words
Jack Hughes, first overall draft pick of the New Jersey Devils, former scoring phenom of the USNTDP, had earned the right to be a little cocky. Even on the days when he struggled, when people questioned whether or not he was a draft bust, he was talented, he was good.
You just didn’t care.
You saw the team around the city sometimes, saw the way Jack could smile and bat his eyelashes at a girl and walk away with an arm around her waist like it was nothing. You didn’t doubt that he was nice, you just didn’t think it would work on you like that.
Or so you thought. It turns out it’s harder to say no when faced with those pretty eyes yourself.
“I’m Jack,” he said simply, standing next to you in line in a coffee shop while you waited for your drink.
You just offered him a smile and a raised eyebrow in return, and you watched as his face fell a little, his eyes grew a little more determined. Oh, you could have fun with this. They called your name at the counter then, and you grabbed your coffee before Jack could.
He hesitated for a moment before trailing you back to you table, where you’d spread out all of your textbooks. You raised both eyebrows at him this time.
“What’re you studying?” he asked.
“Stuff,” you told him, grinning. Jack sighed. You were right, this was fun. You wondered a little when the last time someone told this kid “no” was.
A barista called Jack’s name. “I’ll be right back,” he told you, as if you were going somewhere.
“Wanna sit?” you offered when he came back, because you weren’t really interested in stonewalling him entirely.
Jack grinned at you and slid into the chair across from you. His hair was shorter again, just long enough to curl at the nape of his neck from underneath the baseball hat he had shoved on, and he was cute when he smiled at you like that. A real one, different from the one he’d hit you with earlier.
It was quiet after that. You were focused on your homework, and Jack was fucking around on his phone while he drank his coffee. Your peace only lasted about ten minutes.
“I don’t get it,” Jack blurted.
You looked up from your notes, fighting back a smile. “What?”
“You know who I am,” Jack said, accusing. Frustrated.
“Yeah, I do,” you told him. You put your pen down and sat back in your chair. You were definitely smiling now.
“So, like,” Jack paused. “Why don’t you like me?” He bit his lip after, like he realized he was whining.
“Does everyone have to like you?” you asked. You weren’t sure where this was going anymore.
“No, but girls usually do,” Jack admitted.
“You’re cute,” you told him. He looked like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be pleased or frustrated. “When was the last time you tried being something other than cute and good at hockey, Jack?” you asked. You hadn’t had enough coffee for this. You literally did not know Jack Hughes, but he was sitting across the table from you, having this conversation.
“Oh, you think I’m good at hockey, too?” he said, tried to tease, but his grin fell flat. You kicked him under the table. “Ow, rude.”
“Can I finish my homework in peace now?” you asked. Jack sighed, but picked up his phone again. You were a little glad that he didn’t leave, though you’d never admit that.
He didn’t speak again until you were packing up your books. “Can I at least get your number?” You laughed. “What? You admitted you think I’m cute,” h said, voice accusing and a little petulant Jack pointed a finger at you, and you flicked it away.
“Give me your phone, you dork,” you told him.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as Jack leaned on the edge of the table after handing his phone over. He was smiling again. You stepped a little closer than necessary to hand Jack his phone back, leaned up so Jack had to blink down at you, once, twice, hand frozen in midair to take his phone back.
“Get a better pick-up line than, ‘I’m Jack,’ next time,” you told him, patting him on the cheek and walking away.
You wondered if that was going to be the end of it, but you weren’t quite so lucky. It was a whole week before you got a text from an unknown number that simply read: “Do you have a library card, because I’m checking you out.”
You quickly saved the number as “j.h.” with the little purple devil emoji before responding. “6/10 I’ve heard better.”
Jack didn’t text you back right away, but you weren’t worried, weren’t stupid enough to think that you were the only one Jack was texting— or flirting— with.
He responded a few hours later, just a string of angry face emojis, and you couldn’t help it: you actually laughed out loud. You barely knew Jack at all, but it seemed so him that you couldn’t help but picture him pouting at his phone.
It became something of a routine, after that. Jack would always text first, some cheesy, dumb pick-up line ranging from bad to downright terrible. You’d rate them, and the conversation would go on from there. Never a “hey” or “how are you” or “you up?” (Though Jack did occasionally text at ungodly hours of the night.) After a few weeks, you began to notice a pattern. Jack almost always texted after games, though he texted more often after losses than wins. He always avoided talking about hockey if he could help it, or only complained about it as vaguely as possible. You found yourself checking the box scores each night, looking for Jack’s name on the scoresheet, or actually sitting and watching the games, leaving them on while you worked on homework.
“I’m not sure I’ve ever watched this much hockey in my life,” you admitted one night, after a particularly rough 6-2 loss to the Flyers in Philly, still rolling your eyes a little bit at Jack’s choice of pick-up line for the night. (A shitty mirror selfie in a Devils hoodie, with the message “like my shirt? it’s boyfriend material”)
Your phone immediately rang in your hand, a FaceTime call. You answered with a sigh. “Jack, I’m trying to study for an exam,” you told him.
“You watch my games?” Jack asked immediately. He was sprawled on a hotel room bed, hoodie still on, hood pulled up over his messy hair and drawstring hanging out of his mouth as he chewed on it.
“Yes?” you said. You propped your phone up against your lamp and turned back to your notes.
Jack grinned suddenly. “Since when?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, a couple weeks? Ever since I realized you only wanted to talk to me after you lose.”
Jack huffed. “That’s not- It’s not about only wanting to talk to you when we lose it’s just-“ he broke off, looking at something in his hotel room, anywhere but you. “You didn’t care about the hockey, or who I was, and sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone about stuff that’s not hockey.” Jack pushed his hood off, ran his fingers through his hair. “Everything and everyone in my life is all about hockey, and you just weren’t,” he said.
“Sorry,” you said, because you didn’t know what else to say, and you were "all about hockey" now, just a little bit.
“You don’t have to fucking apologize,” he said, leaning closer to his phone earnestly. “I don’t care that you watch games,” which was a bit of a lie, you thought, judging by the way Jack’s cheeks were going pink, “I just like talking to you,” he said.
“Yeah?” you teased.
Jack ducked his head. “Yeah,” he said. “Usually I can get by on just being Jack Hughes-“
“I noticed,” you said drily, cutting him off.
“But you don’t care,” Jack continued as if you hadn’t said anything, stubborn as ever. “Anyway, what are you studying for?” he asked. His abrupt subject change didn't go unnoticed.
And then you started explaining what your exam was over, and Jack listened, though he probably couldn’t follow half of it, until you were both yawning.
“You should go to bed,” Jack said eventually, rubbing his eyes.
“You should go to bed,” you countered.
Jack stuck his tongue out at you. “G’night,” he mumbled.
“Good night, Jacky,” you said.
When you checked your phone one last time before bed, you had a Venmo notification: “good luck” with the coffee emoji. You rolled your eyes, but you transferred the payment to your account.
It was another few days before you heard from Jack again, but that was normal. The Devils won two in a row and dropped the next one, but that was normal, too. When he did text you again, it wasn’t actually a text, but an iMessage game request for Connect Four.
“really?” you texted instead of accepting the request.
“yes really,” Jack shot back immediately. “I’m fucking bored, Ty’s ignoring me”
You could practically hear Jack’s whine. You accepted the request and beat him in less than five minutes. You got the rematch request immediately.
You spent the next week and a half going back and forth in iMessage games. You both won about as much as you lost; Jack was better than you at beer pong and darts, but you were better at Connect Four and Battleship.
You were playing pong while on a FaceTime call with Jack when he sunk the last cup. “Who’s your daddy,” he crowed, jumping up.
You cracked up. “I’m not calling you that,” you told him.
“No, but your kids will,” Jack said quickly, smirking, all cocky and confident, and you liked him so much, no matter how stupid he was.
“Jack!” you said, but Jack was cracking up, too now. He looked proud of himself in between gasps for air. “Why do I even like talking to you,” you grumbled, but Jack’s smile was contagious.
“Hey,” Jack said, sobering up suddenly. “Do you wanna come to a game next week?” he asked. “Quinn’s gonna be in town, my parents are flying in and everything.”
All digital flirting aside, that was…a lot. You could count on one hand the number of times you’d seen Jack in person since you’d met him. Meeting his family? You didn’t think you were remotely ready for that. You weren’t even dating, didn’t even know if you were heading towards that, if either of you wanted that.
“Jack,” you started. Jack’s face fell. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you said carefully.
“No, yeah, you’re right, just forget I said anything, yeah?” Jack rushed to say.
“Jack…” you said, but Jack was already changing the subject again.
You were in that little coffee shop near your apartment where you’d first met Jack, so of course that’s where you ran into him. The Canucks game had come and gone, but Jack had been quiet since then. It was the first time you’d ever worried about it.
“I’m paying for hers, too,” Jack said suddenly from over your shoulder, startling you. You hadn’t realized he’d come in after you. “Hey,” he said to you. He poked you in the side until you moved over to let him order and pay.
You waited in silence until your coffees were ready, and Jack grabbed them both and led the way to a table in the corner. You trailed after him, looking at the way his hair was curling against his neck, still damp from practice, the line of his shoulders in his hoodie.
“I’m Jack,” he said with a smile as he slid your coffee across the table to you. The smile seemed a little tense, but it reached his eyes. So that’s how this was going to go.
You smiled back and took a sip of your coffee before responding. “Still haven’t come up with a better pick-up line, huh?”
Jack’s smile grew, seemed a little less forced. “See, I’ve been using all my good lines on someone, but they haven’t been working as well. Figured I’d go with a classic.” You rolled your eyes. “Hey, technically, it did work on you the first time,” he pointed out.
He had you there.
Jack fell quiet, sipping his coffee across the table from you. His eyes were on the street through the window. You didn’t dare break the silence, didn’t even know what to say.
“This will make a great story some day, huh?” Jack asked suddenly. He’d been chewing on his straw.
“Jack, what,” you said.
Jack grinned, wry. “Rejected twice by the same girl and still wanting to go after her,” he said. “Not sure that’s ever happened before.”
“How many times have you actually been rejected, Jack,” you asked flatly, but Jack barreled on, pretending he hadn’t heard you.
“I really like you,” he said, rushed.
“Jack, you asked me to meet your family before you even asked me to be your girlfriend!” You crossed your arms. Someone a few tables away from you looked sidelong at you two, and you leaned across the table so you didn’t have to raise your voice at Jack again.
“No, I- what do you mean?” Jack looked genuinely confused.
You groaned and put your head on the table. “Boys are so dumb,” you said into the wood. You lifted your head to glare at Jack. “How exactly did you plan on introducing me to your parents?”
Jack hesitated. “I don’t know, I didn’t think that far ahead.”
“Of course you didn’t,” you said.
Jack pointed a finger at you; you snapped your teeth at it. “I was trying to ask you out, but you said it wasn’t ‘a good idea.’” Jack put air quotes around the words.
“You asked me out by asking me to come watch you play hockey,” you said. “How is that a date?”
Jack made a face. “Well, when you put it that way,” he trailed off.
“You’re such an idiot,” you told him. You hated how fond it sounded, a little.
“That’s not fair,” Jack whined. “I don’t have, like, a whole lot of experience here.”
“Oh my God.”
“Hey, wait,” Jack said. “Are you saying you would have said yes if I’d asked differently?”
“Oh my God,” you repeated.
Jack kicked you under the table, and you kicked him back, which turned into a whole fight, until you nailed him in the knee and he winced. He was still rubbing his knee when he spoke again.
“So would you?” he asked. “Go out with me?”
You sighed. “God help me, but yes.”
Jack broke out into one of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen on his face. He raised his arms in triumph. His hoodie rode up, flashing a sliver of stomach. You tore your eyes away, but Jack had noticed.
“I knew it, you like me!” he said, still grinning. “You like me, you think I’m cute, you want to-” Jack broke off as you leaned closer to him. You didn’t think you’d ever been this close before. Jack’s eyes looked more blue up close, somehow.
You swiped Jack’s coffee and took a drink of it, winking as you wrapped your lips around the straw. Jack stared, mouth still open, brain gone offline in the middle of a sentence.
“I’m gonna be late to class,” you said, grabbing your own half-empty cup and bag. You walked out of the coffee shop without a backwards glance, but you heard Jack scrambling to chase after you.
He grabbed onto your arm as you walked through the door, spinning you around and caging you up against the brick facade of the building.
“That was mean,” Jack complained. He was standing close to you, pressed against you from hip to toes. He dropped his hand from your arm and rested it on your waist instead. You gripped his wrist, feeling the bones shift beneath the skin and those little rubber bracelets he wore.
“What are you going to do about it?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Jack said. He swallowed hard.
You wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down towards you. He went easily, meeting you in the middle. Jack’s lips were chapped and bitten, but they were soft against yours. He was smiling into the kiss a little bit, his hand warm on your hip, and then he made a quiet noise, pressing your back harder into the wall behind you. When you broke apart, Jack gasped like he couldn’t get enough air.
“I do want to kiss you, for the record,” you said, finishing Jack’s earlier sentence for him.
He was kissing you again before you could react, stealing the laughter from your mouth.
802 notes · View notes
godlygreta · 3 years
chapter three | fuck buddies
title | gimmie all your love
summary | what could be a better way to spend the day then a bet and some consequences?
warnings | 18+ as always please !
word count | 4.3k
author’s note | i was a bit hungover writing some of this lmfao, i love you guys sm. y’all are amazing and the sweetest humans alive ! enjoy this while i write up a new fic to hopefully be posted on thursday or friday. no promises tho, i’ve got a wedding this weekend and some other homework to focus on as well as work, but i’ll do my absolute best. i love y’all for real
song of the chapter | gimmie all your love, alabama shakes
❝gimmie all your love / gimmie all you got, baby❞
The constant vibrate you felt in your head reminded you of yesterday’s actions. You were reluctant to open your eyes due to the increasingly annoying headache you began to feel the more aware you were of your awakeness. “Fuck,” your voice was hoarse, the word falling from your lips an octave lowered than you had expected it to.
“Don’t worry, I’m already your savior with water and Tylenol.” Jake spoke, setting the glass down on the table next to your side of the bed.
“Why are you yelling, Jake? It is early ass in the morning.” He chuckled, sitting next to you, helping you sit up as one of your hands occupies your temple.
“Actually, it’s almost three in the afternoon.” You looked at Jake bugeyed. “No, I’m not joking.”
You took the Tylenol in your hand, washing it down with water. The water felt like heaven as it went down your throat. You basically chugged the glass Jake brought you, finishing it fast. You fell backwards slowly onto the bed, not wanting to move too fast in fear of vomiting. “Jake, my head is fucking pounding, dude. I’m never drinking again, especially that cheap ass vodka.”
Silence fell between the two of you, Jake’s eyes looking at you laying on the bed with your hands covering your face. He finally spoke after moments of silence. “We’re planning on going to a dive bar tonight..”
“Oh, fuck me.” You sat up fast, head spinning. “I’m gonna need a shot of the… fuckin’… strongest thing in the house to get through the day.”
“Thought you weren’t drinking ever again.” You looked at him, a death glare before getting out of bed. Your balance was slightly fucked, almost tipping over as you stood. He reached out to grab your hands, but you insisted you were fine. “Whatever you say, Wobbles.”
“Call me that again and I’ll kick your ass.” You pointed your finger towards him.
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I bet I could, Jacob.” You scowled at him, pushing past to go into the kitchen. Mackenzi looked just as rough as you did. The bags under her eyes, the sluggish nature of all of her movements. She wasn’t her normal, bubbly, energetic self. “You look like shit, Mack.”
“You too, asshat.” You gave a stiff laugh. That was all you could muster. The thought of real laughter made your head hurt, pulsate even. You grabbed the coffee pot from its place and poured some of it into a mug, grabbing the bottle of vodka from the cabinet under the sink and poured a shot of it in there as well. Everyone watched you, but you didn’t care. You needed the pounding headache that was growing to go away. “Before anyone says anything, I will literally murder you and your firstborns. Let me do my thing.”
Everyone chuckled lightly as you drank your coffee. You didn’t have time to fuck around with creamer and sugar. Jake knew that your headache was wicked then, since you always put creamer and sugar in your coffee. You put your mug in the sink once you were finished, heading back towards your and Jake’s room. “What’re you doing?”
“Going to take a shower, Jake, I smell bad.” You didn’t actually, compared to how raunchy the boys smelled after their live shows on hot days, this was absolutely nothing.
“You mind if I join you?” He asked, leaning up against the door frame, watching you pick out some clothes to change into after your shower. You turned around, looking him up and down. You knew he showered last night, bits and pieces of last night were still alive in your brain.
Jake’s lips caressed your hips, his hands were steady against your thighs, rubbing them as he kissed a line from your hips to your navel. Your bottom lip was kept between your teeth, head thrown back, back arched from the mattress. His nose nudges your thighs apart, hooded eyes looking up at you.
Another memory snapshot involved Jake behind you, your leg held up by Jake’s hand, the other wrapped around your torso, hand loosely over your mouth. His strokes were of moderate pace, only speeding up to slow down again, feeling himself fill you up over and over again.
Your lips lazily ran over Jake’s, his fingertips drawing circles in your back. He’s humming “Sunshine on My Shoulders” by John Denver into your hair. You twirled a piece of his hair around your index finger, lightly giggling to yourself. Post orgasm happiness setting in.
“I guess, even though you already showered last night.” You brushed past him, he followed you closely behind. 
“Maybe, but I got pretty dirty after.” He winked at you, closing the door behind you. He sat on the toilet this time, watching you get undressed. Once you had turned the water on, letting the warmth of it engulf you completely, Jake joined you shortly after, wrapping his arms around you, lips brushed against your ear. “How’re you feeling now?”
Feeling his hot breath against the skin of your ear caused goosebumps to rise all over your body. He watched closely as you brought your tongue over your bottom lip, turning your head towards him. You looked up, eyes flickering between his lips and his eyes. “Better.”
You turned your head back to face the showerhead, letting the water fall down your front. Jake paid close attention to the way the water cascaded over your breasts, eyes filled with lust as if though this was the first time he was seeing them. His hands moved away from your shoulders, fingertips gently grazing over the skin from your ribcage to your hips. They ghosted over where the waistband of your panties would be, testing the waters.
You grabbed his hand with your own, leading him towards your center. You let out a sigh as his middle finger skims over your clit, head rolling back enough to reach Jake’s shoulder. His lips kissed the junction of your jaw and neck, finger drawing figure eight’s over your clit gently. You pushed your hips into his hand, begging for more pressure. You could feel him smirk against the skin of your shoulder, shivers running rampant down your spine. “That feel good, pretty girl?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, him using more pressure with each circle. Your face contorted in pleasure, teeth digging into your bottom lip before you gasped, Jake slipping a finger inside of you. “S-So good.”
“Hmm, I bet it does. You feel so good wrapped around my finger. Mind if I add another?” Once he did, you moaned at the new feeling - the new angle of which his fingers we’re working you. his free hand held you flush against him. “So pretty like this.”
Jake’s words of appreciation rang through your head. “Prettiest woman on planet Earth, you’re an absolute beauty. You gonna cum all over my fingers for me, baby?”
You nodded fiercely, the pressure beginning to build up from his words. They coaxed low moans out of you, your back arching from his chest. The more build up you felt in your core, the more desperate the whines were that left your mouth. You were a complete mess. “Almost there, Jakey, mhm.”
“C’mon pretty girl, cum for me. Cum all over my fingers, show me who’s pussy this is.” Jake’s words were enough to push you over the edge, the familiar feeling of an orgasm washing over you. Your body went slack, hips rutting against his hand, your mouth open, but no words fell out. Part of it was because your orgasm was intense enough to instil a wordlessness from you, but also because Jake shushed you, a light whisper, barely audible. You leaned up against the shower wall, Jake’s body never leaving yours. “Do you want me to wash your hair for you?”
“Mhm, please.” That orgasm knocked all the strength you still had right out of you. Jake was gentle when he washed your hair, a very light and dainty smile never leaving your face. His nails raked over your scalp, making sure the product reached all the way to your roots. He removed the shower head, using one of his hands to guard your face from the water and soap that was falling down. He did the same thing with the conditioner. You huffed out a laugh, looking at Jake, “Returning the favor from last night, huh?”
“Guess so.” He smirked. That level of playfulness carried through the rest of your shower, washing up your and Jake’s bodies. Laughter sounded throughout the house as you and Jake dried up, getting dressed. Nobody thought twice about it, except for Mackenzi and Joy, who were gaining consciousness of your situation.
Seven thirty rolled around, the sun had already dipped below the horizon. The car was packed, each of you needing to fit in there like sardines in a can. You sat on top of Jake’s lap, Josh driving, Sam, Joy, Mack and Danny all fitting either in the backseat or the front. The familiar sounds of the Fleet Foxes filled the speakers, windows all rolled down as the wind tumbled through everyone’s hair. You closed your eyes, letting the breeze and sun hit your face. Jake swore in that moment he almost let three words slip from his mouth. He wouldn’t let you know, though, never giving in to the idea of him loving you as anything more than a friend.
“Aha, Lonnie’s Dive. We’ve made it everyone! Safely remove yourselves from the vehicle and let’s go eat!” Nobody safely removed themselves from anywhere. Everything with those boys was done with little to no caution, think before doing completely thrown out the door. Wasn’t even a thought in their minds.
Everything inside the dive bar was rustic. It breathed life into the midwest, southernistic style. The longhorn antlers hung virtually almost everywhere inside. Cow hides and saddles were littering the walls. It almost made you want to burst out laughing, just from how Texan this seemed to you. You sat between the twins, Jake on your right, Josh to your left.
Modern country rang through the speakers, but it could barely be heard over your table’s laughter. A few drinks had already been consumed; you normally didn’t drink darker liquor, but you decided to drink some whiskey. It felt harsh going down, whiskey was stronger than what you had remembered. But of course, the last time you drank whiskey you were freshly twenty, your mother buying it for you to drink with the friends you had made in college.
Barbequed sandwiches littered the table, few of them had salads or soups in front of them.
“Wanna play some pool?” Jake asked, leaning over to whisper in your ear. You nodded, getting up and immediately rushing over to the pool table. You stuck in a $1.25 in quarters, the balls came out as you made Jake rack them. You grabbed two pool sticks, handing one to Jake as you set up to break it. “We should make a wager.”
“Should we now?”
“Winner makes the loser their bitch?” Jake offers, pool stick under his arm. You laughed, walking over towards Jake after finally breaking the balls.
“I already do that, don’t I?” Your question was sly, a smirk rising on his face as he licked over his teeth. His tongue laid against the inside of his cheek, the sight making all of the heat in your body go to your cheeks and your core.
“I’m not your bitch.” 
“You aren’t?” Your eyebrows knitted together in fake confusion.
“No,” he said, leaning over the table, hitting the cue ball against a striped one, your eyes watching it go into the hole. He stood back up, face inches from yours. “If anything, you’re my bitch.”
“So, you’re saying if I win, I get to do whatever I want to you?” You ask, watching Jake as he walks around the table. He nods, queuing up for another shot, which he also makes.
There was no way you were winning this one. So, you wagered it more. Best two out of three. And even then, you still didn’t fucking win. Jake was going to be able to do whatever he wanted to you. The thought drove you wild. While queuing up for another round, he walks behind you, his lips brushing your ear as it did this morning, “Meet me in the bathroom in five. Our bet starts now, pretty.”
Mackenzie and Joy stopped you before you were able to make your way to the bathroom. “What’s going on between you and Jake, huh?”
“What?” You asked, cut off from your plan. “Oh, um nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Friends don’t look at each other like that, Y/N.”
“Like what, Joy?” You were oblivious to what she was saying. You didn’t think you and Jake looked at each other any differently, besides when you’re both incredibly fucking horny, but that’s beside the point.
“You guys just look at each other like you’re more than friends.”
“We are just friends, though. It’s not anything more than that.” But was it? Did you think about the possibilities of it becoming something more? Did you even want to begin to entertain the idea of it becoming something more? You shook their words out of your mind, excusing yourself to the bathroom.
 As soon as you walked in, Jake’s hand grabbed your forearm, dragging you into one of the stalls. He pinned you against the wall, his thigh between your legs. The friction his jeans created against your center was delicious. It took the breath right out of your throat, one of Jake’s hands pulling your hair at the base to give him access to your neck. “What took you so long, huh? Thought I told you five minutes?”
“Not my fault. Mackenzi and Joy stopped me.” Your lips attempted to meet Jake’s, the hand that was one in your hair was now holding your chin. His eyes never left your lips, his teeth bringing his bottom lip between his top and bottom row. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
“It’s not about what I’m gonna do about it.” Your eyes moved from Jake’s lips to his eyes, questioning what intentions he had with you. His other hand moved your hips against his thigh, the friction causing you to audibly gasp. His lips twisted into a gentle smirk, watching the way your eyes focus on his thigh. “Ride my thigh, baby.”
“In my jeans or do you want me bare?” You bit on your bottom lip, looking at Jake as innocently as possible. Either way, Jake was going to have fun with you. He motions for you to take off your bottoms, handing them to Jake. He grabbed your underwear from your shorts, putting them inside of his back pocket. The thought of him being able to grab them out at any point drove you insane, thank God Jake’s thigh was back underneath you. He kissed your lips gently, waiting for you to begin.
“C’mon, pretty baby, get yourself off on my thigh. I wanna see you cum.” His brown eyes bore into yours, lips a delicate touch away from your own. Jake’s voice was the perfect mix of sultry and quiet - coaxing you to do whatever he so wished. 
You began to move your hips, agonizingly slow. His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth again, watching your mouth hang open as you pace yourself against Jake’s legs. His jeans against your clit allowed for the mouth whiniest of mewls to fall from your lips, rutting your hips due to the sensation. 
The power Jake felt watching you get yourself off drove him insane. The lust that coursed through his veins was all the intoxication he needed. His lips and teeth made themselves comfortable against your neck, your chest, any area of your body that Jake could get his mouth on. “So sexy, I love the way you fuck yourself against my leg, you look so desperate.”
“I am,” you huff out, stomach beginning to tighten. “Don’t wanna cum on your thigh, J, wanna cum on that dick of yours.”
His hands stopped your hips. Your eyes instantly snap towards his face. “You don’t get to cum on my dick yet. If you’d rather cum there, you’re gonna have to wait til we get back to the house.”
The wait time in particular until the two of you would be alone was two and a half hours. Two and a half fucking hours. Your mind was so buzzed, high on the almost orgasm Jake gave you. You watched him intently as he continued weaving in and out of conversations with the others, laughing and joking around.
It got difficult to not excuse yourself to the bathroom to take care of the problem yourself when Jake started to do that thing he does with his hand on his chin, stroking the absence of a beard. He knew he looked good, especially with the way you were eye fucking him. The car ride home was going to be just as torturous as the rest of the time spent at the bar was.
Although, there was one advantage you had.
The car ride home came, everybody piled into the car again, you sat atop Jake’s lap as you did before. You continued to shift in Jake’s lap, knowing damn well the damage you were going to cause to yourself later. Feeling him grow in his pants gave you the feeling of having the upperhand, although deep down you knew that it was the opposite. Depending on what Jake had in mind, this was simply adding fuel to whatever fires he was brewing.
You and Jake urged to the group once back at the cabin that the two of you were going to be under a food induced coma. You wished everyone a good night, Jake following you into your bedroom. You sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on your arms as you looked over at Jake, facing the shut door undoing his belt. He removed it, turning back towards you. You bit your lip as you eyed him up and down. The t-shirt Jake was sporting fit to his body so well, tight in all of the right places.
“Stop biting your lip, you know that drives me crazy.” He pulled your lip from your bottom teeth, your body following Jake’s. Your head was right in front of his cock, eyes just barely meeting his navel. Your hands instinctively went for the button of his jeans, undoing his zipper slowly. His hands grab yours, you search Jake’s eyes for an answer. “Tonight’s not about me, Y/N, tonight’s about you.”
“Me?” Jake nodded in response, grabbing your hands to help you up. He undoes the laces of your shoes, helping you slip them and your socks off, moving to unbutton your shorts. He let you step out of those yourself, helping you out of your shirt. His arms wrapped around your torso, undoing your bra clasp. He held you there for a moment, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Lay down.” His voice was soft, but carried weight. You did as you were told, head on top of the pillows. He slipped off his boots, followed by his pants before crawling over to you. He knew where he wanted to start, but he was so awestruck by the look of your naked body. “So beautiful.”
He spread your legs a little, crawling between them before pressing his lips to yours. Your hands found his face, holding him as closely as you possibly could without hurting either of you. His hand grabbed your thigh, hitching it over his hip. You were still sensitive partially due to the friction of his jeans from earlier, but also because of how needy you were already at his point. His tongue tasted the faintness of the whiskey on your breath, humming as he moved to kiss down your neck. “You mind if I tie your hands, baby?”
“Yes sir.” He pressed a quick kiss to your neck before pulling his belt up off the floor. Your hands were put above your head, arms laced through the cracks in the headboard. It turned both you and Jake on immensely, his dick somehow getting harder (as if that was even possible), you became more wet. He looked at your entire body, how provocative you looked while laid out in wait.
“We didn’t lock the door, pretty girl. You know what that means?” He asks, his fingertips ghosting over your nipples. You shook your head no. “Anyone could walk in right now and you see like this… so desperate for my dick.”
His words sent pools of pleasure to your core, your thighs attempting to rub together to gain some sort of friction - some sort of relief, some sort of semblance of something. His mouth came to greet your breasts, dragging his bottom lip between the two of them as he pressed gentle kisses over each nipple. He hummed in satisfaction as he kissed from your breast bone to your navel, reveling in the way you sucked in a breath, his kiss tickling you.
He took his time with you, teasing you with open mouthed kisses all around your core. His lips never once touched your clit, falling towards the insides of your thighs. “Hmm. You look so pretty like this, baby. Do you think you look pretty like this?”
“If you say I’m a pretty girl, J, I’m the prettiest girl.” What made you feel like the prettiest girl was the way Jake looked at you, the way he looked when he came inside of you, because of you. That made you feel ethereal, more beautiful than loads of things in the world.
“You’re not just pretty, baby.” His flat tongue liked a stripe upwards, collecting some of your juices. You let out a low moan, pulling against Jake’s belt wrapped around your wrists. His hand grabbed at your breast, kneading it as he continued to eat you out. You tried to keep your moans as quiet as possible though it was becoming increasingly difficult.
The way Jake ate you out with such care mixed with the forced delay of your first orgasm of the night, it was no shock that your first orgasm would come that fast. It washed over you, your mouth was switched between being hung open and no words falling out of your mouth, or your bottom lip between your teeth, holding back a moan.
The second one came almost as quickly as the first, Jake beginning to add his fingers into the mix, his mouth occupying your clit, his fingers curling in and out of you. Your arms strain against the belt, wanting nothing more than to touch him, any part of him.
Your eyes glued themselves to the way his lips moved up your body, his fingers never leaving your cunt, only to ever occupy your clit. You met his gaze, seeing a soft nature behind his pupils despite how dirty the scene was in front of him. Your legs were spread, arms tied together above your head slightly, mouth slightly agape, breathing heavily. “You’re a goddess.”
His words filled you with fire, your cheeks becoming hot. Surely Jake was drunk, right? His words held no more meaning than a drunken compliment, slipping past with a hiccup. Jake didn’t hiccup, though. His breathing was steady, eyes raking over your face.
With the incoming of your third orgasm, he watched the way your face twisted up in pleasure this time. His lips pressing feather light kisses to your neck and shoulder, occasionally laying one on your cheek. “Please, Jake, I-I can’t take much more.”
“You want to cum on my dick for your last one, baby?” You nod your head vigorously, attempting to keep yourself together, attempting to make it through this third orgasm. “Your wish is my command, goddess.”
He slips his boxers down his legs after undoing the belt, letting your arms fall free. He presses kisses to your wrists, a gentle appreciation of your submission. He settles himself between your legs, running himself up and down your slit a few times, hearing you mewl in overstimulation. “Just this one more, baby, okay?”
“Yes sir.” You both let out a gasp, yours louder than his. His pace was slow, steady. His hips fell into a delicious rhythm, his hand loosely around your chin, making you look at him. Your arms were draped over his shoulders, slightly weak from the strain of the belt. “Fuck, Jake, feels so good.”
“I know, baby, I know. Fucking you is like a religious experience.” He admits, his praise making your head spin, your vision becoming slightly blurred. “You’re taking all of me so good, pretty girl. So good. You’re the only one that can take my cock so good. Are you gonna cum one last time on my dick, baby.”
“Mhm.” You felt it draw closer, the string of pleasure beginning to snap. “So close.”
“C’mon, baby, let go for me. Let go.” His words pushed you over the edge, your hips gyrating in any way they could, riding out the last of your orgasm. Tears fell lightly from your eyes, Jake’s arms wrapping around you. He held you tightly against him, the clench of you around him was enough to push him over the edge, profanity lightly falling from his lips. “Fuck.”
He stayed inside of you, letting you calm down completely before pulling out of you. You were so tired, your body completely drained of all energy. “Was that alright?”
“Mhm, ‘m tired now.”
“I can tell, pretty,” his finger pushes a strand of hair from your face. “You get some sleep, okay? I’m gonna grab some water from downstairs. I’ll be right back.”
You’re drunk on your orgasms, body disoriented from anything. You wanted Jake to stay with you, but you were too tired to truly care about where he was going. “Okay, love you.”
Wait, what?
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krabjoons · 3 years
omg professor... what are you doing?!?!?! [pjm]
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⮕ summary: park jimin is the hottest, most popular guy at school. the only catch? he also just so happens to be your teacher.
⮕ pairing: park jimin x reader, mentions of jaebum x reader
⮕ genre: smut, university!au, pwp
⮕ word count: 12.8k
⮕ rating: 18+, nsfw
⮕ warnings: hard dom!jimin x bratty-ish sub!y/n, professor!jimin x university student! y/n (he’s 27-28 ish and she’s 21-22), fuckboy!jaebum, pussy eating, fingering, thigh riding, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk (carries the whole fic tbh), degradation, edging, dumbification, impact play (pussy + ass spanking), manhandling, humiliation, exhibitionism, creampie, teasing, praise, orgasm denial, begging, overstimulation, crying, kissing/making out, jimin’s a meanie but y/n likes it (aka i go ham on the degradation and edging you have been warned), aftercare (like 500 words of it :P)
⮕ a/n: this took too long to come out and has literally been sitting in my drafts since august but here it is! writing this was definitely a rollercoaster because this was my first smut and honestly i felt like it was really bad at times but other times i was like wtf this is so hot,, ANYWAYS, i’m glad that i’m posting it and getting over that fear of imperfection. i hope that you guys enjoy this piece :). i would also like to add that please don’t hook up with your teachers… if you do, that’s on you i take no responsibility for that whatsoever lol. excuse the title i literally have no idea what to change it to but i like it the way it is tbh LMFAOOO OK I’LL STOP RAMBLING NOW BYEEE ILY ALL
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University has never been when you’ve expected. When you first graduated high school and came here, you expected your late teenage years to be filled with just as much studying as high school combined with only a few parties here and there. You didn’t expect to make as many friends as you did and certainly did not expect to be known as the girl with the high grades and even higher alcohol tolerance. No longer are you the shy Y/N L/N that walked through the entrance gates on the first day of school; you’ve changed a lot.
It was a surprise to you. With academics taking precedence much of your life, the freedom university provided you with was welcomed - perhaps a little too much. You quickly learned that polar bear shots were great to keep you in a good mood at parties and that eating mangoes before smoking gave you a better high. And, you also learned about sex.
Admittedly, the first time you had a hookup, it was awkward and messy (at least for you… it was a guy, what else were you expecting?) but with more practice, you were able to get the hang of it. You’ve found your tastes and now willingly talk about who catches your eye to your best friends, something you never thought you’d do last year. 
Speaking of who catches your eye, as of now it’s Park Jimin. A really hot guy, according to your friends, and according to you, an even better voice. When you first walked into your Applications of Economics class, you nearly spit out your Starbucks drink after you saw the astonishingly handsome man with silky black hair in a dress shirt and tie. Surprisingly formal for a university student, you thought, but you weren’t one to talk, considering your current outfit of business casual.
Only, he wasn’t a student. He was your teacher. You should’ve put the pieces together earlier but you didn’t. Let's just say a Coconut Lime Refresher is good for hangovers, and you needed one desperately (basically, you were drunk as hell the night before and were still in the process of recovering). It certainly didn’t take long before all of campus was talking about the new economics professor who was hotter than hell. Girls (and some guys) immediately tried transferring into his class, one of them being your best friend Lisa, just to get a glimpse of how attractive he was. You remember a couple of girls offering you literal cash to transfer out, but you didn’t.
A good call, thinking about it now. You’ve gotten closer with Mr. Park, although it’s nothing too special yet, the two of you are on good terms and have even hugged before (you still get giddy thinking about it). Y/N from 2 years ago would be screaming her head off at how bold you’ve gotten, but now, you can’t bring yourself to care. Park Jimin is a hot guy, and you’re pretty hot too (if you must admit), so it would only be logical if the two of you could hook up. Unsurprisingly, you’ve lost your shame, nothing but thoughts of your teacher filling your mind in your spare time. 
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So here you are, another day of university, as monotonous as ever. The only highlight of your day will be the morning, where you have a class with Mr. Park. You've started changing your style a bit recently, opting for more, let’s just leave it at provocative outfits. Walking into the room, you take your usual seat in the front, closest to Mr. Park’s desk. 
The class progresses like it normally does, starting with a review of the work from the last class and a discussion about the new material. "I’m going to give you guys this last half hour of class to review the material individually if you want or you can leave early, I don’t mind. I know it's a Friday so there’s gonna be some parties around campus, if you want to prepare yourselves for that then go ahead." Your professor glances around the room, smirking at you when mentioning the parties. You flush and look away, biting your lower lip. 
You make the decision to stay in the classroom while the majority of the other students file out of the room. "I'll be available for any questions," Jimin calls out, returning to his desk across from you.
Sticking to your reputation, you get a head start on the assignment and easily work through the homework. Surprisingly, you forget about Jimin for the time being, focused on finishing your assignment so that you have as little work as possible to do after classes. You don’t notice your teacher looking at you, admiring the way you put so much effort into the things you’re passionate about. Hearing a student call his name, he gets up to help him. 
Surprisingly, Mr. Park has assigned a disturbingly low amount of homework, probably because of the upcoming weekend and maybe a pop quiz later next week (ugh). You’ve finished your work in a mere twenty minutes and are surprised to find that Jimin is not at his desk when you look up from your laptop. You turn around, looking for him, and see that he’s helping another student. Whipping out your phone, you text your best friend Lisa (who just so conveniently, also thirsts over Jimin the same way you do).
to lisa: hey i finished classwork for mr park and have like 10 minutes of free time now lol
Instantly, she responds as if she wasn’t in class. Then again, she has never been one to pay too much attention to her professors. 
from lisa: ayo talk to him 
from lisa: also save me from bio i literally cannot
Smiling slightly, you respond to her.
to lisa: i WOULD but he’s helping other students
from lisa: then be like "m- mister park, i- need help please" and use puppy eyes 
to lisa: LMFAOO PLEASE he’d be like whats wrong with you since when did you struggle in this class
to lisa: but i mean, anything to hear him talk i guess 
from lisa: god i'm so jealous you have him early so you can hear his morning voice it must be hot asf
to lisa: it is omg
from lisa: god what if he moans like that it'd be such a turn on
to lisa: dUDE STOP NO the way this is literally true like if he has a good sip of coffee or a pastry he likes hes gonna go all "mmmm I wish you could try this" pls its so fking hot
to lisa: like SIR I WANNA TRY YOU or you to try me no complaints
from lisa: wtf he finishes his breakfast before my class so i can't even hear it tf I hate it here
to lisa: u have him right after my block bro at leAST you have him 
to lisa: what ab the people who don't even have him
from lisa: idk what i'd do honestly. imagine not having a literal sex god teaching you every day i pity those who dont
You’re about to type out a response when a smooth voice sounds out from behind you, "alright guys, you’re good to go. Have a good weekend!" You jump in your seat, not realizing that your teacher was helping the student right behind you for the past five minutes. 
As the rest of the class begins to pack up, you pray that he hasn’t seen you talking about your sexual fantasies less than five feet away from him. Mr. Park doesn’t say anything, so you must be in the clear, right? You’re hoping and praying that he didn’t find out, but your heart rate is already rising and you’re getting a sick feeling in your stomach. Your gut must be trying to tell you something.
Well, your gut’s telling you that the universe must not be on your side because as soon as you stand up, he says, "Ms. L/N, can you stay a bit after class? I have a few things I want to discuss with you." Cheeks flushing hot, you squeak out a "yes, sir."
When everyone has left and it’s just the two of you left in the room, Jimin pulls up a seat next to his desk. "Sit," he commands, leaning on his desk. You scramble to your feet and walk over, mind buzzing with thoughts. Oh god, what if he tells the administration department? Then you’d definitely be punished and maybe even kicked out of the school. Maybe you could make up a story? Oh, it’s ANOTHER Park Jimin, haha. Definitely NOT my teacher. Even if you did, they could go the rest of the texts between you and Lisa and you’d be screwed. And not to be petty or anything, but being kicked out would mean that you wouldn’t be able to be in Jimin’s class anymore and wouldn’t be able to see him. Oh, and the bigger problem would be that you’d also be unable to get your degree.
You start internally panicking, heart rate picking up even when your teacher rolls up his sleeves and leans down in front of you. Stop thinking about dirty things FOR ONCE, Y/N, half of you screams, while the other half of you has already started fantasizing about things which shouldn’t be thought about, especially with one of the people in the fantasies less than a couple of feet in front of you. With his hands on his thighs, the ones you’ve thought about riding far too often, he smirks.
"So, I heard you wanna try me?"
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You gulp, absolutely mortified that Jimin caught you. Yes, he was attractive, and you would do practically anything to fuck him, but you didn’t expect to be humiliated into admitting it. "Um, no sir! I mean, maybe, but not in the way you think!" you ramble. Shut up, Y/N, part of you screams. You’re only digging yourself into a deeper hole.
"Yeah, sure. Because I definitely didn’t see what you were talking about with your friend. Be honest, Y/N," he says, smirking down at you. "You think about me, don't you? I'm not new to this. I see the way girls like you look at me. I know the way they talk about me when they think I can't hear. I know the way you think. Who would've thought? Little Miss L/N, all prim and proper on the outside, would be so filthy deep down?"
"Sir, I- uh. I-" you stutter out, cheeks burning furiously hot.
"You what? You're not going to try to prove your innocence now, are you? Not when you've gotten this far, hm? Getting to do what you’ve wanted after all this time?" he asks, standing up from his desk, and walking over to you, kneeling in front of you so that you were forced to hold eye contact. 
"You know, nobody else has been as daring as you, my dear," he hums softly. "Sending promiscuous texts about their teacher in the very class they're in. Rubbing their thighs together every time their teacher catches their eye." You shift in your seat, Jimin's words sparking the slightest of fires in your core. "Gazing ever so obviously at said teacher’s dick, too. Y/N, you amaze me. So, so brilliant. yet so, so naughty. You thought that nobody else would catch onto you? Unfortunately, you thought wrong."
"I'm s- sorry sir," you whisper out.
"You're just sorry that you got caught, Y/N. You'll keep doing this even after today," Jimin chuckles lowly. "Possibly even more after today," he adds on, taking note of how his words have affected you. Your pupils are dilated and your cheeks are starting to get flushed. "Such a dirty girl. I'm here trying to scold you, and here you are, getting turned on by my words. Is this why you ask so many questions, doll? To hear my voice?"
You bite your lip in a mixture of embarrassment and nervousness, nodding imperceptibly. The logical, studious side of you is thinking, oh my god, is this really happening? Am I going to fuck my teacher? I really shouldn’t be doing this. The relaxed, easygoing side of you (pretty much your horny side) is thinking, finally, it’s happening. I’m going to FINALLY be fucking Park Jimin.
"What else have you imagined about my voice, hm? How I'd whisper into your ear while pounding into you? Hear me moan as your tight cunt clenches around my dick? Tell you how good you're making me feel? Reminding you how much of a slut you are to fuck your teacher in the middle of his classroom, where anyone could walk in?" he continues, seeing you shift in your seat more. "Would you like that?" he asks.
"Y- yes Mr. Park. I- I would," you whisper. You have to consciously clench your thighs together to keep them from spreading at his words.
"Hm, I don't believe you. Try again another time, darling," he sighs, leaning back on his knees, getting ready to stand up. You don't want this, whatever it is, to be over that quickly so you make up your mind. Swallowing your pride and succumbing to the dull throb in your panties, you pout.
"But professor, I really do want you. I want you to make me feel good and I wanna make you feel good. Please," you whine out. "I wanna be thinking about you all the time because you fucked me so well in class. And when my friends talk about wanting to get in your pants, I want to be the only one who already has. Please, Mr. Park. I need you." you breathe out. At this point, the pressure in your core is rising steadily, and only intensifies when you see the way your teacher's eyes are glazed over in lust and eyebrows are furrowed. Your eyes travel down the expanse of his face to his lips, plump and pink. Oh, the number of times you've wished to kiss them, imagined them suckling on your clit. And now that Jimin knows, perhaps it's finally coming true. 
"You'd like that, hm? God, you're so dirty," Jimin mutters, inching closer to you, cautiously placing a hand on your knee. Your legs instantly part to make room for him in between and he inches forward. "Does dirty talk really turn you on that much, Y/N? I can smell you through your panties," he remarks.
"Mr. Park, please do something," you whimper. And with that, Jimin pulls you over to his desk and sits you on the edge. You spread your legs and he stands in between them. He leans his head closer to you until he's next to your ear.
"Want me to get you off with my words? You seem to like that already and I haven't even tried, doll. Or perhaps," he pauses, bunching up your skirt so that it pools at your waist. "You want me to touch you?"
You nod eagerly, chest heaving in anticipation. "I want both Mr. Park. I want you," you purr salaciously. And with that, your teacher lets out a low growl and presses his lips onto yours harshly. It’s already bruising, but you just can’t get enough of the way he tastes of caramel and coffee and how ridiculously soft his lips are, so you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in even closer. He seems a little put off by how eager you are, but once he hears you sigh in enjoyment, he melts into your eager grasp. 
His hands start sliding down your waist so that they are resting on your upper thighs, and he rubs comforting circles into them, trailing them closer and closer to your panties. He breaks off from the kiss to look down and smirks back at you before joining his lips to yours with even more fervor and you praise yourself for deciding to wear your lace thong today. You feel his tongue slide against your lips, asking for permission to enter and your mouth immediately complies. 
The feeling of his hot breath on your lips and thumbs rubbing against the juncture of your thighs has you feeling needy for more. Jimin swirls the tip of his tongue against yours, the filthy action turning you on even more. You moan into his mouth and thread your fingers through his hair, causing him to let out a low groan.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the two of you break apart. Chest heaving up and down, you take note of your teacher's face. His lips are redder and plumper than ever before. His cheeks have the faintest blush on them. His eyes, the ones that crinkle into a happy smile whenever you answer a question correctly in class, are now clouded over with deep lust.
"Get onto all fours. On the desk," Jimin commands, and you immediately comply. Now your ass is facing Jimin and you're very nearly completely exposed to him, save the thong you're wearing.
"God, you're such a slut," Jimin moans out at the sight. "Do you get dressed up like this just so you can get fucked in class? Such a short fucking skirt that I can see whatever you're wearing underneath whenever you bend over, hm? You wanted me to give in to you, doll?" When you nod weakly, he chuckles, "I don't think so."
Arching your back so your ass sticks out even more, you whine, "professor, please fuck me. I'm so fucking horny, please." Jimin cups your pussy from outside your panties and leans over you, "I don't think so, kitten. I'm the one calling the shots here." Your pussy flutters in response and Jimin slaps it lightly, chuckling. The brief stimulation has your cunt clenching around nothing.
He spreads your knees slightly and begins trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses up your thighs to the arch of your back. Feeling his breath so close to your core has you getting wetter by the minute in anticipation. He finally hovers over your back, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, muttering, "I'm going to wreck you, Y/N", and you feel yourself clench in excitement. 
"Then do it," you whisper, and Jimin hooks his fingers around the waistband of your thong and pulls it down, so slow that it's almost painful, exposing your heat to the cool air of the classroom and causing you to shiver in response. 
You don't see it, but his eyes widen seeing the strings of your slick connecting your pussy to your panties. He takes a look at your core and his mouth starts watering. You're soaking and clenching around nothing, thighs shaking ever so slightly in anticipation.
He flattens his tongue and licks a flat stripe up your pussy, from your clit to your entrance. He pauses to suck some of your juices from it, but your cunt just keeps leaking them out. He runs his tongues through your folds over and over again until you let out a wanton moan.
Encouraged by your reaction, he hooks his arms around the side of your hips, nuzzling closer into your pussy. He laps at your cunt and purposely avoids your clit, only heightening the pressure in your core.
"Mr. Park," you whine out, pushing your hips back. "Please. More," you pant out. Suddenly, Jimin spanks your right ass cheek, rubbing his hand over the fleshy globe soothingly afterward. You let out a little yelp and turn around to catch his eyes. 
"More what?" he spits out, smiling at you evilly. "My little slut's gotta tell me what she wants. How else would I give it to her?" your mind is foggy, pleasure causing you to lose track of everything other than the man behind you. "W- want you," you garble out, "t- to play with my clit too." 
"What's the magic word, doll?" Jimin teases, breath fanning over your slit, causing your walls to clench erratically. "Please, Mr. Park," you whine, pushing your cunt closer to his face. He smirks at you, avoiding your advances. 
"Good girl," he praises before finally positioning himself just barely in front of your clit. You feel him blow cool air onto your slit, but the temperature of it is magnified even more due to how wet you are. You whine out, expressing your displeasure, and Jimin finally indulges you by taking your throbbing button between his plush lips.
"F- fuck, sir, yes! Right there, please," you squeal, back arching even more. Jimin hums, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body. You can feel yourself growing wetter, your entrance squeezing out more and more of your arousal down to where Jimin's lips are sucking. He momentarily pauses to flatten his tongue out, letting your juices drip onto them and slurping them up eagerly. The obscene noises behind you combined with the low thrum of student life just outside the classroom door mesh together to have you realize where exactly the two of you are doing this.
You glance at the clock, and your eyes widen. "Prof- oh my god, Pr- Professor Park," you moan out, trying to keep your focus. Jimin again hums, making you jolt in pleasure. "I- uh, there’s only ten minutes until the next block of classes start. I need t- to leave in around five." When Jimin releases from you with a pop, you can feel your slick running down your thighs and some dripping onto his desk. You feel a rush of excitement at the thought of everyone walking in during class to see the mess Jimin made of you on his desk and again squeeze around nothing.
"Well then," Jimin hums lazily, "guess you better cum within five minutes if you want to cum at all." He dives back into your heat, tongue skillfully running through your folds. He cycles between kitten licking and delivering harsh sucks to your clit and dipping his tongue into your entrance. You grind against his face in desperation to reach your release, and just when you finally feel it hurtling towards you at an alarming rate, suddenly, Jimin gets up.
He leans over you, trailing a hand up your slick-ridden thigh to cup your bare heat and mutters lowly in your ear, "time’s up." Your heart drops in frustration, and you whine out. Grinding into his palm, you beg for him to touch you once again, knowing nothing but how good he was making you feel just seconds ago. "Mr. P- Park, please. Make me cum," you cry out.
Jimin spanks your pussy, a wet echo sounding through the room. You jolt forward and your cunt leaks out even more of your arousal in response to the combination of pain and pleasure. "I said no," he hisses, "you couldn't cum in time, you don't deserve to cum." 
"God, look at you, you're a mess. Bent over and spread out so desperately for me. You taste so sweet, doll. So responsive, too," Jimin murmurs, lazily rubbing your slit. He's, once again, avoiding your clit and driving you insane. Your sensitive nub is now swollen and throbbing with need, slick with your arousal. 
"Has anyone touched you as well as I do, Y/N?" he asks. When you shake your head, he slaps your cunt again, another wet sound echoing through the room. "Words, baby girl," he goads, fingers dancing through your folds. 
"N- no, sir. they can’t make me feel half as good as you did. I’ve al- I’ve always been thinking about having you touch m- my cunt and making me cum really hard. and I- shit I’m so needy sir, I wanna cum," you garble out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You feel Jimin’s hand leave your pussy, exposing your soaked heat to the cool air of the room. Slowly, he pulls your thong up your thighs and the light touches make you clench in desperation and whine out.
He marvels at the sight of you so fucked out in front of him. The way his top student was falling apart at the slightest touches he gave you. And the words you said. God, to have you say such filthy things in comparison to your gentle demeanor, all because of him, it really did something to him.
Jimin finishes clothing you and presses a kiss to the top of your ass and walks across the room to get some tissues to clean up the mess you made. Still perched on the desk, you watch him needily, thighs rubbing together to relieve some of the pressure from being denied your orgasm. "So I really don’t get to cum?" You ask meekly, holding back a sob. "I need to cum, Mr. Park."
He chuckles, "there’s a difference between need and want, doll. You want to cum, you don't need to cum. But what you do need," he returns to you, leaning down so that his face is right in front of yours, "is to get to your next class." Your face, once eagerly lit up in anticipation, has now fallen in disappointment.
Rolling your eyes, you huff out a "fine" and get off his desk, feeling your arousal make your thighs stick together. Your panties are uncomfortably damp and you’re so wet you can even smell yourself. "Can you make me cum later?" you question Jimin, sliding closer to him and playing with his tie, praying that he’ll be the one to make you release instead of having to do it yourself when you get home.
"If you play nice I might. If not, then… we’ll see," he hums, handing you a tissue to clean yourself up while heading to wipe down his desk. "I have a lunch meeting in the second half of the lunch block, so if you really need me, I’ll be here before then." 
You grin and nod in excitement. "Cool! so I’ll-" you begin before the first students from the next class start filing in, making you jump. "The door wasn’t locked?" you whisper frantically to him. "We could have been caught, Jimin! Are you crazy?!"
He smirks at you, "didn’t you say you wanted it that way? Where anyone could walk in? I only did what you asked, doll." You’re left speechless as he continues. "Anyways, you should be in your next class pretty soon. I’ll write a note to your professor just in case you’re late. But get going, yeah? I’ll see you in time for our meeting." He hands you a slip of paper and straightens up, tossing the dirty tissues into the trash can in the corner of the room. 
"Okay class, we’re going to get started soon. I presume you all did the reading, so just prepare for the discussion we’re going to be having about it when the bell rings," he calls out to the class. Turning to face you, he questions quietly with genuine concern, "you okay? Did I push you too much for our first time?" 
Your mind swirls with thoughts. Our first time. The words fill you with giddy excitement. It’s just the two of you that know about this, the dirty things you were doing just minutes ago, very nearly getting caught. Knowing that this won’t be the only moment you guys are doing this, fills you with excitement.
"On the contrary, actually," you tease your teacher with a smile. "It was really nice honestly, but perhaps, you didn’t do enough." You bite your lip at the way Jimin's eyes darken and he looks away. "Get to class, Ms. L/N. The bell will ring any minute," he says lowly, jaw slightly clenched. Your core throbs at the sight and you head towards the door. 
"Goodbye, Mr. Park. Thank you!" you call out, catching sight of Lisa, who raises her eyebrows at you teasingly and mouths text me. Blushing, you nod at her before leaving the room to go to your next class.
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Being "one of the smartest students on campus" comes with its perks. Like right now, for example. You always (somehow) come to class overprepared, so when your next teacher gives you a day to work on your project (which you've already finished), you head to the back of the room to text Lisa in private. 
from lisa: dude wtf was that you were literally talking to Mr. Park outside of ur class time with him
from lisa: omg wait don't tell me you fucked him
from lisa: did you
to lisa: NO I DID NOT OMG I wish tho lmao
to lisa: I was asking him for help on the paper he's assigning us and to proofread it and stuff before I submit it
from lisa: omg I forgot he assigned us that shit
to lisa: dude lmao its due in a week or so you have plenty of time
from lisa: ugh literally he's such a hottie why does he have to be so into teaching
to lisa: sis commitment to something is hot
from lisa: omg ur right wait a sec tho
from lisa: dude
from lisa: omg
from lisa: he definitely has a boner
Knowing that you were likely the cause of it, you shift in your seat cockily, smiling slyly to yourself while looking down.
to lisa: whAT
to lisa: wait how big is it
from lisa: ok I dont think he’s fully hard yet he's like semi hard but barely 
from lisa: LMFAO Y/N don't worry I think he’s packing seems kinda thick too
Taking in a deep breath, you look up at the ceiling. You imagine him slowly sinking into you and making you whimper at his size. Him seeing your face and growling, "if you’re really a good girl, you should be able to take it." You cross your legs tightly and rock up and down in a lame attempt to diminish the rising pressure between your thighs and look back down at your phone.
to lisa: pls thats so hot
from lisa: IKR I want him to r a i l me
to lisa: or eat me out… have you sEEN those lips of his wtf
from lisa: on god do not get me started
to lisa: pls i bet he’d be the type to tease you
Oh Lisa, if only you knew the truth behind those words.
from lisa: YES hes lowkey cocky bc he knows like the entire fucking population simps for him
from lisa: he’s def gonna make you beg to cum
to lisa: pls thats hot do not get me riled up in class istg
from lisa: too late i've already started babe ;)
You continue texting Lisa throughout the entirety of your class. Finally, you look at the clock and seeing that there are only a few more minutes till the class ends, you wrap up your conversation with her.
to lisa: hey btw i’m gonna be coming to lunch late… save me a seat at our regular spot?
from lisa: when ur best friend is a teachers pet :(( fiNE I guess I will
to lisa: love u!! xx
from lisa: love you too nerd xoxo
The bell finally rings, signaling the start of the lunch break and you immediately stand up and walk out the door, bidding your teacher goodbye and thanks.
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Running into the bathroom, you do a quick check of your appearance. You tug up your skirt a bit higher and tuck in your shirt so that your outfit accentuates your curves. You glance at your face and notice how abnormally large your pupils are in comparison to most days. Jimin has completely ruined you today, just like he said he would. I'm going to wreck you, Y/N. His words echo in your ears as you make your way out to his classroom. Trying to ignore how uncomfortably wet your panties are, you knock on the door to his room. 
You hear a smooth voice answer with a, "come in," and take a deep breath before opening the door to see Jimin sitting behind his desk, leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head. He scans you up and down, eyes taking in every inch of your figure. "Nice outfit alterations," he notes, patting his laps as a hint for you to sit on it. You quickly lock the door and make your way to him, placing one leg on each side of him so that you’re now straddling his thighs. "Is this all for me?" he asks and you tuck your head down, suddenly shy now that all his attention is on you again. 
"Mhm, depends on whether you like it or not" you smile timidly, hands reaching out to play with his tie again. He laughs. "Princess, I’m conflicted. You do look very nice, all dolled up for me like this. It’d be a shame if I were to ruin your efforts. But on the other hand," he remarks, "you’ve very nearly crossed the line for indecent exposure. What if another teacher caught you like this? you would get in trouble, hm? And what if it were a student to see you like this? What would they think of you then?" He questions, causing your cheeks to burn at his words.
"They would think I- that I’m a whore. I- and that I dress up like this just so I can pass my classes," you whisper out, biting your lips in a combination of excitement and humiliation. You can feel yourself start to throb again and you start to rut against Jimin’s thighs. He shifts you over so that you are sitting on only one and slightly bounces his leg. The stimulation to your neglected cunt sends a shock running through your body and you squeeze your thighs around his.
"Look at you, so fucking desperate to cum. You think that you aren’t a little whore already, so needy for me this quickly, hm? Do you really think you deserve to cum?" He hums, admiring the way you’re worked up. He pushes up your skirt and slaps your thigh just underneath your ass. You shift away as a reaction, causing your clit to get the stimulation it finally deserved. The way your underwear rubs against your neglected bundle of nerves causes you to let out a groan and drop your head to Jimin's shoulder. He spanks you this time, making you yelp. "I asked you a question, doll."
"Mmhm, yeah," you whine out, "I deserve t- to cum, sir." At this point, your hips are moving on their own accord, shifting back and forth desperately against Jimin's thigh. He grabs your waist tightly, holding you still. "Look at me," he commands, bouncing his thigh. You mewl into his shoulder, the change in motion making you lose focus. He spanks you again, the sound echoing around the room. "Listen to directions, sweetheart. Or else you’ll get punished," he warns.
You lift your head to look at Jimin, faces just inches apart. His eyes scan over your face, lingering on your lips. Slowly, you lean towards him, closing the distance between you two. He gives into your eager kiss and you glide your hands up his firm chest to run your fingers through his hair. He starts bouncing you on his thigh and you groan into his mouth. Breaking apart panting, you place your forehead against Jimin’s, moving your hips back and forth harder to increase the pressure going to your clit.
"God, Y/N, you’re so wet," Jimin pants while looking down at the way your clothed pussy drags over his thigh. "I can feel you soaking through my slacks," he says, shifting you over. just like he said, there is now a wet spot on his thigh from where you just were. Thankfully, it’s barely noticeable, but if you focus enough, you can see it.
"What are you going to do about it, hm? I have classes to teach, meetings to attend. Do you want people to see the mess you made all over me?" He hisses, spanking you to elicit an answer. "N- no, sir. I’m s- sorry," you whisper out, eyes clenched, still rutting against him. You feel your orgasm bubbling up as every second passes.
"I don't think you're sorry, doll. Look at you making a mess all over me through your panties. You're absolutely soaked, so fucking desperate to cum," he tuts, clenching his thigh muscles purposely. You gasp and shove your head into the crook of Jimin's neck, letting out a low groan.
"Mr. Park, I'm so wet because of you. I- god, I wanna cum. please. I'm so close," you mewl into him, legs starting to tighten around his thigh.
You shut your eyes, feeling your impending orgasm build up. Right when you're about to let go, Jimin holds your hips in place tightly, preventing you from moving. Squeaking out, you make an attempt to shift your pussy over his thighs. It's no use because you can feel it start to drift away slowly and you look at him in need. Tears stinging the corners of your eyes, you plead, "S- sir I need you to touch me again. Please."
"Well, since you asked so nicely," Jimin smiles cockily, lifting you onto his desk and spreading your legs after stripping you of your panties. You lean back so that you face the ceiling. Your eyes roll back once you feel him take your clit into his mouth. You moan and arch your back off of the desk, thighs involuntarily clenching around his head. 
"God, Mr. Park, yes! O- oh, fuck, please," you blabber out incoherently, your mind hazy and overwhelmed with pleasure. "More," you whimper out without thinking.
Jimin disconnects from your heat to look up at you, murmuring, "Greedy little slut wants it all, huh? Won't even ask nicely for it. Tell me what you want, Y/N. Beg for it, and I might just give it to you."
"God, I- I want it all, professor," you call out, wiggling your hips in search of stimulation that never comes. "Want you to stuff me with your f- fingers and lick my p- pussy and make me cum. Want you to fuck me r- raw with your fat cock from behind and sp- and spank me. Want you to ma- make me cry from cumming so hard just as much as you have from not letting me cum. A- and I want you to leave hi- hickies on my thighs so that if I bend over, p- people are gonna know how much of a cockslut I am, just for you."
"Yeah? Well, I can tell you this," Jimin says, fingers dancing up your thigh closer to your sick-ridden core. "You are a cockslut. So fucking dirty. Most people come to class to learn but it seems that you come here to get off." He inserts a finger into you and your walls immediately clamp down on it. He moves the digit in and out of you smoothly, your arousal allowing the smoothest of motions. "You like that, baby? Finally having something in that tight cunt of yours?" You nod at his question, adding on "want more, sir."
"Not enough? Greedy little bitch. look at you, so needy. What are you gonna do when I have my cock out, hm?" He shoves a second finger into you and starts curling them into your heat. You arch your back to the ceiling and he hovers over you. For a moment, there’s nothing but the squelch of his fingers in your wet pussy and your panting as he stares into your eyes. Jimin's eyebrows are furrowed and he’s biting his lip - he’s focusing on something.
That "something" becomes apparent when, all of a sudden, you nearly sit upright and let out a loud moan of pleasure, "Fuck, Mr. Park! right there." His fingers continue rubbing that special spot inside you repeatedly and your legs start shaking ever so slightly. You look back at him to see a smug smile on his face. "I found it," he chuckles as you writhe underneath him. He leans down to kiss you, lips melding together.
He keeps fingering you, bringing his thumb up to ghost over your clit ever so slightly to provide enough pleasure to bring you close to your orgasm but just not enough to make you cum. You whine against his lips and he breaks the kiss, asking "you want to cum, doll?" to which you weakly nod. "Then fuck yourself on my fingers. Show me how much of a little slut you are for me. How you’re a cocksleeve for me, so wet and needy as soon as I touch you, so ready for me to fuck you." He stills his digits inside of you and you buck your hips on them, rolling your pelvis repeatedly in an attempt to get to your orgasm. You reach down to provide some stimulation to your clit, but he smacks it away.
"Jim- professor, it’s not enough. I- I need more, please." Tears start welling up in your eyes at the thought of not cumming for the third time. Jimin kisses your temple, the gentle action reminding you that he’s not going to do something you can’t handle. "Please, Mr. Park. I wanna cum," you whine out, hips jerking back and forth in a pathetic attempt to chase after your high.
"Show me then, Y/N. how much you want it. A good girl can show me that she wants it bad enough and will make herself come on my fingers alone. She’s not greedy. She doesn’t need to touch herself too. She just needs my fingers to cum. I know you can be a good girl,  Y/N," he goads. "Can you show me what the pretty little face of yours looks like when you cum? I bet you’ll look so beautiful, even more than you are right now, all fucked out for me."
"Hhngh, sir I- I’m trying," you pant out. "It’s just not enough. I promise I'm a good girl, I swear. Please let me cum. Oh god, I wanna cum." At this point, you’re nearly crying. You haven't ever been edged like this and are desperate for release.
Jimin sees this and purposefully retracts his hand from your cunt covered in your honeyed juices, glistening in the lights of his classroom. "Professor Park, please," you choke out weakly, chest constricting in disappointment. With a soft smile, he brings his fingers up to his mouth and cleans them off, savoring the flavor of you. 
"Be a good girl for the rest of the day and then I’ll let you cum, baby," he hums. "You promise?" you plead, holding onto his arm desperately. 
"I promise, Y/N," he kisses you gently and you taste the remnants of yourself on his tongue, the filthy action causing your clit to throb even more. Combined with the way your cunt is still clenched tight in preparation for an orgasm that won’t come soon, you can definitely say that you can't wait for the school day to come to an end.
"Go to lunch, doll. I have a meeting soon. Don’t think of me too much, hm? Gotta keep those straight A’s the way they are," Jimin teases, pulling down your skirt slowly, fingers just grazing your thighs. He grabs your panties. "Oh, and I think I'll keep these for now," he says cheekily, putting them in his pocket. "They didn’t seem to be doing their job when you were riding my thigh."
You watch him in shock, cheeks flushing red hot. "I- okay. uh, I’m going to lunch now, Jimin. Have a good lunch and meeting, I guess?" you say awkwardly, shuffling to the door with him, tugging your skirt down. 
"Jimin? We’re on a first-name basis already, Y/N? Don’t let anybody hear you call me that in class, baby," he winks, holding the door open and you nod, preoccupied with the little "situation" your skirt just barely hides. You can feel yourself still leaking down your inner thighs, and pray that nobody’s going to notice when you walk into the dining hall.
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"Ugh! Bitch, what took you so long?" Lisa exclaims when you sit down next to her with your lunch. You pout. "I wasn't even gone for that long."
"Ha! That long, my ass. You were gone for more than half of the break! I had to tell Jaebum and his cronies to fuck off on my own! I’m not as intimidating when you’re not around, though, so I don’t think it worked. They’ll probably come over again soon." Lisa rolls her eyes. You snort, "One of them probably likes you, that’s why they keep bothering you."
"They just like any female and will take what they can get," Lisa mutters, "but anyway! How was your meeting with Mr. Park? Did you solve his boner problem?" she wiggles her eyebrows.
You clear your throat. "No, Lisa I did not. I'm obviously above that," you say in a sarcastic tone. "I simply offered to," you tease. Lisa squeals and slaps your arm in response. "But for real though," she says. "Anyone that gets to hook up with mister Park Jimin automatically wins at life," and you hum in agreement.
You scan at the dining hall around you and catch the eye of Jaebum sitting with his friend group. He winks at you and you roll your eyes and stand up, "come on Lisa, let’s go. Those assholes are going to come over any second if we stay here any longer." You drag her to your guys’ next class.
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The bell rings and the two of you burst out of the classroom. Thank god that’s over. Only one more class left, you think to yourself, gripping your books tighter to your chest in excitement.
"Jesus fuck, since when were you this eager to get to the last class of the day, Y/N? I thought you loved staying in school for as long as possible," Lisa huffs out. You steer her into the direction of your locker, right across from Jimin’s classroom. 
"I'm picking up my books, you dummy. Be grateful I paid for this locker because otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to put your books here." You put in the code and exchange your books while Lisa checks herself in the magnetic mirror attached to the door. you have to be careful when bending over because otherwise you’ll flash the entire school, so you do a weird sit-squat thing. "Geeking out over lockers? You act as if you’re still in high school, Y/N," Lisa teases. "Only during the school day," you wink up at her.
Lisa spots someone through the reflection of the mirror and groans out. "Incoming," she warns, rolling her eyes and turning around. "Wha-" you begin when you get cut off by a smooth voice behind you.
"Damn, L/N. didn’t know you wore skirts this short on campus. Looks good on you," the guy winks. "But it would look even better on my bedroom floor." You hold back a gag and turn to Lisa, raising your eyebrows in exasperation. 
"Wow, I see the originality," Lisa says in the most sickeningly sweet voice. "What do you want, Jaebum?" He chuckles and places an arm over your head, leaning over you. "Well, I’m having a party tonight, and it would be amazing if you two little ladies could attend. Be mine and Jackson’s plus one?" he says. You’re about to say no when he leans in closer to you, inches away from your face, "plus you can get the high-quality drinks for free, not the cheap booze we leave out for the randos who show up."
"You’re probably gonna drug them or something. No thanks, dickwad." you huff out after a second’s hesitation, pushing him away, ready to go to your next class. "Nah, baby. I may be a fuckboy but at least I've got morals. Whaddya say? You get me off, I get you off? Maybe make you cum so many times it starts hurting? You look like you haven’t been able to get an orgasm in a while, you’re so uptight, L/N," Jaebum smirks. 
"You fuckin-" you start to hiss out but you’re shut off again. This time it’s by someone different. Jimin. "Mr. Lim, I don’t think it’s necessarily appropriate to discuss your sexual endeavors while in an academic setting. I’ll be letting you off with a warning for now." He turns to you, eyes flitting across your DIY skimpy outfit. You feel your cunt leak more of your honeyed juices under his piercing gaze and clamp your thighs together to keep them from dripping down your thighs. "And Ms. L/N, I expected better from you. You’re not typically one to do these things in a school environment. Get to class, the two of you," he says, turning back to his classroom.
"Oh," he adds, "and Y/N. fix your outfit. I would hate to see you get dress coded by a teacher who isn’t as lenient." You, Lisa, and Jaebum stare at his back in shock as he heads inside his classroom. 
"Well, uh, that just happened," Lisa states, turning to you. "Ready to go?" you nod numbly, mind swirling with embarrassment and excitement as you tug down your skirt. The two of you walk to the last class of the day while Jaebum calls out, "my place after 11, L/N! I’ll be waiting!", making you wince. Great, now a bunch of people are gonna think you’re hooking up with him.
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The last bell of the day finally rings, and you head to your locker after bidding Lisa goodbye. You put your books in your locker and head to the bathroom to fix your clothes. You decide to tease Jimin even more by adjusting your skirt so that it ends just at the bottom of your ass. It’s a terribly risky decision; if you walk too fast, you risk flashing everyone. You’ve tried to wipe the slick off the juncture of your thighs, but it keeps getting replaced with more of your arousal.
You speed walk down the halls and fling open the door to see that Jimin isn’t in his classroom - or so you think. Once you take a few steps into the room, you hear the door shut behind you and lock. Jimin looks at you up and down. "You didn’t fix your outfit, Ms. L/N. Looks like I’ll have to dress code you for indecent exposure then," he hums, heading to his desk to take out a slip of paper.
"Wait Jimin, what? I thought we were- um. You know, going to-" you splutter out, realizing he was actually serious. You can’t have this on your academic record! What would your parents think?
"Going to what? Fuck? Seems like you already have someone else for that, Y/N," he shakes his head, grabbing a pen. You reach forward quickly to stop him, hand, gripping his forearm in desperation. 
"No Mr. Park, I- I never told Jaebum yes. I just-" you try to explain, but Jimin cuts you off. "You what?" he asks bitingly, taking you by surprise. "Did you think that you could just come back and hop on my dick after nearly making out with another guy? God, you really are a slut, aren’t you?"
You rub your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the steadily mounting pressure in your core at Jimin’s words. "Look at you, I told you to fix your outfit and you fucking pulled up your skirt. You pulled it up. You don’t listen to me, talk to your friends about how much you want me to rail you, and yet let other guys make plans to hook up with you. And you expect me to let you cum after all of that?" he continues, noticing the effect he has on you. "You really think I should let you cum, Y/N? I'll tell you what I think. I think I should leave you like this, dripping and needy for me. So ready to get fucked by me but not being able to."
Your eyes widen, "no, please professor, no!" 
"Should I jack off in front of you and not let you touch me? Maybe then would you learn your lesson? Or maybe I should spank your ass till it’s blue you’re unable to sit. Would that work, hm? What if I just send you back to the dorms? You could ask Jaebum to touch you, even if he can’t make you half the mess I can," he continues, pushing you onto his desk. He grabs your jaw and tilts your head up, forcing you to look at him, humiliated, with tears in your eyes.
"Aw," he pouts sarcastically, "is the baby crying? Because I didn’t let her cum? Well, princess, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Little cocksluts like you don’t deserve to cum so easily."
"P- professor, please. You can punish me. Teach me a lesson. B- but just please let me cum." You whimper out, attempting to cross your legs together to assuage your aching clit, but Jimin stops you by holding your knee with his other hand.
He slowly trails his hands up your bare thigh, admiring the way your soft skin seems to get chills at his touch. He pushes you back onto the desk and you prop yourself up your elbows to look at him. "Are you a cockslut, Y/N?" he asks, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. 
"Y- yes Mr. Park. I- I’m nothing but a hole for you to fuck," you whimper meekly as he pushes up your skirt. He pushes apart your thighs and tugs you to the edge of the desk. "Damn right you are. Nothing but a little whore that I can use to get off. I’m going to fuck you here in school like you’ve never been fucked before. And this dick you’ve been thinking about all this time, it’s going to finally be in you, and I better not hear any complaints," Jimin growls, pumping his length in his hand. "No sir," you whimper out.
"You on the pill?" he asks, to which you reply with a yes. He teases your slit with the pink head of his cock and your entrance flutters at the touch. "But on another note, tell me if you want to stop. I don’t want to push you too much."
You smile, "Jimin, you’re being too kind. I promise I'll tell you. But I did say before perhaps you weren’t doing enough. Mr. Park, I want you to ruin me," you bite your lips, mimicking his words from earlier in the day. He cocks his head in amusement. 
"Don’t worry princess, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing." Without warning, he thrusts forward into your heart, barely giving you time to adjust to his size. The girth of his cock stretches open your cunt with painful pleasure. Once he’s sheathed inside you, you can feel him very near your cervix. 
You let out a shaky breath but it’s cut off as he continues thrusting in and out of you, wet slaps echoing through the room. "M- Mr. Park-" you moan incoherently. 
"Fucking take it, Y/N. You wanted me to ruin you? Well here I am doing it; be fucking grateful." he rolls his hips into yours, hands gripping your sides harshly.
"Th- thank you Mr. Park, s- so much," you nearly sob out, almost crying at the relief of being fucked. You’re so turned on that your walls are clenching around Jimin’s dick so hard that he grips your jaw harshly. Gritting his teeth, he spits, "loosen up, babe. You’re so fuckin’ tight." You whine and try to relax but the stimulation Jimin’s providing has your eyes rolling back instead.
He snakes a hand down to your stomach and under your skirt, circling your throbbing clit. Your pussy flutters at the stimulation and you bite your lip harshly. He changes his angle slightly, causing your thighs to start shaking. His precum and your honeyed juices drip out your sopping cunt, the sound of wet slaps echoing around the room.
"Mmmmh," you moan out softly, back arching slightly. You can feel Jimin hitting your g-spot with impeccable accuracy each time. Doubled with the way his thumb is rubbing circles on your sensitive clit, you feel yourself reaching your orgasm. You try to suppress the giveaway signs of your impending release, knowing that Jimin, in order to "teach you a lesson" of sorts, is likely to take it away from you, so you attempt to just breathe out, "Jimin, fuck, it feels so good."
"Yeah, you like that, baby?" he thrusts into you deeper and harder and you bite your upper lip to stop your moans from slipping out. "Come on Y/N, let me hear those pretty little moans. Let everyone else know how well I'm fucking you, how good I make you feel," Jimin urges.
As soon as he utters those words, you give in, letting high pitched whimpers spill from your lips. Your pussy lets out filthy squelching noises at each of his thrusts, your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the desk. You feel your walls tightening around his cock and try to fight it off, but Jimin can already tell of your impending orgasm. He pulls out of you, leaving your warm and soaked cunt open to the air.
"Fuck," you exclaim in frustration, bringing your hands up to cover your face so Jimin doesn’t see your face, tears starting to spill down your face. It’s frustrating you so much that he won’t let you cum. That he enjoys seeing you whimpering and teary-eyed for him. Your thighs haven’t stopped shaking and Jimin parts them after you close them. He pulls down your arms and smiles evilly. 
"Well, what do we have here," he exclaims, "looks like the baby finally did start crying. Come on, Y/N, I thought you had it in you. But look at how you’re spread out on this desk for me, such a fucking mess. I bet you like it, huh? Dirtying up my desk with that cunt of yours."
"I need to cum, Mr. Park," you choke out, trying to gather your thoughts. "I need to cum now." your teacher’s eyes narrow and he grips your thighs harshly. "What did you say to me?" he asks, a tone laced with dangerous amusement. 
"You heard me. I-," you hesitate for a moment, but decide you’ve already put yourself through enough teasing today. You muster up your courage before saying, "I want you to make me cum now." 
There’s a moment’s silence before you add on shamelessly, "o- or if it’s too much to ask of you, I- I’ll just find someone else to help me do it. Maybe Jaebum? He promised a good time a- and said he would let me cum as many times as I want."
Jimin grabs you by the chin and pulls you up. "You’re such a fucking brat, Y/N." Shifting his hand so it’s gripping your throat, he mutters, "you don’t fucking learn, do you? I thought you were smart, hm? But has the need for sex made you lose your sense? Made you turn into a dumb little bitch, ready to bend over for anyone because you’re so horny? And here I was thinking you were better than that. That you had standards. Perhaps I was wrong, hm? Would you like to tell me?"
You try to look down, away from his piercing glare, but he turns your chin to look back at him. Humiliation courses through your veins as Jimin’s gaze wanders down your body scathingly. "Look at you," he coos sarcastically. "Y/N, baby, you’re such a fucking mess. Pathetic." Suddenly, he lifts you off the desk and bends you over it, cheek pressing the top and ass exposed over the edge to him. You whimper at the feeling of your shirt being stickied from your arousal left on the table from just a few minutes ago. You try moving away from it, but Jimin holds you in place. 
"Are you afraid that everyone else is going to see the mess on your shirt, Y/N? Is that why you’re trying to move?" he hovers over you from behind. "Or perhaps," he continues, hot breath tickling over the shell of your ear, "you want to continue being a brat. Make me punish you until you’re begging for me to make it stop."
He spanks you, the sound echoing across the room before you register the sting of his action. You clench involuntarily and let out the slightest of whimpers. "Fucking hell, are you this turned on? Making noises even if I don’t touch your filthy little pussy?" he asks, smacking your behind again. You bite down on your lip to avoid giving him the answer he already knows.
"Count for me. Be good and maybe I’ll finally let you cum." he commands, spanking your right ass cheek again. "O- one!" you groan. He spanks your left side, the stinging sensation causing you to leak more arousal. "Louder, Y/N. Let me hear you," he hisses, hand in your hair, and pulls you up slightly. "T- two," you stammer. another slap echoes across the room. "Three! God Mr. Park, please." At this point, you’re not even sure what you’re begging for; your mind is numb with lust.
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"T- twenty! Agh, fuck, please," you squirm under Jimins grasp. The throbbing of your clit has increased tenfold, and you can practically feel the shaking of your thighs through the desk. 
Jimin slips his hand between your legs, feeling the soft flesh of your inner thighs slicked with your juices. "You’re fucking dripping, Y/N. Look at you. Did getting punished turn you on this much, doll?" He swipes up your slit, teasing your fluttering hole. You scrunch your eyes in displeasure and try to back up into him, only to be stopped by a harsh smack onto your already throbbing cunt. You yelp and flop back on the desk, cheek pressing the surface.
You feel him rubbing his dick against your folds and sigh in relief. Suddenly, Jimin slams into you from behind with no warning causing you to let out a harsh groan. "Ah, professor!" you exclaim, balling your fists in pleasure at finally being stimulated. His cock seems even bigger from this angle, and your entrance stings delectably at the way he splits you open.
"You feel how tight your pussy is, princess? How tight it is for me? Nobody else makes you feel this needy. Nobody," Jimin mutters in your ear after pulling you up. He pulls your head back by your hair, exposing your neck, which he plants wet kisses on. He reaches down in front of you, tracing an achingly slow path from your stomach to your slit with his fingers. You’re reaching your orgasm at an embarrassingly fast rate due to all of the edging you’re been through, so when Jimin finally brushes over your clit, it’s no surprise that your walls tighten even more instantaneously.
"Ji- ‘m gonna cum," you moan wantonly. "Yeah? Is my little slut finally going to cum?" He hisses out at the way you tighten around him. You nod desperately, gripping his arm rubbing figure eights over your sensitive bud. 
"Oh god, Jimin, I feel it coming. Please please please let me cum. I'm being good for you, Mr. Park, please let me cum," you sob out incoherently as Jimin continues railing you from behind. You feel the ridges of his cock brushing your walls and shudder at his ministrations.
"Let go, princess, I got you. Cum for me. Tell me how good I’m making you feel," Jimin snarls, snapping his hips into yours, eager to get you to finally melt in his arms. You feel your orgasm crashing over you and you clamp down on his dick, legs shaking in relief. Jimin's grip on your hair tightens as he feels you pulsing around him, getting impossibly tight. Nevertheless, he continues thrusting into you. 
You mewl, trying to shift away from Jimin's hold as his fingers return to your clit, rubbing figure eights into them, "J- too m- much," you whimper out, straining against his arms.
"Yeah?" his smooth voice asks, "but I thought you wanted to cum, princess? Didn't you? I need to cum, Mr. Park. I need to cum now." He mocks you. “Well, that's what I'm doing doll. I'm. Making. You. Cum," he emphasizes each word with a harsh thrust, jolting you forward.
You're being reduced to a mess, tears streaming down your face and slick dripping down your thighs. You can feel your gummy walls tightening more and more on their own accord, without even trying. Without even realizing it, you've changed from trying to move away from Jimin's fingers to grinding down on his dick.
Jimin, however, notices this. "God, you're such a slut, Y/N. Weren't you just asking me to stop?" He raises your left leg onto the desk, allowing him to have more access to your folds. He slaps your clit when you don’t give a response and you yelp, clenching down on his dick. He slaps you a couple more times, and your cunt drips even more, making your thighs sticky with your honeyed juices. You can feel yourself nearing your orgasm once again from his motions.  
Suddenly, Jimin pushes you back on his desk and begins hammering into you from behind. "You're going to cum again, aren't you? Filthy little girl, didn't you just cum? Are you really that needy for some dick?" You try to hold back a whimper from his words but it slips from your lips. "You're really a whore, aren't you, baby?" 
In response, Jimin spanks you, and you yelp. "Keep doing that," he hisses when you clench down on his dick. "You like being punished, don't you?" You nod meekly in response. He smacks your already reddened ass again and you hiss at the stinging sensation. Paired with the pleasure his cock is giving you, thrusting so deep into you, you can feel yourself practically getting high off the feeling.
Jimin feels you cumming before you realize it yourself. His hips nearly stutter at the way your walls have clenched around his dick. He opts to rut his hips into yours, no longer being able to thrust in and out due to how tight you are. He reaches under your body to rub tight circles on your throbbing clit and you start cumming again, clenching erratically around his dick. "You cumming, Y/N? Be a good girl and let go for me. Get this fat cock all wet," he commands. You ball up your fists and dig your nails into your palms, pleasure coursing through your veins. Riding the course of your high, you wish for nothing more but to be in the moment. 
When you come down from your orgasm, Jimin finally pulls his hard dick out of you. You feel his precum and your cum drip down your thighs. Whining, you rub them together to get rid of the feeling but it only serves to make you stickier. Jimin parts your thighs and runs a hand up them to cup your pussy, pausing to feel your cunt still clenching from the aftershocks of your orgasm. He smacks your abused heat, jolting you forwards and causing you to grit your teeth in overstimulation. 
He flips you over, spreading your legs open. He leans over you, rubbing the tip of his dick over your swollen and throbbing clit, making you shiver. "Prof- professor, I can’t-" you begin but are interrupted my Jimin quickly shoving into you. Gasping, you clench down onto his dick, eyes rolling back into your head.
"You can, Y/N, and you fucking will," he grunts harshly, snapping his hips into yours. You grasp at his arm after feeling him in you deeper than before. The head of his cock nearly kisses your cervix and his impossibly hard dick stretches your tight cunt open even more, making you wince at the pleasurable pain.
"I- oh god, I really can’t. It feels-" you choke out through your tears. "It feels too- oh!" your head rolls back as Jimin hooks your legs over his shoulders, creating a new angle of penetration. He rubs your clit ever so slightly, the abused bundle of nerves pulsing under his touch. "It feels too what?" he hisses, rolling his hips upward so that his tip just barely grazes your g-spot. Too good, you want to say, but pleasure is clouding your mind and you can’t get the words out.
"That’s it, baby," he hums, "taking my fat cock so well even though you’re so- shit, you’re so fucking tight. Are you gonna cum again, hm? Cream all over my dick and make another mess?" you’re being reduced to a blathering mess, Jimin’s name rolling off the tip of your tongue. "Yeah? Can’t even hold it back a little? Even though I let you cum so many times, you still want more? Greedy little bitch," he spits at you.
When you clench down at his words, he starts pistoning his hips into yours, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoing around the room. His cock seems to be splitting you open even more, and you can feel every pulse of his dick on your walls. "Fuck, Y/N. I’m going to cum," he groans.
"I- I’m close too, Mr. Park. It- fuck, it feels really good," you breathe out as Jimin leans down over you. He slows his hips down, opting to roll his hips smoothly and brushing over your g-spot with painful accuracy. Hovering over you, his stare bores into yours, eyes flitting down to your lips, reddened and swollen from you biting them. You whimper and tilt your chin up towards him and he leans his head down to yours.
He lets his lips ghost over yours, warm breath brushing over your lips as his hips grind into yours. "P- please," you beg, and Jimin finally relents and melds his lips to yours, bringing the two of you into a searing kiss, groaning as you near each of your highs. You break the kiss to gasp out, "I’m c- cumming again Mr. Park."
"Yeah?" he breathes surprisedly, "your little pussy’s that sensitive that you’re gonna- fuck, you’re cumming already? So quickly?" he leans down as your orgasm washes over you, this one hitting you slowly and harshly. You arch your back into Jimin’s chest, hands gripping at the collar of his shirt. His thumb continues to gently rub over your clit, causing you to roll your eyes back into your head at the overstimulation. You start shaking underneath him, squirming to get away from the overload of senses, but he holds you in place as you ride your high for what seems to be like an eternity.
"That's a good girl," he soothes as you continue to writhe underneath him. "Look at you, stuffed so full of my cock it’s making you cry. Does that feel good, darling?" you nod, sobbing. When your orgasm starts to fade away, spots of white dotting your vision, he still doesn’t stop thrusting into you. 
You bite your lip, and seeing that he’s close, you whisper, "M- Mr. Park, I want you t- to cum too. I- in me." His hips stutter at your words. "Shit, yeah? You’d let me do that?" 
You nod, "want you to fill me up w- with your cum and s- stuff me so full of it that it’s gonna be in me for days. And I wanna fe- fuck, I wanna feel you in me even when I’m alone, professor." At your words, Jimin lets out a slightly animalistic growl and leans in. "You’d like that, huh?" he asks. "Me fucking you so well till you can’t think straight? Putting my cum in you so that when you walk out of here, it’s dripping down your pretty little thighs, making you look like the filthy little slut you really are? You think you deserve that?"
"Please, sir, I really want it," you beg, "please." With that, Jimin attaches his lips onto yours again, grinding his hips into yours even deeper as he finally orgasms. He doesn’t stutter his hips as he continues his ministrations, even though he can feel your walls desperately squeezing around him, milking his cock of its seed. You feel the thick ropes of his warm cum painting your inner walls every second. Each time he pulls out slightly, a bit of it leaks out of your cunt, dripping down your ass onto his desk. He continues fucking his cum into you until he’s satisfied with the way you’re shivering under him.
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For a moment, all is still, nothing but the sound of the two of your breathing filling the air as you stare into each other’s eyes. "Um-," you begin, and Jimin quickly looks away, brushing his thumb over his plump lips. So that just happened. I fucked my teacher. I fucked Park Jimin.
"Wait here," he mutters, making your heart drop in disappointment. You nod, offering him a weak smile. Seeing this, Jimin reassures you, "don’t worry, I’m not leaving you. I’ll be right back," and cautiously steps out of the room after clothing himself.
You take this moment to recollect what exactly happened. Okay, so you just fucked your teacher. It still hasn’t sunk in yet, and probably won’t till you leave to clean yourself and look at the marks he’s made on your thighs and ass. You can’t help the giddiness you feel, like a kid who got the best candy bar in the world. After all, you got to hook up with your crush - in fact, the entire campus’s crush. The door creaks open and Jimin returns with some paper towels and wipes.
"H- hey," he smiles nervously. For the first time, he’s the one that’s stuttering. "Let me clean you up. It’s the least I could do after putting you through so much today." He spreads your legs gently, cheeks flushed, and begins wiping off the slick and cum between your thighs. 
"Jimin, you didn’t do anything bad, calm down. Well, I mean you fucked your student? But other than that you’re fine. I really liked it," you try to explain, stumbling over your words. He looks at you incredulously, but shakes his head, smiling. "I don't want to tell anyone about this," you continue, "and I highly doubt you will, so this can stay as our little secret." 
"Well looks like someone got fucked a little too happy. How come you never smile this much when I’m teaching, hm?" Jimin jokes after he finishes cleaning you up, kissing your knee gently. He hands you your thong that he’s kept for half the day and tells you to put it on. 
"You’re still going to the party, right? Jaebum’s?" he asks and you shrug. "You should go. Have a fun time there, drinking and all that stuff." He leans into you, whispering into your ear, "and if that rascal wants to get into your pants, he’s going to see your soaked panties covering up that precious little cunt of yours stuffed with all that cum of mine. Maybe then he’ll finally back off," he smirks.
You blush, "maybe, Mr. Park. You know, you’re pettier than I thought you’d be." Standing up, to face him, he pulls you in by the waist till your chests are touching. You wrap your arms around his neck and he leans in, whispering, "well, Y/N, I don’t think you knew too much about me in the first place." Closing the gap between the two of you, you give him a peck on the lips, which quickly turns into a more heated kiss, lips melding together and tongues colliding. When you break apart, a faint blush on the two of your cheeks, Jimin smiles fondly at you and you look away.
"Well," you hum contentedly, "if I don’t know much about you now, I’d at least like to get to know you better in the future." 
"One day," he breathes out. "One day."
Your grin, disentangling yourself from his arms. "One day soon, I hope. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll see you next class. Goodbye prof- Jimin. Have a great weekend."
He smiles softly, walking you to the door. "You too, Y/N. If you do end up going to that party, have fun. Stay safe."
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the first time saying I love you p. 2
Warnings: nothing! Maybe some swearing but all fluff!
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Toru, & Tsukishima Kei, all with a Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much @livy384​ for asking for a part 2 of this idea!!! I was so excited to see someone wanted to see more of one of my headcanons haha. So here you go lovely!! A big thank you as usual to my inspiration babies @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ <3  Also I’m sorry I know Oikawa’s is shorter than the others but I’ve never written for him or thought about writing for him so i’m so very sorry if it sucks xD
pt. 1
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Iwaizumi Hajime Who says it first: Neither of you
It was supposed to have been a really cute date - Iwaizumi had remembered you telling your friend that there was a market near by that you’ve always wanted to go visit, but never had anyone to go with. Naturally, Iwaizumi tucked that information in the back of his brain and planned.
It was a Saturday and Iwaizumi had somehow managed to get himself away from practice, making you smile wide when he asked if you wanted to spend the day together. You knew he felt a little bad lately, being so busy with volleyball, and as much as you never blamed him for it, you were happy to be spoiled with his presence. When he started walking you towards the market, your eyes went wide, looking at all the cute stalls that you wanted to visit and the items you wanted to check out.
“Iwa!” You grinned up at him, shaking his arm excitedly. “How did you know I wanted to go here?”
He just shrugged and gave you a smile, patting your head gently, “Let’s find some cute things for my cute girlfriend hm?” You beamed and happily took his hand, the two of you going around to each stall.
There was too much to look at honestly and you wanted nothing more than to carry bundles of everything home. Iwa managed to sneak away from you for a second while you talked to a stall owner, picking out a necklace for you and holding it close to his chest for a moment, just thinking of you. Meanwhile, you managed to find a beautiful lucky charm to give him for his next game. He never really needed it but you always liked the gesture of being the one to give it to him anyways.
It was a perfect date so far.
And then Oikawa showed up.
“Iwa!” He grinned, waving from afar. You laughed, realizing that Oikawa had most likely followed you guys here. You never minded him tagging along on your dates (though the girls that followed him were sometimes a bit extreme), but Iwaizumi on the other hand... never seemed too happy to see his best friend.
Iwaizumi groaned loudly, annoyed at himself for casually mentioning that he’d be bringing you here this weekend, “Why are you here?” He grumbled, glaring at his friend as he made his way over.
Oikawa just pouted, “I just wanted to make sure you were being nice to Y/N!”
“When am I ever mean to Y/N?”
“I dunno, but you’re mean to me and I’m your best friend so I just assumed it was how you show affection,” Oikawa chuckled and gave you a wave, “Are you two having fun?”
You nodded and glanced around at all the other stalls you still wanted to visit, “There’s so much to look at! Are you looking to get anything, Oikawa?”
The boy just smiled and looked around, “I dunno, I’ll have to look around some! What did you two get?” He asked, nodding at the little bags and packages you were holding.
“Oh! I found this cute little decoration for my parents’ kitchen,” you explain, showing off some of the little knickknacks you found. “I wanted to find some sort of accessory for myself. Maybe like a barrette or a bracelet,” you admitted, eyes drifting away again as if you would be able to find something from where you were standing.
“Like this?” Oikawa asked, peeking into Iwaizumi’s bag and pulling out a little jewlery box, opening it to see the necklace that Iwaizumi had bought you.
“You asshole! Give that back!” Iwaizumi’s eyes went wide, realizing he had had his eyes locked on you the whole time you were talking because you were just so cute, he hadn’t even noticed Oikawa practically pickpocketing him.
Oikawa’s bottom lip just stuck out again, huffing and holding the item farther away from his best friend, “Why are you so mean? If you bought it for her, shouldn’t you give it to her? What, were you just going to let her buy something else for herself and waste her money?”
Iwaizumi’s whole face was red. He didn’t want to yell out his whole plan to the market, let alone to Oikawa when you were standing right there, laughing at the whole encounter.
“Stop being so shy, Iwa,” Oikawa cooed, smiling as he looked at you, “I’m sure she thinks it’s really cute that you buy her things to show her you love her!”
“Shittykawa, please shut the hell up,” Iwaizumi glared at his friend, still trying to grab the box away from him.
“Aw don’t put words in his mouth, Oikawa,” you giggled, smiling up at your boyfriend and his friend, “I think he just does it cause he’s sweet.”
Oikawa noticed the way you were so quick to dismiss his words, glancing between you and Iwaizumi, completely confused, “What do you mean?”
“Oikawa, I swear to god, please go before I kill you,” Iwaizumi was practically clawing his hands up to Oikawa’s neck, his whole body feeling flustered.
“Iwaizumi, did you tell her you didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of your friends? It’s okay! She can know I know! It’s not like you don’t talk about it all the time.”
“Talk about what?” You asked, growing more confused as the conversation went on.
“About how much he loves you! He talks about it all the time with the team!” Oikawa beamed, finally letting Iwaizumi grab the jewelry box from his hands.
Your eyes go wide, looking over at Iwaizumi, who seemed suddenly very concerned over kicking some dust on the ground. His whole face was red, eyes looking literally anywhere but at you.
“You love me?” You squeaked out nervously.
“No! I-I mean, yes but- hang on,” your boyfriend groaned. He had the whole thing planned out, he had wanted to tell you a whole speech about how much he loved you and now that whole plan was absolutely ruined.
Oikawa’s body froze as he watched the two of you, sheepishly laughing, “Oh... I spoiled it didn’t I? That’s what the necklace was for hm?”
“Shittykawa, if one more word leaves your lips-” Iwaizumi huffed, punching his arm with an annoyed look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Iwa! I didn’t mean to spoil your first love confession! But honestly, I’m such a big part of your life, maybe it’s better this way-” Oikawa grinned, obviously trying to lift up some of the tension.
“I’m going to count to three, and if you’re not gone by the end of it, I will literally bury you alive.” There was something different about this death threat, a growl in Iwaizumi’s throat building with his anger.
Oikawa’s smile tensed and he just turned to you with a little wave, “I suddenly remembered I have to be literally anywhere else but here. Have a nice date! Please convince him not to kill me!”
You had never seen Oikawa dash away so quickly, his figure gone almost immediately after waving goodbye.
Iwaizumi seemed so angry, all you could was offer a small smile, “You okay?” You asked softly, touching his arm gently.
He seemed to relax a bit at your touch, sighing and just turning to look at you, “Yeah. Please don’t listen to anything he says. He’s literally an idiot.”
You smiled shyly, rocking on your heels awkwardly, “So... you don’t love me then?”
Iwaizumi’s eyes widened immediately, shaking his hands in front of him quickly in denial, “N-No. I mean. Yes. Just don’t listen to him. But yes, I love you.” He hesitated for a moment, seeming to watch your eyes. “Unless you don’t love me back, then we can just pretend none of this happened,” he mumbled shyly, rubbing the back of his head.
You couldn’t help but giggle, pushing his arm playfully, “You idiot. Of course I love you.”
He blinked in surprise, staring at your face and trying to make sure you weren’t just joking with him, “Oh. Well in that case, this is for you.” He handed you the small box holding the necklace, watching as you open it to find a small pendant of your favourite animal. “The heart ones just seemed so cheesy,” he admitted with a shrug. “But I hope you think of me whenever you wear it.”
Your heart literally grew three sizes, this boy was being so cute and sweet. You nodded up at him happily, still admiring your new necklace, which was exactly what you had hoped to find at the market, “I will.”
He whispered another “I love you” to you as he helped clasp the necklace behind your neck, pressing a kiss to your cheek from behind and sending a tingle down your spine. 
He said “I love you” to you every hour after that - if his surprise was going to be spoiled, he was going to spoil you with those words over and over again, never wanting you to forget how he feels about you.
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Oikawa Toru Who says it first: You
Oikawa was literally the worst person to study with - he was always so distracting. How could someone who barely looks at his notes during your study dates be in Class 6? He was always busy with volleyball anyways, so how was it possible that he had any other time to do work?
“Hurry up and finish your work so we can go do something fun,” Oikawa hummed with a smirk on his face, having already finished his homework. He refused to let you look at his answers, or even help you, because “how are you supposed to learn, Y/N?” Smug ass look on his face how rude. “I might just have to go on some adventure on my own while I wait for you to finally finish.”
You just roll your eyes and mumble something about hating him making him laugh.
“Aww, is someone pouting?” He teased, ruffling up your hair happily. “I’m sorry, baby, I just love looking at your cute concentration face!”
You rolled your eyes, glaring at him playfully, “You’re refusing to help me because you want to look at my face? Take a picture why don’t you.”
“I already have,” he beamed, showing you the new background for his phone. You did not look the least bit attractive in your opinion, but Oikawa was smiling so happily at the photo, how could you argue?
“You’re an idiot,” you mumble with a huff, scribbling a half-assed answer on your sheet of paper.
“Aw come on, Y/N,” Oikawa smirked, sliding closer to you and tilting your chin up with a singular finger so you were forced to look him in the eyes. “You know you love me,” he teased in that fake sultry voice of his.
Normally, you’d just get a bit flustered - there was just something about those bedroom eyes of his eyes that made you squirm. But here, just sitting here with him and realizing that even when he took ugly pictures of you, this perfect pretty boy still wanted to be with you... you realized there wasn’t a single person you’d rather be with right now. Or ever.
“Ya you’re right,” you smiled up at him, pulling away from his teasing look and turning back to your homework. “I do love you.”
The expression on his face was probably photo worthy and later, you’d wish you had snapped a picture of it. The utter shock was enough to send all the blood flying out of his face, a nosebleed soon ensuing.
“Oikawa! Are you okay?” You asked with wide eyes, rushing to get tissues.
“F-Fine! I’m fine!” The fact that all the blood was rushing to his rosy cheeks probably wasn’t helping his nosebleed, only making it flow faster.
The two of you laughed when his bleeding was under control, Oikawa blushing enough to look like a marker colour, “You can’t just say stuff like that to a guy, Y/N! That’s so mean! Teasing me like that.” He pouted, crossing his arms like a child.
You tilted your head slightly, watching him for a moment before saying, “Teasing? What do you mean? I meant it, Oikawa, you idiot.”
His eyes would just widen and suddenly homework wasn’t all that important anymore.
“Oikawa! it’s due this week!” You insisted as he dragged you out of the house, your hand firmly held in his.
“Too bad! We’re going for ice cream!” He declared with a grin. “Oh and Y/N?”
“I love you too. Idiot.” His smile was as wide as ever but there was a genuine love in his eyes as he looked at you, soon leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
But don’t worry, later he’d help you with your homework. As long as you said “I love you” to him one more time.
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Tsukishima Who says it first: Him
Tsukishima says he loves you in actions more than he does words at first, throwing you snacks that he carries with him specifically for you, when he notices you getting hungry. He’ll bring an extra hoodie or wear one when he knows he’ll get too warm for it, because he knows you like to be comfy and warm. He offers to come over and study with you when you’re getting nervous over a test, holds your hand and squeezes it gently if he notices you getting anxious over something, and he walks you to and from home every day.
He loves you. And even though you can feel it through his actions, you weren’t quite sure if he was ready to hear that you loved him too.
Honestly, you would’ve been fine just going about your relationship the way that it was. But of course, what good would having upperclassmen in his volleyball team be if they didn’t annoy the shit out of him and talk about your relationship?
Tanaka had been going on and on in the club room about how badly he wanted a girlfriend, pouting to himself because he was still unsure of how Tsukishima, a salty brat, managed to get a cute girlfriend like you before he did.
“God it must be so nice to have someone to hug and hold hands with and tell them ‘I love you’ every five seconds! If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her leave my presence until she knew how much I loved her!” Tanaka was saying, Noya nodding aggressively in agreement.
Tsukishima’s ears perked hearing this, pulling his gym shirt over his head as he got ready to head home for the night.
“How did you do it, Tsukishima?” Noya asked randomly, a grin on his face. “I bet you’re secretly super romantic aren’t you? You got her flowers and chocolates and stuff huh?”
“How did I do what?” Tsukishima asked flatly, glancing back at them. The second years shared a look and then looked back at him, both tilting their heads simultaneously.
“How did you first tell Y/N you loved her,” Tanaka explained, his eyes narrowing as he watched Tsukishima’s eyes move away from them. “Wait a minute, you haven’t told her yet?”
“Tsukishima! You asshole! Don’t you know how lucky you are to have such a cute girl on your arm? Always doing cute things for you like that time she made you a bento box? Or when she comes to our games and always cheers the loudest for us?” Noya’s yelling was soon turning into a tearful whine, still upset that he didn’t have these things that Tsukishima did.
The blond boy just tried to turn away, packing up his things as his upperclassmen moaned.
“Tanaka, Noya, leave the boy alone,” Sugawara scolded. “I’m sure Tsukishima’s going to tell her on his own time! Aren’t you, Tsukishima?” His voice was so sweet, as if he was only trying to help him out, but Sugawara’s eyes told a different story - one where he was really trying to pry an answer from the first year.
All eyes were on him once again and Tsukishima was silently wishing he had left earlier without getting dressed. The question loomed over the club room like a raincloud, pressure on Tsukishima’s answer building the more the silence lasted.
“Sure,” he answered finally before leaving the room, shifting his bag on his shoulder slightly. He hadn’t really thought about it before. Why hadn’t he told you yet? He knew he loved you, it’s not like he was an idiot in denial over it. He had spent a good year in denial but he wouldn’t admit it. He knew he loved you but why hadn’t he said anything yet?
The idea of telling you made his whole face feel hot but why? It’s not like he hadn’t sent you songs about love, or watched those sappy romantic movies with you and thought about you the whole time. So why hadn’t he said it? It was just three words after all, wasn’t it? Three little words.
There you were, waiting for him again outside of the gym. You had that cute little smile on your face that you always had whenever you caught his eye. He loved that smile.
“Ready?” You asked happily, him holding out his arm for you slightly and you link yours with it and just look up at him with those gorgeous eyes. He loved your eyes.
“How was practice?” You asked as the two of you walked and he told you all about how annoying Hinata and Kageyama was, you always laughing when he expressed his annoyance. He loved your laugh.
At some point while you two were walking home, Tsukishima felt himself stop. He could feel Tanaka and Noya’s words starting to get to him, an uneasy feeling in his stomach making him feel... different. He knew if he didn’t say it now, he never would.
“Tsukishima?” You blinked up at him, noting the way he stopped so abruptly. “Are you okay?”
He took a breath - if you were going to reject him, that would be fine. Everything would be fine. No it wouldn’t, he heard that little voice in his head say. What the hell would we do without you?
Despite his conflicting thoughts on the matter, Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to silence them as he managed to get out weakly, “I love you, Y/N.”
You just stood there for what felt like forever. Why weren’t you saying anything? His heart fell a little as you just stared at him, your face not betraying any of your emotions.
“What?” You squeaked.
He sighed frustratedly, unsure if you were trying to give him a way to go back on his words, or if you were really this deaf. “I love you,” he repeated himself, his voice louder and firmer this time. If he was going to get rejected, it wouldn’t be because he backed down. He would make sure of it.
But soon your lips were curling into that smile that he loved, your eyes were sparkling up at him, and a giggle fell from your lips, “I-I love you too, Tsukishima!” You beamed, hopping a little where you stood in excitement.
He couldn’t hide how happy that made him. His lips turned into a smile and he reached up to pat your head, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, “Alright, stop looking at me like. It’s late, we should get you home,” he told you, scolding you as if you had been the one to stop first.
But it didn’t matter. Because Tsukishima Kei said he loved you and those were the last three words you had ever expected him to say, even though you had felt the same all this time.
For the first time ever, Tsukishima actually took the advice of his upperclassmen and made it his promise to himself that he would never let you leave his sight without telling you “I love you”, even if it had to be over text because he wasn’t quite ready to say it in front of everyone else yet. But he would tell you over and over again, because even when he was annoyed at you or in a bad mood, Tsukishima loved you and he didn’t ever want you to think otherwise.
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@scphiredrafts​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​
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the girl next door ~ rodrick heffley;diary of a wimpy kid
word count: 1675
request?: yes!
waaaavyguurl “hey! could you do a rodrick heffley imagine where in rodrick rules the fem!reader has just moved in a house next to the heffley’s and she’s in maths class with rodrick. she’s kinda a genius, so he asks her to help him with hw and they start dating ?? maybe with an insert of greg who understands they’re together when he sees them dancing at the party ?? thank u <3″
description: in which rodrick falls for the smart girl next door
pairing: rodrick heffley x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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His mother had been adamant about the entire Heffley family going to greet their new neighbors just a day after they moved in. Susan spent the whole night making brownies, with Manny’s “help”, and had them boxed up and ready to go the next morning.
“What if they’re allergic to brownies?” Greg asked after Frank had to literally drag him out of bed.
“They’re made from scratch, so the only allergies in it are dairy and gluten,” Susan responded.
“Why couldn’t this have waited till tonight?” Rodrick groaned. “Give them some time to breathe before we scare them off.”
“If we wait too long we’ll look like rude neighbors!”
Rodrick rolled his eyes. He was sure none of the other people on the block had went to meet the new neighbors yet, but there was no talking Susan Heffley out of something once she set her mind to it.
She made the boys dress up in their nicest clothes, which for Rodrick was a pair of jeans without holes in them and a plain black t-shirt, before they made their way across the street. Rodrick let out an annoyed sigh as Susan knocked on the door and they waited.
A girl that looked about Rodrick’s age answered the door. Rodrick couldn’t help but stand up a little straighter as her eyes wandered over the family before her. “Uh...hi?”
“Hello!” Susan greeted. “We’re the Heffleys; I’m Susan, this is my husband, Frank, and my boys, Manny, Greg, and Rodrick. We just wanted to come over and welcome you and your parents to the neighborhood with some homemade brownies!”
“Nice to meet you,” the young girl greeted. “I’m (Y/N). You guys actually just missed my parents. They both work morning shifts, they won’t be home until sometime this evening.”
Rodrick held back his desire to tell his mother “I told you so”.
“Wait, so you’re here by yourself?” Greg asked. “That’s so cool!”
(Y/N) chuckled. “I appreciate the gesture none the less, and my parents will, too. I’ll tell them you stopped by, they’ll probably invite you guys back for dinner sometime.”
“That’d be great!” Susan said. “We’ll wait for your call!”
Greg and Manny were the first to break away from their parents, excitedly running back to the house to play video games and watch cartoons like they normally did on a weekend morning. Susan chased after Manny, telling him not to run across the street without her, while Frank just silently left. Rodrick stayed a moment, trying to think of something to say to (Y/N).
“I-I guess I’ll see you at school on Monday,” he finally managed to say, immediately cringing at the stupid thing he decided to say.
(Y/N) smiled at this, though, and responded, “Yeah, I’ll see you Monday. It’ll be nice to already know a friendly face.”
Rodrick smiled back and nodded. (Y/N) closed the door as Rodrick turned away, silently celebrating to himself before joining his family back at the Heffley household.
That Monday, Rodrick tried not to seem too obvious as he looked around for (Y/N) at school. He couldn’t hide his disappointment when he couldn’t find her the first half of the day.
When she walked into his sixth period math class, Rodrick smiled widely and waved at her. She smiled back and quickly sat in the empty seat next to him.
“Hey! I finally found you!” she said. “This school is so big, and there’s so many people!”
“Yeah, it is pretty big,” Rodrick responded, lamely. “How have your classes been so far?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “They’re, you know, classes. I feel like I can’t form an opinion on anything yet.”
Before Rodrick could ask anymore questions, the teacher came in to start the class.
Math class always dragged on, but that day it felt like it was going at a pace even slower than a snail. Rodrick wanted nothing more than for the class to just end so he could talk to her more.
“The answer is six,” (Y/N) whispered to herself.
Rodrick looked over at her. “What?”
(Y/N) looked at him. Her face was confused at first until she realized she had spoken out loud. Before she could respond, the teacher asked, “Do you two have something to add Miss. (Y/L/N)? Mr. Heffley?”
The two exchanged a look before (Y/N) responded. “The answer to the equation is actually six. You mixed up on your second to last calculation.”
A snicker came from her classmates as the teacher rolled his eyes at her. “I can assure you my calculations are correct Miss. (Y/L/N).”
“I’m not saying they’re all wrong, just the second to last calculation.” (Y/N) rose from her seat and made her way to the whiteboard. “May I?”
“Oh sure, since you know everything.”
(Y/N) ignored his sarcastic tone and erased everything that was on the board except for the starting equation. Rodrick watched as (Y/N) rewrote the entire equation down to the last step, in which she changed the workings to equal six.
The entire room seemed to hold their breath as (Y/N) turned to their teacher. He had a blank expression on his face before letting out a sigh. “Okay, I see your point. Well done Miss. (Y/L/N), now go sit down.”
(Y/N) returned to her seat next to Rodrick, her cheeks tinted pink.
When class finally ended, Rodrick and (Y/N) left together. “That was so impressive! You’re, like, a math genius.”
“My parents have been teaching me basically since I was born,” (Y/N) explained. “They basically made me an overachiever since birth.”
“That’s cool, though. Maybe you could help me with my homework sometime.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Yeah! I’d love to!”
Rodrick watched (Y/N) talk to some friends in the living room from his spot in the kitchen. He couldn’t help but smile when she laughed at whatever one of the girls had said.
(Y/N) had really opened up in the months following her moving in. She had gained a great group of friends and had opened up a lot to the people in their grade. She was no longer the shy new girl, but now the smart, semi-popular girl that everyone loved.
“How long till you tell mom and dad about (Y/N)?” Greg asked as he came to stand next to his big brother.
“Disintegrate child,” Rodrick hissed. “Wait, how do you know about me and (Y/N)?”
Greg scoffed. “Come on, Rodrick. You’ve never looked at a girl the way you look at her, among other very obvious tells. You are totally in love with her.”
“Whoa, whoa. Back it up little bro. In love is a strong word. I like her a lot at the most.”
“Like who a lot?”
(Y/N) walked up to the brothers and threw an arm over Rodrick’s shoulder. He felt his heart starting to race at just her close proximity, and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face knowing she was there next to him.
Okay, maybe I love her a little bit.
“What lucky girl has taken little Rodrick’s heart?” (Y/N) continued with their “friends” bit.
“You can drop it. Greg knows about us.”
(Y/N) sighed with relief as she dropped her arm from Rodrick’s shoulder. “Good. There was no way I was going to be able to pretend that Rodrick liked someone else. I was sure I was gonna crack.”
Rodrick wrapped his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder and kissed her forehead. (Y/N) leaned into his embrace, a dreamy smile on her face as she peered up at her boyfriend. Greg looked between the two of them, an amused smile on his face.
“I’m happy for you guys,” he said. “But, just remember (Y/N), you could do so much better than Rodrick.”
Rodrick untangled himself from Greg just long enough to feign a threatening punch. Greg took off as soon as Rodrick’s hand went up, disappearing into the crowd of party people around him. Rodrick shook his head and rolled his eyes as (Y/N) laughed.
“He’s smarter than you give him credit for,” (Y/N) pointed out.
“Don’t give him too much credit, it’ll go to his already massive sized head,” Rodrick warned her.
(Y/N) laughed before giving Rodrick a quick peck on her lips. “So, Greg has already figured us out. When do we tell your parents?”
Rodrick sighed as he pulled (Y/N) tightly against them. “Realistically, they’re the next step. I don’t need Greg having anything else he can hold over my head as leverage or blackmail. But...I really don’t want you to meet them. Not because I don’t think they’d like you, they already love you more than they love the three of us. It’s just...mom is super overbearing, especially with girlfriends. The last one I had that I brought to meet them, mom straight up asked her if she planned to ever have kids and get married after graduating high school.”
(Y/N) covered her mouth to try and stifle the laugh that came out. She had met Susan Heffley a few times in passing when doing homework with Rodrick, and even in the few times she had met Rodrick’s mom, she knew that Rodrick’s story was not an exaggeration.”
“Dad is just boring,” Rodrick continued. “He doesn’t do much besides work and collect figurines. He’ll probably ask you if you’ll talk me out of being in the band and actually doing something with my life.”
(Y/N) leaned into Rodrick again. “I won’t push you. You have your reasonings for not wanting me to meet them, and I understand those reasonings. But, just so you know, they’re not gonna chase me away from you. I’m in this for the long haul, Heffley. You’re stuck with me until you get tired of me.”
Rodrick smiled and kissed (Y/N) again. “I’ll never get tired of you, (Y/L/N).”
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