#I literally choked on my spit I was so shocked. Usually he likes to pretend gay people don't exist
hamartia-grander · 1 year
Even my homophobic father made the comment of Luis being too gay when Leon says "be straight with me for once"
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Tell Me A Story
Loki x f(magic reader)
Summary: Stuck in an Asgardian cell for your crimes, you meet an intriguing fellow prisoner who you can’t help but start to feel something for.
Warning: angst, fluff (you’re not leaving sad on my watch)
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The ground feels hard. And your head feels incredibly fuzzy, like waking up from a deep slumber by some rude acquaintance who can’t mind their own damn business. Not to mention the throbbing sensation emitting from the left side of your cheek like two annoying disturbances. Were you smacked twice?
What in the bloody shitsticks?
The light in this place is so bright too, you have to squint when opening your irises for the first time to really get a good look at your surroundings. With the light in this awful place too much to bear, you cover your eyes with your fingers to lessen the harshness from above. Soon your gaze trails up witnessed a clean ceiling of pure marble white.
Wait. Are you dead?
Adjusting to the brightness, you slowly bring yourself into a seated position on the equally as shiny clean floor. To your left is a bed and a small nightstand while your right is a see through golden tinged barrier showing the other cells and a single guard walking down the hallway. Cells? Cells!
A prison? You’re in a fucking prison. Shit.
Letting out a dramatic sigh, head in your hands, you suddenly hear a knock on the white section of the confinement hold that turns into loud pounding. Thud! Thud! Thud! And a second later the white disappears, in place shows the same see through golden tinge. A guard on the other side.
“You’re awake.” He says, voice casual as an old friend.
You give him a puzzled look before feeling your face, “I think so.”
He takes a step into your prison where a sword is held in your face, maybe not so much an old friend after all, “As protocol, I must ask you three questions.” Delves the guard, stance never changing.
“Go for it tough guy.”
He remains unfazed, “Do you know your name?” Easy.
“Do you know why you’re here?” Uh.
“Well it wasn’t for stealing a child’s favorite toy.” You muse before quickly changing your façade, “But yes.”
He scoffs unamused, “Do you know where you are?”
Now this question you don’t have an answer for so instead do you give him your sweetest most innocent face possible, “uh, maybe you could enlighten me?”
The armored man rolls his dark eyes, “You’re in the royal dungeons of Asgard, placed here by King Odin for crimes against our realm. For that. You will remain until otherwise noted by the King.” Barks the guard, you stare up at him with wide eyes. Shocked and bewildered that you’re stuck in Asgard of all places.
“I didn’t even have a fare trial!” You protest.
“You didn’t deserve one, filth.” He counters before sheathing his sword back into its scabbard and off he goes into the golden tinged door. Out of sight in an instant. Rude.
Leaving yourself very puzzled and irritated at the whole ordeal, you never even got a trial to speak your side of the story. Nothing. Now you’re stuck in this dumb shit of a cell with literally nothing to do and no one around to bother, oh wait who’s that across the room?
Jumping to your feet, you swiftly walk over to the glass; there stands a man in green and black attire, leather bound book in hand as his slender face focuses onto the pages. He’s rather handsome in all honesty, with that dark shoulder length hair of his and the thoughtful expression across his face. You’re now fully intrigued.
Then your mind swirls with a thought, you’re in Asgard. So, this must be prince Loki, the one who failed to conquer Midgard. Soon a devilish smirk crosses your features, “What are you doing down here? I thought princes were the ones to put delinquents behind bars?”
Loki’s face shifts from surprise to amusement as he keeps his eyes onto the pages, “Kings.” Corrects the Asgardian prince.
You smile, “Well this king can eat shit!”
He lets out a breathy snort before finally drawing his gaze up to you, his expression quickly diminishes from amusement into star struck fascination when those beautiful blues land upon your beaming mischievous face. Loki has never seen someone so magnificently enticing in his whole entire life. But here you are, whoever you happen to be.
The raven haired man sets the book onto his nightstand before sauntering over to the glass wall, “And who do I presume you are? My new source of entertainment.”
Waving him off like a blushing maiden, you pretend to get all hot and bothered by his sly comment, “Oh wouldn’t you like to know.”
Loki smirks, “I would indeed.”
You curl a piece of hair around your finger, gifting him a shy smile as you avoid his steely gaze. “Sorry.” You mutter, “I only tell men who can take over whole planets in under three days.”
He immediately loses his humored aurora, replacing it with a slightly taken aback yet somewhat pissed off one. “Ouch. But I can’t image you’re any clever if you happen to be stuck down here with me.”
You point up a finger, “On the contraire, my faults are less hefty then your own. So who really lost here?”
“From the looks of it. Both of us.”
You nod, “That is a truthful observation, but what has gifted us a sentence in exile are two entirely different sides to the relatively same coin.”
“Mine being, failure to conquer and rule Midgard. And yours being?”
“Fine. I’ll satiate your appetite.” He raises a brow as you trail your hand down the buzzing glass, “I may have tried to steal some pretty gems downstairs. Blah blah and I got caught by some lady named Frigga who’s a lot more skilled with magic then I had first realized and now I’m here. Granted I don’t remember getting to said “here” but alas my body remains.”
Loki smirks, “My deer mother got the best of you. How is she up in the real world these days?”
“Oh you know, told me she loves reading, doing the usual witchy stuff, and she hates you so go burn in hell for eternity you shit head little boy.”
Loki could have choked on his own spit, “Pardon me?”
“You heard me, she said she loves you. Is that not what you heard? I really thought I was being pretty clear.”
The Asgardian prince shakes his head, “Forget I asked.” Turning around once again to find his way onto the comfortable looking mattress, new book in hand.
You pout at the lack of attention, what did you say to annoy him? Was it the little shit head boy? Maybe he’s just having a bad day.
There he is. That incredibly attractive Asgardian prince of Mischief, just standing there. Reading yet another book in his beautiful greens and blacks and golds as he chooses to ignore you. The insanely gorgeous but deeply irritating woman across the cell from him.
You’ve been in here for about four weeks now and Loki has not cracked once. You’re really trying too! All he’s done is gift you with some telling facial expressions or the wonderful side comment to address your theatrics or harmless shenanigans.
All you want to do is get to know him better. And maybe along the way get the fuck out of here with a little help, and then preferably take the prince along for the ride. If it was only that easy.
Levitating in your cell just because you’re tired of standing all the time, you keep your usual unabashed stare-down with the prince when a random guard marches by. He looks from right to left and forward again before doing a double take over to you.
“Hey! Stop that!” He shouts, lance raised at your smirking face while you continue to float, “You can’t do that here!”
You simply roll your eyes, “Who has made this new rule law?”
The guard pauses for a moment, clearly indicating that he just doesn’t want you floating because he’s a party pooper. He swallows, “By king Odin.”
“By king Odin? Doesn’t his son fly?”
“Huh?” He glances over to Loki who’s not paying attention to you two in the slightest.
“Not that one.”
The guard makes a frustrated grunt before removing his lance away from your face, no matter the safety of the glass, “You can remain afloat but only under my authority.” And with that does he stomp off down the corridor.
You beam a victorious grin as he leaves your sight when a sudden slow clapping can be heard from across the hallway. Immediately do you snap your attention up to the prince who’s already sharing one of his infamous smirks, “Congratulations. You’ll now have an enemy down here. And it only took you a few weeks.”
You scoff, moving yourself to float casually on your back, “It’s about time too. Things were starting to get unbearably dull around here.”
Loki hums, “Ever try reading?”
You snort, “No, no I haven’t. Hmm, but I’d love it if you could read to me, since I don’t happen to have any books within reach. It’s only fair.”
Loki raises a brow, “Only fair?”
“Yes. I have the guards annoyed with me, so, they won’t care much about you. And. You get to read, but also to me as well.”
“That’s a possibly compelling suggestion.” Says the prince, mulling over your words.
“I thought so.”
You close your eyes as a couple moments pass before he speaks again, “But I must decline.”
“What!” You shout in bewilderment as he lowly chuckles, “I might just about die of boredom, you want me on your conscience when I pass into oblivion from lack of entertainment!”
Loki smiles at your adorable face, “Make your own fun.” He teases, though you don’t realize this.
Moving yourself into a standing position, yet still without touching the ground, you press your hands against the golden tinged glass, “Loki! You are a beautifully great annoyance and if I wasn’t stuck in here I would throw all your books about! And then….then I’d knock down your nightstand!”
He smirks, “Charming.”
You pout while your fists clench in irritation, “Fine! I didn’t want to listen to your loathsome voice anyways!” He gifts you with a proud half grin as you turn from him to magically throw your wooden nightstand across the room.
You land, reaching a hand out to launch the nightstand back across the room once more before repeating this action again and again until the whole flimsy thing combusts when it crashes violently into the closest wall.
Breathing heavily, you slowly turn to face the irritation watching you do all of this, “Feel better Y/N.”
Pursing your lips together, you release your tight fists, “Yes.”
He nods, “What would you like me to read?”
“Something joyful…….please.”
Loki shares a handsome grin before giving you a respectfully small bow, “As the lady wishes.” Loki shares a small glance with your curious face before turning to search for a book. He kneels down and soon picks out a book colored in a deep blue, something foreign written in golden cursive on the front.
You slowly return to the ground, this time seated criss crossed as you lean half of yourself upon the glass as you try and get as close to Loki as physically possible. Which is difficult considering the hallway’s short distance keeping your cells apart, but you try anyways. He opens up the book and quickly looks up to catch your gaze before smiling and looking down at the first page.
Loki reveals the smallest blush before clearing his throat, “The Fox and the Raven.” You smirk at his adorable face, how focused and deep in thoughtful concentration he becomes as the words flow off of his sly tongue like molten gold. You could listen to him all day.
“Once there were two beings, equal in skill and game. Best friends since childhood even, but there was one thing that drove a wedge in their long relationship. Another. This beautiful being was beyond compare to that of any god or goddess alike. And the two friends where undoubtedly in love with them.
It began one windy day by the river, the beauty stood, washing their hair by the waters edge with not a mind to mess with anyone in their head. The two friends saw them and smiled. “I shall win their affections.” Claimed the dark haired admirer, Tala. “Not you silly fox, I shall be the one to draw their heart to mine.” Spoke Essek with great confidence, his bestfriend in the whole entire realm.
They looked to each other with clear frustration sculpted into their faces, so, the friends came to an agreement. Whoever failed to win over the water nymphs heart, that friend must stay in their animal form forever while the victorious one could live on as they always have. Maybe it was cruel. Maybe not at first.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as the two friends would speak with the water nymph as often as they could. Tala in raven form and Essek as a dashing fox. All was going well as they played their little game of love until the water nymph began to grow quit fond of the raven for his talents in the sky and witty personality.
So much so that on the next full moon, the raven revealed himself to his true form before making love to the joyful water nymph on the rivers edge. And so the very next day when the fox arrived to speak with the nymph, he was surprised to find Tala laying underneath a weeping willow with the nymph in his strong arms.
The fox recoiled with jealousy before his heart shattered in two, Tala smiled a triumphant grin as the fox turned away in disappointment before rushing off into the woodland. Never to be seen again.
So that is why you can never trust anyone who is truly dear to you, for love is a fleeting thing and can turn friends into beasts for something as silly and pathetic as a beacon of affection.” Finishes Loki in an almost sour tone as you sit there on the cell floor, feeling a bit off and out of place from that abrupt turn of events.
You frown, “I thought you were going to read me a happy story?”
Loki closes the book, “I did.” Blue eyes on you in an instant.
“No. You really didn’t.”
Loki gives you an almost dumbfounded look, “The raven got to keep his original form and make love to the water nymph what else is there to want?” He questions like it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world. Not.
“The fox is depressed now. That’s not very happy.”
“It was happy for those two, was it not?”
You roll your eyes, “It was. But a happy story should have a happy ending for everyone involved. That’s the point of a happy tale being told.” You counter as he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“Not everyone gets what they want in the end, Y/N. That’s just life, some are fine and persist while others turn and run with nothing of any significance still clinging to them.”
You sit there a moment in bewilderment, soon rising to float threateningly by the glass, “That’s ridiculous! A happy story should be fucking happy! Love is supposed to be kind and beautiful, not this wedge that turns people against one another and supports a game that shifts into jealousy and disdain for one.”
Loki hums, “Well it is just a story after all. Love does that because it isn’t truthful ever, it’s a fleeting thing without any weight that only causes pain and disappointment.”
Your brows soon furrow at these dark words, “Oh and what do you understand about love?” You hotly challenge, voice accusatory and fierce.
“That it isn’t real.” Mutters the prince with a casual shrug, though his face flashes with uncertainty.
You scoff, “Is it now? You think love is a simple lie? A trick from the universe to keep races existing until their worlds collapse?”
“Yes.” Nods the Asgardian, “That’s what I believe.”
You take a breath, feet slowly touching the cool tiled floor as you speak, “You have no idea what it feels like then. So how can you claim it to be false?”
Loki crosses his arms, “True love isn’t real because that just cannot be realistic in any sense Y/N. Same thing as feeling happy or when you sneeze….the feeling is a feeling like butterflies in your stomach when you get excited. But like every emotion given, it leaves and the feelings are dulled or just dissipate altogether.”
“You’re wrong.” You bitterly mutter, voice low and filled with a somber hurt.
“And how would I be wrong then?” He wonders, truly curious to see how on earth you are able to counter this. He doesn’t wholeheartedly believe in love, though his growing affections for you seem to have him conflicted. He still wants to know.
“It is like magic, to be in love.” You reply, a faint smile ghosting your lips as you press your hands against the glass, “It is bright and brilliant and beautiful. It does not come and go like a fleeting spark from a dying flame. Love, like magic, forms from within when let into someone’s vessel. It is a power that always remains no matter where the person travels, or how old they become. Love, in the end and always through existence will remain. No matter what.”
Loki could have shed a tear at your beautiful explanation, yet his stubbornness persists, “A fairytale. Nothing more.”
“A fairytale? A fucking fairytale!?” You shout, voice rising in fury, “You don’t know anything but the lies you tell yourself you heartless bastard! All I wanted was a happy story that made me smile before I’m executed! And you couldn’t even give me that you selfish prick of a man!”
Loki’s heart grows cold as a winters morning, he blinks, forgetting how to properly breath at your heated declarations. He steps closer to the thin glass, brows furrowed in puzzled apprehension, “You’re being executed?” He asks, tone low and thoughtful.
Face falling into a deep frown, you lower your head in shame, “I have been condemned to die for my crimes above. Guess they’re not so simple as I had first claimed.”
“What do you mean?”
You let out a telling sigh, “I didn’t try and take the queens jewels, I tried to murder her..”
“You what?!” Whispers the Asgardian prince, eyes wide in shock, “What do you mean?”
Your gaze keeps trained onto the floor, “I am…well, I was….an assassin. Who, ultimately could not force myself to murder your mother Frigga, so I let myself be caught and taken. It’s the least I deserve for the life I’ve led. This is just how it goes, and I’m ready.”
Loki’s mind races, he never even suspected such a thing coming from you. Sure you’re indeed a beautiful mystery of a person who enjoys levitating in her cell for the hell of it. But your appearance and pose never revealed someone capable of homicide as their profession, least of all you.
And now, his father is condemning you to death rightly so, but Loki can’t help but think you don’t truly deserve this fate. Maybe, just possibly, he’d feel like he was losing a close friend. Someone who he never had any intentions of developing these strange new feelings for.
“I won’t let him end your life.” Suddenly speaks the prince, “You didn’t kill her, you actively chose not to, so I believe he could sway his final decision.”
You let out a breathy laugh, “Wishful thinking.” Just as three guards dressed in their true Asgardian golds walk to the front of your cell. Loki swallows, they dissipate the golden tinged force field, leaving you with nothing but air to keep you from their clutches.
“Y/N.” Softly calls the dark haired prince, voice small and desperate, he didn’t think they would take you so soon but what does he truly know anymore? Your sad eyes lock onto his as one guard snaps metal cuffs against your wrists, and another around your throat before he ushers you out.
Loki can’t tear his eyes from yours the whole time, and even after you’ve been dragged down the hallway and out of sight. He thinks, maybe you’ll return and it was all a big misunderstanding, a simple nightmare and he’ll wake any second now. But he knows this is foolish thinking, you’re never coming back. And he’s beside himself.
Loki bows his head in silent anguish, fists clenched tight as his heartbeat begins to race when suddenly he releases his grip and a small blast of green magic emits in the aftermath. Just enough power to knock some books onto the floor in protest. He doesn’t pick them up.
In the following days, Loki would pace around his cell like a nervous lion. Reading book after book to help pass the time though he couldn’t stop his racing mind from thinking about you. Where were you now? What had they done to you? Did it hurt?
He didn’t know and what’s worse is the guards only seemed to mock him about it, claiming your life was worth more dead then anything else. It stung like a heated iron spear left too long in the hot coals, he missed you beyond compare. How did you make him feel this way? When did that happen?
He missed your mischievous smile, your alluring eyes of curiosity and concealed chaos. The way you spoke to him like a person and not just a prisoner, or even a prince who’s disappointed his whole kingdom. You didn’t care, sure you lived to tease and pester him relentlessly, but you didn’t truly care about his current status.
You drew the attention out of him without even needing to try, brought a smile upon his face weather he was aware of it or not, and made him feel genuinely excited about waking up the next day. You became everything to him and more, and Loki hadn’t even realized this until it was too late.
But now you’re gone. And he will never see another Y/N for as long as he is to live.
Loki sits with his back against the wall, hair undoubtedly a wild mess closely matching that of the room about him. Books, clothing, furniture, and other personal belongings lay around his cell like the aftermath of a furious hurricane. He didn’t mean for this to happen, but when he got word that his mother was injured in the attack by the dark elves and freed prisoners. He new it was his fault, he led them to freedom after all.
With his mother healing from her non fatal wounds, and the loss of his dear Y/N to the axe. Loki has been doing less then tremendous these past few weeks, clearly. The prince now closes his weary eyes, breathing steadily as a new presence makes itself known across the golden tinged glass. He doesn’t care to look.
“Well don’t you look sad.” Teases a familiar voice, not condescending but just enough to make him laugh if he felt like it.
He opens his eyes to find your smirking face, body safe and sound wrapped in a cloak of white and intricately laced gold. How absolutely beautiful you are. His brows furrow as he mutters, “You’re just an illusion.” Voice horse and filled with doubt.
You raise a brow, “So is this?” You ask in reference to the clean cut illusion Loki is controlling, “I think not. I can see right through it.”
He forgot about the illusion he’s been creating since his breakdown, of course you’d see right through it, “You died. And my mother is hurt.”
“So you lost control within yourself and chose self deprecation? And apparently…chaos.” The trickster god rolls his tired eyes which causes you to chuckle, “I see my passing onto greater things has weakened your ego.”
He scoffs, “Your ghost form does not amuse me.”
Taking a glance down the vacant hallway, you step right through the golden tinged force field like it’s nothing more then air. “Loki Laufeyson, I am not a phantom or a dreary pigment of your imagination you foolish prick. I am Y/N, Goddess of Chaos and Magic. And someone who has missed you deeply.”
Loki frowns, blue eyes focused up at your truthful face as he sighs, “I….I don’t think I understand what is happening.”
You approach his side before kneeling down to reach his level, you two have never been this close before, “My tale was true as the forming of this realm itself. But your mother saw me for who I am, not what I have been enchanted to do with my life. So she gave me another chance to live, and so I did. To protect her and guard her until she deems otherwise, that’s why I’m still alive and that’s why your mother still has a beating heart.”
Loki reaches out for your hand that you gladly let him take, “Those prisoners..”
“I killed them. Every last one of those fuckers and the damn dark elves who attempted to crash their ship into the great hall. Let’s just say, it didn’t go according to their plans.” You explain, pausing for a moment to share a longing look with the Asgardian prince.
The corners of his lips rise into a soft smile, a deeply relieved one while you look down at your laced fingers, “Loki.” You whisper before drawing your head up to properly look at him.
“I’m still counting on a better story.” You muse as he lets out a breathy laugh.
“Unfortunately none of these books happen to provide a decent tale, my dear.”
You gently squeeze his hand, “In that case I’ll bring you all the books stuffed in that giant library. There’s bound to be a good one, something happy.”
“I’d like that.” Nods the prince.
You smile, “But I have to ask you one thing.”
“Of course.”
“Did you miss me?”
Loki squeezes your hand right back, “More then I’d ever missed anyone.” Reveals the dark haired prince as he reaches up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, though his fingers linger on your cheek a moment longer before he slowly pulls them away and into his lap.
You can’t help but snicker which causes his face to scrunch up in puzzled embarrassment. Immediately do you reach up to cup his cheek, “I felt the same way. And I think I might feel a bit more too, quit possibly a lot more. No. Yes definitely a lot more then I first led on from a few weeks ago in fact and all I must admit to you now Loki Laufeyson or Odinson..prince of Asgard I think I’d like to kiss you now if that’s okay with you.”
Loki blinks, did he hear you right? “oh.” He mumbles, clearly unsure of himself or whatever wonderful thing you just said.
You immediately remove your hand from his cheek, “Too soon. Sorry I just thought I read you right maybe I was wrong I can just leav….” You don’t even have a moment to finish your sentence when his lips press pleasantly against yours.
His hands hold your face while your own hands gently grip onto his forearms for support in your awkward positioning, with him sitting and you still crouched. But it matters not when his lips move in time with yours, he feels so lovely, like a hundred roses pressing against your skin.
Giving you that soft velvety feel, you could kiss him all day if he’d let you. Though soon enough the two of you must break for some air, and with that do you pull him to his feet while you float just inches off of the messy ground. Loki never once taking his hand away from yours.
“How can you….how can you do that?” Wonders the prince as he glances from the ground to your face.
You shrug, “How can you move things with your mind?”
He smiles, “I guess, I just can. A terribly lackluster explanation I know, but perhaps I’m not truly certain how either.”
“Well let’s not dwell on the unknown for too long, this moment right now is too sacred for anything else. And though I have to leave, I will return to you…..and next time with more books. Then you will have no choice then to read them all to me.”
Loki hums, “I don’t see a problem there.” Before whispering in your ear, “Maybe bring some wine, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an evening.”
You share a bright grin, “As the spoiled prince asks, but it will cost you.”
Loki raises an intrigued brow, “Cost what?”
“A kiss. Before and after I do your bidding. Can you settle for those terms?”
Loki’s lips pull into an adorable smile, cheeks almost dusting pink at your new flash of boldness. He’s never met anyone quit like you in all his years alive. “I believe those terms are acceptable.”
You give him a wink, “Good. See you then.” And with that do you crash your lips against his for on more heated embrace before leaving one final kiss to his slender cheek and floating out of the cell you go. Stopping behind the glass to give your new lover one last fleeting look, “Miss me you prick.”
Loki smirks, “Always.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 2]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, some soft ‘woo too, restraints, panties as a gag, dirty talk, degradation, name calling, oral(fem receiving), cum eating, sir!kink. My god it has been a week, a WEEK i tell you 🥲 Ldfkjdf I hope the lot of you are taking a big deep breath this weekend and doing something to relax or doing some self care cuz baby we all need it!💕 Treat yourself to something good! Take that nap! Buy that album! Get that coffee! I’ll try to bust out some thirst posts this weekend(i think we all deserve some, eh?🥴) should tumb1r not hate my blog and as usual, inbox round up tomorrow! 💕💕 For now, de-stress with ch 2 of UIMY, and have a great weekend! I love you!! 💕💕💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - x - x - x
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You only get about 4 hours of sleep, if you’re being honest.
You won’t tell when asked because quite frankly, you’re a little embarrassed at how giddy you are to see Wonwoo today. You eagerly attend your morning class - panties already wet and mouth watering with the fantasies playing out in your head throughout the entire lecture.
“Hey, study buddy!”
Minghao slings an arm around your shoulder just as you turn to make a beeline towards the library, almost directing you into a different direction. “Where you headed off to? You wanna grab lunch?” Shit.
In the time that Wonwoo was gone, you’d spent a lot of time hanging out with other people trying to fill in the gap where, normally, you’d be spending underneath Wonwoo.
“I, um…” Going to get lunch with Minghao was one of the things that had become a normal thing after your morning classes and you hadn’t had the chance to tell him that your ‘usual’ schedule was back. “I--I’m gonna go study at the library for a bit! I’m really sorry! Can we go another day?” You pout at him which quickly melts off of your face when he shoots you a knowing smile.
“Gonna go ‘study’ Wonwoo-hyung, huh?”
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Minghao lets you go - telling you to let him know when you weren’t busy.
You all but tear the front door open once you reach the familiar library; sheepish smile when it makes more noise than you anticipate.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to pay the price of breaking the door.”
Wonwoo smirks at you from behind the receptionist table; familiar and warm when you step closer to the counter. “Maybe I do? What do you know?” You quip back, cheeks warm and head fuzzy at the sight of Wonwoo back in his usual sweater vest and slacks.
He leans in closer to you over the countertop, gesturing to you to lean in close as well. His lips ghost across the shell of your ear as goosebumps rise on your skin and shivers roll down your spine and the familiar thrum of arousal pours over your body.
“I know you were probably thinking about me all morning, sweetheart. Thinking of all the things I’d do to you.” Wonwoo chuckles under his breath, “Your panties are probably already soaked, hmm? Like my good little slut always ready to take my cock.”
His filthy, whispered words are enough for you to whimper quietly - eyes downcast as you only lean in closer. “Y-yes… Wonwoo, p-please, I--”
Wonwoo leans away from you and you find yourself letting go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“You’ll have to wait. I need to file these late slips and sort these books.”
There’s a teasing smile on his face as he watches your lips part in shock. “But you can do that, right? Be patient?”
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You pick a table far from the others as you watch Wonwoo roll the cart with books into another row of bookshelves.
It felt a little odd to you now that you thought about it - waiting so patiently for Wonwoo when you were used to him caging you in against a bookshelf with his fingers knuckle deep inside of your cunt or even just tugging you straight away into an empty study room on days when neither of you could wait to get your clothes off.
There was a certain softness that he seemed to show with you now; one that you appreciated and made you feel things that you’d never felt in any relationship before.
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Wonwoo would admit he wasn’t always good with showing his emotions with other people.
“He only shows it sometimes,” Jeonghan had said, “Usually to his hyungs and usually when he wants something.”
Which was true.
He struggled with letting his guard down and a lot of the time felt shy about voicing his emotions.
But with you, he felt differently. He wanted to show you that he was capable of letting his guard down and capable of showing you the affection and care that you deserved - even if the relationship the two of you had started was only physical at first. The time away from you only proved to him that he definitely cared about you more than he had initially thought too.
While his semester abroad was entertaining and educational, he found himself thinking about you often in the midst of his excavations and lectures. Wondering about what you were doing and who you were with; if you really thought about him as often as you had messaged him so.
“Um, excuse me?”
“O-oh, huh?”
He’s pulled from his thoughts just as another student steps in front of him in the aisle of books. “Sorry, I don’t remember where this book is from. Is it okay if I just give it to you?”
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It takes twenty more minutes of you pretending to study before Wonwoo’s legs step into your periphery.
You open your mouth to speak but Wonwoo is quicker.
“Miss, I’m sorry, but I need to speak to you regarding some books you failed to return.”
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You try to hide the wide smile on your face when Wonwoo leads you down the familiar, lonesome side of the library.
“I’ll have you step into this room, miss.”
“Wonwoo, there’s literally nobody here…” Chuckling, you step into the empty, cleaned room that Wonwoo had painstakingly made sure was dusted before you came. “Unless we’re roleplaying, ‘cause then, I’m sorry, sir…”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, locking the door behind him before easily walking you backwards until the backs of your thighs hit the desk.
“You should be sorry, sweetheart. First, slamming the doors earlier and now overdue books? Tsk, when will you learn.” He easily slips into character, fingertips already ghosting against the exposed skin of your thighs before playing with the hem of your short skirt.
“How are you going to pay back what you owe, hmm? The damages might be irreparable.” He drags his hand up and under the flimsy material; appreciating the way your legs part a little more for him. A quiet moan floats past your lips just as his fingertips press gently into the growing wet patch of your panties.
“Already wet, too? Why exactly is that, sweetheart?”
“A-ah, ‘c-cause I want--want you to fuck me, s-sir… Been thinking a-about it all day… Just--just like you said...” You clench around emptiness, already impatient now that he had his hands on you.
“You have, huh? I bet you played with yourself last night, didn’t you? Fingered your slutty ‘lil hole and filled it up with a toy just to prep yourself for me.”
“Y-yes, sir…” Your guilty eyes avoid Wonwoo’s stern gaze, “I’m s-sorry… I--I couldn’t, ah, wait... Just t-talking to you, yesterday, I....”
Wonwoo’s fingers press hard against you, immediately rubbing your clit through your soaked panties as you mewl and lean into his warm chest.
“P-please… punish m-me…”
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You can only whine around the fabric stuffed in your mouth; hands tied behind your back with Wonwoo’s belt keeping them bound.
Your body jerks against the small desk as Wonwoo fucks you from behind in the small enclosed space you were used to and a certain warmth pours over you knowing that nothing really had changed since he’d left.
“Shit, I really missed cumming inside your tight lil’ pussy and making you walk home with my cum dripping down your legs.” There’s a soft chuckle under his breath; cock curving right into your g-spot as you whine and squirm underneath him.
“Bet you missed it too, huh? Getting home and fingering your filthy ‘lil cunt, fucking my cum deeper inside of you ‘cause you couldn’t get enough of me. Fuck, and when you’d send me pictures of your cute ‘lil fingers covered in my cum…”
Wonwoo smirks at your back, placing a hand on your bound arms as he uses it for leverage to fuck you deeper and harder.
“I’m back for good now though, sweetheart. Let’s see what else your cute cock starved body can take.”
You can only moan back in return - spit soaking into the wet fabric in your mouth as Wonwoo only fucks you harder. “God, your cunt is so fuckin’ perfect. Made to take my cock.” When you clamp down onto his cock tighter is when Wonwoo realizes he misses hearing your voice - chuckling softly as he leans over your trembling body.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson, huh, sweetheart?”
He reaches around, tugging the soaking material from between your lips and placing it next to your head before he straightens back up. “Ngh… I, ah, s-sir…” You turn your head to the side, watching the wall as your body jerks atop the desk. “P-please… I--I wanna see y-you, hah, when y-your fuh--fuck me…”
A soft blush coats Wonwoo’s cheeks as he halts his movements. 
He clears his throat, pulling his cock out of you before stepping back and giving you space to readjust yourself. And with your arms still bound, you struggle slightly but manage.
This time, you sit atop the desk, spreading your legs wide for Wonwoo who licks his lips at the sight of your slightly mussed hair, blown out pupils and soaked cunt.
“That’s my good ‘lil slut.”
He positions himself between your legs, wrapping a hand around his cock and rubbing the head on your sensitive clit as you whimper. He circles the nub with the head of his cock, teasing you and himself as you squirm. “I take it you’ll be at the party tomorrow night, right?” His question catches you slightly off guard as you nod shakily.
“Good. ‘Cause I got you a present that I want to give to you tomorrow.”
Wonwoo sinks his cock back into you; cock curving into you perfectly as you cry out in return. “O-oh, god, s-sir--Wonwoo, I--fuck…” A choked sob bubbles up your throat at the feeling of him starting a harsh and quick pace, just how you liked it. “Mmh, my t-toys don’t feel as, hah, g-good as you… Fuck, you feel s-so good inside me…”
You wrap your legs around his waist, digging your heels into the small of his back to push him in closer to yourself. “Use m-me like I’m your little cumslut...” The desperation sets in; tears freely falling from your eyes as the urge to cum on his cock becomes unbearable from the hellish months without him.
“Please, p-please… Harder, fuck me harder! I n-need it!”
He grins, knowing just how you felt but keeping his composure as he doubles his pace. “So fuckin’ desperate for me, sweetheart. You sound so pretty begging for me. Is that what you sounded like when you were touching yourself too? Begging for me all night long?”
“Y-yes, fuck! Ngh, fucking my ‘lil holes with my t-toys all night j-just to be satisfied… Oh, god, Wonwoo!”
You can’t stop yourself from cumming - toes curling and thighs shaking as your walls flutter around his cock. Wonwoo only fucks you harder as soft growls fall from his own lips.
“Fuck, I missed this, missed you. Missed your tight ‘lil cunt cumming around my cock, sweetheart.” He mumbles soft praises to you, although you can barely hear it in the midst of your orgasm; ears ringing and head feeling hazy at the intensity.
Wonwoo fares no better - cock throbbing inside your warm walls as his orgasm hits him hard only after a few more quick snaps of his hips.
Your bound arms behind you do little to keep your tired body upright atop the table but you do your best as he rides out his high. “Mmh, I can feel y-you cumming inside me… Fuck, it feels soooo gooood.” Drool pools in your mouth at the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you for the first time in months and you mentally tell yourself to never let Wonwoo disappear for that long of time ever again.
“Ah, I feel so f-full…” Whining, you squirm as he continues to thrust into you, fucking his cum deeper into your pussy as you throw your head back at the fullness and wetness you feel. “Oh… Wonwoo…”
He lets out a deep breath before he slowly starts to pull out of you - cock covered in his cum and your wetness as he watches his cum drip from your spent hole. You slowly unhook your quivering thighs from around his waist as he steps back slightly.
You watch as he drops down to his knees, face right in front of your dripping cunt before he leans in.
“Oh, Wonwoo--” His tongue peeks out, lapping at your soaked folds before he drags it down and starts licking up the cum. “Fuck, oh, fuck…!”
Wonwoo dips his tongue into your hole, teasing you as your legs tremble and you try your hardest to not clamp your thighs around his head between your legs. You start to fight your restraints; fingertips wanting to thread through his hair as you grind against his skilled tongue.
 He licks up more of the cum before dragging his tongue up to your overly sensitive clit; rubbing soft, slow circles on the nub until you’re a whining mess above him.
“A-ah, I--I can’t, mmh, ‘m too sen--sensitive, sir…”
He takes his as his cue to stand from his position, standing quietly before leaning over you. He threads a hand through your hair, tilting your head up and kissing you on the lips as you melt into his gentle touch.
Your eyes flutter shut at his soft kiss, lips parting slightly for him as he uses his tongue to push cum into your waiting mouth.
The kiss turns hot and heavy as he moves the salty, sticky substance from his mouth to yours - lips covered in a combination of your wetness and his cum when he pulls away.
“So pretty for me, sweetheart.”
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When the two of you are somewhat cleaned up and ready to leave, Wonwoo stops you before you can get your hand on the doorknob.
“Hey, you okay?”
You shoot him a confused look, head tilted slightly at the bespectacled male that only looks mildly disheveled. “Um… y-yeah? Why?” His hand on your wrist makes your heart do backflips in your chest as he looks you over once more.
“I should’ve had some water for you and done proper aftercare since it’s been a while. I might've hurt you? Are your wrists okay? I can--”
“Whoa, hey, slow down! You’re, like, freaking out, ‘Woo.”
A pale blush coats his cheeks, “Sorry, I’m just trying to… be more… Expressive? I don’t know. It’s been a while. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He laughs lightly, somewhat embarrassed himself. “I don’t want to be weird but, y’know. I want to take care of you properly, sweetheart.”
“I--yeah, I understand! But I’m fine, I promise!” You beam up at him - happiness evident in your eyes and your smile. “Thank you… for making an effort, Wonwoo.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” 
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scrarefest · 2 years
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It’s Friday Eve! We’re celebrating with another round of releases. Grab some popcorn and enjoy a nice break with these unique fics featuring business rivals, old flames, old friends, and feelings found inside a barn. The week is almost over, friends. You deserve it.
White Flag [Ted/Miguel - M - 8,080]
Ted chokes on his spit causing Miguel to glance up from his spot by the steamy bathroom doorway and nearly fall over in shock, it's a miracle he manages to keep a tight grip on his towel.
Ted's eyes bulge and his mouth gapes, he finds his pulse rocketing and then the heat of a full body blush as it washes over him. What the hell is going on? Why is his business rival half naked in his hotel room? And more importantly.. how the hell is he more ripped than Ted is?
left unsaid [Jake/Mutt - T - 5,874]
A day in the barn life, feat. various plants, oppressive summer heat, and Mutt quietly having emotions about literally everything.
I Can’t Stand the Rain(e) [David/Jake - T - 5,323]
David could go to the store, but he’d already told Patrick he won’t be there today. The café is out, too, and so is just taking a walk around town, for the same reasons—he might run into Patrick, or Stevie, or, god forbid, Sebastien. None of his usual options are going to work today, but if he doesn’t do something to get out and distract himself, he’s pretty sure he’s going to lose his fucking mind and end up locking himself in his mother’s closet.
He closes his eyes, focusing on his breathing again, and feeling his skin prickle with nervous energy. He flips through the mental Rolodex of limited distractions available to him without money, reliable means of transportation, or an elaborate disguise… and only one option comes to mind.
After beating Sebastien at his own game, David visits another former lover—but gets more than the simple distraction he was looking for.
Summer, Spring, Winter, or Fall: The Story of Two Unlikely Friends [Gen (Ray, Ronnie) - T - 3,322]
Ray and Ronnie's friendship through the years. That's it. That's the story.
i don’t know where i been lately, but now i’m alright [Gen (Patrick, Twyla) - T - 2751]
“Yeah, I’m new,” Patrick clarifies, “but I’ll be staying for a bit.”
“Well, then,” Twyla replies, flashing another winning smile as she grabs his soup bowl and empty beer glass, “welcome to Schitt’s Creek. Glad to have you here.”
“Thanks. Glad to be here.”
It’s not the truth, not by a long shot, but it’s further away from an outright lie than he expects.
the wedding planners [Stevie/Ruth, Gen (David, Mrs. Clancy) - G - 1,304]
David: I can’t believe you and Ruth eloped Stevie: Are you actually mad that we eloped or that we didn’t tell you about it David: Honestly I’m running on so much adrenaline it feels like kind of both David: like equally Stevie: If it helps Ruth’s mom is yelling at her right now, because she didn’t tell her family either David: ... David: Actually yes, that does help thank you
Or, David and Ruth's mom plan Stevie and Ruth's wedding part 2.
[Podfic] The Seven Husbands of Alexis Rose [Alexis/Twyla - T - 1:58:39]
My name is Alexis Rose. But you knew that already, didn't you?
There's no need for shyness. You don't need to pretend that you didn't Google me before you read this article, or that you don't know who I am. I shouldn't misspeak, though: you think you know who I am. You have an idea of who Alexis Rose is.
Maybe you've never seen any of my movies. Maybe you think I'm washed up, someone only your parents care about. Maybe you think I'm irrelevant. Maybe you think I'm a whore.
Oh, don't duck your head. I guarantee you're not the first person to ever let that idea enter your mind, and you won't be the last.
In 2015, Alexis Rose pens a tell-all for Vogue, promising to finally tell the truth about all seven of those infamous husbands and then some…
CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don't forget to update your posting date!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Tiktok Inspired Pranks On Batboys/YJ Characters HC!
This seems like a reach but stay with me cuz this shit is adorable! Lmk if you thought these were as funny as I did cuz I have a million ideas hahaha... Hope you enjoy!
Dick - Shower Prank!
- You’d been waiting all day to pull this one off
- There’s a trend where you go in your boyfriend’s shower fully clothed and film their reaction from outside the shower curtains (your followers had been tagging you in videos all week)
- Dick had just gotten back from stopping crime in Bludhaven and you’d been patiently waiting in your apartment for him to hop in the shower
- Quietly setting up your phone, you were thankful Dick never locked the door
- Slightly pulling back the curtain to hop in Dick jumped about a foot in the air 
_ “WHOA - babe! Wha- why are your clothes on?” Dick’s hair was lathered and soapy, sticking up in a million directions 
- “Mhm just thought I’d say hi!” you cooed as Dick brought you in for a sudsy kiss
- “Well we can’t have these clothes getting wet!” Dick’s fingers danced down your figure, pulling your shirt up as you laughed
- The video just shows your shirt flying out from the top of the shower before the video ends but everyone knows where it went from there
Gar Logan - Breaking My Back Prank
- You knew this prank wa right up your alley because you were constantly making Gar give you the world’s best massages 
- The idea was that you ask your boyfriend to crack your back then crack pasta in your mouth and pretend he’d literally broken your back - you knew your loving boyfriend would fall for it instantly
- Placing the dry pasta between your molars while cooking dinner you called “Hey babe can you crack my back?” and heard Gar approaching
- “Sore today love?” he said calmly as he came up behind you, giving you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, you held you breath hoping he wouldn’t realize you had pasta in your mouth
- “Yeah, feels like my spine is totally compressed!” you knew that was not scientifically correct but it worked
- “That’s why you’ve got me!” Gar quipped, placing his arms around you, picking you up to crack your back
- Biting down on the pasta with a “CRRRACKK” you let out a fake yelp and Gar dropped you instantly, you crumpled to the ground, spitting out the dry pasta in one fluid motion
- “Oh my god babe- baby- are you okay?!” Gar was at your side practically in tears as he gently lifted up your shirt to see if he’d done something irreversible
- “It hurts” you wailed, trying to hide a grin as your terrified boyfriend’s eyes were as wide as saucers
- “Okay, okay, I don’t know what to do” you knew you were going to end it soon but you got up when he said “I’m gonna call 911″
- “It’s a prank! It’s a prank! Look!” you cried out in laughter, showing him the broken pasta in your hand
- “Oh my gosh I thought you were dying! I’m gonna get you back so good” Gar rolled his eyes, pulling you into a tight hug, still delicate with you although you promised you were completely fine
- he was a soft boi for the rest of the day until he got you good later that night...
Damian - Passing Out Prank!
- Damian hated getting pranked and he rarely fell for them but you knew this would be the last - and most epic prank ever pulled
- “Dami I think I forgot to drink water today” you said cooly pretending to be doing something on your phone as Damian was sketching something in his room
- “Beloved please, let me get you some water!” Damian burst out of the room, headed for the kitchen
- Using a little fake blood you laid down on the ground, trying to sprawl out like a true fall
- “Beloveddd I got you extra ice as usual!” Damian called as he came up the hallways to his room
- “Y/N? Beloved?! Please!” you could hear Damian rush to your side, shaking you lightly, even trying to splash some water in your face
- It took everything in you not to laugh
- He scooped you up in his arms, you tried to be as limp as possible
- As he’s sprinting down the stairs towards the BatCave you jolt up “BOO!”
- For the first time in your long ass relationship you’d successfully scared the shit out of Damian, eliciting a “WHA!” out of your terrified boyfriend
- Him almost dropping you in shock
- Wrapping your arms around his neck, “it was just a prank baby look - fake blood! I’m fine!” Damian would grumble something indistinguishable
- “No more pranks” “Six months of freedom granted” you promised, should give you enough time to plan the worlds second greatest prank (after this of course!)
Wally West - A Dirty Text In Public
- Lounging around Mt. Justice with the team you realized it was a perfect time to publicly embarrass Wally
- He was mid conversation with Dick, talking excitedly about something “totally awesome-sauce”
- Pulling out your phone and texting him “wanna know what I’m planning on doing today?” Noticing him glance down and quickly type back, before shooting you a confused grin “sure babe?”
- “You.”
- Unable to stop the evil smile as you hit send you watch for the text to send
- Wally casually checks his phone mid sentence and just stops, choking on his words
“Wall-man you good?” Dick looked as his best friend whose eyes had snapped on to you
- “I’ve uh- I- Go. Y/N, nee- wan- I’ve gotta go” Wally zooms towards you, picking you up bridal style before speeding into his room
- “Y/N, babe, woah” were Wally’s first and last words before he crashed his lips onto yours
- you were gonna have to do this more often.
Send suggestions if you’d want a part two with Jason, Tim, or other characters! <3
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ppangjae · 5 years
ordinary people | j.jaehyun
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Summary | Jaehyun’s parents are coming home for Christmas and he may have made the biggest mistake of telling them he has a ‘girlfriend’. Insert you, his best friend, who so happens to be the only girl he knows and trusts. You, on the other hand, would have never expected Jaehyun to show up at your door at two in the morning with nothing but a proposition; to be his fake girlfriend. And man, are you in big trouble.
Genre | fluff, angst, slow burn, fake dating!au + friends to lovers!au + ceo!jaehyun (because why TF not??)
Word Count | 18.3k+ words (oof almost made it to the estimated count of ~20k)
Warnings | lots of bickering!
author’s note: it’s finally here! this took longer than i had initially thought, but i’m just glad that it’s done. this is literally the first one shot on this blog, so let’s make it official :-) 
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It's an early Sunday morning when Jung Jaehyun shows up at your door. There's an unusual feeling in your gut for he shows up in casual clothing. His usual business attire is replaced with a loose black hoodie and a pair of jeans. He also shows up with a lopsided smile spread across his lips, a smile that you know so well and what it truly meant. But you're too tired to even bother. 
"Hey," he greets you, and you lean against the door-frame to look up at him with a questioning gaze. "Can I come in?"
You glare at him. "It better be worth my time, Jaehyun. It's two in the morning and do you know what my eyes are begging me to do? Yes, that's right, sleep."
"I won't take too much of your time, I promise." He reassures you and you squint your eyes at him before moving aside to let him in.
He makes his way inside your apartment, entering into your small living room to take a seat on your couch. At this point, the sleep in your eyes have been rubbed away and you begin to notice his unusual behavior. You raise an eyebrow suspiciously. 
"Wait, first of all, why are looking at me like that?" You question while folding your arms.
He scratches the back of his neck, confessing, "I may have made a big mistake."
"You jeopardized your company?" You blurt out with eyes wide like saucers. Now you're really awake. Jaehyun panics, vigorously shaking his head. 
"What? No! Of course I wouldn't do that! My parents would kill me!" He exclaims and you sigh with relief. "Just listen to me first, now would you?"
You take this as an opportunity to take a seat beside him. As he watches you get comfortable on the couch with him, he winces to himself. Once he tells you what he's done, he knows for a fact that you'll be cussing him out. 
"My parents are coming home for Christmas," he begins and your face softens.
"Aw, that's so sweet of them, you get to spend Christmas together—"
"And I may have told them that I have a girlfriend." He interrupts you. The both of you stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you let out a snort. 
"But—But you don't have a girlfriend." You stifle a giggle, but when he lets out a frustrated groan, you burst out into laughter. 
He whines, begging you to stop laughing at him. "It's not funny!"
Your laughter dies down and you grow confused. "Wait, but why are you telling me this now? You could've told me this through text—"
It then hits you. You eat up your words and stop mid-sentence. Jaehyun looks at you with a nervous smile. His hands are clammy and sweaty out of nervousness. 
"That's the problem. First of all, I don't have a girlfriend. Second of all, I told my parents that I have a girlfriend. And last but not the least—"
"They're coming home for Christmas and they want to meet your supposed girlfriend." You finish it off for him, and he claps his hands together. 
"Bingo!" He exclaims until he falls hesitantly silent. He glances at you sheepishly. "So, do you want to be my fake girlfriend?"
"Huh? No!" You get up from the couch, looking down at him as if he's gone insane. "Do you think they're going to believe you? They know me as your best friend, your childhood best friend, and not as your girlfriend!"
"But you're the only one I trust!" He pouts. You shake your head. "Come on, Y/N, it'll only be for a couple of weeks—"
"No." You cut him off. "Find someone else, Jaehyun. They're not going to believe you—"
"Y/N, please?" He begs you with those puppy eyes and you tear your eyes away from him. Those eyes always get the best of you, but this time, you're not going to let them work its magic. "Please?"
"Jung Yoonoh," you raise an eyebrow. You shake your head. He frowns. Whenever you call him by his name, he knows that you're serious. "No. It's final."
He sighs in defeat. "Okay, fine, I understand. I guess I'll just make something up somehow."
"Yes, you sure will." You fold your arms. "Besides, it shouldn't be that hard finding someone, right? You're a CEO, shouldn't be hard. Ask your secretary, I'm sure she'll say yes without hesitation."
He whines while you try to push him out the door. As he digs his socked feet to the floor, the force of you pushing him is causing him to slide across the whole apartment. 
"You say that like it's the easiest thing to do."
"Trust me, it'll be easy finding someone." You finally push him towards the door. With defeat, he opens the door and steps out of your apartment himself. He turns around to face you and give you those same puppy eyes. You shake your head for the nth time. "I'm not going to give in, Jaehyun."
As the door begins to close on him, he starts sputtering out offers. Offers such as doing your laundry for a whole year, paying your groceries for a year, and the list goes on and on. You shake your head but he doesn't give up. He starts getting down on his knees and you can't help but break out into a smile. He pouts cutely, but your smile immediately vanishes from your face. 
"You'll figure something out, Jaehyun. But I'm sorry, it's a no from me."
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“He asked you to be his what?”
Johnny looks at you with shock and you almost choke on your own spit. It takes a couple of seconds for him to let it sink in, but when it does, he places his face in his hands. He’s not sure if he should feel shocked or confused, but it was definitely something in between those two emotions.
At first, Johnny thought that you had asked to meet up at a cafe to catch up on each other’s lives. But he didn’t expect this. Never this.
“Yeah, shocking, I know.” You chuckle, raising your hot, steaming cup of tea to take a sip.
Ironic. The only tea that Johnny’s sipping on is the fact that Jung Jaehyun had asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend. The idea itself had two red warning lights flashing right at him.
“But are you going to do it?” He asks. “Will you be his fake girlfriend for the holidays?”
“Nope.” You pop the ‘p’, and he frowns. You tilt your head, not expecting that reaction from him. “But why do you look sad? Did you want me to do it?”
“Would it be bad if I said yes?” He grins and you send him a death glare. He raises his hands up in defense.
“You know my feelings for him. You’re the only one that knows.” You lean your back against the chair to look out the window. You let out a sigh. “And that’s exactly why I chose not to do it.”
Johnny flashes you a sad smile before shoving the last piece of his muffin into his mouth. You tear your gaze away from the window to look back at him. “I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes, Y/N.”
“Being his fake girlfriend is the closest thing to being his real girlfriend. And with the feelings I have for him—I know that it’s not a good idea.” You shake your head in dismay. “I’m afraid that I’ll only end up hurting myself. All my dreams and what ifs would happen and come true, and I’ll mistake them for being real when they’re not.”
“But have you considered the fact that doing it will give you the chance to tell him how you truly feel for him?”
The question makes you stop. You glance at Johnny. He can see the gears turning in your head. You look down and stare at your cup of tea to contemplate.
For almost half of your existence, you’ve been pining after your best friend. Jung Jaehyun, your childhood best friend that has struck the chords of your heart. But these harbored feelings you have for him remain harbored. It’s all because you can’t bring yourself to confessing. Sometimes you’d get peaks of confidence and courage, where it almost pushes you to confess. But what holds you back is the feeling of doubt, and those spikes of courage and confidence vanish away. You’re Jaehyun’s best friend, and there’s absolutely no way that he sees you as more than that.
But Johnny has a point. If this gave you the opportunity to tell Jaehyun how you truly feel for him, then things might work out. It was killing two birds with one stone; Jaehyun’s parents will believe the act you both pull off and you’ll finally confess your feelings. But why did you feel afraid? Why do you feel like something is holding you back?
“I can’t do it.” You shrug off your thoughts. “His parents won’t believe that I’m his girlfriend. Jaehyun will only embarrass himself.”
“I don’t think so,” Johnny mumbles.
“What makes you think that?”
“If I were Jaehyun’s parents, I’d love it if his girlfriend ended up being his childhood best friend.” He shrugs his shoulders. “In fact, it makes it more believable.”
“Because you both know each other inside out. You both share the same tastes, hobbies, everything. You’re best friends for a reason, Y/N. No, you’re practically soulmates. His parents would be more comfortable and relieved knowing that you’re his girlfriend.” He explains and you fall silent.
The both of you sit in the booth in silence. The cafe is busy and noisy with baristas working espresso machines and customers loudly chattering away.
Johnny had valid points. At the same time, images of Jaehyun’s puppy eyes start flooding your mind. You were starting to feel nothing but guilt. But you also had valid reasons. One, you don’t want to do anything that goes outside the best friend barrier because it’ll only hurt you. Two, you’re his best friend and not his girlfriend. And three, he could just find someone else to do it, it was simple.
But why was this starting to bother you? Why was this making you think everything over for the second time?”
“Listen, Y/N, this is what I think you should do.” He places his hand over yours, giving you a reassuring look. “Try it out. It’ll only be for a couple of weeks. Besides, you’re the only one Jaehyun knows and trusts. This will help him. It shouldn’t do much harm, right?”
“But what if I ended up telling him? And what if I only get hurt in the end?”
He flashes you a small smile. “The last thing Jaehyun would want is to hurt you.”
You both stare at each other. He looks at you with hope and you look back at him with doubt. You sigh, retreating your hand from his.
“Fine. I’ll do it. But only because I feel guilty!”
And boy, were you in huge trouble.
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"Look who we have here."
You glare at Jaehyun. It was your turn to show up at the door of his mansion. But this time, you were a bit more considerate than he was and showed up at a more appropriate time. Jaehyun moves aside to let you into his mansion.
"I'm not going to be here for long," you frown. "I just wanted to tell you something."
“You don't want to come inside and have a cup of coffee?" He grins.
"Jaehyun, I really don't have the time to make jokes—"
"Maybe have a snack?" He teases.
"Jaehyun," you whine.
"Alright, fine." He smiles, gesturing for you to continue. You let out a huff of breath, squinting your eyes at him.
"I'll do it." You mutter. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"Do what?"
"I'll be your fake girlfriend." You say just a bit more louder than a mutter. He leans in.
"Sorry, what was that?" He teases as a smirk appears on his lips. Oh, how you wish you could wipe that smirk off his face.
"I said," you begin before pinching his cheeks. "I'll be your fake girlfriend!"
He groans in pain, grabbing your wrists and prying your hands away from his face. He looks at you like a child who got his present earlier before Christmas. You're immediately caught off guard when he pulls you into an embrace. The beat of your heart momentarily slows down before it picks up its pace.
The moment is cut short when Jaehyun's phone starts to ring. The two of you pull away from the hug and he fishes his phone from his pocket. He quickly excuses himself to answer the phone call while gesturing for you to come into his mansion.
As you step inside, you look around Jaehyun's mansion. There's a large chandelier hanging from the high ceiling made out of marble. On the walls going up the staircase are pictures of Jaehyun as a child, and Jaehyun with his parents. Along with the pictures are shelves carrying awards Jaehyun had won at school. 
You smile to yourself. Although Jaehyun is dripping in luxury and riches, he's never been poisoned by it. He's still the same Jaehyun you met when you were still a kid. He's still the same Jaehyun who is humble and grateful for his blessings. 
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Jaehyun calling out your name. Turning towards him, it looks like he's just got done with his phone call. 
"You came at the right time." He smiles. "I need you to pack your bags."
"Pack my bags?" He hums in reply. "Why? For what?"
"We're flying out to Milan at six," he says it as if it was nothing to him. You stare at him, mouth agape in shock. He notices that you haven't budged a bit. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Did you just tell me to pack my things because we're going to Milan in a couple of hours?" You ask, pinching yourself to make sure you're not dreaming.
He looks at you funnily before teasing, "I didn't stutter, did I?"
"How—You know what? I'm not even gonna bother asking."
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You've always dreamt of living lavish. You've dreamt of riding luxury cars and wearing limited edition pieces. You've dreamt of paying off your student debt with one transaction. But it was just a dream to you only because you knew it would take a lot for it to happen. Jaehyun was a living example. He was raised by parents who were running the country's top cosmetics business. When Jaehyun turned eighteen, his parents had put their full trust in him and enrolled him in a business program. After hardwork and dedication, Jaehyun had eventually graduated (with high honours!) and took over the business. It didn't take much longer until he became the CEO of the family business. And now, Jaehyun's living the dream.
"I wonder how it feels to buy two airplane tickets out on a whim," you say softly as you and Jaehyun stroll up at a lounge. 
Jaehyun takes off his shades and shoves them into the front pocket of his jean jacket. "It wasn't an impulsive purchase, alright?"
"Well, you did just tell me to pack my things out of nowhere because of a flight I'm suddenly boarding." You wave it off. "No biggie, right?"
He chuckles. "It's for a business trip, Y/N."
"Ah, I see." You nod your head. "Now that explains everything."
"I brought you along because my parents might be there," he explains. "But I'm not fully sure. I brought you just in case they do show up."
"Is that why you asked me to pack my best dress?"
"Bingo." He fist bumps you.
As the two of you settle down on one of the leather couches in the lounge, you place your feet on your luggage. Leaning against the couch, you glance at Jaehyun. He's looking at something on his phone before placing it down on his lap.
"I should give you a break down of the plan," he suggests. "My parents are coming home a week before Christmas and will stay until the second week of January."
"That long?" He nods his head.
"Yes, so I need you to keep this act up with me until they go back to America." He adds.
"When they arrive, what's the story we tell them?" You question.
“What do you have in mind?"
"I guess we'll just keep it simple and say we had feelings for each other for a long time but never got around to confessing." You suggest and he seems to agree.
"And then wing the rest of the details?"
"Correct." You answer. "We'll be able to wing it, right?"
He smiles. "Right."
"But you are aware that we have to be convincing to them, right?" You raise an eyebrow. "And what I mean is that we have to, you know, show them that we're 'in love' with each other."
"We hug each other whenever we see each other. I can hold your hand, no biggie. Unless you have an issue—"
"But we also have to, you know—"
"Kiss? On the lips?" He cuts you off. "I have no problems with kissing you. No strings attached, right?"
There's something about his words that make you feel heartbroken. Just a little. No strings attached. It made you feel sad but it was a good reminder of who you are to Jaehyun. You're his best friend for life and his fake girlfriend for a couple of weeks. Everything that happens during this fake relationship isn't real. No strings attached. 
"Right." You muster up a smile. "No strings attached."
The plane lands two hours later. The flight attendant directs you to what seems like a different section on the plane. You start to wonder. But then again, this was Jaehyun, always out on a whim. The flight attendant directs you towards the section for first class passengers. You can't help but look at everything in awe. The both of you arrive at your assigned seats and you look at Jaehyun with excitement and shock. He could only look at you amusedly.
"First class?" You say excitedly and he nods.
"Only for the best," he chuckles as he takes off his jean jacket to settle down in his seat.
As you take a seat, you start fiddling with the buttons on the arm rest before a flight attendant approaches you. You look up at the flight attendant and she offers you a glass of red wine. Taking the glass of wine, you turn towards Jaehyun to catch his attention, only to find him already looking at you. 
"Are you trying to get drunk during the flight?" He teases.
"Sorry, this is all new to me." You chuckle, placing the glass of wine down onto the table you pulled out for yourself.
"Well, our flight is a couple of hours, so make yourself comfortable." He insists. "However, I just want to remind you of what's planned right when we land."
You take a sip of your wine. "What's happening when we land?"
"A good friend of mine from Dior will be picking us up at the restaurant. She tailored my suit for the business conference we're attending and I told her that I got a last-minute plus one." He explains. "She has a couple of dresses she wants you to try out."
"But the dress that I brought is good enough, no?"
"It could be used as a backup." He replies. "Besides, Marcella really wants to meet the woman that supposedly stole my heart."
"Stop being greasy."
"I'm not."
"Alright. But are you sure you're not spending too much? On me, specifically?" You frown, completely doubtful. 
He gives you a warm smile. "There's nothing for you to worry about. You're my best friend, and you doing this for me is more than enough."
You mirror his smile. He grabs his glass of wine while you grab yours, clinking your glasses together as a kickoff to what's about to start and what's about to go down this holiday season.
"Let's kick some ass, babe." 
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Waiting for you at the airport is a woman draped in everything Dior. She exerted nothing but high class and riches, standing out from everyone else at the pick-up terminal. You couldn't help but gawk at her, wondering how you could gain the confidence she had. She wore a seat of black shades indoors, and slung over her shoulder was cute little purse. Once she spots Jaehyun, she adjusts her shades a bit lower down the bridge of her nose. She smirks.
"Marcella, long time no see!" Jaehyun exclaims.
You assume her name is Marcella. When her eyes land on you, your first instinct is to shy away. She smiles at you, flashing her perfectly white teeth. She pulls Jaehyun in for a hug and pecks him on the cheek. Once she pulls away, she extends her arms to you. 
"Is this the special girl you can't seem to stop talking about?" She teases Jaehyun and you fail to notice how Jaehyun's ears turn a light pink. "I've been dying to meet you, Y/N! From what Jae tells me about you, I have a feeling that we'll be the best of friends."
The two of you hug and when you pull away, you turn towards Jaehyun. "You talk a whole lot about me behind my back, huh?"
Marcella winks at you. "He sure does. Now, let's get going. We don't have much time left before the business convention. I want you both to look sickening."
And with the snap of her fingers, two bodyguards randomly show up at your side. You slightly flinch when a buff man dressed up in a suit suddenly appears on your right. Looking up at Jaehyun, you can't help but look at him incredulously when he shows no reaction, as if it was normal.
You decide to look straight forward, fixating your gaze on Marcella. She walks with poise, her heels clicking against the floor and her hips swaying back and forth with every step she took. 
Suddenly, you feel a warm hand grab yours and you almost stumble on your own two feet. Glancing down, you could see Jaehyun gently holding onto your hand. You bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling to wide. And how you wish your cheeks weren't a light shade of red because of it.
While you're too busy trying to steady the beat of your heart, Jaehyun's completely distracted by the blush beginning to form on your cheeks. 
"Babe, everything alright?" You look up at Jaehyun. He looks at you with genuine concern.
You're not sure if it's the way your hand fits perfectly in Jaehyun's or if just holding hands with him felt effortless, but all you knew was that you were definitely in big trouble. The way he calls you babe feels different this time, no matter how many times he's playfully called you that throughout your friendship.
You stutter, "I-I'm doing alright."
The three of you are escorted to a black SUV with tinted windows. As Marcella hops into the car, she rides shotgun while you and Jaehyun sit together in the back. There's not much interaction or conversation at the beginning of the car ride. You guess it could be because you're still flustered or because Jaehyun's still holding your hand. Marcella looks at the both of you through the rear-view mirror and a smile starts to form on her lips.
"I have a ton of options for you, Y/N." Marcella decides to start a conversation. "When Jaehyun told me he was bringing his girlfriend along, I got too excited and started pulling out my favourite dresses."
"Wow, you're showing a lot of favouritism." Jaehyun frowns. "You got Y/N a ton of dresses to choose from, and yet you only gave me one option. You didn't even let me decide whether I liked it or not!"
Marcella chuckles. "That's because I already know which style suits you best. For Y/N, however, I wasn't quite sure what she liked, so I went ahead and started picking for her."
"As long as she looks beautiful," Jaehyun says softly, and you feel his thumb gently caress the back of your hand. "She already is beautiful anyways."
"Just trust me on this one, Jaehyun. I'll work my magic."
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The black SUV parks in front of the grand Galleria Victorio Emanuele II. As you look out the window, you can’t help but gasp. The shopping area did not look like a mall whatsoever. It looked like a tall museum with a long strip down the middle for shoppers and tourists to walk through. But it didn’t stop there. The floors were tiled and the lights were all sorts of bright and dim, giving off a romantic vibe. As you all got off the car, your eyes start to wander off into the farthest distances. But somehow, your eyes stop to stare at a  sweet couple who are sharing a cup of gelato. 
Marcella leads the way into the shopping area with you and Jaehyun following behind. The bodyguards are too busy scanning the area to even notice you playfully hitting Jaehyun in the arm. 
“Ow! What was that for?” He hisses, and you look at him with wide eyes.
“Jaehyun, I don’t want you spending so much on me—”
“I want to.” He cuts you off, rubbing the area you had hit. “You’re already doing so much for me, and this is the only way I could pay you back.”
“Y/N, once we get to the shop, there will be one of the tailors who will dress you up. To make you feel more comfortable, I’ll be in the fitting room if you need my help.” Marcella looks over her shoulder. She smiles at you. 
The reaction you have when you reach the shop is not much different than when you had got out of the car. The shop was huge with three floors of endless clothing. Christian Dior. You had never once thought or imagined that you’d be wearing a known brand. But this was Jaehyun’s life, this is considered normal to him. You look up at Jaehyun, who flashes you a reassuring smile. He places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you as you head into the shop.
Marcella offers you her hand and you gladfully take it. Before you even know it, you’re being dragged down a corridor and through some curtains. There are two female tailors waiting for your arrival, and once you’re in their sight, they welcome you. As the tailors take you to the fitting room to try on the first dress, Marcella can’t help but watch how adorable you are.
“Here’s dress number one, Miss Y/N.” One of the tailors shows you a dress hung up against the full-body mirror. “I’ll let you put it on alone and then I’ll zip it up for you. Just let me know when you’re done.”
“I—Alright,” you say sheepishly.
The tailor shuts the door behind her and leaves you all alone. You turn towards the mirror to stare at the dress that’s been hung up for you. It’s a black dress that’s covered in sequins. You touch it gently, afraid that with the slightest touch, it’ll rip apart. You carefully put on the dress to the best of your ability, for it was quite long that it hit the tiled floors. Once the dress is on your body, you call out for the tailor to come back into the fitting room to zip you up.
You’re surprised when Marcella comes into the fitting room instead. There’s something about Marcella’s presence that makes your tensed up body to relax. Maybe it’s her warm and welcoming smile that’s telling you that everything will be alright, and that all you have to do is relax. She had some sort of vibe similar to that of Cinderella’s fairy godmother. 
As she’s zipping you up, she asks, “I’m guessing you don’t like this one.”
You look at her through the full-body mirror with surprise. “How’d you know?”
“You look quite stiff in this dress, almost like you feel uncomfortable.” She replies.
“Well,” you begin to explain, “it’s more because of the fact that I feel like I’m being spoiled.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You feel like you’re being spoiled by Jaehyun?”
You slowly nod your head. “I feel bad.”
“First of all,” she says as you hear her zip up the zipper on the dress. “You shouldn’t feel spoiled. When Jaehyun called me yesterday, he asked me to get the best dresses Dior had and I asked him why. Do you know what he said?”
The dress is zipped up. She gently places her hands on your shoulders. You look at her with a questioning gaze. 
“He said that you’re irreplaceable and very special to him. He only wants the best for you, for his girlfriend.” She smiles. You feel your heart skip a beat. “And mind you, he didn’t tell me that you were his girlfriend. But by how he spoke about you and how he looks after you, I already knew. I already knew that the woman Jaehyun’s talking about is someone really special.”
“He’s special to me,” you say softly and the smile on Marcella’s face gets wider. “But I feel like I don’t deserve any of this. The last thing I want is for him to spend so much on me, and yet here he is, going the extra mile.”
She laughs. She has a nice laugh, you note, for it rings beautifully in your ears. You can tell that she is someone you can trust. “That’s the Jaehyun we know. He always goes the extra mile. But don’t feel bad for letting him do all of this for you because he genuinely wants the best for you.”
“I’ll try not to.” You say softly.
“You won’t try to not feel bad. You will not feel bad whatsoever.” She reassures you. “Let your boyfriend spoil you once in a while. Now, shall we show him the dress?”
You feel more relaxed with her reassurance. She helps you walk out of the room because the dress is extremely long. The two tailors grab the ends of the dress so help you walk easier. Marcella draws the curtains and you find Jaehyun sitting down on one of the couches. He looks up from his cellphone and his eyes meet yours. His eyes squint.
“Yeah, I don’t like it. It looks like Y/N doesn’t like it either.” He says with much confidence and conviction. It was almost as if he had read your mind. 
“Hm,” Marcella hums softly as she begins to look deep in thought. You awkwardly stand in front of Jaehyun with the tailors still holding at the ends of your dress as Marcella starts scanning her eyes around the shop. 
“Is there something wrong, Marcella?” You ask and she lets out a soft ‘aha!’.
“I think I know what dress you should wear.” Marcella grins, and she suddenly disappears into the shop. 
You look over your shoulder to see the tailors sharing the same look of confusion. You look back at Jaehyun who only shrugs his shoulders. 
“Miss Y/N, shall we head back to the fitting room to take off the dress?” One of the tailors insists and you nod your head. They help you back into the fitting room to get the dress off.
Marcella comes back to the fitting room with a dress covered in a plastic garment bag. The tailors excuse themselves and let Marcella work her magic. You watch her with curiosity as she hangs up the dress against the full-body mirror. As she slowly takes off the garment back, the dress is revealed to you and you can’t help but gasp. The dress is beautiful. 
“I did say that I chose dresses for you prior to our first meet, but I think this dress is the one.” She explains, heading towards your side to look at the dress. She looks at you and smiles when you don’t utter a single word. “I’m guessing you like it.”
It’s a navy blue dress with a corset bodice, but it flows out in tulle fabric. Scattered all over the skirt of the dress are constellations and cosmic designs. It gave off a feeling of floating in the sky or in outer space. It looked magical. 
“I’ll let you put it on and I’ll zip you up.” She insists and leaves the fitting room all to yourself.
You stare at the dress. You had never seen a dress like this, and so you assume that it was one of a kind. You carefully put on the dress, and once it’s on, you stare at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn’t believe that the woman standing in front of the mirror was you. A price tag on the dress catches you eye, but you decide to not spare it a single glance because you knew you’d regret doing it. On cue, Marcella knocks on the door and you let her in.
She zips you up and grins. “I think Jaehyun will love it.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
And so when she finally zips you up, she guides you out of the room. The tailors each grab your hand to help you walk. As Marcella draws the curtain, you notice Jaehyun’s busy talking to someone on the phone. He’s pacing back and forth in front of the couch, running a hand through his hair. You hug yourself, feeling a bit insecure and awkward standing in front of Jaehyun. Marcella clears her throat and Jaehyun quickly ends the phone call. He shoves his phone into his pocket and looks up at you.
When Jaehyun finally sees you, he can’t help but feel his mouth slightly fall open in shock. There’s something about the way you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and the way you look at him with those curious doe eyes that make his heart soften. You’ve always dressed up for family gatherings and blind dates, but this was different. You’re dressed up for him. He suddenly has a want of having you dress up for him from now on, because with the way you look perfect and beautiful in front of him right now, it unexpectedly makes his heart beat slow and still. It strikes a chord in his heart. To him, you look so perfect that he’s afraid that with one mistake, he’ll lose you forever. 
You continue to stand there awkwardly and expectantly, waiting for his final decision.
“It looks perfect,” he breathes out, “you look perfect.”
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“How’s everything moving along?”
You look at Johnny with horror. His pixelated face lags for a bit until you hear a choppy version of his laugh. Johnny’s wifi had been cut off and he had to get to the local cafe to be able to video chat with you. You’re assuming that the cafe’s wifi was nothing but utter shit. But you speak too soon when his pixelated face starts to get clearer and his voice stops cutting off. 
“It’s been… rough.” You let out a sigh. 
As you take a sip of your freshly made cup of coffee, you watch the busy streets from the comfort of a restaurant patio. Jaehyun had decided to fight his jet lag and sleep in to catch up with Italy’s time. You, on the other hand, had trouble sleeping because all you’ve been thinking about was how Jaehyun stared at you in that dress. 
“I can tell.” Johnny smirks. “Has anything spicy happened?”
“Well, other than the fact that Jaehyun spoiled me with a Dior dress, nothing else has been spicier.” You reply.
“Wait.” Johnny’s eyes round in shock. “Dior? Christian Dior?”
“You heard it right.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “Trust me, I reacted the same way.”
“He’s really grabbing every opportunity to spoil you, huh?”
“But that’s not the issue,” you shake your head. 
“Then what’s the issue?”
“Johnny, when I wore that dress yesterday, the look he gave me… I may be overlooking and overthinking about it but,” you bite your lip. “I don’t know. I should probably stop overthinking it.”
“Listen, Y/N,” Johnny says. “Don’t overanalyze, overthink, and overlook. Just enjoy the moment. You’re doing this as Jaehyun’s best friend. You’re also doing this for the sake of your own feelings.”
“Is it too late to back out?”
“It’s too late to back out. You’re not going to just let Jaehyun give back a Christian Dior dress, right?” Johnny chuckles. “I don’t even think they do refunds. Do they?”
“This is stressing me out.” You groan.
“Just do it for you and Jaehyun. Killing two birds with one stone, remember?” Johnny reminds you and you slowly nod your head. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You mumble. “No overanalyzing, overlooking, or overthinking. This is for Jaehyun, and for me, if I get the courage to tell him how I feel.”
“There’s the fighting spirit I’ve been looking for!” He exclaims. “Anyways, I have to go, Y/N. The wifi here in the cafe has its good days and bad days. I also promised Haechan to join him and play video games.”
“Alright,” you pout. “I’ll text you if anything happens, okay?”
“And I’ll text you back as soon as I can, just like how I always do.” He reassures you.
Right on cue, the video chat gets choppy and laggy, forcing you to end the chat. You let out another frustrated sigh, folding your arms and leaning against the chair. A pigeon takes a seat right behind the patio fence, and it grabs your attention. You frown, bending over to get closer to the pigeon.
“Hey little guy, do you know what I should do?” You ask the pigeon.
The pigeon only stares at you before flying away. You pout, grabbing your cup of coffee to take a sip. You try to occupy your thoughts but before you even try, you hear someone clear their throat. Looking up, you see a man standing right in front of you. He’s quite the looker. He has a distinct set of eyes that seem to be piercing right through your soul. He has such strong features that it makes you do a double take.
“I was wondering what a lovely lady like you would be frowning on an early morning like this.” 
Your eyes slightly widen. Taken aback, you tilt your head in confusion. “Are you talking to me?”
He scans around the patio before shrugging his shoulders. “You’re the only lady here, if I’m not mistaken.”
“Sorry, but may I ask who you are?” You question.
He extends his arm. “Nam Joohyuk. And you are?”
“Y/N.” You shake his hand briefly before gently retreating it away from him.
“Do you mind if I join you for breakfast?” He asks and you shrug your shoulders.
“Sure. I don’t mind. I was just about to finish my breakfast anyway.” You insist.
He takes the seat right across from you. You’re not quite sure what this man’s intentions are, but he doesn’t seem harmful. He calls for a waiter and orders a toasted bagel with cream cheese and a small cup of cappuccino. You look away from him before he catches you staring. You fixate your gaze on the local shops down the street, wondering if you should check them out before you fly out in a couple of days. 
“You didn’t really answer my question,” he breaks the silence.
“What question?”
“What’s a lovely lady like you frowning on an early morning?” He asks.
You chuckle. “It’s a long story. Quite complicated too, actually. I don’t think you’d be interested.”
“But I’m interested in you,” he says slyly and you furrow your eyebrows. 
“You’re very blunt with your words,” you say softly. “Shouldn’t you be afraid of me? You barely know me. You’ve only known me for five minutes and you only know my name.”
“I could say the same thing to you.” He shrugs his shoulders. 
You fold your arms. 
“Is it bad to tell someone that they look beautiful? Is it bad to join a beautiful stranger for breakfast?” He tests and you smirk.
“Fine. Have it your way, I guess.” You say softly, avoiding his gaze.
“Well, Miss Y/N, I just wanted to let you know that I find you very beautiful. I couldn’t help but approach you and maybe get to know you more.” He explains. 
You decide to call for the waiter, but before you could, someone catches your eye. Jaehyun’s standing near the door leading back into the restaurant. He’s shooting daggers at the guy seated across from you. You feel your palms start to sweat.
“Waiter!” You exclaim, and your voice seems to break Jaehyun’s gaze on the guy. The waiter approaches you and you discreetly ask for the bill. When the waiter excuses herself to grab the bill, you begin to gather your things.
“Leaving me already?” Joohyuk frowns. “If so, can I maybe just get your number—”
“My girlfriend does not want to give you her number.”
You freeze up in your seat. Jaehyun’s voice sounds cold, and when you look up at him, you can’t help but notice how you can’t even recognize him. He’s glaring at Joohyuk. Joohyuk almost chokes on air before glancing at you. You raise an eyebrow at Joohyuk.
“Jung Jaehyun,” Joohyuk smirks. “Long time no see.”
You eyebrows knit together in sudden confusion. They knew each other? Jaehyun’s hands clench up into fists and you quickly finish gathering your things to avoid causing a scene. 
“Indeed, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.” Jaehyun says. “I was even hoping that it’d be the last.”
“You really scored yourself a beautiful girlfriend,” Joohyuk folds his arms. “But are you sure that you’re not making her happy? I couldn’t help but approach her because she looked quite… sad.”
Jaehyun looks at you for a moment and you avoid his gaze. “Stay out of this. My girlfriend and I are dating happily with good intentions. The last thing I would want is for men like you to hit on her.”
“I’ll stay out of it. But only until she finally leaves you.” Joohyuk shrugs his shoulders.
Jaehyun gently grabs your hand and tugs on it. As you both leave the restaurant, Jaehyun hands the waiter a couple of bills to pay for your breakfast. You can’t help but feel a bit guilty and humiliated, not finding the voice to defend your best friend in front of a stranger. 
“Are you okay? Did he say anything bad to you?” Jaehyun asks with concern when you both reach the elevator. You shake your head. 
“I just feel bad for not defending you,” you mumble. “I’m sorry. I was going to leave him, I swear, but he was just—”
“Persistent?” You nod your head. He scoffs. “That’s Nam Joohyuk for you.”
“You both know each other?”
“He’s the next CEO of a competing company.” He confesses. “He has a way with his words, and he always tries to get whatever I have. It’s quite annoying, actually, and it’s all because he’s persistent. He never gives up.”
“He’s going to be at that business convention for sure.” He hums in reply. “I’m sorry, Jae. I had no idea who he was—”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cuts you off, flashing you a small, reassuring smile. “As long as he didn’t hurt you and say anything to hurt you.”
As the elevator reaches the floor your room is at, the both of you step out into the hallway. Jaehyun lets go of your hand and leads the way to the room. You can’t help but think. Why was Jaehyun staring at Joohyuk like that? Why was he getting angry?
There’s a sudden peak of courage and confidence, the familiar emotion peaks that you get when you think it’s the perfect time to confess. You guess it’s because of the way Jaehyun got overprotective of you, how he held your hand, and even how he stared at you in that dress. 
And when you couldn’t help it no longer, you call out for Jaehyun. “Jaehyun?”
But when he turns around those peaks of courage and confidence disappear from the look on his face. The anger and jealousy that was once on his face moments ago had vanished. The warmth of his hand on yours had run cold. The deep stare he had given you when you were in that dress was nothing but a result of your overthinking and overanalyzing. Jaehyun doesn’t love you how you love him. 
He truly doesn’t see you that way. And it makes you feel sick.
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The business convention approaches faster than you think. Marcella arrives at the hotel room you and Jaehyun shared to help you put on the dress. She even arrives with a team to do your makeup and hair. Marcella doesn’t dare to tell you but she notices how quiet you’ve gotten since the last time she had seen you. It seemed like you had some troubling thoughts you were hesitant to share. But she didn’t want to intrude.
“You look beautiful,” Marcella says once everything is done.
“Do I?” You say softly. You say it more to yourself. Marcella frowns.
“Y/N, are you doing alright? You’ve been quiet since I got here and I can’t help but feel concerned.” She asks. “Did something happen between you and Jaehyun?”
You muster up a smile. “Nothing happened. I guess I’m just really tired.”
Marcella pats your back. “Well, you know that you can trust me with anything. So if anything happens, just know, I’m just digits away. I’ll drop everything to talk to you.”
You can’t help but chuckle. Marcella’s just like Johnny. Somehow, you wish the both of them could meet because they’ll absolutely become best friends. Best friends. Just like you and Jaehyun. Your smile falters. 
“I called a chauffeur to pick the both of you up. It’s on me. I don’t want any complaints. I just want you both to arrive at the venue safely.” Marcella announces.
“Marcella, can I ask you something?” You ask.
She gestures for you to continue. But with the gaze she’s giving you, you almost tell her the truth. But you wouldn’t dare do that. The show hasn’t even started.
“My friend is in a complicated situation.” You begin. “She’s in love with her best friend, but she doesn’t know what to do. Heck, she doesn’t even know if her best friend loves her back, in that way.”
“Do you want to know something?” You nod your head. “When Jaehyun told me that he’s in love, I was ecstatic. When he told me that he’s in love with his best friend, I was excited. But when he told me that his best friend ended up being his girlfriend, I felt nothing but happiness.”
“He told you that?” She smiles.
“My fiance and I, we were two lonely people who decided to give love a shot.” She shrugs her shoulders. “But there’s always that one person, the one that got away. To me, the one that got away was my best friend.”
“Really.” She smiles as she reminisces her past. “I was so in love with my best friend, but because I pined after him for most of my life, I lost the opportunity. He fell in love with someone else. Sometimes, I wonder if things would’ve been different if I had just told him.”
“Do you miss him?” You ask out of curiosity.
“I do. But not in that way.” She replies. “I’m happily in love with my fiance. And so, to help your friend out, I would tell her to confess before it’s too late. Don’t be like me. In fact, she should be like you and Jaehyun! I’m happy that the woman Jaehyun’s in love with is his best friend. You really make him happy.”
Someone knocks on the door. The both of you turn towards the door to see Jaehyun popping in his head. A smile creeps up on your face, signalling him to come into the hotel room. He walks in wearing a navy blue suit, and his hair gelled and pushed back. He looked like a prince.
“Perfect timing,” Marcella clasps her hands together after checking her phone. “Your chauffeur is here.”
The both of you find yourselves seated in a black SUV with the chauffeur. On the way to the venue, Jaehyun replies to a couple of emails on his phone while you look out the window. As you pass by, you can’t help but admire the beautiful houses and shopping strips. Jaehyun looks at you briefly with a faint smile spread across his lips. 
Turns out that Jaehyun’s parents aren’t attending the business convention, leaving one less problem for the both of you to stress out over. However, potential business partners are attending the event, therefore you and Jaehyun had made sure to look polished and perfect so that this fake relationship wouldn’t slip through. 
“Do you think they’ll like me?”
Jaehyun tears his gaze from the screen of his phone to look at you. You’re still looking out the window. He purses his lips into a tight line. His eyes fall upon your hand, and he has the sudden urge to hold it.
“Why wouldn’t they?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug your shoulders. “I guess it’s just my insecurities getting the best of me again.”
“Listen, you look beautiful. To me, at least, and that’s all that matters.” He reassures you.
“You’re only saying that because you’re my best friend.” You chuckle as you turn to look at him. He shakes his head, looking at you seriously. 
“They’ll love you,” he says.
The SUV pulls up in front of the venue, and the men suited up at the valet open the doors, escorting you out of the car. Jaehyun walks over to your side, grabbing your hand in his. You’re already used to the feeling of Jaehyun’s hand in yours, so you’re not caught off guard anymore. 
Everything about the event screamed money and riches. People were dressed up in luxury brands, whether it be statement dresses or all-black suits. It was a crowd that you weren’t used to, and you immediately feel yourself tense up. Jaehyun seems to notice how quiet you’ve gotten, and he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. You look up at him and he smiles at you. 
“Is there anything you would like to drink, Mr. Jung?” One of the waiters asks, holding up a tray with an assortment of alcoholic drinks. Jaehyun looks at you.
“Is there anything you would like to drink?” He asks and you shake your head. Jaehyun glances at the waiter. “We’ll have two glasses of water for now, thank you.”
The waiter hands the two of you a glass of water. You clear your throat, your eyes scanning through the venue. Everyone looked beautiful and handsome. The aura each individual had was enough to tell you that they’re from rich families and backgrounds. Jaehyun being one of them. But Jaehyun was different from the rest. He built up his future with the help of his parents, and he’s been nothing but grateful. 
“Where are the potential business partners?” You ask Jaehyun in a soft tone. He looks around the venue, before spotting them. He points at two people standing near a stand-up table. 
“Those are the Park’s,” he says. “We’ve always wanted to form some sort of connection with them. But they were the ones that reached out to us first.”
“That’s nice, I guess they really want to become partners.” 
“Do you want to meet them with me?” He questions.
You stare at him with wide eyes. “I—”
“They’ll love you.” He reassures you. “Stop worrying.”
You look at him hesitantly before he grabs your hand. He leads you towards the Park’s, and once you reach them, they smile at the two of you.
“Jung Jaehyun!” One of them exclaims, shaking his hand before pulling him into a hug. 
“Mr. Park, it’s nice seeing you here.” Jaehyun greets Mr. Park. The woman standing next to Mr. Park is assumingly his wife. “Mrs. Park, it’s nice to see you here as well. It’s unfortunate that Jinyoung couldn’t attend, I was hoping to catch up with him.”
“Jinyoung was quite devastated when a business matter came up, he had wanted to see you as well!” Mrs. Park says. “I was also looking forward to meeting your parents, but it’s sad that they had to stay back. But I see that you’ve brought yourself a lovely plus one.”
Jaehyun glances at you. You smile at the Park’s. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. You are so beautiful!” Mrs. Park hugs you briefly. “The two of you look great together. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, right, Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun chuckles. “Yes, that’s right.”
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The night has arrived, and the business event is almost finished. Jaehyun was dragged farther into the venue to talk to other CEOs and business partners, leaving you all alone at the bar. Your eyes search for him, until you spot him talking to a woman. She looks somewhat near your age, and she’s quite beautiful that you stare at her longer than you should. She’s wearing a long, red dress with a long slit exposing one of her legs. The dress is sleeveless, exposing her prominent collarbones. She looked model-worthy, like someone you would see pictured in a fashion magazine.
She leans in to whisper something to Jaehyun, and the both of them share a laugh together. You squint your eyes at her. Before you could shoot a glare her way, you stop yourself. That’s right. You’re not his girlfriend. You have no right to be jealous.
“What’s a lovely woman like you sitting all alone at a bar?” 
You inwardly groan, turning around to see Joohyuk approaching you. He takes a seat next to you at the bar, ordering himself a glass of red wine. You grab your shot glass and take the shot, bottoms up. Joohyuk places his chin on his hand and stares at you.
“I see that your boyfriend left you here all alone,” Joohyuk says. “He seems to be busy with Minyoung.”
“Her name’s Minyoung?” You question, the alcohol in your system starting to act up. Joohyuk looks at you with surprise.
“You don’t know who Minyoung is?” You shake your head. “But you’re his girlfriend, you should know who Minyoung is. Or should I say, who Minyoung is to Jaehyun.”
“Is this another one of your mind games, Joohyuk?” You scoff. “What do you want from me?”
“This is not a mind game.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m just surprised you don’t know anything about Minyoung.”
“Jaehyun loves me and I love him.” You lie. “We are happily dating.”
“If you love him, you shouldn’t be letting a past-lover like Minyoung stand so close to your boyfriend like that.” Joohyuk tests you. 
You look past Joohyuk’s shoulder to see Jaehyun and Minyoung still talking to each other. You scoff, turning towards the bartender and ordering another round of shots. 
“Poor little Y/N,” he cocks his head to the side while looking at you. “You should be careful of Minyoung, you know that, right? She’s Jaehyun’s past-lover, but they never really dated. She rejected him. But now it seems that she can’t accept the fact that he’s taken.”
“Taken by me,” you say before slamming down an empty shot glass. “Thank you for your concern, Joohyuk. But I know Jaehyun wouldn’t do anything bad to me.”
Jaehyun winces when Minyoung places her hand on his shoulder. She’s clearly flirting with him. He tries to fight the urge to push her hand off of his shoulder. 
“I had no idea that you were taken, Jae.” Minyoung purses her lips into a tight line. “Did you get impatient enough to stop waiting for me?”
“I don’t love you that way anymore, Minyoung.” He confesses. “We were young. You rejected me. I found someone else.”
“But wouldn’t it be nice if you just dropped your girlfriend for me instead? You’ll not only get me but a share of my company as well.” She shrugs her shoulders. “But with your girlfriend, you’ll have her and nothing else good for your business.”
“I was simply talking to you to offer a business proposal that’ll benefit your declining business. But I guess I’m just a bit too nice.” Jaehyun pushes her hand off his shoulder and she looks quite taken aback. “Nice catching up with you, Minyoung. I wish you all the best.”
“Wait, Jaehyun!”
But it’s too late. Jaehyun’s already turning around to head back to you. He stops in his tracks when he sees you and Joohyuk talking to each other at the bar. Joohyuk’s hand is inches away from yours, and Joohyuk’s leaning in closer to you. You look quite tipsy, and Jaehyun spots several empty shot glasses right in front of you.
As he makes his way towards you, Joohyuk spots him and smirks. “Your knight in shining armor is here to save you.”
You glance at Jaehyun. Your face goes blank when Jaehyun pushes Joohyuk aside. He grabs your hand and pulls you away from Joohyuk.
“Jaehyun, I feel sick.” You say softly. 
Jaehyun stops and turns towards you. “I don’t want you near him. Did you notice how he was looking at you? How he was staring at you? I didn’t like it, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I had no idea.”
His angered face softens. He sighs. He definitely has a weak spot for you. There’s something that pushes him to lean in and press his lips against yours. He cups your cheeks with his hands and deepens the kiss. Your lips are soft, and they taste sweet. Before he can take the kiss further than intended, he stops himself and pulls away. You look at him with tired eyes, but surprisingly, you’re smiling. 
The faint taste of strawberries and raspberries lingers on his lips. 
“Let’s go home.”
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Jaehyun carries you from the lobby to the hotel room you shared. You’re dozing off but you still had a little bit of willpower to keep your eyes open. The alcohol was definitely kicking in, and everything was starting to get blurry. But all you could seem to focus on is your close proximity to Jaehyun and his scent. 
He smelled like fresh laundry, like he was fresh out of the drying machine. Jaehyun carried you like he was folding a snowflake, almost like if he made one mistake, you’d crumble up and disappear. He couldn’t deny how the hairs on his neck stood up all because you were so close to him. 
As you reach your hotel room, Jaehyun struggles to open the door, but when he does, he kicks off his shoes and heads straight to the bed. You’re mumbling words underneath your breath and Jaehyun can’t seem to make out what you’re saying. He gently places you down onto the bed, but he suddenly falls on top of you when you don’t seem to unlatch your arms that were wrapped around his neck. 
His face is inches away from yours. You’re too drunk and tipsy to even notice that his lips are centimetres away from yours and how he’s literally all up in your face. But Jaehyun is sober and completely aware of what was going on. He’s so close to you that he can count your eyelashes one by one. 
His heart is beating fast that he’s afraid it’ll beat out of his chest. Your eyes flutter shut and he can’t help but stare at how beautiful you look. His eyes stare at your closed eyes, then they continue to trail down your face. His gaze stops at your plump lips, and he immediately remembers the kiss you both shared a couple of hours ago. He bites his lip. 
Suddenly, your eyes flutter open and his eyes widen in response. He scurries to get up from you but he stops when your hands cup his cheeks. You stare at him through hooded eyes. 
“Jaehyun,” you whisper, “you should smile more.”
“Y/N, you should go get some sleep, you’re starting to talk funny—”
“When you smile, your eyes twinkle. It’s like I can see the stars in your eyes.” You smile, caressing his cheeks. “You should smile more. It’s charming.”
He knows that his ears are red, but he doesn’t care. Eventually, you knock out. Jaehyun moves you on the bed and tucks you underneath the blankets. He decides to take the couch for the night. 
However, he doesn’t expect to hear the words that come out of your mouth when you turn off the lights. 
“Goodnight, Jaehyun. I love you.”
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The car ride to the airport is silent. Marcella stares at you and Jaehyun with concern. You’re still a bit hungover from all the shots you had last night. Jaehyun’s occupying himself by answering new emails from his phone. You woke up that morning with a huge headache and an empty hotel room. You found Jaehyun standing outside on the balcony, looking up at the clouds as they pass by. There was something bugging him, you assume, because ever since you woke up he didn’t even bother talking to you. Did something bad happen last night? You couldn’t remember.
The airplane ride going back to Seoul is just as silent. Jaehyun finally breaks the silence and explains to you that he’ll be busy typing up some contracts and documents. You respect him and opt to catch up on your novel during the flight, but something was still bugging you. Was it the troubled look Jaehyun had on his face? The frown he had on? Or maybe it was the way Jaehyun left his in-flight meal untouched? 
You couldn’t remember anything from last night except for one thing; the kiss. The kiss you both shared never seems to leave your mind and it was the first thing you remembered the moment you woke up this morning. The feeling of Jaehyun’s lips seem to linger on yours a bit longer than it should. At this point, you’re glad that Jaehyun’s busy with work because you weren’t sure if you could be able to talk to him, maybe even look him straight in the eye.
However, what you don’t expect is entering Jaehyun’s mansion only to see two extra pairs of shoes at the door. You and Jaehyun share a look for the first time after hours of silence. 
The both of you flinch when Jaehyun’s parents jump out of the corridor. Jaehyun’s mother is the first one to realize that Jaehyun brought you, his childhood best friend, home. And when she realizes it, her eyes go wide like saucers. His father, however, can only grin when it all starts to add up from him.
“When did you guys get here?” Jaehyun asks, completely confused.
“We didn’t attend the business event so that we could settle into your place before you both get home.” Jaehyun’s father replies. “Your mother cooked up a huge dinner because she had a feeling you’d be bringing your girlfriend home with you.”
“Y/N?” Jaehyun’s mother trails off, staring at you with eyes formed into beautiful crescents. 
“Yes, mother.” Jaehyun musters up a smile that causes his dimples to pop out. “My girlfriend, Y/N.”
The four of you stand like that for a moment. Jaehyun’s mother stares at you like a trophy that Jaehyun had won. From the look on her face, you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Maybe tricking Jaehyun’s parents into thinking that your his girlfriend is easier than you thought. 
“Oh, that’s right!” Jaehyun’s mother snaps out of her trance and exclaims. “Let’s eat dinner! I’m sure the in-flight meals weren’t pleasant so I cooked you guys a hearty meal.”
“You didn’t have to, mother.” Jaehyun says and his mother slaps him in the arm.
“I wanted to,” she winks at you. “Besides, this dinner will be much more special because your girlfriend is here to join us. Right, Y/N?”
You clear your throat. “Yes, Mrs. Jung.”
She waves it off. “Just call me mother, Y/N.” 
Before you could look at Jaehyun, his mother starts dragging you into the kitchen. Jaehyun smiles to himself when he sees you start to internally panic. Maybe having you pretend to be his girlfriend was a good idea, he thought. His parents believed him when he told him that he had a girlfriend, but he didn’t expect them to believe that his girlfriend ended up being you. 
It almost seems too real, and there was that small chunk inside of him that wishes it was. 
“Son, let me help you with the luggage.” His father insists and Jaehyun takes up the offer.
The both of them head up to his room to unpack his things, along with yours. His father places Jaehyun’s clothes back into its usual spot in the closet. Jaehyun places your things into one of the newly bought dressers he got specifically for you. 
“When did you decide to give it a shot?” Jaehyun’s father asks.
“What do you mean?” 
“Y/N.” Jaehyun’s father answers. “You know, I always had a feeling that Y/N saw you as more than a childhood best friend.”
Jaehyun stops, looking over his shoulder. His father’s busy placing clothes into the closet to notice that Jaehyun’s looking at him. “Really?”
“Really.” He chuckles. “I guess it was how she looked after you, and whenever she looked at you, it felt… different.”
Jaehyun smiles. “Well, I guess that’s one of the many reasons why I decided to date her.”
“You can tell she really cares about you, Jaehyun. I wonder how she felt when she found out that you had the same feelings for her.” 
“I guess you’ll find out during dinner.”
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You and Jaehyun’s mother are busy setting up the dining table. Every now and then, you would see Jaehyun’s mother admiring you from the corner of your eye. All your life, Jaehyun’s mother had treated you the same, never different. It was like she knew of your feelings for her son. You guess you could say that mothers always know best. And you liked it that way, where no words had to be said because she just knew. 
How you wish that could be same when it came to Jaehyun.
“You know, when Jaehyun told me that he had a girlfriend, I was so excited to meet her. Jaehyun’s not really good at the dating department. My husband and I were so worried that he’d never get married.” She says as she places down a bowl of rice onto the dining table. “But I knew that if he did fall in love, it would be with someone he’s sure of.”
You chuckle. “I didn’t expect it to be me.”
“Oh, I expected it to be you, sweetheart.” She pats your back. “If Jaehyun were to ever settle down and date someone, it would definitely be someone he knew, like a friend.”
“You think he’s the type to fall in love with his best friend?” She hums in reply.
“I know so. When your parents and I watched the both of you grow up together, we’d always joke about how you two might end up together since you’re both always stuck together like glue.” She laughs. “And even though you’re quite shy, I could read you like a book, sweetheart.”
“Am I that obvious?” You whisper and she nods.
“When you both matured, I started to notice that you were beginning to act different around him. It resembled me when I started falling in love with Jaehyun’s husband.”
Jaehyun and his father interrupt the conversation you both had when they stroll into the dining room. The conversation is cut short and Jaehyun’s mother mumbles something along the lines of continuing the chat later on. As the four of you take your seats at the dining table, you glance at Jaehyun and flash him a smile. He smiles back and you feel your heart swell.
“I’m happy to spend the holidays with all of you,” Jaehyun’s mother cheers. “It makes me reminisce all the times Y/N and her parents would come over to have dinner together.”
“We’ll be having more of that from now on, that’s for sure.” Jaehyun’s father adds.
“Cheers.” Jaehyun chuckles and the four of you clink your glasses of wine and champagne.
The dinner is filled with many laughs and chatter. It was similar to that of a family reunion where everyone was catching up on each other’s lives and what they have planned for the future. But in this case, it was more of an interrogation, specifically towards you. 
“So, who was the one who confessed first?” 
You and Jaehyun unexpectedly pointed at each other, before your eyes widened with panic. Jaehyun clears his throat. “Y/N, it was definitely you who confessed first, was it not?”
“It was you!” You playfully argue back.
He scoffs. “It wasn’t me. It was you!”
“Fine, I’ll just say that it was me to make you feel better about yourself.” You roll your eyes at him and he sticks out his tongue at you. 
“When did you realize it, Y/N?”
You glance at Jaehyun’s father. He looks at you with curiosity and you let your eyes wander. Your eyes stop to fixate on your plate. You set your cutlery down onto the table.
“I guess I realized that I love Jaehyun when I realized that it may be too late.” You say softly, courageously looking at Jaehyun. He’s staring back at you with those soft eyes. “He makes me feel special, like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. He always made me feel special.”
“Great. Honey, where’s my money?” 
“What money?” Jaehyun asks confusedly.
Jaehyun’s father fishes out a couple of bills and hands it over to her husband. “I can’t believe you were right all along. They sure ended up together.”
“You guys made a bet on us?” Jaehyun looks shocked.
“We’re just joking.” Jaehyun’s mother laughs while her husband hands her back the bills. “We all had a feeling you’d end up together anyway.”
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Jaehyun washes up before heading to bed. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, with his eyes trailing down to his lips. Throughout the whole flight, he couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss you both shared and the words you said to him before knocking out. He couldn’t stop wondering whether you remembered any of what had happened, and he wishes you didn’t. 
But then he remembers how Joohyuk stared at you that night. It seems to haunt him more than it should. He remembers how angry he felt, how overprotective he suddenly got over you, and to him, it was quite unusual. The last time he felt this way was with Minyoung, and it was slowly starting to terrify him.
Memories of you standing in front of him in that beautiful Dior dress, seeing you chatting with Joohyuk at the restaurant’s patio from the balcony in your room, and the smile you gave him after he kissed you fill his mind. It was all starting to make sense. But maybe it’s the idea of being in a fake relationship with you that’s making him feel this way and making him think it’s real. 
His thoughts are cut short when he hears a knock at the door. He quickly wipes his face and runs his hands through his hair before stepping out. You’re standing outside of the bathroom, holding a face towel and your toiletries. 
“I know I slept on the couch when we were at the hotel but,” he gulps nervously. “My parents might barge into the room and I don’t want them seeing us sleeping apart.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I have no problems sleeping next to you,” you mumble shyly before clearing your throat. “Unless, you feel uncomfortable…”
“I’m fine with it.” He says softly as he moves aside to allow you to use the bathroom. 
You let out a soft chuckle. “Okay. I’ll go wash up now.”
He watches you as you quickly shut the door. He hears the shower turn on and he lets out a huff of breath. He trudges his way towards the bed, placing his phone onto the bedside table. He draws the curtains and opens the door to step out onto the balcony. 
The moon is shining beautifully tonight, he notes to himself. He rests his hands onto the railings of the balcony, staring up at the stars that are scattered across the sky. He laughs to himself, to him, you are like the moon. You are unique, and you shine brighter than the rest. But you’re far from reach, and all he wants is to be closer to you. 
He doesn’t realize that he’s been out on the balcony for a long time until he hears the shower turn off. You step out of the bathroom after changing into a comfortable set of clothes, spotting Jaehyun standing outside on the balcony. You grab your robe and throw it on, heading out to join him.
“Mind if I join?” You ask. He looks over his shoulder and smiles. 
You accompany him out on the balcony, looking up at the sky. He tears his gaze from the moon to glance at you. To you, he was easy to read. He was an open book. But to him, you’re hard to read. With one glance, he can’t seem to make out what you’re thinking in that beautiful mind of yours. 
“Stop staring at me, I know I look cute.” He snorts, looking away from you. 
“Funny how my parents believed it.” You raise an eyebrow. “I didn’t expect them to.”
“Me either.” You shove your hands into the pockets of your robe. “But I guess they do.”
“Do you perhaps,” he says before falling silent. “Do you happen to remember what happened the night of the business event?”
You know that your face pales, but you quickly shake your head. “No, not really. I had a lot of shots that night, so everything’s a blur.”
“Ah, I see.” He nods his head.
“Is there something I should remember?” You question. 
He turns to look at you. You’re looking up at him with a questioning look. The beat of his heart seems to speed up, and his palms grow sweaty. The both of you stare at each other underneath the moonlight. And although you had lied about not remembering the kiss, the silence you both share is enough to tell the truth. 
“Will this make you remember?” 
Before you could utter a reply, Jaehyun’s hands cup your cheeks and he leans in to kiss you. Your eyes widen with surprise before fluttering shut. His lips taste like peppermint, you think to yourself as you wrap your arms around his waist. He leans in closer to deepen the kiss, and you allow entrance for his tongue to graze yours. Before the kiss grows more passionate than it is already, you gently place your hands on his chest and push him away. 
When you both pull away from the kiss, you can’t bring yourself to look at him. He scratches the back of his neck and looks everywhere but you. You’re both breathless from the kiss. 
This is wrong. You’re both best friends. You love him and he doesn’t. You’re letting your feelings get ahead of itself, and he’s just a victim of getting caught up in it. 
“Sorry.” You both say at the same time. 
He clears his throat, his fingers reaching up to touch his lips. You hug your body, before biting your lip. 
“I’ll go to bed first,” you say softly. “Good night, Jaehyun.”
He doesn’t answer, and you take it as your cue to head back inside. When you shut the door behind you, you gently touch your lips. Jaehyun looks up to stare at the moon, and he chuckles bitterly.
You lied. You remember what happened that night. 
But why did you lie to him?
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You wake up the next morning alone. The kiss you shared with Jaehyun gives you a throbbing headache. You groan, rubbing at your temples before deciding to get out of bed. As you head downstairs to the kitchen, you spot Jaehyun and his father leaving the mansion. Jaehyun doesn’t spare you a single glance before heading out. You sigh.
Heading into the kitchen, you see Jaehyun’s mother cooking breakfast. When she realizes you’re in the room with her, she smiles widely at you. “Good morning, sweetheart! Did you sleep well last night?”
“Yes.” No, you didn’t. “But I woke up with a headache. Do you happen to know where the painkillers are?”
“Oh, poor thing. I’ll get you them right now. Do you mind watching the pan for a quick second?” 
“Sure, mother.” You insist as you take over and continue to fry the bacon for her. She disappears for a moment before coming back with a glass of water and a pill. “Thank you.”
Jaehyun’s mother looks at you with concern as you take the pill. The look on her face makes you tear up a little, because you were starting to feel guilty. You and Jaehyun aren’t dating, and you can’t imagine the look on her face if you tell her the truth. You can’t tell her the truth, but the way she looks after you like a daughter-in-law almost makes you do it. She doesn’t deserve any of this.
“Do you know where Jaehyun and his father went?” You ask and she nods her head.
“They went to grab some groceries before the stores close tonight.” She replies and that’s when you realize that it’s Christmas Eve. “Do you want to help me cook dinner tonight?”
“That would be lovely,” you smile.
She places the bacon onto a plate with a sunny-side up egg and potato wedges. She hands you the plate of breakfast and you look at her confusedly. “Jaehyun told me that you would wake up soon and asked me to cook breakfast for you while he goes out with his father.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” You shake your head. 
“Stop worrying. I wanted to. Besides, I had nothing else to do.” She laughs.
You glance down at the plate, feeling your eyes tear up again. 
“Thank you, mother.” You whisper and she gently pats your shoulder.
You eat everything on that plate out of appreciation for her. This was the first time someone cooked you a meal after you moved out of your house to live on your own, and the gesture itself made you grateful.
“Mother, do you happen to know who Minyoung is?” You ask out of nowhere.
She replies, “Minyoung was Jaehyun’s first love.”
You hum in reply. 
“What made you suddenly ask that?” She chuckles.
You shrug your shoulders. “They were talking to each other at the business event.”
“Minyoung is a quirky girl. She was raised by two lovely parents who ran a successful business. When Jaehyun met Minyoung, I had a feeling that he really liked her, and I was right.”
“But she rejected him.” She frowns.
“Minyoung and Jaehyun were close friends, but not as close as the two of you. Jaehyun saw her as more than a close friend, but to her, he was just another business agreement. When she turned nineteen, her parents set her up on an arranged marriage. Jaehyun was devastated.”
You try to remember how Minyoung looked that night, and you don’t recall seeing a silver band on her fourth finger. 
“Minyoung rejected him and told him that arranged marriage or not, she only saw him as a friend. As for the arranged marriage, it fell through. Minyoung threatened her parents that she’ll tell the press about the arranged marriage if they didn’t let her live her life on her own decisions.” Jaehyun’s mother explains with dismay before taking a sip of her cup of coffee.
“She is beautiful,” you state, and she agrees with you.
“What I saw in Jaehyun was what I saw in you. While he pined after Minyoung, you pined after him.” She grins. “When Jaehyun got rejected, I was dying to tell him that there’s always been someone waiting for him. That someone was a beautiful young lady who’s always bickering with him, always standing beside him if it wasn’t Johnny, always there for him.”
She places her hand on top of yours and you smile.
“But I guess at the time, Jaehyun didn’t realize that that someone was you.”
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“I know that it’s quite unfortunate that we have to leave earlier than expected.”
You glance at Jaehyun’s mother who’s getting her makeup done. The original plan was that Jaehyun’s parents would be here for the holidays and go back to America in the middle of January. But due to circumstances related to the business, they have to fly back to America right after New Year’s Day. When Jaehyun’s parents broke the news out to the both of you, you both could feel nothing but relief. Once they’re gone, everything between the two of you goes back to normal and the fake relationship will be nothing but the past. 
“I know, I really wanted to spend more time with you.” You say softly. 
To your surprise, there was another business event happening tonight. You smile to yourself when you remember Jaehyun falling down to his knees, begging you to do him one last favour. And so here you were, getting your hair and makeup done with his mother before the event.
“This event is going to be quite interesting,” she sighs. “The Park’s and the Kim’s will be there.”
“The Kim’s?” 
“Minyoung and her family will be there.” She replies. “Not quite sure why, but I suppose the Park’s had brought them along because they’re business partners.”
“Maybe they want to propose a business merge?” You assume and she shakes her head.
“We can definitely merge with the Park’s, I have no problem working with them. But with the Kim’s? I’m not sure about that.” She says with a face filled with distaste. 
“Ah, I see.” You mumble.
“The idea of the Kim’s being at the event bothers me, but I’m not sure why.” She says, deep in thought. The makeup artist pulls up two shades of lipstick and asks her to choose one. As she points to the coral-shade lipstick, she glances at you. “Doesn’t it bother you too?”
“I feel slightly suspicious,” you reply. She hums in agreement.
As both of your makeup finishes up, you head towards the bedroom you and Jaehyun shared. As you walk in, you stop in your tracks when you see a box sitting on top of the bed. Your eyes read the label, and then widen like saucers when they read ‘Dior’. You shake your head to yourself, Jaehyun spoils you too much.
Opening the box, you see a white dress. In the box is another small box, and when you open it, it reveals a beautiful set of Chanel earrings. As you carefully take out the white dress, a note is stuck to the bottom of the box. You set the dress aside and pull out the note.
When I saw this dress, I thought that you’d look beautiful in it. As always. -Jaehyun
You stare at the dress and the guilt slowly starts to build up. You don’t deserve any of this. This wasn’t right. Once this act is done, Jaehyun would have to return the dress and the earrings. Once this act is done, all of your clothes will be packed away in your luggage. Once this act is done, Jaehyun will be dropping you off at your house. Once this act is done, you’ll be back to best friends.
Why did you agree to this?
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The night is still young and the Park’s arrive on time. The event turns out to be a reservation at a small event room, all three families are set to be seated at a long dining table. The Kim’s have yet to arrive, but as expected, they always arrive “fashionably late”. 
As per usual, Jaehyun looks stunning. He looks like a prince that’s ready to settle down and rule a whole kingdom. This time around, he’s dressed up in a black suit, tailored perfectly to his body proportions. As for you, you were dressed up in a white dress. The dress stops right at your feet, and the material is quite light that it flows effortlessly down your legs. It has a long slit that shows cleavage up to the middle of your thigh. 
“Miss Y/N, you look beautiful like always.” Mrs. Park greets you with a peck on the cheek. You smile and feel an arm wrap around your waist. You’re used to the feeling of Jaehyun’s arms around you, so this type of affection doesn’t surprise you anymore. 
“Thank you, Mrs. Park.” You giggle. Jaehyun rubs circles around the small of your back and you can feel yourself slightly shiver at the gesture. 
You look up at Jaehyun to find him already looking at you. He leans in to kiss your cheek. You feel your cheeks heat up. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. “You look great yourself.”
“The Kim’s are arriving in a couple of minutes,” Jaehyun’s father announces just as he finishes up a phone call. He nods his head at Jaehyun. “Jaehyun, do you mind waiting for them outside? We wouldn’t want them getting lost on the way.”
“Sure,” Jaehyun says and his arm leaves your waist. You suddenly feel empty.
As Jaehyun heads out, there’s a small voice inside of you yelling for you to accompany him. You feel troubled, until you feel Jaehyun’s mother gently pat your shoulder. 
“Why don’t you go with Jaehyun?” Jaehyun’s mother insists, and it’s almost like she had read your mind. You nod your head and quickly catch up to Jaehyun.
The both of you stand at the entrance, waiting for some sort of luxury car to pull up. Soon enough, there’s a set of bright headlights that fall into your line of sight. Before the car pulls up, Jaehyun’s phone starts to ring. 
“I’ll be quick. It’s an important phone call,” he says softly, before excusing himself. Out of panic, you start to follow him because you don’t want to greet the Kim’s all alone. You’ve never met them personally. Heck, you don’t even know how they look like.
But as you’re following Jaehyun, you hear a car pull up to the entrance and quiet chatter. You stop in your tracks, looking over your shoulder to see Minyoung get out of the car along with her parents. She looks suspicious, you note to yourself. Her parents huddle around her and start talking to her in soft voices. You slowly walk up to a post and hide behind it to not make yourself seen. 
“Remember, we came here to merge with the Jung’s, alright?” 
“You did tell us that you’re interested in Jaehyun. This is your opportunity to make that happen.”
“That’s easy to do. Once I tell Jaehyun everything, he’ll leave that poor little girl for me instead.”
You frown. There’s a sudden urge for you to come out from hiding and get into a fight with them. But there’s that insecurity that you have within you that tells you that you’re nothing compared to Minyoung. What you do won’t be enough anyway. She had the power, the looks, and the money. 
As you hear them start to head inside the venue, you can hear Jaehyun greet them and guide them inside. You successfully come out of hiding and follow a couple metres behind them. Minyoung stares at Jaehyun with much conviction. She looks like a sly cat, suspicious and mysterious. She’s here for one thing and she will do everything in her power to get it.
“Ah, the Kim’s are here!” Jaehyun’s mother exclaims, hugging each one of them. As she hugs Minyoung, you can only softly snort to yourself when Minyoung hugs her a bit too tight. Jaehyun’s mother slightly pushes her away. “Seems like you missed me a lot, Minyoung.”
“Oh, I sure did, mother.” She smiles. If you weren’t so obvious, you would be shooting daggers at her at this moment. 
Jaehyun’s mother seems to wince at how Minyoung calls her, but shrugs it off as she catches up with Minyoung’s parents. 
“Shall we have dinner first?” Jaehyun insists and everyone agrees.
Everyone sits around the dining table and starts digging into their food. You watch each one of them as they speak, noticing how they speak with such grace and passion for their work. As for Jaehyun, you can’t help but admire how professional he looked when he spoke. There’s a special glint in his eyes that show how much he loves what he does. It was like being a CEO of a company was his fate. You can’t help but feel out of place sitting at a table with a bunch of business people. 
Jaehyun seems to notice how you’ve gone quiet. You feel someone’s hand grab yours from under the table and you slightly flinch in your seat. Glancing under the table, you relax when you see Jaehyun’s fingers interlock with yours. You look at him and he gives you a reassuring smile.
“Miss Y/N, you never really told us about what you do.” Mrs. Kim says, and she looks at you suspiciously. You knew what she had planned up her sleeve. “Do you run a business?”
You clear your throat and set your cutlery down onto the table. “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t run a business. I graduated with a degree in human biology. I’m currently focused on research with a couple of colleagues that I graduated with.”
“Interesting.” Minyoung squints her eyes at you. “I wonder how Jaehyun seems to take interest in you. Aren’t your conversations a bit different? Jaehyun talks about business and you talk about… science. Isn’t it conflicting?”
“Well, they were both best friends before they dated so I’m sure having conversations with each other aren’t difficult.” Jaehyun’s mother butts in. 
“Once your research is done, what are your next plans?” It was now Mr. Kim’s turn to interrogate you. You feel quite uneasy at the sudden attention that’s been focused on you, and Jaehyun could tell. 
“Once we publish the research papers, we’re all going to venture off and do more research. The world is revolving and technology is improving, Mr. Kim. There are still more things in the world that we have yet to discover.” You say with passion and determination. “Don’t you think so, Mr. Kim?”
He looks quite taken aback. “Y-Yes, I think very much so, Miss Y/N.”
“Conversations with her are quite interesting,” Jaehyun butts in. “I love how she has such a positive outlook on the world around us. She’s doing much more for the world than you’ll ever know. I guess that’s why I love her so much.”
You share a look with Jaehyun and his parents and they seem to pick up what’s going on. Jaehyun sets his things aside and gets up. “Everything alright?”
He smiles at you. “I’ll have to excuse myself. I’ll be right back, just have to use the washroom.”
The conversation about you cuts short and the attention is soon directed to the Park’s. As you’re continuing to eat your meal and listen in on the conversation, you could see Minyoung slowly get up from her seat. 
“Excuse me,” she announces. “I’ll use the washroom really quickly.”
You shove a forkful of mushrooms into your mouth as you suspiciously watch her head out of the room. Once she’s out of sight, you glance at Jaehyun’s mother who nods her head. She reads your mind yet again. You get up from your seat and everyone looks at you.
“Sorry, excuse me. I’ll be back, I’ll thank the chef for cooking us a great meal tonight.”
Everyone smiles at you before you head out of the room. As you head towards the washrooms, you stop walking when you hear Minyoung giggle. You furrow your eyebrows, following the sound of her laughter. It leads you to another room. You spot the washrooms that are on the opposite end of the corridor. You frown. 
Her laughter seems to get louder and louder, until you find yourself standing in front of a door. You bite your lip to contain your anger when you hear Jaehyun mumbling something you can barely make out. You barge into the room and you can’t help but gasp.
Jaehyun’s sitting on a small couch and Minyoung’s sitting on his lap. She’s inches away from kissing him. You can’t help but laugh to yourself. Jaehyun didn’t even bother pushing her off of him. When they hear you laugh, they glance at you in shock.
“Sorry, I thought this was the washroom.” You chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief. “I guess I’ll leave you two some privacy unless you two want me to cause a scene.”
“Y/N, I can explain—”
“You don’t need to.” You cut Jaehyun off. “I suggest you leave, Minyoung, before I tell everyone what you had just planned on doing.”
She smirks, rolling her eyes at you. She shows no shame as she leaves the room, bumping your shoulder while she’s at it. You glance at Jaehyun with disbelief.
“Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“You don’t need to say sorry to me.” You shake your head. “We’re not dating, right? This is all just an act, right?”
“I had no idea what she was trying to do—”
“And yet you let her sit on your lap? Unbelievable, Jae!” You feel tears start to well up in your eyes. “You’re still in love with her, aren’t you?”
“I’m not.”
You scoff. “You know, throughout this whole thing, I found it difficult to be around you. I don’t even know why I agreed to this in the first place. And then when your parents came, I started to feel guilty because we were putting on a show for them. But then I started to feel bad for myself, because I didn’t think I would stoop this low for you to realize something, to realize that the feelings that I have for you are different.”
“What feelings, Y/N? We’re not dating—”
“And that’s it! That’s the problem! We’re not dating!” You yell. “I’d always forget that this is fake because a part of me felt that this was real. But what you did just now just showed me how much of a fool you are, Jae. While you’re still in love with a woman who only wants your money, you’re hurting someone else in the process of it all. And that someone doesn’t want your money, she just wants you.”
Jaehyun can only fall silent in shock. It was all starting to add up for him. You watch him as he starts to consume your words and realize what they truly meant. He frustratingly runs his fingers through his hair. He’s at a loss for words. You’re in love with him. He’s not sure when you started feeling this way for him, but it was all starting to make sense. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” That’s all he could manage to say. 
You sigh. “I’m sorry too, Jae, because I don’t think I can do this much longer. I’m sure you can figure out an explanation to tell your parents.”
“And I guess I should say sorry to myself for falling in love with you, because even though I knew that you didn’t feel the same way, I still tried. I gave it a chance because of that small sliver of hope.” 
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Being heartbroken is a mess. It’s a mess that you never asked for. But maybe you deserved it. You’ve run out of tears and you’ve run out of energy to be sad. Scattered all over your bed are used up Kleenex tissues and empty Kleenex boxes. Your phone never seems to stop ringing, but you don’t even bother looking at it. Johnny has tried reaching out to you, but you can’t bring yourself to facing him. You’re not even sure what day it is, because you’ve spent so much time crying yourself to sleep and forcing yourself to get out of bed. You wondered if Jaehyun felt the same, but you could only laugh at yourself. He was probably doing just fine. 
No, it’s not just a ‘maybe you deserved it’. You did deserve it. You deserved to get your heart broken. You had set this all up for failure, and you were stupid enough to think that you’d get the benefit of the doubt.
But it’s too late to blame yourself now. You have no choice but to move on. Jaehyun probably got together with Minyoung. This was what he wanted, right? 
Your thoughts are cut short when you hear someone knock on the door. You force yourself out of bed for the first time this week, trudging towards the door. Looking through the peephole to see who it is, you feel your heart stop when you see Jaehyun’s mother standing outside.
You hesitate. You ponder whether you should pretend like no one’s home until she goes away or actually letting her into your home. You decide to open the door.
Jaehyun’s mother looks at you in shock and sadness. “Y/N?”
“Hi, mother.” You say in a soft voice. “Would you like to come in?”
She makes herself comfortable in your home, seeing little bits and pieces of your childhood that you brought along with you when you moved out. She stops and looks at a framed picture of you and Jaehyun on his seventh birthday hung up on the wall.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush but,” she says as she averts her gaze away from the picture. “Jaehyun told me everything.”
“I’m sorry,” you say barely above a whisper. You’re surprised that she’s not mad at you. You’re more surprised that she’s grinning at you.
“It’s okay.” She mumbles. “I just wanted to see if you were doing alright.”
“Well, honestly, I feel devastated.” You shrug your shoulders. “But I guess that’s just how things were supposed to end up. I’m so sorry for what we’ve done, we truly didn’t mean it. Jaehyun just wanted you to be happy for him, so I guess this whole ‘relationship’ gone way out of hand.”
“He explained why he did it and apologized. I’m not mad.” She reassures you. “I kind of wished that it was real. But when Jaehyun told me the truth, I couldn’t help but wonder how you were feeling.”
“I’m holding up fine. I guess with time, I’ll be alright, and things will go back to normal.” She’s aching to reach out to you, because the bags underneath your eyes tell her a different story. “Is Jaehyun doing alright?”
“This is why I admire you,” she smiles. “You’re selfless. You think about others than yourself.”
You can’t seem to say anything to that. She can’t seem to understand how horrible you must feel. “How’d you know that I was in love with Jaehyun?”
“I could see it, Y/N.” She replies. “You look at him like he’s your world. In your eyes, I see nothing but love… but also fear. I think it must be because you’re afraid to tell him how you truly feel. You fear that once you tell him, you’ll end up losing him forever.”
“I guess the heart never lies.” You chuckle.
“I’m not in the right place to tell you whether Jaehyun returns the same feelings or not but,” she sighs, “if he doesn’t feel the same way, then he’s truly missing out on someone special.”
“I don’t want to lose him.” 
“I know you don’t. But just give him some time, and maybe it’ll be enough for him to recollect his thoughts and realize things.” She suggests. “In the meantime, rest well, alright, Y/N? For me, and for Jaehyun.”
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Jaehyun’s been a mess since the dinner with the Park’s and Kim’s. He’s been cooped up in his room almost everyday. The only time he would come out of his room would be for his meals. He explained and told the truth to his parents, and he was glad that they didn’t get mad at him. His parents had left for America the day before, and now he’s left all alone in his mansion. 
Every night, he would step out onto the balcony and stare up at the moon. It was the closest thing he could have that resembles you. Your words echo in his mind, haunting him. 
After washing up before going to bed, he turns on some music before stepping out onto the balcony. The moon is covered by clouds tonight, but he could still see it shine peacefully. He can’t stop thinking about you. 
He’s not sure about his feelings for you, but what he’s sure of is that you’re someone different than the rest. You’re someone special and he can’t afford losing you. He’s aware that his heart beats differently whenever you’re around. He’s aware that you see him in a different light, and that it’s been this way for almost all your life. 
He’s sure that he doesn’t deserve you. But he feels a little selfish. He wants to have you all to himself. He can’t seem to bear the thought of you belonging to someone else. Even the imagination of you standing at the altar with someone else makes him feel sick. 
“Am I too late?” He thinks aloud, looking at the moon as if it had an answer for him.
But his phone buzzes in his pocket, and his phone itself has an answer to his thoughts.
y/n (10:43 pm): can we meet up?
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The river flows peacefully, flowing at its own pace. It’s gloomy outside with the wind a bit chillier than usual. You hug yourself, bracing the chilly wind that breezes by. A couple passes by, and you can’t help but stare at them. They’re holding hands until the man places their interlocked hands into his pocket. You inwardly sigh. 
From afar, you can hear faint footsteps get louder and louder, crunching dried, fallen leaves. You look over your shoulder to see Jaehyun approaching you. He has two cups of warm coffee. You smile when he arrives. He hands you your drink and you mumble a soft ‘thanks’ before he sits next to you.
The both of you sit against a tree in silence. After Jaehyun’s mother dropped by to talk to you, you figured that the best way to resolve this is to be lighter about it. This whole situation was planned for failure, and the both of you let your emotions get the best of it. Things got out of hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaehyun breaks the silence. 
“Me too.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “I shouldn’t have left everything on you like that.”
“And I shouldn’t have dismissed your emotions like it was nothing,” he adds. “Your emotions are valid, you know? It was rude of me to brush it off like it was nothing.”
“I accept your apology.” You smile. 
“I accept yours as well, even though you shouldn’t be apologizing. You did nothing wrong.” He glances at you and he feels blinded by your smile. His heart skips a beat. “But do you mind hearing me out?”
You look at him confusedly. “Is there anything else to explain?”
He tears his gaze away from you to look at the river. You stare at him, waiting for him to continue. “That night when we came back from the business event in Milan, I knew that you would remember the kiss we shared. But I also knew that you wouldn’t remember the words you said to me before you knocked out.”
“What did I say?” You question.
“You said you loved me,” he replies softly. You feel your cheeks flush. “It made me wonder. When Joohyuk stared at you like that, I didn’t feel good about it. I saw you and Joohyuk at the restaurant patio from our hotel room, and it forced me to get out of bed.”
“I don’t like Joohyuk that way.” You chuckle. “Trust me.”
“I know, but it looked like he liked you.” He shrugs his shoulders. “And I hated it. But I disregarded my feelings because I thought, why would I feel this way? You’re just my best friend. But then I remembered seeing you in that dress for the first time, and it was like time had stopped. It was like it was just the two of us in that room.”
You feel yourself slowly smile. Where was this going?
“And then I realized that I never told you about Minyoung. I wondered why you never knew, and why I never bothered to tell you. I remembered the night I told Minyoung my feelings for her and coming home after being rejected only to find you sitting on the couch with Chinese takeout. It was funny that out of all days to confess, I confessed to her on my birthday.”
He glances at you and you both chuckle. Out of nowhere, Jaehyun grabs your hand in his. 
“When I saw that picture of you and I on my seventh birthday up on your wall, I wondered, why would you keep such a photo?” He says. “And when my parents started talking about how they knew we’d end up together and when my father told me that he always had a feeling that you saw me as more than a friend, it was all starting to make sense.”
“But then how about when I caught you and Minyoung?”
He grimaces. “Minyoung told me that her parents were planning on setting her up for another marriage, but they gave her freedom of choice. She chose me. It made me realize that I was just a business transaction to her, as if my confession for her didn’t matter. I said no, because you and I were together, and something inside of me was dying for those words to be true.”
“But she almost kissed you?” He hums in reply.
“When I said no, she forced herself on me, and then you came in.” He explains. “It was all just bad timing.”
“Minyoung will really go out of her way to get something she wants, huh?” You frown and Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s okay, she can’t have me.” He smiles. “I’m all yours.”
“Since when?” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t remember you confessing to me.”
“Did I not just confess to you right now?” He pouts.
You look away from him to hide the grin spreading across your lips. “Did you not? I don’t know, I might have to hear it again.”
“Y/N,” he whines. 
“Okay, I’m just playing with you.” You glance at him. “But maybe I really want to hear it again.”
The both of you stare at each other. Jaehyun feels time slow down and his heartbeat pick up. You were easy to read now. Your soft brown eyes show nothing but love and warmth the moment he looks into them. A faint smile replaces the grin on your face when you see your own reflection in Jaehyun’s eyes. 
“I’m in love with you,” he whispers. “I think I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, but was too blind to see it.”
“Yeah,” you pinch his cheeks. “You might need to get a pair of glasses to fix that.”
“You’re not going to say it back?”
“Say what, back?” You tease and he pouts.
“I take it back, then—”
“Fine!” You cut him off. “I’m in love with you, Jae. I’ve been in love with you since we were seven, since your seventh birthday, to be exact. That’s why I have that photo up on my wall.”
You smile. “Really.”
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One year later…
“Quick! He’s arriving in five minutes!”
Jaehyun’s mother scurries around the kitchen with a pot filled with kimchi stew while Jaehyun’s father washes up the last set of dirty dishes. The mansion has been empty for the past week because Jaehyun had been travelling to several business events. His parents had decided to arrive home earlier than Jaehyun was informed off, to surprise him just like last year. 
“He said he would be home by seven! It’s only five!”
“Maybe his flight landed earlier? I don’t know!”
The both of them are scurrying around the dining table, making sure everything is set up perfectly. They set up three plates and glasses along with three pairs of cutlery just for the family. The dining table is colourful with several dishes Jaehyun’s mother had cooked for him. 
Five minutes soon become ten seconds and the both of them are fixing up the Christmas tree. Soon enough, there’s a knock at the door. The both of them glance at each other and let out a huff of breath. As they both head towards the door, Jaehyun’s mother dusts off her apron before opening it. His parents could only stare in shock.
“Welcome home—”
“Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad. Meet my girlfriend, Y/N.”
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author’s note: it’s finally done! ahhhh!! after so much interruptions, it’s finally done. i’m just happy that it’s done. i’m so sorry for having you wait for so long. but here it is :-) i hope you liked it and i wish you a happy new year! 
i’m also wondering if i should do a drabble game where i post a list of AUs, prompts, and genres for you to choose from and i’ll write something short in return. what do you think?
let me know what you think! comments, feedback, questions? hmu!
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fly-flower-fanfics · 4 years
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Teach Me
Aziraphale x Demon Male Reader
Warnings: Smut, blowjobs, handjobs
I was inside Aziraphale's library, scanning through the massive amount of books that the angel owned. I always loved reading his books, but I never dared to take them out of the building anymore. There was one time that I did that, and it ended awfully. Let's just say that there were some subtle threats laced in with the demand ask for its return.
No matter how he acted, the angel was a close friend of mine and had been for a very long time. Lately, though, he had been acting very strange. Just a bit more jumpy and daydreamy than he normally was. I never bothered to ask him about it because frankly, it wasn’t my business, even though I was a nosy bastard.
I was way in the back of the store, sitting on a chair with my boot-clad feet kicked up onto a table, and reading a book when Aziraphale walked up to me. 
"Oh dear, I really wish you wouldn't put your feet on the table."
I smirked a little, taking them down to please him. "There wasn't a book there, and you know I always make sure my boots aren't dirty." I closed my book and set it on the table. "What did you need?"
Aziraphale's cheeks turned pink. "Well-well, I'm-"
I rolled my eyes with a soft laugh. "Spit it out, angel. It's just me."
"I need you to-to teach me how to kiss."
I leaned back in my chair with an eyebrow raised, chuckling again. "And you can't kiss?"
"I-I'm not very good at it," he explained, averting his eyes. "It's not really my forte. I was hoping you could teach me..."
"Cuz I'm a demon, and I should know that stuff?" I asked, locking my fingers together behind my head.
Aziraphale’s blush only got darker. "N-no! No, that's now what I was implying whatsoever! I merel-"
"Yes it was," I said, standing up with a laugh. "But sure. I'll teach ya. I'm assuming you have someone lucky that you're trying to impress?"
Aziraphale nodded silently. 
I guessed that it was Crowley. They knew each other longer than I had known Aziraphale. They would always talk to each other with their eyes, but I couldn't ever understand it properly. I just assumed that it was them making lovey-dovey eyes at one another. Though I had fallen in love with the angel, I saw how happy he was with Crowley, and I wanted Aziraphale to be happy. If it wasn't with me, but he was happy, then that was okay. 
I took the angel's hand and lead him back to the little office he had. "So you want to make sure you're not too subtle about it, but you can't be too over-the-top, either. If you're too subtle, you'll probably not get anywhere. If you're too pushy, they might get scared." But if it's Crowley, he wouldn't. Or me... I just kept my thoughts to myself because I couldn’t exactly express my love for the angel, and I hated assuming. 
We all know what happens when someone assumes. 
"Ever hear of the ninety-ten rule?" I asked, turning to close the door.
"'Course not." I leaned up against it and looked over to Aziraphale. "When you kiss, you don't go all the way. Someone goes ninety percent of the way, the other goes ten. Usually the top one goes ninety. Sometimes the bottom will if they feel brave." I looked the angel up and down silently. Definitely a bottom. "You aren't anywhere near that yet, though," I continued.
I walked over to Aziraphale, chuckling softly as I noticed how tense he was. I laid my hands on his shoulders and pushed them down. "Chill out. Being too tense also ruins a kiss. Makes your lips all firm, and then it's like kissing a brick wall. No one likes that. But if you're too loose, your lips get too wet, and then it's gross and like kissin’ a fish."
"Oh my," he mumbled quietly. 
I found myself laughing again. "It's really not as difficult as it sounds." I took a step back. "Okay, pretend I'm whoever you wanna kiss. Okay? Just for the sake of my own personal sanity — I can only take so much at one time — we'll pretend that you've already wooed me, and I wanna kiss you." I paused, waved my hands, and shook my head. "No, no wait. Scratch. Pretend I'm you."
"But I'm me," Aziraphale said, clearly puzzled.
"Yes, but you're going to initiate the kiss, yes?"
"I-I would like to."
"Then I'm gonna show you how. So pretend I'm you for a moment. This is what you would do."
I took the step back closer to him, leaving a small distance between us. I glanced down at his lips — his lips were so perfect. My eyes trailed back up to his. I found myself getting lost in them. I reached for his hand, lacing my fingers through his and using my other hand to gently cup the side of his face. 
Aziraphale's cheeks were tinted red, and I found his blush to be utterly adorable. My eyes felt back down to his lips, and I brushed my thumb across them. I completely forgot that I was supposed to just be teaching him as I leaned in to kiss him. My ninety-ten rule also went completely out the window as I leaned in the whole way to kiss him.
His lips were softer than I could ever imagine. Aziraphale reacted slowly; first not moving whatsoever before melting softly into the kiss. He most definitely was not a good kisser, but it was perfect in my heart. My eyes slipped close as I held him there, parting my lips slightly to get him to do the same. He did after another few moments, making the kiss all the more sweeter. 
When I pulled away, I felt myself blushing as well. I cleared my throat, let his hand go, and stepped back, leaning up against the door again. "That's basically how you do it. You're not a terrible kisser, but you definitely need work. When did you want to kiss this person?"
Aziraphale seemed to slowly shake himself from a trance-like state before turning his head towards me. His cheeks were a darker red now. "M-may I try?" he asked, completely ignoring my own question.
I shrugged. "If you'd like." I couldn’t deny that him asking to try was a bit... hot.
I walked a little closer to him again. I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know that I believed in him. He paused as he got closer to me, clearly hesitant. He took my hand the way I took his. I didn't want to tell him that that wasn't necessary — that was just a little thing I personally did — but I stayed silent. 
Aziraphale met my eyes, and I couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. Damn whoever is lucky enough to have caught this angel's eye. His eyes not only fell to my lips, but proceeded to scan all over my face. It was like he was picking up on every little detail of my face and falling in love with it. The little smile on his own made it all the more adorable. Literally fuck whoever would get this.
Aziraphale then leaned in a little bit, hesitating for a split second before going the rest of the way. I met him at ten, securing our lips together once again. Aziraphale was the one to part his lips that little bit first, and I followed his lead. Love overflowed in my chest as jealousy burned my heart. 
Once we separated again, I found myself smiling widely. "There you go. Good enough for at least a start. I can help you practice more, if you would like, until you get up the courage to kiss whomever it is you'd like to kiss, but you're not as bad as you thought."
"I have a good teacher," he said quietly, clearing his throat and straightening out his bowtie. 
"I wish you luck on initiating your first kiss," I said, sinking down into one of the chairs. 
"Was it okay?"
"Okay? It was great!" Damnit. I sound too enthusiastic. "Well, great enough for being a mediocre kisser. It'll get better with practice, but it was good enough for a first time, yes."
"Would-would it get them to kiss me again?" He was nervous. Damnit, he's so fucking cute. 
"I mean, yeah. Wasn't bad. Wasn't too wet or stiff. Besides, you're a quick learner," I replied, leaning back into the chair and stretching my arms above my head and lacing my fingers together behind it. 
"So you'd kiss me again?"
"Oh, absolutely." Wait, what?! Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. "Y-you know. For practice." Of all the times I needed to keep my composure, now it was failing? Really? 
"How is it I got the courage up to kiss you, but you don't have the courage to admit your feelings?"
I nearly choked on my own saliva at his question. I'm sorry, what? I looked up at the angel to see if I was just hearing things. His face was bright red, but he was firmly standing his ground.
"You-you wanted to kiss me?!" Aziraphale nodded in response to my words. "You... oh, you bastard. Got that from Crowley, didn't you?" He nodded again.
I stood up and walked closer to him, tilting my head as I met his eyes once more. They were scared, but sincere. So he wasn't acting; he was really in love with me. 
"Yes, I really am in love with you," he said, repeating my thoughts.
Shit, I said that aloud?
"And I'm in love with you. Damn, I've waited ages to say that. You know that, angel? Ages!"
Aziraphale smiled. "I suppose Crowley was sick of us dancing around our feelings for one another and suggested that I ask you for some sort of lesson that demons would excel at."
"And he suggested kissing because he was so sick and tired of waiting," I finished, shaking my head. "The bastard. Oh, Satan below, I hate him. But if that's what it took for me to kiss you, then damnit, I'll worship the ground he walks upon."
I pulled the angel in for another kiss, grabbing him by the lapels of his coat. He was a bit shocked by the roughness of this new kiss, but he didn't seem to mind it so much. I closed my eyes as his hands fell gingerly onto my hips. 
His innocence made me want to fuck him more. I pulled away from the kiss after the thought crossed my mind. Holy fuck, I didn't just think that. I looked over the angel in front of me that was still held firm by my hands on his coat. His flushed face and wide eyes made him look so damn... fuckable. 
I released his coat from my grip and took a few steps backwards. I couldn't do that to him. Even after centuries of wanting him, there was no way I could ruin his purity like that. No way he'd ever let me do that. I averted my eyes, clearing my throat, and rubbing the back of my neck. 
"What does that make us?" I asked, trying to move my mind away from how much I wanted to bite his perfect plump lips. 
"It makes me wonder why you stopped." 
Aziraphale's voice was quiet, but firm. It showed me that he clearly was enjoying what I was doing to him, but he'd never really asked for it before. He was an angel, for crying out loud. There was no need for him to ask for sexual favors. Hell, an hour ago, I'm sure he's never even kissed anyone before. 
"Why I stopped? Oh, my dear angel, I can't tell you that." 
"Why-why not?" Aziraphale asked, confused. 
I closed my eyes and sunk down into the chair again. "Because the things that are playing out in my mind are beyond the reaches of hands as pure as yours."
I folded my hands in my lap, leaning my head back as I tried to think of anything else. Literally anything else. It proved to be more difficult than I thought because I could still taste his lips on mine and feel the heat of his body. Oh, fuck me.
"What if I didn't care?" I opened my eyes at the sound of Aziraphale's voice. "You know, I-I don't think that I would mind it. It seems quite nice." Aziraphale picked up on the slight flinch I made at the word because a look passed over his eyes before he began speaking once again. "I mean, you are quite a nice-"
He didn't get the chance to finish. There was one thing all demons had in common, and it was the burning hatred of being called 'nice.' I backed him up against the locked door, grabbing his lapels again. Our noses were touching one another's.
"I'm a demon; I'm not nice. 'Nice' is a four letter word that I will not tolerate to be used to describe me. You clearly know what boundaries you're pushing, and my sweet little angel, I can promise you that you would not like what comes out of it."
Aziraphale's eyes flickered to my lips before meeting my eyes again. "Won't I?"
"You sassy bastard," I muttered before roughly kissing him. "You think all of a sudden that you can just do this? Oh, my god, are you mistaken. You can't imagine the things I want of you."
"Can't I?" His voice trembled, and I growled softly.
"No, you can't. You can't imagine the things I want to do to you. You can't imagine how I want to steal your innocence, mark you up, bring you to the edge. How I want to hear my name fall from your lips, your broken moans, desperate pants. How I want to touch you and feel your skin everywhere and anywhere. How I want you to fall apart between my fingers and lips. No, my dear angel, you can't. You cannot imagine the ways I want you or the things I can do."
Aziraphale whimpered — actually whimpered — and I growled, pressing my whole body up against his. The unholy things I wanted to do to him.
"Th-that's a sin," he mumbled softly. His hands came up and cupped my face. "But quite a lovely one at that..."
“You can’t go back after it’s finished,” I whispered softly.
“I don’t want to,” he replied.
I pulled him into another kiss. Slowly, our clothing came off piece by piece until Azira and I were in nothing but our boxers.
The door was locked. The air was heavy. I wanted him. Damnit, I needed him. I craved the angel in ways that an angel should never want to be craved. But he did. He wanted it. And I wanted to give it.
I sat Azira down on the couch, sliding his boxers down in the process. He looked down at me as I settled myself between his legs. He wet his lips with his tongue, leaving his lips slightly parted in anticipation.
“I’ll be gentle,” I promised him. I wanted to please him, not hurt him. I gently took the angel in my hand, jacking him off slowly to start.
A soft whimper left the angel’s lips, and I knew how sensitive he was. There was no way he was going to make it to complete sex. There would be no way he could handle that. Not now anyway. And I wouldn’t want to take him here anyway. It’s too cramped.
I wet my own lips before sinking them around the angel, taking him into my mouth. Aziraphale let out a low moan; his hands quickly tangled themselves in my hair. I smirked slightly, hollowing out my cheeks as I sucked on him.
His hands tugged lightly on my hair, like he was trying to hold back so he didn’t hurt me. I didn’t mind. Either way, I wouldn’t have minded. I just wanted to make him feel good.
I bobbed my head slowly, pulling off completely and jacking him off again. I snuck a glance, biting my lip as I watched him. His head was tilted back, his eyes were shut, and his lips remained parted. He was breathing rather heavily through them.
I went back to sucking him off, swirling my tongue around the tip, which earned me another moan. Another moan that went straight to my own groin.
I closed my eyes, continuing to bob my head. His moans continued to come. I opened my eyes to notice his knees trembling beside my head. His grip tugged on my hair.
I glanced up at him again, taking notice to his facial feature and the way he was reacting to me. I swirled my tongue around his tip again, teasing him slowly as I pulled back.
Aziraphale whimpered, bucking his hips lightly toward my lips. I knew that he was close. Just by the way he was gripping onto me and holding me and shaking, he was close. He was too sensitive not to be.
I got up, leaning forward and kissing him. His hands stayed tangled up in my hair, and it was like he couldn’t get me close enough.
My hand went back to his dick, and I continued to jack him off again, slowly at first and then getting a little faster. He was moaning in my mouth; his hands pulled on my hair. I could feel the way he was shaking beneath me. I pulled back and smirked as I looked down at the quivering angel.
He looked so perfect. So damn perfect. I was lucky enough to see him like this. It riled me up so badly in all the right ways. I desired him in so many unholy ways. So many ways that I couldn’t have him right now.
Aziraphale’s moan jerked me from my thoughts. I noticed his body quiver and shake, the way his eyes seemed to roll back, how hard his hands tugged on my hair, and I felt the warm liquid between my fingers.
I knew I couldn’t push him too hard or too far because as far as I knew, this was also his first time having any sexual encounter. I got a couple of tissues from his desk and cleaned the two of us up. I sat down beside him on the couch. The angel looked over at me. It was clear on his face: the satisfaction and tiredness.
“What about you?”
I frowned. “What about me?”
Azira pointed to the tent in my boxers, and suddenly, I felt embarrassed. “What about you?”
“I’ll be fine, angel. Don’t worry about me.”
“What—what if I want to help you?”
I raised an eyebrow and shifted slightly I look over to the angel sitting beside me. “You? Do you even know what you’re doing if I let you?”
He hesitated a little before shaking his head. “But I’d still like to try, if-if that is, you’ll let me.”
I didn’t really want to deny him. I wanted to see him try, but I was anxious about letting him do so. I’d heard enough sexual horror stories of my time, and I didn’t want to add Azira’s name to one of those stories.
“Follow my instructions.”
Aziraphale nodded, biting his lip. I found myself smiling.
“Azira, don’t be so nervous. It’ll be okay. Don’t squeeze too hard, relax, loosen up, you’ll be okay.” 
He gave a small nod. I shifted and slid my pants and boxers down to my knees to allow him access. I shivered once I felt his hand on me. Carefully, after feeling is hesitance, I placed my hand over his and began to move it, showing him how do it. A soft groan left my lips at the feeling. He picked up speed before I even showed him how to, so I released his hand and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.
He slid his thumb over my slit, paying careful attention to the head. My eyes fluttered shut, soft moans leaving my lips. “J-just like that, Azira. Fuck, just like that. You’re doing so well.”
I opened my eyes to look at him and noticed the tips of his ears were red. A slight smile spread across my lips. Of course he would have a praise kink. Yet it seemed fitting. It never seemed like he ever got praised before, so I didn’t really think he wouldn’t have a praise kink. I just wish I knew it a little sooner.
He slowed his hands, teasing me now. I noticed the look in his eyes. That look told me he had an idea of what he was doing, and he knew that he was being a tease. I bucked my hips into his hand, biting my lower lip. 
“Don’t be a tease now, angel,” I said in a low voice. 
Aziraphale didn’t listen and continued to tease me. However, I enjoyed it. I liked feeling the way his fingers and hand felt over me. The way his paced slowed and picked up the slightest. I groaned, bucking my hips again.
“Fuck, please, Azira. You want me to beg? Please.” My eyes slipped close again, another moan leaving my lips. “Oh, please. Touch me, go faster, please, I need it.”
Thankfully, Aziraphale picked up his speed and jacked me off, filling my body with pleasure. He was a natural at this, which I found humorous. I would’ve laughed if he wasn’t making me feel so good.
After a little bit longer, I felt that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. I gripped Aziraphale’s wrist to stop him for a moment. 
“I-I, fuck, you don’t want me to cum...” I felt a bit embarrassed, but I didn’t want to make a mess of the angel’s hands.
“I do,” he replied quietly, but surely. I bit my lip and gently released his hand from my grasp. 
He proceeded to speed back up again, quickly bringing me to the edge of my orgasm. I closed my eyes, my breathing ragged and short. He made me feel good, so damn good. I could hardly believe how good he could make me feel for a presumed beginner.
With a moan and a soft curse, I released, gripping the sides of the couch. After I took a second to recover, I got some more tissues and clean us up all over again. Aziraphale’s cheeks were red with embarrassment, and I found it rather cute.
“What’s wrong, angel? Pleasurable day?”
Aziraphale’s cheeks darkened, and he shot me a look that told me I was pushing my luck. I laughed, fixing my pants and sitting next to him.
“How about you and I go back to my house for some hot chocolate and a good book, hm?” I spread my arms along the back of the couch, raising an eyebrow as I looked at the angel. “You can lay your head in my lap, and I’ll read to you. Could I tempt you to that?”
A smile spread over his face as he nodded. “That sounds rather lovely, Y/N. I would quite like that.”
We then headed out of the bookshop, hand in hand, walking back to the little cottage that I called home. There was a smile on my face as I walked with the angel. Finally... after all this time... I finally had what I wanted. My Aziraphale. My angel.
I leaned over and pressed a kiss onto his cheek. 
“What was that for, my dear?” he asked. 
“Oh, I can’t help it. I just love you.”
He smiled back at me. “I love you, too.”
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
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a/n: i apologize for Luci’s hc being kinda written in general! as i’ve said, i tried to write it not too long, but after amaimon i went overboard, especially with Yukio xD also, regarding Shiro’s hc: the timeline is set when the twins are 3-4 years old, so he’s quite young there. under “read more” due to the length!
✰ Characters: Lucifer, Amaimon, Shiro, Rin, Yukio (written in that order).
✰ Words: 1,3k
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suspicious. VERY suspicious. resists the urge to squint at his "son", so he just keeps staring at him without saying a word and blinks occasionally. even if he looks similar to him or you, he still doesn’t trust it; he might be as well a clone that’s pretending to be his child.
actually thinks it’s a prank pulled by Mephisto, since his child mentioned time traveling.
he believes it’s his actual child once he mentions something that only Lucifer and you know - for example, the initial names you planned to give to your child.
very interested in his son’s own interests - he’d ask a lot of questions and smile proudly if he announced he helps his father reach his goal; when his child doesn’t follow his steps, he just nods and asks how his studies are going (because, quite frankly, I don't think he’d force his child to join Illuminati and do stuff related to it)
as the conversation goes, he starts to notice the features he’s inherited from his mother - both in his personality and looks. it makes him feel excited to be a parent, knowing his strong genes allowed his beloved to also create a beautiful child together.
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confused, a lot, but he won’t question it. he just does his thing, and to be honest, doesn’t care much.
that being said, he starts to care when he realizes his so-called “child” is following him everywhere and trying to eat chips from his bag. for some reason, he lets his son take a handful of chips, staring at him and squinting menacingly.
when his son is done eating, they both just look at each other with the same blank expression.
it clicks in his head once his kid mentions your favorite brand of sweets like it’s nothing; Amaimon looks shocked for a minute, then his usual, bored expression returns.
unlike Luci, he doesn’t ask much questions, but enjoys hanging out with him as long as possible. Amai notices his son’s personality is like his, but his appearance is exactly like yours.
he’s honestly more open to the idea of having a child; In a way that he doesn’t actually mind them existing, but when they grow up, he’ll have another person to do his shenanigans with. once he gets past the diaper stage, he’s fine.
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literally he just
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when he looks back at his son, he sees him lighting a cigarette.
“well, shit.”
Shiro looks at the exact same copy of him. both in personality, and appearance as well. and it terrifies him. yet, the only reaction he lets out is a loud laugh. (thank god that “copy” has been made naturally..)
again, like Luci, thinks that Mephisto is making fun of him.
his son, on the other hand, isn’t laughing. he looks quite unsure and almost sad; that’s when he says, “it’s good to see you, old man. it’s been a while.” he doesn’t end the sentence though, wanting to say he’s glad to see his father after a few years of seeing his name only on a gravestone.
Shiro, despite being quite some time away from death, understands what his son meant to say nonetheless; he then decides to spend some time with him, asking how things are going in the future. His son isn’t very willing to talk, but he tells him in a calm voice, “there have been some bumps here and there. but I’m fine now. they’re fine, too. so you don't have to worry about that two devils, either.” and smiles genuinely; it makes Shiro’s heart melt completely because he recognizes that smile - the smile he gets to see on your beautiful face every day.
when his son was gone, he still yelled at Mephisto. Poor demon, it wasn’t his fault this time, actually.
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opens the door and screams. the person on the other side also screams. Rin’s so shocked and confused he might pass out; he manages to stay on his feet, though. (even though,, he doesn’t know why he screamed in the first place)
when he calms down a bit, he immediately notices that the person standing in the doorway looks kinda similar to him - he’s almost as tall as he is, but his eyes and hair differ a little.
the person greets themselves with the same last name, then breaks the news - “i’m your son! nice to meet you, dad! you can call me by my name or Shiro, that’s a nickname I’ve received from my friends!” he says happily, scratching nervously the back of his neck.
Rin’s expression softens a little; he sees the way he acts and is almost sure the kid is telling the truth. He invites him inside and softly closes the door.
Meanwhile Rin tried to ask if he wants a drink, his son interrupted him whilst taking a photo frame in his hands and yelling excitedly, “oh man! that’s mom?! you have a good taste, dad!” Rin just blinked at him, mumbling a slight “thanks?”.
after the initial shock has passed, his son told him a little about himself and generally, they shared some good time together. that is, until his son asked if he knows what happened to auntie Shura.
Rin tilted his head to the side, his white locks tickling his eyes; he said a confused “no..? is it... bad...?” his worry has started to risen.
“well... she got pregnant with triplets! or.. will... get...?”
Rin choked on his spit, to say the least.
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Yukio’s been silently enjoying his coffee, quite early in the morning. After all, that’s what he deserves after that entire bullshit with satan and his eye.
Since the order allowed him to take some time off, he decided he’s gonna dedicate it for healing - both mentally and physically.
As the clock showed 8am, the sun rays hit his face harshly through the curtains - he decided to go to a store to buy some of the products you’ll use to make breakfast later.
He felt uneasy going to the store. He felt something was not right... but he ignored it, thinking it’s probably still because of the previous events. Going through the aisles and taking his sweet time, he grew even more confused, seeing that most of the products he was gonna buy is missing - they couldn’t have bought everything. Sure, lots of people left the store when he walked in, but it’s barely 8.30am.
Leaving the store with just a few products, it was hard to say he wasn’t annoyed. That’s when he felt someone tapping his shoulder, making him ultra-aware of his surroundings.
“Are ya lookin’ for this?” another male voice asked, smirking, “Sheesh, you probably look really annoyed, and I haven’t even seen your face!”
Yukio turned around, facing a male that quite resembled him - the same height, build, the only thing he was missing was glasses. Yukio, being annoyed as it is, wanted to politely brush him off, but he was interrupted mid-sentence.
“I’m Okumura. Your son, to be exact,” his features softened, eyes gazing at the pavement he stood on, “I got this stuff for you. This is what mom always needs for breakfast, right?” the male smiled gently, handing him the grocery bag. Yukio took it hesitantly.
“I know it’s all so weird, but, do you wanna maybe go on a walk with me? I like the weather today,” he fixed his [hair color]-colored locks, smiling brightly, “and I like spending time with you, dad.”
Well, Yukio’s walk to the store’s certainly gotten more interesting than he originally thought.
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edits arent mine! :3
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Hi ! I don't know if you're still looking for prompts but if you do how about single parent Derek and Derek's kid giving Stiles a father's day gift for the first time. :D
I’m always down for a new prompt! Thank you, nonnie!
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Stiles didn’t know what to think of his new neighbor.
Partly because he’d only seen him in glimpses and partly because he was pretty sure the man had no control over his kid. Not like Stiles judging or anything— he knew for a fact he’d been a difficult child too— except the kid kept coming to him. 
Every single day when Stiles least expected it.
He was pretty sure the kid had found a secret passageway into his house that Stiles didn’t know about or something. Because honestly, Stiles didn’t have any other explanation for it. 
There he would be, minding his own business, trying to get some writing done, and then bam! There’d be an eight-year-old in his house. Going through his things, wandering from room to room, or just staring at Stiles and startling the crap out of him when Stiles finally snapped out of his writing stupor.
At one point, he’d been terrified the kid was possessed or something. But Stiles was pretty sure he’d just seen way too many horror movies.
Stiles… should probably do something about it, he figured. He should confront his neighbor or at least let him know that his kid was an escape artist. But instead, Stiles would usually just entertain the boy, let him ramble about his day for a bit, and then walk him right back to his house.
Stiles wasn’t good with children, he didn’t think. And his new neighbor kind of terrified him.
Stiles had seen him once or twice; all angry-browed and scowly faced. He was pretty sure the guy was either a serial killer or a hitman or something, and both of those options scared the shit out of him. So he’d kept his distance from day one. 
The guy was drop-dead gorgeous, though. Stiles could admit that out loud.
It was another lazy Thursday when Stiles looked up from his laptop to see Ben standing in the doorway of his office. Stiles didn’t even react anymore. Instead, he just sighed and raised a brow, offering the kid his best smile.
“Good afternoon, Ben. Escape the house again?”
“I’m napping.”
“Oh right,” Stiles said, swallowing a laugh and bringing his third mug of coffee that day to his lip. “So the usual then. You know, your father is going to find out one day and think I’ve kidnapped you or something.”
Ben only shrugged and moved into the room, dropping into the chair opposite Stiles’s desk. He was still wearing his pj’s, Stiles noticed. Even though it was literally like two o’clock in the afternoon.
“My dad likes you.”
“Your father has never spoken to me, kiddo.”
“He thinks the guy next door is cute.”
Stiles choked on his coffee, setting it down to give Ben an incredulous look. Suddenly, he was a little panicked. Because did the guy know his son snuck out during nap time almost every day to pay Stiles a visit? Did he approve?
Stiles was pretty sure there was something not right with that.
“Ben, does your father know about… this?”
“... No.”
“But he knows about me.”
“Dad says you watch him from the window.”
Stiles narrowly refrained from choking on his own spit this time. He did not do that— he didn’t! Sometimes, Stiles just got curious. He would like to know the man whose kid Stiles accidentally babysat for about an hour every other day after all. 
Plus, muscles and eyebrows. Was Stiles supposed to not look?
Okay, he was supposed to not look.
“I don’t look,” Stiles grumbled, turning back toward his laptop. “I just peek sometimes.”
“That’s worse.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes at the kid over the top of his screen. But Ben only fidgeted on the chair and then jumped up, wandering out of the room. Stiles was pretty sure he should chase after him or something but the kid was like eight years old, right? He could probably handle himself.
The worst thing Ben ever did was raid his fridge anyway. Well, one time the kid had attempted to make art on his walls, but Stiles had dealt with that.
“The gogurts are on the bottom shelf!” he called. 
The last time Ben had tried to get to his food on the top shelf, he’d ended up nearly scaling Stiles’s fridge like spiderman. But Stiles had dealt with that too.
Or something.
Stiles had tried to tell Lydia about this once, but then she’d proceeded to list off all the ways he could get arrested and ruined for letting a child into his house every few days. So Stiles had pretended he’d dealt with it and then never brought up the subject again.
Scott told him to just confront his neighbor. Stiles had said he appreciated having a throat.
This had been going on for… was it three or four months now? The kid had started showing up about a week after they’d moved in, just knocking on Stiles’s door one day and then letting himself in when Stiles opened up. 
He hadn’t known what to do then. And he still didn’t know what to do now, to be honest.
Ben came in a little later with a gogurt tube stuck in his mouth and pink yogurt on his face. Stiles snorted over his computer, raising a brow. 
“Is that good?”
The kid only nodded, plopping back into the chair. Stiles shook his head and returned to his document. Soon, the only sounds filling the air was Ben giving the poor yogurt the inhaling of a lifetime and the click of keys as Stiles attempted to get some work done today.
Lydia didn’t take late submissions. Stiles would say he hated her as an agent, except he really didn’t. He probably would have flailed out of the market on his own without her.
Words were hard today.
Eventually, Stiles sighed and gazed back at the boy sitting across from him before turning his eyes toward the clock. It had nearly been an hour and he knew Ben’s naptime was only sixty-minutes long. He raised an eyebrow at the boy, who had somehow managed to get yogurt in his hair too.
“How do you plan on explaining that, little man?”
Ben just smiled. Stiles rolled his eyes.
“Okay, kiddo, you’ve gotta go. Nap time’s nearly up, I still have twenty pages to write, and I can’t go to jail for kidnapping or my father will have my hide.”
“Your dad?”
“My dad. A literal Sheriff. Who would not appreciate his only son being on the other end of the law.”
Ben blinked at him for a moment. Then the kid pushed himself and left the room, and Stiles had no idea how he got from place to place because he never even heard the front door open or close. Were eight-year-olds magic or something?
Stiles shook his head, glancing at the empty gogurt packet on his floor, the yogurt rubbed his other chair, and then at the near-blank document sitting in front of him. Sighting, he attempted to get back to work.
This was his life, ladies and gentlemen. An entire mess.
Two days later, there was a knock on his door.
Stiles was pretty sure he hadn’t ordered pizza or anything. Sometimes he forgot though, so he might just be more tired today than he had originally assumed. In nothing but his sweatpants and an old t-shirt, Stiles plodded toward the front door and opened it up with a crisp five-dollar bill already in hand.
Except it wasn’t the pizza delivery guy.
Stiles froze, staring at his next-door neighbor, Ben at his side holding his father’s hand. And in that moment, Stiles realized this was it. This was how he died.
He’d never meant to be a kidnapper.
He stared for a long moment, his throat starting to close in panic. Then the guy raised an eyebrow and Stiles finally found his voice, forcing a smile.
“Uh, hey dude. You’re not here to murder me, are you?”
The man’s eyebrows raised even higher. Ben let go of his father’s hand and ducked around Stiles’s legs, making a beeline straight for the kitchen, and Stiles knew he was dead.
“Oh,” he said in a small voice. “I think he’s going for the gogurts.”
Normally, the guy’s voice would probably make Stiles melt; a little soft, a little gruff, and it’d probably be even hotter in bed. But Stiles— Stiles wasn’t thinking like that! He was not getting a boner five minutes before he either got arrested or killed.
But then to his surprise, the man stepped into his house too. Stiles wondered if this was a family trait or something. That thought terrified him even more.
“Uh, dude? Can I help you?”
“My name is Derek,” the guy said. “Don’t call me dude.”
“Okay, Derek. Can I help you?”
“Ben,” Derek suddenly called, instead of answering the question. Ben wasn’t even in the same room and Stiles was pretty sure the kid couldn’t hear his dad. But Derek didn’t seem fazed, turning toward Stiles’s guest bedroom. “Stop jumping on the bed.”
Stiles blinked, staring in shock. He could’ve sworn when Derek looked back at him, there was a flash of blue in his eyes, but he had to just be seeing things.
“Ben… wanted to bring you this,” Derek said, pulling an envelope out of his pocket. Stiles took it silently, pulling the card out, and then choked on his own breath.
This was a father’s day card. But he was pretty sure father’s day had been days ago and… well, Stiles was pretty sure he wasn’t a father. He hadn’t been last time he checked at least. Derek ducked his head, suddenly looked a little red.
“He’s been working on it for a while.”
Stiles just stared. He didn’t know this guy, he barely knew his kid, and he most certainly wasn’t a father. Stiles wasn’t good with kids! Responsibility terrified him.
Derek blinked at him. Nervously, Stiles swallowed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Dude— Derek— I’m not going lie, I’m really confused.”
He was pretty sure the man turned even redder. Derek lowered his gaze, a hand rubbing over the back of his neck, then he hesitantly met Stiles’s gaze again.
The man had really pretty eyes, Stiles noticed. He was also pretty sure that was a very unhelpful thought.
“Ben likes you.”
Stiles blinked a few times. Then he flat out stared. “Wait, did you know he was coming over here?”
“... Yes?”
“Dude, I could’ve been a weirdo! A creeper! A… A… cat lady or something!”
Derek looked at him like he was crazy. Which Stiles was pretty sure was not fair, regarding the situation. “I know you’re not.”
“That’s so weird, dude.”
The man looked constipated for a moment, before ducking his head. “Ben has a difficultly making friends. He’s… like an untrained puppy sometimes. He follows his nose and it led him here. It’s not often that he imprints so well on people.”
Stiles was even more confused at this point. He blinked dumbly at Derek before the soft sound of footsteps stole his attention to where Ben came plodding out of Stiles’s guest bedroom to his father’s side. The boy’s hair was a mess and Stiles was pretty sure the bedroom probably was too.
He hadn’t even seen Ben go in there. He had no idea how Derek had known.
“Did you give it to him?” Ben asked, brown eyes wide. Derek nodded and traced his fingers through the boy’s hair before they danced over the back of his neck. For some reason, Stiles felt like he was looking in on something personal, quickly averting his eyes.
But then Ben tugged on the hem of his shirt. Stiles glanced back down, his earlier resolve softening.
“Can I still come over, Stiles?”
Stiles glanced up at Derek, who hesitated for only a moment before nodding. With a grin, Stiles knelt down and brushing the wrinkles from Ben’s shirt, nodding. 
“Yeah, little man. My door’s always open.”
“No, it’s not.”
Stiles barked a laugh. No, it wasn’t. But Ben found a way inside somehow anyway. The boy latched back onto his dad’s hand and Stiles pushed himself back up, meeting Derek’s gaze nervously. “So uh… lunch sometime?”
Derek’s brows flew up. Stiles felt his face grow hot.
“For Ben. You know, so you can be sure I’m not a creep or weirdo or cat lady or something.”
He could’ve sworn a small smile tugged at the man’s lips and that was a trip in itself. As if this entire visit hadn’t been. Derek nodded. 
“Lunch sometime.”
“Great, dude! Derek. Mr…?”
“Hale,” Stiles said, grinning. “I’ll knock or something.”
“Or something.”
Stiles’s grin widened and he stepped aside, pulling the door open again. Ben all but pulled Derek out and the man looked over his shoulder, those pretty eyes searching Stiles’s face one more time. For a moment, he thought the man would say something else but then Derek only nodded and let his son pull him away again.
Stiles watched them down the sidewalk, the envelope and card still held tightly in his hand. He had no idea what had just happened or how he was still alive but he… he was okay with that. Cause Stiles didn’t know what to think of his new neighbor.
At all.
But he thought he could get used to him.
- -
To be honest, this might be a universe I’ll have to add on to. I think it could end up being such a cute thing to continue! I hope I did the prompt justice, nonnie, you’re fantastic!
(if you enjoy my writing, consider supporting your underpaid student writer? You can also request a prompt if you’d like!). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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moonlightsolo · 5 years
Bête Noire
summary: Rey has invited you to her quarters and hopefully it is just to make amends. Ever since Leia had told you both to stay away from each other, you haven’t seen her except when she randomly sat down next to you. Maybe she can give you some insight on why the Force is making you see Kylo Ren.
pairing: kylo ren x female reader
warnings: angry reader
wc: 2.6k
a/n: can we just pretend that the plot of the rise of skywalker didn’t happen during ok bc it literally will ruin my fic lol & sorry for the lack of kylo in this chapter i promise you’ll get some next week :)
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The soft stomps of your boots carry you down the hallway towards Rey’s quarters, you can’t help but grow nervous. You're confused as to why she sat down next to you at dinner the night before. She tried to help you when something was stirring in the Force, making your ears ring uncontrollably. 
Rey told you to meditate to calm yourself and your power made you rise from the ground. Poe had brought you back to your room and now she wants you to meet her this morning. Although the negative memories of her on the Star Destroyer still plays in your mind.
Once you reach her door, your knuckles comes up to softly knock on the metal. It opens, but she is sitting across the room scanning through a book on her lap. “Come in.” She says. With a hesitant step, you move through the doorway and then the door shuts behind you. 
Her eyes peek up at you, her wide smile showing as she stands and runs to you. Her arms engulf you in a hug as she rests her chin in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry.” Her voice cracks as it comes out, she is obviously upset. You can’t help but hug her back just as tight.
You both stand there holding each other as tears flow freely down each other’s cheeks. It is almost like the Force was mending your relationship with her. She slowly pulls away to wipe under her eyes, “I’ve been looking through Master Luke’s books.” Her accent spills out as she walks over to the scribbled novel.
“Supposedly you can float or rise from the ground during deep meditation,” She mumbles, her index finger running over the words. “It helps increase your power and strengthen your sense of the Force.” She taps the page, smiling as she looks at you.
“I’ve done it once before. I was meditating purposely, although i wasn't floating on purpose. Kylo walked in on me. That was when I found Leia.” You rub your temple as you walk towards her to look at the book.
“I’ve been trying to train myself, with Leia’s help, of course, to be a Jedi. It’s quite challenging.” She states as she closes the book and lays it in a bin with the others.
“A Jedi? Doesn’t that mean you’ll be the last one?” Your eyes widen in surprise.
“Yes... Unless Ben Solo decides to return, but I’m not sure how that would be handled.” She runs her fingers over the pages. “You’re against Jedi’s now aren’t you?” She glances up at you.
“Not exactly. I never really had an opinion on them.” You shrug. “I guess that’s better than hating them right?” She laughs softly and you just nod with a smile.
“In those books, is there anything about uh... Force connections or hallucinations?” You mumble as you take a step forward with your eyes on the worn books. “Like a Force Bond?” She asks like she knows what you’re talking about. “Yes, that.”
“You have one with him don’t you?” She walks up to you, her eyes wide with curiosity.
“I do. With Kylo, I see him a lot.” You look up at her and you can see the sympathy on her face.
“It’s not an hallucination. It’s the Force connecting you both. I used to have one with him but I severed it on Crait. I haven’t felt his presence since then.” You felt a pang of jealousy in your chest.
Kylo had this bond with Rey too?
You shake away that feeling as Rey brings you to sit down, “Let’s talk more.” Her hand rests on your upper back as she leads you to sit down.
You and Rey talk for a very long time, mostly about what happened while you were with the First Order. Leia ends up interrupting to remind you about your check-up at the med-bay.
Rey and Leia tag along, walking with you down the cold hallways. When you lay down on the bed the nurse rubs a wand on your abdomen that shows the child on the screen. “I see here that you’re actually carrying two.” The nurse says as he points at the black and white screen.
“Like twins?” You croak out, your hand going over your mouth in disbelief. Leia was shocked as well, usually, she can feel those kinds of things in the Force. “Just like my brother and me.” She says as she takes your hand. “We will help you with everything along the way.” She looks up at Rey and she also nods to reassure you. 
Rey and Leia leave you to walk back to your room since they both have other matters to attend to. It was quite nice to have Rey back in your life again. She’s gonna be a great aunt— You almost laugh out loud at the thought.
As you walk into your shared quarters, you see that Poe is sitting at the desk with a datapad in his hand, BB-8 is right next to him and Kaydel is sitting on his bed reading a book with the door wide open.
“Hi.” You simply say to him with a small wave in front of his eyes, “Oh hey.” He glances up at you for a moment before going back to concentrating on whatever he is doing.
“I’ve been trying to get him off of that thing but he’s doing important business.” She shrugs and motions for you to come into his room.
Hesitatingly, you move forward and past the doorframe. Your eyes take in the space, it’s just all Poe. It looks just like yours, with the bed and wardrobe but he had Resistance memorabilia hanging on the walls. Like torn fabric from an old Republic jacket, his helmet and his own fighter gear hanging up on hooks.
Kaydel interrupts your gazing eyes, “Can I ask you a question?” She sits up on the bed, her eyes are fixed on you. She seems too serious.
You shrug, not really knowing what it was going to be about.
“What was it like to live with the First Order like one of them?” She asks, making you grimace on the inside. What a random question. “It was fine? A hardworking environment. A bit tense at times.” Your fingers toy with some of the clutter on Poe’s dresser.
“Were you really Kylo Ren’s apprentice? What is he like when it’s only you two together?” You can feel your insides heating up with anger, she’s just trying to bring up the past; she knows the answers to these questions.
“Does he live up to his title? Is he as monstrous behind closed doors as he is depicted to be? Oh wait, I saw his true colors when he interrogated me after being captured. I can say that he is as despicable as everyone thinks.” She spits out like venom was seething from her mouth.
As she opens her mouth to say more to you, your hand comes up to silence her. Her lips automatically shut from the Force. “Don’t you dare speak any more about him. You don’t even know him.” You growled, your whole face is twisted in disgust. “You don’t know what he’s been through. You have no idea.” Her hands scrambled to her throat, pulling at an unseen hand that was muting her voice box. BB-8 rolls up next to you, beeping at you to stop but you ignore the droid.
A strong arm wraps around your waist and tugs you back, causing you to let go of her throat. “You dark scum!” She screams, voice hoarse.
“What are you doing?!” Poe is screaming at you now as he almost throws you out of the room. “You could have killed her!” His finger is pointing at you sternly.
“Poe! She was trying to get under my skin! She was bringing up Ren!” You retaliated, “And no! I couldn’t have killed her, I wasn’t choking her. I just had a hold on her voice so she would just shut the hell up!” You throw your hands up in the air.
His bedroom door closes from her slamming it, “You cannot use the Force on her! Well for one, you can’t use it out of anger. And two, you can’t use it on your friends! What is wrong with you?!” Once those words left his mouth, your mouth shuts and you go silent. He realizes what he just said, he goes to apologize but you pull away. “Don’t.”
You walk over to your bedroom door and disappear behind it and lean against the door once it’s closed. You take deep shaky breaths to try and control your emotions but it doesn’t work. Your hand goes to your mouth as you weep silently— Hot tears stream down your face. You lost your temper, you didn’t want to hurt anyone. Especially Poe, you didn’t want him to think differently of you.
After you calm down a bit, you stand to your feet to change into some warm pajamas. Hopefully, you can sleep away the memories of today.
When you wake up, it isn’t by choice. Someone is pushing your body quite rough trying to wake you up. The room is dark, at first you thought it was Kylo but he wouldn’t wake you up like that. “What?” You snapped, eyes still closed.
“Come train with me.” It’s Rey, “I think you’ll really benefit from this lesson.” She whispers and her hand drops from your arm.
You open your eyes with a groan but she wasn’t in front of you. “Meet me in the hallway near my room. I’ll bring you to where I train.” Her voice is in her head, you could swear she was right there.
Once you get up and get dressed, you pull your boots on your feet and zip them up. You wrap the black tunic around your neck that you stole from Kylo. You sneak out into the dark living area and into the vacant hallways.
The chilly air around you made you shiver, it was much warmer in the rooms as they have more heating and insulation.
Your hand rests on your belly as your feet bring you around a few bends until you see Rey down the hall. She jogs over to you excitedly, her staff hanging on her back. It reminds you of your own that you left behind.
She can tell you’re getting distracted by it, “Come with me. You’ll really love the view.” She motions with her head to follow. Rey weaves and bobs down the hallways until she makes it to a man-made stone staircase that leads to who knows where.
“It’s just up here.” She begins to climb, her legs moving faster than yours can as she skips some steps. Once you both make it to the top, your eyes scan the area. The walls are made of ice, the rising sun flowing through the chunks causing a blue glow to light up the area.
“It’s a bit cold, but you get used to it. It’s a really good area to train. Especially meditate. It’s such a different climate from Jakku. I actually don’t mind the cold.” She rambles as she lays out her supplies; Her staff, a book, and Luke Skywalkers lightsaber. “It’s really beautiful up here. Thank you for showing me this.” Your eyes focus on the saber and she notices how you’re eyeing it.
“Leia lets me borrow it to train. Hopefully, I can make my own someday.” She smiles. “You ready?” She asks as she opens up the Jedi book. “After I trained with Master Luke on Ahch-To, I discovered so many things. I have never been more focused or in touch with the Force.” She runs her fingers over the pages as she flips through to find something. You never got to see her after she left to find him only because you were left on Crait.
“Ah, meditating. Here we are. We’re gonna float together but purposely this time.” 
She sits down on the stone ground and you copy her. You shiver from the cold seeping through your pants as you criss-cross your legs and close your eyes.
She puts her hand on the ground, “Feel the energy. The balance. The peace and the violence.” Her thick accent murmurs into the cold air, “Find the balance.”
Pictures appear in your mind as you channel the Force. Animals, the hidden parts in the dark places of ice caverns, death, family and friends...
You gasp in awe when you see the sunrise and the multiple moons beginning to fade from the sky. Visions flipped through your brain, almost like you are seeing the frozen planet from another perspective. The snow is glistening and beautiful but it’s still so cold, the animals are prancing around but the circle of life still continues.
Your eyes slowly open and for a moment you think nothing has changed but you both are floating. There are stray rocks and chunks of ice in the air, the lightsaber, and the books. Her eyes open when she notices you looking around and she smiles so wide.
“It worked!” She laughs as she gently floats back to the ground and onto her feet. Her hand reaches out to catch a falling rock in her hand and she tosses it around. You slowly come back down to the ground and onto your feet, your body feels light and renewed.
“You’re more than welcome to stay while I train with the saber.” She says as she summons it to her hand and turns it on.
Your eyes focus on the bright blue hue, the calming sound of the saber was different from Kylo’s. It was almost soothing. “I think I’m gonna grab a bite to eat actually. Thank you. I’ll see you later, Rey.” You wave as you start to go back down the steps.
You follow the hallways with a smile on your face and a bounce in your step, one of your hands rest on your belly as you greet everyone good morning. It is quite busy at sunrise for some reason. They look slightly confused but they still greet you with the same attitude. 
You imagine doing this on the Star Destroyer, the thought makes you laugh because everyone was too serious to smile on that ship.
Once you make it to your quarters, you walk in and see that Poe’s bedroom door was wide open and so was yours. You couldn’t have been gone for more than thirty minutes? You didn’t think he would’ve woken up this early.
You walk back out into the hallway and to the commissary to see if Poe was there. It was practically empty, the food was being turned from breakfast to lunch. You could tell by how the droids and people were preparing it.
You make your way over to the hangar, the doors open and it’s an instant rush of cold air. Your breath comes out in puffs as you look around for his X-wing, spotting the orange and white droid you smile. Then Poe’s bright jumpsuit as slides out from underneath his ship.
You slowly make your way over to him, your arms crossed with your hands under them to keep warm. “Hi.” You interrupt his work, his eyes look at you then back at the wires and back at you. “You’re alive? I had no idea where you went.” He sighs. He lays down his tools and wipes his gloves off on his pants.
Poe pulls you into an unexpected hug, “I was honestly worried. Especially after everything that happened last night. I went to go check with Leia but she hasn’t hear from you or Rey.” He pulls away only slightly, “You’re okay? They’re okay?” He asks looking down at your belly then back up at you, his famous smile showcases his dimple.
“Never better.” You grin as you go in for one more hug.
tag list: @officiallpeterparker @funnysadshit @ymariejp @attorneyl @fangirl570 @trinityrud20 @kylos-sassy-cousin @delicatelyherdreams @fizzywoohoo @savvy7392 @angelias134 @that-girl-named-alex @cas-backwards-tie @glimmering-darling-dolly @glitterypinkkitty @blxkstar​ @his-snow-white-queen @elsasshole​ @smiithys @nanocoool @deathbyarabbit @alex-skr​
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
An Odd Family Tree
A series of snippets from the lives of the FitzSimmons family, set post 7x13. Also, the series of events that leads up to the birth of their grandson.
Available to read on AO3 and FF.net.
Comments make my day!
Chapter 5: Permission
Leo Fitz loved football. It was his thing. He used to play in the local field with a bunch of other boys when he was little- that’s before he started to spend every free hour of every day engineering. So about eleven years old then. And since they’d retired he’d taken a huge step back from engineering and fallen back with his first love. Seriously, if anyone asked him a simple question about football he would probably ramble about it for at least two hours.
“Knock knock!”
Oh, and another thing about football: he did not like getting interrupted.
He adjusted his position to sit up on the sofa. “If that’s anyone that’s not called Owen then come in!”
Of course, it was Owen who entered.
“Hi Mr Fitz-Simmons.” He greeted, somewhat meekly.
Fitz didn’t respond.
“Oh hey, you’re watching soccer. Can I join you?”
“Not if you call it soccer.” Fitz grumbled. Owen just laughed and sat next to him anyway.
If there was one thing that Fitz had learnt about Owen over the year of him dating Alya, it was that he could not shut up. And that was not an exaggeration. Fitz was pretty convinced that if the man went five minutes without saying something then he would quite possibly explode.
So it was unnerving to say the least when all he did was fidget next to him. He appeared to be concentrating on the screen, but when Fitz looked closely he could see that his eyes weren’t entirely focused.
He must’ve been deep in thought. Fitz didn’t even want to consider what the hell he was thinking about.
“So… you a big s- football guy then?” Owen asked eventually, making Fitz actually sigh in relief.
“Yes.” Was his short reply.
Uncomfortable silence. Fitz felt like the other man was plotting something. He did not like it.
Owen took a deep breath. “Hey-”
“You do know I don’t like you, right?”
Letting out a choked sort of laugh, Owen hung his head and said quietly: “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
“You’ve got no common sense,” Fitz continued, “and half the time I genuinely can’t tell if you’re faking your stupidity or not.
And I can never forgive you for taking my daughter away from me, Fitz doesn’t add.
“Look, I know you hate me.” Owen said, his voice still strangely quieter than usual.
It suddenly occurred to Fitz that Owen might be unwell. And even he, a cold-hearted miser according to Alya once, would feel guilty for insulting someone when they’re ill.
“Hate’s a strong word.” He told him. “I don’t hate you lad, but I think it would be crueler to lie and pretend to like you like Jemma does.”
Owen seemed to react at this, and Fitz wondered if he was really so dumb as to not realise that Jemma didn’t like him either.
“She doesn’t?” He asked, confirming Fitz’s theory.
And there was that guilty feeling again. “Well she definitely likes you more than I do. We love Alya with everything we have, and we only want the best for her. And whatever she says, I for one couldn’t care less if my daughter doesn’t end up with you. Now don’t you have somewhere better to be?”
Fitz realised a little too late that he’d phrased that wrong, and for once he actually hoped that Owen wouldn’t pick up on the subtext.
“I love her too, y’know.” Owen said dejectedly. “And I came here to ask you something. But I’m a little put off now if I’m honest…”
On-screen, it was half-time. Fitz tried to relay the fact that Owen was ill over and over in his head to stop himself from punching him.
“If answering your question will make you go away, then sure. Ask away.” He said, taking a sip of his tea.
Owen took a deep breath and looked Fitz in the eyes. Fitz noticed for the first time just how bright, green, and honest they were.
“Will you give me your blessing to marry your daughter?”
He did not do a spit take. That never happened. But it was funny, for a second Fitz could have sworn Owen just said…
“You heard me.” Owen said, and suddenly Fitz realised why Owen had sounded off.
He’d been nervous- no, terrified of him. This entire time he’d been trying to muster as much confidence as he could. And the fact that he’d been scared meant that he respected him.
And Fitz didn’t know how to feel. He felt like he’d just been shot in the heart but the pain hadn’t registered yet.
He coughed. “W-Well, you’ve got nerve, I’ll tell you that.” He did not wipe the liquid off his chin, because he did not do a spit take. “After I just told you how much I don’t like you.”
Owen laughed, a bit more menacing this time. “I hope you know that I’ll propose to her whatever you say. It’s just that you three are so close that I thought I’d ask for your blessing.”
The implications started to sink in. “Wait, you’re being serious?”
This man, this hooligan, was asking to marry his little monkey. His princess. His universe. His Alya. The girl whose nappies he changed. The girl to whom he showed the stars. The girl who he tried to teach engineering to, but ended up taking after her mother and studying biology and becoming one of the leading experts in marine biology and was running an entire initiative to save the oceans.
The woman that had just turned thirty.
Ever since Owen, Alya had fought with him a lot more frequently. She would always defend him, telling her father that it was his fault that he didn’t just give him a chance to get to know him. Fitz didn’t change his stance. And maybe, Fitz thought, if he’d taken that chance, then he would be able to see Alya’s appeal in Owen. Her love for him hadn’t wavered, and any fights she’d had with Owen had all been resolved very quickly. Was it really only Fitz that felt so negatively towards him?
“Hey, um, before you answer let me say something.” Owen said.
“I know I’m reckless and stupid. I get that from my parents. But when I’m standing next to literally the smartest family on the planet, how can I not be? I think you think I’m ‘the worst’ (yes, I heard that) because of that, when in reality I’m just average. I was shocked when Alya loved me back, because she is the definition of a genius, and I’m just… me. I’m Owen. The guy nobody likes.”
Fitz listened on in silence, every word striking him as familiar.
“And I tried so hard to impress you,” Owen continued, “even though you guys already know everything. It’s impossible to impress you. The one thing that impresses me is the fact that Alya still likes me after so long. So yeah, I understand if you say no, but I love your daughter and I’m actually pretty good at fighting so I’m willing to die for her. I’ve been told that I can be pretty selfish, and I agree, but not when it comes to Alya. She’s my everything.”
Wordlessly, Fitz switched off the TV. Football could come later. He didn’t know when his eyes had started to well up, but he knew that his vision was now blurry. He had to swallow the lump in his throat.
“You have my blessing.”
Owen nearly jumped out of his seat. “Wait, really?!”
Fitz’s breathing was shaky, and he held his head in his hands. “Yes.” He said, his voice muffled. “Now go before I change my mind.”
It was comical how quickly Owen raced out of the room.
Jemma walked in moments later.
“Darling what’s wrong? What did you say to Owen this time?”
“I told him to bugger off.” Fitz said, looking up to face his confused wife.
“Really? Is that-”
“Jemma.” He interrupted, his voice breaking. “He asked for my blessing.”
Jemma’s face went through a whirlwind of emotions in a tiny amount of time like a silent movie.
“O-Oh.” She said finally. “Did you..?”
“Yeah.” Said Fitz. “But Jemma, he sounded just like Deke.”
Both of them flinched at the name.
He sighed. “Is it bad that the main thing I remember was that I couldn’t stand him?”
“Yes, it is.” Jemma said, moving to sit next to her husband and rub his back soothingly. She was beginning to get choked up herself. “I remember that he was lovely. His memory is what lets me tolerate Owen.”
She wiped away the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.
“I think you need to start at least tolerating him now, too.”
Fitz did the same for his wife.
“Yeah, I guess I’m gonna have to now.”
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joeymozzarello · 5 years
unspoken passion
I’m writing about Tim Murphy but don’t get too excited.
it’s better if you have ‘just the way you are’ by billy joel playing on repeat in the background. trust me.
Dedicated to Madeline<3 
I made this tweet earlier and this is basically what this is:
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“Thanks again for this,” Madeline turned to her best friend, the tall redhead in a suit that didn’t quite fit him right. He gave out a chuckle, rolling his eyes as he fiddled with one of the buttons on his blazer.
“Stop thanking me, you’re becoming a cliché,” he playfully hit her on the back making her stumble slightly forward. He laughed. “You’re so dramatic.”
The wedding reception was lively and filled with people she either didn’t know or met maybe once or twice. At least this time she wouldn’t be stuck at the singles table again. Last time, it was full of sad girls who got drunk and tried to sleep with virtually anybody and old men who no one knew. She’d spent the whole night regretting even showing up. Tim’s gaze flashed around the room, eager and childish, biting his lip, probably eager to get on the dancefloor.
There was a lot of noise, this wedding seemed a lot more lighthearted than the last she’d been to but maybe it was because this time she wasn’t alone. Tim was always the one that made things more exciting for the both of them. The bus rides to museums were always filled with the music from his mixed CDs or he’d fill scrapbooks full of cut out comic book pages and he’d create his own so that she could read them on the bus. Things like that always made her feel better, so just having him here with her made her feel a hundred times better.
She and Tim made their way to their table, this time she knew she was going to be sitting amongst friends, not only was she very close to one of the bridesmaids but also anyone Tim met ended up being his friend by the end of the night so it wouldn’t be nearly as awkward as it usually was. She’d just let Tim take the lead, do most of the talking and if necessary she’d crack a few jokes or ask a few questions but mainly, the only thing she was there to do was support her friend. Who just got married. She must be here somewhere, my friend, uh, Marie--no Joan, wait--
“Tim,” Maddie said lowly, her eyes wide and her cheeks getting slightly redder as time went by. Tim turned to her, eyebrows raised. “Whose wedding is this?” 
He burst out laughing, she hit his arm, trying to get him to stop so that not too much attention would be drawn to them. “It’s one of your friends! How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, Timothy, I've been to so many lately I’m losing my mind!” 
“This is so funny.”
“Piss off,” she rolled her eyes. “Do you know or don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” he said smugly, her face lit up, happily, that only made him giggle. “That doesn't mean I’m gonna tell you, there’d be no fun in that!” 
“This isn’t fun,” she pushed him, barely doing anything at all.
They got to the table and the first thing Tim did was shake hands with everyone there. He introduced himself, smiled, cracked a few jokes and all she could do was stand behind him and smile awkwardly. She spotted her friend, the bridesmaid, and her shoulders relaxed. “Lyn!” She shouted making Lyn look up and smile. Lyn was tall and skinny and naturally a model, she probably worked with Calvin Klein or something at the moment, Maddie couldn’t keep up.
Tim turned slightly, looking at Lyn as she budged past lots of different people with the brightest smile on her face. Tim was intrigued, he didn’t make it obvious but something about his body language made Maddie raise an eyebrow. “You’re drooling,” she scoffed. Tim jumped out of his skin and shook his head, pretending he had no idea what she was talking about.
“OMG, Maddie! I haven’t seen you in so long! How have you been?” Lyn pulled her into a hug, and Maddie happily accepted. Lyn was one of those people that connected with anyone through touch. She would take any opportunity to let you know that she’s supporting you and listening to and stuff like that. She was an overall nice person.
“I’ve been good! I saw you on a billboard last week, thought I was going crazy! You’re super popular now, we’re a long way from high school!” Maddie giggled, everything about her tone hinted at the fact that generally, she wasn’t being genuine, as much as she like Lyn, she found her a little annoying, everything with her sounded like a competition, so Maddie always had to lay down the compliments to avoid it getting annoying. Maddie turned to the overgrown boy next to her whose eyes were wide and stupidly pretty. “Tim, this is--”
“Lyn Carter,” Tim breathed. He shook himself out of his trance. “I’m a huge fan of your work, I saw what you did for all of those charities and your expedition to plant new trees in the rainforest, I really, really love what you do for the environment,” he shook her hand, her smile got brighter, a little shocked.
“That’s nice to hear, Tim, what do you do?”
“I’m a palaeontologist. I study dinosaurs,” he scratched the back of his head nervously, a blush rising on his cheeks. Madeline’s eyebrows knitted together and she cleared her throat. 
“Should we sit?”
Tim spent about an hour babbling to Lyn about the environment and basically spitting out any facts he knew or could remember, debating them with Lyn and they went back and forth for ages. Sometimes he’d turn to Maddie and rub her shoulder with a smile and ask if she was okay, to which Maddie only smiled and nodded back. In truth, she was bored out of her mind. She wasn’t even really listening to what they were saying, she’d spaced out then minutes in and had only really spoken to Mr H, the old man sitting opposite her, she’d asked him to pass her the salt because he’d been hogging and she’d been waiting for ten minutes.
Tim’s hand on her shoulder took her out of her trance, he’d stood up. He leaned down and with a smile, he said he was going to the bathroom and gave her a quick and innocent kiss on the cheek. She didn’t know why, this rarely happened but in the moment she didn’t really think much of it. 
Lyn watched Tim leave with a smile on her face and Maddie rolled her eyes. As soon as he was out of sight, Lyn squirmed and moved up onto Tim’s chair and sat next to Maddie. “Oh, my God, Mads,” she blinked with a huge grin, her mouth slightly open. “What have you done to this guy?” 
Maddie deadpanned for a minute. She wasn’t processing what Lyn had just said, it didn't make any sense. “Pardon?”
“He’s literally obsessed with you, I don’t know what you did to this man but he’s completely enchanted by you,” Lyn giggled at Maddie’s expression. “Do you seriously have no idea what I’m talking about?” 
Maddie thought about it. Tim and Lyn had been talking for an hour straight, not once to her directly, she basically felt ignored most of the time, and pitied every time Tim checked up on her. This didn’t feel like Tim was enchanted by her, mainly like he was just doing her a favour and was having a good time without her.
“Okay, let me lay it down for you--” Lyn cleared her throat, turning around to make sure he wasn’t coming back yet. “Tim brought your name up in the conversation every two sentences, he told me about fourteen stories about your childhood together, showed me a picture of you and him holding some award he won and literally zoomed in to your face to comment on the colour of your eyes. If that ain’t love,” she laughed.
Madeline didn’t say anything. She kept opening her mouth but nothing was coming out, it just felt like a rush to the head, none of it made sense. She felt a bit like she needed to chuckle or brush it off as if it were a joke but Lyn’s eyes didn’t have a trace of humour in them, just a gleam that showed some sort of glee at this discovery. “Tim isn’t in love with me,” was all Maddie could muster up. Her voice was quiet and cracked slightly and suddenly she was begging to feel a little lightheaded.
“And don’t even get me started on you and your green eye,” Lyn laughed.
“My eyes are blue,” Maddie said, confusion covering every inch of her face.
“I meant your jealous little remarks and faces! Girl, you’ve got it and you've got it bad!” Lyn pushed her shoulder playfully and Maddie didn’t move. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t have anything!”
That’s when she saw Tim coming back from the bathroom, childishly pulling his trousers up and trying to frantically tuck his shirt into his pants before getting to the table. Lyn followed Maddie’s gaze and mouthed ‘here he comes’ before she moved back to her own seat and begun tucking into the food she hadn’t gotten a chance to eat yet.
Once Tim joined them once again, he didn’t sit, he just placed both of his hands on the back of Maddie’s chair and leaned forward to whisper in her ear, a crooked grin on his lips. “Wanna dance?” 
Lyn choked on her food, making both of them look up and all she did was laugh and hold up two thumbs. Maddie’s stomach dropped and she swallowed slightly, suddenly feeling very nervous. All she did was hum back and stood up, Tim’s hand snaked around her waist as he lead her to the dance floor. 
The light was blue, it felt like a school dance, barely anyone was in the middle dancing although there were a few couples scattered around the sides, gently swaying to the mellow melody of the music, Maddie suddenly felt watched. 
Don't go changing to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
They got to the middle and Tim had a slight flush on his face as he placed his hands on her hips, biting his lip slightly, his usual smugness somehow washed away and now it was just him, vulnerable in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck so that their faces were really close to each other and she just watched his eyes as they seemed to scan her face. You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care
Maddie cleared her throat. “Billy Joel, huh? This really is a wedding,” she chuckled awkwardly, Tim’s eyes flashed from hers to her lips and Maddie was looking over that fact, too anxious to think about any unspoken feeling that she may or may not have bottled up over the course of almost twenty years.
I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are
In that moment, Tim’s head ducked down and he kissed her. Maddie was caught back, completely shocked and for a moment she didn’t move. As he slowly pulled away and looked at her with what seemed like fear in his eyes--fear of having ruined something or completely misread the situation--Maddie just watched him for a couple seconds. They didn’t move. Then something came over her, something that had been hiding for so long, something that needed to be let out. With one glance at his lips, she pulled his head back down and reconnected their lips.
Memories flashed in her mind of sleepovers when they were younger and him waking up in the middle of the night sweaty and screaming and she’d have to comfort him and lull him back to sleep, his head on her chest and her hands in his hair, or memories of when she’d wear long sleeves in the summer just so Tim didn’t feel weird about being the only one, because she’d never wanted him to feel embarrassed about his scars or left out. She thought about when he comforted her when her first boyfriend dumped her so Tim took her out for ice cream at two am and talked her down to the point that she fully forgot she’d been dumped.
That was them, they were always there for each other, no matter what, when Tim was down, Maddie lifted him up and same goes for the other way around. Maddie had never really thought about anything else but really, it was there. She loved him, always had and in one way or the other something in her knew this would happen and as much as it came as a shock--it just felt right. Perfect. 
And in that moment, that’s all that she needed. No more overthinking or anything. In that moment, it was just them two. 
No one else.
As the song played, the night went on and it was perfect. 
I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you?
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
I Prefer Your Love
A continuation to the Gat/Boss request I posed earlier today, because now we’re deep in the pain of Saints Row Three with Boss Ellis lol. Also, I’m just really having fun writing these two up, their relationship, everything. I really wanna go back and give them more Gat/Boss/Aisha time too (because I love Aisha dearly, and she really is the brains of the group, even if they won’t admit it every time lol.) 
This is written pre-acquisition of Matt Miller in SR3 (aka about where I am in my current playthrough lol) but I plan to feature him in other fics with Boss Ellis!
Major TW for suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts via gang violence, and definitely PTSD that, for my boss, is dangerously undiagnosed (though to be fair, I think we could safely say that’s a dx for all the Saints.) 
Also hey, wanna cry while reading this? Here’s the two songs I had most on repeat while writing this that by the end had me tearing up in how they relate to the fic and Ellis’ and Johnny’s relationship (also the first one is where I got the fic title from): https://open.spotify.com/track/0Snb87Z4Zdn6YFMicWA7gx?si=i_mPPaSlTJq_9LIUdsHw6A and https://open.spotify.com/track/0pY9xoiH9hNo166spIpQWt?si=HK5w7Y3YTNOuIFZv8RKxLw
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
His phone goes off mid-fire-fight, and he resists the urge to be too upset. When it rains it pours, and this pouring isn’t anything new. 
“Where the fuck are you?” 
“Gosh, the sound of gunfire might give you a hint,” Ellis replies with a deep sigh as he swings around to take out another Decker. “Why?”
“No! I can hear you’re fighting, but where exactly are you?” 
“By Nobody Loves Me, where are you?” he sasses back. “I’m busy.” 
“Oh my god. We’ve been terrified, no one could find you last night-” 
“Shaundi, can this wait?” he tries to sound sympathetic, but there’s none right now. “You guys didn’t even call me, or text. I checked my phone. It can’t have been that emergent.” 
The line goes dead, and he focuses back on the fight. There are more Deckers than he expected, and he’s starting to notice the lightheaded sensation of blood loss and bullet wounds now, but so what? 
Johnny would be proud of that, if he went down in a hail of bullets. 
Before he can take out the latest Decker, a kid who looks too young to be out without his parents, let alone in a gang, he’s up and in the air.
“Oleg, put me the fuck down. I’m ending this.” 
“They will end you my friend, if you stay. You can end things another day. For now, we need to get you to the hospital.” 
“I’m fine!” his struggling means nothing to Oleg, not even as the butts of his dual-wielded pistols hit the man’s massive fists. “Put me the fuck down, now! That’s a goddamn order!” 
But he’s in the back of a truck, still held gently by Oleg, who ignores his fussing, his spitting of literal blood, and it’s then that he starts to realize it’s rather hard not to choke on it. 
“Stop talking,” Oleg finally says softly, and that’s the last thing he hears.
The light is so bright, but he can see purple. Purple is good, if he could feel it, he’d know the texture, Johnny’s usual favorite jacket, the one he’d lend to Ellis whenever he got cold, the one he loved having him wear when they fucked, just the jacket and nothing else, and-
“Well goddamn. Sound more disappointed, why don’t you,” Pierce scolds him. His head is in Pierce’s lap. Why is he laying in Pierce’s lap?
Sitting up, especially quickly, is a terrible choice as it turns out, and he vomits into the bucket near the couch as he flops back down. 
“Thankfully, I didn’t wear a nice suit today,” Pierce remarks wryly. “How you feelin’?” 
“Like shit. But I felt like that before getting shot.” 
“Yeah, but you got shot a lot. Like, enough that you shouldn’t be here. And you probably shouldn’t be here, in HQ right now, but we know you got your thing about hospitals, not wanting to wake up in ‘em, so we convinced the doctor to let you recover here. He’ll be coming by to check on you-” 
The tears come before he can stop them. “Why did you do this?” 
“The hell are you talking about?” Shaundi’s voice from behind the couch. “Do what? Save your ass?” 
“I was so close to him,” Ellis whimpers. “I could taste it, in between the blood and the gun powder. I was almost with him again.” 
They go silent except for a sharp intake of breath from Pierce. “Boss-” 
“I was almost with him again!” he’s screaming and it hurts his chest, his lungs, but nothing hurts more than his heart right now. “And you took me away from him! How fucking selfish of you all-” 
“Selfish?” Shaundi interrupts, with a shocked scoff. “Excuse me?” 
He stands, but it hurts so bad he could pass out, but he fights off the darkness threatening to encroach on the corners of his vision, but he can’t stop moving now. “You fucking heard me. You took me away from my husband!” 
“No one took you away from Johnny!” Shaundi’s voice is sharp in his ears, like a knife in his side. “Loren took Johnny away from us! You were just out there trying to get yourself killed, like you have a death wish or someth-” 
She interrupts herself with a gasp, a hand flies to her mouth. 
“Oh, don’t look so fucking surprised,” Ellis spits. “And I was this close to making it. I was going to see him again. Hold him again. Kiss him again, apologize for letting him die. And you fucks took that away from me.” 
He ignores the footsteps following him as he stumbles out the backdoor of the living room to the pool area, around the slippery flooring to the helipad. One of their smaller planes is still there, and there’s a haze from the narcotic pain pills they must have given him at the hospital, but it isn’t the first time he’s flown while high. 
But it might be the last, if he does this right. 
“Get him out of that!” and he’s never heard Kinzie be that loud so far. She could go far in the Saints, if she could yell that authoritatively more often. She’ll have to, maybe, once this is finally done. She’d be a good second hand to Shaundi, if Shaundi steps up and takes over like he hopes she will. 
In any case, it’s too late as he takes off, and pays sparing attention to the controls as he flies, at times only resting his knees on the controls, the plane bobbing and weaving up and down and entirely too close to buildings. 
It’s all quite funny, until a sharp clearing of the breath in the passenger seat. 
“The fuck are you doing?” 
Ellis shrugs, and reaches over for Johnny’s hand, but feels nothing. “I’m going to find you. I can do it.” 
Johnny shakes his head. “No, you can’t, and no you aren’t. I’m not even real right now, you know that. I know you do. You’re only seeing me because you want to, because you need help, and for some godforsaken reason, you only want it from me, and refuse to let anyone else in.” 
“Why would you say something so cruel,” he pouts as he nudges the controls at random, enjoying the turbulence. “I just want to be with you again. You wanted to be with Aisha, and you are now. I miss you both, so why can’t I come be with you?” 
“I could tell you it’s just because they need you,” Johnny replies softly as he takes off his sunglasses, and the tears come again as Ellis sees his eyes, the most gorgeous he’s ever been lucky enough to look into. “Or just because it isn’t your time yet. And those two things are true, by the way.” 
“Stop,” Ellis begs him, a whisper. 
“Go land on the island,” Johnny instructs.
Below them, the island where the plane Johnny had been on, had died on, had crashed. 
“I don’t want to land. I want to crash. I can be done, with all of this,” he weeps. “Don’t you want to see me again? Don’t you miss me?” 
There are tears in Johnny’s eyes now too. “Of course I do. I love you. But this isn’t the way, I promise. I know you can’t understand it right now, but you will see me again, just not the way you’re thinking or how you’d expect. Don’t do this.” 
He lands, admittedly difficult on the small and bumpy island, but he manages. As soon as they’re safely stopped, he clambers into the passenger seat, into what should be Johnny’s lap, he can see it, but he can’t feel it as he sits there, and the lack of sensation is worse than being shot with any bullet. 
He sobs, and wishes for Johnny’s arms around him, even as he hears the soft and sweet words in Johnny’s voice, urging him to just listen, for once. “Get on the boat when they get here. Take a break, for a few weeks. Let them handle shit. Come back to me, to yourself. I know how shit gets for you, how bad it gets in your head, how hard this is, but it isn’t worth it. I need you to stay here with them. We’ll be together again, I promise.” 
It’s nearly dark by the time the rest of the Saints arrive, and he lets Shaundi, her make-up running down her face, breath hitching as she cries, help him out of the plane. Pierce, sniffling, is the one who keeps him upright when he slips on the edge of the boat, and it’s Kinzie who helps him settle on the backseat of it. 
“Oleg would have sank it,” she tries to giggle, but her eyes are red and tired looking, and it falls flat as he leans against her. “Otherwise he’d be here. But he’s back at HQ, waiting to help get you into your room.” 
“That sounds nice,” and he means it to sound that way genuinely, but he can hear how flat his voice is. Nothing he does can make it sound better, and he isn’t sure it matters anyway. 
He doesn’t hear Johnny again until he’s back at home, after being gently washed by Oleg of all people, who tells him a tale of how he used to work as a medic for some friends of his who got in bad situations of varying sorts, and they always requested him for sponge baths while horribly injured. “Apparently, my hands are very gentle. It is a nice thing to hear, don’t you think?” 
He can’t respond, and doesn’t try to until he’s alone, and Johnny is back too. 
“You can’t do this again.” 
“Then what do I do?” 
“You keep fighting. You keep working. You stop pretending that you’re just magically okay, and not hurting. You let them in. You let them help. And by the time you get back to me, we’ll both be doing better.” 
He can’t stop the tears again, even though it hurts his eyes to cry again, so sore and dry from the weeping he’s already done for the day. “I’m not going to hear from you again after this, am I?” 
He swears, he’s certain, he can feel Johnny’s lips on his for just a second. “No. But you will get me back. Did you really think I’d leave you alone forever? Didn’t we both say we wouldn’t do that to each other?” 
He nods, and then Johnny is gone, and the bedroom is entirely too big and quiet. 
And it’ll be like that for a long time, he knows that now. But a person can get used to anything, so long as it’s temporary. 
And he can do it, for Johnny. 
Johnny would be proud of that, of him keeping on, even when everything inside of him is screaming at him to stop.
Johnny would be proud, and he’ll live to see him be proud, if it’s the last thing he does. 
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defkooka · 6 years
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Pairing: Kevin Moon x Reader
Summary: Getting ditched by your friend the night before a dance sucks, but smalls words on a piece of paper can change those plans.
Word Count: 1.9K
Scenario: requested!! high school!au, flufffffff
A/N: this was my first request so i’m so so sooo excited to write this and pls keep requesting. this is to the sweet boy/girl who requested this kevin high school au hehe. also i’m really bad at summarizing so god help me. THIS IS ALSO NOT PROOFREAD YET.
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“Blah Blah Blah and Blah” That’s all you heard as you dreadfully sat in your chemistry class just watching the minutes tick by slower than usual.
“Tomorrow get ready for your quiz. I expect all A’s.” You’re teacher pointed at the class as the loud school bell ringed throughout the school meaning that class was over. You quickly packed all your stuff and walked out of the class; happy that it was already over.
“Hey Y/N!” You heard your best friend, Allie, said as she came up behind you. “Hey Allie. Whats up?” you said as you opened your locker and started emptying out your belongings.
 “The best thing just happened a few minutes ago.” She clasped her hands on her chest and swung side to side excitedly. 
“Do i wanna know?” You laughed and closed your locker and started walking towards the cafeteria. “Of course you do! Jacob just asked me to the dance!” She clung onto your arm and jumped up and down in happiness.
“I thought you said you were gonna go with me! Now i have to stay home all alone.” You whined loudly. You and Allie were supposed to attend the dance together, setting your own statement that you don’t need boys to be able to have fun. But now it seems like your only date will be your a tub of ice cream and a movie marathon.
 “I’m so sorry, but its Jacob! I’ve had a crush on him since forever and he actually asked me out! Me!” She pouted her lips in attempt to get you to not stay mad at her and of course you couldn’t. She’s been dreaming about Jacob since freshmen year and you couldn’t crush her dream over a petty high school dance.
“Don’t worry about it. Just have fun with your dream guy.” You patted her hand that was still on around your arm and watched as a smile overtook her face. “Aw thank you so much Y/N!” She hugged you tightly and you two shared a laugh. You looked up for a few seconds and your eyes immediately made contact with Kevin Moon. He sent you a warm smile and continued to talk to his friend Hyunjae. You shyly greeted him and quickly turned your gaze back to the floor trying your best to hide the blush that was creeping up your neck.
“You know me and Jacob were talking and Kevin was suddenly brought up in the conversation.” Your ears perked up at the mention of his name. 
Okay, it wasn’t a mystery to anyone that you had a crush on Kevin. You guys were assigned sitting partners in English class and you instantly became friends, but only managed to talk in that class because you were too shy to approach him outside of it.
 He was the sweetest person ever, from letting you copy off his homework on days were you were too lazy the night before to do it, to his quiet humming as you guys silently took notes during class always relaxed you; How he was so oblivious of it but of course you always noticed. And the cutest part of it all was the soft tap on his pencil on his head when he was confused about something; and quickly turning to you to ask for clarification. 
“W-What were you guys talking about?” You stuttered now all signs of anger out of you. “He told me how Kevin still doesn’t have  date to the dance. He’s planning on asking someone out.” She wiggled her eyebrows in front of you.
“Are you trying to imply something Allie?” You scrunched your eyebrows as you guys took a seat on an empty table inside the chatty cafeteria. “Of course I am! Hes probably gonna ask you! I know he has a crush on you. I have a sixth sense for this kind of stuff.” She tapped the side of her head and smirked at you making you chuckle ad shake your head at her goofiness. 
“I doubt he is. He doesn’t like me that way, I’ve told you multiple times.” You shake your head and go to stand up to get yourself some food.
“Okay, whatever you say.” Allie shrugs as she follows behind you, quickly jumping into another topic.
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You couldn’t get your head out of the fact that you really had to spend your night at home. You and Allie even went dress shopping and got a dress that you absolutely adored, but now its just gonna end up sitting in your closet.
“Why the long face?” Your thoughts were interrupted as Kevin pulled the chair next you and took a seat on it. Your eyes snapped to his and he gave you his warm smile that will have any girl melting at this point.
“Oh its just me and my friend Allie were supposed to go to the dance together but she bailed on me last minute.” He nodded his head at your words as he was processing them.
“No one asked you?” He looked over at you with a confused expression on his face as if he couldn’t believe the words spilling out of your mouth.
“Nope.” you laughed. All the sudden curiosity got the best of you and you were shocked at the words that suddenly left your mouth.
 “Do you have a date?”
Your eyes widened at how desperate you probably sounded and immediately diverted your gaze onto your hands that laid on the desk in front of you.
Kevin's soft chuckled made you look up at him and wonder what he was laughing about. “No. I was gonna ask this girl but i thought she had a date already.” He combed his fingers through his black locks; the silver band on his finger shining along with the light of the classroom.
You made an ‘O’ shape with your mouth as your teacher got you to settle down so she could start the lesson. 
The whole class period you could feel a pair of eyes on the side of your face and every time you looked over; Kevin’s gaze was fixated on you as he gave you a small smile and turned it back to your teacher, but as soon as you looked back you felt it there again.
Your teacher let you silently read your books to yourself for the end of class. and that’s when you saw a small paper fly on top of your desk, making you look up.
You picked it up and quietly opened it to not make your teacher look up.
“hi :)” read the small piece of paper making a tiny smile appear on your face. You looked over and saw Kevin smiling at you as he directed his eyes back onto his book pretending to read along the words.
You grabbed the pen that laid on your desk and scribbled “Hey :b” on the page. You flung the white paper over to Kevin's desk watching it flop on top of his book as he took it and opened it; a chuckle escaping his lips after reading it.
“I got to ask you something very important. And you cant say no because it will break my heart :(” Said on the paper when he passed it back to you after a few minutes. Millions of questions started to flow through your head about what exactly did he want to ask you, was he actually going to ask you to the dance? of course not. you were getting way too ahead of yourself to think that THE Kevin moon, the guy who literally had girls throwing themselves at him, could possibly want to spend his Friday night at a high school dance with you.
“I could never say no to you haha” You wrote back and smoothly passed it under your seat. You saw a faint smile grow on his face as he read what you said and wasting no time in writing something back on it. He slid the paper close to your hand ans gently placed it on your palm making your cheeks turn a bright pink. 
“Then go to the dance with me.” Those simple words made you almost choke on your spit. you stared at the words, blinking numerous times as if expecting the words to disappear and say something completely different. You slowly turned your head towards him, your eyes meeting his and for affirmation that you weren't going crazy. 
“Are you not going to respond?” He nervously twiddled his thumps in front of him; taking your silence as almost a rejection. 
Right before you were about to open your mouth the bell rang meaning that everyone finally got to go home after a stressful school day.
“Oh, um. well, the thing is-” You stuttered an answers as the nerves and shyness took over your body. 
“You don’t have to say yes. I completely understand if you don’t want to.” Kevin had a defeated look but still managed to give you a reassuring smile so you didn’t have to feel bad for saying no.
“I wasn’t going to say no!” You reached your hands out in front of you in panic. “I was actually going to say that you didn’t have to ask me out just because I didn’t have a date. You don’t have to feel bad for me.” You consciously thought. Why would Kevin just ask you to the dance out of nowhere, he never showed any time of affection except the way you give to a friend. He probably felt bad that your friend ditched you that he invited you to the dance so you didn't have to feel like a loser. that’s such a Kevin thing to do; making someone not feel left out.
kevins loud laugh could be heard through the now empty class, as everyone had pilled out including your teacher. He used his hands to mask most of the giggles that were leaving his pink lips and once he calmed down, he turned back around and looked at your embarrassed face.
“What in the world makes you think I felt ‘bad’ for you? Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps i actually liked you this whole time?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Wait, what? you? like me?” You said dumbfounded as he nodded along to your questions. “I was originally going to ask you to the dance but I assumed you already ha a date so I didn't bother too.” He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a assuring smile to let you know that he was being serious.
“I would love to go to the dance with you Kevin.” You shyly looked at the piece of paper still on your hands and looked up to see his beaming smile. He immediately pulled you into a tight embrace; as his warm hands slid around your waist making your arms close around his neck. He laughed right next to your ear making you squirm because how ticklish it felt and laughed along with him.
“Thank the lord. It would suck staying at home instead of dancing along to Beyonce songs all night with the girl I like.” He held your hand as you both finally walked out of the class and make your way to the entrance. Your heart did a little flip and you laughed at his silly remark.
“Dancing along to Beyonce all night with you would be the perfect night.”
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A/N: keep requesting guys! this was really crappy bc i kinda gave up at the end?? but i’ll probably come back and edit a better ending lol
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sadlittlenerdking · 6 years
Take Me Away
Word count: 1,570 (hahahah oops)
Summary: Quentin and Eliot wipe their memories and knowledge of magic for a chance at happiness.
Anon prompted: Queliot -- mind wipe?
They meet in a little coffee shop. It feels set up, when a tall man with curly hair bumps into Quentin, and spills his both of their coffees all over them. Quentin can’t even freak out, beyond staring at the stain seeping through the mans white shirt, and the soft, billowing curls of his hair.
There’s somebody about him that seems familiar. But it doesn’t matter, because the man is freaking out.
“Fuckity fuck fuck!” He spreads his arms--his long, long arms--wide, and shakes off the coffee clinging to his fingertips.
It flies through the air and lands on Quentin’s nose. Quentin stumbles back a step, blinking, but before he can trip over his own feet, because that’s exactly who he is--the man reaches out with those long, lithe arms, and catches him by the wrist with sticky, warm fingers. Quentin blinks up at him blankly.
“Thank you,” He says, somewhat awed.
The man just smirks down at him. “You’re a mess.”
Quentin huffs a laugh out through his nose and nods, shaking his hair from it’s precarious palce tucked behind his ear. “You have no idea,” He says, before kneeling down to pick up their cups. It takes a moment to register that he’s just gotten down on his knees in front of quite possibly the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen, but when he it does, he’s pretty sure they can see how red his cheeks are from space.
But the man leans down with napkins he’d probably nicked from the counter, and helps Quentin clean up their mess. He pauses mid sweep of expensive coffee, and looks through the curly bangs of his hair, to quirk the corner of his mouth up and say, “I’m Eliot.” Quentin looks up through his own hair; though he imagines he looks much more manic than dreamy like his counterpart. He blinks up at him, and Eliot shrugs a shoulder. “I thought we should introduce ourselves considering.”
“We’re going to be taking each others clothes off.”
Quentin chokes on his own spit and sits up to stare at him, wide eyed.
The man--Eliot, god even the name is pretty--tilts his head, and appears to be holding back a laugh. A little chuckle bubbles out when he says, “Dry cleaning. I’ll clean yours, you clean mine.” He sits up on his haunches, resting his hands on his thighs, to examine him. “And if we’re doing that, we may as well just exchange numbers. You know. In case the dry cleaning doesn’t get the coffee out.” He shrugs his shoulder, “Or, in case it does. We could always get coffee--and not spill it all over each other.”
Quentin blanches.
Is the hottest guy in the world, in all worlds probably, flirting with him?
“Are you--”
“Asking you out?” Eliot quirks an eyebrow, “I am. It’d be easier if I knew your name. I doubt I can keep calling you a sexy tornado, like i am in my head.”
“Sexy . . . tornado?”
“You’re a mess. But you’re--”
“Ah.” Quentin clears his throat and nods. “I’m uh, I’m Quentin. Coldwater.”
“A last name? We’re really going places here,” Eliot teases, before leaning forward to swipe up the last of the coffee and stand up. “Like, back to the counter.” He holds his hand out for him, “I need my daily coffee. From the look of it, so do you?”
Quentin swallows thickly and reaches up to take his hand.
He’s pretty sure he imagines the electric shock that stretches between their skin when they touch, but Eliot looks like he’s felt it too. But he doesn’t have a lot of time to think on it, because Eliot pulls him to his feet, and leads him to the counter, barely taking the time to toss their garbage in the trash on the way.
Two months later, a short, brunette woman approaches their usual table at the coffee shop, pulls a chair up and sits down with them.
Eliot blinks at her, then looks at Quentin with a matching look of confusion. He must realize that Quentin has no idea who this woman is, because he turns back to her, and says, “Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” She says, reaching across the table and grabbing a packet of sugar.
“No,” Eliot says, much slower this time, “We’re sitting here.”
She rolls her eyes, “And now I’m sitting with you.” Neither of them respond so she sighs, squaring her shoulders. “Look here, you fucks; I gave up magic to be here with you, because somehow a life of magic isn’t the same without my two favorite idiots. So, be nice or you get all your bad memories back.” She sneers, though it seems mostly to herself. “If I can convince someone else to cast the spell since I made them erase all knowledge of spells I knew from my mind, like a fucking idiot.”
Eliot looks across the table at Quentin, quirking an eyebrow. He shrugs a shoulder, and Quentin already know to take that as him embracing the insanity.
Which is one of those Eliot traits Quentin’s not sure is one of his best. But without it, he doubts he’d be sitting at this table with him. So he opts to ride the crazy train, too.
“All right,” Eliot says, smiling politely at the woman. “You realize you sound like a lunatic right?”
Which is not . . . where Quentin expected him to take this.
The woman, to her credit, merely grins. Then, ridiculously, she reaches up and pats Eliot’s cheek fondly, like she’s known him all her life, and goes back to pouring sugar in her coffee. “El,” She says, without looking up at him, “You may have given up on magic and all the danger that comes with it, including your memories, but if you try to sit there and pretend you don’t feel like you know me, I might actually risk the internal fire just to try and force a spell back to the surface,” She glances up at him through her eyelashes, “So I can turn you into a fucking frog.” Her eyes dart over to Quentin. “Then we’ll see if True Loves kiss is all it’s cracked out to be.”
Quentin blinks. “Wait--whoa--we, uh, we just--” He breaks off, looking at Eliot, expecting him to join him in telling her that they’ve only been dating for two months, but he’s watching the woman like she’s the most interesting thing in the room.
Which, fair.
But then the corners of his mouth turn upwards. “I don’t know you,” He says, leaning back in his chair, “But I like you.”
She breathes deep through her nose, shaking her head. “I knew i shouldve just come with you two idiots.” She looks over her coffee at Quentin again. “Q, come on. You’ve got to--”
“How do you know our names?”
“Because I’m the one who wiped your minds and helped you set up new lives, nitwit.”
“Hey, don’t talk to him like--”
“Seriously. Neither of you have even the slightest feeling of knowing who I am?” They shake their heads. “Margo. I literally--”
That catches Quentin off guard, and he snaps his neck towards her from where he’d been turning to look at Eliot incredulously. “Margo?” He interrupts, “The letter? That Margo?”
She tilts her head, for once seeming to be the confused one. “Letter?”
Eliot seems just as confused, turning to look at him. “You got a letter from a Margo, too?”
“Not from,” Quentin replies without looking away from her, “About.”
Margo falls back in her chair. “Well now I’m confused,” She says, clapping her hands together and then dropping them in her lap. It triggers a bit of deja vu from something--something Quentin can’t quite catch. “I didn’t write any letters.”
“My friend--my old friend, I guess. Julia,” he furrows his brow with a shake of his head, “She said I can’t forget Margo, because ‘she can only be stubborn for so long’ or something. I had no idea what it meant.”
“I’ll be,” Margo mutters, shaking her head. “Cheeky bitch.”
“Uhm, what?”
“Nothing,” She waves a hand and leans in, nodding at Eliot. “What’d your letter say?”
“Pretty much the same thing, but it said it came from a Margo. Just, ‘I won’t always be a stubborn bitch, don’t worry El. You’ll get your Bambi back soon. Love, Margo.’”
She smirks. “Hm,” Then she leans back again, shaking her head with a knowing smile on her lip. “I shouldve known she wouldn’t let me remember.”
“What are you talking about?”
She waves her hand nonchantalantly as she reaches for her coffee. “I’m not sure when, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to forget this whole conversation. And then we’re going to go on and live the lives our friends think we deserve.”
“Which is?”
She swallows, shrugging her shoulder, and staring into her coffee cup. “Happy, I guess.” She finally looks up at them after a few beats. “And annoyingly, they were right when they said I couldn’t do that without you two idiots. So, here I am. Giving up my throne so Fen--of all people--can rule Fillory, and so I can live a boring, meager little life as a normal person.” She looks just as surprised and confused as Quentin feels. “All because you two wanted a chance to grow old together again.” She mimes gagging, but there’s a little smile curling the corner of her mouth.
Eliot inhales slowly, before reaching for his own coffee and bringing it to his lips. “Fuck it,” He says, looking over the lid at Quentin. “I like her. Let’s play along.”
Quentin shrugs too. Why not?
Even if she does kind of scare him.
A year later three more people join them at their coffee table, and two more a few weeks after that. They never remember the conversations long after they leave the table. But they never leave any of them behind.
And before long, none of them remember a life before coffees on Tuesday, and vodka on Friday’s. There are no monsters or nightmares or deaths. Unless the looks Penny shoots Quentin on occassion eventually kill him.
But, they’re happy. And they don’t even know that there was a time where they weren’t.
Jane smiles from her place in her time bubble, smiling to herself.
They had to suffer, but it never had to permanent.
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shadow-is-upon-us · 8 years
Dark Turtles AU
If your whole life has been a lie, how does one tell the truth from the lie? And what can make someone double take on everything they’ve ever know – friends, family, even their own past… and doubt every second of it? That happens, when you fight your ally, because you never saw the enemy next to you.
Link to chapter 1 [here] Link to chapter 2 [here] Link to chapter 3 [here] Link to chapter 4 [here] Link to Chapter 5 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 6 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 7 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 8 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 9 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 10 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 11 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 12 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 13 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic] Link to Chapter 14 [here] [AO3] [Fanfic]
Chapter 15 [AO3][Fanfic] 
The blades pierced through flesh and bone as the body dropped, the crimson liquid spilling onto the hard ground. Behind him, another body dropped, windpipe broken as the human struggled to breathe. A noise announced someone crashing into a wall, followed by two metal weapons piercing the chest. The final one rolled from the rooftops onto the ground, to the trio’s feet, as the fourth silently jumped down. He stood by the broken body, still alive and begging for his life, but couldn’t deliver the finishing blow. A sai through the man’s chest ended his misery as the fourth closed his eyes and looked away.
“…Still can’t do it?” Leonardo asked, gently, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“No, I’m sorry…” Mikey shook his head, eyes looking at his bother with guilt.
“It’s fine as long as Shredder doesn’t find out,” Raphael muttered, wiping away the blood.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll take care of it,” Donnie assured, giving a weak smile.
“Thanks you guys…”
“Anytime. Now let’s go – the sun’s coming up and we need to give our report.”
When they returned home, things went as usual. A quick report, a comment and a dismissal. But the youngest couldn’t help the feeling of Shredder watching him from high above his throne. He passed it off as his imagination and when they were allowed to leave, he was the first out the door.
The next time it happened, Shredder addressed the issue, but the brothers all lied as best they could. Saki knew something was up, but let them pass anyway. For now.
The same kept on happening for a long time, months even, with Michelangelo being unable to kill his enemy while his brothers finished up after him. It was a secret they kept to themselves and although Tiger Claw had noticed something, the older mutant never asked about it. For a time, they all believed they could get through this without incident. But they quickly saw they wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret much longer…
Three of the brothers had begun to… change, ever so slightly. The countless deaths resting upon their shoulders made them all more distant, more reserved. Donatello would spend more time in his lab, coming up with different weapons for the clan or working on new contraptions to help in the field. Raph had grown more violent, was prone to quicker outburst of anger and hatred. He would still argue, yet would quickly use his firsts instead of his words. Leo looked so tired every time, and his eyes turned cold and harsh. He rarely showed much of how he felt, or was actually unsure how he felt. Mikey on the other hand, managed to pretend as if everything was still alright, even if guilt was present more than ever. And it didn’t take long for Saki to catch up on this as well…
Almost a year after their regular missions began, a year of killing – or not in the youngest case – Oroku finally called Mikey out.
“You summoned for me, Master Shredder?” the mutant asked carefully as he kneeled down in front of the stairs, keeping his head down.
“Yes,” Saki only narrowed his eyes, almost glaring down at the turtle. “Tell me, Michelangelo, why do you still disobey my orders?” at that, the mutant looked up in both shock and surprise.
“I – I don’t understand,” came the reply and Mikey really wasn’t sure. What did he do? He’s followed every order so far, so why-
“I have given you more than enough time to rectify your failure! So why do you keep repeating it?” this time, the man in metal stood and the ninja winced from the raised voice. He didn’t like this one bit…
“I did not train any of you to be weak, so way can your brothers do it while you waver like some sort of coward?” and it was then that it finally dawned on the youngest.
“Answer me!” as the Master walked down and stopped before the mutant, Michelangelo swallowed and tried to gather his thoughts. He found his mind empty and his tongue twisted. What is he supposed to say?
“I don’t-!” before he could actually finish speaking, he felt a blow to his plastron that sent him onto the ground.
“Do not lie to me, turtle!” the human hissed, pressing his foot on his shell.
For a few seconds there, the mutant had no idea what to even do, so he stayed silent and tried to get some air into his lungs. It didn’t take long before Saki spun him around and held him in the air, eyes burning into his skull.
“When I give an order, I expect it to be followed! Why you do not, I do not understand, but I shall make you see I am not to be defied!” the man unleashed his blades and memories flashed before Mikey’s eyes. He acted out of instinct when he kicked the Shredder in the chest and freed himself, however he was in momentary shock. The many times he’s seen those blades cut and tear through his or his brother’s flesh was burned into his mind.
“So, there is some fight in you after all…” Saki was back on his feet almost instantly, and this time, both his gauntlets were ready.
“Show me that you are not as weak as you seem!”
“I’m worried you guys…” Donnie muttered, staring down at his latest project. He couldn’t even focus on it for his fear for Mikey.
“You an us all,” Raph grumbled, taking up a corner and petting Spike. He hadn’t really moved from there since arriving.
“There’s no telling what Master Shredder could be doing to him, but we need to stay put. Anything we do will probably make things worse,” Leo was standing by the door, arms folded as he kept an eye out for any new information.
“And if we don’t do anything, things will be okay? I doubt it!” the hot-head let out a bitter laugh, getting an even more concerned look from the brainy one.
“Why was he even called in?” Don started fiddling with his tools to fill his hands.
“I don’t know Donatello, but it can’t be good…”
Mikey wasn’t sure how long he’s been here, he just knew he had to keep going. Most of the time he was relying on instinct anyway, but that was just keeping him alive. And he had the scars to prove it. He was scared. This is unlike any other time he’s been punished. It looked like Shredder just might kill him this time around.
“Pathetic,” he heard the man sneer as he stood above him. The cuts on his arms and legs were bleeding, his plastron was had deep cuts and there was a line running down the side of his head. He was tired, in pain, bleeding and probably had a few broken bones. Could he really be blamed for not getting up anymore?
“Have you learned your lesson?” was the cold question, to which Mikey only coughed up some blood on the floor.
“Answer me!” he felt a kick in his side and something cracked – either his shell, plastron or bone. Either way, it was hard to breathe and he was fighting really, really hard not to let the tears drop.
“Y-Yes,” he choked out, spitting blood along with it and taking in heavy breathes of air. But as he said that, the blood splattered onto the Master’s armor, coating his mask in blood. Suddenly, something snapped as his eyes went wild, and he swung his blades again. Michelangelo had no time or energy to react, so he only raised his left arm to try and shield himself and closed his eyes to try and ease the pain. A moment later, the arm felt… weird. Numb and in pain at the same time, while there was plenty of a sticky liquid on his face. Opening his eyes, he saw red – literally – and finally the pain hit him. He saw his whole arm past the elbow was a mangled mess of blood, flesh and bone and screamed. It reached far out, through the entire building and even down into the sewers where a giant looking rat twitched its ears and looked up in fear and horror.
The screaming didn’t die down, even after Michelangelo was taken to the infirmary. His brothers had rushed towards the room, only to find Bradford already taking the youngest out. Donatello was allowed to go along, while Xever was sent in to help Leonardo keep Raphael from attacking Saki.
Tiger Claw stood guard after the other two, while Donnie actually helped with the operation. The brainy turtle hid it very well, but he was really close to throwing up each time he saw the mangled mess his baby brother was.
The arm was dead and needed to be amputated – they did that with hot metal and more screams followed, since they couldn’t risk putting him under just yet. His ribs were broken and there was blood in his air-way – that just might kill him if he goes under. Donnie managed to hold himself together through the operation, but once it was over and Mikey was out of danger of death, the tallest brother staggered to the nearest bathroom and puked his previous dinner, lunch and breakfast. He couldn’t hide the tears as they rolled down his face and he heard someone enter. A familiar three-finger-hand on his shoulder and he didn’t care which older brother it was – he just buried his face in his plastron.
Raph had gone back to the corner, but Tiger still left Xever there to watch him, just in case. With Leonardo checking on Donatello and later probably Mikey, the feline found himself confronting Shredder about what happened.
“My intention was not to dismember him,” Saki answered, his back to the kneeling mutant. “I merely wished to teach him a lesson.”
“You went too far,” Tiger Claw was a bit nervous about talking like this, but his anger was stronger than his fear.
“…I do not deny that…”
“His arm was… unrecoverable…”
“…Tell Donatello to find a way to fix that problem. Michelangelo might be down an arm but he is not useless.”
“Are you suggesting a prosthetic one?”
“Whatever it takes,” Saki finally turned and his eyes were unreadable.
“…As you wish, Master.”
Leo came back to the Lab with Don in his arms, passed out. Raphael almost jumped to his feet as he asked question after question, about both their younger siblings, and Leonardo only brushed him off until he settled the brainy one down.
“Mikey will pull through… He lost his arm however. Donnie isn’t sure if – what will happen now that he-,” Fearless couldn’t finish his sentence and just put his hands over his face, taking a few calming breathes.
“…” the hot-head only looked in horror, trying to comprehend what had happened, before he just collapsed on his knees. He was blinking in confusion, as if his mind had shut down.
“Poor kids…” Montes said to himself, quietly leaving the room and the grieving brothers.
Tiger came in about an hour after that, asking to see Donnie. Despite the protests of his brothers, the tallest turtle was woken up and the situation explained. It seemed he found new light and hope, as he nodded fiercely to the idea and explained it in short to the older two. No one was sure how this would work, and they didn’t really care Shredder suggested it – if there was a way to make sure their baby brother wouldn’t be killed off because he was ‘useless’ now, they were going to take it.
So, while Donatello worked on blueprints and ideas for the new arm, the elder two decided to visit said brother. Leo actually spent the most time with him, while Raph kept losing his cool and was told to leave more than once. He took up training with Xever to let off some steam, but he did still check in every so often.
Michelangelo himself was… in shock. He still had phantom pain, despite everything done to ease him, and his eyes just seemed… empty. Being with his brother helped him greatly it seemed, but he was still worried about his condition and what lengths Donnie might go to fix him up. Fearless assured him that it was okay, and he had nothing to worry about. Just that he should get some rest and make sure he’ll be strong enough for when the arm is finished.
Tiger Claw came to visit Mikey a few times as well, usually when no one else was around. But it was in his latest visit that he saw something… something he hasn’t in a long time. And even then it was just in a mirror.
“Just because you have lost a part of yourself, does not mean life is over,” he had spoken then, getting the turtle’s attention.
“When I lost my tail, I never imagined I could fight again. But I did. I learned new ways, better ways. It is not over, Michelangelo,” he gently set a paw on his left shoulder, keeping eye contact with the youngest.
“…Did it hurt?” came a weak question.
“At first, yes. The memories were still fresh. But it gives you something to fight towards. To make sure this… disability does not define you – that you survive past it, and show it you are stronger than it.”
“…So, it can be done?” there was a spark of hope in those green eyes.
“Yes. But it will take hard work, lots of training and time,” he wanted to make sure the ninja understood what he meant.
“I’ll take any chance I can,” and that spark turned into fire, as Tiger Claw gave a smile, squeezing the shoulder just a bit more.
“And you’ll have your brothers and me along the whole ride. You need not do it alone, as I did. And when you are done, you shall be much stronger for it.”
Alright everyone, I got an announcement to make: I won’t be posting or writing anymore about this Dark Turtles AU – this is the last chapter. Don’t be too surprised really – there’s hardly been ANY feedback for the story. There was some and those who did - I love you to death! And honestly, I’m getting kinda overwhelmed with all the stuff going on in real life. If you’re lucky or whatever, you might find someone else to write this, but I’m off of it.
Hope you all can understand this and not come at me with fire and pitchforks, and that this last chapter was what you crazy sadists wanted.
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