#I liked the theme though so maybe I'll do something else
chezabretta · 3 days
Damianya Week Day 2: office AU
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noxtivagus · 2 years
the whole world of ffxiv is very dear to me
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i'm catching up on some quests. particularly the role quests for crafters rn n#THE WRITING IS SO GOOD#i love how the side stories n all these side characters. have. actual character to them#i remember a few months back when i finally finished the. hmmm. i can't rmb but it was the one with the harp. or the bard idk#I CANT REMEMBER BUT YK THE QUEST WHERE THE SONG FROM. ONE OF THE OLD FINAN FANTASIES#THE LUTE! THE LUTE YK FROM. AAAA WAS IT FFIV OR FFIII OR SMTH ELSE I CAN'T REMEMBER 😭#that said though i rmb something abt that like.. oh my god shadowbringers n.#HOPE! hope is one of my favorite themes ever n ffxiv always does so well w it for me#n then. stuff like. guilt. regret. past present n future.... ffxiv touches on it all is such a personal way.#then again. maybe i also really like the feeling of playing the protagonist or 'hero' through a video game#helping people. making memories through this fantasy world. having profound achievements n being productive#i've said this so much but it's bcs i rlly mean it; ffxiv as an mmorpg really changed my life#i'm. really happy. for the past year my motivation n energy has been really inconsistent n all but#recently.. i've managed to be kinder to myself?#idk oh man i remember last year i wasn't rlly too conscious of time in a. kind of obsessive way like i am now but not really hmmm#wait i'm just reflecting rn UWAH THAT SAID THOUGH#i'll just do what i can! i know i'll be able to do what i want in time anyways#that's just the kind of person i am. i'll work hard. i'll succeed in every aspect i want to.#it's certainly not easy n failure n disappointment will be inevitable but i know i'll make it through it all n do my best. fly. bloom.#being able to rest n take it slow w like ffxiv or wtvr's rlly helped#my social battery is nonexistent still but i always feel safe at least when i'm certain with myself#but i'll always challenge myself to do better. once more i'm excited for the new year#i'm rambling hdkgjskg but indulging in stuff i love like ffxiv rlly just!!!! makes me remember myself!!!!#this is who i am!!!!!!!!!!!! next year i'm gna do a lot better let's fucking go#THE OST OF THE CRYSTARIUM MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. SO MUCH MEMORIES. I MISS SHADOWBRINGERS :<<#hehe i'd really love to live in ffxiv. or to create my own world like it. a dream come true.. but i'll just do my best in this world.#i love the amaros so much :c 'still good in this world'.. yeah. the past few years have taught me that.#i. want to be like my wol honestly. but yk i do know deep down that it's enough to just be myself. that's what i love anyways.
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My Sweet Intruder (Sleepwalking Love)
I wanted crack but also fluff, this was the creation. Enjoy!
Tim had recently bought a new place to live near a college since he decided to continue his education, the apartment was on the nicer side of things and even though he had gotten it for his civilian life it still had some security on par with his night life safe homes.
All of this to say that it would be hard for someone to break in and even more so to not be noticed.
Which is pretty what he thinks is going on.
Someone is breaking into his house when he's not there which frankly is not that often to begin with since he's so busy with all kinds of things.
But the intruder doesn't seem to be causing harm?
There's nothing damaged or stolen just some food sometimes.
Honestly the complete opposite of what you would expect from an intruder, his apartment was cleaned things were moved around the kitchen was stocked with fresh food and ready meals.
Honestly it took him this long to know something was wrong because he had originally thought it was one of his brothers coming by and helping out or something.
But no after some investigating it wasn't anyone in the family it wasn't even his friends or someone else he knew someone who would make sense as to why this was happening.
Also there appeared to be living there considering all the things appearing around his apartment making a home for themselves that were very much not his.
But the Intruder since he had no name for them was ..considerate?
Almost sweet in a creepy way if you think about it.
His apartment was cleaned he had meals ready for him to eat and a bunch of other small things that combined were making his life easier.
He would like to know who this intruder was but his surveillance and all other tech always died out when it seemed they were there, so no video proof and they always were gone before he could catch a glimpse of even their shadow.
Danny was having such a good time, he was honestly a bit worried about moving to Gotham for college especially since apparently his application to live in the dorms had somehow not been processed or something and they only bothered to tell him while he was already there.
Thankfully luck was on his side because only a few hours after that incident while inside a coffee shop stressing about what to do and venting to his sister on the phone a man sitting next to him who looked like he needed a mini coma of sleep and looked kinda high overheard him and offered to be roommates with him since he was also going to the same college.
So yes things were going wonderfully, he had a place to live where he didn't even have to pay rent, and Tim was such a good roommate, he barely saw him but when he did he usually was more asleep then awake.
Tim after a while: "Why are there so many spaced themed objects in my apartment?"
Tim inviting Danny to live with him
Danny 'What's Stranger Danger?' Fenton: "Bet"
Tim: "How do they keep getting past all my security measures?!*pulling his hair out*
Danny using the key sleepwalking Tim gave him: "Home sweet home!"
Tim trying his best to catch Danny in person:
Tim sleeptalking:"One day I'll catch him"
Danny who is used to Tim sleep talking and sleep walking helping him get back to bed for the umpteenth time: "You sure will boo!"
Danny being grateful that Tim is letting him live there without having to pay rent and gave him a credit card to pay for things: "He's so sweet guys!"
Sam & Tucker: " Dude..is he your sugar daddy?! "
Danny: *shocked Pikachu face* "But there's no sugar involved?"
Danny thinking that maybe they are in a relationship just taking it very slowly because Tim's shy
Also Danny's love language being acts of service
Tim's love language is coincidentally also acts of service
Tim slowly falls in love with Danny still not knowing who he is: "I think I have issues"
Danny still thinking they're in a relationship and that Tim is just super shy: "Maybe we could hold hands soon!" *sappy smile*
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What a story it will be when someone asks them how they got together! (◠‿・)—☆
Just an Idea
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hgfictionwriter · 6 days
Discovery: Part Two
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie's nervous about a date at your apartment. Despite enjoying the evening and a chance to talk, she's left with lingering doubts about how to handle your evolving relationship.
Warnings: G!P content. Body image issues or even dysphoria; mental and emotional anxiety; internal conflicts; themes of self-acceptance. Reluctant gaslighting??
A/N: Thank you all for the interest in this piece. Still heavy on the angst here. Things will move more significantly in the next chapter. First chapter is here.
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"Hey, for Saturday I was thinking of making us reservations at that new place on Greenwood. What do you think?"
"That sounds nice. But I was thinking maybe you could just come over instead. I'll make us dinner. We've been going out a lot and while it's fun to check out new places and it's sweet of you to plan all these dates, I miss our chill nights in."
A pit formed in Jessie's stomach upon reading your message. It was inevitable, really. You two couldn't have an entire relationship outside of your apartments. In fact, this whole going out every week thing was draining for her, but it was the lesser evil compared to hanging out at either of your places and what would, eventually, follow.
She ran a hand through her hair with a sigh.
"Yeah, sure. That's fine." She paused, staring at the message before exhaling in frustration. What a lackluster response. She deleted it.
What you were offering was legitimately what she wanted. She had the most fun when it was just you two, relaxed and in the comfort of your own homes. Just, now, there would be nothing relaxing about it. It would be coded with all sort of hints and allusions to something more now that you were dating. That tentative dance of will you, won't you, and when.
"That sounds great. What do you want me to bring?"
"Just yourself 😉"
Her shoulders slumped with a sigh. She should be excited. Instead, her mind ran rampant with thoughts and scenarios, each one more concerning than the last.
Through the rest of the week, she couldn't quite shake that weight in the pit of her stomach. Sometimes she forgot about it, but as soon as she had space to think or rest, worry came rushing back.
"Still want me to come over?"
Jessie hit send though she was standing at her bike already, helmet on and ready to go. And it's not like she wanted you to cancel. She really wanted to see you, but she was so torn.
"Yes lol. Of course I do. Been looking forward to it all week!"
Her chest panged and another text came through.
"Do you want to do something else?"
Now she really felt bad.
"No, no. Just checking. Just about to hop on my bike. I'll be over soon, then 😊"
"Sounds good. Ride safe."
Jessie's heart was racing as she shifted anxiously from one foot to the next as she rode the elevator up to your apartment. She looked down at the bouquet of flowers she picked up along the way and shook out a hand as she let her head fall back and she stared vacantly up at the ceiling.
"Calm down," she said to herself.
Soon, she stood tentatively in front of your door, hand poised to knock. She stood there frozen for a second before she brought her knuckles to the door. She fidgeted with the straps of her helmet and the paper around the bouquet as she waited.
A few seconds later the door opened to reveal your smiling face. Despite how she was feeling a second ago, the veil of worry that weighed on her dissipated upon seeing you. She couldn't help but smile back.
"Come in," you said cheerfully as you waved her inside before your eyes fell to the flowers. Distracted by seeing you, Jessie momentarily forgot about them and glanced down to follow your gaze.
"Oh," she voiced in belated realization before she smiled brightly and held them out. "For you."
You gave a wide smile and took them from her, smelling them and smiling once more before wrapping her up in a hug.
Her grip around you was slack to begin with, but when you held her tightly she found herself reciprocating. Her chest tightened as she held you close; she really missed you and it was a relief to hold you in her arms again. She felt herself relaxing a touch.
When you pulled your head away from her, you two locked eyes.
"I missed you," you said. Jessie felt a small blush forming and she gave you a coy smile.
"I missed you, too."
Her eyes closed as you gently closed in and soon your lips were on hers. It was chaste and sweet, but it sent a shiver down her spine and she couldn't help smiling into the kiss. Her heart warmed as she opened her eyes to see you smiling affectionately at her as your hand came to her cheek and gave her other a peck.
"Okay, let's get inside. And thank you for these, they're beautiful," you said as you ushered her in and closed the door. "Gosh. It feels like you haven't been over in ages. I guess you haven't - not since we started dating."
"Yeah," Jessie agreed with a faint laugh as she scratched the back of her head, nervousness starting to creep back in. She tried to remain relaxed as you stood close to her.
"Make yourself at home. Dinner should be ready soon."
Jessie followed you with her eyes as you returned to the kitchen and found a home for the flowers. She was lost in her thoughts before shaking her head out.
"Can I help with anything?"
You looked around briefly with the cutest frown on your face before giving a shrug.
"I guess you can get some plates and cutlery out."
She did so, carefully laying everything out before returning to the kitchen and standing awkwardly waiting for further instructions.
"Go sit down," you laughed as you shooed her away.
"No, let me help you," she insisted, a smile finding its way onto her lips, your mannerisms infectious.
You placed your hands on your hips and cocked your head at her. "Fine. Go get me these things," you unlocked your phone and handed it to her with a recipe on screen. You nodded to the pantry cupboard. "The shaker's in there. I saw this on a mixology account I follow and wanted to make us some tonight."
"Oh," Jessie voiced as she looked at the drink recipe. "Tequila?"
"Don't tell me you're scared of a shot of tequila," you teased lightly. "I thought some of you varsity athletes partied hard - especially in LA."
"Yeah, some," she emphasized as she scanned the cupboard for the items.
"You don't have to drink anything if you don't want to," you added. She gave you a fleeting look over her shoulder before returning with the supplies.
"It's fine," she said. "I'll try it."
It's not that she never drank, she enjoyed a relaxing beverage as much as the next person, but alcohol seemed like a dangerous thing given her current circumstances. However, perhaps it would take the edge off.
She started measuring out ingredients into the shaker and sealed it before shaking it all together. You looked back and gave her a not-so-subtle look of appreciation as your eyes fell to her biceps. You even reached out and gave her nearest arm a brief squeeze.
"Oh," you said with a quick raise of your eyebrows, a hint of a smile at the corner of your mouth before you turned away. Jessie blushed under your attention.
"For you," she announced after she poured out the drinks and handed you your glass.
She smiled softly as you cheers each other and took a sip. You both immediately winced and she started coughing at the overwhelming taste of alcohol.
"Shit," Jessie coughed, her eyes started to water.
You burst into laughter, but took another tentative sip.
"They are not joking with these drinks. Either that or you're heavy handed," you teased.
"I measured!" She insisted.
The drink certainly took the edge off for Jessie. By the time you were done dinner and settled into watching a movie together, her body was void of tension and her head still felt a bit light.
It wasn't long before fleeting pangs of concern started to edge in though. You two had watched shows and hung out on the couch together before, that wasn't the big deal, but as Jessie became acutely aware of your hand brushing up against hers, she found herself fidgeting lightly. She cleared her throat.
She tried to view you out of the corner of her eye and got the sense you were doing the same. Eventually, you took charge and slipped your fingers between hers, giving her hand a light squeeze. She turned and gave you a tight smile that caused your cheeks to grow flush.
While you'd both been quietly watching the movie, now you started to talk - making comments about the movie or other things. She responded softly as you chatted, cluing in that you were nervous and trying to distract to some degree. Soon, your clasped hands were resting on Jessie's thigh as you leaned into her, eventually resting your head on her shoulder.
Her heart started to pound with increasing intensity in her chest. She cursed inwardly. This shouldn't be a big fucking deal. She wanted to cuddle with you. She wanted to put her arm around you and pull you close. But it was the possibility of what would follow that had her wary.
She completely lost track of the movie, fully preoccupied with what to do. She was so conflicted. You drew small circles on her thigh and at one point laid a soft kiss on her shoulder. She cast her worries aside and lifted her arm to wrap around your shoulders. A rush of affection went through her as she caught the smile on your face as you cuddled in.
If she hadn't forgotten about the movie earlier, it was certainly forgotten now as you grew more handsy. Jessie tried to not appear affected, but her body was so tense in apprehension; she just didn't know how to relax.
When your lips suddenly made soft, sweet contact with her neck. Her free hand dug into the underside of her leg as she fought to remain indifferent. Your lips were sensual and teasing, your breath hot on her neck and she could feel sensations building within her and threatening to spill over. When your tongue grazed the sensitive skin of her neck she instinctively jerked away, fully breaking away from the embrace. She'd done it before she even realized it. An apologetic frown etched onto her face already before even seeing you.
That pit in her stomach hit deeper than ever when she saw the hurt and embarrassed look on your face, even if it was just for a second before you quickly masked it.
"Sorry," you said with a forced smile and a breathy laugh.
"No, I-" Jessie stammered, struggling to find her words. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess and she could just picture the pathetic look she was giving you. You forced another chuckle and tucked your hair behind your ear self-consciously.
"No, no. I'm sorry. Must be that heavy pour," you faintly joked, forcing a fleeting look. You straightened your posture and seemed to recenter yourself. You looked to her, earnest. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have pushed. I think I just-" you paused, collecting your thoughts, "I think I just thought you were being, I don't know, really...chivalrous? Or just shy. I don't know." Your face fell briefly before offering her a brave, half-hearted smile. "You clearly want to take it slow, and I should respect that. I do respect that."
Jessie turned to you, shifting on the couch to face you more fully.
"Hey, don't apologize. Seriously. It's completely okay," she assured you. You looked far from comforted, so she reached out and took your hands. Your grip was nearly non-existent until she gave you a squeeze and you mustered up a soft smile and squeezed back.
"Y-yeah, I do want to take things slow, and it doesn't help that I'm super awkward and shy," she said self-deprecatingly. "But please don't feel bad. I'm just...I'm awkward."
You made a slight face at her.
"I made you uncomfortable," you countered.
"I liked it," Jessie said, and it was absolutely true. "I just," she looked away briefly as she found her words, "I just want you to know that I'm interested in more than just physical with you." That wasn't a lie either.
You frowned deeply and your mouth quirked up in a smirk. "I think I sorted that out," you said somewhat flatly. You seemed to contemplate your words, choosing to move forward. "You know. After going on five dates and having barely kissed."
Jessie could feel her face start to heat up and her mouth felt dry. While she struggled to figure out what to say, you scratched at the back of your neck and spoke further.
"I don't know. Maybe it's in my head. You seem less comfortable with me now than before we started dating." You relaxed your shoulders, taking a breath as you sat straight and gave her an earnest smile. "I really like you, Jessie. And I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, at all, so. If there's something I'm doing that's making you feel like that - you know, other than trying to make out with you unprompted-" you rolled your eyes, "please tell me. I don't want to push you away."
Jessie's jaw was clenched hard and she didn't realize her fingers were digging into her palms. She hated that she was making you feel this way and making you doubt yourself, and her.
"Y/N," she said your name imploringly, "I really like you, too. Please believe me. I really, really do." She searched your eyes, hating the hurt and uncertainty she'd sparked in you. Her shoulders fell and she thumbed the back of your hands softly. "I haven't dated in a long time. I don't really know what I'm doing. And I think I'm just in my head. I don't want to mess things up with you."
Your gaze softened and you gave her hands a light squeeze.
"You're not messing anything up. And, it's good that we're talking this through. I think that's really good and I'm grateful for it," you told her and she nodded readily.
"Hey," she said softly as she shuffled in closer to you. "I really like you. Please don't doubt that. Even if I'm being stupid. Thank you for being patient with me."
You gave a faint frown. "You don't need to thank me. Nor are you stupid."
"Mm, I'm kind of dumb," she said as she gave you a comical expression. You chuckled, but frowned further. She smiled at you. "I have this gorgeous, incredible girlfriend and I'm getting so stuck in my head that I'm making her think I don't feel the same way about her as she does about me."
You rolled your eyes briefly, but looked at her in thanks nonetheless.
"You're not dumb."
"Mm," she voiced further as she slowly leaned in. She whispered, "I kind of am," before her lips met yours in a soft, lingering kiss. Though you reciprocated, it was passive. Tentative.
Jessie kissed you anew, deepening it. Something she hadn't initiated before. Your reaction was delayed. She could almost feel the confusion and hesitation, but she stayed the course. Her hand came up to the side of your face, her thumb caressing your cheekbone and she kissed you more. You met her briefly, but paused, your hand coming up to her cheek, your forehead resting against hers as you broke the kiss.
"Wait - we don't have to do this," you said, opening your eyes and looking at her.
"I want to," she assured you as she kissed you again. And she did want it. And she didn't want her fear and apprehension to control her.
This time, you returned her kiss fully. Whereas all of the kisses between you two had been relatively tame and mild, now, with Jessie opening up just so, things were heating up quickly.
Kisses deepened and grew hungrier, breathing was heavier; soft, subtle moans starting, and hands began to wander.
Jessie was immersed in the moment, in you, before a tightening sensation in her pants brought reality crashing back down upon her.
Her eyes shot open and she became keenly aware of your hand drifting up her thigh. She cleared her throat and did her best to gently pull back without it seeming too abrupt. She forced a smile as your eyes belatedly drifted open and you blinked at her, confusion settling on your brow. She shifted away, positioning her body as best she could to conceal the bulge that was threatening to reveal itself.
"That was really nice," she said, trying to somehow feign that the make out session had reached its natural end.
"Um, yeah," you said slowly, a subtle frown still on your face and Jessie could see your mind trying to process what happened. You eventually offered a smile of your own. "Yeah. That was nice," you reciprocated. Your eyes studied her.
"Do you want something to drink?" Jessie asked as she got up from the couch and turned her back to you, already retreating to the kitchen. She released an inaudible sigh of relief as she rounded the counter and out of your view. She opened your fridge and glanced down. She ground her teeth together upon seeing the bulge in her pants.
"Fuck," she mouthed, upset with herself.
She peeked up over the fridge door to look at you again. You were looking vacantly at the wall before you realized she was watching you. Your expression immediately brightened and you gave a small shake of your head.
"I'm okay, thank you."
Guilt washed over her again.
The night wore on and though you both cuddled and it was less awkward than before, there were still hints of unspoken tension. That aside, it was a nice evening and Jessie was glad to have this alone time with you. It was just different than being out together.
At some point, you were both stifling yawns. She was keenly aware of the time and knew another key point in the night was fast approaching.
"If I'm exhausted, I can't imagine how tired you must be," you said as you covered your mouth as another yawn forced itself up. "You just got back into town on Monday, training all week, game yesterday and now today."
"I'm good," Jessie dismissed, despite the yawn yours pulled out of her. "But I should probably go."
You watched her quietly for a moment, before giving a nonchalant shrug.
"It's really late. I don't want you to have to bike home at this hour. Why don't you just spend the night?"
Jessie was shaking her head already and stood up by the time you were even done speaking. She waved off your offer.
"It's totally fine," she assured you.
"Babe," you beseeched, giving her pause. It still caused a small flutter in her chest when you called her that. She faltered, rubbing the side of her face briefly. You rose. "I can sleep on the couch," you offered and she shot you a withering look.
"Babe," she reciprocated. "You would never sleep on the couch on my watch. I would take the couch."
You didn't respond immediately and Jessie felt like you were going to say something else, instead saying, "Well, offer still stands. I really would rather you not go home this late."
She was tempted. God, she was so tempted. Again, it ate her up that you were paying for all of the baggage she now carried. In another time, she would've gladly taken you up on the offer. Hell, you two probably would've slept together by now - assuming you wanted to. She'd certainly dreamt of it enough and you seemed keen to move things forward. Instead...
"Thanks baby. But it's okay. Really. I'll text you when I get home." She tried to ignore the expression that flashed across your face before you gave a small smile of resignation.
"Be safe," you warned.
She put on her shoes, grabbed her helmet and jacket, but was fully distracted with how quiet you'd become. She put on a bright smile for you.
"Thank you for an amazing night," she said as she wrapped your arms around your waist. You reciprocated, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck, but you hesitated for just a moment. It was subtle, but Jessie noticed it. She gave you a kiss in hopes of bridging whatever thoughts you were having.
"Thanks for being okay just staying in. I enjoyed it," you said once you pulled back. Your gaze flicked away and a faint smirk crossed your face. You looked back to her, your cheeks growing rosy. "I swear I didn't invite you over just to try to make out with you or to try to convince you to spend the night." You shrugged. "I just like spending time just the two of us at home. It's more relaxed." Jessie nodded.
"I know. Me too," she agreed. Her tactic of booking dates around town had expired; she'd have to let it go. She gave you an encouraging smile. "We can do this more often."
"Okay," you accepted with a nod. You gave her another quick kiss. "Well, you better go."
"Okay," she said. She started to thumb the small of your back and stopped immediately. "Goodnight." She stepped out of your embrace and opened the door, taking a step out into the hall before pausing and turning back. "Raincheck on spending the night?"
Your smile reached your eyes this time. You nodded. "Of course."
A/N: Forgot a couple of folks asked to be tagged. @multifandomlesbianic @marvelwomen-simp
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00-jammy-00 · 4 months
Could you do a reader deity who is basically forgotten but Yan finds them and worshippes the hell out of them? (Maybe to the point of having a cult if you're comfortable)
And if you're uncomfortable with the ask that's perfectly fine! I'll probably send another Idea then!
Also any chance I could be 🔪 anon?
Thank you and have a good day! :D
Yan!Worshipper HC’s
Yan!Worshipper x GN! Deity! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, obsession, murder, implied stalking, nsfw mentions, manipulation, cult themes, he’s really pathetic I won’t lie
A/N - One more day until my 1K follower special ends!
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Yan!Worshipper who had stumbled upon you when he decided to listen to his dumbass boss and go hiking. He had fallen down the side of a hill, almost breaking his ankle in the process. Though, all of that pain was so worth it when he saw your old, ruined shrine.
Yan!Worshipper who began visiting once a week. When you noticed you had finally gotten a follower, you were excited so you showed yourself when he prayed. He saw stars. You were so gorgeous, so perfect. Just seeing you had his jaw dropped and his pants uncomfortably tight.
Yan!Worshipper whose schedule slightly changed. Visiting you once a week, once every three days, once a day, multiple times a day… It didn’t matter though! He quit his job because you blessed him with amazing luck. He fixed up your shrine but he still felt horrible, you were forgotten. He did the only thing he could think of doing and started to spread the word about you.
Yan!Worshipper who slowly developed a following for you, just a few people here and there…a few hundred. He was a devoted man okay?! Of course he led the cult, none of these fuckers were worthy. None of them were allowed to gaze upon you but him. Only he could bask in your presence, bathe you, dress you, watch you, follow you, fuck you.
Yan!Worshipper who snapped a few necks while attempting to keep this cult going. Some people were so ungrateful, didn’t see what you had to offer. He made sure to soothe you whenever you got too stressed about the disappearances too. “It’s okay, my love, they are apart of something bigger, now look at all the offerings you are getting!” He made sure these brainless drones donated a bunch to this fucking thing too, he couldn’t go broke while servicing you.
Yan!Worshipper who is attending to your every need constantly. He brought you the finest silks, the biggest bed, the ripest fruit and anything else you wanted, as long as you were pleased then he was happy. It made him even more happy when you let him service you in other ways.
Yan!Worshipper who pounds you like the world is ending tomorrow. He can’t help but constantly be touching you, admiring you. He drags his fingers down your body, memorising every single piece of you. You were all his! He didn’t care about his own pleasure when his god was sitting right there. He once came three times just from giving you head.
Yan!Worshipper who’ll never let the cult be shut down. He’s paid off police and government officials to turn a blind eye to the murders sacrifices that happen at the mountain. He couldn’t have his work taken away. God forbid you get taken away. You’re his now. You chose him.
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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worukin · 2 years
╭୨୧︰ prince yandere x servant reader
・✦⇢ working as a butler was something you did willingly. after all, serving the royal family earned you lots of coin. and you were such a loyal servant that the prince couldn't help but want to snatch you up for himself.
︰꒰1・ ( warnings ) — slight possessive behaviour, yandere themes, clinginess, pet names, lots of affection, showing y/n off like a trophy.
︰꒰2・ ( notes ) — originally intended to make the yandere a vampire but i wasn't too sure. maybe in the near future? ahh idk. but i do have things planned. anyway, a little something for being absent as i work on bigger drafts! ( word count: insert wc )
( if you are uncomfy with this type of content, kindly block me instead. this was very fun to write hope you enjoy <3 )
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After a long time of working in such a place, you found your way through the maze of hallways covered with odd decor.
Sometimes there would be paintings of people who were nude and it did fluster you quite a bit. Or a statue of an unknown person, maybe even some vases filled with flowers. All to tend to the taste of the Royal family.
Now, you've been here for such a long time now and grown used to The Prince's silly antics. Always asking you to do your chores around his wing. Not that you minded.
"Oh come on Y/n~ Don't you want to rest a bit?" He cooed, laying on his stomach as he watched you with glee. "I apologize your Highness, but doing so would be overstepping boundaries."
He huffed as you continued to dust his room. Wiping the windows, adjusting the curtains, moving the carpet. Oh how cute you were in his eyes. "I wouldn't mind, you are my favourite little servant after all "
Eyes shined with glee when you turned away to hide the fact you were flustered. Such high praise coming from the prince made you giddy. "Please your Highness, picking favourites isn't fair." You sighed.
"Oh darling but you love it!" He exclaimed, a pout forming on his lips. The prince always did enjoy spoiling you with his riches. You hummed— though it was true you reveled at the fact you were his favourite, you weren't happy with it giving you a bigger advantage than the others.
You stepped back from the vase of flowers, cleaning up the roots you cut off. "I'm glad you think highly of me, but this is quite unprofessional." The last thing you would want is being banished by Her Majesty for being with the Prince as a servant and not a noble.
"Is my affections for you not enough? Perhaps I need to be more open." The prince gave a close-eyed smile at the thought of bragging how he had such a catch, a loyal passionate servant like you doesn't come around often.
Your brow lifted. "Open? More open how?" A confused expression formed when all you got in response was a giggle. "My apologies your Highness, I didn't mean to speak so informally."
The prince scoffed. "Oh please, you are my favourite. If anything I'm glad you're relaxed around me to speak like that." Heart swelling just thinking about being informal with you— maybe he could just take you away for himself.
"Awe, wouldn't you enjoy being alone? Just the two of us and away from such a stuffy manor?" He dreamed of waking everyday beside you, instead of waking to the sound of another servant's knocking. You didn't answer.
The loud ring of a bell startled you, reminding you of your duties. "Oh! My apologies your Highness, but I must go now." Hurrying out of his room you uttered another sentence. "Thank you for having such fondness towards me."
He giggled, waving a hand around. "No worries my dear, see you at dinner~" the prince sighed as you left, hearts in the air and in his eyes. "Oh my love, you don't understand at all do you? No matter, I'll lay it to you soon enough."
Various thoughts of hooking his arm around your waist as you attended a ball— everyone in awe at such a pair. Untouchable you both would be, a barrier between you two and everyone else.
He'd leave feverish kisses on your skin to tease and to relish in such jealous stares. That's right, you're his.
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ʚ ﹒ ﹕ ̟乀 all works belong to @worukin, do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. ty!
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fuzzybirdie · 2 months
Hero of Changing Faces
ch.1 pt 2
The line for the ride was a bit shorter than expected, but then again, it was 9 in the morning. There also seemed to be an event going on somewhere in the park, some people (actors?) were walking arround in the restricted area wearing clown masks and absurdly large shoes. After the ride, he'd have to ask where the event is so he could avoid it. (Clown trauma)
The ride had 12 seats, 6 rows of 2. And danny was sat right in the middle, row 3. The bar came down, securing everyone in their seats, and they were off. The lift part was covered in a bat themed tunnel, to give people something to look at during the slowest part of the ride. There was a PA system installed as well to welcome people to the ride, or warn of emergencies when getting off the ride.
"Welcome one, Welcome all, to the Ride of your Life!" The announcer/operator had a flamboyant cadence to his voice and was very openly enjoying his job. "About halfway through the track, riiight after the loopdeloop, there is a hole in the tracks! And unless our Dear Batsy can find a way to stop the ride, everyone here will take aaaa eeehhh 20-30 meter drop to their deaths!"
Danny no longer thought the person cackling on the PA was an announcer.
Sure enough, as they saw when they exited the bat-lift-tunnel, right there, after the loopdeloop was a giant gap in the tracks.
Now, Danny would be fine. Being in his ghost form would ensure that - heck, just being a halfa would ensure that! Everyone else though? Very very solid humans. And humans, being solid rather than gasseous would go 'splat' very easily. So, Danny Needed to stop the ride.He could freeze the wheels to the tracks, and the gears to each other? Worth a shot.
Danny grabbed the sides of the ride, reaching over the gentleman beside him, which he'd appologise for later, and began carefully branching ice toward the rails. The ride was slowing down, but not enough. "Holy shit!" The mother behind him whispered "Are you freezzing the wheels?"
"Not enough" Danny grunted, his ice reaching more towards the gears and couplings."You can do it, chum." The gentleman soothed, placing a warm hand on his back.
"Focus on the axles," a girl in stained overalls advised, "they run right along a vehicles undercarrage, and are integral to making wheels move. If this is anything like a car there should be some."
Danny nodded, slowly expanding his ice all over, as everyone whispered encouragements. The ride got slower and slower until they got to that loopdeloop. Everyone closed their eyes and braced for impact as Danny let out one final push of ice.
The ride climbed,
And stopped.
prev / next
Thanks for reading! This is chapter 1 done, chapter 2 is written, and I'll post that maybe in a week? Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! And even though it's not quite showing it yet, this story is fully based on the prompt i've linked below. Go check it out!
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moonswolfie · 3 months
Kenma, suna, and tsukishima with a gf that loves to baby them? Like she loves dressing them up, dotes on them, and acts liek their parent sometimes? Thanx!
i return with a request and a new theme 😏 thank u so much for requesting🩵 i know i just changed my theme but i'm already making pinterest boards for new themes ITS JUST SO FUN!
in case you couldn't tell the reader is fem!
ALSO SUMMER HOLIDAYS!?!??! Its nice to finally be free...
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Tsukishima Kei
"I'm worried about you, you know." you placed your head in your hands, leaning your elbows on the table. "Really, it should be the other way around. You don't know this even though it should be basic knowledge." Tsukishima sighed, ready to go over the biology lesson with you for the hundreth time already.
"Do you get enough sleep? Your eyebags are looking a little big lately. Do you eat enough? You look stressed. You always tell me you're fine, but-"
"I'm fine." Tsukishima brushed you off, looking back at the notebook.
"What are you pouting like a toddler for?" when he looked back up at you, he was seriously baffled by the similarity of your face to a little kid who got refused to eat candy. Though, maybe, just maybe, he finds it kind of cute. Maybe.
"We're done studying." you got up from the dining table, placing your hands on your hips. "You do realise I'm only doing this because you asked, right? And you're the one still struggling with this subject, last time I checked." he furrowed his brows slightly.
"I won't be able to study in peace until I see you sleeping peacefully in bed after a good meal. We can start with the sleep and I'll cook something later!" you were determined to take care of him now. Sometimes your boyfriend's aloof attitude towards his well being and towards everything in general makes you worry. Whenever he replies with a simple "I'm fine" you must dote on him for a bit. That's the rule.
It looked like he was weighing his choices for a brief moment before sighing and saying "Fine, just don't come crying when you fail this test tommorow."
"Yaaaay, I'll be up in your room, ready to tuck you in!" you pecked his lips, spun around on your heels and ran upstairs to his room.
Tsukishima sighed, closing his notebook. When he looked to the doorway, his mom was standing there and smiling at him. He immediately tensed up, worrying about just how much of your conversation she heard.
"You know, your girlfriend would make a good mom. I'm just saying." Tsukishima's mom smiled at her son cheekily. He hid his face, not moving for a good thirty seconds before practically sprinting to his room.
He never did tell you why he looked so red upon arriving in his room.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Suna Rintaro
"Is all of this really neccessary?" Suna raised one of his perfect brows when you placed another shirt in his arms. You took him out for a shopping trip today. Your shopping trips always end with him walking out the mall with a whole new closet instead of the other way around.
He always insists that he doesn't need new clothes or much of anything, but you always end up convincing him into a mall trip. You spoil him rotten, to be honest. Not that he minds.
"Yeah, how else am I going to keep you well-dressed?" you urged him to the dressing room just so you can clap excitedly at every outfit he puts on and models for you. He already looks like one, so why not take advantage of that, right?
"Okay, whatever you say, babe." Suna rolled his eyes playfully and walked into the changing room. You were squealing excitedly at each outfit he appeared in from behind the curtain like a crazy fangirl.
He didn't seem too enthusiastic about some of the outfits which made you sad but for the most part, you had loads of fun. He was taking a while with the last outfit, though. And you were probably overreacting, but you got worried.
You just can't help but worry for your boyfriend sometimes, even if it is unwarranted. It's kind of your thing. One time he accidentally cut his finger and you spent every moment together with him pressing get better kisses on it. You made sure he changed the bandaid every day, too. You were comically worried about him being able to attend volleyball practice. And that's just one of the examples.
So you pulled back the curtain.
"A little privacy, please?" Your boyfriend was standing in the changing room in all of his shirtless glory. You never really thought about it until now, but Suna is fit. You suppose it makes sense, considering he plays volleyball, but still. He was smiling at you cheekily, probably amused by how dumbfounded you look right now.
"I... um, it's... I was just worried about you! And put your shirt back on, you'll catch a cold!" You don't think you've ever closed a curtain as fast before.
You could hear Suna laugh to himself behind the curtain. "Sure, sure, mom. But I think you were just trying to be a little sneaky."
Well, you still ended up spoiling your boyfriend with new clothes that day, but you ended up with an accidental gift of your own, too. Maybe being a worrywart isn't that bad sometimes.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Kozume Kenma
"Um, I can eat on my own..." Kenma gently pushed away your hand, which was holding food to his mouth.
"Oh, we both know you wouldn't eat at all if I didn't hand feed you. You seriously need to lay off the videogames sometimes." You playfully rolled your eyes, putting the piece of food back to his mouth. He sighed with exasperation and begrudgingly ate the piece of food.
"And besides, you know how much I love spoiling you. I can't resist when you're just... too cute." you pulled on his cheek like an overly excited grandma.
The thing about Kenma is, he hates that he likes being babied by you. When his mom used to do it, he found it overbearing and annoying, but when you hand feed him, it kind of feels comforting. Then again though, he can't focus on the videogame because of that. So that's why he hates it.
"I could go without the... ugh." Kenma was just about to beat the level, but you placing another piece of food in front of his face distracted him for just a moment, which made him get a game over.
"Oh..." you stared at the game over screen, suddenly feeling bad for being a distraction. You just can't help but want to baby him whenever you're with him. He doesn't exactly make it hard for you with the way he blushes and gets all embarrased every single time.
"Well then, I was just thinking you played enough videogames today. I propose we do something else." you pulled on Kenma's arm and he protested by giving you one of his iconic scowls.
"You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much." you reminded him with a gentle smile. He mumbled something you couldn't quite catch under his breath and reached for the controller.
"Oh no. No you don't." you tackled Kenma before he could do anything else. You know, if he wasn't so damn flustered right now, he would have been seriously mad. But when you smile at him like that, it's like his anger decides to get up and leave.
"Would you... umm, mind getting off me?" he was worried that he might overheat like his dad's poor laptop which he forced to run videogames far beyond its capabilities. Now he feels bad for that old thing.
"Only if you promise that we go for a little walk outside." he grumbled at first but ended up agreeing after you gave him a little kiss on the cheek as encouragement.
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reareaotaku · 1 year
I read your last Yandere!Ken headcanons...so I wanted to ask you if you would ever write smut for Yandere!Ken?
I Love You Like a Doll
[God, I hope this is good... Warning, I haven't had much experience with Smut]
Yandere! Ryan! Ken x Fem! Reader Word Count: 1,674 Tw: Smut/Nsfw, Strap-on/Sex Toy, Human! Reader, Kidnapped! Reader, Slight Panic Attack, Loss of Virginity, Porn W/ Plot, Foreplay, Restraints, Dub-Con, Crying 🔞18+ Content due to dark and adult themes. Read at your own risk
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He wanted it so bad. He didn't really have the parts to do it, but he learned that this 'love-making' thing is what people do when they love each other. He loves you and he wants to show it to you.
He looked at the toy, confused. It was supposedly a plastic version of human male genitals. There was a belt-like rope attached to it, that he could wrap around his waist and then there was fabric that would cover where his dick would have been. The dildo was attached to it.
It was strange to Ken. He had never seen anything like it. Was this what you liked? He thought it was strange, but he was in no place to judge you.
Speaking of you, he needed to get you food. That was also something he didn't understand about your kind. You needed this substance to survive and he didn't understand it. But because of this, he made it where food was more accessible in Kendom, but it only benifited you. No one else needed the food.
He placed the strap down, before grabbing a plate filled with small snack foods. He leaned on the door of the room you were being held in. He smiled himself when seeing you still tied up to the bed.
You saw the male and struggle against the restraints, before groaning and giving up. He closes the door and goes to your side while setting down the food. He caresses your face, moving some lose strands out of your face.
There were tears streaming down your face and your eyes were swollen and red. If there wasn't a gag in your mouth, you would have been screaming at him.
"If you promise not to scream, I'll remove the gag." He tells you, tilting his head.
You quickly nod, wanting to get the thick ball out of your mouth. When he takes it out, you take a deep breath, greedy for oxygen, since you were deprived of it. He picks up a cracker, examining it, before putting it near your mouth.
You did as he said, hoping that maybe he'll let you go if he thinks you're accepting him.
"I was thinking of trying something..."
Your eyes widened, confused. Your mind was racing with thoughts and concerns on what he could possibly be talking about. His mind was corrupt and destroyed, so you didn't know where he was going with this.
"I was hoping you'd let me. I mean," He straightens up, almost as if he realized he was coming off more submissive, "Of course you'll let me. Why would you deny me? I deserve it."
You looked at him like he was crazy, which he was, annoyed by his statement. You almost wondered what he was like before, if this was him at his worse. How could he have fallen so far off?
"And if it goes well, I might consider letting you out of this room."
Your eyes widen in hope and excitement. You should have been more cautious... You should have known better.
He smiles down at you, "Well, I'm glad you're so open."
"What is it that you want me to do?"
He taps his chin, almost as if he was debating telling you. You frowned, tugging harder on the restraints.
"Wouldn't it be more fun if I showed you?"
Your eyebrows furrowed together, your heartbeat picking up. Your amygdala was sending glutamate into other parts of your brain, causing your body to freeze up. It felt like you were being ambushed by enormous tides of water that was quickly drowning you.
You hear the door click as he leaves, causing you to come back down to Earth- Wait, where you even still on Earth? Honestly, you didn't really know. Though, it didn't take long before Ken came back and he was holding something behind his back.
He stands at the end of the bed, before kneeling on it. The divot of his weight feels strange, when your body goes down with it. You watch him carefully, still unsure of his intents.
He finally pulls the thing out from his back. You gasp when seeing the long, thick, dildo strapped to a wrap. You wondered where he even got ahold of such a thing. As far as you knew, Ken wasn't even really human like you were. He had the body of a doll.
"Is it too big?" He asked, genuinely concerned when seeing the fear on your face. "I heard 7 inches was average."
You shook your head. You had never taken anything that big inside you. Granted, you had never taken anything inside, but it was so much bigger than anything you'd ever seen. It was thick and veiny and made you wonder why someone would put that much detail into a toy.
You can hear him unbuckle his belt and take off his pants. You avoided eye contact as he attached the strap to his waist.
"Honestly, Y/n... I don't know what I'm doing."
You looked up at him, as he struggled with your pants.
"I want to do this right," He says it as if he's trying not to cry. He wants to please you. He wants to make you happy. He wants you to love him.
You pull on your arms and he looks up at you when hearing the headboard shake.
"Right, you're still tied up." He hums, "If you promise not to fight me, I'll untie you."
You weren't stupid. If you had the ability to fight off Ken, you wouldn't be here. "Okay. Please untie me, Ken."
He blushes at your begging, before going up to untie you while avoiding eye contact. You rub your wrists, red marks imprinted on them. You groan, before looking up at Ken. He was towering over you, seemingly loss and confused on what he was supposed to do.
"None of you have genitals right?"
He looks at you, "No."
"So you've never done this?"
"Me either."
He smiles, happy that you had never been this vulnerable with anyone. Granted, he had kidnapped you and he didn't deserve you, but he didn't care. He had you now, and that's all that mattered. He's willing to learn whatever he has to, so he can please you.
He pushed his hands through your folds, playing with it. He had never seen it before, so he was curious. You bit your lip, trying to contain yourself. He wasn't doing anything special, so you felt you shouldn't give him your moans. He pushed his fingers towards your clit, rubbing the hood, before pulling it back and flicking your clit, causing you to lightly squeal.
It was cute. He had never heard a sound like that before. How could he live without it now having had heard it? He kept 2 fingers on your clit, lightly rubbing it, while his other hand lightly pushed through your pussy. He pulled back your labia minora, lightly licking where his fingers had once been.
A loud moan erupted from your throat when feeling his wet tongue. He smirked against you, before squeezing his tongue inside of your wet hole. His fingers play with the outside of your pussy, which makes you wonder if he lied to you.
He pulls away, causing you to frown, before you shook your head. This man had kidnapped you, you shouldn't be liking it! But it was so good. And he was so cute. And he really liked you, more than any man or woman has ever liked you.
He kneels over you, positioning the strap head over your pussy. This was really happening and you were letting it. You grabbed his shoulders, your nails digging into his perfect skin as he slowly pushed inside of you. He groaned, the strange sensation of pain foreign to him. He bottoms out and you sigh in relief.
You look up at him, but his eyes were closed, as if he couldn't look at you. He didn't want you to look into his eyes and see all of his emotions. So many feelings were rushing through him and they were all very new to him. What was this blooming feeling in his stomach? It felt... well, it felt nice.
You smacked his shoulder, causing him to open his eyes. "Move, please."
He chuckled at your submission. If he knew this is what he needed for you to love him, he would of dont it a long time ago. He pulled out, leaving only the tip, before shoving himself back in. You nearly scream at the intrusion, not expecting it. You pull yourself towards him, chest to chest.
He slowly began to thrust, finding a rhythm as you move along with him. He admired the way your eyes rolled back and drool rolled down your cheek. You were out of it. Almost like a doll.
The second the thought came into his head, he picked up his pace. You did remind him of a doll, even though you were anything but. Your moans became louder as your walls tightened around the rubber dildo. You could feel the tight squeeze and every vein imprinted on the toy.
It was slushing inside of you and the wet sounds of the balls smacking against your ass echoed in the small room. Your words became incomprehensible as your body tightened and you could feel a tight knot in your stomach.
And then, Ken hit you with one last thrust and that tight knot bursted, causing you to loudly moan Ken's name, catching him by surprise, as your cum flushed out like a waterfall. You had never came like that on your own and it was hot.
Though, you did not feel hot. You were sticky and sweaty and your hair was sticking to your face. You must have looked terrible and smelled like sex and body odor. Though, Ken seemed to think otherwise, because he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
"You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you."
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
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☆ you go shopping with mitsuki for bakugo's surprise b-day party decorations! ☆
day 3 of the explosive birthday celebration ! hosted by @queenpiranhadon
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hanging out with katsuki's mom secretly was not easy, especially when he liked to know where you were and who you were with. not in a crazy, possessive way of course, it's just how he showed he cared.
but when mitsuki, his mom, asked you to go decoration shopping with her, you couldn't just deny her offer. maybe this could be an opportunity to learn more about katsuki, you thought.
while you were shopping for the decorations, you quickly noticed that katsuki had gotten a lot of her personality traits. this was something you knew already, but spending time with her one on one really solidified that idea.
"what do you think about these banners, sweetie?" mitsuki asked, holding up two different 'happy birthday' banners. one was all black, and the other was orange. the color theme of the party was his hero costume colors, which were black, green, and orange.
you hummed and looked at the rest of the decorations in the cart, noticing there was already a lot of color, "i think we should go with the black."
she nodded and threw the banner into the basket, "you've got a good eye, kid." she said, making you smile at the small compliment.
suddenly your phone began to ring and you already had an idea of who it was. picking up the phone, you said "hey katsuki." causing mitsuki to turn around and make a questioning face at you.
you shrugged your arms at her, trying to silently tell her you didn't know why he was calling.
"why the hell are you at the store with my old hag?" he asked, making you chew your nails nervously as you thought of an excuse.
"we're just shopping, katsuki. why are you looking at my location anyways? stalker."
you could already see the veins popping out on his forehead at your question, "answer my question dammit!"
you rolled your eyes, "if you really want to know, i just wanted her help with some outfit ideas. your mom is a fashion designer, you know."
he hmphed and said, "whatever. why didn't you ask me?"
you groaned internally at his question, "because i know you're busy with school work right now-and don't even try to say you're not!"
he mumbled something on the other side, "fine. have fun with the hag."
"stop calling her that! anyways, i need to go okay? talk to you later-bye!" you said, quickly cutting him off before he could say anything else.
you sighed and faced mitsuki, "sorry, he had a million questions about why i was with you. i had to lie about why we were shopping together."
she laughed, "that damn brat doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other peoples business." she said, making you laugh in return since you knew how true it was.
the two of you continued shopping for decorations, finally stopping when the cart seemed full enough.
"i think that's everything, right?" you said, double checking the list you made beforehand.
mitsuki nodded. "it should be. if not, i'll get what we need by myself another time." she said, making you hum.
after checking out and paying for everything, while walking back to her car she said, "thanks for helping me with this. i know katsuki can be a pain sometimes, but you're good to him, so i'm glad you get to help plan his party with us." she then proceeded to pat the top of your head with her free hand roughly, much like katsuki would.
you smiled at her words, "it's no problem. i'm glad to be here."
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authors note
i'm so happy i got to be apart of this :) thank you sm to kae who invited me to be apart of this event! this was a great experience and it was fun to write, so i hope you liked it! i'm sorry it was pretty short though... -.-
here is the masterpost, please go check out every one else's work!!
day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
🪽day 3: you go shopping with mitsuki for bakugou's surprise b-day party decorations - @angels-fantasy
day 4: coming april 17th - @starieq
day 5: coming april 18th - @lowkeyremi
day 6: coming april 19th - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: coming april 20th - @cashmoneyyysstuff
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taglist for the event: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
those in orange couldn't be tagged unfortunately :(
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
PROTECTIVE MODE ON YAN FIC of yan Izana, yan Ran, and Yan Kazu who were sent to jail ofc and find out that you been getting targeted from other gangs and been getting jump, mug, threatened, assult- maybe the before where they were in jail and seeing sent photos or words were being passed and then after they get out seeing you at the hospital very badly injured and going after the gang themselves
- 🌑
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₊˚⌗ izana, ran, and kaku finding out their darling is being harassed while they're locked away in jail.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, light descriptions of injury, pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart; izana, kakucho).
notes : sorry this took so long guys, i got stuck on ran's section 😭
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izana would be pissed if he found out someone was fucking with his darling while he was locked up. he thinks it's pussy to mess with him while he 'can't do anything' about it. if someone has a problem with him, they should come to him directly and fight him, not get his poor little darling involved while he's not there to protect them. izana has ways to get his revenge though, even while he's locked up. he has informants, people to rough up anyone that touches his darling until he gets out—and when he does, he will find them, and they pay for touching his darling.
"missed you, angel," izana hums into your neck, his arms squeezing tighter around your body. you visited him a lot while he was in jail, but it's been so long since he's gotten to hold you in his arms like this; he can't help but want you closer, closer, closer—especially knowing that someone has been hurting you.
he feels content with you, but it's only for a few seconds before he kicks back into his usual cold, ruthless self—his gang leader self. before he can allow himself any more time to hold you, and kiss you, and do whatever else he wants to do with you, he has to deal with the bastards that dared to hurt you.
"so, you gonna tell me who's been messing with you while i wasn't around, hm?" he asks, pulling out of your neck to look at you. his eyes are void and intense as always, sending a shiver of fear down your spine, and the sweet, lulling tone of voice he took with you just a second ago is now gone, replaced with something a little more dangerous, more demanding.
izana already knows who did it; five guys belonging to a gang that got on izana's nerves, thinking they were better when they were nothing but a bunch of mindless idiots full of themselves. of course, guys like that would go after someone weaker than them, someone easy—it's bullshit. izana wants to hear it from you who did it though because not once while he was locked up did you tell him you were being harassed; he had to find out from his informants, so this is your 'punishment'.
"i'm not fucking around, y/n. tell me who hurt you," he snaps when you don't answer him for a while. his fingers dig into your shoulders almost painfully, urging you to just tell him already. he doesn't have the patience to be playing games with you right now.
"i don't- i don't know their names, but they said they were from, uh- a gang called the serpents," you blurt out, not wanting to piss him off further, especially after he just got out of jail, and you finally get to be with him again. izana grunts but relents and lets your shoulders.
"go back home, baby, i have shit to deal with right now. i'll come back to you in a few hours, yeah?" he doesn't give you time to respond before he walks off. you know where he's going, and as much as you don't like the idea of him getting right back into gang business after getting out of jail, you don't try to stop him.
kakucho's first priority is you. before he even thinks about killing the bastards who dared to touch you, and he does eventually, he has to make sure that you're okay. your safety and well-being are always going to be his first priority. and depending on in what way and how badly they hurt you is what determines the severity of what he does to the guys who were messing with you.
the first thing kakucho does when he gets out of jail is go straight to see you. he's excited, a little giddy at finally getting to be with you again without the annoying and prying eyes of the guards, but kakucho is mostly worried. you suddenly stopped visiting him in jail a few months ago, making up bullshit excuses for it on the phone, so he asked one of the gang members who didn't get busted what's been going on with you, only to find out some guys have been fucking around with you.
if you didn't want to tell him about it, let alone let him see you, it must be bad. bad enough to leave you with visible injuries, surely, but he has no idea what kind of injuries you could possibly have. as bad as it may sound, he's hoping it's nothing more than bruises and little cuts. anything else and he might just lose any semblance of control when approaching the situation.
when you finally open the door for him, kakucho steps into your space and gently grabs you, look you over and searching for any injuries you may have. you have a cast on your wrist, and an array of fading bruises littered on your arms and legs--no doubt in other, more hidden places as well. at least they're faded, meaning those bastards probably haven't done anything in a while. not anything physical at least.
he curses while pulling you into his arms, hugging you tightly while also making sure not to hurt you. "why didn't you tell me, sweetheart? i have ways to handle things like this, you know? even when i'm in jail." he sounds like he's about to cry, and that make your stomach fill with regret as you hug him back.
"i knew you would be worried. i didn't want to stress you out any more than you already were," you explain to him, but now that it's coming out of your mouth, you realize that maybe not telling him and avoiding has made him worried about you even more. that much is obvious with how he's holding you, refusing to let you go even as you try to pull away.
"of course, i'm going to be worried about you! shit, y/n—" he stops mid-sentence, clearly a little bit overwhelmed at the moment. you don't say a thing and just wait for him to calm down and vent all his frustrations to you. it's the least you can do after causing him so much turmoil.
"i can't lose you too," he finally whispers. he pulls away from the hug and looks at you, his expression serious, yet tinged with worry and sadness. you feel another pang of guilt and you pull him back into the hug, as if to reassure him with the action. he hugs you back just as tight and the two of you stand there for a while, wrapped up in each other's arms.
ran doesn't take the situation as seriously as the other two, at least not in front of you. of course, he cares, he's worried, and he wants the bastards to pay, but he doesn't necessarily show it at first. ran will try to remain calm for your sake, to not freak you out with his anger because lord knows how aggressive he gets in fights, and how deeply he cares about you, too. even as he's interrogating you, ran tries to keep his cool, but he can only play it off for so long before he starts to get riled up at the prospect of some guys roughing you up.
"ran, some guys have been harassing me while you were in jail," you tell him randomly, unable to keep it from him any longer, especially now that he's out of jail. he just looks at you, that usual smirk of his on his lips, and he leans back against your couch, making himself comfortable.
"yeah? i already know. want me to do something about it?" he asks as if it's not that big of a deal to him, like it's just something that happens, which- to be fair, you know he probably expected this. ran pisses a lot of people off, makes a lot of guys want to get back at him, and you're an easy target to them, you guess. but still, his lack of concern or care for your well-being is a little bit surprising to you, maybe even a bit upsetting too. you expected at least a serious expression instead of that damn smirk, but then again, this is ran.
"no, just wanted to tell you." you shrug and sit down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. ran doesn't respond; instead, he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him while he pulls out his phone with his other hand. you pay him no mind and go on your own phone, assuming the conversation is over with, at least until a few minutes later when he locks his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.
"who'd you say these guys were again? and what exactly did they do?" he asks, and you feel a little smile make its way onto your lips—he cares. you wouldn't lie and say his little display of nonchalance made you doubt he actually cared for you, even if it was only a little bit.
"those guys you fought because they kept messing around on izana's territory. and they just roughed me up a bit, pushed me around and called me– some things.” you say, shifting to sit up and look at him. his thumb rubs along your waist lightly as he tilts his head in thought, seemingly trying to remember who you're talking about. after a few seconds, he looks at you, humming.
"mm... rin and i will take care of them. you didn't think i'd let shit like that slide, did you? nobody touches you without consequences, you know that," he reprimands your little slip of trust in him, but he doesn't seem to really take it to heart—that smirk back on his lips. it is his fault for acting so carelessly, so he won't blame you. he gently kisses your forehead before standing up and heading out the door, intent on doing what he told you he would.
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snakewithawitchhat · 5 months
Hi, welcome to the hell hole that is tumbler -
I was kinda wondering how the jealous headcanon would be for Macaque - because you are sure as hell it would end up bad-
I'm all for doing some twisted, jealous Macaque heheh. Also, thanks! <33
Jealousy Headcannon
Macaque x Reader
TW for violence, yandere-ish themes, etc…
♡Macaque would be possessive from the start. Wherever you go, if he isn't doing something super important, his eyes will always be on you. So, when he notices you starting to get close to someone else, he'll immediately take action. He takes no time to examine from afar. This new person is a threat.
♡He'll pop out of the shadows and be an absolute ass. Your little monkey boyfriend gets as close as possible to you and even closer, being touchy and taking control of the conversation. This person has to know you're taken. And not just taken by anybody, no. By him.
♡If they don't get the hint or you keep on chatting with them, he'll be absolutely pissed. He WILL shut this down. He'll probably grab your arm or wrap it around you, digging his claws threateningly into your skin. Not hard enough to do any real damage, but it's a clear warning he's getting irritated.
♡If you take this warning and finally give in, letting him drag you away, no one will get hurt. He'll probably make you cuddle him before apologizing about anything.
♡If you don't, however… well…
Someone's getting hurt. Not you, of course. Macaque would probably be grumpy and distant with you for a while, though. He'd just make a few threats to this person. Maybe rough them up a little when you're safe at home (aka his home).
□ Good End
Macaque buried his face into your shoulder, holding you close and clinging to you as you laid on the couch. He breathed in deeply, savoring your warmth and the scent you gave off. After a long moment of hesitation, he sighed.
"I'm sorry I got possessive… again…" he mumbled awkwardly. He just couldn't help it. "I'll make up for it, I promise…"
You frowned, but the twinge of sympathy in your heart made you, too, sigh. You gave a playful, weak smile. "Okay… you'd better."
■Bad End
Macaque hissed under his breath. His claws dug into your side as he pressed you closer against him, nearly drawing blood. This person had gotten way too close. And you had just let them!?
His eyes narrowed in a malicious glare. He knew exactly what to do in a situation like this.
Back at home, you yelled at him. He didn't care much. You always looked so cute when you were mad, anyway. He ignored your frustrations and fears, dragging you into bed and forcing you to lay under him for some (in his eyes) well deserved cuddling.
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tomwaterbabies · 22 days
disneyland happenings
featuring varian and hugo. since thats what our costumes were
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^(us trying to be very spooky) (there is a lot below btw lol)
someone asking if i (dressed as hugo) was from atlantis. surprisingly this only happened once
we went to kingdom hearts mickey first bc that was gonna be a popular one the rest of the night. the idea of varian in kingdom hearts is definitely really funny. i do not go here im just being honest
OH. new addition to the costume. i had olivia with me as a shoulder friend
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met bruno from encanto who commented on her. we talked about our rodent friends he was very nice. he said he brought "all 200" of his rats with him and wanted to help feed them and knows mickey is a big mouse so maybe we could ask him. i said we could just steal some food. varian got mad
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went over to see sid from toy story because he seemed like a mean little bitch. he was a mean little bitch. i may have said that his creations could use a little work but thats no reason for him to say "your mouse needs a little work" and "i hope you kept the receipt".... cunt
laughing about how mother gothel was no longer part of the characters to meet. "they killed her forever this time" etc etc
watching the parade and varian almost jumping out of his skin when mother gothel was in the parade. her ghost
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we went to this thing called villain's grove which was a bunch of light and effects n stuff through their little forest area. it was mostly a cool immersive experience so most of the footage is on the Lights And Effects Themselves but here's a few of us that look cool lol. gay tunnel (maybe not) (that segment was themed after frollo)
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met hans from frozen. we absolutely had no clue he was going to be there it was pretty funny. you may guess that my friend @kristoffs-lullaby (varian cosplayer) is a frozen enjoyer. so we hopped in line to see him
hans asked if varian's alchemy balls were some sort of magic or enchantment and you'll Never guess what varian responded with
though explaining its alchemy and science and all that didnt really make him feel better. he even asked if its something that would be in danger of bringing in an "eternal winter". varian did not like that :)
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saw dr. doofenshmirtz (?) i didnt watch that show. he was pretty fun to meet though. i know some people dont like his creepy ass design, but i do, its fun and weird to me. he wanted to collaborate with me and varian since we're scientists. really funny to have him say "i'll have my people call your people". a possible strange message that rapunzel will get later /j
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also encountered hades. though our friend @iammisswow was with us and so i had him focus on her since shes a big hercules fan. the visual was hugo getting this scary man's attention to be put on someone else by calling her out. it worked obviously. "oh SHE is a HUGE fan of hercules"
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madam mim from sword in the stone didnt really have as big of a crowd so we actually talked with her a pretty good amount. shes SO fun. lots of discussion about magic vs science and how she thinks knowledge is stupid. you can imagine how we of all people felt when she said "KNOWLEDGE is not power, MAGIC is power". she also liked olivia (she thought she was a familiar)
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meeting judge doom from roger rabbit was kind of scary LOL. very intimidating man. but his area had vats of chemicals and all that so you can imagine we had fun with that. WE can be trusted. obviously.
nervously just nodding our heads as judge doom tells us to come to him if we have any information regarding where "that rabbit is" (we are not doing that)
and also we saw ernesto de la cruz from coco. we were actually able to catch him right as he started performing which is rad but i dont actually have any interactions to tell u about here it was bad ass though
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and, unbeknownst to Hugo (as in i also didnt know about this), varian had a surprise for him. he had a whole... horribly genuine and flustery spiel to say about messing around in his lab and all that and made something for hugo. which was a necklace with a piece of colored glass-like material (teal) in the shape of a heart. hugo handled that whole situation really well (lie)
ANYWAYS ! that's it. i've mentioned before but Disneyland Trips will be retired really soon since I'm not too fond of a lot of their wack shit right now, but wanted to share some of the last bit of enjoyable times to be had there before that happens
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
A Feeling
Boyfriend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst with a pinch of sugar at the end
Summary: There's a feeling in your chest that you can't seem to shake.
Warnings: Mentions of betrayal, Themes of cheating, Drinking, Broken Glass, Name calling. (I think this is it, let me know if I missed anything)
A/N: Happy Birthday Dear Chrisssss, Happy Birthday to you! + I've been having some issues with writing due to my health so I hope that this piece is good lol I got approval from my best friend and I trust her so here you go! This is one of the many posts that I'll be making for Our Leaders birthday so be on the look out!
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The sting of bourbon flooded your throat as you threw back yet another shot. What was supposed to be a date night with Chris turned into you ordering a meal for one and him staying late at the company to fix a sudden studio mistake.
It wasn't the fact that your date night got canceled that bothered you, it was something else. It was a feeling that lingered in your chest. A feeling that something was wrong. You couldn't quite put your finger on it and the more you wondered the closer you got to finishing half a bottle of bourbon by yourself.  At this point you might as well wait for Chris to get home. It's about three in the morning now so he should be home any -
"Baby?" Your boyfriend's voice startled you out of your deep thoughts. "What are you still doing up?" 
"I kinda got… stuck. And then I got the bourbon out and ended up a little drunk.. so put the two together and you get this." Motioning towards yourself hunched over in the barstool you sigh.  "I couldn't shake this feeling..." 
"Are you sober enough to talk about it?" Stalking towards you slowly, Chris takes the empty seat next to yours.  
"Maybe it's best if I'm not sober for this? Maybe it'll make it easier to ask you and depending on the answer I wouldn't mind having it be harder to remember."
Confusion consumes his features as he leans forward, crossing both of his arms on the kitchen island "What could possibly be bothering you this much, babygirl?"
"I feel like.. there's something you have to tell me. I feel like today, something happened and you need to tell me but you aren't sure about it." Chris perks up a bit as you explain yourself to him. "If my feelings are correct then I need you to tell me what it is right now. Cause I can't sleep with this in my chest."
Running his hand over his face he covers his mouth for a second as he takes in all that you've said.
"Chris?" He looks up at you, directly into your eyes. "What is it?"
With a heavy sigh Chris squeezes his eyes shut as he prepares to speak. "Your friend… you know how you asked me to get Michelle a job at the company?" You shake your head as you follow his story. " Well ever since she started working there she's been.. suspiciously enthusiastic to see me. I thought that maybe she was just grateful that I got her the job and decided not to read too much into it"
Sighing, Chris runs both of his hands over his face and then looks down at the marble of the island. "Today, she went with us to assist with the Hilfiger shoot, she was just there to help make sure that it all went smoothly. Everything seemed perfectly normal until we were in the vans on our way home. I sat in the back and she made it her mission to sit next to me even though she was supposed to be in the other van. She was quiet for a bit, just listening to me Han and Felix talk until she suddenly tapped me and started talking about fate. She said that she's been waiting for an opportunity to get closer to me and this job has given her that." 
He pauses as he takes a second to read your body language. You couldn't hide how tense you are even if you wanted to. Your first instinct was to explode before he could even finish his story. You wanted to call him a liar for saying that Michelle, your best friend since preschool, would say such a thing to him but sadly you knew he wasn't lying. After being with him for three years you've learned how to tell when he’s hiding something from you. 
"I told her that I didn't understand. I told her that she knows I'm with you and I'm happy in this relationship. I told her that I only got her the job because you asked me to. She proceeded to talk about how much she... how much she liked me and then she told me that watching me during the shoot turned her on... then she, she uh.. she kissed me." 
You urgently sat up in your seat as you imagined just what he said. There's no way that Michelle would do that to you… right?  "And I pushed her away immediately, as soon as I processed the feeling I panicked and Han saw it all."
Quietly, you start to piece together everything that Chris just put out in the open. There’s no way that Michelle would never betray you like that. The two of you are partners in crime, you love each other, you respect each other.  
"Michelle -" You pause, your buzzing thoughts making it more difficult to complete your sentence..  "She wouldn’t -" 
You attempt to process the information over and over, the fuzziness that the bourbon’s caused making it a bit hard to piece it all together clearly but you know that it's true. It’s obvious that Chris isn't lying. He scratches the back of his neck when he's lying and on top of that, he has no reason to tell a lie about Michelle.
 "That fucking skank" Your glass shatters on the kitchen floor as a storm of anger closes in on your senses. You stumble to your feet and go straight for your cell on the kitchen counter.  
"Y/n" Chris swiftly stalks after you, grabbing your waist from behind. 
"Fucking let go of me." You fight his hold but all it does is make him hold onto you tighter. 
"You're drunk, if you're going to call her, do it tomorrow." You continue to fight him, the rage you felt was only enhanced by the bourbon and you knew that, yet you couldn't find it in you to calm the storm in your chest
"How could she do this shit?" 
"Baby, please calm down." He drags you down to the kitchen floor and pulls you into his lap. To you, it felt like you were still fighting but you were still now, being cradled by Chris as you sobbed into his chest. The transition was unbeknownst to you, it was so sudden.  
"How could she do that to me? She knows…" Chris shushes you as he strokes your hair. His thumb softly rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin of your thigh. 
"She knows you're mine." 
"I'm sorry, I was never going to keep this from you. I just didn't know.. I didn't know how to tell you. I was going to give it till the morning." 
"Did you like it.."
"What?" Looking down at you with furrowed brows Chris’ grip on you loosens just for it to tighten again.  "No, no I didn't. I pushed her away. I immediately felt… dirty and scared.. scared that she'd cost me your trust, scared that you'd freak out so badly that you'd hate me for even saying anything. I hated every second of it and I hate every second of this feeling that it left me with. I love you, Y/n. I've never wanted anything with anyone else and that includes Michelle."
Silence envelopes the two of you as he holds you and you him.  The situation at hand was looming slowly around the two of you. You're almost positive that Chris will call Han in the morning to confirm everything that he told you. And you'll call Michelle and ask her why the fuck she thought this was okay.  
"We should get you some water then into bed, it’s late" Slowly you nod your head to agree with him but before you can stand Chris scoops you up in his arms bridal style and stands. " I don't want you hurting yourself on the glass." 
You look down at the shattered shot glass on the kitchen floor then back up at Chris. He’s watching you with soft eyes, a weak smile pulling at his lips. A surge of desire washes over you and you can't help what happens next. Grabbing his face with both of your hands you kiss him hard and passionate. He kisses you back with the same hunger allowing your energies to mix in a delicious and raw display of passion. As his lips tangle with yours he takes a couple steps back, away from the mess on the kitchen floor. You can hear the crack beneath his shoe as he steps on a piece of stray glass. 
You comb your fingers through his hair, grabbing some of it and pull slightly at the roots. A moan slips from his lips and it drives you over the edge.  
"Please." You both are panting as you pull away and plead for him. " Please, I need you."
"You're drunk." He looks down at you with sad yet lust flooded eyes.  You can tell it's killing him to deny you of your desire. "Trust me, I want to but you're wasted and not even two minutes ago you were angry and crying...Right now you only want me to prove that she can’t, ask me again tomorrow and I won't hesitate" 
"Okay." The Silence comes back to hug you both as he carries you into your shared bedroom and sits you onto the bed.  
"I'm gonna get you some water and clean up that glass. You should shower and change into something for bed." He kisses you on your cheek and you watch him as he walks away. His black t-shirt and joggers fit him beautifully and you couldn't help but resent him for it just a bit. You don’t move, your thoughts are running too wild for you to think about doing anything else besides calling Michelle and yelling every profanity that you can think of at her. You almost don’t notice Chris come back into the room with a bottle of water in hand and confusion written on his features.
“Are you going to shower?” You look up at him with your glazed eyes, searching his features for the right answer but it’s no use. 
“I don’t know.” You whisper and Chris takes a step towards you, Standing in front of you and gently guiding your head to rest on his stomach. You sigh at the contact, taking in his gentle touch.
“Maybe we’ll just call it a night? Shower in the morning.” You nod your head lazily as a tear runs down your cheek and soaks into the cotton of his shirt.
“You’re mine, right?” He pulls back from you a bit to see your face. He cups your cheeks in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 
“All yours, only yours.” His eyes stay on yours, a soft and loving gaze that you know holds nothing but the truth. You shake your head slightly, grinning a bit. 
“You promise?” He returns your grin before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“I promise.”
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Why Not 🔞
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In which Jungkook has you figured out. Dirty humor, mean and bratty- you're pretty much simply a bitch. So why are you crying over some scraped up knees and a dirty plushy?
Tags/Warnings: non-Idol AU, enemies to lovers, reader acts like she could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, Jungkook just simply is a cinnamon roll, adult themes, fluff, romance, short!reader go cry about it, smut but very low-carb (handjob, cum in pants oops), slight DDLG-aspects/themes? Soft daddy/dom vibes from kook?
Length: longer than JKs Dick career
Additional Content: How So (Part 2)
A/N: have to post it shortened bc the longer version breaks the app :) have some fluff comfort after all that angst psycho shit I posted.
It's not like Jungkook hates you. He really, honestly, doesn't.
In fact, he admires how honest you are, in a way. You seem comfortable with yourself, which shows in a healthy amount of confidence, no thought wasted on what people might think of your outfit or makeup. You're very expressive and creative, and you always work out solutions whenever everyone else would suggest simply giving up.
You're just.. too bold for him. He's not really interested in most things you discuss- which is often something lewd- and he also doesn't really share any interests with you. You're a miss know-it-all, you get dramatic if you don't get your way, and you manipulate people around you to even out your road ahead. You make demeaning jokes about yourself and you always put yourself down in a comedic manner- and he just doesn't like that. Even so, he still never casts you out, or ignores you. It's odd, because whenever you have one on one interactions, he can't help but feel like you're not the same as with others around. Just like right now.
You're currently all eating at a sushi place - you're sitting across from him, cleavage dangerously exposed, but he's got no right to be offended by it. In a way, he admires the way you seem to be so comfortable. But he can't help but notice the way you keep adjusting your top all the time, tugging and pulling constantly.
If it's making you so fidgety, why wear it? It irritates him a bit. He'll never understand why most girls choose fashion over comfort.
Your best friend Namjoon had told him before that you're actually not like this at all. That you're a great friend, caring and gentle and actually very fragile, and even a little shy and quiet when no one's around - however, Jungkook believes that's just your best friend trying to make you look good. You're totally fine the way you are - you're just too much for him personally. There's nothing wrong with that.
Just because he might not enjoy your personality, doesn't mean you have to change it.
But he doesn't question it, continues to eat and listen in on conversations, laughing along jokes and funny stories. He likes the energy of this. It's unforced, comfortable, easy. He's just about to continue eating, when he notices the glance you throw at his plate, something you've done a couple of times now, seemingly thinking about something, before looking away again, engaging in the conversation as if to distract yourself. "Do you want a piece?" He asks you as soon as there's a good moment, a bit more quiet as to not interrupt the current topic being discussed at the table.
You look at him, wide-eyed just for a second, before you shake your head. "It's fine. I'll maybe try it next time, though." You tell him with a smile. "Does it taste good?" You wonder, and he can't help but be amused. How come you can make straight-up dick-jokes at the dinner table, but you can't accept his offered food that you clearly got your eyes on?
"I don't know if my taste is the same as yours." He shrugs, watching as you chew on the inside of your lip now. "Let's trade, if that makes you feel better." He offers instead, and at that, you visibly perk up, eagerly putting a piece of yours on his plate to receive his.
You're.. kind of cute like this. Oddly so.
He watches without staring too much as you eat his gifted piece of sushi, clearly enjoying the taste of it as you swing your legs under the table a little. "This is good." You comment, making him nod with a smile before you both pay attention to the conversation again.
He doesn't really think much about the whole interaction afterwards.
It's not like it's anything special.
"Ah, fuck." Namjoon curses, looking at his phone. "God, fuck. Yoongi I'm so sorry, I forgot I was supposed to drive with Y/N to her doctor's appointment today." He apologizes, making Jungkook look up from his phone.
"Is it something bad?" Yoongi asks, genuinely a bit concerned as Namjoon just seems unsure.
"We don't know, just a routine thing."He replies. "But you never know. And she's a little anxious, too. I wouldn't want her taking the bus or anything alone in that state." He explains, and everyone seems to agree that that's not a good idea. You're well known to not possess the most basic orientation skills sometimes - and with your head all over the place like this, it could just end with you getting hurt.
"What if I drive her real quick?" Jungkook offers casually, looking up from his phone from where he sits on the small sofa in Yoongi's studio. "You both can continue working, and I didn't have anything to do anyways." He shrugs.
"You know what, great idea." Yoongi chimes up.
"I'll.. text her. See if she's okay with that." Namjoon offers with a little hesitance, making Jungkook wonder how serious this appointment really is. Did you have any health troubles you'd been hiding? He's always been told to never judge a book by its cover. Maybe you were just putting on a tough mask to cover up what you thought was weakness?
Jungkook doesn't believe in that. You've always been this way ever since he'd met you.
"She said she's fine with it." Namjoon sighs after a moment, making Jungkook lock his phone and get up. "Here, let me at least bring you down." Namjoon offers, walking out the studio and towards the underground garage where Jungkook has his car parked. "Listen- can you do me a favor?" He wonders, and Jungkook nods.
"Sure." He says, opening the driver's door to throw his wallet into the back together with his jacket. "What is it?"
"Listen, it's a.. gynecologists' appointment." Namjoon says, quietly so, while Jungkook just.. stares, unable to quite grasp on why his friend would say it in a way that makes it seem as if the word is something you can't ever say out loud. So you're going to a specialist. So what? "It's her first time there. She's honestly terrified, so, if you could maybe go in with her and sit in the waiting room? Just, to keep her mind off of things." Namjoon carefully says.
Again, Jungkook just shrugs, before nodding. "Sure, no issue." He says, getting into the car. "I'll text you when she's back home then. You go up and help Yoongi." He says, before putting his phone into the holder, maps app opened to find where you're waiting.
He's a bit confused inside the car. With the way you're always talking, he'd been sure you would've been a regular at those places. Not because he thought you were a whore, God no, but he just believed until now that you'd be someone who's open and casual with it.
So why are you terrified of a simple doctor's visit?
"You uhm.. really don't have to." You mumble quietly next to him, anxiously playing with your hands in your lap. You've been quiet the entire time, not really talking at all, and especially not looking at him. He's a little worried about that, wondering if you're maybe in pain, or really unwell in general to the point of changing your personality like this. "I know this must be weird for you." You say quietly.
"Not really, no. I went to one of these with my mom once, so its fine." He shrugs next to you, trying to maybe soothe your nerves by showing you that he's not at all weirded out or uncomfortable. To be honest, he's a bit surprised- because right now, the girl sitting next to him, isn't at all the girl he'd thought he had figured out.
However, he also assumes you might just be heavily uncomfortable with your health, which could add to you just behaving like you do right now. "You feeling okay? Should I ask them how long it's gonna be?" He asks, and you just shake your head.
"No, I can wait." You just say, trying hard to appear unbothered now. "Guess I'm just not really looking forward to a fifty-plus year-old digging around where the light doesn't reach, you know?" You attempt to joke as always, but Jungkook can spot the fakeness of it.
"Joon said it's your first time." He says, locking his phone now before putting it away.
"Son of a bitch." You curse under your breath, leaning back in your seat with your arms crossed and legs thrown forwards, heels hitting the floor. You look almost defensive now, as if he'd just insulted you. "Yeah, I didn't need to go until now." You shrug. "But my regular physician keeps bugging me to check some stuff out, and Joon has been bothering me about it too." You say. "Not like he's got anything to do with my vagina for that matter."
"Well, he worries." Jungkook shrugs next to you. "And if you've got health issues, you should always get them checked out for that matter. Could be nothing, could be something. I can understand him." He explains to you. "He cares a lot about you."
"hmhm." You affirm quietly, a bit distant now, staring at the tips of your shoes. "Joon has always been a really good friend." You say, and jungkook nods. Namjoon is the main connection between Jungkook and you- the older guy being somewhat of a brother to him, in a way. He really admired his friend a lot, for his achievements as well as his determination to always better himself. He can't deny that he never really quite understood your friendship with him- with you being so extremely different from him- but he never questioned either. "He's honest." You mumble out, and Jungkook has to agree.
"He is." Jungkook nods, though he feels like there's something more to it. He doesn't get to ask however, because your name is suddenly called- and you jump up, taking a deep breath. "Hey-" Jungkook asks, and you look down to where he sits, as he smiles encouragingly. "-You'll be fine." He promises, and you nod, before disappearing with the nurse into the examination room.
It doesn't take too long for you to emerge back out, a prescription written in front as he gets your coat and walks towards you to the counter. "If it gets any worse, just give us a call, alright?" The nurse asks, and you just quietly nod before you walk out with Jungkook trailing right behind you.
"Everything alright?" He asks, and you nod, though next to him in the car, you run your hands over your face.
"I don't ever wanna go there again." You groan, hands still hiding your face as Jungkook looks at you a bit concerned now.
"Did something happen?" He asks seriously, canceling his action of starting the car.
You take down your hands. "No. It was just.. weird." You say. "The questions were nasty. I don't know." You say quietly, and Jungkook can do nothing but start the car to drive you home. He wishes he could- but at the end of the day, this is something he can't and won't ever really understand fully. He hopes it's just the new experience freaking you out.
Parking in front of your apartment building, you really look a bit terrified now. No longer because of the appointment though- but because of the honestly world-ending rain hitting his car like it's trying to smash it flat into the concrete below. "Its really going hard outside now." Jungkook laughs, but you don't seem to be in a joking manner at all. "If you run you won't get wet."
"I don't want you to drive in this weather." You say meekly, barely able to be heard over the loud rain.
"I'll just wait until it's better." He waves off, looking at you drowned in the orange interior light of his car. You seem to think, before you turn to look at him, eyes reflecting the led lights all around like mirrors. You're really pretty, without all that makeup.
"You can come up? Just, it's cold, and if you leave the car running that's bad for the environment and you're also wasting gas-" you ramble, and he laughs, shutting down the car at that, before grabbing his keys.
"Alright." He shrugs. "If you're cool with that." He asks, and you nod after a moment. He chuckles a bit, before grabbing onto the door handle, still looking at you. "On three?" He asks, and your face lights up in playfulness.
"One?" You start, making him grin.
"Two.." he continues, making you smile as well, before you both pull on the handle.
Your apartment is everything he did not expect.
"Sorry, it's a bit messy.." you say, taking off your shoes before you slip into the pink slippers close by. The coat hooks on the side of the entrance are cat shaped. The mat where the shoes are put is pink. And from what he can see, everything you have is bright, pastel colored, cute.
Almost innocently so.
You're right and wrong with it being messy, he notices as he walks into the apartment. It's small, but cozy- blankets and round plushies littering the couch close by, kitchen sink containing some dishes you didn't wash or didn't put away yet. It is a bit untidy, but not messy, in his eyes.
It just.. looks like his own apartment. Simply alive.
"Do you.. want tea?" You ask, quietly, and he nods as he walks closer to you in the open kitchen. "I.. have a lot of different flavors so.. just choose one you like." You explain, opening a cabinet that's basically all about tea. Different mugs, mostly animal designs, flower shaped coasters, sugar and many different brands and flavors of tea, boxes a bit unaligned. He pulls out a little baggy of the box that's the most empty, making you smile a bit shyly. "I like that one the most." You admit.
"I assumed. Might as well try it then." He shrugs casually, letting you boil the water while he looks around from his spot. "Your apartment is really nice." He comments.
"Thank you." You answer quietly, pouring the water into the two mugs. "Namjoon sometimes sleeps over because, according to him, my pull-out couch is more comfy than his own bed." You joke, and Jungkook laughs.
"That sounds like him." He nods, accepting the mug before you both walk towards said couch. "Granted, he sleeps on a mattress on the floor though." He tells you.
You laugh. "He's way too much of a cheapskate to buy a bedframe." You shake your head. "He could just buy it and pay it off monthly." You say.
"He could. But I guess we'll never know why he refuses to buy one." Jungkook answers, watching as you toe off your slippers to get more comfortable on the couch next to him- before you put the mug back on the small table, jumping up towards the windows, opening them. "Its still raining heavy." He says, and you nod, turning off the lights, streetlights of the city illuminating the room enough to still see, as you walk back on the couch, pulling a blanket over your shoulders. "What're you doing?" He chuckles when you put one over his shoulders as well.
"I like listening to the rain. And it smells nice." You say, wind blowing into the apartment. "And airing out is important too." You tell him, leaning your head against the backrest of the couch. He nods.
This is nice.
He'd never really thought of those aspects of rain, has always just seen it as bad. It's already slowly stopping to rain so hard, now just a soft mist, but you're right. It smells nice, not like the usual faint city smog, but clean, and fresh. The air might be cold, icy on the tip of his nose, but its also refreshing, calming.
"This is nice." He comments before he turns, noticing a bit of weight on his back. You're asleep, resting against his back, and he uses this moment to look at you a bit.
Maybe Namjoon had been right, he thinks as he adjusts you to lay your head on his thigh, tucking your blanket in around you.
Maybe you're not who he thought you were.
"What do you mean you were inside her apartment?" Namjoon asks, visibly surprised as he puts down his chopsticks for a moment. "She let you inside?"
"It was raining hard, didn't want to let me drive home, so I had some tea at hers and left later. She fell asleep anyways, she was pretty beat, so I left a note and drove home after closing her windows." Jungkook casually explains, continuing his lunch across his friend.
"You do know she doesn't even let her own mother visit, right?" Namjoon asks, and Jungkook shakes his head.
"No, how would I know?" He says. "From how she acts and speaks, I thought she'd have regular visitors." He says, scooping up some rice as his friend across shakes his head.
"No. She hates visitors. She doesn't even open for the mailman." Namjoon says. "Her apartment is her safety zone. I'm surprised she let you in." He shrugs.
"Maybe you just don't know her that well." Jungkook teases his friend.
"You simply don't know her at all, Jungkook." He says. "Listen.. I, don't know how to say this.. " he starts, and Jungkook raises his brow in confusion.
"I'm not gonna fuck her, if that's what you're worried about." He says, and Namjoon runs a hand over his face.
"Thats.. that wasn't something I was worried about until you mentioned it actually." He mumbles. "So yeah. Don't do that please. And also, don't.. just, don't get too close to her. In general."
"Why?" Jungkook wonders honestly now. "Joon, she's not gonna break my heart or something. I'm an adult man, not a lovesick boy going through puberty. She's not even my type." He laughs.
"Jungkook, I'm serious." The older guy says, picking his chopsticks back up. "Just.. leave it as it is right now."
"What're you worried about?" Jungkook wants to know, finishing his meal as he wipes his hands clean. "You seem so serious about this."
"Because I am." He underlines again. "I told you before, she's not who she pretends she is." He reminds the younger, who leans back, arms crossed.
"What, is she a criminal?" He wonders. "Sells drugs? Owns guns? Criminal record?"
"Theres things I won't tell you cause that's not my right." Namjoon explains. "You're a good guy, I know that, she knows that. But if you get too close, she'll just get attached again." He sighs.
"And?" Jungkook clicks his tongue. "Nothing wrong with that. We're attached too. That's what friendships are. Attachments."
"I meant it as in, more than that." Namjoon mumbles in a somber tone.
"Oh." Jungkook realizes. "I.. don't think I'm her type anyways." He laughs it off, but Namjoon doesn't seem convinced.
"Just.. keep your distance." He warns. "Its for the best."
Namjoon doesn't tell him anything about you since that day.
You don't seem to hang out with everybody as much, and he himself hasn't seen you in what's been weeks now. Everytime he checks on you via your best friend, all he gets is a short answer that's way too vague to be the actual truth. Jungkook isn't sure why he's so interested in the first place. Maybe it's that small tiny glimpse of you that you've shown him, let him taste, before disappearing from his radar.
It bothers him, mainly because he feels like Namjoon has made him out to be the bad guy that's going to break your heart it seems. He's never given a clear reason why. He's never done anything wrong.
But its not like you've vanished into thin air, and because of pure luck, he spots you in a store he's visiting quite often, crouched down at the plushy-section. He almost didn't recognize you, pastel pink bucket hat and facemask hiding you pretty well- but for some reason, he still somehow knows it's you.
You seem to struggle between buying one or the other, holding both as you glance from one of the plush toys to the other.
"Tough decision, hm?" He asks, careful not to startle you but he still does, the seemingly sudden attack of his voice sending you straight onto your butt from your squatting position. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you like that." He chuckles, helping you up and standing.
"No worries. I didn't pay attention." You say, while you hold onto the still packaged stuffed animals. "And uh.. yeah. I was thinking of taking, you know, maybe one." You mumble more or less. "Both are too expensive."
"Yeah, they price these pretty high in my opinion." He affirms, poking one of the plastic bags you're holding. "What's so special about these?" He wonders, and your eyes suddenly grow bigger, hands squishing the thing eagerly.
"They're squishy, and soft!" You explain to him eagerly. "Try it! They're like, I don't know, stress balls or something!" You say, and he does as you say, pulling and pressing down on the round purple creature.
"Hm yeah okay, I can see where you're coming from." He nods, charmed by your cute enthusiasm over the toy. "So, which one you taking?"
"I.. like the color of this one, and its a shark, but the other one is a chicken and cute too.. like, look at those little wings.." you complain, pulling on said wings a bit before you look down. "I don't know."
"Why not buy both and just.. skip out on buying any next month?" He wonders. "Treat yourself. For being brave at the doc's." He chuckles, and you start to fidget on the spot a little.
"They're too expensive." You reason. "If I buy both, I won't have enough money to buy proper groceries next week, and Joon has been bugging me about not eating frozen foods all the time.." you complain.
"Well, he's right, that's not exactly healthy." Jungkook agrees, before taking the chicken from you and turning it to see the price tag. "Its alright. Let me buy it then." He shrugs.
"You- no, you really don't have to." You say.
"I know." He smiles. "But I want to."
You don't say anything. You're not sure Jungkook is aware of what he's doing, supporting your bad habit of buying 'kid's stuff' as Namjoon scolds you constantly. Walking towards checkout, you can't help but wonder. "Did you and Joon fight?" You ask, and Jungkook shrugs.
"Not sure, honestly." He admits. "He's.. I guess he doesn't trust me with you."
"What does you mean?" You wonder in a serious manner, careful to make sure the line keeps moving as you walk next to him towards the cash registers.
"Thats what I'm wondering." He says. "Namjoon seems pretty protective over you. I don't know, usually I'd say he's got the hots for you, but he's with Jin, so that can't be the reason." He tells you, before walking closer to the busy cashier.
"As if anyone's got the hots for me but fourty-plus year old men." You scoff.
"Hey now, don't do that." He clicks his tongue. "I bet most guys are just- intimidated by you. You know." He shrugs, waiting in line next to you with the round chicken plush tucked under his arm. "I know I was."
"Was?" You wonder, and he laughs down at you, his smile almost blinding.
"Yeah, definitely past tense." He jokes. "Now I just think you're cute."
You want to question that further. Suddenly, it's your turn, but Jungkook walks right behind you, pulls out his credit card way before you can grab your wallet, pays for both the stuffed animals and walks you out the store.
"How'd you get here?" He wonders, as you both walk outside.
"Bus." You answer, and he nods.
"You want me to drive you home?" He asks. "I don't mind, it's on the way for me."
"Jungkook.." you suddenly say, voice trembling a little as you stand in front of him at the side of the parking lot. "I.. appreciate your kindness but, uhm.. please don't." You say, and he's a bit taken aback by it.
"Did I do something wrong?" He wonders. "If I came off too strong, I apologize. Really didn't mean to."
"Its just that.. I'm kind of tired getting friendzoned." You laugh bitterly. "Its kind of old at this point. Seeing everyone be nice to you and then move on once they've found their special someone."
"Thats.." he starts, brows all scrunched up as he stands in front of you. "You're not some part-time activity." He explains honestly to you. "I'm not being nice to you to fight my boredom or anything like that. And you're definitely not friendzoned." He chuckles a little.
"I'm always friendzoned." You scoff. "I'm just everyone's little sister, or the lewd one that's always up for a random call when the date doesn't show up." You argue.
"Well, here's the thing." Jungkook tells you, gently uncrossing your arms before placing the two round plushies in each, respectively. "I really don't care what's made you build up that tough mean-girl persona you've created. But I'd like to get to know the girl that's looking at me right now, just like this." He grins, tapping the underside of your chin teasingly. "You're teasing me with those glimpses of you every now and then. I want to know more, if you'd let me."
"That 'me' is boring." You say. "She's childish."
"I've thrown a tamper tantrum before." He shrugs.
"She's stupid." You tell him, but he shakes his head.
"I doubt that. We all got brain-farts every now and then." He crosses his arms, amused smirk on his face at your attempts to drive him away.
"She's cries over Disney movies." You try, and he laughs.
"Hey come on, everyone cries over the fox and the hound!" He simply defends, and you sigh, almost annoyed.
"Jungkook you say all that right now as if it won't end with me hopelessly falling in love with you, while you're gonna leave me behind because 'you're sorry but you've met someone and you're a great friend but nothing more'!" You complain.
"You won't even try and let me love you." He softly says, and you're a little shocked at how easy he says the for you dreaded 'L'-word. It's a big word. A heavy one. "I can't stand here and promise you that I'll fall in love with you, because first and foremost, I don't know you. And you don't know me either." He explains. "But that's something we can change. You just have to let me in."
"And you don't have to let me in?" You try and jab at him, making him laugh.
"I don't have to let you in." He simply says. "You've been seeing who I am the whole time. I'm not hiding anything." He shrugs.
"..." you pull the two stuffed animals a bit closer to yourself, plastic crinkling in your arms before you speak. "What if you don't like who I am?" You wonder quietly.
"Then at least we tried." He offers. "Life is scary. Meeting new people is scary. Letting people go is scary." He softly explains. "But if you just hide away from those things, you'll also miss out on opportunities to experience something great. Meet someone special. Or create a memory you'll never forget."
"So you're saying you already know you won't like me?" You say, now just being stubborn to see what he does.
"Stop putting words into my mouth you brat." Be laughs. "I don't like the 'you' that you force yourself to be. I know that for sure." Jungkook tells you, grabbing his car keys from his pant pocket. "But I feel like I'm gonna like this you that's right in front of me right now a lot."
He speaks bold, appears honest. You're still not sure if you trust him. And namjoon had told you to really keep him at distance, stay on high alert of anything.
But somehow, he's caught you, sticky like honey already staining your skin.
And you've always had a sweet tooth.
It kind of feels like sneaking around.
Even though right now, you're doing nothing naughty at all, not even remotely. Jungkook is simply helping you cook, watches the pizza in the oven before he puts the mitts to the side. "You got a timer set?" He wonders, and you nod.
"I've got it to the full time for now, let's hope we don't forget the check every now and then." You say, and he nods, walking into the living room with you. The smell of food is already slowly invading your space, and you open a window to make sure it airs out before you'll go to bed later.
He's staying over. You're surprisingly calm about it.
On the couch, he's looking at you from the side. "What?" You wonder, and he shrugs.
"I'm just wondering." He says. "Why do you act so differently around others?"
"Because everyone walks over you when you're soft." You explain, pulling your legs closer to yourself next to him. "No one takes you seriously. You're just the quiet girl and nothing interesting. No one cares." You mumble.
Jungkook wants to tell you that's not true, but he knows that he'd be wrong. It's sad that soft hearts get put in a hard shell because of what most people think should be an admirable personality. Someone strong doesn't have to be someone who's always bold and loud.
When his fingers find your knee, you stiffen. It makes him question out loud what he's been having on the tip of his tongue for a while now, ever since arriving at your place. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" He wonders, and you shake your head- before shrugging, unsure. "You're a bit confusing. In a way, cause you seem like you want me close, but when I am, you start to look all cornered, just like now." He wonders.
"Yeah well.. when a guy touches me, it's always been just for that." You say. "You know. Sex."
His face becomes serious. You notice quickly how that sounded.
"Nothing bad ever happened! Not really." You admit. "But it's.. I guess I should've told you right from the start. So you won't get your hopes up." You sigh. "I don't.. want to have sex."
"Okay." He says. "Neither do I right now. I just want to touch you. Nothing else."
"Yeah no, I mean it as in- not right now, probably not anytime soon, maybe never?" You ask more or less. "I've.. never had sex before. And at this point it feels like I've just passed all the opportunities to have it with anybody."
"Do you dislike the thought of it?" He wonders. "What's making you uncomfortable about it?"
"I.. guess I'm scared it'll be awkward?" You say, wiggling your feet a bit. "What if I don't like something, for example? Or if I make a weird sound, or, I don't know, don't cum or you don't cum and then it's all wasted time and just awkward.." you try and explain.
"You're intimidated by it." He sums it up for you, and you nod. "Thats fine. First's are scary, no matter what kind."
"I'm an adult." You conquer. He laughs.
"I'm one too, and I'm still freaked out by shit!" He laughs. "But, to get back to the topic, I'm okay with that."
"Okay with not having sex?" You wonder, and he nods.
"I mean, I get it's important for most people, and I like the intimacy of it, yeah. But it's not a necessity." He shrugs. "I can jerk myself off just fine."
You deflate a little, both because you feel more calm now, but also because you don't know how to tell him you might be interested in the entire topic. But it seems like he can read minds.
"We can also, you know, ease into it." He offers. "Doesn't have to be all hard-core bondage first time." Jungkook laughs. "You okay with this whole discussion?" He gently asks, and you nod.
You're weirdly alright with it.
"So let's like- what do you like?" He wonders. "As in, when you masturbate, what's something you enjoy?"
You cringe a bit. He laughs. You're cute.
"I.. uh.." you stammer, voice a lot more quiet now. "I've got like, a vibrator? That's nice." You shrug. "Other than that, uhm, just my hand. You know. Basic stuff."
Jungkook nods. "Ever put something in?"
"It.. uh. Dunno. Never really came from it alone." You say. "Which is also why I think sex with me is gonna be weird because I've never really gotten myself off on just that." You say.
"Doesn't mean anything." He shakes his head. "The mood, foreplay, all of that makes a huge difference. That and the fact that someone else is doing it. I remember my first handjob I got. It was weird as fuck, even though technically I should've been used to it." He laughs. "I think what personally scared me most was just being naked I guess." He offers some past fears of his own.
You nod at that. "Same."
"You're pretty tough." He smiles. "I'm not just saying that. I think you're pretty, with clothes and without as well." He flirts.
"I'm still not having sex with you." You defend yourself, and he shrugs, smiling still.
"I know." He tells you. "I'm still fine with that."
It's quiet for a moment, until you speak up again. You're not sure why you're bringing it up again when you could've just let it go, because clearly you've always been against the idea of having sex with someone. But with Jungkook, for some reason, it's so easy to talk about all of this.
"I.. you said you'd ease into it " you mumble quietly. He nods. "How?"
"I could just jerk you off." He shrugs. "Simple hand job. Clothes can stay on."
"And then?" You wonder.
"Then what?" He chuckles. "The you'll know if you like someone else doing something like that for you." He offers.
"What if I'll fall in love with you then?" You quietly ask, and he impishly smiles.
"Then I've done one he'll of a good job." He jokes, before looking at you more seriously. "In all seriousness though. I wouldn't mind you falling in love with me."
"I can tell." You say, looking away. "You're easy to love."
"Thank you." He offers. "You're very easy to fall in love with too."
"That makes no sense." You roll your eyes. "Love and lust aren't the same. You just want to screw me."
"Do I?" He raises his brows. "Can't lie and say you're not physically attractive to me. But I stand by what I said. If you don't want sex, I won't ask for it."
"You'll just end up leaving me for someone who wants it." You bitterly laugh. He doesn't look happy.
"No." He says. "Okay, do you want be with me? Emotionally, I mean?" He asks you, and you look at him wide eyes. "Yes, I'm asking you out here."
"I-" you stammer, caught off guard. "Yeah?"
"Is that a question or an answer?" He teases, making you whine.
"Maybe? Yes?" You try again, but he just shakes his head.
"Alright." He simply answers. "I'll go look, see if the pizza is burned yet. You calm down, I think I've riled you up enough." He laughs, hand on your shoulder for just a second before he leaves you to yourself, giving you some breathing room.
It gives you time to think.
You like him. He's a nice guy, good looking too, and he seems honest about his intentions. You don't love him yet, but its clear that he's easy to fall in love with. But isn't love a requirement to start a relationship? Can you just get together and then fall in love?
You're not sure. But you also want to find out.
So when he emerges from your kitchen, you call out to him. "I want to." You say, and he looks at you wide eyed for just a moment, before he seems to realize what you're talking about. "I.. wanna be with you." You say.
And he smiles, grins brightly, like a kid just being offered a trip to Disney world.
"Everything alright?" He chuckles, voice breaking the silence in the darkened living room. "I can hear you creeping around."
It's true, you've been trying to keep quiet because you really don't know how to ask this. It's been bugging you for hours now, there's no way it seems you'll be able to fall asleep without at least attempting to solve this issue. But how do you ask for it?
He'd asked you out. You're together now, right?
"I- uh.." you wonder quietly, navigating slowly towards the pull-out couch where he's laying on. "Just wanted to see if everything's alright." You chicken out last moment, and he laughs softly.
"I'm alive and well." He answers you, before he throws back one side of the blankets, patting the spot next to him. "You wanna sleep here?" He wonders, and you sigh.
"How come you know that?" You almost whine, walking closer before you crawl underneath the warmed up blankets he'd been resting under. "Thanks." You say, but he shakes his head.
"No problem. You can come closer, too." He tells you more quietly now that you're already laying next to him.
It takes a moment for you. You're not sure how close you want to get, how close he will let you- so you slowly scoot forwards, inching closer like a scared animal before you finally settle with your head on the inside of his shoulder, arm over his middle. "Is that okay?" You wonder. He nods.
"Definitely." He answers. "Do you cuddle a lot?" He wonders, and you shake your head.
"I've not.. cuddled with anybody since I was a child." You admit. "So I.. jungkook, I'm gonna need a lot of help for this." You confess quietly. "I don't know how this works. How I'm supposed to act, what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what's right and what's not."
"Thats fine." He reassures you.
It's a little silent after that. You don't know what to say, how to ask. Isn't it weird now? Won't you move too fast? "What's going on in there." He teases, finger flicking your head rather gently. You move around a little uncomfortably. He notices right away. "Not good? You can go back to your bed if it's not comfortable." He offers.
"I don't know.." you say, unsure how to put it in words. "..I'm still thinking about what you said. Earlier." You mumble.
"What exactly?" He wonders quietly.
"The uhm.. you know. Sex part." You stammer out.
"I really don't need it." He chuckles. "Might be hard to grasp but if you don't want it I won't bother you with it."
"I want to." You say. It's dead quiet for a moment before you continue. "Like.. how you said. You know, start small, and all that." Tou explain.
"Okay." He answers after a moment. "Right now?" He asks. You nod.
"I just.. don't know what to do. And I didn't shave- oh God okay no maybe some other day then-" you ramble, he laughs.
"Who cares if you shave?" He jokes easily. "Its fine by me. I don't mind it." He tells you.
"You're weird." You cringe a bit. "Guys don't like that-"
"Maybe you've just met idiots then." He shrugs. "I'm honest here. I don't care if you shave or not. You could dye that hair downstairs pink, who am I to tell you what your body has to look like?" He scoffs playfully, making you laugh a little.
This is why you like him. He's easy. Simple. Comfortable.
"Do you want me to use something? Or just my hand?" He wonders quietly, and you just shrug.
"I wanna.. you know. Know if I like what you do." You offer, and he hums an affirmative reply at that, hand under the covers feeling for your thigh.
"You can stop me at any time." He almost whispers. "It won't be awkward, I promise." He assures, and you nod, letting his palm explore under the covers. You're not sure if he's careful or just plain teasing- but most of all, it's strangely exciting.
He moves you a bit, pulls you closer, eyes searching for ant signs of discomfort. "Jungkook..?" You ask quietly, and he chuckles a bit before nodding. "..can you uhm.. maybe kiss me?" You wonder, and there's no reaction for a moment, until he moves again, adjusts himself so he can properly angle himself, lips meeting yours carefully so.
The first one feels weird. You're unsure. You lift your head in a moment if bravery to try again, and it gets more comfortable.
It's nice.
He seems amused, but not at you - more at the fact that you're a lot more independent than you might've thought you'd be in a situation like this.
You're leading him. You're probably not aware, but your body language and responses all speak clearly to him about what you enjoy and what you don't. At first, he stops any advances, but you whine for him to continue. "Just.. cold hands."
"Sorry." He chuckles. "My fingers are pretty cold sometimes." He jokes. You nod, breathing a bit heavier now as soon as his hands warm up, slowly traveling underneath your underwear, middle finger easily finding your most sensitive spot. "Feeling good?" He wonders, and you nod, squirming around a bit.
"More." You ask, moving around a little, seemingly unsure where to put your limbs. He's doing it very differently from how you'd do it- but it's nice. He's making you feel good, not just in lust, but also in general.
There really isn't anything weird about it.
Or maybe your brain is just a bit foggy.
You want to stop him suddenly, feeling too sensitive, and he does halter his movements to check in with you. "What's wrong?" He asks.
"Weird. Sensitive- I.. don't know." You say. "I feel like I'm gonna pee or something." You say.
"Have you ever had an orgasm before?" He wonders, and you suddenly think. Have you? You're not sure.
"I.. don't know." You say.
"Hm." He cocks his head to the side a little, amused look on his face. "Lets see then." He almost challenges, resuming his activities, making you squirm yet again as you feel like something might be happening. Your back arches, and suddenly, you're not sure why you can't help but gasp out, his movements perfectly stable as pleasure rolls over you in waves. "There we go." He laughs, watching as you slowly come back down.
"Thank you.." you say breathlessly, before cringing at the sight of his glistening hand. "Uhm.. do you want me to do something too.?"
"It's okay." He says. "I've enjoyed watching you. That's enough." Jungkook chuckles, before pulling back the covers. "No, clean up. I gotta wash my hand and change too." He laughs, slapping your thigh with his clean hand.
"Change?" You wonder, standing up and cringing at the slippery feeling between your legs.
"I told you." He laughs, and only now do you notice a wet spot on his sweatpants as he'd turned on the lights. "I really enjoyed myself as well."
He's warm.
His arm lays heavy over your body, breathing soft and barely noticeable on the skin of your neck. Jungkook has slept close to you the entire night, didn't mind when you stole the blanket from him it seems. He's holding onto you, face clear of any worry, no muscle tensed as he sleeps.
He slowly seems to wake up, pulls you closer for a moment as he stretches his limbs and back, before his tired eyes open. "Hey." He greets with a raspy voice.
"Hey." You quietly greet back. He chuckles.
"How do you feel?" He wonders, pulling you closer with a sleepy grin.
"Good. Happy." You say.
"In love?" He wonders.
You nod.
And he smiles, brighter than the sun already high up in the sky outside your window.
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i-fucking-hate-ppl · 8 months
Sup mah dude! I've just finished binge reading your HH hcs and I freaking love them! ✨ If you're still taking requests, may I get how getting married with our demon boi Alastor would be like? From what lead him to deciding he was gonna marry our reader, how he proposes, what's the marriage gonna be like, etc., etc. And if you can, maybe include how our other main characters would react? Thank you for blessing us ❤️✌️
Wassup! I hope you enjoy this fluffy bundle of fluff!
Alastor decided he was going to marry you the moment he came to term with his feelings. He hasn't even thought about courting anyone since, well he was alive! Even then it was mostly to please his dear mother!
He can't recall a time he's ever felt this way about anyone before, and if he was ever going to marry someone he knew it'd be you.
Of course he's a gentlemen though, he won't start with that. No no no, it simply won't do.
He'll test it out first. Make sure you two are actually compatible. It'll be a few years before he starts asking subtle hints about what you like it rings, like certain cuts or perhaps gold vs silver, ring size.
To be safe you don't know, he'll buy you a ring for you birthday to throw you off.
And once he's done browsing and has found the most perfect, stunning ring he'll propose.
He'll make sure it's your anniversary to once again throw you off, and take you out to the best restaurant. He'll make sure to plan quite a few activities, and at the end he'll take you for a walk. Of somewhere private and most importantly quiet with the most beautiful view you could possibly find in hell.
He'll find the perfect opportunity to step back, while you're distracted by the site seeing to kneel and just wait patiently for you to turn around.
And the moment you say yes he's up and slipping that ring on your finger with a peck to your forehead.
Charlie was flabbergasted. She didn't think Alastor would ever, in a million years, propose and get married. Although that didn't stop her excitement. She's quick to congratulate you two and squeeze you both in a big old hug!
Vaggie really couldn't care less, she was shocked but just doesn't care as much. Giving a smile congratulations and a smile. She does wonder if you have magical, voodoo love spells or something though..
Angel Dust most certainly said something inappropriate and is now trying to fight off a pissy Alastor during all the congrats.
Sir Pentious is just "Really? That's who you want to marry? For the rest of your life that's who you want to be stuck with? I'm not judging.. but I'll be praying for you dear!"
Husk gives no fucks, he tried warning you and you ignored him. It'll be your own bad decision he already made his. No congrats either.
Nifty is jittery and beyond excited. Talking and asking questions a mile per minute. Climbing all over you while she does. She also can't believe Alastor will be married, what is your secret to a bad boy's heart! Tell. Her.
The wedding is most certainly in cannibal town, it's the place close to Alastor's heart. It reminds him so much of his era in life, honestly can't imagine the wedding taking place anywhere else.
He would prefer if the wedding was more traditional, such as you wearing a white dress/tux. But if you would prefer a dress/tux of a different color he will be willing to bend since he wants you to be just as happy as he will be.
He'll also want it to be very, very small. Just a few people.
He will try to do most of the work so you don't have to worry about anything.
Rosie will most certainly be the wedding officiant, she got certified just for him! She didn't expect an Ace in the hole such as Alastor to ever get married and is beyond excited to do this for him!
Zestial is his best man, and the rest of his best "men" are Husk (who was most certainly forced to be there) and Nifty.
He didn't care who you chose as your best, as long as it wasn't Lucifer.
He'll most certainly go for a red and black theme and hope you agree.
The flowers would be deep red roses with black lilies, with a small touch of pink roses just to brighten it a bit.
Cake would most certainly be yellow, with black frosting and deep red frosting roses on it, decorated beautifully.
He'd pretty much make sure the whole wedding was perfect and beautiful. Just for you.
Zestial will be walking you down if your Father isn't in hell. He doesn't want you to walk alone down the aisle!
His vows would be
"You know dear, you are very special to me. There isn't a single soul in heaven or hell that could possibly make me feel the way I do for you. You're one in a million! A random, wild chance that I will never take for granted! The first and only one that could ever warm my heart! I promise that I will always take care of you and protect you until the very end! A promise that will never be broken, forever and always my darling."
He'll make sure no one can see the sealing kiss, but he most certainly seals that shit. You are his now, always.
Zestial will also act as your father for the first dance and give you away to Alastor after as well, if your Father isn't present. Just to keep things traditional and make you happy.
Of course the music is played from a radio and of course it's mostly Jazz.
After it's all said and done and you're home, Alastor might feel the very rare want to have sex. But if not he'll hold you close and read to you from one of your favorite books without his radio static. He'll have tea and snacks on the side table for you to enjoy as you listen to him speak. If you doze off he'll change you into some pajamas and lay down you down in bed before getting ready and laying with you and holding you close.
Then it will be your turn to plan the honeymoon, he will let you have free reign to decided where you'd like to go and what you would like to do and only give input if you ask for it.
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