#I like this design so much better w the colors and the glittery night star wings leakin into the eyeballs….
prismolette · 2 years
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Indrid Cold Mothman part two, hi
( ✌︎'ω')✌︎ give him some Nog
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jxngh · 1 year
request : 32 “if we weren’t in public right now, i’d have my head between your legs.”
89 “this is my pussy i can touch it whenever i please.”
pairing : jimin x reader
genre : smut obv.
note : it's been in my drafts for suchhhh a long time and seeing you guys still interacting w my blog made me wanna post 🥺 nd don't forget to do the poll pls (it's at the end)
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these moments were rare.
having a world-star boyfriend, you are used to see people - millions of them - admire your boyfriend, all the compliments, the way they try to be close, wishing they were you.
but now, being the star of your closest friend's wedding - that's how jimin felt -, cause in your mind you weren't really the star, maybe till the bride comes.
he was standing with his friends, talking about anything and everything while his eyes were following every move of your precious body does. he tried, god knows, he tried to focus on people's words but, no.
he looked around of him, the beautifully designed place, a glass ceiling where people could see both nature and sky, pretty candles on every table, well dressed humans, then he looked the middle of all place.
you were there.
standing with a mini saten dress, silver heels with straps, a designed silver bracelet your boyfriend gifted.
he took a deep breath, almost a dreamy sigh. all he could see was you, and when he was not looking at you he was thinking about something reminding of you.
he was basically looking at his glass of wine, trying really hard to not eat you with his eyes, and finding himself thinking that you were wearing the same color. wine. red wine. it's my favorite, he thought.
' who am i lying to? she's my favorite, that makes the colors prettier somehow ', his inner voice said.
it wasn't helping him that you were on the charge of welcoming people. you knew almost everyone in bride's life. you stood on the front door first, then started to walk around and ask people how they're doing and stuff. that was when the compliments got out of control.
you were handling it fine at the beginning, loving the attention, bowing your head down and thanking. but hearing too much of them - ' bride shouldn't let you in, you're basically glowing ' ' everybody's looking at you, it's impossible to not look tbh' ' didn't see any woman carrying the red this well.. and more - you really were blushing and trying to laugh it off.
and even though jimin couldn't hear those from the place he's been watching you, he could see. see the mini dress fitting your body so perfectly, showing every curve that he knows like a map and all the imperfections he loves. see the glittery make-up of yours, dark shade of lips, the way you walk, the way you get shy and play with your hair..
he drank and filled his glass again.
' she looks so fucking good in that dress, can't wait to take it off of her, then have my tongue on every inch of her precious skin, move my hands all through her body, taste her, ruin her pretty make-up. kiss her all night like crazy.. make her cry for more underneath me. ' his inner voice whispered to him.
he needed to be close to you. and a voice cut his trance.
" jimin? you there? " taehyung asked looking at his best friend with a sheepish grin.
jimin looked at him and understood that he was staring at you for a long time now. so he quckly said " i'm going to my girlfriend, missed her. " and left the brunet on the table.
as jimin walks closer to you, you were talking to a young man which look alike the groom, jimin noticed.
and heard the guy saying " you look gorgeous today and you won't believe how many people asked me if you're single.. " and you laughed.
" no- "
jimin's hand found your waist in a most gentle way without thinking. you looked at him feeling better after his sudden touch.
" hi, i'm jimin. the boyfriend. " he said and he gave the eye smile. a little overprotectiveness on his tone. then the two met and the guy didn't stay long saying that he needs to check the groom.
" ah.. did you really had to look this good jagi? " he said lowering his voice on purpose and whispered to your ear after tucking your hair behind your ear slowly.
you felt tingles.
" it's a wedding chim, everyone has to. " you replied, fixing his tie and fighting the urge of kissing him right there.
" hmm.. " he said looking at your lips. " but you're the star today. "
the tone got you melting inside again.
" what's with the tone? are you trying to make me blush, park? " you replied, heart beating faster but in a stable voice. he didn't need to see you melt.
and before he could open his mouth and gave you a proper answer, you heard taehyung giving a small speech, then saying that he'll be singing couple of songs for the lovely couple because bride asked him to..
so you two stopped standing in the middle and you intertwined your fingers with his, took him to a table. his hand was placed on your waist the whole song. he hummed most of the song, then decided to give you a back hug. so he did, sang the song to your ear while placing his hands on your hips, slowly swinging you both.
feeling his breath on your neck shouldn't make you feel this hot. the tone of his voice shouldn't make you blush like this, the way he makes you dance shouldn't make you feel dizzy on the knees, but they did.
" jagi.. " he said slowly at the end of the song, “ if we weren’t in public right now, i’d have my head between your legs. ”
he left a small kiss to your shoulder, you were sure it all looked innocent. this was his plan from the beginning. and you were positive that your thin underwear was getting wetter.
then he standed next to you, joined the conversation like he wasn't the one who said all of these.. then turned to you.
" babe? can't we go see around? i'm really curious about the view plus we're inside for hours, need some fresh air. " he held your hand and asked like such gentleman. and you played along.
you let him take you into the woods, find a place for only just you two. pushed your back to a tree, started to kiss your chest to neck.
" the things you do to me.. " he talked to your skin, held your thigh and made your leg hug his body while his mouth finds yours, not too slow, not too fast, definitely intense and making your little sounds mix kinda kiss.
his hand moved under your dress, sliding your underwear quickly.
" we can't, they'll get suspicious.. not now baby. " you said noticing your voice getting weaker with every word. what a lie, you wanted him to continue.
" this is my pussy i can touch it whenever i please." he palmed your pussy. " so stop acting and spread those pretty legs for me a little, doll. " he said sending tingles to your body.
you couldn't say a word back, already giving in, opening your legs.
" yes, my pretty doll.. " " now open that cherry lips.." he said pushing two fingers in your mouth. " suck. "
you did, swirled your tongue around it while locking eyes with him.
" shit, you're making me mad baby. " he said lowering his fingers and starting to toy your clit. and his lips found it's place on your neck.
his fingers were everywhere but inside of you. and you couldn't help but push your hips to his hand.
" tsk, it's mine baby, i get to decide what i'll give to you. "
then slapped your cunt. you moaned. he did it again saying " right doll?" then again.. now you were about to cry. he left a small kiss to your lips and sent his two fingers in.
" you're clenching too hard huh? will you come to my fingers? make a mess? " and you did, shakingly.
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im-abanana · 7 years
Here’s the fic you requested me, @happyqueenandgrumpydork! 
I hope you’ll like it!
When Poppy simply told her best friend her little secret, the expression painted on Suki's face appeared absolutely priceless, unforgettable: a perfect mixture of surprise, happiness, disbelief, confusion, sentiment and joy. “Oh my... girl, ya're saying that... ya're pregnant!? Seriously!? This isn't a fuckin' prank, right!?” the dj covered her mouth and freckled cheeks with both hands, emotion and excitement in her purple eyes as she tightly hugged the always happy Queen. “I'm so, so glad for ya and Branch, sweetie! What a sly dog, that survivalist; he knocked ya up, uh?” the orange haired Troll winked naughtily, gently punching her bestie's left shoulder, of course playfully. “Did you tell Branch yet?”.
“So it seems, yes... it happened a week ago. And no, I haven't told him yet.” the pink haired girl sadly nodded, sipping a cup of warm tea and sighing out, fear and uncertainty shining in her magenta orbs as she spoke once again: “I just don't know what to do, or what to say anymore... In seven or six days I will give birth, and I'm so scared about it. I mean, what will the others think about me? What will my dad think about me? What will... Branch think about this, about us and the kid? Having sex and, most important, a baby before marriage goes against a couple of our traditions.” the female forced a laugh after a few moments, scratching her fluffy nape with her fingers and blushing slightly. “But after all, following the rules has never been my strong point, I guess.”.
Suki blinked a couple of times, not understanding all those useless worries: “Pops, are ya seriously concerned about the others' reaction? Trust me, your friends and your dad will go completely nuts when they'll found out about this, a baby is somethin' amazing, a beautiful new for the whole reign actually. And Branch? Come on, ya know him better than I do, he adores and loves ya with all his freakin' heart, of course he will be happy about this!” the musician, ended her wise speech, offered to the Queen a cinnamon bun, encouraging the royal Troll and promising to be by her side. “I will help ya when you'll decide to tell everyone. In my opinion, your pregnancy could be a whole new adventure for both of you guys, Branch wants to start a family with ya, girl.”.
“And how can you tell?” Poppy lifted her aching head after a short pause of silence, that tiny and resigned smile still there, apparently impossible to remove despite Suki's reassuring words. “How can you know that for sure, Suki? Of course, Branch is my boyfriend and I should blindly trust him... ok, I really do trust him, but at the same time I have my doubts about this particular situation. I just don't know how he and the others will react! What if he doesn't want another family and decides to just... go away, leaving me behind?”.
“Leavin' ya behind? Are ya kiddin', right?” Suki loudly slapped her forehead, sticking out her tongue and rolling her orbs, a little bit exasperated, trying to talk some sense into her beloved, childhood friend: “I can bet on it because ya already are his new family, Poppy. With you, Branch found serenity, will to live and deep love, all over again.” the reddish musician crossed her chubby legs, leaning against the back of her yellow couch lazily. “That stubborn survivalist won't let ya go or have second thoughts about the beautiful relationship ya two share... well, mostly because I would fuckin' kill him and then punch his lifeless, fat cadaver if he just tried to abandon ya... The others and Peppy will surely support your life decisions, like I'm doin' right now. But we must tell this to the gang as soon as possible, ya don't have a lot of time, besides their trust depends on it. Six or seven days before the birth, ya said?”.
“Ahaha yeah, pretty sure that's exactly what I said, within a week. You won, you won, I'll do it!” the Queen merrily laughed in front of her protective best friend, finally convinced and a little bit reassured. “You are completely right about this Suki, I should tell everyone as soon as possible. This night I will organize a little party here at 7:00 p.m., with an excuse of course, and then inform the Snack Pack, my dad and Branch. I hope it will turn out ok.”.
“Now ya're talkin', girl! It's settled!” the dj gave Poppy an high-five, immediately jumping up and stirring her tense back and limbs. “Com'on, we have a lot to organize and plan, no time to waste! I'll warn the Snack Pack now, ya warn Peppy and your paranoid man, alright?”.
The pink haired Troll nodded and stood up as well, one of her hands gently caressing her own belly in a weird, unconscious gesture that was starting to become pretty common since... the very beginning of her pregnancy. “Alright. See you all tonight at 7:00 p.m., right in front of my pod.” Poppy replied with a playful grin, walking towards the doorway and saying goodbye to her best friend. “I hope it will be ok. I really hope they will be happy about it...” the colorful Queen repeated in her mind, almost like a mantra, a small part of her still rightly scared and unsure. “Oh, and Suki... thanks for your advices.”.
“No problem, girl. I'm always here for ya, don't ya ever forget that.” Suki gently replied, winking and walking Poppy to the front door. “Don't worry too much and take care of yourself, remember that there's a little one inside that belly.”
That night was incredibly beautiful, magical and especially calm: the moon was standing high and proud in the clear sky, and all the bright stars were clearly visible, not even a single cloud could hide their majestic and reassuring light. And along with the darkness and a big group of familiar, loud guests, even Poppy's long awaited moment had inexorably arrived, after all. “Ehy, people! Glad you could make it! Don't just stand there, come on, come in!” the Queen quickly gestured, opening her door and making way for her jumping friends, old dad and perfectly composed boyfriend, that was looking at the Snack Pack with a pretty pissed and irritated look. Savage beasts...
“Poppy, how are you today?” Branch sweetly greeted the pink haired female, kissing her right cheek and staring at her with a pretty confused look. “While we were waiting, Suki said that you've got something very important to tell us all. What is it?” he asked then, tilting his chubby head to the left side in a strangely stupid but yet adorable way, according to the pink, royal Troll.
“Yeah, I actually do have something to say. Umh, very well... everybody, take a seat and listen up!” Poppy cleared her throat and shrugged, waiting for the others to get comfortable and ready for the big announcement. With the corner of her magenta eyes, the nervous Queen spotted Suki smiling at her, trying to encourage her bestie. “Alright, emh... you all know that Branch and I have been a couple since a pretty long time now. Well, more or less.” the chuckling female started her speech, grinning at her life partner and keeping up: “Either way, it feels like an eternity, a beautiful, amazing eternity. I'm sincerely having the best time of my life with you all, friends and dad, and with you Branch, by my side. But now, very soon, we're gonna be blessed with a new, tiny arrival in our lives, pretty much because...”; that was it, that was the moment or truth. Poppy took a deep, deep breath and relaxed her throbbing mind for a brief second, suddenly pronouncing those exciting but also scary words: “I'm pregnant.”.
The reactions Poppy got were pretty various, she had to admit. Her beloved father, after a moment of pure shock and surprise, rapidly got up and immediately hugged his daughter to his chest, tightly, to express his joy and congratulating non-stop. “This is a wonderful new, my dearest Poppy! I'm so glad for you and Branch! Everyone, I'm gonna be a grandpa! But when?”.
The twins, Biggie, Smidge, Fuzzbert and Cooper pretty much gasped with big smiles (well... Fuzzbert kinda smiled on the inside), joining their ex-King in the hug and talking without stopping for entire minutes. “Oh my god Poppy, you are seriously pregnant!? We must start to design new clothes for the baby as soon as possible, we'll start tonight! We'll make tiny socks, tiny hats, tiny pajamas, tiny scarfs, tiny gloves... but wait, will it be male or female? That's a problem, what color should we use!?”.
“That's absolutely amazing to hear! But...” Guy Diamond, despite his natural happiness, in that moment had a pretty lost and dumb look painted on his glittery visage as he tapped Suki's shoulder and whispered her a question in the ear.  “Suki, how did they make a baby?”. Needless to say, the musician replied with an eye roll, a firm slap across his face and a cold comment: “Dumb fuck.”.
And what about Branch? Well, his reaction was the cutest, but even the strangest in the whole group's opinions. In fact, after hearing that Poppy was pregnant, that she was carrying their unborn child, the small life they both created with love and passion... silent tears of emotion started to flow from his touched, wrinkled light blue eyes as he sank his face in his bigger and callous hands, crying. “P-Poppy... I... you... we...” the ex-survivalist managed to call her name between his sobbing, approaching his girlfriend and hugging her as well, nuzzling the Princess' neck and wrapping his purple hair around her magenta one, in a very protective gesture.
Understanding the situation and the couple's actual needs, the Snack Pack and Peppy slowly exited the room, leaving the two alone to talk in private.
Still weeping against her comforting shoulders and shaking in her familiar arms, Branch bit his lower lip and expressed his biggest fear, confiding completely with his love: “W-what if I mess up, Poppy? M-my parents weren't around while I was growing up, I... I don't know how to be a d-dad, I don't want to ruin our kid's life...” the bluish Troll sadly admitted, feeling like a total failure and leaning against Poppy, hurt and defeated in body and spirit.
“Mess up? Ruin a life? Branch, don't you ever think about this.” the pink, royal Troll caressed his wet cheeks and held his visage, trying to make eye contact with the ex-survivalist. “Branch please, look at me. You won't ruin its life, you won't mess up, I can bet on it. You are the most responsible, kind-hearted, brave, smart and gentle Troll I've ever met. If this child, if our child is just a fraction of who you are... it will be an upright and dignified sovereign, trusted and loved by everyone. Branch, you always trusted your instinct, do that this time as well. You would never ruin a life, 'cause you were capable of making my own life way better.” Poppy tenderly cooed, kissing his dry lips gently and sloppily, adding a few other words after they parted. “Are you... happy about this baby, honestly? Do you want to start a family with me?”.
“H-happy? Why are you even asking, my love? Of course I am, I do want to start a family with you, Pops!” Branch nodded with great decision, holding his beloved Queen closer and still not totally able to prevent some of his warm tears from streaming down, too excited about it. “D-do you really think I'm fit to be a dad? Despite my still grumpy personality and moody behaviour?”.
“I'm completely sure, dork.” the always positive Queen kissed his big nose, pressing their foreheads together and sighing when she felt the ex-survivalist's hands caressing her smaller body. “One week and it will come, you know.”.
“I will be ready, Pops.” the bluish male simply replied, suddenly knealing down and pressing one of his pointy ears against her tiny belly, as if he wanted to communicate with their unborn child. “I promise I'll be more than ready to meet this little guy or girl that day.”.
And he kept his promise.
One week later, Branch and Poppy were silently lying on a comfortable hospital bed, their colorful and teary (Branch's, to be specific) eyes staring at a tiny, little baby girl wrapped in a scented and delicate towel that the Queen was lovingly holding against her body. The little girl had pinkish skin and magenta hair, almost like her mother's but a just little darker, but a few locks of hair (the top part of it, especially) were purple, just like Branch's color. When the kid opened her eyes, the royal couple immediately noticed that her right one was light blue, and her left one was magenta. Heterochromia? “She is beautiful.” the ex-survivalist silently said, sniffing just slightly and then cuddling both his girlfriend and daugther, proudly watching the newborn play with one of his chubby fingers. “How do we name her? Any idea?”.
Well, that was a good question indeed. But the answer kinda came out from the inside after just a few seconds, leading Poppy to think about all her previous fears, insecurities and, especially, hopes for her future, for their future.
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