#I leveled his spells before I leveled the actual card LMFAO
hypaalicious · 2 years
So I did a small experiment in Twisted Wonderland
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Since I’m meticulously going through each character and getting to 1000 lessons, I wanted to see just how much EXP you can get for doing that many lessons. Just like spell leveling, EXP leveling is also fairly ambiguous (they don’t tell you how much it takes to get to the next level, or how much the bonus stars net each character in a History lesson; it’s just vibes 😂) and I was curious. 1000 lessons is a LOT, but without items it don’t seem like the bar moves very much.
So, I used Malleus as my test subject. I was very unlucky and never pulled a malleus card until recently, so I had a clean slate to start with. I used no items to make sure I get a base idea of how much EXP History of Magic lessons actually will get you.
Welp, after many weeks of grinding… Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes SR went from level 1 to level 50. Dassit. 😭
A THOUSAND lessons can’t even max the lowest baseline level cap of an SR, that’s garbage twst, y’all wrong for that!
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akechicrimes · 5 years
I'm a brand new goroboy and have questions if you don't mind answering any of them 1. Was everything that Akechi said about the PTs being unjust a part of his detective act or did he really believe that changing hearts was bad prior to the engine room? 2. When did he first suspect the PTs? Did he figure them out immediately at the TV station or did he just become interested in Joker cuz he's gay and figured it out afterwards lol. Basically who sussed who out first? (1/2)
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hello welcome!!!!!! we are happy to have u!!!!!!!! 
unfortunately we dont have concrete answers to a lot of these, but i will do my best!!!! these are some really excellent questions so i want to do them justice. and by do them justice, i mean theyre under a cut because it got really long lmfao.
thanks for the ask–this was really fun to write, instead of doing literally any of the work that i was supposed to.
1. Was everything that Akechi said about the PTs being unjust a part of his detective act or did he really believe that changing hearts was bad prior to the engine room?
SHORT ANSWER: we don’t know.
SLIGHTLY LONGER ANSWER: we can’t say for sure but there’s strong evidence that he was probably telling the truth, actually.
VERY LONG ANSWER: there’s strong evidence he both is and isn’t telling the truth in the TV studio scene, but with the qualifiers that (1) he never necessarily says theyre unjust, he says they’re dangerous. (2) he probably thinks the phantom thieves change hearts in the same way that he makes people go psychotic. (3) his sense of justice is basically entirely based on righting wrongs that have been committed against individuals, not what the law says. (also, when i say “individuals,” i mean himself.)
to the extent that he’s lying–he does say that they’re operating outside the law, and that they have unknown and apparently very effective power that cannot be stopped by traditional law enforcement. traditional justice says that if you operate outside the law, that makes you automatically bad. akechi is playing the part of someone who’s lawful good, so when he says, “they’re dangerous and operating outside the law,” he has to say, “that makes them unjust.”
to the extent that he’s telling the truth, that’s basically everything else he says. i do think those viewpoints are his own for a lot of reasons.
when he talks about the changes of heart, he makes it sound like it’s a thing that could just happen to anyone–even people who’ve done no wrong. when akira voices support for the PT, akechi argues back against akira to say “If [Ryuji’s] heart suddenly changed, wouldn’t you think it was the work of the Phantom Thieves?” like it could just happen to any random joe schmoe. he’s acting like someone could just one day change their entire attitude–possibly for the worse–resulting in terror amongst the population.
we have to keep in mind that at this point in time, akechi has no idea that you can steal treasure to change a person’s heart. he doesn’t even know treasure is a thing, let alone that you have to send a calling card to make it manifest. morgana is the person who knew all that stuff, and akechi definitely didnt have access to morgana when he started his hitman career.
so with the way that he’s talking about the changes of heart, i dont think he assumes that changes of heart always change the person for the better. he has no idea that it’s literally removing a person’s distorted desires. i’m like NINETY-FIVE PERCENT SURE that he thinks changes of heart operate in the same way that his psychotic abilities work: you cast a persona spell, and a person goes apeshit.
from his point of view, that’s kind of what’s happening. when akechi casts call of chaos, a person starts behaving in a way they never would under ordinary circumstances in the real world. the changes of heart really look exactly the same way to an outsider’s POV. and to akechi’s understanding, call of chaos can be cast on even good people. from the phantom thieves’ POV, only people who’re mega-dicks can have their hearts changed in the first place, because the requisite to have a palace is a certain level of distortion. (futaba, of course, proving that you don’t have to be a mega-dick to have a distortion, but the TV studio scene happens before futaba.)
akechi’s argument is that leaving that sort of power in just anyone’s hands is dangerous. because that’s a LOT of power for one person to have. akechi would know, considering that he’s in the same position. he’s wary of the fact that there’s no guarantee that that person will use it for good.
that, of course, brings us to the question of “well, what does akechi think ‘using power for good’ is in the first place?” does he think that the phantom thieves are using their powers for good? does he think he’s using his powers for good?
when asked why he seeks justice, akechi says: “Because of sickening human beings… Yes, my contempt for such people drives my sense of justice. It isn’t some grand reason like society’s sake or some lofty ideal. It’s simply an absurd grudge… and extremely personal.” 
the traditional, lawful-good way of thinking about justice is that if you operate outside the law, you’re automatically bad. but akechi’s sense of justice seems to be driven primarily from the hurts he’s suffered, the grudges he still bears, and his conviction that wrongs personally done against individuals should be righted. it’s an end-goal oriented sense of justice.
if wrong-doers are punished and the grudges are appeased, then justice is delivered. how that happens does not necessarily constitute justice. my best guess at this time is that he’d qualify a lot as “the ends justify the means,” since his concept of justice is end-goal oriented. 
of course, i think akechi definitely shows throughout the game that he knows that how you achieve those ends is… not irrelevant. i think his black mask outfit (and a bunch of other things he says) implies that he feels like he is a “villain” of sorts. he demonstrates feeling a type of way about killing okumura. he definitely knows that his actions are morally wrong under particular lenses. take a look at this section:
Akechi: Who cares? My targets were all doing the same damn thing in this eat or be eaten world. [referencing that all his victims were dicks who kind of deserved to get glocked]
Akechi: How is that any different from the Phantom Thieves?
Ann: We’re not murderers!
Akechi: (now looking kind of pissed) So what?! [launches into speil about how it’ll all be worth it when he exacts revenge on Shido]
obviously he knows that murder is morally indefensible. but i think he’s justified it to himself as either not so bad because he killed primarily corrupt people, and/or that it’d be worth it if he achieves revenge on shido. he’s doing some kind of weird karma cosmic-scale balancing of “how much can i get away with and still be able to call it justifiable and justice,” and it looks like his answer is “quite a fucking lot.”
ironically, this makes his views on justice fairly practical. rather than idealistically committed to some platonic edition of justice, he’s more of a “what do i need to do to get the goals i want achieved? what needs to happen to make sure that asshole abusers get what’s coming to them? what needs to happen to make sure that i get emotional closure?” the biggest issue with that is the danger of a Pyrrhic victory–the moment where the means so go far that the ends no longer justify them.
all of this is to say: when akechi is talking about the phantom thieves as potentially unjust, i dont think he has a problem with their methods. “methods” are like a knife–it’s about how you use it, and for what.
i think he knows that changing hearts, and turning people psychotic, is morally skeevy if your sense of justice is very puritanical, but his sense of justice isn’t puritanical. i think he’s wary of what they might be using their methods for. again: his big argument in the studio scene isnt necessarily that theyre unjust, only that they’re dangerous.
seriously, though–changing hearts is potentially a recipe for societal collapse if used the wrong way. imagine if the PT were more self-centered and they went the light yagami route with their new supernatural powers, maintaining peace and order through authoritarian fear. that is, actually, the entire premise of the P5 Vanilla Bad End, in which the PT enforce peace through relentlessly changing hearts and making people too terrified to keep committing crime. 
since his views on justice seem to be defined by what the end goal is, he’d have to know what those goals are before understanding if they’re “just” or “unjust”–which is probably why he keeps hounding akira for akira’s viewpoints on justice, tbh. the phantom thieves are only unjust if their end goal is unjust, not necessarily because of their methods. (see answer to question 2 for related/continued discussion.)
2. When did he first suspect the PTs? Did he figure them out immediately at the TV station or did he just become interested in Joker cuz he’s gay and figured it out afterwards lol. Basically who sussed who out first?
SHORT ANSWER: i pretty sure atlus expects us to believe that he figured it from even before the TV showing–he figured it out when he overheard ryuji saying “It’s not easy being phantom thieves” when they were in the hallway. it’s the same time and place where akechi did his famous pancake fuck-up.
SLIGHTLY LONGER ANSWER: the idea that akechi was just super horny for the guy who gave him shit on live TV and then realized that akira was a phantom thief later as a neat bonus is fuckign SENDING me.
VERY LONG ANSWER: because of the scene with ryuji, i’m pretty sure he knew that akira was a phantom thief, and also i’m half-convinced that he somehow got the TV host to specifically choose akira during the “ask the audience” portion of the show. it’s really too much of a coincidence. 
because of that, i think the other implication of the scene is that he wanted to see what akira was made of when he invited akira for a debate on live television, and was pleasantly surprised when akira had something very interesting to say on the topic of grey morality and achieving justice outside the law.
what’s interesting about that scene is that akechi becomes interested in akira regardless of what akira says about the phantom thieves. akira’s options are “They’re justice itself,” “They’re necessary,” and “They do more than the cops”–so it’s not like akira ever says that he dislikes the phantom thieves, but the level of support ranges and two of these imply a justification/reasoning for it. and then akechi fucking argues back on live television like this is some kind of debate, instead of a daytime talk show meant to distract bored housewives. 
like. akechi gets INTO it. justice is his THING. and here’s akira, who seems to be not only a metaverse user operating outside the law like akechi himself, but also has some pretty grey morality thoughts on what justice is and could be, also like akechi himself.
taking it as a given that he knows for a fact that akira is a phantom thief from the get-go, from even before the TV scene ever even happened, then akechi probably keeps hounding him because akechi’s interested in hearing akira’s reasons. he’s not fishing for evidence, since he already knows. this is very speculative, now, but my best guess is that he keeps hounding akira ever after this scene because he wants to compare notes, one vigilante to another, to hear how akira rationalizes his vigilante work as a type of justice. very possibly, he’s seeking reassurance to himself that his own actions are justifiable. (he certainly seems that way in P5R, especially when he wonders about if a “justice nobody wants” is really a true justice at all, or just someone being self-centered.)
so re: “did akechi figure him out or was he just gay,” the answer is. yes. akechi did figure him out, and also akira made him so intellectually horny on live television that he hounded the man down in public for follow-up dates. 
what a king.
3. Does Akechi have a Velvet Room? Does he experience rank ups with Joker and the game over stuff too? 
SHORT ANSWER: we don’t know. no, seriously, we have no idea.
SLIGHTLY LONGER ANSWER: i’ve seen compelling takes on him having his own velvet room, and i think it’s thematically very fascinating if akechi is quite literally akira’s counterpart in terms of cosmic chess pieces, but i would be surprised if he did. but again, seriously, since there’s no confirmation on the matter, i say akechi’s potential velvet room is fair game.
VERY LONG ANSWER: lore-wise, i’m betting no. akechi was yaldabaoth’s piece, while akira was philemon’s (if i’m remembering my lore correctly). philemon provides the velvet room to aid the people he chooses–yaldabaoth has no such deal. the only reason why yaldo was in the velvet room in the first place was because he wanted to fuck over philemon’s chosen trickster.
it’s the same logic for why someone like adachi wouldn’t have a velvet room: while souji/yu, namatame, and adachi were all given the power to go into the tv world by izanami, only souji/yu was selected by philemon to save the world from ruin, and was accordingly given the resources and aid to do so.
secondary bonus: the psychotic ability/call of chaos just removes a person’s bonds in their heart, which makes them behave as if they were crazy. it’s the exact opposite of joker’s ability to create bonds. yaldabaoth’s one gift to his chosen chess piece was to essentially undo the very social links that make akira strong. so again, i’d be shocked if akechi experiences things like ranking up, or any sort of velvet room/persona fusing mechanic.
personally i think the loki/robin hood divide just happened because he awoke to a persona twice. awakening to your persona just happens at moments of rebellion and strong resolve, and canonically even other persona-users “awaken” (sorta) twice when you max their social link. i’m betting that he just had two moments of resolve: one in which he wanted to be a hero of justice, and one in which he decided he was going to tear shido to the ground no matter how far into villainy he had to go.
but as always, it’s not like there’s a hard consensus on the matter. 
4. How did he kill the shadows of people who don’t have a palace? Does *everyone* have a shadow in mementos?
SHORT ANSWER: he probably kills them in mementos, and also i think we’re expected to believe that literally everyone has a shadow in mementos.
SLIGHTLY LONGER ANSWER: i’m almost certain that the mementos depths section of the game confirms that basically everyone’s shadows are in there somewhere, even if they’re just your average joe with no significant distortions. the palace ruler for that section is “the public,” and also we do see the shadows of palace rulers who’ve had their hearts changed in the mementos depths. so even if you’ve had your heart changed and are supposedly a perfectly good human being now, this evidently doesnt disqualify you for having a shadow in mementos.
VERY LONG ANSWER: morgana says that mementos is the collective distortion of everyone in the area, but not a lot more concretely than that. morgana also says that reality is fairly plastic and that reality is somewhat determined by how we perceive the world, so i think that we’re expected to believe that everyone has, to some degree, some level of distortion.
i could say that jungian theory, which is the theory that the persona series is based off of, says that everyone without exception has a shadow. but this seems a little bit of a doylist explanation. instead i’ll point to persona 3, in which people without shadows literally become comatose and apathetic husks of themselves. this is because having a shadow is actually a fairly important part of a person’s psyche, and not having one doesnt make you a good and perfect person, it makes you a nonfunctional vegetable incapable of cognitive thought.
so yeah, i’m pretty sure EVERYONE is in mementos. with the exception of the phantom thieves, because… i think we’re expected to believe that their personas are in some ways their shadows? but also their personas are like, real-life kinning mythological/fictional characters so hard that you bind them to your soul? frankly i’ve been confused about how shadows work ever since persona 5 had people’s eyes turn yellow when they go through their awakenings, since perosna 4 used to use that as a sign that the person was a shadow, so… maybe i have no idea what the fuck im talking about. LMFAO.
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flameontheotherside · 5 years
My Own Ascension & The End
It’s my understanding that everyone's is different. I don’t take the lists people make seriously. They do have SOME merit but not real particular order. It’s kind of a waste of time to worry about it IMO.
I’ve always been kind of intuitive like from the time I was aware. Seen and talked to dead people and see deceased animals like my mom’s dead dog. That was the last time I think I saw plain as day. Seeing them creeps me out. It still creeps me out and I DON’T want it back. God can keep it. Nuh-uh, no thanks, bye!
My skepticism change over time.
I’ve spoken to psychics kind of obsessed with why I felt the need to find this “person” and why did it feel urgency. The urgency had gone away when Erik died. It was later that everything each psychic said to me was pretty true from meeting him by a body of water (in my dreams he was associated with water), that I had some kind of connection with some kind of “love sector” (Yeah WTF is right), I specifically asked about this person who I called my “long-distance boyfriend”.  That the one I was looking for was going to leave and there was nothing that could be done about it. This was around the summer right before his death. I crawled into my closet and cried my eyes out. I just knew it was him. That I also failed to find him. That my life was over and I literally felt like dying. What was I living for? Like what’s the point?
After his death I felt my life was over.
The urgency I felt to find him had gone away. Since I just turned 20, I’d been sneaking alcohol and getting shitfaced at karaoke bars and house parties. I just wanted to forget about him! I covered up my pain with wise-cracks, un-serious relationships, being a drama queen, doing things I should have gotten arrested for, and getting high. I didn’t care if I lived. Even while medicated, I just didn’t care. I picked up a few “boyfriends” and I felt nothing. I only did it because I was starting to see my friends dwindle away one by one with families of their own. So to forget about the pain, I tried to have serious relationships. I became in denial that Erik was dead. Like the clock had long since stopped ticking. I became a wreaking time ball. I realized these men were just mistakes. I didn’t really love him because somehow I loved that thing which followed me around and I did feel him with me for real. I just was afraid to find out. 
My experience didn’t begin to accelerate until Erik died. 
I remember laying down and being freaked out seeing my chakras open up. I felt and saw each one. I wasn’t very educated on chakras. When it became too much, I ran out of my room like a bat out of hell or I wasn't really educated any of the stuff. But I knew a little. Since then I had repetitive dreams seeing him exactly as he was. Again, only I didn’t know it was him until much later. The same dream of being at some kind of pool party, beach, lake or whatever. I was with friends I never seen before I only found out where my friends from “home”. It was always fun but sometimes the water was murky, shallow or deep. It’s symbolism on my spirituality. I was teetering on and off “the path” since the dreams because. The water had much to do with where I was in life. If I was miserable, it was shallow and murky, murky, or just shallow...You get the idea. The water got deeper I got close to meeting Erik. I remember being told to get in a few times. I also remember when I was about 12-13 I was afraid of deep water because I almost drowned. But I had a dream that an Angel had been with me at a friends house. I was instructed to just jump and I did. Since I survived I loved deep diving. Fun as shit. Not sure if it has much to do with it. I’m hearing a no but I’m including it anyway.
Lemme give you the process...
Around ‘12-ish I bought a pendulum with the idea of using it like I do now. Things took a turn for the worst soon after I bought it. It broke and I didn’t have time or energy to try it anyway. Not until a couple years later at a better time in my life. My apartments were haunted and that’s when I got the sense someone was following but it wasn’t bothersome. Most of the time it was comforting. I did feel him around at the home I grew up in but it wasn’t as prevalent. The dreams were still happening. In ‘13-ish I had the dream I wrote about visiting home in The Realms and Erik bombarded me about my spiritual journey and how I didn’t want anything to do with it. It’s still vivid in my mind like a memory. I really fought over how I didn’t want to incarnate. This was as my higher-self. I looked different and felt different. Now I do see her as my higher self the same as in the dream. Trippy.
Fast forward to ‘16...
Times were hard. I lost my job and the money I was making. It wasn’t really a good job anyway. I realize while on my medications, I was able to connect better. As in my intuition was better understood because they kept me calm and centered. But that wasn’t realized until I was back on meds and able to look back at the times I was medication. I also realized that if my “abilities” to be intuitive went away while off my meds, it might be alarming. But it was impossible to sit still or concentrate long enough to give a shit off of them! So anyway, shortly before I got on my meds I had a dream about Erik. But I started my meds again and noticed the dreams coming it more and more. 
Early ‘17 I asked God to have my abilities back feeling that there was something I needed to do. Like I have a real purpose and it had something to do with my abilities that have taken a temporary backseat. Did some researching to find out what I can do to have my abilities back and got back in to reading my cards regularly. I saw a movie I’ve seen so many times basically about TFs (In Your Eyes) and thought how cool it would be. Ironically it would my experience with Erik in some kind of way but generally the same. Only he’s dead...
It got intense in spring/Summer ‘17.
Over an argument with my ex, he got me baker-acted. I didn’t know Erik was my TF yet. I remember how cool it would be to talk to him while in there. Two years later, this year, while in the hospital I learned I really could talk to him without my pendulum. It’s kind of cute I made a pendulum board “On The Go!” LMAO by drawing one and taking a picture of it so that in the case I can’t concentrate, I can whip out my penny and dangle that shit above my phone. Just for some clarification. I don’t do it all the time. It’s just sometimes I’m not too confident with discernment without my board and I’m not allowed back in the shelter dorms until 4pm *rolls eyes*. 
Okay, we are getting side-tracked!
Learning a skill.
At first, I was watching a lot of paranormal shit and depressed finally tough enough to look for proof as to why I was having this “thing” following me. No matter how comforting it was, it did cause somethings to happen around no matter where I lived and of course only me and maaaaaaybe a few witnessed it. Annoying. I collected pendulums from Ebay and wore them just for shits and giggles. Mostly shits. Ew that’s gross. Anyway so I watched some paranormal shit and remembered,
Hey, I still have my pendulums and a pile of crystals hanging around the “alter” in the headboard behind the mattress!...And a chain!
Reminds me of that Fleetwood Mac song. Kind of accurate. After firing up some sage in my condo --Really! The damn thing nearly caught fire and I’m sure with winds open I was some kind of witch which at the time didn’t necessarily believe in. Pagans and Wiccans were bullshit to me. Even to some level psychics too! How ironic that NOW I happen to be one of those nut-jobs. Go figure. I did my opening and closing rituals to make sure “the door” was closed. I ALWAYS held the intention to be speaking with Erik and much later my grandmother and God would be an important role.
We continued as above pretty much for a while. Using my pendulum was easier, I was able to predict the next letter, then the next word. We really played tug-o-war. I tried to pull the penny to a different letter and he would move it to spell, “Stop doing that!”. LMFAO it was HILARIOUS!!!!! But that’s how I really knew for sure for sure this was for real for real!
Learning about “home”.
It was eye-opening because I remembered the dream I had years ago about returning home. Erik bombarded me with the task about doing what I came to earth to do. Something about his role as well. It didn't know Erik at the time but intuitively I knew that I knew him. There was a familiar-ness . The same I got from in him; the beach and pool parties. In the realms are pools. What I call pools of mana. In video games especially in MMOs there is Mana used to boost up your Magic (sometimes spirit or intellect) Points or MP. 
Out of the blue he called me by a different name, “Vanessa”. Then I remembered asking him what my spirit name was a while back. He had told me “nessa”. To me it sounded like Nestle Tollhouse or some shit like I wasn’t really ready for. Well I was kind of shocked because I told him to call her butt-uh (inside joke) so I put both together and asked about her or my role is back home. Turns out I’m part of some counseling group from the realm of Love. OOOOOoooOOoooooo! Oh my my my! lmao So any way I had not only my past lives to pound out, but also I needed to find out more about the realms and my role as what I call a “Galactic Guardian” or Starseed (see tag below)
Anyway, So we continued the healing process starting with our past lives. We had three of them and we literally looked at all three and healed them. It’s like going to the therapist and laying down and shit. Only because I actually go in to hypnotic state and see these events happening. We pick apart all of the difficult situations in each relationship as bother and sister, husband and wife, and gay lovers. *In Kevin Hart voice* Bing bang boom. Very intense all together. Very much like therapy. Erik goes all sort of sarcastically, 
“...And how does that make you feel?” 
With a notepad in one hand and a pen in another!  He always finds a way to crack me up. He’s my own personal comic relief. Sometimes it’s funny and sometimes he just goes to far. Well so do I. Guess it’s some sort of “karma” everyone talks about. *rolls eyes* Whatever.
2018 is all kind of a blurr and I met “God”
Things really didn’t kickoff until summer/fall. Now, I was at a point I wasn’t using my note pad anymore to keep track of our conversations. They were sort of stored in this crazy blob in my unsightly skull. We were still covering our past lives and when it ended, it was time to meet “God”. It really happened when I wanted to know that oracle cards Doreen Virtue had to add to my collection. I only found out she turned away from this kind of spiritual stuff toward (for lack of a better term in my ignorance) being a “Jesus Freak” and there’s absolutely nothing with it. Being that I looked up to her, it brought me back down to earth. In-spite of the safely precautions and measures before each session, was I consorting with demons? I’m I wrong? Is Erik a Demon? I started to feel my chest tighten and it was getting harder to breathe. I felt like I was going to have a heat attack and immediately closed the Chrome window starting at me dead in the face. 
I’ve met Angels Raphael and Micheal..Oh and my Guardian Angel, Josana. Both Archangels are just described. Micheal (means God-like) is a lot like but God “LITE”. A watered down level of God (Sorry Mike)! Raphael is like a physician you see for your check ups. He gives me dietary advice and encourages me to keep my health. Literally while having a panic attack, he measured my heart-rate and assured me that there was nothing wrong. It’s like Raph gives me the veggies and Mike leans over behind me making sure I eat everything on my plate. They are no different than getting their help or advice through angel oracle cards made by Doreen Virtue. It’s funny because i can recall a oracle card that almost matches what they really say to me. Creepy right?
“Yes this is your heavenly father, Jehova.”
OK. Everyone has a name for “God” because of my religious background growing up as a Jehova’s Whitness. Everyone has their own idea or name for “source”. Meeting God wasn’t on the top of my list because I was afraid. I had not been a “good christian” and I’ve fell off the path long ago. In my selfish mind I thought if there was a God I wouldn’t suffer the way I have my whole life. I’ve been through what everyone goes through. But in my mind, my life was enough to make some people want to die. Erik found how much I suffered realizing how the way he left was trivial. If it had to be between us to be put out of their misery, it should have been ME! But I couldn’t no matter how much pain I was in, I couldn't do it. I was afraid of going to Hell. Even though I didn’t really believe in God I always thought with my luck, God or not, my ass is going to burn forever in fire and brimstone. Then out of curiosity i wanted to know demons too. If Angels and benevolents exist there must be demons. Well I did meet them. If you remember, I’ve met these assholes and sent them away. Now that I know the difference I feel free-er and well educated.
God was right there IN MY FUCKING CONDO...
Immediately I was scared as shit like that moment you know you’ve done something back and you are hiding in the closet, except I was basically frozen on my futon. It felt like that. God is very much like Fem and Masc energy together so obviously this means he doesn’t have a Twin Flame. So he can be that honest-god (Hahahah) honest father that tell you like it is without sugar-coating it. I mean he literally in my hissy-fit over something stupid, he said I was, “Acting like a child and it’s time I have patience or I can forget about the things he’s got in store for me.” By the way he really did come through! There were moments I asked for things and they happened! A new bag, art supplies, new pillow, a hat. Some I got EXACTLY how I wanted them! I’ll never forget it. Law of Attraction IS REAL and it’s like God gives it to you like Oprah gives out prizes! 
God forgave me of course and basically I have a good heart. It’s apparent to him how honest I was. He assured me everything leading up to then was genuine. He encouraged me to re-read the bible as much as I can. I’ve got a children's version of it over and over. The book of Enoch, Ester --both not in the bible, and Job are my faves. For some reason that version is the best way I can understand especially with the pictures. I hate when Christians tell he how I need to read the bible. Like leave me alone. At least I’m reading or listening to it. Seriously sometimes I can’t have conversations without someone taking out their bible and tell me how to read it. When I say I really can’t just sit there all day trying to read AND interpret it, I’m doing so the best way I can. It means I can’t do it. I do it in my own way and that’s all that matters to God. I understand what I understand and HOW I understand it. Like the documentaries about the bible and it’s archaeological proof that events really happened. The great food is a big one. That was the one documentary that got me thinking twice about being an Atheist. Now, I consider myself a Gnostic Theist considering everything I have learned about The Realms (not exactly spirit realms) and where I and SOME of my friends are from. Otherwise I’d have to be Gnostic.
As my pendulum swung, so did my head. 
In every other word I was able to “hear” them. He would let me know by going “ding!”. It was alarming (no pun intended) to figure out all of a sudden I knew what he was say as every other word kind of appeared in my head. I remembered this was part of my own ascension. We had merged and everything was happening so fast. So by the end of ‘18 I was literally beginning to hear him just by listening to the frequency of 110hz playing in my speakers. Then I started to hear him when there ever was a steady beat like in footsteps, the sound of rain, when I was washing a plate, every sylable was like:
I was talking to myself and I heard him! I freaked out. As in I really thought I was going insane. It didn’t want it. I kept saying to him that I wasn’t ready! I got over my fear and before you know it, I’m having conversations with him while watching a Netflix and YouTube! It was like I had him in my headset. We had the kind of long-distance relationship I seeked before he died. Once, I forgot he was dead. When it sunk in again, It had me by the ovaries and I dare say I fell apart because I wished he was alive. By ‘19 without my pendulum I can hear him in my right ear. When he’s yelling, the sound carries over to my left side. It really feels like someone is screaming in your ear in a concert hall. You can imagine the kind of psycho-happy he was when I could finally hear him! We even sing together!
But then I couldn’t get him to STFU! At first it was creepy, then cool, then I’m being tested on my ability to shut him off! Since we merged and God married us, everything was so fast it was hard to keep up. So overwhelmed, God and my Granny would visit to encourage me to move forward and that I’m not doing anything wrong. Through the hard times happening between Vince and I they stood by me always. Erik and I communicate as though time wasn’t even a thing. We are two-peas-in-a-pod! He’s my Twin Flame, Spirit Guide, best friend and my “spirit spouse”. 
Erik said that in my ascension the last step is being able to see him.
 I long since said I didn’t want to. It was hard and painful (That’s what she said!) to know he’s dead. Well he forced me to by sending in dude that kind of resembled him up until we got to Dean Winchester. I was like:
“Ummmm, errrrrr, no, sorry but no way man. You have to be joking. You are a far cry from him. I just don’t see it!”
So of course he wouldn’t shut up because of course he was going to annoy me AGAIN by embarrassing myself around dudes. Oh god I’ll never really forget the first time I nearly died. I wasn’t ready. I looked like I had just crawled out of bed! Why of why hadn’t I been given notice. My third-eye would pop-off when he was getting my attention. Sure enough I look up and hide behind Vince gasping for air. Not quite a dopple-ganger but good enough to freak me out. He wanted me to make that correction as he’s kind of hovering over my shoulder as he always does.
Anyway *rolls eyes* So i watched a few to find, wow I guess he’s right especial the parts he loves his car, music like Metallica, ACDC, ect...Oh yeah and how he thinks he’s “adorable”. Well I don’t think he’s adorable....I’M ADORABLE, BITCH! There can only be MEEEEEE! But he makes a point there. Being we are Twin Flames that makes us both adorable. Sure, whatevs. I learned to gather up my ovaries and said, “fuck it”, I’ve seen and heard what he wanted me to and admitted yeah, sure, I give up, he wins. As always he gets what he wants. He’s totally salty I said that. No, he’s not a dick. He’s a pansy. He’s threatening to hit me with a wrench. Too bad he can’t do it for real but then again I can’t really bonk him on the head either. I get more satisfaction with physical contact...Oh god, ”That’s what she said!”. He’s a slick dick all talk and no action. 
I really feel like this hole experience makes a good story and a good lesson in  persistence, patience, and spiritual growth. It’s surprising to me that like on all “hobbies” I’m able to follow through on this journey as long as I have. The things that kept me doing this is the love and support from my friends here, Erik, Granny and God. Literally I asked for this and it’s like “Be careful of what you ask for” kind of thing except Twin Flames wasn’t in my vocabulary. The dreams and incidences that occurred leading me to him all were for a reason no matter how painful and torturous they were. I’ve never cried so much but I’ve never healed so much. This is like spiritual boot camp. My guides break my down to lift me up. I’m coming out of this process a stronger than before. I have to really thank my guides for all the things they put me through.
My own kind of ascension might be over now that I can see, hear, and even feel Erik. At least what he called our ascension process. It is to my understanding like our own individual spiritual journey, our own ascension process is different too. This is not a one size fits all gig. There is no right or wrong way. To bark around with, no this is this or that is that ( I’m guilty of it too...) is kind of silly if we are all individual and unique being on earth! It feel cool but as I’ve said before, just because this processed ended doesn’t mean our story or whatever we have is over. We both still have much to discover and share in our day to day life.
For those who have followed me through this,
Again, Thank you all!
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yo-namine · 6 years
Lots of KH3 talk under the cut. This post contains spoilers from the start of the game through the scenes just before Toy Box.
Oh my GOD, those first few notes of “Dearly Beloved.” I just sat and listened to it until the menu trailer started again. It sounds really… romantic? Somehow? I teared up a bit, ngl. 
That opening FMV was a thing of beauty. I'm so glad I didn't watch the full thing when it leaked because it really sets the tone for the game. I love the final shots of young Xehanort eyeing Sora's chess piece and Sora holding Xehanort's. It makes me wonder if this game is going to end with Sora keeping Xehanort's heart in his after all. Also, the part with the Seasalt and Wayfinder Trios standing in the dark and a door opens to the light and Utada Hikaru is chanting backwards (I think) gave me chills. 
I loved the intro tutorial; it was such a nice callback to KH1's opening. I chose the Trinity's "all for one" scene and then Naminé and Sora's pinkie-promise for my playthrough. I'm too scared to google to see if I'm remembering this correctly, but I think that meant I chose balance and the power of the guardian. While making my choices, I had a sick feeling that maybe this game would have multiple endings, and who you saved depended on what you chose during the tutorial. I'm pretty sure if just determines how you level up/when you get certain abilities like in previous games, but idk. 
The Kingdom Hearts II.9 title card was so fucking rude lmao. That paired with the intro to Olympus, with the narrator saying the planets had FINALLY aligned for this momentous occasion was hilarious. 
Herc talking about being with the one he loved was more important than being an all-powerful god… idk, it has me wondering how Sora’s story (where he’s constantly reminded how weak he is) is going to play out. 
Oh God, the DREAD that filled my heart when the game switched over to Riku in the Dark Realm. I was NOT emotionally prepared to see Aquanort, and I was so relieved when he and Mickey decided to leave. I do really like Riku and Mickey’s relationship in this game so far, though. I’m generally not a big fan of Mickey in this series (save for CoM), but so far, his interactions with Riku have felt really organic and genuine, and it makes him more likable. Also, their conversation about how much Riku’s grown over the past couple of years has me really, really concerned that he might die after all at the end of this game… I hope I’m wrong about that. 
The effect on Repliku’s voice inside the demon tide was really cool. I can’t wait to see how his storyline developes. 
Also, I like that you get to briefly play as Riku so early in the game just because it really emphasizes just how much weaker Sora has become. Like Riku's casting thundaga and curaga and warping across the battlefield, keeping up with a fucking demon tide like it's nothing; meanwhile, Sora's out here splashing level 1 water spells at little soldier heartless and hoping for the best. It's kind of like a nod to how Riku saw them both in KH1 when they reunited in Traverse Town, when he was patronizingly telling Sora that he'll take care of everything and that Sora shouldn’t worry his pretty little head. That said, all this talk about how weak and puny Sora is really makes me think they're priming him for a Terra-style storyline, and that's... worrisome. 
I may’ve teared up at the Twilight Town intro. The world is just SO beautiful. 
lmao @ “It hasn’t been that long.” I am seriously loving how self-aware the writing has been so far. In fact, the writing in general for this game has been surprisingly… good? For one thing, I’m honestly getting blown away by characters just casually referencing things from previous titles. And that’s not really something that should be all that impressive on its own, but I can’t help but be surprised because it’s not something that happened that much in past games. A lot of KH feels episodic, where characters will vaguely reference past events occasionally, but rarely does a character just straight-up say, “Hey, remember when we went here and did this and learned this? Let’s build on that.” And just that simple writing change is already doing this game’s story wonders. 
The dusks refer to Roxas as "our liege," and I love it. That was such a genuinely creepy and interesting way to introduce them in KH2. And I can’t get over the fact that Sora understands them.
Sora sounding so sincere when he says Roxas is a cool guy is just adorable. Like you know Roxas is probably in Sora's heart listening to all this and cringing, but he's also lowkey flattered, haha. 
I also like the scene where Sora resolves to bring Roxas back. He mentions that Herc said he would need something to fight for “with all his heart” (and sidenote: I LOVE how relevant the Disney worlds are in this game. They’re not just filler between story cutscenes; the worlds are actually important.), and he decides that saving Roxas is it. 
God, the sheer RELIEF I felt when Sora actually brought up Naminé living in Kairi's heart is indescribable. I was so, so sure Nomura would just forget that in favor of connecting Naminé only to Sora's heart, but I guess I was wrong. I hope he keeps surprising me like this. 
Not to harp on about this, but the dialogue in this game is seriously such a step up. A whole staircase up, actually. I had a bunch of lines I wanted to quote, but there are just too many. The script has so much life and charm to it, and so far I haven't noticed any awkward/stilted lines or forced comedy that was common in the other games. 
And the gameplay! I love it. It’s essentially 0.2′s system, which utilizes the best parts of KH2, BBS, and DDD. I'm always forgetting just how many options I have to take out mobs, lol. I should probably make a list.
Ienzo is so... nice? It's kind of weirding me out, tbh. I just expected him to have a little more edge to him, or to at least be a little condescending, but no. He's just your friendly neighborhood science guy. You think he's ever gonna bring up the fact that Lea murdered him a past life or nah? 
I did like Aeleus’s reintroduction, though, how he just side-eyed Ienzo talking to Sora and kept walking. 
I'm so easily overwhelmed by any mention of Kairi in this game, lmfao, like every time they mention her in passing the fucking room starts spinning a la Mr. Krabs meme. They actually remember her! And talk about her plot relevance! 
Kairi’s letter from the orchestra concert is in the game!!!! I wonder if Naminé’s conversation with Terra will make it in, too? I did really like that scene with Kairi and Lea/Axel in the forest. They’re not super best friends or anything, and you can still sense some awkwardness between them, but you can tell that Axel is genuinely trying to be kind to her, and that Kairi’s open to it. She’s at least comfortable enough around him to talk about her writing, which is something. I’ll admit that I’m still uneasy about Axel potentially only seeing Kairi as a Xion stand-in, but I think I’m willing to give this subplot a chance. I know Nomura’s writing is always a letdown when it comes to Kairi, but given how much stronger it’s been in this game… Would it be that stupid to hope for a decent character arc for her? Not even a good one lmao, just a decent one? I dunno. I’ll just keep playing and see how it goes.
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absolutelyabsolem · 7 years
@rivigirli I know you deleted the post I was replying to but I spent a LONG TIME WRITING A VERY LONG PRACTICALLY-ESSAY ABOUT FEE SO I’M POSTING IT please read it ;A; I won’t say anymore after this
I think that’s unfair to the game on so many levels. FE supports have traditionally been during battle - it hasn’t detracted from them before and it doesn’t do so now, imo. It’s a little weird to be having casual conversation in the middle of a battlefield yeah lmfao but it’s a nice throwback. And yeah there’s not as many supports as Fates or Awakening, but honestly it’s nice lmfao (I mean really, Fates.... There’s only so many times I can hear about mozu and vegetables, or kaze and his fans, or rinka and her sweets orrrr keaton and his treasure. etc. Awakening had a bit of an issued with reusing tropes for most supports too [i.e. kellam’s invisibility, Cordelia pining for Chrom, Sumia being clumsy] but not as bad). You can still view them in the support log outside of battle once you’ve activated them once (and they don’t prevent the character from attacking afterward, you’re not “wasting moves” to activate supports). Yes they scrapped S supports, but well S supports were really just “pls marry me!” and never had much to do with the plot of each support anyway, and it doesn’t mean you can’t ship characters (though I don’t know if there will be end-card marriages or anything like they did in some other FEs). Not to mention, I’ve gotten to interact with the characters more than in any other FE game because they show up when you stop at towns and stuff and you can talk to them then and they’ll comment on what’s been going on and such. Rather than shoe-horning in supports between EVERYONE, I like these focused supports between characters who are closely tied together. Gaiden didn’t even HAVE supports originally, afaik.
They even acknowledged things like one character (mind you almost all the characters are optional recruits) told me “look I’ll come just whatever we do can we not go fight the giant dragon” and when I went to fight the giant dragon ANYWAY he was like “WHAT DID I JUST SAY OH GODS.” They also acknowledged that I WAITED to go fight the dragon until I had the spell that the game was telling me I needed to get to fight it, even though I didn’t have to wait. Not to mention that because of the small roster spread over two armies (in comparison to fates and awakening), you see a lot of the characters actually IN the main story, instead of just picking the character up and then oop they’re gone forever into the recesses of the barracks never to be seen again until I decide I need to pair them off with someone, because you have 40 characters and well you only deploy like 10 or 15 in battle, which is ABSOLUTELY what happened to me in both Fates and Awakening. So their presence is more meaningful and recruiting people feels more important.
Magic taking hp hasn’t been much of a big deal at all (they mostly don’t cost much, the only one that does so far is something I save for big fights. Magic is also Very Strong). Overall combat is a lot easier because 1. archers aren’t totally useless and 2. there’s no weapon triangle, and you get some strong weapons early on if you make sure to pick everything up so you can Absolutely Dominate
I agree that so far the main romance feels kind of weird?? But it also feels like there’s a lot going on that they’re not telling me about lmfao that the main characters also don’t know. But mae + boey is a really cute side romance (at least I think it’s a romance? I’ve only gotten their C support and mae+celica C support), and the supports I’ve gotten for Leon have been interesting thus far. Faye *is* pretty gross because that’s definitely all she is, but I love Claire thus far (She’s funny, and she doesn’t strike me as actually being into Alm in the main story??? She’s just been joking to fluster him, and hasn’t been all “oh alm~” thus far. I haven’t gotten any supports between them tho). You also get nice images for more than just the main story (i.e. if you choose to recruit Valbar, Leon, and Kamui, you get a special CG + whole scene about it). There’s a LOT of story beyond just main story cutscenes, lots of story and content to find that tells you about locations in the world or past events.
I can’t judge the main story that much yet aside from I AM SO CURIOUS ABOUT ALL THE THINGS GOING ON??? I’m only on act 2, maybe toward the end of it, of 6. It doesn’t feel like an old FE game at all, to me. This isn’t another Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
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