#I legit thought Rex was gonna flip him off
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josephsaturn · 7 months ago
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POV ur Commandant Sobeck watching the citadel's camera feed
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bylightofdawn · 2 years ago
Alright, I got about 3K written and the next part is gonna be a doozy Jaster's about to get some not happy fun news...hell it's not like it's a HUGE SURPRISE but he's going to find out Montross betrayed him and it's gonna be a s h i t s h o w.
And absolutely no one but Jaster was surprised, especially with the less than subtle hints I've been laying down. So that's going to take a while to write and since it's 12:30 I'm going to be a good girl and call it quits even though I high key cannot wait to write this terrible confrontation.
EDIT: Also, I'm gonna take a sec to edit and interrupt myself. I WROTE 3K WORDS IN ONE NIGHT. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT? And I've been regularly pumping out that word count which is how I've written like prolly 70K words in like 3 months. Maybe more I need to go back and look and see how much I'd written a few years ago when I started Seeds before my writing urge ran away from me.
Just did the calculation and it's rough but I'd written 11K of Seeds. With chapter 21 (not including 22 since I'm not adding stuff to the master doc until I'm done with a chapter) I'm at 103,000 words. I've written 92,000 words SINCE JANUARY. I can't even comprehend that. Like my brain cannot wrap itself around that large of a number. I get PANICKY thinking of a number that large and wondering how the fuck that happened. I wrote that? Me? It does not compute.
I am allowing myself to pat myself on the back for that accomplishment. I set out with an unofficial New Year's resolution (which I studiously never make because I feel like I always fail) to try and write a little bit a day. Well jokes on me because I've exceeded that expectation and resolution with flying colors. So this is me giving myself some well-deserved back pats and acknowledgment that I am awesome.
I'm not the greatest author out there, I have a lot of room for improvement but I am working on honing those skills, and that deserves to be acknowledged.
OKAY back to blathering on about Hot Toy's displays and diorama shit.
Instead I will write it tomorrow and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I want to take a second to blather on about something totally different. I've got three Star Wars Hot Toy's figures, my favorite boys Rex, Obi-Wan and Cody that I've picked up over the past few years. They live in an Ikea display case at the top and I love looking inside and seeing them but man I get so bummed at how shitty my display skills are.
I legit watched a Tested video today and Norm did this amazing customer display of like the new Bo-Katan hot toys figure displayed hanging from the ceiling seemingly in mid-flight descending on Mando. He apparently did it BEFORE he saw Mando S3 and he like a lot of us thought there'd be this huge confrontation between them. Anyway it looks amazing and I know I could never do anything that cool because 1) I lack the skill or experience. 2) I'm not backed by fucking Tested and have access to a $4,000 glowforge laser cutter to make custom acrylic cuts etc. Or a high end 3D printer etc. Suffice it to say that shit is an EXPENSIVE barrier to entry.
I have debated off and on spending a couple hundred dollars on a 3D printer and teaching myself how to do 3D modeling. I think it would be hard but I think I could teach myself how to do it. But it's justifying the price to even start. I have no interest in teaching myself how to do this and flipping shit on etsy with dozens of other people selling diorama pieces or turning it into a business. I don't think there's a lot of money to be had that way to be brutally honest and there's again dozens of sellers already doing that.
So I'd be literally investing a couple hundred dollars just to creatively challenge myself which isn't a bad thing. There's the satisfaction of learning a new skill and in learning. I just cannot justify the price just to satisfy my curiosity. I HAVE debated starting smaller. Like trying to do custom diorama bases all old-school and such. But I feel like there's still prolly a lot of up front money for supplies, prolly need more tools than the simple dremel I have. I don't even own a drill LOL I've been using my poor dremel as a drill for projects around my apartment and that has a very limited size of bits it can fit. Hell I wrestled with justifying buying that years ago, it was like 90 bucks and I've prolly realistically used it less than 10 times in like 5+ years.
I might still try it. I think I'd like to do a sort of desert /Utapau-inspired base for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Cody's figure actually came with a sandy textured base but Obi-Wan's was smooth. I ended up getting some 'action posable' stand off of Amazon which are hexagonal shaped and click together so I could display them together. Rex I'm just using the stand he came with which already has the bendable 'action' pose so he looks like he's flying. In a very lame and totally uninspired way. But we make due with the skills we have until we are willing to put for the effort to sharpen them and improve.
So really, I feel silly even whining about hating my display skills when I haven't managed to even move past the want and thinking stage of trying to improve it. I could buy a premade stand prolly for 50 to 100 bucks but that's a lot of money. Shit people are nuts, they are charging 50 bucks for what is essentially a full color vinyl sticker. Ya'l are joking, I know what that shit costs thanks to my years as being a printer so I could 100% get that made up for like 20-25 bucks at my local sign shop. Maybe less, I'll be honest I've been out of the game for a few years so it could be less or more.
People are charging stupid prices for those cool looking 3D printed ubiquitous Empire-inspired star destroyer panels. Like to the tune of 70 bucks for one panel like 4x12 panel. Which I'm sure is ALSO way overpriced. So technically I guess BUYING a 3D printer and making my own might end up being cheaper in the long run but....bro.
I think I could prolly get my hands on chipboard and maybe glue together a couple of layers and hand cut out the design though I suspect it wouldn't be as neat or clean. But it's cheaper than the shit they sell on etsy. Pffft I could prolly go by a print shop and see if they have some larger sheets. I do have some sintra left over from years ago when I attempted to make my set of Tobirama armor which is way stiffer but I nearly cut my finger off with the cut off wheel on my dremel soooooooooooo I'm very nervy around using the cut off wheel. LOL
I might find a thinner version online the stuff I used was like 1/4 thickness or something meant to be used for signs. Coroplast would be an excellent choice if it didn't have the visible ribbing where the expanded foam channels weren't so obvious. But that easily cuts with an exacto knife. Hmmmn I wonder if there would be a way of covering it maybe with plastic dip or something they use for foam sealant on foam armor? You can apparently sand that down.
That might not be a bad choice for like flat surfaces. And I'd be covering it with a sandy texture anyway. Just don't know if it can be heat formed. I might have to hit up Juan and see if he'd be willing to sell me a couple sheets of coroplast to experiment with. There are also things like paper mache, but ugh that shit is messy and I've had limited success making props with it in the past. Same for foam clay though I think with a couple of layers of plastidip it might not look as bad as the stuff I've done in the past.
And hell that's prolly less than 20 bucks in materials to just play around and find out. I love I've spent 30 minutes just typing up this long, meandering flow of thought. This is totally the quality content I'm sure people have followed my tumblr for.
But again it's post midnight and post midnight Gremlin brian!El is not responsible for the shit she posts. Maybe I should put that as a disclaimer on my blog. :P
Look it's Star Wara tangential. at least.
Of course, the problem with a small town is the only hobby store in town is Hobby Lobby and I REFUSE to give them any of my money so I might have to drive into San Antonio to Michaels to get some hobby crap. Or continue to support Daddy Bezos which I'm also not super hot on though it's become a sort of necessary evil at this point.
Man I wish I could go back to 10 years ago me when I didn't have to debate ethical consumerism cause it kinda sucks and I miss that obliviousness.
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wonderlandleighleigh · 5 years ago
98 Thoughts while watching A New Hope
1. Who was that silver protocol droid? What happened to them? Are they okay? where are they now?? I bet they’re cooler than 3P0.
2. Rebel helmets are just silly.
3. I love how dirty R2 and 3P0 are. 
4. Man, Rex is right. Empire-era Stormtrooper armor is total shit.
5. Shut up Anakin.
6. Oh Space Mom. I will miss Carrie Fisher forever. 
7. Anakin fucking - he asks a question just as he kills the dude. Like- why-? Shut up Anakin.
8. Something I really love about this first movie is that Leia doesn’t do anything overtly sexily. When she gets shot, she’s literally just laid out on the floor, on her belly. It’s not meant to be hot. And even later when she’s tortured, it’s not meant to be a male gaze thing.
9. For fuck’s sake Anakin. Your daughter is standing right fucking there, and you can’t even sense it. What a dumb. 
10. R2 is like “Fuck. This place again?”  But 3P0 was created on Tatooine and he doesn’t even remember. That’s kinda sad. 
11. As Dettiot says, you can really tell that 3P0 was created by a 9 year old Anakin. Yeesh.
12. I really love the Jawas. They’re so strange, and wonderful. 
13. I wonder what R2 was thinking about when he was walking all that time by himself on Tatooine. Was he thinking about Anakin? Was he thinking about the war? Or Padme? Or Ahsoka? 
14. Man, Tatooine at dusk is beautiful, isn’t it?
15. These Stormtroopers have sand on their butts. I never noticed. 
16. I remember thinking the Jawa going “bobit! bobit!” was very funny as a kid.
17. Beru Whitesun. Former slaver liberator. Secret bad-ass. She and Owen really deserved better. 
18. R2: I cannot believe my old master’s son is leaving me the fuck behind. What the fuck is this shit. Get back here. Do you know how much I suffered for your dumb dad? 
19. Luke playing with toy ships just like Anakin did. And didn’t Obi-Wan make some of those in one continuity or another? *sad* 
21. SHE IS YOUR SISTER. Do NOT falling in love with your SISTER.
22. R2′s memory has never been wiped. Aside from Leia’s message, gold only knows what other recordings are saved on his hard drive. 
23. Blue milk! 
24. And Owen lying his ass of to Luke. Ugh.
25. I remember as a kid thinking that Owen was too grumpy/mean. But he’s a really good person. He raised this kid, and wants nothing more than to do right by him. Done so dirty. 
26. But Luke’s pensive moment watching the suns set is so beautiful.
27. I desperately want to know how Beru’s cooker works. I want one. It looks so cool. 
28. I want a Bantha. 
29. R2 trying to wake Luke up is such a moment. 
30. Obi-Wan’s krate dragon impersonation is amazing. I wish he’d do it more often.
31. I have feelings about his old, dusty Jedi robes.  In fact, everytthing about old Ben gives me feelings. He lost everything, and has been hiding in the desert for twenty years. 
32. “He’s searching for his former master. I’ve never seen so much devotion in a droid before.” Obi-Wan’s face is so haunted in this moment. Fuck.
34. Owen told Luke his father sold drugs. The. Fuck.
35. “He was the best star pilot. And a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend.” *sads* 
36. Obi-Wan sat in the desert with his brother’s lightsaber for twenty years, just mourning everything that had happened. Fuck. 
37. Obi-Wan stop LYING. 
38. Obi-Wan’s face clearly says, while Leia’s recording plays, “Oh shit. All this crap is catching up to me. Again. I’ll never ever be rid of Skywalkers.” 
39. Obi-Wan has such terrible ideas. Still.
40. I just love that Vader hates the Death Star. Anakin hates the Death Star the way Steve Rogers hates Stark Tower. 
41. Aaaand bye-bye senate. I wonder if that will happen here in the US at some point if Trump keeps Trumping along.
42. Tarken and Vader’s bromance is such a thing.
43. Ha! “accurate.” “precise.” Stormtroopers. Ha. 
44. Owen and Beru’s fate is so gruesome. I was always so shocked by how much we were shown. Damn. Grim. And again, done so dirty. More Skywalker adjacent family dead. 
45. Shut up, Anakin.
46. More grim shit. Burning the Jawa bodies. 
47. Poor Luke. He lost everything that day. He thought his father and mother were both dead, and now his uncle and aunt are truly dead. So yeah. Following a weird wizard on a quest. 
48. Mos Eisley doesn’t seem dangerous. Just goofy. 
49. Alec Guinness’  delivery of the Jedi mind trick is so casual. So sly. Love it.
51. Why does everybody hate droids??? 
52. omg. Luke tugging on the bartender’s shirt. Wtf Luke. Just say “Excuse me.” That’s so rude.
53. Obi-Wan just slicing off that dude’s arm...a little reactionary maybe? AND NOBODY DOES OR SAYS ANYTHING. 
54. Obi-Wan is so unimpressed by Han. omg.
55. Obi-Wan is just gonna hit up Bail and Breja for cash when they get to Alderaan. Dang. 
56. “I’m never coming back to this planet again.” heh.
57. Han shot first. Fuck all of this.
58. You know why her resistance to the mind probe is considerable? BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER YOU DUMB ROBOT MAN. 
59. CGI Jabba is weak sauce.
60. “Even I get boarded sometimes” is the name of Han Solo’s sex tape. 
61. Luke’s poncho is so cute.
62. Leia is the best. 
63. Tarken is wearing comfy slippers.
64. The reason why even if Vader made amends with Luke, Leia will never forgive him, is right here. Not only did he torture her, but he stood back and watched while they destroyed her home. She will never be able to forgive him. Ever. And that’s legit. She doesn’t have to. 
65. I believe Chewie actually does beat someone with their own arm.
66. Obi-Wan’s smile when Han says there’s no mystical Force controlling his destiny was so good.
67. Even when there’s nobody else in the room, Vader doesn’t get to sit down. What the fuck.
68. Obi-Wan knows he’s gonna die.
69. Mark Hamill talks so fast.
(I accidentally took a nap during Leia’s rescue and the trash compactor scene. I was tired, and I’ve seen this movie so many times)
70.  Han screaming after the Stormtroopers is such a fucking mood.
71. Vader vs. Obi-Wan here...I have a lot of feelings about these two disasters fighting agai- SHUT UP ANAKIN.
72. Not only does Obi-Wan sacrifice himself to give Luke an exit, but he does so because he’s giving Anakin a choice in terms of killing him or not. He’s giving him a moment of grace here, I think. To not be an evil fuck. But uh...Vader.
73. When Obi-Wan says “You can’t win.” He’s not talking about the duel. He’s talking about over-all. Being a Sith means that he can’t win. And his “If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine” refers to the amount of guilt and shame Anakin will feel in killing his brother. That that will eat at his soul. And it does.
74. Vader stepping on the robes to make sure Obi-Wan is dead is hilarious in such a weird morbid way.
74. In a weird flip, Vader now has Obi-Wan lightsaber, as Obi-Wan had Anakin’s. 
75. Poor Luke. Owen, Beru and Obi-Wan all in one day. 
76. 1st person shooter time! 
77. Oh Han and Leia. My first fucking ship. So fighty. So sexy. I love them.
78. Stop flirting badly with your sister Luke.
79. ...who is Luke jealous of here? 
80. I love the HC that Vader knew about the weakness in the Death Star, and hated that fucking thing so much he never mentioned it. 
81. R2 back in starfighter with a Skywalker.
82. I swear Red Leader looks like Don Knotts. 
83. I love X-Wings so much.
84. Vader’s reflexes behind the controls of a starfighter must be fucked compared to what they were pre-Mustafar. 
85. Luke watching all these people die like “Ooh. I guess this is what Han was talking about.” 
86. Oh Tarkin. You gonna regret everything in a couple minutes. 
87. Biggs’ mustache is majestic.
88. Luke saves Wedge’s life by telling him to get the fuck out. Later, Wedge will likely sing “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.” 
89. The targeting system feels so old-timey. 
90. Obi-Wan you trained him for like 20 minutes. He doesn’t know what he’s doin- okay.
91. ANAKIN! HOw dare yOu ShoOT R2! 
92. Good job Han. <3 I actually really love Han a lot. He’s not a smart man, but he’s a pretty good man. 
93. The Death Star is destroyed, Tarkin dies, and Vader goes spinning off into space. Some fics have him traveling through time! 
94. The original trio is so pure in this movie. I love them so much. The sequels did all three of them so dirty. 
95. Leia’s necklace is so good.
96. And Luke’s Jacket is so bad. I’ve seen photos of it replaced by a brown jacket and it is so much better. 
97. Remember everybody. Rex is at the ceremony somewhere, watching a Skywalker get a medal. 
98. I love this fucking movie. 
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thesassygaypandauniverse · 8 years ago
Power Ranger Script VS Final Movie
Hey All,
I came across the 2nd draft of the Power Ranger movie that’s been floating online.  From my knowledge the script is legit, but for all, I know a fan dedicated a lot of time into it, lol.  Anyways, here are the difference, and pardon me on some of the randomnesses of it.
I would say SPOILERS but fuck it.  This is so different it doesn’t count.
- Zordon was the original Red Ranger, while Rita was the Black.  Zordon defeats Rita and puts her in like a deep freeze sleep for 20K years.  
- Rita betrayed her team due to Lord Zedd’s Promise of Power.  Side note Lord Zedd pops up on the last page, with the Green Power Coin.  (Hinting at him being the original Green Ranger)
Apparently, there’s this dig that awakens her scepter, and that’s what awakens her.
Goldar was defeated in a battle but was also in a mummified state.  He later gets revived and becomes the very much like the Goldar from the original Mighty Morphin Series.
The dig is very close to finding the Command Center, which is technically a part of a ship.  Which if activated in the right way could fly off the earth.  However, it needs to drain the energy from the earth’s core to power it; hence earth is fucked if Rita succeeds in operating it.
Zordon, who is this alien octopus/jellyfish thing, travels to earth along with alpha 5 to stop Rita.  They crash near Trini’s place, which leads to Jason, Billy, and Trini finding them.  The three freak out and after a kinda bullshit kiddish fight knock out the two and lock them in a truck.
By the way, the three go to school with the aliens in the trunk.  (smh)  Anyways school is let out, b/c all the alien activity knocks out communication in the world.  So cell phones, tech, etc… are useless.  Once the everyone is leaving Zach kinda overhears Trini, Billy, and Jason talk about the alien and follows them.  
The four eventually let Zordon out of the trunk and end up getting their asses handed to them by a pissed off Zordon.  The fight finally ends when Billy apologizes, and Zordon can see that he means it.  
Zordon gives the exposition about the history of the Rangers and explains they need the command center to give off a distress single to their main base so more rangers can show up and stop Rita.  This leads to the group splitting up.  Zordon, Alpha 5, Billy and Zach all go to the command center while Trini and Jason go to a museum to collect Rita’s Scepter.   (Note: At the beginning of the movie all the kids go to their local museum to see the display of “ancient tech” aka the scepter, Goldar, etc… it pretty much reminded me of the beginning museum scene in Scooby Doo 2)
Before they leave, Zordon gives Jason a power coin, which leads to Jason giving Billy a power coin. Two major fights happen at the same time.  Jason fights putties and a revived Goldar at the museum.  Jason kicks the putties ass but ends up losing badly to Goldar.  He ends up getting saved by Trini who nails Goldar with her car.  Jason gets in the car with Rita’s scepter and escapes.  Meanwhile, the Command Center has this security robot that almost kills Billy and Zach.  Billy falls off this walkway and morphs midway through the fall.  We don't see the morph we just see Billy as he recounts his survival.
Kim is like Jason Statham in Spy where he floats in and out, but once she becomes a Ranger, then she becomes a key player.  She actually encounters Rita, Baboo, Squatta, and Scorpiona first.  She meets them outside the police station and either follows them or sneaks onto their “ship”… it was getting kinda boring at this point, and I didn’t want to re-read it.
At the command center, Zordon is trying to build power to send a distress signal, but once he sees that Rita has assembled her group of assholes he then realizes that they’re going to need the Zords.  He sends Jason off to retrieve his in the jungle, but Jason didn't want to go alone and asked Billy to come.  Billy chickens out, and the two have a fight.  Zach defuses the situation by telling them that the earth is in trouble and to knock their shit off.  Zach then steps up and asked to be a Ranger to help.  Jason gives him a coin, and then Zordon sends both Zach and Jason to the Jungle.
There are bits in the jungle, but frankly, you don’t care.  The only thing that comes out of that sequence is the reveal that Zach is the Pink Ranger.
Meanwhile, Zordon is powering the ship and keeping eyes on Rita and her gang.  Rita is trying to find the command center and decides to investigate where Zordon initially landed.  Which is by Trini’s house.  Trini flips her shit and demands that Billy gives her a coin.  He does, and she rushes off.  Zordon’s pissed b/c she could get herself killed, so Billy goes after her.
Trini ends up in a fight with Rita and the gang.  Billy comes to help, and the two get their asses kicked.  Kimberly pops up and saves them by using a taser gun, brass knuckles, and a baton.  Don’t worry it only last for like five seconds, but then Rita beats her.  All three end up getting teleported out (along with Trini’s parents - who are knocked out) back to the command center.  This apparently made shit worse b/c it gave off their location.
Rita and the dickheads all head to the command center to ambush the Rangers.  Billy gives Kimberly a power coin, and they try to hold off the army of putties.  
Jason arrives with Zach in the T-Rex Zord but instead of calling the rest of the Zords.  Jason sees the opportunity to destroy Rita and fails.  Which leads to him getting drained and almost killed.
Zach and Jason are thrown from the Zords, and it’s Trini’s super speed that saves Jason from getting murdered by a sniper bullet.
Kimberly fights like a bad ass but then is teleported out by Billy once he realizes shit’s going south.  In the end, the Rangers lose the fight and the command center and are teleported.  Billy remains behind, and it's due to his suit that he’s able to hide in plain sight.  From there we discovered that the SOS message from Zordon did actually go through, but Rita reveals that all the Rangers are dead and that Lord Zedd is now in charge.   (Apparently, it’s been over 20K years, and this asshole's still alive so… okay….???)
Billy gets ahold of Kim first to tell her the news and the gang take it hard.  However, they realize that if they don’t regroup the world will be destroyed.
(From the actual script)
                                              Jason What’ve we got to lose, that we die twenty minutes before everyone else on the planet? I’m not gonna stand here, waiting for the world to end.  You wanna lose to them?  Really, they’re the ones who take out earth?
The Rangers yell our responses.  Consensus: Dominators suck.
                                             Jason I am not going to let our planet be destroyed by a bitch, a blue baboon, a bug and two rejects from the Muppet Show.
                                            Zach I heard that I want round two.
                                            Kim My cell phone hasn’t worked in over 24 hours, and I am PISSED OFF.
I will say in my opinion the funniest scene happens directly after this.  Which is the gang use Kim's car to get back at the command center.  
(From the actual script)
All of the Rangers are awkwardly asked into Kim’s car, driving in tense silence.
                                           Zach SAVING THE WORLD!
The Ranger immediately all start whooping and celebrating.
They only have one shot of using the teleport station, so they hold off using it.   Kim ends up destroying her car as she plows it into a pile of Putties by Jason’s T-Rex Zord.  The group splits up, causing Rita’s dipshit crew to split up as well.  That when Billy uses the teleport to zap everyone into Jason’s Zord.  Billy gets caught by Godar but teleports just in time.
From the T-Rex Zord, Jason summons the Mastodon, Saber Tooth Tiger, Pterodactyl, and Triceratops.  Everyone gets in their Zord and get into a massive fight.  Zach ends up blowing up this alien tech tower thingy that’s stopping all our communications.  Billy and Trini end up destroying this powerful cannon that the command center has.  Jason and Kim finish killing this spider alien ship thingy that Rita has.  (just go with it)
This pisses off Rita, so she makes Goldar grow.  Which BY THE WAY she does not say “Make my monster grow!” now excuse me if you’re throwing in alien spider ships you might as well commit to the cheese factor and put in the infamous fucking line.
The gang realizes that they are fucked, Jason’s red screen soon becomes multi-color, and he knows that shit’s about to go down b/c… that’s right… he activates the Megazord feature.  The group is barely in the Megazord for two minutes before they fuckin split up again.  Billy and Kim go back to the command center to shut shit down.  Scorpiona is trying to sabotage the Megazord on the outside, so Zach exits to fights her.  Jason and Trini end up using the Megazord to fight Goldar.  Jason is having a hard time focusing, due to the mental strain from the ship but soon realizes that Trini can handle it much easier.  He gives up control, and she takes point.  
In the End: Kim fights Rita and hold her own, but doesn’t actually beat her.  Billy stops Rita from activating some switch that would end up killing the earth.  For a second I thought they were gonna kill Billy, but they pussed out and didn’t.  Rita get’s teleported off Earth by Squatta, and baboo once they realize that the Rangers were winning.   Gondar is defeated by Trini and Zach beats Scorpiona.  
Alpha 5 and Zordon who were injured/damaged when Rita first invited the command center are fine, and the Rangers win the day.  People hook up, people say I love you, and everyone is celebrating like it’s 1999.
Cut to months later.. I guess.  I don’t know, but you assume it.  Anyways Trini’s in Harvard turning in her exams, and teleporting from the bathroom to a lake house.  All the rangers are there and have a fun time when Zordon call them saying that Rita is making an attempt to get another ship that was damaged in Tokyo.  The Ranger zoom off to save the day again.  The ending teaser scene is Lord Zedd realizing that Zordon is alive and that he has a power coin that is… wait for it… green.
Boom cut to black and me thanking God that the script is finally over.  I’ll post more differences once my brain reboots.
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